
The state policy of protectionism appeared under the action of ideas. Protecting politics

The modern protectionist mechanism is a complex of complementary funds, which are constantly changing under the influence, primarily objective processes for the development of the productive forces and interests of the main groups of domestic companies. Among the protectionist products there are traditional and relatively new, obvious and veiled, more or less effective from the point of view of the international community and the main thing - recognized by them both admissible and unacceptable, and the latter refers to the methods of applying these funds.

Protectionism is a policy of protecting the domestic market from foreign competition through a system of certain restrictions. On the one hand, such a policy contributes to the development of national production. On the other hand, it can lead to strengthening monopolists, stagnation and a decrease in the competitiveness of the economy.

Protection Policy (Protection - Protection) is the theory and practice of regulation foreign tradeaimed at protecting the subjects of the national economy from foreign competition. As the theory of foreign economic behavior, protectionism was established in the XIX century and became the opposite of Frittime policies.

The theory of protectionism claims that the greatest effect is achieved:

  • 1) with the uniformity of the application of imported and export duties, subsidies and taxes in relation to all subjects, without any exceptions;
  • 2) with increasing amounts of duties and subsidies as the depth of processing increases and with complete abolition of duties on imported raw materials; 3) with solid taxation by import duties of all goods and products or those already produced in the country, or those whose production in principle makes sense to develop (as a rule, in the amount of at least 25-30%, but not at the level, which is prohibitive for any competing import);
  • 4) If it is impossible to refuse to import goods, the production of which is impossible or inappropriate (for example, bananas in the north of Europe).

The line of protectionism in the Russian customs policy is viewed since the reign of Peter I and up to the beginning of the XX century. The essence of Russian protectionism was mainly due to ensuring in every way the export of Russian goods, the moderate duties to impose in the import of foreign goods when imported in the country, while the production of which was mastered in Russia, or already established, to impose high duties or Generally prohibit to import.

In a developing national economy, protectionist measures are needed to protect only new industries arising as a result of scientific and technological progress, from competition of effective foreign firms operating in the global market for a long time. It was under such protection that the formation and development took place national economies Modern developed countries.

Protectionism is actively used not only by developing, but also industrialized countries to protect national commodity producers in exacerbating competition.

During the periods of serious exacerbations of relations between states and strengthening international tensions, protectionist measures are used to preserve the security of the state, which contributes to the production of all necessary, vital products in its territory.

IN modern conditions Protectionism exists in various forms. It may be one-sided - aimed at regulating foreign trade elements without negotiation with partners; bilateral, involving the coordination of nominated measures with partners; Multilateral when the opinions of many countries are taken into account when developing a trading policy.

In the XVII century There were numerous trade and customs duties and fees that created considerable difficulties in trade, caused the discontent of trading people, gave rise to folk unrest.

Especially great discontent among domestic merchants caused the predominance of foreign merchants in domestic markets, the presence of significant benefits. Better organized and richer Western European merchants amounted to Russian merchants strong competition. Foreigners started to Russia industrial enterprisesThe trading factors, the duty-free trade and had other privileges they received in Ivan IV. Starting from 1627, major representatives of the merchant world in their collective maternity king were convicted of the practice of issuing preferential diplomas Western Europeans and paid the attention of the government to the need to protect them from competition of foreigners, especially the British, in the Russian market. In addition, they asked to simplify and facilitate the customs system in the country, which varied depending on the ground.

In turn, English merchants, fearing the restrictions on benefits, took response steps: they threatened to break trading relations with Russia, if the duties were taken with them. However, the government rejected Demarsk British and went to meet the wishes of Russian merchants.

The development of new trade laws took an active part of the prominent statesman and diplomat A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin, who was an active supporter of the policy of protectionism and mercantism and well understood the importance of the development of trade and industry for Russia.

Protectionism is a system of import restrictions, when high customs duties are introduced, it is prohibited to import certain products, other measures that prevent competition of foreign products with local products are prohibited. Protection policy encourages the development of domestic production capable of replacing imported goods.

Thanks to protectionism, the overestimated price level for products protected by high duties is supported. Weakened motivating incentives for technical progress in industries fenced from foreign competition. Increased illegal importation of goods without customs control. In addition, the response measures of the countries of trading partners can cause the national economy of damage exceeding its gains from customs defense measures.

The first step towards protectionism was the authorized customs certificate, adopted in 1653 in accordance with it former fractional customs fees, (soy, living room, bridge, etc.) were replaced by a single tenth dutpiece. It made 10 money from the ruble or 5% from the purchase price of the goods, and the seller and the buyer paid it. It greatly simplified the entire system of definition and the procedure for collecting identified fees with purchase and sale and stated monetary sums. If earlier local merchants had an advantage over non-residents in the size of duties (sometimes in two), now this practice has abolished. Before the state, the merchants became all equal. Within the limits of the European part of Russia, repeated recovery of customs duties were canceled, paying it once, the merchant was released from the fee in other areas.

These provisions found a confirmation in the new-selling charter of 1667, where the issues of foreign trade were reflected, which had a pronounced protectionist character. Foreign merchants were deprived of the right of duty-free trade. They paid 6% of the price of goods and 2% when departing from the border point. It was allowed to be a bargaining wholesale only in Arkhangelsk and minor cities. Retail Inside Russia, foreigners were banned.

The Charter recommended to resist the foreign merchants by organizing the staff of Russian trading people, i.e. a kind of companies with combined capital. According to the government, such companies will keep decent prices for Russian goods and protect the Russian merchants from cash loans from foreigners. The government also tried to establish order of merchant affairs - as the highest human management body, but this intention remains on paper.

These measures meant the formation of not only Russian protectionist policies, but also the transition to the formation of a mercantile system. In accordance with the new foreign trade rate, high duties were established on import, prohibited or limited to export precious metalsThe export of goods of domestic manufactory was encouraged, which contributed to the establishment of a positive trade balance, accumulating revenues in the budget of the country. Riga merchant D. Rodes, who visited Moscow in 1653, noted: "All decrees of this country are aimed at commerce and bargain; Everything here, from the highest to the lower, just think, just try, how to betray. In this regard, the Russian nation is much more active than all other combined. "

In general, for the XVII century, especially for the second half, some fundamentally new moments of entrepreneurship were characterized, the transition of it to qualitatively new levelassociated with the birth of the wound of bourgeois traits. And the manifestation was the growth of the small-wing and nucleation of large manufactory production, the deepening and expansion of the public division of labor, the formation of the All-Russian market, the emergence of a new type of entrepreneur - a rich merchant and industrialist trying to combine the trade sphere with industry and resist foreign capital. But, without looking at all of these "bourgeoisity sprouts", the entrepreneurial estate of Russia in the XVII century. It did not take for a European "third class" and she did not become a bourgeois country.

There are many reasons, including an objective nature, for the Government of Protectionist Policy. Consider the main of them.

First, the cause of protectionist measures of governments may be the insufficient competitiveness of domestic producers of a given country compared to commodity producers in other countries due to the uneven economic development. In the conditions of market elements there is a need for state support and the protection of the part of domestic suppliers from foreign to counteract the growth of unemployment and social tensions, especially during the period of structural restructuring of production in order to increase its effectiveness.

The share of 28 developed countries, combined, in the global GDP almost 3.6 times, and in exports - 5 times higher than their share in the aggregate population of the world.

Among the developed countries, the ratio of the above indicators also have differences. The share of 128 developing countries, combined, in the global GDP and export, on the contrary, is significantly less than in the aggregate population, respectively, almost 2 times and 4 times. This difference would be even greater if from among the developing countries to exclude a number of countries in terms of economic development of the approaching countries. China's share in global GDP is also almost 2 times less than in the aggregate population, and its exports are 8 times less respectively.

The uneven development of the development of a market economy as national farms in general and especially separate industries. Therefore, protectionism to a certain extent is an integral element of the economic policy of governments. It is important that protectionism, which in this way objectively needed, has not become a brake development of the economy and updating its structure.

Secondly, an integral part of the industrial policy of stimulating the development of emerging promising industries is often also a temporary restriction of the importation of competing products.

It is characteristic that from the traditional terminology of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the late 1990s, the usual concept of "industrialized countries" disappeared. Now in the reports of the IMF, the concept of "countries with a developed economy", to which, in addition to the former industrialized countries, are Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Israel. The listed countries were equal with the leading group of powers in income per capita and a number of other major economic indicators.

In fact, this limitation is fully justified because it contributes to the growth and increase in the effectiveness of national production. In this way, for example, the industrial potential of Japan in the first post-war decades has been successfully restored and modernized. The average level of customs duties in Japan in 1964 exceeded 16% and was higher than in other economically developed countries, both combined (respectively, 11%) and in each of them separately.

Thirdly, the periodic deterioration in the general conjuncture in the country due to the cyclical development of the market economy requires the Government of measures to limit access to the domestic market for foreign goods and services in the interests of early overcoming the temporary decline in demand. Therefore, protectionism in periods of economic recession is usually enhanced.

Recall that in the mid-70s, the deepest and protracted post-war economic crisis in the world broke out, accompanied by a significant increase in unemployment in developed countries. According to official data, unemployment for 1972-1976. increased (in%) in the United States from 5.6 to 7.7, Germany - 1.1 to 4.6, the UK - from 3.7 to 5.4, etc. As a result, the massive use of protectionist measures began: the number of countries resorted to such measures, the number of goods covered by the latter, more diverse, their forms were applied.

Fourthly, episodic difficulties of bank balance countries require operational import restriction, as well as an excessive increase in import share in the consumption of important goods in terms of considerations of national security. It is characteristic that the high level of self-sufficiency of the country in the main foods has long been generally accepted in the world by an indicator of its foreign policy independence.

Finally, opposing imports of measures requires the unscrupulous commercial practice of foreign suppliers (sometimes carried out with direct or veiled financial support National Government of Exporting Countries) to ensure fair competition in the domestic market.

Everything listed reasons It would seem, justify protectionist policies, because it is aimed at maintaining normal functioning market Mechanism Inside the country in conditions when national economy coexisulates and closely cooperate in the world market, when, for different circumstances, malfunctions occur in this mechanism or when the domestic market becomes the object of aggression from unscrupulous entrepreneurs using budgetary funds.

Analysis of the reasons for protectionist policies shows that there is no clear face between their positive and negative character. The interest of entrepreneurs in a particular trading and political course allows you to change it in the direction favorable for yourself and in unfavorable for domestic consumers and foreign entrepreneurs.


What is better - protectionism, which makes it possible to develop a national economy, or free trade, which develops on the basis of free market forces and identifies the most competitive industries of the country's economy? The problem of free trade and protectionism is one of the important and relevant topics today.

There is an old controversial between supporters of protectionism and defenders of trade freedom. Mercantilists, who first applied to the analysis of foreign trade and saw the source of state enrichment in it were, nevertheless, passionate advocacy of protectionism - measures aimed at stimulating the national economy and its protection against foreign competition. The first economists who made the freedom of trade were French physiocrats who denied any productive role of trade in increasing the wealth of the nation. The most consistent advocates of economic liberalism in general and international Trade In particular, English classics were, not only developed a slender theory of foreign trade, but also offered a specific policy in this area. In the XX century As a result of wars and economic crises, there was a significant strengthening of protectionist ideology and practice, and at present it is one of the important elements of international economic relations.

At this time, probably there is no more relevant problem for our economy than the revival of national production, an increase in the production of modern competitive products.

The purpose of the work is the consideration of modern protectionist and fritriest tools and methods, advantages and disadvantages, as well as consideration comparative characteristics These flows.

Protecting politics

Foreign trade protectionism, its types and methods

Protectionism - public policy Protection of the domestic market of any products from foreign competition through the use of tariff and non-tariff tools of trading policy (protectionism is also often aimed at seizing foreign markets).

You can distinguish several forms of protectionism:

Selective protectionism - directed against individual countries or individual goods;

Industry Protectionism - Protects certain industries (first of all agriculture, in the framework of agricultural protection);

Collective protectionism - is carried out by the associations of countries in relation to countries, in them are not incoming;

Hidden protectionism is carried out by the methods of internal economic policy.

States, conducting protectionist policies, use tools of foreign trade policy, the choice of which depends on its specific goals. Foreign trade policy tools include:

1. Tariff restrictions (customs tariffs, customs duties, tariff quotas);

2. Non-tariff restrictions.

Customs tariffs are a systematic list of customs duties, which are subject to goods when crossing the state border.

Customs duties fulfill the function of tax charged in favor of the state budget from the goods proclaiming through the border, and may be as follows:

Export (they are used in industrialized countries, in the Russian Federation apply only on gasoline and fuel oil).



II. By way of charging:

Advalor (as a percentage of the price of goods);

Specific (in the form of a certain amount of money charged by weight, volume or goods of goods);

Mixed (goods are subject to both first and second duties).

Sh. By nature:

Seasonal - apply to the operational regulation of international trade in seasonal products, primarily agricultural;

Anti-dumping - apply in case of importation into the territory of the country of goods at a price lower than their normal price in the exporting country, if such imports damages local producers of such goods or prevents the organization and expansion of the national production of such goods;

Compensation - superimposed on the import of those goods, in the production of which subsidies directly or indirectly were used if their imports damage to national manufacturers of such goods.

Usually these special types of duties apply to the country to protect against unscrupulous competition from its trading partners, or as a response measure to discriminatory and other actions that infringe the interests of the country, from other states.

IV. By origin:

Autonomous - duties introduced on the basis of one-sided decisions of the state authorities of the country.

Conventional (contractual) - duties established on the basis of a bilateral or multilateral agreement, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or the Customs Union Agreement;

Preferential - duties that have lower rates compared with the current customs tariff, which are superimposed on the basis of multilateral agreements on goods originating from developing countries. The purpose of preferential duties is to maintain the economic development of these countries by expanding their exports.

V. By betting types:

Permanent - customs tariff, whose rates are at the same time established by state authorities and cannot be changed depending on the circumstances. The vast majority of the countries of the world have tariffs with permanent rates;

Variables - the customs tariff, the rates of which may vary in cases established by the state authorities (with a change in the level of world or domestic prices, the level of government subsidies). Such tariffs are a rather rare phenomenon, but used, for example, in Western Europe within a single agricultural policy.

Vi. By the method of calculation:

Nominal - tariff rates specified in the customs tariff. They can only give the most common idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of customs entry, to which the country exposes its import or export;

Effective - the real level of customs duties on the final goods calculated according to the level of duties imposed on imported nodes and parts of these goods.

Functions of customs duties: Protectionist - the function of import duties; Fiscal - export and import duties bring income to the state; Balancing - the function of export duties, preventing unwanted exports of goods.

The tariff quota is a low rate of customs duty for the allowed volume of imports of this type of product compared with the rate for the remaining volume of imports of this product.

Dumping - non-tariff method: Promotion of goods to the external market by reducing export prices below normal level. The worst it is option - selling goods at a price below cost. Dumping is often the method of competition for the external market. Dumping happens:

Sporadic: Sometimes the company sells excess goods at reduced prices;

Intentional dumping is a decline in prices for a while in order to displacing competitors;

Permanent dumping;

Mutual dumping - when two countries trade in the same product at low prices. The country can introduce anti-dumping duties in order to protect against dumping and this is also a tool for protectionist policy. Often, domestic firms provoke anti-dumping investigations to eliminate foreign competitors when there is no dumping.

Trading embargo is a ban by the state of importation or the export of any goods. As a rule, the country introduces the embargo on political motifs. The embargo is detrimental, as the country introducing it and the country against which it was introduced, and beneficial for other countries that the chance appears to receive a win. The main goal of the embargo is to put pressure on another state to achieve political and economic goals.

Quantitative methods include quotation, licensing and "voluntary" export restriction. The most common form of quantitative restrictions is a quota or contingent. Two of these concepts have almost the same meaning with the difference that the concept of contingent is sometimes used to designate seasonal quotas.

Quotation (Contingent) is a limitation in the quantitative or value terms of the volume of products allowed to import into the country (import quota) or export from the country (export quota) for a certain period. As a rule, the quotation of foreign trade is carried out by licensing it, when the state issues licenses for imports or exporting limited volume of products and at the same time prohibits unlicensed trade.

Licensing is the regulation of foreign economic activity through permits issued by government agencies to export or import goods in the established quantities for a certain period of time. Licensing may be an integral part of the quotation process or be an independent tool state regulation.

"Voluntary" export restriction (DEE) is a form of self-limiting supplies, actually imposed on a foreign exporter under threat of applying more stringent prohibitive measures. Such self-limitation is practiced in the form of reduction of deliveries, reducing their annual increase or price increase. The most widely dose is used in the United States.

The hidden methods of protectionism include technical barriers in which administrative, technical norms prevent the importation of goods from abroad. The most common technical barriers are the requirements for compliance with national standards, to obtain certificates of quality of imported products, specific packaging and marking of goods, on compliance with certain sanitary and hygienic standards, including conducting protection measures ambient, on compliance with complicated customs formalities and the requirement of consumer protection laws and many others.

Domestic taxes and fees are hidden methods aimed at increasing the internal price of imported goods and the reduction in the internal market in the domestic market. Can be administered both central and local government bodies. Taxes imposed mainly on imported goods are very diverse and can be straightforward (value added tax, excise tax, sale tax) or indirect (fees for customs clearance, registration and fulfillment of other formalities, port fees). Domestic taxes and fees play a protectionist role only if they are superimposed on imported goods.

Public procurement policies - a hidden method of trading policy requiring government agencies and enterprises buy certain goods only from national firms, even despite the fact that these goods may be more expensive. The most typical explanation of such a policy is the requirement of national security. For example, in Western European countries, where until recently, the means of communications were in the hands of the state, there were practically no trade in communications equipment, since state firms needed to buy such equipment only from their manufacturers.

Export funding is aimed at reducing the cost of the exported goods and the increase in its competitiveness in the global market. Export funding can be carried out from government sources at the expense of the state budget, at the expense of all sorts of profitable institutions (banks, funds, etc.) and through the exporters themselves and serving their banks.

The most common financial methods are subsidies, lending and dumping. The main tool for promoting the export of goods abroad is export subsidies.

Subsidies are government payments to domestic producers working for export. They can take various forms: cash grants, cheap loans, reducing taxes on export industry, share States in the production of export products. Reducing costs through subsidies pursues two goals:

1) to assist domestic producers in a competitive struggle against cheap imports

2) wider penetration of export markets.

In most countries of the world, the state policy of cultural protectionism aimed at protecting the national language, customs, cultural and historical heritage is held.



Protectionism is a policy of protecting the domestic market from foreign competition

Protectionism, how the policy of protectionism is carried out, what are the methods and consequences of protectionism, not a tariff and trading protection


Protectionism is Protection of the domestic market, from competing countries, by resolving customs and tax barriers, reducing the competition of others countries Compared with national production goods. The policy was for Russian Federation XIX-XX centuries, state It was forced to impose large taxes and customs taxes of foreign production, thereby giving the opportunity to develop the national industry.

Protectionism is Protection Policy domestic market From foreign competition Through a system of certain restrictions. On the one hand, such a policy contributes to the development of national production. On the other hand, it can lead to a strengthening of monopolies, stagnation and a decrease in the competitiveness of the economy.

Protectionism - this is states consisting in targeted fence domestic market From the receipt of foreign goods.

Protectionism (from lat. Protectio - cover, patronage) - it The policy of the state aimed at protecting the domestic market, on the one hand, and the active promotion of the release of national companies to foreign markets - on the other.

Protectionism (Franz. ProtectionNisme, from Lat. Ptotectio - Protection, poppool) - this iseconomic policy States aimed at supporting the national economy.

Selective protectionism is Protection against specific product, or against a specific state.

Industry Protectionism is Protection of a particular industry.

Collective protectionism is Mutual protection of several countries united to the Union.

Hidden protectionism isprotecting with non-contained methods.

Local protectionism isprotectionism of products and services of local companies.

Green Protectionism isprotection with environmental law norms.

Corruption protectionism iswhen government figures operate in the interests of not a mass voter, but organized bureaucratic and financial groups.

Implementation of protectionism

Protectionism is carried out with the help of trade and political barriers that are protected from the importation of foreign goods, reduce their competitiveness compared to goods national production. For patronage Characterized by the financial encouragement of the national economy, stimulating the exportation of goods. V.I. Lenin emphasized the connection of protectionism with a certain historical building of the public economy, with the interests of the dominant in this class, based on government support: "... The question of the patronage and freedom of trade is the question between businessmen (sometimes between businessmen different countries, sometimes between different fractions businessmen This country) "

The nature of patronage and respectively means of trading politicians (prohibition of import, rates duties and structure dutiesoV, quantitative restrictions, etc.) changed depending on the general economic Policypursued in one or another era. In the initial accumulation of capital and nucleation capitalist relations The theorists and the practitioners of the patronage were mercantlers (see mercantilism), which demanded from the state authority to protect the domestic industry From foreign competition. Protectionism was widespread in France (Protectionist Tariffs 1664 and 1667 Kolbera), the Austrian monarchy, many German states, Russian Federation - For the first time under Peter I. Customs guards played a big role in the development of manufactory and factory industry. Under the sign of patronage Napoleonskaya France Economic struggle led (see Continental Blockade, 1806-14). For the era of the Domonopolistic Capitalism, "Protective" protectionism in most countries of Western Europe and the United States, aimed at protecting the national industry from a more advanced industry Englandconducted (from 40-X. 19 century) policy "Freedom trade"(see Frittime). Chopping the patronage and free trade Dali in their writings K. Marx and F. Engels. For period Everting capitalism The monopolistic stage is characterized by "offensive" protectionism, which protects against foreign competition is not weak industries Industry, but the most developed, highly monopolized. His goal is to conquer external markets. Obtaining monopoly profits within the country makes it possible to implement goods on external markets low, dumping prices.

Modern protectionism of developed capitalist states expresses primarily the interests of large national and international monopolies. Capture, dealer and redistribution of goods sales markets and capital Make up its main content. It is carried out with the help of a complex system of state-monopolistic measures controlling and regulating foreign trade. Strengthening the internationalization of capitalist production and the further development of state-monopolistic capitalism They lead to the fact that, along with traditional border register methods, the use of internal economic and administrative levers is growing in the protectionist purposes of internal economic and administrative levers, as well as foreign currency and monetary funds that limit the use of foreign goods. An integral part of modern patronage is agricultural protectionism (arose during the global agricultural crisis of the late 19th century), protecting the interests of national monopolies.

Src \u003d "/ Pictures / Investments / IMG1939774_ryinok-protektsionizm.jpg" style \u003d "width: 800px; Height: 586px;" title \u003d "(! lang: market, protectionism">!}

The development of capitalist integration processes led to the emergence of a peculiar "collective" patronage, which is carried out with the help of agreed actions of groups of developed capitalist countries. An example is the foreign trade policy of the "common market" countries (see the European Economic Community). The peculiarity of modern patronage is the adaptation of the trading policy of capitalist states to the new situation in the world. Protectionism of developing countries is fundamentally different. Their foreign economic policy is aimed at protecting the emerging industries national economy from expansion from imperialist powers. This protectionism contributes to the achievement of the economic independence of young sovereign states.

SRC \u003d "/ Pictures / Investments / IMG1939751_vneshnyaya_Torgovlya_Protektsionizm.jpg" Style \u003d "Width: 800px; Height: 659px;" Title \u003d "(! Lang: Foreign Trade, Protectionism" />!}

Protective measures

Carried out by introducing complex and indirect restrictions on imports - customs tariffs, continental, non-tariff barriers, currency limitations, compensatory dutiesInternal taxes dutiesoV, special regime of public procurement, "voluntary" restrictions export etc. The most important features of the imported patronage of developed capitalist countries in the latch are the increase in the role of non-tariff restrictions and the selective nature of protectional measures - is not protected by internal production as a whole, but separate industries. Protective measures are increasingly introducing into account the element of the structural policy aimed at the adaptation of national manufacturers to the shifts occurring in the world. Development of integration processes He led to the emergence of "collective patronage" - the formation of closed groups practicing the protection of their markets from countries of non-this integration association of enterprises.

IN economic theory One of the main arguments of patronage is the criticism of the theory of foreign trade from the standpoint of protection of national welfare, which follows directly from the analysis of winnings and losses. On the use of export and import duties can be anti-high-rate manufacturing and consumer losses arising from distorting behavior motives both manufacturers and consumers. However, this case is possible having from improving trade conditions after the introduction of foreign trade taxes exceeds losses from it. The main prerequisite for the improvement of trade conditions from the administration of duty - the presence of a market authorities. the ability of one or group of sellers (buyers) in the country to influence prices export and / or prices import.

The pressure or policies provided by government or political circles and the policy and / or administrative restrictions aimed at strengthening the positions of domestic producers in comparison with foreign (as opposed to free trade policies). Typical areas of protectionist activities include an increase in market prices for foreign goods, reducing the costs of domestic producers or restricting access of foreign manufacturers to internal market of goods. Protectionism is due to the considerations of national security, the need to redistribute revenues In favor of the disadvantaged groups of the population, the dependence of tariffs from the econ. potential; The preservation of jobs, the protection of new sectors of the economy, by the on-site influence on the other industries of the economy, maintaining long-term trading policies, mutual income and alignment` of starting positions and trading interests. The main means of patronage include duties, quotas, restrictions of the general nature, subsidies and currency. Tariffs are the goods imported into the country from abroad. The highest values \u200b\u200bof custom tariffs USA reached in the XX century. After adoption in 1930, trouble-holi tariffs.

Quotas - quantitative sales restrictions for importers in the domestic market during a certain period time. IN lately The usual practice was the conclusion of trade agreements or voluntary export restrictions. As an example, a concluded agreement between the 1980 USA and Japan conveyed cars. Administrative restrictions are often included in the Customs Code. One of the forms of such restrictions is the introduction of commodity standards. The provision of subsidies is sometimes associated with the industry or export activity of the industry. Such subsidies received the US shipbuilding industry, they included lending programs, special tax incentives and direct subsidies. Monetary control Restricts access to the reservoir required to purchase foreign goods. can be adjusted by the central bank engaged in the purchase of foreign things to NC ..

Haufbauer, Berliner and Old Man Elliot (in 1986) conducted research related to costs Politics protectionism in the United States in the 31th case, when the turnover has exceeded $ 100 million. And the United States used protectionist restrictions. Judging by the results, annual losses consumers exceeded $ 100 million. In all cases except six. The largest losses - $ 27 billion. per year - were associated with the patronage. in a relationship textile industry. Considerable losses suffered created consumers Also in connection with the protectionist measures against carbon steel (6.8 billion dollars), cars (0.8 billion dollars) and dairy products (5.5 billion dollars). First of all, the domestic manufacturers producers turned out to be winning, although aliens received significant profits. Cumulative consumer losses are huge. In the company conducted in 1982. Cooperation and development of the study were analyzed by the pros and cons of protectionist policies in the OECD countries. The results indicate that expenses Much superior to winnings.

History of protectionism

Originated in the era of the initial accumulation capital in Europe (XVI-XVIII century). Theoretical basis Developed by mercantilists that bind the well-being of the state exclusively with the active balance of foreign trade. Subsequently began to give way to the principle of free trade. Justification is given in the works of classics political economy A. Smith and D.Rikardo. In modern conditions, the dominant trend is the liberalization of foreign trade, although individual elements of patronage, especially in the field of agricultural protection, are still preserved.

It is carried out with the help of trade and political barriers that protect the domestic market from the importation of foreign goods reduce their competitiveness compared to national production. For patronage, the financial encouragement of the national economy is characterized, stimulating the exportation of goods. V.I. Lenin emphasized the relationship of patronage with a certain historical building of the public economy, with the interests of the dominant in this class, based on government support: "... The question of the patronage and freedom of trade is the question between businessmen (sometimes between businessmen from different countries, sometimes Between various fractions of businessmen of this country) "

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

The nature of patronage and, accordingly, the means of trading policy (prohibition of importation, duty rates and the structure of tariffs, the number of restrictions, etc.) changed depending on the general economic policy pursued in one or another era. IN the period of the initial accumulation of capital and the origin of capitalist relations theorists and practitioners were mercantilists who demanded from the state authorities Protection of the domestic industry from foreign competition. Protectionism was widespread in France (Protecting Tariffs 1664 and 1667 Kolbera), Austrian monarchy, many German states, in Russian Federation - For the first time under Peter I. Customs guards played a big role in the development of the manufactory and factory industry. Under the sign of Protectionism Napoleonic led economic struggle with British

For the era of the dominal capitalism, "protective" protectionism in most countries in Western Europe Both the United States, aimed at protecting the national industry from the more developed industry of Britain, conducted (from 40-X. 19 century) policies of "Freedom of Commerce". A deep analysis of the patronage and free trade was given in their writings to K. Marx and F. Engels. For the period of processing capitalism in the monopoly stage, the "offensive" protectionism is characterized, which protects against foreign competition not weak industries, but the most developed, highly resolved. His goal is to conquer foreign markets. Obtaining monopoly profit Inside the country makes it possible to implement goods in foreign markets at low, dumping prices

Modern protectionism of developed capitalist states expresses primarily the interests of large national and international monopolies. Capture, dealer and redistribution of markets for the sale of goods and capital make up its main content. It is carried out with the help of a complex system of state-monopolistic measures controlling and regulating foreign trade. Strengthening the internationalization of capitalist production and the further development of state-monopoly capitalism leads to the fact that along with traditional border regulatory methods, the use of internal economic and administrative levers is growing in the protectionist purposes, as well as currency and financial and monetary funds that limit the use of foreign goods. An integral part of modern protectionism is agricultural protectionism (originated during the global agrarian crisis The late 19th century), protecting the interests of national monopolies.

Development processes Capitalist integration led to the emergence of a kind of "collective" protectionism, which is carried out with the help of agreed actions of groups of developed capitalist countries. An example is the foreign trade policy of the "common market" countries. The peculiarity of modern patronage is the adaptation of the trading policy of capitalist states to the new situation in the world.

Protectionism of developing countries is fundamentally different. Their foreign economic policy is aimed at protecting the emerging sectors of national economy from expansion from the imperialist powers. This protectionism contributes to the achievement of the economic independence of young sovereign states.

Disadvantages of protectionist policies

The disadvantages of protectionist policies are as follows.

Protectionism in the long term undermines the foundations of national production, since it weakens the pressure from the world market necessary for the development of a business initiative. Above the desire for progress, Novations take the routine, the reluctance to part with the privileges acquired and the benefits obtained under the Regulation. The determination to surround itself with protectionist barriers is often determined by non-nationwide economic interests, but is the result of the pressure of powerful private interests that enjoy lobbying support for political and parliamentary circles.

Protectionism is harmful from the consumer's point of view, which it forces it to overpay for goods and services you need, and not only for imported, taxable taxes, but also for the subject of trade in the National Tax Tax, the release and sale of which are associated with a non-competitive pricing system.

Protectionism generates a chain reaction, since after the protection of some industries, it will be necessary to protect others sooner or later.

The fencing of national production from foreign competition drives them in the end of the protectionist trap, because if there were "crutches" were "issued" to strengthen such production, then they are quite difficult to remove them without risk Crash. Thus, introduced as a temporary measure of protectionism can be an integral attribute of long-term national economic policy.

The policy of patronage strengthens interstate rivalry and carries a potential threat to international stability and security. It weakens the bond of interdependence between countries, restrains the development and deepening of the international division of labor, specialization and cooperation of production, generating simultaneously enmity and distrust to each other.

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

Benefits of protective policies

The socio-political advantages of patronage are as follows.

In maintaining state security of the country, which, in case of refusal of protectionist measures, will be threatened by a narrow specialization of the economy. The latter exposes the country high risk Not only in the event of war, but also during periods of exacerbation of international relations. Therefore, the country should develop strategic types of production, primarily agriculture and food industry, as well as the industries necessary for national defense (, some types of chemical industry, etc.). This is a good argument, especially with regard to agriculture.

In defense of a higher standard of living and high wages In richer countries in their competitive struggle with countries where the standard of living is significantly lower.

In the ability to maintain some social classes and activities (for example, the peasantry, traditional national crafts), prevent depression and recession (for example, in the coal industry, etc.).

In the ability to achieve certain political goals in relations with other states. International economic sanctions against the USSR, who followed the input of the troops in Afghanistan, pursued the goal of termination military Actions and non-interference in the internal affairs of this country; Sanctions against Serbia were one of the pressure tools on it so that it changed its course towards Bosnia.

Economic arguments in defense of protectionist measures in which there is a rational grain, are reduced mainly to reasons for maximizing real income achieved through their use.

The first argument - with the help of import duties, the country can improve the terms of trading and to the resuruble increase the economic gain. However, this is possible only in a situation where the demand for goods is more elastic than it, and then the price increase will have to be mainly on the manufacturer, and the profit from the fee will replenish the state budget. In addition, the DF moves of this measure is necessary to:

The exporter has not had the opportunity to access other markets for their product;

Its production factors could not be used for monetary emission alternative goods;

Reducing exporting revenues in exporting countries did not affect demand These products in the importing country, which introduces a new tariff.

The second argument - protectionist measures protect industry at the stage of its origin and growth. The third economic argument in defense of patronage is its role in raising the level employment national resources.

However, the success of such a policy is unlikely if it becomes not the same country, but a few. Stimulating its own export due to reduction import From other countries, it would be sooner or later a dead-end situation would create a cessation of any trade.

The fourth defense argument is associated with an attempt to soften a crisis In industries experiencing economic difficulties. Significant changes in supply and demand for both internal and foreign markets can apply a tangible blow to a number of industries.

National Protectionism

The existence of opposing States of States, sets the task of providing national interests to national governments, including due to protectionist measures.

The main task of the state in the field of international trade is to help exporters to take out of their products as possible, making their goods to more competitive in the world market and limit imports by making foreign goods less competitive in the domestic market. Therefore, a part of state regulation methods is aimed at protecting the domestic market from foreign competitors and therefore applies primarily to imports. Another part of the methods has its task the formation of export.

Foreign trade regulation can take various forms, including directly affecting the price of the product (tariffs, taxes, excise and other fees, etc.) and limiting the cost volumes or the amount of incoming product (quantitative restrictions, licenses, "voluntary »Limitations of export, etc.).

The most common means are customs tariffs, the objectives of which are the receipt of additional financial means (usually for developing countries), regulation of foreign trade flows (more typically for developed states) or the protection of national producers (mainly in labor-intensive industries).

That is why it is important to assess the effectiveness of customs taxation, to give the overall characteristics of customs taxes, as well as analyze the customs tariffs of kthabled low-balanced product.

Among the numerous arguments in favor of the introduction of restrictions in general and customs tariff protection, in particular, the provision on the need to protect the emerging national industry is used. The meaning of the protection of the industry being created comes down to the following. It is argued that the country has comparative advantages in the production of any product, however, due to the lack of knowledge and minor initial production, the industry cannot start it release. Therefore, temporary protection is necessary, since the industry is at the stage of becoming. It is difficult to assume that the newly created industry can withstand the competitive struggle with the developed production of another country. After the industry be able to achieve a "mature" or "developed" level, ensure the massability of production, protection can be removed.

However, the problem is to choose the production industry truly in need of protection and possessing comparative advantages. In the opposite case, the improper development of individual industries and significant losses for society caused by the support of inefficient industries are possible. The protected industry usually retains production backwards for a long time, its development is delayed, it becomes a burden for society, production efficiency is reduced. In fact, tariffs are very often defended by the "young" industries, but, on the contrary, just old, losing their competitiveness. Whether protection is introduced or not, depends on the value of this industry for the country's economy and from the political force of stakeholders. In the context of the modern Russian Federation, most of the old existing industries turn out to be uncompetitive compared to foreign manufacturers. They are protected. The main argument is the threat of a decline in production. This, for example, was due to the increase in import duties to the Russian Federation of Foreign cars In the second halfposhille1993

In accordance with the definitions that exist in customs practice, under the auspices are understood as a given country, seeking to protect its domestic market from importing imports in the interests of developing the domestic production and fencing of domestic businessmen from foreign competition. Protectionism is carried out both by increasing the rates of import customs fees and by non-tariff measures of foreign economic consuming.

The famous economist Edwin J. Dollaz under the auspices understands any state measures, the purpose of which is to protect industry industry from competition. Over the past four decades, world trade has grown much. However, in addition to traditional tariffs, the so-called "uncertificationism" originated, which led to the introduction of additional restrictions on world trade. Nerarecomials uses such a variety of economic mechanisms as "ordered trade contracts"And" voluntary export restriction ". The conclusion of this kind of agreements often occurs under direct "power pressure", reinforced by the threat of introducing high tariffs or import quotas.

Modern protectionism is concentrated in relatively narrow regions. In relations developed countries among themselves, these are areas of agriculture, textiles, clothing and steel. In trade of developed countries with developing - these are industrial goods to developing countries. In the trade of developing countries among themselves, these are products of traditional export.

In the Russian Federation, discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of the patronage and freedom of trade began in the early 1990s. In favor of the opening of the domestic market for foreign goods, there is a global experience, indicating that the protection against competition itself often leads to the development of industries that are not able to compete in the global market. However, in the current situation that takes place in the national economy, this thesis is true only in part. It can be opposed to another statement: the targeted industrial policy of the state adopted such a scale that it is impossible to bring examples that would confirm that competitive industries arise exclusively under the laws of the market element.

Free trade idea comes from the need to eliminate customs and other barriers to the movement of goods between countries. Free trade arguments are based on economic analysis showing income from trade liberalization for both individual countries and for the entire world economy.

However, Professor N.N. Shaposhnikov in 1924 wrote that "Free trade is the ideal of the future, but at present it is beneficial only for the country that other countries managed to get out of its economic development." The essence of this statement fully complies with the current state of the economy of the Russian Federation. Currently, all kinds of protectionist barriers to the development of foreign trade activities are not possible, otherwise the country has a perspective to turn into a colony of countries with developed market economy.

Therefore, the arguments in favor of freedom of trade are not always justified and the more not applicable to our economic situation. In favor of conservation in the near future, protectionist measures can be given the following arguments:

The need for security economic security countries;

The specificity of individual regions and the need to support the protectionist measures by the state;

In the conditions of the decline in production - the preservation of the necessary work places;

In the conditions of an economic collapse, protectionist customs measures will not allow the transformation of the country into the economic appendage of developed countries of the world;

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Naturally, the listed arguments in defense of patronage in more than Refer to the economic situation in our country.

Customs tariff is a fundamental tool for protectionist policies. Customs and tariff regulation is a set of customs and tariff measures that use as a national trade and political toolkit for regulating foreign trade.

Interaction of protectionism and fritership in public policy

Frittime (Eng. Free Trade - Free Trade) - This Direction in economic theory, politics and economic practice, proclaiming freedom of trade and non-interference of the state in a private-winning sphere of life of society.

The foreign trade of any state is usually built on the basis of mutual profitability. However, mutually beneficity in foreign trade is not only a balance of export and import operations, but also a much broader problem of implementing a specific strategy of foreign economic relations of a particular country, which is always in unity with other economic relations. Although there are cases when foreign economic relations are developing spontaneously, folding "de facto" as a result of natural, little coordinated actions. A more preferable is the situation in which foreign trade activities carry out one or another strategy consciously.

The choice of the National Foreign Economic Strategy has significant influence as a general economic situation in the country and trends in the World Economy, given the modern rapid internationalization of world-economic relations, the expansion of world trade in goods and services, the development of international entrepreneurship, the increase in the number and increasing the scope of TNK. Under such circumstances, the macroeconomic strategy of the economic growth of the National State is experiencing a strong influence of the external factor determined by the role of foreign economic relations in the state economic policy. It is clear that national foreign economic regulation cannot fail, for example, the impact of such problems of modern world EconomyAs an aggravation of competition in the global market, the growing non-equilibrium balance of payments, the huge external debt of many countries, economic and political instability in the countries of Eastern Europe, and above all in the countries of the former USSR.

The action of these factors generates constant interaction in foreign trade policies of the national states of two trends: liberalism and patronage. Protectionism is a state policy aimed at protecting the domestic market from competitors, and often to seize foreign markets. In contrast, the liberalization policy (Frituersmanship) is aimed at opening the domestic market for foreign goods, capital, labor, thus strengthening competition in the domestic market. And protectionism and reflect primarily the reaction of certain states on changes in the international division of labor, on the events occurring in international economic relations. The history of international economic relations starting from the XIX century. indicates that for international Trade There were characteristic alternation of periods of liberalism and patronage. So, the period from the second half of the XIX century. before war 1914-1918 Characterized by the dominance of Friteros Policy and was determined by the dominance of England as a great industrial and trading nation in the world market. It was during this period that navigation acts were canceled and law On grain (1866), Napoleon's trade and diplomatic treaties concluded with England, which included the article "On the Mode of the greatest favored" (1860). The interwar period (1920-1939) was characterized by the strengthening of patronage around the world. So, in 1921, Customs is accepted in Britain law "On the protection of industry" and subscribe to the countries of the British Commonwealth so-called Ottawa agreementestablishing imperial preferences. United States in 1922, and then in 1930 increase customs tariffs. France since 1931 adheres to contingenting policies. The Republic of Germany has all definitely to pursue a turning policy to Avtarkia.

After completing the Second World War world economy Gradually stood on the path leading to greater freedom of trade. In 1948, under the auspices of the UN was created company Gatt serving the Institute for Problems international Trade and contributing to the decline and consolidation of customs taxes. The decision of the same tasks contributed to the creation in the westraded tax community and the emergence of the Customs Union, as well as the creation of the European Free Trade Association (1960). Adoption by the US Congress at the request of Kennedy Act on Trade Development (1962) gave the President of the USA to negotiate with foreign states Regarding the conclusion of agreements on a significant reduction in tariffs. "Round Kennedy" became one of the most comprehensive multilateral trade agreements at the international level. He ended in 1967 by the conclusion of important agreements providing for a decline in customs fees by 35-40% for 5 years. Subsequent torching chubs also contributed to trade liberalization.

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

In the 80-90s. In the general direction of the liberalization of world trade in foreign trade policies of leading Western countries, elements of patronage associated with the exacerbation of international competition began to appear again. Despite the done Gatt work on the liberalization of world trade, international trade It remains one of the main directions of state regulation of the national economy.

The forms and methods of state regulation of foreign trade of individual states are largely the same, they have been worked out with long global practice, but there are significant differences in the mechanisms of their use, depending on the prevalence of fritriest, liberal, or protectionist orientation.

The friter model is at its essence close to the policies of monetarism inside a particular national economic System. It suggests that the market (world market) by itself will be much better than any other regulatory side, solve problems to ensure balance and mutual benefit. trade operations. For countries with economies in transition, the global market will ensure the integration of their national farms in world economy and ensure the use of world scientific and technical achievements for the effective development of its national economy. State regulation in this case is carried out by methods of mainly tariff regulation and measures that encourage the inflow to the country of goods and capital.

Indeed, free trade promotes competition in domestic markets, forces enterprises to introduce innovations, providing a wider choice of consumer goods, and makes it possible to fully use comparative advantages and achieve savings due to the growth of production. Moreover, free trade releases dynamic strengths, seeking the long-term rise in the growth rate of the economy by promoting improvements and innovations, while protectionism over time is increasingly preventing the action of these forces.

Free trade policy gives a winning of any country, although not everyone is equally and not all groups of the population. In the importing country, the winnings arises due to the fact that the accurates of consumers exceed the losses of manufacturers, and in the exporting country the overall welfare increases due to the winning manufacturers, while consumers carry losses. In the case of trade liberalization in the short term, employment reduction may occur due to decreasing incentives for the development of both import-substituting industries and industries that are not involved directly into foreign trade, but which will be affected by the liberalization process. And even a sharp increase in employment in the export sector will not immediately compensate for its fall in other sectors. Enterprises The export sector may not have time to absorb the workflow released from other sectors, for example, due to the delay of the implementation of new investments or slow professional reorientation and limited mobility labor resources.

Implementation of a fritriest model in pure form for transition economies Difficult due to a number of circumstances. First of all, because post-socialist countries come into competition in the global market in obviously unequal conditions in relation to developed countries, most of the sectors of transitional economies are to some extent lagging behind the level of development of relevant sectors in highly developed countries. Able to survive here may be the most primitive sectors - agriculture, mining and primary processing of raw materials and energy carriers. The developed countries could "strangle" and these production, but they are either no appropriate natural resources And interested in their use, or prefer not to use "dirty technologies" in their territories. Experience in implementing this model in some developing countries It showed that the result of such a strategy is to preserve the dependent position of national economies, the outflow of investments and qualified personnel.

Of course, there is an opportunity to first strengthen at least some industries, tightening them to the level of world market requirements. But in the process of tightening, it would be necessary to protect them from more powerful rivals at the moment, and this is an attempt on the sacred and unshakable principles of free competition and fritrements. The experience of "Asian Tigers" and the Chilean economy of Pinochet's times does not confirm the implementation of a fritriest model in its pure form. Thus, the formal fritership of the Pinochetian economy actually assumed support from the state, primarily investments related to scientific and technical progress, as well as the policies of endless loans from Western lenders. As a result, the economy of the Republic of Chile took a step forward in technical re-equipment, but received a huge external. As for the countries of the Pacific Basin, who managed to make a jerk in their economic development, here the Frituercy model existed rather as an ideological sign. In fact, the purposeful development of the economy under the protection of protectionist measures was carried out. Support measures applied to the creation of their own industry and post-industrial spheres, such as the field of education capable of equal to compete in the global market. However, the weakening of patronage expressed in these countries in creating equal conditions for importers and exporters, in reducing the restrictions on foreign trade and the use of the price mechanism instead of arbitrary decisions of the bureaucratic apparatus, inevitably led to an increase in GDP growth rates, which was the result of the redistribution of resources in favor of more Effective production types. Grocery size GDP In this case, it depends on both the very nature of the reforms and the scales of the redistribution of resources. So, in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region GDP amounted to 5-6%, and the growth of foreign trade is 9-10% per year. In this case, these indicators were achieved after the start of reforming the economy of the countries of this region, and the liberalization of foreign trade was one of the reforms.

Protectism in Russia

Already in the XVII century, when private manufactories only appeared and the All-Russian market began to develop, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich began to protect Russian merchants from foreign competition. His shopping charter (1653) laid out the entrepreneurial activities of foreigners with a higher duty than the one who was charged with Russians. In 1667 on the jobs of the "Moscow State of the Trade People", complained by the resentment from the "visitors of the Inomes", "Novotorgovy Charter" is published. He allowed to trade foreigners not everywhere, not at all time and not all kinds of goods.

During the reign of Peter I in 1719th, Russia completely refused the monopolist of the state on all goods. A few years later adopted the customs tariff. He had a proximity. Low tariffs for export were established. The size of the duty on the goods imported into the Russian Federation directly depended on the level of development of emissions valuable papers Dposhlinetovarovar in the state. If the ability to satisfy the need for this product, thanks to domestic production was high, the duties were set high. In the 1726th year, the volume of Russian export in two RPoshlinins is higher than the volume of commercial importation. Such was the policy of patronage in the Russian Federation.

Peter continued this policy, which helped the domestic industry as soon as he could. Petrovsky customs tariff of 1724 significantly limited imports. But the Russian manufacturers could be doseworthy to bring the tools and materials from abroad. Moreover, the treasure granted substitutions breeders, helped the raw materials and workforce, finally, was simply built enterprises "Turnkey", and then passed (not sold, namely, passed, and for free) to individuals.

The successors of Peter acted in the same vein. If some ruler weakened the patronage of businessmen and reduced the duties on the import of foreign goods, then life sooner or later forced him to be changed. Or he left the uncomfortable memory of the descendants. For example, as Anna Ioannovna, whose customs tariff of 1731 significantly softened the conditions for importing foreign products. But Elizabeth and Ekaterina II supported the Russian industry. Custom tariffs issued under these Empress 1757, 1766 and 1782 set high duties for foreign goods, whose analogues were made in the Russian Federation. And the import of nposhlinii (, canvas, skin) was not allowed at all.

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

Alexander I went even further. The "Provision on natural trade in 1811 in the ports of the White, Baltic, Black and Azov seas and the entire Western land border" (1810) prohibited the import into the Russian Federation of all (yes, yes, it was all!) Ready industrial products . But it was allowed to import duty free. True, in the tariff of 1819, Alexander removed all these restrictions and set low customs taxes. However, already in 1822 it was supposed to return to the policy of protectionism, which his brother continued, Nikolai I. Both brothers, and Alexander, and Nikolai, surrounded the industrial activities of the extraordinary wrench. For the development and improvement of production, they awarded merchants orders and medals. The prestigious titles of manuff and commerce advisors were introduced. Since 1829, all-Russian industrial and art exhibitions were held regularly. There were presented the best domestic goods. Nikolai personally met with the participants of these events, trying to take into account their opinion in the development of internal and foreign policy.

A small example. 1833, May. Emperor Invites participants of the III industrial exhibition is not somewhere, but to himself, in the Winter Palace. There are tables for five hundred people. The king could not be squeezed by one of the merchants next to him. It was a manuff adviser, a cloth fabricant Ivan Nazarovich Rybnikov. During the entire dinner, Nikolai enthusiastically discussed with him the needs of the Russian industry. What is characteristic, Rybnikov primarily taking a speech about import duties. The king and the merchant quickly agreed on the fact that they should be even added, which would be the benefit of "for the Fatherland and all classes in the state." Effective measure of encouraging of domestic production used by all emperors - From Alexander I to Nicholas II - there were state orders. Back in 1811, Alexander I was prescribed to use only those surgas and paper, which were made in the Russian Federation. And in the future procurement of any products for state needs, first of all, were carried out among Russian businessmen.

Heavy industry was surrounded by a particular concern in the Imperial Russian Federation. Private enterprises of this industry received generous loans from the state. If the owner of the plant fell won, the treasury did not allow the enterprise to die and acquired it. This happened, for example, with the famous steel plant engineer Obukhov.

With visible state support for private organizations In the Epoch, Alexander II covered the European Russian Federation with a thick network of railways. The scale of railway construction was so great that the Russian heavy industry could not satisfy all his needs. Therefore, in 1868, duties on steam locomotives, rolling stock were abolished, reduced duties on Iposhlin. But as soon as the main railways entered the rapid population began to rise again.

Alexander III has already conducted a politics of pronounced patronage. It increased import duties in 1881, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886. In 1889, his finance minister Vysnegposhelvnoshli Railway tariff reform, which led to even greater increase in the cost of imports. Cargo traffic and ports in the center of the Russian Federation now cost much more expensive than transporting goods in the opposite direction. The crown of the protectionism of the domestic industry was the customs tariff of 1891. He installed ultrahigh duty on import: from 33 to 100% of the product price. And on some products and that bopoelinsPan\u003e

The result was not forced to wait. In the 1890s, the Russian industry experienced the most powerful rise. Thanks to the tireless concerns of the Tsar-Batyushki, this is a silent child strengthened and matured. But any handsome child early or later begins to take a parent care guardian. The same happened with russian capital. Moreover, Alexander III sometimes stroked him and against the fur. What was the one working 1880s!

The Law of 1882 has limited the use of children's and women's labor (such favorable for manufacturers!). The Law of 1886 strictly determined the procedure for issuing wages, charging fines, hiring and dismissing workers. For the supervision of the implementation of these decisions, it established a special "factory inspection", which caused a real perolet among the capitalists.

A self-adjustment sought to regulate not only the relationship between businessmen and employees, but also other important areas of companies. For example, the acquisition of real estate. Yes, and the establishment of any joint-stock company (AO) according to the Law of 1836 required a special government permit (by approval of the Charter). Especially strictly controlled mining of minerals (" mining industry"). This national economy He was under the jurisdiction of the Mountain Department and was regulated by the Mountain Charter. Businessmen considered the specified document outdated, like the whole company of mining. The symbol of the cosupiness in this area (primarily in the Urals), they considered the preservation of the mountainous districts (which were under vigilant state control) and the "possession" (conditional) land tenure. Earth on a possession right could not be alienated from the factory to which they were attributed, which, of course, seriously limited the owner's freedom. As complained in 1913, the magazine "Industry and Trade", "Ural is still sealed for an industrial energy application with its possession right."

The discontent of the printed corporation of businessmen also caused the fact that the treasury, being the largest landowner, led to the development of its subsoil individuals with very stringent requirements for them. "Entertaining their own bosom Such prohibitions, the treasury itself almost unimports them and is developing very poorly, "the magazine complained. However, when the state still mastered the field and was engaged in economic activities, it also caused discontent of the authors of the "Industry and Trade", and the entrepreneurial elite as a whole. Her mood expressed the Chairman of the Council of Congresses of Representatives of Industry and Trade N.S. Avdakov, unambiguously spoken for the transfer of state-owned mining in private hands.

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

In general, the mining workers have accumulated many complaints about the economic policy of autocracy. But, of course, most of them annoyed government control Over business activities for the development of underground subsoil. In this regard, the "Industry and Trade" wrote: "Everyone who tried to show an industrial initiative, it is known that every thing we are shrouded in a thick network of permitting - or, or rather, a prohibitive - system - systems associated with endless fiber, with visits by instances , with intervalistic circular irresponsibility, turning, in the end, the industrialist in the indispensable guidance. "

Two misfortune troubles: protectionism and limit measures:

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

There were not only minorities for the resentment for the state, but also in businessmen who belonged to the discrimination against national religious minorities. This is primarily about Jews. The trait of settling limited the place of their residence by Western provinces. True, since 1860, they could be recorded in merchant guilds in all localities of the Russian Federation to receive the right to residence. However, since 1882, they were forbidden to own land and the other real estate In rural areas (that is, outside the cities), indifferent - in a settling line or not. And this greatly hampered their business activity. Moreover, these restrictions also concerned foreigners of the Jewish religion. And since 1887, this prohibition has spread to all foreigners and all foreign firms. True, only in the border areas (the kingdom of Polish, Belarus, Volyn, Baltic States, Bessarabia, the Caucasus, Turkestan, the Far East). But it was there who are foreign entrepreneurs and sought most often. So the foreign also had reason to wish the change of regime in the Russian Federation. Unhappy can be counted for merchants-Old Believers who wanted religious freedom for their units. Finally, you need to consider another circumstance. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first merchant generation, graduated by gymnasium and higher education institutions, began to enter the first merchant generation. And among the students there were opposition moods there. Therefore, the merchant offspring, having received a higher education, often absorbed the skeptical and hostile attitude towards the authorities and sympathetic - to opponents of autocracy.

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

Taking into account all the above, we will not be surprised that, despite the royal care of industry, some businessmen in 1901-1905. They financed opposition companies and supported calls for restriction of autocracy. True, the stormy 1905 still sledged the majority of business people. They appreciated the fact that autocracy, struggling with the revolution, managed to protect their property and security. This led to the loyalty of most of the bourgeoisie in relation to the state in 1905-1909. However, the excesses of the revolution were gradually forgotten, and the dense control of the authorities in the economic sphere was increasingly annoyed. Ceased to arrange the bourgeoisie and the financial policy of the government. Businessmen wished to reduce the incident after the Russian-Japanese war and the revolution of the tax burden. To be honest, it was not so big. About or value added taxed, then did not hear. Even income tax And it was not. But also a slight tax exaltation increased the initial cost of products, and in the Russian conditions it was fraught with collapse. On the other hand, the business community required to increase public spending On the update necessary for the development of infrastructure (ports, messages). After all, for a private trader, these costs were beyond. And in response, the Minister of Finance of Kokovtsov talked about the need to live by means and maintain balance of the budget.

But when Graph Kokovtsov in 1914 lost his post (as well as the Premier Chair), it did not bring facilitated by Russian capitalists. The "updated course" of the next Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Goremäkina and the Minister of Finance of Barka was expressed in even greater strengthening of state intervention in the economy. The bowl of patience of businessmen overflowed the edition of the rules on April 18, 1914, limiting rights joint stock companies For the acquisition of land. On May 6, 1914, the newspaper "Morning of the Russian Federation", which belonged to the famous Moscow capitalist-Old Believers Ryabushinsky, wrote: "We at the limit possible. Next is impossible.

However, Roptali on mostly representatives of the mountain and light industry. The captains of the heavy industry, as a rule, showed loyalty to autocracy, including last years His existence (time of the First World War). Not surprising. The heavy industry has always been in a privileged position, and during the years of World War, especially. Naturally, during this period, the enterprise heavy industry has been loaded with state orders. In addition, they had priority access to energy resources, and their employees received armor from calling to the front.

Other business mines (primarily fuel producers). Above them after the beginning of the First World War, Damoklov sword of government requisitions and the treated distribution of their products were constantly hung. In the wrong position in the first military year, an easy industry was also. Due to the counteraction of the government, businessmen who worked for the "civil market" did not receive in a sufficient amount of neither access to production Resources (fuel, rawwho walked to state military needs), nor to military orders. In addition, large losses to the industrialists suffered due to the call of their workers in the army. All this contributed to the growth of opposition moods among the captains of the light industry (mainly Old Believers headed by P.P. Ryabushinsky).

At the end of May 1915, the newspaper Ryabushinsky "Morning of the Russian Federation" put forward the slogan "Mobilization of the industry" (in fact, the translation of all enterprises in the category of defense). This meant that workers will be attached to their factories (in other words, avoid sending to the front), and businessmen will receive military orders and favorable conditions for their implementation. At the request of the leaders of the light industry of Moscow (and in particular P.P. Ryabushinsky), the issue of "mobilization" was raised by an edge at the IX Congress of Industry and Trade (May 26-29, 1915) and supported by its participants.

The royal government went to meet the business community. The Ryabushinsky initiative on the "mobilization of industry" was embodied in the form of the creation of "military-industrial committees". These were non-governmental companies under the control of capitalists. They were distributed between private enterprises orders of the military department. For Ryabushinsky and his like-minded people, military industrial committees were important not only from the point of view of their economic profit, but also as a political bridgehead for the offensive. The famous old-handed capitalist dreamed of uniting all businessmen in soyuz To combat autocracy. However, it did not succeed. For kings hard industry The gap with the state was death. Therefore, they not only did not join the enemies of the regime, but they created their own firm, loyal authorities. In February 1916, they convened the I congress of the metalworking industry, the Chairman of the Council of which the right Octobist A.D. Protopopov. Soon he was close to the royal family, and in September 1916 he was appointed manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for the mining workers, they took a neutral position in 1916. They did not make loud statements and defeat politicians demonstratively. Well, and the Moscow Captains of the Light Industry in 1916 began to form entrepreneurial association of enterprises opposition character. In the second half of March 1916, P.P. manufacturers Ryabushinsky and A.I. Konovalov began sending letters in the name of major capitalists from different cities with an invitation to join the established "Chamber of Commerce union».

It turned out, however, that even in Moscow many industrialists refer to attempts to draw them into opposition activity very wary. This showed a preliminary meeting on the company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, held at the merchant S.N. Tretyakova. Most invited businessmen at the meeting simply did not appear. Send, by data Police, "preferred to listen, avoiding to show their attitude to the idea association of enterprises", Moreover, it was quite obvious that the political motives of this trust do not cause special enthusiasm." The general mood, according to the police agent, expressed the publisher I.D. Satin, who said: "The trade and industrial class to unite, to work out into the powerful All-Russian company is not very away, but he has no desire to go in this regard in the lists of intellectuals." At the same time, Syutin expressed his fear that "the association of enterprises will be released on their own head, uniting enterprises against their own interests." Speaking about the relationship between the opposition intelligentsia and businessmen, he stated: "They have some tasks, we have others"

Protectionism by the Russian Federation:

Protectingism (Protectionism) is

- The system of patronage duties, aimed at supporting internal production. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Protection system of patronage. duties, i.e. high chopping foreigner ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

PROTECTIONISM - The economic policy of the state, consisting in the targeted fence of the domestic market from the receipt of goods of foreign production. It is carried out through the introduction of complex and indirect restrictions on the import of customs ... ... Financial vocabulary

PROTECTIONISM - (Protectionism) point of view, according to which the limitation of international trade is a desirable policy. Its purpose may be to prevent unemployment or loss of production facilities in industries, which threatens imports, assistance ... Economic Dictionary - 1) The economic policy of the state aimed at the fencing of the national economy from foreign competition. Imported through the financial promotion of the domestic industry, stimulating exports, import restrictions. For ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

protectionism - A, m. ProtectionNisme M. Lat. Protectio Protection, cover. 1. The economic policy of bourgeois countries associated with the fencing of the domestic industry and agriculture from foreign competition and with the seizure of foreign markets. System ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

Protectionism - (Protectionism) Public policy, involving the use of import duties, quotas and other restrictions in order to protect national entrepreneurs from foreign competition. Before resorting to such politics, governments ... ... Business Terms Dictionary

protectionism - Potion. Ant. Preventing dictionary of Russian synonyms. Protectingness of the land., Number of synonyms: 1 superfluidism (1) ... Synonym dictionary

Protectionism - - State policy aimed at maintaining internal producers by importing imports. There are several options for conducting protectionist policies. First, this is the introduction of import duties on goods and services. ... ... Banking encyclopedia

PROTECTIONISM - Economic and legal policy of the state aimed at the fencing of the national economy from foreign competition. It is implemented through the financial promotion of the domestic industry, stimulating exports, import restrictions ... Law Dictionary, U. G. Samner. The book shows the inconsistency of the policy of protectionism. Not only open theoretical errors contained in the substantiation of protection of national production, but also on specific ...

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Each state that wants to exist should take care of the economic component of life. One of the most important mechanisms is protectionism.

What is protectionism?

So called the economic patronage of the state, which manifests itself in the fact that the domestic market of their country is protected from foreign goods imported into it. There is also a promotion of exports by increasing product competitiveness in foreign markets. With competent policies, this is poured into economic growth.

But has a negative state protectionism. Its value in the economy may change to the diametrically opposite, if it is unceremoniously pulling the blanket, because it will cause response from other countries.

Why is the policy of protectionism?

Its task is to stimulate the development of the national economy, as well as protection against foreign competition with non-tariff methods. When strengthening the process of global globalization, the development of adequate protection policy is extremely important to increase in the domestic and foreign market. With active and rational actions, the state policy of protectionism for the enterprise will allow efficiently and quickly to adapt to changing conditions for the development of the world's economy.

What does the story say to us?

IN different periods state Education constantly changed their directions of economic policy. They moved to that to protectingism. True, no state never accepted a radical shape anywhere. So, it is absolutely necessary that the movement of goods, technologies, capital and labor existed without any restrictions. And this state of affairs has its own nuances, because of which there was no choice. Therefore, the absolute state protectionism is something from the field of fiction. Now any government regulates the turnover of resources in its own country. Despite the fact that mass is the declaration of the openness of the economy, in fact, so cover the rather tricker protectionism of state economic interests.


A significant theoretical task is the choice: what is better - protectionism or freedom of trade. So, the advantages of the first is that it allows to develop the national industry. Freedom of trade can boast that national costs are compared with international. And the end of the edge is not visible discussion about what is better.

If we consider the development of this dilemma, then it is worth noting that until the beginning of the 70s of the last century, the countries of the world gradually switched to support for trade freedom and strengthened liberalization. But from the moment the return trend is recorded. So, states are separated from others with the help of sophisticated tariffs and various barriers, protecting their economy from foreign competition.

Types of protection

What is the goal of various states as a goal, turning towards protectionism? The features allow to judge protection types. All of them allocate two:

  1. Permanent protection. It is used to enhance from foreign competition of industries, which are of strategic importance for the domestic economy (agriculture, military industry) is of considerable importance in critical situations (for example, war).
  2. Temporary protection. It is used to disappear to repent that they were recently created until they become so stable that they could successfully compete with similar areas of other states.

Appropriate measures can also be taken if trading partners have introduced certain protectionist restrictions on their part. Explicit state protectionism is such a measure that almost always entails a response. A peculiar way out can be propaganda to buy domestic products without activating some restrictions.

Forms of protectionism

In what form does he exist? Select four forms:

  1. Selective protectionism. It implies protection from a specific product / state.
  2. Industry Protectionism. This includes the protection of a certain sphere of economic life (for example, agriculture).
  3. Collective protectionism. By this understand the mutual defense of several countries, which they united into the Union.
  4. Hidden protectionism. Under it understands protection, during which not customs methods, including those that stimulate the domestic producer.

Modern protectionism

Under it implies non-tariff and customs and tariff limitations. The main task of the government in the field of international trade is to assist exporters on the sale of products in foreign markets by increasing their competitiveness, as well as restricting imports using funds for reducing the attractiveness of foreign goods in the country. At the same time, most of the regulation methods are engaged in the fact that regulates imports. The remaining forcing exports.

Speaking about tariff limitations, it should be said that there are only quotas. This is all that the measures of state protectionism refers and do not hide with anyone. All of them are oriented to regulate import. But non-tariff restriction belongs to measures of state protectionism. Under it understands quota, licensing, government procurement, various requirements for the presence of local components, technical fees, taxes and fees for non-residents, dumping, subsidizing and lending to exports. This is meant by state protectionism. There are also a number of smaller components less than the importance of the components, but due to the rare application and specificity, they will be omitted under this article. By the way, it can be said that the imposition of sanctions relates to the measures of state protectionism to the state protectionism. But this is a specific question, a single opinion on which is not yet.

State Protectionism in Russia: the current state of affairs and development prospects

According to customs and tariff regulation, it should be noted that the introduction of new technologies is carried out, which makes it possible to make improved administration and tracking of the state of affairs. On the non-tariff field, the use of specific methods under management occurs. At the same time, there is an orientation for the export of high-tech services, goods and technologies.

In the long run, innovative development is important. It grows especially with gradual exhaustion of the potential for the effectiveness of other factors. should assume the creation of the conditions under which the developing activity and the proportion of investments will grow, which is aimed at introducing products and technological processes new quality. Ultimately, this will have an exceptional importance on the issue of improving the quality of life of the population.

Important to meet the needs of people is support for small and medium businesses. Here you can work on a decrease in the number of administrative barriers, simplifying documentary processes (registration and closure of the enterprise), reducing the list of activities that require licenses. Ultimately, it is necessary to form an investment and attractive environment. Not least by reducing the aggregate tax burden on business entities. It is also impossible to say that this aspect to the measures of state protectionism applies.

Foreign trade policy is a system of measures aimed at protecting the domestic market or to stimulate the growth of foreign trade, the change in its structure and directions of consignment flows. There are two main models of foreign trade policies: protectionism and free trade (liberalism). Different stages of world economic development were characterized by the prevailing of one of these models of foreign trade policy. Protectionism is a policy of protecting the domestic market from foreign competition through a system of certain restrictions. On the one hand, such a policy contributes to the development of national production. On the other hand, it can lead to strengthening monopolists, stagnation and a decrease in the competitiveness of the economy. It is carried out by introducing a complex of direct and indirect restrictions of imports - customs tariffs, contingenting, non-tariff barriers, currency restrictions, compensation duties, internal taxes and fees, a special regime of public procurement, "voluntary" export restrictions, etc. The most important features of the imported protectionism of developed capitalist countries are currently increasing the role of non-tariff restrictions and the selective nature of protectionist measures - is not protected by internal production as a whole, but separate industries. Protectionist measures are increasingly introduced as an element of structural policies aimed at the adaptation of national producers to the shifts taking place in the world. The development of integration processes led to the emergence of "collective protectionism" - the formation of closed groups practicing the protection of their markets from the goods of countries not included in this integration association. In economic theory, one of the main arguments of protectionism is the criticism of the theory of foreign trade from the position of the protection of national welfare, which follows directly from the analysis of winnings and losses. The profit from the use of export and import duties can be opposed to tax and consumer losses arising from the distortion of the motives of behavior of both manufacturers and consumers. However, it is known and such a case when the profit exceeds the loss. The main prerequisite for the improvement of trade conditions from the administration of duty - the presence of the country of market power, i.e. The ability of one or group of sellers (buyers) in the country to influence the prices of export and / or import prices.

2. Basic types of protectionism

Typical areas of protectionist activities include an increase in market prices for foreign goods, reducing the costs of domestic producers or restricting access of foreign manufacturers on industry Market goods. The main means of protectionism includes duties, quotas, administrative limitations, subsidies and currency control. Tariffs are taxes that are subject to goods imported into the country from abroad. The highest values \u200b\u200bof US custom tariffs reached in the XX century. After adoption in 1930, trouble-holi tariffs. Quotas - quantitative sales restrictions for importers in the domestic market for a certain period of time. Recently, ordinary practice has become the conclusion of trade agreements or voluntary export restrictions. As an example, an agreement between the United States and the country of the rising sun regarding cars can be brought as an example. Administrative restrictions are often included in the Customs Code. One of the forms of such restrictions is the introduction of commodity standards. The provision of subsidies is sometimes associated with the industry or export activity of the industry. Such subsidies received the US shipbuilding industry, they included lending programs, special tax incentives and direct subsidies. Currency control Restricts access to the reservoir required to purchase foreign goods. Exchange rate Can be regulated by the People's Bank, which carries out the maintenance of the NC.

Main types of Protectionism:

  1. Selective protectionism - protection against a particular product, or against a specific state.
  2. Sectoral protectionism of the state - protection of a particular industry.
  3. Collective protectionism - mutual protection of several countries united to the Union.
  4. Hidden protectionism - protectionism with non-proposed methods.

In turn, the state can conduct two types of foreign economic policy: or the policy of protecting the domestic manufacturer from foreign competition (protectionism), or free trade policies (Frituership), in which any restrictions on trade with other countries are completely lacking, and customs authorities are performed only Registration functions. Tools of protectionism are tariff and non-tariff restrictions (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Tools of protectionist state policy

Protection appeared in the era of the initial capital accumulation in Europe (XVI-XVIII centuries). Theoretical foundations are developed by mercantilists that bind the well-being of the state exclusively with the active balance of foreign trade. Subsequently began to give way to the principle of free trade. The rationale is given in the works of the classics of political economy A. Smith and D. Ricardo. In modern conditions, the dominant trend is the liberalization of foreign trade, although individual elements of protectionism, especially in the field of agricultural protection, are still preserved. It is carried out with the help of trade and political barriers that protect the domestic market from the importation of foreign goods reduce their competitiveness compared to national production. For protectionism, the financial encouragement of the national economy is characterized, stimulating the export of goods. Protectionism was widespread in France (protectionist rates 1664 and 1667 Kolbera), the Austrian monarchy, many German states, in Russia - for the first time under Peter I. Customs guards played a big role in the development of the manufactory and factory industry. Under the sign of Protectionism, Napoleonic France led an economic struggle with England. For the era of the Domonopolist capitalism, Protective Protectionism in most countries of Western Europe and the United States, aimed at protecting the national industry from the more developed industry of England, conducted (from the 40s 19th century, the policy of "Freedom of Trade" was characterized. A deep analysis of protectionism and free trade was given in their writings K. Marx and F. Engels. For the period of processing capitalism in the monopoly stage, the "offensive" protectionism is characterized, which protects against foreign competition not weak industries, but the most developed, highly resolved. His goal is to conquer foreign markets. Obtaining monopoly income inside the country makes it possible to implement goods in foreign markets at low, dumping prices.

3. Modern protectionism

Modern protectionism of developed capitalist states expresses primarily the interests of large national and international monopolies. Capture, dealer and redistribution of markets for the sales of goods and capital countries is its main content. It is carried out with the help of a complex system of state-monopolistic measures controlling and regulating foreign trade. In the Russian Federation, discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of protectionism and trade freedom began in the early 1990s. In favor of the opening of the domestic market for foreign goods, there is a global experience, indicating that the protection against competition itself often leads to the development of industries that are not able to compete in the global market. However, in the current situation that takes place in the national economy, this thesis is true only in part. It is possible to oppose the other statement: the targeted industrial policy of the state adopted such a scope that it is impossible to give examples that show that competitive industries arise exclusively under the laws of the market element. The idea of \u200b\u200ba free state proceeds from the need to eliminate customs and economic recession of barriers to the movement of goods between countries. However, Professor N.N. Shaposhnikov wrote back in 1924 that "free trade is the ideal of the future. It is currently advantageous only for the country that other countries managed to get out of its economic development. " The essence of this statement fully complies with the current state of the economy of the Russian Federation. Currently, all kinds of protectionist barriers to the development of foreign trade activities are not possible, otherwise the country has a perspective to turn into a colony of countries with a developed market economy. Therefore, arguments for the benefit of trade freedom are not always justified and the more not applicable to our economic situation. In favor of conservation in the near future, protectionist measures can be given the following arguments:

  1. The need to ensure the economic security of the country.
  2. The specificity of individual regions and the need for their support of protectionist measures by the state.
  3. Under the conditions of the decline in production - the preservation of the necessary jobs.
  4. In conditions economic crisis Protectionist customs measures will not allow the transformation of the country into the economic appendage of developed countries of the world.

Naturally, the listed arguments in protection of protectionism are more relevant to the economic situation in our country. So, protectionism is a state policy aimed at protecting the domestic market from competitors, and often to seize foreign markets. In contrast, the liberalization policy (Frituersmanship) is aimed at opening the domestic market for foreign goods, capital, labor, thus strengthening competition in the domestic market. Both protectionism and liberalism reflect primarily the reaction of certain states on changes in the international division of labor, on the events occurring in international economic relations. The history of international economic relations starting from the XIX century. It indicates that the international trade was characterized by the alternation of periods of liberalism and protectionism. So, the period from the second half of the XIX century. Before the war, 1914-1918. It was characterized by the domination of the Fritriest dominance of Britain as a great industrial and trading nation in the global market. It was during this period that navigation acts and grain law were canceled (1866), Napoleon's trade and diplomatic agreements were concluded with Britain, which included the article "On the Mode of the greatest favored" (1860). The interwar period (1920-1939) was characterized by the strengthening of protectionism around the world. Thus, in 1921, the UK adopts the Customs Law "On Protection of Industry" and are signed with the countries of the British Commonwealth of countries so-called Ottawa Agreements establishing imperial preferences. United States of America in 1922, and then in 1930 increase customs tariffs. France since 1931 adheres to contingenting policies. Republic of Germany, all definition began to pursue a turn to Avtarkia.

4. Liberalization policy in world trade

After the completion of World War II, the World Economy gradually got on the road leading to greater freedom of trade. In countries, under the auspices of the UN, the organization of GATT was established that serves as an institution for discussing international trade problems and contributing to the decrease in and consolidating customs duties. The decision of the same tasks contributed to the creation of the Economic Community in Western Europe and the emergence of the Customs Union, as well as the creation of the European Free Trade Association. Round Kennedy became one of the most comprehensive multilateral trade agreements at the international level. He ended in 1967 by the conclusion of important agreements establishing a decline in customs duties by 35-40% for 5 years. Subsequent Tokyo and Uruguay Round also contributed to trade liberalization. In the 80-90s. In general, elements of protectionism related to the exacerbation of international competition began to appear again in the general direction of the liberalization of world trade in foreign trade policies of leading Western countries. Despite the work done by the Gatt on the liberalization of world trade, foreign trade remains one of the main directions of state regulation of the national economy. The Friterian model is in essence close to the policies of monetarism inside by a particularly taken economic system. It suggests that the market (world market) itself will be much better than any other regulatory side, solve problems to ensure the balance of the process of mutually beneficial trading operations. For a complex economy, the global market will ensure the integration of their national farms in the world economy and ensure the use of world scientific and technical achievements for the effective development of its national economy. Indeed, free trade promotes competition in domestic markets, forces innovation to enterprises, providing a wider choice of goods for consumers, and makes it possible to fully use comparative advantages and achieve savings caused by the growth of production. Moreover, free trade releases dynamic forces seeking a long-term rise in the growth rate of the economy by encouraging improvements and innovations, while protectionism is increasingly more and more prevents the action of these forces. In the case of trade liberalization in the short term, employment can occur due to the decrease in incentives for the development of government sectors and, possibly, industries not involved directly into foreign trade, but which turned out to be affected by the liberalization process. And even a sharp increase in employment in the export sector will not immediately compensate for its fall in other sectors. Employment of the export sector may not have time to absorb the labor force released from other sectors, for example, due to the retardation of the implementation of new investments or slow professional reorientation and limited mobility of labor resources. The implementation of a fritriest model in pure form for transition economies is difficult due to a number of circumstances. First of all, because post-socialist countries come into competition in the global market in obviously unequal conditions in relation to developed countries, most of the sectors of transitional economies are to some extent lagging behind the level of development of relevant sectors in highly developed countries. Able to survive here may be the most primitive sectors - agriculture, mining and primary processing of raw materials and energy carriers. Developed countries could "strangle" and these production, but they either do not have the relevant natural resources and are interested in their use, or prefer not to use "dirty technologies" in their territories. The experience of implementing this model in some developing countries has shown that the result of such a strategy is to preserve the dependent position of national economies, investment outflow and qualified personnel. Of course, there is a possibility to first strengthen at least some industries, tightening them to the level of the world market. But in the process of tightening, it would be necessary to protect them from more powerful rivals at the moment, and this is an attempt on the sacred and unshakable principles of free competition and fritrements. The experience of "Asian Tigers" and the Chilean economy of Pinochet's times does not confirm the implementation of the Fritter model in its pure form. Thus, the formal fritership of the Pinochetian economy actually assumed support from the state, first of all industries related to scientific and technical progress, as well as the policies of endless loans from Western lenders. As a result, Chile's economy took a step forward in the technical re-equipment of the state. As for the countries of the Pacific Basin, who managed to make a jerk in their economic development, here the Frituercy model existed rather as an ideological sign. In fact, the purposeful development of the economy under the protection of protectionist measures was carried out. Support measures applied to the creation of their own industry and post-industrial spheres, such as the field of education capable of equal to compete in the global market. At the same time, the weakening of protectionism, expressed in these countries in creating equal conditions for importers and exporters, in reducing the restrictions on foreign trade and the use of the price mechanism instead of arbitrary decisions of the bureaucratic apparatus, inevitably led to an increase in GDP growth rates, which was the result of the redistribution of resources in favor of more Effective production types. The size of the GDP growth in this case depends on both the very nature of the reforms carried out and on the scale of the redistribution of resources. So, in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, GDP growth amounted to 5-6%, and the growth of foreign trade is 9-10% per year. In this case, these indicators were achieved after the start of reforming the economy of the countries of this region, and the liberalization of foreign trade was one of the reforms.

5. Main conclusions

Based on the analysis of information on protectionism policies and liberalization in world trade. We can make certain conclusions that the policy of protectionism and liberalism should be used restrained. Since if you do not use protectionism on the territory of the country, it will be possible to lose the whole accepted economy of the country. Also, in turn, it is impossible to be fully isolated from the liberalization of the external market, as this can lead to the staming of the economy, both partially and completely.


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