
Comparison of Eastern and Western Macroregion. Eastern Macroregion. General characteristics. Characteristics of basic resources

Eastern Region of Russia covers an area of \u200b\u200b12.8 million km 2. These are more than half (75%) of the country and at the same time significantly more than the territory of any country of the world. 32 million people live here (22% of the total population of Russia).

The huge territory of the Eastern Region, concentrating the main fuel and energy and raw Resources Countries, began to actively mastered consistently from the west to the east. A variety of economic and geographic location, natural resources and the natural conditions of individual parts of the Eastern region largely determines its economic and geographical peculiarity, problems and development prospects. The Northern and Southern Districts differ sharply. Extensive northern territories with harsh conditions of nature are weakly populated and mastered. The zone of the North takes more than half of the territory of Western Siberia, 2/3 of Eastern Siberia and more than 3/4 of the Far East. The zone of the North is regulatory, that is, all costs (regulations) are evaluated here depending on the severity of the nature and the remoteness of the territory from the mastered areas. All work in the north is 2-5 times more expensive. IN last years There is an outflow of the population from the Asian North, since the overall crisis in the country especially affected the deterioration of the living conditions of people in the northern regions with a commodity specialization. The northern territories of the Far Eastern region are extremely rich in natural resources, but the environmental balance is easily violated. In the Asian North, more than 3/4 of the country's energy resources, wood reserves, aquatic (and hydropower) resources, as well as the predominant share of non-ferrous and rare metals and chemical raw materials, is concentrated.

Over the past century, the population of the region grew quickly, but the average density is still extremely low. The population is concentrated in the south - along the route of the Trans-Siberian railway line. In the eastern region prevails sharply urban population, compiling a total of 74%, while in the Far East it reaches the highest level - 76%.

The role of the Eastern Region in the Russian economy is constantly increasing. Eastern region is the main fuel and energy base of the country, the main producer of aluminum, supplier of non-ferrous metals, fish and forest products. In the future, resource mining will not increase. It must be accompanied by a deep comprehensive processing of resources. Here, in the future, energy-intensive and low-tech industries for the conversion of defense enterprises should develop dynamically. With a huge territory, the region is weakly secured by transport, so it was here that large transport construction (BAM, roads to the West Siberian North, Amuro-Yakutskaya Magistral, etc.).

In the eastern zone, three economic areas: West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern. All of them differ in scale and degree of population, as well as the development of the territory.

West Siberian District Focusing almost half of the population (46%) of the eastern region, occupying 1/5 of its territory. EGP area located on the border of the Western and Eastern regions and Kazakhstan is quite favorable.

It is provided by the system of transport highways, according to which intensive communications are carried out: railway - latitudinal and meridional (trans-Siberian, South Ebysk, Central and North-Siberian, Turkestan-Siberian), and pipeline. In the depths of Western Siberia, oil is concentrated, gas in the districts of the Middle and Far North (mainly in the Tyumen region), in the Kemerovo region - coal (Kuznetsky coal pool). Iron ores are mined in a mountain spuri. There are non-ferrous metals, salt reserves (Kulundy lakes), large forest reserves and water resources. The main population is concentrated in the south of the district (forest-steppe and steppe spaces). Labor reserves of the district are limited.

In the economy of the area main role Play fuel and energy complex (oil production, gas, coal), a complex of industries, processing natural resources in structural materials (metallurgical, chemical, forest industry), and agro-industrial complex (grain farm). Two large parts are distinguished: North and South. In the North (Tyumen region, the north of Omsk and Tomsk regions) is formed a huge West Siberian TPK. The basis of the economic specialization of the complex determines the oil and gas industry, as well as forest. Gas production slowly grew to 1993, mainly at the expense of the Yamburg field. From the areas of oil production (Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk) and Gas (Urengoy, Yamburg), pipelines extended mainly to the West of Russia, to the CIS and Europe countries. The main centers of the northern part are located in the mastered strip.

East Siberian District It takes the third part of the territory of the Eastern Zone (4.1 million km 2), which lives 29% of its population. Eastern Siberia is removed to a huge distance from both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, which determines the continentality of the climate. The Pearl of Eastern Siberia is Lake Baikal, concentrating 20% \u200b\u200bof the world's ultrapure fresh water resources. Eastern Siberia focuses 50% of coal resources of the CIS countries - Tungusky, Canco-Achinsky, Taimyr, Irkutsk pools. In the Kansky-Achinsky basin, coal is mined in an open way: there are 80% of the coal of Russia, which can be produced in this way. There are large potential oil and gas reserves, unique non-ferrous metals deposits, for example, in the Norilsk area - complex copper-nickel-cobalt ores, on the Bam's track (Udokan) - copper, in the lower reaches of the hangars - polymetals. According to the Valley of the Angara, the deposits of iron ores were found, Angaro-Ilimsk deposits are being developed, in Transbaikalia and in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The urban population prevails (72%), and the Russians make up 80% of the inhabitants.

Posted by the population is extremely uneven: its main share is focused along the Trans-Siberian highway, in the forest-steppe and steppe pitches surrounded by the mountains. In recent years, the standard of living in the northern regions and in large industrial centers in the south of Eastern Siberia has sharply decreased.

Eastern Siberia's economy includes producing production and electric power industry in the fuel and energy complex, as well as the energy-intensive production of non-ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry. Aluminum production has been created in the area - in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Shelekhov, copper-nickel production - in Norilsk. The largest centers of the chemical industry are Krasnoyarsk, Angarsk, Usolye Siberian. Wood processing centers in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lasosibirsk, Ust-Ilimsk and Baikalsk are created. In the East Siberian Economic Area, interrelated production of powerful TPK based on the hydropower resources of Yenisei and the hangars. Brotherly, Krasnoyarskaya, Irkutskaya, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP were built, reserves of coal, forests and various ores are widely used. Formed a brother-Ust-Ilimsky TPK, in the formation stage - Sayan TPK (HPP, engineering, energy-intensive production and intensive agriculture), Kansko-Achinsky TPK (coal-based energy, hydroelectric, hydrochlorizing, chemical, engineering, aluminum industry).

Fully population needs of the AIC does not satisfy. Agriculture - meat and dairy and meat cattle breeding, sheep-flowering, reindeer herding developed on the Yenisei north. The largest scientific and industrial centers are Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk. The complex problems of the economy of the region are associated with the emergency concentration of chemical, metallurgical and defense industries in heavy-duty industrial assemblies and TPK and the functioning of pollutant enterprises in the Baikal region.

The solution of these problems determine the tasks and prospects for the development of Eastern Siberia: this is the conversion of defense enterprises; refusal to focus on the construction of the largest complexes, including energy; the creation of the upper floors of environmentally friendly industries; Transition from the creation of a resource type TPK to scientific and production complexes.

Far Eastern region.About half of the eastern zone (6.2 million km 2) occupies the largest in the country in the country (6.2 million km 2), where less than a quarter of its population live. Far East applies to the number of problem regions of Russia, here economic reforms and formation market system Management occur quite difficult. Objective reasons are the complexity of a natural geographic nature, and rigidity climatic conditions It is predetermined by the need to increase the cost of the population on clothing, nutrition and rehabilitation of health. In the division of labor in the country of the Far East, this is primarily a powerful fishing complex.

Far East is the richest area in a variety of natural resources. There are colored and rare metals (tin, gold, tungsten), diamonds, coal, oil, gas, hydroenergoresurs, mineral resources, forest, fur, rich ocean. With the exception of non-ferrous and rare metals, these resources are poorly studied and require large geological work to prepare for their industrial development. The area is extremely contrast for natural and economic conditions. In the south there are populated fertile plains of the Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk region. Here is a monsonic climate good conditions For agriculture and the life of people. Along the Trans-Siberian highway, industry, population and large cities are concentrated.

In the Magadan region and Sakha (Yakutia) in the harsh conditions of the North, the development of the territory is extremely difficult. On the Pacific Coast, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, economic development is constrained by weak development social sphere and transport. If until recently the Far East and especially its northern territories quickly settled, then the outflow of the population from the north is currently characterized. Therefore, at present, the Far East, especially areas with extreme natural conditions, predominantly commodity specialization, requires large funds, including to improve living conditions in unclosed areas.

South Yakutski TPK (coal, electric power industry, in the perspective of metallurgy) is formed in the area), work on the development of the Zone of the Baikal Amur Highway. Main transport axles of the Zone of the North - River Lena and North sea Path. In the south, an advanced development of the fuel industry, electric power industry, and in perspective - mechanical engineering.

The important role of the Far East in national economy Countries are related to the development through its ports and the border foreign trade Russia with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The largest city is Vladivostok, located on the shores of the comfortable Bay of the Golden Horn at the approaches of the Trans-Siberian railway line to the sea and until recently closed for civilian ships and world trade, it becomes an important trading port. Large ports are find, oriental and vanino.

The land capital of the Far East - Khabarovsk - is an industrial and scientific center. The main agricultural residents are Zeysco-Bureysky and the Khankayskaya lowland, where the production of grain is established, including rice, as well as soybean, potatoes and vegetables. Suburban farm Developed in the Primorye and near major cities, in the north of the region, reindeer herding has been developed. Komsomolsk-on-Amur is considered to be the center of mechanical engineering, around which a new TPK is formed.

general characteristics Eastern Macroregion.

Geography teacher

First qualifying category:

Volkova O.Yu.

  • form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the eastern zone;
  • compare Western and eastern zones (natural conditions, population, economy).

"All Siberia and generous and rich!" Kazimir Lisyansky

The question arises: why, despite the huge natural wealth, the Eastern Macroregion has a low degree of economic development so far?

We will try to answer this question today.

What we will study ....

1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. The borders of the Eastern Macroregion.

2.EGP district.

3. Road conditions and resources. 4. Characteristics of the population.

5. Industrial specialization, specialization factors, largest centers. 6. The structure of agriculture, the main agricultural areas and the industries of agriculture. 7 Transportation, types, main highways, largest transport hubs. 8. Problems and prospects for the development of the area.

Name the pioneers whose names are related to the studies of Siberia and the Far East.

Yermak Timofeevich, Fedor Popov, Semyon Dezhnev, Yerofee Khabarov, Ivan Moskvitin, S. Chelyuskin, Brothers Laptev and many others.

Erofey Khabarov

  • West Siberian Economic District;
  • East Siberian Economic District;
  • Far Eastern economic district.





Pacific Ocean


We define the borders of the Eastern Macroregion






Water borders with USA and Japan

  • East Macroregion extends from the Urals to the Pacific and covers an area of \u200b\u200b12.8 million km 2 which is almost 75% of the territory of our country. This is a much larger territory of any country in the world.

Features ECG

* The territory of VMR in the West borders the Urals and the European North;

* in the south state borders with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and North

* In the north and east, the outskirts are washed by the waters of the North Ice and Pacific Oceans;

* Has water borders with the United States and Japan.



washed by the waters of two oceans

removed from the center;

has a greater length from north to south, from west to east;

large economic areas; (The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire region is 75% of the country area (12 million km2).

lack of iron and highways in the northern regions;

harsh climate and permafrost;

it has iron I. car expensiveconnecting the west and east

a lack of labor resources individual territories of the Asian macroregion;

has huge reserves of mineral raw materials;

the presence of large water resources;

Output: Thus, the region occupies a huge area, has a peripheral position. The farther from the European part, the more difficult to carry out interregional connections.

Natural conditions

Natural conditions are unfavorable (they do not contribute, but make it difficult to master the territory). The severity of nature and the remoteness of the territory from the mastered areas leads to an increase in the cost of work in the region 2-5 times. Payment of workers in the north is 1.5-3 times higher (northern coefficient).

Natural resources

Basic natural resources

West Siberian

East Siberian

Coal, iron, copper, nickel, tin, molybdenum, uranium ores, gold, hydropower, forest

Far Eastern

Coal, Gold, Diamonds, Tin, Tungsten, Antimony, Mercury, Graphite, Fish, Forest, Hydropower

Output: The territory of the region has tremendous reserves of natural resources. Western Siberian natural resources are actively used in Western regions and are even exported. Oil and gas of Western Siberia transit goes to Europe. To transport ore, coal, forest from the Far East to the West is economically unprofitable. For interdistrict transport use unique resources and products of the fishing industry

  • Compared to other territories of Russia, the number of residents of Eastern Macroregion is small. If in the European part of the country population density reaches 27 people / km 2, then in Asian 10 times less (2.5 people / km 2 ). The population concentrates in the south - along the Transsiberian highway railway. Here, in certain areas, the density is sometimes in tens of times compared with the average.
  • The selection nature of the development, complex conditions for the conduct of agriculture predetermined the predominance of the urban population. In general, in Macroregion, the share of citizens is 73%.
  • In some subjects of the Federation, the share of urban population reaches 85-90% (Kemerovo region, Khanty-Mansiysk JSC, Magadan region, Sakhalin region). Currently, 230 cities are located here. The largest cities of Macroregion are Millionaire City - Novosibirsk (the third largest in the country) and Omsk (seventh in numbers).

Placing the population

Output: In general, the region has a low population density and is weakly secured by labor resources.

Specialization branches

The role of the region in the country's economy is constantly increasing. In the 70s and 1970s, East Macroregion became the main fuel and energy base of the country, the main producer of aluminum, supplier of ores of colored, rare metals, fish and forest products. It was here that the formation of powerful TPK concentrating major production (for example, production of more than 70% of oil and 91% of the gas). The rigorous macroregion with its enormous territory is weak

mastered by transport.


In the East Macroregion, in the 70s-80s, a large transportation was carried out - the bits, the roads to the West Siberian North, -Amuro-Yakutsky highways.

Economic regions


West Siberian

East Siberian

Basic natural resources

Far Eastern

Oil, Gas, Coal, Peat, Iron Ore, Polymetals, Wood

Big cities

Coal, iron ore, copper, nickel, tin, molybdenum, uranium ores, gold, hydropower, forest resources

Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Barnaul

Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Norilsk, Bratsk, Abakan

Coal, Gold, Diamonds, Tin, Tungsten, Antimony, Mercury, Graphite, Fish, Forest, Hydro Energy Resources

Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky

  • The development of a region with such a major resource base is constrained not only by the severity of climate, but also extreme possible remoteness from the European part of Russia. Therefore, the development of transport is a vital issue for macroregion.

Theme lesson: Eastern Macroregion. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.

Goals and objectives: To form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the Eastern Zone. Compare Western and eastern zones (natural conditions, population, economy).

1. Studying a new material.

Acquaintance with the East Macroregion is in comparison with Western.

Plan characteristics



Profitable, central, developed transc. net. Proximity to Europe. Area 5 million square meters. km, which is 25% of the country.

Distance from the center (peripheral position), rare transc. net. Proximity to Asia countries. Area - 75% of the country (12 million square meters)

2. Natural conditions

For most - conditions are favorable. Moderately cold winter, warm summer. Relief is plain.

The conditions of the insight, harsh, in winter extrem. Relief on Yu and in mountain, seismicity, mn. Merzlot. Z. Siberia - Swamming

3. Natural resources

Resources are exhausted. Forests are preserved on from the region, the fish resources of the Barents Sea. W / r kma. Fertile soils in the Central Committee, Volga region and on S. Caucasus. Water deficit in the south.

Rich stocks of wood (80%), oil (70%), gas (91%), coal, ores, non-ferrous, rare metals, diamonds, gold. Rich fish resources of the seas of the Pacific Ocean. Water resources make up 75%, hydro - 81%.

4. Population

A) number, density

B) urbanization

C) migration

D) cities

E) work. resources

2/3 of the Russian Federation. High density other than the European North.

Below on Yu, where the village prevails.

The influx of the population. Flow from the village.

Urban network developed. 11 cities - millionaires.


1/3 of the population of the Russian Federation. Low density, especially on C, on Yu along the Siberian highway - above.

High% urban H - 74-75%

The outflow of N, except for southern regions and oil and gas districts.

Rare network of cities - 230, 2 millionaire cities: Omsk, Novosibirsk.

Weak security

5. Economy

Specialization branches

The industries are prevailing the industrial community. Orientation on imported raw materials and fuel. The branches to the personnel and consumer.

Mechanical engineering, chemical, apk.

Industries prevail producing-it promo. Orientation on the raw material. Local and availability of transport. Energy production is developing.

Oil, gas, coal, forest, color. Metallurgy, fish.


Environmental, Water, Resource Exhaustion, Reconstruction of LDC

Transport, outflow of the population from the north, the conversion of the MCC

OUTPUT: 1.Region occupies a huge terminus, removed from C. Areas of the Russian Federation. The farther from Europe. parts, the more difficult to carry out interregional links.

Eastern Region It is necessary to develop external econ. Relations with countries V. and C. Asia.

Weakly developed TRACP. Network Therefore, it is necessary to build new roads, especially on the region, develop river and air transport.

2. PR. Conditions are unfavorable (make it difficult to master the territory).

3. PR. Resources are richest, but their development costs more than in Heb. Parts of the country.

The economy of the Basir-Xia region on the local. Resources, but need to develop sciences. Industries.

4. Very weakly developed infrastructure, severe living conditions.

2. Home Task: Paragraphs

Where can I find the problems of Western and Eastern macroregions? And got the best answer

Answer from Pani Ezopenko [Guru]
1. Comparative characteristics Western and Eastern Macroregions of Russia. Nature, population, economy
Western macroregion (European part of the country) includes Central Russia, European North, Ural, Volga region, North Caucasus; East Macroregion (Asian part of Russia) is Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East.
EGP of the Western Macroregion is more profitable than the east, as it borders with economically developed countries Europe, and East Macroregion - only with one highly developed country - Japan. In the Western Macroregion, lowlands predominate, whereas in the east (with the exception of Western Siberia) - Highlands and Mountains. In the eastern macroregion, the climate is more continental and severe (severe frosts, the eternal permafrost dominates).
However, more than 80% of all the natural resources of the country (forest, hydropower resources, oil, natural gas, coal, metal ores, fresh water, fish, etc.) are concentrated in East Macro Region. At the same time, 80% of the total population of the country lives in the Western Macroregion, 75% of citizens, 85% of industrial and agricultural products are produced, 90% of scientific centers are located, almost all major urban agglomerations. Thus, there is an imbalance in the placement of resources, the population and the economy between the West and East.
Main industries of the economy of the Western Macro Region: manufacturing industry (mechanical engineering, chemical, light, food), agriculture, science; East Macroregion - Mining industry (fuel, hydropower, forest).

Answer from 2 response[guru]

"Natural resources of Western Siberia" - Western Siberia. Task (in groups). West Siberian Plain. 5. The city of "Steel" may be named: And Kemerovo B Novokuznetsk in Novosibirsk G Nizhnevartovsk. Fill in the scheme of natural resources defining the "face" of the area. TPK Western Siberia. Homework. Choose 3 of the right statements for each district entity:

"Characteristics of Western Siberia" - River Western Siberia. Big City. Climate. Continental character. Western Siberia. West Siberian Plain. Natural conditions. Oil mining. Tyumen region. Kurgan region.

"Lesson Western Siberia" - plain. Ecological problem caused by a violation of natural landscapes with severe technician (all-terrain). Nara in Yurt was covered with hay, reed and deer skins. "C" - northern, harsh; "And" - individual, etc. "B" - rich, big; "And" - interesting .... "P" -ring, resource ... gas -78%. Taiga-valuable wood tundra pasture deer.

"Western Siberia Grade 8" - oil and gas production. Geographical position. Steppe and forest-steppe. In the south of the region, iron ore and stone coal are mined in a mining method. The world's largest area of \u200b\u200bgroundwater. 60% of the total reserves of the peat of Russia are concentrated. Taiga plants. Chicks. Typical flora tundra: moss, lichens, berries, mushrooms.

Omsk - registered 2 Judaist communities. Representatives of 102 nationalities live in Omsk. Population. The description of the coat of arms read: "In the upper part of the coat of arms of the coat of arms, Tobolsky. Large transport knot. 85 religious organizations are registered. Omsk. Administrative center of the Omsk region. 56.1% of all residents of the Omsk region live in Omsk.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state