
Is it easy to work in 1c. - Setting the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using the built-in object-oriented language. Main buttons for working with reports

As you know, today there are many automated electronic systems enterprise management, including accounting, accounting, and cash flow, consultancy of goods in stock, etc. In this regard software 1C is one of the best. Let's briefly consider how to work in 1C. We will try if not completely, at least it is available to explain what is the system, and how it functions.

What is the 1C software medium?

Before you begin working with a software product, some concepts should be clearly distinguished. The fact is that 1C is the total name of several software Systemscreated for use in one or another sphere.

The package itself includes many applications that are present in an extended installer. After its launch it will be necessary to choose exactly those components that are required for work, whether to record goods in stock or accrual wages employees of the enterprise.

How to work in the program 1c, taking into account different specifics?

After installing each module, which is essentially independent of each other, although they can connect to the cross, you need to activate the product, after which fill the necessary fields related to the company.

As for the accounting, the question is how to work in 1C, it comes down to attach the appropriate databases in which the document templates are contained. financial statements. If you specify the region and the country when installing, such databases will be updated automatically in binding to existing standards (for example, the tax returns of a certain country in binding to government portals).

If we consider how to work in the 1C program from the point of view of the interface, in most cases, even the most unprepared user will figure with it, at least once encountered with applications like Microsoft Excel or Access. The principle is the same - tabular form. True, here the exceptions make up operations and the use of shortcuting shortcuts of a function of a function or another, but in general the scheme of work is not particularly different.

How to work in "1C: Warehouse"?

If we talk about warehouse, the program (or rather, its module) allows you to conduct not only accounting. The fact is that even upon vacation from the warehouse, there is a binding to previously written invoices, creating overhead or tax documents, product reservation system, etc.

With all this, as already understandable, 1C is a network software product that is installed on several machines simultaneously. It turns out that a fairly headed warehouse will ship goods and give the invoice to the recipient how the goods will be written off in accounting from the material balance. Notice, everything is fully automated. However, even if there is such a powerful module, any enterprise must carry out an inventory. Most of all it concerns the so-called "smallers", which is completely simply impossible to consider in the warehouse (the same nuts, screws, dowels, etc.).

On the other hand, after entering the adjustment by manually, the warehouse program "spit" will not and will continue to work in normal mode.

"1C: Enterprise"

If we talk about how to work in "1C: Enterprise", it should be noted that this is a generalized management system of the firm in which all major aspects are provided, including not only the consideration of the goods or the movement of funds on accounts, but also to use the database of staff of employees, wages, deductions in Pension Fund or fiscal payments for taxes, etc.

As already understandable, absolutely all the data of employees, including orders about their appointments for relevant posts, the purpose of salaries and the like, is automatically synchronized with state institutions by comparing passport data and individual tax numbers. So, you want or not, fooling fiscal services will not work in any way. Moreover, based on the current legislation, even the accrual of salaries, tax deductions or the pension fund will be carried out automatically on the basis of the rates taken. Here at the end of the reporting period you need to press the report formation button and subsequent sending to the appropriate state administration authority.

Customizable databases and controls

The question is how to work in 1C cannot be considered only from the point of view of the main components of the software package. The fact is that the developers have invested in the shell itself a lot of hidden means for the "fine" setting of any of those present modules.

This is due to the possibility of writing executable scripts based on Visual Basic. With the right approach, such things are capable of replacing many consecutive actions that require enough time for execution.

In addition, for any 1C program module, the system of attaching the most relevant databases, which provide not only to clarifications about legal aspects, but also use standard documents State templates. It is clear that the same tax Declaration It is easier to print out of the source in the program itself, rather than running the paper form to the tax inspection.


Of course, a completely question, how to work in 1C, in such a short explanatory note Consider impossible. Nevertheless, the foundation, it seems, is already clear, especially since the program itself is quite very reminded of tabular applications like Access or Excel.

The command and menu here, however, can be very different from the "Microsoft" standard, but if the user has studied at least the initial bases of working with these applications, with 1C will cope without problems.

Here it is also necessary to take into account the fact that, as a rule, 1C is raised first in the form of the server version, and only then installed on the child's vending machines. This avoids failures in the operation of the package, and also use updates solely in binding to the central server, which is responsible for the system administrator.

1. What is 1C, the difference between the configuration platform.
2. Information storage options.
3. Three-level architecture.
4. Support technology

What is 1C, the difference between the configuration platform.

The program is simultaneously a business solution and development environment. He has many typical and copyright configurations. To make it clear the difference between the platform from the configuration, I will make a comparison with the Word program (WORD) from the Microsoft office package. The platform is equivalent to the Word program, and the configuration is a file with the "* .doc" extension created in the program.

Those. Having only a platform has nothing to look and have nowhere to make data, and having a configuration without a platform, nothing to open. As a rule, the configuration covers a branch or subject area and solves their tasks, for example: management of trade, company accounting, salary and personnel management, motor transport enterprise. As for the development environment, a configuration tool is built into the platform and all existing configurations are created using it. Moreover, the understanding of the code is simplified due to the programming language - he is Russian. The main interface through which users work is Forms .

What 1s looks like

Per last years 1C has undergone strong changes in the interface, let's follow from version 7.7 to version 8.3 "Taxi"

Information storage options.

Because The main objectives of the use of programs in business is the accumulation of data for control and management, it is necessary to tell about how 1C does it. There are two types of storage of information in databases:

  1. File - This format involves creating a 1CV8.1CD file on a computer, which is the database.
  2. Client-server - This format involves the use of a third-party program for storing information, and the 1c program appeals to it to produce some actions on the data. Instead of phrase, the client-server can use the word server, as well as a three-level or three-star architecture.

Three-level architecture.

With understanding the file embodiment of the accounting system, I think there will be no difficulties. I'll tell you about the client-server in more detail. With this embodiment, the software package consists of three levels: client, server "1C enterprise", SQL server.
Note: SQL abbreviation is decrypted as STRUCTURE QUERY LANGUAGE, which is translated as a structured query language, but is often used to indicate the server type.

The main purpose of such an embodiment of the system is an increase in reliability and performance. The most famous third-party programs are: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and the last free and supplied on ITS disks.

Reliability is achieved due to the fact that the database can be operated through a specialized program that monitors the integrity of the data, makes archive copies, optimizes the data receipt time and other.

Performance - due to the possibility of separating different logical parts software package on different computers. In fact, during the client-server version, all parts of the software package can be on the same computer.
A simplified description of the functions performed by different parts of the software package will look like this:

  1. The client is all connected with the display on the monitor screen
  2. Server 1C - request information to SQL server in SQL, overlaying user rights restrictions on received information
  3. SQL server - storage and change of information.

If you compare version 1C from 7.7 to 8.3 and allocate one key difference, you can specify the following

  • 7.7 File variant in many respects, does not work full with SQL
  • 8.0 Single-user system, does not have sufficient parallelism of several users
  • 8.1 Client system, work with SQL, but most processes are performed on the client's computer
  • 8.2 Client-server, but with weak web client functionality
  • 8.3 Web client, departure from modal windows.

Technology support

The 1C platform supports many modern technologies:

  • cOM - allows you to access other objects despite the boundaries of the process or machine, i.e. Read data from other applications. For example from Excel
  • oLE - allows you to embed a part of other applications in the form 1C.
  • xML - generally recognized format for data exchange
  • and many others.

Setting 1C is not more difficult than setting any application, the nuance only in the key of protection.

In custody interesting factUnder the deciphering "1C" first, it was implied - no more than one second and was the name of the search engine, and not the firm developing a business application.

Most professional accountants are known how difficult it is to maintain "manually", without the use of special accounting programs. This method of accounting organization is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. In addition to the tremendous time of time on the formation of primary documents and drawing up accounting recordsThe likelihood of incorrect preparation of wiring increases and, as a result, the formation of unreliable financial statements.

All these troubles can be avoided if you keep records in a specialized accounting program. Today, the most convenient and "advanced" program is the package "1C: Enterprise", providing a full and qualitative accounting for all accounting, financial and personnel aspects of any company. That is why many accountants seek as quickly as possible to learn how to work in this program module. Unfortunately, not everyone has free time for visiting specialized courses, so many seek to learn "1C accounting" at home.

What needs to be taken into account

It should be noted that the 1C module is organized so competent and convenient that even accountants with little work experience are organized. To learn the program "1C Accounting" on your own, it is enough to purchase a kit that includes a disk with software and additional methodological materials that allow you to master the osses of operation in the selected module.

Carefully studying the sequence of installation of the program, establishment of installation constants and features of the filing of reference books, you can learn how to create primary accounting and shipping documents and master the rules for the preparation of the main postings.

How to learn to work in the module of experienced accountants

Experts who have a lot of experience in the position of leading or chief accountant will be able to learn at home the program "1C Accounting" very quickly. Most of them are quite enough to carefully examine the program interface and understand the basic principles of work in it. "Advanced" users usually do not have any problems performing the main accountingconcerning the accounting of material reserves, depreciation or salary calculation. If all the primary constants are headed correctly and the parameters of operations are correct, the wiring is generated automatically.

In the event of difficulties with filling out reporting or forming output forms, you can always get free consultation Specialists from the company in which software was purchased, or consult colleagues on professional accountants forums.

21.01.2017 7589

If you decide to learn how to work in the program 1c (as a user) and do not know where to start, then you came to the address.

On the this moment There are already a large number of diverse configurations based on 1C: Enterprise 8. These configurations can be universal (integrated management, regulated, salary accounting in the program), and applied, which either ensure the maintenance of a specific type of accounting in the average company, or automate accounting in Companies with its specificity (for example, accounting in a pharmacy, car dealership, hairdresser, etc.).

Because of such a variety of configurations to learn how to work in each of them - the task is unreal, and even unnecessary.

I believe that your efforts must be focused on studying several typical configurationsBecause they are most common, and you as a specialist in these configurations will be more in demand and ultimately will be easier for you to further apply for more comfortable terms of payment for your work.

To the most common configurations 1C: Enterprise 8.3 refers:

  • Accounting company 3.0
  • Trade Management 11.

It is on these configurations that you will need to sharpen your attention.

Now let's deal with how you learn how to work in them.

Accounting company 3.0

First, on this site there is a tutorial on accounting 3.0, which considered the majority economic operations, From setting accounting Policy Prior to the closure of the period and the formation of regulated reporting.

The course is absolutely free, and you will not need anything, except for the desire to learn and have free time.

In addition I recommend you site PROFBUH8.RU - you will find a large number of free configuration games on it. For free materials, you will need to issue a subscription. I recommend this to do it, because Subsequently, in addition to free training videos, you will receive letters with the analysis of difficult situations in accounting, changes in legislation, etc.

Unlike the free course posted on my site, this recorded professional accountant (Olga Sherst) and in addition to the main business operations, it considers in detail and atypical accounting situations.

This course is designed for those who decided not only to master the basic functionality of the program, but also become a real professional in accounting 3.0.

Trade Management 11.

The training course for UT 11 is published on the site in free access. At the moment, the course is not finished yet, in it I will try to make out the functions of the program as much as possible.

The program is currently under the active development of 1C, so there are no qualitative and relevant methods for it.

Salary and personnel management 3.1

This configuration is less common for the first two, but there are few specialists on it. Therefore, who will learn to work in it professionally will be an obvious advantage.

In the network, "then there, then there are materials on this program, but all this is more like a chaotic process and a complete presentation of the configuration will not give.

Here I want to offer you a bestseller - the video course of Elena Kimnikina (also from the project PROFBUH8.RU).

For those who are not familiar with Elena Soviet, I will say without exaggeration, that this is the chief specialist in salary solutions in 1C. Elena enters the author's team of all books for salary in 1C, develops methodical instructions and tickets for testing specialists in salary solutions.

The material sets out professionally, accessible and other than obvious things often draws attention to various "pitfalls", with which users may encounter when working with the program.

Payment Details Cost, Licensing, Using Multiple Users Product Cost - 0 rubles. The number of jobs is unlimited. Additional licensing is not required. What are the payment options? You can pay from a bank card (Visa, MasterCard or World), Yandex Wallet or send the Inn of your organization to invoice (from II). When paying from the legal entity, closing documents are provided if necessary. Is payment on the site safe? Payment bank card Or through Yandex-wallet on this site is absolutely safe. The site has an SSL certificate - unique digital signature For reliable protection during data transfer. How to get a file after payment? After payment, you automatically send a letter to email with a link to download the product (your address you specify when you pay).

Technical questions How to add a product to the database? You can implement the product yourself, looking at the instructions. If you have difficulty with this, I can help. Contact me and we assign a specific time to communicate. If the development does not start (or it will not work incorrectly), in this case, check the first thing according to the instructions, whether you have connected the development. If the check did not give anything, make a screen of errors and send me by mail indicating the development name. On your choice, I can or correct the error and send a new version of the file, or return the money. If the development breaks after the update you will need to contact me, report the number of the new release of your configuration and the name of the development you purchased. After that, I will send an adapted version of the file by mail. Is it possible to refine the development of your own? Yes, you can. The source code is open and available for any refinement, no restrictions. Are changes to the configuration? No, the development of the development does not change the database configuration and will not affect subsequent updates. Is there a demo version? No, I can not provide demo-access to the development.

Other Issues Sale of Developments Non-working time / Holidays / Weekend Sale on the site is carried out automatically around the clock, without days off, holidays and lunch breaks. Are development updated? Some developments from time to time are updated and improved. When updating the products you will receive alerts by e-mail With the description of the changes and the link to download (for free). You also have the opportunity to send your refinement wishes. Whether the closing documents are provided when paying the account is provided with the act of work with printing and signature (scan and / or original Russian Post, on request). A refund Cash For the purchase of site development, immediately in full in the following cases are returned:

  • development does not start or works with errors in your database, and you refuse to adapt it,
  • development does not correspond to the functionality declared in the description.

The modern market is oversaturated with a huge assortment of all sorts of goods and food, so the accounting and warehousing of the inventory values \u200b\u200bof any trade organization should be at the appropriate level. The demand for competent workers who know and know how to work in special office and accounting programs Employers are now especially relevant. Many applicants would like to know how to learn how to work in "1C: Trade and Warehouse". After all, it is this working programm He is the most popular almost all trading enterprises.

How to work in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" where to start, how to record and create documents can be studied by visiting various specialized courses or self-education.

For better knowledge of this program, it is necessary to practice in parallel. Increased, after a couple of days you will know how to work in "1C: Trade and Warehouse".

Usually after installing the configuration programmer or specialist maintenance Show basic methods of work. This is their involvement in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is limited, and a Buchghalter, merchandel or manager continue to work independently.

First, you need to create a new base that will store all information about reference books and constants. Depending on how to work in "1C: Trade and Warehouse", you can combine several computers from the warehouse and accounting in one network. All information of reference books about counterparties, nomenclature, account and calculations will be on the server. If several enterprises are assumed, then for each of them there should be their own database.

Secondly, users are created, each of which should have their own access rights. The ability to access employees to the database depends information Security Enterprises. Depending on the posts, employees can carry out certain operations: to introduce new counterparties or new positions of the nomenclature, create profitable, consumable or cash documents, schedule prices, issue returns, form reports, analyze or conduct documents. Experienced users know perfectly well how to work in the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" to properly conduct operational accounting, however, it will be interesting for the beginner to find out how documents are created.

Thanks to a well-thought-out menu, certificates and prompts, you can always arrange and print required document For the purchase or sale of goods, make a return from the buyer or return to the supplier and immediately refer with them. By clicking on the "Directories" icon and selecting the appropriate item, for example, the "Nomenclature", you can make a new name of the TMC, and by selecting the "Counterparty" item is a new buyer or supplier. To create some kind primary document, whether it is a consumable, commodity invoice or invoice, you must open the "Documents" tab at the top of the screen. The invoices are formed on the basis of the expenditure invoice, therefore it is first necessary to issue a consumables. Through " Additional features»You can form an act of reconciliation with the buyer or supplier.

However, each trade and manufacturing enterprise creates some of the features of the program specifically for itself. So if you came to new OrganizationAnd you have any questions, feel free to ask for competent colleagues, how to work in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" of this company.

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