
How to open a currency deposit in a foreign bank? Features of the opening of the deposit in a foreign bank the benefits of this type of contribution will be

To date, more and more secured individuals are conceived about the opening of a personal account in Cyprus banks. Island lenders have repeatedly confirmed their reliability and loyalty to domestic customers. Offshore Pro Group offers you the opportunity to open a personal account in Bank of Cyprus without a personal visit to the Bank, when performing all the necessary conditions and providing documentation to the Bank.

Opening the account in Cyprus, you will get direct access to your funds from anywhere in the world. You can, how to carry out non-cash calculations, and cash out funds in ATMs of any country.

As is known, Cyprus is among the most famous business centers in the world. Thanks to its geographical location and economic and political bonds, this country allows world businessmen to build business relations not only with European, but also asia and even African counterparties. And this is not all the advantages of jurisdiction. You can add to the number of the latter:

  • Lack of minimum requirements for turnover on account.
  • Simple and fast maintenance procedure. So, the whole process of opening the account will take up to 7 days.
  • Cypriot lenders already have a considerable experience of cooperation with customers from the CIS countries. Island banks not only willingly serve domestic businessmen, but also often attract Russian-speaking staff to cooperate.
  • Ability to remote account management. The lion's share of Cypriot lenders provides its customers with the Internet service and mobile banking. In most cases, their use does not imply additional fees.

About the Cyprus BankBank. of. Cyprus.

One of the largest island lenders is right Bank. of. Cyprus.. Bank. of. Cyprus. It is not just a bank, but an international holding, founded back in 1899. Bank customers can take advantage of a wide range of financial transactions, including:

  • Corporate and retail banking services.
  • Factoring.
  • Investment services.
  • Fund management.
  • Insurance, including life insurance.
  • Consulting.
  • Brokerage services.

It should be noted that the holding has 129 branches, including representative office in Russia, which will facilitate the cooperation process for domestic customers.

Bank. of. Cyprus. It is one of the number of not only the largest, but also the most respected banks of the country. According to the international edition of Euromoney, he was recognized as the best bank of the island as of the end of 2015. And this is not to mention that Bank. of. Cyprus. Included in the top three largest banks in Cyprus in terms of capital.

Opening a personal account inBank. of. Cyprus.

Storage of funds on a personal bank account is already far from innovation, but ubiquitous practice. Nowadays, almost all calculations can be carried out in non-cash form, and thanks to the personal account you can not only keep your savings and hold payments, but also to track all current spending.

Note that Bank of Cyprus clients can open accounts, both with overdraft and without it. The overdraft service is very convenient for business people and allows you to use the bank resources.


In more detail with the tariffs of the bank, you can read by contacting the Offshore Pro Group specialists or on the bank page.

Below is a list of BANK OF CYPRUS basic services for private clients.

Service "Personal Banker" in Bank of Cyprus

In addition to the impressive capital resources, Bank of Cyprus is also different and first-class service. To be guaranteed to satisfy all customer needs, a personal banker is fixed for each of them.

Personal banker is an experienced prepared employee who can advise you on any issues, be it opening a personal account, deposit, or a loan. The presence of such a specialist will allow you to more competently dispose of our finances and plan your own budget. Plus the opportunity to consulted in one specialist noticeably saves time.

Salary account in Bank of Cyprus

If you are working as an employee and would like to be serviced in Bank of Cyprus, then you can redirect your arrivals for a new salary account. At the same time you will receive:

  • overdraft limit in the amount of up to three wages (the maximum amount of overdraft can reach up to 10,000 euros);
  • amican Express emission with free subscription for year;
  • instant SMS notifications about all transactions manufactured;
  • the possibility of carrying out calculations by checks. The first checkbook is provided free of charge;
  • 24-hour access to your assets via Internet banking.

You will be able to pay not only by personal checks, but also to make non-cash payments in any outlets and cash out funds in all ATMs of Cyprus without a commission. Plus you have the opportunity to make automatic loans, insurance premiums, lease and other regular expenses, as well as pay any utility bills.

Classic Accumatory Account in Bank of Cyprus

A classic accumulative account can be opened for free in any of the branches of the bank. In this case, you can:

  • make and remove funds at any time. The cumulative account has no binding to the dates or balance, so you can freely dispose of your money without having to notify the Bank's employees about the withdrawal of funds and pay any commissions;
  • check your balance and conduct online calculations using the Internet Bank service;
  • translate funds from a salary or any other card to a cumulative account;
  • set up automatic write-offs on utility bills and other services;
  • get a bank card at which you can cash out funds in any ATMs of Cyprus.

Classic accumulative accounts can be open to individuals, companies, associations, clubs, charitable organizations, etc. Note that the accumulative accounts do not have a limited period, so you do not have to worry about its extension.

"Classic" urgent deposit in Bank of Cyprus

Classic urgent deposits are among the high-yield banking products. Percentages on it are accrued at a fixed rate and paid at the end of the period you chose.

When choosing this type of deposit, you will not be able to use your money (how to get out and put the funds at the expense) until the end of the contract. A classic urgent deposit can be opened for a period of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, or 24 months. You can get access to the main account and accumulated interest you can exclusively at the end of the term.

Note that the interest rate according to the classical urgent deposit is determined at the time of opening the account and remains unchanged during the period you specified, regardless of market oscillations.

"Flexible" urgent deposit in Bank of Cyprus

A flexible deposit is an ideal solution for customers who want to use their funds during the term of the contract. This banking product allows you to produce up to 2 removal of funds within a 12 month period (the service is available if the deposit is discovered for a period of 12 months) or once, provided that the 6-month deposit is discovered. At one time you can cash out no more than 90% of the amount deposited.

We emphasize that the deposit described above does not have a minimum and maximum amount, but you can open it exclusively for 6 or 12 months.

"Monthly" urgent deposit in Bank of Cyprus

This type of cumulative account can be opened for a period of 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. Percent accrual passes monthly at a fixed rate. The main advantage of the product is that you do not need to wait for the end of the account of the account to start using your own funds, because All interest payments will be accrued to the account you specified. No restrictions in the SUME also here are also provided.

International payment systems inBank. of. Cyprus.: Visa.

Visa is among the most popular and reliable international payroll systems. Such bank cards make it possible to carry out any kind of payments and translations to their owners. And all this is quick and safe. Visa cards give you unhindered access to your money in almost any country. Having a similar payment agent, you can easily do without cash.

Woman's Card Credit Visain Bank of Cyprus.

Woman's Card Credit Visa is the first and only credit card in Cyprus, intended exclusively for women. The main distinguishing feature of such maps is as follows: in the process of using the payment agent, its owner will accrue scores that can be exchanged for vouchers or gifts in popular women's stores. So, you can get a brand shoes, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, household appliances as a gift from the bank.

A plus Woman's Card Credit Visa is the only credit card that allows representatives of beautiful sex to undergo medical examinations (the latter include mammography and detection of osteoporosis) on preferential rates in a number of medical centers.

The cost of the annual subscription to the card is 60 euros for the primary holder and 40 euros for secondary product holders.

Below is the calculation scheme of bonus points:

Key Card Benefits

  • You can make mammography and survey on osteoporosis at a reduced price of 60 euros in a numbermedical centers provided that payment will be made withWoman.s. Card. Before the examination, you need to get the appropriate direction from your attending physician;
  • You and your family members can get free tourist insurance (the offer is available in case all the costs of the trip were paid through Woman.s. Card);
  • SMS.- Operations of all manufactured transactions;
  • The 20-40-day grace period during which you used credit funds without interest accrual.

Card & Fly Credit Visa in Bank of Cyprus

Credit card Card & FlyVisa is suitable for active business people, often exiting international business trips or for avid travelers. Depending on your preferences and needs you can get type maps Classic, Gold and Platinum.

  • Card & Fly ClassicVisa. It is provided for the annual 10 euro fee for the main holder and 18 euros for each additional holder.
  • Card & Fly Gold Credit Cardensures payment of an annual contribution of 70 euros for the main holder and 52 euros for each additional holder.
  • Card & Fly PlatinumVisa. It requires an annual payment of a contribution of 140 euros for the main holder and 90 euros for each additional holder.

We emphasize that Card & Fly Credit Visa - One of the most progressive banking products of Cyprus. In addition to the safety and ease of use, the owners of such cards can count on a number of gifts from the bank, namely:

  • free flights from companies participating in the Card & Fly scheme;
  • gift Tourist Trips;
  • accommodation in the Cyprus hotels of the extra class.

Carrying out payments through the Card & Fly Credit Visa card you will be able to accumulate points that, in the consequence of Mono, will exchange on vouchers to acquire various products in Cyprus. Points accumulate according to the following scheme:

Classic. GOLD. Platinum
For every 20 euros, spent on purchases using your card in Cyprus or abroad 5 5 5
For every 20 euros, translated from your card in favor of airlines, travel firms, hotels, as well as shops that are located on the territory of Larnaca and Paphos airports (Network « Duty Free ») 10 15 20
When making payments in favor of public services and payment of utility bills, 10% of the transaction amount will be transferred to points (the maximum number of points accrued for one payment cannot exceed 2000) Until 2000. Until 2000. Until 2000.
After 4 years, all the points you have accumulated are reset

Key Card Benefits

  • Free tourist insurance for you and members of your family;
  • PRIORITY PASS service for all platinum card holders. It gives the right to visit 300 WP-halls waiting at airports of 300 cities in the world. It will be enough for you to simply show the card at the entrance to the waiting room. The cost of the service is 24 euros for one visit.
  • 24-hour service in any ATM
  • Instant SMS-alert about all transactions manufactured;
  • 20-40 Day grace period. During this time, you can use credit funds without interest accrual.

Keep in mind, the credit card described above is not offered to new customers, but the bank continues to maintain the existing product holders.

Visa Credit and Debit Cards in Bank of Cyprus

Bank of Cyprus is ready to offer its customers a wide selection of card products. The latter include both debit and credit cards Visa. Below are relevant bank offers.

Visa credit card

Visa credit card is ideal for customers with regular receipts. So, the classic credit card will cost you only 8.5 euros per year. At the same time, you can connect an additional holder for free.

Gold and Platinum cards are provided with high income clients. Annual Gold Card service is 42.5 euros for the main holder and 20 euros for each additional holder. As for the Platinum account, in this case, the annual contribution will be 85 euros for the main holder and 59.5 euros for an additional holder.

Key Card Benefits

  • Presentation of free tourist insurance for you and your relatives, provided that the trip is paid by the VISA credit card);
  • Student Travel program, which involves a number of gifts and student journeys (service is available, provided that the PLATINUM or GOLD card of one of the parents was paid for the ticket.
  • Holders of gold and platinum cards can use concierge services anywhere in the world;
  • You can use the Priority Pass service. The latter gives access to 600 VIP class waiting rooms in 100 cities of the world (the cost of one visit is 24 euros). Platinum cardholders can count on free annual membership;
  • 24-hour service in any ATMs;
  • Instant SMS alerts on all operations generated;
  • 20-40 day grace period of using credit funds.

As for credit limits, they directly depend on your financial condition and needs in borrowing facilities and are charged individually.

Direct Visa.

The Direct Map is one of the easiest to use banking products. It is tied to one of your accounts and provides you with direct and secure access to your assets.

The design of the classic debit card Direct does not imply an annual payment for the service for neither the main one for additional holders. As for Gold and Platinum cards, the annual fee for their maintenance is respectively 42.5 euros and 85 euros for the main holder and 20 euros and 59.5 euros for each additional holder.

Key Card Benefits

  • Participation in the bonus scheme. So, you can receive gifts and bonuses for your current operations;
  • Provision of free tourist insurance for you and your relatives;
  • Participation of your children in Student Travel Assistance;
  • Free concierge services for gold and platinum card holders;
  • visit to the 600 VIP-halls waiting for the Priority Pass program (the cost of one visit is 24 euros);
  • 24-hour service in any ATMs;
  • SMS alerts about all manufactured transactions.

Special cards B.Bank. of. Cyprus.

Prepaid Visa.

The Prepaid Visa map is ideal for customers who want to control their expenses. According to the terms of the map, you can set for yourself the maximum daily spending limit. All means over the specified amount will be not available.

Prepaid Visa is very easy to use and allows holders to schedule their budget more effectively. The cost of annual maintenance of such a card is 5 euros.

Key advantages

  • there is no maximum limit on replenishment of funds;
  • you can replenish the card with any ATM ATM ATM or online translation;
  • you can choose the card design (one of the five colors);
  • mold holders of the cards from 12 years are allowed;
  • accrual bonuses for current transactions;
  • the possibility of using a card in Cyprus and abroad;
  • 24-hour service in any ATMs;
  • instant SMS-alert about the transactions conducted.

Internet Visa Card.in Bank of Cyprus.

This card is not offered for new customers, but the bank continues to maintain the existing holders. Note that this banking product is intended exclusively for online calculations and is suitable for a small client circle.

Key Card Benefits Internet Visa. card

  • It is among the fundamental funds of the international sample with its own account;
  • You have round-the-clock access to your assets through Internet banking;
  • Your mobile phone comes tosMS.- Suitable after each behavior transaction.

International Payment Systems in Bank of Cyprus: MasterCard

MasterCard cards also come to the number of payment funds in demand. With their help, you can dispose of your assets from anywhere in the world. If necessary, you can choose both credit and debit products MasterCard.

Open MasterCard Credit.in Bank of Cyprus.

MasterCard cards are not less popular payment facility. They are serviced in almost all developed countries of the world and provide their owners a high degree of protection of their funds and personal data. Bank of Cyprus offers its customers the following MasterCard products:

Key Card Benefits

  • Free tourist insurance, subject to the purchase of travel documents through the Gold card;
  • 24-hour service in any ATMs;
  • accrual interest for the use of credit funds begins after 20-40 days from the date of use;
  • Instant SMS-alert about all operations.

MasterCard Debit.in Bank of Cyprus.

The MasterCard debit card involves the use of your funds exclusively. Thanks to its popularity and reputation, you can use your assets almost everywhere.

Mastercard classic debit cards are based on a free basis for both basic and additional holders.

When opening the Gold card, a commission for servicing in the amount of 45 euros for the main holder and 22.5 euros for an additional holder will be charged.

Key Card Benefits

  • Participation in the bonus program of the bank;
  • Free tourist insurance for GOLD card holders;
  • Round-the-clock service in ATMs;
  • Instant SMS alerts on manufactured transactions.

MasterCard "Blue"in Bank of Cyprus.

Blue MasterCard is a credit limit card. It makes it possible to carry out any banking operations both in Cyprus and beyond. Annual fee for serving this product is 8.5 euros.

Key Card Benefits

  • Opportunity to participate in the bank bonus program;
  • Free tourist insurance for the card holder and his family members;
  • An interest-free period of using credit funds 20-40 days;
  • The size of the credit limit is determined individually, depending on the financial condition and needs of the client;
  • The repayment of the loan can be carried out on a monthly basis (the amount is divided into the required number of months and is repaid in equal parts);
  • 24-hour maintenance in any ATMs.

Internet banking inBank. of. Cyprus.

Bank. of. Cyprus., like many other island lenders, provides their customers with Internet banking services. This service allows you to drive transfers and other operations online, as well as track all means of real-time funds. Thus, you can fully manage your account in a remote mode, which is very convenient for modern business people.

One of the key advantages of Internet banking is around the clock mode of operation, unlike official offices and representative offices that take customers only in the clock allotted. Moreover, account holders can enjoy this service free of charge.

SafetyBank. of. Cyprus.

Now a few words about security. To save the confidentiality of your personal data and save your tools from scammers, you can use Digipass. This is a special device that generates one-time passwords to confirm the implementation of each online operation. To obtain it, you need to fill in a special application. This technology allows you to secure your electronic transactions without the need to install additional software on your computer and mobile devices.

Digipass is an easy-to-use device with an intuitive interface. On average battery charge for 3-5 years. Note, it is impossible to charge it. If "Low Battery Shoulder" appears on the screen, you need to order a new device from representatives of the bank.

Keep in mind, when conducting any online operations, the Bank never requests your personal data (including bank card numbers and accounts, IDUs and Pass Cora, Digipass codes, etc.) via e-mail in pop-up windows. If you get a similar suspicious message, it should be ignored and contact the Bank's Security Service. Customers who for any reason could disclose their personal data to third parties should refer to the bank employees by phone +35722128000.

Procedure for opening a personal account inBank. of. Cyprus.

In order to open a personal account in Bank. of. Cyprus. No need to visit Cyprus personally. To start the account opening procedure, you need to contact us by e-mail [Email Protected].

Further, you need to pay for services for helping to open a personal account in Bank. of. Cyprus.You pay for the card through the Pay Pal, Western Union, Webmoney system or bank transaction. The cost of providing servicesfrom 2000 EUR.

The specified information is informative and is the minimum threshold. The exact price depends on the volume of documents, the company's structures and is calculated individually.

Now we go to the collection of information necessary to open an account.

For the account holder, as well as signed and authorized persons, it is necessary to provide:

  • Filled, printed and signed copies of the bankto open an account;
  • Notarized copy of the passport(Pages with photography and signature).

Note: You can get caught notary, which will say that it does not assure a copy of the passport. In this case, make a translation into English and sew with a copy of the original (page with a photo and signature) at the jury and wrap off the notary.

  • Proof address of residence (utility bill);

A notarized copy of the account for utilities or the original account for utilities or an extract on a bank account to confirm the address of residence.

Note: this document should be not older than 3 months by submission of a package of documents for registration, it should also be translated into English and is notarized.

  • Letterviewprovided by one of the official financial institutions or a legal company in the EU.
  • Proof of legal origin: Tax Declaration or Request for Employer.

Note: All documents must be translated into English and notarized.

Based on the data provided by you, the questionnaire will be filled. The latter requires your reading, signatures and transmission to our email address. After the entire package of documents, including the questionnaire will be transferred to the representatives of the Bank.

Keep in mind that the bank has the right to unilaterally refuse to the customer in service. The reason for refusal can be the provision of obviously false data. Banks are also often refused to cooperate with clients engaged in high-risk operations, and political figures.

After the actual account activation, you will receive all passwords and access to the Internet and mobile banking. You can get a ready-made card by courier delivery.

Note that at the current moment you still have the ability to spend all operations to open the account in the remote mode. According to the island parliament, changes, from January 1, 2017, a remote opening of bank accounts of any type will be impossible.

If you intend to open a debit card, then no additional costs, in addition to the commission for servicing the account, will not be required. As for credit cards, in this case you will need to open the minimum deposit in the same bank.

For more detailed information regarding the opening of a personal account in Cyprus in Bank. of. Cyprus, Contact us by email [Email Protected]

The choice as a country that can be entrusted with your money, opening an account in Cyprus, explain. This republic offers many advantages for their depositors. Namely: significant benefits for taxes, cooperation with influential partners around the world, high quality service in the banking sector and choose in the opening of any type of account.

Moreover, the Development Program of Economic Citizenship supports deposits into bank deposits. It implies the issuance of citizenship of the country when opening a contribution for a period of 3 years in the amount of 5 million euros.

On May 1, 2004, the republic entered, and since then much has changed. Cyprus before that time had the status of an offshore state, where the tax system was practically absent. This circumstance was on hand to many investors and managers of companies that used and multiplying their income as much as possible. Now, after the entry into the European Union, the state controls the tax payments, including all bank deposits are taken into account in the tax authorities. And the Central Bank of the country rigidly regulates the credit and financial partition, which only guarantees the safety of received funds.

Cyprus Central Bank - Central Bank of the Republic of Cyprus, located in Nicosia.

A few years ago, Cyprus banks lowered interest on deposits, which caused a wave of distrust of many wealthy investors, which, in turn, refused to participate in financial movements in the republic. The state was very trying to return the former confidence of investors and again attract the world and including Russian businessmen to their territory. Now the country offers the opening of a debit, credit and deposit account as a personal interview and online.

Cyprus is considered to be a promising business center for several reasons:

    • Status of a full participant in the European Union and the entry into the eurozone.
    • Tax system with the lowest taxation coefficient of 10% in the EU.
    • Stability in policies, rights and macroeconomics.
    • The system of exclusion of double taxation due to the dissemination of a wide network of existing contracts.

  • Strict regulation of the financial sector in the Central Bank.
  • High quality service on the side of the accounting and legal sector.
  • The strategically advantageous geographical location of the state at the intersection of important trade routes between the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia.
  • High level of telecommunication and transport infrastructure.

Bank accounts in Cyprus

In addition to a debit account, a deposit and credit account can be discovered in the Republic of Cyprus.

Deposit account

In this state, it is more profitable to discover a deposit account, unlike many European countries, if only because interest income is not taxed.

Credit account

You can open this account in a bank as a legal entity that regularly needs additional credit funds and an individual. It will not act an influential factor in the consideration of the application and decision making.

Required documents for registration of a loan account:

Consideration of the application will be from 2 to 4 weeks. In addition to the above, bank employees have the right to ask to provide additional documents or invite the applicant to the interview.

There will be more opportunities to get an approving decision on the application for registration of a loan account if the applicant is a secured person and is not wanted internationally.

Opening and closing a bank account in Cyprus

The right to use the services of banks in Cyprus and to open any account can persons who have reached the age of 18 years, regardless of citizenship. A package of documents to be submitted to the Bank:

  1. Several copies of a passport.
  2. A completed application for opening an account in the Bank of Cyprus.
  3. Documents confirming the applicant's actual address.
  4. Letter with recommendations from the past bank.

The account in the Cyprus Bank can be registered both individually by the saline and when registering a new or finished company by a legal entity.

For a legal entity

Register a bank account in Cyprus can both company-Offshore and the Russian company. Requires a personal meeting of a person who opens account, and the head of the organization with a bank representative. It will be necessary to submit a complete set of required documents:

  • Constituent contract and charter.
  • Certificate of shareholders (for shareholders society).
  • Certificate of state registration.
  • A document confirming the position of Director and Secretary (Certificate).
  • A document confirming the legal address (certificate).

Under the conditions of instability in the Russian economy, our compatriots are increasingly referring to foreign banks to open contributions in foreign currency. Storage of money at home "under the pillow", real estate investments - very controversial tools for saving assets. Simplification of the procedure for opening deposits abroad, the emergence of a hype around the US dollar served as green light for all Russian investors who want to preserve, multiply their accumulations and protect them from the unfavorable conditions of the financial market of the Russian Federation. The process of opening an account in banks located outside of Russia causes a lot of issues from potential depositors. To take part of the questions, you can pre-use the contribution calculator with the capitalization of interest on our website.

This article will disclose a number of the most pressing aspects:

  • legal basis and legal subtleties;
  • account opening procedure;
  • what documents will require to create a deposit;
  • how reliably this placement of funds for Russians;
  • examples of the most promising overseas financial and credit institutions.

Why do depositors choose foreign banks?

The opening of the foreign exchange contribution in one of the foreign banks is promoted to potential customers a number of additional benefits:

  • a high level of reliability of financial and credit institutions;
  • reimbursement of a higher amount of the deposit (up to 100 thousand dollars) in the event of a bankruptcy of the organization (the Russian legislation gives insurance protection by only 1.4 million rubles);
  • deposit in foreign currency allows you to diversify the investment portfolio and protect assets from currency fluctuations;
  • guarantee of profitability;
  • the ability to select a currency in which the financial reserve will be stored.

Place your cash in accounts open in foreign financial institutions, especially favorably to those who work or learn abroad, plans to purchase real estate or open a business. Of the minuses, there can be significant maintenance costs, large restrictions on the minimum amount of the deposit, a large package of mandatory documents, small interest rates.

Legal basis for opening a deposit in a foreign bank

Another decade ago, it was extremely difficult to discover the contribution abroad, since it was necessary to obtain permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Since the entry into force of Law No. 173-FZ "On currency regulation and currency control", this procedure was significantly simplified. This regulatory act gives the right to all residents to open accounts abroad. The list of individual categories of persons who are forbidden to create deposits are given in Law No. 79-FZ.

How to discover the contribution to the currency

To open a deposit in a foreign bank, the following documents will be required:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of the absence of criminal record;
  • tax Declaration for the last 6-12 months with the IFSN mark;
  • a copy of the passport, certified notarized;
  • receipts about the payment of utilities and other documents at the discretion of the bank.

After consideration of the provided paper package, it is necessary to sign an agreement with a financial and credit institution. To do this, one of 3 schemes can be used:

  • with a personal visit to the office (for this, the depositor will need to visit the country where the bank is located);
  • through a representative office located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • with the help of intermediaries.

Service in foreign banks is carried out under the following conditions:

  • Replenished the account is allowed both in cash and non-cash payments;
  • You can manage the deposit through a bank card, Internet banking, checkbook, fax, postal courier;
  • The account can be used to manage personal finance, with the exception of entrepreneurial activities;
  • The process of registration on average takes from 1 week to 2-3 months;
  • Privacy, operations and translations are ensured by using codes, ciphers, selected communication channels;
  • A citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to notify the tax service about the fact of opening an account abroad. After each tax period, it is necessary to report to the IFTS on the remains on such accounts. For violation of this requirement there is a fine of up to 5000 rubles;
  • Internal deposit rates are 1-2% per annum (in rare cases, the tariff can reach 5-6%);
  • The minimum threshold for making funds is 10-25 thousand dollars;
  • The minimum insurance amount in the case of bank bankruptcy in the European Union countries is 20,000 euros (in some countries, for example, in Lithuania, this value reaches 100,000 euros).

Where to open an account abroad?

Foreign banks offer not such high rates for saving savings compared to Russian organizations. That is why such a solution is suitable for the preservation and accumulation of assets for the short-term and medium term.

For a long time, deposits in Cyprus were most popular among depositors. However, due to the problems arising in this country in recent years and related to the loss of depositors of their savings, these financial and credit organizations began to trust much less. Today, deposits in the banks of the Baltic countries are in the greatest demand. Deposits in Germany, Austria, Denmark are equally popular with our compatriots. Do not weaken their leading positions on reliability and popularity among foreigners Swiss banks.

The following countries are leading in terms of interest rates:

  • Cypriot. According to accounts in American dollars in Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd., Alphbank can be obtained up to 4.5% per annum;
  • In Latvia, the most favorable conditions for depositors offer Citadele (up to 3%) and Bigban (up to 2.65%);
  • Among the American most popular among our compatriots are Jones Vanguard CROUP and EDVARD, which offer a bet to 2.96% per annum;
  • Among the English leads the Bank of London and The Middle East, offering to open a contribution to 2.8% in pounds sterling;
  • In the Italian ing Direct Italia, you can open a deposit of 1.4% in Euroovat;
  • In German, Swiss, Swedish, Dutch financial institutions, permissible discovery of the contribution with a rate of 1-1.25%.

Recently, the demand for posting deposits in foreign banks is increasingly growing, because Their percentage is not associated with the Russian economy, and therefore the Russian citizens are attracted.

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Store money in different banks, the owner, thus reduces the risks of its investments. Such a strategy is quite reasonable, because the chance that the cataclysms will occur immediately in several states, insignificantly small.

Basic information

The deposit is the process of transferring cash to the bank of the bank for interest with their return after the specified time or at the request of the client.

Inserting savings to the bank, you start receiving profit from them. Banks are fighting daily for attracting as many customers as possible.

Especially valuable clients are depositors, because Their capital is used to replenish bank reserves and use in their commercial activities.

One of the main industry is, which requires constant inflow of capital, which banks issue under the percentages to the population and organizations.

In this regard, the deposits are beneficial to discover, making a profit in the form of interest payments from the amount while your money is working somewhere.

When banks exhaust reserves, suggestions with profitable interest on deposits grow like mushrooms after the rain.

What period should be chosen for the design of such a service, it depends not only on this factor, but also from seasonal oscillations.

For example, in the summer, people tend to spend money, leaving for rest. Accordingly, they take part or all savings from the account, and banks again take into account such a tendency and must increase the rates to attract new depositors.

Foreign contributions are more convenient for those who carry out activities abroad, and this concerns ordinary citizens who sent their children to study abroad.


Despite the general knowledge, there are always people who do not understand Azov, and which contribution would be profitable and convenient for them.

To do this, you need to understand the concepts and types of deposits that can offer both ours and foreign banks.

It is worth saying that Russian banks give a lot above the percentage on deposits proposals rather than foreign.

But if you just want to protect your honestly earned money, and worry about the reliability of our banks, for you will be a wise decision to try to open an account abroad.

And in this case, be prepared to be pretty paid for opening an account, maintenance and other operations.

Also for non-residents, the percentage is most often offered even less than for their own, as well as the minimum first contribution there will be about 50 thousand dollars, and above.

Alternatively, our banks that have branches abroad can be viewed, but in many citizens also incredulously relate to them as an ordinary Russian, preferred by European and Swiss, Cypriot and Baltic.

Requirements for depositors

As it was already said, to discover the contribution in a foreign bank is much more complicated and problematic.

Therefore, you should be prepared for submitting such references, which you have never heard in your life.

Also there are, which already punishes those who have not reported to the bodies about their foreign exchange operations.

This is written in, in which the size of penalties are also indicated, ranging from 5 thousand rubles. for physical Persons up to a million rubles for JUR. Persons.

If within a month after the opening of the account you did not report, the penalty is also inevitable for the incommodation of the notification, from a thousand to 5 thousand rubles.

Also in this law there is a requirement of an annual report in which there are all movements on your accounts, and in the case of untimely filing or its absence, fines will also be inevitable.

How to make a contribution to a foreign bank

First of all, choose a country that is considered reliable for non-residents, then write a letter and clarify that it will be necessary to prepare for the transaction.

Many banks put forward the requirement of the personal presence of the depositor when opening an account.

As in any bank, appropriate documentation is needed, as well as a feature of an interview with a representative of a foreign bank, which will depend on the possibility of accommodation in this bank.

Baltic banks, banks of Latvia will be a good option under the conditions.

Regarding branch banks, you can contact Citibank, which allows you to make a deal with the Russians outside Russia with the least problems.

What are the conditions for Russians

As we already know, foreign banks are not thrown by great interest, therefore the Russians can count from 3 to 5% at best, and up to 1.5% on average. Otherwise, the conditions are based on the same ambushes as in Russia.

Required documents

In addition to the questionnaire and yourself, you will need such possible documents as:

  • passport, and sometimes the second half, certified in the notary,
  • certificate of income in the form of a bank for several years (depends on the specific bank),
  • certificate of family composition,
  • receipts on payment of utilities,
  • as well as a certificate that certifies that you are not tried and are under investigation. This certificate can be taken in the police station.

This is the minimum package to which you can navigate, but before design, you should clarify the full package of documents.

If you make an account, and have an existing in one of the Russian branches, the decision will be much faster.

How to get the biggest interest on deposits

It will be extremely difficult to keep up with the percentage when it comes to a foreign contribution. But you, of course, you can familiarize yourself with several banks that provide the highest among our competitors.

Your attention is represented by a list of countries that are popular with Russian citizens, as well as the Latvian Cypriot Banks, and US banks are popular.

Regarding other countries, such as Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, these are reliable banks, but the percentages are negligible, and the service will be more expensive than paying interest, so such options are not suitable for those who want to increase their capital.

Favorable offers of banks

Is it possible for a short time

The possibility is, but loses its meaning, because The percentage is very small, in comparison with our suggestions, the maintenance is expensive, and there is a lot of time for registration.

Up to 1 year, you can arrange almost in any bank, and you can do it, but as far as it is rational and profitable.

Pros and cons

The advantages of this type of deposit will be:

Secrecy and confidentiality The meaning is that if you have a firm, and you wish to hide your savings, then no, it is not about that. Privacy can get a private person
Reliability Foreign banks are famous, first of all, reliability, so in deposits abroad, you can not worry about the return of funds, because In many countries, the law protects savings both residents and not resident residents, so you can always get compensation from the state if the bank closes, although it is extremely rare
Great opportunities It is possible to store money in a bank abroad not only for the sake of reliability and payments, but to earn additionally, buying securities and other financial branches

Of the shortcomings you can also select several:

  1. Low percentage of deposits. Despite the popularity of foreign contributions, the greatest minus is the inability to earn in this way.
  2. Expensive opening and service.
  3. The long process of design and high level of failure to be influenced.
  4. The inability of opening without a personal presence, which aghesives the process and significantly increases costs.
  5. Reporting to government agencies and fines.

The banking system is the leading branch of the economy of Cyprus. Today, on the territory of the country there is about thirty national and foreign financial enterprises. On their accounts, according to various estimates, it is stored about seventy billion euros. Many credit institutions have a developed branch network. Their offices work in the United Kingdom and other European countries.

Advantages of the banking system of Cyprus

Depositors and customers of the financial structures of the island allocate a number of indisputable benefits of cooperation:

  • the absence of the minimum value of the abnormal residue;
  • low amounts of initial contributions;
  • insignificantly small failure;
  • account registration operational;
  • reliability.

List of credit institutions

The list of largest banks carrying out commercial activities in the country, the following companies were included:

  • "Cyprus Development Bank".
  • "Gellenic Bank".
  • "Howzing Finance".
  • RSB Bank.
  • "Central Cooperative."
  • Alpha Bank Cyprus.
  • "Bank of the SBA".
  • Eurobank Cyprus.
  • "National Bank of Greece".
  • "Arab Jordan Investment."
  • "Credit Libanis."
  • "Promsvyazbank".
  • Lebanon and Gulf Bank.
  • Biblos Bank Sal.
  • Saxo Bank.
  • "BankMed".
  • Fest Investment Bank.
  • "Bairuta Bank".
  • "BBAC SAL".
  • "Bemo Sal".
  • "Opepen Joint Stoke Company."

Financial Market Leaders

  • Bank of Cyprus.
  • Hellenic Bank.
  • Marfin Laiki Bank.

Bank of Cyprus.

This loan institution is rightfully considered the most popular and large financial enterprise on the island. Its services are used not only by local residents, but also foreign citizens.

It regularly enters the list of the most influential banking structures of the world. His popular credit institution is obliged to a developed network of ATMs and offices. Bank of Cyprus loyally refers to its potential depositors.

It offers registration of urgent deposits. Developed by the issuance of registered debit and credit plastic cards connected to international payment systems Visa and MasterCard. Almost anyone can open an account in this institution. There are no veiled requirements and so-called pitfalls. Everything is simple and transparent.

Bank of Cyprus is recognized as the most attractive bank of Cyprus. In its client base, citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the European Union states. Individuals and legal entities can discover. For this you do not need to personally visit the office. All manipulations are performed remotely.

Hellenic Bank.

With its popularity against the background of other banks of Cyprus, it is obliged to minimal requirements for depositors and loyalty to all categories of customers. His share in the financial market island is sixteen percent. The company was established in 1976.

Currently, there are 70 branches on the island and 20 international offices. In his staff, more than two thousand specialists work. Like other authoritative banks of Cyprus, has a branch in Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg.

The enterprise came to the Russian market in 2011. The economic policy of the institution admits the opening of the contribution without the personal presence of the client. The company serves legal entities and individuals. Employees are owned by Russian and English.

Information for opening a contribution to Cyprus Bank Hellenic Bank:

  • a copy of the civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • extract from a third-party bank from a personal account;
  • completed client profile;
  • mailing address.

Representatives of legal entities require a set of statutory documents of a company registered in the island. Plus you need to fill out additional customer application form.

Advantages of "Gellenic Bank":

  • the presence of Russian-speaking staff;
  • lack of paper red tires;
  • the ability to open an account in Russian rubles;
  • the efficiency of transfer of funds;
  • remote control;
  • zero unsigned residue.

Of the disadvantages, we can allocate a relatively small amount of departments, expensive tariffs for holding payment transactions, violation of the deadlines for enrollment of translations.

Marfin Laiki Bank.

The credit institution was founded as a result of a merger of two influential banks of Cyprus at once. It is the successor "Marfin Passed Bank Group", "Likes" and "Ignatia". Marfin Laiki Bank has representative offices in eleven countries. Branches are working in the Russian Federation, Estonia and Ukraine.

Customers of the institution are individuals and legal entities. Personal presence is not required. As in other banks of Cyprus, the accounts in Marfin Likes are opened in remote mode. Package of documents required to register the contribution of a legal entity:

  • charter of the company registered in the territory of the island;
  • copy of civil passport of the Russian Federation (all pages);
  • bank statement of a third-party credit institution;
  • filled form;
  • active postal address.

In the event of controversial situations, the Bank does not manifest initiative. Customers have to call themselves and find out the fate of their payment. Frams of crediting funds for personal accounts of depositors - frequent phenomenon.

"Eurobank Cyprus"

This financial enterprise is included in the list of Cyprus banks providing services to foreign citizens. It is the "daughter" of Europe Bank. In the portfolio of the structure a wide range of services for individuals and legal entities. The date of the foundation is 1990. Offices are in the UK, Luxembourg, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria.

Business card - delicate and attentive maintenance of all categories of customers. Such a high-class service is offered by all banks of Cyprus. Part of the financial structures of the island is oriented exclusively on large depositors. The head office of the institution is located in the capital. Personal accounts are opened in remote mode, without the personal presence of potential customers.

The package of documents required to start cooperation is standard. Services of intermediaries for absentee signing a contract will cost 60,000 rubles. This amount includes all costs associated with the discovery of the deposit.

Russian banks in Cyprus

Large domestic credit enterprises have their own representative offices on the island. These include "Russian Commercial Bank", "Promsvyazbank in Cyprus", "Alpha Bank".

Russian Commercial Bank

The company is associated with the financial structure of the leading credit system of Russia VTB. According to experts, Russian Commercial Bank is considered the most large-scale domestic financial corporation representing their services in Europe. It has a full-scale license that allows all types of payment transactions and cash transactions in Cyprus.


The institution has not only Cypriot representation, but also offices in India, China and the countries of the former CIS. Regularly among the ten largest financial structures of the Russian Federation. Cyprus offers a wide range of services developed for legal entities and individuals.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state