
World Natural Resources Mineral Resources. World natural resources. Mineral resources of the world

Minerals in the depths of the Earth, the reserves of which are estimated in geological data. Mineral deposits are unevenly distributed in the earth's crust. Most species of mineral raw materials are represented by ores consisting of minerals, i.e. Inorganic substances of natural origin. However, some important types of minerals, in particular energy raw materials, have organic origin (fossil coals, oil, peat, combustible shale and natural gas). They are attached to mineral raw materials. IN last years Hydromineral raw materials are becoming increasingly important - highly mineralized groundwater (buried brines). The value of certain types of mineral raw materials is determined depending on the scope of their use (to produce energy, in machine and instrument making, in the production of consumer goods), as well as on how rarely they are found. Mineral raw materials needed to ensure the defense industry and the uninterrupted functioning of its raw material base, sometimes called strategic. In the US, a certain stock (state reserve) of strategic materials is constantly maintained, and more than half of the need for 22 types of mineral raw materials have to be met by imports. Among imported materials, an important place is occupied by chrome, tin, zinc, tungsten, yttrium, manganese, platinum and platinum, as well as bauxites (aluminum ores). The USSR in 1987 imported only four types of mineral raw materials: bauxite, barite, bismoge concentrate and lumpy fluorite. Later he began to import Ilmenit (Ruda Titan), Niobie and partly tantalum concentrates, as well as ferroniobius. Russia has passed on the import of finished pipes from niobiye steel for gas, oil and product pipelines. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia lost most of the chromite deposits, manganese, titanium, lead, uranium, partly copper, zinc, molybdenum and some other metals and is now forced to import all these types of raw materials. As in the United States, there is a state reserve of scarce mineral raw materials in Russia.
Flashing minerals
Most of the energy worldwide is obtained by burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas. In nuclear power, the fuel elements (fuelals) of industrial reactors at nuclear power plants consist of uranium fuel rods. Coal is an important national natural resource primarily due to its energy value. Among the world's leading powers, only Japan does not have large reserves of coal. Although coal is the most common type of energy resources, there are extensive territories on our planet, where there are no coal deposits. The coals differ in the calorific value: it is the lowest in brown coal (lignite) and the highest anthracite (solid shiny black coal). World coal mining is 4.7 billion tons per year (1995). However, in all countries, in recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce its production, since it is inferior to other types of energy raw materials and gas. In a number of countries, coal mining becomes unprofitable due to the development of the richest and relatively shallow binding reservoirs. Many old mines are closed as unprofitable. China is the first place for coal mining, followed by the United States, Australia and Russia. A significant amount of coal is produced in Germany, Poland, South Africa, India, in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan.
North America. Fossil coal is the most important and most common source of energy in the United States. The country has the largest in the world in the world by industrial coal reserves (all types), which are estimated at 444.8 billion tons, total reserves in the country exceed 1.13 trillion. T, forecast resources - 3.6 trillion. t. The largest supplier of coal - Kentucky, followed by Wyoming and Western Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Texas (mainly lignite), Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Montana. Approximately half of the reserves of high-grade coal focused in the Eastern (or Appalacian) province, stretching from north to south from North-West Pennsylvania to Northern Alabama. These high-quality coal corners are used to produce electricity and obtain metallurgical coke consumed when smelting iron and steel. To the east of this coal belt in Pennsylvania there is a coal pool with an area of \u200b\u200bapproach. 1300 square meters. km, which accounts for almost all the extraction of anthracite in the country. The largest reserves of coal are placed in the north of central plains and in the Rocky Mountains. In the coal pool, Pouder River (pieces. Wyoming) Coal layers with power OK. 30 m are developed by the open method by the giant draglock excavators, whereas in the eastern regions of the country even low-power (approx. 60 cm) layers are often available for removing only underground method. On the brown coals of North Dakota, the country has the largest coal gasification enterprise. The reserves of brown and stone (semi-bituminous) coals of uppermal and tertiary age in the western regions of northern Dakota and South Dakota, as well as in the eastern regions of Montana and Wyoming, many times exceed the amount of coal mined in the United States. Large reserves of stone (bituminous) coals of chalk age are available in intermountain sedimentary basins of the province of rocky mountains (in the states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah). Next to the south, the coal pool continues within the States of Arizona and New Mexico. Small coal deposits are developed in Washington and California. Almost 1.5 million tons of coal is produced annually on Alaska. US coal reserves under modern rates of its consumption should be enough for several hundred years. The potential source of energy is methane contained in coal formations; Its reserves in the United States are estimated by more than 11 trillion. m3. Coal deposits of Canada are concentrated mainly in eastern and Western provinces where approx. 64 million tons of bituminous and 11 million tons of brown coals per year. The deposits of high-quality coal of coal age are available in New Scotia and New Brunswick, younger coals are not so high quality - within the largest plains and rocky mountains continuing towards the north of the giant pools and the Rockies in Saskatchewan and Alberta. High-quality nodel coals lie in the West Alberta and in British Columbia. They are intensively developed in connection with the growing demand for coking coal with metallurgical factories located on the Pacific Coast of the country.
South America. In the rest of the Western Hemisphere, industrial coal deposits are small. The leading coal manufacturer in South America is Colombia, where it is produced in an open way mainly on the giant coal section of El Serrechon. Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Venezuela, who have very insignificant coal reserves are followed by Colombia.
Asia. The largest stocks of fossil coal are concentrated in China, where 76% of the consumed fuel account for this type of energy raw material. Shared resources Coal in China exceeds 986 billion tons, approximately half them are in Shaanxi and inner Mongolia. Large reserves are also available in Anhui, Guizhou, Shigns and Ningxia-Huiean Autonomous Area. Of the total number of 1.3 billion tons of coal mined in China in 1995, about half accounts for 60 thousand small coal kits and local cuts, another half - on large state mines, such as the powerful incision of Antsbao in Shaanxi Province ( Fig. 1), where up to 15 million tons of raw (uneducated) coal is produced annually. India (278 million tons per year), North Korea (50 million tons), Turkey (53.2 million tons), Thailand (19.3 million tons) are important coaling countries in Asia.
CIS. In Russia, on the basis of the combustion of coal, it is added two times less energy than as a result of incineration of oil and gas. However, coal continues to play an important role in the energy sector. In 1995, more than 260 million tons of coal were used as fuel for the TPP and in the steel industry. Approximately 2/3 of fossil coal in Russia make up stone, and 1/3 - brown. The largest coal basins of Russia: Kuznetsky (largest production volume), Tungusky, Taimyr, Lensky, Irkutsk, South Yakut, Minusinsky, Bureinsky, Pechora, Karaganda. Chelyabinsk and Kizelian pools in the Urals, Suceansky in the Far East and a number of small deposits in Transbaikal also have important industrial significance. The Donetsk coal pool with high-quality coking coals and anthracite only partially enter the territory of the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, and is mainly located in Ukraine. Among the brownal pools are allocated Lensky, Canco-Achinsky, Tungusky, Kuznetsky, Taimyr, Moscow region. In addition to Donbass, there is a Lviv-Volyn coal pool, in Kazakhstan, a major Ekibastuz coal deposit and the Turgasy Baroundaryal Basin, in Uzbekistan - an Angren deposit of brown coal.
Europe. Coal mining in Central and Western Europe in 1995 was 1/9 from the World War. High-quality coal extracted at the British Islands has mainly coal age. Most of the coal deposits is located in South Wales, in the West and the North of England and in the south of Scotland. Within continental Europe, coal is mined in about 20 countries, mainly in Ukraine and in Russia. From coal mined in Germany, about 1/3 is a high-quality cumulating coal of the Rurban basin (Westphalia); In Thuringia and Saxony and in a smaller number in Bavaria, brown coal are mainly mined. Industrial reserves of stone coal in the Upper Silesian coal basin in the south of Poland take second place after the reserves of the Ruhrian basin. In the Czech Republic there are also industrial stocks of stone (bituminous) and brown coals.
Africa Pretty poor deposits of fossil coal. Only in South Africa (mainly in the south and south-east of Transvaal), stone coal is mined in significant quantities (approx. 202 million tons per year) and in a small amount in Zimbabwe (4.9 million tons per year).
Australia - One of the world's largest producers of coal, the export of which to the countries of the Pacific Pool is constantly growing. Coal mining here exceeds 277 million tons per year (80% of bituminous, 20% of brown coal). The greatest amount of coal mining falls on Queensland (coal-eyed pool Bowen), followed by a new South Wales (deposit in the valley of the Hunter, Western and South Coastal), Western Australia (deposits in the vicinity of Bubbery) and Tasmania (Finghal deposit). In addition, coal is mined in South Australia (Lee Creek) and Victoria (the coal pool of Latrobe Valley).
Oil and gas. Conditions of education. Oil and gas sedimentary pools are usually associated with certain geological structures. Almost all major deposits of oil are confined to geosynclinal - plots of the earth's crust, which for a long time have been flexing, as a result of which there are particularly powerful sedimentary strata. Sedimentation in such conditions occurred synchronously with tectonic lowering; Therefore, the seas that slept reduced elements of the relief were shallow, and even with the total precipitation capacity, more than 6 km, oil deposits are composed of shallow-water facies. Oil and gas are found in the rocks of different ages - from Cambrian to Pliocene. Sometimes oil is also extracted from Precambrian breeds, however, it is considered that its penetration into these breeds is secondary. The most ancient deposits of oil dedicated to Paleozoic breeds are mainly established in North America. It is likely that this can be explained by the fact that here the most intense searches were carried out in the rocks of this age. Most of the oil fields are dispersed in six regions of the world and are timed to intramicious depressions and the inhibition of continents: 1) Persian Bay - North Africa; 2) Mexican Bay - the Caribbean Sea (including the coastal areas of Mexico, USA, Colombia, Venezuela and O.Trinidad); 3) Islands of the Malay Archipelago and New Guinea; 4) Western Siberia; 5) Northern Alaska; 6) North Sea (mainly Norwegian and British sectors); 7) O. Sakhalin with the surrounding sections of the shelf.
Reserves. World oil reserves make up more than 132.7 billion tons (1995). Of these, 74% fall into Asia, including the Middle East (more than 66%). The greatest reserves of oil have (in descending order): Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Iran, Venezuela, Mexico, Libya, China, USA, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Norway. The volume of global oil production is approx. 3.1 billion tons (1995), i.e. Almost 8.5 million tons per day. Production is conducted by 95 countries, and more than 77% of crude oil products falls on a fraction of 15 of them, including Saudi Arabia. (12.8%), USA (10.4%), Russia (9.7%), Iran (5.8%), Mexico (4.8%), China (4.7%), Norway (4 , 4%), Venezuela (4.3%), United Kingdom (4.1%), United United Arab Emirates (3.4%), Kuwait (3.3%), Nigeria (3.2%), Canada (2.8%), Indonesia (2.4%), Iraq (1.0%).
North America. In the USA in 1995 approx. 88% of all oil production accounted for Texas (24%), Alaska (23%), Louisiana (14%), California (13%), Oklahoma (4%), Wyoming (3.5%), New Mexico (3 0%), Kansas (2%) and Northern Dakota (1.4%). The largest square is occupied by the oil and gas province of the Rocky Mountains (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North-Western Pieces. New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Nevada). Its productive stratum has age from Missisipian (ninecalenual) to the chalk. Among the largest fields, Bell-Creek is distinguished in Southeast Montane, Salt Creek and Wpadina Elk in Wyoming, Rangeli in Western Colorado and the San Juan oil and gas area in the north-west of New Mexico. Industrial oil production in the Pacific geosyncline province is concentrated in California and in the north of Alaska, where one of the largest oil and gas fields in the world is Pradkho-Bay. In the future, with the exhaustion of this field, the development of oil deposits may move to the Arctic faunistic reservation, where oil resources are estimated at almost 1.5 billion tons. The main oil and gas area of \u200b\u200bCalifornia - San Hoakin Valley includes such largest deposits, As Sunset Midway, Kettleman Hills and Coaling. Large deposits are located in the Los Angeles Pool (Santa Fe-Springs, Long Beach, Wilmington), less important to have hinders and Santa Maria deposits. Most of California oil is associated with Miocene and Pliocene sediments. Canada produces 89.9 million tons of oil annually, mainly in the province of Albert. In addition, oil and gas fields are developed in British Columbia (mainly gas), Saskatchewan and Southwestern Manitoba (Northern continuation of the Williston basin). In Mexico, the main deposits of oil and gas are located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the districts of Tampico, Posa-Rica de Hidalgo and Minatitlan.
South America. The largest oil and gas pool of this part of Maracaibo light is located within Venezuela and Colombia. Venezuela is a leading oil producer in South America. Second place belongs to Brazil, the third - Argentina, and the fourth - Colombia. Oil is also mined in Ecuador, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago.
Europe and CIS countries. Oil and natural gas mining played a very large role in the USSR economy, which was one of the largest producers and oil exporters. In 1987, almost 128 thousand oil wells operated in the USSR. In 1995, oil production in Russia amounted to 306.7 million tons. Most of the newly opened deposits (94) are located in Western Siberia. Large deposits are also available in the North Caucasus, in the Volga-Uralsky district, Eastern Siberia and Central Asian countries. One of the world's largest oil and gas pools is located in Azerbaijan in the Baku area. In the early 1970s, the discovery of large deposits of oil and gas in the North Sea brought UK to second place in Europe for oil production, and Norway is on the third. Romania belongs to the number of countries where the production of oil from hand-made wells began in 1857 (two years earlier than in the USA). Its major YuzhnopRikarpatsky oil fields are largely exhausted, and in 1995 only 6.6 million tons were mined in the country. Total oil production in Denmark, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Albania and Spain was 18.4 million tons
Near East. The main oil producers in this region are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE and Kuwait. In Oman, Qatar and Syria produces more than 266 thousand tons of oil per day (1995). The main oil fields in Iran and Iraq are located along the eastern periphery of the Mesopotamian lowland (the largest of them - the south of the city of Bosra), and in Saudi Arabia - on the coast and the shelf of the Persian Gulf.
South and East Asia. The leading oil producer here is China, where daily mining is approx. 407.6 thousand tons (1995). The largest deposits are Dacin in the province of Heilongjiang (approx. 40% of the total mining of China), Shengley in Hebei Province (23%) and Liaohe in Liaoning Province (approx. 8%). Oil and gas pools are also widespread in central and western regions of China. The second place in the extraction of oil and gas in this region is occupied by India. The main reserves are focused in sedimentation basins framing the Precambrian shield. Oil production on Indonesia began with 1893 (about. Sumatra) and reached industrial scale in 1901. Currently, Indonesia produces 207.6 thousand tons of oil per day (1995), as well as a large amount of natural gas. Oil is mined in Pakistan, Myanmar, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia.
Africa. The largest amount of oil produce Nigeria and Libya, algae and Egypt deposits are also significant.
Bituminous sands and combustible shale. During the energy crisis of the 1970s, there were searches for alternative energy sources that could replace oil. In Canada, for example, bituminous sands (oil-bearing sands, in which heavier oil, bitumen and asphalt) remained in the open way. Russia has a similar field in Timan (Yaritsky). In the US, large stocks of combustible shale are focused (in the west pcs. Colorado and other areas). The largest flange deposit of shale is located in Estonia. In Russia, combustible shale is found in the Leningrad, Pskov and Kostroma regions, the Volga region, the Irkutsk coalwater pool.
Ore of ferrous metals
Iron. The main iron-containing minerals are hematite, magnetite, lymonitis, shampots, thurrygit and siderite. The iron ore deposits are classified as industrial in a metal content of at least a few tens of millions of tons and a shallow occurrence of ore bodies (so that it is possible to prey in the open method). In large fields, the iron content is calculated by hundreds of millions of tons. The overall world mining of iron ore exceeds 1 billion tons (1995). Most of the ore (in million tons) is mined in China (250), Brazil (185), Australia (more than 140), Russia (78), USA and India (78) and Ukraine (45). In a significant scale, iron ore mining is also conducted in Canada, South Africa, Sweden, Venezuela, Liberia and France. The total world resources of raw (non-rude) ore exceed 1400 billion tons, industrial - more than 360 billion tons. In the United States, the largest amount of iron ore is mined in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake top, the main share of which comes from the railway quartzite deposits (Takonites) in the Mesabi region (PC . Minnesota); In second place is the pc. Michigan, where ore pellets are produced. In smaller quantities, iron ore is mined in the states of California, Wisconsin and Missouri. In Russia, the total reserves of iron ores are 101 billion tons, and 59% of reserves are concentrated in the European part, and 41% to the east of the Urals. Significant mining is conducted in Ukraine in the Krivoy Rocked Basin area. In terms of exports of commodity iron ore, Australia (143 million tons) occupies the first place in the world. The total reserves of ores are reached 28 billion tons. Mining is mainly carried out (90%) in the Hammersley district (Pilbar County, Western Australia). In second place is Brazil (131 million tons), which has exclusively rich fields, many of which are concentrated in the Minas Gerais iron ore basin. The world leader in smelting of unrefined steel in 1988 was the USSR (180.4 million tons), from 1991 to 1996, the first place was held by Japan (101 million tons), then followed US and China (93 million tons) and Russia (51 million tons). The manganese is used in the production of alloy steel and cast iron, as well as a doping additive to alloys to give them strength, viscosity and hardness. Most of the world industrial stocks of manganese ores fall on Ukraine (42.2%), South Africa (19.9%), Kazakhstan (7.3%), Gabon (4.7%), Australia (3.5%), China (2.8%) and Russia (2.7%). A significant amount of manganese is produced in Brazil and India. Chrome is one of the main components of stainless heat-resistant, acid-resistant steel and an important ingredient of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant superscripts. Of the 15.3 billion tons of alleged reserves of high-grade chromite ores 79% fall on South Africa, where production in 1995 amounted to 5.1 million tons, Kazakhstan (2.4 million tons), India (1.2 million tons) and Turkey (0.8 million tons). Pretty large chromium deposit is in Armenia. In Russia, a small deposit in the Urals is being developed. Vanadium is the most rare representative of ferrous metals. The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication Vanadium is the production of vintage cast iron and steels. Vanadium additive provides high characteristics of titanium alloys for the aerospace industry. It is also widely used as a catalyst when obtaining sulfuric acid. In nature, Vanadium occurs as part of titaniumagnetite ores, rarely phosphorites, as well as in uranium-containing sandstones and aleurolites, where its concentration does not exceed 2%. The main ore minerals of Vanadium in such fields are carnotes and vanadium muscovit-luxelit. Significant amounts of vanadium are also present in bauxites, heavy oils, brown coals, bituminous slates and sands. Vanadium is usually obtained as a by-product when extracting the main components of mineral raw materials (for example, from titanium slags in the processing of titanoagnetite concentrates, or from ash from oil burning, coal, etc.). Basic manufacturers of Vanadium - South Africa, USA, Russia (mainly the Urals) and Finland. According to the reserves of Vanadium, South Africa, Australia and Russia leading.
Ore non-ferrous metals
Aluminum. Boxites, main raw material of the aluminum industry. Boxites are processed on alumina, and then aluminum is obtained from cryolite-aluminum melt. Boxites are distributed mainly in wet tropics and subtropics, where the processes of deep chemical weathered rocks flow. Gwinai (42% of world stocks), Australia (18.5%), Brazil (6.3%), Jamaica (4.7%), Cameroon (3.8%) and India (3.8%) are placed the largest stocks of bauxite. ). Out of production (42.6 million tons in 1995), Australia is occupied first place (the main mining areas - West Australia, North Queensland and the Northern Territory). In the US, bauxite mining is opened in an open way in Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia; The total volume is 35 thousand tons per year. In Russia, bauxites are mined in the Urals, Timan and in the Leningrad Region.
Magnesium Relatively recently began to be applied in industry. During World War II, a significant part of the produced magnesium was on the manufacture of incendiary shells, bombs, lighting missiles and other ammunition. In peacetime, the main area of \u200b\u200bits use is the production of light alloys based on magnesium and aluminum (Magnalin, Duralumin). Magnesium aluminum alloys - foundry (4-13% magnesium) and deformable (1-7% magnesium) - in their physical properties are perfectly suitable for obtaining shaped castings and forged parts in different branches of machine and instrument making. The world magnesium production (in thousand tons) in 1935 was 1.8, in 1943 - 238, in 1988 - 364. In addition, in 1995, OK was produced. 5 million tons of magnesium compounds. Reserves of raw materials suitable for producing magnesium and its numerous compounds, almost unlimited and timed to many districts. globe. Magnesium-containing dolomite and evaporites (carnallitis, bischofit, Cainit, etc.) are widespread in nature. The established world reserves of magnesite are estimated at 12 billion tons, Brusita - several million tons. Magnesium compounds in natural pickles may contain billions of tons of this metal. About 41% of the global production of metallic magnesium and 12% of its compounds falls on US share (1995). Large manufacturers of metallic magnesium - Turkey and DPRK, magnesium compounds - Russia, China, DPRK, Turkey, Austria and Greece. The inexhaustible reserves of magnesian salts are concluded in the Gulf Gulf Rape-Gol. Metal magnesium in the USA is produced in the states of Texas, Utah and Washington, magnesium oxide and its other compounds are obtained from seawater (in California, Delaware, Florida and Texas), underground pickles (in Michigan), as well as by processing Olivina (in North Carolina and Washington).
Copper - the most valuable and one of the most common non-ferrous metals. The largest consumer of copper - electrical industry - uses copper for power cables, telephone and telegraph wires, as well as in generators, electric motors and switches. Copper is widely used in automotive and construction, and also spent on the production of brass, bronze and copper-nickel alloys. The most important raw materials for the preparation of copper are chalcopyrite and bornery (copper and iron sulfides), Halcosin (copper sulphide), and native copper. Oxidized copper ores consist primarily of Malachite (copper carbonate). The extracted copper ore is often enriched in place, then the ore concentrate is heading for a copper-smelting plant and further to refining to obtain clean red copper. The cheapest and most common method of processing many copper ores - hydrometallurgical: liquid extraction and electrolytic refining of rough copper. Copper fields are distributed mainly in five regions of the world: the rocky mountains of the United States; Precambrian (Canadian) shield within the state of Michigan (USA) and Quebec provinces, Ontario and Manitoba (Canada); on the western slopes of the Andes, especially in Chile and Peru; In the Central African Plateau - in the copper belt Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Armenia. Main copper producers (1995) - Chile (2.5 million tons), USA (1.89 million tons), Canada (730 thousand tons), Indonesia (460 thousand tons), Peru (405 thousand tons) , Australia (394 thousand tons), Poland (384 thousand tons), Zambia (342 thousand tons), Russia (330 thousand tons). In the US, copper ores are mined mainly in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Michigan and Montana. On the largest mine Bingham Canyon (pcs. Utah) 77 thousand tons of copper ore per day are mined and processed. Copper mining is the main branch of the mining industry Chile, where approximately 22% of its world stocks are concentrated. Most of the copper ore is mined at the Chukikamat field. The world's largest unexpected escondudine body (with ore reserves 1.8 billion tons with copper content of 1.59%) open in 1981 in the Atakama desert in the north of the country.
Lead Used mainly in the manufacture of automotive batteries and additives Tetraethylate lead to gasoline (in lately The use of toxic lead additives is reduced due to restrictions on the use of eaten gasoline). About a quarter of the mined lead is spent on the needs of construction, communications, electrical and electronic industries, for the manufacture of ammunition, dyes (lead Belil, Surik, etc.), lead glass and crystal and ceramic glaze. In addition, lead is used in ceramic production, for the manufacture of typographic fonts, in antifriction alloys, as ballast cargo or girome, pipes and containers for radioactive materials are made from it. Lead is the main material for protection against ionizing radiation. Most of the lead shall be reused (the exception is glass and ceramic products, chemicals and pigments). Therefore, lead needs can be covered largely due to the processing of scrap metal. The main ore mineral of lead - Galenit (lead shine), which is a lead sulfide; It often also contains an admixture of silver, which is extracted along the way. Galenite usually associates with sphalerite - ore zinc mineral and often with a chalcopyrite - copper mineral mineral, forming polymetallic ores. The mining of lead ores is carried out in 48 countries; Leading manufacturers - Australia (16% of world production, 1995), China (16%), USA (15%), Peru (9%) and Canada (8%), in large amounts of production are also conducted in Kazakhstan, Russia, Mexico, Sweden, South Africa and Morocco. In the US, the main producer of lead ore - the state of Missouri, where in the valley r. Mississippi 8 mines give 89% of the total lead mining in the country (1995). Other areas of prey are Colorado, Idaho and Montana. In Alaska, lead reserves are associated with zinc, silver and copper ores. Most of the lead deposits in Canada are located in the province of British Columbia. In Australia, lead always associates with zinc. The main deposits are Mount Isa (Queensland) and Broken Hill (New South Wales). Large lead-zinc deposits are available in Kazakhstan (Rudny Altai, Kazakh Melkosopher), Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. The main lead deposits in Russia are concentrated in Altai, in Transbaikalia, Primorye, Yakutia, on Yenisei and the North Caucasus.
Zinc It is widely used for galvanizing - applying galvanic coatings protecting from rusting the surface of steel and iron sheets, pipes, wires, metal grids, shaped connective parts of pipelines, as well as for brass production and other alloys. Zinc compounds serve as pigments, phosphors, etc. The main mineral of zinc ores - sphalerite (zinc sulfide) is often associated with galetime or chalcopyrite. The first place in the world in the prey (16.5% of world production, 1113 thousand tons, 1995) and the reserves of zinc occupies Canada. In addition, significant zinc reserves are concentrated in China (13.5%), Australia (13%), Peru (10%), USA (10%), Ireland (approx. 3%). Zinc mining is conducted in 50 countries. In Russia, zinc is extracted from the medical deposits of the Urals, as well as from polymetallic fields in the mountains of Southern Siberia and Primorye. Large zinc reserves are concentrated in the Rudny Altai (East Kazakhstan - Leninogorsk, etc.), which accounts for more than 50% of zinc production in the CIS countries. Zinc is also mined in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan (Almalyk deposit) and Tajikistan. In the United States, the leading place for the extraction of zinc is occupied by Tennessee (55%), followed by the states of New York and Missouri. Other significant zinc manufacturers - Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Alaska. Extremely promising the development of a large field Red-Dog on Alaska. In Canada, the most important zinc mines are located in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and Northwest Territories.
Nickel. About 64% of the total nickel produced in the world is used to obtain nickel steel, from which tools, machines, armor sheets and plates, stainless steel dishes and other products are made; 16% nickel is spent on galvanic coatings (nickel) steel, brass, copper and zinc; 9% - on supersplov for turbines, aviation fasteners, turbocompressors, etc. Nickel is applied with coin chasing (for example, an American five-center coin contains 25% nickel and 75% copper). In primary ores, nickel is present in compounds with sulfur and arsenic, and in secondary fields (weathered borders, laaterites) forms the scattered enclosure of aqueous nickel silicates. Half of the global nickel extraction falls on Russia and Canada, large-scale production is also conducted in Australia, Indonesia, New Caledonia, South Africa, in Cuba, in China, Dominican Republic and Colombia. In Russia, which occupies the first place for the extraction of nickel ore (22% of world production), the main part of the ore is extracted from the copper-nickel sulfide deposits of the Norilsk district (Taimyr) and in part of the Pechengi district (Kola Persh); A silicate-nickel field in the Urals is also being developed. Canada, which previously produced 80% nickel in the world at the expense of one largest copper-nickel field Sadbery (Prov. Ontario), now inferior to Russia in terms of production. Nickel deposits in Manitoba, British Columbia and other areas are also being developed in Canada. There are no nickel ore deposits, and nickel extracted as a by-product at a single plant for refining copper, and also produced from scrap (scrap).
Cobalt Makes the basis of the alloys of exclusively high strength (supersplava) for industrial and aviation gas turbine engines, as well as for the manufacture of powerful permanent magnets. The world reserves of cobalt are estimated at about 10.3 million tons. It most is mined in the Congo (DRC) and Zambia, significantly less in Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia (in the Urals), in Ukraine. In the US, cobalt is not produced, although its non-industrial reserves (1.4 million tons) are available in Minnesota (0.9 million tons), California, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Oregon and in Alaska.
Tin Used for the manufacture of white (tinned) tin. Due to non-toxicity, this tin (steel coated with a thin tin film) is ideal for storing food products. In the US, 25% of tin is spent on making tin cans. Other aspects of tin apply - digest, making putty, tin foil, bronze, babbittes and other alloys. The main (until recently is the only one) ore mineral of tin - cassiterite (tin stone), which is mainly in quartz veins associated with granites, as well as in alluvial places. Almost half of the global tin extraction falls on the marginal deposits of Southeast Asia - a belt length of 1600 km and width up to 190 km from O. Bank (Indonesia) to the extreme South-East of China. The largest world manufacturers of tin - China (61 thousand tons in 1995), Indonesia (44 thousand tons), Malaysia (39 thousand tons), Bolivia (20 thousand tons), Brazil (15 thousand tons) and Russia (12 thousand tons). In a significant scale, mining is also conducted in Australia, Canada, Congo (DRC) and Great Britain.
Molybdenum It is mainly used in the production of alloyed steels for machine-tooling, oil and gas, chemical and electrical industries and transport engineering, as well as for the production of armor plates and armor-piercing shells. The main ore mineral Molybdenum - Molybdenite (Molybdenum Sulfide). This soft black mineral with a bright metal glitter often associates with copper sulfides (chalcopyrite, etc.) or tungsten, less often - by chassiterituit. The first place in the world of Molybdenum is occupied by the United States, where its production in 1995 increased to 59 thousand tons (1992 - 49 thousand tons). Primary molybdenum is mined in Colorado (on the world's largest mine Henderson) and Idaho; In addition, molybdenum is extracted as a by-product in Arizona, California, Montana and Utah. Chile and China (in 18 thousand tons) are divided into mining (18 thousand tons), and Canada (11 thousand tons) occupies the third place. These three countries account for 88% of the global production of molybdenum. In Russia, molybdenum ores are mined in Transbaikalia, Kuznetsk Alatau and the North Caucasus. Small copper-molybdenum deposits are available in Kazakhstan and Armenia.
Tungsten It is part of superhard wear-resistant tool alloys, mainly in the form of carbide. Used in the incandescent threads of the electrollamp. The main ore metals are tungsten and sheelit. 42% of the world stocks of tungsten (mostly tungsten) focused in China. The second place in the production of tungsten (in the form of Sheelita) is occupied by Russia (4.4 thousand tons in 1995). The main deposits are located in the Caucasus, in Transbaikalia and in Chukotka. Large deposits are also available in Canada, USA, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. In the US, there is one tungsten mine in California.
Bismuth Used to produce low-melting alloys. Liquid bismuth serves as a coolant in nuclear reactors. Bismuth compounds are used in medicine, optics, electrical engineering, textile and other industries. Bismuth is obtained mainly along the smelting of lead. Bismuth minerals (its bismuth sulphide, native bismuth, bismuth sulfosoli) are also present in copper, molybdenum, silver, nickel and cobalt, in some uranium fields. Only in Bolivia bismuth is mined directly from bismuth ore. Significant stocks of bismuth ore are found in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. World leaders for the production of bismuth (1995) - Peru (1000 tons), Mexico (900 tons), China (700 tons), Japan (175 tons), Canada (126 tons). Bismuth in significant quantities are removed from polymetallic ores in Australia. In the USA, bismuth is obtained only at one plant on lead refining in Omaha (PC. Nebraska).
Antimony. The main scope of antimony - anti-epires (antitrodes) - compositions (mainly in the form of SB2O3 oxide), lowering flammability of wood, tissues and other materials. The antimony is also used in the chemical industry, in semiconductors, in the manufacture of ceramics and glass, as a lead hardener in automotive batteries. The main ore mineral - antimonite (stubnic), antimony sulphide, very often associated with a cinnabar (mercury sulfide), sometimes with tungsten (Ferberit). World antimony reserves, estimated at 6 million tons, are focused mainly in China (52% of world reserves), as well as in Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand (4.5%), South Africa and Mexico. In the United States, antimony deposits are found in Idaho, Nevada, Montana and in Alaska. In Russia, industrial antimony deposits in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk Territory and Transbaikalia are known.
Mercury - the only metal and mineral, liquid at normal temperature (solidified at -38,9 ° C). The most famous area of \u200b\u200bapplication is thermometers, barometers, pressure gauges and other devices. Mercury is used in electrical equipment - mercury gas-discharge sources of light: mercury lamps, luminescent lamps, as well as for the manufacture of dyes, in dentistry, and so on. The only ore mineral of mercury is a cinnaker (mercury sulfide of bright red color), after its oxidative firing in a distillation installation, mercury steam condensation occurs. Mercury and especially its pairs are very toxic. Another harmful hydrometellurgical method is also used to obtain mercury: the cinnaker is translated into the sodium sulfide solution, after which the mercury is restored to metal aluminum. In 1995, world mercury production amounted to 3049 tons, and the identified mercury resources were estimated at 675 thousand tons (mainly in Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Kyrgyzstan, in Ukraine and in Russia). The largest mercury producers are Spain (1497 tons), China (550 T), Algeria (290 tons), Mexico (280 tons). The main source of mercury is served by the Almaden deposit in southern Spain, known for almost 2000 years. In 1986, large reserves were additionally explored there. In the US, a cinnaker is mined at one mine in Nevada, a certain amount of mercury is extracted as a by-product when gold mining in Nevada and Utah. In Kyrgyzstan, the Hydarkan and Chauway deposits are long developed. Russia has small deposits on Chukotka, Kamchatka and Altai.
Noble metals and their ores
Gold. The total production of gold in the world is 2200 tons (1995). The first place in the world of gold mining is occupied by South Africa (522 tons), the second - the United States (329 tons, 1995). The oldest and deepest gold mine in the USA - Homestake in the Black Hills Mountains (South Dakota); Gold mining there is under one hundred years. In 1988, the production of gold in the United States has reached a peak value. The main areas of production are concentrated in Nevada, California, Montana and South Carolina. Modern extraction methods (imanation) make profitable extraction of gold from numerous poor and poor deposits. Some gold mines of Nevada give profit even with the content of gold in ore no more than 0.9 g / t. Throughout the history of the United States, gold was mined at 420 mining (residential) deposits in the west of the country, on 12 initiatives from large placer deposits (almost everything in Alaska) and from small placers in Alaska and in Western states. Since gold is practically not subject to corrosion and is highly valued, it is preserved forever. To date, in the form of ingots, coins, jewelry and art objects, at least 90% of gold mined for the historical period has reached. As a result of the annual global production of this metal, its total quantity increases in less than 2%.
Silver, like gold, belongs to precious metals. However, its price compared to the price of gold has also recently been 1:16, and in 1995 it was reduced to 1:76. About 1/3 of silver received in the United States goes to film and photographic materials (mainly film and photo paper), 1/4 is used in electrical engineering and electronics, 1/10 is consumed on coins and manufacture of jewelry, galvanic coatings (silvering ). Approximately 2/3 of global silver resources are associated with polymetallic copper lead and zinc ores. Silver is extracted mainly along the galley (lead sulfide). The deposit is predominantly custody. The largest silver manufacturers - Mexico (2323 tons, 1995), Peru (1910 T), USA (1550 tons), Canada (1207 tons) and Chile (1042 tons). In the US, 77% of silver is mined in Nevada (37% mining), Idaho (21%), Montane (12%) and Arizona (7%). Metals platinum group (platinum and platinum). Platinum is the rarest and expensive a precious metal. Its refilling is used (melting point of 1772 ° C), high strength, resistance to corrosion and oxidation, high heat and power plant. The most widespread use of platinum is in automotive catalytic neutralizers (contributing to the fuel hurry to remove harmful impurities from exhaust gases), as well as in platinum-rhenium catalysts in petrochemistry, during ammonia oxidation, and so on. It serves for the manufacture of crucibles and other laboratory dishes, a filler, etc. Almost all the production of platinum is accounted for South Africa (167.2 tons, 1995), Russia (21 tons) and Canada (16.5 tons). In the USA in 1987, the development of a field in Stillwater (Montana) began, where 3.1 tons of platinum metals were obtained, with the platinum itself - 0.8 tons, the rest - palladium (the cheapest and most widely used of platinoids). In the reserves and production of Palladium, Russia leads (the main area of \u200b\u200bproduction is the neighborhood of Norilsk). Platinum is mined in the Urals.
Ores of rare metals
Niobium and tantalum. Niobium is used primarily in the form of ferronicobia in the steel industry (mainly for the production of high-strength low-alloyed and partly high-alloy steels), as well as in its pure form and in the composition of alloys with nickel (in rocket-building). Low-alloyed steel is particularly necessary for the production of large diameter pipes, which build main gas, oil and product pipelines are being built. The largest manufacturer of niobium raw materials is Brazil (82% of world production, 1995). Second place is occupied by Canada. Both of these countries produce pyrochloric concentrates. Pyrochloric ores are also mined in Russia, Zambia and some other countries. Columbite concentrates are passable in the development of tin weathering in the north of Nigeria. Tantalum is rare in nature. It is used mainly in electronics (for microminiature electrolytic capacitors), and in the form of carbide - in the composition of superhard alloys for metal-cutting tools. Most of its world stocks focused in Australia (21%), Brazil (13%), Egypt (10%), Thailand (9%), China (8%). Canada is also possessed by considerable stocks (with its richest in the world Burning Lake field in Southeast Manitoba) and Mozambique; Small industrial deposits are available in East Kazakhstan. The main ore minerals of Tantalum - tantalite, microlite, fuel and blades (the latter is only available in Russia). The production of niobium and tantalum concentrates in Russia is concentrated on the Kola Peninsula, in Transbaikalia and East Sayan. Industrial pyrochlorine deposits are also known in Aldan, and Columbite (tantal-niobiyem) - in the northern Baikalia, Southeast Tuva and East Sayan. The largest niobium deposit and rare lands are open in north of Yakutia.
Rare-earth metals and yttrium. The rare-earth metals (elements) include lanthanis and lanthanoids (a family of 14 chemically similar elements - from cerium to lutection). In this category also include yttrium and scandiums - metals that are most often found in nature along with lanthanoids and close to them by chemical properties. Rare-earth metals are used as mixtures and individually as alloying additives in steels and alloys, for the manufacture of magnetic materials, special glasses, and so on. In recent years, the demand for individual rare-earth elements is constantly growing, as well as on yttrium (in particular, as a phosphor for color television). The main ore minerals of rare lands are monazith and Basnezit, in Russia - blades. The most famous mineral Yttria - Xenotim. About 45% of world reserves of rare earth elements (approx. 43 million tons) focused in China; There is also the largest basketnetic field with complex rare-earth and iron ores - Bayan-Oh (in Inner Mongolia). In second place in the reserves of Lantanoids, the United States stands - 25% of world production falls on the Mountain Paz field in California. Other famous Bastezite Rud deposits are located in Northern Vietnam and Afghanistan. Monacite from coastal marine places (black sands) is mined in Australia, India, Malaysia, USA (along with Titan and Zirconia minerals). By the direction of the processing of monazitic concentrates is thorium, the content of which in some monocytes reaches 10%. The extraction of rare lands is also conducted in Brazil. In Russia, the main source of rare lands (mainly cerium, i.e. lungs, lanthanides) - the blades of the unique transcendental deposit (Kola Peninsula). An industrial ITRIA field and yttrium rare lands (heavy lanthanides) are available in Kyrgyzstan.
Cesium - Rare alkaline metal. It is characterized by the lowest potential of ionization, i.e. It is easier for all other metals to give electrons, as a result of which the cesium plasma is the lowest temperature. Cesium is superior to other metals on photosensitivity. Cezium and its compounds have numerous applications: in photoelements and photomultipliers, spectrophotometers, thermionic and electron-optical transducers, as a seed in plasma generators, in gas lasers, in infrared (thermal) radiation detectors, as a gas-producer in vacuum instruments, etc. d. Very promising the use of cesium in thermal energy converters and in ionic jet rocket engines of the future, as well as solar panels, electrical batteries and ferromagnetic materials. For the extraction of cesium ore (poluste) leads Canada. In the Burning Lake (Southeastern Manitoba) deposit, 70% of the world's reserves of cesium are concentrated. Pollocyte is also mined in Namibia and Zimbabwe. In Russia, its deposits are located on the Kola P-Oves, in East Sayan and Transbaikalia. Pollocite deposits in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Italy (O. Elba) are distinguished.
Elements of this extensive group, as a rule, do not form their own minerals and are present in the form of isomorphic impurities in minerals of more common elements. In addition to the four elements under consideration below, they include Rubidium, Cadmium, India, Scandium, Rhenium, Selenium and Tellur.
Hafnium. Due to the very large cross section of the capture of slow (thermal) neutrons, the hafnium is better than other metals are suitable for the manufacture of regulatory rods of nuclear reactors. This is the only metal from which such rods for ship reactors are made. In the US, almost 60% of Gafness consumes nuclear power (for the production of regulating rods and protective reactor screens). Hafnesses are used for the manufacture of gas turbine engines in aerospace systems, thermal energy converters, etc. Hafnesium fluoride fibers are used in fiber optic. Hafnia carbide is part of the superhard alloys for a metal-cutting tool (together with tantalum carbides, tungsten, niobium), and cubic hydraulic dioxide and zirconium - starting materials for growing fianitic crystals used in laser technique and as artificial jewelry stones. Gafnes together with zirconia is contained (in relation to mineral resources1: 50, sometimes up to 1:30 - 1:35) in the zircon, which is mined from coastal titanium-zirconium places. The world's global reserves are estimated at 460 thousand tons, of which 38% are concentrated in Australia, 17% in the United States (mainly in Florida), 15% in South Africa, 8% in India and 4% in Sri Lanka. The former USSR possessed 13% of world stocks. Currently, the largest (truth, highly exhausted) plastic deposit is in Ukraine, while others, smaller placers in Kazakhstan.
Gallium. The main consumer of Gallium is an electronic (semiconductor) industry using gallium arsenide in a wide range - from transistors to integrated circuits. The possibility of using gallium in photovoltaic (solar) elements and optical lasers is considered. Gallium is concentrated in aluminum minerals and in low-temperature sphalerites. Gallium is obtained mainly as a by-product when processing bauxite on alumina and partly when smelting zinc from some sphalerite ores. Gluff production (as primary product) is growing rapidly. In 1986 it was estimated at 35 tons, and in 1996 approx. 63 t. Gallium is produced in Australia, Russia, Japan and Kazakhstan, as well as in the USA, France, Germany. Gluff's global reserves enclosed in bauxites, more than 15 thousand tons.
Germanium. The largest consumer of Germany is infrared optics used in computers, night vision devices, guidance systems and targets, research and mapping of the earth's surface from satellites. Germanium is also used in optical-fiber systems (additives of Germany tetrafluoride in fiberglass) and in electronic semiconductor diodes. In nature, Germany is found in the form of minor impurities in the ores of certain non-ferrous metals (in particular, zinc) and in German-coal deposits. In the Congo (DRC) there are rich deposits of Germany sulphides (Germanite, Renerit). Most world stocks Germany focuses in zinc ores (Canada, China, Australia). The stocks of Germany in the United States are estimated at 450 tons. It is concluded mainly in the fields of sulfide zinc (sphalerite) ores in the central part of Tennessee, as well as in the development zone of oxide iron ores in the old copper mine Apex (pcs. Utah). In Kazakhstan, Germany is enriched with splarmites of a number of polymetallic deposits of ore altai. In Russia, Germany is retrieved mainly of the ash from the burning of the coal of German-coal deposits of Primorye and Sakhalin, in Uzbekistan - from the ash of the angren deposits, and in Ukraine - when processing the coal of the Donbass on the metallurgical coke.
Thallium Remove as a byproduct when smelting other non-ferrous metals, mainly zinc and testicle lead. Talloli compounds are used as components of materials for optical, fluorescent and photoelectric devices. It is part of the acid-resistant and bearing alloys with tin and lead. High concentrations of thallium are distinguished by pyrites from low-temperature deposits. In the US, Tallliament reserves are approx. 32 T - approximately 80% of the world (1996), but its prey is not conducted. The largest resources of the Tallliament, concentrated in zinc ores, have the following regions: Europe - 23%, Asia - 17%, Canada - 16%, Africa - 12%, Australia and Oceania - 12%, South America - 7%.
Radioactive metals and their ores
Uranus. The processing of 1 kg of uranium allows for the same energy as the incineration of 15 tons of coal gives. Uranium ores serve as raw materials to obtain other radioactive elements, such as radium and polonium, and different isotopes, including uranium's light isotopes. The main minerals of uranium ores - the uranium resist will settle down (Nastouchuran) and carnotis (yellow uranium-vanadium mineral, forming the impression of small grains in sandstones). Most of the US uranium reserves focuses in roughly and fine-grained carnotite sandstones with a table, the development of which is conducted in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. In Utah there is a major deposit of the Uranium Smolki (Merissveyl). In the USA in 1995, the total amount of uranium production was 2360 tons (in 1980 - 20 thousand tons). Almost 22% of electricity in the United States is produced by nuclear power plants, on which 110 nuclear reactors operate, which is much higher than the corresponding indicators in other countries. For example, in the USSR in 1987 there were 56 active reactors and 28 - at the design stage. The leading place in the world in terms of the level of consumption of atomic energy is occupied by France, where nuclear power plants are produced. 76% of electricity (1995). Australia (approx. 466 thousand tons, more than 20% of world stocks), Kazakhstan (18%), Canada (12%), Uzbekistan (7.5%), Brazil, and Niger (7.5%), Brazil and Niger (7.5%) are possessed by %), South Africa (6.5%), USA (5%), Namibia (3%), Ukraine (3%), India (approx. 2%). The major deposit Uach Shinkolobve is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. China (Guangdong and Jiangxi Province), Germany and the Czech Republic are also available to considerable reserves. After the recent discovery of rich uranium deposits in Canada, this country uranited the first place in the world. In Russia, industrial stocks of uranium are concentrated mainly within the Streltsovsky caldera in East Transbaikalia. A large deposit in Buryatia has recently explored.
Thorium It is used to dop alloys and is a potential source of obtaining nuclear fuel - light uranium-233 isotope. The only source of thorium is the yellow translucent grains of monazita (cerium phosphate), containing up to 10% thorium and encountered in coastal and alluvial sediments. Marst deposits of the monazita are known in Australia, India and Malaysia. "Black" sands saturated with monazita in association with Rutil, Ilmenite and Zircon are common on East and Western (more than 75% extraction) of Australia's coasts. In India, the monazite deposits are concentrated along the south-west coast (Travanankore). In Malaysia, monocitis is mined from alluvial tinwheel. The United States has a small reserves of thorium in the coastal marine places of the monazita in Florida.
Non-metallic minerals
Agronomic and mining chemical raw materials
The main mineral fertilizers are nitrates (nitrates), potash salts and phosphates.
Nitrates. Nitrogen compounds are also used in the production of explosives. Up to the end of the First World War and in the first post-war years The monopoly position on the nitrate market belonged to Chile. In this country in the internal arid valleys of the Ukrainian coastal ridges, the huge stocks of Caulse are focused - Chilean Selitra (sodium natural nitrate). Later, the production of artificial nitrates using atmospheric nitrogen was widely unfolded. The United States, where the technology of obtaining anhydrous ammonia, containing 82.2% nitrogen, occupy the first place in the world in its production (60% of products are accounted for by Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas). The possibility of extraction of nitrogen from the atmosphere is unlimited, and the necessary hydrogen is obtained mainly from natural gas and the method of gasification of solid and liquid fuel.
Potash salts. The main minerals of potash salts - Sylvin (potassium chloride) and carnallite (potassium and magnesium chloride). Sylvin is usually present together with a stone salt - galite as part of Sylvinite, rock forming the deposits of potash salts and an employee of the production facility. The production of potash salts to the First World War was a monopoly of Germany, where their prey in the area of \u200b\u200bStatuft began in 1861. Similar deposits were open and mastered in Solenyak Basins of Western Texas and Eastern New Mexico (USA), in Alsace (France), Poland, surroundings Solikamsk in the Pre-Ural (Russia), Pool R. Ebro (Spain) and Saskatchewan (Canada). The first place for the extraction of potash salts in 1995 was held by Canada (9 million tons), it was followed by Germany (3.3 million tons), Russia and Belarus (2.8 million tons), USA (1.48 million. T), Israel (1.33 million tons), Jordan (1.07 million tons). In recent years, in the United States, most of potash salts is mined in the south-west of New Mexico. At the deposit in Utah, potash salts are obtained by the method of underground dissolution (leaching) from deep-adhesive crumpled in the folds of the formation. In California, the potash salts of borates and the cook salt are mined from underground brins, applying various technological methods crystallization. The remaining resources of potash salts are concentrated in Montane, South Dakota and in the central part of Michigan. In Russia, the extraction of potash salts has long been conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bSolikamsk, in addition, promising areas have been revealed in the Caspiani and Baikal. Large deposits are developed in Belarus, Western Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Phosphates. Industrial phosphate deposits are represented by phosphorites and apatite ores. Most of the world's worldwide phosphate resources are concentrated in widespread marine phosphate sediments. The identified resources, including non-industrial, are estimated by billions of tons of phosphorus. In 1995, over 34% of the global production of phosphate was accounted for in the United States, then Morocco followed (15.3%), China (15%), Russia (6.6%), Tunisia (5.6%) and Jordan (3.7% ). In Russia, the main raw material for obtaining phosphate fertilizers and phosphorus is the apatite produced in Hibinz on the Kola Peninsula.
Salt It is produced in more than 100 countries. The largest producer is the United States. Almost half of the extracted table salt is used in the chemical industry, mainly in the production of chlorine and caustic soda, 1/4 is spent on preventing icing road roads. In addition, it is widely used in the leather and food industry and is an important food product of man and animals. The table salt is obtained from the stone salt deposits and by evaporation (natural and artificial) water of salted lakes, sea water or underground brins. World resources of cook salt are practically inexhaustible. Almost every country has either deposits of stone salt, or installations for evaporation of saline water. The colossal source of the cooking salt is the world ocean itself. In the US, the resources of stone and cook salt in natural pickles are concentrated in the northeastern and western regions, as well as on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Salted lakes and the production facilities for evaporation of pickles are near the densely populated areas in the west of the United States. In Russia, salt is mined at a number of deposits in the Caspian (Lake Elton and Baskunchak), the pre-Ural, Eastern Siberia, in the central and northwestern regions of the European part, both from the deposits of the stone salt and from salt lakes and salt domes. Large coats of stone salt are available in Ukraine and in Belarus. Large industrial salt reserves are concentrated in the lakes of Kazakhstan and the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-Goal in Turkmenistan. The first place for extraction of cook salt is occupied by the United States (21% in 1995), then China (14%), Canada and Germany (6%) are followed. Significant salt extraction (over 5 million tons per year) is conducted in France, Great Britain, Australia, Poland, in Ukraine, in Mexico, Brazil and India.
Sulfur. Its large part (60-75%) is obtained to obtain sulfuric acid necessary for the production of phosphate and other mineral fertilizers. In addition, it is used as an insectofungicide and a disinfectant in the production of organic and inorganic chemicals, when cleaning oil, obtaining pure metals and in many other industries. In nature, sulfur occurs in native form as a soft mineral of yellow color, as well as in compounds with iron and basic non-ferrous metals (sulfides) or with alkaline elements and alkaline earth metals (sulfates). In coals and oil, sulfur is in the form of various complex organic compounds, and in natural gas - in the form of gaseous hydrogen sulfide (H2S). World sulfur resources in evaporites (salt sediments), volcanic eruption products, as well as natural gas-related, oil, bituminous sands and heavy metal sulphides, reach 3.5 billion tons. Sulfur resources in calcium sulfates - plaster and anhydrite - almost not Limited. About 600 billion s sulfur is contained in fossil coals and combustible shale, but still not developed technical and cost-effective methods for extracting it. The United States is the world's leading manufacturer of sulfur. 30% of the sulfur is produced by the framed method, which lies in the injection into the reservoir on the wells of water vapor or hot water. At the same time, sulfur melts underground and rises to the surface with compressed air with an erlift. In the same way, the native sulfur deposits associated with salt domes and sedimentary deposits are developed, including in the deep-sea zone of the Gulf of Mexico, away from the shores of Texas and Louisiana. In addition, sulfur in the United States is obtained in the process of oil purification, when processing natural gas and many coke-chemical plants. Sulfuric acid is carried out alongside under the firing and melting of copper, lead, molybdenum and zinc.
Industrial Minerals
Diamonds. The most famous of precious stones are diamonds also play an important role in the industry due to their extremely high hardness. Technical diamonds are used mainly as abrasive materials for grinding and polishing, as well as for drilling solid rocks. They reinforce the metal cutting tool. Of the natural diamonds, only a small part (by mass) jewelry, the rest - technical crystals of non-invalid quality (board and carbonado). Board and carbonado (black diamonds) are dense hikingrystalline or granular aggregates. Technical diamonds are also artificial. In the US, only synthetic diamonds are made. Natural diamonds are found in Arkansas and Colorado, but their mining is economically inexpedient. Usually, diamonds are found in tubular bodies - explosion tubes (diarates), composed of volcanic rock - kimberlite. However, a substantial part of diamonds is mined from alluvial marginal deposits formed as a result of the erosion of kimberlite tubes. About 90% of the global production of natural diamonds in 1993 accounted for five countries: Australia (44.3%), Congo (DRC, 16.2%), Botswana (12.2%), Russia (9.3%) and South Africa (7.2%). The world mining of diamonds in 1993 amounted to 107.9 million carats (the unit of mass of carat gem stones is 200 mg); Including technical diamonds produced 91.2 million carats (84.5%), jewelry - 16.7 million carats (15.5%). In Australia and Congo (DRC), the share of jewelry diamonds is only 4-5%, in Russia - approx. 20%, in Botswana - 24-25%, South Africa - more than 35%, in Angola and Central African Republic - 50-60%, in Namibia - 100%. In Russia, diamonds are mined mainly in Yakutia (Sakha), there are diamonds in the Urals. Large diamond deposits are open in the Arkhangelsk region (indigenous and placer).
Mica. The industrial significance has two types of natural mica: muscovit and flogopit. The mica is valued for very perfect scope, transparency and primarily for high heat and electrical insulation properties. Sheet mica is used in the electrical industry as a dielectric for capacitors and as an insulating material. The world's leading leaf mica manufacturer - India, where 6 thousand tons of List Musovite (with global production of 7 thousand tons) were produced in 1995. Large deposits of sheet mica are known in Brazil and Madagascar. In Russia, leaf muscovit from pegmatites is mined mainly in the Mamsko-Chui district of the Irkutsk region and in the Karelian Kola region. Musovitis pegmatites are also known in East Sayan (by r. Biryusa). Flogopite production is carried out on the Kola Peninsula, Aldan and Baikal. The largest flogopite deposit is explored on Taimyr. Scrap (ground waste production of sheet mica and other saliva products) and small-scale mica are used for the manufacture of mineral paints, soft roofing materials, rubber products, in particular auto strokes, as a thermal insulator in steam boilers, for plowing paper, when drilling oil wells, and so on. The naturally small-haired mica is found in granites, pegmatites, gneises, metamorphic shale and clay sediments. The United States occupies the first place in the world in the production of saliva scrap and small-scale mica, and 60% of products are accounted for by North Carolina (pegmatites). Large reserves of small-sided Musovite are concluded in the Gneis of Northern Kazakhstan.
Optical quartz and piezocharvar. Quartz on prevalence in the earth's crust ranks second after the field spa, but its pure non-defective crystals (colorless transparent - rhinestone; dark, almost black, translucent or opaque - morion) are extremely rare. Meanwhile, it is such a quartz that plays an important role in optical instruments (rhinestone) and in modern means of communication, radio engineering, electronics, hydroacoustics, flaw detection, in quartz hours and many other devices using piezoelectric properties of quartz (piezocharvar - rhinestone and morion) . The most important use of piezochetar is frequency filters and frequency stabilizers in electronic devices, microphones, and so on. The main supplier of natural piezochetar (mining crystal) is Brazil. In the United States in Arkansas mined high-quality mining crystals, which is widely used in jewelry. There is also a quartz with defects that are unsuitable for electronics, but used for growing artificial crystals of piezochetar. In 1995, 500 tons of such quartz were produced in the United States and produced on its basis 300 tons of synthetic quartz crystals. In Russia, mining crystals are mined in the South and Polar Urals and Aldan. Ukraine produces mainly Morion from the pegmatites of the Volyn Hills. Mountain crystal deposits are developed in Kazakhstan.
Perspective sources of mineral raw materials and new materials
Mineral resources are not renewed, so it is necessary to constantly search for new deposits. The significance of the seas and oceans is increasingly increasing as sources of production of oil, sulfur, table salt and magnesium; Their production is usually conducted in the shelf zone. In the future, there is a question about the development of the deep-sea zone. Developed technology of mining of ore iron-manganese nodules from the bottom of the ocean. It also includes cobalt, nickel, copper and a number of other metals. The large-scale development of deep-water minerals has not yet begun due to the economic risk and the unresolihood of the legal status of such deposits. The US agreement regulating the development of the mineral resources of the seabed, the United States was not signed and several more states. For promising, replacing natural mineral raw materials include ceramic and semiconductor materials. Metals, ceramic and polymeric materials are used as a matrix and reinforcing components to strengthen various composite materials. Plastic masses, or polymers - the most widely used in the US material (more than steel, copper and aluminum combined). The source raw materials for obtaining plastics are petrochemical synthesis products. However, coal can be used as raw materials instead of oil. Ceramics are inorganic non-metallic materials compacted by heat treatment and sintering. Conventional components of ceramic materials - silicon and aluminum oxide (alumina), but they can also consist of boron and silicon carbides, silicon nitride, beryllium oxides, magnesium, some heavy metals (for example, zirconium, copper). Ceramic materials appreciate their thermo-, wear and corrosion resistance, electrical, magnetic and optical properties (optical fiberglass - also ceramic material). Studies continue to search for promising materials suitable for use in electronic, optical and magnetic devices. For example, semiconductors are gallium arsenide, silicon, germanium and some polymers. Perspectively use Gallium, India, Yttria, Selena, Telllur, Tallia and Zirconia.
Bychover N.A. Economy of mineral raw materials, TT. 1-3. M., 1967-1971 Mineral resources of the world. M., 1997.

The encyclopedia of the colley. - Open Society. 2000 .

Mineral resources of the world are all the variety of minerals that give the nature of humanity. Fuel, metals, building materials, chemical raw materials, precious alloys and stones - all these natural wealth people enjoy for many years. Although mineral resources The planets are great, they are still not limitless, so the successful development of humanity is impossible without their rational use.

Classification of mineral resources

Depending on its purpose and geological origin, mineral raw materials are divided into 5 basic classes:

  • mineral fuel;
  • metals of their iron and ferroalloys;
  • non-ferrous metals;
  • precious metals;
  • industrial minerals.

Mineral raw materials can also be divided into two large groups:

  • conventionally renewable - products of organic origin (coal, oil, methane), for the formation of which specific conditions are necessary in nature and not one thousand years;
  • not renewable - Minerals and metals whose stock will never be restored in nature.

Fig. 1. Coal

Humanity steadily continues to increase the pace of use of land resources. Only in the first half of the twentieth century, the total number of mined mineral raw materials exceeded the fact that the human race used for the entire time of its existence. At the same time, the need for resources continues to increase.

Geography of mineral raw materials

The distribution of mineral resources on the planet is uneven: some regions are rich in all sorts of minerals, others - they have a lot of need. The placement of natural raw materials depends largely on the nature of the terrain, its location above the level of the world ocean, the nature of origin. These and many other issues related to mineral raw materials, the science of geology is engaged.

Large fields of fuel and energy resources are located in Russia, USA, Canada, China, Venezuela, in the Persian Gulf. The greatest volume is occupied by coal and oil.

Fig. 2. Oil production

Ore fossils are usually located on ancient platforms and folded areas. Often they form extended ore belts. The most rich in all sorts of types of US RUD, Russia, India, China. The most common metal on the ground is aluminum.

Non-hard mineral resources are common worldwide, both in the areas of folding and platforms.

Fig. 3. Asbest

Table "world reserves of mineral resources"

Mineral resources value

The resource supply of countries is the ratio between natural mineral reserves and the speed of their consumption. This concept, first of all, is socio-economic, because it depends not only on the number of natural resources, but also on how quickly humanity uses them.

Resource support is an important, but not determining factor in improving the state economy. So, many Western European powers, Korea, Japan, with a minor potential of natural raw materials, were able to achieve enormous success, using other tools for the formation of the economy: the achievements of HTR, international integration, financial and human resources.

Of great importance for the development of the world economy plays a territorial combination of natural resources - a set of mineral resources within a particular region, the countries necessary for complex processing of raw materials. Thanks to this factor, the management and planning of socio-economic development occurs much more effectively.

It should be remembered that the mineral resources of water, land, mineral and forest resources should be used very carefully, rationally. Natural raw materials, with the exception of individual species, is irrelevant, and sooner or later the moment will come when the reserves of the Earth will be exhausted. Currently, the threat of a sharp deficit of certain resources has already arisen, and every year the situation will only deteriorate.

To prevent global catastrophe, humanity should look for alternative ways to solve production and economic needs.

What did we know?

When considering the topic "Mineral resources of the world" under the 8th grade program, we learned what the main types of natural raw materials and how they are distributed on the planet. We also found out that such a territorial combination of mineral raw materials and what is the rational use of resources.

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The geographical envelope of the globe owns large and varied natural resources. Consider overall characteristics Natural resources of the world and various approaches to their classification.

Nature wealth

Under the natural resources of the world is a combination of components and properties of the environment, which are used by society to meet their various physical and spiritual needs.

Natural resources are a source of energy (biofuels, combustible fossils, wind, solar and hydropower, etc.), provide a person with necessary equipment (water for watering, water for movement, earth for growing), food (plants, water, products Hunting and fishing), materials and raw materials (water reserves of water, forest, bioresources, minerals, etc.).

Figure 1. Natural resources of the world

Economic classification

There are various approaches to the classification of natural resources. IN economic classification The role of natural resources is taken into account in various industries, as well as the direction and forms of their use. They are distributed to the following groups and subgroups:

  • Resources applicable in the field of material production a: In industry (metallurgical, energy, chemical and others) and in agriculture (Pets, soil, water for irrigation and others);
  • Resources applicable non-productive sphere : For direct consumption (plants, pets, drinking water) and for indirect consumption (green plantings, reservoirs and climatic resources for treatment, recreation and sports)

Environmental classification

IN modern world Ecology issues, security ambient And the rational use of natural wealth came to the first place. These problems are not inflated, and are quite a real threat to the survival of humanity. In this regard, one of the important classifications is the division of natural resources on the principle of exhaustibility:

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  • Exhausted stocks of natural resources : renewable (water, vegetation, soil) and non-renovable (rock rocks and minerals);
  • Inexhaustible - These are resources, the decrease in the reserves of which is impossible to feel even with a debt consumption (the energy of the sun, wind, climatic resources).

Figure 2. Types of inexhaustible natural resources

Traditional classification

Based on the resource belonging to various elements of nature, the following five groups are distinguished:

  • Mineral;
  • Aqueous (surface and underground water, precipitation, glacier water);
  • Land (all land land and agricultural land for growing food);
  • Biological (forest, hunting and fish);
  • Agroclimatic (the amount of heat, light and moisture).

This classification is more traditional.

Mineral resources

These resources are mainly exhausted and non-renewable. Ores and rocks in the depths of the Earth are formed continuously, but the rate of education process is not comparable at the speed of their production - it is hundreds, and even thousands of times less. Therefore, thanks to the geological exploration work, their reserves increase, but actually decrease.

In addition, on the world map, they are unevenly posted. There are lands that are deprived of any types of resources, and vice versa, there are territories with huge mineral deposits. In the five richest countries of the world in the provision of natural resources, Russia, USA, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China.

If we talk about oil and natural gas, then the table of leading countries in the first place is Russia, while the United States is not among the top ten leaders in oil reserves, and Canada - in natural gas reserves.

Depending on the direction of use in industry, mineral resources are divided into three groups:

  • Fuel (oil, natural gas, coal, peat, shale);
  • Metalloye (ferrous metals, colored, noble);
  • Nermetal and non-metallic (Gravel, sand, limestone, graphite, asbestos and others).

In the world, more than 600 oil and gas extraction pools are widely explored. And this is despite the fact that the total number of oil deposits is 50 thousand.

Mineral resourcesit is customary to call minerals extracted from the depths of the Earth. In modern farming is used about 200 different species Mineral fuel and raw materials. Classifications them may be different. The most widely distributed classification based on the technical use of resources at which fuel, metallic, technical resources and building materials are distinguished. A genetic classification is also used, which is based on the age and features of origin; At the same time, the resources of the Precambrian, Nizhneopeozoic, Verkhnepaleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Geological Epoch are distinguished. The global resources of mineral fuel and raw materials are periodically evaluated and overestimated at the sessions of the World Energy Council (previously - the global energy conference), mountainous, geological, oil, gas and other congresses.

Fuel resources traditionally attracted the greatest attention. They are taken into account in two main categories - nonceologicaland explored(reliable, proven, confirmed) resources. Within the earth's sushi, they are distributed rather unevenly. So, according to the estimates of the late 1990s, the first and second places in their reserves divide the CIS and Asia-Australian regions. In third place is North America, and then go to the Middle and Middle East, foreign Europe, Africa and Latin America. It is also natural that the regions differ in the structure of their fuel resources. In general, in the world, 70-75% of all fuel resources are accounted for 70-75% of all fuel resources (in conditional fuel), and the rest of the robust is distributed between oil and natural gas. At the same time, in Europe, for example, the share of coal is 90%, and in the Middle and Middle East, on the contrary, 100% falls on oil and natural gas resources.

Coal is widespread in the earth's crust: more than 3.6 thousand of its pools and deposits are known, which in the aggregate occupy 15% of the earthly sushi. Both general and explored coal reserves are much more than oil and natural gas reserves. In 1984, at the XXVII session of the International Geological Congress, the overall world coal resources were estimated at 14.8 trillion t (including 9.4 trillion T of stone and 5.4 trillion tons of brown coal), and in the second half of the 1990s . As a result of various types of revalues \u200b\u200band recalculations - 5.5 trillion tons (including 4.3 trillion T of stone and 1.2 trillion tons of brown coal).

However, much more often in scientific and reference, and in educational literature They are talking about the explored reserves available for development with existing technical and economic criteria for use. Back in 1984, they were estimated at 1.2 trillion tons, and in early 2004 - approximately 1 trillion. At the explored coal reserves, large regions follow in this order: North America, CIS, foreign Asia, Foreign Europe, Australia and Oceania, Africa, Latin America. When determining the rank of individual countries, they usually use data on proven reserves (Table 12).

The analysis of Table 12 shows, firstly, that in the United States, China and Russia account for more than 1/2 of all world widely explored reserves of coal, and, secondly, as part of the top ten countries in coal reserves, economically developed countries are significantly dominated by developing.

In total coal resources are divorced in 83 countries of the world. The geological patterns of their distribution through the territory of the earth sushi studied many scientists. Academician P. I. Stepanov in 1937 set the minima and maxima of the carbonation associated with the peculiarities of specific geological eras, with their paleogeographic setting. Then these calculations were repeatedly clarified. According to modern ideas, 47% of all coal resources fall on Paleozoic deposits, 37 - Mesozoic and 16% of Cenozoa. Including from the individual geological periods, the maxima of coal extraction falls on Perm, carbon and chalk, at least to Yura, Neogen and Paleogen. In Europe, carbon and paleogene-non-boilers, in Asia - Perm prevail in Europe.

Table 12.

The first ten countries in explored coal reserves

Table 13.

Distribution of explored oil reserves by major regions

Oil is widespread in the earth's crust even more than coal: geologists revealed approximately 600 oil and gas pools and examined about 400 of them. As a result, the territories are actually promising for oil (and natural gas), according to various estimates, from 15 to 50 million km 2. However, global oil resources are significantly less than coal.

This refers to the general resources, the estimates of which usually range from 250 to 500 billion tons. Sometimes, however, they rise to 800 billion tons, but in this case not only the usual, but also the so-called heavy oil contained in bituminous sands and oil shale, which is practically not mastered on an industrial scale. Back more than This refers to the explored (proven) oil reserves, although they detect constant and rather steady growth. By the beginning of 2007, global exploited oil reserves amounted to 192.5 billion tons.

The distribution of explored oil reserves through major regions of the world is shown in Table 13.

Such distribution (Table 13)it turned out gradually. It has changed more than once as the largest oil and gas pools in South-West Asia, in North and West Africa, in foreign Europe (Severvorsky), in Latin America, as well as in the USSR (Volgo-Ural, West Siberian) (Fig.0). But even among them, the richest oil and gas pools, located in the province of the Persian Gulf pool, which includes the water area of \u200b\u200bthis bay and the adjacent parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Iranian Highlands. With proven reserves equal to almost 100 billion tons, one province concentrates more than 1/2 world reserves, forming, as they sometimes say, the main pole of the oil and gas content of our entire planet. It is largely due to the fact that half of the 30 giant (unique) oil fields known in the world are located here, i.e., such that had initial reserves of more than 500 million and even over 1 billion tons (the largest of them - Gavar In Saudi Arabia, Aga-Jary in Iran and El Burkan in Kuwait).

Although oil fields (all of them are 50 thousand) are now known in 102 countries, the supercontraction of oil resources in the province of the Persian Gulf predetermines the first ten countries for the explored oil reserves, the composition of which demonstrates Table 14.

From the late 80s. XX century The world has a relatively new tendency to increase the explored oil reserves. It lies in the fact that the growth of these reserves is currently happening so much by opening new oil and gas pools, but due to additional drilling on already existing deposits. As examples of this kind, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and many other countries can be brought. Although, of course, new oil pools continue to open in the world both on land and in marine waters (the Caspian Sea and the Caspian Sea).

Natural gas is distributed in nature in a free state - in the form of gas deposits and deposits, as well as in the form of "gas hats" over oil fields (associated gas). Gases of petroleum and coal deposits are also used.

Table 14.

The first ten countries in proven oil reserves

Fig. nine. The largest oil and gas pools of the world

Natural gas resources in various sources are estimated from 300 trillion m 3 to 600 trillion and higher, but the rating of 400 trillion m 3 is most common. Provocated (proven) natural gas reserves by 2004 reached 175 trillion m 3. Their distribution by major regions of the world and leading countries show Tables 15 and 16.

Table 15.

Distribution of explored natural gas reserves on major regions

Table 16.

The first ten countries in the explored natural gas reserves

An analysis of Table 16 shows that 27% of world explored reserves of natural gas falls on Russia (its natural reserves are estimated at 215 trillion m 3). Of the world's 20 giant gas fields with initial reserves of more than 1 trillion m 3 in Russia, there are 9. Among the world's largest Urengoy, as well as the Yamburg, Bovanenkovskoye, Polar, Bear and Harasovsky, are located within the West Siberian oil and gas province (Table. 17).

Table 17.

The largest gas fields of the world

* Marine deposit.

** In the stage of development.

Uranium is very widespread in the earth's crust. However, it is costly to develop only those deposits that contain at least 0.1% of the useful component: in this case, the preparation of 1 kg of uranium concentrates costs less than $ 80. According to International agency by atomic energy (IAEA), in early XXI in. Provocated (confirmed) uranium reserves available for extraction at a price were estimated at 3.3 million tons. They focused about 600 fields in the territories of 44 countries of the world.

The first place in the world in the explored reserves of uranium is Australia. Next, Kazakhstan follows with a slight margin. The third place belongs to Canada. These three states account for 1/2 world reserves of uranium. In addition to them, in the top ten countries for explored stocks, uranium also includes (in descending order) South Africa, Brazil, Namibia, Russia, Uzbekistan, USA and Niger.

Metal (ore) resources are also widespread in the earth's crust. Unlike fuel, genetically associated with sediment deposits, ore deposits are found in sediments of both sedimentary and even greater crystalline origin. Geographically, they also often form entire belts of oretonakopling, sometimes such gigantic as Alpine-Himalayan or Pacific.

The most widely represented in the earth's crust of iron and aluminum.

The general estimated stocks of iron ores are about 350 billion tons, and explored - 150 billion tons. Although these reserves are known in almost 100 countries, their main part is concentrated in relatively few of them (Table 18).

Table 18.

The first ten countries in the explored stocks of iron ores

In addition to countries included in Table 18, Canada, France, Venezuela, United Kingdom also possess considerable stocks of iron ores.

Boxites are the main aluminum-containing raw material consisting mainly of aluminum hydroxides. The fields are in sedimentary rocks and mostly associated with the sections of the weathered bark, and located within the tropical and subtropical climatic belts. The main boxal provinces include Mediterranean in Europe, Guinea in Africa, Caribbean in Latin America and North Australian. The general resources of bauxite usually estimate approximately 250 billion tons, and their explored stocks are 20-30 billion tons. The largest reserves of bauxite have countries: Guinea, Australia, Brazil, Jamaica, India, China, Guyana, Suriname. The content of alumina in bauxites is about the same as iron in iron ores, so the bauxite reserves, as well as the reserves of iron ores are always evaluated by ore, and not by its useful component.

It is very different about the ores of other black, non-ferrous and alloying metals. Since the metal content in them is usually very small (from 1 to 10% and less), their reserves are always estimated not by ore, but according to the metal contained in it. At the same time, global explored reserves of chromium and manganese ores are 5-6 billion tons, copper, zinc, lead - from 100 million to 600 million, and tin, tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt - from 1 million to 10 million tons.

Among the non-metallic minerals in large amounts of stocks, cook and potash salts, phosphorites, sulfur are distinguished.

Statistical sources allow you to compare the mineral resource potential economically developed countries West developing countries and C. transition economy. Western countries belong to the first place in the explored reserves of gold, manganese and chromium ores, as well as uranium, lead and zinc. The share of developing countries is especially large in oil reserves (more than 80%), bauxite (77%), tin and diamonds (60-65%), as well as copper (53%). Countries with economies in transition are highlighted by large reserves of natural gas and iron ore (50%). Approximately equal proportions all three groups of countries have nickel reserves, molybdenum, silver.

From countries with economies in transition, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are richer than mineral fuel and raw materials.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the potential gross value of the Russian subsoil is estimated at 28 trillion dollars (including natural gas accounts for 32%, for coal - 23, on oil - 16, on the ore of metals - 14%). It is indisputable that Russia's resource potential is huge 1. However, its spatial accommodation itself is mostly in the territories east of the Urals - creates many difficulties due to extreme natural conditions, remoteness from the main areas of fuel consumption and raw materials and seaports. As a result, 1/3 to 2/3 of all balance sheets in the conditions of market conditions of other countries are unprofitable.

1 According to the Ministry of Natural Resources Russian FederationAbout 20 thousand mineral deposits are open and explored in the country, of which 37% were introduced into industrial development. Large and unique deposits (about 5% of the total) enter into almost 70 °% of explored reserves and provide 50% of mineral raw materials. Russia's share in world oil reserves is 9-10%, natural gas - 27, coal - 16, iron - 37, lead - 10, zinc - 15, potash salts - 31%. On the explored reserves of nickel, gold, silver, platinoids, diamonds, some other minerals, Russia ranks first - third place in the world. However, the quality of mineral ores in general in Russia in many cases is significantly inferior to foreign analogues.

In addition to balance reserves, Russia has large forecast resources.

Of course, the performance of PecyPasse is primarily influenced by the wealth or poverty of the territory of natural pecyps. But since resourcelessness depends on the Macters of their extraction (consumption), this concept is not natural, but socio-economic.

Example. World general stocks of mineral fuel are estimated at 5.5 trillion of conditional fuel. This means that with the current level, there may be enough for about 350400 years! However, if we take into account the reserves available for extracting (including, taking into account their placement), as well as permanent growth Consumption, provision will decrease into many times.

It is clear that in the long term, the level of security depends on why the class of natural resources includes one or another to exhaust (non-renewable and renewable) or inexhaustible resources. (Task 1.)

2. Mineral resources: whether they are readily?

People still learned in antiquity to use some of these resources, which found their expression in the historical periods of the development of human civilization, such as the Stone Age. Nowadays, more than 200 different types of mineral resources are used. According to the figurative expression of Academician A. E. Fersman (1883 1945), the entire periodic system of Mendeleev is composed on the legs of mankind. .

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