
Shamko Alexander Igorevich biography. Five facts about the resigned Minister of Sports Alexander Shamko. Was the last of the sports "troika", designed to "respond to the fullest."

While Anna Guskova won the first gold medal for Belarus at the Olympic Games in Phengchkhan, the entire sports community discussed yesterday's resignation of the Minister of Sports and Tourism Alexander Shamko. What caused such a sharp turn?

At the Ministry of Sports, a new boss will soon appear. The previous leader, Alexander Shamko, was dismissed yesterday and sent to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

After Lukashenka dismissed Alexander Shamko from the post of Minister of Sports, many thought that the head of state was not satisfied with the results of Belarusian athletes. Information about the resignation appeared almost immediately after the completion of the women's individual race in biathlon at the Olympic Games, where the Belarusians were left without medals. They say that Shamko fell under the hot hand of the indignant Lukashenka. However, the circumstances of the resignation soon began to be clarified.

“I think there is nothing new from Lukashenka for you: from the first presidential elections I told the people specifically that there can be no corruption in Belarus,” Lukashenka said.

Then there was information about the detention of the director of the Minsk Palace of Sports Sergei Pranovich, which happened on February 5 and, probably, was one of the reasons for Shamko's resignation. Pranovich took bribes for giving the palace premises for all kinds of events.

“The director of the sports palace has been receiving bribes for so many years, and you want to say that the Minister of Sports did not know about it? He knew everything. This diagram is created vertically. Anyway, some part of the money goes higher and higher, ”the human rights activist is sure Oleg Volchek.

Perhaps the fact that recent times Belarusian football has experienced a number of corruption scandals which ended in high-profile criminal cases.

“As far as I know from my clients, match-fixing, overstatement of salaries for football players, hockey players - no difference. There are kickbacks on the outfit - you order from a specific company and, of course, you get ... state property- bribes cannot be stopped, ”says Oleg Volchek.

At the same time, not only the corruption component influenced the end of Alexander Shamko's career as Minister of Sports.

“You see that our sport is actually on the decline. We have not had great success. Now the only thing at the Olympics is freestyle. But freestyle rests on one person - Nicolae Kazeko, who knows how to bring the national team perfectly. And in all other respects ... Well, what can you remember? Well, handball players. Again, at the expense of one SKA school, ”says Sergey Yuzhik from Pressball.

Maybe the problem is professionalism? After all, the last minister who himself went in for sports at a professional level was Yevgeny Vorsin, who left his post in 2003. Thereafter, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism was run by civil servants from a variety of backgrounds. In addition, traditionally, the leadership of sports federations in Belarus often comes from power structures.

“We need a person in sports who will always be in sports, and not from time to time. We need a person who not only understands sports himself, but also wants to do it. To be trusted by athletes and heads of sports federations. Then there will be some sense, ”says Sergei Yuzhik.

According to experts, the next Minister of Sports may be Maxim Ryzhenkov, who already has experience in sports, but has never been involved in sports professionally. In any case, the new minister will face very serious challenges, at least in organizational terms - next year Belarus will host the European Games, and in 2021 - the World Ice Hockey Championship.

Dmitry Mitskevich, Belsat

Alexander Shamko. Lukashenko accused him and the Minister of Forestry Mikhail Amelyanovich of “not taking anti-corruption measures” in their departments. "Nasha Niva" recalls the career of Alexander Shamko, who for the last six years has headed the country's sports sector.

Alexander Shamko. Photo svaboda.org.

From firefighters to athletes

Alyaksandr Shamko has a very unusual career path: when Lukashenka said “must”, Shamko answered “yes”!

Alexander Shamko is 50 years old, he is from Minsk. He graduated from the Polytechnic College, served in the army. Since 1989, Shamko has been in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He served as a firefighter on Serov Street in Minsk. He was a squad leader, chief of the guard. He went through a variety of stages in the fire department.

In 2007, he was appointed head of the state fire rescue institution "Republican Special Forces" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A year later, Shamko became the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

However, in 2012, Shamko received a very unexpected appointment - the Minister of Sports. He then appeared in one bundle with Maxim Ryzhenkov, who worked as an assistant to the president on sports issues, and is now the first deputy head of the presidential administration.

The minister was sued for an apartment

In the spring of 2014, Alexander Shamko bought himself a four-room apartment on Yankovskogo Street in Minsk. Still, not the last official in the country can afford it. But the minister got the apartment at a price lower than the market price. It turned out that the developer "Monolitgrad" often inflated prices during construction. Many equity holders refused to pay extra. Then "Monolitgrad" terminated the contract in unilaterally... An official invested money in one of these 4-room apartments.

Square meter cost the minister $ 1134 equivalent, and it was a good deal. average price in Minsk then amounted to $ 1650 per square meter. However, the family, which originally had the rights to the apartment, filed a lawsuit against the developer. Shamko resigned himself to the loss of his apartment and did not dispute anything in court.

Numerous doping scandals

How do you remember Shamko's management of Belarusian sports? The most successful Winter Olympics in Sochi, where thanks to the brilliant performance of Daria Domracheva (three gold!), Belarusians won six medals! And at the Summer Olympics, our athletes are performing worse and worse.

Before Shamko's appointment as minister at the Beijing Olympics, Belarusians were 16th overall. In London - 26, and in Rio de Janeiro - 40. In Brazil, Belarusians won only nine medals - this is the worst result in the years of independence.

The Belarusians, of course, do not have their own doping program. But our athletes with enviable regularity find themselves involved in such scandals. Per last years hammer thrower Pavel Krivitsky, weightlifter Stanislav Chadovich, shot putter Natalia Mikhnevich, weightlifter Anastasia Novikova and others were disqualified.

Didn't repair the Dynamo stadium

According to Shamko, he is watching the reconstruction of the Dynamo stadium in Minsk right from the windows of his office.

Dynamo Stadium was closed for reconstruction in 2012. It was planned that by the summer of next year it will already be put into operation. However, 2018 has come, and the work is still not completed. Thus, the city with two million inhabitants is left without a full-fledged stadium, where, say, the national football team could play.

Now they plan to commission the facility for the II European Games, which will be held in Minsk in 2019. This is an expensive sporting event: Holland refused it - and Belarus took over.

Recently, when a Pressball journalist asked Shamko a question about the canopy, which does not completely protect all spectators from the rain, Shamko simply snapped, they say, the journalist is engaged in criticism.

The Ministry of Sports under Alexander Shamko was one of the most closed departments.

Who can replace?

The new minister has not yet been appointed. It's time to tell fortunes on the coffee grounds. Who can sit in the ministerial chair? Several years ago, Natalya Petkevich was mentioned in this connection, but it is unlikely that the former top official will now return to the ranks. The first deputy head of the Presidential Administration, Maxim Ryzhenkov, remains, for whom sport is his native sphere. Maybe it's time to return to public administration former head of the Border Committee Igor Rachkovsky. And there is also the hammer-fighting deputy Vadim Devyatovsky. The Minister of Sports may be a person from a sphere completely far from sports, the example of Shamko proved this.

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Alexander Igorevich Shamko
belor. Alyaksandr Igaravich Shamko
Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
from October 31, 2012
Head of the government: Mikhail Myasnikovich
Andrey Kobyakov
The president: Alexander Lukashenko
Predecessor: Oleg Kachan
Religion: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth: 15 october(1968-10-15 ) (51 years old)
Minsk, Byelorussian SSR
Death: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Burial place: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Dynasty: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Father: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Mother: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Spouse: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Children: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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Education: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Academic degree: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Site: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Autograph: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Monogram: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module: CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Alexander Igorevich Shamko(belor. Alyaksandr Igaravich Shamko, 15 october, Minsk, Belarus) - Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus.


In 1987 he graduated from the Minsk Polytechnic College of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in 2000 - from the Command and Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus, in 2009 - from the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

From 1987 to 1989 he served in the Armed Forces.

Since 1989, he served in various positions in the bodies and divisions for emergencies.

In 2007 - 2008 - Head of the State Fire Rescue Institution "Republican Special Purpose Detachment" of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

2008 - 2012 - Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations.

Awarded with medals "For impeccable service" I, II and III degrees.

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An excerpt characterizing Shamko, Alexander Igorevich

– ?!..
- Yes, dear friend, she even got here ... And the worst thing, many people fell for it. Apparently, for the evil and insignificant, the same "evil and insignificant" is needed to reveal everything that they have hidden for many years. The Inquisition has become a terrible instrument of human revenge, envy, lies, greed and anger! .. You can't even imagine, my friend, how low seemingly normal people can fall! .. Brothers slander unwanted brothers ... children of aged fathers, wanting to get rid of them as soon as possible ... envious neighbors on neighbors ... It's awful! No one is protected today from the arrival of the “holy fathers” ... It's so scary, Isidora! One has only to say to someone that he is a heretic, and you will never see this person again. True madness ... which reveals the lowest and the worst in people ... How to live with this, Isidora?
Francesco stood hunched over, as if the heaviest burden pressed on him with a mountain, not allowing him to straighten up. I knew him for a long time, and I knew how difficult it was to break this honest, brave man. But then life humped him, turning him into a confused person who did not understand such human meanness and baseness, into a disappointed, aging Francesco ... And now, looking at my good old friend, I realized that I was right, deciding to forget my personal life giving it away for the death of a "holy" monster who trampled on the lives of others, good and pure people. It was only unspeakably bitter that there were low and vile "people" who rejoiced (!!!) the arrival of the Inquisition. And someone else's pain did not touch their callous hearts, rather the opposite - they themselves, without a twinge of conscience, used the paws of the Inquisition to destroy innocent, kind people! How far our Earth was still from that happy day when Man will be pure and proud! .. When his heart will not succumb to meanness and evil ... When Light, Sincerity and Love will live on Earth. Yes, the North was right - the Earth was still too evil, stupid and imperfect. But I believed with all my soul that someday she would become wise and very kind ... only many more years would pass for this. Until then, those who loved her had to fight for her. Forgetting yourself, your relatives ... And not sparing your only and very dear for everyone earthly Life. Having forgotten, I did not even notice that Francesco was watching me very carefully, as if he wanted to understand whether he would be able to persuade me to stay. But the deep sadness in his sad gray eyes told me - he understood ... And tightly embracing him in last time, I started to say goodbye ...

Alexander Shamko. Photo: svaboda.org.

Right during the Olympics, the Minister of Sports Alexander Shamko. Lukashenko accused him and the Minister of Forestry Mikhail Amelyanovich of “not taking anti-corruption measures” in their departments.

"Nasha Niva" recalls a career Alexandra Shamko, who has led the country's sports sector for the past six years.

From firefighters to athletes

Alyaksandr Shamko has a very unusual career line: if Lukashenka said “must”, Shamko answered “yes”!

Alexander Shamko is 50 years old, he is from Minsk. He graduated from the Polytechnic College, served in the army. Since 1989, Shamko has been in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He served as a firefighter on Serov Street in Minsk. He was a squad leader, chief of the guard. He went through a variety of stages in the fire department.

In 2007, he was appointed head of the state fire rescue institution "Republican Special Forces" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A year later, Shamko became the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

However, in 2012, Shamko received a very unexpected appointment - the Minister of Sports. He then came in one bundle with Maxim Ryzhenkov, who worked as an assistant to the president on sports issues, and is now the first deputy head of the presidential administration.

The minister was sued for an apartment

In the spring of 2014, Alexander Shamko bought himself a four-room apartment on Yankovskogo Street in Minsk. Still, not the last official in the country can afford it. But the fact was that the minister got the apartment at a price lower than the market price. It turned out that the developer "Monolitgrad" often inflated prices during construction. Many equity holders refused to pay extra. Then "Monolitgrad" terminated the contract unilaterally. And the official invested money in one of the 4-room apartments.

A square meter cost the minister the equivalent of $ 1134, and it was a good deal. The average price in Minsk at that time was $ 1650 per square meter. However, the family, which originally had the rights to the apartment, filed a lawsuit against the developer. Shamko resigned himself to the loss of his apartment and did not dispute anything in court.

Numerous doping scandals

How do you remember Shamko's management of Belarusian sports? The most successful Winter Olympics in Sochi, where thanks to the brilliant performance of Daria Domracheva (three gold!), Belarusians won six medals! And at the Summer Olympics, our athletes are performing worse and worse.

In the pre-Shamko era, at the Beijing Olympics, Belarusians were 16th overall. In London - 26, and in Rio de Janeiro - 40. In Brazil, Belarusians won only nine medals - this is the worst result in the years of independence.

The Belarusians, of course, do not have their own doping program. But our athletes find themselves in such scandals with enviable regularity. Hammer thrower has been disqualified in recent years Pavel Krivitsky, weightlifter Stanislav Chadovich, shot pusher Natalia Mikhnevich, weightlifter Anastasia Novikova other.

Didn't repair the Dynamo stadium

According to Shamko, he is watching the reconstruction of the Dynamo stadium in Minsk right from the windows of his office.

Dynamo Stadium was closed for reconstruction in 2012. It was planned that by the summer of next year it will already be put into operation. However, 2018 has come, and the work is still not completed. Thus, the city with two million inhabitants is left without a full-fledged stadium, where, say, the national football team could play.

Now they plan to commission the facility for the II European Games, which will be held in Minsk in 2019. This is an expensive sporting event: Holland refused it - and Belarus took over.

Recently, when a Pressball journalist asked Shamko a question about a canopy that does not completely protect all spectators from rain, Shamko simply fell out on it, saying that the journalist is engaged in criticism. The Ministry of Sports under Alexander Shamko was one of the most closed departments.

Who can replace?

The new minister has not yet been appointed. It's time to guess on the coffee grounds. Who can sit in the ministerial chair? Mentioned in this connection a few years ago Natalia Petkevich, but it is unlikely that the former top official will now return to the ranks. First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Remains Maxim Ryzhenkov, for whom sport is a native sphere. Maybe it's time to return the former head of the Border Committee to state administration Igor Rachkovsky... And there is also a hammer-fighting deputy Vadim Devyatovsky... The Minister of Sports may also be a person from a sphere completely far from sports, Shamko's example proved this.

Alexander Igorevich Shamko
belor. Alyaksandr Igaravich Shamko
from October 31, 2012
Head of the government: Mikhail Myasnikovich
Andrey Kobyakov
The president: Alexander Lukashenko
Predecessor: Oleg Kachan
Birth: 15 october(1968-10-15 ) (51 years old)
Minsk, Byelorussian SSR

Alexander Igorevich Shamko(belor. Alyaksandr Igaravich Shamko, 15 october, Minsk, Belarus) - Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus.


In 1987 he graduated from the Minsk Polytechnic College of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in 2000 - from the Command and Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus, in 2009 - from the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

From 1987 to 1989 he served in the Armed Forces.

Since 1989, he has served in various positions in the bodies and departments of emergency situations.

In 2007 - 2008 - Head of the State Fire Rescue Institution "Republican Special Purpose Detachment" of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

2008 - 2012 - Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations.

Awarded with medals "For impeccable service" I, II and III degrees.

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Notes (edit)

An excerpt characterizing Shamko, Alexander Igorevich

“They are soldiers on a battery, Prince Andrew has been killed ... an old man ... Simplicity is obedience to God. You need to suffer ... the meaning of everything ... you need to match ... your wife is getting married ... You need to forget and understand ... ”And he, going up to the bed, without undressing, fell on her and immediately fell asleep.
When he woke up the next morning, the butler came to report that a specially dispatched police official had come from Count Rostopchin to find out if Count Bezukhov had left or was leaving.
Ten different people who had business with Pierre were waiting for him in the drawing-room. Pierre dressed hastily, and instead of going to those who were waiting for him, he went to the back porch and from there went out through the gate.
From then until the end of the Moscow devastation, none of the Bezukhovs' household, despite all the searches, saw Pierre again and did not know where he was.

The Rostovs remained in the city until September 1, that is, until the eve of the enemy's entry into Moscow.
After Petya entered the Obolensky Cossack regiment and left for Bila Tserkva, where this regiment was being formed, fear found the countess. The thought that both of her sons are at war, that both of them have left under her wing, that today or tomorrow each of them, and maybe both together, like three sons of one of her acquaintances, may be killed, in the first once now, this summer, it occurred to her with cruel clarity. She tried to get Nikolai to her place, she wanted to go to Petya herself, to find him somewhere in Petersburg, but both turned out to be impossible. Petya could not be returned otherwise than together with the regiment or by transferring to another active regiment. Nicholas was somewhere in the army and after his last letter, in which he described in detail his meeting with Princess Marya, did not give a word about himself. The countess did not sleep at night, and when she fell asleep, she saw murdered sons in her dreams. After much advice and negotiations, the count finally came up with a means to calm the countess. He transferred Petya from Obolensky's regiment to Bezukhov's regiment, which was being formed near Moscow. Although Petya remained in military service, but with this translation, the Countess had the consolation of seeing at least one son under her wing and hoped to arrange her Petya so that she would no longer let him out and always enroll him in such places of service where he could not get into battle. While Nicolas alone was in danger, it seemed to the countess (and she even repented of it) that she loved the elder more than all the other children; but when the youngest, mischievous, bad student, breaking everything in the house and annoying Petya, this snub-nosed Petya, with his cheerful black eyes, fresh blush and a little fluff on his cheeks, got there, to these big, terrible, cruel men who there is something fighting and something in it they find joyful - then it seemed to the mother that she loved him more, much more than all her children. The closer the time came when the expected Petya was to return to Moscow, the more the countess's anxiety increased. She already thought that she would never wait for this happiness. The presence of not only Sonya, but also her beloved Natasha, even her husband, irritated the countess. "What do I care about them, I don't need anyone but Petya!" She thought.

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