
Specific investment. Specific capital investment by one ruble of growth of products Specific investment Rub Nat

When determining the current costs are calculated capital investments Not as such, but specific capital investments, i.e. Attachments per part of the operation, which is very important, since capital investments can participate in the production of several types of products, which is typical of all types of production, except for mass.

If it is considered in each variant of several operations, then the calculations are carried out for each operation, and the results according to the options are generally obtained by their summation.

The calculation of specific capital expenditures on options is reduced to definition of costs technological equipment, production area and expensive tooling, the rest of the capital investments, when calculating the economic indicators, can be neglected, because They do not significantly change, the total specific capital investments are determined by the formula:

where is the specific capital investment in the technological equipment, rubles;

Specific capital investments in production area, rub.;

Specific capital investments in technological equipment, rub.

10.1. Calculation of specific capital investments in technological equipment.

The calculation is carried out on the part-operation with the type of production adopted.

In terms of serial and single production, costs are determined by the formula:

Where is the wholesale price of the unit of equipment installed on the operation, rub.;

Costs, respectively, for transportation and installation of equipment, % from the price of equipment; With approximate calculations, it may be taken equal to 15 for heavy equipment and 5 for the lung, equal 4 - 6.

Planning coefficient of performance of time by workers;

Regulatory equipment loading factor. In the calculations, it can be taken equal to 0.85  for single and small-scale production, 0.8  for medium and large-scale.

Thus, the share of capital investments relating only to one name of products (parts) is determined.

In terms of mass production, the calculation is conducted by the formula:

where  accepted amount of equipment on a specific operation, pcs.

The calculated amount of equipment on each operation is determined by the formula:

The resulting calculated value is rounded to the nearest integer, taking into account the permissible equipment overload within 3 - 8% .

10.2 Calculation of specific capital investments in industrial areas

Under the conditions of serial and unit production, capital investments in the production area per partition operation are determined by the formula:

where - the price of 1 m 2 production area, rub.;

Production area occupied by equipment unit, m 2.

The price of 1 m 2 of the production area is adopted by actual data collected during technological practice. If this value is taken by software, it is adjusted with inflation.

The production area occupied by a unit of equipment is determined by the formula:

where is the area of \u200b\u200bthe equipment in the plan, m 2 ;"

The coefficient that takes into account the additional production area on passages and passages [Appendix 3].

In terms of mass production, capital investments in the production area are determined by the formula.

In determining the presented costs, capital investments are calculated not, as such, and specific capital investments, i.e. Attachments per part of the operation, which is very important, since capital investments can participate in the production of several types of products, which is typical of all types of production, except for mass.

If it is considered in each variant of several operations, then the calculations are carried out for each operation, and the results according to the options are generally obtained by their summation.

The calculation of specific capital expenditures on options is reduced to determining the costs of technological equipment, the production area and expensive equipment, the rest of the capital investments, when calculating the economic indicators, can be neglected, because They do not significantly change, the total specific capital investments are determined by the formula:

where is the specific capital investment in the technological equipment, rubles;

Specific capital investments in production area, rub.;

Specific capital investments in technological equipment, rub.

10.1. Calculation of specific capital investments in technological equipment.

The calculation is carried out on the part-operation with the type of production adopted.

In terms of serial and single production, costs are determined by the formula:

Where is the wholesale price of the unit of equipment installed on the operation, rub.;

Costs, respectively, for transportation and installation of equipment, % from the price of equipment; With approximate calculations, it may be taken equal to 15 for heavy equipment and 5 for the lung, equal 4 - 6.

Planning coefficient of performance of time by workers;

Regulatory equipment loading factor. In the calculations, it can be taken equal to 0.85  for single and small-scale production, 0.8  for medium and large-scale.

Thus, the share of capital investments relating only to one name of products (parts) is determined.

In terms of mass production, the calculation is conducted by the formula:

where  accepted amount of equipment on a specific operation, pcs.

The calculated amount of equipment on each operation is determined by the formula:

The resulting calculated value is rounded to the nearest integer, taking into account the permissible equipment overload within 3 - 8% .

10.2 Calculation of specific capital investments in industrial areas

Under the conditions of serial and unit production, capital investments in the production area per partition operation are determined by the formula:

where - the price of 1 m 2 production area, rub.;

Production area occupied by equipment unit, m 2.

The price of 1 m 2 of the production area is adopted by actual data collected during technological practice. If this value is taken by software, it is adjusted with inflation.

The production area occupied by a unit of equipment is determined by the formula:

where is the area of \u200b\u200bthe equipment in the plan, m 2 ;"

The coefficient that takes into account the additional production area on passages and passages [Appendix 3].

In terms of mass production, capital investments in the production area are determined by the formula.

Investments - a means of investing in the main funds of the enterprise, it is directed to new construction, reconstruction of buildings, modernization of production, repair and other purposes. To assess the effectiveness of capital investments, a coefficient is used, which represents the ratio of net profit to the size of investment. The value obtained is compared with the standard: and if it is greater, then the investment is used rationally. The standard depends on many factors, and each enterprise approves its importance on its own.

To grow and develop any enterprise, you need to attract new sources of financing. It can be cashthat need to be returned with interest, or investment. The last option gives more financial freedom, because it does not require a mandatory return if the project is ultimately unprofitable.

Important! Investing should be beneficial for both parties: Investor and Company itself.

Determination of capital investments

One of the investment options is capital investments, i.e. investments in fixed assets. This category includes financing new construction, modernization of production (purchase of machines and equipment), reconstruction of buildings and structures, overhaul, carrying out design and survey work.

Suginal investments are a set of costs aimed at updating fixed assets.

The main funds include:

  • Buildings (production, administrative, economic, utilized, taking into account water supply, electricity systems).
  • Constructions (roads, tunnels, bridges and other engineering structures).
  • Vehicles (Cars, wagons, trolleys, autocars, trolleys, boats, boats, etc.).
  • Machines and equipment (production lines, computing, measuring and other equipment involved in the company's main activity).
  • Cattle (B. farms).
  • Land put on the property of the enterprise.
  • Production and economic inventory.
  • Tools with service life more than 1 year.
  • R & D (Research and development and development).

Formula of calculation

When analyzing investments, the main evaluation criterion is the effectiveness of investments. In addition, during the calculation of the amount of investment, different terms are possible, since each enterprise has their own needs funding for fixed assets.

The amount of capital investments (K) is found by the formula:

K \u003d x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n, where:

  • x - Investing in the main funds by the types of funds.

To search for the effectiveness of investment use two types of coefficient: absolute and relative. It is necessary to calculate this indicator at each planning stage to determine the payback period of investments.

The formula for calculating the effectiveness of investment will differ depending on whether the trade is an enterprise or production.

General formula for calculating EC:

Data on profits and investment in this case is taken for the same period of time - a quarter, a month or any other (for example, a five-year plan).

The resulting value is compared with the standard. If the effectiveness is higher than the regulatory, it means that the investment is used rationally. If below, then they are unprofitable.

With the introduction of large investments in the industrial sector, you can use the following option:

  • C - the cost of implementing produced goods for the year;
  • C is the cost of produced goods for the year.

For trading, use the formula:

  • N is the magnitude of trade allowances;
  • And - costs for purchasing and training of goods for sale.

Important! Other, more specific formulas can be used to calculate individual types of capital investments. For example, there are separate options for calculating capital investments in industrial areas and technological equipment and equipment that take into account the specifics of these types of fixed assets.

Methods for assessing investment can be viewed on video:

To calculate the coefficient of comparative investment efficiency, the formula is used:

  • And - costs of circulation according to compared options;
  • K - investment on compared options.

KSI is calculated if from several investment options it is necessary to find the most profitable. They recognize the option with the lowest costs and the size of the investment, if approximately equal profits are obtained at the output.

Example of calculation

Dano: Trade enterprise for 3 recent years expanded by buying retail space in mall. It is necessary to calculate the effectiveness of investment and compare the indicator with the regulatory value (1,1).

Thus, over the past 3 years, investments amounted to 9,200 thousand rubles.

Conclusion: Investments began to bring substantial returns only in 2017. In 2015, investments brought profit in proportion to costs, and in 2016 did not even pay off. Nevertheless, for 3 years, income has increased more than expenses. Investments were profitable.

All calculations are manufactured in Excel, you can download the table.

At the rate of 3 years, the effectiveness of investment was 1.47, which is higher than the standard 0.37:

Conclusion: Investments in fixed assets are used rationally.

For convenience, you can multiply a value to 100 to get the result in percent.

Standard indicator

In investment has its own standards. They are installed within industries or separate enterprises. Regulatory significance reflects the level of profitability of investment in.

The standard allows you to estimate:

  • How effective is the investment.
  • How technological acquired equipment.
  • How product is produced in the company.
  • How effective pricing policy.

In general, the standard allows you to assess the importance of investments and efficiency financial management enterprise. If the calculation rate obtained during the calculation is less regulatory valueSo capital investments are used irrational. If more, the situation is the opposite. If the efficiency coefficient is noticeably above the standard now for several periods, and there are no objective causes (external and internal factors that contribute to the sharp increase in productivity and / or strong reduction in costs), it means that it is time to revise the size of the regulatory value.

What factors affect the definition of the standard:

  • Scope of the enterprise (for construction, agricultural sector, trade, mining enterprises, light industry, road transport companies, various profile plants apply their standards).
  • The direction of capital investment (construction, equipment replacement, expansion of production lines, purchase of transport, etc.).
  • Region and features of terrain / settlement.
  • Deviation coefficients, correction factors.
  • Source data on the enterprise (area, productivity of lines, etc.).
  • Expectations of investors.
  • Time (they need to be reviewed).

Reference! To determine the standards, you can use methodical recommendations According to the effectiveness of investing projects. The document was approved by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Gosstroke of the Russian Federation in 1999 (N VK 477 of 21.06.1999).

Ideally, when determining the standard, it is necessary to take the average data on the industry, but not all companies are ready to provide this information, it is a commercial secret and therefore closed.

Approximate methods for assessing investment

For the estimated, but rapid assessment of the magnitude of capital investments, the construction of energy facilities are used by approximate methods built on the basis of integrated value indicators (UPS).

These are the averaged cost of enlarged units of the volume of construction and mounting work or individual elements developed on the basis typical projects and data on previously executed specific objects.

In UPS on construction works As the specific meters are taken: 1 m 3 buildings, 1 m 2 square, 1 km of external pipelines, etc.

Equipment in the integrated value indicators by meters are: unit, turbine, transformer, crane, kit, etc.

Capital costs can be represented as the sum of conditionally permanent and conditionally variable costs:

K \u003d to post + to per \u003d to post + k. per N. y,

where to the post is the constant part of the capital costs, independent of the installed capacity of the object, rubles; To lane K. Per - respectively, the total and specific variables of investment components, proportional to the installed capacity, rubles. and rubles / unit. power; N. U is the installed capacity of the object, kW.

If you submit capital costs per unit of power, then you can get specific investments, rub. / KW:

To dd \u003d to post / N. in +. k. per.

An increase in unit capacity of aggregates leads to a decrease in specific capital costs. Moreover, the transition to all large unit capacities leads to relatively less reduction in capital costs.

This is the result of the effect of two factors operating in opposite directions:

· Reducing the share of conditionally constant costs per unit of fixed power;

· Increased costs caused by complication of structures, using higher initial parameters of steam and better quality materials with an increase in the installed capacity.

The effect of increasing the number of one-type units to the specific capital costs is ambiguous. Initially, with an increase in the number of units, the specific capital costs are reduced. With a further increase in the number of aggregates, the specific capital costs begin to grow. This is mainly due to the increase in the cost of transport links.

Consider the methods for calculating capital investments into energy facilities when using UPS.

Capital investments in power plants

Depend on the following factors:

Type of equipment and its unit power;

Applied scheme of technological relations;

Initial pair parameters;

Type of fuel used;

Area of \u200b\u200bthe structure (geological, topographic and climatic conditions).

1. Calculation of investments in block KES:

To KES \u003d 0.57 * with CMR * KES / + 0.43 * KES /,

To KES / \u003d (K 1B + SK NBL * (N bl -1)) * with T * with inf,

where to 1B - investment in the first block;

SK NBB - investment in subsequent blocks;

n bl - the number of blocks;

With T - coefficient, taking into account the type of fuel;

With info coefficient of revaluation, taking into account inflation;

With CMR - coefficient, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure.

2. Calculation of capital investments in a thermal power plant with transverse relations:

To CHP \u003d 0.57 * with CMR * to CHP / + 0.43 * to CHP /

To "CHP \u003d [to GK + to gt + σk pc i. p PC i. + Σk PT. i. p PT. i. ] S t with inf,

I. =1 i.=1

where to the GK, to PC - investment in energy boards (head and subsequent);

To GT, to PT - investment in turbo units (head and subsequent);

p PC i. , p PT. i. - the number of subsequent boilers and turbo units i.- type;

p, m. - respectively, the number of types of boilers and turbines;

The cost of the head (first) units other than the cost of equipment and buildings includes the cost of objects, without which the first unit cannot be commissioned - this total costs For the first and subsequent aggregates, which include:

Caps in access roads;

Training site;

Communication and water supply device;

Part of the main building, etc.

The cost of power plants may introduce amendments to environmental protection systems, degree of automation, etc.

Specific capital costs This object is the ratio of absolute caps to the installed capacity of the object, rubles / unit. Power:

Kd \u003d k / N. y

Specific capital investments affecting factors

Specific investments are the most common technical and economic indicators characterizing the cost of building electrical networks.

The power lines are characterized by specific investments per 1 km of length and 1 MW of the transmitted power:

k. l \u003d to LEP / L. l

k. p \u003d to lp / R L.

where L. l - total length of power lines, km; R L is the estimated transmitted power along the line, MW.

Specific investment in the substation:

k. PS \u003d K ps / S. PS,

where S. P.St - Rated Power Substation, MVA.

For the network characteristics, general indicators are generally used.

k. Set \u003d (to LEP + K ps) / L. l

k. Set \u003d (to LEP + K ps) / R l.

Using data on general and private technical and economic indicators, it is convenient to analyze the construction of objects that are the same in their tasks, but different parameters. Generalization of many estimates and their technical and economic indicators allowed project organizations Develop enlarged value indicators discussed above.

The magnitude of the estimated cost of construction of electrical networks, and therefore, and their specific indicators affect a significant amount of diverse factors. Their impact of unequal for different energy buildings.

The main factors affecting the specific indicators of the estimated cost of building air lines include:






The cost of the specific performance of cable lines is primarily influenced by electrophysical factors, and then geological, topographic and structural (the number of cables in the trench, the presence of pipes, the nature of the bridge coating, etc.).

Geological (ground conditions) affect the volumes and cost of earthworks, as well as on the design of the supports and their foundations (for air power transmission). Soft dry soils reduce the construction of lines. The transition to rock soils, on the contrary, increases the estimated cost of air LPPs by 2 - 10%, and the construction of linear supports on wet soils - by 15 - 36%.

Climatic conditions affect the dimensions of the supports, the foundations and sections of the wires through wind loads, ice, tension, the dimming of the prior arrows, etc. In addition, in areas with intensive thunderstorms, reinforced lightning protection is required, etc. The cost of air power transmission during the transition from 1 to IV climatic area increases by 25-35%.

The greatest increase in cost with severe geological and climatic conditions It takes place at the LAM on wooden supports with a small cross section of the wires. The smallest influence of these factors have on line with large sections of wires suspended on metal supports.

Topographic factor affects the specific indicators of capital investments in the LAM as follows. There is an increase in the cost of construction in areas of industrial and urban development by 1.4-1.7 times; In the mountainous conditions, the appreciation increases to 1.8 times; The passage of LPPs in the swamps increases the cost of estimating cost of 1.2-1.9 times. In forest conditions, depending on the thickness, forest size and hardness of its breeds, the estimated cost of lines of transmission increases (taking into account the return of the forest) by 5 - 10%.

The dependence of capital investments in the air lines from electrophysical factors and primarily from the nominal voltage Un characterized by the following equation:

k. L \u003d f.(U N.)= a. + b.*U N. + c.*U N. 2 ± d.,

where but, b. and c. -caffers depending on the level of prices; d-the magnitude of the amplitude of oscillations k. l from its average value depending on the cross section of the wires, climatic area, etc. d.ranges from 5 to 10% of the average cost k. L. ).

The cost of the wires is 30-40% of the cost of air power transmission, the transition to large cross sections, with other things being equal, increases the cost of 35-220 kV lines by 4-12%. The influence of the material and structures of the supports on the cost of air electrical lines the following. LED on wooden supports by 40-50%, and on reinforced concrete supports by 10-25% cheaper than metal, therefore, in forest areas for LAP to 220 kV, it is advisable to apply wooden supports, and in flavored or mining areas - reinforced concrete. Metal supports for LAP up to 220 kV are used in cases where the transmission is from concrete plants manufacturing supports, more than 1000 km, as well as when the lines go through mountainous areas.

Metal supports are usually used for 500 kV LAP and higher. Lines on double-chain supports of the type "Barrel", "Christmas tree" and others, attributed to one chain, cheaper than the same lines on monotonal supports by 14-25%. At the same time, the smaller reduction is given by the LEP 330 kV, and more LAP 35 square meters. Metal P-shaped intermediate supports cheaper supports on delay. However, if the lines pass through the fields and gardens, damage agriculture It may make to go to the LAM on the metal free supports. For LAP 35-110 kV, single-suitable supports are economical. The cheapest basements under support are printed and reinforced concrete pile.

Cable lines are significantly reduced (by 12-35%) when laying several cables in one trench. The cost of laying cable lines also depends on the type of coating of bridge and sidewalks. When laying the cable under the cobblestone bridge, the estimated cost is 10-25% cheaper than the street laying on the street with asphalt concrete coating. Specific capital investments in cable lines increase sharply with increasing rated voltage.

The main impact on the specific indicators of the estimated cost of substations are:

a) power;

b) voltage;

c) electrical circuit with high side;

d) equipment types;

e) ground conditions at the construction site.

The values \u200b\u200bof k ps fall at an increase in the substation power. The transition to the next voltage stage with other unchanging parameters increases the estimate cost of substations by 50-80%. The complication of the circuit of electrical compounds on the high side increases the specific capital investments in the substation.

Types and power of power equipment substation noticeably affect its estimate cost. The use of autotransformers instead of transformers reduces costs for this equipment by 10-25%. The replacement of oil switches by air at existing prices increases the estimate cost of cells, the operating system 35-10 kV substations 1.2-1.5 times.

Ground conditions also affect the estimated cost of substations. Thus, the reduction of the carrying capacity of the soil under the bases of facilities from 2.5 kg / cm 2 to 1 kg / cm 2 increases the price of 2.5-3% substation; The high level of groundwater (less than 2 m from the day surface) increases the estimated rate of substations by 5-6%). The cost of construction of networks and substation is as well as the estimated cost of HPP and TPP, affects the construction area (climate, degree of development, development of means of communication, transport, etc.). This influence is taken into account by the so-called territorial coefficients, which in the European part of the USSR range from 1 to 1.09, for the average conditions of Siberia and Central Asia from 1.04 to 1.11, finally, for remote areas and regions of the Far North from 1.2 up to 1.5 and higher.

Significant impact on the cost energy enterprises Provides organization and technology of construction and installation work. Further standardization of energy facilities, an increasing introduction of a precast concrete with a decrease in the number of sizes of parts and structures, improving the use of mechanization tools, improving these funds by increasing their quality freight and performance with a larger range of application - all this will continue to reduce the cost of construction and installation work.

The pace of building energy facilities have a significant impact on their economic indicators. The acceleration of the construction pace reduces the costs of depreciation of enterprises of the building, for construction mechanization, on overhead, etc. Frontal commissioning gives additional products and, therefore, additional profits.

Option I with SPM-02 Embodiment II with SPMA-4K Option III with PDMA-1 Base
quantity Cost quantity Cost quantity Cost
Tractor dosage driver on T-100m tractor Price list number 20-01, p. 112
The same, p. 111
- - - - The same, p. 105
- - - - By calculation
- - - - Also
HydroComcrat DG-08 - - Price List 29-15-18, p. 107
Price list number 20-01, p. 119
ECHP-6 electric stroke - - The same, p. 119
- -
TOTAL, rub. - - -
The inventory cost of the kit, rub.
Specific (capital) investment, rub. / Km:
46668: 50 - -
31047: 45 - -
44219: 65 - -

Calculation number 2 (for example 5).

Cost and time consuming

Name of machinery and indicators Option I with SPM-02 Embodiment II with SPMA-4K Option III with PDMA-1 Base
The composition of the brigade, people Amount, rub. The composition of the brigade, people Amount, rub. The composition of the brigade, people Amount, rub.
discharge quantity discharge quantity quantity discharge
Cost of machine-shift: Machinists Machinists Machinists
Dosage driver T-100m tractor 51,65 51,65 51,65 Price tag number 2, p. 48
PRTM-1 PRM-1 18,24 18,24 18,24 p. 145.
Speal-flowing machine SPM-02 68,24 68,24 - - - - - - p. 137.
Speal-powdering machine Shpma 4K - - - 42,48 42,48 - - - Payment
Drinking automated machine ENMA-1 - - - - - - 42,10 Payment
HydroComcrat DG-08 - - 0,56 - - 0,42 - - - Price tag number 2, p. fifty
Device for accelerating gaps pH-01-41 - - - - 0,82 - - 0,82 p. 175.
Electrochpalopotka ESHP-6 - 1,88 - 1,41 - - - p. 231.
Mobile power plant DES-6 7,88 7,88 - - - p. 234.
TOTAL - 149,24 - 122,9 - 112,81
Wage travel workers:
Ballast dosage 4,79 7,58 4,79 7,58 4,79 7,58
Lifting Path Pumping Machine 4,79 11,37 4,79 7,58 4,79 15,16
Richtovka and straightening paths in parcels 5,39 11,37 5,39 7,58 5,39 15,6
Sleeping sleepers machines 7,58 7,58 7,58
Distillation sleepers with rearrangement of anti-theft 4,26 11,37 4,26 7,58 4,26 15,6
The mandrel of ballast prism with the addition of ballast 4,79 15,16 10,08 4,79 11,37 10,08 4,79 19,39 6,72
TOTAL - 98,53 - 83,37 - 111,65
Total direct costs - 247,8 - 206,3 - 224,5
(247.8 × 0.1 + 98.53 × 0.4) 64,2 - -
(206.3 × 0.1 + 83.37 × 0.4) - 54,0 -
(224.5 × 0.1 + 111.65 × 0.4) - - 67,1
- - 260,3 - 291,6
The cost of 1 kmmanized ballasting of the road, rub. - - 578,4 - 448,6
Labor intensity - - - 57,8 - - 52,3 -

Example 6. The effectiveness of the use of E-10011 excavator with an active action bucket for the development of frozen and rock soils

Buckets of active action are designed to be developed without prior loosening or heating of rock and frozen soils to the VI group. The excavation of these soils by conventional buckets without prior loosal is impossible.

Excavator buckets of active action differ from the usual presence of shock teeth and powerful pneumomolots located in the field of the front wall of the bucket body of a special design. Pneumomolot food with compressed air is made from a separately located mobile compressor.

The E-10011 excavator is compared, equipped with a conventional bucket in two versions (Ia - when developing a rock excavation in soils V (80%) and VI (20%) of groups and IB - during the construction of the second path), with an excavator equipped with an active action bucket (Option II) - with loading of the designed soil in the automotive industry.

The calculation adopted the 9th territorial district.

Initial data

The name of indicators unit of measurement Excavator with ordinary bucket Excavator with an active action bucket (option II)
Development of rock removal (version IA) Construction of the second path (version of the IB)
Capacity bucket excavator m 3. 1,0 1,0 0,9
The average annual output thousand m 3 67,5
The number of shifts of work in the year shift
Replaceable Excavator Performance E-10011 m 3.
Inventory cost of excavator thousand roubles. 19,9 19,9 25,25
The same bucket of excavator » 2,98 2,98 5,35
Inventory compressor cost » - - 4,4
Cost of machine shift excavator rub. 41,07 41,07 62,47
The same compressor » - - 13,59
Excavator bucket service life years
Service staff:
Machinist 6 discharge person.
Assistant driver 5 discharge »
Work 4 discharge » - -

Calculation of economic effect

1. The presented costs for the development of 1 m 3 of the soil with an excavator equipped with a conventional bucket (excluding conjugate costs) are determined by formula (23), calculations No. 1 and 3):

a) when developing a rock removal or reserve

N 1 \u003d (with 1 + e with m 1) \u003d (0.85 + 0.12'0.23) \u003d 0.88 rubles;

b) when developing a rock excavation for the construction of second ways

P 2 \u003d (with 2 + e with m 2) \u003d (1.38 + 0.12'0.35) \u003d 1.42 rubles.

2. The following costs for the development of 1 m 3 of the soil with an excavator equipped with a bucket of active action (calculations No. 2 and 3)

P 3 \u003d (with 3 + e with m 3) \u003d (0.56 + 0.12'0,51) \u003d 0.62 rubles.

3. Economic result from the change in the period of performance of work at the indicator T (according to formula 24)

t \u003d - \u003d - \u003d -0.25;

by option Ia:

E SG \u003d T × A 2 \u003d × (-0.25) × 67.5 \u003d -1449 rub.

n \u003d \u003d 0.091; a \u003d 0.09;

by option IB:

E SG \u003d (-0.25) × 67.5 \u003d -2288 rub.

4. The total annual national economic effect will be according to formula (21):

excluding the cost of protecting the path

E g1 \u003d p 1 - p 3 + e SG \u003d (0.88 - 0.62) '67.5 - 1.5 \u003d 16 thousand rubles;

taking into account the costs of protecting the path (excluding the cost of "windows")

E g2 \u003d p 2 - p 3 + E SG \u003d (1.42 - 0.62) × 67.5 - 2.3 \u003d 51.5 thousand rubles.

Calculation No. 1.

The cost of development of 1 thousand m 3 rock soil with an E-10011 excavator with a conventional bucket and loading in the automobile

Name of works Scope of work, m 3 Cost of development, rub. Base
units Total
TOTAL including salary General including salary
Development of a rock excavation (new line)
The soil loop V group of well charges at one naked surface of a depth of 5 - 8 m (80%) 0,34 0,009 7,2 Eroer, r. 5 - 47.
The same soil of the group VI (20%) 0,542 0,015 108,4 3,0 R. 5 - 48.
0,184 0,0465 147,2 37,2 R. 5 - 92.
Same soil VI groups 0,19 0,0482 9,64 R. 5 - 93.
Development of blown rock soil V group excavator with loading in motorways 0,19 0,0204 16,32 R. 1 - 224.
Same soil VI groups 0,278 0,0296 55,6 5,92 R. 1 - 225.
Total direct costs - - 773,2 79,28
Overheads - - - 77,3 -
Total with false expenses - - - 850,5 -
Surface development during the construction of the second path
The soil loop of the V group of borehole charges at one naked surface of a depth of 5 - 8 m 0,363 0,0121 290,4 9,68 R. 5 - 47, tehn. h., p. 9
Same soil VI groups 0,589 0,0203 117,8 4,06 R. 5 - 48, tehn. h., p. 9
Crushing of oversized slices of soil V group with a borehole blowing method 0,204 0,0628 163,2 50,24 R. 5 - 92, tehn. h., p. 9
Same soil VI groups 0,211 0,065 42,3 13,0 R. 5 - 93, tehn. h., p. 9
The shelter of the railway track by the floor of the Old Christmas sleepers at the length of the exploded plots 100 m
The number of explosions \u003d 1.67
1,67'100 M. 2,13* 1,64
Duty of recovery brigades 1,67 28,86 48,2 33,4
Cleaning of a break of the way with a bulldozer with the movement of the soil by 20 m (20% of the soil volume) 0,146 0,0352 29,2 7,04 R. 1 - 417.
Development of blown rock soil V group with loading on automobilesmobile 0,193 0,0206 16,48 R. 1 - 224, tehn. h. 11
Same soil VI groups 0,261 0,0299 56,1 5,98 R. 1 - 225, tehn. h. 11
Total direct costs - - 1257,2 413,88
Overheads - - - 125,7 -
Total with false expenses - - - 1382,9 -

* average price 1 rm. M.shelters calculated with the amount of sleepers 270'0.1 \u003d 27 cubic meters. mna 100 pog. Mi fivefold turnover with laying and cleaning flooring.

Calculation number 2.

The cost of development of 1 m 3 rock soil Excavator E-10011 with an active action bucket and loading in automotive

Calculation number 3.

Composition kit Number of machines, pcs. Inventory cost, thousand rubles.
Variant IA Option IB
Variant IA Option IB
1. Excavator with a conventional bucket
Excavator E-10011 19,9 19,9
Bulldozer D-275A - 0,5 - 10,6
Machines shock-rope drilling 1,34 1,34
Hammers drill lungs 0,14 0,14
TOTAL - - 21,38 31,98
Specific capital investment, rub. (21.38: 90); (31.98: 90) - - 0,23 0,35

To pr \u003d. × To Nach \u003d 1.926 to the beginning.

Example 7. Implementation of automatic accounting of the operation of the self-propelled brace

The automatic device determines the number of full-loading flights of the self-propelled border d-357g with a capacity of 9 m 3 when developing and moving the group II group at a distance of 300 m.

The implementation of automatic accounting allows you to increase the productivity of the machine, leading accurate accounting for working with a reduction in the number of accounting and improve the working conditions of the secrets.

Initial data

Calculation of economic effect

Annual costs: before installing the device (calculation number 1)

P 1 \u003d (C 1 + E C 1) A 2 \u003d (220.4 + 0.12 × 262) × 77 \u003d 19.4 thousand rubles;

after installing the device (calculation number 2)

P 2 \u003d (C 2 + E C 2) A 2 \u003d (207 + 0.12 × 252) × 77 \u003d 18.2 thousand rubles.

Savings of overhead costs of reducing the deadline for performing work with an indicator of reduction

Overhead costs N \u003d (220.4 - 199.45) \u003d 20,95 rubles.

E SG \u003d 0.6N × T × A 2 \u003d 0.6 × 20.95 × 0.05 × 77 \u003d 48.4 rub.

The total national economic effect of the introduction of automatic accounting of the operation of the self-propelled bond on 1 car per year will be

E \u003d n 1 - p 2 + e SG \u003d 19400 - 18200 + 48,4 \u003d 1248.4 rubles.

Calculation No. 1.

The cost of development of 1 thousand m 3 of soil II group by self-propelled scraper d-357g, rub.

Calculation number 2.

Specific capital investments for 1 thousand m 3 soil

Example 8. Application of cutter of D-903 sutures with diamond discs for cutting seams in the solidified concrete coating

As a new technique, the seams are considered in the hardened concrete road coating by the d-903 seams with diamond disks instead of the seam device in the freshly lined concrete using the cutter of the seams D-377.

Initial data

The name of indicators unit of measurement Device seams in concrete
Freshled (D-377) Hardwood (D-903)
Annual development KM
Medium term performance rm. M.
Number of workers shifting a year -
The number of workers employed in shift:
a) on cars person.
b) with machines »
c) on repairing machines »
TOTAL person.
Inventory and estimated cost of a set of cars (calculation No. 1) thousand roubles. 5,6 13,5
Cost of machine-shift machine set (calculation number 2) rub. 60,4 140,6
Saving service life year

Payment economic efficiency Devices 1 km seam in the coating

A. The following costs at e C \u003d 0.12 (calculations No. 1 and 2)

In terms of service seams T 1 \u003d 3 years and T 2 \u003d 9 years

by Appendix 1, B with ¡\u003d 2 and T 1 \u003d 3 m \u003d 2.43.

B. Rodova economical effect For 1 car per year:

E g \u003d (1906.7 - 1382.7) × 25 \u003d 13.1 thousand rubles.

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