
1C Enterprise 8 Managing the Collector Agency. Interaction of banks with collector organizations and credit brokers. Interaction of banks and credit brokers

In any field of economics there are organizations that have problems with the return of debts. Currently, for example, many Russian credit organizations He was touched upon non-payment of mortgage, auto and other types of lending. The return of debts of organizations wishing to recover defaulters are engaged in their own legal units, as well as collector agencies - specialized organizations providing debt collection services. At the same time, its own units are involved, as a rule, in non-standard situations - a significant amount of debt, the possibility of a two-way interpretation of the items of the economic contract, etc. The use of collective agencies of special techniques for typical situations with small debt allows them for the minimum time to handle large volumes of all necessary documentsTherefore, with an increase in the number of typical debts of the organization, as a rule, refer to collecting agencies.

To automate the operational activities of collector agencies for debt collection individuals Company "TRADE SOFT" (1C: Franchisi, Moscow) together with the "Debt Return Agency" (Moscow) developed on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" Applied Solution "Tradsoft & Avd: Management Collector Agency". When it was developed, the experience of the leading collection agencies was analyzed and took into account.

The program provides the automation of accounting for all activities to work with lending agreements throughout the entire cycle of work with them - from obtaining a loan agreement and recovery of debt at the pre-trial stage before the transfer of the case to court, assessment, arrest and realization of the debtor's property. Application mechanisms are optimized for working with large amounts of data.

The program also, based on the decision of the "Department of Electronic Documentation", implemented a mechanism for conducting automated document management, which allows employees independently in accordance with the procedure taken in the organization by the procedure for conducting document management to create all necessary electronic forms Print documents in MS Word format, as well as configure them. Using electronic document management It helps minimize the time of the time of workers to enter and search for data and gives them the opportunity more time to pay direct work with debtors.

The development and implementation of the software product was carried out in the "Debt Return Agency", which in this case was simultaneously the customer and co-executive work on the automation project. The setting of tasks for each stage was carried out by specialists of the Information Technology Department of the Agency.

The program provides storage of information about borrowers, including contact information, data on loan agreements and debt amounts. Automated accounting of sent out complaint letters, as well as accounting for information about debt change and admission money. Implemented the formation of requests to the Bank and the account of the responses received to requests. The program takes into account all received loan agreements, the movement of contracts in the context of the contractors is monitored. The formation of documents for the transfer of the case to court, bailiffs or external collectors, as well as the possibility of registering a court decision, assessment results, arrest and realization of property.

In the process of preliminary study of the subject of automation, the need to automate various activities that are actually engaged in three departments are actually engaged: recovery at the pre-trial stage, judicial proceedings and enforcement proceedings.

Recovery at the pre-trial stage

The priority for the collector agency, the type of debt collection is the penalty at the pre-trial stage. At this stage, the debtor is offered real ways to repay the debt, taking into account his life situation.

After receiving the employees of the debt collection department (ABS) from the Bank of the Credit Agreement, a number of events are carried out on this contract, which include the borrower's phone calls, meet with him, etc. The result of the department's activities may be repayed by a borrower of debt or the transfer of a loan agreement in the "Department for Work with Courts" (OPS).

To automate the activities of APP, the Program provides "Workstate of ABS", as well as the "Event Planning" and distribution regimes loan contracts".

Judicial stage

The event of the judicial stage includes the formation and sending of a request to the bank for obtaining a debtor's credit dossier, the registration of the bank's response, the preparation of the case for transfer to court, the transfer of a case to court, registration of a court decision, re-prepared a case for transfer to court, etc.

The main tool of the OPS employee in the system is the "OPS workplace". Using this tool, you can edit and enter all the documents required at the judicial stage - "Request for preliminary information", "Reply to a request for preliminary information", "Calculation of sums", "Cancellation of the preliminary information", "Confirmation of preliminary information", "The request of the state duty", "transfer to court", etc.

Convenient working space interface, clear sequence and constant monitoring of the most important actions allow OPS employees to quickly master the system with the system and increase their productivity.

Executive production

Work with a loan agreement in the "Department of Interaction with bailiffs"(OSPs) begins after the court accepts the decision to recover the debt under this Agreement.

Preparation and registration of the results of all events at this stage are carried out using the "Workstation of the OSP". The system keeps accounting executive sheets. Registration of the "act of transfer of executive sheets", start and suspension facts executive proceedings, arrest, assessment and implementation protection property etc.

Prior to the implementation of the accounting system in the "Debt Return Agency" was carried out mainly in MS Excel, and it made it difficult to work simultaneously with several users. In addition, the company did not have a uniformity in accounting for activities on loan agreements. During the execution of documents, various dates formats, abbreviations and different methods of reflection of events were used. To compile reports for management and banks required high time.

As a result of the introduction of an automated system, the formats of the input data were unified, the process of transferring loan agreements between employees has been simplified, the information processing time has significantly decreased. Specialized jobs allow users to quickly view the necessary information, the history of work with the ardent, enter data and control necessary parameters loan agreements. Reporting time has decreased from several days to several minutes. The use of an automated system contributed to the optimization of all divisions of the company.

Currently, the applied solution "TradeSoft & Avd: Management of the Collection Agency" is introduced in a number of collection agencies in Russia and Ukraine.

The section presents software products based on 1C, designed to create automated control systems for large construction enterprises, which often include companies distributing various types of real estate activities. Thus, these solutions can be used to automate building holdings, developers, management companies.


Software solution "1C: Enterprise 8. ERP Management construction Organization 2.0 "Designed for complex automation activities construction companiescarrying out a full cycle of construction. The product was released in 2015 and developed jointly by the companies "1C" and "1C-Razarus".

Program Bit. Building on the basis of 1C: Accounting 8 Designed to automate construction companies. The functionality of the decision covers aspects of the work of various divisions: accounting and financial service, logistics department, mechanization management, prohibitions, planning and technical department and administration.
"1C: Managing Construction Organization"- software product for. The product is intended for the full automation of various participants in the construction process throughout the processes cycle: Financial management, production management and resources, personnel management, etc.
The software product is designed to automate the management accounting of construction companies that perform the Contractor's functions. The program was developed on the 1C platform: Enterprise 8, so one of its advantages is simplicity and ease of use.
Software "1C: Rent and Real Estate Management" allows you to automate accounting, tax and management accounting at enterprises, one of which is the lease of real estate ( land, office I. warehouses, Containers).
Software 1C: Development and Real Estate Management Designed based on typical configuration 1C: Management of the manufacturing plant and is intended to automate the activities of developers and other enterprises, carrying out various types of real estate operations.
Software Management of receivables recovery 2.0 Designed for automation operational accounting Activities of companies engaged in debt, including collection agencies, enterprises of housing and communal services, energy sales companies, telecommunications companies, services economic security credit institutions (banks).
Program 1C: Estimation 8 Designed for compiling, calculating, storing and printing estimated documentation, as well as for accounting of work performed for all construction subjects.

Control construction company 8 is a sectoral software product for operational management at small construction enterprises. Designed on the basis of the Model Configuration "1C: Control of a small company 8" (UNF).

1C: Enterprise 8. A set of integrated construction solutions (Kirs) is intended for the organization of competent management of the construction company.

Trade Soft LLC Collective Agency Management Company LLC Trade Soft is the official introduction center of the company 1C and engaged in the automation of enterprises of various business areas from August 1998.

Trejd Soft LLC Management Agency Management Program Product Management Collective Agency 1.0 Storage of data on borrowers, their contact information and loan agreements Accounting for information about the change of debt and money receipts Accounting for activities under the loan agreement Receipt of loan agreements from various counterparties, movement by performers, transfer External collectors Accounting for mailing complaint letters Automation of workplaces

Trade Soft Co., Ltd. Management Agency Department Debt Research Distribution Deposit Calls Meeting with the debtor and others. Software Management Collective Agency Control Department 1.0 DEPARTMENT WITH CUTDS REQUIRED AND DOCUMENT OF DOCUMENTS FOR COUNTRY (Bank) Transfer to court Fixation Decision Division with judicial bailiffs Transfer to the bailiffs Tracking the events held assessment, arrest and sale of property

Trade Soft Co., Ltd. Recruitment Recruitment Manual Planned Planned Performed Canceled Canceled Calls Incoming and Outgoing Cancellations of the Debtor and Other Events Activation Association Transfer to the Department of Wising Loans Debt Division


Trejd Soft LLC Management Agency Management Refunctioning Performance Operationalist Executive Executive Executive Board Operations Act about the impossibility of an agreed agreement CLOSED Cleaning the submission of an application to the service of the bailiffs to the suspension of the adoptive production of the production of executive executive executive

Trade Soft LLC Collective Agency Management Purpose of WED Creation printed Forms In MS Word on the basis of templates without attracting third-party specialists, the formation of forms, acts, letters, questionnaires, commercial proposals, etc. Flexibility to use document creation directly from objects
TRADE SOFT LLC COLLECTION AGENCY CONTROL AGENCY Name value, rub. Configuration "TS & AVD: Managing a Collection Agency" (ON license workplace) Additional multiplayer licenses: product cost

Trejd Soft LLC Management of the Collection Agency will be happy to cooperate with you! Trade Soft LLC (495), head of the direction - Shatalov Mikhail, Deputy Head of the Department of Sectoral Developments

On September 10, 2008, the Debt Return Agency LLC announced the launch in the continuous operation of the program complex "TradeSoft & Avd: Management of the Collection Agency 1.0" on the basis "1C: Enterprise 8" In the 42 regional branches of the company.

Educated in March 2005, LLC "Agency for Return Debt" today is one of largest companies on the debt market of Russia, has the ability to actively promote enterprises of all forms of ownership in working with accounts receivable Legal and individuals. The agency's customers are large banks, insurance and telecommunication companies, small and medium-sized businesses. Agency branches are represented in more than 60 cities of Russia.

The agency's efforts are aimed at returning debt customers in a short time, with minimal costs. For efficient work with debt transmitted to work, specialized software has been necessary to the agency. The company's management has made a fundamental solution to develop its own specialized software on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, which allows the system to be modernized, taking into account the ever-growing demands on business processes. As a performer, Trade Soft LLC, which has solid experience in developing and implementing complex automation systems at enterprises of various fields of activity.

Since the Agency needed to get a ready-made result in a very short time, the development of the program complex "Management Agency" was performed "on the fly", in fact without the preliminary detailed study of the technical task. By the time of the start of work, the information technology department of the Agency had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe system requirements, in connection with this, a variant of the design team was chosen in the customer's territory and according to its requirements. With such a scheme it was impossible to determine the total amount of work, but the developer agreed to accelerate the development. Decoders of the tasks were specialists from the Agency Information Technology Department. In accordance with the agency's business processes, it was necessary to automate the work of three units, in fact three various views Activities: recovery at the pre-trial stage, judicial proceedings and enforcement proceedings.

Based on the practical experience of a wide network of representative offices and the principles of the Agency's work with debtors, specialists of Trade Soft LLC and the Agency Information Technology Department jointly created on the 1C: Enterprise 8 "platform software package The "Management of the Collector Agency", which makes it possible to record operational activities with maximum efficiency, to carry out processing and analyzing information on the debtors transmitted to the work agency. The program algorithms were as close as possible to methods and technologies for conducting a collector business in Russia and neighboring countries, they reflected the specifics of work on each of the stages of debt recovery. So, for example, the program provides an algorithm for assessing the profitability of the process of debt claims at the initial stage of work. The program has practically no re-entering information, the whole history of working with debt is stored. All printed documents are formed using an integrated "Managing Electronic Documentation" product, which has previously developed by Trade Soft and Certified by the company "1C". This allows you to quickly, on our own, develop documents templates and generate the documents in Microsoft Word format. All this allows employees to significantly reduce the time for entering and searching for data and more on direct work with debtors.

Funds of platform "1C: Enterprise 8" provided almost unlimited possibilities for setting up the program. Along with the reporting forms already existed in the company, new, such as the "General Report", designed to be used by the administrator, in order to obtain non-standard information samples, etc. In the configuration, the storage of information is automated, sending claims, the movement of contracts for departments , Requesting requests to third-party organizations, registration of judicial and enforcement proceedings, accounting for the receipt of funds.

The project of developing and implementing a software product in the head office of the agency took 6 months. To date, 42 company branches are automated in Russia with a total number of places more than 250. It is planned to further distribute the product through the company's branch network.

Joint Development "Software Complex" Tradsoft & Avd: Management of the Collection Agency 1.0 "was brought to the circulation option and received from the company" 1C "certificate" compatible! Program System 1C: Enterprise ". Currently, the program complex" Tradsoft & Avd: Managing a Collection Agency "is widely sold and has already been successfully used in a number of collest agencies in Russia and Ukraine.

General Director of the Debt Return Agency LLC S. S. Fedorovich gave a positive assessment developed software product. Representatives of the company emphasize: "... Before the introduction of the "Collector Agency Management" system, the company was carried out mainly in spreadsheets. With this scheme, the operation of several users in the system was very difficult. It was covered by credit and other treaties entering the work of the agency and returned to customers. There was no uniformity of conducting accounting for the activities of the debtors. The documentation was carried out with a different format of dates, abbreviations, methods of reflection of events. Great time went to making reports to management and customers. After introduction new system The information entry format was unified, the transfer of information from the employee to the employee became simpler, the time of its processing was significantly reduced. For employees, convenient jobs were designed, allowing you to quickly and more conveniently view the necessary data, the history of work with the debtor, making information and monitor the many of the parameters of credit and other treaties. All this has increased the effectiveness of employees. Reporting time has decreased from several days to several minutes. The whole complex has significantly optimized the work of the agency's divisions.".

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