
What is the mustache in Sberbank. General characteristics of OJSC Sberbank of Russia. Internal Translations from the Card

Internal money transfers Through Sberbank, Russia can be carried out in one of several ways, for each of which are characterized by their conditions.

Ordinary translations

With ordinary translation in Sberbank cash translated in cash and can be issued in cash formand also credited to the score or map. All operations are performed in the bank branches.

Currency translations are Russian rubles. There are limitations of the maximum size of translated funds. In particular, for persons who are residents of Russia, this size is equal to the amount equivalent to 5,000 US dollars, and for persons who are not residents of Russia, the amount equivalent to 10,000 dollars.

Tariffs operating in the execution of transaction operations are established depending on the method of receiving money and location credit organizationwhere they should receive a destination.

You should pay attention to what to credit funds on the recipient card issued in another credit organization is possible only if this card belongs to payment system "MasterCard".
The transferred money is credited to the recipient's card in Sberbank for free on all the cards, with the exception of Maestro, Maestro "Momentum", Maestro "Student" or "Social", or "Transport", Visa Electron "Momentum", as well as Pro100 Standard, where the Commission is 0.75% of the transfer amount.
Translation operation is performed on time before the expiration of two working days when issuing cash and within one working day when enrolling on the account.

Cash transfer, committed when accessing the bank employee, can be canceled by the sender until recipient's demands. For this service, a fee of 150 rubles is charged.

Urgent translations

Transfers within the country in Sberbank can be both ordinary and urgent. Currently in urgent order Translations "Hummingbirds" are performed.

The operation is performed with cash, which are issued to the hands of the recipient in the department of the credit institution.

The currency of the translation protrude rubles of the Russian Federation, and maximum size Transferred amount is 500,000 rubles.

Tariffs are 1.75% of the transmitted amount, but cannot be less than 150 rubles and more than 3,000 rubles.

The execution date of the operation does not exceed 10 minutes when translating between the Moscow Bank, Volga-Vyatsky Bank, Far Eastern Bank, Volga Bank, Northern Bank, Central Russian Bank, North Caucasian Bank, Siberian Bank, Ural Bank, Central Black Earth Bank, Southwestern Bank. Between the rest of credit organizations, the translation is carried out within 1 hour.

Translation can be withdrawn by the sender until the recipient's fund demand. For the use of this opportunity a fee of 150 rubles is charged.

Users of this service are provided. additional opportunity In the form of free SMS-informing about the status of the operation.

Internal Translations from the Account

The transfer from the account is carried out in a cashless form by writing off the means from the sender's account, and the recipient money can be issued in cash, and also enrolled on his account or map.

Translation can be implemented in the bank's separation or - when enrolling funds to the account - through the Sberbank ONL @ ENE system.

Money is transferred in rubles or foreign currency (US dollars, euro and other), and their size may be no more than the amount equivalent to 5,000 US dollars for persons who are residents of Russia.

Tariffs are established depending on the transfer currency, the method of issuing funds and location of the credit institution in which they must be issued.

The translation is performed during the period not exceeding two working days.
The ability to cancel the operation is not provided. If you need to return funds, you should contact the recipient.

Internal Translations from the Card

The translation from the sender's map is carried out by writing off the funds from the account assigned to the card. Funds are not issued in cash, but are credited to the account or reception map. The translated amount can be credited to the account in the bank's separation or through the Sberbank ONL @ Inta system, and the crediting on the card is possible in the banking department, through the Sberbank self-service devices, as well as using the services " Mobile Bank"Or" Sberbank ONL @ ENE ".

Money can be translated in rubles or foreign currency.
When calculating tariffs, the transformation currency is taken into account, the territory of the operation, the location of the recipient's credit organization and the method of issuing.

The operation is performed within the period from a few minutes to one business day.
The possibility of returning funds is not provided. In case of such a need to contact the recipient.


Citizens who are in different regions of the country are provided with ample opportunities for the transfer of cash in cash or non-cash in a waywhich can be issued to the recipient in cash, and also enrolled on his account or map. When performing an operation, acceptable commissions are charged, some types of transfers are made free of charge. In some case, refund is possible.

Sberbank as one of the largest banks in Europe is the largest bank Russian Federation and the CIS. Its assets at the end of 2011 are more than a quarter banking system Countries (26.8%), and the share in banking capital is at yover 29.1%. Founded in 1841, Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank satisfying needs different groups Customers in a wide spectrum banking services. Sat has the largest share in the deposit market and is the main lender russian economy. Attracting funds from various customers and ensuring their safety is the basis of the Sberbank business, and the development of mutually beneficial relationships with depositors - the key to its commercial work.

Full name open joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia". In addition, in business practice, including internal dresses and forms, there is often a reduction such as:

  • · Sat RF, SBFF - Sberbank of Russia.
  • · Ka - Central apparatus Sberbank.
  • · OSB - branch of Sberbank.
  • · OSBM - branch of Sberbank of Russia of Moscow, including additional offices.
  • · VSP - the internal structural division of Sberbank.
  • · Opero Operational Department (Opero) Sberbank.
  • · Opera - Operations management of Sberbank.
  • · Okay - Operating office Sberbank's extra issue node.
  • ETZ is a single tariff zone - the territory of servicing one branch of Sberbank of Russia or one city, within which operations are performed.
  • · Us - self-service device - ATM, information and payment terminal - electronic software and technical complex, designed to carry out without the participation of an employee of the Bank for issuing (admission) of cash, including using payment cards, the transfer of customer orders to transfer funds, with bank account client, etc.
  • · UCO - remote service channels (Sberbank ONL @ ENE system, USA, MB - Mobile Bank).
  • · OKR - an operating and cash worker of the structural division of Sberbank of Russia.
  • · Until - additional office - a universal internal structural unit of the Sberbank branch, located outside its location.
  • · The branch is an internal structural unit, organizationally subordinate to the Sberbank branch.
  • · TB - territorial bank; Operational management (department) of the territorial bank of Sberbank of Russia; Additional offices in organizational subordination of the territorial bank of Sberbank of Russia.
  • · OSB TB - branch of Sberbank of Russia, including additional offices, organizationally subordinate to the territorial bank of Sberbank of Russia.
  • · GOSB - Head Department of Sberbank; Operational management (department) of the head office of Sberbank of Russia; Additional offices that are in organizational submission of the head branch of Sberbank of Russia.

GOSB is an element of control in the structure of Sberbank, which is a subordinate division of the territorial bank responsible for the business at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation.

  • · OSB GOSB - Branch of Sberbank of Russia, including additional offices that are in organizational subordination of the head branch of Sberbank of Russia.
  • · Tsus - Central Communication Node (placed in the Bank's building at ul. Vavilova, 19).
  • · Rus is a reserve binding unit (placed in the building of the central branch of Sberbank of Russia, Moscow, ul. B. Andronievskaya, 6).
  • · Wi'Abr - Office of Informatics and Automation banking work Sberbank.
  • · DKP - Sberbank Personnel Policy Department; Personnel service of branches of the bank.
  • · PD - Legal Department of Sberbank; legal service branches of the bank.
  • · KKA - Committee to resolve the conflict of Sberbank's interests.
  • · Okia - Department of Insider Information Sberbank.
  • · Babe - Sberbank Ong @ w on (Sberbank-online, Internet bank Sberbank; Earlier - "Electronic Sberbassing").

CSCO - Center for client operations.

The history of Sberbank Russia begins with the registered decree of Tsar Nicholas from 1841 on the establishment of savings receipts, the first of which opened in St. Petersburg in 1842. After a half century - in 1987 - on the basis of state labor savings cass specialized Bank Labor savings and lending to the population - Sberbank of the USSR, which also served legal entities. The Sberbank of the USSR included 15 republican banks, including the Russian Republican Bank.

In July 1990, the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, he was transformed into a shareholder commercial Banklegally established on general meeting Shareholders on March 22, 1991. In 1991, Sberbank went to the ownership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as "Joint-Stock Commercial Savings bank Of the Russian Federation (Sberbank of Russia). "

Sberbank to this day is the favorite brainchild of the Bank of Russia, which owns over 57% of the shares. Largely due to the support of the Bank of Russia and the increase in commissions for estimated service, Sberbank managed to withstand default on the GKO-OFZ of 1998 (at that moment the share of government debt obligations in Sberbank's assets was 52%, and credit portfolio There were only 21% of net assets).

As a result of the newly conducted IPO in the hands of institutional investors, there were 33% of the shares, in private individuals - 5%. In total, the Bank has 200 thousand shareholders. His share accounts for 26% of the assets of the Russian banking system and 51.5% of deposits individuals. This is the only bank that the Central Bank controls not only as a regulator, but also as a shareholder who owns 57.6% of its shares. Since October 2007, Sberbank is managed former minister economic Development Herman Gref, which, in particular, is going to make bank loans more accessible to the public.

The authorized capital and shares of the bank.

The authorized capital of Sberbank is 1 billion rubles and divided into 19 million ordinary shares with a denomination of 50 rubles and 50 million preferred shares with a denomination of 1 ruble. According to the Charter of the Bank minimum size dividends in privileged shares It is 15% of their nominal value, i.e. 15 kopecks. per share.

Foreign investors can acquire Sberbank's shares only with the permission of the Central Bank. However, these restrictions are easily achieved through the use of non-resident subsidiaries registered in Russia. Nevertheless, restrictions on the acquisition of Sberbank shares with non-residents significantly reduce their liquidity. As expected, soon restrictions on the ownership of bank shares by non-resident will be canceled. Perhaps after the liberalization of the Sberbank's shares mode, the ADR will be launched, which will also contribute to the liquidity of the Bank's securities. Currently foreign investors Belongs about 15% of Sberbank shares.

The largest shareholder of Sberbank is the Bank of Russia, whose share in the authorized capital is 60.57%. In the foreseeable future, the decrease or yield of the Central Bank from the capital of Sberbank is not expected. As of October 1, 2003, the number of shareholders of the Bank reached 203,728.

The organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia.

Sberbank of Russia is a legal entity and with its branches (territorial banks and branches) and their internal structural divisions make up unified system Sberbank of Russia.

The branch network of Sberbank of Russia is located throughout the country. As of January 24, 2001, Sberbank of Russia consisted of 17 territorial banks, 1511 departments, 20,250 internal structural units.

Branches of Sberbank Russia are not endowed with rights legal entities And they act on the basis of the provisions approved by the Board of Sberbank of Russia, have a balance, which is included in the balance of Sberbank of Russia, have a symbolism of Sberbank of Russia.

Currently, the Internet constantly pops up information about the fact that citizens have compensatory payments for the services that the state provides to use which man did not have time. By reference, as a rule, you can get to the UCO website (compensation management) on which it is proposed to check the availability of compensation, after which it is possible to obtain the amount of money any in a convenient way. First of all, it is worth noting that this is the most ordinary scam and the UCO organization simply does not exist. In the article, consider how not to get caught on the tricks of fraudsters and what is the deception.

Types of fraudulent companies

The fraud is that citizens are invited to receive compensation for the public services that they did not have time to use. We are talking about pension, utilities, medical, energy and other services. Compensation are offered to get through portals of non-existent companies, such as such:

  • UCO - Compensation Management;
  • WEV - Office of indexing payments; ⇒
  • VHF - managing compensation payments;
  • Ukne - the management of compensation accrual;
  • UKF - the Office of the Compensation Fund and other companies.

Compensation Security Management

Important! State organization Under the title "Compensation Security Management" is not. Moreover, the company's page indicates a fictional address in Moscow (Leninsky Ave., 40, to. 2), at this address there is no such organization. On their site it will not be possible to find any documents that would confirm information on payments.

What is the fraudulent scheme

What is fraud? Tell in order:

  • First of all, citizens are invited to undergo authorization on the UCO website to verify the alleged data. compensatory payments. When authorized, you will need to indicate your name, date of birth, data of passport, citizenship, as well as their social status. After entering all this data, it begins to check the required amount of payment. But even if all the information entered is fictional, the check will also be held. This, of course indicates that no checks are carried out, and this is all the "scam" of pure water.
  • After all information about the citizen is introduced, the site creates personal Area. An identifier is assigned to each such office, it is true that all the past registration is assigned the number - ID, which in most cases is simply the same.
  • After an alleged check, a report will be formed, which will contain a final amount of payments. Moreover, the amount for any registered person will be several hundred thousand rubles. The company offers to enroll the specified amount to the person's personal account that must be discovered. For the opening of such a compensation account, as can already be guessed, it is proposed to pay a departmental fee in the amount of 171.86 rubles (plus the Commission).

Important! Fraud is that citizens to begin with suggesting a minor amount of money to open an account, which in the future allegedly lists a rather impressive amount of money. The scheme is quite common, fraudsters promise the victim "Golden Mountains", but for it they will need to spend a little.

  • Despite the fact that the amount for the opening of the account is insignificant, it is only the first payment. In the future, the company suggests and further contributes to some amounts for such non-existent services as payment of commission collection, connecting bank details, an increase in the limit amount of one-time payment, digital signature other. It is proposed to pay for a total of up to 19 services, that is, extortion continues until the person will see that something is wrong is going on.

As a rule, by the time, how people will suspect that they simply pull out money, they can already pay a pretty decent amount. Accordingly, no payments from this site will not be listed, the company's activities are directed exclusively to luring money. This is a fraud, so be careful and carefully come to this. Before giving your money, you should think thoroughly and check the information.

What makes citizen misleading

Today, citizens accustomed to trust the reviews of other people. The fraudsters use this and place numerous reviews of the persons who have already supposedly obtained the payment. As you can guess, reviews are exceptionally positive, for example, such:

  • "I checked my compensation! It turns out already with 325,000 rubles! I was very surprised at how much money just walked through the bills of ministries. It is good that at least someone is engaged in this issue. "

Reviews presented on the site or simply on the Internet are fictional. They are needed in order to confuse a person and combine his translation of money. In addition, to independently leave a review on the site will not work, it is simply impossible.

Important! Check the reviews are only through such search engines, like Google or Yandex. They can find enough information about that all this is deception and fraud.

Answers to common questions

Question: What site does this happen on?

Answer: Unfortunately, fraudsters constantly change the addresses of sites, new portals constantly pop up on the Internet. As an example, you can hold such sites like, serviceuko.online, ukosupport.online, supportuko.online, koupravlenie.online, ukopay.online and others.

Question: What to do if I transferred money to scammers. How do I get them back?

Answer: First of all, try to return my money recommended in pretty order. For this purpose legal addresswhich is specified on the site you need to send a claim with the requirement to return the money. The letter is necessarily issued with the notification of the presentation and the description of the investment. You should keep the inventory and receipt of sending a letter. The answer is most likely no will arrive, so after that you can submit this organization to the court. If you cannot find a company, then contact the police.


Thus, citizens should be vigilant and more attentive and not believe dubious reviews and sites that are big money sums. It should be understood that those cash that transfers citizens the state is transferred to their personal accounts. These accounts by the time of submission of applications should already be open and no additional funds for this are charged. Before you send your money to an unknown company, you should carefully read the portal, pay attention to those nuances that we led in the article, as well as search additional information On the Internet about this company.

Brokerage house under the brand Sberbank CIB began its existence in 2012. His activity is aimed at the development of investment and corporate business. The company has a wide experience in:

  1. Providing customers to payments for payments for purchased goods, thereby participating in the process of trading financing.
  2. Development of documentary business.
  3. Operations for the sale of securities.
  4. Investment banking services.

Provision of services and work with banking products passes through PJSC Sberbank.

Working with financial institutions, the largest corporations, federal and subfederal governments, the broker provides integrated financial solutions and periodically acts as a financial adviser. In other words, Sberbank CIB is the largest companywhose profile is concentrated on the management of asset.

Since Kib has a huge scale and a large amount of clients (on service there is about 5.7 thousand organizations), it was reasonable to solve structure Company.

PJSC Sberbank is engaged in structural and project financing, syndicated lending to holdings and conglomerates, operates on investment and global markets.

Restructuring processes, extension of business and capital, in particular, micro and macro levels, mezzanine financing, the fulfillment of the role of financial advisor, lie at the Department of Investment Activities.

In addition, the Department of ID:

  • advises leading foreign and Russian companies;
  • restructures business;
  • westerns to merge and acquitting companies.

The next structural unit is the Department of Global Markets. It is assigned service operations to a profitable placement of securities (tools of the term market, shares, bonds), conclusion of contracts for raw materials, currency transactions.

The Department of Global Markets is also carried out:

  • development of financial strategies to optimize the cost of funds;
  • management of risks.

Analytical business support in the market of shares and bonds, macroeconomic and strategic market research, a deep analysis of the functioning of the Russian RF companies and the provision of an independent conclusion lies with Sberbank Investment Research.

To whom is available service in the bank

The Sberbank CIB client can become both physical and legal entities. For servicing in the bank, an interested party must be coordinated with the meeting with the Customer Service Manager and further submit the necessary documents.

It is worth paying attention to that the package of documents for entering into an account for opening an account for legal entities and individuals of residents and non-residents has its differences. You can get acquainted with it on the official website of Sberbank-cib.ru. For this you need:

QUIK connection order

Participation in Internet trading allows you to quickly and conveniently carry out operations. from securities . Transactions are committed in real time in the stock and emergency markets.

By connecting the QUIK or Webquik system, with a browser on a PC or laptop, the client becomes affordable in trading, market information, deep technical analysis.

To install and register in the system, a private person needs:

  • Download and install on a PC or laptop QUIK software or go to the official Webquik website.
  • In the dialog box that appears, specify the contract code contained in the notice, and the mobile number.
  • Wait for SMS with a generated password system.
  • Start the application, on the authorization page, enter the login (contract code) and password.

Service tariffs

Insofar as brokerage Commission Periodically changed the execution of the order by the transaction, and Sberbank Cib take care of reliable informing its customers, on the official website of the bank always present And available to familiarize the PDF document with tariffs.

To view it, it is necessary:

Become a customer Sberbank Kib, which means to become a successful participant in the investment market and receive guaranteed income and increase capital thanks to the promotion of high-class professionals.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state