
SP Multi-storey residential buildings. Security with use

Code of Rules SP-54.13330.2011

"SNiP 31-01-2003. Buildings residential complex"

Actualized edition Snip 31-01-2003

With changes:

Multicompartment Residential Buldings.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of newly under construction and reconstructed apartment buildings with a height of * (1) to 75 m (hereinafter referred to as the text adopted in accordance with SP 2.13130), including apartment type hostels, as well as residential premises, Particularly included in the premises of the buildings of another functional purpose.

2 Regulatory references

3 Terms and Definitions

4 General provisions

4.3 During the design and construction of a residential building, conditions should be provided for the vital activity of small groups of the population, the availability of a plot, buildings and apartments for disabled people and the elderly who use wheelchairs, if the placement of apartments for families with disabled people in this residential building is set in the design task .

Specialized apartment buildings for the elderly should be designed not higher than nine floors, for families with disabled - not higher than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabled people should be placed, as a rule, on the first floors.

In residential buildings of state and municipal housing assets, the share of apartments for families with disabled people with wheelchairs is established in the task of design by local governments. Specific requirements for ensuring the livelihoods of persons with disabilities and other small groups of the population should be provided with regard to local conditions and requirements of the SP 59.13330. Bilateral movement of persons with disabilities in wheelchairs should only be provided in specialized residential buildings for elderly and for families with disabled. In this case, the width of the corridors must be taken at least 1, 8 m.

4.4 The project must include an instruction manual for apartments and public rooms Houses that should contain the data required by tenants (owners) of apartments and embedded public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: circuits of hidden wiring, location of ventilation boxes, other elements of the building and its equipment, in whose construction actions should not be carried out by residents and tenants during operation. In addition, the instruction should include the rules for the content and maintenance of fire protection systems and evacuation plan for fire.

4.4A Redevelopment and reorganization of apartments should be carried out in accordance with the rules of Article 26 of the Housing Code Russian Federation.

4.5 In residential buildings it should be envisaged: Economic and drinking and hot water supply, sewage and waterproofs in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330; Heating, ventilation, copier protection - in accordance with the SP 60.13330. Fireproof water pipes, copier protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the joint venture 10.13130 \u200b\u200band SP 7.13130.

4.6 In residential buildings it is necessary to provide electrical lighting, power electrical equipment, telephonification, radio, television antennas, and a ringing alarm, as well as automatic fire alarms, alert and evacuation systems for fire, elevators for transporting fire units, people rescue means, fire protection systems in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safetyAs well as other engineering systems provided for by the design task.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings, it should be provided for the installation of collective reception antennas and racks of wired broadcasting networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers are prohibited.

4.8 Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / PR

The cabin of one of the elevators should be depth or width (depending on the planning) 2100 mm for the possibility of placing a person in it on sanitary stretchers.

The width of the doors of the cabin of one of the elevators should provide a disabled carriage.

When adding existing 5-storey residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator in the exhaust floor.

In residential buildings in which on floors above the first provides for the placement of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabilities, passenger elevators or lifting platforms must be provided in accordance with the requirements SP 59.13330, GOST R 51630, GOST R 51631 and GOST R 53296.

4.9 Width of sites in front of the elevators should allow the use of an elevator for transporting a patient on ambulance stretcher and be at least M:

1, 5 - in front of the elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2, 1 - in front of lifts with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cab in a cab 2100 mm.

With a double row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be at least m:

1, 8 - when installing elevators with a cab in a cab of less than 2100 mm;

2, 5 - when installing elevators from the depth of the cab 2100 mm and more.

4.10 In the basement, basement, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and largest cities * (2) in the third floor), it is allowed to place embedded and built-in public premises, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on a person.

Not allowed to post:

specialized stores of moskalo-chemical and other goods, the operation of which can lead to contamination of the territory and air of residential building; Premises, including stores with storage in them, liquefied gas, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives that can explode and burn when interacting with water, air oxygen or other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products;

stores selling synthetic carpets, auto parts, tires and automotive oils;

specialized fish stores; warehouses of any destination, including wholesale (or small-optic) trade, except for warehouses that are part of public institutions that have evacuation outputs isolated from the evacuation paths of the residential part of the building (the rule does not apply to the built-in parking lots);

household service enterprises that use flammable substances (except hairdressers and workshops with total area up to 300 m 2); baths;

equipment of food and leisure with the number of places more than 50, with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 250 m 2 All enterprises operating with musical accompaniment, including discos, dance studios, theaters, as well as casino;

laundry and dry cleaning (except for adoptive points and laundry self-service with a capacity of up to 75 kg in shift); automatic telephone stations with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 m 2; public toilets, institutions and stores of ritual services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

production premises (except for the premises of categories in and D for the Labor of the disabled people and older people, among them: the items of issuing work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative works); dental laboratories, clinical and diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; Day hospitals dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: traumopunks, ambulance substations medical care; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric cabins of medical reception; branches (cabins) of magnetic resonance tomography;

x-ray cabinets, as well as premises with therapeutic or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and cabinets.

Stores on the sale of synthetic carpet products are allowed to add to the deaf sections of residential buildings with the limit of Rei 150 fire resistance.

4.11 in the basement and basement floors of residential buildings are not allowed to place premises for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, explosives; premises for children stay; Cinemas, conference rooms and other harvesters with numbers of more than 50, saunas, as well as medical and preventive institutions. When placed in these floors of other rooms, the restrictions set in 4.10 of this document should also be taken into account and in Appendix D SNiP 31-06.

4.12 Loading public premises by the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of residential rooms of apartments and the entrances to the residential part of the house are located, in order to protect tenants from noise and exhaust gases are not allowed.

Loading public premises built into residential buildings should be performed: from the other residential buildings that are not windows; from underground tunnels; From the highways (streets) in the presence of special loading premises.

It is allowed not to provide for the specified bootable premises at the area of \u200b\u200bbuilt-in public spaces up to 150 m 2.

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements

5.5 Accommodation of apartments and residential rooms in the basements and ground floors of residential buildings is not allowed.

5.8 Height (from floor to ceiling) residential rooms and kitchens (kitchen-dining) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA should be at least 2, 7 m, and in other climatic areas - at least 2, 5 m .

The height of intra-quarter corridors, halls, front, antlesole (and under them) is determined by the safety conditions of people's movement and should be at least 2, 1 m.

In residential rooms and kitchen of apartments located in the attic floor (or upper floors with inclined enclosing structures), a smaller ceiling height is allowed to be relatively normalized on an area not exceeding 50%.

6 Bentchability and permissible design deformativity

6.2 The construction and base of the building should be calculated on the perception of constant loads from their own weight of carrier and enclosing structures; temporary uniformly distributed and concentrated loads on overlap; Snow and wind loads for this construction area. The regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the listed loads, accounted for adverse combinations of loads or their corresponding efforts, the limit values \u200b\u200bof the deflection and movement of structures, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof reliability coefficients for loads should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the SP 20.13330.

When calculating the structures and bases of buildings, the additional requirements of the customer-developer customer, for example, to accommodate fireplaces, heavy equipment for public buildings built into residential building, should also be taken into account; To the attachment of heavy elements of interior equipment to walls and ceilings.

6.5 When calculating the building with a height of more than 40 m on a wind load, in addition to the strength and stability of the building and its individual structural elements, restrictions on the parameters of the oscillations of overlay floors, due to the requirements of residence comfort, should be provided.

6.6 In the event of an occurrence during the reconstruction of additional loads and impacts on the remaining part of the residential building, its carriers and enclosing structures, as well as ground fit, should be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with the current documents regardless of the physical wear of the structures.

It should take into account the actual carrying capacity of the grounds of the base as a result of their change during operation, as well as an increase in the strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

6.7 With the reconstruction of a residential building, changes should be taken into account in its constructive scheme, arising during the operation of this building, (including the emergence of new openings, additional to the initial design decision, as well as the impact of the repair of structures or strengthening them).

6.8 With the reconstruction of residential buildings with a change in the location of sanitary nodes, appropriate additional measures should be performed on hydro, noise and vibration insulation, as well as if necessary, the enhancement of overlaps, which provide for the installation of equipment of these sanitary and technical components.

7 Fire safety

7.1 Prevent Fire Distribution

7.1.2 The permissible height of the building and the floor area within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1.

Degree of fire resistance building

Class of constructive fire danger building

The greatest permissible height of the building, m

The greatest permissible floor of the fire compartment, m2

Not normalized

Note - The degree of fire resistance of the building with unheated annexes should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

7.1.4 Gallery designs in gallery houses must comply with the requirements adopted for overlapping these buildings.

7.1.5 In buildings I, II degrees of fire resistance To ensure the required limit of fire resistance of the supporting elements of the building, only structural fire protection should be applied.

7.1.6 Bearing elements of two-storey buildings IV degree of fire resistance must have a limit of fire resistance of at least R 30.

7.1.7 Intersective, inter-weltered walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating extremary corridors, halls and lobbies from other premises must comply with the requirements set out in Table 7.1a.

Intersective and inter-weltering walls and partitions must be deaf and comply with the requirements of the technical regulations on fire safety requirements.

7.1.8 The limit of fire resistance of interroom partitions is not normalized. The class of fire hazard of interior cabinets, team-collapsible and sliding partitions is not normalized. The class of fire hazard of other interior partitions, including the doors, must comply with the requirements of the technical regulations on fire safety requirements.

Table 7.1A

Fencing design

Minimal limit of fire resistance and permissible fire danger class design for the degree of fire resistance and class of constructive fire danger

I-III, C0 and C1

Wall intersection

InterSective partition

The wall is intercheuro

Partition intercardic

Wall separating extremary corridors from other premises

Partition separating extremary corridors from other premises


* For Class C1 buildings, K1 is allowed.

** For Class C2 buildings, K2 is allowed.

7.1.9 Partitions between storerooms in the basement and basements of buildings of the II degree of fire resistance up to 5 floors inclusive, as well as in buildings III and IV fire resistance, it is allowed to design with an abnormal fire resistance limit and a fire hazard class. Partitions separating the technical corridor (including a technical corridor for laying communications) of basements and basement floors from the rest of the premises should be fire-based 1 type.

7.1.10 Technical, basements, basement floors and attics should be divided by firefire 1-th type on the compartments with an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 500 m 2 in non-adections residential buildings, and in section - by sections.

7.1.11 The fences of the loggias and balconies in the buildings with a height of three floors and more, as well as the outer sunscreen in buildings I, II and III fire resistance height of 5 floors and more must be carried out from non-combustible NG materials.

7.1.12 The residential buildings built into residential buildings should be separated from the premises of the living part with deaf fireproof walls, partitions and overlaps with the fire resistance limit not lower than Rei 45, or Ei 45, respectively, and in the I degree of fire resistance - 2-type ceilings.

7.1.13 Garbage Camera should have independent input, isolated from the entrance to the building with a deaf wall, and isoaming firefights and overlapping with limits of fire resistance at least Rei 60 and the fire hazard class K0.

7.1.14 Blood, rafters and crate of attic coatings are allowed to perform from combustible materials. In buildings with attics (with the exception of V-degree, the degree of fire resistance) during the device rafters and crates from combustible materials are not allowed to use roofs from combustible materials, and the rafyled and the crate should be subjected to flame retardant processing. With the constructive protection of these structures, they should not contribute to the hidden spread of burning.

7.1.15 Paragraph does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / PR

If there are windows-oriented windows in a residential building, the roof level in places of adjoining should not exceed the floor marker above the living rooms of the main part of the building.

7.1.16 does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / PR

7.2 Ensuring evacuation

7.2.1 The largest distances from the doors of apartments to the staircase or output should be taken in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2.

In the section of a residential building when leaving apartments in the corridor (hall), not having a window opening in the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly into the staircase or exit in the tambour or elevator passage hall, leading to the air zone of unnecessary staircase, It should not exceed 12 m, if there is a window opening or smoke removal in the corridor (lobby), this distance is allowed to receive on Table 7.2 as for a dead-end corridor.

7.2.2 The width of the corridor should be at least M: when it is long between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the staircase up to 40 m - 1, 4, over 40 m - 1, 6, the gallery width is at least 1, 2 m. Corridors follow Separate by partitions with the doors of EL 30 fire resistance, equipped with closers and located at a distance of no more than 30 m one from the other and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3 In the stair cells and elevator halls, glazed doors are allowed, while with reinforced glass. Other types of shockproof glazing can be used.

7.2.4 The number of evacuation outputs from the floor and the type of stair cells should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements and SP 1.13130.

7.2.5 In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m, designed to accommodate in the IV climatic area and IIIIB climatic subarea, is allowed instead of staircase cells the device of external open stairs from non-combustible materials.

7.2.6 In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor up to 500 m 2, it is allowed to provide for a single staircase type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or type L1 at a building height of less than 28 m with a condition that The ends of the corridors (galleries) are available on the outdoor staircases of the 3rd type, leading to the floor mark of the second floor. When placing the indicated stair cells in the end of the building, a device of one staircase of the 3rd type is allowed in the opposite side of the corridor (gallery).

7.2.7 During the superstructure of existing buildings with a height up to 28 m in one floor, it is allowed to preserve the existing staircase type L1, subject to ensuring the exhausting floor of an emergency yield in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety and SP 1.13130.

7.2.8 With a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor of more than 500 m 2, the evacuation should be carried out at least two staircases (normal or unseasonable).

In residential buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor from 500 to 550 m 2, a device of one evacuation exit of apartments is allowed:

with the altitude of the upper floor layout, no more than 28 m - in the usual staircase, under the condition of the equipment of the front in the apartments, the addressable fire alarm sensors;

with the altitude of the upper floor layout, more than 28 m - in one unlucky staircase, subject to the equipment of all apartments (except bathrooms, bathrooms, shower and woofer) address fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9 For a multi-level apartment, it is allowed not to provide for an exit to the staircase from each floor, provided that the apartment's premises are located not higher than 18 m and the floor of an apartment that does not have direct exit to the staircase is ensured by an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the requirements Fire safety. The intra-ordinary staircase is allowed to perform wooden.

7.2.10 Passage to the outer air zone of the type H1 staircase is allowed through the elevator hall, and the device of the elevator and doors mines in them must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the requirements of fire safety and SP 4.13130.

7.2.11 In buildings up to 50 m with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor section of up to 500 m 2, the evacuation output is allowed to provide for a staircase-type H2 or H3 with a device in the building of one of the elevators providing transportation of fire units and the corresponding requirements of GOST R 53296. At the same time, the output to the H2 staircase should be provided through the tambour (or elevator hall), and the door of the stairwell, the mines of elevators, tambour-gateways and tambourines should be fire-fighting-type.

7.2.12 In section houses with a height of more than 28 m, the way out of unseasonable staircases (type H1) is allowed to be arranged through the lobby (in the absence of outputs from the car park and public premises), separated from the adjacent corridors by fire-fighting partitions 1-th type with fire-fighting 2-type doors. At the same time, the message of the H1 type staircase with the lobby should be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the first floor with a metal grille. On the way from the apartment to the H1 staircase should be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) sequentially located self-shocking doors.

7.2.13 In the building height of three floors and more outputs outward from the basements, basement floors and technical underground should be located at least in 100 m and should not be communicated with the staircase cells of the residential part of the building.

Outputs from basements and basement floors are allowed to be arranged through the ladder cell of the residential part, taking into account the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the requirements of fire safety and SP 1.13130. Exits from technical floors should be provided in accordance with SP 1.13130.

Outputs from the technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building are allowed through common staircases, and in buildings with staircase cells H1 - through the air zone.

7.2.14 In the device of emergency yields from the attic floors on the roof it is necessary to provide platforms and transition bridges with a fence according to GOST 25772, leading to the 3-type stairs and P2 stairs.

7.2.15 Public premises must have inputs and evacuation outputs, isolated from the residential part of the building.

When placed in the upper floor, workshops and architects, as well as the office premises, it is allowed to take staircases of the residential part of the building as evacuation outlets, while the flooring message with a staircase should be provided through a vestibule with fire doors. The door in the Tambura, which goes on the staircase, should be provided with opening only from the inside of the room.

A device of one evacuation exit from the premises of public agencies placed in the first and ground floors with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 300 m 2 and the number of no more than 15 people are allowed.

7.3 Fire Requirements for Engineering Systems and Building Equipment

7.3.6 Gas supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the SP 62.13330.

7.3.7 The heat supply systems of residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330.

7.3.8 Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces working on solid fuel is allowed to be provided in residential buildings up to two floors inclusive (excluding the basement).

7.3.9 Heat generators, including furnaces and fireplaces on solid fuel, cooking plates and chimneys should be made with the implementation of constructive measures in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330. Heat generators and cooking plates of factory manufacturers should also be established taking into account the safety requirements contained in the instructions of manufacturers.

7.3.10 The garbage collector should be protected throughout the sprinkler sprinkler area. The area of \u200b\u200bthe distribution pipeline of the rods must be ring, connected to the network of economic and drinking water pipeline building and have thermal insulation from non-combustible materials. The camera door must be insulated.

7.3.11 does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 /

7.3.12 Not applied from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 /

7.3.13 does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / PR

7.4 Ensuring extinguishing fire and rescue work

7.4.2 In each compartment (sections) of the basement or basement floor, allocated by fireproof obstacles, no less than two windows with dimensions of at least 0, 9 x 1, 2 m with pitfalls should be provided. The area of \u200b\u200bthe luminous opening of the specified windows must be taken by calculation, but not less than 0, 2% of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthese premises. The veneer dimensions should allow the supply of a fire extinguishing agent from the foam generator and removing smoke with a smoke (the distance from the wall of the building to the border of the pit must be at least 0, 7 m).

7.4.3 In the transverse walls of cellars and technical subcondures of large-pointed buildings, the device of openings of 1, 6 m in the light is allowed. In this case, the height of the threshold should not exceed 0, 3 m.

7.4.5 On the network of economic and drinking water supply in each apartment should include a separate valve with a diameter with a diameter of at least 15 mm to attach the hose equipped with a sprayer to use it as a primary device for intra-military fire extinguishing to eliminate fire focus. The length of the hose should provide the ability to supply water to any point of the apartment.

7.4.6 In residential buildings (in section - in each section), more than 50 m height One of the elevators should ensure transportation of fire units and comply with the requirements of GOST R 53296.

8 Security when using

8.2 Bliss and width of staircase marches and ramps, height of steps, width of the excess, width of the staircase, the height of the passes along the stairs, the basement, the attic to the attic, as well as the sizes door openings Must ensure the convenience and safety of movement and the possibility of moving equipment items of the appropriate rooms of apartments and built into the building of public premises. The minimum width and maximum slope of staircase marches should be taken according to Table 8.1.

Table 8.1.

The height of the differences in the floor level of different premises and spaces in the building should be safe. In the necessary cases, handrails and ramps should be provided. The number of lifts in one staircase march or on the level of levels should be at least 3 and not more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depth of steps is not allowed. In multi-level apartments, intra-quarter stairs are allowed screw or with overtook steps, while the width of the sticking in the middle must be at least 18 cm.

8.3 Height of the fences of external staircase marches and sites, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous drops should be at least 1, 2 m. Staircase marches and pads of internal stairs should have fencing with handrails with a height of at least 0, 9 m.

Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and are calculated on the perception of horizontal loads of at least 0, 3 kN / m.

8.4 Structural solutions of house elements (including the location of emptiness, methods of sealing places of passing pipelines through structures, a device of the ventilation holes, the placement of thermal insulation, etc.) should provide for protection against rodent penetration.

8.5 Engineering systems of the building should be designed and mounted taking into account the requirements of the security contained in the regulatory documents of the state supervisory authorities and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers of equipment.

8.6 Engineering equipment and devices with possible seismic impacts should be securely fixed.

8.7 In the apartments of the upper floor or at any level of the multi-level apartment, located in the altitude in residential buildings I - III degrees of fire resistance of the CO class, C1 is allowed to device fireplates on solid fuel with autonomous chimneys in accordance with the technical regulations on fire safety requirements, SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130.

8.11 In the operated roofs of residential buildings, it is necessary to ensure the safety of using them by the device of the appropriate fences, the protection of ventilation issues and other engineering devices located on the roof, as well as if necessary - noise protection of the following premises.

On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, as well as at the entrance zone, on summer industrial rooms, in the connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (first and intermediate) used for the device of sports fields for recreation of adults at home , Platas for drying linen and cleaning of clothing or solarium should be ensured by the necessary security measures (device of fences and measures to protect ventilation issues).

8.12 Electrical panel, premises for head stations (HS), technical centers (shopping center) of cable television, sound transformer substations (TCP), as well as space for telephone distribution cabinets (HRH) should not be placed with wet processes (bathrooms, bathrooms, etc. .).

8.13 PC facilities, shopping center, TCs must have inputs directly from the street; The placing the electrical panel (including for communication equipment, ASUU, dispatching and television) should have an entrance directly from the street or from a floor extra-weltering corridor (Hall); To the site of the installation of the HTR approach should also be from the specified corridor.

9 Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements

9.2 Estimated air parameters in the premises of a residential building should be taken on SP 60.13330 and taking into account the optimal norms of GOST 30494. The multiplicity of air exchange indoors in the maintenance mode should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1.


The magnitude of the air exchange

Sleeping, general, children's rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200ban apartment for one person less than 20 m 2

3 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 living space

The same, with the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment per person more than 20 m 2

30 m 3 / h per person, but not less than 0, 35 hours 1

Pantry, lining, dressing room

Kitchen with electric stove

Gas-grade equipment

Premises with heat generators of general heat-producing up to 50 kW:

with an open combustion chamber

with a closed combustion chamber

1, 0 m 3 / h **

Bathroom, shower, toilet, combined bathroom

Lift machine separation

By calculation

Garbage Camera


* Multiplicity air exchange should be determined by the total apartment.

** When installing the gas stove, the air exchange should be increased by 100 m 3 / h

Note - the multiplicity of air exchange in other destination premises should be assigned to SNiP 31-06 and SP 60.13330.

9.3 With the heat engineering calculation of the enclosing structures of residential buildings, the temperature of the internal air of heated rooms should be taken at least 20 ° C, the relative humidity is 50%.

9.4 The system of heating and ventilation of the building should be designed to provide indoors during the heating period of internal air temperature within the optimal parameters set by GOST 30494, with calculated external air parameters for the relevant construction areas.

When the air conditioning system device, the optimal parameters must be provided in the warm period of the year.

In buildings, built in areas with the calculated temperature of the outer air minus 40 ° C and below, heating the surface of the floors of residential rooms and kitchens, as well as public premises with a permanent stay of people located above the cold underground, should be envisaged in accordance with Requirements from 50.13330.

9.6 In residential and kitchen, air flow is provided through adjustable window sash, fraumuga, vectors, valves, or other devices, including autonomous wall air valves with adjustable opening. Apartments, designed for the III and IV climatic areas, should be provided with horizontal through or angular ventilation within the area of \u200b\u200bapartments, as well as vertical ventilation through the mines in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330.

9.7 Air removal should be provided from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other apartment rooms, it should be provided for the installation on exhaust channels and air ducts of adjustable ventilation grids and valves.

Air out of rooms in which harmful substances or unpleasant odors may be released, should be removed directly out and not to fall into other building rooms, including through ventilation channels.

Association of ventilation channels from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms (shower), combined bathrooms, storage rooms for products with ventilation channels from gas- propelled equipment and car parks are not allowed.

9.10 In the outer walls of basements, technical underground and a cold attic that do not have exhaust ventilation should include produced by a total area of \u200b\u200bat least 1/400 of the field of technical underground or basement, evenly located along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of \u200b\u200bone product should be at least 0, 05 m 2.

9.11 The duration of insolation of apartments (premises) of a residential building should be made in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / and SanPine

The normalized insolation duration must be provided: in one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments - not less than one residential room; In four-room apartments and more - not less than two residential rooms.

9.12 Natural lighting should have accommodation and kitchens (except for niche kitchens), public premises, built into residential buildings, except for rooms, the placement of which is allowed in the basements according to SNiP 31-06.

9.16 When lighting through light openings in the outer walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed: in the presence of light opening in one end - 24 m, in two ends - 48 m. With a greater length of the corridors, additional natural lighting through light pockets must be provided. The distance between the two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and light opening in the face of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, should be at least 1, 5 m. Through one light Pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides.

9.18 External enclosing building structures should have thermal insulation, insulation from penetration of outer cold air and vapor barrier from diffusion of water vapor from premises providing:

the required temperature and the absence of moisture condensation on the inner surfaces of the indoor structures;

preventing the accumulation of excess moisture in structures.

The difference in the inner air and surface surfaces of the outer walls at the estimated temperature of the inner air must comply with the requirements of the SP 50.13330.

9.19 In I - III, climatic areas with all external entrances to residential buildings (except inputs from the outer air zone in the unseasonable staircase) should be provided by tambura depth of at least 1, 5 m.

Double tambura at the entrances to residential buildings (except inputs from the outer air zone in the unseasonable staircase) should be designed depending on the flood of buildings and the area of \u200b\u200btheir construction according to Table 9.2.

Table 9.2.

9.20 The premises of the building should be protected from the penetration of rain, thawed and groundwater and possible domestic leaks of water from engineering systems with structural means and technical devices.

9.22 Not allowed by the restroom and bathroom (or shower) directly above the residential rooms and kitchens. Placing a restroom and bathroom (or shower) in the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located in two levels.

9.23 In the construction of buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are allocations of soil gases (radon, methane, etc.), measures should be taken on isolation in contact with the soil of floors and walls of basements to prevent the penetration of soil gas from the soil into the building , and other measures contributing to the reduction of its concentration in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary standards.

9.24A When placing residential buildings on the territory with an elevated level of transport noise, noise reduction in residential buildings should be carried out by applying: special noise-proof layouts and (or) constructive and technical means of noise protection, including: external enclosing structures and filling of window openings with increased soundproofing properties.

9.25 Noise levels from engineering equipment and other domestic sources of noise should not exceed the established permissible levels and no more than 2 dBAs exceed the background values \u200b\u200bdetermined by the intraception source of noise, both in day and night.

9.26 To ensure a permissible level of noise, the fastening of sanitary devices and pipelines directly to the intercountar walls and partitions, which enclosing living rooms, is not allowed to place the machine room and the elevator mines, the garbage collector, the barrel of the merry industry and the device for cleaning it and flushing over residential rooms, under They, as well as adjacent to them.

9.26A When the bathroom bathrooms in the bedrooms are recommended on the task of designing in order to protect against noise to separate them from each other built into the wardrobe.

9.27 The supply of home drinking water should be provided from the centralized network of water supply settlement. In areas without centralized engineering networks for one-, two-storey buildings, individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or water bodies are allowed to calculate the daily flow of economic and drinking water of at least 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the estimated daily flow consumption is allowed to be reduced by coordination with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

9.28 To remove wastewater, the sewage system should be provided - centralized or local in accordance with the rules set in the SP 30.13330.

Wastewater should be removed without contamination of the territory and aquifers.

9.31 Floors Residential (except blocked buildings) and floors with premises for children's pre-school and medical and preventive institutions should be separated from parking by the technical floor or floor with non-residential premises to protect against the penetration of exhaust gases and super-profile noise levels.

9.32 In apartment buildings in the first, basement or basement floors, it is necessary to provide pantry cleaning equipment equipped with a sink.

10 Durability and maintainability

10.6 The possibility of access to equipment, fittings and devices of engineering systems of the building and their compounds for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement should be provided.

Equipment and pipelines must be fixed on building structures in such a way that their performance is not impaired with possible displacements of structures.

11 Energy Saving

11.3 When evaluating the energy efficiency of the building on the heat engineering characteristics of its construction structures and engineering systems, the requirements of this Code of Rules are considered fulfilled under the following conditions:

1) the reduced heat transfer resistance and the breathability of the enclosing structures are not lower than the required SP 50.13330;

2) heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems have automatic or manual regulation;

3) Engineering systems of the building are equipped with thermal energy metering devices, cold and hot water, electricity and gas with centralized supply.

11.4 When evaluating the energy efficiency of the building under the integrated indicator of the specific energy consumption on its heating and ventilation, the requirements of this Code of Rules are considered to be fulfilled if calculation The specific energy consumption for maintaining the normalized parameters of the microclimate and air quality does not exceed the maximum permissible regulatory value. In this case, the third condition must be performed 11.3.


* (1) The height of the building is determined by the difference in the surface marks for fire trucks and the lower boundaries of the opening opening (windows) in the outer wall of the upper floor, including the attic. At the same time, the upper technical floor is not taken into account.

* (2) Classification of cities - on SP 42.13330.

* (3) The restriction time of functioning can be clarified by local self-government authorities.

* (4) under Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Appendix A.


Appendix B.

Terms and Definitions

Appendix B.

Rules for determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe building and its premises, the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, stores and construction volume

Appendix G.

Minimum number of passenger elevators


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The set of rules extends to the design and construction of newly under construction and reconstructed apartment buildings up to 75 m high, including hostels of the apartment type, as well as residential premises that are part of the premises of the buildings of another functional purpose.

  • Replaces SP 54.13330.2011 "Buildings Residential Multi-Buildings"

The document is registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

3 Terms and Definitions

4 General

5 Requirements for buildings and premises

6 Bentchability and permissible design deformativity

7 Fire safety

7.1 Prevent Fire Distribution

7.2 Ensuring evacuation

7.3 Fire Requirements for Engineering Systems and Building Equipment

7.4 Ensuring extinguishing fire and rescue work

8 Requirements for safe operation

9 Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements

10 Durability and maintainability

11 Energy Saving

Appendix A (Mandatory) Rules for determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe building and its premises, land area, storeinities and construction volume

Appendix B (Mandatory) Rules for determining the minimum number of passenger elevators in a residential apartment building

  • Sanpin 42-128-4690-88Sanitary rules of content of territories of settlements
  • CH 2.2.4 / at workplaces, in the premises of residential, public buildings and in the residential building
  • CH 2.2.4 / at workplaces, in residential and public premises and in residential building
  • CH 2.2.4 / vibration, vibration in premises of residential and public buildings
  • Pue for Pue.
  • Sanpin 2.2.1 / requirements for insolation and sunscreen premises of residential and public buildings and territories
  • Sanpin and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, manufacturing and processability in them of food and food raw materials
  • Sanpin 2.2.1 / zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects
  • Sanpin 2.2.1 / requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings
  • MDK 2-03.2003Rules and norms of technical operation of the Housing Fund
  • Code 188-FZHousing Code of the Russian Federation
  • Codex 190-FZCity Planning Code of the Russian Federation
  • GOST R 22.12-2005Safety in emergency situations. Structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures. General requirements
  • Rules for establishing and defining regulations of utility consumption at ...
  • Resolution 20.On engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities
  • Regulations on the composition of the sections of the project documentation and the requirements for them with ...
  • Technical RegulationsTechnical Regulations O. Fire safety requirements
  • Technical RegulationsTechnical Regulations O. Safety of buildings and structures
  • SP 1.13130.2009. Evacuation paths and outputs
  • SP 3.13130.2009.Fire protection systems. The system of alert and management of people's evacuation during fires. Fire safety requirements
  • SP 5.13130.2009Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules
  • SP 8.13130.2009.
  • SP 10.13130.2009.Fire protection systems. Internal fireproof water supply. Fire safety requirements
  • SP 12.13130.2009.Definition of categories of premises, buildings and external installations in the explosion and fire hazard
  • Federal Law 261-FZAbout Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and make changes to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Law 151-FZAbout Rescue services and rescuers status
  • Sanpin living conditions in residential buildings and premises
  • Sanpin and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activities
  • GOST R 53780-2010.
  • CodexCivil Code of the Russian Federation
  • Resolution 18.On approval of the rules for establishing the requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, buildings, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the class of energy efficiency of apartment buildings
  • SP 24.13330.2011Pile foundations
  • SP 16.13330.2011Steel structures
  • SP 51.13330.2011Protection against noise
  • SP 52.13330.2011Natural and artificial lighting
  • SP 54.13330.2011Buildings Residential apartment buildings
  • SP 55.13330.2011Houses residential one-friendly houses
  • SP 17.13330.2011Roofing
  • SP 62.13330.2011 *Gas distribution systems
  • Order 778.On approval of the rules of rules "SNiP 31-01-2003" Buildings Residential Multi-Fire "
  • SP 42.13330.2011Urban planning. Planning and building of urban and rural settlements
  • SP 22.13330.2011Bases of buildings and structures
  • SP 20.13330.2011Load and exposure
  • Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users ...
  • SP 132.13330.2011Providing anti-terrorist protection of buildings and structures. General design requirements
  • SP 118.13330.2012 *Public buildings and structures
  • SP 25.13330.2012Foundations and foundations on festive grounds
  • SP 63.13330.2012Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions
  • SP 116.13330.2012Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic provisions
  • SP 28.13330.2012Protection of building structures from corrosion
  • SP 21.13330.2012Buildings and structures on the territories and sedimentary grounds
  • SP 31.13330.2012Water supply. External networks and facilities
  • SP 50.13330.2012Thermal protection of buildings
  • SP 59.13330.2012Availability of buildings and structures for low-friendly populations
  • SP 113.13330.2012Parking cars
  • SP 30.13330.2012Internal water supply and sewage system
  • SP 60.13330.2012Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
  • Rules of fire fighting regime in the Russian Federation
  • GOST 30494-2011Buildings Residential and public. Parameters of the microclimate indoor
  • SP 2.13130.2012Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance protection objects
  • SP 6.13130.2013Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements
  • SP 7.13130.2013Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements
  • SP 131.13330.2012Construction climatology
  • SP 154.13130.2013Built-in underground parking lots. Fire safety requirements
  • SP 70.13330.2012Bearing and enclosing structures
  • SP 4.13130.2013Fire protection systems. Restricting the spread of fire on protection facilities
  • GOST 31937-2011Buildings and constructions. Terms of examination and monitoring of the technical condition
  • SP 88.13330.2014Protective buildings of civil defense
  • Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services ...
  • SanPine and epidemiological requirements for pre-school groups posted in residential premises of the housing stock
  • SP 14.13330.2014Construction in seismic areas
  • SP 160.1325800.2014Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design rules
  • GOST 27751-2014Reliability of building structures and grounds. Basic provisions
  • Resolution 1521.The list of national standards and arrangements of the rules (parts of such standards and drafts of rules), as a result of the application of which the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities" are compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law
  • GOST 33125-2014Sunscreen devices. Technical conditions
  • GOST R 56420.2-2015 2. Calculation of power consumption and classification of energy efficiency of elevators
  • GOST R 56420.3-2015Elevators, escalators and passenger conveyors. Energy characteristics. Part 3. Calculation of power consumption and classification of energy efficiency of escalators and passenger conveyors
  • The plan for the development and approval of the arms of the rules and updating was previously used ...
  • Resolution 624.Rules for the development, approval, publication, changes and cancellation of rules
  • Order 86 / PROn Amendments to Some Orders of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

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Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

SP 54.13330.2011

Buildings Residential Apartment Rules Design

Actualized editorial office

SNiP 31-01-2003

Official edition

Moscow 2016.


The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation, and the procedure for the development, approval and application of the rules arrangements are established by the Federal Law of June 22, 2015 No. 162-FZ "On Standardization in the Russian Federation". Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2015 No. 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of draft rules"

1 developed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing municipal economy Of the Russian Federation (MinStroy Russia)

2 performers Joint-stock company "TsNIIEP Housing - Institute for Complex Design of Residential and Public Buildings (JSC" TsNIIEP Housing ")"

3 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

4 Prepared for approval by the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

5 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (MinStroy Russia) from No.

6 Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

7 Instead of SP 54.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-01-2003" Buildings of residential complexes. Design rules »

Information on changes to this Sport of Rules is published in the national standards annually by the information indicator and in the official periodic printing publication of the federal executive body, which approved this set of rules, and the text of the amendments and amendments - in this printing publication and the monthly information indicators issued "National Standards. " In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Code of Rules, the appropriate notification will be published in the specified printed publications. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the information system common use - on the official websites of the National Body of the Russian Federation on the standardization and federal executive body, who approved this set of rules on the Internet.

MinStroy Russia, 2016

This set of rules cannot be fully or partially reproduced, is replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (MinStroy Russia)

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

(According to: / 3 /, / 10 /, / 11 /).

3.4 Room (Zhgpay Room) - residential premises In part of the apartment, intended for use as a place of direct accommodation, ensuring the possibilities of round-the-clock stay, relaxation and sleep, people in a residential building or apartment (according to: / 3 /, 122]).

3.5 Auxiliary apartment Apartments (room auxiliary use (According to / 10 /)) - to provide communication, sanitary and technical and household needs, including:

3.5.1 - room communication for the passage of users from the adjacent territory and (or) between different premises (including: tambour, hallway, corridor, gallery, hall);

3.5.2 - The premises of the sanitary and technical for placement and operation within the apartment equipment, (according to) (including the kitchen-dining room, Khnya-niche, bathroom, toilet, bathroom);

3.5.3 - Available room (storage room, pantry, GAR () Erob, drying of linen, wheelchair) for storage and storage of things and household accessories (including built-in furniture) and household needs.

3.6 General Premises (Industrial Room) - For communication services more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises, it can be located horizontally along the floors (corridor, gallery), vertically between floors (staircase, stair-lift node).

3.7 Premises Technical - for accommodation, work and technical

maintenance of orange engineering systems, (according to ////), with

limited access, permitted specialists from operating services and specialists of security services and rescue in emergency cases.

3.8 Room Open (Public Room, Summer Room) - Associent room apartment or public premises to stay users with non-normalized temperature-humidarial mode with non-normalized heat-walled constructing constructs.

3.9 Public premises - intended for entrepreneurial and other public and production activities, with the work regime that does not have harmful effects on living conditions in residential building, having a separate entrance (inputs) from the adjacent territory and (or) from a residential building.

3.10 Parking Room (Garage-Parking) - the room is built-in, attached, built-in-fastened, or separately worthwhile, with places for storing cars, not equipped for their repair and / or maintenance except for hand-held vehicles, viewing holes or a hoist. Additional features of car parks to take on the joint venture I13. / 3330.

Building, plot, volume and planning indicators

3.11 Building residential apartment (ZZHM) (residential apartment building) - a residential building with apartments, united public premises.

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

(According to) in and common in-house engineering systems, (according to), separately or consisting of one section - single-generation, or blocked from several sections (block sections, blocks of residential autonomous) -mnosection, including:

3.11.1 - ZZM section - in which apartments of each floor have exits through a common staircase (flight-lift node).

3.11.2 - ZZM Corridor - in which apartments of each floor have exits through a common corridor at least two stair cells (stair-lift nodes).

3.11.3 - ZZhM Gallery - in which the apartments of each floor have inputs through a general gallery.

3.11.4 - ZZM Block-apartment - in which apartments of each floor (including above the first floor) have separate entrances from the surrounding area, and possibly common attics, the underground (as opposed to residential unit blocking buildings).

3.12 The adjacent area (the local area adjacent territory) is the territory with the internal boundaries determined by the perimeter of the exterior walls at the level of the base and with external borders defined on the basis of landowing agreements (property, lease) of the developer and / or the economic entity (according to / 22 /).

3.12.1 The adjacent selection of the facades of the building is adjacent around the perimeter of the building.

3.12.2 The adjacent parisades section is adjacent to individual facades or to parts of the building facades.

3.13 Planning mark of the Earth level - the set project relative from the design mark of the zero (± 0,000) level of the floor of the first floor of the geodesic level of the level of the surface of the earth (swarming) before entering the building (according to / 22 /).

3.14 Volume-planning indicators (OPPs) of the building (premises) -Gometric parameters of volumes, areas, heights measured in the dimensions of the authors of the enclosing surfaces of structures serve as the basis for determining and are an integral part of the technical and economic indicators of buildings.

Floors, Number of Floors, Floors

3.15 The floor of the building - the room between the high-altitude stamps of the surfaces of the following overlap (or the floor on the soil) and the overlap overlap (roof coating) with the height of the room (see Appendix A) at least 1.8m, including:

3.15.1 floor Overhead - floor with a floor of the floor or lower overlap (in the absence of sex) not lower than the planning marks of the Earth, as well as the technical and ground floors, if the surface of their ceiling overlap is above the layer level of the earth level at least 2 m

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

(according to / 22 j).

3.15.2 Floor measuring (first aboveground floor) - the lower element floor, available for entering the adjacent territory (according to 1221).

3.15.3 Floor underground - floor with a floor of the floor or the following overlap (in the absence of sex) to the entire height of the room below the layer level of the earth level, as well as the technical and basement, if the surface of their ceiling overlap is below the layer level of the ground level at least on 2 m.

3.15.4 Floor ground floor - floor with floor marker below the layer of land no more than half the height of the room

(according to / 22 /).

3.15.5 Floor basement (first underground floor) - floor with a floor marker below the land laying mark more than half the height of the room (according to 122 /).

3.15.6 Floor Technical - floor, functionally intended for the placement of technical premises of the building and domestic engineering systems, can be located at the bottom of the building (technical underground), or at the top of the building (technical attic), or between the above-ground floors (according to 1221) .

3.15.7 Floor attic (attic) - floor in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of the roof (pitched or flat) (according to 1221).

3.16 The underground of the building is a room under the building between the surface of the soil and the lower surface of the first floor overlap.

3.16.1 Underground of the building ventilated - the room is open fully or partially not having enclosure structures.

3.16.2 Underground Buildings Technical for accommodation and maintenance of in-house engineering systems and inputs engineering communications (Pipelines, Conductors).

3.17 The attic is an open room between the overlap of the upper floor, the outer walls and the roof design.

3.18 The number of floors of the building includes all overhead and underground floors of the building, including: technical, operated attics at the height of the room (Appendix A) equal to more than 1.8m, attic floors and mezzanines; Floors base and basements. Not taken into account, regardless of their height, underground under the building and attic spaces, as well as internet spaces and attics with a height of the room less than 1.8m.

3.19 The flood of the building includes the number of above-ground floors, including the floors of the technical and basement when the surface of their overlaps is located above the average level of the ground level of at least 2m. Floors is determined by the largest number of floors, if individual parts of the building have a variation number of above-ground floors (according to / 22 /).

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

3.20 Andresol - a room above the ceiling, distinguishing the height of the floor room to operated levels, at least one of which is located at the level of entry into the room (according to / 22 /).

Separate species

3.21 Terrace - a room open, in the form of a single-level and multi-level platform (fenced or not fenced railings) not having outdoor wall enclosing structures located on Earth, a bridge (overpass) or on an operated roof, including a bounted, built-in-attached, built-in , or separately located on the adjacent area (according to 1221).

3.22 Operated roof (roof terrace) - an open space located on the roofing coating, a specially equipped protective layer (work flooring), with the possible placement of engineering and technical equipment and (or) exhausting structures, intended for permanent people's stay (continuously for more two hours (according to


3.23 Veranda - a room, built-in, attached, or built-in-building, with glazed, fully or partially with outer enclosing structures (wall, roofing), may be of different floors and have mezzani (according to 1221).

3.24 Roller - the room is open, located on the site (balcony plate) not more than one side adjacent to the facade surface of external enclosing structures.

3.25 Loggia - an open room, located on the site (Loggia Plate) at least from two intersecting sides of the external fencing structures adjacent to the facade surface (according to / 22 /).

3.26 Staircase - public room for placing staircases and stair marches, can be built-in, attached, built-in-attached.

3.27 Ladial-elevator node - the ladder room with the technical room of the elevator mine (elevators), possibly with the placement of the elevator hall (halls), a safe zone for disabled, garbage disposal.

3.28 Tambour - a premises auxiliary communication, located between the doors to protect against external environmental influences.

3.29 Cuisine - room or its part for placing kitchenware for cooking, washing and storing dishes and inventory, it is possible for temporary storage of food and utility waste collection.

3.30 Kitchen-dining room - room with kitchen and dining area for meals.

3.31 Kitchen-niche - a kitchen without a dining area located in a part of a residential or auxiliary room, and equipped with an electric stovered and power ventilation with mechanical motivation.

Outdoor engineering systems and inside Apartment equipment

3.32 Outdoor engineering systems - located in the outer

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

engineering Communications Enterprise Enterprises for supplying utility and energy, and (or) engineering equipment for transformation and (or) for production and supply of resources and energy facilities to inside the apartment equipment, as well as possible production of utility vertical transportation (elevators, etc.), by

surprise, (bitch (11 /, 112 /).

3.33 In-quality equipment - located in the auxiliary sanitary room and in the enclosing apartment structures, engineering equipment, having individual entries and connections to domestic engineering systems, and individual instruments of accounting and adjustment of energy consumption when consuming residential services (according to).

3.37 Reference to the room is a change in the process of the volume-planning configuration and (or) the opening device in the enclosing structures (according to / 3 /).

4 General

4.1 Construction, reconstruction and overhaul Apartment buildings should be carried out on the basis of approved project technical documentation and on the basis of building permits, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 48, 49, 51, 52, subject to the observance of urban planning and construction norms and rules (according to Articles 222, 263, Articles 743). Project and exploration work, according to and. On the design of the design, research, experimental and design and technological work (according to). The composition of the project documentation must correspond to the list (composition) specified in and.

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

4.1.1 Apartment building may include built-in, built-in-attached, attached public premises, public appointments and parking lots, accommodation, production technology and operation mode, which, meets the safety requirements of residents in operation during operation apartment building and adjacent territories in the development, (according to,). Accommodation in residential buildings industrial industries Not allowed (paragraph 3 of Article 288). Residential premises should be placed only in the construction volume of the above-ground part of apartment buildings, (according to).

4.1.2 Conditions for the transfer of residential premises in a non-residential premises and non-residential premises in the residential premises should be taken in accordance with Article 22 ,. In case, to ensure the use of such a room, its reorganization and (or) redevelopment is required, and (or) redevelopment should be submitted, the draft reorganization and (or) redevelopment of translated premises should be submitted, according to the requirements of Article 23.

4.1.3 Rules for determining the volume and planning indicators and calculating the area of \u200b\u200bpremises of residential apartment buildings are shown in Appendix A (reference). Compliance with project volumes and planning indicators should be consistently monitored during construction and operation. During the construction, this control should be made by the face that carries out construction, reconstruction, overhaul under Article 52. The verification of the compliance of design and building volumes and planning indicators should be carried out to the technical inventory according to the acceptance of the reception of apartment buildings and during operation.

4.2 Accommodation of an apartment building, plan and dimensions of the adjacent area, distance to other buildings and structures, should be established on the basis of a city-planning plan of land plot, engineering survey results, technical conditions for connecting a residential building to engineering and technical support networks, in accordance, SP 42.13330, With the provision of sanitary protection zones, according to Sanpin 2.2.1 / It is necessary to ensure fire safety requirements for the placement of apartment buildings in the development, to the conditions of evacuation and non-proliferation of fire fire extinguishing, and the rules of the fire protection system.

4.2.1 follows the task of design to determine the number of floors, floors, as well as volume-planning indicators of height, length, width of building volumes of apartment buildings, given in seismic areas, the complex of requirements of the SP 14.13330 and SP 42.13330, and when identifying hazardous geological processes, the presence and (or) the need for engineering protection of buildings and adjacent sites according to SP 116.13330 and SP 21.13330.

4.2.2 Sanitary requirements for the living conditions of SanPiN should be ensured and to comply with the parameters of the microclimate in the premises.

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

1 area of \u200b\u200buse............................................... ................... I.

3 Terms, definitions and cuts .............................................. 6.

4 General ............................................... ....................... 13

5 Requirements for buildings and premises ......................................... 18

6 Requirements for constructive and volume-planning solutions .. 20

7 Fire Requirements ............................................... .. 21.

7.1 Preventing the spread of fire ................................. 21

7.2 Ensuring evacuation ................................................. ............ 25.

7.3 Fire Requirements for Engineering Systems and 28

equipment ................................................. ......................

7.4 Ensuring extinguishing fire and rescue work 30

8 Safety Requirements Operation ..................................... 30

9 Requirements for Outdoor Engineering Systems and 33

intrawhighted equipment and sanitary and epidemiological requirements ........................................... ..............................

10 Energy saving ................................................ ................ 42.

Appendix and the rules for determining the volume and planning indicators and 44 calculations of the area of \u200b\u200bpremises of residential apartment buildings.

Appendix B Rules for determining the minimum number of passenger

elevators in the building Resident apartment ........................................... 49

Bibliography................................................. ............................. fifty

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors


This regulatory document is updated in order to project safe and convenient for all groups of the population living and staying in buildings of residential complex, safety of their exploits for ambient, Implementation of requirements Federal Law No. 384-ФЗ dated December 30, 2009 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities" [I].

Requirements established in accordance with Federal Law No. 123-F3 of July 22, 2008 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" to ensure the protection of the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements To the living conditions in buildings of residential complexes.

Requirements for the design of buildings of residential apartment buildings, taking into account the placement of residential and non-residential premises, optimization of indicators of reliability and durability of structures and engineering equipment, as well as provisions: Federal Law No. 188-ФЗ dated 29.12.2004 g Housing Code of the Russian Federation (3), Federal Law No. 190-FZ dated December 29, 2004, Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ " Civil Code Russian Federation. Part One ", Federal Law of January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ" Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part two" .

The requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings of residential apartment buildings in pursuance of Federal Law No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009 "On Energy Saving and Enhancement energy efficiency And about making changes to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation. "

The actualization of this regulatory document was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law No. 184-ФЗ dated December 27, 2002, "on technical regulation", as well as the Procedure for the composition of the project documentation and the requirements for their content (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 No. 87 ).

The level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with international regulatory documents is increased, the methods of determining the technical and economic volume and planning indicators of buildings and premises of various functional purposes, combing new functional components and volume-planning solutions and the corresponding terminology is provided with mutual consistency of existing regulatory technical documents. in the field of design and construction.

k.Arkhnt. A.R. Hooks (T.NSP. Topics): OJSC "Academy of Communal Services named after K.D. Pamfilova ": Vedl1auch.Sotr. V.N. Svorov. OJSC "Center for the Methodology of Regulation and Standardization in Construction" A.S. Ta Rada

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors


Buildings Residential apartment buildings. Design rules

Multicompartment Residential Buildings. Design Rules.

Introduction Date - 2016-XX-XX

I Scope

1.1 This set of rules (hereinafter referred to as the text - SP) applies to the design of new construction and reconstruction and (or) repair and maintenance of exploited apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as the text - apartment buildings) of fire-technical buildings, according to SP 1.13130 \u200b\u200band SP 118.13330 , up to 75 m.

1.2. The provisions of this joint venture establish the requirements:

To functional planning zoning, volume-planning solutions and constructive solutions;

To fire safety;

To engineering and technical equipment and microclimate of premises;

To safe operation and energy saving.

1.3 SP applies to typical, re-and individual design, construction and operation of apartment buildings and their complexes located in urban and rural settlements, and intended for permanent and temporary residence of the population.

1.4 joint ventures applied to apartment buildings, both separately standing and blocked with residential, public or multifunctional buildings, in which the activity mode does not contradict the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, according to Sanpin

1.5 With a change in the process of exploitation of apartment buildings of residential and non-residential functional purposes of individual premises or groups of rooms, the requirements of regulatory documents appropriate to them should be applied to them. functional purpose Parts of the building or individual premises, but not contrary to the rules of this joint venture in relation to other premises and apartment buildings as a whole.

1.6 SP is allowed to apply when developing tasks for the design of apartment buildings:

With less than 50 years of scheduled approximate service life or collected and / or mobile buildings and facilities;

Apartment buildings and premises in the composition of multifunctional, buildings and complexes of building height of fire and technical 75 m and more;

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

Apartment hostels according to SP, and service residential premises according;

Safety in emergency situations. Structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures. General requirements for passenger elevators. Elevators for firefighters

GOST R 52875-2007 Tactile indexes are terrestrial for vision disabled.

Technical requirements

GOST R 52941-2008 Passenger elevators. Design of vertical transport systems in residential buildings

GOST R 53296-2009 Installation of elevators for firefighters in buildings and facilities. Fire safety requirements

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

GOST R 53780-2010 Elevators. General Security Requirements for Device and Installation

GOST R 55555-2013 Lifting platforms for persons with disabilities and other low-friendly populations. Security and accessibility requirements. Part 1. Lifting platforms with vertical movement

GOST R 55556-2013 Lifting platforms for disabled people and other low-friendly populations. Security and accessibility requirements. Part 2. Lifting platforms with inclined movement

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation paths

SP 2.13130.2012 Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance protection objects

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. The system of alert and management of the evacuation of people in a fire. Fire safety requirements SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Restriction of fire distribution at protection objects. Requirements for bulk and constructive solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Installation fire

alarm and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules SP 6.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment.

Fire safety requirements

SP 7.13130.2013 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Firefire requirements

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Outdoor sources

fire water supply. Fire safety requirements

SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Interior

fireproof water supply. Fire safety requirements

SP 12.13130. 2009 Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor

installations on the explosion and fire hazard

SP 14.13330.2014 "SNIP II-7-81 * Construction in seismic areas"

SP 17.13330.2011 "SNIP H-26-76 roof"

SP 20.13330.2011 "Snip 2.01.07-85 * Loads and Impact"

SP 21.13330.2012 "Snip 2.01.09-91 Buildings and structures in the cultivated territories and sedentary soils"

SP 22.13330.2011 "Snip 2.02.01-83 * Bases of buildings and structures"

SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 pile foundations"

SP 25.13330.2012 "SNIP 2.02.04-88 Basis and foundations on fearful soils"

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

SP 28.13330.2012 "Snip 2.03.11-85 Protection of building structures from corrosion"

SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85 * Internal water supply and sewage system"

SP 31.13330.2012 "Snip 2.04.02-84 * Water supply. External networks and facilities »

SP 32.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.03-85 sewage. External networks and facilities »SP 42.13330.2011" SNiP 2.07.01-89 * Urban planning. Layout and development of urban and rural settlements »

SP 50.13330.2012 "Snip 23-02-2003 Thermal Protection of Buildings"

SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise Protection"

SP 52.13330.2011 "Snip 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting»

SP 59.13330.2012 "Snip 35-01-2001 Availability of buildings and structures for low-friendly populations"

SP 60.13330.2012 "Snip 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

air "

SP 61.13330.2012 "Snip 41-03-2003 Heavy insulation of equipment and pipelines"

SP 62.13330.2011 "Snip 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems"

SP 88.13330.2014 "Snip II-11-77 * Protective Constructions of Civil Defense" SP 113.13330.2012 "SNIP 21-02-99 * Parking of cars"

SP 116.13330.2012 "Snip 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes"

SP 118.13330.2012 "Snip 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures"

SP 131.13330.2012 "SNIP 23-01-99 * Construction climatology"

SP 132.13330.2011 Ensuring the anti-terrorist protection of buildings and structures. General design requirements

SP 133.13330.2012 Wired broadcasting networks and alerts in buildings and structures. Design standards

SP 134.13330.2012 Telecommunication systems of buildings and structures. Basic design provisions

SP 136.13330.2012 buildings and structures. General design provisions taking into account accessibility for low-friendly populations

SP 137.13330.2012 Residential environment with planning elements available to disabled. Design rules

SP 138.13330.2012 Public buildings and structures available to small groups of the population. Design rules

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

SP 140.13330.2012 urban environment. Design rules for low-breed populations

SP 154.13130.2013 Built-in underground parking lots. Fire safety requirements

SP 160.1325800.2014 Buildings and multifunction complexes. Design rules

Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

SP Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, equipment and content of the hostels for employees of organizations and educational institutions

Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for accommodation, device, equipment, maintenance and operating mode Ban and sauna SanPiN Hygienic requirements for accommodation, device, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity houses and other hospital hospitals

Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activities

SanPine Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water systems

Sanpin 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for insolation and sunscreen premises of residential and public buildings and territories

Sanpin 2.2.1 / Sanitary and sanitary classification of enterprises and other objects

Sanpin 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for natural,

artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings SanPiN 2.2.1 / Changes and additions to Sanpin 2.2.1 / Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations catering, manufacture and processability of food and food raw materials

Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for

device, content and organization of preschool educational organizations

Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for pre-school groups placed in residential premises of the housing stock

SP 54.13330.2011 Third editors

SanPine Hygienic requirements for the device and operation of X-ray Cabinets, devices and conducting radiological studies

Sanpin 42-128-4690-88 Sanitary rules of content of territories of settlements

SP Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for deratization

Note - When using this rules, it is advisable to check the action of reference standards (rules and / or classifier arresters) in the public information system - on the official website of the national authority of the Russian Federation on the network of Internet or on the annual information indicator "National Standards", which Published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly issued information pointer "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard (document) is replaced, to which the undated link is given, it is recommended to use the current version of this standard (document), taking into account all changes made to this version. If the reference standard is replaced, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard (document) with the above-mentioned approval (adoption). If, after approval of this standard in the reference standard (document), which is given a dated reference, a change has been made affecting the provider to which the link is given, this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard (document) is canceled without replacement, the position in which the link is given to it is recommended to be used in a portion that does not affect this link. Information on the actions of the rules of rules can be checked in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards

3 Terms, Definitions and Reducing

The following Terms with the relevant definitions are applied in this Code of Rules:

Room, Apartment, Room

3.1. 11Osthenna - the volume-planning part of an apartment building, structurally isolated by construction enclosing structures (according to / 1 [). The room relative to the location of the exterior enclosing building structures can be: built-in inside, attached (according to 1221) outside, built-in-predicted - with combined processes in the outer walls built-in and attached rooms.

3.2 Residential premises - a room that is real estatesuitable for sanitary rules and standards for permanent residence People (according to: / 3 /,).

3.3 Apartment (living plank cell) - residential premises, structurally separated by enclosing structures from the premises of other apartments and from public premises, consisting of one or more rooms and auxiliary premises, suitable for the basic functions of living and auxiliary functioning functions, which has a separate entry and Engineering and technical inadquarters

    Appendix A (mandatory). Regulatory documents (not applicable) Appendix B (Reference). Terms and definitions (not applicable) Appendix B (mandatory). The rules for determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe building and its premises, the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, fasteners and the construction volume (not applicable) Appendix G (mandatory). The minimum number of passenger elevators (not applicable)

Change information:

4.6 In residential buildings it is necessary to provide electrical lighting, power electrical equipment, telephonification, radio, television antennas, and a ringing alarm, as well as automatic fire alarms, alert and evacuation systems for fire, elevators for transporting fire units, people rescue means, fire protection systems in accordance With the requirements of regulatory framework for fire safety, as well as other engineering systems provided for by the design task.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings, it should be provided for the installation of collective reception antennas and racks of wired broadcasting networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers are prohibited.

4.8 Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / PR

The cabin of one of the elevators should be depth or width (depending on the planning) 2100 mm for the possibility of placing a person in it on sanitary stretchers.

The width of the doors of the cabin of one of the elevators should provide a disabled carriage.

When adding existing 5-storey residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator in the exhaust floor.

In residential buildings in which on floors above the first provides for the placement of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabilities, passenger elevators or lifting platforms must be provided in accordance with the requirements SP 59.13330, GOST R 51630, GOST R 51631 and GOST R 53296.

4.9 Width of sites in front of the elevators should allow the use of an elevator for transporting a patient on ambulance stretcher and be at least M:

1.5 - in front of the lifts with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2.1 - in front of lifts with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cab of a cab 2100 mm.

With a double row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be at least m:

1.8 - When installing elevators with a cab in a cab of less than 2100 mm;

2.5 - when installing elevators from a cab in a cab 2100 mm and more.

4.10 In the basement, basement, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and largest cities * (2) in the third floor), it is allowed to place embedded and built-in public premises, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on a person.

Not allowed to post:

specialized stores of moskalo-chemical and other goods, the operation of which can lead to contamination of the territory and air of residential building; Premises, including stores with storage in them, liquefied gas, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives that can explode and burn when interacting with water, air oxygen or other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products;

stores selling synthetic carpets, auto parts, tires and automotive oils;

specialized fish stores; warehouses of any destination, including wholesale (or small-optic) trade, except for warehouses that are part of public institutions that have evacuation outputs isolated from the evacuation paths of the residential part of the building (the rule does not apply to the built-in parking lots);

household service enterprises, which use flammable substances (except hairdressing and workshops on the repair of hours with a total area of \u200b\u200bup to 300); baths;

food and leisure enterprises with a number of places more than 50, with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 250 # all enterprises operating with music, including discos, dance studios, theaters, as well as casino;

laundry and dry cleaning (except for adoptive points and laundry self-service with a capacity of up to 75 kg in shift); automatic telephone stations with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100; public toilets, institutions and stores of ritual services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

production premises (except for the premises of categories in and D for the Labor of the disabled people and older people, among them: the items of issuing work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative works); dental laboratories, clinical and diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; Double hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: traumopunks, ambulance substations; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric cabins of medical reception; branches (cabins) of magnetic resonance tomography;

x-ray cabinets, as well as premises with therapeutic or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and cabinets.

Stores on the sale of synthetic carpet products are allowed to add to the deaf sections of residential buildings with the limit of Rei 150 fire resistance.

4.12 Loading public premises by the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of residential rooms of apartments and the entrances to the residential part of the house are located, in order to protect tenants from noise and exhaust gases are not allowed.

Loading public premises built into residential buildings should be performed: from the other residential buildings that are not windows; from underground tunnels; From the highways (streets) in the presence of special loading premises.

It is allowed not to provide for the specified bootable premises at the area of \u200b\u200bembedded public spaces up to 150.

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements

5.5 Accommodation of apartments and residential rooms in the basements and ground floors of residential buildings is not allowed.

5.8 Height (from floor to ceiling) residential rooms and kitchens (kitchen-dining) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA should be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic areas - at least 2.5 m .

The height of intra-quarter corridors, halls, front, antlesole (and under them) is determined by the safety conditions of the movement of people and should be at least 2.1 m.

In residential rooms and kitchen of apartments located in the attic floor (or upper floors with inclined enclosing structures), a smaller ceiling height is allowed to be relatively normalized on an area not exceeding 50%.

6 Bentchability and permissible design deformativity

6.2 The construction and base of the building should be calculated on the perception of constant loads from their own weight of carrier and enclosing structures; temporary uniformly distributed and concentrated loads on overlap; Snow and wind loads for this construction area. The regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the listed loads, accounted for adverse combinations of loads or their corresponding efforts, the limit values \u200b\u200bof the deflection and movement of structures, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof reliability coefficients for loads should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the SP 20.13330.

When calculating the structures and bases of buildings, the additional requirements of the customer-developer customer, for example, to accommodate fireplaces, heavy equipment for public buildings built into residential building, should also be taken into account; To the attachment of heavy elements of interior equipment to walls and ceilings.

6.5 When calculating the building with a height of more than 40 m on a wind load, in addition to the strength and stability of the building and its individual structural elements, restrictions on the parameters of the oscillations of overlay floors, due to the requirements of residence comfort, should be provided.

6.6 In the event of an occurrence during the reconstruction of additional loads and impacts on the remaining part of the residential building, its carriers and enclosing structures, as well as ground fit, should be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with the current documents regardless of the physical wear of the structures.

It should take into account the actual carrying capacity of the grounds of the base as a result of their change during operation, as well as an increase in the strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

6.7 With the reconstruction of a residential building, changes should be taken into account in its constructive scheme, arising during the operation of this building, (including the emergence of new openings, additional to the initial project solution, as well as the impact of the repair of structures or their strengthening).

6.8 With the reconstruction of residential buildings with a change in the location of sanitary nodes, appropriate additional measures should be performed on hydro, noise and vibration insulation, as well as if necessary, the enhancement of overlaps, which provide for the installation of equipment of these sanitary and technical components.

7 Fire safety

7.1 Prevent Fire Distribution

7.1.2 The permissible height of the building and the floor area within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Degree of fire resistance building

The greatest permissible height of the building, m

The greatest permissible floor of the fire compartment, m2

Not normalized

Note - The degree of fire resistance of the building with unheated annexes should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

7.1.4 Gallery designs in gallery houses must comply with the requirements adopted for overlapping these buildings.

7.1.5 In buildings I, II degrees of fire resistance To ensure the required limit of fire resistance of the supporting elements of the building, only structural fire protection should be applied.

7.1.6 Bearing elements of two-storey buildings IV degree of fire resistance must have a limit of fire resistance of at least R 30.

7.1.7 Intersective, inter-weltered walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating extremary corridors, halls and lobbies from other premises must comply with the requirements set out in Table 7.1a.

Intersective and inter-weltering walls and partitions must be deaf and comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulation

7.1.8 The limit of fire resistance of interroom partitions is not normalized. The class of fire hazard of interior cabinets, team-collapsible and sliding partitions is not normalized. The class of fire hazard of other interior partitions, including the doors, must comply with the requirements of the technical regulations on fire safety requirements.

Table 7.1A.

Fencing design

Minimal limit of fire resistance and permissible fire danger class design for the degree of fire resistance and class of constructive fire danger

I-III, C0 and C1

Wall intersection

InterSective partition

The wall is intercheuro

Partition intercardic

Wall separating extremary corridors from other premises

Partition separating extremary corridors from other premises

Table 7.2.

Degree of fire resistance building

Class of constructive fire danger building

The greatest distance from the door of the apartment to the exit, m

when locating between staircases or outdoor inputs

when exiting a dead-end corridor or gallery

Not normalized

In the section of a residential building when leaving apartments in the corridor (hall), not having a window opening in the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly into the staircase or exit in the tambour or elevator passage hall, leading to the air zone of unnecessary staircase, It should not exceed 12 m, if there is a window opening or smoke removal in the corridor (lobby), this distance is allowed to receive on Table 7.2 as for a dead-end corridor.

7.2.2 The width of the corridor should not be less than, with its length between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the staircase up to 40 m - 1.4, over 40 m - 1.6, the gallery width is at least 1.2 m. Corridors follow Separate by partitions with the doors of EL 30 fire resistance, equipped with closers and located at a distance of no more than 30 m one from the other and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3 In the stair cells and elevator halls, glazed doors are allowed, while with reinforced glass. Other types of shockproof glazing can be used.

7.2.4 The number of evacuation exits from the floor and the type of stairwells should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the SP 1.13130.

7.2.5 In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m, designed to accommodate in the IV climatic area and IIIIB climatic subarea, is allowed instead of staircase cells the device of external open stairs from non-combustible materials.

7.2.6 In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor to 500, it is allowed to provide for a single staircase type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or L1 height at a building height less than 28 m with a condition that in the ends of the corridors (galleries) There are exits to external 3-type external stairs leading to the floor mark of the second floor. When placing the indicated stair cells in the end of the building, a device of one staircase of the 3rd type is allowed in the opposite side of the corridor (gallery).

7.2.7 During the superstructure of existing buildings with a height up to 28 m in one floor, it is allowed to preserve the existing staircase type L1, subject to ensuring the exhausting floor of an emergency yield in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety and SP 1.13130.

7.2.8 With a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor, more than 500 evacuation should be carried out at least in two staircases (normal or unseasonable).

In residential buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor from 500 to 550, a device of one evacuation exit of apartments is allowed:

with the altitude of the upper floor layout, no more than 28 m - in the usual staircase, under the condition of the equipment of the front in the apartments, the addressable fire alarm sensors;

with the altitude of the upper floor layout, more than 28 m - in one unlucky staircase, subject to the equipment of all apartments (except bathrooms, bathrooms, shower and woofer) address fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9 For a multi-level apartment, it is allowed not to provide for an exit to the staircase from each floor, provided that the apartment's premises are located not higher than 18 m and the floor of an apartment that does not have direct exit to the staircase is ensured by an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the requirements Fire safety. The intra-ordinary staircase is allowed to perform wooden.

7.2.10 Passage to the outer air zone of the type H1 staircase is allowed through the elevator hall, and the device of the elevator and doors mines in them must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the requirements of fire safety and SP 4.13130.

7.2.11 In buildings up to 50 m with a total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the section of the section of the up to 500, the evacuation output is allowed to provide for a staircase type H2 or H3 when the device in the building of one of the elevators providing transportation of fire units and the corresponding requirements of GOST R 53296. At the same time, the output to the H2 staircase should be provided through the tambour (or elevator hall), and the door of the stairwell, the mines of elevators, tambour-gateways and tambourines should be fire-fighting-type.

7.2.12 In section houses with a height of more than 28 m, the way out of unseasonable staircases (type H1) is allowed to be arranged through the lobby (in the absence of outputs from the car park and public premises), separated from the adjacent corridors by fire-fighting partitions 1-th type with fire-fighting 2-type doors. At the same time, the message of the H1 type staircase with the lobby should be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the first floor with a metal grille. On the way from the apartment to the H1 staircase should be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) sequentially located self-shocking doors.

7.2.13 In the building height of three floors and more outputs outward from the basements, basement floors and technical underground should be located at least in 100 m and should not be communicated with the staircase cells of the residential part of the building.

Outputs from basements and basement floors are allowed to be arranged through the ladder cell of the residential part, taking into account the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the requirements of fire safety and SP 1.13130. Exits from technical floors should be provided in accordance with SP 1.13130.

Outputs from the technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building are allowed through common staircases, and in buildings with staircase cells H1 - through the air zone.

7.2.14 In the device of emergency yields from the attic floors on the roof it is necessary to provide platforms and transition bridges with a fence according to GOST 25772, leading to the 3-type stairs and P2 stairs.

7.2.15 Public premises must have inputs and evacuation outputs, isolated from the residential part of the building.

When placed in the upper floor, workshops and architects, as well as the office premises, it is allowed to take staircases of the residential part of the building as evacuation outlets, while the flooring message with a staircase should be provided through a vestibule with fire doors. The door in the Tambura, which goes on the staircase, should be provided with opening only from the inside of the room.

A device for one evacuation exit from the premises of public agencies placed in the first and ground floors with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 300 and the number of no more than 15 people are allowed.

7.3 Fire Requirements for Engineering Systems and Building Equipment

7.3.7 The heat supply systems of residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330.

7.3.8 Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces working on solid fuel is allowed to be provided in residential buildings up to two floors inclusive (excluding the basement).

7.3.9 Heat generators, including furnaces and fireplaces on solid fuel, cooking plates and chimneys should be made with the implementation of constructive measures in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330. Heat generators and cooking plates of factory manufacturers should also be established taking into account the safety requirements contained in the instructions of manufacturers.

7.3.10 The garbage collector should be protected throughout the sprinkler sprinkler area. The area of \u200b\u200bthe distribution pipeline of the rods must be ring, connected to the network of economic and drinking water pipeline building and have thermal insulation from non-combustible materials. The camera door must be insulated.

7.4 Ensuring extinguishing fire and rescue work

7.4.2 In each compartment (sections) of the basement or basement floor, allocated by fireproof obstacles, it should be provided for at least two windows with dimensions of at least 0.9 x 1.2 m with a pit. The area of \u200b\u200bthe luminous opening of the specified windows must be taken by calculation, but not less than 0.2% of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthese rooms. The sizes of the pit should allow the supply of fire extinguishing agent from the foam generator and removing smoke with the smoke (the distance from the wall of the building to the border of the pit should be at least 0.7 m).

7.4.3 In the transverse walls of basements and technical subcondures of large-pointed buildings, an opening device is allowed 1.6 m high in light. At the same time, the height of the threshold should not exceed 0.3 m.

7.4.5 On the network of economic and drinking water supply in each apartment should include a separate valve with a diameter with a diameter of at least 15 mm to attach the hose equipped with a sprayer to use it as a primary device for intra-military fire extinguishing to eliminate fire focus. The length of the hose should provide the ability to supply water to any point of the apartment.

7.4.6 In residential buildings (in section - in each section), more than 50 m height One of the elevators should ensure transportation of fire units and comply with the requirements of GOST R 53296.

8 Security when using

8.2 Bliss and width of staircase marches and ramps, height of steps, width of the extex, width of the staircase, the height of the passes on the stairs, the basement, the attractive, as well as the dimensions of the doorways should provide the convenience and safety of the movement and the ability to move the equipment of the appropriate apartments and built-in equipment In the building of public premises. The minimum width and maximum slope of staircase marches should be taken according to Table 8.1.

Table 8.1.

Name Marsha

Minimum width, m

Maximum slope

Marches stairs leading to residential floors of buildings:



three-storey and more


Marches stairs leading to basements and basement floors as well as intra-quarter stairs

Note - The width of the march should be determined by the distance between the fences or between the wall and the fence.

The height of the differences in the floor level of different premises and spaces in the building should be safe. In the necessary cases, handrails and ramps should be provided. The number of lifts in one staircase march or on the level of levels should be at least 3 and not more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depth of steps is not allowed. In multi-level apartments, intra-quarter stairs are allowed screw or with overtook steps, while the width of the sticking in the middle must be at least 18 cm.

8.11 In the operated roofs of residential buildings, it is necessary to ensure the safety of using them by the device of the appropriate fences, the protection of ventilation issues and other engineering devices located on the roof, as well as if necessary - noise protection of the following premises.

On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, as well as at the entrance zone, on summer industrial rooms, in the connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (first and intermediate) used for the device of sports fields for recreation of adults at home , Platas for drying linen and cleaning of clothing or solarium should be ensured by the necessary security measures (device of fences and measures to protect ventilation issues).

8.12 Electrical panel, premises for head stations (HS), technical centers (shopping center) of cable television, sound transformer substations (TCP), as well as space for telephone distribution cabinets (HRH) should not be placed with wet processes (bathrooms, bathrooms, etc. .).

8.13 PC facilities, shopping center, TCs must have inputs directly from the street; The placing the electrical panel (including for communication equipment, ASUU, dispatching and television) should have an entrance directly from the street or from a floor extra-weltering corridor (Hall); To the site of the installation of the HTR approach should also be from the specified corridor.

9 Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements

9.2 Estimated air parameters in the premises of a residential building should be taken on SP 60.13330 and taking into account the optimal norms of GOST 30494. Multiplicity of air exchange indoors in service mode should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1.


The magnitude of the air exchange

Sleeping, general, children's rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200ban apartment for one person less than 20

3 for 1 living space

The same, with the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment per person more than 20

30 per person, but not less than 0.35

Pantry, lining, dressing room

Kitchen with electric stove

Gas-grade equipment

Premises with heat generators of general heat-producing up to 50 kW:

with an open combustion chamber

with a closed combustion chamber, with the calculated external air parameters for the respective construction regions.

When the air conditioning system device, the optimal parameters must be provided in the warm period of the year.

In buildings, built in areas with the calculated temperature of the outer air minus 40 ° C and below, heating the surface of the floors of residential rooms and kitchens, as well as public premises with a permanent stay of people located above the cold underground, should be envisaged in accordance with Requirements from 50.13330.

9.6 In residential and kitchen, air flow is provided through adjustable window sash, fraumuga, vectors, valves, or other devices, including autonomous wall air valves with adjustable opening. Apartments, designed for the III and IV climatic areas, should be provided with horizontal through or angular ventilation within the area of \u200b\u200bapartments, as well as vertical ventilation through the mines in accordance with the requirements of the SP 60.13330.

9.7 Air removal should be provided from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other apartment rooms, it should be provided for the installation on exhaust channels and air ducts of adjustable ventilation grids and valves.

Air out of rooms in which harmful substances or unpleasant odors may be released, should be removed directly out and not to fall into other building rooms, including through ventilation channels.

Association of ventilation channels from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms (shower), combined bathrooms, storage rooms for products with ventilation channels from gas- propelled equipment and car parks are not allowed.

9.10 In the outer walls of basements, technical underground and a cold attic that do not have exhaust ventilation should include produced by a total area of \u200b\u200bat least 1/400 of the field of technical underground or basement, evenly located along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of \u200b\u200bone product should be at least 0.05.

9.11 The duration of insolation of apartments (premises) of a residential building should be made in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / and SanPine

The normalized insolation duration must be provided: in one-, two- and three-room apartments - at least one living room; In four-room apartments and more - not less than two residential rooms.

9.12 Natural lighting should have accommodation and kitchens (except for niche kitchens), public premises, built into residential buildings, except for rooms, the placement of which is allowed in the basements according to SNiP 31-06.

9.16 When lighting through light openings in the outer walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed: in the presence of light opening in one end - 24 m, in two ends - 48 m. With a greater length of the corridors, additional natural lighting through light pockets must be provided. The distance between the two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and light opening in the face of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which the stairwell can serve, should be at least 1.5 m. Through one light Pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides.

9.18 External enclosing building structures should have thermal insulation, insulation from penetration of outer cold air and vapor barrier from diffusion of water vapor from premises providing:

the required temperature and the absence of moisture condensation on the inner surfaces of the indoor structures;

preventing the accumulation of excess moisture in structures.

The difference in the inner air and surface surfaces of the outer walls at the estimated temperature of the inner air must comply with the requirements of the SP 50.13330.

9.19 In I - III, climatic areas with all external entrances to residential buildings (except inputs from the outer air zone in the unseasonable staircase cell) should include tambura depth of at least 1.5 m.

Double tambura at the entrances to residential buildings (except inputs from the outer air zone in the unseasonable staircase) should be designed depending on the flood of buildings and the area of \u200b\u200btheir construction according to Table 9.2.

Table 9.2.

The average temperature is the coldest five days, ° С

Double tambour in buildings with numbers

Minus 20 and above

16 or more

Below minus 20 to minus 25 inclusive


1 With the direct entrance to the apartment double tambour should be designed with an unheated staircase.

2 A veranda can be used as a tambour.

9.20 The premises of the building should be protected from the penetration of rain, thawed and groundwater and possible domestic leaks of water from engineering systems with structural means and technical devices.

9.22 Not allowed by the restroom and bathroom (or shower) directly above the residential rooms and kitchens. Placing a restroom and bathroom (or shower) in the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located in two levels.

9.23 In the construction of buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are allocations of soil gases (radon, methane, etc.), measures should be taken on isolation in contact with the soil of floors and walls of basements to prevent the penetration of soil gas from the soil into the building , and other measures contributing to the reduction of its concentration in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary standards.

9.24A When placing residential buildings on the territory with an elevated level of transport noise, noise reduction in residential buildings should be carried out by applying: special noise-proof layouts and (or) constructive and technical means of noise protection, including: external enclosing structures and filling of window openings with increased soundproofing properties.

9.25 Noise levels from engineering equipment and other domestic sources of noise should not exceed the established permissible levels and no more than 2 dBAs exceed the background values \u200b\u200bdetermined by the intraception source of noise, both in day and night.

9.26 To ensure a permissible level of noise, the fastening of sanitary devices and pipelines directly to the intercountar walls and partitions, which enclosing living rooms, is not allowed to place the machine room and the elevator mines, the garbage collector, the barrel of the merry industry and the device for cleaning it and flushing over residential rooms, under They, as well as adjacent to them.

9.26A When the bathroom bathrooms in the bedrooms are recommended on the task of designing in order to protect against noise to separate them from each other built into the wardrobe.

9.27 The supply of home drinking water should be provided from the centralized water supply network of the settlement. In areas without centralized engineering networks for one-, two-storey buildings, individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or water bodies are allowed to calculate the daily flow of economic and drinking water of at least 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the estimated daily flow consumption is allowed to be reduced by coordination with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

9.28 To remove wastewater, the sewage system should be provided - centralized or local in accordance with the rules set in the SP 30.13330.

Wastewater should be removed without contamination of the territory and aquifers.

3) Engineering systems of the building are equipped with thermal energy metering devices, cold and hot water, electricity and gas with centralized supply.

11.4 When evaluating the energy efficiency of the building under the integrated indicator of the specific energy consumption on its heating and ventilation, the requirements of this Code of Rules are considered to be fulfilled if the calculated value of the specific energy consumption for maintaining the normalized microclimate parameters and air quality does not exceed the maximum allowable regulatory value. In this case, the third condition must be performed 11.3.


* (1) The height of the building is determined by the difference in the surface marks for fire trucks and the lower boundaries of the opening opening (windows) in the outer wall of the upper floor, including the attic. At the same time, the upper technical floor is not taken into account.

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Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal

Farms of the Russian Federation


On approval of SP 54.13330 "SNiP 31-01-2003

Buildings residential multi-apartment "

In accordance with the rules of development, approval, publication, changes and cancellation of rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2016 N 624, subparagraph 5.2.9 of paragraph 5 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation approved by the Resolution Governments of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038, paragraph 59 of the plan for the development and approval of the arms of the Rules and the actualization of previously approved arrangements of the Rules, Construction Rules and Rules for 2015 and the Planned Period until 2017, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing Municipal communal services of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2015 N 470 / AR, with amendments made by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2015 N 659 / PR, I order:

1. To approve and put into action after 6 months from the date of publication of this order, SP 54.13330 "SNiP 31-01-2003 buildings of residential apartment buildings" according to the annex (not given).

2. From the moment of the introduction of SP 54.13330 "SNiP 31-01-2003 buildings of residential complexes" to recognize not subject to use of SP 54.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-01-2003 buildings of residential multi-unit", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 24 2010 N 778, with the exception of points of the joint venture 54.13330.2011 "SNIP 31-01-2003 residential complex buildings" included in the list of national standards and rules arrangements (parts of such standards and arcons of the rules), as a result of the use of which is provided on the mandatory basis Compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 (hereinafter - the list), before making appropriate changes to the list.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The Department of Town Planning Activities and Architecture within 15 days from the date of publication, send the approved SP 54.13330 "SNiP 31-01-2003 residential complex buildings" for registration to the national authority of the Russian Federation for standardization.

4. Department of Urban Planning Activity and Architecture Ensure Publishing on the official website of the Ministry of Pressure of Russia in the Information and Telecommunication Network "Internet" of the text approved SP 54.13330 "SNiP 31-01-2003 buildings of residential complexities" in electronic digital form within 10 days from the date of registration of the arch Rules by the National Body of the Russian Federation on standardization.

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