
Accounting keeping a bank statement in 1s 8.3. Accounting info. Loading from a file into a database

In the course of work, in each organization, there is interaction with other companies (organizations). For arrears of goods, works, services, taxes and other payments, you must pay. Currently, this process takes place through the Client-Bank system. This program is installed by bank employees on the computer of a company employee to make payments and download payment orders into the program in which accounting is carried out. Let's take a look at how the bank statements are loaded into 1C.

Uploading statements from the Client-Bank program

In order to download an extract from the Client-Bank program, you must:

  • Generate a statement for required period;
  • Export it to a text file for data transfer.

Export occurs when you click on the button "Export", "Export" or something similar, in different programs of the Client-Bank this button is called differently. The generated file is unloaded for export to the desired folder, according to a predefined path.

In front of the tabular part of the document in the right corner we find the "More" button, click on it, a window appears with a list of functions, select the "Exchange with bank" item in it.

  • Organization to download money orders;
  • Organization bank account.

Click at the bottom of the document "Download" and after that, in the tabular section, all bank statements will be loaded into the "1C: Accounting" program. After that, we look at the report on the uploaded file and proceed to processing payment orders.

You can set up automatic posting payment documents on admission and write-off. To do this, you need to complete the setup.

You can select the document "Settings with Client-Bank":

  • By clicking the “Settings” button at the bottom of the “Exchange with bank” document;

  • In the journal "Bank statements" select from the list the item "Set up an exchange with the bank" by clicking on the button "More".

In the settings, fill in the fields:

  • We indicate the bank account on which the statements will be downloaded;
  • The name of the program is selected from the list provided by the developers - this is the program with which you are working. After that, the fields "Upload file from 1C Accounting" and "Upload file from 1C Accounting" open. "Upload file from 1C Accounting" only if outgoing payment orders are generated in the 1C database and then uploaded to the Client-Bank;

The condition that must be met is the name of the download file in 1C, it must correspond to the name of the upload file from the Client-Bank program.

  • In the lower part of the setting, two fields open, in the left one indicates data on unloading, in the right part data on loading.

In the field “Automatically conduct after loading”, it is advisable to indicate two checkboxes on the positions “Receipt to the current account” and “Write-off from the current account”, while payment orders will be automatically carried out, which in the future must only be double-checked without going into each of them.

After downloading payment orders, you should carefully check the "Operation type" and the created accounting entries, if errors are found, make corrections.

Unloading statements from the banking program in 1C is a very convenient procedure that greatly facilitates the work of the accounting service, significantly saving employees' time.

In this article I will tell you how to use the functionality of bank statements and exchange with a client bank in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0:

  • where the bank documents are located in the program interface;
  • how to create a new outgoing payment order;
  • how to unload payment orders for payment to a client-bank;
  • how to download a statement from a client-bank and post them;
  • how to upload confirmation of successful payment of outgoing payments.

The general scheme of work for a single day with extracts in 1C is as follows:

  1. We download from the client-bank to 1C: receipts for yesterday and confirmations of yesterday's outgoing payments (+ commissions).
  2. We create payment orders that need to be paid today.
  3. (or use the Direct Bank system).

And so every day or any other period.

In the interface, the bank statement journal is located in the "Bank and Cashier" section:

How to create a new outgoing payment order

Payment order - a document for sending it to the bank, it can be printed using a standard bank form... It is entered on the basis of the Invoice, Receipt of goods and services and other documents. Be careful, document does not make any postings on accounting! Postings are made by the following document in the chain 1C 8.3 - "Write-off from the current account".

To create a new document, go to the "Payment order" journal of the above section and click the "Create" button. A new document form will open.

The first thing to start with is choosing the type of operation. The choice of future analytics depends on this:

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For example, let's select "Payment to the supplier". Among the required fields for this type of payment:

  • Organization and organization account - details of our organization.
  • Recipient, agreement and invoice - details of our recipient counterparty.
  • Amount, VAT rate, purpose of payment.

After filling in all the fields, check the correctness of the details.

Our video about bank statements in 1C:

Unloading payment orders from 1C to the client-bank

The next stage is the transfer of data on new payments to the bank. Usually in organizations it looks like this: for the whole day, accountants create a lot of documents, and at a certain time the person in charge uploads payments to the banking program. Unloading occurs through a special file - 1c_to_kl.txt.

To unload, go to the journal of payment orders and click the "Unload" button. Will open special treatment, in which you need to indicate the Organization and its account. After that, specify the dates for which you need to upload, and where to save the resulting file 1c_to_kl.txt:

Click "Upload", we get a file with the following content:

It also needs to be uploaded to the client-bank.

Our video on setting up, loading and unloading payments:

Almost any client-bank supports uploading a file in the KL_TO_1C.txt format. It contains all the data on incoming and outgoing payments for the selected period. To download it, go to the "Bank statements" journal and click the "Download" button.

In the processing that opens, select the organization, its account and the location of the file (which you downloaded from the client-bank). Click "Update from statement":

We will see a list of documents 1c 8.3 "receipt to the current account" and "write-offs from the current account": both incoming and outgoing (including for). After checking, it is enough to click the "Load" button - the system will automatically generate the necessary documents according to the list with the necessary accounting entries.

  • If the system did not find the TIN and KPP in the 1C directory, it will create a new one. Be careful, there may be a counterparty in the database, but with excellent details.
  • If you use, be sure to fill them in the list.
  • If there are no accounting accounts in the created documents, fill them in the information register "Accounts with counterparties". They can be specified both for the counterparty or contract, and for all documents.

Bank statements are entered in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program:

  • Manual entry of bank statements;

Entering data on receipt and write-off Money in 1C 8.3 occurs in the journal Bank statements. The magazine is located in the Bank and Cashier section:

To manually enter an extract into the program, you must click on the book in the form of a journal. Admission or book. Write-off.

There is another way to enter bank statements manually: based on other documents. Then the data of receipts and write-offs are filled in automatically according to the documents - the grounds.

  • : drawn up on the basis of an invoice to the buyer, payment request, cash disbursement, sales (act, invoice) and other documents.
  • WITHDene's scriptureimportant means: drawn up on the basis of documents Supplier invoice, Receipt (act, invoice), etc.

According to the received bank statements of cash flows, the accountant enters information into the 1C program:

Receipt to the current account in 1C 8.3

To enter data on the receipt of funds into the 1C 8.3 program, click book Admission and correctly select the Type of operation in the document. The set of available form details depends on this.

To make the buyer pay for the order against the future delivery of the goods, select the type of operation - Buyer Payment. We indicate the organization - Trading House "Complex". If there is only one organization in the database, then the organization field is not shown in the form. This field becomes visible only if there are several organizations in the database.

It is obligatory to fill in the field Bank account of the organization, Amount, Payer, Accounts for accounting of settlements and advances - 62.01 and 62.02:

Since payment is made before the goods are sold to the buyer, the 1C 8.3 transactions will reflect the advance payment on the advance account 62.02:

Write-off from the current account in 1C 8.3

Write-off from the current account in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 is made out according to the book. Write-off from the journal of Bank statements. The document form opens, in which the type of operation and organization are entered.

Let's select the type of operation Payment to the supplier. Fill in the data on the counterparty, amount, bank account organizations.

We also fill in the tabular part of the document: agreement, VAT rate, purpose of payment:

In this case, the following postings are formed in 1C 8.3:

Uploading statements from Client Bank to 1C 8.3

The work of the accounting department is structured in such a way that during the day the accountant must prepare payment orders to the bank for current operations and post the received statements from the bank according to the operations already performed by the bank. Work in 1C 8.3 on interaction with the bank is reduced to the execution in the program of payment orders outgoing to the bank and the subsequent entry of data on the operations performed by the bank.

Automation of this process involves loading bank statements from the Bank's Client into the 1C program and unloading payment orders from the 1C program to the Client Bank.

At the moment, most banks support the data exchange format with 1C programs. Downloading bank statements after setting up an exchange with the bank is made from the Journal of Bank statements according to the book. Download... You can open the form for setting up an Exchange with a bank directly from the journal Bank statements - book. MORE - Exchange with the bank:

Setting up an exchange with a bank and downloading bank statements is discussed in detail in our other article: “.

According to the book. Download The data of the Bank's Client are read by the 1C program and loaded into the Bank statements journal:

When loading data, the 1C 8.3 program matches the database objects - the data from the download file. The message that the object "not found" is issued:

  • By counterparty, if neither the bank account specified in the download file nor the TIN was found;
  • For the account of the counterparty, if the account number is not found in the download file;
  • Under the agreement, if the owner of the agreement and the desired type of agreement are not found in the 1C database;
  • If there are several identical objects in the database, the first one from the list will be selected and a warning about the situation will be issued;
  • When re-uploading documents, the program analyzes only the Amount and Type of payment data. If they are changed, the data is overwritten.

How to unload a payment order from 1C 8.3 to the Bank Client

Unloading payments from the 1C 8.3 program to the Client Bank can be done:

  • From the processing form for an Exchange with a bank. If you put processing in "Chosen», It will be available from anywhere the user works;
  • From the list of Payment orders for the book. Unload... When you click on the book. Unload the form of Exchange with the bank opens.

We discussed in detail the setting up of the exchange with the bank for unloading payment orders from 1C to the Client Bank in our other article: "".

According to the book. Unload from the Journal of Payment Orders, the data is uploaded to a text file and then transferred to the Client Bank:

Form of exchange with the bank - the Unloading to the bank tab:

Explore the design features banking operations in 1C 8.3: accounting accounts, documents, transactions, bank-client, you can correctly configure Direct Bank on ours. For more information on the course, see our video:

On the site you can see our other free articles and materials on configurations:,

How to make a bank statement 1c 8.2 1C 8.3?

Procedure for bank statement in 1C version 8.2 it is really slightly changed in comparison with 1C 7.7. But, if you think about it, the apparent inconvenience of the new algorithm is replaced by an understanding of its logic. We have already briefly covered in one of our previous articles the work with a bank statement. This is the article “How to Sell Currency? Selling currency in 1s 82 "|

Today we will consider the process of working with a bank statement in more depth. So, …

for example, let's reflect the payment process by non-cash means under the supply agreement.

Let's say the Dobro LLC organization pays a certain amount to the UkrPostachSbut organization. To reflect this action, open the "Bank" menu item and select the "outgoing" item. The same can be done in the control panel on the tab of the same name.

Add a new entry to the payment order journal. We issue an outgoing payment order in an appropriate way. We save it.

Then we add a new statement.

In the created statement, fill in the required bank account and the date on which the statement is generated.

After filling in all the details, a functional panel will automatically become available, on which you need to click "Pick up unpaid".

In the selection window, mark the desired or several necessary documents checkboxes and click "Post Marked".

After completion, close the form and the statement formed by the required number becomes visible.

For the sake of fairness, it should be added that we can also generate outgoing and incoming bank documents directly from the statement form. This is done simply by clicking the "+ Add" button.

In the same statement window, you can navigate through statements, view the results of the transaction, change the status of payment for documents, etc.

We hope that our article has sufficiently highlighted the answers to the questions: “ How to issue an outgoing payment order? How to issue a payment order? How to enter bank statements in 1C version 8.2? How to make a 1C bank statement? How to post a bank statement in 1s? How to make a bank statement in 1s 8? Bank statement 1C 82 ″

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

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How to upload statements from a client bank to 1C Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)

2016-12-07T18: 26: 50 + 00: 00

It is the 21st century and I am surprised to learn that some accountants still hammer bank statements into 1C: Accounting manually, although in all programs of the 1C family (starting with the seven) this process is automated.

And if in 1C 7.7 there were still claims to it, then the mechanism for loading bank statements for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0) truly deserves all praise.

I will tell you step by step how to download statements from your client bank (using the example of the iBank system as the most common one now) into 1C: Accounting 8.3.

1. Start the bank-client. From the main menu select "Settings" - "General".

2. In the settings that will open, go to the "Export" tab. Check the box in section 1C and uncheck the boxes in all other sections. In the 1C section, write any path to a file with the ".txt" extension as an exchange file. Click the "Save" button.

3. Now get statements for the required number, select them all (the key combination Ctrl + A) and select the down arrow next to the button on the panel Out... From the drop-down list of commands, select "Export to 1C ...".

4. Half the battle is done! The statements were uploaded to the same file that we specified in the settings of the bank-client.

Making a backup copy of the database

Loading from a file into a database

5. Now start 1C and go to the "Bank and Cashier" section. And then select the item "Bank statements" in the panel on the left.

6. In the opened statement journal, click the "More" button and select the "Exchange with bank" item from the drop-down list:

7. The exchange window with the bank has opened. Select the "Download from Bank" tab.
Specify the bank account and the file into which the statements from the client-bank were uploaded:

8. In the bottom pane, click the Download button. And all extracts from the file will be loaded into 1C.

9. Done! It remains only to view the "Download report".

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer).

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