
Projects of houses with a veranda on the second floor. Projects of two-storey houses with a veranda. Features of typical projects: single-storey houses with garage and terrace

This article will help you choose the optimal project of a one-story house with a terrace for a country site, which will meet all the requirements of practicality and comfort. The text contains information about all the features of such buildings: the advantages and specificity of buildings with a terrace, the rules for the placement of this structural element relative to the sides of the light and the rose of the winds. This publication includes popular designer solutions and photos.

Project of one-story house with a terrace: Features of buildings with the input zone

Houses with a terrace are widely used in rustic construction. Such buildings fit optimally into beautiful landscapes on the plot, regardless of whether they have natural origins or created by the hands of a person. Therefore, projects of frame houses with a terrace are high demand from developers.

The finished ideas with the original embodiment will suit the owners of country sites, which seek not only to enjoy the accommodation, but also to extract maximum amount Advantages in the construction of the building. As a result, it is possible to obtain original and stylish housing with a unique and convenient layout.

In the photo projects of single-storey houses with a terrace look attractive. They combine in themselves modern tendencies In the development of architecture and the best designer ideas. Moreover, such buildings comply with all standards and safety regulations.

How the terrace is attached to the house: photos of projects with different types of placement of the input zone

A lot of colorful and unusual design solutions can be found in the network, the terrace to the house most often attached from the kitchen or living room. This type of placement is primarily due to considerations of convenience, comfort and practicality. In 90% of cases, the terrace is located on the opposite side of the main entrance. This design solution is a traditional option for designing single-storey buildings located in the southern regions.

Working out the project of the future house, should consider the parties of the world. By placing the terrace in a certain way, it is possible to give it the necessary characteristics. If this structural element is focused on the south, then much more light and heat will penetrate the adjacent premises.

Helpful advice!If the terrace is located on the south side of the house, it is desirable to install a canopy with a removable design. In the regions for which the sultry summer is characterized, this item is simply necessary because the excessive amount of the sun will cause overheating of the rooms. If necessary, such a canopy can be removed.

Often, users find photos of one-story houses with a terrace located on the west side. Such projects are suitable for people who will use the input zone in the afternoon. Even if the terrace has a closed design, protecting the space from Western winds, at sunset in this zone will still penetrate the sun rays, providing comfortable conditions for recreation.

Modern projects of houses with terraces and balconies located on the eastern side of the building are suitable for people who love to have breakfast in the fresh air. These structural elements warmly warm up in the morning clock. At the same time, they are reliably protected from hot sun after lunch.

If the terrace goes to the north side, the effect of scattered light is created. This creates optimal conditions for arranging the dining area in this part of the house or workshop for creativity. In this case, it is extremely desirable that the terrace has an open design and illuminated by the sun.

Advantages of modern projects of houses with terrace

Regardless of the material used for construction, the house with the terrace has a lot of advantages.

The input zone can be used to organize the following objects:

  • summer kitchens;
  • places under;
  • dining room for food intake in the fresh air;
  • zones for drying linen;
  • playground.

Unlike the projects of two-storey houses with a terrace, one-story buildings are more economical. The type of foundation under the building is selected taking into account the characteristics of the soil. In most cases, you can do the construction of the simplest basis, which reduces the financial costs and save time.

The terrace increases the thermal insulation properties of the building. This design performs the function of the enclosing barrier providing wind protection. Thanks to this, the owner of the house can save on thermal insulation, as well as reduce the cost of heating housing in the future.

If you include a terrace in the project at home, you can create a close connection between the construction and the landscape around it. Moreover, the owner of the building can independently decide on where his eyes will be directed: on an apple garden, river or lake, forest, etc. Enjoy the beautiful scenery from the terrace is much more convenient than from the window.

The presence of a terrace allows you to enlarge the living area of \u200b\u200bthe building. In summer, this space can be used for family holidays, for example, for tea drinking, receiving guests or gatherings for desktop games.

Helpful advice! If you glaze in the terrace, you will get a comfortable veranda. With proper insulation, it can be used even in winter, when the windows of laid frosts.

In some cases, landed structures are more appropriate than multi-storey. Such buildings look harmonious in the territories with a large square. In addition, the projects of two-storey houses with a terrace suggest the construction of the stairs. This is fraught not only for additional costs, but also certain inconveniences. If in the house there are people of old age or with limited features, The rise to the second floor will cause difficulties. Moreover, the staircase can serve as an additional source of danger for young children.

Projects of houses with terrace: photo typical, individual and combined buildings

All existing projects can be divided into three groups: typical, individual and combined solutions. Each approach has both advantages and disadvantages. Before you start developing a project or to choose ready solution, It should be determined which type of input zone will be used.

Article on the topic:

Projects of houses with erker and other architectural elements. Design of premises with a plating niche of various purposes.

Many people attach the terraces to the house with their own hands, photo projects in such an execution most often assume the use of an open-type input zone. In this case, the owner of the site appears the ability to create an effect of unlimited space. In addition, such projects are universal and suitable for structures of any type. Open terrace provides access natural lighting To the adjacent premises.

Indoor terraces are considered more practical, as they can be operated at any time of the year. Thanks to the canopy, the input zone will be protected from the sun, wind and rain. If you install fences and balustrades on the terrace, it can be used as a veranda or a cozy corner for recreation.

Features of typical projects: single-storey houses with garage and terrace

Under a typical project, architects are most often understood at home with standard parameters, equipped with a garage and terrace. These solutions are fully prepared for use. The owner of the site will only have to call the construction team, which will build a building on the territory on the finished scheme.

Advantages of typical projects:

  1. Low cost of the house - there are no costs for planning and development operations.
  2. A simplified installation system - a brigade can immediately begin the project implementation.
  3. High construction speed - specialists will not expect improvements to adapt to them. The brigade will come to a plot with ready-made elements for construction and a well-established work scheme.

Thanks to these advantages, most families prefer precisely typical designs.

Helpful advice! An open terrace can be equipped under the summer solarium, setting the sun beds. This is possible, provided that the playground will be placed in a well-lit place. In this case, it should be protected from wind and prying views.

Individual projects and combined houses with a terrace: Photos of interesting buildings

Individual design requires time and additional costs, but the result can exceed all the expectations.

Advantages of individual design:

  1. The ability to realize your designer ideas into reality.
  2. Unique layout of the house.
  3. Aesthetically attractive result.

This method is suitable for those who want to get a house corresponding to personal preferences. During the development process, all the wishes of the Customer are taken into account if they do not contradict security requirements.

There is another alternative solution - the buildings obtained by the combination method. In this case, the owner of the site selects a ready-made free project that he likes the most, and brings several changes to it. The result is partly standard, partly unique. This method combines the benefits of individual and typical buildings, while maintaining an acceptable price.

Popular projects of American houses with terrace

US-style houses projects most often attract the attention of spacious land owners. Such solutions are ideal for large families. The mandatory attribute of the US-style buildings is the carefully equipped house area with well-kept lawns. A clear separation of space for functional areas is welcomed: playground, place for recreation, swimming pool, barbecue area.

According to statistics, the most popular among Russian homeowners enjoy in the American style

Characteristic features of the houses in the American style:

  • symmetry of the building;
  • landiness (1-2 floors);
  • necessarily the presence of a devounted garage;
  • minimal strict finish with the use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • several entrances to the building;
  • it is necessary to have a terrace, a veranda, a wide porch attached to the house.

The layout welcomes the preservation of open spaces. For this kitchen room, living room and dining area can be combined.

Projects of single-storey houses with garage and terrace

The garage for cars and residential space of the house with a terrace can be combined under one roof. Different purpose of these premises does not prevent them from successfully coexist. For projects of houses with a garage and a terrace, a compact layout is characteristic. Placing premises on the same level provides additional comfort. If necessary, a person can quickly get into any zone at home. Depending on the wishes and needs of the customer, the garage can be designed to accommodate 1 or 2 cars.

Helpful advice!If you equip a garage by a door leading to the inside of the house, you can move to the car and back without the need to go out. This advantage is particularly profitable if the windows are bad weather or rain.

The construction of the house in the complex with the garage will cost much cheaper than the creation of two separate buildings. There is a possibility that the sound of the engine of the engine will create a certain discomfort for tenants. Therefore, it is desirable to place bedrooms as far as possible from the garage or take care of high-quality sound insulation.

Unusual projects of houses with attic and terrace

The construction of a house with an attic and a terrace will become the best option if the owner of the country area is the choice between one-storey and two-storey building. Such buildings cost significantly cheaper than facilities with several floors.

The advantages of single-storey houses with terrace and attic are obvious:

  • thanks to the special planning, mansard houses are significantly warmer;
  • due to the attic of the mansard, the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house increases under the same conditions and the same foundation;
  • for the construction of the attic requires much fewer materials than for a full-fledged floor;

  • a more simple system of communications than in two-storey buildings.

The terrace has its own feature. To make the space under the roof comfortable, you will have to try.

For this, various methods are used:

  • change the angle of inclination of the roof;
  • application of falseland for zoning;
  • adjustment of the height of the Attic Wall;

  • the right choice of furniture.

All this allows you to achieve comfort. The optimal height of the attic wall for typical projects is 1-1.2 m. If the parameters of the building are developed individually, it is very important to properly design the ventilation system, otherwise the attic floor will be "stuffy". Also in the project should have attic windows. These structures provide a good stream of natural light. If you want to achieve a cozy atmosphere, you can replace the attic windows to Lubana, although the latter are not as effective in lighting issues.

note ! Not every single-storey building can be turned into a mansard house. The owner of the site at any time can re-equip the terrace with his own hands, improve it and glazed. With an attic much more difficult. All changes are taken into account at the design stage. Even before the start of construction, the parameters of rafters, overlaps and roofs are carefully calculated, so it is necessary to approach the project's choice.

Interesting and practical bathing projects with a terrace

If the construction budget and the size of the plot allow you to consider the Ban projects that have a rest room and a terrace. Such structures are more practical and multifunctional. In the projects of baths with a rest room and terrace the entrance area can be indoor and placed under the same roof with the main building. In this case, the stopping system is suspended on the racks that are part of Frame. Enclosing structures are attached to the same elements.

Even if the project used the closed terrace, all the same, this structural element can be operated exclusively in the warm season. Therefore, the construction of a rest room will not be superfluous.

Advantages of rest room:

  • comfortable conditions for year-round rest;
  • the absence of annoying insects;
  • possibility of use household appliances, for example, refrigerator, music center, TV;

  • ability to equip the bath with additional leisure facilities, such as a bar counter, a billiard table.

For plots of small size, ban bats with an attic and terrace are calculated. Such buildings are no less functional than facilities with recreation rooms, while they occupy much less space in the territory. Selecting a similar project, it is very important to perform glazing and insulation for all the rules. The attic floor can be used as a residential room or entertainment area, which hosts a bar, billiard table or gym.

Often developers are used by the Ban projects, in which the attic is open. Due to this, an air cushion is formed between the roof and the steam. An open attic can be converted to a comfortable balcony with sliding doors.

Building projects with a veranda and terrace: photos of beautiful buildings

The veranda is a playground that is limited from all sides of the walls. Unlike the terrace, which can have the form of an extension or separate structure, this element is a structural part of the house. This room is not heated, nevertheless, projects of houses with a veranda and terrace are widely used by developers, due to the presence of other profitable advantages.

The veranda can be equipped under the residential room, which will be used exclusively in the warm season.

Helpful advice! To use the residential veranda will be much more convenient if you make an extra entrance from the hall.

The veranda can be used to eat in the summer season. In this case, it is desirable to accommodate the cutting or kitchen at the outer wall. Well fits into the space veranda home fitness room. However, in this case, it is worth taking care of the presence of a high-quality ventilation system. In addition, a sufficient amount of space is required for sports. Therefore, on the design stage, you need to designate the functions that the veranda will perform.

Since the terrace is a seasonal building, the possibilities of its use are somewhat limited. In winter, this platform is closed with snow, but, nevertheless, the owner of the house can transform its space at its discretion. The problem is solved by installing soft windows for arbors and terraces or wall structures that can be removable or sliding.

Advantages of using soft windows for the terrace

Even in good weather, rest on the terrace can spoil the wind, insects and dust. Eliminate these unpleasant moments will help soft windows, material for the manufacture of which PVC serves.

These flexible designs have lots of benefits:

  • protection and safety;
  • excellent decorative properties, thanks to which the terrace looks aesthetic;
  • efficiency and long service life;
  • good throughput (up to 90% of the rays), so that a sufficient amount of natural light falls on the terrace, and the effect of a closed cocoon is excluded;
  • simple installation system.

Polyvinyl chloride, which is used for the manufacture of soft windows, has flexibility and durability. Unlike glass designs, such products cannot be broken. Due to this advantage, the terrace can be used as a children's gaming area. The cost of soft windows is twice as smaller than the price of metal-plastic structures.

Thanks to an extensive offer construction companies Each owner land plot It may pick up an optimal typical project with a terrace, a veranda or attic in any combinations. For more demanding clients, a development service is provided, which takes into account the customer's individual desires.

A thorough approach to the design process allows the developer to get housing with any parameters and configuration, and the use of such practical and convenient accessories, as flexible windows from PVC, improves the operating conditions of the terrace and veranda, improving the comfort of these premises.



Hello, Paul.

21-65 refers to a series of houses -

gasilicate blocks .

Cayman30. .

Ceramic blocks Cayman30. excellent


  • Yekaterinburg,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Permian,
  • Krasnoyarsk, without weak link - Layers insulation.

Project home for free .

The return time of investments in the lapel walls of 303 years.

According to the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings in the suburbs - 3.14 m2 * C / W.

Thermal resistance of the outer wall, erected using a heat efficient ceramic block Cayman30. and lined slotted brick - 3,7344 m2 * C / W.
Cayman30.- 0,094 W / m * with.

Thermal resistance of the outer wall embodied using gasilicateblocks D500. With a wall thickness of 500mm and lined slotted bricks - 4,1526 m2 * C / W.
The heat engineering calculation is presented below.
The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient λ d500 aerated concrete blocks - 0.126 W / m * with.

The final costs of building a house on the project 21-65 Will be lower than on 381 317 rubles When choosing a ceramic block Cayman30.. Detailed comparative cost calculation is presented below.

The walls from the D500 aerated block with a wall thickness of 500mm have a higher thermal resistance, on 9% above. You can count on the return of invested investments in more "warm" external walls at the expense of saving to heating, during the period of operation of the house.

The question is on the return on the investment made.

Obviousthat heat loss in the heating period will occur not only through the external walls.

  • 30-35% The heat loss occurs through the ventilation channels and chimneys.
  • The thermal resistance of modern window designs is 3 times lower than the thermal resistance of the outer wall from the block Cayman30.As a result, heat loss through windows make up 20-25% .
  • Heat goes through the design of the walls and floor of the basement, as well as the attic overlap. This is 10-15% All heat loss.
  • Maximum, the walls have to 30% heat losses, i.e., in the heating check only 30 percent of the amount falls on the walls.
If the house you considers we are planned to connect to the main gas heating, then in the heating period, the average check, which includes not only heating costs, but also the cost of energy to prepare hot water will not exceed the amount in 2 000 rubles.

As noted above, the thermal resistance of the external wall structure from the block gasilicate blocks D500. It turns out to be above 9% .

Consider approximate monthly economy associated with replacement Cayman30. on a more warm gasilicate blocks D500. with a wall thickness 500mm.

Saving \u003d 2,000 x 30% x 9% \u003d 180 rubles / month.

In that climatic zone where you are planning to build a house, the heating season lasts Seven months.

As noted above, investments in a larger wall will lead to an increase in costs 381 317 rubles.

Consider deadline for investment At the expense of savings on heating costs.

381 317 rubles / 180 rubles / month / 7 months \u003d 303 years old.

1. Strength.

So ceramic block Cayman30.

Kaiman 30.

To begin with, we define the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Schelkovo, as well as the thermal resistance to the designs under consideration.

R, M. 2 * C / W).


HSOP \u003d (T B - T from) Z from,

t. in 20 - 22 ° C);
t. from Schelkovo value -3,1 ° C;
z OT. Schelkovo value 216 days.

R Tr 0 \u003d a * HSOP + B

R Tr 0
a and B. but b. - 1,4

R 0 \u003d Σ Δ n. n. + 0,158

δ - layer thickness in meters;

R R 0 \u003d R 0 x R


According to Standard STO 00044807-001-2006 r. 0,98 .

R. r. 0

0 Required.

λ a.or λ B.

Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings"

1st step. We define Z. Schelkovo

According to the table city Schelkovo

2nd step.


3rd step.

dry, Schelkovo normal.

R 0 BUT λ a..



Hello, Natalia.

The project is considered by you. 29-51 refers to a series of houses -

The project of the house is designed using gasilicate blocks .

The project's project in mind, in which a ceramic block is used as the material of the bearing walls Cayman30., Presented in our catalog at number.

Ceramic blocks Cayman30. excellent gas-silicate / fuel-concrete blocks For all major characteristics: Strength, Heat Saving. In this case, the final costs will be lower when choosing ceramics. For more information about this below comparative cost calculation.

Application of ceramic blocks Cayman30. Allows you to build country houses that meet all applicable standards, and in particular those responsible for the "thermal protection of buildings" for such cities as:

  • Yekaterinburg,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Permian,
  • Krasnoyarsk, without inclusion in the design of the outer wall weak link - Layers insulation.
At the same time, the cost of the construction of one square meter of housing will be one of the lowest, when compared with any stone block, including in comparison with gas-silicate blocks.

Projects of houses from ceramic blocks are included in the promotion Project home for free .
Under the terms of the promotion when buying ceramic blocks Cayman30. In our company, we will return to you the cost of the project documentation paid by you.

Compare the materials in question, gas silicate blocks and ceramic blocks according to the characteristics and costs of construction.

Kaiman30 kerama gas-silicate block D500. 100 109 rubles.

1. Strength.

The strength of wall materials is determined by the limit pressure of the distributed load on the test sample and is characterized by the number of kilograms of forces (kgf) applied to one square centimeter of the material.

So ceramic block Cayman30.it has a brand of strength M75, which means that one square centimeter is able to withstand the load of 75 kg.

The value of the grade of the strength of the gas-silicate block with a density of 500 kg / m 3, in different manufacturers, ranges from M35 to M50. As a result, according to the instructions of producing gas silicate blocks, each third row of masonry should be reinforced as shown in the photo below.

Ceramic block laying Kaiman 30. Ruined only at the corners of the building, on the meter in each direction. For reinforcement, a basaltoplastic grid is used, laid in masonry seam. The time-consuming sticking and subsequent shelter of the reinforcement in the glue is not required.

The masonry solution when installing ceramic blocks is applied only horizontal seam laying. The mason delivers a solution at once to one and a half or two meters of masonry and makes each next block on a groove-crest. The laying is done very quickly.

When installing gas-silicate blocks, the solution must be applied to the side surface of the blocks. Obviously, the speed and complexity of masonry with this method of installation will only increase.

Also for professional masonry is not difficult to saw ceramic blocks. For this purpose, a saber saw is used, with the help of the same saws, gas-silicate blocks are collected. In each row of the wall you need to stack only one block.

2. The ability of the constructs under consideration to resist heat transfer, i.e. In winter, keep warm in the house, in summer coolness.

Below is a heat engineering calculation, made according to the method described in the SNIP "Thermal Protection of Buildings".As well as the economic rationale for the use of the Kaiman30 ceramic unit when comparing the costs of building the house under consideration from gas silicate blocks.

To begin with, we define the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Bronnitsy, as well as the thermal resistance to the designs under consideration.

The ability of the design is to maintain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as thermal design resistance ( R, M. 2 * C / W).

We define the degree and day of the heating period, ° C ∙ day / year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings") for the city Bronnitsy.

HSOP \u003d (T B - T from) Z from,

t. in - the estimated temperature of the inner air of the building, ° C, received when calculating the enclosing structures of groups of buildings specified in Table 3 (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings"): Pos. 1 - P. minimum values The optimal temperature of the corresponding buildings according to GOST 30494 (in the interval 20 - 22 ° C);
t. from - average outdoor temperature, ° C in the cold period, for Bronnitsy value -3,4 ° C;
z OT. - Duration, day / year, heating period, received in the form of rules for a period with the average daily air temperature of no more than 8 ° C, for the city Bronnitsy value 212 days.

HSOP \u003d (20- (-3.4)) * 212 \u003d 4 960.8 ° C * SUT.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings Determine by the formula (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings)

R Tr 0 \u003d a * HSOP + B

R Tr 0 - required thermal resistance;
a and B.- coefficients whose meanings should be taken according to Table No. 3 SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings" for the relevant groups of buildings for residential buildings but It should be taken equal to 0.00035, value b. - 1,4

R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 4 960.8 + 1,4 \u003d 3,1363 m 2 * C / W

The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the design under consideration:

R 0 \u003d Σ Δ n. n. + 0,158

Σ - symbol of summation of the layers for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material of the layer under the condition of operational humidity;
n. - layer number (for multi-layered structures);
0.158 - correction coefficient that can be taken to simplify as a constant.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R R 0 \u003d R 0 x R

r. - coefficient heat engineering homogeneity structures having inhomogeneous sites (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, focus, etc.)

According to Standard STO 00044807-001-2006 Tasch No. 8 The value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r. for masonry from large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and gas-silicate blocks should be taken equal 0,98 .

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. we recommend leading with the use of a warm masonry solution (heterogeneity at the joints is significantly protected by this;
  2. we use non-metallic, but basaltoplastic bonds as bonding walls and facial masonry, which are literally 100 times less heat than steel bonds (the heterogeneity of the heat-conducting inclusions generated by thermal conductivity) are significantly disturbed;
  3. the slopes of window and doorways, according to our project documentation, are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which levels inhomogeneity in the places of window and doorways, the fabrics).
From what can be concluded - when performing the prescriptions of our working documentation The coefficient of masonry homogeneity is committed to one. But in the calculation of the above thermal resistance R. r. 0 We will still use a table value of 0.98.

R R 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 Required.

Determine the mode of operation of the building in order to understand what coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a.or λ B. Take when calculating conditional thermal resistance.

The method of determining the operating mode is described in detail in Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings" . Relying on the specified regulatory document, Perform step-by-step instructions.

1st step. We define Z.oNU Moisture Region Development - G. Bronnitsy Using the application in SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings".

According to the table city Bronnitsy located in Zone 2 (Normal Climate). Take the value of 2 - normal climate.

2nd step. Table No. 1 Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings" Define the humidity regime into the room.

At the same time, I pay attention to the heating season, the humidity of the air into the room drops to 15-20%. In the heating period, air humidity must be lifted at least up to 35-40%. Comfortable for a person is considered humidity 40-50%.
In order to raise the level of humidity, it is necessary to air the room, you can use air humidifiers, help the aquarium installation will help.

According to Table 1, humidity regime into the room in the heating period at air temperature from 12 to 24 degrees and relative humidity up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. Table # 2 SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" determine the conditions of operation.

To do this, we find the crossing of the row with the value of the humidity regime into the room, in our case - is dry, with a moisture column for the city Bronnitsyhow it was clarified earlier - this value normal.

According to the method of SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings" in the calculation of the conditional thermal resistance ( R 0) It should be applied when operating conditions BUT. It is necessary to use the thermal conductivity coefficient λ a..



Hello, Larisa.

The project is considered by you. 20-36 refers to a series of houses -

The project of the house is designed using gasilicate blocks .

The project's project in mind, in which a ceramic block is used as the material of the bearing walls Cayman30., Presented in our catalog at number.

Ceramic blocks Cayman30. excellent gas-silicate / fuel-concrete blocks For all major characteristics: Strength, Heat Saving. In this case, the final costs will be lower when choosing ceramics. For more information about this below comparative cost calculation.

Application of ceramic blocks Cayman30. Allows you to build country houses that meet all applicable standards, and in particular those responsible for the "thermal protection of buildings" for such cities as:

  • Yekaterinburg,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Permian,
  • Krasnoyarsk, without inclusion in the design of the outer wall weak link - Layers insulation.
At the same time, the cost of the construction of one square meter of housing will be one of the lowest, when compared with any stone block, including in comparison with gas-silicate blocks.

Projects of houses from ceramic blocks are included in the promotion Project home for free .
Under the terms of the promotion when buying ceramic blocks Cayman30. In our company, we will return to you the cost of the project documentation paid by you.

Compare the materials in question, gas silicate blocks and ceramic blocks according to the characteristics and costs of construction.

Rating forward to inform that the construction of the house under consideration from the ceramic block Kaiman30 kerama, in all the characteristics of superior gas-silicate block D500. will be less costly; savings will be 114 052 ruble.

Calculation in numbers you can see at the end of this answer.

1. Strength.

The strength of wall materials is determined by the limit pressure of the distributed load on the test sample and is characterized by the number of kilograms of forces (kgf) applied to one square centimeter of the material.

So ceramic block Cayman30.it has a brand of strength M75, which means that one square centimeter is able to withstand the load of 75 kg.

The value of the grade of the strength of the gas-silicate block with a density of 500 kg / m 3, in different manufacturers, ranges from M35 to M50. As a result, according to the instructions of producing gas silicate blocks, each third row of masonry should be reinforced as shown in the photo below.

Ceramic block laying Kaiman 30. Ruined only at the corners of the building, on the meter in each direction. For reinforcement, a basaltoplastic grid is used, laid in masonry seam. The time-consuming sticking and subsequent shelter of the reinforcement in the glue is not required.

The masonry solution when installing ceramic blocks is applied only horizontal seam laying. The mason delivers a solution at once to one and a half or two meters of masonry and makes each next block on a groove-crest. The laying is done very quickly.

When installing gas-silicate blocks, the solution must be applied to the side surface of the blocks. Obviously, the speed and complexity of masonry with this method of installation will only increase.

Also for professional masonry is not difficult to saw ceramic blocks. For this purpose, a saber saw is used, with the help of the same saws, gas-silicate blocks are collected. In each row of the wall you need to stack only one block.

2. The ability of the constructs under consideration to resist heat transfer, i.e. In winter, keep warm in the house, in summer coolness.

Below is a heat engineering calculation, made according to the method described in the SNIP "Thermal Protection of Buildings".As well as the economic rationale for the use of the Kaiman30 ceramic unit when comparing the costs of building the house under consideration from gas silicate blocks.

To begin with, we define the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Dmitrov, as well as the thermal resistance to the designs under consideration.

The ability of the design is to maintain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as thermal design resistance ( R, M. 2 * C / W).

We define the degree and day of the heating period, ° C ∙ day / year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings") for the city Dmitrov.

HSOP \u003d (T B - T from) Z from,

t. in - the estimated temperature of the inner air of the building, ° C, received when calculating the enclosing structures of groups of buildings specified in Table 3 (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings"): Pos. 1 - by minimal values \u200b\u200bof the optimal temperature of the corresponding buildings according to GOST 30494 (in the interval 20 - 22 ° C);
t. from - average outdoor temperature, ° C in the cold period, for Dmitrovvalue -3,1 ° C;
z OT. - Duration, day / year, heating period, received in the form of rules for a period with the average daily air temperature of no more than 8 ° C, for the city Dmitrovvalue 216 days.

HSOP \u003d (20- (-3.1)) * 216 \u003d 4 989.6 ° C * SUT.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings Determine by the formula (SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings)

R Tr 0 \u003d a * HSOP + B

R Tr 0 - required thermal resistance;
a and B.- coefficients whose meanings should be taken according to Table No. 3 SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings" for the relevant groups of buildings for residential buildings but It should be taken equal to 0.00035, value b. - 1,4

R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 4 989,6 + 1,4 \u003d 3,1464 m 2 * C / W

The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the design under consideration:

R 0 \u003d Σ Δ n. n. + 0,158

Σ - symbol of summation of the layers for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material of the layer under the condition of operational humidity;
n. - layer number (for multi-layered structures);
0.158 - correction coefficient that can be taken to simplify as a constant.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R R 0 \u003d R 0 x R

r. - The coefficient of thermal uniformity of structures having inhomogeneous areas (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, focus, etc.)

According to Standard STO 00044807-001-2006 Tasch No. 8 The value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r. for masonry from large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and gas-silicate blocks should be taken equal 0,98 .

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. we recommend leading with the use of a warm masonry solution (heterogeneity at the joints is significantly protected by this;
  2. we use non-metallic, but basaltoplastic bonds as bonding walls and facial masonry, which are literally 100 times less heat than steel bonds (the heterogeneity of the heat-conducting inclusions generated by thermal conductivity) are significantly disturbed;
  3. the slopes of window and doorways, according to our project documentation, are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which levels inhomogeneity in the places of window and doorways, the fabrics).
From which it is possible to conclude - when performing the prescriptions of our working documentation, the coefficient of masonry is striving for unity. But in the calculation of the above thermal resistance R. r. 0 We will still use a table value of 0.98.

R R 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 Required.

Determine the mode of operation of the building in order to understand what coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a.or λ B. Take when calculating conditional thermal resistance.

The method of determining the operating mode is described in detail in Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings" . Based on the specified regulatory document, perform step-by-step instructions.

1st step. We define Z.oNU Moisture of the Development Region - Dmitrov Using the Appendix in Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings".

According to the table city Dmitrovlocated in Zone 2 (Normal Climate). Take the value of 2 - normal climate.

2nd step. Table No. 1 Snip "Thermal Protection of Buildings" Define the humidity regime into the room.

At the same time, I pay attention to the heating season, the humidity of the air into the room drops to 15-20%. In the heating period, air humidity must be lifted at least up to 35-40%. Comfortable for a person is considered humidity 40-50%.
In order to raise the level of humidity, it is necessary to air the room, you can use air humidifiers, help the aquarium installation will help.

According to Table 1, humidity regime into the room in the heating period at air temperature from 12 to 24 degrees and relative humidity up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. Table # 2 SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" determine the conditions of operation.

To do this, we find the crossing of the row with the value of the humidity regime into the room, in our case - is dry, with a moisture column for the city Dmitrovhow it was clarified earlier - this value normal.

According to the method of SNiP "Thermal Protection of Buildings" in the calculation of the conditional thermal resistance ( R 0) It should be applied when operating conditions BUT. It is necessary to use the thermal conductivity coefficient λ a..

Buy, and better to build your own house every person dreams. And if dreams reach the implementation, then in priority often 2 storey house. After all, a large land plot is needed for the construction of one-story design, and it is not all of all. That is why to increase residential space and saving the free territory of the courtyard build two-storey houses.

A two-storey house and in the development process, and during operation it will be not so expensive as the mansion in the three floors and above. At the same time, it looks solid than one-story chalet or bungalow, besides, confirms the status of the owners. And most importantly, any planning of houses and cottages with two floors is possible.

Two-storey house of 158 m²

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house in two floors is quite enough to implement the most courageous ideas. And this is far from the only advantage of modern, cozy and comfortable two-storey country houses.

The advantages of two-storey houses

The construction of a comfortable two-story house today is not so expensive as the majority of consumers believe. Of course, this choice will no longer be cheaper than one-story building, but it is worth it. You can choose already ready project Houses 2 floors with a layout or make an individual. Professional architects and designers will be happy to help you embody dreams about a country two-story house in reality, will offer topical and corresponding to your decision budget.

The main advantages of a suburban two-story house:

    Rational use of land. If you got a very small land put on the city, or beyond it, naturally, you want to equip it with the maximum benefit to work each square meter. Why occupy a valuable useful area of \u200b\u200bsquat one-storey house? It is better to distribute the same rooms on two floors, and on the plot to equip the garden and the recreation area with a gazebo and mangal.

    High level of comfort. Two floors make it very clearly zoning the rooms in which they sleep and rest, from the so-called common and working rooms. Traditionally, bedrooms and cabinets are located on the second floor, and the living room, dining room, kitchen, game - on the first. Thus, in one house will be able to live a few generations of families with different rosters of the day and interests.

    Reliable and simple design. Some decide to save on the project of a two-storey house and are looking for an alternative with an attic. In fact, this is not at all cheaper, and sometimes even more expensive. After all, it is possible to correctly design and build structures from the bevelled roof, competently suspend all the communications on the attic, insulate it, make it comfortable and safe for living in reality much more stuffing than to do all the same work when designing a house in full-fledged two floors. If you need additional useful meters of housing, it makes sense to immediately choose a two-storey house, and not building with the attic.

So, beautiful two-story houses are the perfect balance between the useful area and the cost of creating a project and construction, aesthetics and comfort, the necessary personal space for each family members, but without excesses. Provide such characteristics is quite possible - if the project is developed by specialists who are well aware of all the intricacies of the building process.

Plan a large two-story house with an open terrace

Features of the design and construction of two-storey cottages

There are several nuances that should be taken into account when drawing up a house project in two floors.

Planning. Standard on the first floor there is a garage, kitchen, living room, pantry, guest bathroom. On the second floor there are bedrooms, bathrooms for the family. Often additionally furnish basements and attic rooms. They usually make saunas, game rooms or gyms. But if the typical layout does not fit you, and you want to retreat from standard solutions, the finished project can be converted or making a new one.

Stairs. In fact, the design of stairs is also included in the previous item. But the moment is so extensive and significant that it is worth considering it separately. Stairs are one of the main shortcomings of two-storey houses. First, they take the useful area. Secondly, this is a separate graph of expenses for design, materials and construction works. Thirdly, the staircase is unsafe, if small children, the elderly people, disabled people will be accommodated in the house - it needs to be considered at the stage of choosing a two-story house. But it is impossible to abandon the staircase. With a competent approach, the staircase will successfully cope with its tasks without any threat to the tenants of the two-storey house. And it will become a highlight of the interior, if it is beautifully embedded in accordance with the general style of the house.

Comfortable and safe staircase on the second floor

Foundation. On the one hand, the foundation area will be less than when erecting one-story building. But on the other hand, it should be more durable and reliable to withstand the supporting overlaps of the two floors. It is important not only to correctly pick up the type of foundation, its design. The type of soil, relief of the site, climatic conditions and the amount of precipitation are also taken into account, and many more small details at first glance. However, if they ignore them, the house at best will surely serve no more than five years, and at worst - its operation will be completed by the disaster.

Reinforced Belt Type Foundation for Double-Build House

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

All these nuances should be taken into account already at the stage of designing the future house of their dreams. Of course, a person, far from engineering, architecture and construction, independently will not cope with this task - only professionals should be engaged.

Tip: If you decide to build a house in two floors among the village of one-story building, it makes sense to ask in urban planning bodies, whether it is allowed. Not always the whole thing only in the financial issue. Perhaps your neighbors did not add the floors to their home at all because they do not have money for it, but because of the inappropriate soil or on other no less good reasons.

What to build a two-story house

Construction materials for the construction of houses There are many, the choice depends on a number of factors: financial capabilities, features of the design of the future home, the climatic conditions of the region, finally, the architectural style of the house. Modern developers use such types of building materials for two-storey houses:

In the typical development prevail inexpensive frame houses. But in principle it is difficult to find a project in which only one type of material would be used. It is usually combined by several for the basement, external walls, internal floors, attic and basement rooms.

Tip: The easier the material for the walls and roofs, the less the load on the foundation will be. This is a very important point, thanks to which you can optimize the design and layout of the residential building, as well as significantly reduce the cost of materials and work.

Video Description

See an example of planning and designing a two-storey building on video:

Optimal dimensions of a two-storey house

What size should be the perfect two-storey house - the question is ambiguous. For a family of four, all his life lived in one-room apartment, House 80 square meters. m. It will seem like a sorry. And someone will have to be crowded at 180 square meters. And nevertheless you can find the "Golden Mid" - the optimal area for a family of four-six people - 140-160 square meters. m. In such a house, you can comfortably equip a large living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and three bedrooms - without taking into account balconies and auxiliary economic premises.

An example of a planning of a two-storey house with an area of \u200b\u200b223 m²

The layout of the first floor

In the photo below, one of the most successful and interesting projects of the first floor for the residential house of the midline. There is a garage, utility room, stairs, guest bathroom. The living area is a living-studio with cooking zones and meals. The living room has access to the terrace.

The photo below the classic layout option, on the ground floor there are kitchen and living room, utility rooms and a garage for one car, one bedroom for guests. The living room has access to the veranda.

Another example of the first floor layout of a small two-storey house

Planning the location of the rooms on the first floor you can, most importantly, that your ideas do not contradict the safety rules for the design of houses.

Video Description

An example of designing and planning a luxury two-story cottage Look at the video:

Layout of the second floor

The option of thoughtful, reliable and convenient planning of premises on the second floor in the photo below. There is one large bedroom, two rooms for children's or guest bedrooms, a large bathroom and a terrace.

Another successful example of the layout of the second floor, where there are three bedrooms of various sizes, a large bathroom and a spacious hall. The largest bedroom has access to the balcony.

Two-storey houses: Photo Examples of successful buildings

Modern two-storey house in minimalist style with 3 bedrooms, balconies and a garage for two cars, an area of \u200b\u200b190 m²

Small cottage in modern style for three bedrooms with garage, area - 205 m²

Two-storey European-style mansion with combined facade, area - 140 m²

Compact brick house in two floors in minimalist style, area - 113 m²

Two-storey house in Scandinavian style with a flat roof, area - 126 m²

Modern futuristic style house with a garage for two cars and two living rooms

Two-storey house in classic style, area - 203 m²

House in two floors for a narrow section of energy saving design, area - 126 m²

Mansion in two floors in neo-colonial style with panoramic window, area - 174 m²

Spacious Modern House with Garage, Large Living Room and Cabinet, Area - 197 m²


The two-storey house, to moderate, spacious and comfortable is the golden mean in matters of dimensions and ergonomics, the useful area and accommodation of residential and work premises. If you are looking into the future and want to build a reliable, durable and beautiful house, in which not only your children, but also grandchildren will be coming, choose the most successful projects of two-storey houses and trust the construction of professionals.

Various planning - residential, and designed for summer holidays, take more than half of our catalog. Among 1,700 ready-made architectural solutions are all building materials: timber, brick, gas blocks, frame and monolithic concrete.

Features of the modern terrace

It is hard to imagine country cottage Without open, or partially closed platform in fresh rest. This is a favorite place to stay, and receiving guests. Initially, it was a construction in the form of a wooden flooring on a low support, towering over the ground by 15-45 cm. Sometimes it was fencing with railings, the removable awning was protected, protection from the sun and rain. It was usually located in the shady garden, or on the beach at the water.

Projects of modern houses with a terrace are distinguished by a large variety - it is embedded in the general architectural ensemble along with a balcony, erker and other elements (No. 40-09L). Its main difference from the veranda is that the site is shut-off on an additional basis, and does not have a strong connection with the main foundation.

  1. Projects of houses from foam blocks (aerated concrete) with terrace and basement. Inexpensive material is gaining popularity every day, and we offer more than 700 ready-made options For economical construction.
  • № 57-75 (218 m2) - The building of a relatively small area has a attached garage and attic;
  • No. 58-43 is a classic embodiment with a closed veranda and two inputs.
  1. Modern 2-level frame cottage with terrace on the first floor - No. 70-26 (175 m2). A very popular solution is implemented here: so as not to close the platform for a temporary awning, it is located under a balcony or loggia.
  2. The project of the terrace with the brazier, built separately from the cottage (gardening, country house) - No. 70-37. The construction is delivered near the reservoir as a barbecue area, and is almost a gazebo - part of the structure is closed with glass walls.

Our bureau offers not just a sketch option, but a fully developed documentation kit for construction. In any one, you can make changes at the request of the client, to adapt it to another building material, add the necessary elements. At the same time, the architect takes into account the features of the relief of the site, the quality of soils, the predominant direction of the winds.

Beautiful projects of houses with terrace: Catalog, photo

Projects of houses with a terrace in 2018 become the most popular. This directory partition contains best projects Houses with terrace. They are distinguished by practical and cozy planning of houses with terraces, solutions that will allow building a house with a terrace economically, within the budget.

The planning of projects of houses with a terrace is traditional - access to the terrace is located in the living room, but it is possible to accommodate the terrace and near other rooms.

Plans for projects of houses with a terrace: What is the purpose of the terrace?

  • The device of the open terrace will give an unlimited space and is suitable for a private cottage of any type. The excellent level of lighting of the adjacent premises of the house with the terrace will appeal to lovers of the sun. But the absence of a canopy will deliver its use dependent on the weather.
  • The author's and typical project of a country house with a terrace of indoor type is convenient for practically year-round operation. Sheds protect the terrace from the scorching sun and shower. You can turn such a platform into an original veranda or a cozy corner with a balustrade installation and a device for fences.

Architectural projects of houses with closed construction terraces are characterized by the shading of the room adjacent to it. If two-storey or single-storey buildings with a terrace (photo, schemes, sketching projects, video can be viewed in this section of the directory) will be too shaded, you can envisage the installation of a partial canopy.

Planning houses with terrace relative to the parties

New two-storey or single-storey residential building with terrace orientedon the south, Give the maximum of light and heat in the next rooms with a terrace. But in order for it to become comfortable, a removable canopy should be envisaged, which will reduce the number of sun rays in the summer heat.

House plans with terrace emerging in the west of, a good option For those who plan to use it in the afternoon. The sunshine will illuminate it even with a closed design, which is able to protect the space from strong Western winds.

The project of one-story house with a terrace or two-story private cottage (sketches, the drawings of some of them are posted on the site), the terrace of which is oriented to the East, Protection from the scorching sun after dinner and fresh breakfasts in the morning rays.

Northern terrace Create a pleasant scattered light and is best suited as a "room" for drawing or classes with children. Therefore, it is important to make it open and overlooking a well-lit garden.

Our houses are mainly equipped with one or more terraces. We offer customers an individual design of houses with a terrace at average market prices. If the terrace is supposed to be open, then it is possible to abandon its construction without changing the project, which will reduce the cost of construction of turnkey and in general will reduce the estimates of the developer's expenses.

Our project documentation contains the necessary assemblies for the construction of the terrace. You can make a monolithic terrace of any area and shape, which is why we do not specify the volume of materials for the terrace.

We wish you choose the most suitable project of the house with a terrace. Barbecue with friends or secluded rest on it Let bring true pleasure!

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