
Snip 11 23 81 steel. Design characteristics of materials and connections

Free download SNiP II-23-81 * - Steel structures

SNiP II-23-81 *


1.1. These standards should be observed when designing steel building structures for buildings and structures for various purposes.
Standards do not apply to design steel structures bridges, transport tunnels and pipes under embankments.
When designing steel structures located in special conditions operation (for example, structures of blast furnaces, main and process pipelines, special-purpose tanks, structures of buildings exposed to seismic, intense temperature effects or the effects of aggressive environments, structures of marine hydraulic structures), structures of unique buildings and structures, as well as special types of structures (for example , pre-stressed, spatial, hanging), additional requirements should be observed, reflecting the features of the operation of these structures, provided for by the relevant regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.
1.2. When designing steel structures, the SNiP standards for the protection of building structures from corrosion and fire safety standards for the design of buildings and structures should be observed. Increasing the thickness of rolled products and pipe walls in order to protect structures from corrosion and increase the fire resistance of structures is not allowed.
All structures should be accessible for observation, cleaning, painting, and should not retain moisture and impede ventilation. Closed profiles must be sealed.

1 General Provisions
2 Materials for structures and connections
3 Design characteristics of materials and connections
4 Taking into account the working conditions and the purpose of structures
5 Calculation of members of steel structures for axial forces and bending
Center-stretched and center-squeezed elements
Bending elements
Elements subject to axial bending force
Support parts
6 Calculation of length and limiting slenderness of steel structure members
Calculated lengths of elements of flat trusses and ties
Design lengths of elements of spatial lattice structures
Calculated lengths of structural elements
7 Checking the stability of walls and flange sheets of bending and compressed elements
Beam walls
Walls of centrally eccentrically compressed and compressed-bending elements
Belt sheets (shelves) of centrally-eccentrically compressed, compressed-bending and bending elements
8 Calculation of sheet structures
Strength calculation
Calculation for stability
Basic requirements for the design of metal membrane structures
9 Fatigue analysis of steel structure members
10 Strength analysis of steel structure members taking into account brittle fracture
11 Calculation of connections of steel structures
Bolted connections
High-strength bolted connections
Milled end connections
Belt connections in split beams
12 General requirements for the design of steel structures
Basic Provisions
Welded connections
Bolted and high strength bolted joints
13 Additional design requirements industrial buildings and facilities
Relative deflections and deviations of structures
Distances between expansion joints
Trusses and structural roof slabs
Crane beams
Sheet structures
Mounting brackets
14 Additional requirements for the design of residential and public buildings and facilities
Frame buildings
Hanging cover
15 Additional requirements for the design of supports for overhead power lines, structures of open switchgears and lines of contact networks of transport
16 Additional requirements for the design of structures of antenna structures (AS) communication with a height of up to 500 m
17 Additional requirements for the design of hydraulic structures for river
18 Additional design requirements for flexible web beams
19 Additional requirements for the design of perforated web beams
20 Additional requirements for the design of structures of buildings and structures during reconstruction
Appendix 1. Materials for steel structures and their design resistance
Appendix 2. Materials for joints of steel structures and their design resistance
Appendix 3. Physical characteristics of materials
Appendix 4. Coefficients of working conditions for a stretched single angle bolted with one shelf
Appendix 5. Coefficient for strength analysis of steel structure elements taking into account the development of plastic deformations
Appendix 6. Coefficients for calculating the stability of central, eccentrically compressed and compressed-bending elements
Appendix 7 *. Coefficients for calculating beams for stability
Appendix 7. Tables for the calculation of elements for endurance and taking into account brittle fracture
Appendix 8. Determination of metal properties
Appendix 9 *. Basic letter designations of quantities
  • Document information
  • Links to documents
  • Links from other documents
Title of the documentSNiP II-23-81 *. Design standards. Steel structures
Effective date01.01.1982
Date of adoption14.08.1981
Cancellation date01.01.2013
new documentDBN V.2.6-163: 2010 crim razdiliv 15 * -19, DSTU B V.2.6-194: 2013 in part of sections 15 * -19
To replaceSNiP I-V.12-62, SNiP II-I.9-62, SN 247-63, SN 299-64, SN 316-65, SN 341-65, SN 347-66, SN 363-66, SN 376 -67
Type of documentSNiP (Building Norms and Rules)
Document cipherII-23-81 *
The developer
Host bodyCentral Research Institute of Building Structures named after V.A.Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko)

There are no references to other normative documents in this document.

SNiP II-23-81II-23-81 *






Steel structures



by the decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR
dated August 14, 1981
. № 144

DEVELOPED TSNIISK them. Kucherenko with the participation of TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsii Gosstroy of the USSR, MISI im. VV Kuibyshev of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, the Energosetproekt Institute and the Mosgidrostal Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

These standards are developed in the development of GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for the calculation "and ST SEV 3972-83" Reliability of building structures and foundations. Steel structures. Basic provisions for the calculation ".

With the entry into force of these building codes and regulations, the following will become invalid:

SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ";

amendments to SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee:

SNiP II-I.9-62 "Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design standards "(section" Design of steel structures of overhead power transmission lines ");

amendments to SNiP II-I.9-62 “Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design Norms ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee of April 10, 1975;

"Guidelines for the design of metal structures for antenna structures of communication facilities" (SN 376-67).

In SNiP II-23-81 * amendments were made, approved by resolutions of the State Construction Committee of the USSR No. 120 of July 25, 1984, No. 218 of December 11, 1985, No. 69 of December 29, 1986, No. 132 of July 8, 1988. , No. 121 dated July 12, 1989

The main letter designations are given in *.

Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas, annexes and captions to figures, which have been changed, are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

Editors - engineers F. M. Shlemin, IN. NS. Poddubny

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DEVELOPED TSNIISK them. Kucherenko with the participation of TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsii Gosstroy of the USSR, MISI im. V.V. Kuibyshev of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, the Energosetproekt Institute and the Mosgidrostal Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

These standards are developed in the development of GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for the calculation "and ST SEV 3972-83" Reliability of building structures and foundations. Steel structures. Basic provisions for the calculation ".

With the entry into force of these building codes and regulations, the following will become invalid:

  • SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ";
  • amendments to SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee:
    No. 150 dated September 12, 1975;
    No. 94 dated June 24, 1976;
    No. 211 dated October 31, 1978;
    No. 250 dated December 27, 1978;
    No. 2 dated January 25, 1980;
    No. 104 of July 14, 1980;
    No. 130 dated July 31, 1981;
  • SNiP II-I.9-62 "Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design standards "(section" Design of steel structures of overhead power transmission lines ");
  • amendments to SNiP II-I.9-62 “Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design Norms ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee of April 10, 1975;
  • "Guidelines for the design of metal structures for antenna structures of communication facilities" (SN 376-67).

In SNiP II-23-81 * amendments were made, approved by resolutions of the State Construction Committee of the USSR No. 120 of July 25, 1984, No. 218 of December 11, 1985, No. 69 of December 29, 1986, No. 132 of July 8, 1988. , No. 121 dated July 12, 1989

The main letter designations are given in the appendix. nine*.

Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas, appendices and captions to figures, which have been changed, are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

Editors - engineers F.M. Shlemin, V.P. Poddubny (Gosstroy USSR), Dr. sciences prof. V.A. Baldin, Cand. tech. Sciences G.E. Velsky (TsNIISK Gosstroy USSR), engineer. EAT. Bukharin ("Energosetproekt" of the USSR Ministry of Energy), Ing. N.V. Shevelev (SKB Mosgidrostal of the USSR Ministry of Energy).

When using regulatory document should take into account the approved changes in building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Technology", "Collection of changes to building codes and the rules "of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index" USSR State Standards "of the USSR State Standard.

1. General Provisions
2. Materials for structures and connections
3. Design characteristics of materials and connections
4*. Taking into account the working conditions and the purpose of structures
5. Calculation of elements of steel structures for axial forces and bending
6. Design lengths and ultimate slenderness of steel structure members
7. Checking the stability of walls and flange sheets of bent and compressed elements
8. Calculation of sheet structures
9. Fatigue analysis of steel structure members
10. Calculation of steel structure members for strength taking into account brittle fracture
11. Calculation of connections of steel structures
12. General requirements for the design of steel structures
13. Additional requirements for the design of industrial buildings and structures
14. Additional requirements for the design of residential and public buildings and structures
fifteen*. Additional requirements for the design of supports for overhead power lines, structures of open switchgears and lines of contact networks of transport

DEVELOPED TSNIISK them. Kucherenko with the participation of TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsii Gosstroy of the USSR, MISI im. V.V. Kuibyshev of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, the Energosetproekt Institute and the Mosgidrostal Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

These standards are developed in the development of GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for the calculation "and ST SEV 3972-83" Reliability of building structures and foundations. Steel structures. Basic provisions for the calculation ".

With the entry into force of these building codes and regulations, the following will become invalid:

  • SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ";
  • amendments to SNiP II-V.3-72 “Steel structures. Design standards ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee:
    No. 150 dated September 12, 1975;
    No. 94 dated June 24, 1976;
    No. 211 dated October 31, 1978;
    No. 250 dated December 27, 1978;
    No. 2 dated January 25, 1980;
    No. 104 of July 14, 1980;
    No. 130 dated July 31, 1981;
  • SNiP II-I.9-62 "Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design standards "(section" Design of steel structures of overhead power transmission lines ");
  • amendments to SNiP II-I.9-62 “Power lines with voltage above 1 kV. Design Norms ", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee of April 10, 1975;
  • "Guidelines for the design of metal structures for antenna structures of communication facilities" (SN 376-67).

In SNiP II-23-81 * amendments were made, approved by resolutions of the State Construction Committee of the USSR No. 120 of July 25, 1984, No. 218 of December 11, 1985, No. 69 of December 29, 1986, No. 132 of July 8, 1988. , No. 121 dated July 12, 1989

The main letter designations are given in the appendix. nine*.

Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas, appendices and captions to figures, which have been changed, are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

Editors - engineers F.M. Shlemin, V.P. Poddubny (Gosstroy USSR), Dr. sciences prof. V.A. Baldin, Cand. tech. Sciences G.E. Velsky (TsNIISK Gosstroy USSR), engineer. EAT. Bukharin ("Energosetproekt" of the USSR Ministry of Energy), Ing. N.V. Shevelev (SKB Mosgidrostal of the USSR Ministry of Energy).

When using a normative document, one should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment, the Collection of Changes to Building Codes and Regulations of the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Standards Information Index of the USSR State Standard.

1. General Provisions
2. Materials for structures and connections
3. Design characteristics of materials and connections
4*. Taking into account the working conditions and the purpose of structures
5. Calculation of elements of steel structures for axial forces and bending
6. Design lengths and ultimate slenderness of steel structure members
7. Checking the stability of walls and flange sheets of bent and compressed elements
8. Calculation of sheet structures
9. Fatigue analysis of steel structure members
10. Calculation of steel structure members for strength taking into account brittle fracture
11. Calculation of connections of steel structures
12. General requirements for the design of steel structures
13. Additional requirements for the design of industrial buildings and structures
14. Additional requirements for the design of residential and public buildings and structures
fifteen*. Additional requirements for the design of supports for overhead power lines, structures of open switchgears and lines of contact networks of transport

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