
Basic and additional literature on the discipline “Construction Economics. Basic and additional literature on the discipline "Economics of construction. List of additional educational literature: dictionaries, problem books


1. Construction Economics / Ed. Buzyreva V.V .. - M .: Academia, 2018 .-- 352 p.
2. Baranovskaya, N.I. Construction economics. Part 2 / N.I. Baranovskaya, A.N. Asaul, Yu.N. et al. Kazansky. - M .: ASV, 2004 .-- 405 p.
3. Baranovskaya, N.I. Construction economics. Part 1: Textbook for universities / N.I. Baranovskaya. - M .: ASV, 2003 .-- 368 p.
4. Baranovskaya, N.I. Construction economics. Part 2: Textbook for universities / N.I. Baranovskaya. - M .: ASV, 2004 .-- 405 p.
5. Baranovskaya, N.I. Construction economics. Part 1 / N.I. Baranovskaya, Yu.N. Kazansky, A.F. Klyuev et al. - M .: ASV, 2003 .-- 368 p.
6. Golubova, O.S. Construction economics: Tutorial for universities / O.S. Golubov. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2010 .-- 320 p.
7. Dzhikovich, Yu.V. Economics of gardening and landscape construction: Textbook / Yu.V. Djikovich. - M .: Academy, 2015 .-- 352 p.
8. Dzhikovich, Yu.V. Economics of gardening and landscape construction: Textbook / Yu.V. Djikovich. - SPb .: Lan, 2016 .-- 224 p.
9. Dzhikovich, Yu.V. Economics of gardening and landscape construction: Textbook / Yu.V. Djikovich. - SPb .: Lan, 2018 .-- 224 p.
10. Dinges, E.V. Economics of construction, repair and maintenance of roads: Textbook / E.V. Dinges. - M .: Academia, 2018 .-- 256 p.
11. Dinges, E.V. Economics of construction, repair and maintenance of roads: Textbook / E.V. Dinges. - M .: Academy, 2012 .-- 352 p.
12. Oleinik, P.P. Organization, planning, management and construction economics. Terminological dictionary. Reference edition. / P.P. Oleinik, B.F. Shirshikov. - M .: ASV, 2016 .-- 320 p.
13. Oleinik, P.P. Organization, planning, management and construction economics. Terminological dictionary / P.P. Oleinik. - M .: ASV, 2016 .-- 320 p.
14. Pavlov, A.S. Economics of construction In 2 volumes: Textbook And Practicum For Bachelor's And Master's Degree / A.S. Pavlov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015 .-- 678 p.
15. Pavlov, A.S. Economics of construction in 2 hours. Part 1: Textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate programs / A.S. Pavlov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016 .-- 314 p.
16. Pastukhova, T.R. Construction Economics Short Course / T.R. Pastukhov. - M .: ASV, 2007 .-- 128 p.
17. Pastukhova, T.R. Construction economics. Short course: Textbook / T.R. Pastukhov. - M .: ASV, 2007 .-- 118 p.
18. Paschenko, L.P. Economics of gardening and landscape construction: Textbook / L.P. Pashchenko, I.M. Zharkov. - SPb .: Lan, 2016 .-- 224 p.
19. Plotnikov, A.N. Construction Economics: Textbook / A.N. Plotnikov. - M .: Alfa-M, 2011 .-- 192 p.
20. Plotnikov, A.N. Construction Economics: Textbook / A.N. Plotnikov. - M .: Alfa-M, Research Center Infra-M, 2012 .-- 288 p.

1. Urban Development Code RF dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) // Russian newspaper - 31.12.2008.

2. The federal law"On licensing of certain types of activities" dated 08.08.2001 No. 128-FZ (as amended on 30.12.2008) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta No. 267, 31.12.2008.

3. Federal law Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Utilities Sector" "RG" - Federal Issue No. 4425 dated July 27, 2007

4. Federal Law dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ (as amended on 25.06.2012) "On licensing certain types of activities" // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 06.05.2011; 30.06.2012.

5. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2009 No. 624 (as amended on 06/23/2010) "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, for the preparation project documentation, for construction, reconstruction, overhaul objects capital construction that have an impact on the safety of capital construction facilities ”// Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 04/26/2010; 13.08.2010.

6. Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 15.06.2010 No. 24099-RP / 08 (as amended on 13.07.2010) "On the procedure for implementing the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2009 No. 624" On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of design documentation for construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction facilities "" // Rationing, standardization and certification in construction. - 2010. - No. 5.

7. Baranovskaya N.I. Construction economics. Part I: textbook. for universities [text] / N.I. Baranovskaya, Yu.N. Kazansky, A.F. Klyuev and others - SPb .: SPbGASU, 2003 .-- 368 p.

8. Buzyrev V.V. Construction economics: textbook. manuals [text] / V.V. Buzyrev, A.P. Suvorov, I.V. Floseev et al. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 336 p.

9. Danilov Yu.Ya. Overcoming the crisis in the investment complex // Construction Economics. - 1998. - N1. - S. 3-16.

10. Elistratov A., Savina S. Activities of the general contractor in modern conditions: from licensing to self-regulation // Corporate lawyer. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 28.

11. Kondratieva, M.N. Features of development of self-regulation in housing and communal services [Text] / M.N. Kondratyeva, E.V. Balandina, G.A. Nikolaev // Economic analysis: theory and practice, 2011. - №43 (250). - S. 24 -28.

12. Korzhova E. Self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction // Housing law. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 21.

13. Mityakina I.V. Features of the administrative and legal status of self-regulatory organizations in the Russian Federation // http://www.strsmeta.ru.

14. Savin K.N. Self-regulation of housing and communal services in the region: necessity and development prospects // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2010. - No. 19. - S. 32.

15. Prykin B.V. Compact economics: a course of lectures / B.V. Prykin. - M .: Academia, 2006 .-- 512 p.

16. Russian Architectural and Construction Encyclopedia Volume I / Electronic version... Web: http://www.infocommander.ru/rarh/

17. Russia in figures - 2012: a short statistical collection, - M .: Rosstat. 2012 .-- S. 249

18. Collection of articles of the annual all-Russian with international participation scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economics and management in modern society": materials of the scientific and practical conference. November 17, 2011 [text] / ed. E.V. Ponosova - Perm: ANO VPO "Perm Institute of Economics and Finance", 2011. - 556 p.

19. Construction economics / А.N. Asaul, N.I. Baranovskaya, Yu.N. Kazansky, A.F. Klyuev - M.: ASV; 2004 .-- 405 p.

20. Pavel Mikhailidi. Self-regulation. http://www.sro.org.ua/

21. Pavel Mikhaidili. Types of self-regulation. http://www.sro.org.ua/

22. Pashchenko V.N. Development management algorithm investment potential construction organization// Problems modern economy... - 2010. - No. 2. - S. 26.

23. Khovanskaya T. "All for one" - new rules in the construction industry // Corporate lawyer. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 21.

24. Self-regulatory organization of builders http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki

25. SRO in construction, self-regulatory organizations http://tovar911.com/services/building/

26. Official site of the Volgograd Region Arbitration Court // http://volgograd.arbitr.ru/.

27. Data of the official website of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia // http://www.minregion.ru/.

28. (http://www.minregion.ru/? Page = 289)

1.O home loans/ Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.94, No. 1180.

2. Concept for the development of housing mortgage lending in the Russian Federation / Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2000, No. 28.

3. On conducting an experiment to improve the implementation mechanism of the federal target program "Own Home" in countryside/ Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1999, No. 716.

4.06 mortgage (mortgage of real estate) Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1998 No. 102-FZ.

5. Asaul A.N. Energy saving technologies in rural construction of the Leningrad region / Science, industry, Agriculture and culture in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region on the eve of the 21st century (state and development) MOO Union of Scientists, Engineers and Production Specialists, St. Petersburg, 1999.

6. Asaul A.N., Denisova I.V. The use of energy-saving technologies in construction as an engineering protection measure environment// Sat. scientific. reports of the 7th International, conf. ecology and development of the North-West of Russia St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature (MANEB), 2002.

7. Asaul A.N., Denisova I.V.// Actual problems of the investment and construction process in St. Petersburg. - Topic. Sat. tr. - Issue. SPb, Stroyizdat SPb, 2002.

8. Asaul A.N., Denisova I.V., Kokarev SP., Khudilainen A.P. Development of individual housing construction in the countryside (on the example of the Leningrad region) / SPbGASU - SPb., 2002.

9. Asaul A.N. Real Estate Economics: A Textbook. SPb .: Humanistika, 2003.

10. Banks and Bank operations/ Ed. E.F. Zhukova, - M., 1997.

11. Beklaryan L.A., Treivish M.I. Factoring operations. Methods for analyzing efficiency and reliability. - M., 1996.

12. Residential block houses. Volume 2, part 1-2, M .: TSITP, 1984 .-- 212 p.

13. Residential buildings panel and frame-panel. Volume 1, part 1. M .: TSITP, 1984. -200 p.

14. Residential buildings with walls made from local materials. Catalog of typical projects of residential buildings and outbuildings for individual developers. Volume 3, parts 1-4, Moscow: TsITP, 1984 .-- 304 p.

15. Zarenkov V.A. In housing construction. New technologies "LenSpetsSMU" // Reconstruction. Building. - 1995 .-- S. 34-36.

16. Zarenkov V.A. LenSpetsSMU revives the image of Northern Palmyra // Construction and urban economy of St. Petersburg. - 1998, - No. 20. - S. 6-8.

17. Zarenkov V.A. Features of the volumetric-spatial organization of multi-storey residential buildings of the last decade of the XX century (on the example of design and construction in St. Petersburg.) // Mobile and prefabricated buildings, structures and complexes: Abstracts. report 1999. - SPb., Stroyizdat. - S. 105-112.

18. Zarenkov V.A. New technologies in housing construction. - SPb .: Construction and municipal economy of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, No. 25, 1998. - P. 54-55.

19. Kazakov Yu.N. International Association of Specialists in Mobile Complexes // Prefabricated and mobile buildings and structures: prospects for use in modern conditions: Abstracts. report int. scientific and technical conf. December 10-11, 1998 - SPb., BITU, 1998 .-- S. 38-46.

20. Kazakov Yu.N., Beretov V.V., Badin G.M., Makaridze G.D. Materials for awarding the RAASN diploma for the best work in 2003 // Urban low-rise complexes with energy-saving technologies / M., 2004 - 172 p.

21. Kazansky Yu.N., NemchinA. M., Nikeshin S.N. Construction in the USA and Russia: economics, organization, management. - SPb., 1995.

22. Kashkarov V. My house - best house// Rural construction - 2000. - No. 5.

23. E. A. Kudashev Financial management of the construction of suburban settlements // Economy of construction. 2000. - No. 10.

24. Limarenko V.I. Mortgage lending for housing construction in Russia: state, problems, ways of development // Economy of construction. - 2000. - No. 5.

25. Lutskevich V.K. Housing and climate. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1984 .-- 300 p.

26. Makaridze G.D. Improvement of technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings from prefabricated monolithic structures with fixed formwork. - SPb., SPbGASU - 2002.

27". Mishanov A. State housing certificates// Construction and business. - 2001. - January, №1 (5)

28. Maxai Doc., Holland Y. and other Design of residential buildings. Per. from English - M .: Stroyizdat, 1979 .-- 118 p.

29. V.B. Kutukov Fundamentals of financial and insurance mathematics. Methods for calculating credit, investment and insurance schemes. - M., 1998.

30. Saprykina N.A. Architectural form: statics and dynamics: Textbook. pos. for universities. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1995 .-- 407 p.

31. SNiP 2.08.01-89 ** Residential buildings. - M .: TSITP, 1989 .-- 16 p.

32. SNiP 2.08.01-89 ** Changes No. 1 // Bulletin of construction equipment. 1993.-# 7; 1994.-# 12; 1996. -No. 11.

33.SNiP 2.01.01-82. Construction climatology and geophysics. - M .: TSITP, 1983.-136 p.

34.SNiP 21-01-97. Fire safety of buildings and structures. - M .: Gosstroy RF, 1997 .-- 14 p.

35.SNiP 2.07.01-89 *. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.

36. SNiP P-3-79 *. Construction heat engineering. - M .: Minstroy RF, 1995.-30 p.

37. Naumov G.N. Investment support of housing construction in the region // Economy of construction. - 1999. - No. 11.

38. Tikhomirov V.A., Lastochkin S.Ya. Low-rise building made of small-element structures: Method, pos. / PVVISU. - SPb., 1996 .-- 45 p.

39. Porous sawdust-perlite-sandy concrete for external enclosing structures: Sat. scientific. works. - SPb .: BITU, 2000 .-- S. 40-41.

40. Makaridze G.D., Semenchev N.P. The effectiveness of multilayer walls made of lightweight perlite-concrete in housing construction: Sat. scientific. works. - SPb .: BITU, 2000. -S. 54-55.

41. Makaridze G.D., Semenchev N.P. Experience in introducing new energy-saving technologies at construction sites in St. Petersburg: Sat. scientific. works. - SPb .: BITU, 2000. -S. 71-72.

42. Makarichev V.V., Lenin NI. Calculation of structures made of cellular concrete. - M .: Gosstroyizdat, 1961 .-- 154 p.

43. A.A. Malodushev On the question of the methodology for evaluating the parameters of the porization of aerated concrete mixture Reports of the 55th Scientific Conference of Professors, Teachers, Researchers, Engineers and Postgraduate Students of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, 1998. - pp. 143-145.

44. A.A. Malodushev Features of planning the processes of porization of aerated concrete mixture. Works of young scientists - SPb .: SPbGASU, 1998. - P. 136-140.

45. Monfred Yu.B., Poltavtsev SI., VolgaB. C. Manufacturability of residential buildings. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1992 .-- 331 p.

46. Nanazashvili I.Kh. Building materials, products and structures: Handbook. - M .: graduate School, 1990 .-- 495 p.

47. N.V. Novitsky Development of the theory and improvement of the technology for preparing a cement-concrete mixture at negative temperatures. Abstract of thesis. dis. doct. tech. Sciences - SPb., 1996 .-- 39 p.

48. Pozhnin A.P., Tikhonov Yu.M. Research in the field of thermal insulation materials and lightweight concrete. Jubilee collection of works dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Building Materials; SPbGASU. - SPb .: SPbGASU, 2000 .-- S. 30-38.

49. Prykin B.V., Shirshikov B.F. Fundamentals of management of production and construction systems. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1991 .-- 336 p.

50. Rosenreld L.M. Autoclave foam slag concrete. - M .: Gosstroyizdat, 1958. -96 p.

51. Guidelines for the production of concrete work in winter conditions, regions of the Far East, Siberia and Far north/ TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy of the USSR. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1982 .-- 213 p.

52. Silaenkov E.S. Durability of products from cellular blocks. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1986 .-- 176 p.

53. Construction production. Encyclopedia. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1995 .-- 463 p.

54. Syroezhkin IM. Improving the system of indicators of efficiency and quality. - M .: Economics, 1980 .-- 191 p.

55. Tikhonov Yu.M., Kolomeets I.V., Platonova N.M. The concept of forming the pore structure of aerated lightweight concrete using porous aggregates. Jubilee collection of works dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Building Materials, SPbGASU. - SPb, SPbGASU, 2000 .-- S. 63-70.

56. Tikhonov YM. Application of aerated "warm" solutions with porous aggregates in the floors of civil buildings. - L., LDNTP, 1990 .-- 28p.

57. Ugai YAM. General chemistry. - M .: Higher school, 1977 .-- 408 p.

58. V.V. Novozhilov The challenge of measuring costs and benefits with optimal planning. - M .: Nauka, 1972.

59. News of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation // Nizhny Novgorod agricultural journal. - 2001. - No. 1.

60. Ogarkov A. Market formation construction products population // Economist. - 2001. - No. 1.

61. Organization and management in construction. Basic concepts and terms / Ed. count .: V.M. Vasiliev (chapters, ed.), V.V. Isaev, Yu.P. Familiar. - M. -SPb., 1998.

62. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Marketing / Ed. V.M. Vlasova. - M., 1999.

63. Problems economic assessment reconstruction of objects in the historical center of St. Petersburg / Ed. A.N. Asaula. SPb., SPbGASU. - 2003. -118.

64. Panibratov Yu.P., Baranovskaya N.I., Astashenkov V.P. Development of the regional construction complex in the market conditions // Izvestiya vysshikh educational institutions... Ser. "Building". - 1997. - No. 10.

65. Panibratov Yu.P., Gordeeva I.A. The method of equity participation in construction: the main directions of improvement // Investment and construction activity in the conditions of formation market relations: Sat. scientific. tr. - SPb .: SPbGASU, 2001.

66. Panibratov Yu.P., MerkinP. M., Klyuev A.F. Comprehensive efficiency improvement system construction production... - L., 1985.

67. Pasyada N.I. Housing logistics and project management. - SPb .: Publishing house of SPbGUEF, 1999.

68. Pasyada N.I. Modern experience and patterns of development of integration processes in the field of housing construction. - SPb .: Publishing house of SPbGUEF, 1999.

69. Pechatnikova SM. Models of the organization of the system of housing mortgage lending // Economics of construction. - 2001. - No. 1.

70. Pechatnikova SM. Features of housing mortgage lending in Russia // Construction Economics. - 2001. - No. 6.

71. PlatonovA. M. Lending for housing construction: Textbook. manual.-Yekaterinburg: USTU, 1999.

72. Polterovich V.N. Credit rationalization, inflation and transformation, recession // Economics and Mathematical Methods. - 1995. - t. 31, issue Z.

73. Polyakov V.G., Larionov A.N., Usov V.B. Mortgage lending for housing construction in the Lower Volga region. - Volgograd, 1999.

74. Polyakova M.B., Seko E.V. Accumulative housing certificates as a means of off-budget financing of housing construction // Investment and construction activities in the conditions of the formation of market relations: Collection of articles. scientific. tr. - SPb., 2001.

75. Puzyrevsky L.S. Fundamentals of Organizational Design. - L., 1975.

76. Tsylina G.A. Mortgage: housing on credit. - M., 2001.

77. Vakhmistrov A.I. Attraction borrowed money for the revitalization of housing construction in the context of reforming the Russian economy: Avtoref. dis. Cand. eq. nauk.-SPb., 2000.

78. Ivanova M.V. Organization of financing of housing construction at the expense of non-budgetary sources: Author's abstract. dis. Cand. eq. sciences. - SPb., 1998.

79. A.A. Latkin Management of the regional investment and housing complex on the basis of organizational and economic methods: (On the note of the Department for Construction, Architecture, Housing and Communal Services and Road Administration of the Samara Region Administration): Author's abstract. dis. Cand. eq. sciences. - M., 1996.

80. Mishustin E.V. Methodological foundations for improving the efficiency of investment in housing construction in the region: Avtoref. dis. Cand. eq. sciences. - SPb., 1995.

81. Mulyukov G.M. The effectiveness of the rural construction complex and ways to improve it: Author's abstract. dis. Cand. eq. sciences. - Ufa, 1995.

82. Pasyada N.I. Logistic mechanism for managing housing projects: Avtoref. dis. dr. eq. sciences. - SPb., 1999.

83. Business Petersburg, 1999 - 2002

84.http: //ipoteka.spb.ru

85.http: //ncpi.gov.ru

86.http: //www.bspb.ru/kredit/ipoteka.html .2001

87.http: //www.deltacredit.ru 163.http: //www.dis.ru/MENEDG .2001

88.http: //www.expert.ru/expert/ratings/regions/reg96/tabs/tabl7.htm.

89.http: //www.hypoteka.ru 166.http: //www.icin.ru/ipoteka.htm .2001

90.http: //www.impconsult.ru .2001

91.http: //www.ipotekapsk.ru

92.http: //www.karazbal.ru

93.http: //www.lenobl.ru

94.http: //www.maif.ru

95.http: //www.mcx.ru

96.http: //www.mtszerno.ru

97.http: //www.ncs.ru

98.http: //www.raf.org.ru/sta2200l_l.htm .2001

99.http: //www.russtroy.ru

100.http: //www.spbcoop.ru

101.http: //www.stroimvmeste.ru .2002uk.7 / *

102. Hunter L. W., Kuttler J.R. Cooling of a slab with thermal contraction and progressive loss of contact of with cold surface // Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transf. - 1983. Vol. 105, No. 4. - P. 336-338.

103. Kaplan M.F. Crack propagation and the Fracturcob concrete // Journal of the A. C. S. - Vol. 58. - No. 5. - 1961. - P. 591-610.

104. KayT., Slater D. Specifying concrete for adverse weather // J. Concrete. - 1995, No. 5, 6. -P. 21-24.

105. Osborne T. Aspects of the transport of ready-mixed concrete // J. Concrete. - 1994, No. 7, 8. -P. 19-21.

106. Pickeett g. // A. S. J. Journal, Proc. - 2002. Vol. 52. - No. 5.

107 Radjy E, HansenT. WITH Fracture of hardened Cement paste and Concrete // Cement and Concrete Research. - Vol. 3. - No. 4. - 1973, P. 18-24.

108.Steuger R. W., Hurd M. K. Lightweight in Subating concrete floors and roof decks // Concrete construction. - Vol. 23. - No. 7. - 1978, 2002. P. 10-15.

109.Beklaryan L.A., Treivish M.I. Factoring operations. Methods for analyzing efficiency and reliability. - M., 1966.

ON. Glushchenko V.V. Management. Systemic bases. - Moscow region, 1998.

111.Kazansky Yu.N., Robotov A.S. Construction marketing concepts in market conditions. - SPb., 1993.

112.Naumov G.N. Investment support of housing construction in the region // Economy of construction. 1999, no. 11.

113. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Marketing / Ed. V.M. Vlasova. - M., 1999.

114. Svyatlovsky V.V. The housing issue from an economic point of view. - SPb., 1902.

115. Selivanov V.M., Shiltsina A.D., Selivanov Yu.V. Building of cottages by the "growing house" method 7 / Housing construction. 2001, no. 3.

DS 11. "Industry Economics"


Main literature

1. Construction Economics, ed. I.S. Stepanova, M., Yurayt, 2002.
2. Construction Economics, ed. I.S. Stepanova, M., Yurayt, 1997.
3. Construction Economics, ed. Yu.F. Simionova, M., 2003.
4. Apaev GA, Construction Economics, lectures, Yoshkar-Ola, 1993.
5. Methodology for determining the cost construction projects on the territory of the Russian Federation. MDS-81-35-2004.
6. TEP-2001, collection of works. 1-47, Cheboksary, years ed. 2002-2006.
7. Collection of tasks for the course "Economics of construction", ed. Reinina S.N., V.sh., 1977.

additional literature

1. Kostyuchenko V.V., Kryukov K.M., Organization of remuneration and budgeting in construction, M., 2004.
2. Construction Economics (magazine), No. 12-1997, p. 19-23, Economic efficiency of investments.
3. TEP-2001, collection of works. 1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,20,24,26,46,47.
4. Territorial unit rates to determine the cost of construction in Chuvash Republic TER 81-02-07-2001 Collection 07 "Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures", Cheboksary, 2002.
5. TER 81-02-15-2001 Collection 15 "Finishing work".
6. TER 81-02-26-2001 Collection 26 "Thermal insulation works".
7. TER 81-02-46-2001 SB. 46 "Work on the reconstruction of buildings and structures."
8. Sergeev I.V., Enterprise Economics, M., 2004.
9. Volkov OI, Sklyarenko VK, Enterprise Economics, lectures, M., 2002.
10. Collection of price indices and information materials on pricing in construction in the Czech Republic, III quarter. 2006, Cheboksary, 2006.
11. Trepenenkov II, Album of drawings of structures and details of industrial buildings, 3rd ed., M., 1989. (For EPR, with a set of options).
12. Method for determination economic efficiency capital investments, well. "ES", No. 8-1989, p. 114-118.
13. Khamzin SK, Karasev AK, Technology of construction production, for course and diploma design. P. 177-unit labor costs and machine time.
14. Instructions for determining the economic efficiency of using new technology, inventions and rationalization proposals in construction (SN 509-78-86).
15. Instructions for determining the economic efficiency of capital investments in construction (SN 423-71-79).
16. Economics of construction, Chistov L., M., 2001.
17. Economics of construction and communal services, V.Z. Chernyak, M., 2003.
18. Economy and resource saving in the region, Cheboksary, 1998, p. 114-144, 145-147, 261-267, 411-414; variant problems with. 415-461.
19. Construction economics, problem book, with methods and examples of solutions, Cheboksary, 2005.
20. Economics of design solutions. MU for Technical and Economic Evaluation of Solutions in Construction, Cheboksary, ChGU, 1993.
21. Kolobkov PS, Use of thermal secondary energy resources in heat supply, Kharkov, 1991.
22. Nosova S.S., Economic theory, textbook., M., 1999.
23. Russian architectural and construction encyclopedia, M., Alpha, 1996.
24. Unified tariff and qualification reference book, M., 1995.
25. Economics of architectural design and construction, textbook., Varezhkin V.А. et al., M., 1990.
26. V. V. Grigoriev. et al., Fundamentals of the Economics of Architectural Design and Construction, M., 1990.
27. The journal "Economics of Construction" for 2004-2006.
28. Economics of construction and communal services, V.Z. Chernyak, M., 2003.
29. Economy construction company... Problem book, with methods and examples of solutions, Cheboksary, 2005.
30. V.A. Alekseev, Construction Economics. Method. instructions for estimate calculations according to TER-2001, Cheboksary, 2005.
31. Kuzminsky A.G., Shcherbakov A.Ch., Pricing and estimated rationing in construction. Novosibirsk, NGAS, 1995.
32. Filyev V.I., Salary in foreign countries, M., Accounting Bulletin, 1997.
Recommendations for the conduct of contract bidding. "ES", No. 3-1994.

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