
Warehouse real estate analysis. The market of production and warehouse real estate of Voronezh: Structure, pricing factors, features of the offer. Analysis of the production and warehouse market

Analysis of the construction of warehouse premises for 2016

According to preliminary results, since the beginning of last year, the volume of storage facilities amounted to 510 thousand m 2. Compared to 2015 (800 thousand m 2), this figure in 2016 is lower than 36.2%, which in absolute terms is 290 thousand m 2. According to S.A.ricci, this is the lowest level of introducing new warehouse space over the past 5 years since 2012.

Sentence. In 2016, the input of large warehouse complexes under a specific client (Built-to-suit) became the most rational and widespread strategy. Examples of such objects are: Warehouse complex in Reutov - 17 thousand m 2, SK "Southern Gate" (Leroy) - 90 thousand m 2 and "PNK - North Sheremetyevo" (Mercedes-Benz) - 50 thousand m 2.

The volume of new warehouse spaces commissioned in 2016 was distributed between three areas: South, East and North. According to the preliminary results, the most active direction on the introduction was the southern direction - 165 thousand m 2 were built here. In the north, the growth of proposals in 2016 amounted to 152 thousand m 2. On the east direction, the volume of the new supply amounted to 75 thousand m 2. It should be noted that most of the entered warehouse complexes in the South and Northern directions are warehouses of the BUILT-TO-SUIT format (90 and 50 thousand m 2, respectively).

Currently there is an active construction of transport junctions on the federal highway "Magistral M-7 Volga". It is expected that the highway will be completed until the end of 2017 at the end of all the works of the M-7 Volga's runway within the borders of the city of Balashikha will have five travelers in each direction, three of which are intended for transit flows. Thus, the improvement of transport accessibility will make more comfortable and attractive logistics objects located on the eastern direction. At the moment, in this area there are two such large warehouse complexes as "Atlant Park" and "Raven Noginsk". Now the cumulative volume of the leased area in Atlant Park is 360 thousand m 2, and another 60 thousand m 2 is built. Commissioning is planned in May 2017. There is also a construction project in Atlant Park, about 300 thousand meters of 2 storage facilities. In the warehouse complex "Raven Noginsk", the leased area is 334 thousand m 2.

Examples of large warehouse complexes commissioned in 2016
An object Highway, km from Moscow Ring Road Area, m2 Class Developer Quarter
"Southern Gate" (Leroy Merlin) BTS Kashirskoye, 30. 90 000 BUT Radius Group. III
"North Sheremetyevo" (Mercedes-Benz) BTS Rogachevskoe, 25. 50 000 BUT PNK GROUP. III
"PNA - Northern Sheremetyevo" (Corp. 6) Rogachevskoe, 25. 47 000 BUT PNK GROUP. III
"Valischevo" (korp. 4) Simferopol, 32. 34 000 BUT PNK GROUP. III
IP "North-1" (6 and 70 turn) Dmitrovskoe, 27. 31 000 BUT "Logopark Development" III
SK "Britovo" Novoryazanskoye, 30. 20 000 BUT CST II.
Warehouse complex (BTS) Gorkovskoye 17 000 B. Step. I.

According to S.A. Ricci.

In 2016, a sign transaction for the warehouse real estate market was implemented: one of the largest developers - Radius Group signed an agreement with Auchan Retail Russia's company about the construction of a warehouse and logistics complex with an area of \u200b\u200bover 138 thousand m 2 in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region. The new distribution center will be the largest building in Europe, built for one company. Investments in the project will amount to about 6 billion rubles.

According to the preliminary results in 2016, the share of class A warehouses in the aggregate volume of the new supply was 96%, and class B - 4%, which in absolutely expression is 419 thousand m 2 and 17 thousand m 2, respectively. In a high vacancy, the developers try to bring to the market only high-quality and most competitive areas.

Examples of significant transactions committed in 2016
Client Direction km from MKAD. An object Class Transaction area, thousand m 2 Type of transaction
Okay Leningradskoye 27 Logopark North-2 BUT 59,6 Rent
Hoff. Kashirskoye 12 Northern Domodedovo BUT 50,0 Rent
Faberlic. Kashirskoye 12 Northern Domodedovo, PLC BUT 46,0 Rent
Castorama. Simferopolskoe 50 PNK-Chekhov 3 BUT 42,4 Rent
BMW. Kiev 50 PNK-Bekasovo A. 34,3 Rent

According to S.A. Ricci.

Demand. Since the beginning of the year, the volume of absorption of warehouse space was 1.1 million m 2, which is 15% less compared to 2015 (1.3 million m 2) and in absolute terms is 200 thousand m 2.

The most attractive for tenants continues to be the southern part of the Moscow region. The southern direction accounted for 47% of the total volume of realized transactions, which in absolute terms is 466 thousand m 2. In the southeastern direction, the absorption volume was 20% (195 thousand m 2), and in the south-west direction - 10% (101 thousand m 2). In the north of Moscow region, the volume of transactions is 15% (143 thousand m 2). The Western and Eastern destinations use the lowest demand - only 1% of the total for each.

Vacancy. The level of vacancy at the end of 2016, on average, the market is 8.2%, which is equivalent to 921 thousand m 2 of free space. This figure decreased by 0.8 points from the beginning of the year, which is explained by a significant excess (more than 2 times) demand over the proposal.

Rates. Weighted weighted rental rates in the Moscow region from the beginning of the year remain stable. In ruble calculus, the rental rate remains unchanged already 7 blocks in a row, which indicates the achievement of the price bottom.

Weighted average rates of class A warehouse premises are 3,900 rubles / m 2 per year (Triple Net). For class premises, the rate is 3,600 rubles / m 2 per year.

The classification accepted on the market allows not only to structure the proposal for basic quantitative criteria, but also give an understanding of the qualitative state of the market.
Traditionally, class A and B warehouses are the basis of the market - this is usually new organized large complexes with an appropriate set of services, a wide product line (according to the functionality, type and room facilities), which differ in scale and professional management company.
Warehouses of the class C are preferably belong to the Old Fund, often reprocessed from industrial premises, have a small area, not equipped with loaders and other infrastructure. The average area of \u200b\u200bthe standard Class C - 1500 sq.m.

class B.class S.
General indicators
Number of warehouses, pcs.32 31
Total area, sq.m.248942 59500
Average square, sq.m.7700 1500
Current offer (Rent)
Total area, sq.m.121123.7 37552
Average square, sq.m.3785 2120
Vacancy share,%0.487 0.631

In the structure of the local market proposal, the number of warehouse complexes of the class B and C is comparable, while the area of \u200b\u200bvacancy is not equivalent: 76.3% of free space for rent belongs to class V. Share of vacant areas of class B - 48.7% complexes, C - 63, one%.
The largest warehouse complexes that are presented on the market as a current offer (47.6%), have a total area of \u200b\u200b1,000 sq.m., we are talking about small class C hangars, which represent a low market segment.

Among the warehouses under consideration, the minimum area is 100 sq.m. This is a small room intended for production or warehouse purposes, class C. Maximum size From the sites under consideration, these are objects of class B - PSK "Chekhovsky" and "Sergeevo" - 67 thousand sq.m.

At the time of study, 158.7 thousand square meters are offered for rent. Premises, which is 51.4% of the total volume located on the local market of production and warehouses of class B and C.
The largest number of warehouse complexes (33 of 63) of the local market is located in the zone of 50-60 km from the Moscow Ring Road, respectively, it is on this distance from Moscow that the main volume of vacancies is 122.8 thousand sq.m.

Warehouse projects require large land plates, and they remain less and less than and caused by the departure of developers further from the Moscow Ring Road. In addition, due to the lack of industrial lands in the 30-kilometer zone, the prices of them are growing, which significantly increases the costs of the project, as well as the final rent. The general trend of the development of industrial lands in an increasingly remote zone and the high passability of the route makes it possible to care for further areas without significant damage to business. Moreover, it is this remoteness (hereinafter 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is actively built up with large class A complexes, which indicates the high potential of the local market and the relatively low sensitivity of the demand and price of remoteness from the capital.

Structure of proposals for quality and quantitative indicators formed (for rent or on sale) lot

In 19 of the 63 warehouse complexes, office space can also be rented. Squares available for rent, start from 20 sq.m.

LocationOffices area for rent, sq.m.The cost of renting office blocks, rub.
g. Chekhov, ul. March 816 sq.m.2400 rub. Block / month
Plant RTI / Chekhov G., ul. Chekhov, 20b.from 20 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhov, ul. Mounting25 sq.m.3000 rub. Block / month
Chekhrovsky district, Baranzhevofrom 20 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhrovsky District, D. Lyubovany50 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhrovsky district, d. Novoselki2 office bloc: 1750 2580 m2400 rubles. sq.m. / year
g. Chekhov, ul. Collective farm500 sq.m.200 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhov district, n. Housewarming100 250 rubles. sq.m. / year
g. Chekhov, ul. Printingfrom 20 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhov, Simferopol w., 1150 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhov district, p. Talalichinoblocks of 40 sq.m.210 sq.m. / year
Chekhov district, Chekhov300 sq.m.250 rubles. sq.m. / year
Chekhov district, lutorskoye d.3-storey building - 500 sq.m.7000 rub. in year.
PSK Chekhovsky / G. Chekhov, ul. Komsomolskayafrom 100 sq.m.600 rubles / sq.m.
Chekhov G, March 8th 200 sq.m.300 sq.m. / year
Chekhov G., ul. Mira100 sq.m.300 sq.m. / year
Chekhovsky district, d. Chepelevo, Central Str., 27500 sq.m.500 sq.m. / year
Chekhov, World Ulfrom 150 sq.m.350 sq.m. / year
Chekhovsky district, urban type village500 sq.m.400 rubles. sq.m. / year

Price policy of competitors in the context of classes, qualitative characteristics

Rental rate on warehouse space depends on several factors:

  • the location of the warehouse complex (remote, highway)
  • proximity of the location of the transport highways
  • rented areas (when leaseing large areas, the tenant is provided by discount)
  • life rental

Rental rates on the local market for high-quality warehouses are quite high. Today, generally accepted practice is counting net rental rates (Triple Net), without taxes, utility payments that are paid by the tenant separately. In all the warehouse complexes under consideration, operating expenses are already included in the rental price. Communal costs are paid by the tenant separately "on the counters".

class B.class S.
Min. Rental rate for 1 sq.m., rub. / year1800 300
Max. Rental rate for 1 sq.m., rub. / year4600 4476
Average rental rate for 1 sq.m., rub. / Year2700 2110

The cost of 1 square. M at the class of class in the tenant on average 2700 rubles. in year. In the classroom, the rates are lower and vary in the range of 1500-2200 per year per 1 sq.m. The larger area leased by one client, the lower the price of 1 sq.m. "Wholesale discount" can be from 10 to 30%.

In most of the warehouse complexes under consideration, tenants need to pay an insurance deposit (security payment, warranty deposit) equal monthly rental. Insurance deposit is a certain return amount that cannot be used as payment of the last month and is not connected with the deposit when lease. This is a fee that provides compensation for damage to property detected at the end of the annual contract.

Main players

NameLocation / addressClassSquare of the warehouse, sq.m.Share on the market (in total area),%List of services
RTA factoryChekhov G., ul. Chekhov, 20bFROM10000 0.032 Fire alarm, hydrants; Telephony, internet; 24-hour security
- Chekhov district, d. NovoselkiIN41425 0.134 On the plot there is a railway branch possible rental of offices possible land plot
Sergeevo http://www.psksergeevo.ru/arenda/Chekhov district SergeevoIN67685 0.219
Possible rental offices

Parking for passenger cars, entrance and parking for trucks and Eurofour.
PSK Chekhovsky http://psk-chehovskiy.ru/g. Chekhov, ul. KomsomolskayaIN67000 0.217 Production, industrial, office space;
Possible rental offices
Possible lease of land
Parking and parking lots of passenger and trucks

Total on 4 players accounts for a share of 60% of the market market.

Market analysis commercial real estate Moscow city at the end of the first half of 2017

This analysis The market was prepared on the basis of information published in open access on sites: https://www.cian.ru/, http://realty.dmir.ru/, https://rosreestr.ru/ et al.

According to Rosreestra (https://rosreestr.ru/) In the first half of 2017, about 600 contracts for the sale of commercial real estate facilities were registered in Moscow. The most expensive deal was registered in March 2017: it was implemented non-residential premises with total area 13 404.6 m² in the Danilovsky district of the Southern Administrative District of the city of Moscow, the amount of the transaction was 1,700,000,000 rubles / 126,822,14 rubles per square meter. The minimum amount of the registered transaction was recorded in February 2017 and amounted to 275,000 rubles / 8,487.65 rubles per square meter: a non-residential building with a total area of \u200b\u200b32.4 m² in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Eastern Administrative District of the city of Moscow was implemented.

Analysis of the commercial real estate market of the city of Moscow suggests that there is no deficit of the proposal of commercial facilities in the capital: the market presents the whole range of commercial real estate objects of various classes and destination. At the end of the first half of 2017, the city was proposed for the implementation of more than 50,000 office, trade and industrial and warehouse real estate.

Most of all is offered to the implementation of office objects - 72%, in second place. Trade property - 21%, then the production and warehouse property should be 7%.

By the number of proposals, the Central Administrative District (CAO) is leading, in second place South and Northern Administrative District (YUAO and CAO), on the third - West, South-West and Northeastern Administrative District (CJSC, UNUSAO and SWAO), follow eastern Both Southeast Administrative District (WAO and Yuvao), North-West Administrative District (SZAO), Novomoskovsky Administrative District (NAO), the last place was divided by Zelenograd and Trinity Administrative District (Zelo and Tao).

Distribution of the total proposal for the sale of commercial real estate objects of the city of Moscow in the type of property, at the end of the first half of 2017, looks like this:

Figure 1. Distribution of the total supply for the sale of commercial real estate objects in the city of Moscow

Most of all, office facilities are offered - 49%, in second place. Trade property - 48%, then production and warehouse property should be 3%.

Distribution of the total proposal for lease of commercial real estate objects of the city of Moscow in the type of property, at the end of the first half of 2017, it looks like this:

Figure 2. Distribution of the cumulative offer for lease of commercial real estate objects in Moscow for the type of property

The absolute majority of commercial facilities offered for commercial facilities are office real estate - 77%, in second place. Trade property - 15%, then the production and warehouse property should be 8%.

According to the number of proposals, the Central Administrative District (CAO) is leading, in second place - the Southern Administrative District (YUAO), on the third - the North and Northeastern Administrative District (CAO and SWAO), followed by southeast, West, East and South West Administrative District (YUVAO, CJSC, WAO and UNUSAO), North-West Administrative District (SZAO), Novomoskovsky Administrative District (NAO), the last place was divided by Zelenograd and Trinity Administrative District (Zelo and Tao).

To improve the quality of the analytical base and the quality of the analysis of the commercial real estate market, the city of Moscow was divided into 24 zones. The division was based on large transport arteries of the city, such as: a garden ring, the third transport ring, the prospect of the world, Kutuzovsky Avenue, Pavlovskaya Street, Nicoloyamskaya Street, Moscow Ring highway And the Moscow Small Ring (the route A107, the first concrete).

The greatest average cost of 1 m² of office real estate within the borders of the "Old Moscow" was recorded in the CAO (inside SC) - 394,784 rubles, the smallest in Zelo - 91,326 rubles. The largest middle rate for 1 m² of office real estate offered for rent was recorded on the site from the avenue of the world to Kutuzovsky Avenue (from SC to TTK) and amounted to 24,191 rubles a year, the smallest in Swao (for the Moscow Ring Road) - 10,460 rubles per year .

The greatest average cost of 1 m² of trade real estate within the borders of the "Old Moscow" was recorded in the CAO (inside the SC) - 655,000 rubles, the smallest in CAO (for the Moscow Ring Road) - 91,095 rubles. The largest middle rate for 1 m² of trading real estate offered for rent was recorded on the site from the Nicoloyamsk street to the prospect of the world (from SC to TTK) and amounted to 57,239 rubles a year, the smallest in Swao (for the Moscow Ring Road) - 15,600 rubles per year .

The greatest average cost of 1 m² of production and warehouse real estate within the borders of the "Old Moscow" was recorded in UNUSAA (from TTK to Moscow Ring Road) - 145,051 rubles, the smallest in WAO (for the Moscow Ring) - 28,036 rubles. The greatest average rate for 1 m² of production and warehouse real estate offered for rent was recorded in the CAO (inside the SC) and amounted to 14,223 rubles a year, the smallest in CAO (for the Moscow Ring Road) - 4,140 rubles per year.

The average cost of 1 m² of commercial real estate of the city of Moscow in all zones, at the end of the first half of 2017, are presented in the table below:

Table 1. The average cost of 1 m² of commercial real estate of the city of Moscow at the end of the first half of 2017

Minimal (MIN) and maximum (max) cost 1 m² of commercial real estate in Moscow in all areas, at the end of the first half of 2017, are presented in the table below:

Table 2. Minimum (mIN.) and maximum (max) Cost 1 m² of commercial real estate city of Moscow at the end of the first half of 2017

* SC - garden ring; TTK - Third Transport Ring; MKAD - Moscow Ring Road; MMK (A107) - Moscow Small Ring (RUSS A107).

The average cost of 1 m² of commercial real estate of the city of Moscow by classes of objects (classes A and B), at the end of the first half of 2017, are presented in the table below:

Table 3. The average cost of 1 m² of commercial real estate of the city of Moscow by classes of objects at the end of the first half of 2017

* SC - garden ring; TTK - Third Transport Ring; MKAD - Moscow Ring Road; MMK (A107) - Moscow Small Ring (RUSS A107).

Minimum cost 1 m² in the borders of the "old Moscow" in the office real estate segment was recorded in Yuvao (from TTK to Moscow Ring) and amounted to 36,344 rubles, the maximum cost was recorded in the CAO (inside the SC) and amounted to 2,105,263 rubles. The minimum rate for 1 m² of office real estate offered for rent was recorded immediately in two zones: on a plot from Pavlovskaya Street to Nicoloyamskaya Street (from SC to TTK) and in Yuvao (from TTK to Moscow Ring), and amounted to 1,000 rubles per year . The maximum rental rate for 1 m² was recorded on the site from the Nicoloyamsk street to the prospect of the world (from SC to TTK) and amounted to 144,000 rubles per year.

The minimum cost of 1 m² in the borders of the "old Moscow" in the segment of the trade real estate was recorded in the WAO (for the Moscow Ring Road) and amounted to 33,58 rubles, the maximum cost was recorded on the site from Nicoloyamskaya Street to the Peace Prospect (from SC to TTK) and amounted to 3,206 349 rubles. The minimum rate for 1 m² of trading real estate offered for rent was recorded in Yuvao (for the Moscow Ring Road) and amounted to 1,164 rubles per year. The maximum rental rate for 1 m² was recorded on a plot from Pavlovskaya Street to Nicolois Street (from SC to TTK) and amounted to 405,000 rubles per year.

The minimum cost of 1 m² in the borders of the "Old Moscow" in the segment of production and warehouse real estate was recorded in Yuvao (from TTK to Moscow Ring Road) and amounted to 8,165 rubles, the maximum cost was recorded in CJSC (from TTK to Moscow Ring) and amounted to 145,985 rubles. Minimal I. maximum bet For 1 m² of production and warehouse real estate offered for rent, were recorded in Yuvao (for the Moscow Ring Road) and amounted to 970 and 42,840 rubles per year, respectively.

Moscow is a major cultural center of Europe and the world, more than a third of the historical objects of the country are concentrated in the city, many of which are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List. The thousand-year history of Moscow has been preserved in its architecture - in the city there are objects of cultural heritage with federal, regional and detected security status, many of which are offered to the implementation as commercial real estate objects.

The distribution of the total proposal for the sale / lease of the objects of the cultural heritage of the commercial destination of the city of Moscow on the security status, at the end of the first half of 2017, is as follows:

Figure 3. Distribution of the total supply for the sale / rental of objects of cultural heritage of the commercial purpose of Moscow on security status

Most of all, the identified cultural heritage objects are offered - 45%, in second place, regional cultural heritage facilities - 38%, followed by federal objects of cultural heritage - 17%.

Most of the commercial facilities offered for rent are regional objects of cultural heritage - 45%, in second place the identified objects of cultural heritage - 40%, followed by federal objects of cultural heritage - 15%.

Most of the cultural heritage sites offered to the sale are located within the third transport ring, so to improve the quality of the analytical base and the quality of the analysis of the market for the cultural heritage of commercial purposes, the city of Moscow was divided into 2 zones: CAO (inside SC) and a plot between SC and TTK . Outside the third transport ring of proposals for the implementation of commercial cultural heritage objects is not found.

Middle, minimum (MIN) and maximum (max) cost 1 m² of cultural heritage of the commercial destination of the city of Moscow, at the end of the first half of 2017, are presented in the table below:

Table 4. Middle, minimum (MIN) and maximum (max) cost 1 m² of objects of the cultural heritage of the commercial destination of the city of Moscow at the end of the first half of 2017

The average cost of 1 m² of cultural heritage objects of the commercial destination of the city of Moscow on security status, at the end of the first half of 2017, are presented in the table below:

Table 5. The average cost of 1 m² of cultural heritage objects of the commercial destination of the city of Moscow on the security status at the end of the first half of 2017

* SC - garden ring; TTK - Third Transport Ring.

The greatest average cost of 1 m² of objects of the cultural heritage of commercial destination was recorded in the CAO (inside the SC) - 458,060 rubles for the federal object of cultural heritage, the smallest on the site between SC and TTK - 248 472 rubles for regional Object Cultural heritage. The largest middle rate for 1 m² of the cultural heritage of the commercial destination offered for rent was recorded in the CAO (inside the SC) and amounted to 30,927 rubles a year for the federal object of cultural heritage, the smallest of the plot between SC and TTK - 16 200 rubles per year. For the federal object of cultural heritage.

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Analysis of the production and warehouse market


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The cost of production and warehouses in Kemerovo, January - October 2008

In this report, we will reflect the current situation with the value of 1 square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bproduction and warehouses in the city of Kemerovo.

The main points of concentration of production and warehouse premises are the factory district (Kuznetsky pr., St. Shaturskaya), Central District, Kirovsky district. Also on the market there are isolated proposals in the Pre-Zavodsky district, on the rainbow and the FPK. The range of areas offered - from 15 square meters. m. up to 71444 sq.m.

195 objects hit the sample, but 63 objects were excluded from the comparison, because There is no information about their functional purpose.

Table 1.

From the table it is clear that the maximum value of 1 sq.m. In production and administrative complexes, because They have greater functionality and include: industrial premises, storage room, administrative premises, all communications.

193 objects got into the sample, but 9 objects were excluded from the comparison, because There is no information about their area or price.

Maximum cost for 1 sq.m. It is characterized by a storage room with a total area of \u200b\u200b300 sq.m. In the factory district. This production room has a total value of 75000 thousand rubles, exposed by the agency of the residents, Dmitriev and partners (July 11, 2008).

Minimum cost for 1 sq.m. It is characterized by a storage room with a total area of \u200b\u200b5000 sq.m. In the factory district. This is a warehouse for a total cost of 5500 thousand rubles, exposed by the agency of the residents, Dmitriev and partners (July 11, 2008).

Table 2.

From the chart it is clear that the market is most of all the offer of warehouse space up to 500 sq.m.

We also compared the value of 1 square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bproduction and warehouses, depending on the area of \u200b\u200btheir location.

Table 3.

From these tables it can be seen that 55.7% of all production and warehouses are located in the factory district. This is due to the fact that the factory district is a promising territory for the development of business activity. This is facilitated by both proximity to administrative and business centers and the convenience of transportation junctions at a high concentration of population and transport streams.

The diagram shows that the average cost of the square meter of production and warehouse spaces ranges from 64.6 thousand rubles in the central region to 17.1 thousand rubles in the mine.

The dilapidated rooms without special equipment with the need to restore life support systems gradually go into the past. Owners of such premises are trying to sell the object at the maximum price. For this they try to improve the legal status and qualitative characteristics Objects:

1. Legal design Land relationships. The cost of the object increases significantly in the event that the land plot is used by the owner of the building under property rights. This is explained by the fact that the procedure for registration of land in the property is very long (7-8 months) and costly, therefore the number of people willing to acquire an object with a land plot decorated with each day.

2. Improvement of the territory adjacent to the building. The territory is appreciated, fenced by a fence having comfortable driveways.

3. Repair of the building and recovery of communications. Conducting, or recovery of communications - a very cost process. In this regard, potential buyers are practically not interested in objects deprived of life support systems.

127 objects hit the sample, but 68 objects were excluded from the comparison, because There is no information about the date of their placement for sale.

Table 4.


Number, pcs.

Factory district

Number, pcs.

The average price, thousand rubles. / 1 \u200b\u200bsq.m.

List of sources of information

1. www.sibestate.ru.

2. www.realt-service.ru.

3. Magazine "Everything about real estate" (No. 4,5,6)

4. Newspaper "Vestnik Real Estate"


Classification of warehouses

* by functional purpose:

warehouses of supply, production, distribution;

* by type of stored products: warehouses of raw materials, materials, components, work in progress, finished products, containers and packaging, residues and waste, tools;

* in the form of ownership: own warehouses of enterprises, commercial warehouses (general use), leased warehouses;

* According to the functional purpose: Warehouses sorting and distribution, distribution, seasonal or long-term storage, transit-transshipment (cargo terminals), production (production), trade;

* Product specialization: specialized, non-specialized, special, universal, mixed;

* on technical equipment: partially mechanized, mechanized, automated, automatic;

* According to the presence of external driveways: with arrivals, with railway driveways, with road routes;

* According to the type of warehouse buildings of structures:

* on the technical device (design); Open warehouses (platforms), semi-closed warehouses (venue sites), closed warehouses;

* On the floor floors: multi-storey, single-storey

(with a height of up to b m, high (over 6 m), high-grade (more than 10 m), with a drop of heights).

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    Analysis of the socio-economic situation of the assessment object. Determination of the market value of the real estate object with a comparative approach. Cumulative accumulated wear, calculated by the life life method. Calculation of corrected prices of residential premises.

General characteristics of the production and warehouse real estate region

The past 2013 was an extremely favorable period for the warehouse real estate market and is characterized by high demand and suggestions - despite the high volumes of input, the level of vacancies remained at a low level (1-2%). In 2013, there was a high level of absorption volume - about 1.3 million square meters. m.

As one of the most significant market events, the experts note the revision of the classification of industrial and warehouse real estate in Moscow. According to the proposed company "Knight Frank", measurable refinements, objects of the class "A +" differ from the class A class objects with a large distance between the spans, a superproof floor with an anti-loop coating, a greater permissible load on the floors and the heating system that provides no less than +14 during outdoor Air temperature up to - 35C (eliminating low-temperature storage modes).

A striking example of such an object (class "A +") experts call "PNK GROUP" PNK-Czechs. In addition to compliance with the characteristics listed above, the experts note large reversal and parking areas, logical organization of access roads, the quality of the coating, etc. The construction spot area does not exceed 45%, and each case can work as an independent object, as well as a convenient location, separate location entry and autonomous systems of communications and power supply.

Offer in the market of production and warehouse real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region

The volume of input areas in the production and warehouse real estate market in 2013, according to various estimates, was about 800 thousand square meters. m, and the total amount of quality proposal is about 9 million square meters. According to expert estimates, these input volumes are recorded over the past 4 years, while practically all new objects refer to the class "A". One of the main reasons for the growth of the share of high-end facilities in new construction is the increased demand from companies for which a high-tech warehouse is a way to increase the turnover of goods.

The greatest volumes of industrial and warehouse space in 2013 were celebrated in the southern and southeastern directions. These directions are associated with a southwest, and, as a result, the largest volumes of proposals are focused there. Such a focus of supply and supply is due to cargo streams passing through the M-4 and Simferopol highway.

Figure 1. Geographical structure of input of industrial and warehouse space (according to Praedium)

A significant share in the amount of industrial and warehouse space in 2013 was taken by major market players. So, for example, the company "PNK GROUP" continued the development of the project "PNK-Chekhov" (the first stage of "PNK-Czechs 2") and "PNA Vnukovo" was introduced (Corpus No. 9 was introduced).

In the Logistics Park "PNK-Chekhov 2" in the second half of the six months, 2 and 3 housings were introduced with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 127 thousand square meters. M. This project was the largest introduced object of a new quality proposal in the Moscow market. Logistics Park is located in Chekhov, 49 km along the Simferopol highway from the Moscow Ring Road, near the PNK-Chekhov project of the same name. According to the plans of the developer, the implementation of the warehouse project will be completed in 2014, then the total area of \u200b\u200bthe complex will reach 286 thousand square meters. m.

The second place on the input scale got a project introduced in the first half of 2013. They became the logistic park "Logopark North", an area of \u200b\u200b110 thousand square meters. M. Project Developer was the company Karavella. This warehouse object is located 7 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the Leningrad Highway in Solnechnogorsk district. The speakerparc has a convenient location and is very attractive both for the largest Russian and foreign companies. Among resident companies It is worth noting: IKEA, Global Logistic Projects, Eldorado, etc.

The developer company PNK GROUP not only noted in Chekhov, but also brought the market next warehouses in the PNK-Vnukovo project. In 2013, the company commissioned three corps (3, 8 and 9) with a total area of \u200b\u200b101 thousand m2.

In the second half of 2013, the Developer Raven Russia increased its activity on the market, continuing to enter queues in current warehousing projects. Thus, the market was the third stage of the Logistics Park "Klimovsk" (55 thousand square meters) and the second phase of the Noginsk Logistics Park (37.1 thousand square meters).

Figure 2. The most significant production and warehouse objects put into operation in 2013 (according to Praedium)

In the geographical structure of input, the trend of the development of more remote from the Moscow Ring Road is trained. Traditionally increased demand, complexes located 20-30 km from the Moscow Ring Road are used, while now the proposal of high-quality objects located at a distance of 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road, which are also in demand, which is confirmed by the active use of the "Build-to-suit" scheme during implementation Project data.

The market for the sale of land and industrial and warehouse complexes as in the zone of up to 30 km and in the zone of up to 50 km is presented in the main objects of low class, suitable mainly for redevelopment.

Among the complexes introduced directly in the city of Moscow, experts allocate only one object - the terminal "Main", which is a warehouse of individual storage. The internal space is organized according to the principle of the designer, which allows to offer a land tenant from 1 to 50 square meters. m in the same plane. Prices start from 950 rubles. per square. m per month and depend on the size of the selected box and the rental period. The advantageous location between the two most important tracks: Khoroshevsky and Zvenigorodskoye highway, as well as a high level of service provided a stable demand for services on Self Storage immediately after the start of the realization of the area in the new terminal.

Demand in the industrial and warehouse real estate market of Moscow and the Moscow region

In the industrial and warehouse real estate market in Moscow and the Moscow region, an extremely high level of demand is maintained - even the record entry of new areas has practically did not affect average level Vacant areas, which, according to different estimates, amounted to 1-2%. This circumstance is explained by the following factors:

  • Developers, seeking to minimize the risks associated with the market exposure of the facility, are increasingly implementing projects under the "Built-to-suit" scheme, as a result of which a significant proportion of space does not enter the open market (according to various sources - from 35% to 60% in 2013).
  • Construction of warehouses under a specific client is a service-oriented service (or tenant) service, which is aggregate with low level Vacant areas forms a dissatisfied demand of small buyers (or tenants).
  • In the process of construction of object-oriented facilities conclude preliminary contracts RENT / SALE, which also reduces the actual area of \u200b\u200bthe area entering the open market by the time of commissioning.
  • Transfer of commissioning of the commissioning of a number of objects.

Buyers and tenant warehouses choose the scheme of interaction with the Build-To-Suit developer not only due to the limited supply, but also often due to the highly specialized requirements for purchased areas. Compliance with these requirements in the early stages of the project implementation saves on the operation and possible adaptation of a typical warehouse to the specific requirements of a particular client.

The level of demand (total sales and lease transactions) In 2013, experts are estimated at 1.3 million square meters. M, which is slightly higher than the 2013 indicator. The peak of demand fell by 2-3 quarters of 2013.

The most active tenants and buyers of industrial and warehouse real estate in 2013 were major trading companies, distributors and production enterprises.

Figure 3. Distribution of transactions in the market of production and warehouse real estate on the profile of business tenants and buyers (according to Knight Frank)

According to the company "Jones Lang LaSalle" in 2013 increased the average size of the transaction - on average for 2013 it amounted to about 18 thousand square meters. m (13 thousand square meters in 2012 and 11 thousand square meters. m in 2011). The most major transaction of the year, experts call 72 thousand square meters to rent a company of IKEA. m in "Logopark North".

Table 1. The largest transactions in the market of production and warehouse real estate of the Moscow region (according to the company "Jones Lang LaSalle")

Commercial conditions in the industrial and warehouse real estate market of Moscow and the Moscow region

From the point of view of commercial conditions, the industrial and warehouse real estate market can be described as stable - significant changes in the rates during 2013 were not observed, the current high level of interest is due primarily to the deficit of the qualitative proposal.

During 2013, the level of rental rates of high-quality industrial and warehouse complexes of the Moscow region was on average in the range of 115-140 USD / sq. M / Year (Triple Net).

The range and average cost of the supply of industrial and warehouse complexes, depending on the conditional zone of the location, was (including objects under the Redevelopment):

  • In the city of Moscow: 16 130 - 158 333 rubles / sq. m, the average value is 58,915 rubles / sq. m.
  • In the zone up to 20-30 km from the Moscow Ring Road (Podolsk, Odintsovo, Zelenograd, etc.): 3 349 - 61 508 rubles / sq. m., Average value of 36,862 rubles / sq. m.
  • In zone 30-50 km from MKAD (Elektrostal, Chekhov, Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrov, etc.): 1 916 - 52 174 rubles / sq. m., Average value of 21 725 rubles / sq. M. m.

Figure 4. Range and average values \u200b\u200bof the specific value of the supply of industrial and warehouse real estate depending on the location zone of the object, rubles / sq.m.

The specific cost of the square in the segment of high-quality warehouse real estate in the Moscow region on average is in the range of 900-1,400 USD / sq. m., Capitalization rate - about 11%.

Property factors in the production and warehouse real estate market

Since the cost of objects located in the city feature is significantly higher than the cost of objects located in the region, the dependence of the specific value from the pricing factors is advisable to build on one of these groups of objects. Next, to construct dependencies, objects located in the region were selected, due to the larger number of proposals and, as a result, more visible construction of these dependencies.

Among the prognising factors of production and warehouse real estate can be allocated the most significant, in terms of influence on the specific value of the object, quantitative factors:

First of all, the factor associated with location and transport accessibility can be distinguished, namely - distance to Moscow Ring Road. This factor has the greatest impact on the price of objects located behind the city, as many other factors associated with the location (for example, distance to the subway, distance to large streets, etc.) have a significant impact on the objects within the city. In addition, the factor is significant distance to major transport highways.

Among the objects offered for sale in 2013, the range of values \u200b\u200bof the "distance to the Moscow Ring Road" factor amounted to 3.6-59 km, the average - 33 km.

The range of values \u200b\u200bof the "distance to major transport highways" factor was 0.2-9 km, the average value is 1.8 km.

Figure 5. Effect of the "distance to Moscow Ring" factor on the specific value of the object

Figure 6. Influence of the "distance to major transport highways" factor on the specific value of the object

Total area of \u200b\u200bimprovements - According to a survey of agents specializing in the sale of production of warehouse real estate in the Moscow region when selling more square facilities, sellers are ready to go to a certain decline in payment, which is an analogue of "discounts on the whole", i.e. Objects of larger area, as a rule, are cheaper in terms of one square meter. The range of values \u200b\u200bof the "Total Improvement Square" factor was 110-75,000 square meters. m., average value - 8,939 square meters. m.

Figure 7. Influence of the factor "Total Improvement Square" on the specific value of the object

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe land. Objects of industrial and warehouses that have a land plot of larger area have greater demand in the market. Since, at an excessive land plot, you can organize a parking lot for transport, place an open warehouse for various products, there is an opportunity to maneuver heavy vehicles. The range of the value of the factor "The total area of \u200b\u200bthe site" was 1,300-83,200 square meters. m., average value - 22,764 square meters. m.

Figure 8. Influence of the factor "Total land area" on the specific value of the object

The most significant qualitative factors include:

Condition / level of interior decoration of production and warehouse space - good condition of the building or spent in it overhaul Get rid of the potential owner from attracting additional investments in the object. Prices of offers of production and warehouses or built-in premises that are in good condition with a simple level of finishing, above prices of proposals of objects in satisfactory condition.

Table 1. Factor values \u200b\u200b"Condition / level of interior decoration"

Availability and condition engineering networks Also plays a significant role in the formation of the cost of the production and warehouse object. This factor determines the amount of necessary investment for the normal functioning of the object, while in terms of the implementation of the production and warehouse function, the presence of power supply and heat supply is paramount.

Table 2. Values \u200b\u200bof the factor "Availability and state of engineering networks"

Equipment access roads and their convenience - The most popular are sites that have several convenient access roads. The convenience of access paths is estimated at the ballroom system, depending on the class and the level of movement of vehicles on the street, with which the transport of transport to the territory, as well as the possibility of temporary parking on it.

Table 3. Factor values \u200b\u200b"Equipment by driveways and their convenience"

Depending on the type of production, other pricing factors can also be taken into account (the presence of the railway branch, the height of the ceilings, the presence of cranes, etc.).

Major trends and forecasts in the market of production and warehouse real estate in Moscow and Moscow region

  • In 2013, the classification of industrial and warehouse real estate was revised - information relative to the objects of the class "A +" was refined.
  • The market continues to be a high level of demand against the background of a qualitative supply deficit, the level of vacancies was 1-2% in 2013.
  • The main entry of new objects falls on popular areas: south, southeast, south-west. In this case, almost all objects refer to the class "A".
  • The volume of transactions in the industrial and warehouse real estate segment amounted to about 1.3 million square meters. m.
  • A relatively new trend is the implementation of projects remote from MKAD at a distance of 30-50 km.
  • Implementation of projects according to the "Built-to-Suit" scheme is becoming increasingly popular - various estimates In 2013, it is thus implemented from 35% to 60% of the area.
  • Taking into account the delay in the commissioning of a number of projects, in 2014 the amount of commissioning of 2013 may remain. It is expected to preserve the level of vacant space at 2-4%.
  • The growth of rental rates and the cost of sales of objects is not expected - the main deterrent is an unfavorable macroeconomic forecast for 2014 (low growth of GDP and other socio-economic indicators is predicted).
  • Among the largest projects declared for commissioning in 2014, market experts allocate: the South Gate Industrial Park and the Radad Logistics Park, a total area of \u200b\u200b200 and 155 thousand square meters. m. respectively.

Conclusions: Close to record volumes of input areas in the market of production and warehouse real estate Moscow and the Moscow region did not have a significant impact on the demand, which continues to be at a high level. In the absence of serious oscillations of commercial conditions against the background of a high level of demand, we can conclude about the stabilization of the market. The main factors that restrain the market from further active development are macroeconomic - the unstability of the general economic situation increases the risks of developers, forcing the latter more and more actively work according to the "build-to-suit" scheme.

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