
The youngest rich man in the world. How not to get into the debt point? Expert advice. Christie Walton, Condition $ 41.7 billion

Hello everyone, Vyacheslav Bonulekov and in this release, I will share the top 10 richest people in Russia in the world rating Forbes. For 2015. American Forbes on March 2 unveiled traditional, 29th account, world billionaire rating. This time the list includes 88 businessmen from Russia, 33 less than a year earlier, and Vladimir Potanin turned out to be the leader - he shifted from the first "national" line of Alisher Usmanova. Russian participants of the rating for the year noticeably "sick" - the crisis in the economy of the country and the sanctions of the West due to the rejection of the Crimea from Ukraine and the war in the Donbas. In terms of dollar billionaires, Russia is now inferior not only by the United States and China, but also Germany and India. 10. Mikhail Prokhorov Condition: $ 9.9 billion Change for the year: - $ 1 billion Position in the world ranking: 125 Athlete, banker, metallurgist, playboy, investor, media signal, politician and owner of the NBA club - all this is Mikhail Prokhorov. In 2012, he shook the whole of Russia with an unexpected nomination of his candidacy for the presidency - and on the results of the elections gathered quite worthy of 8% of the vote. But since then, the political career of a businessman at sunshine. His most notable American project is the construction of a new arena for NETS. In December 2013, he acquired 27% in Uralkali, the largest global manufacturer of potash fertilizers. 9. Gennady Timchenko State: $ 10.7 billion change per year: - $ 4.6 billion Position in the world rankings: 118 Gennady Timchenko owns shares in a variety of companies in the gas, transport and construction industries. Among its assets is the largest producer of NOVATEK gas, the Pelochemical Holding "SIBUR", the railway carrier "Transoil" and insurance Company "SOGAZ". Being one of the most influential people in the country, a billionaire, who is considered to be a close friend of Vladimir Putin, in 2014 he landed under US sanctions. Among the weekly load of Timchenko - the Curacy of the Russian Hockey: He chairs the Board of Directors of the KHL and holds the presidency in the St. Petersburg SKA club. 8. Vladimir Lisin Condition: $ 11.6 billion Change for the year: - $ 5 billion Position in the world rankings: 107 Vladimir Lisin made a fortune at metallurgy, rail transport and logistics. Previously, he became a partner at the TRANS-World Group, which for several years increased in the leading Russian exporter of aluminum and steel. By that time, Lisin had accumulated a wealth of experience in the management of metallurgical production, so that in the section of assets in 2000 it was naturally in the property of the giant of the industry - Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine. The billionaire also controls the UCL logistics holding, which owns the first cargo company. 7. Leonid Michelson Condition: $ 11.7 billion change per year: - $ 3.9 billion Position in the world ranking: 105 Leonid Mihelson is the main owner of the NOVATEK gas producer, the Sibur Chemical Group and the "First Joint Bank". In July 2014, the United States and the European Union introduced sanctions against NOVATEK, providing pressure on Timchenko's business partner, which in the West consider Putin's close friend. The company remains a controlled shareholder of the Yamal-LNG project, which develops in spite of the sanctions pressure. For his support "NOVATEK" requested $ 2.3 billion support from the National Welfare Fund. The total cost of the project is estimated at $ 27 billion, $ 10 billion are ready to invest Chinese investors. 6. Vagit Alekperov Condition: $ 12.2 billion Change for the year: - $ 1.4 billion Position in the world ranking: 96 Vagit Alekperov heads LUKOIL - the largest oil company in Russia, which, in particular, develops the Western Kurn Kurnaya deposit 2 in Iraq, Possessing one of the richest deposits on the planet. A billionaire does not have a reputation as a businessman from the nearby circle of President Vladimir Putin, which did not save "LUKOIL" from US sanctions in September 2014. The past all the career steps in the oil industry, at sunset the USSR, the future billionaire even managed to work as a sectoral minister. In 1991, he privatized three large deposits and founded LUKOIL. Alekperov - author of the book "Oil of Russia: Past, present and the future." 5. Alexey Mordashov State: $ 13 billion change per year: + $ 2.5 billion position in the world ranking: 89 In mid-January 2015, Putin accepted Mordashov and took a promise from the metallurgical magnate to prevent unwise investment. Against the background of poor conjuncture for Russia, the billionaire got rid of all American assets - his company Severstal now focuses on the national market. At the end of 2013, a businessman together with a close to Putin entrepreneur Yuri Kovalchuk bought a 50% stake in the fourth largest Russian mobile operator Tele2 Russia. Also with Kovalchuk Mordashov is a shareholder of the Bank "Russia", which is under the sanctions of the United States and the EU due to the "properresident" reputation of its main shareholder. In 2011, the "Severstal" owner increased his share in the holding "Power Machines" holding 25% of Siemens. 4. Victor Vekselberg Condition: $ 14.2 billion Change for the year: - $ 3 billion Position in the world rankings: 73 Russian authorities chose Victor Vekselberg to the role of the curator of the National Analogue of the Silicon Valley - Innograd Skolkovo - in 2010. Since then, there are already three billionaire companies among residents of the project that received grants from the state. In 2013, a businessman, together with Mikhail Friedman and Leonard Blavatnik, sold a 50% stake in the oil company TNK-BP State Rosneft for $ 28 billion. The first one million bills earned on the sale of scrap metal. In the 1990s, he founded the Holding company SUAL. In 2007, SUAL united the assets with the RUSAL group and the mining Glencore - so the largest global manufacturer of Aluminum UC RUSAL appeared. In addition, Vekselberg has a share in petrochemical, consumer and telecommunications enterprises. 3. Alisher Usmanov Condition: $ 14.4 billion Change for the year: - $ 4.2 billion Position in the world rankings: 71 Alisher Usmanov lost the status of the richest man of Russia after three years of leadership, but continues to remain a key figure in several major sectors of the national economy . Among its assets, the metallurgical giant "Metalloinvest", the second largest mobile operator of the MegaFon country, Internet holding Mail.Ru Group and the Publishing House "Kommersant". The most successful billionaire investments on an internationally related to the technology industry: it became one of the early Facebook investors, but sold all the shares of the social network in 2013 to invest in the record of the Chinese alibaba e-commerce and the Chinese manufacturer of Xiaomi budgetary smartphones. Usmanov remains a shareholder of the London Football Club Arsenal. 2. Mikhail Friedman State: $ 14.6 billion change per year: - $ 3 billion Position in the world ranking: 68 Together with their friends, Mikhail Friedman controls Alpha Groups - the largest private financial and industrial group of Russia. In 2011, the Vimpelcom mobile operator has acquired a telecommunications holding of the Egyptian billionaire Nagiba Saviris and turned into a sixth largest player in the global market. Also Friedman and partners own the second network of networks in Russia - X5 Retail Group. 1. Vladimir Potanin State: $ 15.4 billion change per year: + $ 2.8 billion Position in the world ranking: 60 Vladimir Potanin, a former employee of the Ministry of External Economic Relations of the USSR, in 1991 he met the future partner Mikhail Prokhorov. In 1993, partners created Oneximbank, who lured to MBES clients service. OnEximbank became a platform for the construction of Interros holding. With the support of the state, the billionaire became the largest private investor in the Winter Olympics in Sochi - he built the Rosa Khutor ski resort. And so, it was the top 10 richest people in Russia in the World Forbes rating for 2015. Subscribe to the channel to receive new inspirational and useful releases, write your opinion in the comment, and if I liked the release of Like and share this video with friends. For me it will be the greatest support. And with you was Vyacheslav Bonulenkov and to new meetings!

What loans most often turn out to be the most irreparable, tells director of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (Tilt) Boris Voronin.

What you do not need to take loans

Between the purpose of the loan and its service there is a connection.

"The most problematic are cash loans when there is no targeted purpose. When they take the loan in order to close some hole in the budget, the non-repayments and delays in payments begin, "the" Evening Moscow "is quoted.

Problem, according to Boris Voronin, are also loans for gifts for holidays.

"In 40% of cases, a decision on the design of a loan or a loan to buy a gift is made under the influence of emotions, but the holiday passes, and the duty remains, and he will not disappear anywhere," leads his words RIA Novosti.

What amounts are the most problematic?

Perhaps this small sums. There are microloan organizations that very carefully check their borrowers, and there are those who give out a loan to almost anyone and then rely on the intimidation of the debtor, says Voronin.

What loans are less likely to be irrevocable?

A person who takes a mortgage, as a rule, counts his income and tries to repay the loan in a timely manner. If such a borrower has problems with another payment, it does not hide from the lender. "He has something to lose: the only housing in which he lives," Voronin explained.

In addition to the mortgage, the car loans also pay well, and in loans to the goods issued at the place of sale, even fraud is very rare.

How not to get into debt pit?

Drawing up a loan, always worth remembering that borrowed funds It is worth taking the necessary needs, the head of the pip of Boris Voronin recommends. According to him, similar loans can help for purchasing paramount importance, in solving health problems and education.

But spending, which is not on the pocket and which will become a burden for family budget, It should be avoided, he called on, warning that the duty unpaid for a gift would create even more problems in the future.

Boris Voronin.

Director of the National Association of Professional Collector Agencies (ink).

Born in 1971. In 1994, he graduated with honors from Moscow state University ways of communication in the specialty "Robotics systems and complexes", in 2000 graduated with honors Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

In 2001-2005 worked in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, where he participated in the development Federal Law "On credit stories."

From August 2005 he worked in the Bank of Russia as head of the Central Directory credit stories (TsKKI), and from July 2011 to January 2015 - Deputy Head of Management - Head of the Central Committee.

From January 2015 - Director of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies.

09/04/2015 at 12:57 · Pavlofox. · 44 400

Top 10 The most influential people of the world 2015 - Rating Forbes

Want to know who is the most influential people of the world of 2015? Forbes rating, a well-known financial and analytical magazine will help you find an answer.

These people have a huge impact on world politics, economics and social life. Our well-being and security depends on their decisions. Talk today about the most influential persons of 2015.


In a tenth place in the list of the most authoritative people of the planet according to the version "Forbes" -, one of the founders google companieswhich is responsible for large transactions. During training at the university, he met Sergei Brin. In 1998, they launched the world-famous Google search system. Page is only 42 years old, and it is one of the most secured and influential people of the planet.


The 9th place occupies the owner of the cosmetic company Laloal. An old age did not prevent her from becoming an influential woman in the world. Its condition is estimated at $ 45 billion. At the five-year-old age, Liliana was left without a mother and very close to his father. Another teenager she began to work in the company as a student. After the death of Father, Betankur became the only owner of the cosmetic empire Loreal. Lilian is engaged in charity and supports various cultural and medical projects. Some large scandals are connected with her name. She was suspected of non-payment of taxes and bribes to large political figures of France. In addition, Betankur is known for litigation with heirs.


The 8th line in the list of the most influential people is Cristina Lagard. Since 2011, it is the managerial director of the IMF. This amazing woman made a brilliant career in the world of men. In his youth, she was seriously engaged in sports and entered the national team of synchronous swimming. He graduated from two universities and worked as a lawyer in the largest law firm of the world "Baker and Mckenzie", and then became the first woman who headed her. Under her leadership, the company doubled the profit for the year, and Lagard was among the most prominent business women in Europe. In 2011, she became Minister of Economics of France and the first woman in this post. Christine Lagarde, according to Forbes magazine, is one of the most influential politicians in the world.


- Without it, it is not necessary, perhaps no ranking on the financial topic. One of the richest people of the planet cannot not have a huge influence. 81 billion dollars - the state of one of the founders of Microsoft Corporation is estimated to such an astronomical amount. In 2013, Forbes magazine compiled a list of people most in the world who spent on charity. Bill Gates and his wife occupied the first place in it. 25 billion dollars - so much they spent on charity and patronage. Gates is one of the founders of the company "Klyatva Darment", calling the rich people of the world to spend half of their capital for charity. He himself, by the end of life, intends to pay at least 100 billion dollars on good purpose. Bill Gates, the richest and influential man of the planet - on the 7th place of the rating.


It holds the post of chairman of the European Central Bank and he has to act in very difficult conditions. He tirelessly calls for unpopular, but necessary for the survival of reforms in the eurozone.


On 5 positions -. She no longer was among the most authoritative politicians. In 2005, she entered the story, becoming the first woman as a federal chancellor of Germany. By the formation of Merkel - physicist. In the late 1980s decided to actively engage in politics. Having joined the Christian-Democratic Union, Merkel became one of the deputies of the Bundestag. Since the early 1990s, he held the post of Minister for Women's Affairs, then became Minister for Affairs ambient. In 2000, he was elected by the Chairman of the Party of the Christian Democratic Union and was repeatedly re-elected to this position. Becoming a federal chancellor, during the year achieved great popularity - Merkel's policy supported more than 80% of Germans. Her coming to power marked rapprochement with Washington. At the same time, the German government continued to support partnership with the crisis in relations in 2014. Despite the complex position of the European economy, in 2013, Angela Merkel was re-elected for the post of Chancellor of Germany for the third time.


It turned out to be the fourth in the list of the most authoritative people of the world. While still Cardinal, he showed his modesty and unpretentiousness. He refused a personal car and luxury archbishop's luxury apartments, preferring to live in a small apartment and ride on public transport. In 2013, he was elected the following Roman dad. The modernization of the Roman Catholic Church is actively engaged. Initially, the shock of the flock caused his statement that God was not a wizard. Pontiff entered the story as a Roman dad, officially recognized the theory of a large explosion and agreed with Darwin in evolution issues. For this and close attention to such urgent problems as gender inequality and poverty, Francis Pontification, respect and consider one of the most reputable people on the planet.


The third place in the list of the most authoritative people on Earth belongs to the leader. Its popularity in the country is incredibly high. He continues the policy of turning the PRC into heavy duty power and supports partnerships both with Western and Asian countries and with Russia.


On the second line of the "Forbes" rating is located. The American leader has repeatedly headed the list of the most authoritative politicians, but in lately I passed my position. He is accused of having in his hands all the levers of influence, he does not use them.


On the 1st place of the most authoritative and influential people of the world standing. Last year, Forbes also recognized the Russian leader with the strongest politician of the planet. Time magazine in April of this year summed up the reader's vote. It was necessary to choose the most influential people who changed the world for the better or worse during the year. And in this ranking confidently led the President of Russia. This result is the result of its activities. Despite the difficult situation in which there was a country, sanctions and partial political isolation, confidence in the president in the people highly, more than ever. Plays the role and the fact that Putin can afford to pursue politics without looking at the opinion of other countries.

What else to see:

Top 200 leaders: Vladimir Potanin ($ 15.4 billion), Mikhail Friedman ($ 14.6 billion), Alisher Usmanov ($ 14.4 billion)

Original of this material
© "Russian Forbes", 04/15/2015, billionaires and crisis: how the Forbes list has changed for the year, Illustration: "Russian Forbes"

Elena Berezanskaya

Forbes was the twelfth in the richest richest entrepreneurs of Russia in a difficult time for business. International economic sanctions against the largest banks and companies, a catastrophic fall in oil prices, the devaluation of the ruble strongly hit on Russian business and smashed the Forbes list. During the year, the ruble fell to the dollar twice as well, and the dollar market market indicator is the RTS index - lost more than 30%.

The cumulative state of 200 richest entrepreneurs of Russia decreased in 2015 to $ 408 billion from $ 481 billion in 2014, and the number of dollar billionaires decreased to 88 from 111.

The crisis, however, ran far from all - among 200 participants in the list there were 37 people who managed to increase their fortune, another 27 retained last year's result. Better than the rest against the background of the crisis, metallurges and owners look commercial real estateEspecially if they managed to conclude lease agreements in currency and do not revise their conditions. In the list of 2015, 11 new names, among the beginners there is a woman - Olga Belachtseva, co-owner of the Progress plant, which produces Frutonian's baby food and Mineral Water Lipetsk Bolvet.

One of the seven who was ever "billionaire number 1" - the former Potanin partner Mikhail Prokhorov. In the crisis of 2009, he became a champion with a state of $ 9.5 billion, and Potanin with his $ 2.1 billion took only the 19th place. By dividing the equity assets in 2008, the businessmen were accepted with them in different ways - Prokhorov sold its package of Norilsk Nickel to Rusal to the collapse of the market, and Potanin remained with highly cheaper shares.

In 2015, in the year of the new crisis, the situation turned over - the Potanan with Norilsk Nickel turned out to be the first, and Prokhorov with a state of $ 9.9 billion - at the 10th place.

The average state of former Interrosi partners for all the years of drawing up the rating is approximately the same - $ 11.8 billion in Potanina and $ 11.9 billion at Prokhorov.

To the section of assets between Prokhorov and Potanin "Interros" inferior in size only by the Consortium "Alpha Group" Mikhail Friedman and partners. In 2008, Interros assets were estimated at $ 45 billion, and Alfa Group was $ 54 billion. This year, the cumulative state of Potanina and Prokhorov is $ 25.3 billion, and again this is the second result after Alfa-Group, but Potanina groups - Prokhorov no longer. Original of this material
© "Russian Forbes", 04/16/2015

200 richest businessmen of Russia - 2015

LocationChange for the yearNameCondition, $ billionChange for the year, $ billionAgeNumber of children
1 7 Vladimir Potanin
Norilsk Nickel
15,4 +2,8 54 3
2 = Mikhail Friedman
14,6 -3 50 2
3 -2 Alisher Usmanov
Metalloinvest, Mail.Ru Group, MegaFon, DST Global, Youth Holding
14,4 -4,2 61
4 -1 Victor Vekselberg
KES, Oerlikon, Sulzer, Akado, Rusal
14,2 -3 58 2
5 7 Alexey Mordashov
Severstal, TUI AG, Power Machines, Wallow
13 +2,5 49 6
6 1 Vagit Alekperov
12,2 -1,4 64 1
7 -2 Leonid Michelson
11,7 -3,9 59 1
8 -4 Vladimir Lisin
NLMK, UCL Holding
11,6 -5 58 3
9 -3 Gennady Timchenko
NOVATEK, Bank Russia, Transoil, SIBUR
10,7 -4,6 62 3
10 1 Mikhail Prokhorov
RUSAL, INTERGEO, IFC Bank, Brooklyn Nets
9,9 -1 49
11 -1 Herman Han
Alfa Bank, Rwe Dea, Vimpelcom, X5 Retail Group
9,5 -1,8 53 4
12 2 Roman Abramovich
Evraz PLC, Chelsea FC
9,1 0 48 7
13 -4 Andrei Melnichenko
EuroChem, Suek
9,1 -2,3 43 1
14 3 Dmitry Rybolovlev
8,5 -0,3 48 2
15 -2 Sergey Galitsky
8,3 -2 47 1
16 = Alexey Kuzmichyev
Alfa Bank, Rwe Dea, Vimpelcom, X5 Retail Group
7,3 -1,5 52 1
17 3 Oleg Deripaska
6,2 -0,3 47 2
18 = Andrei Skol
5,7 -2,5 49 9
19 2 Leonid Fedun
LUKOIL, IFD Capital, FC Spartak
5,3 -1,2 59 2
20 2 Peter Aven
5,1 -1 60 2
21 4 Sergey Popov
MDM Bank
4,6 -0,8 43 2
22 6 Alexander Abramov
Evraz Plc.
4,5 +0,7 56 3
23 1 Philaret Galchev
Eurocement group
4,4 -1,6 51 2
24 6 Zama Imev
Kiev Square
4,3 +0,7 48 2
25 6 Year of Nisanov
Kiev Square
4,3 +0,7 42 3
26 = Samvel Karapetyan
Group Tashir
4 -0,3 49 3
27 43 Dmitry Mason
Domodedovo airport
3,8 +2,4 46
28 4 Andrei Guriev
3,5 +0,1 55 2
29 -6 Iskander Mahmudov
UMMC, Transmashholding, Kuzbassrazrezugol, TransGroup
3,5 -2,6 51 1
30 7 Victor Rasnikov
3,5 +0,7 66 2
31 -12 Suleiman Kerimov
Polyus Gold.
3,4 -3,5 49 3
32 25 Yuri Millner
DST Global
3,2 +1,4 53 2
33 1 Alexander Svetkov
Absolut group
3,1 0 47 3
34 -5 Igor Kesaev
Group of Mercury, Dixie groups
3 -0,7 48 3
35 -20 Vladimir Yevtushenkov
AFK System
2,8 -6,2 66 2
36 6 Alexander Mamut.
Polymetal, peak group
2,5 +0,2 55 3
37 -2 Alexander Nesis
Polymetal, Opening, Opap, United Car Company
3 +0,5 52 4
38 -5 Mikhail Gutseriev
Russneft, Russian coal
2,4 -0,9 57 2
39 4 Alexander Ponomarenko
2,4 +0,1 50 2
40 4 Alexander Skorobogatko
2,4 +0,1 47 3
41 8 Vyacheslav Kantor.
2,3 +0,3 61 5
42 4 Igor Makarov
2,1 0 53 2
43 -5 Vasily Anisimov
2 -0,6 63 4
44 -5 Vladimir Bogdanov
2 -0,6 63 1
45 10 Andrei Kozitsyn
2 +0,1 54 1
46 10 Aras Agalarov
Crocus Group
1,9 +0,1 59 2
47 34 Vadim Moshkovich
Rusagro, Augur Estate
1,9 +0,6 48 3
48 18 Alexander Frolov.
Evraz Plc.
1,8 +0,3 50 1
49 105 Yuri Schefer.
Group SPI
1,75 +1,05 47 4
50 2 Mikhail Balakin
1,7 -0,2 53 1
51 = Nikolai Buynov 1,7 +1,7 47
52 7 Igor Altushkin
Russian copper company
1,6 -0,1 44 6
53 55 Boris Mintz
O1 Group.
1,6 +0,6 56 4
54 -14 Danil Khachaturov
Rosgosstrakh, RGS Bank
1,6 -1 43 2
55 8 Gavril Yushvaev
Polyus Gold.
1,6 -0,1 57 6
56 -11 Alexander Japaridze
Eurasia Drilling Company.
1,5 -0,6 59 5
57 12 Farhad Ahmedov 1,4 0 59 3
58 14 Peter Kondrashev
1,4 0 65 2
59 14 Anatoly Lomakin
1,4 0 62 2
60 -33 Arkady Rotenberg
Group of SGM, Mostotrest, SMP Bank
1,4 -2,6 63 5
61 17 Oleg Boyko
1,3 -0,05 50
62 -1 Andrey Kovoy.
Alpha Bank, Rwe Dea, Vimpelcom
1,3 -0,4 54 2
63 11 Dmitry Mazepin
1,3 -0,1 46 2
64 -17 Alexey Ananyev
1,25 -0,75 50 3
65 -17 Dmitry Ananyev
Promsvyazbank, TehnoServ, Promsvyaznadvizhenia
1,25 -0,75 46 4
66 -8 Nikolay Tsvetkov
1,25 -0,55 54 2
67 46 Valentin Gapontsev
IPG Photonics.
1,2 +0,25 76 1
68 11 Vladimir Gruzdev
Fashionable continent
1,2 -0,1 48 3
69 -2 Sergey Katsiev
GK "Mercury"
1,2 -0,25 57 2
70 -17 Lion swirl
Novoroscement, Bank National Standard
1,2 -0,7 49 2
71 5 Gleb Fetisov
1,2 -0,2 48 3
72 30 Airat Shaimiev
1,15 +0,05 53
73 -5 Roman Avdeev
Moscow credit bank, Veropharm, pharmacy chain 36.6
1,1 -0,3 47 23
74 18 Alexey Bogachev
Bank system, magnet
1,1 -0,05 44 2
75 8 Konstantin Grigorishin
Energy Standard
1,1 -0,15 49 3
76 -12 Yury Gushchin
Groups "Guta"
1,1 -0,5 70 1
77 80 Alexander Lutsenko
1,1 +0,45 53 2
78 7 Nikolai Maksimov
1,1 -0,1 57 3
79 -43 Zyate Manasir
1,1 -1,7 49 5
80 17 Andrei Rappoport.
1,1 0 51 2
81 20 Rustem Sulteev
1,1 0 61 2
82 -31 Rustam Tariko
Russian standard
1,1 -0,9 53 3
83 20 Radik Shaimiev
1,1 0 50 2
84 20 Albert Shigabutdinov
1,05 -0,05 62 2
85 21 Elena Baturin
1 0 52 2
86 32 Evgeny Kaspersky
Lab Kaspersky
1 +0,1 49 4
87 -5 Zelimkhan Mutsow 1 -0,3 55 5
88 1 Leonid Simanovsky
NOVATEK, First Joint Bank
1 -0,2 65 1
89 34 Dmitry Bosov
Allete Group
0,95 +0,1 47 4
90 22 Vyacheslav Bresht
0,95 0 61 1
91 93 Oleg Brelakov
Burneftegaz, Stroylesbank
0,95 +0,45 65
92 32 Ruben Vardanyan
0,95 +0,1 46 4
93 -39 Andrei Klyamko
Smart Holding
0,95 -0,95 53 1
94 44 Alexander Klyachin
0,95 +0,2 47
95 34 Vladimir Kogan
0,95 +0,15 51 4
96 19 Vyacheslav Mirilashvili
0,95 0 31 2
97 12 Sergey Petrov
Group of Rolf.
0,95 -0,05 60 2
98 -4 Megoth Rakhimkulov
0,95 -0,2 69 3
99 -37 Boris Rothenberg.
SSTP, SMP Bank, Gazprom Drilling
0,95 -0,75 58 4
100 19 Anatoly Skores
0,95 +0,05 62 2
101 = Viktor Kharitonin
0,95 +0,95 42 2
102 -11 David Yakobashvili
0,95 -0,25 58 1
103 13 Ruslan Baisarov
0,9 0 46 4
104 -39 Andrei Bokarev
Kuzbassrazrezugol, TransGroups, Transmashholding, UMMC
0,9 -0,6 48 1
105 -7 Nikolai Sarkisov
0,9 -0,2 46 6
106 -7 Sergey Sarkisov
0,9 -0,2 55 5
107 14 Roman Trotsenko
Aeon Corporation
0,9 0 44 2
108 6 Georgy Gens.
Lanits, Russian Credit, "Inventive Retail Group
0,85 -0,1 60 2
109 -13 Sergey Kislov
South Rus, Novoshakhtinsky Factory of Petroleum products
0,85 -0,25 54 3
110 -24 Nikita Mishin
Globaltrans, Global Ports
0,85 -0,35 43 3
111 -24 Konstantin Nikolaev
Globaltrans, Global Ports
0,85 -0,35 44 5
112 -22 Andrei Filatov
Globaltrans, Global Ports
0,85 -0,35 43 3
113 14 Andrei Borodin
0,8 0 47 3
114 -54 Arkady Volozh
0,8 -0,9 51 3
115 -22 Andrey Kuzyaev
Oilserviceholding, Er Telecom
0,8 -0,35 49 3
116 -32 Ziyudin Magomedov
Group sum
0,8 -0,4 46 3
117 -37 Andrei Molchanov
LSR Group
0,8 -0,5 43 5
118 -23 Alexey Semin
0,8 -0,35 47
119 6 Igor Yakovlev
Sulpak, Kari.
0,8 -0,05 49 1
120 13 Albert Avdolyan
0,75 0 44 4
121 13 Sergey Adonyev
0,75 0 54 5
122 40 Leonid Boguslavsky
0,75 +0,15 63 2
123 = Dmitry Kostygin 0,75 +0,75 42
124 7 Vladimir Makhlai
0,75 -0,05 77 2
125 16 Nikolai Olshansky
0,75 0 75
126 -38 Alexander Putilov
Eurasia Drilling Company.
0,75 -0,45 62 2
127 26 Zakhar Smushchin
Group Ilim, Start Development
0,75 +0,05 53 1
128 -23 Mikhail Abyzov
RU-COM group
0,7 -0,3 42 3
129 3 Andrey Rogachev
0,7 -0,1 51 2
130 19 David Davidovich
0,65 -0,05 52 2
131 19 Ilya Zubarev 0,65 -0,05 40
132 -61 Yury Kovalchuk
Bank Russia, Sogaz, National Media Group, STS Media, Tele2 Russia
0,65 -0,75 63 1
133 -26 Dmitry Korzhev
Group Okay
0,65 -0,35 51
134 -4 Vitaly Malkin
0,65 -0,15 62 3
135 = Vitaly Mashitsky 0,65 +0,65 61
136 -86 Dmitry Pumpyansky
Pipe metallurgical company, Sinara
0,65 -1,35 51 1
137 -27 Dmitry Troitsky
Group O'Kei
0,65 -0,35 50
138 -27 Sergey Cikalyuk
0,65 -0,35 56 2
139 16 Mikail Shishkhanov
0,65 -0,05 42 4
140 6 Grigory Berezkin
University Group
0,6 -0,1 48 4
141 -13 Vladimir Gorobeyuk
0,6 -0,2 53
142 6 Sait-Salam Gutseriev
The property
0,6 -0,1 55 5
143 32 Boris Zingarevich
Group Ilim, Ilim Timber
0,6 +0,05 55 2
144 -7 Telman Ismailov
0,6 -0,15 58 2
145 21 Oleg Leonov
0,6 0 45
146 5 Vladimir Leshchikov
147 = Vladimir Melnikov
+0,6 67
148 20 Mikhail Sliphenchuk
Metropol Group
0,6 0 50 2
149 14 Nikolai Forts
0,55 -0,05 69
150 41 Alexander Vagin
0,55 +0,1 56 2
151 5 Alexander Gird.
0,55 -0,1 54
152 = Sergey Gordeev
Kg "peak"
0,55 +0,55
153 21 Andrei Dobrov
0,55 0 52 3
154 22 Arsen Kanokov
0,55 0 58 3
155 40 Gennady Kozova
0,55 +0,1 64 2
156 21 Peter Kolbin
0,55 0 63
157 21 Mikhail Nikolaev
0,55 0 56 4
158 -32 Andrei Andreev
0,5 -0,3 41
159 21 Denis Bazhaev
0,5 0 19
160 21 Musa Bazhaev
Alliance Oil Company, Russian Platinum, Amur Gold
0,5 0 48 4
161 29 Vadim Belyaev
FC discovery (24.9%)
0,5 +0,05 48
162 -45 Vladimir Gridin
Siberian Business Soyuz
0,5 -0,4 59 4
163 -23 Mikhail Kusnirovich
Bosco di Ciliegi.
0,5 -0,25 48 2
164 3 Alexander Rakshin
0,5 -0,1 63 2
165 -5 Victor Belsh 0,5 -0,15 44
166 = Igor Rotenberg 0,5 +0,5 41
167 2 Alexander Smosikov
0,5 -0,1 43 3
168 -48 Konstantin Strankov
0,5 -0,4 56 2
169 -94 Oleg Tinkov
Tinkoff Credit Systems
0,5 -0,9 47 3
170 -48 Alexander Tincanov
M Video
0,5 -0,4 47 2
171 -94 Vladimir Shcherbakov
0,5 -0,9 65 1
172 10 Andrei Berekhmelnitsky
0,45 -0,05 48 3
173 10 Andrei Bloch
0,45 -0,05 51 3
174 = Valentin Burtarov
0,45 +0,45 60 2
175 = Sergey Kolesnikov
0,45 +0,45 43 4
176 = Vladimir Melnichenko
0,45 +0,45 64 3
177 = Igor Rybakov
0,45 +0,45 43 4
178 = Nikolai Skorokhodov 0,45 +0,45
179 = Dmitry Strezhnev 0,45 -0,1 47 2
180 = Sergey Studennikov0,45 +0,45 48
181 18 Grigory Finger.
Mail.Ru Group.
0,45 0 49 1
182 -37 Grigory Anikseev
ABI Group
0,4 -0,3 43
183 = Olga Belyavseva
Manufacturer of baby food and mineral water Progress JSC (35%), funds from the sale of shares of OJSC Lebedyansky
0,4 +0,4 45 3
184 8 Sergey Generals
0,4 -0,05 51 1
185 -21 Alexey Isaikin 0,4 -0,2 62
186 = Igor Kudryashkin
0,4 +0,4 53 1
187 = Egor Kulkov
0,4 +0,4 43
188 -23 Alexander Lebedev
National Reserve Bank
0,4 -0,2 55 3
189 7 Vladimir Litvinenko
0,4 -0,05 59 1
190 -32 Sergey Nesterenko 0,4 -0,25
191 -32 Alexey Petrov 0,4 -0,25 43
192 -40 Vladimir Polyakov
Concern Eneromera
0,4 -0,3 61 1
193 -51 Serik Rakhmetov
Globalstroy-Engineering, Eurasia Drilling Company
0,4 -0,35 65
194 -94 Anatoly Sedoy
Combined metallurgical company
0,4 -0,7 50 2
195 -34 Oleg Smirnov 0,4 -0,25
196 -8 Sergey Solonin 0,4 -0,1 41
197 -27 Ivan Tavrin
UTV Holding
0,4 -0,2 38
198 -55 Mikhail Fedyaev
Siberian Business Soyuz
0,4 -0,35 52 2
199 -27 Igor Khokormov
0,4 -0,2 46 2
200 = Eduard Chukhlebov
0,4 +0,4 52

As we thought

Forbes no longer the first decade assesses the largest states of the world. For this, the magazine applies a specially developed technique, the basis of which is as follows:

1. We bring the assessment of the state of the entrepreneur - this is the value of the assets belonging to him: stock shares, land plots, real estate objects, as well as personal property, etc.

2. All public companies are estimated at market capitalization. Closed companies are evaluated on the basis of information on sales volumes, profits, own capital; A comparison is made with similar in terms of companies trading on the stock exchange or in the recent past of the former sale facility. We try to be conservative and evaluate the property of entrepreneurs on the basis of "at least not cheaper."

3. In this list, the price of companies is fixed as of February 13, 2015. The age of the list of the list is indicated on April 15, 2015

4. Russian entrepreneurs often record shares of their enterprises in the next relatives. Considering this circumstance, Forbes attributes all assets as the family of entrepreneurs, the head of the family, if relatives do not take active participation in the management of the company co-owners.

5. The list includes only those citizens of Russia who earned the bulk of their capital by private order without being civil servants.

6. Only 200 richest businessmen of Russia are included in the list, the lower plan of the rating is $ 400 million. If you did not find any of the well-known entrepreneurs in the list, it means forbes assesses his state of mee than $ 400 million.

The information provided in the rating information is expert and journalistic assessment of the cumulative volume of ownership of the specified persons. This information is not official and can only be used in private.

Annual list of richest people of the planet. As in 2015, the first position in it was taken by the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the founder of Zara Amancio Ortega rose on the second line (from the fourth place). The third place retained the investor Warren Buffett.

Inside the top 15 rating, the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos (from the 15th place on the fifth line), while Wal-Mart co-Mart colawered Jim Walton rolled back to the 15th place from the ninth. Of the 15 richest people in the world 11 are citizens of the United States, two - the French, another businessman represent Spain and Mexico. Newbies Top-15 - Founders Google and Facebook.

Together, 15 richest people of the planet have a state of $ 679 billion.

1. Bill Gates

Condition: $ 75 billion

Age:60 years


Status source:Microsoft.

The founder of the IT-Giant Microsoft for the second year in a row is on top of the world list forbes. Gates is known as a major patrons, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who works in improving health levels in developing countries. The charity goats have already sent more than $ 31 billion in 2015, speaking in Paris at the UN conference on climate change, Gates spoke about the formation of the so-called. Breakthrough Energy Coalition - Associations over 20 billionaires that will invest in projects related to environmentally friendly energy

2. Amancio Ortega

Condition: $ 67 billion

Age: 79 years old

Country: Spain

Status source:Zara.

Amancio Ortega - rich man Europe and the most wealthy retailer in the world. Zara was founded by Ortega and his wife Rosalia measure in 1975. Now there are about 2 thousand corporate stores in this brand. Inditex, which Ortega founded, now combines brands such as Pull & Bear, Bershka, Massimo Dutti.

The years of the global financial crisis are extremely successful for Inditex and orthhetians: from 2009 to 2014, the businessman became richer by $ 45 billion due to the rapid growth of the company's shares

3. Warren Buffette

Condition: $ 60.8 billion

Age:85 years old


Status source:Berkshire Hathaway.

Warren Buffett is considered an investor-legend, he is called "Oracle from Omaha" (the city where he lives). He received control over Berkshire Hathaway in 1965 - then the company was engaged in textile business. Now the company's capitalization is more than $ 202 billion, it combines a portfolio financial investment, Insurance Business, includes a BNSF railway freight operator and a number of other businesses. Last week, Buffets appealed to the next, 51st message to shareholders, recognizing several of their mistakes in 2015 - in particular, buying companies entirely. "I will also take other mistakes, you can be sure of that," he said. Despite its respectable age, Buffett has not yet reported who will replace it with the steering wheel Berkshire Hathaway

4. Carlos Slim

Condition:$ 50 billion

Age:76 years old


Status source:Telefonos De Mexico, America Movil

The past year was for Carlos Sliem Aluminum - his condition fell by $ 27 billion, more in the new rating forbes no one was lost. America Movil owned by the mobile mobile operator America Movil due to the new antimonopoly legislation of Mexico in the field of telecommunications. Sliem's \u200b\u200bbusiness unfavorable in business was reflected in the weakening of the mexican peso and the crisis in Brazil. In addition to assets in telecommunications, Slise belongs to the share in the industrial conglomerate Grupo Carso, the edition of The New York Times and the Financial Corporation Grupo Financiero Inbursa

5. Jeff Bezos

Condition: $ 45.2 billion



Status source:Amazon.

In 2015, Blue Origin, owned by Blue Origin, launched a Suverbital rocket, which it was possible to successfully land and later to use again. In 2015, Amazon earned a record $ 107 billion for himself. But the reputation of a chance and his company was somewhat pouched into the material that came out in the New York Times, which it was said that the billionaire's management had pressure on employees and forces overtime. And this is no longer the first major claim for the protection of labor protection: In 2014, the international confederation of trade unions called him the "worst chief in the world"

6. Mark Zuckerberg

Condition: $ 44.6 billion

Age:31 year


Status source:Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg became the most successful businessman of 2015 - the growth of Facebook shares over the past 12 months brought him $ 11.2 billion in late January 2016 against the backdrop of record quarterly revenue (up to $ 5.84 billion) the state of Zuckerberg increased at more than $ 6 billion at once. In December, Zuckerberg became a father, after which he stated that he would send 99% of Facebook revenues for the charitable goals

7. Larry Ellison

Condition: $ 43.6 billion

Age:71 year


Status source:Oracle

Ellison started with the fact that he worked as a programmer and developed databases for the CIA. In 1977, he founded Oracle, which eventually became the second-income magnitude by the manufacturer of software after Microsoft. In 2014, Ellison left the post of general director Oracle, who held 38 years. Nevertheless, he left the director of technology and chairman of the Board of Directors. In June 2015, Ellison stated that Oracle intends to compete Amazon in the field of cloud technologies

Condition: $ 40 billion

Age:74 years

Country: USA

Status source:Bloomberg LP.

In the end of 2015, early 2016 steel for Michael Bloomberg return time to a large policy - the former mayor of New York said he would fight for the presidency of the United States as an independent candidate. For the election campaign, Bloomberg is ready to direct $ 1 billion from personal funds. Bloomberg is included in the list of billionaires since 1995. By the subscribers of the Bloomberg agency founded by the Agency are 325 thousand users.

9-10. Brothers Charles and David Koh

Condition: $ 39.6 billion

Age:80 years (Charles), 75 (David)


Status source:Koch Industries.

Brothers Koh heads one of the largest American corporations - Koch Industries. It is a holding, consisting of dozens of industrial and financial companies. The elder brother is a general director, the younger - executive vice president. Each of them holds 42% of the concern's shares, refusing to conduct an IPO. Among the largest industrialists of the United States brothers Koh are considered the most politically active clan. Back in 1980, David Koch was a candidate for Vice-Presidents from the Libertarian Party, since then the brothers sacrificed hundreds of millions of conservative and libertarian funds. For example, for several years they passed $ 10 million each in favor of the American Union of Civil Freedoms (ACLU) - a human rights organization that defends the freedom of information and criticizes the patriotic act

11. Lilian Betankur

Condition: $ 36.1 billion

Age:93 years

Country: France

Status source:L'Oreal

The richest Frenchwoman and the richest woman in the world Betankur is the main shareholder of the Perfumery company L'Oreal. She owns 31% of the shares of the holding, as well as 3% in Nestle (which, in turn, is the co-owner of L'Oreal). The leading shareholder of the company Bethankur has been for almost 60 years. During this time, her name appeared in several political and financial scandals. For example, she became one of the victims of Bernard Madoff's sidewist, having lost $ 22 million. And yet it is more known as the pattancur charitable fund assets of the Betankur Foundation amount to more than € 150 million

12. Larry Page

Condition: $ 35.2 billion

Age:42 years


Status source:Google

The co-owner of the online giant Google Larry Page is now headed by Alphabet Holding Company, created in August 2015 to combine all Google's assets. In early February, Alphabet, ahead of Apple, briefly became the most expensive company in the world with a capitalization of $ 568 billion. Now the indicator has rolled up to $ 500 billion (while Apple is $ 547 billion). In addition, Page is interested in the latest technological projects, investing in renewable energy and the development of hybrid cars. Founder Tesla Motors Ilon Mask (94th place with $ 10.7 billion) - his close buddy

13. Sergey Brin

Condition: $ 34.4 billion

Age: 42 years

Country: USA

Status source:Google

A classmate Larry Page on Stanford University, in Google Bryn Corporation responds rather for technological developments (while Page is engaged in general management). For example, under the right leadership of Brin there is a selection of Google X laboratory, which released Google Glass glasses and developing a unmanned car and biomedical innovations. The native of Moscow, until the five-year-old age he lived in the USSR, after which I emigrated with family to the state. In the holding of Alphabet, Brin holds the position of President

14. Bernard Arno.

Condition: $ 34 billion

Age:66 years old

Country: France

Status source:LVMH

The Frenchman Arno magazine Forbes calls "one of the main global lawmakers." His Holding LVMH combines leading brands of premium alcohol, perfumery and fashion houses. The businessman began his way in the segment of luxury goods in the 1980s with the leadership of Christian Dior, after which he created a holding company to buy other market players. Arno and inexplicable investments: for example, in 1999, invested $ 30 million in the young Netflix service. Good friend Nicolas Sarkozy, he witnessed the wedding policy with his second wife Cecilia in 1996. The policy of the President-Socialist Francois Holyland Arno, on the contrary, is extremely unhappy. In the case of introduction in France, the billionaire tax is promised to obtain the citizenship of Belgium

15. Jim Walton

Condition: $ 33.6 billion

Age:67 years old


Status source:Wal-Mart.

Jim Walton is a representative of the family of owners of the world's largest network of Wal-Mart supermarkets - with the richest representative (his sister Alice and Brother Rob own about $ 32 billion each). Their older brother and the main shareholder Wal-Mart John Walton died in a plane crash in 2005, since then Jim occupies brother in the Board of Directors of the Company. In total, the founder of the Founder of Sam Walton has more than 50% of Wal-Mart shares. Jim also also also bankingwhy his condition is somewhat higher. According to Fortune, the company is the world's largest private employer with 2.2 million jobs and 11.5 thousand outlets

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