
The main technological schemes for the production of work. Organizational and technological schemes for the construction of buildings and structures and methods of production of work Organizational technological scheme of production of works example

15. Technological schemes of PPR - work production projects and technological maps.

15.1. In accordance with the requirements of MDS 12-81.2007 "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work production project", the work production project should include technological schemes for performing certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes, a description of work production methods, an indication the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

15.2. The technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an enterprise (queue, start-up complex) establishes the sequence of construction of main facilities, auxiliary and service facilities, energy and transport facilities and communications, external networks and structures of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply, as well as landscaping, depending on the technological scheme of the production process of an industrial enterprise, the features of its construction solutions master plan(the nature of the distribution of the scope of work depending on the type of object - concentrated, linear, territorially disparate, mixed) and space-planning solutions of the main buildings and structures (homogeneous, heterogeneous objects), as well as the adopted method of organizing construction.

15.2.1. Technological schemes for the construction of main buildings and structures establish the sequence of erection of individual buildings (structures) in their parts (nodes, sections, spans, cells, tiers, floors, production areas, workshops, etc.), depending on the technological scheme of the production process placed in this building (structure), or other functional diagram, space-planning and constructive solutions, as well as the accepted methods (technological schemes) of work.

15.2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes as general principles it is necessary to take:
- completeness of a separate technological cycle in the general technology of industrial production;
- constructive completeness of the allocated part of an industrial enterprise or a separate building (structure);
- the spatial stability of the allocated part of the building (structure);
- parallelism (simultaneity) of the construction of individual objects as part of the enterprise and the construction of parts of buildings (structures), as well as direct flow (excluding redundant, distant, return, counter and other irrational directions in organizational and technological schemes).

15.2.3. The choice of organizational and technological schemes should be made taking into account the complexity of the construction of facilities (industrial enterprises, individual buildings, structures).

15.3. Technological schemes for the construction of residential and civil buildings should determine the optimal solutions for the sequence and methods of construction of objects (complexes). Technological schemes include:
- spatial division of a building or a complex into areas and areas;
- the sequence of erection of buildings and structures with an indication of the technological sequence of work on seizures and areas;
- a description of the main methods of building objects.

15.3.1. To organize the construction flow, individual objects and the complex as a whole are divided into areas and sections, which can be the same and different in size and scope of work. In this case, one should strive for the same or short size of seizures and areas.

15.3.2. Within the site, all specialized streams that are part of the object stream are interconnected. The sizes and boundaries of the plots are set on the basis of the conditions of planning and design solutions, taking into account the requirements for ensuring the spatial rigidity and stability of the erected parts of structures (at individual facilities), the possibility of temporary suspension and subsequent resumption of work at the boundaries of the sites, the possibility of commissioning individual structures of the complex.

15.3.3. Parts of structures with repeating identical complexes are accepted as captures. construction works(processes), within which all the private streams that are part of the specialized stream under consideration develop and interconnect. The dimensions of the grips should be assigned in such a way that the duration of the execution of individual processes on the grip corresponds to the rhythm of the flow, and the location of the boundaries of the grips corresponds to the architectural, planning and constructive solutions and can be clearly established in nature. In addition, it should be possible to stop and resume work at the boundaries of the seizures without violating the requirements of SNiP, as well as the possibility of performing other processes on adjacent areas.

15.3.4. The technological scheme for the erection of the underground or above-ground part of the building includes the necessary measures for the safety of the existing underground communications of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the ruptured pits in accordance with the technical solutions provided for by the project, the placement of lifting machines, the boundaries of hazardous zones and zones of movement of goods by cranes , horizontal and vertical binding of hoisting machines, appropriate measures to ensure the safety of people from the action of dangerous factors.

15.4. Technological schemes for the reconstruction of industrial enterprises can be presented in the following options:
- extension of new production buildings to the existing workshops (option 1). In this case, the duration of the reconstruction is determined by the duration of the extension work;
- extension of new production buildings to existing workshops in combination with the reconstruction of existing workshops or individual technological redistributions (option 2). Provided that the reconstruction is carried out without stopping production in the newly constructed workshops, a technological line is installed, which organizes the release of products similar to those previously produced by the second workshop (section). After the technological line is put into operation, the reconstruction of the second workshop (section), then the third, etc .;
- temporary production is organized for the release of products with the subsequent reconstruction of existing workshops in sections (option 3);
- the reconstruction of the sections is carried out (provided that the main production is partially stopped for certain technological redistributions) in accordance with the sequence of the release of the sections from technological equipment(option 4);
- carried out (subject to a complete stop of production, when the release of products stops at all reconstructed technological stages, workshops), first of all, all dismantling works, and then the installation of newly installed technological equipment and building structures (option 5).

15.4.1. The choice of technological schemes and methods for carrying out installation and dismantling works should be made on the basis of a comparison of the technical and economic indicators of technologically possible and safe options mechanized performance of the specified amount of work on time.

15.4.2. Variants of technological schemes should take into account the conditions of the constraint of the production of work, the placement of mechanization means, the direction technological processes and tracing of access roads. At the same time, the external constraint of the object is characterized by the adjoining of the reconstructed spans to the existing ones, the distance to the existing buildings, structures and communications; intrashop tightness of the facility is characterized by the occupation of the work area with foundations, basements, technological equipment and building structures... In addition, technological factors influence the choice of organizational and technological schemes: the nature of internal constraint in terms of plan and height of the premises; restrictions on the operation of mechanization equipment near existing workshops; the presence of underground structures, structures and communications; explosion and fire hazard, etc .; the degree of physical deterioration and reliability of supporting structures; presence near power lines; the physical condition and nature of the structures to which the buildings are attached or overbuilt; the presence of overhead cranes; specificity and mode of operation of the workshop.

15.5. When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:
1) the preparatory period includes work on the organization construction site: clearing and preparation of the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures; laying of underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation works; supply of electricity and water to places of consumption;
2) the process of erection of agricultural buildings (the main period of construction) is divided into four technological stages: erection of the underground part of the building; erection of the aboveground part of the building; roofing device; post-assembly work;
3) agricultural buildings according to their saturation with underground facilities (manure trays, canals, etc.) are divided into three categories: without underground facilities; with a poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

15.5.1. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work is taken at each technological stage. For buildings without underground facilities:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; underfloor preparation device;

3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and canals; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and a device for preparing under the floors;
2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;
3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fence machines; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with a highly developed underground economy:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: earthworks for foundations and manure trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the subfloor; installation of manure trays and ventilation ducts with the device and overlapping of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;
2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; the device of partitions made of bricks;
3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

15.5.2. Depending on the saturation of underground facilities, each of the four technological stages includes different kinds construction, installation and special construction works, and their technological sequence will be different.

15.6. In the organizational and technological schemes, it is necessary to provide for:
- performance of work by industrial methods using the most advanced types of machines and mechanisms that ensure high labor productivity, excluding manual unproductive labor of workers;
- organization of continuous production of works using high-performance machines and mechanisms;
- the maximum possible combination in time of production of related works;
- the possibility of year-round production of construction and installation works;
- observance of the rules of labor protection and safety measures.

15.7. Technological schemes, depending on the complexity of the object, are carried out on a scale of 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200.

15.8. In the technological scheme, a cross section (if necessary, in some cases, and a longitudinal section) of a building (structure) under construction is given, while the cranes are shown when the boom is positioned above the building (structure) at the maximum required working outreach and a dotted line - when the boom is turned by 180 °.

15.9.1. The connection of the crane to the building is carried out in accordance with the dimensions of the approximation, taking into account the possible deviation from the vertical of the rotating tower of the crane according to paragraphs. 4.1 - 4.12 and Figure 1 RD-11-06-2007 " Guidelines on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work by lifting machines and technological maps of loading and unloading operations. "

15.9.2. The section shows:
- marks of the top of the building (structure), parapet, lanterns, elevator engine rooms and other maximum protruding parts of the building;
- the mark of the crane hook at the maximum lifting height at the maximum working outreach;
- mark of the bottom of the counterweight for cranes with an upper counterweight;
- the dimensions between the most protruding parts of the building (structure), stacks of cargo or other objects and the most protruding parts of the crane;
- dimensions from the base of the pit slope to the base of the ballast section of the rail crane track or to the nearest support of the self-propelled jib crane;
- underground communications;
- the cross-section of the crane rail track and the base for the crane;
- equipment, means of paving for construction and installation works;
- position of structural elements, products with maximum weight and elements closest to the crane. Above the centers of gravity of these elements, they show the outreach (R), the carrying capacity at the given outreach (Q), the weight of the load (P) and the mark of the lifting height, taking into account the maximum dimensions of the load;
- the position and dimensions of the outrigger platforms (assembly, cargo receiving).

15.9.3. If, as the building (structure) is being erected, it becomes necessary to build up the crane tower, replace the crane or replace the crane boom, then it is necessary to make a new section or show several positions of the crane in one section.

15.9.4. With an attachment crane, the sections show all the positions of the crane with the corresponding arrangement of fasteners and the height of the building (structure) up to the mark corresponding to this position. The number of cuts corresponds to the number of positions of the attachment valve.

15.10. The technological diagram shows the existing and projected underground communications and structures, power transmission lines, overhead communications, trees, nearby existing and projected buildings (structures) and other objects that fall into the hazardous area of ​​the crane.

15.11. On the technological scheme, the element-by-element layout of materials, products and structures is performed.

15.12. The placement of lifting machines is carried out in accordance with the requirements set forth in RD-11-06-2007.

15.13. In the technological scheme, the technological sequence of the construction and installation works is solved.

15.14. The technological diagram shows remote mounting platforms, their location and size, scaffolding and other means of paving. The list of necessary fixtures, inventory, paving means is given in the form of a table.

15.15. Mounting equipment for temporary fastening and alignment of building (structure) structures must meet the requirements of GOST 24259-80. Scaffolds and other devices (scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders, ladders, ladders, bridges, canopies, assembly sites, etc.), ensuring the safety of work, must meet the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87 and GOST 28012-89.

The production process cannot be imagined without the regulation of technical actions and stages. For this, a special document is being developed - technology system... A diagram is a graphical or textual interpretation of the required set of operations, the observance of which leads to a finished product. When compiling it, the number of production lines, the set of equipment used, the stages of manual and mechanized labor are taken into account. Taking into account all factors and strict regulation, allows to achieve high efficiency and quality of production.

Types of technological schemes

Given the huge variety of manufacturing enterprises, manufactured products, the features of various technologies, there are various types of technological schemes. The general classification looks something like this:

    The most common type, which is widespread in the production of bulky goods, large volumes or large-sized products. They are designed for long-term use in the production of the same type of product for a long time. It can be designed in such a way that it can be used in the production of a variety of similar products. These types are called combined. When developing them, the possibility of quickly reconfiguring equipment for the production of another product, practically without stopping the technological process, is taken into account. Development of such schemes is justified by economic factors, the continuous operation of the production line and workers allows you to avoid unnecessary waste and increase efficiency. Most often, combined ones are used at pharmaceutical enterprises, where medicines, food additives, vitamins and other products are produced on the same equipment. The main advantage is that you can significantly reduce the initial investment and operating costs during the operation of the equipment.
  1. Pilot industrial.
    This type is the forerunner of industrial schemes. They are developed in cases where it is necessary to establish the production of a fundamentally new type of product. It can be a little simplified and supplemented in the course of the production line. On its basis, technologists collect information for drawing up basic industrial technological schemes.
  2. Bench installations.
    They are also called modular, they are small installation trusses on which various types of equipment are mounted. This design greatly simplifies production experiments, since you can easily and quickly re-equip the installation. They are used in small industries with a small volume and dimensions of products.
  3. Laboratory installations.
    They are analogous to bench and allow you to develop a scheme for the production of completely new products in laboratory conditions, under the supervision of engineers and developers. They are used in cases where the process of transition from laboratory testing to direct production without loss of efficiency and quality. Laboratory conditions allow a wide range of experiments to be carried out, to study all the advantages and disadvantages of technological schemes, as well as to accurately determine the ways of improvement.

There is a classification of technological schemes based on the type of production organization:

  1. Batch schemes.
    Industrial production based on them provides for periodic pauses and stops in the production process. Most often, they are combined, when a line changeover is required, or they are associated with the production of small volumes of goods, when there is no need to comply with a continuous process. The production process is usually carried out in one or two shifts.
  2. Continuous circuits.
    The technological process regulated by them provides for a certain sequence of operations that allow the production of goods without the need for interruption. Almost every plant that produces high volume products operates continuously. Some industrial equipment cannot be operated intermittently. For example, if the production involves liquid substances that solidify during breaks, after which the equipment must be cleaned. In such cases, it is very important that the technological scheme takes into account force majeure situations and regulates the ways to solve them without stopping the equipment.
  3. Combined type schemes.
    Mixed schemes provide a technological process that combines continuous and intermittent stages. Such models are quite common as they are more versatile. On their basis, you can produce products different types, as well as in industries that depend on the level of orders and seasonality. When continuous production is necessary at a certain time, and the rest is a limitation of volumes.

The choice of a technological scheme is the most important stage in preparation for the launch of production or the release of a new product. The efficiency of the future production process directly depends on the quality of preparation and calculations during the development of the scheme.

Depending on the amount of accounting information, schemes are divided into two types:

  • full;
  • principled.

The complete one includes a graphic representation of the production process, a description of processes, equipment and devices, automatic processes, safety and protection devices, energy supply, supply and storage of raw materials, as well as finished products... It is ideal for learning a complete process and setting up a production process. But it is not suitable for initial acquaintance, as it contains a huge amount of information, which is impossible to quickly study.

The principal variant is much easier to work with, it is great for initial acquaintance and contains the following information:

  1. The sequence of production operations - clearly regulates the sequence of actions performed (for example, painting, drying, heating, cooling, chemical processes, and others).
  2. Necessary equipment for production (devices, conveyors, heating vats, refrigeration equipment, mixers, compressors, pumps, filtration equipment, lifts and others).
  3. The norms of the technological regime of production sites (electrical voltage, pressure, temperature, and others).
  4. Methods of exploiting raw materials, blanks and other additional components, obtaining finished products, recycling waste and by-products.

The schematic diagram should be provided to the safety engineer so that he develops an evacuation plan, placement of exits and personal protective equipment.

The principle should be based on the following principles:

  • several production lines of the same type can be described using one example;
  • also operations of the same type do not need to be described separately;
  • backup equipment does not need to be added;
  • waste disposal and recycling processes can be described briefly;
  • no need to add a description of the test equipment;
  • object protection devices are not described, since they are developed on the basis of the technological scheme.

The general technological scheme of production allows you to have an idea of ​​the future of the enterprise, the system of fire and labor safety, to determine the shortcomings and ways of optimization.

Compilation principles

The technological scheme should be drawn up in strict sequence and in accordance with the basic principles. It should include methods and methods of production, rules for performing technological processes, working conditions, a clear order and sequence of stages. If the production is complex and voluminous, an individual project can be developed for each separate stage.

Most often, the whole process is a complex structure in the form of a drawing. It consists of blocks representing operations and vectors connecting them.

Vectors in this case indicate the movement of the product. The main design task is that the vectors should be directed in one direction, if there is a translational-return movement of the product between the blocks, this complicates the perception of information. Everything should be clearly understandable and structured, reading the diagram, the engineer must understand all the processes, from the beginning of the receipt of raw materials to the storage of the finished product.

Block diagrams are often supplemented with alphanumeric data indicating the type of equipment. Operations can be expressed as triangles, circles, rectangles, and other geometric shapes. This greatly simplifies the reading process, and makes it smaller and more concise.

A typical process flow diagram usually contains a list of the following steps:

  1. The stage of receiving the main raw materials, blanks, finished elements and additional components, location in warehouses with a description of the loading process.
  2. Primary processing of raw materials or blanks.
  3. The main stage of production, involving the manufacture of key parts, components or assemblies of the finished product.
  4. The stage of assembling and completing the goods, providing for the connection of previously received components and assemblies.
  5. Packaging of the finished product.
  6. Shipment of goods to a warehouse for storage or delivery to customers.

Of course, the development of a basic hardware and technological scheme can differ significantly depending on the type of product being manufactured. In some cases, it can span several sheets, and in some, more than a hundred pages.

Fortunately, in our time, it is not necessary to draw up diagrams by hand; there is a certain set of computer programs that can simplify and speed up the process of project execution. These programs include CADE, Concept Draw Pro, and Diagram Designer. They have certain templates, based on which you can create your own project. The available functionality simplifies the process of creating diagrams, diagrams and graphs by entering the initial data.

Regardless of the type and method of development, the technological scheme should be in every enterprise, so in the absence of it, it will not be possible to establish an effective production process.

It is very important to constantly improve the primary design based on the information received during the production process.

If the project is being developed for a new enterprise, it should be expanded to include several additional sections regulating the following operations:

  1. Premises preparation.
    If you plan to build a new building, you should calculate the minimum possible area of ​​the production department and warehouses. If the operation of the finished premises is planned, the production lines should be located compactly, in accordance with design features buildings, as well as not interfere with the free movement of goods and workers. Fire safety must be considered.
  2. Equipment preparation.
    The equipment is selected depending on the volume, characteristics of the room and volume capital investments... Preference is given to compact models that allow you to perform the same amount of work as larger counterparts. In this case, all the elements of the line must be fully combined and work as a set. If possible, the installation of automated systems is designed.
  3. Staff training.
    The personnel of the enterprise must have the necessary qualifications, if necessary, undergo additional training or instruction in the operation of the equipment. It is important that employees comply with safety and labor discipline rules, and also fully understand and understand the technological scheme of manufacturing their product. It is important to establish a vertical of management, information should be quickly transmitted from executors to management, and in the opposite direction - orders and decrees.

If the technological scheme is designed in compliance with necessary requirements, the production facility responds to it, and the employees clearly understand their responsibilities, the efficiency of the production of goods will be at a high level.

The choice of the technological scheme for the production of work depends on the purpose of the repair, category road, pavement construction, its condition.

The technological scheme is developed by the contractor on the basis of the project, the equipment available to him and the selected type of AGB mixture.

Figure 6.2 shows work schemes in which the milling operation is separated from the rest of the operations.

Figure 6.2 Technological schemes of cold regeneration using a mixer-stacker as a leading machine:

1 - skating rink; 2 - mixer-stacker; 3 - cutter; 4 - pick-up; 5 - AG roller; 6 - dump truck; 7 - AG warehouse.

After leveling the pavement with the help of a road milling machine (hereinafter referred to as milling cutters), a package of asphalt-concrete layers is re-milled to the design depth. The generated AG, through the conveyor on the mill, enters the receiving hopper of the mixer-stacker. From there it enters a horizontal twin-shaft mixer where it mixes with the organic binder. The finished mixture is laid and compacted.

According to the scheme (Fig. 6.2, a), the cutter works in conjunction with the mixer-stacker, which is the leading machine. The capacity of the mixer-stacker is 80-150 t / h, which corresponds to a working speed of 2-3 m / min. The thickness of the layer to be laid is up to 12 cm. Since the working speed of the cutter is 7-10 m / min, it is obvious that its productivity will be artificially lowered at least three times.

The paver mixer has two sliding extensions, which allows the paving width to be varied from 2.4 to 4.2 m. It follows that the minimum milling width should be 2.4 m.

The disadvantage of this circuit is that in the event of a malfunction or maintenance one of the machines stops the entire flow.

According to the scheme (Figure 6.2, b), the cutter leaves the AG on the roadway in the form of a prism. It is picked up by a trailed or self-propelled pick-up, working in conjunction with a mixer-stacker, and sent to the receiving hopper of the latter. Here, the performance of the cutter is independent of the performance of the lead machine.

Regenerative milling can be combined with leveling (Figure 6.2, c). In this case, the milling cutter works in the same link with dump trucks, which deliver the bulk of the AG to the mixer-stacker, and the excess AG to another facility or warehouse.

It is also possible that the work of the cutter is not linked to the work of the mixer-stacker. AG is stored in near-track warehouses, from where it is loaded by a loader into dump trucks and sent to a mixer-stacker.

The cheapest and most technologically advanced option is the second.

The mixer-stacker is adapted primarily for working with mixtures of type E. It has a capacity for storing 10 tons of emulsion and a dosing device.

If it is necessary to increase the content of crushed stone in the AGB-mixture or adjust its granulometric composition new material spread in an even layer of the required thickness over the coating before or after regeneration milling.

Figure 6.3 shows a process flow diagram using a remixer freed from gas equipment for heating the coating as a mixer-stacker. Here, the regeneration milling operation is also separated from the rest of the operations.

After the cutter passes, the motor grader profiles the AG prisms in an even layer over the entire width of the regenerated strip.

The mixer-stacker (hereinafter referred to as the regenerator) allows the preparation of mixtures of types E, M and K. A special machine equipped with silo cans for storing emulsion, cement and water (Fig. 6.3, a) works with it. The material for adjusting the particle size distribution of the AGB mixture can be discharged directly into the receiving hopper of the regenerator.

A pick-up is not required to supply AG to the mixer. This operation is performed by special augers.

The width of the paving can be varied from 3.5 to 4.5 m, which, as in the case of the mixer-stacker, makes it easier to perform multiple passes across the width of the pavement.

The thickness of the layer to be laid is up to 30 cm; working speed - up to 16 m / min; productivity - about 300 t / h.

The regenerator has tanks for storing emulsion, cement and water, which are replenished from a car with silo cans.

Figure 6.3. XP technological schemes using a regenerator as a leading machine:

1 - skating rink; 2 - regenerator; 3 - machine with silos for the main components of the mixture;

4 - motor grader; 5 - cutter; 6 - emulsifier; 7 - suspender

The dosage of the components is controlled by microprocessors.

V recent times the technology that provides for the addition of cement and water in mixtures of types M and K in the form of cement paste (suspension) is becoming more and more widespread. There is a corresponding device for its preparation on the regenerator. A special machine is also used - a suspender. Figure 6.3, b shows an XP scheme with the preparation of a K-type mixture with the addition of a suspension.

A machine was also created that combines the operations of regenerative milling with the preparation and placement of the AGB mixture. This machine works in conjunction with a special dosing machine equipped with silos for emulsion, cement and water. It also allows you to prepare mixtures of types E, M and K.

Later, it was considered more appropriate to separate the milling function by giving it to the milling cutter, and thus lighten the main machine.

The technological scheme, providing for the combination of all basic operations with one machine, is shown in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.4. XP technological scheme using a regenerative cutter as a leading machine and producing a mixture of type E:

1 - skating rink; 2 - regenerator cutter; 3 - emulsion carrier

Here, a caterpillar-type regenerative cutter is used as the leading machine.

Mixing of AG with additives is carried out under the casing of the milling drum, and for laying the AGB mixture there is an attachment similar to that installed on conventional asphalt pavers.

This machine is equipped with an emulsion truck - a tanker truck for transporting, storing and supplying an emulsion (when a mixture of type E is prepared) and / or a suspender (when a mixture of types K or M is prepared).

Previously, cement was spread over the coating before milling with a special cement distributor truck, but this operation turned out to be inconvenient due to the dust content of the cement. The use of cement paste eliminated the noted drawback.

The addition of new mineral material (if necessary) is carried out as described above.

The width of the milled strip is 2 m, but in a special version it can be increased to 2.5 m.The milling depth reaches 30 cm.

The working speed of the machine significantly depends on the milling depth and averages 5-7 m / min.

The regenerator has dispensers for water and emulsion. A special pressure device prevents the formation of large pieces of asphalt concrete during the milling process. The vibrating rammer working body allows to achieve a high degree of pre-compaction of the mixture.

The quality of mixing the mixture with this machine is lower than when using the machines described above, since the latter are equipped with special twin-shaft mixers, and here mixing is carried out by a milling working body without homogenizing the mixture in the transverse direction.

Figure 6.5 shows the technological diagrams using a wheel-mounted milling cutter-soil mixer (hereinafter referred to as a stabilizer) as a leading machine. This machine is much simpler than those mentioned above, although it combines the basic operations.

As a rule, the stabilizer operates in a two-pass scheme. First, he mills the pavement to a given depth, and the motor grader levels the AG prisms (Figure 6.5, a). Then he also mixes the AG with additives during the second pass.

The dosage of bitumen, emulsion and water is carried out by pumps controlled by microprocessors, and cement paste - by a suspension pump. Mixing of AG with additives takes place under the milling drum casing. The height-adjustable stripping blade behind the milling drum improves mixing quality.

The width of the strip to be milled is 2.44 m, and the milling depth reaches 50 cm. The average working speed during milling (first pass) is 7-15 m / min, and when mixing (second pass) - 10-20 m / min.

Depending on the type of AGB-mixture, the stabilizer works in conjunction with auxiliary machines (Figure 6.5, b-e).

Unlike a regenerative cutter, this machine does not have special equipment for distributing, smoothing and pre-compacting the mixture. The mixture will level the motor grader. Hence, the evenness of the layer and compliance with the given transverse profile will be lower than according to the previous schemes.

The stabilizer is used as the lead vehicle for XP, usually on secondary roads.

All of the above technological schemes are united by the fact that the AGB mixture is prepared directly on the road during the movement of the construction stream. However, a scheme is possible in which the AG, obtained in the milling process, is stored near the road. In the same place, on a semi-stationary mixing plant, a mixture is prepared, which is transported to the place of laying.

Figure 6.5. XP technological schemes using a stabilizer as a leading machine:

a - preliminary milling of the coating; b, c, d, e - production of mixtures of types: E, M, V, K, respectively;

1 - motor grader; 2 - stabilizer; 3 - skating rink; 4 - emulsifier; 5 - water carrier; 6 - cement distributor;

7 - bitumen carrier; 8 - suspender

To establish the technological sequence of work within the boundaries of the rational size of the seizures (sites) in order to reduce the construction time and eliminate downtime during the organization of continuous production, an organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility is being developed.

Repetitive spans, sections, floors, structural volumes along a certain group of axes, rows and elevations of the building are accepted as captures. The division of the building into grips is carried out taking into account the provision of the necessary stability and spatial rigidity of the supporting structures of the building in the conditions of their independent work within the capture. It is desirable that the boundaries of the seizures coincide with the structural division of the building with expansion and sedimentary joints.

The organizational and technological diagram shows the directions of development of private and specialized flows (Fig. 5.1). The development of flows depends on the space-planning and design solutions of the building, the types of work performed and the machines and mechanisms used.

B a) b) C

The main flow deployment schemes are: horizontal, vertical, inclined and mixed. The dimensions of the grips are set based on the planning, volumetric and structural solutions of the building and the development directions of the main processes for its construction. During the construction of a building, the flow development pattern may be different for the period of erection of the underground and aboveground parts of the building, depending on their design solutions and the complexity of the construction, and also differ from the period of finishing and special works. The predominant development scheme in multi-storey construction is horizontal-vertical, in single-storey construction it is horizontal.

Section 5.1 provides an accepted organizational and technological scheme for the construction of an object, reflecting all periods of construction and gives a brief justification, taking into account the structural scheme of the building, its geometric dimensions, technological features of the work, safety and labor protection conditions.

Work methods

The section makes a choice of methods of work, justification of the use of mechanisms and machines for the object. When choosing assembly cranes, it is necessary to justify the definition of the type of crane, develop a scheme for determining the installation characteristics of the crane (the scheme is included in the explanatory note of this section) and provide the technical parameters of the crane. The choice of the nomenclature of tools, inventory and devices for performing all types of construction and installation work and technological processes is given in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 - Nomenclature of tools, inventory and accessories

to carry out construction and installation work

The selected nomenclature of construction machines and mechanisms is entered into the identification card of works and resources network graphics(table 5.5, columns 10.11) and is reflected in the graph of the movement of the main construction machines on the object in the graphic part of the project (Appendix 23). A Builder's Handbook is recommended as a reference.

The same section describes the technological methods of performing work in stages, in the order of the sequence of their implementation during the construction of the facility as a whole. The description indicates the numerical composition of the brigades (units) of worker-executors and the patterns of movement of specialized flows, adopted in subsection 5.1.

Based on the results of the calculations and the decisions made in the design of the object construction plan, the second sheet of the course project is formed, including a drawing on a scale that allows you to occupy 30 - 40% of an A1 sheet, the symbols used, the explication of permanent and temporary buildings and graphs of the necessary labor, material and technical resources , as well as technical and economic

sky indicators for the project as a whole and the project for the production of works. As an example, sheets with a construction plan for the construction of a multi-storey residential building with the use of a tower crane on an unrestricted site for the production of work and the placement of construction facilities (Appendix 24) and the construction of a single-storey multi-span industrial building with the organization of the movement of a self-propelled assembly crane inside the building were considered (Appendix 25).

Network work and resource table

Based on the calculated amount of work, the adopted organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility, the accepted methods of production of work, a table of works and resources of the network schedule is compiled.

This table is called the identifier card, and it is generally a raw data table. The identifier card represents the characteristics of the network model works, summarized in the form of Table 5.5. The network construction model includes all work in stages:

A. Preparatory period.

B. Underground part (zero cycle).

B. Aboveground part.

The performance of these works is necessary for the commissioning of the object, regardless of the nature of these works and the departmental affiliation of their performers. The granularity of the network model is chosen as a reasonable compromise between the desire for a more accurate and realistic work plan and the undesirability of complicating the model.

In the table of initial data developed as part of the PPR, the nomenclature of works is detailed taking into account the specialization of construction departments, the organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the building and the regulatory framework.

All works of the network schedule with identical wording must be included in the table of initial data. If the wording of the work corresponds to the wording of the normative sources, the characteristics of the work are determined by direct rationing. For complex works (complexes), rationing is carried out by calculating or using standard calculations and technological maps.

The costs of labor and machine time for the performance of work or their complexes are determined according to the "Collections of territorial unit rates in the Krasnodar Territory (TER 81-02-2001) "or the ENiR collections. The ENiR collections, as well as the estimates for the performance of certain types of work, are used in cases where information is required, in addition to the TEP collections. Recommended nomenclature of works, their units of measurement and links to regulatory sources are given in Appendix 1.

Before the development of the table of initial data, the executing organizations, the nature of the work they perform, specialization, the professional and quantitative composition of the teams of workers, the output achieved in the teams, and the equipment with the main machines and mechanisms are specified.

The following features of the calculation are noted when filling out the table of initial data (see Table 5.5):

─ when performing mechanized processes, when the organization and pace of work are determined by the leading machine;

─ when performing non-mechanized processes, when the organization and pace of work are determined by a team of workers.

Each of the listed features of the calculation of the table is considered on the example of the production of work on one section of a one-story industrial building with dimensions in the plan of 72.0 x 66.0 m.

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