
Type of work in the organizational and technological scheme. Organizational and technological schemes for the performance of work, and the definition of connections and durations. Preparation of a project for the production of works

The production process cannot be imagined without the regulation of technical actions and stages. For this, a special document is being developed - a technological scheme. The scheme is a graphical or textual interpretation of the required set of operations, the observance of which leads to the finished product. When compiling it, the number of production lines, the set of equipment used, the stages of manual and mechanized labor are taken into account. Taking into account all factors and strict regulation allows to achieve high efficiency and quality of production.

Types of technological schemes

Given the huge variety of manufacturing enterprises, products, features of various technologies, there are different kinds technological schemes. The general classification looks something like this:

    The most common type, which is widely used in the production of dimensional goods, large volumes or large-sized products. They are designed for long-term use in the production of the same type of product for a long time. It can be designed in such a way that it can be used in the production of a variety of similar products. Such types are called combined. When developing them, the possibility of quickly reconfiguring equipment for the production of another product is taken into account, with virtually no interruption of the technological process. The development of such schemes is justified by economic factors, the continuous operation of the production line and employees allows us to avoid unnecessary waste and increase efficiency. Most often, combined ones are used in pharmaceutical enterprises, where medicines, nutritional supplements, vitamins and other products are produced on the same equipment. The main advantage is that you can significantly reduce the level of initial investment and production costs during the operation of the equipment.
  1. Pilot-industrial.
    This type is a harbinger of industrial schemes. They are developed in those cases when it is necessary to establish the production of a fundamentally new type of product. It can be slightly simplified and supplemented during the operation of the production line. On its basis, technologists collect information for the preparation of basic industrial technological schemes.
  2. Stand installations.
    They are also called modular, they are small assembly farms on which various types of equipment are mounted. Such a design greatly simplifies production experiments, since it is possible to quickly and easily re-equip the installation. They are used in small industries, with a small volume and dimensions of products.
  3. Laboratory installations.
    They are analogous to test benches and allow you to develop a scheme for the production of completely new products in the laboratory, under the supervision of engineers and developers. They are used in cases where the process of transition from laboratory testing to direct production without loss of efficiency and quality. Laboratory conditions allow a wide range of experiments to be carried out, to study all the advantages and disadvantages of technological schemes, as well as to pinpoint ways to improve.

There is a classification of technological schemes based on the type of production organization:

  1. Schemes of periodic action.
    Industrial production based on them provides for periodic pauses and stops in the production process. Most often they are combined, when a line changeover is required, or they are associated with the production of small volumes of goods, when there is no need to maintain a continuous process. The production process is usually carried out in one or two shifts.
  2. Schemes of continuous action.
    The technological process regulated by them provides for a certain sequence of operations that allow the production of goods without the need for interruption. Almost every factory that produces products in large volumes operates in a continuous mode. Some industrial equipment cannot be operated intermittently. For example, if liquid substances are involved in production, solidifying during breaks, after which the equipment needs to be cleaned. In such cases, it is very important that the technological scheme takes into account force majeure situations and regulates how to solve them without stopping the equipment.
  3. Combined schemes.
    Mixed circuits provide a technological process that combines continuous and interrupted stages. Such models are quite common, as they are more versatile. They can be used to produce products various types, as well as in production, which depends on the level of orders and seasonality. When continuous production is necessary at a certain time, and the rest of the volume is limited.

The choice of a technological scheme is the most important stage in preparing for the launch of production or the release of a new product. The efficiency of the future production process directly depends on the quality of preparation and calculations during the development of the scheme.

Depending on the amount of accounting information, schemes are divided into two types:

  • complete;
  • fundamental.

The complete one includes a graphical representation of the production process, a description of processes, equipment and instruments, automatic processes, safety and protection devices, energy supply, supply and storage of raw materials, as well as finished products. It is ideal for studying the complete technological process and setting up the production process. But it is not suitable for initial acquaintance, as it contains a huge amount of information, which is impossible to quickly study.

The principle variety is much easier to work with, great for getting started, and contains the following information:

  1. The sequence of production operations - clearly regulates the sequence of actions performed (an example can be painting, drying, heating, cooling, chemical processes, and others).
  2. Necessary equipment for production (devices, conveyors, heating vats, refrigeration equipment, mixers, compressors, pumps, filtration equipment, lifts and others).
  3. Norms of the technological regime of production sites (electric voltage, pressure, temperature, and others).
  4. Methods of exploitation of raw materials, blanks and other additional components, obtaining finished products, recycling of waste and by-products.

A schematic diagram should be provided to a safety engineer so that he develops an evacuation plan, arrangement of exits and personal protective equipment.

The principal should be based on the following principles:

  • several production lines of the same type can be described by the example of one;
  • also, operations of the same type do not need to be painted separately;
  • redundant equipment does not need to be added;
  • waste disposal and recycling processes can be described briefly;
  • no need to add a description of the control and measuring equipment;
  • object protection devices are not described, as they are developed on the basis of a technological scheme.

The general technological scheme of production allows you to have an idea about the future enterprise, the system of fire and labor safety, to identify shortcomings and ways to optimize.

Compilation principles

The technological scheme must be drawn up in strict sequence and in accordance with the basic principles. It should include methods and methods of production, rules for performing technological processes, working conditions, a clear order and sequence of stages. If the production is complex and voluminous, an individual project can be developed for each individual stage.

Most often, the entire process is a complex structure in the form of a drawing. It consists of blocks symbolizing operations and vectors connecting them.

Vectors in this case indicate product movement. The main design task is that the vectors should be directed in one direction, if there is a forward-return movement of the product between blocks, this complicates the perception of information. Everything must be clearly understood and structured, reading the diagram, the engineer must understand all the processes, from the beginning of the receipt of raw materials, to the storage of the finished product.

Often block diagrams are supplemented with alphanumeric data indicating the type of equipment. Operations can be expressed as triangles, circles, rectangles, and other geometric shapes. This greatly simplifies the reading process, and makes it smaller and more concise.

A typical process flow diagram usually contains a list of the following steps:

  1. The stage of receiving the main raw materials, blanks, finished elements and additional components, location in warehouses with a description of the process of loading operations.
  2. Primary processing of raw materials or blanks.
  3. The main stage of production involving the manufacture of key parts, components or assemblies of the finished product.
  4. The stage of installation and packaging of goods, which involves the connection of previously obtained components and assemblies.
  5. Finished goods packaging.
  6. Shipment of goods to a warehouse for storage or delivery to customers.

Of course, the development of a basic hardware-technological scheme can differ significantly depending on the type of product being manufactured. In some cases, it can take up several sheets, and in some - more than a hundred pages.

Fortunately, in our time it is not necessary to draw up diagrams manually, there is a certain set of computer programs that make it possible to simplify and speed up the process of project implementation. These programs include CADE, Concept Draw Pro and Diagram Designer. They have certain templates based on which you can create your own project. The existing functionality simplifies the process of creating diagrams, charts and graphs by entering the initial data.

Regardless of the type and method of development, a technological scheme should be in every enterprise, so in case of its absence, it will not be possible to establish an effective production process.

It is very important to constantly improve the initial design, based on the information received during the production process.

If the project is being developed for a new enterprise, it should be expanded to include several additional sections that regulate the following operations:

  1. Room preparation.
    If you plan to build a new building, you should calculate the minimum possible area of ​​the production department and warehouses. If the operation of the finished premises is planned, the production lines should be located compactly, in accordance with design features buildings, as well as not interfere with the free movement of goods and workers. Fire safety must be considered.
  2. Equipment preparation.
    The equipment is selected depending on the volume, characteristics of the room and volume capital investments. Preference is given to compact models that allow you to perform the same amount of work as larger counterparts. In this case, all elements of the line must be fully combined and work as a set. If possible, the installation of automated systems is designed.
  3. Staff training.
    The personnel of the enterprise must have the necessary qualifications, if necessary, undergo additional training or instruction in the operation of the equipment. It is important that employees comply with safety and labor discipline rules, as well as fully understand and understand the technological scheme for manufacturing their product. It is important to establish a vertical of control, information should be quickly transferred from the performers to the management, and orders and resolutions in the opposite direction.

If the technological scheme is developed in compliance with necessary requirements, production room she is responsible, and employees clearly understand their responsibilities, the efficiency of manufacturing goods will be at a high level.

In order to establish a technological sequence of work within the boundaries of the rational dimensions of the plots (sections), in order to reduce construction time and eliminate downtime in the organization of mass production, an organizational and technological scheme for the construction of an object is developed.

Repetitive spans, sections, floors, structural volumes along a certain group of axes, rows and building elevations are accepted as captures. The breakdown of the building into sections is carried out taking into account the provision of the necessary stability and spatial rigidity load-bearing structures buildings in their independent work within the grip. It is desirable that the boundaries of the grips coincide with the structural division of the building with temperature and sedimentary seams.

The organizational and technological scheme shows the directions for the development of private and specialized flows (Fig. 5.1). The development of flows depends on the space-planning and constructive solution of the building, the types of work performed and the machines and mechanisms used.

B a) b) C

The main flow deployment schemes are accepted: horizontal, vertical, inclined and mixed. The dimensions of the grips are set based on the planning, volumetric and structural solutions of the building and the development directions of the main processes for its construction. During the construction of a building, the flow development scheme may be different for the period of construction of the underground and above-ground parts of the building, depending on their design solutions and the complexity of construction, and also differ from the period of finishing and special works. The prevailing scheme of development in multi-storey construction is horizontal-vertical, in single-storey construction it is horizontal.

Section 5.1 provides the accepted organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility, reflecting all periods of construction and a brief justification that takes into account the structural scheme of the building, its geometric dimensions, technological features of the work, safety and labor protection conditions.

Work methods

In the section, the choice of methods for the production of work, the rationale for the use of mechanisms and machines for the facility is made. When choosing mounting cranes, it is necessary to justify the definition of the type of crane, develop a scheme for determining the mounting characteristics of the crane (the scheme is included in the explanatory note of this section) and give the technical parameters of the crane. The choice of the nomenclature of tools, inventory and fixtures for performing all types of construction and installation work and technological processes are given in table 5.4.

Table 5.4 - Nomenclature of tools, inventory and fixtures

to perform construction and installation works

The selected nomenclature of construction machines and mechanisms is entered into the identification card of works and resources network graphics(table 5.5, columns 10.11) and is reflected in the schedule of movement of the main construction machines around the facility in the graphic part of the project (Appendix 23). The Builder's Handbook is recommended as a reference.

The same section describes the technological methods of performing work in stages, in the order of the sequence of their implementation during the construction of the facility as a whole. When describing, the number of teams (links) of working performers and the movement patterns of specialized flows, adopted in subsection 5.1, are indicated.

Based on the results of the calculations and the decisions made in the design of the object building plan, the second sheet of the course project is formed, including a drawing on a scale that allows it to occupy 30–40% of the A1 sheet, the symbols used, the explication of permanent and temporary buildings and schedules of the necessary labor, material and technical resources , as well as technical and economic

cal indicators for the project as a whole and the project for the production of works. As an example, sheets with a construction plan for the construction of a multi-storey residential building using a tower crane on an unrestricted site for the production of work and placement of a construction facility (Appendix 24) and the construction of a one-story multi-span industrial building with the organization of the movement of a self-propelled assembly crane inside the building (Appendix 25) are considered.

Table of works and resources of the network diagram

Based on the calculated volumes of work, the accepted organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility, the accepted methods for the production of work, a table of work and resources of the network schedule is compiled.

Such a table is called a card-determinant, and it is in general a table of initial data. The card-determinant is the characteristics of the work of the network model, summarized in the form of table 5.5. The network construction model includes all work in stages:

A. Preparation period.

B. Underground part (zero cycle).

B. Above ground.

The performance of these works is necessary for the commissioning of the facility, regardless of the nature of these works and the departmental affiliation of their performers. The level of detail of the network model is chosen as a reasonable compromise between the desire to obtain a more accurate and realistic work plan and the undesirability of complicating the model.

In the table of initial data developed as part of the WEP, the range of work is detailed taking into account the specialization of construction departments, the organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the building and the regulatory framework.

The table of initial data must necessarily include all the works of the network diagram with identical formulations. If the wording of the work corresponds to the wording of normative sources, the characteristics of the work are determined by direct rationing. For complex works (complexes), rationing is carried out by costing or using standard cost estimates and technological maps.

The costs of labor and machine time for the performance of work or their complexes are determined according to the "Collections of territorial unit rates in the Krasnodar Territory (TER 81-02-2001) ”or ENiR collections. The ENiR collections, as well as cost estimates for the performance of certain types of work, are used when information is required, in addition to the TER collections. Recommended nomenclature of works, units of their measurement and references to normative sources are given in Appendix 1.

Prior to the development of the table of initial data, the executing organizations, the nature of the work they perform, specialization, the professional and quantitative composition of the teams of workers, the output achieved in the teams, and the equipment with the main machines and mechanisms are specified.

The following features of the calculation are noted when filling out the table of initial data (see Table 5.5):

─ when performing mechanized processes, when the organization and pace of work are determined by the leading machine;

─ when performing non-mechanized processes, when the organization and pace of work are determined by a team of workers.

Each of the listed features of the calculation of the table is considered on the example of work on one site of a one-story industrial building with dimensions in terms of 72.0 x 66.0 m.

The project for the production of works or PPR is a section of organizational and technological documentation, which includes instructions for the production of individual construction and installation works. The work plan is also used to plan and control work in progress. PPR is developed on the basis of POS (construction organization project), which contains drawings and diagrams of buildings (structures) being erected.

The project for the production of works determines the order of construction, the volume construction works, the number of work shifts, as well as the implementation and completion dates for certain types of work. PPR ensures the achievement of planned economic indicators, as well as calculated values ​​for labor productivity and the quality of work performed.

Requirements for the production project

  1. PPR is necessary when organizing work on the construction (demolition) of buildings or structures, both complete and partial. The project for the production of works is also required for the preparatory period of construction, as well as for each type of work separately. The requirements for the composition of sections of the PPR are set out in SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction".
  2. According to SP 48.13330.2011, work execution projects are developed by design organizations that have engineering personnel with the required qualifications. Preparation of PPR can be done by themselves construction organizations under the same condition.
  3. According to RD-11-06-2007, PPRs for work using lifting mechanisms are developed by certified industrial safety specialists with relevant work experience.
  4. According to 190-FZ of December 29, 2004 No. legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can prepare project documentation provided that they are members of the SRO and have access to this type of work.
  5. According to SP 48.13330.2011, the approval of the project for the production of works is carried out by the chief engineer general contractor. Separate sections of the PPR for installation and special work are approved by the chief engineers of subcontracting organizations. After the approval of the WEP, it must be submitted to the construction site in without fail before the start of work.

SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction" (Appendix G) establishes the requirements for the development of a project for the production of work to ensure labor safety at the facility. Without these decisions, construction work is not allowed.

Types of work projects

Based on the type of planned construction work, for their production, the development of appropriate types of PPR is carried out. Projects for the production of works can describe both the full range of construction works and their individual types.

The project for the production of works for facade work - regulates the procedure for carrying out work on the repair and reconstruction of building facades.

Scaffold installation project - contains requirements for the installation and dismantling of scaffolding, the order of delivery of structural elements and the quality of installation work.

PPR for the preparatory construction period - determines the procedure and scope of work that must be performed to create technological conditions for the processes of the main construction period.

PPR for the installation of metal structures - establishes requirements for materials and assemblies of metal structures, as well as safety regulations and the procedure for carrying out loading and unloading and installation works.

The project for the production of works for monolithic works is a necessary regulatory document for the construction of monolithic buildings and structures, usually consists of a group of individual WEPs.

The project for the production of works for roofing works - determines the procedure for installing the roof according to the construction plan, must comply with the standards for working at height.

The composition of a standard project for the production of works

  1. Building master plan.
  2. Explanatory note, which contains decisions on the production of geodetic works, laying temporary engineering networks and lighting.
  3. Justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization.
  4. The need and binding of camps of builders and mobile buildings.
  5. Measures to ensure the safety of building materials, structures and equipment.
  6. List of environmental measures.
  7. Measures for labor protection and safety.
  8. Technological maps by types of work.
  9. Schedule of receipt of building materials, structures and equipment at the facility.
  10. The schedule of the movement of workers on the object.
  11. Schedule of movement of construction vehicles.
  12. Technical and economic indicators.

The composition of the project for the production of works in accordance with the requirements of OATI mountains. Moscow

  1. Scheme of the organization of the site for the production of works
  2. General scheme of work
  3. Explanatory note
  • situational plan, which is carried out on a scale of 1: 2000 with the application of design solutions;
  • description of the place of work;
  • decision of the customer to carry out the work;
  • name of the customer;
  • initial design data;
  • description of the type, volume and duration of the work performed;
  • description of the technological sequence of work;
  • organizational and technological scheme of work performance;
  • description of security measures;
  • a description of the characteristics and type of fencing planned for use in the work area;
  • actions when crossing the carriageway;
  • description of measures to ensure safety, including road traffic, during the performance of work;
  • blueprints technical solutions to ensure the safety and further operation of underground, surface structures and communications during the work;
  • description of measures to restore the disturbed landscaping;
  • fire fighting measures;
  • security environment and disposal of construction waste;
  • noise protection;

The composition of the project for the production of works in accordance with the internal standards of PPR EXPERT LLC

  1. Stroygenplan.
  2. Scheme of organization of work.
  3. Technological sequence of work production.
  4. Calendar chart.
  5. Workforce demand schedule.
  6. Schedule of demand for basic construction machines and mechanisms.
  7. Technological maps.
  8. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note contains:

  • application area;
  • brief description of the construction object;
  • organization and technology of work production;
  • instructions for the production of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;
  • instructions on the methods of implementation of instrumental control over the production of works and the quality of construction;
  • list of used mechanisms and equipment;
  • labor protection and safety measures;
  • activities for fire safety;
  • environmental protection measures;
  • requirements for safety and labor protection.
  1. Scheme of the organization of the site for the production of works is carried out on the engineering and topographical plan on a scale of 1:500 with the application of design and organizational and technological solutions.
  2. General scheme of work carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with a diagram of the area of ​​work with reference to the local plan.
  3. Building master plan is an updated version of the construction master plan of the construction organization project, reflecting specific detailed decisions necessary for the implementation of design decisions. It is being developed in accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction". It indicates the location of temporary fences construction site, temporary roads, a residential camp, places for storing materials and products, outdoor lighting points, transport routes, engineering networks, communications, equipment and mechanisms used in construction. Decisions on the construction master plan as part of the PPR should be linked to the POS. The construction master plan as part of the PPR is tied to a specific type of work.
  4. Work organization scheme contains a description of the sequence and methods of work.
  5. Calendar plan as part of a project for the production of works, it can be performed using specialized computer programs, as a rule, in the form of a Gantt chart, and includes the timing and sequence of the planned work, indicating the amount of work, labor costs (man-hour, man-shift, machine. shifts), the number of shifts and the number of workers per shift. On the basis of the calendar schedule, a schedule for the need for workers and a schedule for the need for basic construction machines and mechanisms (by days) are developed.
  6. Technological cards as part of the project for the production of works, they are developed in accordance with MDS 12-29.2006 for certain types of construction and installation works, taking into account the characteristics of this facility and local conditions. The technological map includes the technological sequence and the basic principles of the organization of labor in the performance of operations that are part of the work in question. It is also possible to develop technological maps for the operation of a single mechanism (crane, hoist, etc.).
  7. Explanatory note contains a description and technological sequence of work, instructions on methods for monitoring the production and quality of work, measures for labor safety. The note also contains a description of fire prevention measures, environmental protection and waste disposal and noise protection.

Depending on the type of work, the composition of the PPR may vary.

Preparation of a project for the production of works

The execution of projects for the production of works is carried out in accordance with the terms of reference.

The project for the production of works has the following structure:

  • Cover with the name of the construction site and the name of the contractor.
  • Title page.
  • Certificate of certification of developers of the PPR.
  • The content of the PPR.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Drawings developed in accordance with established building codes and regulations.

Text and graphic materials of the WEP are drawn up on sheets of standard formats A0-A4. GOST 21.1101-2013 establishes the position of frames and stamps for each of the formats. For an explanatory note, you must use the requirements from GOST 2.105-95 " General requirements to text documents.

Coordination and approval of the project for the production of works

Coordination of the project for the production of works is carried out:

  • with the chief architect or head of the construction department in local governments;
  • in case of justified deviation from fire safety standards, the approval of the PPR at the local Ministry of Emergency Situations is required;
  • if the project involves the performance of works with the help of tower cranes, then the WEP is coordinated with the company - the owner of the cranes, or with the organization that installs them at the facility.

PPR for subcontracting works is coordinated with the company of the general contractor.

The approval of the project for the production of works is carried out by the chief engineer or technical director of the organization of the general contractor.

When reconstructing an existing building or structure on the territory of the enterprise, the project for the production of works must be agreed with the director of the enterprise and the organization that ordered the work.

PPR for the installation or dismantling of equipment must be agreed in the following instances:

  • coordinating the schedule for the transfer of equipment with the management of the enterprise;
  • if the load on the equipment exceeds the passport values, then it is necessary to coordinate the technological schemes of installation or dismantling with representatives of the manufacturer;
  • if for installation / dismantling are used building construction, then it is necessary to coordinate the technological schemes in the design and installation organizations;
  • in case of forced deviations from the technical specifications for installation (manufacturer's plant), technological schemes should be agreed with the management of the enterprise and the equipment manufacturer.

Regulatory documents and SNIPs

The project for the production of works is the main regulatory document for the construction site where the work is performed. It must take into account all the requirements and norms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Change of organizational and technological solutions in the course of work is not allowed. If necessary, they are made only after agreement with the organization-developer of the PPR.

List of major normative documents, according to which projects for the production of works are developed:

  • State standards SPDS and ESKD.
  • Urban planning code Russian Federation- No. 190-FZ of December 29, 2004
  • Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002
  • SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction".
  • SP 12-136-2002 "Solutions on labor protection and industrial safety in projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works."
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
  • RD-11-06-2007 " Guidelines on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work by hoisting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.
  • MDS 81-33.2004 " Guidelines on determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.
  • MDS 12-29.2006 "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map."
  • MDS 12-46.2008 "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project, a project for the organization of demolition (dismantling), a project for the production of works."

In addition to the above regulatory documents, when developing a WEP, other documentation regulating the implementation of specific types of construction work can be used.

Examples of work projects

This section presents examples of projects for the production of work on already erected construction sites. All documentation has been successfully agreed and approved, and all design solutions already implemented in real projects.

Project for the production of works on the installation of translucent structures for the Multifunctional Swimming Center. The work was carried out using a truck crane KS 55713-1 V.

The project for the production of works for the dismantling of existing structures of the transition, the installation of monolithic structures of the transition and backfilling of the sinuses from the mark "-10" to the mark "0".

Organizational and technological schemes of construction are the basis for scheduling. They determine the technological and organizational sequence of work. For example, in accordance with the accepted technology of work, it is necessary to carry out foundation work, and then proceed with the construction of the above-ground part. Or when excavating a pit (trench) in conditions of an increased level ground water it is necessary to provide for work related to dewatering. In the production of finishing work, before they begin, it is necessary to mount the internal engineering systems, which should provide the necessary thermal and water conditions in the premises.

Based on the examples presented, the following generalization can be made. Each job in the schedule can be represented by two start and end events, and between these events for any pair of jobs, a link can be established showing the relationship between the selected events. At the same time, if related work is performed by a common resource, then the connection between them is called a resource or, in other words, organizational connection. If the sequence of related works is determined by technological dependence, then such connections are usually called technological or frontal connections.

In project management programs, all jobs are presented in the form of a list and, therefore, their “physical” order is determined by the corresponding numbers in the list. To determine the links, the condition is assumed that the work, on the event of which the event of another work depends, is the previous one. An activity whose event depends on the event of the previous activity is considered to be a successor activity. Purely formally, between the previous work, which we denote by the index i, and the subsequent work, which we denote by the index j, the connection may be absent, or there may be one of 4 varieties: the end-initial connection OH, the initial-initial connection HH, the end-end connection OO and the initial-end connection HO. As a result of establishing links between two events of the previous and subsequent works, the following inequalities can be established

tOjt Hi± tij

tOjtOi± tij(1)

t Hjt Hi± tij

t HjtOi± tij

In particular, the last inequality shows that the beginning of the subsequent work ( t Hj) must be greater than or equal (≥) to the end of the previous work ( tOi) with additional allowance for a positive or negative time lag (± tij) defined for this connection. As an example, let's take two consecutive workflows: concreting the structure and subsequent demoulding. It is obvious that the beginning of the demoulding process should take place no earlier than the end of the concreting process, but to this must be added the time required to gain a certain strength of the structure. Thus, based on the analysis of all works combined into a single calendar schedule, its organizational and technological scheme is determined.

After the formation of the organizational and technological scheme, they proceed to the definition of the main quantitative characteristics work, which includes labor costs - q, duration - t and labor and machine resources - r, which determine the appropriate duration. The relationship between these characteristics is described by the following equation

q=r t(2)

Each of the quantities included in equation (2) can be defined as a function, an argument, or as a given parameter. For example, according to equation (2), the duration of work is most often calculated, that is, it is a function, while labor costs appear as a given parameter, depending on the physical volume of work, and the value of labor resources is an independent argument, which, ultimately, determines the desired duration. Labor costs of work are determined either by production (ENiR, RATU, etc.), or estimated standards(FER, TER, etc.).

It should be noted that those resources that determine the duration of the work are called leading resources. However, there are also slave resources, for which the duration is determined by the leading resources. For example, the duration of the construction brick walls buildings will be determined by the number of masons, and the duration of the tower crane, as a slave resource, will depend on the duration of the leading resource, that is, masons. Thus, for a slave resource, the duration will be a given parameter, the quantity of the slave resource will act as an argument, and the work will be defined as a function.

To account for this kind of circumstances, in project management programs such as Microsoft Project, is used both as a hierarchical scheme for representing the work of compound works, and for determining the calculation structure for simple works.

3.3. Automated calculation of scheduling plans in project management programs

Interface for project management programs Microsoft Project divided into two main blocks. The first block is a spreadsheet, the second block is a graphical display of the calendar plan in the form of a Gantt chart, a network chart or a traditional calendar. The most used form is the Gantt chart because it is more corresponds to the linear calendar schedule traditionally adopted in the Russian Federation. The construction of a calendar schedule is based on the input and (or) calculation of characteristics for two main interrelated objects, namely: for resources and for tasks (works) performed during the construction process.

All jobs and the resources used to perform them are entered as a list, i.e. line by line, while they are divided into simple and compound works. Composite activities can include both composite and simple activities. simple works do not include any other work and determine the duration, labor intensity and cost of the corresponding composite work. Thus, works can be structured in a hierarchical manner. The duration of a compound job is determined by the difference between the maximum finish and the minimum start from the entire list of incoming jobs.

The time limits for running jobs are determined by two parameters: the type of constraint and, if necessary, the date of the constraint. For simple tasks 8 types of restrictions are used:

1) as soon as possible;

2) as late as possible;

3) start no earlier than a certain date;

4) finish no later than a certain date;

5) start exactly on a specific date;

6) finish exactly on a certain date;

7) start no later than on a certain date;

8) finish no earlier than a certain date;

For compound jobs, only the first three restrictions can be used.

In a program like MR a list of all resources used in the construction is formed. For each resource, a graph of their limiting quantity (machines, workers, etc.) is determined, i.e. defines a user-defined dynamic limit that must not be exceeded in calendar plan. If the resource exceeds a certain limit, then a resource conflict will occur, usually displayed in red in the program. The resource conflict is eliminated by the user based on the content of a particular task. To quantify the maxima of the resources used, the corresponding design characteristic A that specifies the peak usage of the resource. If a particular resource "goes in red", then this column will show its excess over the maximum. The occurrence of a conflict is also affected by the determination of the moment of readiness of the resource, which is set either at the beginning of work, or at its end, or for the entire duration of the work.

The user determines the time payment for a resource per unit of labor intensity of the work performed as standard and overtime rates and a one-time payment for each resource unit at each assignment. For the resources used, the labor intensity is calculated with the dimension in days. The product of the labor intensity of a given resource and the rate of time payment determines the total time payment. The total one-time payment is calculated as the product of the corresponding tariff for the amount of the resource used and the number of its assignments in the CP. The sum of time and one-time costs determines the total cost of the resource used. Everyone's work schedule labor resource can be organized according to either a standard or custom calendar.

In addition to labor (machines and people), the program uses material resources. The total cost of labor and material resources determines direct costs.

The cost of work is determined by the cost of the resources used and fixed costs, while the latter can determine some fixed costs (the cost of equipment, furniture, etc.). Thus, taken into account in the program estimated cost distributed over time, i.e. dynamically, and it determines the investment cash flow.

3.4 Algorithm for calculating work schedules using the critical path method.

To calculate the work schedule presented in Fig. 2, we describe its organizational and technological scheme.

The main technological schemes for the production of works

The main schemes for the production of earthworks with single-bucket excavators. Excavation schemes performed by single-bucket excavators are divided into two main groups: non-transport and transport. Non-transport schemes are called work production schemes in which an excavator, developing the soil, puts it in a dump, cavalier or earthwork. Non-transport schemes for the production of works can be simple and complex. With a simple non-transport development scheme, the soil is laid in a cavalier or embankment without its subsequent transshipment (re-excavation). With a complex non-transport development scheme, the soil is placed by an excavator in a temporary (primary) dump and is subject to partial or complete re-excavation.

Transport schemes are called schemes in which the soil is loaded by an excavator into dump trucks and transported to a given place. At the same time, various schemes for the movement of soil transport are possible: for example, when working with a straight shovel - dead-end and through (dead-end - in which dump trucks approach the excavator and return along the same path; through - in which dump trucks drive up to the excavator without maneuvering and leave after loading the soil along the road, which is a continuation of the entrance road).

The choice of scheme for the production of works depends on the characteristics of the construction. So, in the water management, oil and gas pipeline and transport construction non-transport schemes of work prevail, and in industrial and housing construction - transport.

Soil development is carried out by frontal or lateral penetrations. Lateral driving is called one in which the axis of movement of the excavator coincides with the axis of the earthen structure or is located in its cross-sectional area.

Side penetrations are of two types: - closed, in which the axis of movement of the excavator passes along the side of the excavation section. Moving, the excavator develops three excavation slopes - two side and end; - open, in which the excavator, moving along the strip, develops the side and end slopes.

Frontal penetrations develop trenches with movement along the axis of the trench.

The main schemes for the production of work by single-bucket excavators are given in table. 22.

Production of work with a straight shovel. When working with a front shovel, only transport schemes are used, since due to the small linear dimensions of the working equipment, the excavator cannot provide a sufficient volume of the blade for normal operation. The working equipment of a straight shovel is used in the construction of cut and pioneer trenches in quarries, in the development of large pits and excavations in road and hydraulic engineering.

Depending on the working conditions, front shovel excavators develop the soil with frontal and side penetrations. In narrow frontal penetrations, intermediate entrances are arranged to reduce the time for maneuvering vehicles. In wide frontal penetrations, the excavator moves short distances to the right and left sides of the face during operation. Dump trucks approach alternately along both slopes of the excavation.

When working with side penetration, the excavator is installed so that it develops the soil in front of it and on one of the sides. On the other side, earth-carrying tracks are arranged.

22. Schemes of work of single-bucket excavators with various working equipment

Rice. 16. Scheme of development of deep excavation
1 - cross penetrations of the scraper; 2 - longitudinal penetrations of the scraper; 3-excavator equipped with a straight shovel; 4 - an excavator equipped with a dragline; I…XII - sequence of penetrations

The most common type of lateral penetration is the face, in which transport routes and the excavator are located on the same level. When constructing deep excavations in hydraulic engineering and road construction, the design depth of excavations can significantly exceed the technological capabilities of the excavator. In this case, deep recesses are divided into ledges and tiers, the height of which should correspond to the capabilities of the excavator (Fig. 16). The upper part of the excavation is developed by bulldozers, then part of the excavation is developed by scrapers, and the rest is divided into tiers and developed by excavators equipped with a front shovel. The rest of the soil and slopes are finished with draglines.

Production of work with a backhoe. When working with a backhoe, transport and non-transport development schemes are used. At the same time, the soil is developed by frontal and side penetrations, in which the axis of the excavator's working stroke is shifted towards the approach of vehicles. Lateral penetration when working with a backhoe can be open and closed.

With closed side penetration, the soil is developed according to the scheme in Fig. 17, a and b. With open side penetration, one of the sides of the workplace remains free of soil (Fig. 17, c). With closed and open side penetrations, the parameters of the structure being developed will be different. So, with a closed side penetration, the steepness of both slopes of the excavation can be set the same, but it can also be different. At the same time, in the second case, the possible depth of development can be increased by 1.6 times. When developing a recess with an open side penetration, the development depth can be increased by another 20%.

Rice. 17. The scheme of development of excavations with a backhoe

Rice. 18. Dragline development scheme
a - lateral closed penetration with the same slope steepness; b - lateral closed penetration with different steepness of slopes; in - lateral open penetration

Rice. 19. The scheme of the construction of the embankment from the reserves

Rice. 20. Simple circuits stripping works
a - one penetration; b - two penetrations; c - two penetrations into a one-sided dump; g - four penetrations

However, with such a scheme, the possible volume of the dump and the distance between the dump and the excavation are reduced by about 10 times. With such a scheme of work (lateral open penetration), it is necessary to use the loading of soil into transport.

Dragline production. Dragline-equipped excavators can develop soil into a dump or with loading into vehicle. In both cases, frontal or lateral penetration is used (Fig. 18).

Compared to working equipment with a backhoe, dragline equipment has a larger digging radius and a higher dumping height, which allows them to be used when working on large objects.

When developing narrow trenches and excavations with a dragline, the excavator is installed along the axis of the earthwork and the developed soil is laid on the right or left side of the excavation. In road construction, a dragline is often used to build embankments up to 3 m high. At the same time, work is carried out in this sequence. First, an excavator installed along the /-/ axis (Fig. 19, a) develops the left reserve, laying the soil in layers into the body of the embankment. Then the excavator moves to the other side of the embankment and from the position //-// (Fig. 19, b) lays the soil in the second half of the lower part of the embankment. Then the excavator from the position ///-/// (Fig. 19, c), developing the soil, increases the reserve and lays the soil in layers in the upper part of the embankment.

The most widespread variants of non-transport schemes for working with a dragline are: performance of work by one longitudinal sinking with one-sided placement of the blade (Fig. 20, a); two longitudinal penetrations with the placement of dumps on both sides of the excavation (Fig. 20, b); two longitudinal penetrations with one-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, c), four longitudinal penetrations with two-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, d).

In the practice of stripping operations in quarries, several options for the joint operation of a dragline and a bulldozer are used. Schemes are used in which the development and movement of overburden soils are carried out by a bulldozer, and the soil is laid in a dump with an excavator (Fig. 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator (Fig. 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator, and the soil is moved to the dump by a bulldozer (Fig. 21, b). On fig. 21c shows the combined scheme of work.

Rice. 21. Schemes of stripping operations with an excavator equipped with a dragline
a-laying the soil into the dump with an excavator; b - laying the soil in the dump with a bulldozer; v-transfer of soil with an excavator and leveling with a bulldozer; 1-3 - excavator penetrations

According to the first scheme, overburden work is performed in the following order. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden soils over the entire area of ​​the site and moves it outside the developed area directly to the dump. With an increase in the depth of the excavation and if it is impossible to transport the soil outside the site, the bulldozer moves the overburden soils to the boundaries of the contour to be opened along its entire length. Next, the soil is moved to the dump by an excavator, which is installed outside the area to be opened. Moving along the axis parallel to the boundary of the site, the excavator dumps the soil displaced by the bulldozer into the dump. Then the excavator is installed on this dump and, moving along the axis, it moves the soil delivered by the bulldozer to the dump. Further, the excavator, moving along an axis located directly at the border of the section being opened, moves the soil remaining in the excavation to the dump.

With such a scheme for organizing work, the bulldozer is forced to transport soil to the border of the area being opened, overcoming long steep slopes, which reduces its productivity. This scheme is used in the development of sections with a width of 50 ... 60 m with a depth of overburden of 3 ... 4 m.

In the second scheme, using an excavator for overburden development, and a bulldozer for dumping, the section being opened is divided into penetrations of the maximum width for a given excavator. Developing the soil with side penetrations, the excavator moves it to temporary dumps. The bulldozer transports soil from temporary dumps to permanent ones located outside the open area. From the last excavation, the excavator moves the soil into a permanent dump. A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the inefficient method of dumping by a bulldozer, since the main volume of soil in a permanent dump is located over a large area. The bulldozer, as in the first case, is forced to overcome long and steep climbs, moving over loosened soil, which reduces its productivity.

The third scheme of overburden operations (combined) is as follows. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden soils and transports them outside the opened area to a permanent dump. Then an excavator is put into operation, which, moving along the slope of the working, moves the soil delivered by the bulldozer to this slope to the dump. The excavator performs the subsequent movement of the soil into the dump by moving along the dump. The high parking level of the excavator contributes to an increase in the volume of the blade. If it is impossible to lay all the soil in the dump, the bulldozer carries out further movement of the soil into the dump.

The combined scheme of earthworks is used when developing sections 30 ... 40 m wide with a thickness of overburden soils of 4 ... develops loosened soil.

Rice. 22. Schemes of using equipment of a grab on a rope suspension
a - backfilling of the sinuses; 6 - development of a pit for a fall well; 1- soil for backfilling sinuses (dump); 2 - soil layer compacted by rammers; 3 - sleeper cage; 4 - embankment

An example of the use of combined overburden schemes is the construction of the Severny Donets-Donbass canal, where almost all excavation in the canal sections with sandy soils was carried out by draglines.

Production of work by a grapple. Excavators with clamshell working equipment are used for loading and unloading loose soils (sand, slag, crushed stone, gravel), as well as for digging wells, foundation pits for the foundations of free-standing structures, power transmission line supports, silo towers, cleaning trenches during the construction of main pipelines. In the complex of earthworks in the construction of residential buildings and in industrial construction, clamshell equipment is used for digging various recesses, ditches of a complex profile and for backfilling foundations. The excavator also removes all the recesses and pits provided by the project in the areas developed by the dragline.

The scheme for performing work with a grab when filling the soil into the sinuses of the pits and behind the walls of the foundations is shown in fig. 22, a. These works are carried out as soon as the foundations are ready. An excavator equipped with a grab, moving along the edge of the excavation along the perimeter, collects soil from the dump and lays it evenly in small layers in the sinuses or behind the foundation wall. The height of the soil layer poured by the grab should not exceed 1 ... 1.5 m. This soil is leveled with the help of bulldozers (in cramped conditions - manually) and compacted with tamping plates, pneumatic rammers or in another way.

Grab-equipped excavators are the leading excavators in sets of machines that perform excavation work on arranging pits for sinkholes at the construction of metallurgical enterprises. Thus, the construction of a skip pit using the method of a fall well was carried out in the following order (Fig. 22, b). A well in the form of an irregular hexagon 11 m high and weighing 1200 tons was installed on the ground. Next to it, on a soil cushion and a sleeper cage, a place was prepared for the installation of an excavator equipped with a grab. The excavator developed the soil inside the well with a grab and dumped it into a dump. Loading of soil from the dump to transport was carried out by a second excavator equipped with a straight shovel. As the soil inside the well was developed, the latter sank under its own weight.

Mechanization of earthworks

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