
State and strategy of economic security of the organization. State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (the main provisions). Text of scientific work on the topic "On Economic Security Strategy"

Problems of ensuring the economic security of the country, the stable economic development of the state and society facing many countries of the world. The modern socio-economic situation of Russia determine the emergency relevance of the purposeful activities of the state in the field of ensuring the economic security of the country, Russian society and every citizen separately.

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Economic Security (M. V. Zibarev, 2010) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

3. Threats to the economic security of RussiaFederation

3.1. Classification of Economic Security Threats

Classification of threats is an important part of the state economic security strategy. Without a clear understanding of the nature of threats, their actions for certain macroeconomic indicators are impossible for a slim organization to counter their impact.

So, the threats can be real and potential. Real threats arise when any unwanted factors are ready to provide their negative impact on the system directly, for example, wage delay. Potential threats are moved over time and in space and cannot directly affect the object. Potential threats should be involved in the category of real threats and vice versa.

In terms of prevalence, the threats are divided into local, national and global. Local threats can cover small areas, cities. National threats are the danger that the state is exposed. Global threats are volatile in nature and apply to large areas, capturing different countries and continents, such as the Great Depression 1929-1933.

Threats can be divided into internal and external. External threats act on the system outside, internal - from the inside. So, the cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union is the effect of real internal threats. The external threats of the Russian Federation include the global financial and economic crisis, which began in 2007 in the United States.

Threats can be straight and indirect. The effect of direct threats is perceived by the system immediately when implementing them. The effect of indirect threats is less significant, stretched in time and gives in location with a competent organization of countermeasures.

Threats can be primary and secondary. The primary threats include such threats that have the greatest negative impact on the system. The effect of secondary threats is significantly less.

The threats of economic, social, legal, political, environmental, technological, etc. are also distinguished.

3.2. Criteria for the economic security of the Russian Federation

The criteria and parameters of the state of the economy that meet the requirements of the economic security of the Russian Federation were developed in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 No. 608 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1996 No. 1569 "On the priorities for the implementation of the State Strategy for Economic Security Of the Russian Federation (basic provisions). "

The list of criteria for the economic security of the Russian Federation under these documents includes:

1. The ability of the economy to function in the extended reproduction mode.

2. The dependence of the economy from imports of the most important types of products and food, the production of which at the required level can be organized in the country.

3. The level of external and internal debt and the possibility of its repayment.

4. Security of the economy with strategic resources and the effectiveness of state control of their appeal.

5. The level of poverty, property differentiation of the population and unemployment, maximum permissible from the position of the socio-economic stability of society.

6. Stability of the financial system.

7. Rational Foreign Trade Structure.

8. Availability for the population of education, culture, medical and social services, passenger transport and massive types of communication, as well as housing and utilities.

9. Maintaining the scientific potential of the country and the preservation of domestic scientific schools, ensuring the effective functioning of particularly important objects of science.

10. Conservation of a single economic space and interregional economic relations that ensure compliance with the national interests that exclude the development of separatist trends.

11. Ensuring the necessary level of state regulation of economic processes in order to form conditions for the normal functioning of the market economy.

In the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the State Strategy of the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (basic provisions)" of 1996, it is also emphasized that the development of quantitative and qualitative parameters (threshold values) of the state of the economy, the exit beyond the limits of which causes an economic Security of the country.

3.3. Threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation

The threats of economic security - phenomena and processes that have a negative impact on the country's farming, infringement of the economic interests of the individual, society and the state.

In the second section of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 1996 No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (basic provisions)", to the most likely threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation, the activities of the federal state authorities should be sent to the localization of which The following four are assigned.

1. An increase in the property differentiation of the population and raising the level of poverty, which leads to a violation of social peace and public consent.

The relevant balance of social interests may be broken as a result of the following factors:

- the separation of society to a narrow circle of rich and the predominant mass of poor, not confident in their future people;

- an increase in the share of poor people in the city and the village, which creates social and criminal tensions and the ground for widespread dissemination of negative phenomena for Russia - drug addiction, organized crime, prostitution, and the like;

- growth of unemployment, fraught with social conflicts;

- delays pay payments, stop enterprises and so on.

2. The deformation of the structure of the Russian economy, due to such factors as:

- strengthening of the fuel and commodity orientation of the economy;

- the lag of intelligence reserves of minerals from their production;

- Low competitiveness of most domestic enterprises;

- coagulation of production in vital sectors of the manufacturing industry, primarily in mechanical engineering;

- decline in the effectiveness, destruction of the technological unity of scientific research and development, the decay of the current scientific groups and on this basis the undermining of the scientific and technical potential of Russia;

- conquering by foreign firms of the domestic market of Russia in many types of consumer goods;

- acquisition by foreign firms of Russian enterprises in order to displace domestic products, both from external and from the domestic market;

- The growth of foreign debt of Russia and the associated increase in budget expenditures on its repayment.

3. Increasing the unevenness of the socio-economic development of the regions. The most important factors of this threat are:

- objectively existing differences in the level of socio-economic development of the regions, the presence of depressive, crisis and backward economic terms against the background of structural shifts in industrial production, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the share of processing industries;

- violation of production and technological relations between enterprises of individual regions of Russia;

- an increase in the gap in the production level of national income per capita between individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. Criminalization of society and economic activities caused mainly by such factors as:

- growth of unemployment, since a significant part of crimes are committed by persons who do not have a permanent source of income;

- the splicing of part of officials of state bodies with organized crime, the possibility of accessing criminal structures to managing a certain part of the production and their penetration into various power structures;

- the weakening of the state control system, leading to the expansion of the activities of criminal structures in the domestic financial market, in the spheres of privatization, export-import operations and trade.

Consider the threats of the Russian Federation in terms of the classification of them on the internal and external.

Domestic threats:

- acquisition by the economic crisis of a protracted nature, the emergence of irreversible or difficult conversations for the development of the country's economy;

- destabilization of the regulatory role of the state in conducting economic reforms, forming the modern economic infrastructure;

- reducing the resource basics used in the areas of raw materials, fuel and energy, financial and credit, investment and innovation activities to exit the economic crisis;

- the ongoing process of structural deformation of the country's economic system towards folding high-tech, high-tech industries (primarily in the military-industrial complex), a sharp decline in production in the leading industries, the loss of priorities in the country's development as a high-infusion power;

- deepening of imbalances in the territorial placement of the productive forces, the strengthening of the territorial and sectoral monopoly and separatism, the destruction of traditional production relations between the main production centers;

- disorganization of the financial and credit system and the weakening of its regulatory functions in the field of formation and execution of the budget, targeted investment of priority sectors of the economy, combating inflation, preventing capital leakage abroad and the creation of prerequisites for the development of Russian entrepreneurship;

- low level of social orientation of the economy, the fall in the solvency of the population, the narrowing of the domestic market, reducing the role of internal socio-economic stimulants of economic growth;

- man-made accidents and disasters, low technological and production discipline, outflow of qualified personnel, reducing the level of personnel qualification;

- criminalization of economic relations, the growth of economic crime, corruption;

- growth of economic losses as a result of increasing the scale and deepening social tensions in the field of economic relations.

External threats:

- the loss of Russia of its foreign economic position as a result of its displacement by foreign competitors from foreign markets;

- violation of the national priorities of Russia in the field of economy due to the promotion of foreign partners of the beneficial economic projects and programs;

- the formation by foreign partners of such a structure of foreign economic relations with Russia, when the latter gradually turns into their raw materials appendages;

- blocking the access of Russia to advanced technologies and the formation of the dependence of its economy from their imports, as well as on the import of certain types of products;

- stimulation by foreign partners leakage of advanced technologies and qualified personnel from Russia to foreign countries;

- trading expansion of foreign states and economic structures aimed at conquering the Russian market and displacing Russian entrepreneurs from it;

- counteracting the equal participation of Russia in the international structures of credit and financial and trade and economic regulation;

- an increase in the foreign financial debt of Russia, strengthening its dependence on foreign creditors; Excess the external debt of the critical level allowed for the sovereign state;

- criminalization of certain types of foreign economic relations with Russia, smuggling strategic materials and raw materials, uncontrolled export of capital from Russia;

- Activation of economic intelligence and industrial espionage of foreign countries and organizations.

To date, many of these threats continue to act, some are neutralized, but at the same time new ones appear.


in the course "Economics"

on the topic "Economic security of the Russian Federation"

The second half of the 90s isxxxx. It is marked by the revival of the attention of state structures and the public to the problems of national security of the country. The formation of a socio-oriented market economy necessitated the development and approval of basic concepts in the national security system.

Modern reforming of the legal and economic foundations of the Russian state can not not take into account the interests of national security. This problem acquires special sharpness in conditions of increasing globalization and in connection with the active inclusion of Russia into international political and economic processes. The foreign economic aspects of the country's national security are the most important component of the state economic security system. The more economically developed country, the larger economic resources it has (or controls), the higher its degree of protection against possible threats.

At the present stage, economic security is a guarantee of the independence of the country, determines the possibility of conducting independent economic policies and creates a condition for stability and achieve success in the context of globalization of the world economy.

In the period from 1996 to 2005, scientific research was conducted and a number of scientific papers were published, collective monographs on this issue of Senchagova V.K., Olynikova E.A., Grunina O., Guseva G., and others. In many universities of the country introduced The educational process and are taught special courses on national security and its various aspects. The relevance of the issues of economic security issues was reflected in the work of All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences.

The paper reviews the general problems of Russia's economic security associated with its activities in the system of international economic relations.

Signs of state are:

· The presence of a special system of bodies and institutions operating the functions of state power;

· Law enshrining a certain system of rules authorized by the state;

· A certain territory on which the state jurisdiction is applied and on which its population lives.

The life and activities of the people, states are deployed in various fields, and in each of them there is an effect of adverse factors, dangers and threats that violate the normal life of a person, society and the state. The following types of (spheres) of its activities are distinguished: economic, social, political, military, environmental, legal, technological, cultural, intellectual, information, demographic, psychological and other others.

The state protects its interests, its territory, its population from external and internal threats.

The security threat to the state can be formulated as the possibility of such a development of events that will create (or creates) the risk of the existence of the state, its political and economic independence.

There are the following types of state security:

· Geopolitical security;

Geopolitical security is guaranteed by constitutional, legislative and practical measures. Property and security of state interests.

· Political security;

Each state is interested in the presence of a stable internal political situation, in the creation of an internal climate that contributes to the normal development of all areas of the Company's activities and personality. Political security is a state of protected by the country's geopolitical life. The purpose of political security is determined by the type of state. The essence of political security is determined by the possibility of conducting independent foreign and domestic policies and solve the issues of the state device.

· Military security;

Military Security is the ability to protect sovereignty, territorial integrity and population of the country from internal and external threats. Military security includes the following spheres: state borders, armed forces, deterrence, military education, military science and military industry.

· Economic security.

The problems of national economic security are increasingly becoming subject to the study of representatives of various sciences. Scientists offer their own definitions, determine the essential signs of this complex public phenomenon, disclose the emerging social connections between related concepts and phenomena. However, there are still many "dark spots" in the field under consideration. There is still no unity of opinions among researchers in this problem to determine the basic concepts, which gives rise to significant difficulties in the practice of economic security legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the development of a conceptual apparatus.

The legal definition of the concept of "economic security" can be found in the federal law of October 13, 1995. №157-FZ "On state regulation of foreign trade activities." In accordance with Article 2 of the named law, economic security is a state of economics that ensures the sufficient level of social, political and defense existence and progressive development of the Russian Federation, the invulnerability and independence of its economic interests in relation to possible external and internal threats and impacts. Consequently, the state of the economy is the main sign of economic security.

Therefore, in a compressed (concentrated) form we can say that national economic security is a state of security of the main national economic interests from internal and external threats.

It is important to emphasize that such concepts as "conditions", "factors", "ratio" characterize economic security from different points of view. So, the condition is the medium (environment) in which economic security proceeds (implemented). There are economic, geopolitical, environmental, legal and other conditions. The factor acts as the cause of the driving force of economic security. The ratio of economic interests is understood as their mutual relationship, the location relative to each other.

Economic security is characterized by the level of development of productive forces and economic relations aimed at implementing the needs of personality, society, states, the presence of mineral resources, the developed infrastructure, qualified labor force and the system of its preparation, as well as the nature of integration into the system of world economic relations.

Economic security objects are:

· Economic system of the country: manufacturers and sellers of products, works and services;

· Natural wealth of the country - Agricultural land, forests, rivers, lakes, seas, shelves, minerals.

Economic security entities are:

· Functional and sectoral ministries and departments;

· Tax and customs services;

· Banks, stock exchanges, funds and insurance companies;

· Manufacturers and sellers of products, works and services;

· Society for the protection of consumer rights.

In Russia, the doctrine of economic security approved and introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996. No. 608 "State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (main provisions)". In pursuance of the provisions of this Decision on December 27, 1996. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1569 was adopted "On priority measures to implement the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (basic provisions)". These documents identified the objectives and objects of the State Strategy of Economic Security, given the characteristics of the economic security of Russia, criteria and the state of the state of the economy that meet the requirements of economic security are described, mechanisms and measures of economic policies aimed at ensuring economic security. As noted in the State Strategy of the Economic Security of the Russian Federation, "in international relations, Russia faces the desire of industrialized countries, major foreign corporations to use the situation in the Russian Federation and States parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States in their economic and political interests .... without ensuring economic Safety is almost impossible to solve any of the tasks facing the country, both in the domestic and international level. " The aforementioned Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation to a number of federal executive bodies (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, etc.) is responsible for the development of quantitative and qualitative parameters of economic security criteria, monitoring and predicting factors determining the emergence of threats to economic security for research to identify Trends and opportunities for the development of threats and search for optimal ways to overcome them. At the same time, the system of economic security should identify situations in which the actual or projected parameters of economic development go beyond the threshold values, develop measures to overcome them (ie, to exit the country from the zone of danger), to conduct an examination of the adopted regulatory acts, state Decisions on financial and economic issues from the position of economic security of Russia.

To understand the essence of the threats to the economic security of Russia, consider the structure of the modern world community.

Some scientists share the world community into two parts: privileged and adjacent to them rich developed states (Kuwait, Arab Emirates, Singapore and some others) with a population of about 1 million. A person ("Golden Billion") and other unprivileged countries, whose population by 2000 exceeded 5 billion people. In 1994, 1 billion population of rich countries accounted for 70% of the global cumulative social product, and the remaining 4.6 billion people - 30%.

Other scientists share countries into three groups: the "Golden Billion" countries, new industrial countries who have consolidated on the periphery of the developed world (China, India, most Asian Tigers, part of Latin America, former socialist countries, most oil-producing states), and, Finally, the third group of the so-called "falling" states (a significant part of the countries of the American continent and Asia, as well as the former USSR).

The peculiarity of such separation of countries is that the competition between these groups of states is almost impossible, the "vertical" movement is extremely difficult, while competition within each of the groups is becoming increasingly tough.

The place of Russia for general economic indicators can be determined on the lower border of the second group of states. The reality of the threat of consolidation at this border and the possible further weakening of positions is based on the structural regression of the Russian economy as the main trend of the past decade.

You can agree with the estimates of the well-known American economist Toro in the fact that "today Russia is halfway between the market and planned economy, and none of them works."

The economic result of reforming is the fall in Russia's share in the global GDP to 2.4% and the transition from the 3rd place, which occupied Russia as part of the USSR (after the United States and Japan and divided it from Germany) on 15-E.D. 1.3% . Approximately twice the proportion of Russia and in world exports compared to the supplementary period.

As a result, on world markets, high-tech civilian products, the proportion of Russian products is 1%. For comparison: US share is 36% , Japan - 30% of these markets. Especially dangerous lag in such industries as informatics, electronics, the relationship that has happened last decades, including due to the existing gap between the civil and military-industrial sectors of the economy.

The general economic weakening of Russia, many Western experts explain the ineffectiveness of economic reforms and the excessive discovery of the economy of external competition. Others emphasize that it is not to blame "liberalism, but the declaration established in the country". Especially critical approach is the estimates of French economists. Professor Brande (Paris University of Dowfin) writes: "In Russia, everything was sold in Russia, and as a result, in the absence of funds for investment, huge amounts of money were on the individual accounts of Swiss and Cypriot banks. The industrial potential of the country was practically destroyed, and the volume of industrial production decreased by 10% per year. "

The Russian economy currently remains largely reformed, transitional, not completed transformation into any particular state. It combines elements of old and new systems. If, for the share of non-state economic entities, the Russian economy can be considered quite market, then in the effectiveness of their activities and the level of competitiveness - no. In addition, more than half of Russian firms are generally fictitious and often associated with illegal activities.

In Russia, the ineffective structure of social production is maintained - the predominance of fuel and energy and commodity industries and the low share of the production of engineering and modern high-tech, high-tech industries. The weak is financial and credit in general and, the banking system, in particular, which limits the investment of production. Internal parameters are largely determined by external: Russia in world markets remains a supplier of raw materials and the importer of finished products, including various types of modern equipment and food.

Russia's participation in international economic relations is still insignificant. Russia's share in the population of the world - 2.5%, in world natural resources - 30%, in world exports - 1.74% (and in global exports of high-tech goods - 0.7%), in world imports - 0.73%. Consequently, Russia is poorly involved in global processes, which is connected with both the legacy of the past and the weaknesses of its present.

At the same time, the significance of the global market for the Russian economy is huge. So, in 2002, exports amounted to $ 133.7 billion, and imports - $ 57.4 billion.

The current state of the economic safety of Russia characterizes Table 1.1:

Table 1.1.

Current Indicators of Economic Safety of the Russian Federation

No. p / p



Actual condition

The ratio of the actual and threshold


Volume volume

internal product:

in general, from average

on "seven"

per capita

from average

on "seven"

per capita

from medium-level

Share in industrial




Share in machine


mechanical Engineering

The volume of investment in%

Expenses for scientific

studies in% to GDP

The share of new types of products in volume

produced products

Share among the population

people having income

below subsistence

minimum (2004)


lifestyle of the population

Gap between income

high-yield groups


and 10% most

low-voltage groups

Crime level

(The number of crimes

per 100 thousand population)

Unemployment rate

by ILO Methodology

Inflation rate per year

The volume of internal debt in%

to GDP for comparable

period of time

Current need B.

service I.


internal debt in%

to tax

budget receipts

Volume of external debt

Share of external

borrowing B.

deficit coating

budget (2004)

Budget deficit

in% to GDP (2004)

Foreign volume

cash currency

to the volume of cash rubles

Foreign volume

currencies relative to

ruble mass

in national currency

Money mass (m2)

in percentage of GDP

The share of imports

internal consumption of everything





Federation in the subsistence minimum

It should still be noted that in the past few years, positive trends have emerged in the development of the Russian economy, leading some global processes. For example, the growth rates of the world gross product in 2002 were 2.8%, in 2003. - 2.5%, and the growth rate of Russian GDP amounted to 4.1% and 7.3%, respectively.

In the past two years, the growth of production and GDP predicted in Russia can be considered as a steady trend only if it is possible to maximize the most use for the growth of domestic production favorable conditions (devaluation of the ruble, the growth of world oil prices) and other factors of a conjunctural nature that Unfortunately, may have a reversible character.

However, with all the disadvantages of the economic policy of the country, it is impossible not to see that the free access of Russian manufacturers to foreign markets is limited not by liberal measures: the practice of double standards is widely used, as well as special concessions and requirements for intra-national and foreign economic policies, external debt .

As a result, Russia, having a weakened and unbalanced economy, should fit into the international situation, which is peculiar to at least three main difficult problems:

· Split civilization;

· The growing unpredictability of global economic processes, especially in the field of finance movement;

· Countering the national management of many countries by methods and forms of globalization.

Russia has in world markets, both competitive advantages and weaknesses. Competitive advantages include:

a) high security of mineral resources - in Russia, 13% of world explored oil reserves, 36% of natural gas, 12% coal are concentrated;

b) a significant amount of accumulated main production funds and foundations of universal equipment, which reduces the capital intensity of the technological modernization of a number of industries (although there is a long part of them a long service life and wear);

c) cheap labor in combination with a fairly high level of its qualifications;

d) the presence of unique advanced technologies in a number of industries, especially in the military-industrial complex and others.

It should be noted that these advantages over time lose the nature of those - natural resources are exhausted, equipment and new technologies are obsolete, qualified working force agrees and emigrate.

At the same time, many Russian competitive advantages are limited to the strategic weaknesses of Russia, which include:

a) the weakness of the system of support for the competitiveness of Russian exports;

b) a sharp reorientation of foreign economic relations to the West and the strengthening of the deformations in this field (strengthening the raw orientation of Russian exports, the loss of traditional sales markets);

c) blocking market entry, where Russia has competitive advantages;

d) competitive technologies used in the military-industrial complex are focused on the production of small series of products at a weak level of controlling material costs;

e) a rapid decline in domestic demand for high-tech products, which destroys the already weak competitive environment for the "run-in" of goods and technologies preceding them to promote the external market.

Nevertheless, modern Russia is characterized by increasingly expanding interaction with the world market. Russia's share in the global GDP after the 1998 crisis has a constant trend towards growth. This causes both an increase in the threats associated with the foreign economic sphere.

In special literature there is no unity of opinions among scientists on the issue of the list of threats of national economic security. Different researchers in different ways determine the composition of internal and external threats. Note that it is often that this composition varies without taking into account the changed political, socio-economic and other conditions. Sometimes there is an association of internal and external threats to economic security, current and strategic.

The main threats to the economic security of Russia are manifested in those sectors in which economic relations with international entities are being carried out. Consider the most important of them.

1. Commercial market.

According to experts in the future, exports of finished products will grow in international trade, the share of the market for raw materials and revenues from it due to the introduction of resource-saving technologies will be reduced.

In this area, the main threats for Russia are:

· The irrational structure of exports and imports and the possibility of its conservation, the share of machine-technical products in Russian exports - less than 5%, (high-tech - about 1%), and in imports - more than a third;

· Discrimination measures and, above all, anti-dumping sanctions of other countries and blocks in relation to Russia in 2001. There were 99 anti-dumping and other procedures in 24 countries in the world (with respect to ferrous metals, metal rolling, nitrogen fertilizers, textiles), which annually cause damage in the amount of $ 3.5 billion;

· Illegal export of natural resources from Russia;

· Illegal (smuggling) import of goods to Russia;

· Chronic major non-payment for the supplied fuel and energy resources to the CIS countries;

· Dependence of the state of the Russian economy (GDP, inflation, budget revenues, trade balance, etc.) from world oil prices;

· Sharp liberalization of foreign trade, which can lead to an increase in the export of non-renewable natural resources and the ruin of most domestic producers, increase unemployment.

2. Financial and credit sphere.

Among threats, the following can be noted:

· The weakness of the banking sector (its total capital is only 4% of GDP) threatens the disappearance of domestic and emergence of foreign actors and regulators (both private companies and international organizations) of this area and the economy as a whole in their own interests. In 2001, capital and assets of the Russian banking system were 10 and 80 billion dollars, while these indicators for any Western bank were equal to 30-40 and 700-800 billion;

· The growth of the impact of global financial processes, the fluctuations in the conjuncture, including a negative nature, to the financial sphere and the economy as a whole, which demonstrated the crisis of 1998;

· Capital leakage, which was expelled to the economy, having deprived her investment, and the budget lost $ 100 billion, which experiences a huge need for investments, in the global capital market, as neither paradoxical, is a major capital exporter (especially illegal).

· An increase in the influx of foreign investment has a number of negative consequences. First, it actually contributes to the consolidation of the raw material export-oriented model of the Russian economy, since half of the total investment in industry is investments in fuel and energy and commissables. Secondly, there are currently not so much the threat of capital outflow from Russia, how much the threat of its essential inflow to the market, which, by virtue of its narrow, can create serious problems, both for the sustainability of the market itself and for the resistance of the ruble.

· Inflexible and irrational debt. Payments on the external debt of Russia reach $ 17 billion annually. Russia's accession to the Paris club cost her losses of $ 110 billion, who owed other countries from the total debt of $ 160 billion. Today, this figure is $ 10 billion. Russia received significant income from high oil prices in world markets and Increased gold reserves. The Russian leadership announced a complete and timely (and even early) to pay external debt, although it was possible to negotiate its restructuring and use these funds to invest.

3. Currency market.

Major threats:

· Binding the Russian ruble to the US dollar. Russia actually credits the United States by the fact that in Russia there is about 100 billion cash dollars. Moreover, Russia actually strengthens the dollar rate, since the gold and foreign exchange reserves are mainly stored in dollars. In the event of a fall in the dollar, Russia expects a financial crisis;

· Policy is underestimating the cost of the ruble to the dollar several times, which ensures the current, conjunctural benefits, but strategic loss. Low ruble rate generates cost inflation, excessive export of raw materials and capital outflows. The current income from exports, high due to the incredible course of the ruble - bring conjunctural benefits, not enhanced investment growth in the economy. Cheap national currency facilitates buying by foreign companies of Russian assets.

4. The labor market.

While developed countries restrict the process of immigration, Russia is already experiencing this expansion from Asia, primarily from China. Moreover, illegal immigration is largely legal. This threat leads to aggravation in the Russian labor market, increasing demand for jobs and reducing the price of labor (wages). In addition, immigrants cost employers cheaper, because There are no social guarantees.

The threats of the economic security of Russia can also be attributed:

Table 1.2.

Threats to the economic security of Russia

The relationship between Russia with international actors of economic relations is ambiguous and can, both open up new opportunities for Russia and carry certain threats to its safety. Consider this relationship, firstly, with international economic organizations and countries, and, secondly, with the subjects of international business.

Essential importance for Russia has accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Tasks whose solution can ensure Russia's participation in the WTO:

· For the very presence of as an equal member,

· Support for Russian exporters,

· Stimulating the development of new sectors,

· Restriction of domestic monopolies.

However, the WTO requires a sharp liberalization of the Russian economy, including its discoveries for foreign actors. Among the requirements:

· Liberalization of access to foreign labor into the Russian labor market;

· Liberalization of access to foreign firms (first of all, financial, trade, construction, tourist, etc.) to the market of services;

· Reducing the rates of import duties to lower than in the United States and the EU;

· Complete export liberalization and cancellation of non-tariff control;

· Alignment of internal and world energy prices, liberalization of the current currency regulatory regime;

· Providing non-residents of the national tax regime;

· Refusal to subsidies manufacturers at the federal and regional levels, etc.

The degreesful fulfillment of WTO requirements can lead to an increase in energy prices in Russia (and, it means everything), uncontrolled increase in the export of raw materials and reduce revenues from it due to the decline in world prices, a sharp increase in import and ruin of domestic producers of most goods and services, and Therefore, an increase in unemployment, a massive influx of foreign labor (Asian), not spoiled by social guarantees and therefore cheaper. Cancellation of export duties will lead to an increase in energy prices and then on all goods and services.

Russian legislation does not comply with WTO rules in the field of state-resolved forms of support for the economy. In the case of joining the WTO and the transition to international rules (since the Constitution has been established by the priority of international norms), manufacturing industry, services and agriculture in Russia will practically disappear.

In addition, entry into this organization in itself does not guarantee economic growth. For example, although Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Georgia joined the WTO, but the indicators of GDP per capita them remained the lowest among the 14 countries adopted in the last 5 years.

A special sphere is the activities of major subjects of international business in Russia, first of all - transnational corporations (TNCs).

International business (in the person of large corporations) is an increased danger to the Russian economy, because:

· Differs in activity and aggressiveness;

· His activity is hidden in contrast to state institutions or international organizations;

· Guided exclusively for profit considerations;

· Carries out industrial espionage, from which our firms have not learned to defend themselves.

TNCs seek to subordinate to their interests in the National Economy industry, which have competitive advantages.

TNCs seek to consolidate the raw material orientation of the Russian economy, and in promising industries - to ensure their leadership. It is beneficial to them the economic crisis in the country - they are cheaper to buy unprofitable enterprises-competitors. Despite the well-known information of all international rating agencies on the risk of investments in the Russian economy, the share of foreign persons in the capital of leading Russian companies is constantly growing.

The penetration of international business entities to Russia goes through investments in the capital of Russian economic entities (companies, banks), loans to Russian firms, imported goods, the provision of various services (banking, insurance, financial), etc.

A number of large TNCs are already valid in the real sector of the Russian economy - "General Motors", "Ford", "Fiat", "Renault", "Shell", "McDonalds", "Canon", "Nestle", "Proctor & Gamble", Coca Cola, Siemens, Erickson, and others.

A special type of threats is associated with the activities of the oligarchs in Russia and the possible oligarchic modernization of Russia.

It should be borne in mind that the oligarchic groups made a significant contribution to the integration of our country into the world economy; They provide today the main part of domestic investment. Oil companies provided a significant decrease in the cost of oil produced, thereby reducing the dependence of the country's economy from the global conjuncture. The oligarchic groups today are largely initiated by the initiators of the further liberalization of the domestic economy.

At the same time, the role of oligarchic groups, according to some authors, is anti-national. As the subjects of the Russian economy, the oligarchs are mainly in the role of foreign investors. Oligarchic property in Russia is framed for foreign legal entities, mainly offshore companies. The families of most oligarchs constantly live outside Russia and most oligarchs do not associate personal and family strategic interests with Russia as a geopolitical and ethnocultural entity, which creates, including the continuation of the large-scale capital export of capital outside Russia.

Serious danger is a high degree of criminalization of the economy. The "shadow" component of the Russian economy reached critical quantities - if the share of the illegal sector in Western GDP is officially estimated at 5-10%, then Russia is almost 25%.

Among the general trends of Russian organized crime can be allocated as follows:

· The domestic crime came out far beyond the limits of the Russian territory, establishing contacts, both with criminal structures, and quite legitimate actors of the economy of various states;

· The scale of illegal export operations with energy carriers is constantly increasing, especially with oil, other strategic raw materials and materials, and not only domestic organizations, but also their foreign partners are involved in the actions that damage the Russian interests;

· In all areas of Russia, the activity and influence of "ethnic" criminal formations, which have connections with the diaspora in the near and far abroad (the spheres of their activities are export-import operations with raw materials and scarce goods of everyday demand, counterfeitness, crimes in the Russian gold-diamond complex . Using the "shuttle" way of committing crimes, hiding behind the language barrier, differences in culture, they are difficult to vulnerable to the law enforcement forces of any country);

· The positions of criminal formations in the field of drug business are consistently intensified, their organization and interaction with similar structures abroad are growing;

· Threatening size acquires the smuggling of weapons and ammunition, explosives and devices, their leakage from military facilities and manufacturers, from areas of military conflict (at the same time modern weapons of Western production smuggling enters conflict points of Russia);

· There is a further strengthening of the material and technical and financial base of criminal structures, the growth of the professionalism of their participants by expanding international relations.

Russia is also increasingly involved in the process of transnationalization of crime. One of the bright examples is a scandal associated with laundering of the money of the Russian Mafia and their transfer through "BANC OF NEW YORK" by firms controlled by criminal leaders. Only from October 1998 to March 1999, 4.2 billion dollars passed through this bank.

Consequently, in international economic relations in the context of globalization, Russia participates, having a weak economy with an inefficient structure, a sharp discrepancy between the internal and foreign market during aggressive policies of strong international subjects.

The situation in the field of economic security of Russia is severe, but not hopeless.

Rashid Ismailov Specialist-legal, who wrote a number of work on economic security issues believes that in order to weaken the external threats to the country's economic security, it is necessary to strengthen the state control over the movement and use of natural resources, restoring the volume of exploration and the advance of the growth of explored fuel and raw materials, compared with the extraction; The implementation of wide modernization of production and primary processing of fuel and commodity resources, transition to resource-saving technologies. This will allow in the future to achieve a relative and absolute reduction in the internal needs of natural resources, increase the share of export currency revenue directed to investment purposes.

To weaken imported dependence, financial support is needed by the state of domestic producers who can produce goods that are in demand today. It is also necessary to apply a more flexible system of customs duties, identify the sectors of the economy that need customs protection, introduce a state monopoly on the importation of drugs, tobacco products, alcohol, grain and for export of oil and oil products, non-ferrous metals, etc.

Likshin S. and Svinarenko A. Notes that the market economy (especially in such a country as Russia) is unthinkable without elements of centralized leadership. Where it is reasonable, it is necessary to actively implement the methods of government planning and the management of the country's economic life.

In this regard, it is possible to allocate the main directions of state-legal regulation of the economy as a whole and entrepreneurial activity in particular. This, in particular: state ownership and entrepreneurship, the use of forms and methods of government planning and rationing (norms, regulations, quotas, system of state, regional and municipal orders); State regulation of the national market of Russia, state regulation of international economic relations

In the economic program of Russia, it is necessary to make the main emphasis on the development (with elements of powerful state support and protectionism) system-forming sectors of the national economy, such as mechanical engineering, metallurgical industry, fuel and energy, chemical forest complexes, light industry. It is in these areas of the economy to purposefully and systematically carry out investments and infringement of capital.

From the position of ensuring the national economic security, an important problem is the rental income of Russia. The redistribution of rental income will allow, on the one hand, eliminate (or, at least, to reduce) the gap in the property situation of Russian citizens - between the poor and very rich. On the other hand, the specified redistribution will allow slightly reduce the number of domestic billionaires, assigning a significant part of the renal income.

In order to ensure national economic security, the leadership of the country must conduct a more suspended and consistent foreign policy.

Borisova V.D. Notes that for any country it is impossible to achieve the state of the national and incl. Economic security, if not satisfied the needs of the population in food as one of the fundamentals of the Company's vital activity.

It is necessary to methodologically distinguish between the concepts of "food security of society" and "Food Security". Food security - the ability of the state to provide all members of the food society in sufficient, rational, environmentally friendly and safe nutrition in order to strengthen the health of the nation and preserving its gene pool, increasing the life expectancy, improving the quality of life, enhancing the labor activity of the population not only with the help of self-sufficiency, but also With the active use of the benefits of international division of labor. Food Safety implies the country's ability to provide food with its current and emergency needs of the country's population as a whole and each individual person in food in accordance with scientifically based norms at the expense of its own resources.

As a criterion for food security of the country, the level of supply of imported food from the total amount of its consumption in the country is used. In the Russian Federation, the threshold value should not exceed 25%. Excess of the specified level generates strategic dependence on food importing countries.

It is noteworthy that in developed countries, for example, in the United States in the 70s. The country's food security law was adopted to ensure stable food supply due to the support of domestic agriculture and preserving its natural resources, as well as ensuring high quality food products, maintaining their high competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

The priority tasks in the field of ensuring food security of Russia should be recognized:

· Formation in the country of a single food complex and achieve an optimal level of food production in the amount, assortment and quality sufficient to meet the needs of the population in nutrition in accordance with scientifically based norms.

· Development of optimal options for the structure of food import (tropical and subtropical crops).

· Determination of the needs of the country's population in nutrition and providing the population by environmentally friendly food, determining the health and lifespan of the population, the genophobe of the nation.

· Ensuring economic availability to the main food set, which means ensuring the demand solvency of the main social groups and the elimination of hunger and malnutrition. The state policy is needed to redistribute income, expanding employment and increase the consumption of high-quality food products, regulation of prices for agricultural products and food.

· Creating and maintaining food reserves that can be used in extreme situations.

· Timely detection, forecasting and eliminating food security threats, definition of threshold values.

· Strengthening state regulation of interregional food supply and raw materials for more fulfillment of food regions. For example, 23 of the region of Russia grown grain in excess, and 50 regions feel a lack of a lack of a lack of operations of the Russian grain market, which allows one regions to establish a monopoly price, and to other import grains, because Taking into account transportation costs, domestic grain becomes uncompetitive.

· Active support for the development of integration and cooperation, allowing to reduce transaction costs, optimize commodity and financial flows and increase the competitiveness of enterprises.

· Development of market infrastructure: organization of regional wholesale markets and credit institutions, which will allow efficient inside - and interregional exchange.

1. Economic security is a state of protection of the economy from internal and external threats. The purpose of economic security is to ensure the sustainable economic development of the country in order to meet the social and economic needs of citizens with optimal labor costs and the reasonable use of natural resources.

2. Threats in the field of economy are complex. This means that economic security is exposed to various factors; And not only in the pure form of economic. It has a significant impact of geopolitical, social, environmental and other factors.

3. Among the main threats to the economic safety of the Russian Federation are considered: an increase in the property differentiation of the population and the increase in poverty, the deformation of the structure of the Russian economy, an increase in the unevenness of the socio-economic development of the regions, criminalization and oligarchization of society and economic activity.

4. To combat the threat of economic security of Russia, a strategy of economic security should be developed, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate both internal and external threats that can have a destabilizing effect on the economy.

5. The national idea of \u200b\u200bRussia should be in the attempts of Russia to return the status of the global power. Previously, we built developed socialism, then communism. Now, for the revival of the nation, the awakening of her spiritual, moral, I needed a new ideal: Russia is a strong and prosperous state.

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2. Belozers I.P. Economic security of Russia // Materials of the conference "Reforms in Russia - History and Modernity."

3. Borisova V.D. Actual problems of Russia's economic security at the present stage. // Questions of the economy. 2002-№2.

4. Zotov N. Gusakov N. Modern problems of national security. // National security. 2001 - №8-9.

5. Ilyin M. S., Tikhonov A. G. Financial and Industrial Integration and Corporate Structures: World Experience and Realities of Russia. M., 2002.

6. Ismailov R. Economic Security of Russia: Theory and Practice. St. Petersburg, 1999.

7. Ismailov R. Economic security of Russia. // Business and Security. 2004-№2.

8. Kolosov A.V. Economic security. - M.: Finstatinform CJSC, 1999.

9. Lykshin S., Svinarenko A. Development of the Russian economy and its restructuring as a guarantee of economic security // Economy issues. 2004.-№ 12. P. 117-118.

10. Milyukov P. I. Memories. Tom the second (1859-1917). M., 1990.

11. Pechenev V. Vladimir Putin - the last chance of Russia? M., 2001.

12. Pomorro A.A. Yeltsin - Russian tragedy. M., 1999.

13. Management of the socio-economic development of Russia: concepts, goals, mechanisms / hands. Auto count D. S. Lvov, A. G. Porschnev. M.: CJSC "Publishing House" Economics ", 2002.

14. Tsyganov S.I., Manina A.Ya. Foreign investment in Russia: problems of national economic security: monograph. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of Urgua, 2000.

15. Yarochkin V.I. Security is a science of life safety. M, 1999.

Ilyin M. S., Tikhonov A. G. Financial and Industrial Integration and Corporate Structures: World Experience and Realities of Russia. M., 2002. C. 2.

Yorkin V.I. Security is a science of life safety. M.: 1999. P. 9.

Ismailov R. Economic Security of Russia: Theory and Practice. St. Petersburg, 1999. P. 103.

Tsyganov S. I., Manina A. Ya. Foreign investment in Russia: problems of national economic security: monograph. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of Urgua, 2000. p.16.

Kolosov A.V. Economic security. - M.: Finstatinform ZAO, 1999. P. 24.

Ismailov R. Economic Security of Russia: Theory and Practice. St. Petersburg, 1999.

Lykshin S., Svinarenko A. Development of the Russian economy and its restructuring as a guarantee of economic security // Questions of the economy. 2004. No. 12. P. 117-118.

Borisova V.D. Actual problems of Russia's economic security at the present stage. // Questions of the economy. 2002.-№2.


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The concept of economic security. Economic security strategy. Specificity to ensure economic security in the region. Threats to the economic security of Russia at the beginning of the XXI century

The concept of economic security

Economic security is such a state of economics and institutions of power, in which guaranteed protection of the economic interests of the state, society and individuals in relation to possible external and inner threats. It forms a combination of factors providing the sovereignty of the national economy, its internal sustainability, the ability to continuously develop and update, increasing competitiveness.

The objects of economic security in the Russian Federation, according to the current legislation, are: personality; society; state; The main elements of the economic system.

Economic security entities include a state that performs functions in this area through the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, citizens, public and other organizations and associations.

Economic security suggests:

  • First, the ability of the economy to support the sovereignty of the country and its geopolitical position in the world, adapt to new development conditions, to ensure the implementation of its interests;
  • Secondly, the readiness of the institutions of power to oppose threats and challenges by increasing management efficiency, as well as the creation of economic and legal conditions that exclude criminalization.

In recent decades, the concept of economic security has been complemented by such an important element as the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole and its leading industries in the global market.

Economic security is part of national security, its leading link. In addition, in each of the existing structural elements of national security, an economic aspect can be allocated.

Today, national economic security can be considered in relation to the processes of globalization, international competition; world and internal crisis; to political and military confrontation with other states and blocks, including armed.

Ensuring the economic security of Russia is the cornerstone with the integration of the country into the global economy. Only in the presence of a clear relevant strategy, it can take the place-like place in the world.

Currently, it is customary to talk about the three most important elements of economic security.

  • 1. Economic independence. In the modern world, it is not absolute, because the national economic complexes of most countries are closely intertwined with each other. Under these conditions, we are talking about the possibility of monitoring the state over national resources, achieving this level of production efficiency and product quality, which ensures the competitiveness of the country on external rods.
  • 2. Stability and sustainability of the national economy. It involves the creation of reliable conditions and guarantees of ownership and business activities, containing factors capable of destabilizing the situation (criminal structures, serious ruptures in the distribution of income, threatening to cause social shocks, etc.).
  • 3. Ability to self-development. The creation of a favorable climate for investments and innovation, the constant modernization of production, the increase in the professional, educational and cultural level of employees becomes mandatory conditions for the sustainability and self-storage of the national economy.

To build an efficient system of economic security, it is necessary to identify the most dangerous threats, their ranking, identifying problems in need of operational elimination or consistent strategic neutralization.

Under threat It is understood as a combination of factors and conditions that generate dangers for the sustainable functioning of the national economy or the international economic system. Moreover, the threats to the economic security and weakness of the system should be distinguished. For example, the weakness of the National Economic System is the weakness of development in the country of high technologies, and the threat is factors that can prevent their development.

The state of ensuring the economic security of the state must be viewed in two directions: to suppress the threats and eliminate weaknesses that the economy is open to threats.

It is important to distinguish between threats for the stability of the economic system and the threat of national security in general, which are of economic nature. This is not the same thing.

On the one hand, a number of threats for the economic system are not threats of national security. For example, an unbalanced and unreasonably high increase in environmental costs will pose a threat to economic stability, but will not be a threat to national security. On the other hand, some threats that are critical to ensure national security are not direct threats for the economic system. Thus, the reduction of the costs of the army maintenance to reduce the budget deficit will be a reasonable measure from an economic point of view, but at the same time destructive for the national security of the state.

The threats of national economic security can be divided into internal and external. Internal include:

  • ineffective structure of the national economy, low investment in fixed assets and human capital;
  • demographic crisis, population reduction, uncontrollable migration;
  • excessive share of cash circulation feeding the shadow economy;
  • the presence in the economy of a significant number of non-visual technologically backward enterprises;
  • weakening the scientific and technical potential of the country, export (often illegal) beyond its limits of the results of promising R & D and competitive technologies;
  • high degree of physical wear of fixed assets of most enterprises;
  • unevenness of the socio-economic development of regions supported by direct electoral investment;
  • high costs concerning almost all factors of production - labor, capital, materials, energy;
  • a significant proportion of the shadow sector of the economy, criminalization of economic activity, including it in the sphere of influence of transnational organized crime;
  • lag of growth of explored reserves of mineral resources from the pace of their production;
  • the inefficient structure of exports and imports, a significant dependence on the global market conjuncture in a number of commodity positions;
  • The high differentiation of the population in terms of income, the actual lack of a "middle class" in Russian society, a significant proportion of the population with income below the subsistence minimum, the existence of foci of the high local concentration of unemployment and other, which violates social stability in the country.

External threats can be attributed to:

  • high debt burden on the economy, created in recent years, large borrowings of firms, where the state has a significant share in capital (for example, Gazprom);
  • The dependence of the country from imports of technologies and food;
  • Inslace support by the world powers of regional separatism and nationalism, destabilizing the socio-economic and political situation in Russia. The experience of different countries, including our, testifies that

the threats of national security may not appear in an open and acute form for a long time.

Ensuring the safety of the national interests of Russia in the field of economy implies:

  • 1) the ability to maintain in the next decade GDP growth is higher than the average to the world;
  • 2) an increase in national competitiveness, primarily in manufacturing industries, and an increase of 5-6 times the share of enterprises operating on the basis of high technologies;
  • 3) a steady increase in real incomes of the population, wages, benefits; a reduction of 3-4 times the layer of poor people and the formation of the middle class with the corresponding level of solvent demand;
  • 4) an effective banking system capable of supporting a sufficient level of credit resources to ensure high long-term GDP growth rates;
  • 5) the increase in the export structure of the products of manufacturing industries; preservation of a safe level of imports, especially food (no more than 25% retail turnover);
  • 6) Russia's independence on strategically important areas of scientific and technological progress, especially in the field of defense industries, space technologies, nuclear industry, mechanical engineering;
  • 7) preservation of a single economic space;
  • 8) preventing excessive differences in the development and welfare of the regions of the regions.

Summarizing the said, one of the most important directions of the country's security guarantee of the country can be distinguished: long-term steady GDP growth, ahead of the average world,

european and Asian indicators, an increase in the competitiveness of the economy, the conquest of new niches on commodity and financial markets; Grow welfare, quality of life of Russians.

Economic safety is a set of qualitative characteristics (properties) of the state and directions for the development of an object that ensure its integrity, controllability, stability of the essential characteristics, the safety of various potentials (resources) of the object, as well as its rating in the outside world when both internal and external challenges or threats to an economic nature, as well as when influencing adverse economic factors.

The term "National Security" first appeared in the United States. The American approach is based on the understanding of national security through national sustainability - a condition that provides sufficient economic and military power to confront the dangers and threats of its existence, emanating from both other countries and from the inside of its own country.

The obligatory component of national security is generally considered national economic security.

So, in the general sense of the word, under economic security, it is necessary to understand the most important qualitative characteristics of the economic system, which determines its ability to maintain the normal conditions of the life of the population, sustainable provision of national economy development resources.

Economic security itself has a rather complicated internal structure. You can select three of its most important elements:

  • - Economic independence, which in the conditions of modern world economy is by no means absolutely character. The international division of labor makes national economies with interdependent from each other. Under these conditions, economic independence means the possibility of monitoring the state for national resources, achieving such a level of production, efficiency and quality of products, which provides its competitiveness and allows equal to participate in world trade, the exchange of scientific and technical achievements;
  • - the stability and sustainability of the national economy, providing property protection in all its forms, creating reliable conditions and guarantees for entrepreneurial activity, the fight against criminal structures in the economy, preventing serious gaps in the distribution of income that threaten cause social shocks, etc.;
  • - The ability to self-development and progress, which is especially important in the modern dynamically developing world. Establishment of a favorable climate for investments and innovation, constant modernization of production, an increase in the professional, educational and general cultural level of employees become the necessary and compulsory conditions for the sustainability and self-preservation of the national economy.

Thus, economic security is a combination of conditions and factors ensuring the independence of the national economy, its stability and sustainability, the ability to continuously update and self-improvement.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 29.04.96. No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (main provisions)" The economic security of Russia is a state of security of the economic interests of the individual, society and the states from internal and external threats based on independence , efficiency and competitiveness of the country's economy. The objects of the economic security of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the decree, are the personality, society, the state and the main elements of the economic system, including the system of institutional relations.

Without ensuring economic security, it is impossible to solve the tasks facing the state, both at the national and international level. Thus, the state strategy of economic security, being an integral part of the national security of Russia, aims to ensure the protection of the population through an increase in the level and quality of its life, an effective solution to internal economic and social tasks, as well as influence on global processes, taking into account national government interests.

The situation in the economy of Russia requires determining the strategy of economic security. However, all the economic measures carried out are mainly impulsive, fragmented.

Despite the complexity of the transition period, Russia has enormous potential to ensure its economic security not only within the country, but also beyond. The foreign economic orientation of the state strategy is to effectively implement the benefits of international division of labor, in the participation of the country in its equal integration into world economic relations, in the elimination of its dependence on foreign countries in matters of economic and technical cooperation. Objects of economic security, except personality and state are the main elements of the economic system and economic activity.

The state-owned economic security strategy includes:

  • 1) the characteristic of the external and internal threats to the economic safety of Russia as a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital economic interests of the individual, society and the state; Determination and monitoring of factors undermining the sustainability of the socio-economic system of the state for the short-term and medium-term (3-5 years) perspective;
  • 2) the definition of criteria and parameters characterizing national interests in the field of economics and meet the requirements of Russia's economic security;
  • 3) the formation of economic policies, institutional transformations and necessary mechanisms to eliminate or mitigate the impact of factors undermining the sustainability of the national economy.

The implementation of the economic state strategy should be carried out through a system of specific measures implemented on the basis of high-quality indicators and quantitative indicators - macroeconomic, demographic, foreign economic, economic, technological, etc.

Economic security can be achieved if the degree of dependence on the dominant economy, as well as the degree of exacerbation of the domestic political, social and economic situation, does not exceed the limit, which threatens the loss of national sovereignty, a significant weakening of military power, a significant decrease in the level and quality of life of the population, or disruption to achieve the global strategic goals of the country.

The most likely threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation, the activities of federal state authorities should be sent to the localization of which:

  • 1. An increase in the property differentiation of the population and raising the level of poverty, which leads to a violation of social peace and public consent. The relevant balance of social interests may be disturbed as a result of the following factors: the bundle of society into a narrow circle of rich and the prevailing mass of poor people, insecure in their future people; The increase in the share of the poor in the city in comparison with the village, which creates social and criminal tensions and the ground for widespread dissemination of negative phenomena for Russia - addiction, organized crime, prostitution, and the like; unemployment growth, which can lead to social conflicts; Delay in the payment of wages, stop enterprises and so on.
  • 2. The deformation of the structure of the Russian economy, due to such factors as: strengthening the fuel and raw material orientation of the economy; lag of intelligence reserves of minerals from their production; Low competitiveness of most domestic enterprises; coagulation of production in vital sectors of the manufacturing industry, primarily in mechanical engineering; Reducing the effectiveness, destruction of the technological unity of scientific research and development, the decay of the current scientific teams and on this basis undermining the scientific and technical potential of Russia; conquering by foreign firms of the domestic market of Russia in many types of consumer goods; the acquisition of Russian enterprises to foreign companies in order to displacing domestic products from both external and internal markets; The growth of foreign debt of Russia and the associated increase in budget expenditures on its repayment.
  • 3. Increasing the unevenness of the socio-economic development of the regions.

The most important factors of this threat are: objectively existing differences in the level of socio-economic development of the regions, the presence of depressive, crisis and backward economic terms against the background of structural shifts in industrial production, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the share of manufacturing industries; violation of industrial - technological relations between enterprises of individual regions of Russia; Increasing the gap in the level of national income per capita between individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. Criminalization of society and economic activities caused mainly by such factors as: the growth of unemployment, since a significant part of crimes are committed by persons who do not have a permanent source of income; the splicing of part of officials of state bodies with organized crime, the possibility of accessing criminal structures to managing a certain part of the production and their penetration into various power structures; The weakening of the state control system, which led to the expansion of the activities of criminal structures in the domestic financial market, in the sphere of privatization, export-import operations and trade. The main reasons for the occurrence of these threats are the instability of the financial situation of enterprises, an unfavorable investment climate, the protection of inflation processes and other problems associated with the financial destabilization in the economy.

Preventing or mitigating the consequences of actions of threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation requires determination and monitoring of factors undermining the sustainability of the socio-economic system of the state.

Aspects of activities, directly affecting and aimed at maintaining the most effective level of economic security:

  • 1. Development, adoption and execution of legislative acts that optimally ensure the preservation and maintenance of this level.
  • 2. Budget execution monitoring and preventing non-targeted funds
  • 3. Fight against corruption at all levels
  • 4. Investments in the development of the latest technologies and high-tech industries
  • 5. Strengthening and optimization of activities of special services and army
  • 6. Development and optimization of the political and economic management system of the state
  • 7) Deep, comprehensive analysis and creation of conditions for preventing emergency situations, including man-made disasters and the most effective elimination of possible consequences.

Control test tasks

  • 1. The socio-economic threats of the company's activities are:
  • 1) conflicts in the team;
  • 2) the unlawful activities of the executive bodies, law enforcement and control bodies;
  • 3) the activities of legislative and executive bodies, leading to major economic losses;
  • 4) Threats of man-made character.

The main threat to the activities of the company are conflicts in the team, as it leads to a decrease in productivity, performance, to an increase in hostility between conflicting parties as the interaction and communication decreases.

  • 2. State priority in the economic security strategy of the Russian Federation (in the real sector of the economy is):
  • 1) Ensuring the ability of the economy to function in extended reproduction mode without critical dependence on import;
  • 2) improving the efficiency of using natural resources;
  • 3) improving the use of available production facilities;
  • 4) production growth while maintaining an existing industrial structure.

Ensuring the ability of the economy to function in extended reproduction mode without critical dependence on imports. This means that the country should have sufficiently developed industry and production, having vital for the functioning of the state both in conventional and extreme conditions that can provide the reproduction process regardless of external influence.

Among the developments on this issue performed at the state level, the "State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation" should be especially allocated, approved by the Presidential Decree of April 29, 1996.

The most important requirement of the economic security of the Russian Federation is to preserve state control over strategic resources, preventing them of export in the amounts that may cause damage to the national interests of Russia.

  • 3. The criteria for economic security include such parameters as:
  • 1) the resource potential of the country;
  • 2) level and quality of life;
  • 3) the competitiveness of the economy;
  • 4) integrity of the territory.

Economic safety criteria characterize a high-quality plane, on the basis of which countering hazard. For example, the ability of the economic system to withstand danger is determined by such criteria as the provision of resources, technologies, the organization and the level of development of production, finance, management, marketing, legal and security services and the other. Thus, the criterion of economic security is a sign, on the basis of which the state and the ability of the economic system is determined to resist the manifestations of danger.

Practical task

technogenic economic threat external

"You fly on the plane. It takes it to capture terrorists. Your actions"

Despite serious safety and control measures, terrorists manage to penetrate the plane. If you are in the captured plane, try to follow the following rules:

  • 1. Follow the instructions of the crew members. The crew members were special preparation for the fulfillment of their duties in an emergency atmosphere. Do not take independent actions if the need for them will not be caused by extreme causes. Before making any actions, think. Calm, balanced, sober-minded person will calm other passengers.
  • 2. Do not attract attention to any actions. This is the most important rule of survival in the event of the hijacking of the aircraft. Do not establish visual contact with terrorists. Do not complain. Still imperceptible. Take a neutral pose; Do not show your fear or anger without need.
  • 3. Do not ask questions. You not only pay attention, but also annulate terrorists.
  • 4. Be prepared for the worst. In many cases, terrorists show cruelty and rudeness. Do not try to cut them. Never underestimate their vanity. If they have enough recklessness to capture the plane, they are capable of unpredictable actions, on any provocation. They will be nervous, because only a few terrorists attempted to capture the aircraft earlier. They will need time to get used to this setting. Do not take any actions that would forced them to act thoughtlessly because of fear or anger. In addition, they may try to expose you or other passengers to humiliate. Perceive their insults without complaints. If you set them against yourself, later they will calculate with you.
  • 5. Keep everything that happens on board the aircraft. In the event of your liberation or escape, you can be interviewed by the authorities to receive valuable information.
  • 6. Be prepared for a possible attempt to liberate the aircraft. If you hear noise overboard, do not apply what you look out the window or towards these sounds. Make it in your chair and get ready to cover your head or protect your children.
  • 7. Once the attempt to liberate the aircraft began, no matter how to interfere. Consider the security officers are professionals, and they know what they do. Just follow their instructions. To not happen, do not pick up an abandoned weapon. Your saviors can kill any person who in their hands turned out to be a weapon.
  • 8. Be careful.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation GOU VPO MO

"Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute"

historical Faculty, Department "State and Municipal Management".

Department of Economy

Day separation


by discipline : Economic theory

on the topic : Economic security of the economy of the Russian Federation.


student 3 courses

Borodavkin Yu.A.

Scientific adviser:

Leonova Zh.K.


year 2009

Introduction 3.

Chapter 1. Economic Policy of State and Economic Safety 5

1.1. Concept, structure and elements of the concept of economic

state security. five

1.2 Regulatory framework of economic safety of the Russian Federation 12

Chapter 2. Present and Future of the Russian Economy 16

2.2. The current state of the economic security of Russia 20

2.3. Globalization, as a threat of economic security 35

2.4. The main directions of increasing the economic security of the country. 37.

Conclusion 43.

List of references 44


The economic security of the country today nominated the problems that attract the close attention of the specialists of the most different profile, including representatives of the special services. Such attention is not at all by chance. It is associated primarily with the fact that the economic sphere of the state is a rod and determines the viability of other areas. The influence of the economic sphere on others is more noticeable than the influence of these areas on it. Accordingly, economic security is dominant with respect to other types of security.

It used to be that economic security is the prerogative of government security bodies. Undoubtedly, law enforcement agencies, special services, including the FSB of Russia, is an important link to ensure the economic security of the state. But the structure of the economy itself should ensure security, the implementation of the conditions of which is possible only under the observance of the national interests of Russia during economic reforms and accounting for existing threats. Russia is a multinational country, which includes dozens of nationalities that have their statehood and even their security advice involved in ensuring national security. It may impress that in the Russian Federation, under national security, the safety of only the Russian nation is understood, but this is not the case. The concept of "national security" reflects the state, the level of security of all peoples and nations belonging to Russia.

Economic security is a guarantee of the independence of the country, the stability conditions and the efficiency of society, achieving success. Therefore, ensuring economic security belongs to the number of essential national priorities.

Prime Minister Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich said that Russia has two possible ways of development - either Russia will be a strong state, or this state will disappear from the atlas of the world, at least in the form in which it exists today. Many foreigners are needed in the form of a raw material appendage to their economy, living due to the sale of its resources. This is a perfection path for Russia. In order to survive, the state needs to build its economic policy, taking into account the requirements of the technological development of the world community in the 21st century, it is necessary to find its growth points in the form of new technologies in which we should not catch up, but to alert foreign competitors. The concept of economic security of the country includes not only the maintenance of the state in a sufficient level of socio-political and military stability of the state, but, above all, the development of the economy with its inclusion in the globalization processes held today in the world community.

Lightweight and attempts to smuggle threatening dangers are unacceptable here. The role of science in developing the concept of economic security is very large and responsible. It is fundamentally important to reveal the essence of the problem, identify real threats, to propose reliable and effective methods for their reflection.

The relevance of the topic of research is determined by the need to enhance the positions of the Russian economy in the modern world, especially during the economic crisis, as well as, holding more active economic policies.

This paper discusses some issues of the country's economic security, as well as the directions of the development of the Russian economy in order to reflect the threats to the economic security of Russia.

The purpose of this course work is to study the concept, structure, regulatory framework and the economic security strategy of the Russian Federation.

The objectives of this study are: consideration of theoretical provisions related to economic security, an analysis of the current state of economic security of Russia, identifying the main directions of increasing the economic security of Russia.

It is possible without exaggeration to argue that the development of problems of ensuring the guaranteed internal and external security of the country, all of its aspects and especially economic security is the priority of specialists in the field of state and municipal management.

Chapter 1. Economic Policy of State and Economic Security

1.1. The concept, essence and criteria of the country's economic security.

In the 70s, the term "Economic Security" first appeared. He quickly gained distribution in developed capitalist countries. It was then, defending the realistic assessment of the current international situation, representatives, primarily of Western European countries, made the use of economic methods for ensuring national security.

The most intensive research in the field of economic security of the Russian Federation began with the creation of an interdepartmental commission of the Security Council for Economic Security, although numerous studies of Russian economists, sociologists, political scientists and researchers in a number of related disciplines were devoted to the problems associated with this concept.

The Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council for Economic Security was formed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", the "Security Council Regulations", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1992, No. 547 "On Education of the Security Council of the Russian Federation" and By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 20, 1993 No. 1686, "On the improvement of the activities of interdepartmental commissions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation". Essentially listed documents introduced the concept of economic security. The concept of economic security in the most general sense means the possibility and willingness of the economy to ensure decent living conditions and the development of the individual, the socio-economic and military-political stability of society and the state, the ability to resist the influence of internal and external threats. Economic security is the material basis of both national security as a whole and virtually all its components (food, energy, scientific and technical, environmental, information, etc.).

Events 10 - October 10, 1994, associated with a sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate (Black Tuesday) exacerbated interest as the scientific community and wide segments of economic security. In April 1995, the Presidential Security Commission for Economic Security Council was formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as a result of the activities of which the State Strategy of the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (the main provisions) was developed, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 No. 608.

The goal of the state strategy is to ensure such a development of the economy, in which acceptable conditions would be created for the life and development of the individual, socio-economic and military-political stability of society and the preservation of the integrity of the state, the successful confrontation of the influence of internal and external threats. Without ensuring economic security, it is impossible to solve any of the tasks facing the country, both in the domestic and internationally.

The implementation of the state strategy should create the necessary conditions for achieving the general goals of national security. In particular, provide:

Protection of civil rights to the population, improving the quality of his life, guaranteeing peace in the country and calm in society;

Effective solution of domestic and external political, economic and social tasks, based on national interests;

Active influence on the processes in the world affecting the national interests of Russia.

Economic safety is organically incorporated into the state security system, as its basis, together with its terms, as ensuring reliable country's defense capability, the maintenance of the social world in society, protection against environmental disasters. Everything is interconnected here, and one direction complements the other: there can be no military security at a weak and inefficient economy, as no military security, neither an efficient economy in society, torn by social conflicts. But, considering these sides of the security, one cannot bypass their economic aspects.

Currently, economic security is traditionally seen as the most important qualitative characteristics of the economic system, which determines its ability to maintain the normal conditions of the life of the population, sustainable provision of national economy development resources, as well as the consistent implementation of national-state interests.

Economic security is understood as such a state of the economy and institutions of the government, which provides guaranteed protection of national interests, the socially directed development of the country as a whole, sufficient defense potential.

Economic security is a guarantee of the independence of the country, the condition of stability and effective vital activity of society, achieving success. This is explained by the fact that the economy is one of the vital parties to the Company's activities, states and individuals, and, therefore, the concept of national security will be an empty word without assessing the viability of the economy, its strength with possible external and internal threats. Therefore, ensuring economic security belongs to the number of major national priorities.

Economic security itself has a complex internal structure in which the most important elements can be distinguished:

Economic independence is not absolute because the international division of labor makes national economies with interdependent on each other. Under these conditions, economic independence means the possibility of monitoring national resources, achieving such a level of production, efficiency and quality of products, which provides its competitiveness and allows equal to participate in world trade, cooperative connections and exchange of scientific and technical achievements. This concept has a complex structure and means, firstly, the ability of the economy to support the sovereignty of the country and the geopolitical position in the world, to adapt to new development conditions; secondly, a systemic assessment of the state of the economy from the position of protection of the national interests of the country; Thirdly, the readiness of the institutions of the authorities to oppose the threats and challenges of post-industrial development by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of management, as well as the creation of economic and legal conditions that exclude criminalization.

The stability and sustainability of the national economy, which implies property protection in all its forms, the creation of reliable conditions and guarantees for entrepreneurial activity, the containment of factors capable of destabilizing the situation (the fight against criminal structures in the economy, the prevention of serious gaps in the distribution of income, threatening cause social shocks and t . d.).

The ability to self-development and progress, which is especially important in the modern, dynamically developing world. Establishment of a favorable climate for investments and innovation, constant modernization of production, an increase in the professional, educational and general cultural level of employees become the necessary and compulsory conditions for the sustainability and self-preservation of the national economy. Development should follow the following areas:

The ability of the economy to function in extended reproduction mode, that is, in the next decade, GDP growth in the next decade (within at least 7-8 percent per year);

Increasing the competitiveness of the economy not only in mining, but, above all, in manufacturing industries and an increase (5-6 times), the share of innovative active enterprises;

Improving the welfare of the population, which means a steady increase in its real income, wages, ahead of the increase in pensions and benefits;

A reduction of 3-4 times the layer of poor people and the formation of the average estate of citizens with the corresponding level of effective demand;

Reliability of the banking system and the ability of the consolidated budget to finance social obligations of the state, maintain business activity and high market conditions, prevent jumps in changing the ruble exchange rate; the adequacy of money supply and credit resources to ensure high long-term GDP growth rates;

Increased in the structure of foreign trade turnover of the share of exports of manufacturing industries;

Maintaining the level of imports, especially food, at a safe level (approximately 25 percent of the food turnover of food);

Russia's independence on strategically important areas of scientific and technological progress, especially in the sphere of defense industries, space technologies, nuclear industry, mechanical engineering;

Preventing excessive differences in the development and welfare of the regions of the regions.

Thus, economic security is a combination of conditions and factors that ensure the independence of the national economy, its stability and sustainability, the ability to continuously update and self-improvement.

For a better understanding of the essence of economic security, it is important to understand her connection with the concepts of "development" and "stability". Development is one of the components of economic security. After all, if the economy does not develop, the possibilities of its survival are sharply reduced, as well as resistance and adaptability to internal and external threats. Sustainability and safety are the most important characteristics of the economy as a single system. They should not be opposed, of which each in its own way characterizes the state of the economy. Stability of the economy characterizes the strength and reliability of its elements, vertical, horizontal and other links within the system, the ability to withstand internal and external "loads". Safety is the state of the object in the system of its links from the point of view of the ability to self-recognition under conditions of internal and external threats, as well as the actions of unpredictable and labor-perched factors.

The more stable the economic system, the more viable for the economy, which means that its safety will be high enough. The violation of proportions and connections between different components of the system leads to destabilization and is a signal transition signal from a safe state to dangerous.

Economic security essence is implemented in the system of criteria and indicators. Economic security criterion is an assessment of the state of the economy from the point of view of essential processes reflecting the essence of economic security. Safety criteria include ratings:

Resource potential and its development capabilities;

Level of efficiency of the use of resources, capital and labor and its compliance with the level in the most developed and advanced countries, as well as the level in which the threats of external and internal nature are minimized;

Competitiveness of the economy;

Integrity of the territory and economic space;

Sovereignty, independence and possibilities of confronting external threats,

Social stability and conditions for preventing and resolving social conflicts.

The system of indicators of indicators that have received a quantitative expression allows you to signal in advance of threatening danger and take measures to prevent it.

For economic security, the values \u200b\u200bare not indicators themselves, but their thresholds. Threshold values \u200b\u200bare limit values, non-compliance with the values \u200b\u200bof which prevents the normal course of the development of various elements of reproduction, leads to the formation of negative, destructive trends in the field of economic security.

It is important to emphasize that the highest degree of security is achieved under the condition that the entire complex of indicators is within the permissible boundaries of their threshold values, and the threshold values \u200b\u200bof one indicator are achieved not to the detriment of others. Therefore, it can be concluded that outside the values \u200b\u200bof the thresholds, the national economy loses the ability to dynamic self-development, competitiveness in external and domestic markets, becomes the object of expansion of foreign and transnational monopolies, is extended by the ulcers of corruption, crime, suffers from the internal and external robbery of national wealth.

Among the indicators of economic security can be allocated:

Indicators of economic growth (dynamics and structure of national production and income, indicators of volumes and rates of industrial production, industry structure of the economy and dynamics of individual industries, investments, etc.);

Indicators characterizing the natural resource, production, scientific and technical potential of the country;

Indicators characterizing the dynamism and adaptability of the economic mechanism, as well as its dependence on external factors (the level of inflation, the deficit of the consolidated budget, the effect of foreign economic factors, the stability of the national currency, internal and external debt);

Quality quality indicators (per capita GDP, income differentiation level, security of major groups of the population with material benefits and services, the working capacity of the population, the state of the environment, etc.).

The threshold levels of security reduction can be characterized by the system of indicators of the general economic and socio-economic significance reflecting, in particular:

The maximum permissible level of reduction of economic activity, production, investment and financing, outside which the independent economic development of the country is impossible on a technically modern, competitive basis, the preservation of the democratic foundations of the social system, maintaining defense, scientific and technical, innovative, investment and qualification potential ;

The maximum permissible reduction in the level and quality of life of the majority of the population, beyond which the risk of uncontrolled social, labor, interethnic and other conflicts arises; The threat of loss of the most productive part of the national "human capital" and the nation as an organic part of civilized community is created;

The maximum allowable level of cost reduction and reproduction of natural-environmental potential, beyond which there is a danger of irreversible destruction of the elements of the natural environment, the loss of vital resource sources of economic growth, as well as significant areas of residence, placement of production and recreation, the deposition of irreparable damage to the health of the current and future generations, etc.

Summarizing the above, it can be said that economic security is the ability of the economy to ensure the effective satisfaction of social needs at the national and international levels. In other words, economic security is a set of domestic and external conditions conducive to the effective dynamic growth of the national economy, its ability to meet the needs of society, states, individuals, to ensure competitiveness in external and domestic markets, guaranteeing different types of threats and losses.

From this you can make two outputs:

First. The economic security of the country should be ensured primarily the effectiveness of the economy itself, that is, along with protective measures implemented by the state, it must protect itself on the basis of high productivity, product quality, etc.

Second. Ensuring the economic security of the country is not the prerogative of any one state department, service. It must be supported by the entire system of state bodies, all the links and structures of the economy.

1.2. Regulatory framework of the country's economic security.

The legislative branch of state power through laws forms the legal basis for economic security, outlines the circle of state values \u200b\u200band interests under state defense, establishes a system of state authorities specializing in economic security determines their competence, provides for the possibility, grounds and types of legal responsibility for unlawful behavior individuals and legal entities recognized by entities of law. The main activities of the Federal Assembly Chambers in the field of economic security are carried out on an ongoing basis through the structure of the Committees of the Federation and the State Duma in cooperation with the relevant units of the Federal Assembly, the Information and Analytical Office of the Federation Council and the Analytical Center of the State Duma).

An important role in ensuring economic security was played by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation"

In March 1994, i.e. Three more than three years after the start of the "reform" of the economy, the government adopted a decree on the development of the "basic provisions of the State Strategy for Economic Security of the Russian Federation". The document was prepared and its project in January 1995 was reviewed and approved in the Security Council. However, it took almost 1.5 years so that it became a document, since only in April 1996, the President signed Decree No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (the main provisions)". The most important element of the state security of Russia is economic security. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 29.04.96. No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (main provisions)" The economic security of Russia is a state of security of the economic interests of the individual, society and the states from internal and external threats based on independence , efficiency and competitiveness of the country's economy.

The objects of the economic security of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the decree, are the personality, society, the state and the main elements of the economic system, including the system of institutional relations.

Without ensuring economic security, it is impossible to solve the tasks facing the state, both at the national and international level.

Thus, the state strategy of economic security, being an integral part of the national security of Russia, aims to ensure the protection of the population through an increase in the level and quality of its life, an effective solution to internal economic and social tasks, as well as influence on global processes, taking into account national government interests.

The situation in the economy of Russia requires determining the strategy of economic security. However, all the economic measures carried out are mainly impulsive, fragmented.

Despite the complexity of the transition period, Russia has enormous potential to ensure its economic security not only within the country, but also beyond. The foreign economic orientation of the state strategy is to effectively implement the benefits of international division of labor, in the participation of the country in its equal integration into world economic relations, in the elimination of its dependence on foreign countries in matters of economic and technical cooperation.

Objects of economic security, except personality and state are the main elements of the economic system and economic activity.

The state-owned economic security strategy includes:

1) the characteristic of the external and internal threats to the economic safety of Russia as a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital economic interests of the individual, society and the state; Determination and monitoring of factors undermining the sustainability of the socio-economic system of the state for the short-term and medium-term (3-5 years) perspective;

2) the definition of criteria and parameters characterizing national interests in the field of economics and meet the requirements of Russia's economic security;

3) the formation of economic policies, institutional transformations and necessary mechanisms to eliminate or mitigate the impact of factors undermining the sustainability of the national economy.

The implementation of the economic state strategy should be carried out through a system of specific measures implemented on the basis of high-quality indicators and quantitative indicators - macroeconomic, demographic, foreign economic, economic, technological, etc.

Thus, only in May 1997, the concept of national security was adopted, which was to unite the forces and funds of Russian special services and law enforcement agencies - primarily the Department of Economic Security of the FSB (educated, true, only in 1998), as well as the relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GRU, Federal Tax Police Service and GTC.

January 10, 2000 was adopted by the 2nd version of the Concept of National Security of Russia. This document defines fundamental principal provisions on the national security of the country, which should be the basis for the formation of the internal and foreign policy of the state. In it, the analysis of the place of Russia in the world community is given, its national interests, processes and phenomena, threatening them, are identified.

Protection of the national interests of the country in the field of economy plays a primary role in ensuring the national security of Russia. Ultimately, providing all elements of national security: defense, environmental, informational, foreign policy, and other depends on the economic opportunities of the country. At the same time, the development of a program of priority and long-term measures to ensure the economic security of Russia and practical steps in this direction should rely on a clear awareness of modern threats.

In accordance with the concept of national security: "In the field of economy, the threats are complex in nature and are due primarily to a significant reduction in the internal gross product, a decrease in investment, innovative activity and scientific and technical potential, the stagnation of the agricultural sector, the unbalancement of the banking system, the growth of external and internal state Debt tendency to prevail in the export supplies of fuel and raw materials and energy components, and in imported supplies - food and consumption items, including essential items. " The state of the domestic economy, the imperfection of the system of organization of state and civil society, the socio-political polarization of Russian society and the criminalization of public relations, the growth of organized crime and an increase in terrorism, the exacerbation of interethnic and complications of international relations create a wide range of internal and external threats to the national security of the country. The weakening of the scientific and technical and technological potential of the country, reducing research on strategically important areas of scientific and technical development, the outflow abroad of specialists and intellectual property threaten Russia the loss of advanced positions in the world, the degradation of high-tech industries, the strengthening of external technological dependence and undermining Russia's defense capability.

Negative processes in the economy underlie the separatist aspirations of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This leads to strengthening political instability, weakening the United Economic Space of Russia and its most important components - production and technological and transport links, financial and banking, credit and tax systems.

Economic disintegration, social differentiation of society, the devaluation of spiritual values \u200b\u200bcontribute to strengthening tension in the relationship between regions and the center, representing a threat to the federal device and socio-economic text of the Russian Federation.

The greatest effectiveness in the implementation of the legislative powers of the Federal Assembly can be achieved through interaction with the information and analytical divisions of the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Committees of the Federal Assembly, the Presidential Administration, the Security Council, the Government Office. However, coordination between the specified economic security bodies today is not effective enough. Various bodies participate in ensuring national security, independently of each other without coordination of the plans and the results of work. Such disgrace damages the quality of work and reduces the level of government. Obviously, the functional and organizational issues of ensuring national and economic security need further improvement.

Chapter 2. Prospects for the Russian economy.

Among the main directions of economic policy it is advisable to allocate the following areas, which are relevant today for both countries with a developed market economy and for Russia:

Conjuncture policy;

Economic growth policy;

Structural policy;

Regional policy;

Employment policy;

Anti-inflation policy;

Investment policy;

Social politics.

All these directions intersect, and sometimes contradict each other. The government, depending on the situation, chooses priorities.

Special attention of the Government of the Russian Federation in the medium term is given to the implementation of priority national projects in the field of health, education, providing housing for the population, as well as the development of the agro-industrial complex.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation intends to develop measures aimed at improving the efficiency of social policy programs and improving social assistance mechanisms. In this regard, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of all authorities that provide social assistance in the implementation of relevant programs to promote regional and interregional labor mobility.

It is planned to continue the administrative reform and reform of civil service, which are aimed at ensuring publicity and regulating the activities of state authorities and further reduce their redundant functions.

To ensure the innovative economic growth, it requires an increase in the role of scientific research and development, the transformation of scientific potential into one of the main resources of sustainable economic growth by creating an innovative system, the formation of markets for innovative capital and information and consulting services in the innovation area, improving the regulatory legal framework for the protection of rights to Intellectual property, personnel support of the innovation economy. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies in the production, including a comprehensive and balanced development of innovative infrastructure.

In order to develop the Russian regions, it is necessary to move from the ineffective alignment of the economic development of the regions to the creation of conditions that encourage the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities to mobilize the existing resources of economic growth. This should be achieved by increasing the effectiveness of public administration, the formation and development of industrial clusters, the improvement of intergovernmental relations aimed at stimulating the reforms in the regions.

To solve problems related to the elimination of infrastructure and technological restrictions, it is necessary to develop a transport infrastructure as a condition for the sustainable development of the economy, contributing to the growth of turnover, the volume of information transmission, production capacity, a change in the structure of the economy. This task can be successfully solved only with active business participation.

The development of competition and the reduction of the non-market sector will be ensured by creating and improving market institutions, the development of small businesses, ensuring equal and conscientious competition. With the general improvement in the entrepreneurial climate and the creation of economic incentives for the inter-sectoral overflow of capital, conditions will be created to increase the attractiveness of processing industries and services.

On April 19, 2007, the Russian government approved a forecast of socio-economic development for 2008. And for the period until 2010. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MARF) submitted an updated country development scenario to the medium term, which traces the orientation for the diversification of the economy, strong investment and consumer demand, leading the development of the manufacturing industry and the growth of non-export exports. The domestic economy will reduce the dependence on the price conjuncture on oil, promise officials. They do not foresee internal macroeconomic risks and believe that the development of the economy has reached stability indicators.

According to estimates of economists, the forecast presented is optimistic, and there are some prerequisites for this. Last year, successful in many of the parameters of the country's economic well-being, and the first quarter of 2007. Demonstrated acceleration of the economy. The fact that the Russian economy will leave the growth based on the export of oil and gas, and will be built on the manufacturing industry and technologies, you can only welcome, experts believe.

In the forecast of the socio-economic development of the country for 2008-2010. The following parameters are recorded. Forecast for inflation for 2007. It is 7-8%, for 2008. - 6-7%, for 2009. - 5.5-6.5%, for 2010. - 5-6%. GDP forecast is: for 2007. - 6.5%, for 2008. - 6.1%, for 2009. - 6%, for 2010. - 6.2%. At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs German Gref believes that Russia can go to higher growth rates of GDP, which laid in a three-year forecast. This may occur if the investment activity of enterprises will be higher and the price of oil will exceed official expectations.

Forecast for the growth of industrial production for 2007. It is 5.2%, for 2008. - 5.1%, for 2009. - 4.8%, for 2010. - 5.2%. The growth of investment in fixed assets, according to the forecast of the Russian Federation, will be: in 2007. - 12.8%, in 2008. - 11.9%, in 2009. - 10.5% and in 2010. - 11.4%.

In addition, indicators relating to the social sphere turned out to be the focus of officials. Real disposable revenues of Russians in 2007. Ground 9.8%, in 2008. - by 9.1%, in 2009. - by 8% and in 2010. - by 7.5%. At the same time, real salary, according to the forecast, in 2007. will increase by 12.8%, in 2008. - by 10.8%, in 2009. - by 8.8% and in 2010. - by 8.2%. The unemployment is expected - from 7.3% in 2006. up to 6.8% in 2010 At the same time, the number of registered unemployed should grow, which indicates structural changes in this area.

Retail trade turnover will grow in 2007. by 11.6%, in 2008. - by 10.5%, in 2009. - by 9.1%, in 2010. - by 8.4%. The positive balance of the trade balance in the medium term will gradually decline. So, according to the forecast of MERT, in 2007. It will be 100.8 billion dollars, in 2008. - 67.6 billion dollars, in 2009 - 34.7 billion dollars, and in 2010. already $ 3.2 billion

Economists note that, increasing the growth forecast of the economy, officials are betting on a strong internal investment and consumer demand. According to them, the estimated growth rates of the economy as a whole look very believable: the economy has another huge reserve for growth associated with the possibility of increasing its effectiveness (reduction of energy intensity, improving labor productivity, etc.) and 6% per year seems to be a normal growth rate for her.

High consumer demand will be able to ensure growth in the processing sectors of the industry. The explicitly designated parish of foreign manufacturers, localizing certain production, not only contributes to the projected growth, but can also have an additional positive impact on the economy. Explicit domestic or external threats to growth, with the exception of the collapse of world commodity prices, is not yet viewed, but this threat every year becomes less significant due to the same diversification of the economy. At the same time, in the forecast there are several points causing questions: the prospects for the oil and oil refining sector look undervalued, and the prospects for non-sirous exports are revalued. Many analysts also positively appreciate the forecast of socio-economic development, prepared by the MERT. And it is assumed that against the background of the possible shortage of labor, a migration policy should become one of the priorities for the government. The high rates of wage growth and pensions will lead to a further increase in disposable income of the population, and therefore the increase in consumption will continue to remain one of the key growth factors of the Russian economy.

However, without ensuring economic security, it is impossible to solve the tasks facing the state, both at the national and international level.

2.2. The modern state of the economic security of Russia

The structure of economic security problems is shown in Scheme 1.

Scheme 1. Structure of economic security issues.

Let's return to the State Strategy of Economic Security. This document identifies criteria and parameters of economic security to be monitored.

Economic security criteria, defined as factors that determine the occurrence of threats to economic safety are formulated as follows:

1. The country's economy in sustainable growth.

2. dependence of the country's economy from imports of essential food and products, the production of which can be organized in the country.

3. The level of external and internal debt.

4. Reproduction of strategic resources.

5. The level of poverty and unemployment.

6.Lust of the financial system.

7. Rationalization of the structure of foreign trade.

8. Availability for the population of education, culture, medical and social services, passenger transport, massive types of communication, as well as housing and utilities.

9.Argenition of the country's scientific potential.

10.Instation with the CIS participating States.

Each of these factors has a steady set of indicators, which can be found on the website of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.

An analysis of the categories of economic security of developed countries and Russia shows that the Russian Federation faces a number of threats that are not characteristic of developed countries. These threats include the need for integration into the already established system of international institutions; difficulties with the identification of the position of the system related to the crisis of bodies responsible for collecting statistical information, and as a result, the impossibility of making optimal management decisions; On the territory of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation there are legal acts contrary to federal legislation; Russia has enormous borders in extension. At the same time, the Russian Federation as a country, developing in the global economy, is facing the entire traditional complex of threats inherent to the epoch of globalization.

The strategic national interests of Russia in the field of economy are multifaceted, but, summing, they can be represented in three most important areas: long-term sustainable economic growth, ahead of the average world, European and Asian GDP growth rates, increasing the competitiveness of the country's economy and its citizens, conquering new niche for commodity and financial markets; The growth of welfare, quality of life of Russians and recognition of their role in the world cultural space.

More specifically, the implementation of the national interests of Russia in the field of economics can be expressed as follows: the ability of the economy to function in expanded reproduction mode, that is, providing in the next decade GDP growth within at least 7-8 percent per year; Increasing the competitiveness of the economy not only in extractive, but first of all in the manufacturing industries and an increase of 5-6 times the share of innovative active enterprises; improving the welfare of the population, which means a steady increase in its real income, wages, ahead of the increase in pensions and benefits; A reduction of 3-4 times the layer of poor people and the formation of the average estate of citizens with the corresponding level of effective demand; Reliability of the banking system and the ability of the consolidated budget to finance social obligations of the state, maintain business activity and high market conditions, prevent jumps in changing the ruble exchange rate; the adequacy of money supply and credit resources to ensure high long-term GDP growth rates; Increased in the structure of foreign trade turnover of the share of exports of manufacturing industries; maintaining the level of imports, especially food, at a safe level (approximately 25 percent of the food turnover of food); Russia's independence on strategically important areas of scientific and technological progress, especially in the sphere of defense industries, space technologies, nuclear industry, mechanical engineering; preservation of a single economic space and preventing excessive differences in the levels of development and welfare of the population of regions.

The practical experience of different countries, including ours, indicates that the threats of national security can not be manifested in an open and acute form for a long time, but this does not mean that we do not threaten anything or that any crisis can easily survive. For timely prevention of threats to the national interests of Russia in the economy, it is advisable to continuously monitor the economic security indicators. 19 such indicators are allocated reflecting the most important sections in the real and financial sectors of the economy, in the social sphere (see Table 1). It is these indicators that are used as threshold values \u200b\u200bof economic security. They characterize the limit values, the ignoring of which prevents the normal course of the development of the economy and the social sphere and leads to the formation of destructive trends in the field of production and the standard of living of the population.

The thresholds should acquire the status of the quantitative parameters approved or approved at the state level, compliance with which should be an indispensable element of government forecasts and development programs, as well as budget development. Unfortunately, this did not happen, the approved quantitative parameters of the threshold values \u200b\u200bstill not.

Table 1 shows that the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the indicators quite accurately signal about the state of economic safety of Russia. The situation cannot be characterized as uniquely, with the rating "good" or "bad". Part of the indicators in 2005 was below the threshold values. This is the level of inflation, budget deficit, public debt. The volume of gold reserves repeatedly exceeds the threshold limits.

If the monetization level corresponded to the limit value of the indicator, it is possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about improving the financial position. However, it is two times lower, which indicates the underdevelopment of the banking sector, on the distrust of investors to banks, lack of incapacity for the population to organized forms of savings, on the weak development of non-cash settlements. Economic and political risks in investment are still very high.

An increase in financial and bank reserves occurs due to the infringement of financial opportunities for the development of the real sector of the economy, innovation and social spheres. All indicators flag about the disadvantaged position of these economy sectors. The share of food coming in imports in the total food resources, much (15 percentage points) exceeds the value of the threshold value, which makes the economy vulnerable in the unfavorable development of the situation in the foreign exchange market. The total volume of GDP is significantly lower than the threshold value. Consequently, to solve the task of doubling GDP by 2012, it is necessary to significantly accelerate the pace of economic growth.

Unfortunately, the health of the population of Russia is much worse than in industrialized countries. In general, on the integral health indicator, Russians are in the 68th place in the world. The average working capacity of the Russian worker, if evaluated by the number of years of work, losses of working time due to diseases and accidents, activity at work, two times lower than the Workers' US.

The significant personal characteristic of human resources is morality. On this quality also pointed out Aristotle in his work "Nikikova Ethics". Over the years of reforms, such negative traits of morality have developed for employees as the misinterpretation, aggressiveness, conflict, cynical attitude to society, state and man, bribery, racket, corruption. Also, its technical and industrial component is of great importance for ensuring the economic security of the state. Under it it is understood as the ability of the country's industry in the event of a violation of foreign economic relations or internal socio-economic shocks to quickly compensate for their negative consequences, sustainably extended reproduction, satisfy public (including defense) needs. It is closely related both to material and social and social production factors. As a result of a significant import of machinery and equipment to Russia, an increasingly tangible dependence on Western deliveries began to take shape. It is especially high on metalworking, metallurgical and chemical equipment. In case of exacerbation of the economic situation or unleashing direct military confrontation, such a dependence can lead to significant economic difficulties. That is why it is necessary for the domestic production of high-quality machinery and technical products and in sufficient quantity. At the same time, the analysis of the data of the Russian State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation shows that high-tech industries - the production of machine tools, forging-pressing machines, radio-electronic equipment, computers, modern communications is a little more than 5% of the level of 1991. The proportion of mechanical engineering in the total volume of industrial products has been reduced by three times.

The Russia industry is currently focused mainly on the production of an intermediate product - fuel and raw materials. Industries producing finite consumption products are only about two fifth industrial production. The main funds of industrial enterprises of the real sector of the economy more than half are worn, and in the fuel and energy complex, the worniness already reaches almost 80%.

The technological component of economic security involves such a state of the scientific and technical potential of the country, which guarantees in the lowest time for the independent development of the latest technological solutions that provide a breakthrough in the leading sectors of civil and defense production. Increasing Russia's self-sufficiency in key technologies, increasing technological potential based on the latest scientific and technical achievements will undoubtedly strengthen the economic security of the country. The massive use of prospective technologies will contribute to the accelerated translation of the economy on an intensive development model, a significant change in the export-import structure of the Russian economy, the elimination of its economic dependence on foreign countries.

In the third millennium, the advanced countries of the world - the USA, the countries of Europe and Japan are on the threshold of a new stage of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of the latest technologies of the XXI century in all areas of life.

The leading direction in the scientific and technical sphere is the humanization of technical progress, strengthening the life-supporting branch of NTP, the shift of priorities towards biology, biochemistry, biophysics, medical sciences, information services, i.e. In the direction of those directions of science and technology that increase the quality of life of people.

The second important direction of NTP is to reduce the energy intensity and metal-intensity of social production. Developed countries have been significantly advanced on this path, gradually moving to such a type of economic growth, in which the satisfaction of the production and personal needs of people will be able to be carried out with smaller specifications involved in the production of resources. The implementation of this area will help ensure the sustainable development of individual countries and the global economy.

Industrialized countries pay exceptional attention to the development of information technology. The development of information networks and satellite communications makes it easy to overcome national borders and gives society's life more and more global. The development of the complex of the latest information technologies - Internet is compared with the invention and the spread of typography.

For our country, the challenge of globalization means the need to gradually waste from energy exports to a more balanced participation through the integration of domestic scientific and technological potential into the global economy, exports of high-tech products and services, connecting to strategic alliances.

An important element of the economic security system is the food component, which involves the ability of the agricultural sector of the economy to ensure the country's population with food, and the industry is a necessary agricultural raw material.

Today, the danger of the loss of food independence of the country becomes very real. The archaic of agriculture and in general the Russian food complex was dramatically aggravated as a result of the elected embodiment of agrarian reform. Sensity in the destruction of the established structures and economic relations, the aggravation of price disproportions between industry and agriculture, almost complete opening of the domestic market for food imports - all this undermines the database for the country's self-sufficiency. Marvelous agriculture decreased noticeably. The monopolism of agricultural machinery producers, the swelling of intermediary structures, the ill-conceived tax and credit policy make the production of agricultural products ineffective. The share of imported food is 30%. According to the Ministry of Agricultural Production, the share of imports on meat and meat products - 34%, milk and milk products - 18%, sugar (including raw sugar) - 73%, vegetable oil - 42%, fish and fish products - 50%. In major cities, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the share of many types of imported goods reaches 80% 7. These and other data show that the critical food threshold is significantly exceeded. This can lead to dictates of prices, as well as to the destruction of domestic production, the seizure of the Russian domestic market.

The established adverse conditions create a real threat to the loss of food independence of the country, which can be accomplished by the fact if the bodies of the fulfillmental authorities and economic entities will not be made effective measures to overcome it.

In the economic security system, the role of the energy component is great, which involves ensuring the stability of energy supply for the needs of the national economy and the defense complex. The Russian economy becomes more and more fuel and commodity. At the same time, the energy component can become a limiter of economic growth. Production growth will cause an increase in the internal consumption of fuel. Meanwhile, the fuel industry is currently not ready to significantly increase the volume of its products. Almost all large and medium oil fields are involved in operation, they are mainly in the late development stage. Increased reserves increased in almost all types of fuel resources for a long period did not compensate for production. For example, Gazprom in the last 20 years did not invest money in the development of large deposits, because was forced to act as a national lender of the entire Russian economy. The former head of Gazprom Rem Vyakhirev recently led the facts of the terrifying financial state of Gazprom - it should 7.5 billion dollars, and its own debt is equal to $ 4.5 billion, therefore there is no money for investing in gas production.

We need clear and clear for all structural policy in the fuel and energy complex, which would define the priorities in the industry, ensuring the economic independence of the country.

Surprised by last winter Primorye, the deep energy crisis was convinced by the need to reform the energy system of the Russian Federation. The energy system of the country that has developed during the planned-administrative economy, in the context of the formation of market and competitive relations in all areas of the society of society, needs substantial upgrades and reconstruction. Moreover, it must be done very thoughtful, taking into account the accumulated domestic and foreign experience in the interests of the National Economy.

The information component of economic security involves such an order of mutual exchange of economic, social, scientific and technical and military information within the national economic complex and foreign partners, in which the proper secret of doing business in the interests of the state, society and the economic entity will be guaranteed.

The information function of the economic security system consists in obtaining a system as a whole and its elements of information necessary for the implementation of coordinated and targeted activities to achieve the goals.

Requirements for the implementation of this function will be determined by the need and adequacy of the information provided by the consumer in accordance with its requests and needs.

An information danger occurs when the value and probability of possible information damage is more than the threshold value requiring measures to prevent it, protect the security object.

The concept of information security is the opposite of the concept of information danger and means security from obtaining significant information damage.

In recent years, the importance of providing information security has increased in all spheres of public life, including economic. This is due to a number of reasons: the rapid development of the possibilities of information technology and technology, the strengthening of the economic confrontation between states, transnational corporations and firms, an increasing impact on the public consciousness of various groups of the population, the interests and needs of customers and suppliers.

Informatization of the financial and economic sphere provides both positive and negative impact on its development. The following facts are talking about the negative impact on the economic consciousness and actions of Russian citizens: hundreds of fraudulent financial pyramids replied by various channels of television allowed fraudsters to rob millions of gullible Russian citizens, and unscrupulous advertising contributed to the sale of low-quality goods for hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to experts, the computer becomes the most active tool for economic struggle and crime. After all, the money is now official information on the possession of a specific object of values, fixed on paper or magnetic, electronic media. In the Western countries and some regions of Russia, credit cards received widespread cards that replace paper money. Fallation of credit cards, theft of money with the help of a computer was taken by the nature of a genuine disaster in the USA, Italy, some other countries.

A rapid pace develops industrial espionage (and counterposage). In the US, losses of private firms due to the embezzlement of production secrets are estimated by tens of billion dollars a year. According to experts, from Russia over the years of reforms, the most valuable information on the inventions, discoveries, "know-how" for hundreds of billion dollars was exported.

Analysis of the main elements that make up the economic security of the Russian Federation shows that its threshold values \u200b\u200bin many cases exceeded the minimum allowable norms. Threats and dangers have covered the leading sectors of the economy, touched on the fundamental fundamentals of ensuring the vital activity of a person and the state. Not yet lost. But it is necessary to quickly develop an effective strategy for ensuring the economic security of Russia.

Many threshold parameters of economic security are developed on the basis of data from domestic statistics and were agreed in 2000 with relevant ministries and departments. They take into account the relevant parameters of the EU countries and can be used to assess the international global security of Russia. For a more detailed estimate of this, it is proposed to use the system of indicators characterizing the place of Russia in the global economy: in the territorial space, in population, in stocks and mining, in forest resources, in financial and bank assets, in export and import, in the global volume of GDP , as well as GDP per capita. These indicators are compared with the United States, Eurozone, Japan and in general in the global economy are presented in Table 2. It is enough to look at the table to understand: they indicate deep disproportions between indicators characterizing, on the one hand, territorial space, natural resource potential And its use, and on the other - financial potential, GDP, international trade (export-import), level and quality of life. Our natural resource potential at times exceeds the financial potential, the volume of GDP, export and GDP per capita. Many imbalances have developed in an inadequate, in the past 15 years they are aggravated, especially in terms of social indicators.

The threshold values \u200b\u200bof the economic safety of the Russian Federation in relation to the beginning of the twentieth century, unfortunately, have changed little to date (table1). If you assess the level of public debt, the weakening of scientific and technical capacity, the destruction of the industrial foundations of the national economy, regional economic disintegration, sharp differentiation in income and the increase in unemployment, emergency situations, leakage of funds abroad, then in these indicators the economic security of the Russian Federation continues to decline.

According to the results of 2008, it is necessary to state that Russia failed to "wait for a storm in a quiet harbor." The crisis fully affected all the spheres of our economy, serious problems arose in the real sector, and in financial and social spheres. By the beginning of 2009, the Russian economy entered an industrial recession, accompanied by a ruble impairment, an increase in unemployment and suspension of investment programs. The National Financial System was not ready for world shock 2007-2008, and Russia repeated the path of more developed countries - through the financial crisis to the industrial decline. The domestic economy is experiencing, apparently, its first full-fledged market crisis, burdened by the weakness of the financial system, with ease of "importing" shock from abroad.

Since the end of 2008, the Russian economy passes into a qualitatively different mode of operation. The key parameters of this period will be associated with relatively low oil prices ("Rent Loss"), a drop in the production in industry and an increase in unemployment. Although the impetus to the beginning of the current processes were the events in world financial markets and recessions in developed countries, the degree of influence was related to the internal causes and structure of the economy, referring to the strong dependence of the raw materials from exports, the undeveloped private financial system, unresolved problems in economic policies .

World GDP forecasts will fall in 2009 by almost half apler, the decline in GDP in the United States can reach 2.6-2.7 percent, in Japan - up to 5-5.8. The EU economy can be reduced by 2.1-2.5 percent. In almost all countries will significantly reduce the income of the population. Positive growth rates will be preserved in India and China, but also there they will fall almost twice compared with previous years. In Russia, GDP may also fall by more than 2%.

The impact of the global economic crisis on Russia has its own characteristics associated with the accumulated deformations of the structure of the economy, the insufficient development of a number of market institutions, including the financial system.

The main problem of the Russian economy is still very high dependence on the export of natural resources. In recent years, the state has made a lot in terms of the development of industries, services, transport, but the key role in the economy still plays oil and gas exports, export of other raw materials, metals. As a result of the crisis, almost all goods of Russian commodity exports decreased not only prices, but also demand.

The second problem is the insufficient competitiveness of non-sirological sectors of the economy. When problems began in commodity sectors, there were no industries that could "support" the economy. Moreover, problems from commodities began to spread to adjacent.

The result is a significant drop in industrial production, an increase in the number of unemployed, reduced wages and a number of other negative consequences. This is especially noticeable in those cities and regions in which major commodity enterprises are located, and which in conditions of constant growth in raw materials were very secured.

The third problem is the lack of development of the financial sector, banks. Many Russian enterprises, especially rapidly developing in recent years, who have emerged to foreign markets, could not count on financing within the country. Credits of the Russian banking system were more expensive, lending time is less. Companies were forced to borrow abroad. In the crisis, foreign capital markets have become unavailable.

The national economy in recent years has developed largely due to external sources - high prices for raw materials, "cheap" loans of foreign banks, now Russia to exit the crisis and ensure long-term sustainable development it is necessary to find internal sources of growth.

In October - December 2008, when the global economic crisis began to provide a serious impact on the Russian economy, the government began implementing anti-crisis measures. The anti-crisis measures of the first stage made it possible to prevent the growth of the crisis, its transition to the forms that threaten the economic security of Russia. Economic security will certainly imply not only the classification of interests, threats, criteria and threshold values, but also mechanisms for the protection of the national interests of the country in the field of economics.

In 2009 and in subsequent years, the Government of the Russian Federation intends to significantly intensify the use of all existing tools for economic and social policy to prevent irreversible destructive processes in the economy undermine the long-term prospects for the development of the country, while ensuring that the solution of strategic tasks.

To overcome the economic crisis by the state, the duties of the federal executive authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation to ensure the economic security of Russia, which must be carried out at all stages of the state's economic activities: when determining the concept and main directions of economic policy, the transformation of financial and banking Systems of the country, the analysis of the stroke and forecast of socio-economic development, the development and approval of the state budget, making the most important regulations and government decisions on the economy, in the preparation and examination of the laws.

It is necessary to move from the development of the concept of national security to the long-term strategy of national security. It is advisable to prepare as a separate document and approve a long-term economic security strategy, given that the relevant concept adopted in 1996 no longer reflects modern realities. These documents should be the basis of the long-term strategy of the socio-economic development of Russia until 2025, as well as the relevant programs of the subjects of the Federation.

It is not possible to do without creating a special body responsible for the production and implementation of long-term strategies. For all subjects, there are a number of common security problems, it is, first of all, the development of infrastructure in energy, transport system, information, communication, and the financial and banking system. In these segments of the economy there are many imbalances that threaten the long-term sustainable development of Russia. Solving these tasks requires coordination, cooperation and cooperation.

2.3. Globalization as a threat to economic security

In a narrow sense, globalization is the process of avalanche-like formation of a single global financial and information space based on new, mainly new computer technologies. In a broader sense, this term means the process of formation and development of transnational monopolies that have an overwhelming effect on the independent development of countries that are not included in G 7. Ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation and its priorities is the cornerstone with the integration of Russia into the global economy. Only with a clear developing and strict consequences of the Economic Security Strategy, Russia may take the place-like place in the system of global economic space.

For Russia as a federal multinational state with a large territory and complex socio-economic and natural and climatic conditions, the problem of economic security is largely regional character and specificity.

The state of the Russian economy is characterized by preserving the risk of regionalization. This is manifested in the rupture of traditional economic relations, the crisis of the internal transport and energy infrastructures, the crisis of mutual settlements paralyzing interregional economic ties.

As a result, economic systems of remote Russian regions appear to regional foreign centers of economic influence (Kaliningrad region - to Germany and Poland; Primorye and Sakhalin - to Japan; Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberia - to China). In the future, the situation is possible when the degree of association of these regions into the economic systems of foreign countries will exceed their integration relations with the Russian economy.

In connection with the flow of disintegration processes in the economy of the former Allied republics, the attempts of foreign political forces subjugate the economies of these republics with their own political, economic and military interests (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) are noticeable. These actions are direct damage to the interests of the Russian Federation.

The reflection of the aggression of international terrorists and its own separatists in the North Caucasus is associated with large financial and material expenses. The actions of separatists affect not only the military, but also the economic security of the state.

Along with the above characteristics of economic security, attention should be paid to the information and technical component of the globalization process. There is a gradual process for establishing information control of leading countries of the West over other states, all the areas of their activities. He received the name of the "indirect wars" or "indirect effects".

Obtaining a variety of information, its generalization and analysis make it possible to predict the development of the situation in the country, as well as develop specific measures of external political and economic impact on a particular state.

In addition, the use of modern electronic information systems, providing individual access to each person-participate in the economic process, can change the consciousness and presentation of entire social groups by daily exposure. There is a real possibility of programming the behavior of people by forming a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of affairs, mental pressure, changes in value orientations.

The introduction of modern electronic information systems allows you to establish control over the financial and economic activities of every citizen, enterprises and organizations.

The use of global information networks creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of a whole complex of hidden impact on the economy, while ensuring significant difficulties in identifying the source of the threat and the moment of the beginning of aggressive actions.

On the other hand, the use of electronic automation tools in the daily practice of financial structures to allow remote operations, made it possible to carry out such shares in order to implement various kinds of victims. The distribution of automated information networks in our country will cause an intensive increase in crime in the sector under consideration, which in the absence of due counteraction will be able to apply noticeable economic damage.

Negative trends accompanying the development of informatization are largely constrained by a certain lag in the equipping of domestic enterprises and organizations by electronic computing equipment, modern means of communication. Therefore, against the background of the process of globalization, there is a certain time reserve for solving the above problems in the Russian economy. In conclusion, we give a quote from the concept of national security of the Russian Federation:

The Russian Federation intends to resolutely and firmly ensure its national security. Created legal democratic institutions, the established structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation, the wide participation of political parties and public associations in the implementation of the concept of national security of the Russian Federation - the key to the dynamic development of Russia in the 21st century.

2.4. The main directions of increasing economic security of the country

Major tasks and measures in the field of ensuring national security

1. In the concept of national security of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 N 1300. (as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 N 24), in section IV, ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, the following main tasks are determined :

2. Timely forecasting and identification of external and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation.

3. Implementation of operational and long-term measures to prevent threats.

4. Ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the safety of its border space.

5. Lifting the economy of the country, carrying out an independent socially-oriented economic course.

6. Overcoming the scientific and technical and technological dependence of the Russian Federation from external sources.

7. Ensuring in the territory of the Russian Federation of personal security of a person and a citizen, its constitutional rights and freedoms.

8. Improving the system of government of the Russian Federation, federal relations, local self-government and legislation of the Russian Federation, the formation of harmonious interethnic relations, strengthening the procedure and preservation of socio-political stability of society.

9. Ensuring the strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by all citizens, officials, government agencies, political parties, public and religious organizations.

10. Ensuring equal and mutually beneficial cooperation, primarily with leading countries of the world.

11. Lifting and maintenance at a fairly high level of the state's military potential.

12. Strengthening the mode of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of its delivery.

13. Adoption of effective measures to identify, prevent and suppress the intelligence and subversive activities of foreign states against the Russian Federation.

The main tasks and measures in the inconomic activity of the state.

1. The right to reform and the creation of an effective mechanism for monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Summing up state regulation in the economy.

3. The sale of the necessary measures to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis, the preservation and development of scientific and technical, technological and production potential.

4. Transfer to economic growth when reducing the likelihood of man-made disasters.

5. The extension of the competitiveness of domestic industrial products, the rise of the welfare of the people.

6. Sustainment of deformations in the structure of the economy with the provision of advanced growth in the production of high-tech products.

7. Support of industries that make up the basis of expanded reproduction, with the provision of employment.

8. State state. Support investment and innovation activity.

9. Strengthening the banking system.

10. Establishment of enterprises to long-term loans, the creation of real target programs for structural restructuring industry.

11. Large development of competitive industries, expanding the market for high-tech technologies. To this end, measures to stimulate the transfer of new military technologies to civilian production should be taken, the mechanism of identifying and developing progressive technologies, the development of which will ensure the competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the global market.

12. Concentration of financial and material resources at the priority directions of science and technology.

Basic measures to achieve their goals are formulated as follows.

1. The main measure is to support leading scientific schools, accelerating the formation of the scientific and technical nearest and the national technological base,

2. Attracting private capital, including through the creation of funds and the use of grants, the implementation of the development programs of territories with high scientific and technical potential,

3. Creating and supporting the state infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of research developments with the simultaneous protection of intellectual property within the country and abroad,

4. Development of a publicly available network of scientific and technical information.

5. Maintaining the vital activity and economic development of the crisis regions of the North.

Even a brief analysis of modern threats makes it possible to conclude the need to radically change the approaches to ensuring the economic security of the country. The increase in these threats is largely due to miscalculations in the choice of strategy and tactics of Russian reforms. I believe that all economic transformations must proceed from such a concept to prevent the loss of Russia with their national and economic independence.

In the course of reforms, any transformations in society and the economy, during the economic crisis, the economy is especially defenseless before the threats of economic security. As global experience shows, the instability of the economy increases in such periods, its normal functioning is violated. Such a problem arose with us. For its permission, the following measures are proposed:

· The state should take control of the development of the economy on itself, because the United States in the preaching of liberalization in other countries at home has a very hard policy on imported tariffs, the protection of its own market, support for agricultural producers. And it is the state with its stateships and a number of other measures to stretched the US economy from the depression of the 1930s and is trying to do the same.

· In no case, it is impossible to join the WTO now, stronger foreign competitors will simply ask Russian manufacturers. It is necessary to carry out another reform of customs tariffs, in order to protect its own manufacturers, not the opening of the market for the penetration of foreign companies.

· An important task is to restore ties with the countries of the Warsaw Treaty and CIS countries, it is necessary to return markets for the Russian economy, it is desirable to create trade unions of the type of Nafta.

· Hard measures are needed that impede the illegal export of capital abroad.

· The stock market, in today's form, strongly depends on the speculative game of non-residents. This is a kind of casino. It is necessary to make the Russian market more competitive, its architecture is less distorted, to introduce tax incentives for investment in securities and begin the creation of the "Russian financial platform". The emphasis should be done on the development of the corporate bond market with a long circulation.

· In the near future, the decline in the global economy is expected, so it is necessary to develop the domestic Russian market, increase the operation of the population.

· It is necessary to improve the efficiency of property management - and in private and in public sectors. Do not privatize a penny profitable state-owned enterprises as it happens now. And dismissing those managers that they advise.

· It is necessary to conduct a complete investigation into the privatization of the largest Russian enterprises so that privatized with large violations of the enterprise, inefficiently managed by these owners to nationalize, and in effectively enterprises with a transparent financial structure to resolve all small violations of legislation and close the case. Thus, the owners will be firmly confident that this is their property and the state will no longer present claims for the old offenses.

· Reduce the existing national economy breaks in favor of an export-oriented sector of the economy by placing large-scale government orders in the military-industrial complex, atomic, machine-building, aviation and aerospace, chemical and pharmaceutical, electronic industry, and a number of other areas that provide the creation of highly add value products. It is necessary to ensure maximum transparency of the entire investment process, for continuous monitoring and control.

· Create tax breaks for enterprises coexisting in their activities with enterprises from other regions. Moreover, it is smarter than the created benefit for small businesses in the form of cancellation of VAT for enterprises with a quarterly turnover less than one million rubles. After that, other enterprises simply refused to work with beneficiaries, due to non-state VAT.

· Revise the Restucting Plan of RAO UES, in the present form leading only to a multiple increase in electricity prices, the breaking of a single energy space and to take the most cost-effective power plants to the ownership of management and large foreign energy companies.

· All measures to increase the well-being of the population, through the increase in wages to the state employees, recognition by the state of debt to citizens and enterprises, amnesty on the debts of the latter.

· Building a state policy in the field of interaction with the National TNC, by acquiring a blocking package in them for providing the state, land plots and a certain infrastructure.


The main component of economic security is the economic development of the state. World experience shows that GDP growth and low inflation are not always a characteristic of improving the welfare of the population and an increase in the competitiveness of the national economy.

During this course, the directions of the economic policy of the state and the strategy of the economic policy of Russia were studied. The State Economic Policy puts its main goal to respect the interests of the state, society as a whole, socially unprotected segments of the population, not forgetting the rights and freedom of personality. The state ensures that public interests are not infringed with the aspirations and interests of individual regions, social groups, industries, monopolies, entrepreneurs, private individuals as the aspirations and interests of individual regions. State regulation is also aimed at protecting the interests of future generations, environmental protection, preventing its pollution, the death of nature.

Also in the work of an attempt to describe the part of the most serious problems of the country's economic security. To solve the last, Russian government, it is necessary to create the concept of national security and national development, which should be an integral part of which should be economic security and economic development.

It is not possible to do without creating a special body responsible for the production and implementation of long-term strategies. For all subjects there are a number of common security problems. This is, above all, the development of infrastructure in energy, transport system, information, communication, financial and banking system. In these segments of the economy there are many imbalances that threaten the long-term sustainable development of Russia. The solution of these tasks requires coordination, cooperation and cooperation. In the choice of economic path of development, it is not necessary to go so blindly on the representatives of the potential opponent - TNK, the IMF, the EBRD, economists of different levels of the type of Andrei Illarionov.

It is time to become effective owners of his country, their people. There is no more time on throwing, today or never.

List of used literature

1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 No. 608 on the State Strategy of Economic Safety of the Russian Federation (main provisions) // Reference Legal System "ConsultantPlus";

2. Bogomolov V.A. Economic Security: Textbook for universities / V.A. Bogomolov - M.: Uniti, 2006. - 303 p.;

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