
Economy in people's life examples. Interesting facts and useful tips. What we learned

In our life there are main and secondary roles. Our life can be divided into different spheres of public life. One of the elements of society is the economic sphere. The economic sphere is the main sphere of society, it determines the course of all processes occurring in it.

The economy plays a huge role in society. It provides people with material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer items. The economy usually belongs to all that is associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of benefits created by human labor. the main objective And the role of the economy is to satisfy the needs of each individual, the needs of organizations and enterprises, as well as the whole society as a whole. Economy Material Society Welfare

For centuries, the problem - how to satisfy the numerous needs of people - was solved by extensive development of the economy, that is, engaging in the farm of new spaces and cheap natural resources.

It became clear to the development of scientific and technological progress that such an approach to the use of resources has exhausted itself: humanity has felt their limitations. From this point on, the economy is developing mainly intensively, implying rationality and efficiency of use of resources. According to this approach A person should recycle available resources so that at a minimum cost to achieve the maximum result.

The whole set of benefits needed by a person is created in two complementary areas of the economy: material production and spiritual production. Production material benefits - (bread, machine tools, electricity, etc.) is the basis of the life of human society. In the unproductive sphere, spiritual, cultural and other values \u200b\u200bare created by services in the field of education, medicine (under services are meant by expedient labor, with which certain people's needs are satisfied). Production should be continuous.

The level of production of production is reflected on the spirituality of society. If production is developing in an increasing, then the needs in cultural values \u200b\u200bincrease. People, gaining confidence in tomorrow, spend money on a variety of entertainment, acquire goods for consumption.

If the production falls, unemployment is growing, uncertainty appears in tomorrow, crime is growing, drug addiction, people closes as it were. The so-called subculture appears. Overcoming negative processes in society is stretched for an indefinite time. And it hurts the state: family, law enforcement, etc.

Thus, the standard of living depends on the production and productivity of labor. The wider and more diverse production, the higher labor productivity, the better the quality of life and the well-being of the people.

INsociety's life is one of the most important places economic spherethat is, all that is associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of the work created by the work of man.

Under economyit is customary to understand the system of social proceedings, the process of creating material benefits necessary to human society for its normal existence and development, as well as science learning economic processes.

The economy plays a huge role in society. It provides people with material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer items. The economic sphere is the main sphere of society, it determines the course of all processes occurring in it.

The main factor of production (or main resources) is:

    earth with all its wealth;

    labor depends on the number of population and its education and qualifications;

    capital (cars, machines, rooms, etc.);

    entrepreneurial abilities.

For centuries, the problem - how to satisfy the numerous needs of people - solved by extensivedevelopment of the economy, that is, involvement in the economy of new spaces and cheap natural resources.

It became clear to the development of scientific and technological progress that such an approach to the use of resources has exhausted itself: humanity has felt their limitations. From that moment on, the economy develops mainly intensiveby implying rationality and efficiency of resource use. According to this approach, a person must process the available resources so that at a minimum of costs to achieve the maximum result.

The main issues of the economy - what, as for whom to produce.

Various economic systems solve them in different ways. Depending on this, they are divided into four main types: traditional, centralized (administrative-command), market and mixed.

With traditional economythe farming began. Now it has been preserved in a number of economically weak developed countries. It is based on the natural form of the economy. Signs of natural production are: direct relations in production, distribution, exchange and consumption; Products are manufactured for internal consumption; There is a communal (public) and private property on the means of production. The traditional type of economy dominated the pre-industrial stage of the development of society.

Centralized (or administrative-team) Economyit is based on a single plan. She dominated the territory of the Soviet Union, in the countries of Eastern Europe, a number of Asia states. Currently preserved in North Korea and Cuba. The main features are: state regulation national economy, the basis of which is state ownership of most economic resources; strong monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy; Centralized economic planning of all economic activity.

Under marketit is understood by the economy based on commodity production. The most important mechanism engaged in coordinating economic activity is the market here. For existence market economy Private property need (that is, the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of people belonging to the person); competition; free, market-defined, prices.

The above economic systems in pure form are practically not found. In each country, elements of various economic systems are combined in their own way. Thus, in developed countries, a combination of market and centralized economic systems occurs, but the first, the first, although the role of the state in organizing the economic life of society is significant. This combination is called called mixed economy.The main goal of such a system is to use strong Parties and overcoming the shortcomings of a market and centralized economy. The classic example of countries with a mixed economy is Sweden and Denmark.

In connection with the transition of a number of former socialist countries from a centrally managed economy, they have formed special type economic system called translationnoah economy.The main task is to build a market economy system in the future.

2. Read the passage from the modern sociologist's work. "Parents and children cannot and notmust be equal in the material plan. Parents should have power over children - it is in general interests. And yet their relationship should be in principle to carry equality. In a democratic family, the power of parents is based on an uncommitable agreement". How do you understand the words of the author that the power of parents over children is responsiblecommon interests? Whose interests, except for the interests of children and parents, are meant here?How, in your opinion, might be mentioned by the author "Unwritten Agreement" betweenparents and children?

Any stable, steadily developing society is interested in a strong family. What is "normal", "healthy" family? This is a small group combined with blood-based relations, which has family rules that should serve as the direction of development of each person in the family. Such a family is characterized by warm relations between generations. The authority of the parents, on the one hand, should be continued, between children and parents should be a distance - for the simple reason that parents have more life experience, they are responsible and financially ensure education, child education. Consent between parents, their authority creates a sense of security for children. But, on the other hand, a healthy family cannot be based on the suppression of children's independence. The present authority of the parents should clearly realize, do not question and does not need a permanent demonstration. Children should feel free in the statement of their opinion, defending their point of view, respecting parents with respect.

The lack of sustainable hierarchical relations in the family leads to the creation of the so-called "connamed" style of relationships. In such a family, the seeming permissiveness is deeply indifferent to each other. Such a family is formal, is not supported in difficult moments and does not give the right landmarks for development.

The authoritarian style of relationships between parents and children as a result also leads to alienation, suppresses independence and initiative, ultimately can develop cruelty and aggression in relation to each other, or to suppress the person, to bring up a complex of inferiority.

Thus, the most full-fledged family with a democratic style of relationships, where respect for elders is adjacent to equality and cooperation, the family that serves as a reliable shelter in all life problems and troubles.

3. You are marching 16 years old and in the summer holidays you decided to get a temporary slavethat to make money to buy a gift to parents. What documents do you needprovide to the employer? What document do you have to sign? What points of the document subscribed should pay special attention to?

In this case, a 16-year minor must be submitted to the employer: a passport and a certificate of preliminary medical examination (examination).

If there is, the workbook and insurance certificate of state pension insurance are presented.

When admitting a minor must sign an employment contract. Moreover, in the case under consideration, the urgent employment contract. In the employment contract, the employee should pay attention to the following items:

    place of work;

    labor function (that is, a specific type of work obtained);

    start date;

    the term of the contract and the reasons for which the urgent employment contract was concluded;


    work time and rest time, etc.

It is also necessary to remember that according to Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons from 16 to 18 years are established by the abbreviated duration of working time - no more than 35 hours a week.

We buy products, choose a dress or costume in the boutique, reserve stationery. All these actions are part of the global economic system called the economy. It is she who, based on commodity relations, satisfies the main needs of society and each of its member, gives us the opportunity to use in their own interests, and the benefit of others, the vital benefits of civilization.


Human life is some solid problems. Then we want to make a few sips of cold kvass, then try a fragrant donut, in a second we are already dreaming about a new car or a trip to the sea. I can't calm down for any moment and constantly crammed. All these needs are a person in certain things, resources, intangible values. The role of the economy in the life of society is to satisfy them, to provide us with everything necessary for normal life and development.

All people have different needs. They are constantly transformed - so we grow up, smart, our vital values \u200b\u200bchange, statuses, and sometimes even religion and nationality. But the most interesting thing is that human needs are constantly increasing, and the offer will never be able to satisfy demand. Therefore, a person establishes for himself some restrictions: due to moral principles or due to the lack of finance. It should also take into account the economy. And its role in society - needs and limited to balance, satisfying the "golden" middle between them.


Another component of the normal life of each of us. Imagine that there will be no gas. We will not be able to cook their meals, warm the houses in the winter. You will say that once our distant ancestors have done without blue fuel: bonflas diluted or built stoves. You can do this now, but why? If there is a resource, you need to sell it to people for their maximum comfort and convenience. This is the economy. Her role in the life of society - to find the place of concentration of resources, create conditions for their prey, profitable sale And getting good profits from the transaction, so that in the future the same money is again in operation.

Resources are:

  • Limited. They are divided into renewable (animals and plants) and descending (land and mineral resources).
  • Endless. This includes wind, solar energy etc.

Unlike needs, the need for resources does not grow like mushrooms after the rain. In addition, the need for them is often satisfied.


The economy and its role in the life of society is the constant component of the normal existence of people. It is designed to ensure that there are not only resources, but also the best. They can create a person for himself personally or for other people. In the latter case, commodity-cash relations are working: I provide a service - you pay it to me. For example, you are going to the resort. Hotel, pool, bowling, disco and other infrastructure facilities are built with one personality for another. Everyone benefits from this conditional transaction: the first - income, the second is a high-quality vacation. These are public benefits. You can attribute to the creation of a comfort in the house, passion for any occupation or hobby, a visit to interesting places.

The role of the economy in the life of society is indisputable. And this clearly can be traced on the basis of only one of the goods. Think if we could live in a world where the culture is completely absent, there is no elementary housing, household items. Of course not. Even primitive, limited in mental abilities, people tried to ease their lives: they came up with an ax, arrows and onions, spear. Today we actively use not only these ancient, but also modern benefits - the Internet, computer, smartphone. They are constantly improving depending on our needs and existing resources in the world.

Standard of living

What is the place and role of the economy in society? Big, you can say even the most basic. Without its normal functioning, people cannot develop, work for the benefit of the surrounding world, not to mention the fact that they die from hunger and needs. How effectively the economy works, demonstrates the standard of living of all members of society. It includes providing people with all the necessary products, goods and services for its safe, comfortable and most convenient existence.

We often ask ourselves about why one countries manage to achieve prosperity, and in other many people live beyond poverty. Everything is very simple. Previously, the rulers were believed that a high standard of living need to be achieved solely at the expense of the conquest of rich lands, the further use of their resources. But over time, people realized that, even staying in their small territory, you can achieve unprecedented high altitudes. Take, for example, Japan: the country is considered rich, although it has small resource reserves. Due to their effective and moderate use, the state boasts a good provision and high income of most citizens. Therefore, the role of the economy in society is definitely very large.

Criteria of living standards

Of course, the main indicator is effective use Resources: gas, water, electricity, forest, metal, and so on. The main criteria are also considered:

  1. GDP - gross domestic product per capita. This is the sum of all goods and services produced by the power for the year divided by the number of residents.
  2. The cost of living, the ratio of prices for wages, pensions and scholarships.
  3. Availability of education.
  4. Health level.
  5. condition ambient.
  6. Cultural development.

Ensuring the coordinated and uninterrupted work of all these systems is the main role of the economy in society. Problems and judgments associated with this concept are always modified depending on the time segment in which the people live. For example, UN experts believe that the standard of living in each country in the modern world determines the so-called individual development index. It is calculated using quantities: GDP Countries, average life expectancy of residents, the level of their education and general development.

Causes of low economy efficiency

Their set. First, it is bad job The indicators described above. Secondly, the use of old technologies in production, low frame qualifications, wasteful use of the benefits and riches of the environment and so on. Therefore, it is so important since childhood to study the role of the economy in society. The 10th grade (students) of high school should already be closely familiar with the course aimed at disclosing the basic concepts, so that in the future do not perform the main mistakes and do not lead the country to poverty. But on the contrary, you can easily improve the work of the sphere in which the future specialist will work.

Low economy efficiency is circumscribed by the people on poverty. The level of poverty is determined by assessing the income of a person and the opportunity to provide themselves with everything necessary. It is logical that the richer state, the higher his threshold. Today, the World Bank has established such features of poverty: daily income less than $ 1.25 dollars. The role of the economy in society - overcome the need and increase the standard of living of each of its member.

Social role of the economy in society

The people, his overall well-being, lifestyle directly depend on the standard of living, the availability of goods and resources. For example, the economy strongly affects the ability of a person to buy housing, find a job, the number of women involved in industrial activities. Agree, if in a developed country a man has enough and is able to provide a family, his wife has no reason to work out for 40 hours a week, sacrificing attention to children. She will better stay at home, will protect the homely focus, cares about family members. As for the work, it is possible to reach it only for the sake of pleasure and self-development, and not for making money.

The economy and its role in the life of society can be traced even on the example of childbearing. It usually falls sharply when the well-being of citizens worsens. The average life expectancy is another criterion in which it is possible to estimate the level of state development. Also here should include general discontent workers, the number of rallies organized by them and strikes, the total production of their labor.

Economy and politics

In the perfect version, the state should not directly interfere in commodity-money relations. It is only obliged to create optimal conditions for the development of the economy: to make laws that would give more freedom to enterprises, reduced taxes, guaranteed compensation. The government is also intended to direct funds obtained as a result of activities on those areas of life that affect the overall well-being of each family: health care, education, national security.

Only from the competent actions of the state depends on the state of roads, the level of landscaping of the streets, the degree of pollution of the ecology, and so on. Thanks to the correct, appropriate distribution of finance, these areas will be as developed as much as possible. As a result, the standard of living of a person will increase, the mood of each member of society will improve, its energy and ability to work - the economy will work more simply and will bring larger income. Everything is interconnected. Therefore, if you are asked about what is the place and role of the economy in the life of society, the answer is one: the most that neither is the advanced. It is the rod of life not only the whole country as a whole, but also every individual separately.

Under economy It is customary to understand the system of social proceedings, the process of creating material benefits necessary to human society for its normal existence and development, as well as science learning economic processes.

The economy plays a huge role in society. It provides people with material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer items. Economic sphere - The main sphere of life of society, it determines the course of all processes in it.

The main factors of production (or basic resources) is:

· Earth with all its wealth;

· Labor depends on the number of population and its education and qualifications;

· Capital (machines, machine tools, premises, etc.);

· Business abilities.

The main issues of the economy are what, as for whom to produce.

Various economic systems solve them in different ways. Depending on this, they are divided into four main types: traditional, centralized (administrative-command), market and mixed.

FROM traditional economy The farming began. Now it has been preserved in a number of economically poorly developed countries. It is based on the natural form of the economy. Signs of natural production are: direct relations in production, distribution, exchange and consumption; Products are manufactured for internal consumption; There is a communal (public) and private ownership of the means of production. The traditional type of economy dominated the pre-industrial stage of the development of society.

Centralized (or administrative-team) Economy It is based on a single plan. She dominated the territory of the Soviet Union, in the countries of Eastern Europe, a number of Asia states. Currently preserved in North Korea and Cuba. The main features are: state regulation of the national economy, the basis of which state ownership of the majority of economic resources acts; strong monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy; Centralized economic planning of all economic activity.

Under market means economyFounded on commercial production. The most important mechanism engaged in coordinating economic activity is the market here. For the existence of a market economy, private property is necessary (that is, the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of people belonging to the good); competition; free, market-defined, prices.

The above economic systems in pure form are practically not found. In each country, elements of various economic systems are combined in their own way. Thus, in developed countries, a combination of market and centralized economic systems occurs, but the first, the first, although the role of the state in organizing the economic life of society is significant. This combination is customary to be called a mixed economy. The main goal of such a system is to use strengths and overcoming the shortcomings of a market and centralized economy. The classic example of countries with a mixed economy is Sweden and Denmark.

In connection with the transition of a number of former socialist countries from a centrally managed economy to the market, they have a special type formed economic System, called transition economy. The main task is to build a market economy system in the future.

The fundamental stimulus of production development is consumption as the process of using production results to meet certain needs of people, society. Consumption affects the growth of production, the development of EGO industries.

An important manifestation of the economic life of society is the relationship of the exchange between people, acting as an exchange of activities, goods and services. What does the farmer exchange products of agriculture or animal husbandry exchange to continue production and meet their personal needs? And what services do you use, for example, a doctor in exchange for providing your professional services?

Society development and EGO Economic Life are closely interrelated. They correspond to each other as an integer and EGO part. Economic life, experiencing the influence of all parties to social life (social, political, spiritual), in turn, also significantly affects the various phenomena of public life and society as a whole. This conclusion is confirmed by the following provisions:
- the existence of society is impossible without constantly producing material goods;
- social production and previously the established division of labor and property relationship determines the emergence and development of the EGO social structure;
- Economic relations are actively affected by the political life of society (economically dominant social groups, as a rule, seek to affect the work of the state apparatus, the activities of political parties, etc.);
- In the production process, the necessary material conditions are being created for the development of the spiritual life of society (buildings of libraries, theaters, equipment for publishing books, newspapers, etc.).

What are the main trends in the development of the economic sphere of society at the turn of the two centuries? In this area there have been significant positive changes. Economic changes have become previously due to the investigation of the scientific and technical revolution, the real transformation of science in direct productive strength. Computerization, informatization has become a reality of social production. Not only completely new technologies appeared, but also significantly increased their speed of implementation. Thus, the telephonization of 50% of American households occurred after 60 years since the invention of the phone. Today, for a similar level of internet prevalence in the United States it took 5 years. At the turn of the 1990s. It was born that today is called economics on knowledge or new economy. Its distinctive feature is the accelerated development of the intangible sphere and the intangible medium of x-analysis. Production, distribution and use of knowledge make up the basis of the new economy. Essentially, in the twentieth century. Leadership in public production has passed to spiritual production, it is human intelligence (EGO capabilities) that has become a factor that defines the scale and appearance of the production of production.

On the basis of all these transfasses, the material and spiritual wealth of humanity has sharply increased. In many regions of the world, societies have developed, providing high consumption standes, comfort and services (welfare states). It is important here to note that changes in the social production require the development of creative, individual qualities and the abilities of the participant in production - a person.

Economy and standard of living

An important indicator and the result of the economic life of society is the standard of living of members of members, under which they understand the degree of provision of the population, the services and living conditions necessary for facilitating and safe existence. Why one countries manage to achieve a ventric complex economic Development And prosperity, and others do not get out of poverty?

For many centuries, the rulers were convinced that the wealth of the country and, accordingly, the welfare of its people is associated with the seizure in the process of the territories of the territories and wealth of other Nationals, with the presence of significant natural resources (forest, oil, gas). However, the modern history of the economic development of countries proves that these factors are not decisive. So, for example, Japan is considered today a rich country, although historically possesses limited resources. The level of economic development allows the country much more productive to use these minor resources. It is effective use production resources (Recall what is factors of production) is considered today a valid criterion for the level of economic development of countries. But since the efficiency of the economy is difficult to calculate, to compare the levels of development of countries, economists often use such an indicator as a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (the total value of all end products and services produced by the country for the year divided into population). This meter economic activity Performs an indicator of the level of welfare or standard of living.

The standard of living in a broad sense includes many indicators: the level of human health, the state of the environment, the degree of unevenness of the distribution of the DOXOOs in society, the availability of culture, the subsistence minimum b DR. (Invite the most important indicators of the level of socio-economic development, which could be used For comparison with DPI countries.)

United Nations (UN) experts believe that the standard of living is characterized by a special indicator - a human development index calculated on the basis of values: per capita GDP, the average life expectancy and level of education.

The level of state well-being in a large extent depends on the perfection of economic mechanisms, i.e., methods and forms of connection of people's efforts in solving life support problems. Such economic mehers are already familiar to you from the courses of history and social studies, the division of labor, specialization and response. They create conditions for achieving a high productivity worker and allow manufacturers to exchange work outcomes on a mutually beneficial basis. The value of the action of economic mechanisms to ensure the level of well-being of people can be understood if we compare the standard of living of society on the basis of a natural economy (the tribes of Africa, Latin Ameriki) and Tovapnogo farm (developed countries of the West). (Remember what benefits last form Organizations of economic life.)

The reason for the low efficiency of the economy can be the use of obsolete technologies, low frame rate, wasteful use of natural resources, etc. Low level Economic Development Wides to Reduce Consumption: To Consult more, it is necessary to produce anymore. Thus, the level of economic development directly affects the standard of living in the country.

The minimum level of consumption determines such an indicator as a poverty line (level, threshold of poverty). The background of poverty is called the normatively established level of human money incomes for a certain period, allowing to provide an EGO physical (physiological) subsistence minimum. Ideas about poverty in different countries Different. As a rule, the richer is the country as a whole, the higher the level of its national poverty line. So, currently, the World Bank YCT has the following poverty features: for developing countries - $ 1 per person per day; for Eastern Europe and the CNN - $ 4; For industrialized countries with a market economy - $ 14.4. In the word and methods of transition of Russia to the market economy turned poverty into a serious problem and for our country.

The main condition for its solution is economic growth.

Economics and Social Structure of the Company

You already know that in the framework of society as a complex social system, various generality and groups are formed and operate - childbirth, tribes, classes, nations, teams, professional groups, etc. Social structure of society is a holistic set of all communities taken in their interaction. The subject of further consideration will be the relationship and mutual influence of the social structure of society and its economic life.

One of the significant communities is located, which is an essential living condition and development of society. Public development paces, crisis or flourishing in many ways depend on such indicators as the total population, the rate of growth, health status. In turn, all these indicators are very tesno associated with the economic life of society. Thus, the fertility tests affects the level of material and welfare, security, the degree of women's involvement in public production. For example, the birth rate in European countries with economies in transition (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.) over the past 5-10 years has sharply fell sharply, which is associated with the yxy of living conditions accompanying economic peformas. In Russia in the 1990s. Also, the number born in the PACEC is 1 thousand people of the population significantly reduced.

There is also an inverse dependence when it doesn't affect the economy. The acceleration or slowdown in economic development depends on the total population, the population density (in the region with a small population, the division of labor is difficult, the natural severity is maintained longer), the growth rate of the population (low rates make it difficult for reproduction of power and reduce production volumes, too high rates population growth is forced to direct considerable resources on EGO simple physical survival).

The health status of the population is also a factor in economic development. EHO worsening leads to a decrease in labor productivity in the farm, reduce life expectancy. In addition, one of the reasons for a sharp reduction in life expectancy, for example, in men in Russia (in the 1990s from 64 to 58 years) there were established social conditions (a reduction in the population of the population, the growth of nervous stresses in connection with the socio-economic changes and instability in society).

The influence of the economic life of society on the formation of professional social communities is noticeable. In traditional societies, the most stable social structure, socio-professional groups associated with natural economy, small-handed production, are preserved. In developed countries of the West, a new middle class (intelligentsia, managers, highly skilled workers) is growing under the influence of the Scientific and Technical Revolution. At the same time, structural changes in the economy lead to a reduction in the industrial working class, the disappearance of clear boundaries between it and other social groups.

In the conditions of socio-economic transformations in Russia, the collapse of previous social relations, people and groups are trying to master new niche of social and economic survival. A feature of the last years of development of Russian society is the tendency to strengthen economic differentiation (differences), expressed in the division of society into groups with various income, levels of life and consumption. The complication of the Social Structure manifested itself in the formation of new Social groups and layers: entrepreneurs, financiers, exchange brokers, merchants, etc.

The economic interests of various social groups are inhomogeneous and often oppose each other. For example, in modern Russia Economic interests of workers, entrepreneurs, intelligentsia of unequal. All of them are opposed to the interests of mafia groups. Social bundle of society exacerbates the contradictions of the interests of various social groups, including economic. In modern society, there is a problem of solving these interests.

A special threat to political and economic stability in society represents inequality of income. Development of Russia in the 1990s. He led to significant differences in the income of the population. Market systemThe provided herself gives the advantage to one social layers and, on the contrary, "punishes.) Others. If this system is not corrected by a certain social policy, it tends to degenerate into the system acting in the interests of the minority of society (elite) and against the majority.

In modern industrialized countries, states of universal well-being are created, i.e. revenues are redistributed in favor of poorer and deprived layers, social security systems are created ( pension provision, health insurance, benefits on poverty, etc.). So, in Sweden and the Netherlands on social redistribution accounts for about 30% of the national income. Social politics russian government Supplements: Social support to poor citizens, regulation labor relationship and promoting the employment of an unemployed population, the freedom to choose the profession, the sphere and place of work, ensuring the availability of education and assistance in retraining of personnel, ensuring freedom of entrepreneurship, etc.

The problem of coordinating the interests of various participants in the economic life of society remains relevant, therefore, economic and social sphere Must follow and mutually support each other.

Economy and politics

Let's see how the main political institution is affected on the economic development of society. One of the social functions of the state is the use of existing opportunities for economic development. Each country faces the problem of choice better option Such a development, and here the role of state policy is essential. In recent decades, this policy has undergone a serious reorientation.

Due to the collapse of an economic, political and special system based on centralized planning, market forces and free entrepreneurship began to be considered as the basis of the viability of the socio-economic system.

In most countries that choose the path of market transformations in the economy, the prerequisite for economic growth was privatization and a decrease in the regulatory role of the state. This is accompanied by reassessment of the functions and policies of the state. Governments strive to intervene less in the areas where the market works with greater efficiency. However, this means not to eliminate gocated management, but rather a change in EGO forms and quality improvement.

In a market economy, the main functions of the state are facilitating and stimulating the action of the empowerment through the measures of government policies. The most common, important condition for the existence of a market economy is the state of such political goals as the free development of society, the right of howwards, external and internal safety (allocated by Adam Smith).

Free development of society is understood as social, and how economic category. The more valuable is the freedom of a separate person in society, the more significant is perceived economic freedom in gocry.

The state is interested in ensuring the legal reliability of economic activity to enjoy its results. The creation of a legal order provides for the provision of the right to property and its protection through the laws of entrepreneurial activities, to the system of economic contracts with the help of laws.

Ensuring external I. internal security The Government assumes the creation of institutions for maintaining public order within the country and the presence of a professionally prepared army capable of protecting the country from the attack from outside.

The important task of the state is security and maintenance in national Economics Competition, struggle with the desire of firms to monopolism. For example, for the developing market economy of Russia, this is one of the urgent problems. (Remember and give examples of antitrust regulation of the economy by the Russian government.)

Finally, in a market economy, the most important function of the state is the development of an optimal national strategy of economic development, the unification of the efforts of state-owned operations, private companies, public organizations for its implementation. This feature cannot be provided by automatic market mehanists. So, public policy Playing important role in financing education, health, national culture, etc.

The objectives of the state policy are to be: providing full busy, a fair distribution of goals, protecting the natural complex, etc. Each government chooses the necessary economic priorities in his policies. (What are you, in your opinion, the priorities of the policy of the Russian state in the economy?)

The economic life of society is influenced by various political parties and associations.

As you can see, political institutions of society are actively affected by the economy. Is the economy interested in support, for example, political democracy, state law?

The experience of developed countries shows that the market economy provides the basis for the support of democracy, the state, civil society. The existence in the context of competition varieties of political and economic structures reduces the danger to a person to fall under the power of an irresponsible employer or organization, providing him with the possibility of choosing to whom and what to obey it.

Conditions market competition Teach people more responsible attitude towards their work surrounding, making decisions. Freedom of entrepreneurship convinces a person in the fact that he has its own choice and initiative to change his life for the better.

The market economy is interested in functioning within the framework of the legal state. So, the entrepreneur is important to start its work, knowing the "Rules of the game" in the market space, that is, for what famous laws it can act, what taxes pay. And such important issues for the economy, as the establishment of taxes, laws on environmental protection, decrees governing employers and employees, should openly be discussed taking into account the views of the various parties.

In turn, the right of the state relies on civil society, which constitutes citizens, preferring personal decisions that implement private interests. Structural units of civil society in the economic sphere are private enterprises, cooperatives, joint Stock Company and DPYGY production cells created by citizens on their own initiative.

Practical findings

1 Follow the main trends in the country's economic development, relevant problems of the environmental and social policy of the Russian government. This will help you competently defend our economic and social rights and interests.

2 Use knowledge of interests, the needs of various socio-professional groups and the possibilities of their implementation in modern economic conditions. This will give you the opportunity of reasonable professional self-determination.

3 Determine your position in relation to economic Policy States to choose the form of influence on this policy (participation in elections, in the work of parties or associations).

4 Try not to simply analyze the positive or negative effects of economic transformation in the country, but to look for the ways of civilized forms of participation in economic life.


From the work of modern Russian scientists and economist "market and social consent."

On universal historical standards market mechanism can not be considered perfect form. Increasingly, the researchers note in this context so-called "market imperfection", associated with very problematic market opportunities in achieving the equitable distribution and use of resources, ensuring environmental sustainability, eliminating unjustified social naval. According to the UN, the absolute sizes of poverty in the world increase: it is estimated that 20% of the world's poorest layers accounted for only 4% of world wealth in the mid-80-x, and 20% of the most rich layers are 50% of world wealth. Apparently, the future of the world economy must be associated with a more complex economic (socio-economic) mechanism than the actual market mechanism. In this mechanism, the growing role will be believed to belong along with the relations of the market exchange of various more subtle mehanists involving the achievement of the social compassion between the sets of subjects of socio-economic relations.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. Why do the authors of the document characterize the market mechanism of regulating the economy as recommended?
2. What data do the social inequality inequality confirm the world?
3. Using the Counting Counting, offer possible (except for market exchange) mechanisms for achieving social coherence between participants in socio-economic relations.

Questions for self-test

1. What are the place and role of the economy in society?
2. What does the richness and prosperity of the country depend?
3. What economic mechanisms contribute to the movement of society to a higher level of welfare?
4. How to ensure the social world in the context of strengthening the social differentiation of society?
5. Does the market economy need?
6. Does state policy affect the conditions of the market economy?
7. What are the priorities of the policies of the Russian gocydapcv in the economy?


1 Aristotle, discussing the role of GocyDapcTVA in economic affairs, noted that "the goal of gocydapcite is a joint promotion to high quality life." Do you share this point of view? Justify the answer.

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