
Why in England does not build multi-storey houses. How to build private houses in Europe: a utilitarian approach. Rising prices for hydrocarbon fuel - a good reason to think about energy efficiency

However, there is another side remaining outside the attention of ordinary tourists - this is the architecture of residential buildings, telling about the history, culture and development of the island country. In England, where carefully care about the preservation of the appearance of cities, it is especially easy to trace, as many families live in the same houses with whole generations.

And we are talking not only about the castles of aristocracy with a centuries-old history, but also about the houses of ordinary residents. After all, as the British say, it is easier to sell the soul to the devil, than to get permission to alteration of the facade.

Let's look at what kind of houses are modern English families.

In the photo: Tight London Building. Photo London.gov.uk.

Low-rise and high-rise urban development

Conditionally, I would divide the entire urban building on low-rise and high. Of course, in recent decades of multi-storey residential complexes In cities is becoming more and more. Especially in London, on the coast of Thames, in Greenwich and regions of Canada Verier, Butteri, Nain Elms, and many other places there are beautiful high-rise buildings with windows in the floor grow like mushrooms. After all, the demand for housing in London, especially not far from the center, is very large, and the land is the road and it is always lacking. In the capital, both elite complexes on individual architectural projects are built - with huge apartments and penthouses with elegant views and quite typical blocks with studios and small apartments of the average price segment. Their overall feature is that many even very large apartments remain in the same level, the fashion for Split Level goes into the past, giving way to convenience and practicality.

Another thing "low-rise" development, still covering the bulk of the territory of the English cities. Cozy sleeping areas with beautiful narrow streets, wandering for which you forget that you are ten minutes from the center of a huge metropolis. Here quiet, calmly, everywhere flowers and exactly tonsured bushes and lawns. In two, three-story houses, as a rule, only one family lives. Houses of particularly large square can be divided into two or three apartments with a shared entrance. The residents of the Community know each other in the face, the local seller of fruit will definitely wish them a good morning, and traders will ask children about success in the last competitions. Early in the morning in the home gardens, sweet trills of birds are heard, and agile proteins are idling along the bushes and paths in search of food. Living in such an area, you feel part of a friendly community, penetrating the Community Feel.

And not the last role in creating this atmosphere playing architecture. Low-rise buildings are authentic, and often the historical appearance of buildings remains even to the detriment of convenience. By purchasing a house on one of such cute, beautiful streets need to be prepared for changing the color of the facade is prohibited categorically, the replacement of windows will become a tremendous problem, and the choice of plants on the balcony will be a business district administration. All strictly and extremely conservatively.

Let's take a look at the three most popular "historical" types of residential buildings and, "walking" in different areas, let's try to figure out what their features consist. Residential development of the Romanesque and Gothic periods has been preserved little, but the houses built in the nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century can be easily found in English streets. To this day, many citizens live with comfort, sometimes not even suspecting that their home is a dumb witness a few eras.

In areas with low-rise buildings are the most common houses of the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian eras. They can be completely rebuilt, but the facade is always saved. I have come to see how the facade was literally cut off from the building, carefully packed at the time of repair, and everything else was demolished and, in fact, built on the place of the old house the new one, to which then attached a renovated facade. But it is rather rarity. Many people looking at old houses and in fact built for a very long time, they have real fireplaces, in which the truly cold wind is in a real cold, the interior is decorated with legendary sinks with two cranes, high-quality wooden floors and wooden windows, without a hint of double or triple glass windows.

Georgian houses

In the photo: Georgian houses are characterized by a variety of narrow rectangular windows. Photo theculturetrip.com.

So, in the eighteenth century in England, a georgian style was greatly distributed. It is in this era of the aristocracy began to build large multi-room, three or four-storey mansions around beautiful areas with gardens. There were no own garden at home with a strict geometric shape, but there were internal corridors and separate bedrooms, which was a novelty for that period. In general, the release of the bedroom as an individual space played a large role in the development of English architecture. According to this time, at home here is estimated not by the number of rooms, namely, the number of bedrooms. In the Georgian houses on the first two floors, the ballrooms, large and small living rooms, master and guest bedrooms, were usually suitable for the first two floors, and the top floors were given to the servant, and therefore the rooms are traditionally smaller there, and the ceilings are lower. The windows were of great importance, since the tax was paid not from the size of the room, but depending on the number of windows. So, the richer there was a house, the more windows there were windows.

Now the Georgian houses still occupy an important place in the architecture of the center of large cities of England and Scotland. Many of them turned into apartment complexes. You can see many such buildings in the center of London, walking, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bCovent Garden or Kensington.

In the photo: Modern interior of the Georgian house. Photo houzz.co.uk.

Victorian houses

In the photo: Typical Victorian buildings "Terraced houses". Photo Orchardsoflondon.com.

The blooming of the British Empire in the era of the rule of Queen Victoria and a significant improvement in the well-being of the people led to the formation of a new architectural style. Now individual houses could afford not only aristocracy, but also a rich bourgeoisie. In the Victorian houses no longer had separate floors for servants, and the houses themselves became less and already. Often the building was walked by whole streets adjacent to factories and large enterprises. In the Victorian period, the so-called "terraced houses" (terraced houses) are popular, standing walls to the wall. The facades of the houses were painted in the same color throughout the street.

A typical Victorian house is very narrow and has a specific layout: the first floor has a kitchen and a living room, smoothly flowing into each other, and on the second and third (if available) - paired small bedrooms. Interestingly, only in the Victorian era in the houses appeared the bathrooms, but they received the greatest distribution later, in Edwardian period. After all, earlier the servants could serve a bath and water directly to the host bedroom. But now, when household owners independently led the farm, to carry water with the bathrooms has become no one, and therefore the need arose in private bathrooms, which, by the way, almost always had windows.

This manifested itself an important feature of the architecture of that period. The houses were built so that daylight lighting was used as efficiently as possible, so there are many windows for terraced houses facing the "light" side. However, dark tones dominated in the interior.

At the same time, the appearance of the house was often very exquisite, demonstrating the true or imaginary wealth of the owner. Beautiful stone porch at the main entrance, terraces with columns, facade trim brick, tiled roof - characteristic signs Victorian house.

In the photo: Modern interior of the Victorian house. Photo by self-build.co.uk.

Inside the room was often flowed into each other, and the corridors were absent between them. When entering the Victorian house, you immediately get into the living room - the hallways or holls are not here.

Victorian development has been preserved both in many small English cities and in the British capital. It is easily recognizable, because narrow Victorian streets are usually built up close to each other in their houses of one color. They can be easily found in Chelsea, Hammersmith, Greenwich, Clapeham and other areas of London, to this day Favorite middle class.

Edwardian houses

In the photo: Edwardian house. Photo TimeIncuk.net.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the brown building of the suburbs began. A new eclectic style appeared - Edwardian. Despite the fact that Rules King Edward VII is long, it was during these years another era of change in everything, including in architecture.

The distribution was large, spacious, separate houses with gardens that provide privacy, filёncated doors with colored glass stained glass windows and large windows. This architectural style is easier, air and lighter.

Edwardian period also coincided with widespread electrification, so in internal design special attention It has been given coverage. Many houses of that period had large glass doors leading to the patio - let the small, but own kindergarten, where there was a place for elegant wicker furniture and roses - inalienable attributes of the perfect English home.

A distinctive feature of the architecture of that period is eclecticity, mixing styles, but you can still identify some common features that distinguish Edwardian at home from Victorian: they are lighter, spacious, and the rooms are more and more wider. Floors in the houses of the beginning of the twentieth century parquet, and in bedrooms were often used thick soft carpets, creating comfort. The rooms were decorated with glass and mirrors.

If Edwardian houses stood in line, then they, as a rule, were located in some distance from the sidewalk. Therefore, the popularity has gained small frontal gardens with bushes that perform the role of living hedges and testifying to the desire to hide from the eye of passersby and neighbors. Internal shutters appear in the houses, curtains, and later blinds, because now, with electrical lighting, it is much more difficult to maintain privacy.

In London, the House of Edwardian period can be found everywhere. It is enough to go to Richmond or Hamster, where you can find entire streets built up with beautiful spacious mansions of the beginning of the twentieth century, made in Edwardian style. Many of them were repeatedly reworked, but as we mentioned above, the British retain the main thing in the architectural sense - the facade of buildings, and, it became, and the historical appearance of houses and streets.

In the photo: Interior of Edwardian house. Photo Realhomes.com.

Modern houses

In the photo: new high-rise buildings in the Nine ELMS area. Photo Barratthomes.co.uk.

After World War II, modernism became the main direction in British architecture, and after and High-tech. Undoubtedly, they were reflected in the residential building. This is especially brightly visible in the center of large cities where the heights of glass and concrete grow, as well as on urban outskirts, where an active new building goes, and convenience and practicality are put at the head of the corner.

Personally, I personally have a practical high-tech, smooth floors, square rooms and the absence of bizarkened ceilings much more prettier than Victorian narrow corridors with height differences and wind in the fireplace. For I strongly do not understand why they are so worn at all. But the vast majority of the British will not agree with me - in their representation, the cute heart of Victorian buildings have much value than faceless "Novodeli".

In the photo: Interior in the style of high-tech modern multi-storey building in London. Photo Telegraph.co.uk.

Once we lived in beautiful modern house With straight lines, spacious rooms and extremely simple square layout, and when it was time to move, an endless series of visits of potential tenants began. What I just did not hear the unfortunate house: he was boring, did not have a person and individuality, he was not permeated with the spirit of history. Yes,, it was precisely such claims that were preserved by the Conservative British. In the end, a wonderful house with a garden was removed by two young couples from Japan, which, like us, preferred the convenience of the benefits of the "spirit spirit".

In order to please the requests of Starina fans, architects build new buildings, stylizing them under historical. Neo-Victorian and neo-Edwardian design options that retain all the delights of the appearance, but without technical drawbacks of old houses, with new plumbing, decorative fireplaces, warm floors and good sound insulation are really beautiful. Thoroughly protected historical appearance of cities combined with the latest achievements of progress - it is for this that the English developers are striving for that, which fully corresponds to the expectations of citizens.

Today I would like to show modern housing in London. And in his example, pay attention to the principles of modern residential building. It can be clear why they are good, and we are bad. And this is not some kind of special path of Russia, it's just incorrect path. Sooner or later, we will build such a housing, which is being built today in England, Germany or USA. Perhaps there will be no such expensive finishing materials, but the principle of development will be precisely such. When the revolution is happening in the residential real estate market, I do not know. Maybe after 5 years, it may be, after 10. But it will happen quite accurately, and then all panel microdistures turn into a ghetto pumpkin.

So meet! The new residential area is located in the Stratford area in the north-east of London, right next to the Olympic Park of Queen Elizabeth. This park opened after the London 2012 Olympics, and sports facilities still work in it. However, London's authorities intend to develop the territory around it.

In total, 5 residential districts designed for 6800 apartments will be built within 20 years near the park. Rather, not apartments, but units of housing, because the townhouses, maisonettes and individual houses are included here. In addition to housing, kindergartens are built in the area, medical centers and sports ground.

Chobhem Manor is the first of these quarters, they are built at home about 850 units of housing. Right now at home, they are even on the maps "Google"!

In 2015, the quarter received a prize of the National Housing Association for the Best Development Plan. Please note that there are apartment buildings along the larger travels (and not higher than 5-6 floors), and the ranks of the townhouses are hidden deep into the quarters.

The area is conceived as a family: 75% of apartments and townhouses are calculated on the family, and 28% of housing refers to the category available. About the availability of Londoners their views.

Now prices for apartments in Chobhem Manor begin with 450,000 pounds - this is 35.7 million rubles for a small dial (bedroom + dining room / living room) with a balcony and without parking Places.

The apartment with two bedrooms, with a balcony and its parking space can be bought for 622,000 pounds (49.3 million rubles).

The most expensive accommodation costs almost a million pounds (79.3 million rubles) - this is a three-story townhouse with 5 bedrooms, a backyard, a terrace on the 3rd floor, a garage, a storage for bicycles, etc.

By the way, the presence of a personal parking site on average adds to the cost of a similar apartment of 10 thousand pounds - it is almost 800 thousand rubles. How do you like?)

Along with apartments in new homes, premises for trade and services. The developer argues that residents have 250 stores within walking distance, as well as many cafes and restaurants, but it is clear that on the quarter there are units.

Chobhem Manor is something that could be built on the empty post-phympic spaces of Sochi, if we had a request for good areas in our country.

01. Let's start with architecture. It is very, very, very important! Please note that all houses in the area are different.

Agree, a little different from this:

02. Each building in a new area is unique, while the overall style is observed. Everywhere different windows, finishing materials, entrance groups. A variety of architecture in a residential area is very important if we do not build barracks. Human nature is not typical of the cloning of the same type boxes. Both in the forest there are no two identical trees and in good area The buildings differ, while harmonizing with each other.

03. In England are not afraid. In Russia, black buildings are practically not found, and sorry. Black facade looks very stylish, especially if it is made of high-quality materials.

04. In this case, all colors are strict. There is no favorite with us. In Russia, for some reason they think that if you paint the buildings in clown colors, then live in them will be more fun. This is not true. Fun live in high-quality homes built from good materials.

This is not necessary to do:

05. Natural materials are used.

07. Also pay attention to the variety of materials! Alone bars 3 types.

08. Again, about architecture. It does not confuse one street on the other.

09. Adult trees are immediately planted in a new area.

10. It is important not only a variety of architecture, but also a variety of housing types. For example, there is both Townhouses and ordinary apartment buildings.

11. At the same time, there are almost everywhere low. And apartment buildings are also all different architecture.

12. Nearby are offices. Neighborhood residential I. commercial real estate It is very important that the area does not turn into a "sleeping". This allows you to fight with pendulum migration, when in the morning everyone goes to the center to work, and in the evening - to her outskirts. In a good area should boil life all day. It is also important for security: there are always people on the streets. And for business development. For example, in a residential area it is difficult to open a good restaurant or cafe, as there are no customers there. Similarly, everything dies in business areas after the end of the working day. In areas with mixed buildings, the restaurant can feed the office plankton, and in the evening - residents.

13. Caring for bicycles

14. Entrance to the entrance. Everything is standard: transparent door, entrance at one level from the ground. Mailboxes are on the street so that the postman did not enter the hall. If there is a concierge in the house, then the mailboxes can be inside.

15. Townhouses have a small plot before entering.

16. This is also very important. Usually, our space between the house and the sidewalk is not used in any way - there is a lawn or a wasteland. Here you go along the green terraces.

17. Agree, it is much better than the wasteland!

18. Townhouse of townhouses. Here are technical drives, entrances to garages and garbage tanks.

19. Landscaping of the sidewalk


21. Street inside the area. There are some parking lots

22. All parking in pockets separated by trees from each other. Parking is all paid.

23. An interesting moment. In the distance there is a zebra, which is indicated by pillars with lanterns. This is a regular transition where the pedestrian is passed. But Zebra will not do every 20 meters, so on quiet streets, where the speed of movement is limited to the 20th km / h, you can meet transitions with the advantage of cars. That is, the pedestrian should go to his own fear and the risk when there is no car.

24. All crossings of travel and the sidewalk are made in one level, so people do not have to descend from the borders.

25. Parking for scooters

26. So-so-so ... what is it here? Ba Ba-Ba-Bach! 30-storey house! Yes, and black. As you know, I write a lot about the fact that the residential building should be no higher than 8 floors, but ideally -
5-6. Can there be a 30-storey residential building in this world? Can. And 100 storey can. There is nothing terrible in this. If you have a building predominantly low-rise, then in the area there may be dominants in the form of towers, this is not a crime. Crime - this is when you have the whole area built up towers.

27. Here on the patch near the railway staged a tower. Pretty interesting courtyard did. On solid coating markup for different species sports games.

28. Very high-quality spaces with good gardening. Again, pay attention to the variety of materials.


30. The British is best of all in the world knowing landscaping.

31. There is no open soil anywhere.

32. See what cool improvement!

33. The quality of the work is amazing. The soil in some places are covered with shale fragments.

34. That's how Birosis is growing here. The soil is closed with a bark, around the rolling grille, and the track itself is made of a special material transmitting moisture.

35. Is this not a miracle?

36. Swing hid in beerages. And this is an ordinary courtyard that has done a few months ago. The criterion of good improvement is very simple. Would you like here? Would you do in your dacha? If the answer is positive, then the improvement is good.

And if so?

37. But let's return to England.

38. Children's zone. Different benches, canopies, binoculars, hearing tubes.

39. This is Dasha, it is a local resident. Dasha holds for the carousel not just like this: in the center of the carousel stands a tree. And this tree rotates with the carousel. Incredible design. Never seen this. I wonder if the tree will survive?)))

40. Batuts

41. Lawns

42. Street furniture

43. Something went wrong)))

44. Bicycle faces are made not very competent, there is a jamb.

45. Let's get into the neighboring quarters. Here parking are located in travel.

46. \u200b\u200bHouses themselves 10-storey.

47. Architecture is everywhere different.

48. There are no cars inside the quarters. Only greens.

49. Good landscaping

50. Almost "charge"

51. Passage from the passage

52. Pass inside the quarter. Please note that on the first floors business everywhere.

53. Beauty!

54. Entrance to the entrance

55. Even the design of the entrances everywhere is different.

56. These are residential buildings, where athletes lived during the 2012 Olympiad. On each house there is a sign: you can find out which teams lived specifically here.

57. On the first floor parking. And on the second - the yard! This, by the way, is a good idea for the reconstruction of old areas, where the courtyards are turned into parking lots. If you buy out the first floors, we can arrange a business on them, you can raise everything for one level and make green yards on the roofs of parking.

58. Beauty upstairs

59. And here is the courtyard. Here every apartment has on the first floor, as usual, there is a plot.

60. Even in such a courtyard managed to plant trees, and big trees!

61. Please note that even within one small quarter all houses are different.

62. The improvement of the yard

63. I remind you that all this is on the roof of the parking lot.

64. And on the first floors, shops, cafes and restaurants. By the way, the best showcase for a good establishment is just transparent windows, followed by the interior. Immediately really lives the street.

65. Street

66. That's how the British are being built. And this is the outskirts of London.

67. According to British standards, there is very budget housing. Comparable with our bedrooms on the outskirts.

68. Would you like to live here?

Posts on the topic

The United Kingdom has always been associated for me with a place where everything is absolutely expensive and only a serious oligarch can live here, or a masochist. And indeed, with a relatively not highest salaries in the world, the British overpayed Schurdoroga for everything in the United States or even in Germany there is a penny. Not to mention tourists forced to spend on hotels and transportation of the state. But in three years ago, the country was touched economic crisis And once a steadily expensive pound fell more than 30% in relation to the dollar and the euro. I understand that receiving salary in pounds only lost from the depreciation of the national currency, but what relief to us, tourists. But today I would like to tell about how the middle British class lives, show a completely ordinary London apartment of my friend-Aytichnik in the most ordinary sleeping area, his car and just talk about what the inhabitants of the ever most expensive European country live.

It will be about the usual London family, the husband is a wife - a small child. The guy of the indigenous Londonian of Polish origin, his spouse was born in Vietnam. They have a cool baby, who is half a year and who collected the features of both dad and moms. Very funny little man. So, dad is working as an Aytichnik, mom is still on maternity leave.

Just a day of my arrival in London, my friends bought a new Mercedes 220 car, which is on top of the photo. How new? 2016 release, with second hands for 18 thousand pounds sterling. The new one costs 30 thousand. But the car is in perfect condition with a mileage of about 9 thousand miles, one can say absolutely new.

I do not ask about salaries, it is not correct. But I can simply say that on average, the IT officers in London receive 4-5 thousand pounds per month in their hands, after paying taxes. A couple of years ago, it corresponded for one thousand dollars, today is about six thousand. I do not know much, or a little. In Moscow, how much does Iytishnik earn?

Live in the most ordinary four-story house in the East Croydon area in the southern part of London (in direct order of 7 kilometers to Tower), here in exactly the same way as below in the photo on the right. The apartment is about 70kv.m, they were bought for a couple of years ago for 200 thousand pounds, of course with a mortgage for 15 years. Naturally, interest on mortgage in the UK is not compared with Russian admins 12-15% per annum; Here is just 1.5% of power. In addition, loans are insured in case of illness, loss of work and so on. The area is considered the most middle and in the city of course there are places much more solid, as well as much poorer. Real estate prices There is a drop of cheaper than, for example, in 20 minutes walking towards East Croydon Railway Station, from where they run trains to the city center every 10 minutes. There is a transport and directly from home to the center (if you are too lazy to go to the station), bus, but if you go to the train 20 minutes from the power, then on the bus and one and a half hours with traffic jams. These small nuances also affect the cost of real estate.

A few more words about real estate and the cost of life. Now prices somewhat rose and such an apartment stands up to 300 thousand pounds. On the other hand, the pound himself fell, so the price for the investor with dollars and the euro did not change. But we talk about the British, right? So, the income of the British did not change much, and the real estate for a couple of years has risen by third.

In the UK, as in a number of other Western countries there is the concept of "city tax", such as the use of urban infrastructure. This garbage collection, gardening, maintaining parks, bus stops, road repair, etc.. The tax is paid on the basis of the area and the element of your apartment. The guys pay exactly 100 pounds per month, and for example, in the center of London, 500 pounds can be paid for an apartment with a similar metrar. Plus, of course, utility costs. All with the meter. For gas and electricity 80-100 pounds per month (gas heating), water 15-20. Internet 20-30 pounds per month. In the city, several serving companies and you are free to choose from buying water, electricity and gas. Prices do not differ much, but you may not make the service and you want to go to competitors. Then you call to the serving company, express them our discontent and sometimes they give you some kind of discount and you stay with them. Or do not stay.

Before the entrance, there are plastic garbage tanks, each of them under a certain type of garbage (paper, polyethylene, food residues, glass) and tenants are strictly followed by the rules.

The entrances in London are almost always closed and the residents have keys from the entrance door, plus the intercom. I have not seen in the city of houses, where the entrance was a "passing yard," where everyone would be able to go.

In comparison with Russian apartments, the British rarely turn their apartment into the fortress. I mean, no one here does not put powerful iron doors with a bunch of cunning locks from robbers. As a rule, the simplest wooden door with a conventional lock, which, if desired, is knocked out with a strong blow of the leg. But here the robbery is not frequent and if you are not known oligarch, it is unlikely to happen such misfortune. Suppose what happens. So there is also insurance!

Cool door handles, typically british, minimalism style -

In the apartment 2 rooms, kitchen and salon.

This is how you have already guessed, the salon. Here we eat and communicate. The TV will necessarily have Chrome's prefix to broadcast from a phone or computer.

Choosing books hints that travel theme is very relevant for the guys -

I am sure that any purebuppiness will write, they say, what are the British chaos in the kitchen, how so you can! Yes, you take a look at your own kitchen, there is an ideal order? In my opinion, absolutely normal kitchen, my apartment has a much larger bardak and dishes can easily "spend the night" in the sink, if it is too lazy to wash it from the evening. Dishwasher The British has almost any home.

The hostess just delightfully prepares and I will miss a very tasty Asian food. If you are an amateur of Asian cuisine, then the presence of beautiful-wives from Vietnam saves you the cost of air tickets to Asia! So now I will return back to my home and I will search for tickets somewhere in Bangkok, or Hanoi, or even even Singapore. For where else we sing such a yummy.

This is a guest room, where I sleep, your humble servant. In principle, it is part-time the host's office, but when guests come, they sleep here.

Toilet and bathroom are usually combined. From my experience, when you live alone or even together it is not fundamentally. When the family expands, the dad is no longer allowed to sit in the toilet with a book, the British dad does not give either. Pay attention to the rope on the right, you know why it is?

This is the light in the bathroom, also purely British focus -

I did not immediately mastered the crane in the soul, while I did not come across such -

But the cranes in the kitchen and on the washbasin are quite ordinary. Previously stood British, such as hot in one crane, cold in the other. But it is extremely uncomfortable and the British themselves are departed from old habits, setting something more modern.

And we go dinner! See what beauty is

And this is for breakfast -

I did not photograph the bedroom, but not because the guys for some reason against (they just relate to this), but because there are several of their joint photos on the walls. Do not shoot them for the post in the blog.

It remains to add that the United Kingdom is a fairly social state. It is customary to give housing by the poor, provide free (or almost free) medical care, pay money on small children, provide almost free kindergartens. The child's allowance itself is about 20 pounds per week and, accordingly, 80 per month. Very little. A more mother gets maternity money, constituting 150 pounds per week. But there is a number of conditions, not automatically, but only if she worked before entering the decret. But at the birth of a child, tax benefits are provided for a working father and this is 100-150 pounds per month by a bonus, depending on your salary.

Back in United Kingdom free medicineMore precisely, you make monthly deductions to hospital cash desks and have free medical services instead. If you earn little, or do not work at all, then treat absolutely free, and attention (!) Free even dentistry.

If you are interested, read other notes about life in different countries.

The most beautiful high-rise buildings are Moscow. In second place - urban-type settlements and remote areas of the cities of the Moscow region - Kubinka, the village of Kiev (Naro-Fominsky district), the area of \u200b\u200bthe stations Chkalovskaya and Bakhchivandzhi (Schelkovo) and many others. It is not bad to build a high-rise building in the Urals. Recently heard about the mountain five-story buildings Tuapse - he himself was not, but I really wanted to visit. At http://www.livejournal.com/users/charachalava/45327.html you can find a great selection of photos of Prague multi-storey houses. Of course, this is not Pervouralsk, but also beautiful.
England is a two-story country. Rich and modest, Victorian and modern, cities and villages, typical and individual, separately standing and townhouses, as well as four-quarters - the vast majority of British houses have two floors in height. Sometimes Townhouses and private houses are three-story. One-storey houses There are relatively rare. They look typical (usually for several families, sections) and relatively new.
Multi-storey houses in England are also a bit. If you do not count the centers of large cities and in general business (non-residential) buildings, then a multi-storey building seemed to be pointing. Sometimes two or three multi-storey "towers" can stand in the middle of an extensive two-storey area. This can be found both in London and in very small towns, for example, in Newmarket (Suffolk county). Less frequently than the "towers", there are "boxes", as a rule, the floors in them are relatively few, although there is something like our nine-story stores. Analogs of our 17-storey P-44 in England I have not seen. If someone saw, share your impressions!
In two cities (Cambridge and Bari-Saint-Edmunds), I watched new apartment buildings (three or four floors), hidden on the secondary streets of the central regions - so that driving on the main street, you can not suspect that you are going by a multi-storey area . In one city (Swanzi, South Wales) I saw entire quarters apartment housesadjacent to the sea - development for the rich. They say many people there do not live in winter (too windy and damp), and come only in the yacht-sport season.

Aberdeen (Scotland). December 1999





Swanzi (South Wales)

Today I will write about the features of the housing stock in England

Registration? -No, did not hear
Let's start with the fact that the concept of "registration" in Britain does not exist. Confirmation of the place of residence are utility bills or from the bank sent to a specific address. But this does not mean that it is easy to legalize. For emigrants, it often becomes a problem. To open an account in a bank, without which it is impossible to get a job, you need to confirm the address, and I will not remove the housing without a bank account. But it is hardly to get a job without a bank account. If there are no friends who have the first time you can nail, then it turns out a vicious circle.

Agencies and private landlords demand recommendations from previous landlords and help from work. Without recommendations and references it is difficult to remove a decent room / apartment from a good agency. You can certainly remove housing for cash with any gully post-Soviet leaders who make themselves felt through Russian newspapers, they do not need any confirmation, but this is fraught with different kind of problems.

Property Types / Land Aristocracy Country

In England and Wales there are two main types of ownership of real estate: leasehold and Freehold. There are also other housing schemes, but I will not go to such details.

Lizchold is essentially rented property
Freichold - Full Property Property

The fact is that the land and real estate on it are a bit different things. You can buy a rent apartment, but you can't buy land on which there is a house with an apartment, then you can not become a full owner, the earth is a key concept. Therefore, all apartments fall under Lyshold. This means that you have the right to rent on a certain number of years, usually from 99 to 120. It happens to 999. Rent is able to transfer to the inheritance before the lease term expires, but there are nuances there are not always possible. When buying a lyschold there are some restrictions on construction work in the purchased room, each case is individual plus still need to pay land tax and pay repair and maintenance costs

Freicold - full possession. Although they do not lie down with modifications. There is such a concept in Britain lISTED BUILDINGS. - This is the state register of buildings and structures representing architectural and historical value.

Possession of architectural value / eyelid will not see

Many private houses come to Listed Buildings. The owner of such a house does not have the right to change something in the structure without the permission of the relevant instances. In no case, such a building should not be abandoned or in a bad condition, it entails criminal liability for the owner. If repair is required, nothing can be changed. Roughly speaking if the roof of the Red Slate and it has been tamed, then the replacement should be the same slate of the same type and quality. This also applies to the door handles and shine. If the house at the river and it periodically floods, then you can hardly do something with it, for example, to equip the dam, etc. everything should remain unchanged, as it was in the "earlier time."

Such laws allow to preserve the wonderful architecture in Britain, in general, the British are very reverent about such things, for which I respect them very much. British architects are leaders in the global architecture industry right. Create really beautiful new buildings. If a certain old building came into final disrepair, it is rarely completely demolished. Almost always leave untouched facade and then completing the entire building.

Mortgage / Payback to Sepal

In Britain, there is such a concept as Property Ladder (real estate staircase). The bottom line is that the most important thing will get a mortgage at least on something, at least on the barn or Studio Flat. Then a few years later to resemble the bank and on the reversed money from the increase in real estate prices to buy already housing better. Sometimes, to finally take a mortgage for decent housing, dozens of years pass. The average cost of the house, which is bought for the first time people relative to young age is 250 thousand pounds. (This is not a choir). Interest rate The mortgage approximately 5% plus 0.5% of the Bank of England. The interest rate is lower than in Russia, but here and the percentage on bank deposits Much lower, therefore banking system Lending / storage of money everywhere is approximately the same and balanced, the banks of a penny are superfluous just not given.

A couple of years ago, HIFX conducted a study that has shown that about 40% of the British want to leave the country to get rid of mortgage debt. Mortgage payments (Mortgage) account for about 70% of the income of the British of the middle class after paying taxes. Each 5th pensioner in Britain still has a mortgage debt in tens of thousands.

Etymology of the word Mortgage is a progress / tower to death. So it turns out in essence for ordinary people.

Utilities / Price Question

On average, the following is:
Electricity: £ 50
Water: £ 30
Gas: £ 50; If there is no gas, then the electricity comes out more expensive, especially in the heating season.
Municipal Tax (Council Tax): Approximately £ 100
Total for the month all together approximately 200 pounds or 10 thousand rubles

Quality of housing / bedbugs in Karelian cigarette

If you take a certain averaged option, then the quality is bad, if you do not say the disgusting places. Khrushchevka in Russia in British standards is quite good housing. There are good buildings, with excellent communications - these are usually new high-quality buildings (there are cardboard), or re-equipped Victorian and Edwardian houses, when the Cap repair is taken by a real estate management company. It is usually very expensive.

The houses of the old building are raw and drooping, because everyone has always saved and saved on heating, single frames. The big problem is the mold, the fact is that in Britain, construction standards (analog of guests) are relatively recently recently recently appeared, which is required to ventilate the dwelling system, a very large number of houses where it is simply not, on the mold, plus dampness.

But usually the foundation is to blame, which is sometimes almost absent as such. To any standards lay walls on a sloping foundation, mine waterproofing between them. Such a tradition of construction was, and still remain there until now. Therefore, the walls of most houses, like a sponge, impregnated with moisture, which comes from a wet soil

In terms of space - very crowded. There are no entrances familiar in Russia or on the continent. These are more such halls. Very narrow. Real estate owners try to squeeze the maximum profit, so often the room is often crushed to the maximum number of "pens" i.e. apartments. In the apartments or household buildings themselves, planning is very cramped, there are no spacious corridors. Usually the largest space is a living room, which is combined with the kitchen and serves as a dining room. Well, the notorious cranes without mixers. The kitchens are mainly facing the mixers, but in the sinks in the bathroom - no. But you quickly get used to
Article author:

With the form of the building may look very thoroughly and beautiful, and inside will be what I described above.

In many houses, carpet old solid coverage (per sayrs in the kitchen), I can't tolerate them, collect all the dirt, do not change for years, if not decades.

Communication / pipes are often displayed outside if an abnormal cold hit, then everything is filled.

Heating is bad here. By the beginning of 70s, only 15 percent of the dwellings in Britain had central heating. Often, electrical batteries are installed in homes, it becomes very stuffy in the room. If high ceilings, then all heat accumulates under the ceiling. In the bathrooms often not provided heating at all (the cultural feature of the British with this associated I will describe later). It should be noted that the bathrooms in houses and apartments have gained mass distribution in Britain only in the post-war time, before it was wiping with wet sponges and pelvis, and somewhere until 70x - the adoption of baths once a week was commonplace.

Often in old buildings installed "Titan", the word what!, Which heats the hot water. This water is only enough only to wash quickly, then it is necessary to wait until the next portion is heated. The pressure of the shower is that it is easier to wash with his tears, and sometimes hunting from the cold is sometimes roar. In the houses newly used Power Shower, it is already a good option.

Regarding all sorts of home pests: cockroaches are not found, in any case I have not seen them, but the bugles and mice are becoming more. But better cockroaches than mice, or especially bugs. For the first time in life with clouds, I met London. They bite so that then the stains are covered with stains, then they suffer from infection. Horror in fact. If they started, then all - writing gone. It is necessary to call special people to escape. And at the same time it is necessary to pack all things and fold in one place, and preferably carry out of the house. Hugging bugs is almost like moving. Horrible hemorrhoids.

Sometimes it seems that the walls are made of cardboard. As Mayakovsky wrote about the American buildings of the beginning of the century: "Corigar from Karelian birch." This definition is applied to Britain. Sometimes it really seems to not at home, but a portrait, sound insulation is very bad. In the old Victorian houses, the floors in my opinion with emptiness and wooden floors. Halfing creaks unbearably. If the house is divided into several apartments, it is better to choose on the upper floor, otherwise the creaking brain will make it feeling that someone walks at home, every step is heard.

Types of houses / Paradise for speculators

In Britain, there is no idea of \u200b\u200ba studio apartment. Analogue of one-bedroom apartment is one-bedroom flat. The number of rooms is denoted by Bed-Rooms. This is usually a small bedroom, and the reception room, combined with the kitchen. Often, the kitchens in the apartments are an extravagant small, well even if with a window, often without doors, if there is bad ventilation in the apartment, you can imagine all the delights of non-weathered odors from cooking. therefore two-room apartment In the Russian understanding, this housing cannot be considered, it is rather a half.

In England, residential buildings are mostly low-rise (with the exception of municipal houses, which are 10 and in 20 floors). Often the apartments are broken into two levels: there is a second floor with a bedroom. This does not mean that such an apartment is big, it can consist of two rooms at all. There are homes of this type, called the house, but in fact it is a vertical apartment
Article author

Interect speculators for real estate, especially in big cities, drive masterfully. Break the house (especially if it is old building) for surcharges and drive it on the market. Everyone heard, probably about such a thing as studio Flat.. It is an extraction, where in one room and kitchen and bedroom and the hall and all that you want. Here is an example of such a studio

And it is located in a rather chic house, even you will not think that there may be such nurses. This is the center of London, the price for rente without accounts is approximately 1000-1200 pounds per month (about 50,000 rubles). Usually there are so-called. Young professionals who work 12 hours a day and come to sleep

But this is not the limit of the gentleness of speculators. There is still an invention called bed-Sit.. This is a bedroom, together with the kitchen, and the bathroom and toilet are common to several residents. Price in the center of London approximately £ 600-700 per month

I still do not write about the nets at the base level, and there are such ... In general, launching real estate very profitable

For these reasons, the British in large cities of years to 35-40 live almost in utilities, remove the rooms.

The standard type of housing is a solid car from Town Houses, an analogue of the sleeping areas of Russia, but only without high-rise buildings, in such houses usually live middle-class families. Often among these Sherng rises a twenty-storey municipal apartment building.

Ploy inside? An example of how such houses are usually equipped.

Pay attention to the Bardak in the bedroom, people do not climb and lay out such photos on real estate sites. Typical Back-Garden - rear courtyard, is required for the average Englishman.

But the example of Single Bed-Room, yes it is not a storage room, it is a bedroom in the house. Such even often give up separately. People suffering from claustrophobia, in England it is better not to go.

There are also Detached Houses and Semi-Detached Houses. This is when the house can stand separately or have one common wall with another home, also typically for the middle class.

Here are examples of the most common old building: victorian and Edwardian Epoch. Real estate in such houses is already more expensive than in Terrated Houses

A considerable part of the housing stock is mUNICIPAL HOUSE (COUNCIL HOUSES). Accommodation for low-income, which provides state-in. The development of this type began from the 60s during the influx of immigrants and when finally realized that the housing foundation is strongly outdated.

The municipal housing is indispensable (over time, there are some housing and then pass in Rent), mostly, of course because of the inhabiting contingent. But if you take only the physical quality of housing, then not everything is so bad. Walls cardboard Yes, well, the planning is bad, but it can be a central water heating, you can walk around the apartment in the pants in the winter (I have already forgotten what it is, living in the house of old building) hot central water, even though, everywhere batteries, water pressure is good, There is no unbearable screenshots.

Look at this Massive Attack clip, director, by the way, Nice Michelle Gondree. Yes, they were not clear the point not in the real house, but I can say that on the planning and in general, in general atmosphere, this is a typical municipal housing, although extended

In the last 20 years in Britain, it was very popular to redo the old warehouse or factory facilities under residential buildings. Such houses Warehouse Conversion., They become dear pleasure mainly for the Upper-Middle Class, because, unlike typical housing, there are a lot of space, massive walls are generally considered fashionable and trend. London docks are notable for such buildings.

Example of good quality apartments in new building houses

Fragment of the house worth a few million. Pay attention to which thin walls (visible by windows) and single frames. Heating battery If it is provided, it is very small somewhere near the wall, as there are no windows. I have the same windows at home as soon as I moved in delighted, and in the winter felt all the "charms"

Well, finally, het began 80s from Madness "Our House". Excellent song and comic video, which describes the loss of a simple working family. He starred in the former stable. By the way, the stables in the cities (Mews) have long been converted to residential buildings and they are considered prestigious housing. The clip is ironic, of course, hardly the working family could afford such housing. There are types of Buckingham Palace in the clip. He starred in the north-west of London, at the end you can see some types of houses that I described above

Who is to blame / what to do?

Most the best way - It is to buy your home in complete property, Freehold, hire repairmen brigade, and make it completely under your standards. The main thing is that the foundation is high-quality, the rest can be fixed. I did it. The type of ownership should be freehold, and not leasehold as with apartments, because the possibility of repairing an apartment is strongly limited to the type of ownership (see above). Then the cost of the house immediately rises, this is a good attachment, because the British are afraid to communicate with the repair: it is terribly expensive and many so-called Cowboy Builders, which simply throw customers (yes, in Britain, too much deception and sell). And then you will not prove anything to anyone. Therefore, houses with high-quality repair are very valued.
And if the funds are unlimited, then there are no problems

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