
000 13 5200 monthly savings. How to save money correctly even with modest incomes in the family? Reducing other expenses


Unfortunately, a small income is not uncommon in our time, and people with a small income have to deny themselves a lot in order to “make ends meet”. However, there are many ways for one person or the whole family to save money with a small salary through reasonable savings and cost optimization. Surprisingly, by starting to manage your money properly, you can live a fulfilling life, and not sit starving while waiting for your next paycheck.

How to learn to save money with a small salary

It may seem efficient to live on a low income (much less save money) a small amount) is possible only if there is additional income. This is effective and suitable advice in many cases, but for our situation, it is not entirely suitable, because it focuses on increasing income levels. We are interested in how to save money with the current small salary, and we will consider options for how to properly manage finances when there are very few of them.

It is important to note that the concept of "accumulation", as a rule, implies some specific goal, which gives meaning to the process itself and is an additional incentive. It is unlikely that someone saves money “just like that” (especially with a small salary), and the purpose of accumulation can be:

  • the purchase of a particular product (for example, fashionable clothes);
  • buying a ticket to the resort;
  • creation of a reserve fund "for a rainy day".

In any of these cases, we are talking about allocating a certain amount for accumulation from a limited family budget, but at the same time, without denying yourself the most necessary. There are a few proven ways that it makes sense to look at in more detail, but the main thing you need to understand are two basic principles:

  • you can learn to save (and save a certain amount) even with a small salary;
  • You can start saving at any time, but the best thing is right now.

Budget planning

As a rule, the family micro-economy consists of the following mandatory expenses, which may vary slightly depending on the specific situation:

  • rent and utility services;
  • purchase of food;
  • travel by transport, lunch at work (this item belongs to the category of mandatory because without it it is impossible to perform work duties and receive a salary).

Knowing exactly how much you spend on these areas, you will be much more careful with the remaining amount. For example, in a family of two, with a monthly financial income of 30,000 rubles, about 17 thousand is the “mandatory part”. These expenses are made at different times, so the total amount is not always clear, but if, armed with a calculator, you put everything together, it becomes clear that they have 13,000 rubles left for everything else (new clothes, entertainment, etc.). To make this part of the family budget bigger, you need to find a way to reduce basic expenses.

Accounting for income and expenses

The desire to save on some expenses is based on a detailed knowledge of what exactly your money is spent on. If you are thinking about how to learn how to save money with modest income, then you need to make it a rule to record all your expenses daily, literally - to the penny. It is very convenient to do this using a spreadsheet editor, where there is a convenient autosum function. Similarly, cash receipts are entered into the family ledger - the amounts that spouses earn.

Refusal of loans and life in debt

One of the effective options for saving money with a small salary is not to get into debt (except in the most exceptional cases). This also includes the rule not to take loans - in addition to the fact that receiving bank loan will give a momentary solution to financial difficulties, long-term payments with a low level of income can be very problematic.

saving money

Spontaneous acquisitions and unnecessary purchases can be the main source of extra expenses for your wallet. Is it impossible to do without a rocking chair bought on sale (6,000 rubles) or a new miracle blender (another 2,300 rubles)? But if the savings from avoiding large purchases is well controlled by most people, then small daily expenses are more intrusive. A cup of espresso at lunch has already become a tradition, but if you calculate how much money you will have, if you give up this habit, then no other arguments are required.

How to save on utility bills

Payment for utility bills belongs to the category of monthly expenses, so even a small savings over the year turns into a decent amount. If you don’t know how you can save money with a small salary, take a close look at the houses around you: electricity, hot and cold water, uninsulated windows - all this can be a source of savings when the right application efforts.

Energy Saving Technologies

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to saving electricity is special light bulbs with reduced energy consumption. In terms of light output, they are five times superior to incandescent lamps, and consuming only 20 watts, they will give as much light as ordinary 100-watt ones. The cost of an energy-saving lamp is 10-15 times higher than that of a conventional one, but such a purchase can be called a promising investment. They don't have as short a lifespan as incandescent bulbs (up to 15 times longer), so this purchase will quickly pay for itself and start contributing to the savings.

When choosing a washing machine (and other household appliances), pay attention to the energy saving level of the model. Class "A" is the most economical, so choose these options. Try not to let the appliances in the house run idle - do not heat a full kettle, but only as much water as you need, and start the washing machine only with a full tank.

Reduced water consumption

Buyers are offered a good selection of plumbing for careful water consumption, which makes it possible to save a decent amount on utility bills. For example, special water-saving nozzles can automatically turn off the tap after 5-30 seconds or “by default” pour only cold water. More modern models saturate the water jet with air, reducing the flow rate from 14 to 5 l / min. Another way to really save water is with a washing machine. Read the instructions carefully - proper operation, taking into account the weight of the laundry, will ultimately save more than one cubic meter of water.

Insulation of a dwelling

Warm windows and doors in the apartment will add comfort to you in winter, and if you use electric heaters or autonomous heating, they will great way savings. Warming the room will require extra expenses (and maybe even replacing windows or doors), but this is also a necessary investment, which over time will begin to bring benefits.

How to save money with a small salary on food

Although nutrition is one of the main needs of any person, there are also many secrets here that help save your budget:

  • Get in the habit of spending cash in stores - this way you will avoid unnecessary expenses more likely than when using a card.
  • If possible, try to buy products in bulk - a bag of cereal or sugar (especially with free shipping) will be much cheaper.
  • Make a shopping list before visiting the store, and make purchases in strict accordance with it.

Saving money on necessary purchases - promotions and discounts

Although promotions and discounts are often a "lure", in many cases if there is a reasonable attitude and tight control, they will make a good contribution to solving the problem of how to save money with a small salary. Many large stores have branded discount cards that will help you buy goods cheaper and collect promotional points. If we are talking about regular purchases (for example, products), then the savings can be very tangible.

Is it possible to save money with a small salary

As you can see, by rationally managing your own spending, you gain greater financial freedom and can afford savings. Money regardless of the method of earning and its small size. You already have an idea of ​​how to save money even with a small salary, and you may well use these useful tricks in life.

Cash reserve for a rainy day

When you manage to set aside a certain amount from the next salary, it is best to keep these funds in a bank deposit. In addition to the fact that this will be an obstacle against the unnecessary temptation to spend them, the interest on the deposit will eventually provide an opportunity to receive additional income. Although you won’t save up to buy an apartment, you will have a good “airbag” for an unforeseen event.

Free money for entertainment

The practice of saving money, although it implies a stricter way to manage the available finances, does not completely exclude the cost of leisure. Another thing is that you will have to reconsider the priorities and views on spending free time - for example, go to the cinema once a month, and not every weekend and not buy popcorn there.

How to start saving

Any serious business, especially such as saving money with a small salary, implies a certain sequence of actions that must be followed if you want to achieve the desired result. The starting point will be the formulation of the problem (a small income in the family), and a conscious desire to save a certain amount.

Setting the right goals

Although any accumulation initially implies a specific goal (for a sheepskin coat, for vacation, etc.), it will be most useful to save money “for a rainy day”, and distribute part of the funds received to this “fund” every month. Strategically, this is very true, because the complete lack of funds in a period of lack of money will be very critical, while it is quite possible to live without a sheepskin coat.

Analysis of expenses for the previous month

Clearly fixing what money is spent on from the family budget, you should have a summary list of expenses at the end of the month. It remains to take a pencil and calculate how much is spent on food and other primary needs, and where you can reduce spending to minimum dimensions to put a few hundred more in the family pod.

Constraint on non-essential needs

Are you racking your brains on how to save money for a woman with a small salary? If you look objectively, many expenses that are made during the month are not an urgent need and can be reduced without much discomfort. This is an effective tool, especially since cheaper (or free) analogues can be found for many needs - for example, a subscription to a fitness center can be replaced with a morning jog and exercise on the sports ground.

How to save money in the family - table

As an example of budgeting and the possibility of saving, a young family is taken for consideration, where the husband works as a research assistant, and the wife is studying in her last year at the Faculty of Economics. The husband's royalties for publications (several times a year), as well as the help of the wife's parents (there were none in the month under review) can be considered additional family income.

After getting acquainted with the basics of cost optimization, this family decided to set aside 2,000 rubles a month for a deposit, in addition, try to save as much as possible on fixed and variable expenses. By installing energy-saving lamps, they have reduced energy consumption in the apartment, so they pay less than six months ago. An amount from the budget is allocated monthly for the purchase of clothes, and placed in a separate savings envelope in order to collect money for 2-3 months required purchase. In general, the budget of their family for a single month is presented in the table:

According to the plan, rubles

In fact, rubles

Income, rubles

How to learn how to save money with a small salary? How to save money in the family and calculate the family budget? Is it worth saving on food, groceries and electricity?

Hello dear friends! With you Denis Kuderin.

Each of us strives to live better and for almost any person (family) sooner or later the question of saving money arises. After all, money must not only be earned, but also properly distributed. It is a fact.

Today I will share my practical experience and tell you what methods of saving money I use myself and what needs to be done so that your expenses do not create financial problems for you.

Using my techniques and techniques described in the article, you can actually save up to 50% of your funds.

So, let's begin!

1. Saving the family budget is an important financial habit

The first thing to be well understood is that saving does not mean lowering the standard of living. This is smart optimization. own budget. It is quite possible that a smarter approach to finances will even improve your standard of living, as spending on bad habits and equally harmful products will be reduced.

Small but regular unnecessary expenses gradually grow into large sums, and holes appear in the family or personal budget that cannot be patched. Saving money wisely is an art: it takes perseverance and patience to master it. But having learned how to save money, you will learn not only to avoid unnecessary expenses, but also to make profitable financial investments.

Saving does not mean living in poverty, eating poorly and denying yourself everything. Such savings will do more harm than good.

In this article, we will talk about a completely different economy - about the reasonable distribution of your budget, which will allow you not only to avoid unnecessary expenses, but also to start accumulating money.

By the way, having a goal is a great motivating factor.

The main thing is to understand how to start saving money, and then the right attitude to financial spending will become a kind of habit.

The transition to reasonable savings is carried out in stages:

  • First you need to divide all expenses into necessary and unnecessary;
  • Then, the mode of using paid resources (electricity, water, communications) should be reviewed;
  • Further - optimization of the diet and spending on food;
  • Another necessary step is to set aside a certain percentage of the saved finances: it is better if the money does not lie idle, but works.

Even if you manage to set aside only 10-20% of your monthly budget, this will allow you to create impressive savings in 6-12 months. I repeat once again that saving money should not be perceived as a forced period of self-restraint. A reasonable attitude to finances is an opportunity to change your life for the better.

2. Is it worth saving on food, groceries and electricity

Saving on food and energy does not mean living hand to mouth, sitting in the dark in the evenings and walking to work. Optimization involves the elimination of unnecessary spending; while all important and necessary expenses remain. A reasonable approach to nutrition will be discussed in a separate section. Proper use of electricity is all the more important with a constant increase in energy tariffs.

And remember that it is not the poor who save, but the smart!

How to save on electricity

Experts advise following these 5 simple rules:

  1. Competent useelectrical appliances. For example, phone and tablet chargers that are plugged into a power outlet continue to consume power even when the gadgets are not connected. The same applies to various household equipment - TVs, music speakers.
  2. Usage right size cookware for electric stoves. Electric stoves will use less energy if you use cookware that exactly fits the size of the burner: in this case, the stove will not heat the air in the kitchen in vain, which means that the heating efficiency of the dish will increase.
  3. Smart refrigeration. The refrigerator should be located as far away from the stove as possible, so it will consume less electricity.
  4. When you turn on the washing machine, follow the load rate of the laundry - an excess amount (as well as an incomplete load) leads to an overrun of electricity by 10-15%.
  5. Turning off electrical appliances at night. It is better to turn off most electrical appliances from the network at night, as well as during your absence during the day.

When purchasing household appliances, follow the energy class. Devices with low power consumption are usually more expensive, but the difference quickly pays off due to further savings in operation.

Turning off the lights after you leave the room is a good habit, but not for everyone. The purchase of infrared sensors will save on electricity without unnecessary movements.

Ordinary light bulbs should be replaced with energy-saving ones. Consider area lighting as well: bedside lamps in the bedroom are much more economical than three-arm chandeliers. And you can also buy a thermos, which will eliminate the need to heat water in an electric kettle several times a day.

3. How to save and save money - 10 proven ways

There are proven ways that will allow you to save money even with a small salary. Many of them I use myself and recommend to my friends and acquaintances.

Method 1. Set financial priorities

A rational approach to spending is the basis of reasonable savings. Family budget management is a kind of management that works exclusively for you. You must understand that your financial well-being depends on the correct use of the funds at your disposal.

Money can be spent with benefit and without it. But how to determine how much spending is useful? Let's try to figure this out.

Spending, first of all, depends on the lifestyle that we lead. How younger man the more temptations he has. Lack of experience leads to a large number of mistakes, including financial ones. Young people often buy things that they absolutely do not need - simply succumbing to the influence of advertising, fashion, the advice of friends.

Make a list of necessary expenses and those that are not vital. Perhaps some items from the list of expenses can be crossed out.

Urgent expenses are the cost of food, rent, loans (if any). Less urgent - investments in knowledge, savings, funds for family vacations.

Not at all urgent - buying fashionable clothes, going to restaurants, entertainment, buying home goods, new model gadgets, other purchases that can be postponed or not made at all.

The last category is the one with which you need to work first. It is important to understand what our defining goals and life values ​​are. If fashionable clothes are more important to you than education and investment in the future, then the amount of unwise spending is unlikely to decrease. The same goes for visiting restaurants, expensive cafes and entertainment venues.

It is also important where the saved money goes. The most expedient option is to invest in assets that in the future will allow you to have and receive profit without being directly involved in the work process.

Method 2. Use the rule "Pay yourself first!"

The principle of "pay yourself first" means that from any financial income, you must first set aside a certain percentage in order to further invest these funds in your own business or, in extreme cases, set aside. It does not have to be a personal business in the truest sense of the word. It can be securities, construction, any other projects that can generate income in the future.

It works if you pay yourself consistently, no matter the circumstances. No matter how much you want to spend this amount for other purposes, this cannot be done until the main task is completed. Investing in financial instruments- the most rational way to manage money, since money should work, and not lie idle.

And how to invest correctly and has already been written earlier.

Strict adherence to the “pay yourself first” rule eliminates the thought of where to get the money to create passive income. Profitable investments will slowly but surely increase the well-being of your family, even if you invest only 10% of your available income in profitable projects.

By the way, about 20% of millionaires in the West, understood, precisely because of this rule.

Start paying yourself right now: save from the first income 10% and for the time being, forget about them. Let these 10% become the first brick from which the building of your financial independence will be built in the future.

Method 3. We keep records of income and expenses

The need to account for income and expenses is emphasized by all people who run successful financial affairs. Such reporting (documentation) will allow you to track the items of the greatest expenses in the family budget and optimize them.

For example, if you find that going to a coffee shop is eating up unacceptable amounts of money every month, you can cut this article down or eliminate it entirely. Visibility is a great power. Accurate spending figures are much more persuasive than abstract knowledge.

Be sure to know all your financial indicators.

As Anthony Robbins, world-famous speaker and coach in the field of personal success, says: “What cannot be measured cannot be managed.”

Consider not only expenses, but also income, especially if you live not only on a salary, but have additional sources of money. If there are several income items, accounting will allow you to find the most profitable of them and properly dispose of this information.

The development of information technology has made the process of accounting for income and expenses a very convenient and effective measure: special applications will save you from having to draw up tables yourself and fill them out by hand. Visual monitoring of your own spending cash receipts is a real way to improve your financial literacy.

Expert research shows that 90-95% Russians spend their money almost completely by the time they receive their next salary. By the way, this indicator does not depend on the level of income. Raise financial literacy will change this situation in the most radical way.

Method 4. Make a shopping list before going to the store

Making a list will allow you to avoid unplanned spending in the form of impulsive purchases. Marketers in supermarkets and boutiques know 1000 and 1 ways to get you to buy a product that you absolutely do not need. By compiling a list, you will be reliably insured against such acquisitions.

Another way to avoid unnecessary spending is to take exactly as much money as you need for purchases, and no more.

You should go to the shops full: a hungry person's brain works differently.

There are modern mobile apps that will allow you to avoid making lists by hand. Smart shopping services save time and money at the same time. If you have a clear and precise plan of purchases, you will not forget anything, and a visit to the store will not take much time.

Experts also advise not to make any purchases on payday. From a psychological point of view, on such a day a person evaluates his financial condition biased - considers himself richer than he is.

Experts in the field of finance advise paying exclusively in cash: use plastic cards although convenient, it is not economically viable. A person does not perceive virtual finance as full-fledged money and spends it more easily. But parting with real money is much more difficult.

Method 5. We find similar products or the same quality for a lower price

Each product has a cheaper counterpart. Those who know this truth save a significant amount of money every day. First, learn to avoid the most obvious marketing tricks.

  • The most expensive product in supermarkets is always located at eye level. On the lower shelves you can find similar products that are much cheaper;
  • Having decided to purchase household appliances, do not be too lazy to spend time searching for the best price for goods through Internet resources. In addition, some stores often have profitable promotions that you can take advantage of;
  • Never shop without first comparing prices. Try to find a similar or the same product cheaper. Often prices in neighboring stores for the same things can differ by 10% -30%;
  • Shopping (equipment, clothes, phones) via the Internet is becoming more and more profitable - besides, this saves customers from wasting time and money on a trip to stores.

The “analogues” rule applies not only to products, but also to any other goods, for example, medicines. Often, expensive imported medicines have cheap domestic counterparts, which are called differently, but have exactly the same medicinal properties.

Method 6. We eat inexpensively and healthy

I must say right away that we are not talking about a regime of forced starvation. Oddly enough, but the transition to a healthy diet does not mean an increase in costs. On the contrary, they can even be reduced by starting recovery through nutrition.

Proper food doesn't have to be expensive. The price is affected not only by the quality of the products, but also by the packaging, brand popularity, and the manufacturer's marketing policy.

Often tasty and healthy food (eg, dietary meat, nutritious cereals, legumes, dairy products) is much cheaper than advertised "fast food" (chips, hot dogs, cakes and soda).

There are other options for how to save on food by optimizing your diet:

  • buy food in bulk: this is usually cheaper than buying packaged food;
  • when purchasing products on the market, bargain;
  • it is better to visit the market in the evening, when sellers can seriously drop the price;
  • it is better to buy meat not in the form of semi-finished products, but fresh and in large quantities: this way you will get a product not only for second courses, but also for first courses;
  • if you have lunch at work, take lunch with you;
  • remember about seasonality - vegetables and fruits purchased in season are much cheaper (and healthier) than imported counterparts;
  • the first dishes are cheaper and often more useful than the second ones;
  • it is better to draw up a menu immediately a week in advance: this will help to purchase only the necessary products;
  • the number of calories consumed should correspond to energy expenditure;
  • some categories of products are better to buy in bulk in hypermarkets: a bag of cereals, sugar, flour is much cheaper than packaged options.

By eating right and healthy, you will not only save money, but also improve your health. All therapeutic diets insist on the exclusion from the menu of "junk food" - soda, chips, crackers and sweets.

By rethinking the diet, you can save from 10 to 50% family budget.

For example, if instead of going to a cafe, you learn how to cook at home, this will allow you to create solid savings in a few months. In addition, homemade food made from natural healthy ingredients is much tastier and healthier than products from catering establishments. Even semi-finished products like dumplings and dumplings are much more profitable to cook at home, while freezing products for a long time.

Speaking of freezing. You can freeze not only dumplings, but also vegetables. Thus, you will get a tasty and nutritious product at a lower price.

You can freeze almost any vegetables - carrots, peppers, herbs, tomatoes. This food in the winter will be much healthier than canned vegetables or plant products grown in an unknown way in greenhouses.

For many people, food costs account for the majority of family financial expenses: it is from this point that you should start optimizing costs.

Living to eat is a fundamentally wrong position, which will sooner or later affect your health. And vice versa - rational nutrition will make healthier not only your body, but also your spirit!

Method 7. Eliminate "bad habits"

We talked about bad eating habits, now let's move on to things that are even more detrimental to health, on which a significant part of the population spends considerable financial resources.

Hundreds of articles and books have been written about the dangers of smoking. The harmful effects of cigarettes on health have long been known. But for some reason, far fewer people talk about the dangers of smoking for the consumer's wallet.

Savings on cigarettes, or rather, on their absence, are considerable monthly and even more significant annual profits. Personally, I got rid of smoking a couple of years ago, and since then I have never regretted it. According to the most conservative estimates, my annual income after that increased by 22,000 rubles.

Now about alcohol. There are people who cannot imagine rest and relaxation without alcohol. I myself have a friend who drinks 2-3 bottles of beer after work, while receiving quite an average salary.

It is easy to calculate how much this habit costs him every month. average price for beer in 60-70 rubles for 0.5 l. Having given up beer, you can save up for a new laptop in a year or launch your own profitable website and start making money on it.

Method 8. Optimize loan payments

Credit, although loosely called "credit", is essentially a debt that must be repaid.

Having such a debt is unnerving at first, then it becomes a habit. Many people do not even suspect that they can optimize their loan payments and pay much less.

Here is the easiest and most obvious way to reduce payments: take a new, more profitable loan and pay off the old one. Undoubtedly, financial operations of this kind require preliminary and repeated verification.

If you take out a loan, then try to take it for as long as possible so that your monthly payment was minimal. Don't be afraid of a big final overpayment.

After all, most problems with repayment of loans begin when the monthly financial burden is too high. For example, taking 100,000 rubles from the bank, it is better to give 2500 rubles per month for 5 years than 10,000 - 12,000 rubles trying to get it back in a year.

By the way, before taking a loan from a bank, it is also necessary to carry out preliminary comparative work. It is foolish to take a loan without examining the terms of repayment of the debt. Some banks are successful with customers only because they have more costly and competent advertising. Meanwhile, the conditions for loans in such institutions can be absolutely predatory.

If you still need third-party financial assistance, then read the article about that, "" and do it according to all the recommendations given in it.

Method 9. Get rid of the "money eaters"

Money eaters can be not only bad habits, but also quite harmless things - for example, unprofitable tariffs for mobile communications and the Internet.

Sometimes a person connects a completely unnecessary mobile service for himself and continues to pay for it for years, without thinking about how much money accumulates during this time.

The well-known journalist and writer of the 20th century, Napoleon Hill, said that the habit of spending is much easier to acquire than the habit of saving.

So be prepared to put in the effort if you want to learn how to save money.

The most important money eaters:

  • bad habits;
  • unjustified options in Internet and mobile phone tariffs;
  • entertainment loans (expensive car, cool audio and video equipment);

Keep track of what you spend money on.

Method 10. We put water and gas meters

Water and gas meters are a sure way to avoid unnecessary expenses. Do not forget to choose the most suitable one before installing these devices. profitable proposition of all possible.

After all, if you do not have such devices, then you pay utility bills according to the standards, or, more simply, depending on the square or number of those registered on the territory of your home.

It is better to spend several thousand rubles once and this money will become a real investment, because they “fight back” in about six months.

4. How to save money in the family: a visual table of cost control

Here I provide a visual table, thanks to which you can save money and evaluate all your expenses according to three categories:

  1. Category "A" - the most important and necessary expenses of any person;
  2. Category "B" - secondary expenses, which in some sense improve the standard of living;
  3. Category "C" - entertainment and bad habits. These expenses will most quickly lead you to financial problems and affect the deterioration of the physical and emotional state.
Mandatory (periodic)
Category "A"
Secondary (one-time)
Category "B"
money eaters
Category "C"
1 Food, productsEducationCafes and clubs
2 Utilities (gas, electricity, water)FurnitureExpensive and unhealthy "sweets"
3 Transport (fare, petrol)Household and digital appliancesgambling
4 Communication (Internet, phone)Branded items and show-offsBad habits
5 ClothHobbies and hobbiesUnnecessary Options different devices and processes

As you can see from the table, first of all, you need to reduce or completely eliminate the costs of their last column.

Even this one step will help save the right amount for really important purchases.

5. Conclusion

I hope this article will help you cut your costs and get on the path to smart savings. Spending optimization will help not only save your finances, but also make them work for your future.

Be sure to optimize your spending in the following areas:

  1. Mobile communications and the Internet. This is done by disabling unprofitable and useless options.
  2. Travel by public transport. Buy a pass or a wholesale batch of subway rides if you frequently use such transport.
  3. Petrol and gas (for motorists). Refuel at a proven one and the same gas station (a series of gas stations) and ask for a bonus card.
  4. Utility payments (electricity, gas, water). Install meters, do not keep electrical appliances on when not required, replace ordinary lamps with energy-saving ones.
  5. Savings on food and meals. Cook at home, buy healthy food, do not abuse going to cafes and fast foods.
  6. Entertainment and recreation. Give up impulsive purchases and an idle lifestyle, do not chase expensive brands, be guided by the principle "all that glitters is not gold." Many expensive goods- only a well-thought-out policy of marketing and advertising specialists.

So, saving money is possible even with a small salary, if you follow all the above simple rules and recommendations.

I wish you good luck and growth of your savings!

The problem of saving money is faced by every second person, and sometimes it is the saving that determines the standard of living and development for each individual person. “How to learn to save money and save money with a small salary?” - the answer to this question will be given in the article, but for now it’s worth considering whether I’m using my earned funds correctly, or perhaps it’s worth reviewing some of the expense items that we are so used to.

How to learn how to save money and save a family budget? We will tell you how to save on food and electricity + examples.

In this article, we tried to answer the following important questions:

  • How to learn how to save money and save it today?
  • How to save money on food without harming your health?
  • How to save money with a small salary and what can you earn without investing?

Competent saving money in the family: is it really possible to earn and save money on this?

The most important thing to remember is that saving money does not at all mean a decrease in the standard of living, it is just enough to use the money earned rationally, this is especially true if the salary is not so big. It may be that spending money wisely will not only save you the extra money you need, but also get rid of certain unhealthy foods that have a noticeable impact on your quality of life.

After all, how does it usually happen? At first, people spend a small amount on things they don’t need, but due to the frequency of such expenses, over time, the amount increases many times, and thus hits the budget very hard. Saving money and smart spending money It is an art that everyone should master.

It is not for nothing that the strongest of this world and simply rich people teach that in order to become wealthy, every penny invested must work. And if you don’t think about it, then in a matter of time you can blow a fortune, no matter how much money you have initially. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to learn how to spend correctly, what you can save on and what expenses should be abandoned without compromising your usual lifestyle.

It is also important to note here how important it is to have a specific goal or really want something: moreover, it must be remembered that the goal here is considered more global than the banal “I want new phone"or" it's time to update the wardrobe. More global goals should be understood as the availability of funds for study (education), the desire to have their own, separate housing (this can be funds set aside or a regular mortgage), or capital investment to start their own business. Then, in each individual case, the person will subconsciously work with the setting “I’d rather save this money than spend it here now on an unnecessary, by and large, thing.”

In this case, when there is a specific goal, the most important thing is to understand where to start saving, then show a little patience, and finally, at the last stage, saving will simply become a habit. And when reasonable spending becomes a habit, life will become easier - it will be possible to give up everything unnecessary without any problems and choose only those products, goods and services that can actually be useful in the household, at home and in life.

By stages

In order to spend money wisely, it is necessary to do this in several stages, since at once, at one moment, it will be quite difficult to abandon the usual way of life and move on to saving.

So, to start the process of optimizing your expenses, you need to do the following:

  1. All expenses incurred by a person must be divided into 2 main categories: mandatory and optional. Mandatory expenses, as a rule, include utility bills, payments for cellular communications and the Internet, expenses for kindergarten / school, as well as various, all kinds of taxes and contributions. Mandatory expenses are obviously more difficult to adjust than optional ones, but this can also be done, the main thing is the desire. Optional expenses include such as clothing, food (extra), entertainment, spontaneous spending, etc. But more on that later.
  2. After all expenses are divided into mandatory and optional, you will need to turn to such expenses as payment utilities and means of communication, and may, if possible, revise them. In general, you can reconsider your expenses that go to cellular communication, Internet and electricity, because yes, you can save on this too - the main thing is to know how.
  3. After that comes the transition to saving on food. In general, speaking abstractly, food is one of the main items of expenditure, which, with a condoning attitude and thoughtlessness, can take about 40-60% of earnings.
  4. After optimizing food costs, it's time to turn to savings and start saving. Even if there is no specific goal yet, it will be possible to save 10-20% of income, which at any convenient time can be put into circulation or invested in an interesting, profitable business. Even if you leave about 5-10% of each salary, after 8-10 months it will be possible to notice how large sum gathered.
  5. And finally, counting. The saved amount can be spent on something more important and necessary, which, in the end, will bring more moral satisfaction compared to an unnecessary purchase.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that in fact, getting rid of unnecessary expenses is very simple, the main thing is to understand and accept the fact that saving does not make you sit on bread and water, it just allows you to redistribute finances to something more useful.

How to save on food (calculation and real examples).

Food is one of the most "insidious" items of expenditure, as under the guise of necessary minimum, a person often gains so much extra food that, perhaps, it will be possible to feed 2 more families. Of course, some of these products are simply not eaten and thrown into the trash, however, one has only to calculate how much money is spent on this every month, so the hair stands on end. To prevent this from happening, it is better to listen to simple, but very effective tips that will help you save extra money on food.

  • Council number 1. Shopping lists and price comparisons.

The ideal savings scenario looks like this: a person makes up his diet for a week, thinks over what products he will need, checks how much of the list he has at home, and goes to the store for the rest. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, but still, it’s a great idea to think over your nutrition plan in advance. If there is no clear answer, you can simply decide what plan these dishes will be: soup today and tomorrow, a side dish with vegetables the day after tomorrow, a meat dish in 4 days, and on Friday there will be a fasting day. This example is just an example, but the idea seems to be clear. Those products that are missing should be listed and followed during shopping trips.

Now the era of information technology reigns in the yard, therefore, it is good that access to unlimited information resources The internet is truly unlimited. Thanks to this, in a matter of minutes you can find and install special applications on your mobile that help you make a shopping list. Such applications include: "Buy a loaf", "My economy" and many others.

The same goes for price comparisons. Every major supermarket chain now releases special electronic catalogs every 2 weeks (or even more often), which contains current promotions and discounts on various groups goods. For comparison, you can download a couple of such catalogs and from time to time, compare prices for similar products in two or three different stores - incredible, but sometimes the difference is significant.

  • Council number 2. Avoid impulse purchases

Spontaneous, or otherwise they are called, impulse purchases are purchases that were not on the original list, but in the supermarket they suddenly began to seem vital. It happens, of course, that a person simply forgot to put some thing on the list, and when they came to the store, they saw and remembered it, but in 90% of cases this is not the case.

Impulse purchases can also include those products that suddenly have a discount, but which are completely unnecessary. For example, “Daikon today costs 10 rubles cheaper than yesterday, I’ll take it!” or “Oh look, just today you can buy 2 extension pilots for the price of one.” In most cases, having bought this thing and brought it home, a person suddenly begins to realize that he made a mistake and threw money away, but, unfortunately, the realization comes too late. Therefore, if you really want to buy something, you need to mentally ask yourself several times “Do I really need this? Where will I use it? and if within a few minutes, an unambiguous answer does not come to mind, then most likely it will be possible to do without this product.

Also, when shopping in a supermarket, you need to go through only those departments that are needed, and if you walk around the supermarket with nothing to do, the risk of making a large number of spontaneous, and in fact, unnecessary purchases, increases significantly.

  • Council number 3. discount cards

Now almost every store or supermarket has special discount cards that anyone can purchase. Often, for the issuance of this card you need to pay or make purchases for a certain amount, but you need to remember that this is a one-time expense. But it will be possible to use this card for a very, very long time, and this is another way to save money correctly.

In stores you can find price tags indicating full cost, as well as with a price, specially for discount card. If the difference between prices for one product is not too big, then in the end, looking at the receipt, where 25-35 products are listed, the amount of the discount can be very impressive (sometimes the discount is 1500-3000 rubles).

By the way, now 2 types of cards are issued: discount and savings so you can choose either one. Discount cards usually provide a fixed discount on each product (or on a certain category), while a savings card does not give discounts, but instead credits a certain percentage on each purchase, which can be spent in the same way as regular money.

  • Council number 4. Look down

How to learn saving? – The answer is simple and often lies on the surface. One very good rule of thumb for merchandisers is that the most expensive items on the shelves should be placed at eye level. This is due to the fact that a person sees them in the first place, which means that a person remembers them faster. Often products of the same quality, but at a lower price, are located lower, so it is worth exploring the assortment that is presented on the lower or higher racks - perhaps you can find even more interesting things there.

  • Council number 5. Wholesale purchases and fairs

No one says to buy 20 kg of tomatoes and 10 kg of lemons at once - this is useless. However, there are certain categories of products that can be stored for a very long time and still not deteriorate at all. Such products include sugar, flour, cereals, salt, pasta, canned food, etc. And this means that such products can be purchased for future use, since nothing will happen to them.

This also includes the useful opportunity to periodically visit various agricultural fairs and purchase products there. Most of the fairs are held by farms and wholesale suppliers, which means that in addition to low prices, at such fairs it will be possible to purchase first-fresh products that were just picked from the garden.

Important! If you are planning a large purchase, you should always go to stores full. Scientists have proven that the brain of a hungry person works differently, as a person subconsciously thinks that it is suitable for a snack. Therefore, in this state it is very difficult to think and reason objectively.

Money Saving Experiment + real report and video

How to save money correctly? For example, save on groceries. Not so long ago, Alena, a resident of Tomsk, decided to conduct an experiment and try to spend 5,000 rubles a month on groceries. It wasn't easy, but she did it. In a nutshell, the basic principles of economy that Alena followed look like this:

  • Prepare food at home.

Refusal to visit establishments Catering can save a lot of money, since the price of the cafe includes both the cost of renting the premises and the wages of the cook and waiters. But if a person cooks at home, then he can be his own chef and waiter, and you won’t have to pay rent. One lunch at home consisting of mashed potatoes, chicken fillet and pie will cost 65-75 rubles, but in a cafe you will have to pay 275-300 rubles for the same.

Breakfast, consisting of an omelet with cheese and two sandwiches, will cost 55 rubles at home, and 250 rubles in the most uncomplicated cafe.

Dinner, consisting of a salad and a glass of yogurt, at home will cost 30-35 rubles, and the cafe will cost the same 300 rubles.

Consequently, the amount spent on food per day is only 155 rubles, while in a cafe it will already be 825 rubles.

Calculating how much money is spent on cooking food with your own hands, you can be very surprised, because it turns out that a person will spend only 3,100 rubles on home-cooked meals (155 rubles multiplied by the number of days, that is, by 20).

  • Plan your menu in advance.

To avoid unnecessary expenses and know how to learn how to save money and save money with a small salary, Alena advises to plan the menu in advance, and you also need to do this wisely. For example, you need to cook from the products that are left in the refrigerator, and not go shopping every day.

So, if today there were cutlets for lunch, then tomorrow you can make soup with meatballs or meatballs from the leftover minced meat. Or if, for example, vegetables are left after the salad, then the next day you can cook stew. But in order not to spend too much in the store, you should always go with a list and, if possible, try not to deviate from it.

  • Choose cheaper stores

The cheapest vegetables and fruits can be found at vegetable bases. But, unfortunately, millet can’t get there that way - you also need to be a reseller or wholesale buyer. And there, the well-known chain comes into play: the more intermediaries there are, the more expensive the product will cost for the end consumer.

So, convenience stores, markets in the city center or "exclusively farm products" will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than the usual Auchan or Pyaterochka. It is better to spend an extra 15 minutes rummaging through the basket of onions in Auchan, but at the same time save twice on onions. Onions are given here just as an example: in fact, this applies to any category of products.

  • Buy seasonal and local produce

You can learn how to save and save with a small salary, for this you should pay attention to seasonal products. The most common vegetables and fruits are often considered “simple” food, as they are grown in Russia and are much cheaper than imported counterparts. If your goal is to save money, you don’t need to buy perfect-looking Chinese apples or Norwegian spinach.

It is better to buy local products, which will be more affordable and have fewer preservatives, even if the apple is not very beautiful in appearance. The same applies to cheeses, sausages, dairy products - all this is enough in Russia, so before chasing fashionable novelties, it is better to think a few times.

For example, local apples cost 45 rubles per kilogram, while Chinese imported apples cost 128 rubles per kilogram. That is, for 1 kilogram of Chinese apples, you can buy almost 3 kilograms of Russian ones - that's savings in its purest form.

In addition to apples, you can save on imported cheeses, chocolate, seafood, and so on - the difference will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

By buying local food, you can also save up to 4-5 thousand per month. So, if you periodically buy domestic vegetables, fruits and dairy products, it will take another 1800 - 2000 per month.

Adding 3100 spent on homemade food and 1800 on fruits and vegetables, you get an amount of 4900 rubles per month. These were the main tips on how to save money from Alena, who nevertheless managed to achieve what she wanted and spent 4,900 rubles on groceries per month.

Of course, the calculations are approximate, and everyone has different needs and appetites, but the general concept is clear. Agree, impressive?

How to start saving money with a small salary? Practice-tested tips.

How to learn how to save money and save money with a small salary (income) - TOP-10 expert reviews

No. 1. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Whatever you say, bad habits are bad. Moreover, in addition to harm, they can cause other problems - “take away” the last money. The thing is that spending on this kind of entertainment like alcohol, cigarettes, fast food can be very, very decent. If you refuse such dubious pleasures, you can not only improve your health, but also save money.

For example, a can of beer costs 50 rubles, a pack of cigarettes costs 100 rubles, and a hamburger at McDonald's costs 250 rubles. Even if you buy all this 3 times a week, then it will already take 1200 rubles. And in a month it turns out 5000-6000 thousand, after all, it turns out a big amount, isn't it? Almost a monthly budget of some families.

No. 2. Live within your family's means and budget

Living within your means is perhaps one of the most important and useful pieces of advice you can give. modern man who wants to learn how to save money (salary). Unjustified expenses can significantly hit your pocket, and at the most inopportune moment. You should not jump above your head and try to live differently than you are used to, just to prove something to someone. Better money save and spend on self-education or the acquisition of useful skills, rather than on unnecessary show-offs.

By refusing to dine in expensive restaurants and buy clothes in boutiques, you can save up to 10,000 rubles a month.

No. 3. Do not make loans and borrowings

Ah, that sweet word "credit". No matter how many beautiful tales banks, trust funds and trusts tell, they have the same essence. Of course, any loan must be treated rationally and understood that this is not a gratuitous gift, but a millet amount of money that the bank provided for a while, and which then must be repaid with interest.

In general, if there is such an opportunity, it is better not to seek help from banks, but to save money on your own (or).

For example, a refrigerator on credit, with a rate of 19% per annum, will cost 50,000 rubles, which is approximately 3,000 per month and 14,000 down payment. At the same time, the same refrigerator, but without a loan, will cost 35,000 rubles. This means that with only one refrigerator, a person will overpay 15 thousand rubles, then what about larger and more frequent purchases on credit.

No. 4. Do not buy expensive gadgets and equipment

If you sit down and figure it out, you can come to such an interesting conclusion. In most cases, there is absolutely no serious need to constantly buy the most expensive home appliances and other appliances and gadgets. There are many budget manufacturers that offer a product that is similar in functionality, but for much less money.

For example, gas stove from the German manufacturer Kaiser HGG 62521KB will cost 52,000 rubles, while the Belarusian Gefest 6100-04 costs only 19,500 rubles. The functionality of both plates is absolutely identical, just in the first case, a person overpays for the brand.

No. 5. Pick up good quality used items

There is nothing wrong with stocking up on used items from time to time. For example, in Europe and America it is very common when a person goes to good store format "second-hand" and buys there the thing he likes of excellent quality at a bargain price. The same applies to clothes that someone offers with their hands, that is, for nothing.

No one says that you need to wear worn clothes all your life, but in difficult times, when there is a lack of finances, this can be a great help and help out in difficult moments.

No. 6. Do not buy expensive and unnecessary products and things

The advice “not to buy expensive and unnecessary things” does not mean at all that you need to walk around in tatters. Simply - simply, a reasonable and thoughtful economy comes into play here. Unnecessary things, as mentioned above, are most often spontaneous purchases, which means that, in fact, in 90% of cases, they do not carry any benefit. If you need to save money or simply cut costs, it is enough to refuse to buy interior design elements, the 14th dress or the second of the same shoes, supposedly “in reserve”. At first, such expenses may seem insignificant, but if you carefully sit down and calculate, you will get a very impressive amount. To learn how to save money and save money with a small salary, you need to follow all these simple, but very effective rules.

No. 7. Cooking and taking food to work

This advice is definitely the leader among those related to nutrition. Cooking at home is better for many reasons: such food will be tastier and healthier, and besides, it will save you big expenses.

For example, the cost of a full-fledged homemade lunch from ordinary products rarely exceeds 200 rubles, but the same full-fledged lunch in a restaurant or in the most unpretentious cafe will cost all 700-900 rubles.

That is why it is better to cook at home in advance, and then just lay out the containers and take the prepared dinner to work in the morning. An excellent option - whatever one may say!

No. 8. Save money on heating your house and apartment

Below will be described in more detail how to save on saving electricity, but for now you only need to go through heating issues.

First and most useful advice- purchase individual automated heating boilers. Their advantage is that they will spend exactly as much energy as needed to constantly maintain the right amount of heat in the room, no more. Moreover, many boilers have built-in thermostats, which greatly facilitates the work, as it allows you to spend much less heat than with conventional central heating.

In addition, in the off-season or warm weather, such a boiler can always be turned off, thereby reducing energy consumption, and conventional heaters and other energy carriers cannot simply be forced to reduce energy consumption.

No. 9. Use of corporate telephone communication from the employer

Use corporate telephone connection can be predominantly only in cases where it is implied in principle. There are some companies that provide workplace employee with a separate phone connected to the corporate network. If the work itself involves communication with numerous clients, and the employee has an unlimited package connected, then this opportunity can also be used for personal purposes.

This approach will not save a lot of money, but it will allow you to save at least some item of expenditure, especially if at this particular moment in time every penny counts.

No. 10. Prioritization of purchases and payments

There are many anecdotes and jokes about how a person who has just received a salary behaves (sybaritizes) and how the same person behaves one day before the salary (suffers). This, of course, is all very exaggerated, but it is certain that there is a rational grain in this.

Before you start spending money, you should always carefully consider the need for each purchase and prioritize them. So, for example, utility bills will be the very first, because you want it or not, but you need to pay bills, and it’s better to do it right away than at the end of the month, when all the money has already been spent.

Further, having dealt with mandatory payments, you will need to think about what to buy in the second turn. If this is a thing, then you should look for where it is cheaper, the second thing should be left for the next month. After all, if you look, there is no need to completely update the wardrobe this very minute.

All this only clearly explains why the list of expenses should first include mandatory payments, then those that you can think about, and finally those that, by and large, you can do without. This is the only way to save a decent amount of money and not remain in debt.

How to save money in the family: a table of family budget expenses

Basic rules for saving money in the family

In order to start saving money, you must first present all your expenses in the form of a table. This will help to visually see where the bulk of the salary goes, and also, if necessary, get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary expenses.

For example, a table will be compiled in which all expenses are grouped into three main columns: primary expenses, secondary expenses, and those that can be dispensed with. Moreover, the last column can be easily abandoned without any damage to the usual way of life.

No. p / p

Essential expenses (immediate payments)

Secondary expenses (can wait)

Expenses you can do without

Payment of utilities (gas, electricity, cold and hot water, heating)

Purchase of furniture and interior design

Cafes and restaurants

Payment of expenses on loans (mortgage, car loan and other loans)

Buying small and large household appliances


Fashion clothes and shoes

Gambling (online poker, sweepstakes)

Internet and telephone connection

Courses, trainings

Alcohol and cigarettes (sometimes fast food and other junk food)

Travel, including petrol costs

Visiting beauty salons (manicure, pedicure, hairdresser services)

Connection additional services on the phone, installing paid applications on tablets and smartphones

Housing rental (if the apartment is not owned)

Hobby expenses (women's and men's hobbies)

Spontaneous and impulse purchases with no value

How to save electricity in a private house or apartment - energy saving tricks

We will try to give elementary rules that will help not to waste money, but to save it economically.

To get started, look at the basic tips on the poster ( image is clickable).

A real example of how to save on electricity in a house or apartment.

Rule number 1. Installation of electricity meters + recalculation of receipts

Electricity meters are useful and indispensable devices that allow you to take into account and, therefore, pay only for the amount of energy that has been spent. Therefore, if a person does not have a meter at home, and he pays the tariff for each registered person, but at the same time he himself is rarely at home, at the end of the month receipts come for such amounts that, in fact, the person did not use.

That's why best solution will install electricity meters at home and after a couple of months, the difference in spending will be noticeable.

Rule number 2. Using Energy Saving Devices

Energy-saving devices include various adapters, special models of small and large household appliances, as well as energy-saving light bulbs. Before appearing on the shelves, all these products have undergone many tests, as a result of which their effectiveness has been proven.

Rule number 3. Turning off electrical appliances in the apartment and house

For example, multiple chargers that remain in sockets consume electricity even though nothing is charging at that particular moment. A computer, TV, laptop, tablets and phones, a lamp and many other electrical appliances will save money if you unplug them from the network when they are not needed. And in addition to saving energy, it is also a common fire safety.

Rule number 4. Proper use of washing machine and refrigerator

What's happened correct use washing machine and refrigerator? First of all, this is a strict observance of the instructions that are indicated in each passport or user manual.

For example, if the washing machine is designed for 5 kg, then you need to load 4.5-5 kg ​​of laundry into it, but not more than 5. An excess of things leads to an increase in electricity costs by 10-15%.

The same goes for refrigerators: don't store too much food in there, overload the freezer, put food in the refrigerator that hasn't cooled down, or defrost the refrigerator at too high temperatures. All this leads only to an overspending of energy, which, in turn, negatively affects income.

Rule number 5. Switching from electrical to gas appliances: heating boilers, stoves, underfloor heating

Gas has always been cheaper than electricity, especially in Russia, where there is a lot of gas. Therefore, if you need to “find” another opportunity to save money, replacing electrical appliances with gas ones will be a great solution.

Instead of electric heaters that consume a huge amount of kilowatts, it is better to install one gas heating boiler and then pay only for the gas used, that is, for the actual use. This also includes the technology of underfloor heating and the replacement of electric stoves and hobs with conventional gas stoves.

How to save money correctly and make money on it: TOP-3 ways

Method number 1: Put money in the bank at interest

One of the main functions of the bank, as you know, is the preservation and increase of funds. That is why the bank is the most suitable place to.

Fortunately, now everyone can choose a bank, choose a deposit (ruble or foreign currency), familiarize themselves with the conditions and just start making money.

For example, a contribution from interest rate at 12% per annum, will allow 1 million rubles at the beginning of the year to turn into 1.12 million at the end. It's great, isn't it?

Method number 2: Get cashback when shopping in stores

Now a lot of outlets have a cashback system, that is, the return of part of the funds, if translated literally. What does this mean? For example, cards Tinkoff Bank return to their customers up to 6% per annum on the balance of funds at the end of the billing period. But, if you think about it, you don’t need to do anything for this, it remains only, as always, to simply use your card, and at the end of the year also get money into your account.

If you search, you can find many more different services where the cashback system operates - the main thing is to spend a little time, and you're done!

Participation in promotions and sales

Shops and supermarkets regularly arrange various sales, the purpose of which is to increase customer loyalty to the brand. That's why there is nothing wrong with taking part in interesting promotions and sales - it's even good.

In addition, there are now many different mobile applications, which have collected dozens of interesting offers from various suppliers. Users don't have to do anything else but choose the app they like and start using it.

Conclusion + Video

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone can learn how to save money correctly. The main thing is that there is a desire. The most important rule of successful saving is to change your attitude to the process of saving in principle. Do not constantly feel sorry for yourself, feel deprived, or treat saving as something shameful.

It's just that savings should be perceived as a useful impetus to change one's habits, and in this case, bad habits of spending are changed to useful ones - saving. And when saving and a reasonable attitude to finances become a habit, life will become much easier!

In the meantime, a video about how to save money!

There is such a trend: the incomes of most families are decreasing every year - prices are rising, new expenses appear, some are “eaten up” by inflation. Against this background, it is not surprising to think about how to save money with a small salary.

6 steps to start frugal housekeeping on a small salary

Step 1. Decide on motivation

Be sure to write down the reasons why you are going to live economically in the near future. Your motives might include, for example:

  • Pay off the loan.
  • Stop "holding out" to the salary and borrowing.
  • Lead a more rational, conscious and healthy lifestyle.
  • Save up for something significant (education of children, car, cottage).
  • Maintain order in the house, do not have "extra" things.
  • Keep in the closet only those clothes that are really necessary.
  • Stop impulse buying.
  • Learn to live economically by setting priorities.
  • Regularly go on vacation to the sea.
  • Understand where the money is going.

The list can be more or less long. Some of the points in it are dictated by severe necessity, some will turn out to be positive savings bonuses. Whenever you “deny” yourself another chocolate bar, remember your motivation sheet. Better yet, have it at hand, for example, on the splash screen of your smartphone. In general, you need to find reasons to learn how to live economically.

Step 2. Analyze expenses

Make a list of monthly and annual expenses. Divide them into 3 categories(you may have a different alignment and other priorities - our list is just an example):

  1. Inevitable and mandatory. Food, loans, utility bills, insurance, kindergarten/school fees, clothes, medicines, transport, internet, mobile communications.
  2. Medium importance. Lunches in the cafeteria at work, payment for various services such as access to a fitness club, service bank card, dry cleaning, babysitting, hairdressing and more.
  3. Least important. Travel, gifts, charity, entertainment, hobbies, books, jewelry.
Savings is a special item of "expenses". Make it a habit with your husband to save 5-20% of your salary, as well as 100% of unexpected, unplanned income. For this, it is advisable to open bank accounts, to which the indicated 5-20% will be automatically deducted from salary cards. Savings can become a "safety cushion" for a "rainy day" or go to early repayment of loans.

Think about what you are definitely not ready to “infringe” yourself on (quality food, swimming pool, underwear) and how to optimize other expenses:

  • Don't buy gifts do it yourself.
  • Take lunch to work give up coffee to go, snacks from vending machines, semi-finished products and fast food.
  • Switch to a better one mobile tariff and a better transport card.
  • Travel using accumulated miles, promo codes or clubbing with friends.
  • walk on free manicure and haircuts at stylist training centers.
  • Instead of a large number of new things to collect basic wardrobe from high-quality, multifunctional and durable clothing.
  • Carry out salon procedures at home.

Step 3. Start keeping track of expenses

There are two approaches - itemized and detailed. The first is simpler: you write down expenses by category: food, travel, phone, medicine, household expenses, and so on.

but find "black holes" through which money flows, only the second type of accounting will help: detailed. He is more painstaking and takes time, but only he gives real opportunity see and stop unnecessary spending. Keep detailed records for at least 2-3 months(1 month is not indicative), and you may be surprised by the amount spent on chewing gum, chocolates, coffee from a machine, magazines, tea bags, cookies. This is an occasion to think about what you can refuse, and what to buy where it is cheaper. Smart, isn't it? In addition, it is psychologically difficult to buy anything small if you know that you have to write down these 40-50 rubles in the “Spending” line.

After 2-3 months of painstaking accounting, it can be continued both by item and in detail. I'll have to keep going, because, unfortunately, expenses - dynamic value, because prices change, and the needs of your family. And if you notice that a certain item of expenditure has become excessively "inflated", think about whether it is possible to "drive" it into the previous framework.

Step 4. Analyze income

Add up all family income:

  • salaries;
  • side jobs;
  • interest on deposits;
  • income from the rental of housing;
  • pensions;
  • allowances;
  • tax deductions for treatment, education, purchase of real estate.

After summing up, deduct mandatory and unavoidable expenses from this amount. Spread the difference into optional expenses.

It is also worth looking for ways to turn liabilities into assets. For example, it may be more profitable to rent out your garage.

Step 5. Discuss the family budget model

These models may be different:

  • One spouse deals with all the money and all planning, the second has only pocket expenses.
  • All incomes are put into one pot, both are also involved in spending planning.
  • Everyone manages his salary at his own discretion, fulfilling the agreed obligations (example: mortgage, car maintenance, education of children - husband, communal apartment, food, leisure - wife, and clothes and travel - both spouses).
  • Everyone has a personal budget, but at the same time there is also a “common pot”.

Step 6. Eliminate or restructure "hindrances" - loans and fines

Refinancing. If you have several loans, it makes sense to consider the possibility of refinancing. For example, if earlier on three loans you paid 15,000 rubles a month, then after “combining” them into one monthly payment, it may drop to 8,000 rubles.

Bankruptcy individuals . An extreme measure, when the borrower really cannot repay a loan, the amount of which is more than 500,000 rubles. The procedure for applying to the Arbitration in federal law 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)".

fines. Fines paid literally the next day can "cost" you an order of magnitude cheaper than even those paid on time. Check the status of your fines on the State Services website.

How to save money with a small salary - a table of income and expenses

Household bookkeeping save up to 15% of the family budget. Here is an example of a simplified standard table in a notebook. Here, the expense items are divided into items, however, for high-quality accounting, it is still recommended to record all expenses up to the ruble.

Article Plan Fact Difference
1 Income 32000 35000 3000
2 Savings 500 2554 2054
3 Communal payments 3100 2851,75 248,25
mobile connection 1000 1000 0
Internet 450 450 0
Kindergarten 1600 1600 0
Directions 3300 3000 300
4 Food 9000 7708 1292
Household needs 500 321 179
Medications - - 0
car service 2000 2000 0
5 Clothes, shoes - - 0
Gifts for the holidays 3500 3465 35
Other expenses (cinema, theater, hobby) 3000 2500 500
Unexpected expenses - - 0
6 Total 27450 (sum of points 3 to 5) 24895.75 (sum of points 3 to 5) 2554.25 (plan minus fact)

For convenience, such a table can also be created on a computer - best of all in excel format, if you own the program. Excel templates are offered, for example, by SmartSheet. Or download to any device convenient for you (tablet, computer, smartphone) the program " home bookkeeping» from KeepSoft.

52 secrets on how to live economically on a small salary

Food. How to spend less?

  • Collect recipes.
  • Go to the store with only a list of groceries.
  • Make large purchases only once a week, and in the middle of the week buy only perishable goods.
  • Don't take more cash with you than you plan to spend.
  • Take advantage of promotions and discounts of supermarkets - flip through discount catalogs on the Internet, get loyalty cards.
  • Buy on the market, where you can bargain and also "bring down" the price by the end of the day.
  • Make a menu for the week and stick to it.

Menu plan for a week for a family of three:

Household chemicals. What to save?

Laundry powder

  • Use a dispenser if you haven't used it before.
  • Buy the usual powder, but only with discounts.
  • Choose cheaper ones.
  • Make your own powder.

laundry detergent recipe

  1. 100 grams of white laundry soap.
  2. 100 grams of baking soda.

Rub the soap on a fine grater, dry it in a tray for a day and rub it in your palms, mix with soda. Ready. Store in an airtight container. Consumption: 2 tablespoons of powder for 4 kg of laundry. Washing at 40 degrees and below may require an extra rinse.

Dishwasher capsules

  • Buy tablets only in large packages (so each tablet can become cheaper by 5.3 rubles).
  • Make your own dishwasher detergent.

Recipe for dishwasher tablets

  1. 200 g baking powder
  2. 200 g citric acid
  3. 120 ml 9% vinegar
  4. 100 g salt

Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl, arrange in ice molds (preferably silicone), dry and pull out the resulting cubes.

Cleaning products

  • Try cheaper alternatives.
  • Switch to a universal remedy (for example, liquid laundry soap, the price of which is about 180 rubles per 5 liters).
  • Prepare a universal remedy yourself.

Recipe for cleaning paste for tiles, stoves, sinks, dishes, plastic

  1. 100 grams of "gray" laundry soap 72.5%.
  2. 140 ml hot water.
  3. 75 grams of baking soda.

Soap grate on a coarse grater, pour in water. Beat with whisks or a mixer into an elastic white foam. Add soda and stir. Store in a glass or plastic container. From 100 grams of soap, 0.5 liters of cleaning agent is obtained. Shelf life 5 months.

Cosmetics, perfumery, beauty

  • Catch promotions and discounts (for holidays, birthdays, store openings, happy hours).
  • enjoy affiliate programs offered by your issuing bank debit card(discounts up to 25% with a bank card).
  • Replace purchased products with homemade ones (for example,).
  • Use .
  • Buy coupons for services (manicure, haircut, massage).
  • To choose .

Clothes and shoes - what not to regret, but what to “squeeze” on?

  • Be careful at sales - it is advisable to buy only outerwear, as well as basic items.
  • Stick to minimalism: have a basic wardrobe and accessories.
  • Buy outerwear for children on joint shopping services.
  • It is better to buy high-quality shoes (regardless of the price) and not to buy them from hand.
  • Take advantage of coupons and discounts.
  • Buy in stock.

Transportation costs - how to reduce?

  • Buy a pass for more trips or unlimited.
  • Use a universal transport card.
  • Have several types of travel cards for the family.
  • Experiment with other modes of transport (trains, light rail).
  • Use car sharing to avoid paying for parking.

Three scary letters: housing and communal services


  • Replace ordinary light bulbs with LEDs. They do not need to be disposed of in a special way, unlike energy-saving (luminescent), they save up to 15-20% of electricity.
  • Pull plugs from electrical outlets that are not in use.
  • Organize additional lighting scenarios that will save energy.
  • With differentiated payment for electricity, arrange laundry and dishwashing in dishwasher at night (start the timer), and iron in the early morning, if there is a habit of getting up early.
  • When buying new household appliances, pay attention to the level of its energy consumption; it will also be more profitable to replace the usual induction stove, and the electric kettle with an ordinary metal one for the stove.


  • Screw aerators (diffusers) to the mixers; they save water from 30% to 70%.
  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.
  • Install counters.
  • Fix any faucets that are leaking.

Mobile communication, Internet, TV

  • Reconsider tariffs, choose more favorable ones.
  • Change mobile operator (with the same phone number) and / or providers.
  • Check for subscriptions mobile phone, on sites selling movies and other services. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions.


  • Look for free cultural events (reporting concerts of students at the Philharmonic, for example).
  • Watch movies at happy hour (morning and afternoon shows are cheaper).
  • Use coupons.
  • Subscribe to the accounts of museums and galleries that interest you - catch discounts, participate in ticket raffles.

Benefits, payments, deductions

  • Check if your family qualifies for federal benefits and payments based on its composition and financial status. For example, families in which the first child was born on January 1, 2018 and whose total income does not exceed 1.5 times the minimum wage (from May 1, 2018 it is 11,163 rubles) are eligible for additional support (about 10,000 rubles per month) . The maximum duration of benefit payments is 1.5 years.
  • Look also for information on whether there are new "governor's" payments in your region, benefits for special categories (single mothers, large families).
  • Get tax deductions. Life situations when you can apply for:
  1. apartment purchase;
  2. treatment;
  3. payment for education (one's own or a child's);
  4. kindergarten fees.

Basic conditions for receiving a deduction:

  • your income is taxed at 13%;
  • you filled out a declaration in the form 3-NDFL, and also collected documents confirming the costs;
  • the educational institution / kindergarten / clinic is licensed and will provide a copy of the license, as well as a statement of your expenses for their services;
  • in the current year, you can apply for a deduction only for the past and earlier years;
  • you can apply for a deduction for treatment and education both for yourself, as well as for your spouse or child.

Need to contact tax office at the place of residence, you can also apply through the website public services(if you have an unqualified electronic signature) or go to the nearest MFC "My Documents".

In stores, prices for food, clothing and footwear, equipment and much more have risen significantly. At the same time, the size wages remained practically at the same level. To learn how to save money and save money with little income, you first need to analyze your own spending. To do this, they must be recorded. Keep a budget on paper or in in electronic format is worth not only at the beginning of planning, but throughout life, in order to competently manage the available funds.

How to learn how to save money with a small salary

It takes a lot of effort to be economical. To stop reckless spending, it is important to learn how to limit yourself. The main problem of uneconomical people is impulsive purchases. This is what should be discarded in the first place. Always make a list for yourself before going shopping for groceries, clothes and shoes, or household items. Deviate from the compiled list only if you are replacing one item from the list with another, or if you have the opportunity to purchase it at a very profitable price and there is a need for this.

Try to do as many current affairs as possible on your own if you do not have the opportunity to increase income. On the Internet, you can learn how to repair a car, glue wallpaper, sew fashionable dresses, do manicures, and so on. By the way, many of those who wanted to learn how to save money with a small salary changed their field of activity in this way and became wealthier.

Before making any major purchase, always check the price level for it. The Internet can also help with this. So you can find a store where the item you need is much cheaper.

Give up bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking, eating fast food.

How to learn to save money with a small salary

If you understand how to learn how to save money with a small salary, you can easily save it. After all, when spending is reduced, some part of the money is always released.

To avoid the temptation to spend the saved money when a small expense is not enough for something, it is better to put it aside without the ability to quickly take it. For example, give to parents for safekeeping, put on a deposit account, put in a beautiful piggy bank.

When you first start saving money, make a promise to yourself that you will spend it on something of value to yourself or your family. Whenever you are tempted to spend your savings, remind yourself of this promise.

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