
1 with the theory. Basic information. General principles of work

Even if you have studied in advance other programming languages, for example, C ++, PHP, Java, it is worth remembering that 1C although in many ways, but still has many fundamental differences.

The most important thing in 1C is that it is not necessary to invent your types of objects. All of them are already in the configuration.

Set the 1c technological platform to your computer, and open a new or already existing database in the configurator. To begin with, you can use absolutely for learning programming.

In the left side of the window you will see a configuration object tree. These include documents, reference books, registers, business processes and much more.

The data is also stored in the DBMS, but the developer usually does not work directly with them. Using the technological platform, the programmer already appeals to the configuration objects or information base.

In 1C, as in many other programming languages, queries are often used. Similar to the t-SQL language. Inquiries can be written both in English and in Russian, in other matters, like the rest of the code.

It seems to be simple, but for the work "in the field" one knowledge of the programming language is most often not enough. The fact is that in most organizations using 1C, typical configurations are installed, and they need to know.

In terms of work for 1C programmers, there are two main branches: franchisees or work "on themselves" and work as a regular programmer of the IT department of any organization. This selection depends only on your preferences.

When working in the franchisee, on freelace or maintaining your own business, payment will be piecework. Works can be much and need to be laid out in full. The top plank for wages is not here, and you can earn an impressive amount of money.

If you decide to work on Freilance, or open your own business, you will not need to "share" your earnings with anyone (except for the state and freelance platform naturally). But in this case, the clients will need to search for yourself.

If you still decided to settle in the organization as a regular programmer, then you will do a little depend on the volume of work performed. In this case, there is some stability, but also a salary bar is limited.

Of course, these two ways can be combined, working as a regular programmer during the day and on the freelance in the evenings.

That is good at 1C programmers, so this is what you may not have a technical education (for example, you are an economist, accountant, etc.). To confirm your knowledge to customers or employer, you can provide your 1C certificates.

Certificates are there different speciesboth by platform (for programmers) and in type solutions. You can get them in 1C, passing the exam in the form of a test or practical task.

Books on 1s

It is best to learn 1C according to books that were published by 1C. So to speak, from the original source. Some of them come with typical configurations. You can also buy separate books.

The book "1C: Programming for beginners" is intended for people who are far from programming, but those who want to learn how to create their own solutions for 1C 8.3 from the zero.

"Hello, 1C" shows the simplest, the main possibilities of developing applied solutions in the 1C system: Enterprise 8.

In the "101 Council" describes various ways to solve some of the same tasks.

Practical Developer's Guide 1C Enterprise 8.3 is a very detailed manual describing developing techniques with simple and understandable examples. This book is one of the best for the study of 1C programming.

This manual describes the language of requests from scratch for those who are not familiar with SQL.

On the this moment The most promising program for study is 1C ERP 2.0 (It can be said that ERP \u003d "good old" UPP + financial and management block + CRM relationships with clients + mes dispatch system).

1C ERP 2.0 organically includes 1C capabilities: Trade Management 11, 1C: Accounting 3.0, 1C: wages and personnel management 3.0.

That is, able to work in 1C ERP, you will at the same way and all of the above programs and much more.

We offer you individual training (as the most effective method) According to the following program:

"Basic course ERP" - functionality of all subsystems

20 000 r. (5 days 2 hours)
  • All settings of reference books and data access
  • Procurement Planning Depending on Nomenclature
  • Price setup, automatic discount conditions
  • Maintain management directory of customers and transactions
  • Retail, workplace Cashira
  • Warehouse accounting for storage and feeding cells
  • Distribution of goods delivered by machines
  • Configuring Interfirm Sales (Intercamepani)
  • Production
  • Planning and repairing own equipment
  • Personnel accounting and calculation wages by developing
  • Payment schedules and calculation of interest for financial organizations
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting under IFRS
  • Accounting and reporting
  • Financial planning (budgeting)
  • Management Balance
  • Exclusion of management costs from Buk / Accounting and vice versa
  • View reporting on phones and tablets

"Specialized ERP courses"

  • Management Accounting - 20 000 r. (5 days 2 hours)

    All documentary operations are being studied, and it is shown in which articles of the management balance are collected for each area of \u200b\u200boperational accounting. Also studied the distribution of income / expenses in areas of activity, ways to distribute additional costs for the cost and future periods.

  • Production in ERP - 20 000 r. (5 days 2 hours)

    The course is being studied by the regulatory system, specifications, route maps, Work centers and their availability, dispatching production at the intercession level and the level of the local dispatcher, operational planning and BBV, calculation of the cost of products and cost distribution. In the Repair section, the standards of technical standards are recorded, the effect of repairs on the availability of working centers is monitored, the declared defects are eliminated through their forces or a third-party organization.

  • IFRS - 20 000 r. (5 days 2 hours)

    An account of the billing plan is being studied, setting the rules of transformation of wiring and parallel accounting documents.


In the case of the acquisition of the program 1C ERP 2.0 and further maintaining this software in our company - ALL The cost of learning is returned.

Well, now about other forms of learning.
The information shown below will help novice users and programmers 1C to navigate and make the first steps in the study of the 1C system.

All wishing to learn 1C can be divided into 4 groups:

Briefly describe these groups and tasks for each of them:


  • Studying a typical solution (configuration 1C)
  • Application of a typical solution in real work

Beginners Programmers 1C.

  • Study of the structure 1C.
  • Learning the 1C programming language
  • Configuring standard 1c solutions.

Beginners Specialists Implementation Consultants

  • Study of typical solutions (configurations) 1C
  • Studying methods for implementing typical solutions 1C

Beginner Administrators 1C.

  • Study of the structure 1C.
  • Acquaintance with typical solutions
  • Study of administration methods

How fast, efficiently and, most importantly, cheap to learn and become a professional?

Our company has developed a sequential course for each of the listed groups. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

1. Users

First step - Installing 1C to your personal computer. We recommend installing basic versions of programs - they are the cheapest, and despite this, almost fully fully featured, despite some restrictions.

We recommend using these benefits at the initial stage, and not the user manual 1c. We recommend using the user's manual later, after studying systems. The 1C documentation is designed for owning a program at an advanced user level.

Good tutorial on 1C Accounting 8:

Another good textbook on 1C Accounting 8: 1C: Accounting 8 as on the palm. 2 edition >> .

There are also good video courses 1C:
Trade Management 8 \u003e\u003e
Platform 8 \u003e\u003e

The next step - passing distance learning On the server 1c http://edu.1c.ru/dist/edu/

Remote courses are calculated for 1 month. The endormorm formulation is carried out mainly independently, but the user can use the prompt system or seek help to the teacher. Communication between the trainee and the teacher is carried out by e-mail.

Training is conducted on the basis of through example, i.e. The student step by step independently studies the materials of the course. The materials of the course are divided by chapters. The composition of each chapter includes theoretical material, practical tasks, aid system and a system of referees, which consists of tests similar to 1C tests: professional.

Final stage of learning, the final fastening of the material is the passage of full-time courses in the training center number 1 in the company 1C or the passage of individual training with the coach.

Basic courses on 1C standard solutions and courses for 1C accountants:

After passing the course, you need to pass the test 1c professional for the knowledge of the platform 8.

The next step - Study of typical solutions of the company 1C (Accounting 8, Trade Management, Salary and Personnel Management, Retail 8, Simplified 8) See above Description of courses for the user. After passing the user courses for typical solutions, it is necessary to continue learning 1C 8 on specialized courses in the training centers of the company 1C on configuring typical solutions:

Accounting 8:

Courses on 1C Trade Management 8:

Courses on 1C salary and personnel management 8:

perhaps the passage of one of the two courses

Obtaining 1C certificates: A specialist in the following direction appreciates the acquisition of qualifications sufficient to obtain highly paid and interesting work:

"1C: Specialist" on configuring trade solutions in the program "1C: Enterprise 8"
"1C: specialist" on configuring and implementing the accounting subsystem in applied solutions "1C: Enterprise 8"
"1C: specialist" on configuring subsystems for calculating salaries and personnel management in applied solutions "1C: Enterprise 8".

3. Specialists-Consultants for the implementation of Model Solutions 1C

Consisted specialists - specialty no less deficient than 1C programmers. For professional skills in this area, it is necessary passage courses in the graduate center 1C, exams passage and the existence of a successful implementation of a typical solution.

With the list of books you can see the link \u003e\u003e
The next step - The passage of distance learning on the server 1c http://edu.1c.ru/dist/edu/

After passing the user courses for typical solutions, it is necessary to undergo specialized courses in 1c training centers for the implementation of typical solutions.

Courses 1C Enterprise:

After passing courses, it is advisable to certify in the company 1C in the following directions

"1C: Specialist-Consultant" For the introduction of an applied solution "1C: Accounting 8"
"1C: Specialist Consultant" On Implementation of Applied Solution "1C: Trade Management 8"
"1C: Specialist Consultant" On Implementing Application Solution "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8"

4. Administrators 1C.

Administer 1C implies execution of planned work on system support, as well as execution technical support Users system.

Not required, although it is desirable to know typical solutions in the user's scope (see). It is necessary to undergo training in the following courses in the 7C training center N 1:

Wishers can serve the Internet course "Acquaintance with platform 8" and pass 1C testing: a platform professional 8.

"1C: Enterpriseeight" - This is a program system (platform), which is designed to solve a wide range of tasks to automate enterprises of different profile http://v8.1c.ru/overview/platform.htm.

System of programs "1C: Enterprise 8" includes platform and applied solutionsdeveloped on its basis to automate the activities of organizations and individuals. The platform itself is not a software product for use by end users who usually work with one of the many applied solutions (configurations) developed on this platform. This approach allows you to automate various activities using a single technological platform.

The basis of the concept of the system "1C: Enterprise" is a concept configuration.

Configuration in System 1C: The company is a set of interconnected components:

Accounting data structures, forms of their input, selection, printing;

The composition of the mechanisms for taking out the final data and the movements of credentials;

Composition of various reports and treatments;

Set user interfaces;

Set of roles (access rights);

Set common procedures and functions (global module and general modules), layouts of tabular documents, etc.;

Auxiliary objects: Custom interface sets, sets of rights, as well as various auxiliary information (pictures, patterns, styles, etc.).

In fact, the configuration structure is a model of the subject area. Today released several circulation applied solutions (configurations) designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks in commercial enterprises of the real sector and budget organizations. Each software product combines the use of standard solutions (common to all or several programs) and maximizing the specifics of the task of a particular industry or the kind of activity of the enterprise.

Main grade solutions "1C: Enterprise 8":

- 1C: Company Accounting 8;

- 1C: Trade Management 8;

- 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.

The configuration is usually shipped by the company "1C" as standard for a specific application, but it can be changed, supplemented by the user of the system, and also developed.

In the delivery of software products of the program "1C: Enterprise 8" software, type configurations are included. They are universal applied solutions to automate the specific area of \u200b\u200bthe economy.

Configurations using the capabilities of one functional component are intended to automate individual enterprises' activities, for example, accounting, trade accounting or payroll. Configurations using the capabilities of several components provide comprehensive automation of various directions of accounting in a single information base.

A feature of the program "1C: Enterprise 8" is the ability to change the configuration by the user by the user or organizations specializing in the implementation and support of 1C software products. This feature allows you to maximize the compliance of the automated system of accounting features in a particular organization.

In addition to typical configurations supplied with the program, there are additional configurations supplied by 1C separately, as well as configurations developed by other firms and configurations developed directly for specific organizations.

Different versions of the products of the program "1C: Enterprise 8" can be used in organizations with various amounts of information, various number of automated system users and various intensity of users http://v8.1c.ru/overview/.

Single-user versions Programs provide work with the information database of only one user (at one point in time). Single-user versions are used mainly in small enterprises (for the complete characteristics of the program and program configurations of 1c programs, see the video "System of Programs 1C", or by following the link http://v8.1c.ru/hrm/demo/00.html).

Network version Allow to work with one information base at the same time multiple users. Network versions are used when it is necessary that several employees work with the automated system. There are versions that allow the operation of a limited number of users, and without limiting the number of users.

Versions for SQL Provides the ability to work with the information base in the client-server mode. This allows you to provide greater stability and reliability of the system functioning, as well as increases the performance of the system, especially when working a large number of users.

Basic versions System programs "1C: Enterprise 8" are designed to work one user and, unlike other versions, do not include means to change the configuration. They are used to keep a fairly simple metering that does not require configuration on the specifics of a particular organization.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management8" is produced in two versions: basic and professional (prof).

Basic version has a number of restrictions:

    accounting is not supported on several firms in one information base; At the same time, you can keep records of several organizations in separate information bases on one computer;

    simultaneously with one information database, only one user can work;

    the configuration change is not supported, you can only apply a typical configuration and install it updates;

    the work is not supported in the client-server version;

    the work of distributed information bases is not supported;

    the COM connection and the Automation server is not supported.

If the organization has the need to conduct a multi-minute accounting in a single information base, simultaneous operation of several users, or other tasks will appear that are not solved within the framework of the basic version restrictions, the organization will be able to switch to the program "1C: personnel management and payroll 8" version professional Without loss of data entered.

Components of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3

In the 1C system: the company can be distinguished by two key components:

  • technological platform;
  • applied solutions that are created using the technological platform and concern the automation of various sections of activity.

In the technological platform, two components are distinguished:

  • medium of execution;
  • development environment.

The execution environment supports 1C mode: an enterprise, and the development environment opens to the user when the system is started in the configurator mode. In the development environment, metadata technology is used, which are the structure of objects describing a specific applied solution. The execution environment processes (reproduces) metadata. Here you can spend some kind of analogy with any system executing program code.

When working with metadata, visual development tools are available. In this case, the programmer does not need to write the software code independently to add a new object. All actions are performed by clicking mouse and installation. necessary parameters Using lists, switches and other controls. The result of these actions is automatically transformed by the system in the program code.

The work of the programmer in the development environment leads to the construction of a specific configuration. And such a configuration is processed (reproduced) in the execution environment (in 1C: Enterprise mode). As for the content of the configuration, it should be noted that the 1C platform: the company contains a fixed set of prototypes (templates) of configuration objects - these are the so-called basic configuration objects. For example, there are directory templates, a document, information register, report, etc. When in the development environment, a new configuration object creates, it inherits the prototype used when it is built. It is important to note that any configuration object for an application can be created only on the basis of one of the basic configuration objects.

Development tools in System 1C: Enterprise

In the 1C system: Enterprise 8.3 There are many different designers, here are some of them:

  • request designer;
  • constructor of registers;
  • print constructor;
  • designer forms of configuration objects.

Terms / Definitions / Concepts of the system 1C Enterprise 8.3

Directories There are lists (lists) of data that is very useful in situations when it is necessary to exclude ambiguous input of information. System 1C: Enterprise 8.3 allows you to create almost any number of reference books. At the same time, the structure of any reference book is created in the configurator mode, and it is filled with data in 1C mode: Enterprise. In each line of the reference, there is always a field of code and the name field. If additional details are required, then they must be created in the configurator in the configuration object editing window.

Number of hierarchy levels in the directory You can limit what is made by installing the appropriate checkbox and select the required value in the counter number of hierarchy levels. If this flag is reset, then the maximum number of nesting levels of the reference book is not limited.

In general, the listings are static data lists. These lists are created at the design stage (in the configurator mode) and in the future are simply used without the possibility of their change or additions in 1C mode: Enterprise. The main purpose of transfer is to eliminate the ambiguity of the introduced
user information.

Documents relate to the most popular configuration objects. They are designed to record information about the events occurring in a division or in the organization as a whole. Based on the document, the developer creates its own configuration objects - documents of a specific applied direction. Objects designed in the configurator mode save all configuration properties document. After that, already having new configuration objects (for example, a receipt document), 1C platform: The company creates an information structure in the database, in which computer analogues of real documents will be stored. The functionality of the document differs from the functionality of all other objects of the information base. This difference is due to the fact that the document has the ability to hold. The fact of the document means that the event that it reflects has led to a change in the status of accounting.

Table parts - These are configuration objects that are subordinate to the main objects. We have already met when working with reference books. And in that, in this case, the tabular parts are subject to the main objects (directory or document).

Module - This is a container for the text of the programs in the embedded language. In the configuration there are a large number of modules that are located in various places. The programs contained in the module will be called the platform into predetermined points of operation of the 1C system: Enterprise.

In the tasks of accounting, there is practically no applied decision without the use of registers. In the information structure created by the system based on the configuration object, the accumulation register is automatically accumulated (receipt and shipment of goods, monetary transfers, etc.). The main purpose of the accumulation register is the accumulation of numerical information in the context of one or more measurements. These measurements are described by the developer in the configurator mode. For example, measurements may be the names of goods, warehouses, responsible persons, etc.

Measurements are also configuration objects, but they refer to the categories of subordinates.

Types of numerical information accumulated by the register are called resources. They are also subordinate objects and are described in the configurator mode. In our case, the accumulation register should ensure the accumulation of information on the number of our products as a result of their receipt and sale. Changing the state of the accumulation register occurs, as a rule, when conducting a document. In this case, one or more records are added to the register. Each entry contains measurement values, the values \u200b\u200bof resource increments, as well as a reference to a document that caused these changes. This reference to the document is called the registrar, and the set of records of the accumulation register formed as a result of the document is called the motion of the accumulation register.

Each motion of the accumulation register should always be complied with a specific registrar.

In addition, the accumulation register can store additional information describing each movement. Set of such for more information Determined by the developer using the propuls of the accumulation register.

Document movements - These are records in registers that are performed in the document process.

Accumulation registers There may be two types: registers of residues and revolutions registers. For registers of accumulation of residues System 1C: The company creates several virtual tables: the table of residues, turning table and the joint table of residues and revolutions. The circuit register differs from the residual register in that the system creates only one virtual table - turns. In addition, there is another moment that distinguishes current registers from residual. The residue register has a parameter of the movement. In this case, for each record to the accumulation register, it is necessary to establish one of the two values \u200b\u200bof this parameter - arrival or consumption. There is no such parameter for a revolving register.

Course of lectures for work in the program 1C: Enterprise

Developed by a teacher of Nechava I.V.

Item IVPD.


1. Introduction to the system 1C-Enterprise 7.7 4

1.1. About firm "1C" 4

1.2. About system1c: Enterprise 7.7 4

1.3. Principles of operation of the system "1C: Enterprise" 6

1.4. Preservation, Restore and Testing Information Bases 7

1.5. General principles of work 8

1.6. Accounting 9.

1.6.1.Analytical accounting 9

1.6.2. Quantitative account 9.

1.6.3 Currency accounting 9

2. Enter the source data 9

2.1. Constant setting 9.

2.2. Directories 9.

2.3. Installation of the working date 10

2.4. Removing objects 10.

2.5. Account plan 10.

2.6. Management of Accounting 11

3. Registration of economic operations 12

3.1. General 12

3.2. Correct wiring 12.

3.3. Journal of Operations 12.

3.4. View records in operations magazine 14

3.5. Inspection manual 14

3.6. Enter incoming residues 14

3.7. Documents and logs of documents 15

3.8. Automatic Input Mode with Documents 15

4. Analysis of economic activity 16

4.1. Reports 16.

4.2. Accrual and payout of wages 16


The basic level for studying this discipline is the informatics, the discipline of the general education cycle and special professional disciplines, which are fundamental in the study of this discipline.

The character of this manual suggests that students are familiar with the computer's operating system, which runs the 1C system: Enterprise (Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows NT), and own the basic skills of work in it. Students must be familiar with the following concepts and enjoy the appropriate skills:

    Using the Start menu to call programs;

    Acceptance of work with windows;

    Working with the menu;

    The use of control elements of dialogs;

    Standard dialogs;

    The concept of the Windows exchange buffer and working with it;

    Setting the operating system using the control panel.

1. Introduction to the system 1C-Enterprise 7.7

Accounting today is predominantly computer accounting. There are a lot of automated accounting systems, but the most common accounting programWhich currently, hundreds of thousands of organizations throughout Russia and in the CIS and Baltic countries are "1C: Accounting".

According to the results of independent studies of the accounting market, the knowledge of the program "1C" significantly increases the likelihood of rapid employment for an accountant. "1C" is a universal system for automation of accounting.

1.1. About firm "1C"

System programs 1. C: Enterprise Developed by company " 1C." "Firm" 1C " Specializes in distribution, support and development of computer programs and databases of business and home appointments. Founded in 1991, "1C" - a purely Russian firm with a state of more than 200 people, based exclusively on its own professional successes. According to numerous surveys, 1C ranks first in the Software Sector of the Russian Computer Industry and is distinguished by a record return from one employee "().

The key in the activities of the company 1C are two points.

    Industrial approach to developing, replicing, selling and supporting programs. Main Product of the company "1C" - System 1C: Enterprise 7.7 is the "designer" to create powerful enterprise automation programs with "small forces" .. It is clear that each industry has its own characteristics and cover all areas of 1c firm not in a state, therefore the development of industry decisions Her partners are engaged.

    Support on a wide affiliate network ( franchising) Provides high-quality and efficient maintenance of the mass consumer and high pace of development. Currently, the network has 2,200 franchisee franchise. Of these, about 200 are engaged in the development of their own configurations focused on industry decisions, such as trade, transport, tourism, services, etc.

Created a system of quality control system. Products developed by partners are tested and received the status "1C: Compatible!". The quality of specialists is confirmed by the presence of certificates that are issued after the commissioning exams. Exams are held both in the training centers of the company 1C and in major cities Special exit commissions. Information on the exams can be found on the site.

1.2. About system1c: Enterprise 7.7

To date, there are two main approaches to automation issues. The first is "Local" or "Patchwork" Automation. Its example is the automation of accounting, a warehouse and any other separately taken department.

Often it is not even about the entire division, but only about the automation of a particular area of \u200b\u200bwork, such as invalid the invoices in the warehouse or payroll or income tax In accounting.
The second approach to automation is comprehensive automation Financial and business activities of the enterprise. With this approach with a single database, managers, accounting, warehouse workers, store holders, personnel services and other units operate. Fully eliminating various divisions in the work, and the management gets the opportunity to promptly receive any information about the activities of the enterprise. Automation of accounting within the accounting department can only be considered the first step towards building a comprehensive information system.
The feasibility of choosing one of the two possible ways to conduct automation is "in parts" or "everything immediately" depends on the specific conditions.
You need to start, acquiring the configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7" Systems 1C: Enterprise, and then supplement the package financial opportunities such software productslike "1C: Trade and Warehouse" and "1C: Salary and Frames", and as a result, combine them and work with general Base Data 1C: Enterprise, and if desired, then on different computers united in the local network.
In System 1C: Enterprise The main features of accounting are set (configured) in the system configurator. These include the basic properties of account plans, types of analytical accounting, composition and structure of directories used, documents, reports, etc.
The composition of the configuration largely depends on the current legislation and various regulatory documentsRegulatting accounting. Due to changes in the legislation or the release of various clarifications on the accounting methodology, as well as the specific orders of users, the configuration itself can change rather strongly.
So, 1C: The company is a universal system for automating the activities of the enterprise. Due to its uniqueness, the 1C system: an enterprise can be used to automate the most diverse sites. economic activity Enterprises: accounting of commodity and materials, mutual settlements with counterparties, payroll calculation, calculating the depreciation of fixed assets, accounting for any sections, etc.

1C enterpriseit is a flexible adjustable system to solve a wide range of tasks in the field of enterprise automation field, includes various components:

1c accounting

1C: Storage and Commercial

1C: Salary and Frames

Custom configurations

Component "Accounting" provides accounting for several enterprises in one information base.

Component "Operational Accounting" is intended for automation operational accounting availability and movement of funds.

One of the main areas of application of this component is the automation of warehouse and trading operations.

The "Calculation" component is designed to automate complex periodic calculations.

One of the main applications of the component is the calculation of wages.

Component "Accounting Accounting" is designed to take into account the availability and movement of the means of the enterprise. It can be used both autonomously and together with other components. If an enterprise cannot immediately implement comprehensive system Automation of financial and economic activity or its use is recognized in impractical, it is possible to automate individual sections. If a partial automation path is selected, then you need to start with the acquisition of the configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7". And then add a package of accounting programs by other components and as a result, combine them and work with the total database of 1C: Enterprise

System 1C: The company is a universal system for automating the activities of the enterprise and therefore can be used to automate the most different sections of the enterprise's economic activity:

Accounting of transactions for the Bank and Cass;

Accounting of fixed assets;

Accounting of goods and material resources;

Accounting of foreign exchange operations;

Accounting of mutual settlements with organizations, debtors, creditors, accountable persons;

Accounting calculations for wages;

Accounting of calculations with the budget;

Other accounting sections.

System 1C: The company has the flexible capabilities of the organization of accounting:

Synthetic accounting according to a multi-level account plan;

Accounting for several account plans;

Currency accounting;

Multidimensional analytical accounting;

Multi-level analytical accounting;

Quantitative accounting;

Keeping on one computer accounting for several enterprises;

Consolidated accounting; The special component of "management of distributed bases" allows you to exchange information between remote jobs.

One of the characteristic features of the programs is their scalability: the same configuration can work on the local computer, on the network and on the server running MS SQL Server 7.0.

1.3. Principles of operation of the system "1C: Enterprise"

Package installation consists of two parts:

1 Installing the system. As a result on the disk (most often in the folder Program File) The 1SV77 folder appears.

2 Setting a specific configuration. As a result of the installation in the 1SV77 folder, folders appear: 1SBDB and 1SBDEMO for "1C: Accounting"; DB and DEMODB when installing "1C: Trade and Warehouse"; PRBBASIC and PRBDEMO for "1C: Salary and Frames"; ATC and ATCDEMO for a comprehensive configuration.

The configuration is created by standard system tools and is usually supplied as typical, but can be changed, supplemented by the user system, and also developed.

The functioning of the system is divided into two processes:

    Configuration (Description of the model of the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe system)

    Execution (Processing of the Subject Data)

In the process of configuration, the structure of the information base is formed, the processing algorithms, form of dialogs and output documents. The information structure is designed at the level of the subject area objects (constants, reference books, documents, registers, transfer, calculation journals, accounting accounts, operations, wiring, etc.).
In the process of execution, the system already focuses on specific concepts described at the configuration stage (directories, organizations of organizations, accounts, overhead, etc.).

The functioning of the system is divided into two separate process time: configuration (configuration) and direct operation of the user to conduct accounting or execution of calculations.

At the configuration stage Systems configure various system modes according to features specific enterprise. At the same time, the structures and properties of directories, documents, reports are determined, the maintenance of synthetic, analytical and currency accounting is configured. Installed data access rights. At the configuration stage, multiple user interfaces can be created for different types of users (managers, accountants, personnel, etc.).

In the process of executionthe system already operates with the specific concepts described at the configuration stage (reference books, accounts, primary documents, etc.).

Typical configuration implements a standard metering methodology for economic organizations in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation.

The configuration includes:

    Account plan;

    A set of reference books;

    Set of enumerations;

    Set of documents;

    Set of constants;

    List of correct wiring;

    Set of standard reports;

    Specialized reports;

    Set of regulated reports.

1.4. Saving, Restoration and Testing Information Bases

The "Administration" menu have items to save, download and test information base. When saving, compression of databases and the configuration file to the archive with the "ZIP" extension is performed. When data recovery, there is a reverse operation, - from the archive file there is unpacking databases and configuration file.

Saving and recovery are produced in order to create backup copies and to transfer data from one computer to another (entirely).

At the beginning of each session, it is necessary make restore your data that has been saved in the previous session of work in your catalog. To do this, go to the configurator mode, select the Administration and Team in the menu.download Data ". In the Open Directory dialog box in which the data archive is located (for example:z.:\ H.31-02), then highlight the name of the data archive.

At the end of each session, it is necessary make saving your data. To do this, go to the configurator mode, select the Administration and Team in the menu.unload Data ". In the Open Directory dialog box to which you want to save data (for example:z.:\ H.31-02), then write the name of the stored archive.

Saving and recovering data must be performed with each work session.

1.5. General principles of work

1 Calling the program and exit the program.Running the program and exit from the program is carried out by general rules Works in Windows. Three program launch modes are possible: 1C Enterprise, 1C Enterprise Monopolo, Configurator

2. View of the screen.

a) At the top of the window there is a string of the window header, in the middle of which the window name is entered.

b) The header string is a menu string, with which the main function of the program is applied.

c) The line of the menu is located below the line of the icon (toolbar). With its help you can quickly perform the most common actions.

d) At the bottom of the window there is an information string - it displays a message about the actions performed by the program, prompts, etc.

e) The main part of the window is the workspace window.

3. Work with windows. Working with windows is carried out by the rules of work in Windows

4. Obtaining aid. By clicking on the F1 key, you can get help in any mode of operation. In addition, the appeal to the built-in directories is performed when the "Help" button is selected on the toolbar. In this case, an assistance section is called corresponding to the mode in which the user is currently working. The menu item "Content" and the SHIFT + F1 key allows you to refer to the total content.

5. Dialogues. The following agreements are used for request buttons:

    if the inscription on the button ends with ellipsis, it means that when you press this button, an additional request will be displayed on the screen;

    if the inscription from the query field or the button has a bellile (gray) color, then this button or field is currently not available.

6. Work with lists

List Consists of a sequence of the same type of entries displayed on the screen vertically (one after another).

Viewthe list is carried out according to the general rules using the appropriate keys.

Selecting a list item - double click the desired list string.

Adding a record - Use the "New Row" button on the toolbar or the INSERT key on the keyboard.

Using the current value- Current list of the list can be remembered in the exchange buffer by pressing the icon "M". Subsequently, it can be inserted, for example when editing the value in the operation log. If the graph has a numeric value, you can add it to the value stored in the exchange buffer by pressing M.+ , or subtract it from the clipboard by clicking M.- .

Quick search- If the list is ordered, then the search is performed according to the first characters, the graph on which the list is ordered.

Search for string symbols - Select the Search command using the menu or pictogram. In the request to enter a sequence of characters, as well as specify the search direction.

1.6. Organization of accounting

1.6.1. Analytic accounting

Fully the capabilities of the program "1C: Accounting" are disclosed when conducting analytical accounting. Analytical accounting allows you to further disclose information about the funds of the enterprise accumulated on accounting accounts. For the organization of analytical accounting, reference books are used in which the objects of analytical accounting are entered. The program allows you to conduct an unlimited number of reference books of analytical accounting objects: by goods, materials, organizations, employees, fixed assets, etc. For example, employee handbook contains a list of employees of the enterprise. To refer to the objects of analytical accounting in "1C: Enterprise", the term " subconto" Under viewsubconto It is understood by the combination of the same type of analytical accounting objects. For example, the type of subconto - "fixed assets", "Materials". A specific object in the directory is subconto, for example subconto Ivanov. Set available species subconto Determined at the configuration stage

Analytical accounting for a specific account is determined by the configuration of the subconto defined in the account plan. Each type of subconto can be "attached" to any number of accounts and subaccounts.

1.6.2. Quantitative account

In order to obtain more complete accounting information about some accounting objects, keeping accounting in physical terms, which is performed regardless of the value. For example, it is necessary to know not only which goods are in stock, but also in what quantity. The very possibility of maintaining quantitative accounting is set at the configuration stage. When entering the wiring, the program will request the number and amount if the price is not specified in the directory. Quantitative accounting is used for accounts associated with commodity and material values \u200b\u200bin the context of storage locations.

1.6.3 Currency accounting

System 1C: Enterprise allows you to conduct foreign currency accounting for several currencies. The ability to conduct foreign exchange account is set in the system configuration. All currencies used are set in the currency directory. The specific score is considered currency, if it is specified by the corresponding feature in terms of accounts. If there is a course in the currency directory, then when entering the wiring, the amount of currency amount and the current exchange rate will be automatically calculated.

2. Enter the source data

Setting up the specific features of the accounting of a separate enterprise is the original stage of working with any accounting program. In the process of work it is possible to replenish and adjust the entered information.

2.1. Constant task

Most general information On the organization leading accounting, which rarely changes, is stored by the 1C system: Accounting in the form of constants. To enter such information to open in the menu Operationsteam Constants.

2.2. Directories

References serve to store common and intrafirmen classifiers and are used to organize analytical accounting. The number, names and properties of reference books are set at the configuration stage.

Work with reference books can be carried out in two modes: mode viewing and editing and mode choice Element directory.

In mode viewing and editingthe form the directory opens with the main menu. In mode choicethe program will offer you to choose from the corresponding reference book to which the wiring belongs. If the desired object is not in the list, the list can be added.

The program allows you to organize multi-level reference books up to 10 nesting levels. This allows you to organize conditionally permanent information and classifiers with the desired degree of detail. For example, you can create in the handbook of the group "Suppliers" and "Buyers".

The program has a mechanism for supporting subordinate reference books. This allows you to link the elements of different reference books: organizations and contracts, goods and units of measurement and so on.

2.3. Installation of the working date

The working date is an internal date of the system, it is automatically affixed when entering documents and economic operations, but can be changed by the user. To change the command is used Parameters From the menu Service(tab General). The next time you start the system, the working date will be again read from the computer's system hours.

2.4. Removal of objects

The removal of the object occurs in two stages:

1st stage: An object is marked to be removed by the corresponding command. The mark can also be removed by the corresponding command.

2nd stage: Deleting marked objects. Performed in "1C: Enterprise Montopolis":

    close all secondary windows

    select a delete command

    press the "Control" button

    press the Delete button

    carefully view a list of remote and non-remote objects and no deletion causes.

2.5. Account plan

The working plan of the account is part of the organization's accounting policy. IN model configuration 1C: Accounting 7.7 Included an accounting account plan for financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 94n.

The properties of accounts defined in the configuration include:

    the composition of subaccounts;

    configuring analytical accounting;

    setting up quantitative accounting;

    setting currency accounting;

    signs of active, passive and actively passive accounts;

    signs of off-balance accounts.

The account system depends on accounting Policy Enterprises. Some enterprises can also use several account plans. Setting the account plan is carried out at the configuration stage.

Account plan window

Pictogram in the left column painted in yellow colorThis means that information from the subaccounts are going to this score.

Pictogram in the left column marked with a red tick Indicates that this account cannot be deleted

Pictogram in the left column painted in bluemeans that the score does not have subaccounts.

The code - Full account code. The plan has 3 characters for the account, 3 characters for subaccount code and 1 sign for the second level subaccount code.

Name - the name of the account (subaccount).

In addition to the code and name for any account (subaccount) in terms of accounts, you can set a number of properties. The properties specified for the account are automatically set for all subaccounts of this account.

Shaft - a sign of conducting currency accounting, the sign "+" in the column - accounting is carried out

Count - sign of conducting quantitative accounting, sign "+" in the column - accounting is carried out

Baby - Sign of the offline account (+ off the offspring)

Act - Sign of the activity of the account.

A - Active, P - Passive, AP is actively passive.

Subconto1, ... Subconto5 - Types of subconto. The number of subconto is determined at the configuration stage.

View account plan.The account plan has a multi-level structure: account, subaccount. You can display only accounts in the view window without showing the subaccount subsection. To do this, select the "Hierarchical List" mode in the "Action" menu, if the 7-2 mode is on.

Editing account plan.The program allows the commissioning of new accounts and subaccounts for those accounts that already have subaccount.

2.6. Management of accounting

The mode is designed to manage the accounting system. Call mode - menu / Operation / Accounting Management. Accounting results can be formed for a variety of periods. The program automatically supports them as an actual state with any changes in the wiring. Mode is rather administrative in nature. Appeal to it is quite rare, usually during the transition to the next quarter.

Actions in this mode can only be performed in monopoly mode Starting the program.

In the "Management of Building results "Set the period to which (inclusive) will be maintained. "Set the calculation" - it is established for the next period, i.e., "opens" the next quarter.

"Full recalculation of results" is always performed:

View accounting results are performed using reports. The period for which the report is formed is determined in the system parameters (menu / service / parameters / books) or in the Report Settings window.

3.Registration of economic operations

3.1. General

The source information in the program is an operation that reflects the real economic operation that occurred in the enterprise. Each operation may contain one or more accounting wiring. For example, an advance payment operation will contain two wiring - enrollment of funds for the calculated account and accrual of VAT on the admitted an offense. Wiring "belong" operations and always exist with the operation.

The program provides for three entry regimes of economic operations:

Manual input;

Use of typical operations;

Automatic input with documents.

Automatic input is carried out based on the input documents. This is the most convenient way registration of accounting information. Documents allow you to fully automate most of the accounting sites. They cover the accounting of cash and banking operations, material and production reserves, calculations with suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers, sales of goods, works and services, etc.

The program allows you to automate the preparation of any primary documents:

payment orders, accounts for payment and invoice, parish and expenditure cash holders, overhead, requirements, power of attorney, other documents.

3.2. Correct wiring

When entering business operations, the program always monitors the correctness of the completion of the wiring from the point of view of the mechanism of the accounting results of the system.

To control the list is used. Correct wiringwhich is filled by the user.

To fill the list, select on the menu Operationsteam Correct wiring.

To perform control Enable Mode - Menu \\ Service \\ Parameters \\ Operation tab.

3.3. Journal of Operations

To register business operations, a log of operations is used, which contains information about each economic operation.

Operations log and posting log are designed to view the list existing operations With varying degrees of detail. Operations log is displayed when selecting the Magazines Magazines.

date - indicates the date of the commission of the economic operation;

Time - filled automatically

Number, content and amount - automatically selected from the filled document

At the bottom of the window, the wiring is shown that are formed automatically when the document is filled or filled with a user when forming an economic operation in manual mode:

No. Wiring number is set automatically.

Debit - indicates the count of the account and subaccount debit of wiring

Credit - indicates the account codes and subaccount of the credit of the wiring (calculation);

Subcontal ... - the user is selected by the appropriate object of analytical accounting (if analytical accounting is conducted);

Shaft / course - the first row of the record shows the name of the currency of the wiring, in the second - the course of this currency. If currency accounting on the debt accounts and credit credit is not conducted, then the graph remains empty;

... - quantitative expression of wiring (for wiring calculated also in natural units);

Shaft… - Indicates the amount of wiring in the currency. If currency accounting on the debt accounts and credit credit is not conducted, then the graph remains empty;

Sum - indicates the amount of wiring in rubles;

NJ - Specifies the operation of the operation log assigned to this posting or this document header. This graph is used when selecting operations log viewing, displaying report logs, when transferring and deleting operations.

Left Count Journal Operations:

The document was conducted ("Tick" of purple color)

The document is marked for removal, crossed purple color.

The operation "Document" entered manually is recorded in the "Document" column.

All operations are numbered automatically in ascending order and in the journal are ordered by date, within the date of time.

3.4. View records in operations log

With a large number of records in the log, it is useful to limit the viewing volume of records visibility interval . It defines, for what period of time documents will be visible when viewing. Visibility interval is set in two ways - automatically and manually.

3 .5. Inspection manual

The operation input dialog contains both the requisites of operation and the details of the wiring. The operation may contain several wiring. Initially, common details of the operation are filled: date, number, content. The date is set by the current or working, the number is assigned automatically, the amount of the operation is entered manually or automatically, the content is arbitrary. The fill mode of the transaction amount is set by the user (Menu - Service - Parameters - Operation - Calculation of the amount of the operation). After entering common details, the operation of the operation is input. An operation can be entered up to 99999 wiring. Depending on the properties of the inputs entered, certain values \u200b\u200bof the details will be requested: subconto, currency, amount in currency. quantity. These operations will be reflected in accounting only at the time of recording the operation. To complete the operation of the operation, the "OK" button is used. When recording the operation, to "save the operation" request "Yes".

3.6. Enter incoming residues

Incoming residues are entered in the case when 1c is starting: an enterprise on current enterprise which already leads accounting. Incoming residues are introduced at the time of the start of electronic accounting. Incoming residues are introduced as ordinary operations, in manual mode. Before entering residues, it is necessary:

2. Condiminate the date of entering incoming residues. The date of entering incoming residues must be less than the start date of the account.

Usually this is the previous date, for example, if "01.04.2006" is selected as the date of the beginning of accounting, the database of residues will be "31.03.2006".

The main principle of entering incoming residues.

The account for which the residue is injected will correspond with some fictitious account "OO".

For example, you can enter the following incoming residues on 04/01/2006:

By account 01 - 100 000 rubles

By account 60 - 123 000 rubles

In this case, you must enter the operation with the following wiring.

Date debit loan amount

31.03.06 01 00 100 000

31.03.06 00 60 123 000

You can place each wiring with a separate operation.

In this simple example, it is understood that according to these accounts, accounts are not taken into account by subaccounts or by currency or by analytics. In practice, of course, entering incoming residues should be carried out taking into account the presence of sub-accounts and various accounting buildings specified in the account plan.

After the remnants are entered, browse the operating statement (for this you need to go to the "Reporting" menu, tested the cursor to the "Reverse Saldeless Liberties" item. If the remains are entered correctly, you will not see account 00 in the ruble sild statement.

3.7. Documents and documents logs

Information about the economic operations performed in the enterprise can be administered using documents and will be stored in documents by type of types ( cash book, accounts, etc.). This version of the program introduced the concept of "log number" (NG). The log number is designed to enter in each wiring of the letter code, such as BC. The log number provides a separate viewing of documents for individual numbers of magazines.

Logs are intended only for convenient displays of documents. The document is not "rigidly" with a magazine. A set of documents displayed in a particular log is fully determined by the configuration. The same type of document can be reflected in several magazines. The general magazine displays documents of all types.

Left Count Journal Documents Service (see Operations Log).

3.8. Automatic Input Mode with Documents

Any events taking place in the enterprise are reflected in the documents. Each document has a screen form. Part of the documents is intended only for input, storage and printing, for example, documents " Payment order"," Power of attorney. " Another part of the documents in addition to data entry primary document Performs automatic formation of wiring. Documents allow:

    introduce information about the perfect economic operation;

    form a printed form;

    on the basis of the information entered into a document, automatically form the necessary accounting wiring.

Entering a document can be carried out in various ways:

    entry from the operations log;

    entry documents from documents' logs;

    entering a document through the menu.

Each document has mandatory details - number and date. When entering a new document, the program will offer for the date the current date and automatically assign the next number for documents. this type. If necessary, the current date can be changed (menu, service, parameters, work date).

In addition to the header, the document may have a tabular part. The cap includes details that are common to the document. For example, for such a document, as a score, this is the name of the client, the client's details and the size of the discount. The table part is a list of single type of data, for example, a list of products with quantity and nomenclature for the same account.

Conducting a document. The document is called the action that performs information to the base, i.e. Wrong recording. You can make a document not spent (menu, actions, make a document not spent).

Adjusting the document. Open the document log. Select a document and double-click Open the on-screen form of the document. If corrected conducted document, you can not change its date. To change the date of the document, you need to execute the "Make Document Not Conducted" command

4. Analysis of economic activity

4.1. Reports

For the final, as well as other consolidated or detailed information in 1C: the company uses reports. The number and composition of reports is entirely determined when configuring. In the standard configuration of 1C: Accounting is enabled a set of standard reports intended for obtaining data on accounting and accounting wiring in a wide variety of cuts. Standard reports can be applied to obtain final and detailed information on any accounting partitions, such as the "Reverse Salda Statement", "Chess", "Account Card" and others.

In the package of delivery 1C: Accounts include a set of regulated reports: tax and accounting reports (for example, enterprise balance), represented tax authorities, in various funds.

When calling a report to the screen, the parameter request will be issued: the reporting period, completeness, depth of detail, etc.

4.2. Salary accrual and payment

For employee accounting, the employees are intended for accounting. Since many directory details are periodic, work with the directory requires a certain accuracy. The typical configuration includes a set of documents designed to maintain the reference book "Employees" that are grouped in the journal "Orders on personnel."

To calculate the salary in one month, it suffices to specify the nature of the work of the employee and the expense of cost assignment.

For automatic salary accrual, the document "Accrual of the salary" is designed (Menu - Documents - Salary - settlement statement).

When conducting a document, an operation with wages will be automatically created and to hold income tax individuals. Two wiring for each employee.

For registration of payout operations, a document "Payment of wages from the cash register" is designed. The table part of the document is filled automatically using the "Fill" button. Menu / Documents / s / n / payroll salary from the cashier.

The calculation of the ESN and the formation of accounting wiring is made through the "Closing of the Month" document. Accounting wiring Formed for each employee and type of tax.

In the program "1C: Accounting" you can not lead a regular schedule. Calculation of vacation, hospital, overtime, alimony must be performed manually.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state