
Specification of technological equipment GOST. Specification of equipment according to GOST. Execution of the Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials

  • 1. Developed by a state-owned enterprise in the construction of methodology, rationing and standardization in the construction (GP central nervous system), the State Project and Design Institute of Project-MontajetAtomatics and the State Project, Design and Research Institute of Santekhniyproekt.

    Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  • 2. Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction April 19, 1995.
  • 3. Entered into force on June 1, 1995. As a state standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 05.06.95 ¹ 18-55
  • 4. Instead of GOST 21.109-80, GOST 21.110-82 and GOST 21.111-84


This standard establishes the requirements for the performance of the equipment, product and materials to the main sets of workers' drawings of buildings and structures of various purposes.

2. Regulatory references

3. Definitions

This standard use the following term. Specification of equipment, products and materials - Text project document that determines the composition of the equipment, products and materials intended for the acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction.

4. Implementation of the Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials

  • 4.1. The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) make up in form 1 to all major sets of work drawings (except for the main sets of work drawings of building structures).
  • 4.2. The specification includes all equipment, products and materials provided by working drawings of the corresponding main kit.
  • 4.3. The specification, as a rule, is divided into sections (subsections), the composition of which, and the recording sequence, the equipment, products and materials are set by the relevant SPDS standards.
    The name of each section (subsection) is written as a header in column 2 and emphasize.
  • 4.4. The specification does not include individual types of products and materials, the nomenclature and the number of which determines the construction and installation organization, based on existing technological and production standards.
  • 4.5 in the specification indicate:
    • in column 1 - the positional designations of the equipment, the products provided for by working drawings of the corresponding main kit;
    • in column 2 - the name of equipment, products, material, their technical characteristics in accordance with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and other technical documentation, as well as other necessary information. When writing the material indicate its conditional designation established in the standard or other regulatory document;
    • in column 3 - type, equipment brand, products, standard designation, technical conditions or other document, as well as the designation of the questionnaire;
    • in column 4 - the code of equipment, products, material according to the classify-car product;
    • in column 5 - the name of the equipment factory (for imported equipment - the country, the company);
    • in column 6 - the designation unit of measurement;
    • in column 7 - the number of equipment, products, materials;
    • in column 8 - a mass unit of equipment, products in kilograms-max. It is allowed for heavy equipment to indicate a mass in tons. For equipment (weighing up to 25 kg), which does not require the use of lifting vehicles when installing, the graph is allowed not to fill out;
    • in column 9 - additional information.
  • 4.6. In the specification, when recording equipment and individual manufacturers, graphs 4 and 5 are not filled, and in column 8 indicate the approximate mass of the unit of equipment.
  • 4.7. The specification of equipment, products and materials is issued as an independent document, which is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding basic set of working drawings according to GOST 21.101 and, through the point, cipher S.

    Example - 2345 - 11 - TX, 2345 - 11 - Ovs, 2345 - 11 - - ATH.S.

  • 4.8. The first sheet of the specification is the title page performed in shape 2.
    The title page is allowed not to perform. In this case, on the first sheet of the specification, instead of the main inscription in form 5, the main inscription in form 3 GOST 21.101 is performed.
  • 4.9. The specification of equipment, products and materials includes a statement of reference and accompanying documents (form 2 GOST 21.101), in the "Accellenged Documents" section and are issued to the Customer in the amount established for the work drawings.

Good day! I present to your attention specification of equipment, products and materials Made in the AUTOCAD program in DWG format. This specification is made in accordance with the form 1 - GOST 21.110-2013 (valid). This GOST is adopted in all CIS countries except Ukraine.

In detail to paint, how to fill out the specification, for which sets of work drawings need to be specified, etc. I do not see the need, all the necessary information, you will find in GOSTs that you can find in the provided archive. The purpose of this article is to provide prepared forms of specifications for use.

Ukraine has a regulatory document DSTU B A.2.4-10-95 (GOST 21.110-95). This GOST replaces: GOST 21.109-80, GOST 21.110-82, GOST 21.111-84. In accordance with Form 1, the equipment specification must be performed.

As we see the cardinal differences are not too much. Not much changed the size of the graph and the name. I draw your attention to that the GOST data allows to modify the form of the specification, resize, add additional graphs (except the size of the Count of the main inscription and additional graph to it) in accordance with the standards of the enterprise.

The archive contains the gases given, as well as specifications, Made according to these Ghosts in DWG format.

Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification



Interstate Standard 21.110


System of design documents for construction

Specification of equipment, products and materials

Official edition

Standard form

GOST 21.110-2013


The goals, the basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. The basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate standards. Rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, applications, updates and cancellations. "

Information about standard

1 Developed by an open joint-stock company "Center for the Methodology of Regulation and Standardization in Construction" (OJSC "CNS")

2 Made by Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (MGS) (Protocol on November 14, 2013 No. 44-2013)

Short name of the country in MK (ISO 3166) 004-87

Country code

on MK (ISO 3166) 004- 97

Abbreviated name of the State Management Authority



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard






4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 17, 2013 No. 2310-ST Interstate Standard GOST 21.001-2013 was introduced as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015 5 instead of GOST 21.110-95

Information about the changes to this standard is published by the E-annual information indicator "National Standards". And the text of the changes and amendments - in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet.

© Standinform. 2014.

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Amendment to GOST 21.110-2013 System of project documentation for construction. Specificity * Equipment, products and materials

(Jesv7 2015)


GOST 21.110-2013 Standard

Project documentation System for Construction Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials

System of D8513L Documents for Construction.


Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the form and general rules for the implementation of the Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials as part of working documentation for the construction of various appointments.

2 Regulatory reference

GOST 21.101-97 * System of project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for project and working documentation

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the action of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on the National Standards Annual Information Signal, which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information pointer "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and Definitions

8 This standard applies the following term with the appropriate definition:

3.1 Specification of equipment, products and materials: Text project document, which determines the composition of equipment, products and materials and intended for the acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction.

* GOST R 21.1101-2013 is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Official edition

GOST 21.110-2013

4 General requirements

4.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) make up in form 1 to all major sets of work drawings, except for the main sets of working drawings of constructive solutions (reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures).

If the main set of work drawings of one brand is divided into several sets of the same brand, the specification is to each of these sets.

It is allowed to modify the form of the specification, for example, to include additional graphs, change the size of the graph (except the size of the Count of the main inscription and additional graph to it), in accordance with the requirements established in the standards of organizations.

It is allowed not to print horizontal lines, distinguishing specification lines, and it is necessary to observe the interval of at least one discharge of the print between the texts of the adjacent lines.

4.2 The specification is performed on paper and / or as an electronic document.

Specification in the form of an electronic document in a substantial part of the debt to have everything

the data necessary for its output to the means of displaying information or on paper carrier in accordance with the requirements of the present standard.

4.3 The specification includes all equipment, materials and products provided by working drawings of the corresponding main kit.

4.4 If the production building (construction) provides for attached or embedded parts in which auxiliary premises are placed, the specification is in parts, for example:

Production part:

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building provides for attached or built-in units to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, the specification also complies with parts:

Residential part:

Auxiliary part.

4.5 The specification or part of it, as a rule, is partitioned and. If necessary. - Subsections. Within each section (subsection), equipment, products and materials are placed in groups, and within groups - in order of increasing their main parameters (for example: type, brand, diameter, cross sections, overall dimensions, etc.).

The specific composition of the sections and subsections of the specification and the sequence of equipment records in them, products and materials are established in the standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS) by types of construction and installation work.

The names of parts, sections and subsections are recorded in the column "Name and technical characteristic" in the form of a header, symmetric text, and underline. In this case, the section title and subsection must be separated from the text interval in one or two lines. The title is allowed not to emphasize.

4.5 8 The specification does not include certain types of products and materials, the nomenclature and the number of which determines the construction and installation organization, based on existing technological and production standards.

4.7 8 Specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positional designations of equipment and products provided by working drawings of the corresponding main kit:

In the column "Name and technical characteristics" - the names of equipment, products, materials, their technical characteristics in accordance with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and other technical documentation, as well as other necessary information. When writing the material indicate its conditional designation set in a standard or other regulatory document. Before the name of the equipment, products and materials indicate their sequence number of the record in the specification (usually within the section).

GOST 21.110-2013

6 specifications made by e electronic form, horizontal trait included in the designation of materials (rolled, pipes, etc.), allowed to be replaced by oblique line (/);

In the column "Type. Brand, designation of a document, questionnaire "- type. equipment brand, products, standard designation, technical conditions or other document, as well as the designation of the questionnaire *, if the order procedure involves the preparation of questionnaires;

In the Code "Product Code" - code of products (equipment, products, material) according to the Country Country Country Classifier - developer of working documentation **. If in standards, technical specifications, catalogs, etc., information on products are missing information on product codes, then this graph is not filled;

In the column "Supplier" - the name (address) of the manufacturer or supplier of equipment (for imported equipment - country, firm);

In the column "Ed. measurements "- designation unit of measurement;

In the column "count." - the number of equipment, products, materials;

In the column "Mass of 1 unit .. kg" - a mass unit of equipment, products in kilograms. It is allowed for heavy equipment to indicate a mass in tons. For equipment or product weighing up to 25 kg, not requiring the use of sub-vehicles, the graph is allowed not to fill;

In the "Note" column - additional information.

4.8 in the specification when recording equipment and products of individual manufacturer of the graph "Type. Brand, designation of a document, questionnaire "and" Product Code "is not filled, and in the column" Weight 1 unit .. kg "indicate the approximate mass of the unit of equipment.

4.9 When applying imported equipment, products and materials, they are recorded with those names and notation, which are contained in the accompanying technical documentation (delivery documents).

It is allowed to simultaneously indicate authentic designations and names in Russian

* The forms of questionnaires sets the equipment manufacturer or product.

** Product codes for the classifiers of products of other countries do not indicate.

4.10 Specifications of equipment, products and materials assign the designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding basic set of work drawings according to GOST 21.101 and through the cipher "CO".

Example - 2345-11 ~ Tx.ee\u003e, 2345-11-rs.o, 2345-11-ATH1.

4.11 The first sheet of the specification is the title list, performed in the form 15 * GOST 21.101 on the form of form a4.

The sheets of the specification are made by the main inscriptions:

Capital ** - in form 5 GOST 21.101;

Subsequent - in form 6 GOST 21.101.

The title page is allowed not to perform. In this case, the first sheet of the specification is drawn up the main inscription in form 3 GOST 21.101.

4.12 On the title page, the name of the specification leads to the name of the corresponding basic set of work drawings.

1 Specification of equipment, product and materials of architectural solutions.

2 Specification of equipment, products and materials of external water supply and sewerage networks.

The name of the document in the main inscription on the title (first) sheet is allowed to bring abbreviated: "Specification of equipment, products and materials".

4.13 The specification of equipment, products and materials is recorded in the "Accellenged Documents" section of the Lord of reference and the accompanying documents included in the general data on working drawings of the corresponding main kit.

* Shape 13 GOST R 21.1101-2013.

** For a text document performed with the title list and the main

inscriptions, the top is the next sheet after the title.

Form 1-Specification of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.110-2013

Name and technical typical

A type. Brand, designation "document polling sheet


Putting *

Mass 1 goes

Basic inscription in GOST 21.101

GOST 21.110-2013

UDC 658.516: 002: 69: 006.354 μS 01.100.30

Keywords: equipment specification, products and materials, rules of execution, working documentation, main set of work drawings, accompanying documents

Signed in print 04/01/2014. Format 60x847 ".

Hood. Pechs. l. 0.93. Circulation 31 copies. For k. 1360.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the Standard Developer


123995 Moscow. Grenade lane. 4.

The positional designation can be digital or alphanumeric.

GOST 21.110-95
Group Z01.

Interstate standard

System of design documents for construction
Rules for performing equipment specification,
Products and materials
System of Building Design Documents.
Rules of Developing Specifications for Equipment, Products and Materials

ISS 01.110
OKSTA 0021.

Date of introduction 1995-06-01


1 Developed by a state-owned enterprise - the Center for Methodology, Registration and Standardization in the Construction (GP Century), the State Project and Design Institute of ProjectMontazhavtomatika and the State Design, Design and Research Institute of Santekhniiproekt
Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Registration in construction on April 19, 1995
For the adoption of the standard voted:

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

Republic of Armenia

State Spiritchitectures of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Minarkhstroy Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

MinStroy Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Goscomarchitektroy Republic Uzbekistan

Gosstroy Ukraine

3 was put into effect by the decision of the Ministry of Construction of Russia from 05.06.95 N 18-55 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation from June 1, 1995
4 Instead of GOST 21.109-80, GOST 21.110-82 and GOST 21.111-84
5 reprint. July 2003.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the requirements for the performance of the equipment, products and materials to the main sets of workers' drawings of buildings and structures of various purposes.

2 Regulatory references

This standard used reference to GOST 21.101-93 * System of project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for project and working documentation.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. GOST R 21.1101-2009 is valid, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

3 Definitions

This standard use the following term.
Specification of equipment, products and materials - Text project document that determines the composition of the equipment, products and materials intended for the acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction.

4 Execution of the Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials

4.1 Specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) comprise in form 1 to all major sets of work drawings (except for the main sets of work drawings of building structures).

4.2 The specification includes all equipment, products and materials stipulated by working drawings of the corresponding main kit.

4.3 The specification, as a rule, is partitions (subsections), the composition of which and the sequence of recording equipment, products and materials are established by the relevant standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS).
The name of each section (subsection) is written as a header in column 2 and emphasize.

4.4 The specification does not include individual types of products and materials, the nomenclature and the number of which determines the construction and installation organization, based on the existing technological and production standards.

4.5 in the specification indicate:
- in column 1 - positional designations of equipment, products stipulated by working drawings of the corresponding main kit;
- In column 2 - the name of the equipment, products, material, their technical characteristics in accordance with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and other technical documentation, as well as other necessary information. When writing the material indicate its conditional designation established in the standard or other regulatory document;
- in column 3 - type, brand of equipment, products, designation of standard, technical conditions or other document, as well as the designation of the polling sheet;
- in column 4 - equipment equipment, products, material according to the classifier of products;
- in column 5 - the name of the plant - the manufacturer of equipment (for imported equipment - country, firm);
- in column 6 - the designation unit of measurement;
- in column 7 - the number of equipment, products, materials;
- In column 8 - a mass of the unit of equipment, products in kilograms. It is allowed for heavy equipment to indicate a mass in tons. For equipment (weighing up to 25 kg), which does not require the use of lifting vehicles when installing, the graph is allowed not to fill out;
- In column 9 - additional information.

4.6 in the specification, when recording equipment and products of individual manufacture, graphs 4 and 5 are not filled, and in column 8 indicate the approximate weight of the equipment unit.

4.7 The specification of equipment, products and materials is issued as an independent document to which the designation is assigned, consisting of the designation of the corresponding basic set of work drawings according to GOST 21.101 and, through the point, cipher C.
Example - 2345-11-Tx, 2345-11-rs, 2345-11-ATH.s.

4.8 The first sheet of the specification is the title page performed in form 2.
The title page is allowed not to perform. In this case, on the first sheet of the specification, instead of the main inscription in form 5, the main inscription in form 3 GOST 21.101 is performed.

4.9 The specification of equipment, products and materials includes the statement of reference and accompanying documents (form 2 GOST 21.101), in the "Accellenged Documents" section and are issued to the Customer in the amount established for the work drawings.

Form 1.

Form 2.


* The name of the Ministry (departments) is allowed not to indicate.

Rosstandard. FA technical regulation and metrology
New National Standards: www.protect.gost.ru
FSUE Standinform Providing information from the BD "Products of Russia": www.gostinfo.ru
FA technical regulation System "Dangerous Goods": www.sinatra-gost.ru

p. 1.

p. 2.

p. 3.

page 4.

p. 5.

p. 6.

p. 7.

page 8.

page 9.


The goals, the basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate standards. Rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, applications, updates and cancellations. "

Information about standard

1 Developed by an open joint-stock company "Center for the Methodology of Regulation and Standardization in Construction" (OJSC "CNS")

2 Made by Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (MGS) (Protocol on November 14, 2013 No. 44-2013)

Short name of the country
on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code
on MK (ISO 3166) 004- 97

Abbreviated name of the organ
State construction management



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard






4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 17, 2013 No. 2310-ST Interstate Standard GOST 21.110-2013 was enacted as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015.

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet.

Interstate standard

System of design documents for construction

Specification of equipment, products and materials

System of Design Documents for Construction.

Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the form and general rules for the implementation of the Specification of Equipment, Products and Materials as part of working documentation for the construction of various appointments.

2 Regulatory reference

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the action of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on the National Standards Annual Information Signal, which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information pointer "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and Definitions

This standard applies the following term with the corresponding definition:

3.1 Specification of equipment, products and materials: Text project document that determines the composition of equipment, products and materials and intended for the recruitment, preparation and implementation of construction.

4 General requirements

4.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) make up in form 1 to all major sets of work drawings, except for the main sets of working drawings of constructive solutions (reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures).

If the main set of work drawings of one brand is divided into several sets of the same brand, the specification is to each of these sets.

It is allowed to modify the form of the specification, for example, to include additional graphs, change the size of the graph (except the size of the Count of the main inscription and additional graph to it), in accordance with the requirements established in the standards of organizations.

It is allowed not to print horizontal lines, distinguishing specification lines, and it is necessary to observe the interval of at least one discharge of the print between the texts of the adjacent lines.

4.2 The specification is performed on paper and / or as an electronic document.

The specification in the form of an electronic document in the substantive part should have all

the data required for its output to the means of displaying information or on paper media in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4.3 The specification includes all equipment, materials and products provided by working drawings of the corresponding main kit.

4.4 If the production building (construction) provides for attached or embedded parts in which auxiliary premises are placed, the specification is in parts, for example:

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building provides for attached or built-in units to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, the specification also consists in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

4.5 The specification or part of it, as a rule, is partitioned and, if necessary, subsections. Within each section (subsection), equipment, products and materials are placed in groups, and within groups - in order of increasing their main parameters (for example: type, brand, diameter, cross sections, overall dimensions, etc.).

The specific composition of the sections and subsections of the specification and the sequence of equipment records in them, products and materials are established in the standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS) by types of construction and installation work.

The names of parts, sections and subsections are recorded in the column "Name and technical characteristic" in the form of a header, symmetric text, and underline. In this case, the section title and subsection must be separated from the text interval in one or two lines. The title is allowed not to emphasize.

4.6 The specification does not include certain types of products and materials, the nomenclature and the number of which determines the construction and assembly organization, based on the existing technological and production standards.

4.7 in the specification indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positional notation * equipment and products provided by working drawings of the corresponding main kit;

* A positional designation can be digital or alphanumeric.

In the column "Name and technical characteristics" - the names of equipment, products, materials, their technical characteristics in accordance with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and other technical documentation, as well as other necessary information. When writing the material indicate its conditional designation set in a standard or other regulatory document. Before the name of the equipment, products and materials indicate their sequence number of the record in the specification (usually within the section).

In the specification made in electronic form, a horizontal trait included in the designation of materials (rolled, pipes, etc.) is allowed to be replaced by oblique line (/);

In the column "Type, brand, designation of a document interviewing sheet" - type, brand of equipment, products, standard designation, technical conditions or other document, as well as the designation of the questionnaire *, if the order procedure provides for the preparation of questionnaires;

* The forms of questionnaires sets the equipment manufacturer or product.

In the Code "Product Code" - code of products (equipment, products, material) according to the Country Country Country Classifier - developer of working documentation **. If in standards, technical specifications, catalogs, etc., information on products are missing information on product codes, then this graph is not filled;

** Product codes for the classifiers of products of other countries do not indicate.

In the column "Supplier" - the name (address) of the manufacturer or supplier of equipment (for imported equipment - country, firm);

In the column "Ed. measurements "- designation unit of measurement;

In the column "count." - the number of equipment, products, materials;

In the column "Weight 1, kg" - a lot of equipment unit, products in kilograms. It is allowed for heavy equipment to indicate a mass in tons. For equipment or product weighing up to 25 kg, which does not require the use of lifting vehicles during installation, the graph is not allowed;

In the Count "Note" - additional information.

4.8 In the specification when recording equipment and products of individual manufacturer of the graph "Type, brand, the designation of a document, questionnaire" and "Product Code" are not filled, and in the column "Weight 1, kg" indicate the approximate mass of the equipment unit.

4.9 When applying imported equipment, products and materials, they are recorded with those names and notation, which are contained in the accompanying technical documentation (delivery documents).

It is allowed to simultaneously indicate authentic designations and names in Russian.

4.10 Specifications of equipment, products and materials assign the designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding basic set of work drawings according to GOST 21.101 and through the cipher "CO".

Example - 2345-11-TX.SO, 2345-11-rs.o, 2345-11-atx1.

4.11 The first sheet of the specification is the title page performed in the form 15 * GOST 21.101 on the sheet of format A4.GOST 21.101.

4.12 On the title page, the name of the specification leads to the name of the corresponding basic set of work drawings.


1 Specification of equipment, products and materials of architectural solutions.

2 Specification of equipment, products and materials of external water supply and sewerage networks.

The name of the document in the main inscription on the title (first) sheet is allowed to bring abbreviated: "Specification of equipment, products and materials."

4.13 The specification of equipment, products and materials is recorded in the "Accellenged Documents" section of the Lord of reference and the accompanying documents included in the general data on working drawings of the corresponding main kit.

Form 1 - Specification of equipment, products and materials

Keywords: equipment specification, products and materials, rules of execution, working documentation, main set of work drawings, accompanying documents

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state