
Che to do with a parasite pensioner. "Tax on parasites" causes fear and bewilderment. Who will catch the parasites

Officials spoke about how the approach to employment of citizens will change from 2019

Photo: Victor GILITSKY

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Until April 1, the government was supposed to present an updated Decree No. 1, which is also known to the people as a decree on parasitism. Recall that about a year ago, Alexander Lukashenko suspended Decree No. 3 and instructed to finalize it. But officials insist that this is not an updated decree, but a completely new document. And it is he who, as officials assure, will help everyone who wants it find a job.

These are those who work under an employment contract (contract), civil law contract, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, artisans, as well as those engaged in agritourism. Those who do not register as IP, but pay a single tax. Also, military personnel, employees of a paramilitary organization with special ranks, liable for military service during the passage of military or special training, as well as those undergoing alternative service, are not considered parasites. Also, parasites will not read creative workers whose status is confirmed by a creative union or a professional certificate of a creative worker. Priests, participants (members) of the monastery, the monastic community, as well as students of religious educational institutions will not be considered parasites. This also includes members of national and national sports teams, the unemployed who are registered at employment centers or undergo retraining from employment centers.

Those who are raising a child under 7 years old, a disabled child under 18 years old, or three or more minor children were exempted from the status of "parasite".

Also employed in the economy will be considered those who are engaged in the production of crop production (except for floriculture, ornamental plants, their seeds and seedlings), animal husbandry (except for Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev) on a land plot that was provided for subsidiary farming , farming (peasant) economy, etc.

Employed in the economy will be considered athletes who are students of specialized educational and sports institutions, children's and youth sports schools (specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve), which are included in clubs by type (s) of sports in the form of separate structural divisions.

Who can not get on the list of parasites?

Those who cannot work for objective reasons. These are, for example, citizens with whom labor relations have been terminated - during the quarter that follows the quarter when the dismissal took place. But if you lost your job due to staff reduction, for health reasons, then the period is extended by 6 months from the date of dismissal.

Military personnel, employees (employees) of a paramilitary organization, with special ranks of reservists during classes and training camps, as well as during alternative service, are excluded from the lists for 6 months, starting from the month after the termination of the above relations.

If you studied full-time at a university, then after graduation, until the end of the calendar year, you are not included in the lists of parasites. It is the same with students of theological educational institutions.

If you rent out housing, rent a car space, and pay taxes, then you are not considered a parasite either.

Pensioners will not be included in the lists, including those receiving pensions from other states, as well as those receiving temporary disability benefits.

Citizens who came to our country for permanent residence, foreigners or stateless persons who have received a permit for permanent residence in Belarus will not be considered parasites. But only for six months - during this time they will have to find a job.

Who will need to prove their status?

Not everyone will automatically drop out of the lists. Some will still be included. And in order to prove that you are not a parasite, you will have to come to the commission and confirm your status. Who should come?

Firstly, those who have resigned must do this within a quarter. And this also applies to those who were left without work due to staff reductions. Also, wives and husbands of the military, young professionals working abroad will have to come to the commission and prove their status as “not a parasite”. If you are under medical supervision during pregnancy and childbirth, then you will also need to prove this to the commission.

How do you pay utility bills anyway?

The new decree on parasitism will come into force in 2019. But he still has questions. For example, the new resolution stipulates that citizens who are not employed in the economy will pay for 100% services. But what exactly? Officials said that most likely it would be utilities. Then the question is: if there is one parasite and one working person in the family, how will they be considered a communal apartment, at what tariffs?

The draft legal act defining the list of services (which will be paid at 100% tariffs by parasites. - Ed.), Is at the final stage of approval. And I think we will discuss this issue after the normative act is adopted, - said First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrei Lobovich.

What about those who work abroad?

They must confirm their status when applying to the commission. If they confirm that they are legally working abroad, then the commission will exclude them from the database, and they will not be included in the list of unemployed in the economy, the official said.

- And if a person is studying abroad or traveling?- asked the question to the official "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

The regulation defines the status of only confirmation of those working abroad. In relation to students abroad, the provision of the norms does not prescribe.

Not quite right. If a person is a student abroad, respectively, he will live there, he can, in accordance with the documents confirming the status, apply to the commission and the commission will consider this on an individual basis.

- And if I traveled for 7 months?

It's not about time period. Bases will be formed for the first and second half of the year with quarterly adjustments. Accordingly, according to the results of the quarter, if you fall into the category related to employment for at least one day, then, accordingly, you will not be included in the database.

How much will the budget earn on parasites?

The goal of implementing the decree is not to replenish budget revenues. The purpose of the implementation of the decree lies in its name - to promote employment for the population. Those potential citizens who get into the database have every right, and the commission will reach them, and local authorities will assist in finding employment. To take advantage of this opportunity, this help from the state for a person is his personal position, his personal right. But the state is taking a step forward to assist in finding employment.

There are two unions of writers in Belarus, there are two unions of journalists. Who exactly will be considered a creative worker? Is it necessary to be a member of a state union?

The regulation says that these are citizens who carry out creative activities as a creative worker, whose status is confirmed by a creative union. At the same time, our citizens include able-bodied citizens of the republic, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have received a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus. If they confirm the status of a creative worker, no questions asked, he will be excluded from the database.

How do I know if I'm a parasite or not?

Previously, there were letters of happiness that were sent to parasites. Now how do you know if you get on the list or not, are you in danger of a 100% communal apartment?

The commissions and local authorities will make their own decisions, the position of the commission does not regulate the procedure for informing and notifying citizens that they will potentially fall into the database of the unemployed in the economy. We give this to the right of the commission based on the opportunities that they have. But I want to say that all citizens who enter the database will be informed that they are there.

Why will there be no mistakes with the new decree?

When Decree No. 3 was in effect, many "letters of happiness" were sent to those who were not actually parasites.

- Aren't you afraid that mistakes will also occur with this decree?- asked "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

When forming the decree, regulatory legal acts in its development, the approaches that we have laid down will make the maximum use of the data of the information resources that we have, and at the output the data of the database that we will have, respectively, for working out by commissions, executive committees, proactively should reach every person. That is, it will not turn out that someone will be informed, but they will not provide assistance or any measures to involve him in employment. That is, the initiative will be from local authorities. And then the right of every citizen to take advantage of the help and change his status or remain in the status in which he is.

According to the latest data, more than 400,000 Belarusians received notifications of payment of the fee. Many of them have a lot of questions. Why did the 6th year students of the Medical University receive notifications? What should a pregnant woman do who is not hired? And how will they react to those who refuse to pay the fee?

Hello. Students who graduated from BSMU this year received notices about the need to pay a tax on parasitism. Someone did not devote the tax office to the fact that they study there not for 5 years, but for 6. As a result, all graduates turned out to be parasites. And now what? Pay tax? Alexander

If you are a student, you don't have to pay. Submit a supporting document from the dean's office. It can be sent electronically through the website.

- I studied for 181 days, and June 30 is my graduation date. It's come letter. The tax office said - to pay 360 rubles. Naturally, I do not consider this fair, because paying 360 rubles due to the fact that 2 days a year was not enough for me to not be considered a parasite is somehow about nothing. And I would like to apply for tax exemption. Or at least reduce the fee. Sergei

Paragraph 5 of Decree No. 3 establishes the periods of labor and other activities that are taken into account when determining the number of days of participation in the financing of public expenditures.

In particular, subparagraph 5.15 of paragraph 5 of the decree establishes that a citizen is recognized as participating in the financing of public expenditures during the period of receiving education in full-time education, with the exception of additional education for children and youth and additional education for adults when mastering the content of the educational program of training courses (lectures, thematic seminars, workshops, trainings, officer courses and other types of training courses) and an educational program to improve the capabilities and abilities of the individual.

Since the period of your participation in the financing of public expenditures is less than 183 calendar days and information on other periods of your participation in the financing of public expenditures in 2015 is not submitted to the tax authorities in the prescribed manner, and this information is not available in your application, you are recognized as a payer of the fee. for 2015.

At the same time, the norms of the decree do not provide for the possibility of reducing the amount of the fee in proportion to the number of days of participation in financing public expenditures.

In addition, we inform you that in accordance with paragraph 151 of the decree, local Councils of Deputies or, on their behalf, local executive and administrative bodies have the right to exempt citizens from paying the fee due to being in a difficult life situation (in this case, a difficult life situation is understood as an objective circumstance (a set of circumstances) independent of the citizen, which he cannot overcome at the expense of the available opportunities). Thus, you have the right to apply to the Council of Deputies or the district executive committee with an application for exemption from paying the fee for 2015.

I have been living in France for a long time, I come home once a year for a couple of days. My parents received a notice that I had to pay a parasitism tax. As proof of my residence, they asked me to bring a work contract or a marriage certificate. The father made a translation of the certificate, notarized it, paying 40 rubles. But then I found out that it’s enough just to write an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Taxation that I live abroad, and the tax authorities themselves can check this on the basis of exit-entry. I did so. I received an answer that I am exempt from the fee. But the tax still require confirmation. Who is right? And what is the algorithm of action in such a case?

Citizens who actually stayed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for less than 183 calendar days in 2015 are completely exempted from paying the fee for financing public expenditures for 2015. To do this, you need to inform the tax authority that during 2015 you actually stayed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for less than 183 days. Or indicate the time period during which you were in 2015 on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This can be done through the website of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

Attach copies of documents confirming your permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state to the message, for example:

  • residence permit in the territory of a foreign state;
  • visas of the state of residence;
  • marks in the passport about crossing the state border (entry / exit);
  • other documents.

Why do letters from the tax authorities come with notices from other authorities, for example, from the Philately store, as in Polotsk? What is it for? Andrey

The question is not for us, but for RUE Belpochta.

Now everyone has begun to receive "letters of happiness" on payment of the fee for financing public expenditures for 2015. You receive a letter and go to prove whether you are a parasite or a respectable hard worker. And everything would be fine, but what about my situation? In January 2015, I became unemployed. After the holidays, I came to grips with looking for a job... And now... The law came into force in April 2015. In March, I was already pregnant. Being not in a “position”, it was not so easy to find a job, but with a “belly”, I already had it decently visible from the 3rd month, no one wanted to take it ... If I worked, in October I would go on maternity leave, but such a sheet is not issued to the unemployed. Can you please help me to understand this situation, is it possible to improve the decree? Or is a pregnant woman equated with a parasite?

In accordance with paragraph 11 of the decree, in order to consider the issue of recognizing you as participating in the financing of public expenditures, you have the right to submit to the tax authority at the place of residence relevant explanations and documents confirming the period of temporary incapacity for work during medical supervision in a healthcare organization during pregnancy and childbirth or in other cases.

According to the explanations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with Article 46 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 18.06.1993 No. 2435-XII “On Health Care”, information about the fact that a patient applied for medical help and his state of health, information about the presence of a disease, other information, including about the period of temporary disability, constitute a medical secret. Therefore, information about the period of temporary incapacity for work of a citizen can be provided by the healthcare organization directly to the citizen himself. Such information can be provided to the tax authority only with the written consent of such a citizen.

In view of the foregoing, you have the right to personally apply to the healthcare organization in which you were under medical supervision during pregnancy and childbirth or in other cases, to obtain a document confirming the period of temporary incapacity for work.

You also have the right to consent in writing to the receipt by the tax authority of information from a specific healthcare organization about the period of your incapacity for work in 2015. In this case, the tax authority will receive the specified information independently on the basis of a request with your written consent attached to it.

At the same time, please note that written consent can be submitted to the tax authority in person or by mail, since it must contain your personal signature.

Other documents can be submitted to the tax authority in any way convenient for you in person, through an authorized representative, or sent to the tax authority by mail or in the form of an electronic message with attached files through the form on the ministry's website.

The submitted documents are subject to consideration by the tax authority within a month, and if there are grounds for them, a decision is made to cancel the notice for payment of the fee, of which the citizen is notified in writing.

If I refuse to pay the fee, what are the consequences? Will they bring me with the police to public works or how will everything happen? Explain the mechanism. Olga

In case of non-payment of the fee, the liability measures established by part 10 of article 13.6 “Non-payment or incomplete payment of the amount of tax, due (duty), customs payment” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus are applied, namely the imposition of a fine in the amount of two to four basic units or administrative arrest. Protocols on administrative responsibility are drawn up by the tax authorities and, in case of non-payment of the fee, are sent to the court.

The ex-minister of labor is outraged by another initiative of the authorities.

On January 1, 2018, the retirement age was once again increased in Belarus. For women, it is 56 years (before the reform - 55 years), for men - 61 years (previously - 60 years). Compared to last year, Belarusians began to retire six months later.

The reform will end in 2022, when the retirement age for women will be raised to 58 and for men to 63.

At the same time, on October 1, 2017, a law came into force in Poland that provides for a reduction in the retirement age. It would seem that two neighboring countries that almost simultaneously escaped from under the communist "cap", but such significant differences in the social sphere.

Comment on the next increase in the retirement age website Charter97.org asked the former Minister of Labor of Belarus Alexandra Sosnova:

Our pension system started signaling “SOS” 20 years ago. Then it was necessary to start serious reforms. But the officials were frankly doing nothing, and only now, when the pension fund has ceased to be replenished in due measure, they came up with the simplest and most primitive steps. But as always. We need a fundamental reform of the pension system - such as was carried out in the Baltic countries. And this decision to raise the retirement age is neither the place nor the time.

To make effective decisions, you need to keep in touch with people, understand what is happening in the country. And our power is divorced from reality. What is the statement of a well-known person that at 60 years old a man is a horse on which you can still plow? I don’t know such people, maybe there are such “horses” in Drozdy.

Such an approach means one thing: the authorities believe that our people have not earned this pension and are "parasites" who are supported by the workers.

- Back in autumn, it was said that in Belarus the number of people receiving the minimum labor pension had noticeably increased. Over the past 6 years, their number has increased almost 5 times. Is it possible to survive in Belarus on 224 rubles?

It is difficult to live on a regular pension, not to mention the minimum one. Again, the entire responsibility for this situation lies with the authorities. The most socially vulnerable part of the population was under heavy pressure. Once upon a time, Belarusians were promised a cup and crackling, but now the level of promises has dropped to bread and water. So, comrades, we have come to a "bright future."

- A decent "hole" of more than $150 million has formed in the Social Protection Fund of Belarus. How does this affect the economic situation in our country? What will happen to Belarusians' pensions?

Lukashenka did everything to make the most active and able-bodied Belarusians flee the country. We have lost our gene pool, the most qualified personnel. Labor migration made itself felt and the pension fund sank significantly. Of course, when a person works abroad, sends money to the country, this somehow keeps people afloat. But contributions to the pension fund do not go.

This problem would not be before us if we had a storage system. But we are dealing with the old Soviet system, when part of the salaries of the working generation are deducted to the pension fund, from which the money goes into the wallets of the older generation who have retired. Of course, we are not to blame for the fact that we got such an inheritance. But we have an example of reforms in other countries. Why our officials did not hold them on time is an open question. And now we are witnessing the epilogue of the economic activity of the authorities.

"On the Prevention of Social Dependency" ("Decree on Parasites"). The document is intended to stimulate the participation of able-bodied Belarusians in labor activity, in financing public expenditures.

When does the decree come into effect?

The countdown of labor or unemployment activity according to the Decree begins on January 1, 2015. This means that if you have not worked anywhere since the New Year, then there are only 3 months left to get a job. Tax collection - 20 base units (3.6 million rubles).

Who is considered a parasite and must pay tax

All citizens of Belarus and persons with a residence permit in our country of working age (18-55 years for women, 18-60 for men) who have not worked for six months and 1 day are parasites. They include:

- Unemployed who have informal income and do not pay tax

- Housewives(if they are not mothers of many children, or do not raise a child under 7 years old or a disabled child under 18 years old)

- Part-time students if they don't work anywhere

- Traders and artisans who do not conduct any activity and do not pay tax. Or paid less than 20 base tax. In this case, they will have to pay up to 20 basic.

- summer residents who do not work anywhere, but live from the harvest.

Who is not considered a parasite and should not pay tax?

All those who officially worked more than 183 days during the year are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and paid more than 20 base taxes. As well as:

- Teenagers under 18. If 18 hit this year, then you can not work until the end of the year.

- pensioners. Including those who have reached retirement age this year.

- Full time students.

- Unemployed who are registered with the employment service (but you can be on the stock exchange for no more than 3 months).

- Farmstead owners. Anyone who is officially engaged in agro-ecotourism (this must be confirmed by the local executive committee) and pays taxes is not a parasite.

- Villagers and other settlements that have land and are engaged in agriculture. This fact must be confirmed by the village council.

- Women or men raising children under 7 years of age or disabled children under 18 years of age.

- Freelancers, creative people who have earned at least 70 base units in a year (today it is 12.6 million). It doesn't matter how many days they worked. If they earned such an amount even in 1 hour, they are no longer considered parasites.

- Artists, musicians, writers, sculptors, designers, etc. But they must be members of the relevant creative unions.

- monks, priests and members of the monastic community

- Lawyers and notaries

- Apartment owners who officially rent out their housing and pay tax on this.

- Sick who are on sick leave. In this case, there must be an appropriate certificate.

- convicts serving sentences in prison, LTP or colony for more than 183 days.

- military personnel, reservists and conscripts during training

- Disabled, regardless of the group or those who have had their disability removed this year.

- incapacitated

- People who receive survivor benefits.

- Travelers and guest workers from Belarus who have been in the country for a total of less than 183 calendar days are not parasites.

- seasonal workers who worked for a full season at seasonal jobs (the list of such jobs is determined by the Council of Ministers). For example, agricultural work during the harvest period.

What periods of activity are summed up and affect the fact that you are not ranked among the parasites?

If you raised a child under the age of 7 for 1 month, worked under a contract for 1 month, were on military training for 1 month, worked as a lawyer for 1 month, spent 1 month in prison, after that you were temporarily incapacitated for 1 month - and in total it is more 183 days, then you are no longer considered a parasite.

Who will catch the parasites

According to the Decree, tax authorities will search, track and collect money from parasites. The tax will check the expenses and incomes of citizens and look for the unemployed. By the way, if you admit to the tax office that you are a parasite before July 1, 2016, they will make a 10% tax discount.

What to do when you receive a notification that you are a parasite?

You have 30 days to prove that you are not a parasite. Then the tax office will check your documents for another 30 days. During this period, the tax authorities suspend the collection of the fee. And then he decides to take a fee from you, reduce it or not take anything at all.

When to pay tax

Until November 15 of the next year (for example, for 2015 you will need to pay tax until November 15, 2016)

How can a parasite be punished

For non-payment of the fee or incomplete payment will be fined - from 2 to 4 basic units (from 360 thousand to 720 thousand rubles). Administrative arrest is also envisaged. In this case, you will definitely be sent to community service. And you don't have to pay taxes.

In modern society, it is extremely rare to call someone a parasite, more often they say: “ Dand he just can't find the right job". But when this search lasts for years, it is difficult to call such a person unemployed. It is no coincidence that citizens can be officially registered as unemployed in the Employment Centers only for one year, after which they are deregistered.

If a person really wants to find a job, then, as a rule, he makes certain efforts and sooner or later achieves his goal. The parasite is constantly looking for reasons to justify his idleness: not a very high salary, inappropriate functional duties, unwillingness to travel so far to the office and observe corporate style, etc. On the other hand, the listed factors can serve as strong criteria for a good specialist seeking to find a job that would correspond to a number of important parameters for him. Thus, the concepts of unemployment and parasitism can be easily confused: people who experience difficulties in finding employment are unfairly accused, and a real lazy person is pitied and supported. So who should be considered a parasite and why?

The concepts of unemployment and parasitism can be easily confused: people who experience difficulties in finding employment are unfairly accused, and a real lazy person is pitied and supported.

True and imaginary loafers

The unemployed who experience difficulties in finding a job, first of all, include those who experience discrimination. These include:
  • women who have recently married and do not have children;
  • women with preschool children;
  • single mothers;
  • divorced women with two or more children;
  • people of pre-retirement age;
  • graduates of universities, for the first time entering a job in their specialty;
  • young professionals with no work experience.
In addition to the listed categories, a long time to look for a job can be:
  • people who have been caring for children or a sick relative for several years;
  • wives and husbands of wealthy spouses, whose income allowed them to previously engage exclusively in household chores;
  • former entrepreneurs;
  • never worked before and entered the labor market only by the age of 30, as well as those who decided at this and later age to change their profession and start a career from scratch;
  • freelancers who have worked informally for a long time.
These people need the support of loved ones, the state, and in some cases psychologists, since a long job search leads to the fact that self-confidence is undermined. American researchers have found that a person who has been in such a state for a year or more can stop all attempts, having lost hope for a successful result, and thereby become a freeloader for his family and the state.

True parasites, in their behavior, are radically different from those who are really difficult to find a job. Among them, there are four most common types:

  1. "gentlemen of Fortune",
  2. "philosophers"
  3. "hikikomori"
  4. "infants".
  5. The first group is characterized by the desire to get rich quickly. Unlike people with business acumen, the parasite only pretends that he wants to and tries to do something. Starting your own business takes months or even years. The future businessman endlessly sits on the Internet, reading other people's success stories, and at the same time cannot at least register a legal entity. If, however, the “gentleman of fortune” nevertheless organizes his own business, it usually does not work for him, and the money to support the activities of the company is withdrawn from the family. This type can be attributed to people who want to become famous, but instead of making efforts to achieve the goal, they dream and complain about an evil fate. Such a writer, supposedly dreaming of a Pulitzer Prize, will endlessly tell grateful listeners about what a brilliant book he is writing, although in fact he has not even begun to collect material for it.
Elena happened to fall in love with such a “gentleman of fortune”: “ As soon as Pasha and I moved in together, he left work. He said that the leadership constantly sets him up, but he does not want to sit for nothing. I nodded in understanding and hoped he would find a better job. Having gone to a couple of interviews, he assured me that everything is the same everywhere, so you need to start your own business. Some of the money he had accumulated, some he was going to borrow from a friend. But it turned out that this friend had a sick mother and needed money for an operation, then Pasha decided to wait for everything to work out. True, he cleaned the apartment, cooked, helped to look after the summer cottage. My patience snapped two years later, when I realized that I am 36 years old, I want a child, but how to give birth to him and go on maternity leave, when you also need to feed your lazy dad?»

Unlike people with business acumen, the parasite only pretends that he wants to and tries to do something.

  • “Philosophers” are lazy in their outlook. They do not want to spend their best years working instead of traveling, spiritual development, or simply enjoying life. Some even consider money to be evil and working for pay a sin. They can occasionally earn extra money, but, as a rule, they sit on the neck of relatives. Or they get a job for a few months, and then get on the labor exchange and receive unemployment benefits. In order not to work, this type is ready for almost any sacrifice. In developed countries, where you can live tolerably for years on a well-paid allowance, there are completely unimaginable examples. So, for example, in March 2012 in Austria, 56-year-old chronically unemployed Hans Url, after the medical commission of the labor inspectorate recognized him as fit for work, wanting to continue to live on welfare, sawed off his leg above the ankle with an automatic saw and threw it into the oven, so that the doctors do not sew back.
  • "Hikikomori, or hikki" is a relatively recent phenomenon that has gained significant popularity in Japan. Hickeys are adult children who refuse to leave their parental home, isolate themselves from society and family in a separate room for more than six months, do not have any work and live at the expense of relatives. Hickeys are usually unsociable, timid and shy. Social isolation ultimately leads to the fact that a young person is immersed in the virtual world (Internet space, computer games, books, etc.), which becomes an addiction and the meaning of life. In 2002, there were 650,000 to 850,000 such young people in Japan alone, according to various estimates.
A film was even made about this phenomenon:

Marina encountered this type in her family circle: “ Moh cousin is a real hickey. As a child, due to the frequent change of schools, Lesha plunged into the world of computer games, and after the divorce of his parents, he completely closed in on himself. We tried to pull him out of the shell, invited him to parties and trips, but Lesha didn’t need anything. He has no friends, he had constant problems with his studies. After receiving a diploma, there is no initiative in finding a job. He sat and said that a classmate promised to arrange him for himself. Six months have passed - no gestures. I got him a job, but he worked 2weeks andsaid they were underpaid. Sent me to another friend for an interview. They call him and invite him to work, and Lesha replies that he will think. What can you think about if you have worked for a week without a year?! In general, they persuaded him, he has already been working for 3 weeks, he says that it is boring to sort out papers. I feel like my brother won't last long anyway».

The longer a person does not work, the more difficult it will be for him to get a job in the future and the more time he will spend looking for her.

  • “Infantiles” are adult children unsuitable for independent living. As a rule, these are spoiled "mama's sons" who do not know how and do not want to do anything even for themselves. They can exist at the expense of their parents or spouse for years. Sometimes this type of parasitism is accompanied by various addictions. Also, as stimulating factors for such behavior, experts call:
  • the presence of significant difficulties in getting a job,
  • high level of parental well-being,
  • softness of parents (mainly single or divorced mothers) who cannot force their adult children to work.
Valentina cites her father-in-law as an example: “ I am extremely sorry to see how the mother-in-law is straining at two jobs to support a 53-year-old healthy man. He is already years 15 does not work, even begging for money for his wife's flowers. And the whole root of evil in childhood- aboutn was an only child. So everything was for him - his mother even called him "king". So the parasite grew out of the king».

Is it possible to force a slacker to change and start working?

Unfortunately, if a relative leads an idle lifestyle, the police, as in Soviet times, will not help with his correction. Thus, the search for a way to turn a freeloader into a working person falls entirely on the shoulders of his close people.

You need to understand that by continuing to contain a parasite, you aggravate the situation. Ekaterina Panferova, General Director of Brainpower Siberia, warns: “Work breaks are rarely treated positively by employers, especially if they are associated with a desire to take a break. On the one hand, if a person has not had a vacation for several years, he can be understood, on the other apparently, he does not know how to plan working time or he has not developed the competence of delegation. For HR department employees, a long break in their seniority will always raise questions, since a specialist in demand on the market will never be left without work for a long period. Consequently, the longer a person does not work, the more difficult it will be for him to get a job in the future and the more time he will spend looking for it.

Although in our country unemployment benefits are small, nevertheless, the fact of receiving it may well become a reason for doing nothing. As US President Ronald Reagan rightly noted, fromunemployment insurance is paid leave for freeloaders". Therefore, if we are talking about a chronically unemployed person, you should not offer him to register with the employment service.

In addition, you need to take into account that recruiters will try to figure out the lazy person even at the interview stage. This happens because the benefits for the company from such employees are small, and the irritation from their behavior is not reflected in the best way on the atmosphere in the team. “Such candidates at the interview, as a rule, speak in general terms, you rarely hear from them specific results of work or achievements. According to them, they work “in a team” all the time, where it is difficult to determine the role and significance of each project participant. These people can talk at length about the project, but you will never hear about the initiative that came from them. It will be difficult to understand the degree of responsibility of a particular person for the result. If the candidate evaluates the work using the phrases „ I got in the way of circumstances“, „customer base was weak“, „I searched but didn't find“, „called but didn't get through“, etc., is an indirect indicator of unwillingness to work. A person is looking for an excuse for his inaction and finds it outside,” says Ekaterina Panferova.

If the loafer miraculously passed the entry barriers and was accepted for a probationary period, an experienced leader can reveal his true nature here too.

If, by some miracle, the loafer passed the entry barriers and was accepted for a probationary period, an experienced leader can reveal his true essence here too. Ekaterina Panferova lists the signs that testify against a lazy person: “Many parasites try to “get lost” in the company, not to catch the eye of the management. Their task is to pass the probationary period and quietly join the team. They rarely ask questions about work, they don’t show initiative, they get used to them over time, no one knows what they do, but they come to work and can nod their heads in time.”

Therefore, in addition to taking tough measures that exclude the carefree existence of a parasite, it is worth taking care of his psyche. After all, if you manage to get a lazy person to work, it’s not a fact that he will be able to stay there. Psychotherapy sessions, seminars on job search and adaptation in a team can help with this. Hihikomori will also benefit from communication workshops and self-confidence training. Psychologists often recommend that relatives of such a person also undergo a consultation - this is due to the fact that a psychological dependence is formed between the idler and the one who contains him, and it can be difficult for the second to believe that an adult healthy person is able to solve their problems on their own, without their help, which sometimes does not give a chance to show even a fraction of independence.

Remember, the result is always directly dependent on our actions. If a loved one does not seek to work, then it is we who must change our behavior in such a way that he wants to change the situation. Therefore, do not engage in material support for adult children. Let a relative take responsibility for the family, because any adult healthy person is able to support himself.

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