
Money on the map is frozen. View the full version. Holding underwater stones

Holding (from English Words Hold - Hold) - banking termdenoting the following procedure: a credit institution at the time of authorization of the bank card reserves the amount of the operation for a certain period during which it expects calculations from the Equiler. Often this operation is also called temporary locking, reservation or freezing amount on the card account.

In other words, when payment on the card is paid by the client, the purchase / service amount is freezed by the Issuer Bank, i.e., is pressed for subsequent write-off. At this point, the credit organization reduces the amount of available balance on the map by the amount spent by the client, but does not write off it from the account. In fact, funds from the card will be written off only when financial confirmation of the operation will come to the bank - the so-called clearing files from the efficiency will arrive.

If these files do not arrive, the amount of the operation remains reserved for a certain amount of time, after which it automatically flashes and becomes available to the card holder. The holding time in banks is different and is usually from 9 to 30 days. For example, in Alpha Bank, funds are reserved for up to 9 days.

It is worth noting some important momentsassociated with holding. For example, in the case when the currency of the account differs from the currency of the operation, the write-off of the means from the card occurs at the rate set on the day of write-off, and not on the day of reservation of funds. In such a situation, it is difficult to predict how the currency rate will change during this time and what amount will eventually be written off by the bank from the card, so it is not worth spending all your funds so as not to obtain a negative balance.

The situation is enough when the funds are written off from the cards without the amount reserved earlier. This is due to the fact that the write-off of funds is produced credit Organization Automatically according to the details specified in the clearing files. If they do not coincide with authorization details, reserved amount So continues to "hang", there is a new write-off from the card. At the same time, the card holder makes the impression that the amount of the operation is written off from the card twice.

Rarely, but still it happens that files confirming the operation comes after unlocking funds on the account. In this case, the amount is written off the card, and if it is not enough tools, the technical overdraft is formed.

Often with a double write-off problem face when booking hotels. For example, when booking a room, the hotel blocked a certain amount on the map, however, at the entrance to the hotel he wrote off, but made a new write-off.

In such a situation, a blocked amount will be available to a client after the end of the holding time set at the bank. If the card holder reserved means It is necessary earlier than this period, he must contact his bank with the abolition of authorization with confirming financial documents on the operation.

It is worth noting that if the seller has been canceled by authorization on the map in a timely manner, the reserved amount is unlocked quite quickly. For example, the buyer on the day of purchase of the goods decided to return it to the store. Cashier, provided that the accuiler bank has not yet received information about the payment, will cancel perfect operation, and the reserved amount will become an affordable card holder.

The financial sphere uses many terms borrowed from other languages. One of these terms is the holding - denotes the procedure for reserving funds on the bank's bank card map in favor of paying any product or service. Holding can be called differently: some are called its reservation, blocking, freezing of funds or time blocking of money on the client map, but all these concepts have the same essence.

Many owners plastic cards We have repeatedly observed such a situation: paying a card for any purchase, funds with card account They were not written off immediately, but pre-frozen the bank for a day or two. At the same time, the affordable balance declined to the locked amount.

It is this procedure in a banking environment and is called "Holds on a bank card", or holding.

Holding continues until confirmation financial operation (or its failure) in terms established by the banking organization.

As a rule, the holding period is from one to three days, but in different cases It can occupy and for a longer time - up to one month.

Thus, the fact of payment for goods or services is just the beginning of a set of procedures - bank card transactions. In these procedures, the Equiler Bank participates (the bank to which belongs payment terminal), Issuer Bank (who released bank card) and international payment systemto which the map belongs.

Procedure procedure

Consistent identity procedure is as follows:

  • the seller of the goods or service is formed an account for the amount to be debited from the buyer's card;
  • the buyer provides the seller of its bank card (introduces the details of the maps when making a payment);
  • the payment terminal sends a request to his bank (with Internet payment, the request is formed through the appropriate payment form);
  • equiler Bank sends a request for writing money to the bank-issuer;
  • the issuer's bank reserves the requested funds and the answer is formed regarding the possibility of their write-off;
  • with a positive response by the Equiler Bank, the procedure of writing off the money for a perfect purchase is continued;
  • clearing files are sent to the Issuer Bank, after which they produce the final write-off of funds and sending them to the Equile Bank.

Thanks to this scheme, it is minimized by the possibility of problems after errors made by the seller or the Equiler Bank (if the financial confirmation does not arrive, the funds are simply returned to the buyer's account).

Conditions of Holding

Holding procedure has many nuances. Very often on a par with payment services, online shopping is used. The multi-stage payment system and preventorization gives them the opportunity to make sure the buyer's solvency and with it - in the presence of the requested goods. If everything is in order, confirmation of cash is sent online stores.

If the buyer draws an order with the conversion of the currency (for example, it buys the goods, the price of which is exhibited in dollars, from the ruble card), the counting of the amount is performed at the rate acting at the time of the actual write-off of money from the card, and not at the time of holding. This means that, according to the result, the client's account can be written off both the smaller and a large amount, compared with the cost-calculated price.

If because of the equipment failure or the cashier error, the write-off of the means does not occur (freezing occurs), the re-procedure may be rejected (due to lack of money on the map).

In addition, the owner of the card can receive several notifications about writing off the same amount from his account. Upon the fact of surplus the amount will return to the account after the end of the holding period.

Problems and difficulties

As we have already noted, certain problems associated with changes in currencies or double payments may occur when holding. But these are not the only difficulties faced by the owners of plastic cards.

Problems may occur when changing the card account on which frozen funds are located. In this situation, it is unknown, which accounts will occur, so it is desirable to wait for the final settlement, and only then change the card.

Difficulties can be formed and upon late receipt by the Clearing File Issuer Bank. Hold has already been removed, and when receiving payment details, the Bank makes the write-off of money. If the means on the map is not enough, the balance is minus, forming technical Overdraft.

In addition, difficulties may occur when booking with a map of various services - rental cars, hotel rooms, etc. During the reservation, there is a blocking of a certain amount on the map (prepayment), and with the final calculation, a new write-off of funds is performed. The card holder has to wait for the unlocking of money frozen when the first operation occurs. In such situations, it is better to use credit, and not debit cards.

Thus, cardholders need to know the features of the holding and carefully follow their expenditure operations.

09.02.16 162 839 0

Or how to pay a card abroad

December 2014. Asya removed cash in a German ATM. The course was 78 rubles per euro. A few days later the bank wrote off the money at the rate of 102.5 rubles per euro. RBC journalists tell how Asya lost eleven and a half thousand and learned that banks write off the money not immediately.

Konstantin Golubev


In the article we will analyze why banks freeze money when you should not pay a ruble card, how to avoid double locks and how to defrost money after vacation.

What is hold or freezing

I live in Nizhny Novgorod. I go to "Red and White" for Pinot Grjio, I pay a ruble card. The bank sends an SMS that the purchase is paid. But money is still on the account.

Money on account, but the bank has postponed them. I do not pay them in the supermarket, I do not buy tickets to the movies and will not take off the cash. Bankers say that this money is frozen, or "in the holding".

The following days banks and payment system communicate without me:

  1. The seller's bank informs the payment system about the purchase: "On January 16, this guy bought wine for 625 rubles."
  2. The payment system is preparing an invoice and sends it to my bank: "This is a bill of 625 rubles. January 16, you reserved money under us. "
  3. Native Bank receives an invoice: "Guys, all Okay. The account was received, keep money. "
  4. The bank writes off the money, the Internet Bank confirms: the operation has passed.

Usually this dialogue goes 3-5 days, on holidays longer. If the seller does not confirm the payment, the bank will return money to the card.

If the banks were people, it would look like this:

You know how much money is on the map. With each operation, the Bank freezes part of this amount. It seems to spend more than it is, it is unrealistic. This is not true. When freezing money, you can go in minus even by debit card.

When you pay the card, the bank freezes money on the account and pays 3-5 days.

How Hold threatens your map

If you pay a ruble card abroad, the purchase amount increases. Extra conversion and commission are to blame. Freezing of money also affects the price.

Suppose, on January 11, you bought the sixth iPhone in the corporate store "Epla" on the fifth Avenue. We paid out a ruble map "Visa" at the rate of the bank - 75.5 rubles per dollar. How much money the bank will write from the account?

Russian bank froze 48,999.5 rubles on your account

The seller's bank transferred the purchase documents to "Visa": "On this map yesterday paid 649 dollars. Income

"Visa" prepared an account and sent to your bank: "Here is the purchase of January 11 at 649 USD"

Your bank received an invoice from the payment system and put it in processing

Inef is in your hands the fifth day, but you overpaid 1493 rubles.

Your bank has reserved $ 649 at the rate of 75.5 rubles for the US dollar. The seller's bank and payment system four days confirmed the payment, the course rose by 3%. Your bank has no options - it writes off 649 USD at the new course. SE WA

The course grows - you overpay. The course falls - you are in a plus. If you bought an iPhone on December 18, 2014, then you saved 10-20%: the next eight days ruble dismantled his position. With such a little need to play on the stock exchange.

The dollar or euro changes several times a day, so do not pay for purchases in the currency of the ruble card. Pay cash or place a currency card. If the price and card currency are alone, pay exactly the check.

If you plan a big purchase in currency, place a currency card.

How to freeze money

It happens like this: you book a room in Paris through Buking, the hotel checks your bank card and freeze the amount per day. Or when check out the manager requires a deposit of 50 euros: Suddenly you arrange Harlem Shake in the room. Stretch again debit card.

When leaving you give an account, you put a signature, the hotel takes with you the full cost of living. Now your money is frozen twice: the amount of the hotel and reservation, or deposit.

For foreign Bank Booking, deposit and payment of accommodation - different operations. They are not doing before the previously frozen money, that you do not remove cash or do not buy souvenirs closest. Most likely, you will hear the learned phrase:

"Everything will be fine, money will return to you on the card ... later."

To avoid double freezing, old-timers of tourist forums advise:

  1. Subscribe a credit card in a bank specifically for travel.
  2. When booking the hotel, Machines Specify the credit number, not a debit card. So you freeze money bank, and not your vacation savings. The bank will not take interest - money will automatically return to the account.
  3. Deposit Pay Cash. The manager will write you a receipt, and when evicting will return the money. If the hotel officer or rental goes to failure, ask to take a deposit from a credit card.
  4. The day before leaving, warning that we pay another card. Usually, unnecessary questions do not specify. If the manager persists, tell me that the money ended on the first card, but you can pay for the second card or remove the cash.
  5. If you are an opponent of credit cards and blocked money on a debit card account, ask the manager to confirm the previously frozen payments, and balance on the map or cash.

So you protect your money and enjoy the trip, and not to look for advice on the forums and consider every ruble.

Book a hotel or credit card machine. So you frozen money bank, not your own.

How to defrost money on account

If the seller does not confirm the payment, the bank defines money. The waiting time depends on your bank. Typically money in the holding from 14 to 45 days.

To defrost money faster, call the bank. Tell me that you have already paid the hotel or rent a car. Specify which documents will help to quickly defrost funds.

The bank is important that the seller does not have claims to you. Call or write to the hotel, car rental, ask to send a fax or a letter confirmation. An ideal option if the letter indicates payment and booking operations.

Send documents to the bank, attach copies of receipts and checks. So you will help the bank to confirm that you are an honest traveler. The bank can go to meet and remove the blocking for 3-5 business days - the money will return to you on the map.

Help the bank to defrost money faster.


  1. If you pay the card, the bank does not write off the money immediately. First freezes the desired amount and is waiting for the seller's confirmation.
  2. Do not pay for currency purchases from the ruble card. Make currency.
  3. Do not pay the card under zero. You can go in minus even with a debit card.
  4. Subscribe a credit card for travel and book everything on it. So you will block the funds of the bank, and not their own.
  5. To defrost money faster, ask the hotel to confirm that they do not have complaints to you. Call your bank and ask you to meet you.

Today credit card - This is not only an opportunity to intercept before salary. If you are fine, life has succeeded and in credit funds you do not need, then the credit card will give you an extra opportunity to earn. The main thing is to know how to use it. There are now a lot of proposals from banks on the market, but a banknote credit card. You need to carefully choose "your" bank and "your" conditions, among all the diversity anyone can find the best for yourself.

Now few people are asked why a credit card is needed. Its possibilities are extensive - from use credit funds Before the accumulation of their own. This is I. payment tool, I. discount card, Giving discounts on goods in certain stores, and contributing to demand.

Convenience . Going on shopping for large purchases You do not need to carry with you in a bag of a pack of money. And if, God forbid, God happened, the map blocked by one call and in a couple of days you have new map, everything with the same money, whether it is your own or credit (you do not store the PIN-code next to the card, right?). On a trip abroad, you do not need to submit a declaration if there, where you eat, you will need a particular amount of money, you take with you only a map. Again, if you abroad, you do not need to change rubles to the local currency, on all card payment systems Visa and Mastercard Automatic conversion is performed (it is usually equal 0,5% ). Resting abroad and paying a card for a hotel or car rental you probably faced the fact that companies love freeze some amount on the client map as insurance With possible damage to the car or number. Moreover, they can freeze in two-time full value of their services. And individual firms may not reset the holding even after the client returned the property safe and safety. Money in this case will be available only in 45 days. When own funds, it will be a shame. There is money, and it is impossible to touch them. In the case of a credit card, this will mean a decrease in the credit limit for the holding period. No percentage and fines of the bank for frozen amounts will not be accruedSince the calculation of the loan is only on the actual write-off of funds from a loan account, and in case of holding this write off does not happen.

Borrowed funds . Of course you can always take creditif it were not for one but, for the loan, issued even on 1 day will have to pay interest and spend your time on hiking in bank Every time you will be needed again money. With a map, everything else. Once they received, and she lies three years old, if it suddenly needed, they took the card and took advantage of borrowed funds. And here it begins the most interesting. Via credit card there is an opportunity to take advantage of borrowed funds is free. Almost all banks now began to provide such a service as a grace period or grace-periodon the maps, usually on average it is equal to two months. If removed from the card cash will be fully returned before the expiration of this time, the bank will not take anything with you. Today you put money on the map, closing credit limit , and tomorrow you can again enjoy the resumed credit Line Already on new term. But be careful when you read the conditions of the bank, there are a couple of very slippery moments:
- all banks have percentage of cash withdrawals, usually hesitates from 2 to 7 %%, will be completely free only if you pays Map for goods or services.
- not all banks work grace-period for cash those. If you pay the card in the Grace-period store will be activated, and if you take money from a card in an ATM or a bank office, Grace-period will not work, it's all necessarily written in lending conditions.
And one more thing, some banks, most, have annual service of mapsTherefore, if you need a map just in case, and most of the time will lie down without a case, choose the one where there is no annual service.

The Internet. I strongly recommend that you do not use for purchases on the Internet a card on which your own savings or with a credit limit. Even the most advanced and the most advanced store, and the most advanced bank, offering super protection on his card, do not carry any responsibility, if you suddenly be discovered on your map zero. Best start separate for these purposes simple map, even not embossed (Not nominated - your name is not chosen on the map). All that such a map should have is FROMV.C (CVV) - Code (We are interested in shopping on the Internet). If you need to make a purchase, you throw the right amount on the map and make an order in the online store. At the usual time, you do not risk anything, because Map "Locked" on the Internet empty.

Additional income. Imagine this situation: you get your salary And all, completely before a penny, put it on debit cardwhich for storing on it own funds will credit you "In gratitude"interest. And spend your life you will be with credit card. And here you will earn it too! FROMashBack - this is when the bank returns some percent From spending on his card holders. Usually it is 3-5 % but happens to 20% . The main thing is to clearly track the deadlines and the date of repayment, and at the right moment, pay off credit debt. Here in the first place will be significant such qualities of character as responsible and sober mind, which will help you not to put on credit more than you have money. Otherwise, all your actions will be reduced to zero or in general will go into minus. If you do everything right, spend no more than what you have and close on time credit limitDepending on the initial amounts and monthly spending, one month can be additionally earned a fairly decent amount. And at the same time you will not do anything, well, except that only spending money!

And now I want to present to your attention a review of proposals for credit cards of some Ufa banks, the most interesting in my opinion.

Map MTS-Money from MTS Bank good use as deposit - Calculate to 10% For storing your own funds! There is cachek - up to 1% From the cost of purchases. Grace period 51 days. Remove cash from the card here is not at all profitable - Commission up to 4%.

Map CashBack from bank Houm Credit . There are 2 types Gold and Standard. I'll tell about pro Gold - They have a slightly better condition compared with the standard card. Cacheback is returned to the map 3% from the cost of purchases (in standard Map 2% ). Grace-period 51 daysBut there is a nuance - 150 rubles. Monthly you pay the Commission for using the means. But if you do not wait 51 days and return money for first month , the bank will take nothing with you (the next day you can use money again). Cash removal from the card - 300 rubles.

For use of the card Bank is connected It will be necessary to pay 600 rubles for annual servicebut the bank in turn will delight you by accrual 10% The rest of your own funds in the amount of 10 to 100 thousand Cash withdrawal - 2.9% + 290 rubles. There is a cashback - here you will be returned to the map 1% per virtual purchases and before 20% from spent money from partners in the form of advantages. You can pay them from the same bank partners, these are several shops and cafes.

Folk Card. from Investkapitalbank - Until recently, it was a very interesting map. Here was the possibility of an interest-free translation from a credit card to other accounts opened in the same bank, and already from the account without interest. Now, to preleal regret, such a function was closed, and all this card remained interesting - minimum percentage of removal of funds from the card2,9% , no annual service and grace period 2 months (In fact, until the end of the next month), but the card itself is now available for a fee: 200-300 rubles Depending on the level of the card (Gold and above from 3 thousand). And be careful - the bank takes commission for cash withdrawals from the card even With your own funds! Exception - only salary cards. Accrual interest "In gratitude" for the storage of own funds or cache on this map is absent. There are discounts if you pay this card in some stores and cafes.

Of course, this is not full list proposals from banks, in the Ufa market. He is huge, everywhere there are its pros and cons, you are welcome, always carefully read the terms of the contract. Unfortunately, now some banks create such conditions to their employees, establish such plans that they (employees) remains nothing, how to "disappear" by the client to the maximum paid services And options, often simply hiding about it, so that at least something to earn.

Payment visa system , which, in theory, should in every way encourage the use of credit cards, cautioned its customers - "The use of a credit card involves greater responsibility on your part."

Three former bankers Credit Suisse Group AG were arrested in London on charges that they entered into collusion with state-owned companies in Mozambique and took part in fraudulent schemeWith the help of which 2 billion dollars were rapned, and part of this amount was abducted. The accusation is put forward by the US authorities, and in the case file, it is also mentioned russian bank VTB.

Under the investigation, the 49-year-old Andrew Pierce, 44-year-old Surjan Singh and a 37-year-old deequer dealer. After arrest, they were released on bail, reports Reuters. With reference to the source in the US state structures. Banker faces extradition in the United States.

In the indictment of the Federal Court of New York, it was indicated that the ex-bankers "tried to hit the bank's internal control service, acted out of personal gain and tried to hide their activities."

Arrests occurred five days after former minister Finance Mozambique 63-year-old Manuel Chang was also arrested. He was detained on December 29 at Johannesburg International Airport. Former high-ranking official was going to fly to Dubai, reports RBC.

The fifth figure was Jean Bustani - a Lebanese citizen who was arrested at New York Airport. He worked on the contractor of Mozambique companies.

In 2013-2014, Mozambique took about 2 billion dollars from Credit Suisse and VTB Bank to buy ships for catching tuna and coastline protection systems. The deal was led by Chang, and the funds were transferred to the republican state companies in Ematum and Prindicus, as well as the Mozambique Asset Management State Issonfond, which belonged to the Ministry of Defense of Mozambique. In the future, the money was spent on the purchase of military equipment. And at least 200 million dollars deliced \u200b\u200bon the accounts of employees of criminal proceedings and Mozambique corrupt officials.

At the same time, Chang concealed information that Mozambique was retired in 2015. The International Monetary Fund found out about the debt of Mozambique only in 2016.

After a broken scandal, many donors, including the International Monetary Fund, suspended the payment of hundreds of millions of dollars intended for direct assistance to Mozambique. The reason was concerned about the possible misuse of money. Freezing of international assistance caused a currency crisis and a shortage of food in Mozambique.

At the same time, in 2016, the post of Minister of Finance Mozambique, Adrian Maleian, announced a default, informing the impossibility of Maputo to hold the first debt payment to VTB in 535 million dollars. As a result, federal prosecutors in New York have brought a criminal case against Chang because fraudulent schemewhich led to a default.

In November 2017, the American press learned about the investigation of the Ministry of Justice of the United States and FBI against VTB, Credit Suisse and BNP Paribas Bank in the case of debt obligations of Mozambique.

At the moment, the prosecutors seek the extradition of the ex-head of the Ministry of Finance of Mozambique in the United States. The lawyer Changa said that the Minister denies all the accusations and appeals the demand for his issuance to the American authorities. The minister must appear before the court in Johannesburg January 8.

Russia wrote off debts under the pretext of helping hungry african children

Moscow has repeatedly written off the debts of Mozambique, and again gave money to local officials suspected now in corruption. In 1999, Russia as a member of the Paris Club of creditors decided to write off 90% of the debt of Mozambique. In total then, a year after own default, the Russian Federation wrote up 14 billion dollars a whole group of countries, primarily African. "Mute, who felt on the" generosity of the Russian Soul ", became Tanzania, Benin, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Guinea, Chad, Yemen, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone (not counting Mozambique). Each of these states wrote off 60-90% of debt, wrote "Kommersant".

In 2013, the authorities of the two countries signed an intergovernmental agreement on the use of the remaining part of the debt, estimated at 144 million dollars to finance projects in the development of Mozambique.

Finally getting rid of debts in front of the Russian Federation, Mozambique immediately borrowed from the Swiss and Russian banks yet great amount - 2 billion dollars. And after default new duty Also began to write off under the pretext of financing humanitarian and social projects in Mozambique.

In July 2017, the leaders of the world's largest humanitarian organization, the World Food Program (WFP), operating under the UN, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Economics and Finance, in accordance with which the funding of the National School National Program was offered from debt to Russia for five Each year to allocate $ 8 million. In the report of the Russian embassy in Maputu, it was noted that this money would not only help in solving the problem of chronic malnutrition in Mozambique, but also will be able to attract more children to schools.

According to last year, WFP calculations, the money allocated will allow for five years to provide 150 thousand Mozambic students with meals. "The innovative step of Russia on debt conversion will help feed the entire generation of schoolchildren in Mozambique," said Russian generosity and commitment to humanism.

We add that in more than 20 years, Russia was written off about 140 billion debts, reported UTmag.. Official statistics on such unpopular in the eyes of citizens of the Russian Federation, the Decisions of the Ministry of Finance does not lead.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state