
The height of Kudrinskaya area 1. Highlight on the barricade - a house for the best minds. Project area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising

Architectural Style Travel Guide

The building consists of central (24 floors, height with a tower and spire - 156 m) and side buildings (18 residential floors). They constitute a single array based on a common ground floor. In total, the house in Kudrinskaya Square 452 apartments. The facade decorate sculptural groups, symbolizing labor, creativity and defense.

Marble stairs with carpet tracks, bivalve oak doors, apartments with high ceilings and high-speed elevators made a high-speed dreamed house. Housing here received employees of the aviation industry, pilots testing, astronauts and the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Sovmina of the USSR. Therefore, the altitude was called "the house of aviators".

On the first and basement floors of the building there were shops and a cinema "Flame" (now not working), in the basement - underground garages. Over time, part of the base was converted to a casino. Now in his place - bowling club.

They say that... ... Seven sisters have twin brothers in the United States. For example, a house on Kudrinskaya Square is similar to Terminal Tower.
... When the park was smashed near the high-rise in Kudrinskaya Square, in the hill formed near her right wing, the inhabitants walked dogs, and the dwarf in the winter rode on sleds, pulling directly on the roadway.
...appearance Stalinist height is written off with a sugar tower. For this reason, architects are poured by their originality, slowed down the restoration of the tower - they were afraid that they would be suspected in plagiarism.

Residential building in Kudrinskaya Square in photos of different years:

Today, dear readers, I will show you a report from the vertex of a residential building / stalin's altitude On Kudrinskaya Square or, more simply, Kudrins say. Namely from a small platform, located right under the star. Impressions unforgettable. Thus, I open the reporting cycle from the Stalinist height, where I have long wanted to get (pictures without processing are lying from the boilers, and then, perhaps visiting and some of the remaining.

First a little prehistory. In the past years, when I was just started to climb on the roof, I repeatedly saw reports from Stalinist height. Not from all, but still. Since I am an amateur of such an architecture, as well as these buildings seem to me extremely interesting, even then I really wanted to climb here too. But something did not get enough, and then I temporarily refused the idea at all, but I still wanted in my soul. But at the end of July, with my beloved, I still did it - they fell to Kudrinka. I liked it very much, especially the wind blowing on top. Stunning sensations. As well as beautiful views of our capital. That day, by the way, we were lucky with the weather)

And now, as usual, for those who are interested, is a historical reference, and then we immediately go to the photos:

The house at Kudrinskaya Square (from 1925 to 1992 - the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising) was built in 1948-1954. According to the project of architects M. V. Procohina, A. A. Movoyanz and Designer M. N. Zhomsky. The situation consists of the central (24 floors, height with the tower and the spire - 156 meters) and side buildings (18 residential floors) constituting A single structural array based on a common ground floor. In total, in the building over 450 apartments. In 1955. book value The buildings were 648 million rubles. Apartments in the house received employees of the aviation industry, test pilots and the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Sovmina of the USSR were subsequently upgraded and turned into residential. You can get along the stairs, rising from the entrance, or in open transitions from the central tower. The main part of the building includes 3 large entrances (1 per each of the housings) and a large number of small, characterized planning. Each small entrance is equipped with a single elevator, has a small number of floors (not more than 12), 1-4 apartments for the floor.
Large entrances (1st, 4th, 14th) are serviced by three elevators each. The central elevator of the 1st entrance (central body) is capable of climbing up to 23 and 24 floors, but in the usual mode of its operation this feature is blocked. In addition, all 3 elevators of the 1st entrance do not stop on the 2nd floor, where the Directorate serves this house and a number of other high-altitude buildings.
On each floor there is 4 to 8 apartments, the lobby is richly decorated (mirrors, chandeliers) and can be shocking, insulating the floor from stairs and sites in front of the elevator (in fact, each floor is divided by an elevator zone into two lobby).

1. And here we are standing in front of the building. Now we have the task of getting inside)

2. After some time we are upstairs. Let's start with the species. Photo in the direction of the Moscow Zoo, Pavilion Metro "Krasnopresnenskaya", away the house on the running and even further areas of the October Field and Sokol

3. Clever to see otherwise) towards the alleys and the square before height

4. And now species towards the center - Little and large Nikitsky streets go to the side of the Kremlin, the temple of the Ascension of the Lord is clearly visible

5. Now let's go a little higher - right under the star. It leads such a staircase, but with a protective box.

6. Now actually and the photo from the cover - the star, it is such as "stitched" from many golden plates

7. We now admire the views in the other side - before us House of the Government of the Russian Federation, Bend of Moscow-River, Stalin's Tightening with the Hotel "Ukraine", away - District "Moscow-City"

8. I myself do not like the footage "with my feet", but here it still photographed to show the scope of the structure and the staircase on the spire. Below is my girl)

9. If you slide a little lower than the second platform, we will fall on the technical site. There are various mechanisms on it, as well as these are cute architectural elements.

10. Now I will show you views towards the districts of Maryina Grove and Ostankino, the Garden-Kudrinskaya street is out of the distance. In the foreground, the new territory of the Moscow Zoo and the Moscow Planetarium has already begun.

11. Final frame. Kudrinskaya Tighten from above down from the reverse side. Also very pretty turrets with gold-plated cones with balls. Alas, I have no shine yet, so the side towers fit not completely.

Here is such it, Kudrinskaya Tighten \u003d)

P.S. Since I started my vacation, in the next week there will be no reports, I will go to rest) The exception can only be a report from an abandoned college, if for tomorrow I will have time to reach photos and add it.

"Aviator's House", or a height of barricade, is one of the symbols of Moscow. About seven Stalinist skyscrapers built in post-war yearsFolded a lot of legends. Despite its respectable age, these buildings and today are striking tourists, and many indigenous Muscovites would be happy to purchase apartments in them.

History and description of the Stalinist high-rise on the barricade

In January 1947, I. Stalin signed the Resolution of the Council of Ministers "On construction in the city of Moscow multi-storey buildings" Kudrinskaya Square (previously the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising) was chosen to build one of the majestic buildings. For the simultaneous construction and similar architectural forms, these houses will later be poetic called "seven sisters". The building will go down in history as a skyscraper on the barricade, by the name of the nearest metro station.

The main architects of the project - A. A. Montoyantz, M. V. Zhukhin. On the total ground floor, the main tower in 24 floors (total height is 156 meters along with the spire) and two symmetrical side hulls to 18 floors each. You can get inside through three large entrances and many small ones. The height of the barricade was built as a residential building (there are more than 450 apartments here), with the exception of the basement. The building has underground tiers, on which auto parking and bomb shelter were located on the initial project.

Not obsolete luxury

After received this address: Kudrinskaya Square, 1. The first tenants drove into their apartments in the spring of 1955. Get in such a house own square meters You could only favorites. Advantageously, apartments were distributed between test pilots, employees of the aircraft industry and members of the Sovin of the USSR and the CPSU Central Committee.

Luxurious decoration public rooms Partially preserved to this day. In large entrances and on floors - stucco, parquet and chic oak panels, colorful stained glass windows and mirrors. The facade of the building is decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs demonstrating the desire of the USSR citizens to work, creativity and defense.

The height of the barricade is a worthy sample of luxury housing for its time. All apartments have telephone communication With concierge, sewer pipes were equipped with devices for grinding garbage, the building had its own boiler room. On the basement there were public institutions needed for life. Here was the famous grocery store "Deli No. 15", ice cream cafe, your own post office, hairdresser and many other organizations. Often the famous Soviet skyscraper "starred" in the cinema and mentioned in literary works.

Skyscraper from the USSR today

Simple citizens of the USSR could only dream of receiving an apartment in an elite and today the situation has changed dramatically, and almost any real estate object can be purchased, possessing the relevant amount of money.

Stalin's Skyscrapers "Seven Sisters" today is again incredibly popular. To live or have your own office in one of these buildings is very prestigious. And yet it is worth noting that this is a building on an amateur. In the house on the barricade is not too large apartments. The maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is only about 100 square meters. meters. Many real estate market experts consider apartment planning in stalin's houses hopelessly outdated.

If we talk about the problems of the skyscraper on Kudrinskaya Square, it is worth noting the small bathrooms and a kitchen. But not everything is so bad, the advantages are also available. Elite housing, erected in the USSR, may argue in its reliability and durability with most new buildings. From the windows of the top of the top tiers, incredibly beautiful panoramic views of the city center are open. In walking distance from home, many interesting places for walking and a variety of attractions of the capital.

Question price

Apartments in the house on the barricade are almost always on sale. Wishing to acquire such a unique property of real estate will have to lay out a solid amount. Minimum price three-bedroom apartment Here is 35 million rubles. At the same time, the buyer should be prepared for overhaul Your acquisition.

Apartments on the barricade are not only sold, but also actively surrender. The cost of the daily rent is from 6500 rubles per day. You can live a month in this incredible house for 150,000 rubles. It is worth noting that the height on the barricade is an excellent option for investment. Experts agree that the Stalin skyscrapers will never lose their popularity.

On the western side of the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising, not far from the zoo in 1948, and in 1954 the construction of a high-rise building on the project M.V. was completed Prochina, A.A. MNDOYANCA and designer M.N. Queen. It was a wonderful castle consisting of the central (24th floor, height with a tower and spire - 156 meters) and side buildings (18 residential floors) constituting a single structural array based on a common ground floor. In the house of 456 two-, three and four-bedroom apartments with all the amenities.

In the stylobate, at the base of the building for the convenience of tenants, the largest grocery store "Deli", cafes, household service enterprises was opened. The building was placed two cinema (Flame cinema, currently not working), children's institutions and even an automatic telephone exchange for 10 thousand numbers, there were also located warehouses and garages.

In the XIV-XVII centuries, in the place of an incredibly huge structure was the village of Kudrino. It belonged to the grandson of Ivan Kalita Vladimir Andreevich. In 1680, the yard of V.V. was located here. Golitsyn, an approximate princess Sophia, when the latter got into opala, the courtyard went to A.L. Naryshkina - a cousin of Peter I. The imported road from the Kremlin on Volokolamsk and further to Veliky Novgorod passed through the village.

By the 1940s, the place was very different from rural. Although the area survived the revolutionary battles, became the "gate of the Red Presni", the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising, she remained the old Moscow outskirts. The area and the area behind it smoothly glad to Presnensky Ponds.

It is the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising that was chosen to build another altitude. To do this, the area had to align and pour. The slope and the platform with the square in front of the altitude house strengthened with granite walls. The houses were demolished, and in 1937 a cumbersome house disappeared, separating the area from Novinsky Boulevard.

The beauty-highness was one of the seven high-altitude buildings built in Moscow for a decade after the Great Patriotic War, and one of two residential high-rise houses. For post-war Moscow, which jetsters in publications, former monasteries and mansions and simply in barracks, the house was a magic palace.

The building in the style of the Soviet Art Deco was worst 30-meter spire with a five-pointed star. Expressive pilasters, stretched in the entire height of the building, made it even higher. The garden was decorated with sculptural groups, symbolizing work, creativity and defense (sculptors N. B. Nikogosyan, M.K. Alinishin, M.F. Baburin).

Marble stairs with carpet tracks rose from the lobby, bivalve oak doors opened the entrance from the stairs to the recreation of the floors. Apartments with high ceilings, high-speed elevators, and the style of the "Stalinsky Ampire" himself did a height of the dream of many Muscovites. In the house and lived "Cans", it was not for nothing that he received the name of the "House of Aviator". Apartments in it were taken by astronauts, test pilots and aircraft designers, as well as actors and high-ranking officials.

All Soviet Moscow was proud of the house, and S. Mikhalkov even "set" his giant Sadu Stepu near him:
Where the house is standing altitude
There is a high-rise aside.

Now the house continues to be residential, gradually changing Soviet luxury to modern. Part of the base was converted to a casino, ceased work in 2004. At present, a bowling club is located in its place.

The basements of the building are suitable with the system of underground structures, including with a bomb-skinning, emerging far beyond the above-ground part of the building.

An object cultural heritage regional importance.

IN at the Kudrinskaya Square, proudly wears №1 (on Square) ...
And another unofficial number 7 among the other high spirits of Moscow))) Square until 1992 was called the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising. The house began to be built in 1948. The project of architects Mikhail Prochina, Aschot MNDOYANCA and the designer of the Queen.

Later, recalling this project, Mr. Comrade Posokhin wrote that on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising, the project of the altitude was made with the study of the surrounding environment. "Getting Started to Design Project, architects first developed the composition of the entire area, linking it with high-rise building"- writes Mikhail Shahin in the book" Architecture ambient"I left in 1989.

Photo start building building.

Initially, it was planned to surround the high rise in Kudrinskaya green plantings and tie this recreational zone with the territory of the zoo, which at that time was planned to be transferred to the Capital in Yuzao, and in its place to organize a city park. True, these plans were never implemented.

The building consists of several buildings, which are located on the total basement. The height of the central 24-storey body with a spire - 156 meters.

The facade of the building decorate sculptures that symbolize creativity, defense and labor of Soviet citizens. On both parties from the main building are the side 18-storey buildings.

In each of the three buildings, it was one major entrance (No. 1, No. 4, No. 14) and a few more additional. The lobby of the entrances were originally finished with luxurious mirrors and chandeliers, and could also be blocked, insulating the floor from stairs and sites in front of the elevator.

Each of the large entrances is equipped with three elevators. Interestingly, none of the three elevators of the first entrance stops on the second floor.

In total, there are about 450 apartments in the house in Kudrinskaya Square. Once a height of the people was called the "House of Aviators", because the apartments were given to the employees of the aviation industry (in particular, the staff of CB Tupolev) and test pilots, but, of course, there were a lot of party figures among the tenants.

It is said that when the US Embassy has opened nearby, the two upper floors were reset. There KGB installed the equipment for the wiretapping, and from there, "looked after the Americans.

As I already wrote, sculptures around the perimeter of the building symbolize the workers of science, technology, village, family life, oppressive childhood, the joy of motherhood, etc.

For some reason, women are emphasized not looking towards men and on the contrary, as if they are in a quarrel or single mom. There is no man with a child on the building. All of them aside, in the case ... Once upon a time they are distracted for children. And women, most often proudly look into the bright future, and not on confused children under their feet.

A catholic church of the immaculate conception is seen.

The railing is emphasized classic.

But back to sculptures.

Dmitry sharpened our attention on one of them. Here is this girl with a musical instrument. He does not look like any of the famous. I decided that it was a double bass, but not he. As it turned out this violin, but big. There are violins of Stradivari, and there are violins of the Tsereteli. A little in proportions missed, it happens ...

Where we hardened this young man is not clear ....)))) Almost erotica at Soviet times.

Some strange proportions. Children are more like adolescents, but they are too small compared to the Soviet woman.

Shopping complex opposite the height.

And this (c) pester on the Internet. View of the building and Moscow below the star ...

And this machine gun has obvious problems with the proportions of the disk on the machine PPS. He is not enough.

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