
The balance of the current account is reflected in. See what "51 accounts" are in other dictionaries. Is it active or passive

This material, which continues the series of publications on the new chart of accounts, analyzes account 51 "Settlement accounts" of the new chart of accounts. This comment was prepared by Ya.V. Sokolov, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Reforming Accounting and Reporting, Member of the Methodological Council for Accounting under the Ministry of Finance of Russia, First President of the Institute professional accountants Russia, V.V. Patrov, professor at the St. Petersburg state university and N.N. Karzaeva, PhD in Economics, Deputy director of the audit service of Balt-Audit-Expert LLC.

Account 51 "Settlement accounts" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of Money in currency Russian Federation on settlement accounts of the organization opened with credit institutions.

The debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" reflects the receipt of funds to the settlement accounts of the organization. The credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" reflects the write-off of funds from the settlement accounts of the organization. Amounts erroneously credited or debited to the organization's current account and found when checking statements credit institution, are reflected on account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (sub-account "Settlements on claims").

Transactions on a current account are reflected in the accounting records on the basis of the statements of the credit institution on the current account and the monetary settlement documents attached thereto.

Analytical accounting for account 51 "Settlement accounts" is maintained for each settlement account.

Currently, an organization can open several current accounts, therefore:

  • the name of account 51 "Settlement accounts" has changed;
  • to account 51, the instruction recommends keeping analytical records for each current account.

The current rules suggest that entries under synthetic account 51 "Settlement accounts" and for analytical accounts opened to it, must be performed on the basis of bank statements, which is in conflict with both world practice and the requirements of paragraph 7 of PBU 1/98 - the requirement of priority of content over form, which implies "reflection in accounting of the facts of economic life, proceeding not so much from their legal form, but from economic content facts and business conditions.

It follows from this that the accountant must make entries on the basis of primary payment documents. For example, if issued payment order, and it has already been sent to the bank, then the accountant must immediately credit account 51 "Settlement accounts". And by bank statement it is only necessary to reconcile the entries already made. The procedure applied by us leads to the fact that on account 51 "Settlement accounts" the accrued amounts cash balances are higher than the real ones. In our case, the bank can write off the amount of payments from the current account and submit an extract within a few days, and for the entire period (several days) the company has on account 51 "Settlement accounts" the amount that has already been paid, and which actually no longer exists.

Now we must say a few words about the place of account 51 "Settlement accounts" in the classification of accounts. There are two points of view on this in the literature:

  • it is a cash account;
  • this is a billing account.

This is not an idle scholastic discussion, because if we consider the solvency of the organization, then:

  • in the first case, all the cash in the account can be taken to cover debts;
  • in the second case, they proceed from the fact that settlement accounts are nothing more than receivables bank to the organization, and not always and not in all cases this debt can be repaid on time, and in some cases, for example, the bank has stopped payments, this debt automatically turns into a loss.

Consequently, when calculating the cash coverage of debts, the amount of cash on current accounts cannot be taken into account in full.

We draw attention to the fact that when debiting funds from the current account on the basis of a payment order for payment to suppliers or contractors, an entry is made in accounting:

Debit account of settlements with suppliers and contractors
Loan 51 "Settlement accounts"

The entry is made regardless of whether the addressee receives or does not receive funds.

Obviously, such a record not only reduces the amount of accounting work, but also meets the requirements of the law. Art. 486 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the buyer must fulfill his obligations to the supplier when paying for the goods:

But if a technical error is discovered and the supplier or contractor does not receive funds, records must be made to clarify the amount of obligations to suppliers and contractors. The question remains, to which account should the funds transferred not to the corresponding accounts be attributed? According to the instructions for using the chart of accounts

However, it is obviously assumed that account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (sub-account "Settlements on claims") reflects the amounts debited and credited due to the fault of the bank. Amounts written off by mistake of the accountant of the enterprise should not be reflected in the sub-account "Calculations on claims", since claims, in this case, cannot be addressed to anyone. These amounts must be reflected on the sub-account "Incorrectly transferred amounts" of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" until the specified amounts are returned to the current account.

Each enterprise operates, as a rule, both in cash and non-cash funds. If there is a cash desk to account for the former (it was written in detail in the article ""), then a current account is used to account for non-cash funds - 51 accounting accounts. Postings for accounting for non-cash funds are presented at the end of the article.

Cash is usually used to make money transactions with individuals. Settlements between legal entities are usually carried out using non-cash funds.

For this purpose, each enterprise chooses a suitable bank for itself and opens a current account in it; for payments in foreign currency, a foreign currency account is opened. Accounting for the sale and purchase of currency, as well as the opening of a currency account, is considered in detail. In the article, we will analyze in more detail the accounting of non-cash funds, its features, the execution of primary documents accompanying operations on the movement of non-cash money.

The bank account of the organization can receive money from other legal entities(from buyers as payment, from credit organizations as a loan, etc.), from individuals, and the organization itself can deposit money from the cash desk on the basis of an announcement for a cash contribution. In this case, the organization is the recipient of the money.

With non-cash funds, an organization can pay suppliers for goods, services, materials, fixed assets, pay various taxes, contributions and payments, and can also cash out money on the basis of money check for the payment of salaries, accountable amounts to employees. Here the organization will already act as a payer.

Read about how to open a bank account.

- (account) 1. A document evidencing the debt of one person to another; invoice. A person providing professional services or selling goods may bill their client or buyer; solicitor, selling on behalf of ... ... Financial vocabulary

check- take into account, invent on someone else's account, there is no account for money, live on someone else's account, take it into account, to someone else's account, to someone else's account, not to account, end accounts, end accounts, take words into your own account, to walk on someone else's account, to reduce ... ... Synonym dictionary

Capital account- (capital account) 1. Account (account), which records capital investments in land, buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, etc. 2. Budgeted expenditures by major items, especially in financial plans public sector… Financial vocabulary

Check- (account) 1. A document evidencing the debt of one person to another; invoice. A person providing professional services or selling goods may bill their client or buyer; solicitor, selling on behalf of ... ... Glossary of business terms

Vostro score- (vostro account) Account foreign bank in a British bank, which is usually held in pounds sterling. compare: nostro account. Finance. Dictionary. 2nd ed. Moscow: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Brian Butler, Brian Johnson ... Financial vocabulary

DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NOSTRO- an active analytical depo account opened in the account of the domiciliary's depository. This account is for valuable papers placed for safekeeping or for accounting in the depository of the domicile, or securities registered with the registrar on ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

Accounting Account 20 Main Production Glossary of business terms

Vostro account- (vostro account) A foreign bank account in a British bank, which is usually held in pounds sterling. compare: nostro account. Business. Dictionary. Moscow: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Graham Bets, Barry Brindley, S. Williams ... Glossary of business terms

INVOICE- an invoice issued by the seller in the name of the buyer and certifying the actual delivery of goods or services and their cost. Issued after the final acceptance of the goods by the buyer. Contains the details of the sale transaction, including the volume (quantity… … Big accounting dictionary

ACCOUNT(A), REPORTING- (account(s)) Report on activities (operations) for a certain period. Accountability means the obligation to prepare and submit the following reports: directors of companies are accountable to shareholders, and British ministers are accountable for the activities ... ... Economic dictionary

ACCOUNTING ACCOUNT 20 "MAIN PRODUCTION"- an account designed to summarize information on the costs of the main production, that is, production, the products (works, services) of which were the purpose of creating this enterprise. In particular, this account is used to record costs: ... ... Glossary of business terms

Account 51 "Settlement accounts" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation on the settlement accounts of the organization opened with credit institutions.

The debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" reflects the receipt of funds to the settlement accounts of the organization. The credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" reflects the write-off of funds from the settlement accounts of the organization. Amounts erroneously credited or debited to the organization's current account and found when checking the statements of the credit organization are reflected in account 76"Settlements with different debtors and creditors" (sub-account "Settlements on claims").

Transactions on a current account are reflected in the accounting records on the basis of the statements of the credit institution on the current account and the monetary settlement documents attached to them.

Analytical accounting for account 51 "Settlement accounts" is maintained for each settlement account.

Account 51 "Settlement accounts"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on credit

50 Checkout
51 Settlement accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments

75 Settlements with founders

80 Authorized capital
86 Targeted funding
90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses
98 Deferred income
99 Gains and Losses

04 Intangible assets
50 Checkout
51 Settlement accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors
62 Settlements with buyers and customers
66 Settlements on short-term credits and loans
67 Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings
68 Calculations for taxes and fees
69 Settlements for social insurance and security
70 Settlements with personnel for wages
71 Settlements with accountable persons
73 Settlements with personnel for other transactions
75 Settlements with founders
76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements
80 Authorized capital
81 Treasury shares (shares)
84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss)
96 Provisions for future expenses
99 Gains and Losses

Chart of accounts application: account 51

  • In what cases will the security deposit be recognized as taxable income of the lessor?

    The security deposit is set off against the fulfillment of the corresponding obligation under ... the security deposit is set off against the fulfillment of the corresponding obligation under ... sums of money, received on the settlement account of the lessor on the USNO, were ... the security deposit was received on the settlement account of the lessor company on January 15 ... entries on the debit of account 51 “Settlement accounts” and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with ... on analytical accounts of the account 76: for the debit of the analytical account “Settlements with ...

  • Pledge. Accounting and taxation

    " 51 "Settlement accounts" 50,000 Bank statement on the current account, ... ; 51 "Settlement accounts" 5 000 000 Bank statement on the current account, ... The debtor returned the loan amount 51 "Settlement accounts" 58 "... on the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" in correspondence with account 76 & ... 54 000 - 300,000) 51 “Settlement accounts” 76 “Settlements with other ... sales of materials from the organizer of the auction 51 “Settlement accounts” 76 “Settlements ...

  • Security expenses. Accounting and tax accounting

    Reflected in the debit of account 60 and the credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" (Instruction ... on the application of the Accounting Chart ... on the basis of the invoice and invoice issued by the contractor. Cost of services for ... premises 60 51 59 000 Bank statement for current account Expenditures on... Instructions on the application of the Chart of Accounts for financial and economic... protection of the General Director 60 51 118 000 Bank statement on the current account

  • Accounting for discounts and premiums from the parties to the supply agreement

    Documents (consignment note and invoice) in the amount of 23,600 ... 000 Payment received from the buyer to the current account 51 62 23 600 ... the seller must issue an adjustment invoice to the buyer no later than five calendar days ... RF). On the basis of the adjustment invoice, the seller has the right to accept for ... including the issuance of adjustment invoices) it is better not to include ... 51 76 408 000 V...

  • Preparation of invoices by a broker when purchasing goods on the exchange

    The cost of purchased petroleum products in the invoice of the supplier of petroleum products may exceed ... the program for receiving and re-invoicing by a broker? Since most ... when creating a receipt document for a current account, you must specify the type of contract - ... petroleum products). Upon receipt of money from the committent to the current account, the following ... postings are formed: Debit 51 Credit 76.06 - received ... oil products; Debit 76.05 Credit 51 - money was transferred to the exchange ...

  • What exactly is hospitality expenses?

    Representation expenses are taken into account on accounts 26 " General running costs"... sale" in correspondence with accounts: 60 "Settlements with suppliers ... catering for delegates. Correspondence of accounts Amount, rubles The content of the operation ... of the current account will be reflected in the posting: 76 sub-account "Settlements with the transport organization" 51 "Settlement account" ... 10,000.00 Paid invoice for transport ... Other settlements" 51 "Settlement account" 10,000.00 Invoice paid for...

  • Accounting for the transfer of pledge of property

    To reflect it, off-balance account 009 “Securing obligations and ... collateral is recorded on the debit of account 009, and upon termination ... respectively, on the credit of account 009. Referring to the description of account 009 does not allow ... to regularly adjust the amount accrued on account 009 (for example, on accrued ... .2016 Credit credited to current account 51 66 10,000,000 ... - 640,893 rubles. Due to the value of the property sold, they were repaid ... .78 rubles credited to the current account of a unitary enterprises 21.04. ...

  • How to recognize in expenses compensation for the delay in payment of earnings?

    The worked period must be given to the employee a payslip in the form approved by the order ... remuneration (reflected using account 70 “Settlements with personnel for ... other expenses (reflected using account 73 “Settlements with personnel for ... -2“ Other expenses "and the credit of account 73. Accordingly, when paying compensation ... an entry on the debit of account 73 and the credit of account 50" Cash "(51" Settlement accounts "). Despite ... each individual from the beginning of the billing period on an accrual basis, except for ...

  • Reflection of the transaction for the acquisition of a 100% stake in the authorized capital of an LLC

    PBU 19/02). According to the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities ... loans provided to other organizations are intended for account 58 " Financial investments"... shares". Analytical accounting for account 58 "Financial investments" ... the following posting will be made from the current account: Debit 76 Credit 51 "Settlement accounts" ...

  • When can a bank refuse to open an account for you?

    At the conclusion of the contract bank account and opening a checking account? In what cases does a bank... conclude a bank account agreement and open a current account? In order to open ... an account, the client needs to conclude with ... the bank an offer to open a debtor's current account in the bankruptcy case ... dated June 30, 2011 No. 51 and given the impossibility of fulfilling the requirement ... in such situations, the basis to open a current account, a court decision on ...

  • Promotion of products by third parties

    ... (see Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts). Partially allocated to partial cost... and fees for its promotion 51 62 bank cards who... and paid taxes from their checking accounts. The foregoing was confirmed by the testimonies of the respondents ... the amount of proceeds received on the settlement account of the enterprise on account of payment for products for ...

  • Redemption of treasury property: on payment of VAT to tax agents

    Cash to the seller 60 51 Bank statement on the current account Reflected debt on ... to the budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account VAT amount (for ... property 60-av. 51 Bank statement on the current account VAT amount transferred ... to budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account ... funds to the seller 60 51 Bank statement on the current account Reflected debt on ... to the budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account * The use of account 19 is advisable to ...

  • Application of the GHS "Rent" in an educational institution

    Conclusion of an agreement (contract): relevant accounts analytical accounting accounts 0 401 40 121 ... the right to use the leased objects (in settlement amount lease agreement) 0 ... right to use the asset (monthly in the estimated amount of lease payments due ... use 0 401 51 241 0 401 51 251 0 210 ... 20 251 0 401 51 241 0 401 51 251 Accruals adjusted.. . early termination of the agreement in the remaining estimated amount of payments by the "red side" method ... 560 0 401 51 241 0 401 51 251 0 401 ...

  • Purchasing a car under a leasing agreement

    Payments" 51 236000 Bank statement on the current account Accepted for deduction ... 36000 Leasing agreement, invoice, bank statement on the current account Cost of the item received ... payments" 51 47200 Bank statement on the current account As of the date of return ... payments "51 236000 Bank statement on the current account Accepted for deduction ... 36000 Leasing agreement, invoice, bank statement on the current account Reflected debt (... payments" 51 47200 Bank statement on the current account VAT restored with ...

  • Leasing in "1C: Accounting 8"

    Based on it, a debit document from the current account with the type of operation “Payment ... payment”, we create a document “Receipt to the current account” with the type of operation “Receipt ... and on the basis - “Write-off from the current account”. When paying, we pay for the leasing ... 76.05 Kt 51 Dt 60.02 Kt 51 At the end ... on its basis - “Debit from the current account”. As a result, the postings are obtained: Dt ... .07.2 Kt 51 Dt 60.02 Kt 51 Important: accrual ... and on the basis of debiting from the current account. To immediately pay the lease ...

Account 51 of accounting is an active account "Settlement accounts", because non-cash funds- the most mobile asset of the organization, lies at the beginning of the "Cash" section of the chart of accounts accounting. This account summarizes information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation on the settlement accounts of an enterprise that may have several such accounts opened with credit institutions.

The main aspects of accounting for 51 accounts "Settlement accounts":

  • Transactions are reflected on the basis of statements from the credit institution in combination with monetary settlement documents on them;
  • Receipt to the current account of the enterprise is reflected in the debit, and write-off - in the credit.
  • The account balance shows the balance of funds in the current account:

When checking statements of a credit institution, amounts may be found that are erroneously attributed to the debit or credit of account 51 of accounting. They are reflected on account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, sub-account “Settlements on claims”.

Each operation on the movement of funds on the current account must be formalized primary document: by check, payment order, collection order, declaration for cash payment, and the corresponding entry in accounting:

Important! In case of overdue tax debts, the Federal Tax Service may issue a payment requirement to the organization, which the bank will fulfill in the first place without the participation of the debtor.

Typical postings and examples of transactions

Correspondence of accounts on account 51 "Settlement accounts" is presented in the table:

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Account Dt Account Kt Operation description
51 57 Cash "on the way" received on the account
51 58/66,67 Repayment of the granted loan/receipt at the expense of the taken loan and other loans
51 86 Receipt of funds in the account target financing, from other organizations and persons, the budget
51 91 Sales revenue
81 51 Redemption of a share (own shares) from participants
84 51 Payment for events (by decision of the founders)
99 51 Coverage of non-reimbursable expenses related to emergencies and natural disasters

Example 1. Postings when opening a current account

Let's say Leto LLC has one main bank account. Soon, in addition, Leto LLC opened a corporate card account, to which funds were credited from the current account. The bank commission for opening was also withheld. Top up main account. All transactions were carried out in the currency of the Russian Federation.

Table - Postings on 51 accounts when opening an account:

Example 2. Deposit transactions for 51 accounts

Let's assume that Autumn LLC transferred 2,000,000 rubles to the deposit. at 10.5% per annum ( compound interest) for one year. At the same time, 50,000.00 rubles. withdrawn from the current account for targeted on-farm expenses.

Posting table - Deposit transactions:

Account Dt Account Kt Posting amount, rub. Wiring Description A document base
55.03 51 2 000 000 Funds are transferred to the deposit Payment order
76 55.03 21 000 Interest accrued on the deposit Accounting information
51 55.03 21 000 Interest on the deposit is credited to the current account bank statement
51 55.03 2 000 000 Refund of funds transferred to the deposit bank statement
50 51 50 000 Withdrawal of funds from the current account bank statement

Example 3. Postings on 51 accounts when paying with a promissory note

Let's say Autumn LLC purchased goods for total amount RUB 114,550 An interest-free bill of exchange was issued to the supplier as payment. Paid after two months.

Table - Promissory note payment transactions:

Analysis of 51 accounts and account card

Analytical accounting for 51 accounts "Settlement accounts" in the 1C Accounting program is carried out using standard reports for each:

  • Sub-account, that is, for each current account organizations using the Balance sheet report;
  • Receipt and write-off of funds using the Account card report.

For the operational management of finances, the balance of the account is monitored daily.

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