
Cashless money transfer. What is the non-cash form of the calculation. What is cashless payments? What does non-cash payment mean

Non-cash payments - These are calculations (payments) carried out without the use of cash, that is, by transferring a certain amount from one account of a credit organization to another, which are accompanied by a testing of mutual requirements. Intermediaries in such operations are banks, that is, such payments are translated on their accounts.

This form of calculations accelerates the turnover of funds, reduces the amount of cash that is necessary for the appeal. This form of calculations is most preferable for doing business today.

According to the current legislation, settlements between legal entities, as well as calculations with the participation of citizens associated with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, are made in non-cash.

Calculations between these persons can also be made in cash. But for this provision there is a significant condition: the maximum amount of calculation of cash between legal entities for one transaction is equal 60 thousand rubles.

Thus, if the organization calculates in cash on one contract, these calculations should not exceed 60 thousand rubles. At the same time, she has the opportunity to pay for this transaction and by non-cash payments for which the limits are not established. If cash flows are made on several contracts, the maximum amount of cash settlements should not exceed 60 thousand rubles. For each contract separately. Therefore, if the amount of the contract exceeds the specified amount of 60 thousand rubles, the calculation must be made in non-cash form.

We now turn to the types of non-cash payments. You can choose one of the following types of calculations:

  • calculations of payment orders;
  • calculations on the letter of credit;
  • calculations by checks;
  • calculations for collection;
  • calculations with payment requirements.

To implement such calculations, the following payment documents are used, corresponding to each type of such calculations:

  • money orders;
  • letters of credit;
  • checks;
  • payment requirements;
  • incassive orders.

The total amount of non-cash settlements should not exceed:

  • two operating days within the territory of the subject of the Federation;
  • five operating days within the territory of the Russian Federation.

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such calculation systems, the following provisions can be distinguished:


  1. The flexibility of calculations, as the "chains" of transactions with different additional charges can be served.
  2. Availability of bank documents, i.e. Easy provisability of calculations.
  3. The impossibility of fraud with fake money, "dolls", etc.
  4. Reducing the costs associated with the carriage of cash, its accounting and storage;
  5. Unlimited storage period money on bank accounts;
  6. Lack of cash register and the need for its service;
  7. All cash is subject to mandatory delivery to the bank after three days from the date of their receipt to the cashier (the exception is cash for remuneration of employees - salaries, which can be stored at the box office no more than 5 days), that is, cash is still subject to mandatory translation In a non-cash form, therefore, the initial calculation of non-cash will allow not additional operations with the bank and save time and money.


  1. There is a danger to encounter or get into dependence on the "problems" of the bank, that is, with difficulties or even the inability to translate or rent money from the account.
  2. An increase in the costs associated with the emergence of various additional payments to the bank for the operations produced.
  3. Regular cash flow is needed, for payment of bank services and payments wages employees, which is not very convenient for novice small entrepreneurs;
  4. Permanent interaction with the bank is required, which includes certain costs;

Mostly, this species Calculation has obvious advantages over in cash, and the disadvantages can be eliminated, if you carefully approach the issue of the choice of the bank and work within the framework of the current legislation. Good luck!

What is cashless payments? What does non-cash payment mean?

What is cashless payments?

What does non-cash payment mean?

Cashless payments- Payment carried out without the use of cash, that is, crediting money to the recipient's bank account from the payer's bank account occurs through the bank. Non-cash payments are carried out through the bank, with the help of customization, clearing calculations, credit cards, Checks, bills. Functions that make cashless payments: accelerates money circuit, while performing transactions reduces the need for cash money; Reduces cash handling costs. Cashless movement of money is difficult to hide from regulatory authorities, so the state contributes to the growth of the share of non-cash settlements in money circulation countries.

To implement most non-cash payments, an individual must open the current account in the bank. The bank can implement remittance On behalf of the individual and without opening an account (this option will be discussed below), the exception is postal transfers. The current account opens on the basis of a bank account agreement providing for the implementation of settlement operations not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. To open the current account (concluding a bank account agreement), the following documents are submitted to the Bank:

- passport or other document, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certifying personality;

- "Card with samples of signatures and print prints" forms 0401026 of the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation OK 011-93 (hereinafter referred to with samples of signatures and print prints ");

- other documents stipulated by law and / or bank account agreement.

In the event of a change in the data specified by the individual in the bank account agreement, it notifies the bank to the bank and within the time limits established by the Treaty. When changing the surname, the name or patronymic person, an individual is presented to the bank a new document certifying the person on the basis of which is issued new card f. 0401026.

The individual is entitled to provide another physical person (trusted person) the right of disposal of cash on its current account, on the basis of a power of attorney, which is certified by the Bank in the presence of the principal and is assigned to the print of the bank. Power of attorney can also be certified in a notarial manner. In the case of power of attorney, an additional card f is provided to the Bank. 0401026. Stop the power of power of attorney to order the current account, the principal may be submitting a relevant application to the bank.

Write-off of funds from the current account of an individual is carried out by the Bank to order the account holder or without its disposal (for example, by the court decision) on the basis of the settlement documents within the cash on the account. In the absence of funds at the current account of an individual at the time of write-off funds, as well as the right to receive a loan, including overdraft provided for by the Agreement between the Bank and the Individual, the settlement documents are not subject to and return to payers or collectors in order, established position No. 2-p.

The possibility of implementing non-cash transfers to the individual foreign currency It directly depends on whether the person is a resident of the Russian Federation for currency regulation. In turn, citizens of the Russian Federation are recognized by residents, except for permanently living or temporarily staying (on the basis of a working or training visa) in a foreign country at least a year (paragraph. "A" of paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Article 1 of the Law of 10.12.2003 N 173-FZ).

Cases when non-cash transfers in foreign currency are allowed and prohibited

Transfers in foreign currency between residents and non-residents, as well as between non-residents are carried out without restrictions (Art. Article 6, 10 of the Law N 173-FZ).

Transfers in foreign currency between residents are prohibited, in addition to established cases, including (clause 12, 13, 17 hours 1, Article 9 of the Law N 173-FZ):

  • translation from the Russian Federation in favor of individualitz residents on their accounts in banks outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in compliance with the limit on the amount;
  • translation of the resident in the Russian Federation from the bank account outside the territory of the Russian Federation in favor of individualitz residents to their accounts in banks in the Russian Federation;
  • translation from its accounts in banks in the Russian Federation in favor of the residents of spouses or close relatives on their accounts in banks in the territory of the Russian Federation or beyond.

Also residents can carry out foreign currency transfers to their own accounts in banks both in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. There are no limitations in this case.

Non-cash transfers in foreign currency can be carried out both from the account opened in the bank and without opening such an account.

Non-cash transfers from an account opened in a bank

When implementing cashless translation in foreign currency from your account, you need to contact the bank in which your account is opened, and submit certain documents.

So, you will need to present a document certifying your identity, and report information on the recipient of the translation (name, name and details of the bank, in which the recipient has an account, and the recipient's account number). In addition, you will need to submit documents that you can request a bank in order to carry out currency control, including (Part 4 of Article 12 of the Law N 173-FZ; paragraph 1 of the instructions of the Bank of Russia of 20.07.2007 N 1868 ):

1) when transferring a transfer to an amount exceeding $ 5,000 (or equivalent at the rate of the Bank of Russia at the date of writing off cash), - information on confirming the recipient's foreign currency status (which the recipient is a non-resident). Banks independently determine in what form such information should be provided. This may be, for example, a copy of the passport of a citizen of the recipient's foreign state or an indication of the non-resident of the recipient in the column "Appointment of payment" of the payment document;

2) when transferring to its account in a bank outside the territory of the Russian Federation, a notice submitted by the resident to the tax authority at its own account of interest, on the opening of this account with the marking of the tax authority on its adoption. The specified notification is submitted only in the implementation of the first translation. In the future, it is not required;

3) when transferring to its spouse or a close relative - documents (copies of their copies), confirming the relationship, in particular the passport of a citizen, a birth certificate or marriage.

These documents are not required if you transfer to your spouse or a relative on his account, open at the bank outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in an amount not exceeding $ 5,000 (or equivalent at the rate of the Bank of Russia at the date of writing off cash).

Non-cash transfers without opening an account

Non-cash transfers without opening an account individuals are carried out through the money transfers.

For their implementation, make sure that the service points of the selected system in the country and the city of the presence of a remittance recipient. As a rule, service points are banks with which payment systems have contractual relations.

In service item payment system It will be necessary to present a document certifying your identity, and inform information about the recipient of the translation (FULL NAME OF REVIEW, COUNTRY, CITY). After making money to the cashier, you will report a control code or other translation identifier. This information should be transferred to the recipient of the translation so that it can get money.

The translation without opening a bank account is carried out within a period of no more than three working days from the date of the provision of cash for such a translation (part 5 of Art. 5 of the Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ).

When carrying out translation from the Russian Federation without opening a bank account through authorized Bank There is also a restriction of the transfer amount. Thus, the translation during one operational day through one bank may not exceed the amount equivalent to $ 5,000 at the rate of the Bank of Russia at the date of treatment for the transfer of translation (paragraph 5, 9 of Part 3 of Article 14 of the Law N 173- FZ; indication of the Bank of Russia of 30.03.2004 N 1412-y).


Under the introduction foreign state prohibitions regarding payment systems whose operators are registered by the Bank of Russia, non-cash translating without opening an account can be carried out from the Russian Federation to such a state if the payment system operators, payment infrastructure service operators, foreign organizations (except for foreign banks and credit institutions), on the basis of contracts with which the translation is carried out, are under control russian organizations (Part 1, 2, Art. 19.1 of the Law N 161-FZ).

Features of the transfer of electronic cash

Cashless translation without opening a bank account is also possible when transferring electronic funds (hereinafter referred to as EDC) using electronic payment systems (for example, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and Qiwi). At the same time, the requirements of the EMF in foreign currency are subject to the requirements of the currency legislation of the Russian Federation (part 3 of Art. 5, Part 24 of Art. 7 of the Law N 161-FZ).

Help. Electronic cash

Electronic calls such funds that are previously provided with an individual to the EDC to fulfill their monetary obligations to third parties and in relation to which this individual is entitled to transfer orders exclusively using electronic means payment (paragraph 18 of Art. 3 of the Law N 161-FZ).

In this case, an individual can provide cash to the EDC Operator using or without using a bank account.

Also, cash in its favor can be provided to the EDC Operator by organizations or PI, if such an opportunity is provided for by the contract between the individual and the EDC operator. In turn, the latter forms a record of the amount of funds provided to him (Part 2, 4 Article 7 of the Law N 161-FZ).

The translation of the EMF in favor of their recipients is usually carried out on the basis of the order of an individual - a payer, in some cases, at the request of EDC recipients. At the same time, payers and recipients of EMFs can be clients both one and several EMF operators (Part 7, 8 Article 7 of the Law N 161-FZ).

As a rule, the translation is carried out by simultaneously adopted by the statement of the EMF of the payer's order, reducing its EDC residue and increase the remnant of the recipient of funds for the sum of translation. Translation using specially intended for this payment card It is carried out within a period of no more than three working days after the adoption by the EMF operator of the payer. A shorter period may be provided for by the contract between the EDS operator and the payer or the rules of the payment system. After that, the translation of the EMF becomes irrevocable and monetary obligations The payer in front of the recipient of the EMF is stopped (clause 26 of Article 3, Part 10, 11, 15, 17 Article 7 of the law N 161-FZ).

Being an individual entrepreneur is to work on yourself and not depend on others. Today, the cashless payment of the IP is used quite often, as it is very convenient and profitable. Many businessmen attract freedom, but not everyone is solved on such a feat as the opening of their own business. In fact, there is nothing fiction in business, especially if the businessman is registered as an IP. There are also convenient forms of taxation, and a minimum of paper work.

However, despite all the simplicity, each novice entrepreneur needs to study all the nuances of this type of activity in detail. This will avoid many mistakes and make business maintenance more convenient.

Entrepreneurship will be much easier if the businessman has its own current account. This allows you to conduct cashless PI with customers and suppliers. This form is very convenient, so it is used often. But to get the opportunity to pay and accept payments not only in cash, but also non-cash form, you need to open a bank account.

By law, an individual businessman can work without an account in a bank, but it is necessary to acquire them if he wants to be able to enjoy all the advantages of non-cash payments. At the same time, the entrepreneur must take into account that cash is limited russian legislation. That is, 1 contract is allowed in cash transfer no more than 100 thousand rubles. With non-cash, there is no such problem, and this is his extra plus. For 1 contract you can receive an unlimited number of translations. In this case, there will be no need to renew each time a contract to achieve a certain amount.

How to choose a bank

In order for calculations with customers, suppliers and partners as possible, it is necessary to choose the right financial organization.

It should be good and reliable bankwho enjoys a positive reputation.

On the unstashes of the World Wide Network there are special resources on which you can see a list of banks suitable for the work of the IP and get acquainted with the reviews of their customers. It is very convenient and helps to make the right choice.

When selecting a suitable financial organization, it is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • duration of the Bank in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of Internet banking services;
  • network of ATMs and service centers.

Usually, large banks more reliable and offered good conditions For the work of individual businessmen. Internet banking will be convenient to translate funds from one card to another, without leaving home. Businessman is desirable to make a separate one plastic cardAs for an ordinary individual. This will allow you to make money from the bank more profitably. It is desirable that there are enough ATMs. It will be very uncomfortable if for cash withdrawal every time you have to go to the other end of the city.

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Documents for opening an account

To work on non-cash, the businessman needs to know how to open cashless payment for IP. To do this, the financial organization needs to provide a specific packet of papers.

For IP, a copy of the certificate is considered to be considered that the individual has passed the registration procedure in tax authority. In this case, this document must be notarized. In addition, a copy of the TIN, the general public passport with a reversal and registration and license, if the activity of the businessman is subject to licensing.

After submitting the package of documents to the bank, the employees of a financial organization should issue a service contract and issue all the necessary cards, bank details. In some offices, it takes a lot of time, sometimes even a few days. On average, financial organizations give all documents within 1 day. However, it all depends on the efficiency of the Bank's employees.

As for the supply of packets, it is advisable to have all the originals for reconciliation and copies that must be certified by the notary. It is desirable that the applicant is present when submitting documents personally. It matters for the reason that he will have to fill out a statement with brief information about himself and its business, as well as to assure all this with a personal signature. Staff financial organizations Extremely reluctantly go to the fact that the documents pass another person, and not the entrepreneur itself. This must be taken into account. It is better to highlight a little time and personally visit the bank, especially since entrepreneurs are usually serviced on special conditions, that is, there should be no queues.

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Who needs to report on the availability of the account

First of all, the entrepreneur must inform the details of his bank account to its suppliers, partners and other people who will transfer money to it. On the this moment There is no need to report on your current account in various inspections and organizations from an individual businessman.

A few years ago, every businessman who issued an IP and cashless payments was obliged to report it in tax inspection. However, now this rule is not mandatory. He was canceled in May 2014. Up to this point, businessmen should have reported their bank details In the FTS within 5 days after the opening of the account, for which the Form C09-1 was filled.

W. Pension Fund Previously were similar requirements. But since first of May 2014 they were simplified. Now the entrepreneur is not obliged to inform the PFR on the availability of the current account.

It is very convenient to work on cashlessly, but the entrepreneur must take into account all the nuances that relate to the transfer of money. It is important to remember that all payments that an individual businessman will spend through their current account must be justified. Bank employees always carefully monitor the rationality of payments. Each procedure must be decorated taking into account the payment order and have a payment name.

Until July 2017 cashless paymentWho would not be produced, did not require the use of cash register equipment. However, amendments to Law No. 54-FZ IP and organizations receiving payment on non-cash from individuals obliged to use CCT and issue to customers cash checks electronic.

The need for use online cashier According to non-cash payments, it depends on who lists the means - a business entity or an individual.

Note: To entities of entrepreneurship, legislation considers individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, acquiring goods not for personal use (as a physical), but for conducting activities.

IP and organizations accepting payment on non-cash from citizens are obliged to apply cash desktop and issue checks (customers) checks or shades of strict reporting.

New order The use of CCC with cashless transfer funds will begin to act since July 2018. The delay is related to the fact that earlier entrepreneurs and IP were not obliged to apply cash registers upon receipt of funds to the account, including individuals. For such categories of entrepreneurs (previously had no opportunity not to use cash desks), a delay is provided for the year from July 2017 to July 2018.

Who was obliged to apply the CCT when finally until 2018

Previously, the rules were provided for exemption from the use of online cash offices when transferring funds to the current account. Cash techniques applied only when paying in cash and bank cards as IP and organizations and individuals.

Who is obliged to apply CCT when non-cash after 2018

IP and legal entities who receive payment for a settlement account from individuals (citizens) are obliged to use a cash technique from July 2018, meeting new requirements.

Note: The form (system) of taxation in this case does not matter.

Who is not obliged to apply CCT in non-cash payments

IP and organizations leading calculations only with others individual entrepreneurs and companies purchasing goods are not for personal use, but for business activities, may not be applied to the CCM and not to issue cash checks.

What you need to issue a check - paper or electronic

Since the calculations occur remotely, physically passing the paper version of the check is not possible, then the legislation provides for issuing only electronic check, formed no later than 5 minutes after receipt of payment on account.

Note: Must contain all the necessary details established by law No. 54-FZ.

At what point you need to break the check

Since the funds for the current account are not credited instantly, and after a time, send the seller to the buyer (client) from the moment of confirmation of the execution of the order for transferring electronic payments credit Organization.

This position of the Ministry of Finance has outlined in his letter dated February 2, 2017. DO-4-20 / [Email Protected].

How to return the goods when paying for non-cash

When returning funds to the client (to the buyer) before the receipt of official explanations from the regulatory authorities, it is possible to be guided by the recommendations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation set forth in the letter dated 08/01/2011 N 112-T "On the return of funds for the goods (service) previously paid using the payment card", And to return by transferring funds for the returned product by the payment order for the details of the buyer, specified in the statement.

What online cash office to use when paying for goods on non-cash

The choice of cash registers in this situation depends on whether the entrepreneur or the organization is received by cash or software.

If the activity is on the Internet, the payment comes only to the current account or C, then you can choose the option of online cash register for Internet commerce. The difference between the data of cash registers is that they do not have a printer that allows you to print cash checks. This option is not suitable for those who accept cash and cards on site (for example, when issuing a product and its payment to the courier). They will have to additionally acquire a cashier with a POS terminal that allows you to form checks in paper form.

You can also consider the option of renting an online ticket office provided by a number of services on the Internet. The IP or the organization concludes an agreement with the cashier rental service. Self cash machine Located at the lessor, and the tenant gets remote access to it. After receipt of the payment of the box, the check forms a check and sends it to the buyer, and information about the operation of the operation is sent to the fiscal data operator.

In this article, you will be presented with all the basic payment methods for non-cash payments.

Rules of non-cash settlements

From two thousand and twelfth year, new laws governing the rules of non-cash settlements have entered into force. Before conducting operations, we advise you to get acquainted with them.

Cashless payment is a calculation that is carried out without cash.

Cashless payments can be carried out using bills, checks, and in other ways. People use cashless payments in some areas of economic relations. For example, cashless payments are used when implementing products, different work, services, when receiving and returning loans from the bank, when using and paying actual income.

There are the following forms of non-cash settlements:

Calculation of payment orders,
- Accredit form of calculations,
- calculations with checks,
- calculations of payment orders and requirements
- Calculations by mutual requirements.

Organizations themselves choose forms of non-cash payments. These forms are provided for in the agreements that the organization concludes with the bank. As participants in transactions on non-cash payments, payers and recovers are advocated. As well as banks that serve them. All operations relating to bank accountsare performed only on the basis of the required settlement documents required for this.

Estimated document - this is Order, which is made on electronic media or in writing.

Distinguish the following order:
- Payer
- Recipient

Requirements for the design of the settlement documents outlined in the Regulation Central Bank Russian Federation.

Types of cashless payments

Monetary calculations can be carried out by the company or in cash, or in the form of cashless payments.

Non-cash payments are made using cashless transfer on the calculated, current and currency accounts of the Bank's clients, accounts between different banks, Clearing outputs of mutual requirements through settlement fees, still with the help of checks and bills that replace cash. Non-cash payments are made mainly through bank, settlement and credit operations. The use of these operations helps reduce costs money turnover and provides more reliable security preservation.

Cashless payment payment

Payment by bank transfer is carried out in the presence of bank details or an individual who need to translate money. Payment on non-cash payments helps to significantly reduce the time of payment.

Methods of non-cash calculation:

1) bank transfer
2) Bank cards
3) electronic payments (, WebMoney, [email protected])

Now you know what existing payment methods on non-cash payments.

There are two forms of order payment - this is cash and cashless payments.


  • Payment of the order is carried out only in Russian rubles.
  • By cashless payments, payment is made through any bank.
  • Orders paid for receipts and legal entities on non-cash payments are sent after receipt to the bill of the entire amount for the order.
  • If the order is not paid within 3 (three) days, it is considered canceled.

Payment for cash payments

When delivering orders by courier and in order issuing items used cash form Payment.

Buyer pays for the goods ordered by the representative of the delivery service, previewed and accepting the goods. Please prepare the amount for payment without passing. Thank you!

Payment on non-cash payment for individuals

- By receipt

Making the order Specify the payment method - by receipt. The store manager will send a receipt of PD-4 form by email.

According to this receipt, the buyer can list funds at the office of any bank or using the online office of its bank (for example, Sberbank-online) on store details.

Attention! Order should not be paid before the manager confirmation, it will come by e-mail.

Payment by receipt allows you to reduce the costs associated with shipping. This is a preferred method for the delivery of FSUE "Mail of Russia".

- cash on delivery

Payment by cash on delivery is possible when shipping the order of the FSUE "Mail of Russia".

This payment method is somewhat more expensive than payment by receipt.

When receiving a parcel in the FSUE office of Russian Post, in addition to the amount of cash on delivery, the recipient pays:

  • commission for the translation - 40 rubles. + 5% of the amount of cash on delivery *
  • storage service - 20 rubles for every day Over 5 days *

* Depends on the amount of cash on delivery and the recipient region.

- prepayment by bank card

Payment is carried out through the payment service NET PAY

The ordered product is possible to pay a bank card online immediately after creating an order. In the case of buying a product "under the order" after the receipt of this product in the store. You will see the corresponding button on the order execution page.

  1. To pay a bank card, you will be redirected to the protected payment page of the Processing company Net Pey LLC. Payment page meets the last international requirements Security of payment systems Visa, MasterCard, peace.
  2. During the payment of the bank card, enter its number, validity period, CVV code, specified on the turnover, as well as the name and surname of the owner and the contact details of the cardholder.
  3. Make sure you entered correct data, and then click on the "Pay" button.
  4. If yours bank card Supports 3D Secure technology, you will automatically go to the site of your bank, where you will be asked to enter secret code Activation that will be sent to your phone.
  5. If the details of the maps are entered correctly and on the account of enough money, you will see a confirmation of payment for the order. After that, you will be asked to return to the store page.

Order of receiving an order paid by a bank card

When transferring an order, you will be asked to present a document certifying personality to verify the name of the recipient of the order. In addition to the painting for receiving the order, you will be asked to record the number of this document.

Cash Return Procedure

For a complete or partial cash refund on the map you need to contact the store. Money will automatically return to your card within 2-3 days. The exact period of money return depends on the limitations of the placement of the order and from the bank released the card (the maximum return period cannot exceed 30 days).

Treatment payment information It happens on the Net Pay Processing Center page, so the buyer's card data is not available for the online store. Protection of information transfer is made by technologies developed by international payment visa systems, MasterCard, World - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, Verified by Visa, Secure Code, Miraccept and closed banking networks guarantees secure transactions with bank cards.

Payment on non-cash payment for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

  • Choose when ordering payment method - cashless payment;
  • fill in the required form fields (TIN, PPP, P / C, K / S, etc.) or send details of the company to E-mail: [Email Protected]the requisite site is required to design documents (accounts, TTN, etc.);
  • The manager exhibits a bill for payment, which must be paid for three working days;
  • If possible, inform the fact of payment, sending a copy of the document confirming the fact of enumeration monetary sum For the order ( payment order With a bank marker in a scanned form or its broken photo) to e-mail: [Email Protected]website. This will avoid mistakes when crediting funds to our current account.

Attention! Pay for the order only after confirming the store manager by phone or email

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