
How to open a corporate Sberbank card. Corporate Sberbank Cards for Business: Functions, Benefits, Tariffs. Use in work

Many payment systems produce plastic business cards. Purpose of them Effective management money turnover Enterprises. And they emphasize the status of the company, create a special image. About such a form of plastic cards and will be discussed.

What is a business card

Plastic business card is a payment instrument that allows:

  • Carry out payment related to the economic, main and representative activities of the company.
  • Perform control of employee spending.
  • Make accounting by simply and transparent, because banks provide reports from which the amount spent on operation, currency, time, place of purchase, card number is visible.
  • Reduce or eliminate the turnover of accountable cash.
  • Optimize currency controlbecause When making a transaction, the tools are converted into the currency to which the account is open.

Business cards issued by enterprises by banks are:

  • debit, inseparable from the company's account;
  • credit. Each bank establishes its limit size and determines the conditions for its repayment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Business plastic card

BUSINESS Class Map has all the advantages of plastic cards Additional:

  1. The ability to remove cash and carry out operations in any currency.
  2. Binding to the account of several cards with the installation of an individual limit for each.
  3. Payment travel expenses. If the employee goes abroad, then the need for currency declaration disappears. In this case, it is especially convenient to have a credit from the chipombusiness class to replenish the missing funds.
  4. Transferred money to other cards.

In addition to the advantages of a plastic card, there are disadvantages:

  1. Not in all stores, especially in the regions, they are taken to pay.
  2. The company's employee who returned from a business trip has to issue a report on the old manner, confirming it with receipts, checks and tickets.
  3. Holds back the treatment of plastic cards and the conservatism of some executives who are accustomed to issuing cash to all minor acquisitions.

Corporate plastic card Designed on a person who has legal status. On its basis, cards are issued to persons who are trusted. The person who has an individual business card is open to the bank is not responsible. This feature is assigned to the company. This type of cards offer many banks.

For example, Sberbank giving free:

  1. MasterCard.
  2. Classic Visa. Her service, like map MasterCard, per year is 1.2 thousand rubles, and if the currency account is $ 50 or euro.
  3. Map "Corporate", which allows you to cash out any amount. Serve her Sberbank is significantly cheaper - only 250 rubles. per year.
  4. MasterCard Business and Visa Business "Budget" - only for companies, with open facial account In the Federal Treasury. For servicing is not required.

Bank VTB24 Also offers corporate Visa Business and MasterCard Business cards, while there are 2 packages of services:

  1. Business Classic, using which it is possible to attach some maps to the main account. The term of the plastic card is 2 years. The package provides the ability to automatically replenish cards from a special account that opens in a bank. The money is transferred to it from the account mainly even if it is opened in another bank. When an application is received, the map will be opened for a maximum of 7 days. The issuance of "plastic" and its service will cost 1.2 thousand rubles. Obtaining and maintaining a currency card will cost $ 40 / euro. The daily limit is established when cash withdrawals - 300 thousand rubles. (or the corresponding equivalent in currency, at the rate of the bank), but not more than 2 million rubles. per month.
  2. Business gold. As part of this package, VTB24 Bank offers advantageous plastic cards with additional features as:
  • receipts alerts on mobile on completed operations for free;
  • receiving concierge services;
  • the possibility of using insurance programs "Card Protection" and "Traveler Protection".

The presence of Gold Plastic Card VTB24 implies an annual service fee in the amount of 2.4 thousand rubles. Every day you can withdraw cash, the sum of which is 2 times higher than the limit on the cards classic.

The legal entity, which is the owner of the main card, has the ability to control how the funds are credited to the maps attached to it. To do this, select one of the options:

  1. Set the amount in coordination with the bank that an employee can take a day, month.
  2. Control when and where money was spent on extracts from the bank.
  3. Order for trusted persons name maps. Then the control and protection of the plastic card is facilitated by the fact that no one else can take advantage of it.
  1. In order to protect the money on a corporate plastic card with a chip, it is necessary to insure it.
  2. An employee leaving on a business trip abroad, issue a map in currency that is in the go in the country where it is heading. For example, America and Asia - Visa Business, and America - MasterCard Business.
  3. If a rented car needs a rented car in a foreign business trip, then a profitable plastic card will be a credit card. In this case, the money is not blocked by the automotive service on the main map of the company, but on the bank's account.

Maintenance different species Activities necessarily provides for settlement operations. To simplify the procedure of financial and settlement operations, Sberbank proposes to issue a business card. Before getting a business map from Sberbank, it is necessary to find out the main features of use and receiving.

Business card from Sberbank for IP and other types of legal entities is a very convenient tool that allows you to manage financial processes on the enterprise. Such plastic not only allows you to manage financial meansBut also facilitates such a type of management.

The card is issued to the company's current account, while it is allowed to execute an unlimited number of similar products. Authorized employees are entitled to use the card, but only with the permission of the head. This type Plastic is suitable for LLC, IP and legal entities. The advantages of such types of plastics include:

  1. An individual plastic holder is appointed, which indicates that this map is individual.
  2. The account establishes a certain limit.
  3. There is a card reissue.
  4. The ability to pay not only in Russia non-cash in a way, but also abroad. The boss can give plastic to the employee who is sent on a business trip. At the expense of plastic is listed a certain amount that the employee can be spent on the appropriate needs. At the same time, the authorities will not need to provide all cost checks, since all plastic operations will be displayed in the account statement that can be viewed in personal Cabinet Service "Sberbank online".
  5. Payment of goods and services, as well as other supplies. In this case, the payer will not need to submit additional documents.
  6. Account replenishment can be carried out using a business card, for which money is credited with the ATM.
  7. Implementation of monitoring financial processes, which is possible thanks to the personal account. The presence of cost optimization.
  8. Obtaining information on performed operations by the head.

Such opportunities are also inherent in business cards that are issued by IP. At the same time, the payment procedure is accelerated, there is no need for payments through offices, as well as the availability of opportunities for cost management by remote path.

It is interesting! With the help of Internet banking, the possibility of ordering the release and reissue of plastic, as well as installations available limits and changes to the holder data. All operations performed will be displayed on the phone as SMS notifications.

Release plastic or design features

Order Plastic production in the Sberbank Business Online service. If the user did not understand the principle of work in the Personal Account, then you can contact the nearest branch of the bank. The application is filled with the service or in the bank branch.

While filling out the application, you must establish the necessary options for expenditure limits. To work with business cards, you will need to register an account in the Personal Account. This can be done by performing the following manipulations:

  • In the account formation section you need to select "Actions with the Account".
  • After that click on the item "Make an account for business cards."

  • The "Business card" item is activated, which is in the "Products and Services" section.

Now consider the features of creating a plastic holder. To order plastic, you will need to register the holder to which this product will be destroyed. Made by performing the following manipulations:

  • In the tab, select the "Mapholders" section, after which you select "Add and Fill out the questionnaire".

  • The questionnaire includes the following data: personal information, surname and name, which will be located on the title side of plastic, gender and date of birth, citizenship, as well as the address of living and residence permit.
  • The next step will appear the appropriate request for business cards. It can be ordered now or later in this section.
  • After the plastic holder is selected, it will be needed to fill out a statement by which the card will be released. This information is specified as an account to which plastic is attached, the type of payment system (VISA or MasterCard), as well as the owner data.
  • At the concluding step, you will need to put an electronic signature of LLC or IP, and send an application to the bank.
  • If necessary, you can track the status of the application. To do this, you need to enter the section "Applications".

Using this service and similar principle, you can submit applications for changing the status of the map, as well as the holder data. After the manufacture of this plastic, it will be delivered directly to the placement of the current account. Getting a card and to activate should exclusively owner. PIN code is issued together with plastic in the appropriate envelope.

Installation of limits for a corporate card

Before using a business card for IP from Sberbank, you must install the corresponding limit. How to install the limit of the Sberbank of the Business Online, Consider in detail.

  • You need to enter the "Maps" section, in which corporate products are displayed. Here you can find the number of plastic, the name of the owner and other useful information.
  • By selecting the appropriate card, you can perform any actions such as setting the limit, block blocking and viewing a report on 10 last operations.
  • Select the section "Setting the limit". It needs to specify information such as receiving per day and month, as well as the amount of possible transactions per day and for the month.

  • The application is subscribing electronic signature, after which it goes to the bank. You can set restrictions at any time of the day and night. If you need to clarify the current amount of the balance, then you can do it through the "View limits and install new" section.

After that, it remains to activate plastic and use it.

Tariffs for business cards

You need to use the business card as well as the usual. On the first day after receiving the product, it must be activated. If this is not done, then activation will automatically happen the next day. Tariffs that are installed on Sberbank card are as follows:

  1. The possibility of making up to 100 thousand for each type of plastic.
  2. For replenishment, a commission of 0.3 percent is charged.
  3. Removal restrictions in the amount of up to 170 thousand rubles per day and 5 million per month.
  4. For cash withdrawal, a commission of 1.4% is charged. If you take money from the card in the separation of another bank, the Commission will be 3%.
  5. For each card, the cost of the service " Mobile banking"It is 60 rubles per month.

It is important to mention the fact that the first year of service is free. In other cases, the cost of annual service is 2500 rubles. There are several types of packages that are assumed to legal entities. For IP and LLC, different tariffs are suitable for the amount of possible free operations:

  1. For the tariff plan "Easy Start" The number of free operations per day is 3 payments. From each subsequent value equals 100 rubles.
  2. For the tariff "Minimal +": 5 payments, and from each subsequent price is 50 rubles.
  3. "Basis +": 20 operations per day, and each subsequent is 11 rubles.
  4. Tariff "Optima +": 100 operations.

If the translations are carried out inside the bank, then the Commission is not charged. On the second and third tariff, there is the possibility of free replenishment of accounts to 30 and 100 thousand rubles. The cost of maintenance is 990 rubles for the second tariff option, 2100 rubles for the basis and 3100 rubles for the latter.

Features of the correct card translation

According to the functionality, the business card is largely similar to the usual Sberbank card. One of the most important differences in this type of product is to translate a business card. Perform such a procedure from the card of another plastic is impossible.

It is interesting! Cannot be transferred with business cards to your plastic.

If the need arises in the transfer of funds to business plastic, then there is only one way for this. It is as follows: you need to transfer money to the current account, and already from it to replenish the plastic. To do this, you need to attract the manager, since only it has access to the online service. You should not forget that you can make money on plastic using ATMs or self-service terminals.

We use a business card: the features of mastering

Corporate type of plastic can be used to carry out payments on the Internet. The user provides an opportunity to pay a non-cash payment for goods and services on the Internet. How to rent money from such a Sberbank card? To do this, you must resort to the following manipulations:

  1. Insert the map in the map receptionist.
  2. Select the section "Cash issuance".
  3. Specify the amount needed to withdraw.
  4. Get money.

Cash removal is carried out within the installed own limit. It is worth remembering the amount of the commission, which is 1.4% for Sberbank ATMs and 3% for other types of ATMs.

It is interesting! Blocking business plastic - this option, which is available for its holder or a representative of the Jurlitz. The function of suspending the action of plastic is carried out in the case of identifying assumptions that unauthorized persons enjoy the plastic.

Is it possible to arrange a salary card in Sberbank

In addition to corporate cards, Jurlso also has the opportunity to order salary map To your employees. Such an order is possible not only in personal contact with the Bank's Office, but also through the Sberbank Business Service.

You can order such a proposal by performing the following manipulations:

  1. Open section "Services", after which choose " Salary project", And then" the registry to open accounts and the release of cards. "
  2. Select "Create" item.
  3. The application will be almost 80% filled, so the user should add only the name of the artist and the phone number.
  4. Filled block called "List individuals" This is a list of workers who are planned to pay wages. Next, you should click on the "Add" point, and enter such information as FULL wages, accommodation address, etc.
  5. Similarly, fill out information about each employee.
  6. As soon as the application is formed, it will only be necessary to sign it and send it to the processing to the bank.

You can follow this application, and as soon as it is highlighted with the status "executed", then you can explore information from the bank. As soon as the plastic is released, the corresponding entry will appear. Cards on employees come to the office, after which they can be obtained and started using them.

Why do you need a business card from Sberbank? Thanks to this product, legal entities may optimize expenditure operations that are conducted with finance. For each plastic owner, the corresponding limit is installed. Plastic is practically no different from the usual debit card, and the exception of the absence of the possibility of its replenishment by transfers. At the same time, the plastic replenishment function is also available through ATMs or terminals. Tariffication depends on the package of selected services, so before its order, you need to get acquainted with all the details and characteristics.

Regardless of the nature of the company, on a certain stage There is such a need for the spending of finance for various needs of the organization. These can be a business trip, expenses for corporate events, the current needs of the company, etc. And if earlier for such purposes there was a kind of piggy bank, which was headed by an accountant, today it is more convenient and most advantageous to use such a means as a corporate Sberbank Card for legal entities. What it is?

Money is listed in a certain amount within the framework of strict reporting, and then spent at the discretion of the company's management. Any operations naturally have a documentary confirmation.

To date, Sberbank offers corporate bank cards visa systems And MasterCard.

Despite the fact that the card is considered "public", it is issued strictly to the name of a particular person, an employee of the company. To get it in the bank, first of all, you must open the current account. Also, the employee must write an application for a corporate card on the Internet or separation of Sberbank. It is necessary to attach constituent documents, as well as to make a certain amount for service for 1 year.

Sometimes there is a challdorm question: is there a risk that an employee, who has been issued by a corporate Sberbank corporate card for use by legal entities, can eliminate the amount that significantly exceeds the necessary expenses, or is it not intended to use it? When decomriage, it is always initially determined by the limit expendable Operations For specific people. To do this, the Bank provides a register with a list of employees and their passport data, if necessary, proceedings for funds are made.

The card is issued within 1-2 weeks and is issued in the Bank's Office.

After registration, a person gets the right:

  • remove cash in Russia and abroad;
  • calculate in stores and other trading institutions;
  • translate finances to other employees of the company.

Advantages of plastic "piggy bank"

  1. Even when stored on account large sums The risk of their loss is eliminated in the event of a lost card legal entity, just call on hot line Bank and make blocking.
  2. It is possible to receive money abroad in the currency of the country without opening an additional account - conversion occurs automatically, according to the current course of the bank.
  3. A corporate card issued by Sberbank for IP allows you to enjoy a reduced commission for most operations.
  4. There is an opportunity to use the funds in the account as an advance.
  5. It is noticeably simplified by monitoring the movement of finances, since the manual at any time can trace all operations in online mode, get an SMS message when the money is removed.
  6. Being abroad, an employee can independently pay for the hotel, buy tickets online, get a translation, rent money from Sberbank corporate card.
  7. It is possible to enjoy a large set of discounts on goods and services of partner companies.

In order to pay online, no special skills are required. Any shopping operation is made after entering a special password, which can be obtained by using the Sberbank terminal and printing the check.

No matter what goals will be spent with a corporate card and to whom it is framed, it goes without saying that all finance belongs to a legal entity - a company or a group of entrepreneurs. Account replenishment is made by an accountant of the enterprise with the purpose of transfer.

How to use the card? An employee who paid the payment by a non-cash or through cash withdrawal receives receipts or checks and is then reported on them to the accounting department, which is a spent report on the tools.

Thus, the calculation processes are significantly accelerated, the cost of various passing costs and other current costs for payments, translations, etc., is also convenient for anyone who is engaged in business, leads a Ltd. or any other organization.

The current individual account to which the card is attached is free. If the Visa or MasterCard Business class is produced, it is necessary to pay an amount of 2,500 rubles. As an annual payment for the service, as well as to make the first installment. All tariffs can be found in design.

In carrying out any entrepreneurial activity, there is a production need to conduct financial estimated operations. Business card Sberbank for IP represents a convenient solution, significantly facilitating capital management processes.

Page Content

Plastic is drawn up when opening a calculated account individual entrepreneur And implements easier access to finance, and also provides operational transactions with any counterparties. The map is an innovative solution for the business and allows you to significantly simplify the accounting calculation in enterprises. The main difference is that the systemic product is not intended for individuals, has certain limitations and is drawn up only on entrepreneurs.

Business card Sberbank for legal entities is significantly different from the usual version of the visa by the method of registration and receipt, as well as on the established limits.

Opportunities Business cards

The most popular solution for individual entrepreneurs is the design of a personal corporate banking product. Many are often asked questions related to the use of similar business products. The main feature plastic is ease of use - the entrepreneur will not need to go to financial institution To carry out payment orders. Any user can perform operations from a personal settlement account with Internet banking.

Capabilities settlement business Sberbank cards:

  1. You can perform cash removal operations, as well as transfers money other recipients.
  2. Simplifies work with cash - the company will not need to order collection services, as well as hire a special employee for working with money.
  3. Easy to lead high precision accounting standard cash transactions.
  4. Binding cards to the score allows you to transfer money through the Sberbank of the online cash on it and / or enroll them instantly via the Internet.
  5. You can use the corporate system to pay in the store, when calculating communal services, as well as for payments on various Internet sites (but only in the framework of the organization's needs).

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages, you can select the following parameters:

  1. Business card for Ltd. from Sberbank allows you to exercise any payments online.
  2. You can make money abroad.
  3. Business visa card can be tied to k individual account - This allows you at any time to put money on it or replenish your account by transferring money from the card, as well as to carry out convenient calculations for the Jurlitz.
  4. With this type of plastic, it is possible to pay on credit obligations of the enterprise.
  5. The corporate service of Sberbank is ideal for entrepreneurship - to pay for the settlement accounts of legal entities without additional visits to the bank.
  6. With the help of a corporate system, you can always find out the total cash turnover and information about its residue - this allows you to control the maintenance of entrepreneurial activities and analyze all existing costs.

There are several factors to disadvantages:

  1. Not in all regional stores can be accepted for the payment of corporate systems - in some cities to make purchases on this kind Banking Product is impossible.
  2. To get and start using the product, you will need an open account in Sberbank, for the maintenance and maintenance of which you have to pay money.
  3. Put money on a card or remove cash from it only with the payment of the Commission (the percentage depends on the type of operation), since the main purpose of the business product under consideration is to pay the needs of the company. To calculate the maximum transparent, it is desirable to carry out all payments on non-cash payment.
  4. It is forbidden to use funds from the card to meet your own needs.

Tariffs and service conditions

Among the main conditions of maintenance, Sberbank's business card can be distinguished by the mandatory availability of an individual entrepreneurial account. It is also necessary to draw up a register of employees who will be allowed to use the banking product.

Sberbank provided the choice of entrepreneurs. You can arrange a map of one of the existing lines business product:

  1. Budget.
  2. Tied to business account.
  3. Tied to a settlement account.

In accordance with the selected option, tariffs for the Sberbank business card are set:

  1. For budget MasterCard business, as well as Visa, is provided free serviceBut it needs to be tied to an open PC. Such a product is served only in Sberbank departments (in subsidiaries and third-party banks is not accepted). The limit on removing money from an account in the ATM - 300 thousand per day, and on each of the open and credited cards you can enroll no more than 100,000 rubles per day.
  2. For cards decorated in a business account, paid maintenance (from 2500 rubles per year) and compulsory initial replenishment in the amount of at least 100 dollars. Limits to remove more and amount to 5 million per month, but not more than $ 3,000 per day. There is an opportunity to maintain a map abroad and in third-party credit institutions.
  3. Maps attached to the company's current account are serviced under standard conditions. For the year of service you need to pay 2500 rubles. Making and removing cash - with the Commission, a limit of removal per day - 170 thousand rubles. Serviced both in third-party banks and abroad.

Any financial operations using plastic assume restrictions installed by the payment system. For a corporate card Sat, it is set in sum, no more than 100 thousand rubles per day. Also, the owner of the RKO can establish a limit on the Sberbank business card at its discretion to remove cash and conduct non-cash transactions.

How to open and use the Sberbank business card

Registration of the corporate banking product is made directly by a legal entity - for this it is necessary to contact the Special Department for Customer Service and write an application for a corporate card of Sberbank.

After registration, funds may be listed on " an initial fee". The organization can independently set the size of the limit depending on the needs of the enterprise. Next, the registry is transmitted directly to banking organization - Only after that plastic can be obtained and activated.

The main requirement in the opening of the corporate banking product is the presence of an individual consolment account of the enterprise. The client will need to write a special application for banking and conclude a contract for a single service for the company.

Often, the new owners of corporate products are interested in the features of the provision of services for the Sberbank business card. For example, how to transfer money from the account on the business card Sberbank, where it is possible to pay it, how to make an extract, learn the balance, replenish the account or translation and so on. Below are answers to the most popular issues of legal entities.

Question answer

Question: How to activate corporate plastic?

Answer: Corporate Sberbank Card is activated within 24 hours after receiving the holder. You can also make an instant activation using the self-service terminal - for this you need to perform any payment operation with the introduction of a personal PIN code (replenish the account, check the balance, etc.).

Question: how to transfer money from personal map Sberbank on an online business card?

Answer: The transfer service for corporate plastic, carried out by details or by phone number is not performed.

Question: How to transfer money from an account for ordinary plastic?

Survey: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank as a whole?


Answer: Cash can be translated using an ATM, as well as Internet banking systems. Most convenient I. fast way Transfer is to enroll money using the Mobile Bank service.

Question: Is it possible to pay a business card of Sberbank in the store?

Answer: With the help of business plastic, you can pay any costs in stores that have a service function on corporate systems. You can also pay for the use of hotels, order tickets in airlines and so on. Additionally, it is possible to pay for services of online stores. For payment, the personal number of plastic will be required as well. Not all stores can take to pay corporate bank products - In some regions, this service does not work.

Question: How to install a limit on Sberbank plastic?

Answer: Each Enterprise may install a personal credit limit employee. Everything will depend on the powers provided. For this organization, a special registry must be submitted to the banking institution, on the basis of which standard limits will be identified.

Corporate Sberbank Card is payment card international importance, which is based on purposeful for employees of various enterprises. Open this kind of card can be both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

This card allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Produce cashless calculations, paying goods and services
  • Take money from senders not only in Russia, but also from abroad
  • Do cashless payment Travel and Executive Expenditures
  • Make a cashless payment of economic costs
  • Removing cash on economic expenses

The corporate card is beneficial not only for a certain firm as a whole, but also for each employee separately. For employees, the card has the following advantages:

  • You can get money in any currency and at any time
  • There is no need to transport large cash savings with them
  • Analyze the tools spent very convenient
  • When traveling to other states no discovery of the currency account is required
  • With the help of a map you can book a hotel or tickets for travel
  • If a bank card For some reason, it is lost, its blocking will not cause difficulties

The map indicates personal data of the user (name and surname) and the name of the organization in which it works. The map is valid for three years from the date of registration.

Procedures required for corporate card registration

To make a corporate Sberbank Card, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Exercise the opening of a special account that allows you to keep accounting with corporate action cards
  2. Transfer the starting amount to open account
  3. Make a submission of an application that you want to get a corporate card
  4. Get ready-made card


Corporate maps For legal entities from Sberbank, you can place free. A corporate bank card of a legal entity is serviced at a cost of 1,200 rubles per copy. Cost service on accounts foreign currency It is 50 US dollars or 50 euros.

Tariffs also provide for the initial contribution to the company account, which is at least 2400 Russian rubles or 100 American dollars or 100 euros. A plastic card payment systems Visa and MasterCard Business with special charges "Budget" has an advantage in the form of free design and the ability to do the initial contribution.

Information about the Card Account of the Individual Entrepreneur

After an individual entrepreneur opens a settlement account in Sberbank, it can synchronize it with a plastic card.

Business card Sberbank for IP allows you to carry out the transfer of funds that can be easily cash if necessary. Offer with individual entrepreneurs to open a settlement account in Sberbank is more profitable than in most other organizations engaged in banking activities. Business card Sberbank for IP allows you to pay in a convenient wayboth on the territory of our country and in other states.

The presence of synchronized S. settlement account An individual entrepreneur of a plastic card will not waste time on permanent visits to Sberbank offices for conducting and control financial operations. Since almost all of the necessary cases can be solved by means of a card, the stay of an individual entrepreneur in the queues in the bank's separation will be minimized.

Difficulties arising without the use of a corporate plastic card

If the organization decided to send his employee on a business trip, Accounting provides a request for expenses on flights, hotel rooms, daily employee and other expenses. After analyzing this information, a decision is made to issue an employee under a certain amount of funds. When an employee returns from a business trip, it is forced to provide many different receipts, overhead and checks as a report.

The reporting procedure may be delayed for a longer period if the commodited employee of the firm spent not all dedicated funds or, on the contrary, spent more than he was allocated and compensation is required. And if the inattention of the employee on a business trip led to the fact that any reporting documentation was forgotten somewhere, the problems already have an accountant. The use of corporate Sberbank cards allows you to avoid this kind of problems.

Why exactly Sberbank?

Sberbank of Russia is recognized as one of the best organizations producing corporate plastic cards. Over the years of its existence, he gained a reputation as a reliable financial partner in the country's population. In addition, convenient geographical position bank branches and ATMs in most settlements Russian Federation Allows you to be sure that the use of corporate plastic cards will be rapid and comfortable.

The service of corporate plastic cards exists in Sberbank of Russia a fairly long period of time, so the reliability and convenience of their operation have already been proven by many firms. Employees of firms with a corporate plastic card of Sberbank of Russia are becoming confident that money to pay corporate needs will always be.

The company's expenses become systematic and well visible to the accountant, the workflow of the accounting process is optimized. All these factors make it possible to conclude that Sberbank's corporate maps unambiguously should be issued!

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