
How to get a loan online without binding your card? We are looking for a financial company and make out the loan

30.08.2017 0

At the moment, most payment systems have a close connection with each other, which ensures the most convenient use of their services. WebMoney with QIWI provides the possibility of binding wallets of any of the systems. This allows you to simplify financial operations. But how to transfer money from webman on kiwi without binding wallets? For this there are several ways.

Transfer money from webmoney to kiwi without binding wallets using an exchanger

Transferring money from webmoney to Kiwi without binding of wallets provides some commission. In order to transfer finances from one service to another offered exchangers. The advantageous WebMoney exchanger on QIWI with the most optimal course can be found at Bestchange.

WEBMoney exchange operations on QIWI may differ among themselves the conveniences of using the site and the size of the commissioned Commission.

The above methods described in detail how to transfer money from webmoney to Kiwi without binding wallets. The first method requires some time costs, but it helps to save own funds. The rest save time, but provide a commission that can have enough impressive sizes.

Translation with reference through WebMoney system

Consider translation electronic money From one system to another, pre-tied the wallets. To this end, you need to visit main page WM Webmoney.ua and perform standard authorization.

Authorization in the system

The process of binding wallets

It is important to remember that to transfer funds from QIWI to WebMoney, you must first binding the purses of these systems. Now we are in the WM service.

Binding wallets in QIWI system

To bind, follow the link to the link that will be located near the "binding code". But, you can also perform the following steps:

After the procedure for binding wallets is over, you need to know how to translate with Webmoney to the QIWI wallet required amount.

Performing money transfer between wallets

Now you should return to banks.webmoney.ru and click on "My Accounts, Maps" list.

There is information about tied cards or accounts, including QIWI. If you press any of the wallets, then its additional features will be available. In the list that opens, the "Top up" should be stopped. When specifying the sum for translation and the "SMS confirmation" method, you should click "OK".

You should confirm your input to WebMoney wallet by entering the code from the message received on your phone. At the bottom of the Table Accounts tab, confirm your actions by the "Pay" key. This can be performed in WM Keeper or using mobile application Wm.

How to transfer money from WebMoney to QIWI: Video

As it turned out, WordPress does not allow you to quickly and easily create a taxonomy so as not to tie it to any type of recording. You can rather register taxonomy without binding, only when you switch to the creation page of the elements of this taxonomy, we will inevitably be in the "Record" menu item. And we need to create your own separate menu item for this taxonomy. I will explain in order ...

A task

You need to store data (lines), with the ability to add some data to them (in advance is unknown, the code will expand). Further, this data (lines) will be used for WordPress users (users will have a setting of skills, for example, the user can cook, wash, clean).

In order not to write a bunch of code, for the opportunity to create, change and remove these skills, the number of which is expected in the amount of 2000 joke, a strategic decision was made use WordPress taxonomy for these purposes.

Pros: Return taxonomy is very simple and immediately we get a table with pagination and search, the ability to add, modify, delete data, as well as the ability to expand the data by metapole. Moreover, we obtain a whole package of WP functions for the output of the elements of this taxonomy. And if, for example, save this data to a separate table or in options, then to control all this it would be necessary to write a separate code, for all: starting from creating a page in the admin and ending with the output features of the elements. And here everything is ready immediately.

Minuses: Unfurnish unused fields in the table of taxonomies, and we do not save on matches, so there are no minuses!

Total task: Create taxonomy not affected by the type of recording and having a separate menu item to admin panel.


We register taxonomy. We need it only for data storage, so it will not be public (not visible on the front) and without any familiar taxonomy parameters:

// Create a taxonomy Skills Add_action ("init", function () (register_taxonomy ("skills", , array (// "label" \u003d\u003e "skills", // Determined by the parameter $ Labels-\u003e Name "Labels" \u003d\u003e array ("name" \u003d\u003e "skills", "singular_name" \u003d\u003e "skill", "add_new_item" \u003d\u003e "Add a new skill",), "public" \u003d\u003e false, "show_ui" \u003d\u003e true, // equal Public argument "show_in_rest" \u003d\u003e false, // Add to Rest API "Hierarchical" \u003d\u003e False, "Update_Count_Callback" \u003d\u003e "__return_null",));), 20);

We get:

As you can see, everything works, only the dachshunds do not have its own menu item and when entering the taxa page, we are in the "Records" section.

Create a menu item for our taxi:

## Add a taxonomy menu item to the Add_action Ad_action menu ("Admin_Menu", "add_skills_menu_item"); Function Add_Skills_Menu_Page () (ADD_MENU_PAGE ("Skills", "skills", "manage_options", "edit-tags.php? Taxonomy \u003d skills", , "dashicons-awards", 9);)

We get:

Now the task is to disable the recording subsection and make an active menu item of our taxa. Here the VP is all bad - there are no suitable hooks, so we will hack.

This code for which the current note was written:

## Add a taxonomy menu item to the Add_action Ad_action menu ("Admin_Menu", "add_skills_menu_item"); Function Add_Skills_Menu_Item () ($ TaxName \u003d "Skills"; $ is_skills \u003d isset ($ _ get ["Taxonomy"]) && $ _Get ["Taxonomy"] \u003d\u003d\u003d $ TaxName; // cancel "Current" for records (default The dachshund is tied there, even if you do not specify the record type when you register the taxes) if ("Parent_File", "__return_false"); // Add a $ menu_title \u003d "(! Lang: skills"; add_menu_page("Скилы", $menu_title, "manage_options", "edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxname", null, "dashicons-awards", 9); // поправим некоторые параметры добавленого пункта меню $menu_item = & $GLOBALS["menu"][ key(wp_list_filter($GLOBALS["menu"], [$menu_title])) ]; foreach($menu_item as & $val){ // добавим класс "current" где нужно if(false !== strpos($val, "menu-top")) $val = "menu-top". ($is_skills ? " current" : ""); $val = preg_replace("~toplevel_page[^ ]+~", "toplevel_page_$taxname", $val); } } !}

We get:

That's actually all!

In my task, it was necessary to still hide unnecessary fields and add a field for mass adding skills.

The entire previous code is entirely, including the code for extra. Tasks:

"Skills", // Determined by the parameter $ Labels-\u003e Name "Labels" \u003d\u003e Array ("name" \u003d\u003e "skills", "singular_name" \u003d\u003e "skill", "add_new_item" \u003d\u003e "add a new skill",) , "Public" \u003d\u003e false, "show_ui" \u003d\u003e true, // is equal to the Public argument "show_in_rest" \u003d\u003e false, // Add to REST API "Hierarchical" \u003d\u003e False, "update_count_callback" \u003d\u003e "__return_null",) ); MassAdd_skills_Handler (); ), twenty); ## Add a taxonomy menu item to the Add_action Ad_action menu ("Admin_Menu", "add_skills_menu_item"); Function Add_Skills_Menu_Item () ($ TaxName \u003d "Skills"; $ is_skills \u003d isset ($ _ get ["Taxonomy"]) && $ _Get ["Taxonomy"] \u003d\u003d\u003d $ TaxName; // cancel "Current" for records (default The dachshund is tied there, even if you do not specify the record type when you register the taxes) if ("Parent_File", "__return_false"); // Add a $ menu_title \u003d "(! Lang: skills"; add_menu_page("Скилы", $menu_title, "manage_options", "edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxname", null, "dashicons-awards", 9); // поправим некоторые параметры добавленного пункта меню $menu_item = & $GLOBALS["menu"][ key(wp_list_filter($GLOBALS["menu"], [$menu_title])) ]; foreach($menu_item as & $val){ // добавим класс "current" где нужно if(false !== strpos($val, "menu-top")) $val = "menu-top". ($is_skills ? " current" : ""); $val = preg_replace("~toplevel_page[^ ]+~", "toplevel_page_$taxname", $val); } } ## обработка запроса на массовое добавление скилов function massadd_skills_handler(){ if(empty($_POST["massadd_skills"]) || ! trim($_POST["massadd_skills"]) || ! current_user_can("manage_options")) return; // только админ $new_skills = wp_unslash(trim($_POST["massadd_skills"])); $new_skills = array_filter(array_map("trim", explode("\n", $new_skills))); $err_names = ; foreach($new_skills as $skill_name){ $data = wp_insert_term($skill_name, "skills"); if(is_wp_error($data)) $err_names[ $skill_name ] = $data->get_error_message(); } // сообщение о результате запроса add_action("admin_notices", function() use ($err_names, $new_skills){ $added_count = count($new_skills) - count($err_names); $message = "!}

Added Termines: $ Added_Count

"; if ($ er_names) ($ message. \u003d"

"; $ message. \u003d" Failed to add:
"; Foreach ($ er_names as $ skill_name \u003d\u003e $ er_msg) $ message. \u003d" ". Esc_html ($ Skill_Name).": $ err_msg.
"; $ message. \u003d"

";) Echo"
"$ Message."
";));) ## The form of mass adding the skills add_action (" skills "." _ add_form "," MassAdd_Skills_form "); function massadd_skills_form () (if (! current_user_can (" manage_options ")) RETURN; // only admin // The code is output inside the existing form, so you will close it and open yours?\u003e

Mass adding skills

List of skills each on a new line.

id \u003d\u003d\u003d "edit-skills") (Echo "";)) ## Remove unnecessary ADD_FILTER columns (" Manage _ "." Edit-skills "." _ Columns ", Function ($ Columns) ($ Columns [" Description "], $ columns [" Posts "]); Return $ columns;));

Today in the article we will analyze two problems at once. The first problem is how to get a loan without a plastic card. Often such a problem rises when you want to urgently get your money, but then you understand that your card has expired. Second problem - how to get a loan without binding a card?

Loan without binding card

We are looking for a financial company and make out the loan

How to get a loan online without a bank card? And so first will understand the first problem, which is solved quite easily. Let's start from the very beginning. To begin with, we will try to choose a good and reliable microfinance organization.

We will choose immediately from several, it is best to choose 5-6 pieces, so it will be easier for you to look at the current conditions and approximately count your budget for further payment of debt.

We choose exactly those microcredit organizations that will be able to issue the desired amount. Then we look at the interest rate, which will greatly discharge from different organizations. It is clear that we better choose exactly the one that is less than this indicator, but it is not worth a hurry.

Organizations themselves can post different interest rates depending on the amount and increase it when you take a small loan. This percentage is called floating. And there is a fixed percentage when they are meaningful on all loans. And then you need to choose one or another depending on the amount you want to take.

You need to come seriously to this question so that you later it was convenient to pay, and to not overpay.

Next, you need to write a bid for a loan, but before that you need to register. After, we enter your personal account with a loan. You will need passport data in order to check your credit history.

After sending the application. You will not have long to wait and after a while you will come to you with approval.

Get any online loans are quite simple, for this you need to specify the available method of translation. Since you have no card, we will choose any of the proposed email wallets:, or Yandex money.

Which one to choose to solve you, but we will try to recommend that Kiwi Wallet, since with other electronic wallets it is much more difficult to remove money, and there is also a pretty big commission. Yes, QIWI also has a commission, but will lose much less in the end.

Loan on the card is issued as usual. You need to specify the necessary details, register your card and after you can always receive your loans, and also pay for debt to interest card.

We translate money

How to get loans without registration of a bank card? In fact, such firms are quite a lot, so you will not be difficult to find them. The fact is that when the map is activated upon receipt of the loan, you bring exactly those data and details of the card, which is just needed to transfer from your card of any of your money.

Often these methods use precisely to translate money. That is why most do not want to register their card in a microfinance organization, there are quite a lot.

So, to get online loans, you will need to tie a map. But in the other companies it is not necessary, and you can also get your own funds on plastic, simply specifying the necessary details or account in the bank, or the card number and the name of the bank itself.

So you now understand what to bind your card is optional to get a loan.

Why does the MFO ask to tie his card?

In fact, it is necessary in order to automate the process of replenishing the loan to your card. So you can always get your loan in a couple of minutes. You simply specify almost all your details, and the card becomes available in your personal account.

Unfortunately, there are also a large number of fraudsters on the Internet, which are represented by microfinance organizations, and in fact they just learn information about bank cards and make the transfer of funds.

So if the microcredit company somehow started to translate your funds to your accounts, then you need to quickly block your. If you have the opportunity, please inform the fact of the police fraud, since only the customer itself can be used in the bank with a bank.

How to get borrowed funds and not get to the scam?

Most importantly, try to choose financial companies carefully immediately from several organizations. Try to view information about the organization itself on the site, as well as documentation and a valid license.

Watch reviews on third-party sites, as well as on the site. They must be written by people without unnecessary delight, as it often happens when comments and reviews are written by negligible employees of this organization.

If you are asked for a loan to translate some amount of money before receiving a loan, then do not do this and go to the site of another financial firm. We also carefully do not recommend working with intermediary sites, which are searching for small financial companies. Such organizations are not responsible for anything, so if anyone will ask with no one.


The borrowed funds obtained in the MFI are much easier paid than large loan amounts in the bank. Since they are often taken for a long time and in small quantities. It is much easier to get a loan, since you do not need to walk anywhere and spend your time, and the loan design is engaged in 15-20 minutes.

On the Internet, earnings are open to all, residents of any country can use Russian-speaking sites and receive payments from them. But sometimes problems appear, with the withdrawal of funds in real life. For example, many are interested in how to bring webmoney in Ukraine without binding.

In this article, we decided to explain how to withdraw webmoney for private privat without binding? This payment system is the most popular, most systems offer exactly. There are no problems with payments if a formal certificate is received and the map is attached to the wallet, but not everyone wants to do it.

Using webmoney through Privat24

Unfortunately, there is not a single service that offers webmoney exchange to Privat 24 without binding. Therefore, it will have to use the services "changed". On the Internet, many people earn on transfers of electronic money.

It is not difficult to find them, it is enough to take advantage of the most popular forum of searchengines:

Similar themes there appear often, and at the expense of statistics and reputation, you can make sure that this is not a fraudster. As you see from this example, the user offers exchanges with several payments on Privat 24. Active discussions are open under his topic, where positive feedback is also published.

To search, I changed you can come in handy. As a rule, they are created on the topic of remote earnings, and many topics are associated with electronic money.

Once I happened to use the services changed, but I was looking for suggestions not on the forums, but via wmmail. This is a popular mailer, which has a section "Arbor". There are constantly communicating people who can also help out if necessary to exchange from WebMoney to Privat:

So as not to get on scammers, you can also see the user rating. It's hard to achieve a good status here, and the accounts are blocked for fraud, so it is unlikely that someone will decorate you. Also, each user has a wall on which you can see reviews.

Exchange webmoney to Privat without binding, you go to risks, because you can easily be deceived. If you hit the fishing fraudsters, it will not be possible to prove, since you yourself violate the rules for using payment systems.

Be careful, learn the reviews, check the statistics and first try to cash out a small amount.

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General recommendations
The minimum deposit is 100 dollars recommended by Timeframe M1. Use a broker with a good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points, a very fast VPS server is needed, preferably with a ping of no more than 3.

Input parameters
The adviser works both on four and five-digit quotes. In the input parameters, specify values \u200b\u200bin points for 5 characters, it automatically recalculates everything for 4 characters.

PERIOD INDICATOR1. - the period of the first indicator;
Up Level. - the top level of the first indicator, above which the adviser will open SELL;
DOWN LEVEL - the lower level of the first indicator below which the adviser will open Buy;
PERIOD INDICATOR2. - the period of the second indicator;
From. - lower limit of the range of values \u200b\u200bof the second indicator, in which the adviser is allowed to open positions;
To. - the upper limit of the values \u200b\u200bof the second indicator values, in which the adviser is allowed to open positions;
Initial Lot. - initial lot;
AutoLot. - Enable / disable the automatic calculation of the lot;
AUTOLOT SIZE. - the amount of deposit to which the adviser will use LOT with the included AUTO LOT.;
Max lot. - Maximum lot for the work of the adviser;
Take Profit, Points - Physical Take Profit in points;
Stop Loss, Points - physical stop loss in the deposit currency;
Virtual Take Profit. - Virtual Take Profit;
Option Take Profit. - the choice of Take Profit work only on the opening of the bar / at the current price;
LEVEL OF TAKE PROFIT - the choice of the calculation of the Take profit from the break-consuming / from the last warrant;
Virtual Stop Loss - Virtual Stop Loss;
Option Stop Loss. - Choosing the work of stop-loss on the opening of the bar / at the current price;
Max Orders. - the maximum number of orders in the market;
Star Hour.- the start time of the adviser;
End Hour. - the end of the work of the adviser;
Use Wednesday Logics. - with True, the dealer does not work on Wednesday at night, with FALSE works in normal mode;
End Time Friday. - time end of work on Friday;
Max Spread. - the maximum spread, in which the adviser is allowed to open and close the positions;
Show statistics - Enable / disable statistics demonstration;
Show Button Close. - Enable / disable the buttons to close orders;
Magic EA. - the magic number in which the adviser distinguishes its positions from other orders;
Imp1DRAW, Imp2Draw, Imp3DRAW - drawing on the news schedule (on / off);
Pause Before (After) A HIGH IMPORTANCE NEWS - suspension of the Advisor's work in minutes before (after) important news;
Pause Before (After) A MEDIUM IMPORTANCE NEWS - Suspending the work of the adviser in minutes before (after) by the news of the Central Importance;
Pause Before (After) A Low Importance News - suspension of the work of the adviser in minutes before (after) the news of the least importance;
Pause After A Low Importance News- suspension of the adviser's work in minutes after the news of the least importance;

For the operation of the NEWS Stop Trading function, you need to put a tick in "Allow WebRequest" and add "

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