
Name of the object of negative environmental impact. Statement of public records of NVOS objects: How are things? Instructions for filling out an application for registration of objects that provide NVOS

In order to determine whether the enterprise needs a statement of public records of objects that have a negative impact on the environment (NBOS), first of all, should be understood which of the enterprises belong to this category of objects. In Law No. 7-FZ dated January 10, 2000, a fairly blurred definition of this concept is provided. NVOS objects here are enterprises related to the community and territorial location.

A more accurate definition of NVIOS objects is given in a letter with clarification of Rosprirodnadzor dated 13.12.2016 No. AC-03-04-36 / 25233. If they are based on its content, then enterprises located on the territory of NVOS are Russian Federationwhose field of activity falls under the criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation in order No. 1029 of September 28, 2015, and related to objects 1,2,3 or 4 of the hazard categories. At the same time, enterprises can act as in the form of a legal entity, as an individual entrepreneur.

Quickly and professionally put on accounting objects NVOS. Cost - from 10 tr. Dates - from 1 day.

For such enterprises, the statement of government is mandatory. Requirements for this are established by Order No. 572 of June 23, 2016. If the object does not comply with the criteria of the above order No. 1029, then, accordingly, it is not an object of NVIOS and is not registered. Do not put on public records and those objects that are at the construction stage and are currently not commissioned. Application for entering the registry, they will be issued after the start of operation, but no later than for six months.

Specific examples of registration of NVOS objects.

Also, registration is required by those organizations whose activities are in accordance with the Government Decree No. 903 of 28.08.2015, according to which they are objects subject to state environmental oversight.

In addition, the maintenance of the state registry is necessary for data such as information on emissions, discharges and waste generated at production facilities.

Setting enterprises for public records is made by controlling organizations for free.

No registration and such enterprises are required, the activities of which are accompanied by only the formation, transportation and accumulation of waste, subject to the absence of other possible areas of negative impact on the environment.

Directly, the requirements for maintaining the state institution are set out in Article 69 of Law No. 7-FZ. Responsibilities of its maintenance are assigned to the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor and the executive authorities, geographically located at the location of the subordinate NVOS objects. Registry is maintained in in electronic formatwhat allows you to receive information public services and structures.

Registration of the application for the placement of the enterprise.

The basis for the inclusion of the enterprise in the NVOS registry is the application provided by the enterprise in controlling organizations. The application submits the direct owner of the production facility. In case the object is operated on the basis of the lease agreement, the applicant is a tenant.

Registration of the application on paper is undesirable, since the registry is conducted in electronic form. Preferably to fill out applications in software complex "Module of the Natural User".

Order of the Ministry of Environment of the Russian Federation No. 554 sets the required form of application. IN obligatory The application is assigned by an electronic signature of the representative of the organization. Each application is assigned an individual number.

The application requires such information as

The following section of the application is information about the object. These include:

  • the date of starting the functioning of the enterprise,
  • field of activity,
  • data on production technology,
  • information about the production and production capacity of the NVOS object,
  • data on the hazard category of an environment in relation to the environment,
  • information about the level of state economy.

In what cases do you need a project PDV, VAT?

When filling out the application, information that characterizes the enterprise as an object of environmental impact is required. These information includes data

  • on stationary emission sources,
  • about discharged pollutants,
  • on the volume of reset,
  • as well as data on the generated waste and methods of circulation.

The next graph of the application is a list of enterprise permits, such as emission permits, discharges or waste disposal. Also, data on the environmental expertise of the enterprise is consecrated.

This information is usually located in the relevant environmental projects: PDV (Emissions Project), VAT (Draft References), PNOLR (waste project).

Often the organization has no project PDV. Is it possible to do without it?

The answer is yes. However, in this case, it will take part of it, namely, the project inventory of emissions from where it will be possible to take information on the nature of the sources that pollutants, geographic coordinates, etc.

At the same time, on the nature user, the responsibility of the development of the PDV project will still be.

The same applies to the VAT project.

The last section of the application is information about events and means developed and implemented in the enterprise directly to protect the environment and reduce the negative impact of the production process. This is an approved program for industrial control or monitoring of an enterprise, a list of environmental protection measures, as well as technical means and equipment. All this is designed to reduce the harmful effects of discharges, emissions or placement of waste, or aimed at full neutralization.

Filling an application for registration of NVIK facilities.

The required information is collected directly at the enterprise by the forces of its structures and divisions. Responsibility for the information provided carries the head of the enterprise with the NVOS object.

When filling out the application, you should not forget that the intentional concealment of information or the distortion of real data may turn to the enterprise significant fines according to the Codex administrative offenses (Art. 8.5 - up to 80 thousand rubles for Orlitz). Also, the provision of incorrect information from the enterprise may cause refusal to establish an enterprise for state accounting. The refusal may be argued by the incomplete information provided by the production facility.

After receiving the application territorial authorized bodies Rosprirodnadzor The information provided is checked. Self-station object accounting is made within 10 days. The result of the formulation is the receipt by the enterprise of an electronic certificate on the registration of the NVOS objects.

In case the information provided by the company is incorrectly defined by the category of danger, it can be changed. In the future, the category corresponding to the direction of activity of the enterprise is submitted to the registry and in the certificate received by it.

Changes in previously provided information and removal of the enterprise from the state system.

The rules for changes in the information provided or withdrawing an enterprise from the state institution are governed by law No. 219- FZ.

In case of changes in the information of the production facility, previously registered, information about them is required to provide in a controlling organization no later than 30 days from the date of the entry into force. To such changes can be attributed:

  • a legal entity change, location addresses, ownership form, and changes in technological process or in processes and technical means to reduce the impact on the environment.
  • for individual entrepreneurs Changes also affect the data certifying the identity.

After changing previously provided information in the registry data, the enterprise is issued a corresponding certificate of updating the data of the NVOS object.

In providing the owner of the production facility of documents on conservation or liquidation of production, the NVOS object is removed from state accounting. At the same time, the owner receives a certificate of the established sample. These features carry out the subordinate state organizationlocated at the location of the company,

Responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements for mandatory registration of NVOS objects.

The Code of Administrative Offenses also provides for an article, for non-compliance with the requirements for the establishment of enterprises for state accounting. This is Article 8.46, the size of penalties on which for a legal entity is up to 100 thousand rubles. The official of this violation can do in the amount of up to 20 thousand.

1. State accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out in order to obtain reliable information on objects that have a negative impact on the environment, determining the areas of application of the best available technologies, the application of software planning methods, as well as for planning the implementation of state Environmental supervision.

2. State accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment includes including public accounting of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into atmospheric air, harmful physical influences on the atmospheric air and their sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric protection air, as well as state accounting in the field of production of production and consumption waste in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of production of production and consumption waste.

3. State accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out in the form of conducting a state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, which is a state information system, the creation and operation of which is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, the legislation of the Russian Federation. Information, information technologies and information protection and other regulatory legal acts.

4. The state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment includes:

name, legal framework and address (location) of a legal entity or surname, name, patronymic (if available), place of residence, date of state registration of an individual entrepreneur carrying out economic and (or) other activities on the object that has a negative impact on the environment Wednesday;

information about the actual location and object category of the object that has a negative impact on the environment;

information on the form of economic and (or) other activities, on the volume of products manufactured (goods), on the work performed, on the services provided;

information on the presence of the conclusion of state environmental impact assessment and (or) state expertise project documentation when they are conducted in the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental examination, legislation on urban planning activities;

information on stationary sources, level and (or) volume or on the mass of emissions, dumping pollutants, on placing production waste and consumption;

information about the declarations of the fee for negative impact on the environment;

information on integrated environmental permits or declarations on environmental impact;

information on the program of production environmental control and the results of its implementation;

(see text in the previous edition)

information on measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment;

information on technologies used at the objects of I and their compliance with the best available technologies;

information on technical means to neutralize emissions, discharge of pollutants, technical means and technologies for disposal and safe placement of production and consumption waste;

information on the results of the implementation of state environmental supervision;

information on the conservation, elimination of an object that has a negative impact on the environment, about changing its location, to replace the legal entity or an individual entrepreneur operating an object that has a negative impact on the environment.

5. Collection, storage, processing, provision and dissemination of information characterizing an object that has a negative impact on the environment is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and the protection of information.

6. The comparability of information contained in the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and their automated processing is provided by using object codes that have a negative impact on the environment, identification numbers taxpayers all-Russian classifiers Technical and economic and social information.

The code of the object that has a negative impact on the environment is unique numbernot repeated in time assigned to an object that has a negative environmental impact in the implementation of state accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and to be kept to the liquidation of this object.

7. The State Register of Objects that have a negative environmental impact consists of a federal state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and regional state registers of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

8. The maintenance of the federal state register of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment and subject to in accordance with Article 65 of this Federal Law, by federal state environmental oversight, is carried out by the authorized government of the Russian Federation by the federal executive authority. The maintenance of regional state registers of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment and subject to regional state environmental supervision is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Access officials authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation of the federal executive authority and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to introduce information to the State Register of Objects that have a negative impact on the environment, is carried out using unified system Identification and authentication.

9. Information about the levels and (or) volume or on the mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants, the placement of production and consumption waste contained in the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is open to familiarize, with the exception of information, Recaped in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the information constituting a state or commercial mystery.

10. The procedure for creating and maintaining a state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law, is given a certificate of registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment. , on actualization of accounting information on the object that has a negative impact on the environment, the removal of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

Prior to the beginning of the 17th year, all the subjects whose work has a negative impact on the environment (NVOS), are delivered to the state. The procedure for setting is called registration. The need for its passage is established by Article 69.2 of the Federal Law No. 7 of January 10, 2002. If a firm providing NVOS will not be registered, it will be held accountable on the basis of Article 8.46 of the Code of Administrative Code.

Types of objects that provide NVOS

You need to register those objects that have a negative impact on the atmosphere, surface / groundwater. It is also an activity in the course of which harmful waste is formed. The company during its work can form waste, not accompanied by harmful emissions or drains. In this case, he does not need to be registered. It is needed only when the subject is rendered NVOS. For example, it is not necessary to register with offices, shops. Boiler rooms, cleaning structures usually rise.

The company may refer to various categories of NVOS objects. The assignment to one category or that category depends on the degree of risk of waste. The duties of the subject depend on the assigned status. Total categories on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 4.2 of the Federal Law No. 7 of January 10, 2002 four:

  1. Objects bringing essential NVOS.
  2. Objects bringing average impact.
  3. With minor nvos.
  4. With minimal nvos.

Features of classifying to categories

Objects of gas production and oil production facilities belong to the first category. But oil pipelines in this case will be attributed to the second category. The villages for the residence of employees working as a shift method, and other infrastructure are objects with minimal NBOS.

Most office premises have no danger category. The overwhelming majority of them forms only utility waste, which do not have a negative impact. However, the offices will have to register if there is a boiler room on their balance sheet. It is considered an object of NVOS.

On the fourth category (items with the least NVOS) include emission facilities not exceeding 10 tons annually. It should not be emissions to drain or the environment, with the exception of emissions of economic origin. If negative emissions are present, the object cannot refer to the fourth category.

IMPORTANT! Clause 1 of Article 16.1 of the Federal Law No. 7 states that each IP and Yul must pay for the objects of their production objects. Exception - entrepreneurs who own the objects of the 4th category of danger.

Dates of the direction of the application for the assignment of the hazard class

Paragraph 2 of Article 69.2 of the Federal Law No. 7 states that registration is carried out on the basis of the application. It should be sent no later than 6 months. The term is counted since the start of the use of NVOS objects.

Features of registration

The sequence of registration is contained in Resolution No. 572 of June 23, 2016. Registration is carried out by the Surveillance Service Service. You need to contact the authority at the address of the IP or Yul.

An entrepreneur can own several objects that have a negative impact. In this case, the application must be submitted for each object. Sources of pollution may be at different addresses. In this case, applications are submitted at each of the objects. The location of the NVOS source should be installed on the basis of the Rosreestra cadastral map.

An entrepreneur may refuse to record. The basis for this is the absence of a statement needlist information. In this case, the company receives a notification with refusal. It is sent within 5 days after deciding on the refusal. If such a notice came, the company must immediately make a new statement. It is necessary in order to have time to register on time.

If the application is revealed in the process of consideration that the object must be applied to the regional registry, the application is redirected to the necessary authority. The entrepreneur receives a forwarding notification within 5 days from the date of decision.

The object may correspond to several hazard categories at once. In this case, the highest category is assigned. That is, the category that implies the greatest harm.

Authorized structures should include data on the object in the registry within 10 days after receiving the application. The entrepreneur receives a certificate that the NVIP object was registered.

Rights of entrepreneur

In paragraph 38 of the Federal Law No. 7 it is indicated that it is the government agencies that are not eligible to demand from the entrepreneur. In particular, representatives of government agencies cannot require the provision of this data:

  • Data and papers that are not included in the list of those documents and data that must be submitted when setting objects to account.
  • Information and papers at the disposal of government agencies. Exception - Documents listed in Part 5 of Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 210 dated July 27, 2010.

Government agencies have the right to demand only those information that relate directly to the NVOS object.

Features of the application

You can form an application with these ways:

  • With the help of a personal account, placed at https://lk.fsrpn.ru. To use all the features of the cabinet, you need a confirmed entry and signature of the electronic format.
  • Using the environmental management module. The module is software. It is necessary to form reporting in electronic form. You can download software on the resource of Rosprirodnadzor. You can use the module without an electronic signature.
  • Through third-party software.

You need to contact the authority at the address of the NVOS object.

  • Data on Yul and IP, which exploit NVOS.
  • Object information.
  • Data on how exactly the object affects the environment.
  • Information on permits that are obtained for harmful activities.
  • Data on declarations related to NVIP payments.
  • Information about measures that are accepted by an entrepreneur for the protection of nature.
  • Data on the results of environmental measures.

It is recommended to draw up an application for the sample. If the statement does not have all the required information, it will be rejected. The entrepreneur will have to make an application again. All this is a waste of time. There is a risk that the company will not have time to register an object in time.

Responsibility for the lack of registration

The NVOP object must be registered within six months from the date of operation of the operation of this object. If the entrepreneur does not have time in these deadlines, it will be considered that the object is not registered.

For violation of the periods of registration, the responsibility is superimposed on the basis of Article 8.46 of the Codecha of the Russian Federation. This article implies an imposition of a fine in the amount of from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! To accelerate the setting of an object for accounting, you can contact a third party company.

The legislation on regulating the degree of influence of enterprises on the environment is replete with contradictions and often causes questions. In this article, we will analyze the procedure for setting objects of negative impact on state accounting and submit a sample application.

From the article you will learn:

What is the NVOS object

The definition of an object that has a negative impact on the environment (NVOS) can be found in "On Environmental Protection". It follows that it is a major one or another object or they together with a single purpose, physically or technologically related and in one or several land venues. As you can see, the wording turned out to be quite uncertain.

In the same law, they tried to clarify what should be understood under the negative impact on Wednesday. Under it implies the "impact of economic and other activities whose consequences lead to negative."

Practice has shown that all these definitions need clarifications that introduced "On Amendments to the federal law "On Environmental Protection" and individual legislative acts Russian Federation".

For the systematization of NVOS objects, two documents are used:

In accordance with these regulatory actsprovided 4 categories:

In order to deal with, you will have to carefully study the above rulings. For example, the oil-producing enterprise always corresponds to the 1st category, oil pipeline - 2nd. The institution, the NVIM of which is limited only by municipal waste, generally falls out of this system. However, if it belongs to the boiler room, then.

The laws mentioned allow to identify enterprises that are not considered sources of detrimental impact on the environmental situation and are not subject to special accounting. They must have the following signs:

  • lack of stationary emission sources;
  • implementation of exclusively "household" discharges;
  • do not on the environment of another influence, in addition to the formation, accumulation or transportation of waste.

Procedure for accounting

Having understood with the subject of state accounting, we turn to the consideration of the procedure itself.

Due to the complexity of the current legislation, this process may cause a lot of problems, to solve which specialized companies with the necessary licenses offer. Often they are not limited to environmental issues, offering services in the fields of industrial, fire safety, labor protection, training and certification of employees.

The purpose of setting objects of negative impact on state registration is to contribute to single register. Depending on where your enterprise is located, the application must be submitted to the local territorial authority of Rosprirodnadzor. It is also necessary to act in the case when NVOS objects belonging to one enterprise are located in different subjects of the Russian Federation.

The work of this huge database is organized in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Responsibility for registration

The obligation to submit an application for statement on the state system is spelled out in Law No. 7-FZ (Article 69.2). Compliance with the order of this procedure eliminates serious fines, reduces the deductions for a negative impact on Wednesday. In addition, the objects of the 4th category are usually completely freed from these payments.

It is important to remember, when applying false data of the organization faces a fine in accordance with.

Application Submit within a 6-month period from the moment of commissioning. Such is the requirement of the law "On Environmental Protection". If the document is filled with errors or contains unreliable information, you may refuse to record. Within 5 business days after submitting an application, the RPN will send a notice of this indicating the reasons for refusal.

If the divertilization of Rosprirodnadzor has no complaints about the submitted application, then the data will enter the registry. As a rule, it takes 5-10 days. After that, a certificate is issued that the object is taken to the state.

Application for registration with NVOS facilities

An application for making your facility to a single registry can be prepared in several ways. All of them imply the use of the Internet or specialized software. Application can be fill out and send:

  • IN personal Cabinet On the site https://lk.fsrpn.ru. For this you will additionally need a confirmed account In Yesia, as well as a certificate Electronic signature (EP).
  • In the environmental management module - free software that can be downloaded from the Rosprirodnadzor site.
  • using third-party software that uses XML format.

Sample application for registration of the object of negative impact

  • emission reduction activities;
  • technical means to neutralize harmful chemicals;
  • means of cleaning the discharge of pollutants;
  • technologies safe storage of waste 1-5 hazard classes.

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