
Council of Veterans of the Financial Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. The corruption scandal of the Ministry of Defense was the result of the liquidation of the military financial and economic service in the Armed Forces


On the awarding of reserve colonel A.M. Glazova

On April 18, 2019, a veteran of the military financial and economic service, Colonel of the Reserve A.M. Glazov celebrates his 55th birthday.

Alexander Mikhailovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he served for four years as the head of the financial department of the coastal base of a separate division of ships under construction and repair.

Since 1989, he served as the head of the financial department, and then assistant head of the branch of the Research Institute of the Navy for financial and economic work.

In 1994 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law of the Armed Forces Russian Federation and since 1996 he served in the Department of Shipbuilding of the Navy as Deputy Head of the Financial and Economic Service, and since 1998 he became the Assistant Head of this Department for Financial and Economic Work.

In 2005-2008, he was the head of the price control department of the department for orders and deliveries of weapons, military and special equipment of the Navy.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces to the reserve in 2008, he continued his labor activity at the enterprises of the Military-Industrial Complex and is currently Deputy CEO joint stock company"Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin ".

General military and work experience A.M. Glazov in the Armed Forces is 38 years old.

In all his positions, Alexander Mikhailovich conscientiously fulfilled his official duties, showed integrity, honesty and professionalism, for which he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and many other medals.

I order:

1. For the personal contribution made to the financial support of military units and institutions of the Navy, the preservation of the best traditions of the military financial and economic service, and in connection with the 55th birthday, award Colonel A.M. Glazov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating on Happy Birthday, I wish you, Alexander Mikhailovich, good health, prosperity and success in your work to strengthen the financial and economic system of the Russian military-industrial complex and create the latest promising models of weapons and military equipment for the Navy.



On the awarding of retired colonel V.S. Kulakova

Today, April 18, 2019, a member of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, retired colonel V.S. Kulakov celebrates his birthday. He turns 65 years old.

Vyacheslav Sergeevich in 1971 entered the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1974 he was sent to the Far Eastern Military District, where he served as head of the financial allowance of the communications battalion and engineer-inspector of the finance department capital construction And industrial enterprises financial service districts.

In 1979 he entered the Military Finance and Economics Department at the Moscow Financial Institute and after completing his studies in 1982 he was sent as an inspector-auditor of the Financial Service Inspectorate of the Moscow Military District, and since 1986 he has been a senior officer of the Monetary and Financial Service Department of the 10th Main Directorate.

In 1995-2002, he served as Deputy Head and Head of the Inspectorate - Deputy Head of the Department of Financial and Economic Activities Central office Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In 2002 V.S. Kulakov was dismissed from the Armed Forces due to organizational and staff measures.

General military and work experience in the Armed Forces V.S. Kulakov is 31 years old.

In all positions, Vyacheslav Sergeevich showed examples of professionalism and devotion to the chosen cause and official duty. He takes an active part in the work of the veterans' organization. He was awarded the Order of Military Merit and many departmental medals.

I order:

1. For a conscientious attitude to the performance of military duty, the development and preservation of the best traditions of military financial and economic service, and in connection with the 65th birthday, award retired colonel V.S. Kulakov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Vyacheslav Sergeevich, good health and prosperity for many years, good spirits and good luck.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



About rewarding T.M. Butler

Today, April 17, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet T.M. Dvoretskaya is celebrating her 60th birthday.

Tatyana Mikhailovna in 1982 after graduating from the Faculty of Economics of the Perm state university sent to work as an economist at one of the largest metalworking enterprises in Penza.

Since 1984 she has knitted her labor activity with the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet, where she served as an economist in the department of labor and wages, Senior Economist of the Financial and Planning Department and Leading Specialist in the Financing of Industrial Enterprises, and from 2005 to the present he has been the Head of the Financial Department - Chief Accountant of the Fleet Communications Department.

General work experience T.M. Butler is over 40 years old, including 35 years in the Armed Forces.

In all positions held, Tatyana Mikhailovna conscientiously performed her official duties, showed integrity, diligence, professionalism and exceptional modesty. Awarded with the medal "Veteran of Labour". He takes an active part in the work of the veterans' organization.

I order:

1. Award T.M. The butler's medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating you on your anniversary, I wish you, Tatyana Mikhailovna, good health for many years, good spirits, well-being and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



About rewarding retired lieutenant colonel I.G. Nechaev

Today, April 16, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired Lieutenant Colonel I.G. Nechaev is celebrating his 90th birthday.

Ivan Gavrilovich began his career in 1949 after graduating from an eight-year school as a mechanic at the Lublin Casting and Mechanical Plant in the Moscow Region.

In 1951 I.G. Nechaev graduated from the Moscow Evening College of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Railways and was called up for military service as a cadet at the Moscow Red Banner Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, after which he was sent to the Moscow Military District, where he served as commander of a rifle platoon of the Taman division and a rifle company of a military base .

In 1959-1962, in the Krasnoperekopsky District Military Commissariat of Yaroslavl, he held the positions of an officer and assistant chief of a secret unit.

Since 1962, for 22 years, he served in the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva as assistant to the head of the personnel department and drill, head of the drill department, head of the ensign school for the training of financial service specialists, teacher of the department military administration and rights.

Having served in the Armed Forces for more than 33 years, in 1984 he was dismissed from military service due to age.

In all positions, Ivan Gavrilovich showed examples of diligence and honesty, selfless devotion to the chosen cause and official duty. During the years of service at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School, he put a lot of work into the training and education of military financiers.

I order:

1. For long-term military service and in connection with the anniversary - the 90th anniversary of his birth, to award retired lieutenant colonel I.G. Nechaev medal of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "For Contribution to the Training and Education of Personnel".

2. I wish you, Ivan Gavrilovich, good health for many years, good spirits and prosperity.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On awarding retired lieutenant colonel S.A. Shirshina

Today, April 12, 2019, a member of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, retired lieutenant colonel S.A. Shirshin celebrates his fifty-fifth birthday.

Sergey Alexandrovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he was sent to the Leningrad Military District as the head of the financial service of the missile division.

In 1986-1993, in the Trans-Baikal Military District, he served as head of the financial service of the reconnaissance, mechanized and radio engineering battalions.

Since 1994, for 20 years he served in the Moscow Military District as the head of the financial service of the communications battalion, assistant commander for financial and economic work of the cannon artillery brigade, deputy head of the financial service of the artillery division, senior officer of the accounting and analytical department and deputy head of the labor and wages department fees of the financial and economic department of the district.

General experience S.A. Shirshina has been in the Armed Forces for over 33 years.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces from 2014 to 2018, he worked as a personnel specialist in the Central Archive of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

In all positions, Sergei Alexandrovich conscientiously performed his official duties, showed diligence, honesty, adherence to principles and perseverance.

I order:

1. For many years of conscientious performance of official duties and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, to award retired Lieutenant Colonel S.A. Shirshina with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating you on your birthday, I wish you, Sergey Alexandrovich, good health and well-being, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov

Recently, a solemn event was held in the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service on the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of S.V. Osipov.

Sergey Vladimirovich is an assistant to the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for working with young graduates of the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, actively involves them in the work of the veterans' organization and provides comprehensive assistance to the Council in the fulfillment of its statutory tasks, especially in terms of organizing care for the participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, retired Colonel-General V.V. Vorobyov, on behalf of the board, warmly and cordially congratulated S.V. Happy birthday to Osipov, thanked him and awarded him the bust “Generalissimo I.V. Stalin."

All those present warmly congratulated Sergei Vladimirovich on his birthday, thanked him for his active life position and work in the Council of Veterans, wished good health, family well-being, further joint fruitful work.



On the awarding of reserve colonel A.M. Zarubetsky

On April 11, 2019, a member of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, Colonel of the Reserve A.M. Zarubetsky celebrates his 55th birthday.

Alexander Mikhailovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he was sent to the Northern Group of Forces as the head of the financial department of a military hospital.

Since 1986, he served in the Turkestan military district as a senior accountant-auditor of the financial part of the KECh district and took part in the execution of international duty in the Republic of Afghanistan in the troops of the 40th Army, and since 1989 he was deputy head of the pension department and deputy head of the financial and social security department - head of the group in the military commissariat of the Dagestan ASSR.

In 1991-2000, in the Orel Regional Military Commissariat, he served as senior assistant to the head of the financial and social security department, and subsequently headed this department.

In 1996, he graduated from the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute in absentia and since 2000 has served as Deputy Head of the Financial and Economic Service and Assistant to the Head of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for financial and economic work.

After his dismissal in 2010 from the Armed Forces to the reserve, he continued his career and is currently the head of the Department of Financial and Economic Support of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Military University Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.

General military and work experience A.M. Zarubetsky in the Armed Forces is 38 years old.

In all positions held by A.M. Zarubetsky conscientiously performed his official duties, for which he was awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, the Order of Honor, the medal "For Military Merit" and many others.

I order:

1. For the qualitative solution of official and labor tasks and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, to award Colonel A.M. Zarubetsky with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For contribution to the training and education of personnel."

2. Happy birthday, I wish you, Alexander Mikhailovich, good health, well-being, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of retired lieutenant colonel V.N. Samsonova

Today, April 10, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet, retired Lieutenant Colonel V.N. Samsonov celebrates his birthday. He turns 65 years old.

Viktor Nikolaevich in 1971 entered the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1974 he was sent to the Air Force of the Pacific Fleet, where for 13 years he worked his way up from the head of the financial allowance of a separate aviation technical company to the head of the financial service of the aviation technical base of the aviation formation.

Since 1987, he served in the Black Sea Fleet as the head of the financial service of the aviation technical base of the missile-carrying aviation formation, senior inspector-auditor and head of the financial inspection of the financial service of the Air Force of the Fleet.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 2002 and to the present day, he continues his career in the Air Force as a leading specialist in the financial and economic department of the Black Sea Fleet.

General military and work experience V.N. Samsonov in the Armed Forces is 48 calendar years.

In all positions, Viktor Nikolayevich showed examples of diligence, professionalism and devotion to the chosen cause and official duty. He takes an active part in the work of the veterans' organization.

I order:

1. For a conscientious and zealous attitude to the performance of military duty, the development and preservation of the best traditions of military financial and economic service, and in connection with the 65th birthday, award retired Lieutenant Colonel V.N. Samsonov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Viktor Nikolaevich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits and good luck.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, April 9, 2019, is the birthday of the chairman of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet Belik Sergey Viktorovich.



On the awarding of retired colonel E.N. Divina

Today, April 9, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired colonel E.N. Divin is celebrating his birthday. He turns 65 years old.

In 1973, Evgeny Nikolayevich entered the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics, after completing his studies in 1977, he was sent to the Leningrad Military District, where he served as head of the food and clothing service of the radio direction finding center and head of the clothing service of the division.

In 1982 he entered the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport, after which he served as a teacher at the Department of Economics and accounting Volsky Higher Military School of Logistics.

Since 1989, he served in the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva as a teacher, senior lecturer, deputy head and head of the department of computer technology.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 2007, he continued teaching as an assistant professor at the same department, and from 2010 to the present he continues to work as an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics and information security at the Yaroslavl branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Communications.

General military and work experience E.N. Divina is 46 years old, including more than 37 years in the Armed Forces.

In all positions, Evgeny Nikolayevich showed examples of diligence, professionalism and devotion to the chosen cause and official duty. Having served at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School for more than twenty years, he put a lot of work into the training and education of military financiers.

I order:

1. For a conscientious and zealous attitude to the performance of military duty, the development and preservation of the best traditions of military financial and economic service, and in connection with the 65th birthday, award retired colonel E.N. Divin with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For contribution to the training and education of personnel."

2. I wish you, Evgeny Nikolaevich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On awarding retired lieutenant colonel E.A. Salomatova

Today, April 5, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for Krasnoyarsk Territory retired lieutenant colonel E.A. Salomatova celebrates her fifty-fifth birthday.

Elena Anatolyevna in 1986, after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk State University, went to work as an economist at the Bioluminescence Research and Development Pilot Enterprise in Krasnoyarsk.

In 1994, she was called up for military service under a contract in the Siberian Military District, where for 12 years she served as head of the financial service of the radio engineering battalion and assistant commander of the radio engineering regiment for financial and economic work.

Since 2006 E.A. Salomatova continued to serve in military department Krasnoyarsk State Technical University for the training of officers of the financial and economic service on the cycle "Financial and economic support" as a senior lecturer, head of the cycle and professor.

After her dismissal in 2014 and until now, she continues teaching at the Military Training Center of the Siberian Federal University.

General military and work experience E.A. Salomatova is over 32 years old.

In all positions held, Elena Anatolyevna conscientiously performed her official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, diligence and professionalism.

I order:

1. For the results achieved in service activities, distinctions in the performance of official duties and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, to award retired Lieutenant Colonel E.A. Salomatov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For contribution to the training and education of personnel."

2. Happy birthday, I wish you, Elena Anatolyevna, good health for many years, good spirits, well-being and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov

On March 28, 2019, the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service honored the active members of the Council V.A. Skoropukhov and V.M. Shmarko in connection with their birthdays.

Retired and reserve colonels V.A. Skoropukhov and V.M. Shmarko on a voluntary basis work as part of audit commission veteran organization and constantly provide substantial assistance to the Council in solving its statutory tasks.

On behalf of the board, I sincerely congratulated them on their birthday, briefly dwelled on the military path they had traveled in the Armed Forces and their worthy contribution to financial support for strengthening the combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

On awarding retired lieutenant colonel Yu.V. Shustov

Today, April 2, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Saratov Region, retired Lieutenant Colonel Yu.V. Shustov celebrates his birthday. He turns 70 years old.

Yuri Vasilyevich in 1971, after graduating from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, was called up for active military service for two years in the Ural Military District as the head of the financial allowance of the railway battalion.

After completing his service in 1973, he was transferred to the reserve, and in 1975 he was again called up for military service in the Central Asian Military District, where he served as a senior assistant to the head of the pension department of the Leninabad Regional Military Commissariat and the Military Commissariat of the Tajik SSR. Since 1982, for six years, he served as the head of the financial service of the research and test site for communications in the same district.

In 1988-1994, he served in the Volga-Urals Military District as the head of the financial department of the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School and as an assistant to the head of the school for financial and economic work of the Saratov Higher Military Engineering School of Chemical Defense.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 1995, until 2017 he worked as a senior assistant in the department for assigning pensions and benefits to military personnel and members of their families of the Center for Social Security of the Military Commissariat of the Saratov Region.

General military and work experience Yu.V. Shustov is over 36 years old.

In all positions, Yuri Vasilyevich conscientiously performed his official duties, showed examples of diligence and honesty.

I order:

1. For conscientious performance of official duties and in connection with the anniversary - the 70th anniversary of his birth, to award retired Lieutenant Colonel Yu.V. Shustov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Yuri Vasilyevich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits and the fulfillment of all your plans.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov

In April, members of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service celebrate their birthday:

April 1 - Osipov Sergey Vladimirovich
Balyaev Sergey Alexandrovich
Dvoeglazov Boris Pavlovich
April 2 - Shustov Yuri Vasilyevich - 70 years old
Andreev Vyacheslav Egorovich
Sklyarova Natalia Anatolievna
Yurkov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Pestereva Yulia Viktorovna
Molokanov Nikolai Igorevich
April 3 - Sheremetiev Nikolay Stepanovich
Zakharov Andrey Viktorovich
Andreev Andrey Fyodorovich
Karablin Demyan Vyacheslavovich
Kozlenya Vasily Ivanovich
Strochilo Alexey Yurievich
Polenov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
April, 4 - Krasnokutsky Dmitry Vladimirovich
5th of April - Matyushov Andrey Vladimirovich
Salomatova Elena Anatolyevna - 55 years old
Shestakova Ludmila Viktorovna
Baichurin Takhir Shamilevich
Moskovkina Ludmila Gennadievna
April 6 - Krakhmalev Vladimir Petrovich
April 7 - Khmyrov Yury Sergeevich
April 8 - Gusev Roman Gennadievich
Afanasiev Viktor Ivanovich
Nikitin Oleg Nikolaevich
April 9 - Divin Evgeny Nikolaevich - 65 years old
Belik Sergey Viktorovich
Bobkov Denis Alexandrovich
Plotnikov Alexander Vitalievich
April 10th - Polshchikov Andrey Vladimirovich
Kuzmich Oleg Fedorovich
Reshetnikova Olga Alekseevna
Kirillov Viktor Vyacheslavovich
Blinov Yury Anatolievich
Samsonov Viktor Nikolaevich - 65 years old
Silivonenko Igor Vasilievich
Sinyak Vladimir Anatolievich
Gubin Ilya Nikolaevich
Ivanova Elena Borisovna
Rebrina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Surkova Olga Vladimirovna
Stolyarov Alexander Nikolaevich
11 April - Zaitsev Sergey Vyacheslavovich
Shumskikh Ivan Efimovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Argastsev Alexander Nikolaevich
Samolevsky Vitaly Alekseevich
Kalinovsky German Evgenievich
Zarubetsky Alexander Mikhailovich - 55 years old
12th of April - Utkin Nikolay Nikolaevich
Shirshin Sergey Alexandrovich - 55 years old
April 15 - Sorokin Viktor Ivanovich
Apykhtin Oleg Alekseevich
Shobolov Mikhail Alexandrovich - 55 years old
Shaposhnikova Galina Nikolaevna
Relin Polikarp Gavrilovich - 95 years old - participant in the Great Patriotic War
Tumanov Vitaly Vitalievich
Syrygin Vladislav Viktorovich
April 16 - Gurov Dmitry Vasilievich
Nechaev Ivan Gavrilovich - 90 years old
April 17 - Mityasheva Natalia Nikolaevna
Krisanov Nikolai Antonovich
Kovalenko Andrey Yurievich
Dvoretskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna - 60 years old
April 18th - Shatalov Evgeny Ivanovich
Gusev Sergey Yurievich
Kulakov Vyacheslav Sergeevich - 65 years old
Ognev Roman Valerievich
April 19 - Chistyakov Nikolai Viktorovich
Kucheruk Dmitry Olegovich
Zhukova Olga Vyacheslavovna
20 April - Bespalov Alexander Ivanovich
Maksimov Sergey Vladimirovich
Uvarov Sergey Arturovich
Chugunov Vladimir Vladimirovich - 55 years old
Petrenko Andrey Vladimirovich
April 21 - Pridvorev Grigory Sergeevich
Gaidukova Mila Vasilievna
Dub Valery Nikolaevich
Abrosimov Nikolay Vasilievich
Padalkin Stanislav Evgenievich
April 22 - Opanasenko Vladimir Petrovich
Korshunov Alexander Alexandrovich
April 23 - Zadorozhny Valery Parfentievich
Alekseenko Vyacheslav Borisovich
Sergeev Oleg Valerievich
Karnov Anton Sergeevich
April 24 - Alibekov Gafiz Murtuz-ogly
Plevako Alexander Nikolaevich - 50 years old
25th of April - Kuzmin Nikolay Aleksandrovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Toloknov Valery Alexandrovich
Kashin Alexander Mikhailovich
Anikin Vadim Viktorovich
26 April - Artemov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Ear Valery Viktorovich
April 27 - Zazdravnykh Nikolay Valerievich
Radionova Tatyana Alexandrovna
April 28 - Salnikov Dmitry Alexandrovich
Pivovarov Andrey Alexandrovich
Andreev Vladimir Alexandrovich
April 29 - Kamensky Lev Veniaminovich
Studennikov Grigory Leonidovich - 65 years old
Lavrov Boris Vasilievich
April 30 - Ryabchich Vitaly Mikhailovich
Vorsin Konstantin Nikiforovich
Shkvarov Sergey Leonidovich
Bublikova Ekaterina Yurievna


Chairman of the VFES Council of Veterans

On March 15, 2019, the meeting of the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service V.V. Vorobyov with the leadership of the Department of Financial Support of the Ministry of Defense, headed by E.G. Pronsky. During the meeting, an exchange of experience in the financial support of the Armed Forces in various periods of their construction and development was carried out.

At the same time, a professional conversation took place on various issues related to the need for accounting in the troops and forces, especially in wartime, the quality and prospects for the introduction of treasury technologies to support the Armed Forces, etc. Issues of joint work with veterans of the financial service in 2019 were discussed.

Retired Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov heartily congratulated E.G. Pronsky on his birthday, presented him with the anniversary medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum "100 years of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces" and a commemorative badge "In commemoration of the opening of the monument to front-line financiers of the Second World War."

The meeting and exchange of views were held with some benefit and in a good working atmosphere. V.V. In conclusion, Vorobyov wished all those present further fruitful work on financial support for strengthening the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces and social protection of military personnel, military service veterans and their families.



About awarding I.M. Belova

Today, March 19, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet I.M. Belova celebrates her birthday. She turns 50 years old.

Irina Mikhailovna graduated from the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Higher Marine Engineering School of the Ministry of the Navy in 1992 with a degree in economics.

After moving to the city of Sevastopol in 1993, she connected her career with the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet, where she held the positions of head of clerical work-typist, head of secret office work, accountant, chief accountant and leading economist of the financial and economic department of the fleet.

From 2015 to the present, Irina Mikhailovna has been a document specialist at the Center for Financial and Economic Support of the Black Sea Fleet.

General experience of I.M. Belova in the financial and economic work of the Black Sea Fleet is 26 years old.

In all her positions, Irina Mikhailovna conscientiously performed her official duties, showed exceptional diligence, professionalism, responsibility and modesty, for which she was repeatedly encouraged by the management.

I order:

1. Award I.M. Belov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating you on your anniversary, I wish you, Irina Mikhailovna, good health and family well-being for many years, good spirits and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of reserve colonel V.M. Shmarko

Today, March 12, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, Colonel V.M. Shmarko celebrates his birthday. He turns 55 years old.

Vasily Maksimovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he was sent to the Trans-Baikal Military District. For 23 years, he honestly and conscientiously served in the Armed Forces in various positions of the financial and economic service from the head of the financial service of the battalion to the head financial management overhaul of aircraft equipment and weapons of the Air Force.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces, he continued to work in financial and economic work - the chief accountant of the Joint Stock Company "Moscow Inter-Republican Winery", and in 2011 he again connected his activities with the Ministry of Defense and became the chief accountant of the Joint Stock Company "Aviaremont". From 2013 to the present, he has been the chief accountant of Joint Stock Company Voentelekom.

Vasily Maksimovich has good moral and combat qualities, is devoted to his chosen cause and has always shown high professionalism and integrity in the service, Special attention devoted to the preservation and economical use of public funds. Currently, he actively participates in the work of the Council of Veterans, provides comprehensive assistance and support in solving its statutory tasks.

I order:

1. For many years of high-quality and conscientious performance of official duties for the financial support of military units, institutions and organizations of the Armed Forces, active participation in the work of a veteran organization and connection with the 55th anniversary, award Colonel of the Reserve V.M. Shmarko with a bust “Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov".

2. Happy birthday, I wish you, Vasily Maksimovich, good health and well-being, success and good luck in all your affairs, further fruitful and noble work in our veteran organization.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


The Board of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, on behalf of the men of the Council, warmly and cordially congratulates you, our veterans, on the upcoming Holiday - International Women's Day on March 8!

International Women's Day is a holiday of Spring, happiness, warmth and love! And on this day, we express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to you for preserving the glorious traditions of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces, active participation in the work of the veterans' organization, your diligence, diligence, attention and charm give us positive, increase efficiency, make life the most active, fruitful and interesting.

And today women, including military financiers, make a certain contribution to the financial and economic support of the Armed Forces, are a reliable rear for the defenders of our Motherland.

We sincerely wish you good health, patience and personal well-being. May this wonderful spring day fill your hearts with joy and happiness.

Happy holiday to you!

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the VFES, retired Colonel-General V. Vorobyov

In March, members of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service celebrate their birthday:

March 1 - Mayorov Anatoly Alekseevich
Gordienko Anatoly Nikiforovich
Krasnoseltseva Lyubov Petrovna
Yastrebov Alexander Valentinovich
Romanov Viktor Vasilievich
2nd of March - Krasnorutsky Sergey Fedorovich
Mezin Gleb Vladislavovich
Nechay Oleg Andreevich
March, 3rd - Borovikov Roman Veniaminovich
Shilnikov Gennady Pavlovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Ermakov Semyon Mikhailovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Grigoriev Sergey Anatolievich
Pukhov Roman Vasilievich
March 4 - Subbotin Sergey Nikolaevich
Cherkasov Vitaly Evgenievich
Pustovalov Ivan Ivanovich
Gaivoronskaya Galina Vladimirovna
Kondratiev Denis Vitalievich
5th of March - Andreev Oleg Evgenievich
Gushchin Alexander Arkadievich
Andrashchuk Evgeny Klimentievich
Voit Eduard Valerievich
March, 6 - Khitrov Alexey Gennadievich
Bastin Viktor Konstantinovich
March 7 - Kushch Alexander Viktorovich
Grigoriev Sergey Alexandrovich
Vagner Alexander Viktorovich
Markovsky Evgeny Vladimirovich
March 8 - Grebenik Viktor Vasilievich
Nazarov Vladimir Petrovich
Gorev Sergey Leonidovich
Kostyuchenko Sergey Borisovich
Pomuran Nikolai Petrovich
Fadeev Andrey Mikhailovich
Vavilov Sergey Yurievich - 60 years old
9th of March - Ustraikh Natalia Nikolaevna
Nikitin Sergey Vladimirovich
Zabelin Evgeny Sergeevich
Kulebyakin Mikhail Borisovich
10th of March - Antipov Viktor Alexandrovich
Novakov Mikhail Emelyanovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Kolesnikov Vladimir Grigorievich
Zherebtsov Alexander Nikolaevich
11th of March - Vashchenko Sergey Pavlovich
Shut Dmitry Valerievich
Pelevin Alexey Leonidovich
Skoropukhov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich
Aseev Alexey Georgievich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Zhuravlev Ilya Alekseevich
March 12 - Klykov Alexander Alekseevich
Shmarko Vasily Maksimovich
Kulaga Vladimir Ivanovich
March 13 - Ivannikova Alla Alexandrovna
Budyonny Nikolay Yakovlevich
Ryabinin Vasily Andreevich
Tsuprun Oleg Semenovich
March 14th - Kulikov Sergey Nikolaevich
Artemov Anton Nikiforovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
March 15th - Sevruk Nikolai Mikhailovich
Paliukh Andrey Ivanovich
Kharchenko Valentina Vilyamovna
March 16 - Malygin Anatoly Nikolaevich
Zeitlin Vitaly Leonidovich
Bakhtin Vasily Filippovich
March 17 - Dovguchits Sergey Ivanovich
Ivakhnenko Yulia Alexandrovna
Mikhailov Nikolai Kirillovich
Baranov Alexander Sergeevich
18th of March - Varlamova Lyudmila Alekseevna
March 19 - Tarasov Mikhail Leonidovich
Chepelev Vladimir Vladimirovich
Ivanov Eduard Alexandrovich
Efromeev Evgeny Alexandrovich
Belova Irina Mikhailovna - 50 years old
Tkach Anatoly Grigorievich
20th of March - Razvodovsky Sergey Alekseevich
Varchenko Anton Vasilievich
21 March - Kravchenko Alexander Fedorovich
Katysheva Irina Vladimirovna
March 22 - Shashunov Andrey Nikolaevich
Vashchilin Alexander Anatolievich
Sosunov Pavel Vladimirovich
Grigoryan Artur Vazgenovich
Ermolenko Alexander Viktorovich
March 23 - Yatsuk Tamara Vasilievna
Wagner Nina Nikolaevna
March 24 - Mitrofanov Anton Viktorovich
Kurapov Pavel Viktorovich
Lukyanchenko Valentin Ivanovich
Tsykhler Zinaida Pavlovna
March 25 - Napreev Fedor Yurievich
March 27 - Yatkin Alexander Gennadievich
Savitsky Yuri Alexandrovich
March 28 - Malyuta Alexander Vitalievich
March 29 - Ivlev Alexander Nikolaevich
30th of March - Chistov Igor Vadimovich
Zhelyabin Alexey Ivanovich
Melkov Sergey Anatolievich
Nadykto Vladimir Evgenievich
March 31 - Zaikov Sergey Alexandrovich
Gasimov Rashad Adil ogly
Borisyuk Nikolay Valentinovich

The Board of the Council of Veterans warmly congratulates colleagues on this personal holiday, wishes good health, well-being and good luck in all matters for the benefit of our Fatherland.


Chairman of the VFES Council of Veterans

retired Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov

On February 21, 2019, at the Central House of the Russian Army, the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service held a solemn event dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Soviet Army and Navy, as well as the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

The ceremony was attended by combatants in Afghanistan, members of the board of the Council and invited veterans of the financial service.

Chairman of the Board Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov warmly and cordially congratulated those present on the holidays and, on behalf of the commander of the 40th OA, General of the Army V. Ermakov, presented certificates and medals to the soldiers of the internationalists - participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan, and some honored members of the Council of Veterans - the badge of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation " For Merit", medal "Colonel-General V.N. Dutov" and "100 years of financial and economic service of the Armed Forces".

So, awards for participation in hostilities as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan were presented to retired colonel N.G. Kichmarenko, reserve colonel A.P. Muzenko, reserve lieutenant colonel M.A. Timovsky, Colonel A.A. Uvarov.

Badge "For Merit" was awarded to Colonel of the Reserve A.N. Borisov.

Medal "Colonel General V.N. Dutov" was awarded to Colonel G.L. Studennikov.

The medal "100 Years of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces" was awarded to Colonel S.D. Nartov.

The meeting was held in a warm, sincere and friendly atmosphere.



On awarding retired lieutenant colonel R.V. Razdobudko

Today, February 28, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired Lieutenant Colonel R.V. Razdobudko celebrates its anniversary. He turns 75 years old.

Ruslan Vasilievich, after graduating from the Ordzhonikidze Financial College of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR in 1963, entered the Courses for the Training of Financial Service Officers at the Yaroslavl Military School and after graduating in 1964 was sent to the Belarusian Military District, where he served as head of financial allowance - head of office work the economic part of the missile division, the head of the financial allowance of the chemical defense battalion and the artillery regiment. In 1970, he passed the exams as an external student for the full course of the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva.

In 1972 he entered the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute, after completing his studies in 1976-1981 he served in the Baku Air Defense District as an inspector-auditor of the financial service of the corps.

Since 1981, for 11 years, R.V. Razdobudko was a teacher of monetary allowance at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 1992, he continued his career as a deputy director for economic work at the Krasny Mayak plant and head of the personnel department at the Yaroslavl regional department of Rosgosstrakh, and from 1999 to 2009 he taught at the Yaroslavl Trade College.

General military and work experience R.V. Razdobudko is over 46 years old, including 29 years in the Armed Forces.

In all positions, Ruslan Vasilievich was distinguished by devotion to military duty, adherence to principles and perseverance, diligence and modesty, professional skills and honesty.

I order:

1. For a conscientious attitude to official and labor activities, selfless work in the training of officers of the financial and economic service and in connection with the 75th birthday, award retired lieutenant colonel R.V. Razdobudko with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum “For Contribution to the Training and Education of Personnel”.

2. I wish you, Ruslan Vasilyevich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits and good luck.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of reserve colonel A.I. Kovalchuk

Today, February 28, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region reserve colonel A.I. Kovalchuk is celebrating his birthday. He turns 60 years old.

Alexander Ivanovich in 1976 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1980 he was sent to the Trans-Baikal Military District, where he served as the head of the financial service of the pipeline battalion and the pipeline brigade.

In 1987 he entered the Military Finance and Economics Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute, after completing his studies in 1990, he served in the Leningrad Military District as head of the financial service of the storage base for weapons and equipment of the motorized rifle troops of the army corps, motorized rifle division, senior officer of the economic group, as well as a senior inspector-auditor of the inspection of the financial and economic department of the district. Since 1998, in the financial inspection of the district, he served as head of the financial and economic activity control department.

After dismissal in 2004 from the Ministry of Defense A.I. Kovalchuk entered the military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia as the head of the control and audit department of the North-Western Regional Center, and after being transferred to the reserve, he continued to fulfill this position as a civil servant for three years. Currently, he is the leading accountant of the Federal State Institution "Department of the Financial Department of the Ministry of Defense for St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia."

General military and work experience A.I. Kovalchuk is over 43 years old.

In all his positions, Alexander Ivanovich conscientiously fulfilled his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, diligence and modesty, honesty and professionalism, for which he was repeatedly encouraged by the command. He takes an active part in the work of the regional branch of the veterans' organization.

I order:

1. For impeccable military service, results achieved in official activities, distinctions in the performance of labor duties and in connection with the 60th anniversary of his birth, award Colonel A.I. Kovalchuk with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For Contribution to the Training and Education of Personnel".

2. Congratulating you on your anniversary, I wish you, Alexander Ivanovich, good health for many years, good spirits, well-being and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, February 22, 2019, is the birthday of the chairman of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Sverdlovsk Region Doloshkan Georgy Nikolaevich.

On February 19, 2019, the board of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, on the eve of the significant holiday of February 23 - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, visited the veterans of the Great Patriotic War - veterans of the financial service at home.

This time, the management of Promsvyazbank PJSC joined our good tradition.

During the congratulations, the veterans were presented with memorable souvenirs and holiday food packages. In turn, they warmly and cordially spoke of the attention and help, thanked the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service and the management of PJSC Promsvyazbank for congratulations and constant care.


Dear comrades!

On behalf of the Board of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, I cordially congratulate all members of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

February 23 is a professional holiday for veterans of the military service of the Soviet Army and Navy and all Russian military, which is celebrated in every family and is considered the day of real men.

On this festive day, it is pleasant to note that military financiers of different generations at all stages of Soviet and Russian history made a worthy contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability, the development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the social protection of military personnel and their families, and reliably defended the interests of the state.

The Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service always treats veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers and other veterans of the financial service with deep respect and gratitude, constantly shows paternal care and provides them with comprehensive assistance and attention.

Happy Soviet Army and Navy Day to you!

Accept the wishes of good health for many years to you and your loved ones, family well-being and strength of mind, always be in combat formation and honorably carry the title of an officer-financier.

retired Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov



About rewarding retired colonel A.D. Burykina

Today, February 20, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired colonel A.D. Burykin celebrates an anniversary. He turns 60 years old.

Alexey Dmitrievich in 1976 entered the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol, after graduating from which in 1980 he was sent to the Tyndinsky district of the Amur Region to build the Baikal-Amur Mainline, where he served as head of the rear food service of the 35th separate railway brigade.

Since 1986, he served as assistant chief for logistics - head of the logistics department of the Lepel military sanatorium in the Belarusian military district.

In 1992, he graduated from the command faculty of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport and was sent to the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva, where for 17 years he was a teacher, senior lecturer, deputy head and head of the department of economics and organization of the military economy.

After studying in 2000-2001 in the correspondence doctoral studies of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov, he was awarded the degree of doctor in 2002 economic sciences, and in 2003 he was awarded the academic title "Professor".

After his dismissal in 2009, he continued his career as a professor at the Department of Economics and Organization of the Military Economy of the branch of the Military Financial and Economic University, since 2010 at the same department of the Military University, and from 2012 to the present - at the Department of Management of Daily Activities of Units in Yaroslavl higher military school of air defense.

At the same time, he works as a professor at the Yaroslavl branch of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.

Alexey Dmitrievich is the author of many publications, scientific papers and textbooks. Since 2010, he has been an Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education Russian Federation, and in 2011 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Military Sciences.

General military and work experience A.D. Burykin is over 43 years old.

In all positions, Aleksey Dmitrievich conscientiously fulfilled his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, diligence and professionalism, for which he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, departmental medals, as well as the Order of Vernadsky Star, I degree.

I order:

1. For the results achieved in official activities, distinctions in the performance of labor duties and in connection with the 60th anniversary of his birth, to award retired colonel A.D. Burykin with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For Contribution to the Training and Education of Personnel".

2. Congratulating you on your anniversary, I wish you, Alexey Dmitrievich, good health for many years, good spirits, well-being and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov

Dear comrades!

February 15, 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops and military formations of the 40th Combined Arms Army from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers.

This significant memorable date has entered the history of our state forever, and the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Warriors symbolizes the memory of Soviet servicemen who performed their military duty far from their relatives and Motherland.

Unfortunately, modern authorities still do not favor this day everywhere. But despite this, memorial monuments have been erected by veterans throughout the country, rallies and charity events are being held, reminding the state of its obligations to the soldiers, whose lives were once used for geopolitical purposes.

During the 10-year period of hostilities conducted by the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, military financiers performed their military duty with dignity, who under difficult conditions solved the problems of financial support for the troops, and often took part in combat operations on an equal footing with other officers and soldiers. Many of them were awarded state awards for their valiant military work.

An invaluable role and place in organizing and providing funding for the troops of the 40th combined arms army belongs to the officers of the financial service of the Turkestan military district.

From the board of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, I cordially congratulate the veterans of the military financial and economic service who served and are directly involved in hostilities as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, as well as in other hot spots on the Day of Remembrance of Soldiers - internationalists.

I wish you good health for many years, family well-being, always be in combat formation and bear the title of Russian internationalist soldier with honor.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of retired colonel Yu.V. Anisimova

Today, February 15, 2019, a member of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, retired Colonel Yu.V. Anisimov celebrates his anniversary. He turns 70 years old.

Yuri Vladimirovich in 1968 entered the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1971 he was sent to the Moscow Military District as the head of the financial allowance design organization engineering troops.

In 1974 he entered the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute and after completing his studies in 1978 he served in the Strategic Missile Forces as an inspector-auditor of the Main Test Center for Testing and Control of Space Assets.

Since 1982, in the financial and economic department of the Military Space Forces, he held the positions of an officer, senior officer and head of the group for control and revision work, pricing, planning and financing of military units and institutions.

Subsequently, from 1996 until his retirement in 2013, he served and worked in various positions in financial authorities Federal Service security of the Russian Federation.

General military and work experience Yu.V. Anisimov is over 45 years old, including 28 years in the Armed Forces.

Official activity Yu.V. Anisimov was distinguished by high professionalism, hard work, the ability to manage subordinates and to solve problems in an organized manner for the high-quality financial support of units and formations.

I order:

1. For long conscientious service in the financial support of military units and institutions, organizations financial control and in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth, to award retired colonel Yu.V. Anisimov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Yuri Vladimirovich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits and the fulfillment of all your plans.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of Lieutenant Colonel S.A. Badanova

Today, February 11, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Lieutenant Colonel of the Reserve S.A. Badanov celebrates his fifty-fifth birthday.

Sergey Alexandrovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he was sent to the Leningrad Military District, where for more than twenty-eight years he served as the head of the financial service of a separate repair and restoration battalion, a motorized rifle regiment, the head of the financial department (chief accountant) of the 442 district military clinical hospital, and then as an assistant the head of the same hospital for financial and economic work - the head of the financial and economic department.

After his dismissal in 2009 from the ranks of the Armed Forces to the reserve, and to the present day, he continues to work in the same position.

The total experience of military service and labor activity of S.A. Badanova is over 38 years old.

During the period of service and work in all positions, Sergei Aleksandrovich successfully and timely resolved issues of financial support for personnel, while showing integrity and perseverance, honesty and professionalism. Today he takes an active part in the work of the regional branch of the veterans' organization, provides practical assistance to veterans.

I order:

1. For the qualitative solution of official and labor tasks and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, award Lieutenant Colonel S.A. Badanov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For honest service".

2. Congratulating you on your birthday, I wish you, Sergey Alexandrovich, good health, well-being, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov

On February 5, 2019, a solemn event was held at the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service on the occasion of the celebration of anniversaries: 70 years of retired colonel I.V. Grabovoi and 60 years old reserve colonel V.A. Lopatin.

Together with the heroes of the day, congratulations were received by active members of the board, reserve colonels A.A. Venediktov and S.A. Batsalev.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans, retired Colonel-General V.V. Vorobyov read out the award orders and, congratulating the anniversaries, outlined in detail the merits of each of them.

Retired Colonel I.V. Grabovoi was awarded the medal of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces" with the presentation of the bust of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.

Reserve Colonel V.A. Lopatin was awarded the bust of Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I.V. Stalin.

Reserve Colonel A.A. Venediktov was awarded the medal of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces", and retired colonel S.A. Batsalev - a valuable gift, a two-volume book from the series "The Life of Remarkable People" "Stalin" and "Zhukov".

All those present warmly and cordially congratulated the heroes of the day, wished them good health, family well-being and further fruitful work in the veterans' organization.

In February, members of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service celebrate their birthday:

1st of February - Sapegin Alexey Vladimirovich
Grabovoi Ivan Vasilyevich - 70 years old
February 2 - Batsalev Sergey Alexandrovich
Ganin Alexander Vasilievich
Shevchenko Valery Nikolaevich - 70 years old
Tereshchenko Igor Vladilenovich
Lyapichev Alexander Ivanovich
Serebrennikov Vasily Stepanovich - 55 years old
Polyakova Nina Pavlovna
Lopatin Vasily Alekseevich - 60 years old
Slavkina Tatyana Mikhailovna
February 3rd - Bronitsky Mikhail Igorevich
Khomutov Andrey Vasilievich
Saraev Vladimir Illarionovich
February 4 - Markovsky Valery Antonovich
Kolyvanov Alexander Alekseevich
February 5th - Osipov Nikolai Vasilyevich - 90 years old - participant in the Great Patriotic War
Poltavets Boris Vasilievich
Bogdanova Elena Vasilievna
February 6 - Belozerov Vladimir Alexandrovich
Karlina Tatyana Vasilievna - 55 years old
Sukhoruchenkov Anatoly Mikhailovich
February 7 - Senin Nikolay Evdokimovich
Ovchinnikov Gennady Nikolaevich
Kolosov Dmitry Anatolievich
February 8 - Gruzdev Andrey Stanislavovich
February 9th - Bondar Sergey Nikolaevich
Kolesov Roman Vladimirovich
Nazarov Alexander Anatolievich
Barannikov Dmitry Anatolievich
February 10 - Eliseeva Anastasia Vasilievna
11 February - Badanov Sergey Alexandrovich - 55 years old
Ryltsev Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Chernobay Elena Viktorovna
Varchuk Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
12th of February - Shvets Andrey Yurievich
Loiko Nikolai Nikolaevich
Vukolov Yury Ivanovich
February 13 - Romashov Evgeny Valentinovich
Gorodilova Irina Yurievna
The 14th of February - Kornov Alexander Alekseevich
Korshunov Sergey Anatolievich
Belozor Vladimir Nikolaevich
Chernisevich Victor Kazimirovich
Karpova Natalya Alexandrovna
Shapovalov Alexander Alexandrovich
Boksha Nikolay Vasilievich
February, 15 - Martynov Sergey Alexandrovich
Kuzemkin Nikolay Stepanovich
Anisimov Yuri Vladimirovich - 70 years old
Levkin Alexander Ivanovich
Samoylenko Oleg Vasilievich
February 16 - Mindiev NAIL Khaidarovich
Balashov Maxim Borisovich
February 17 - Palachev Alexey Vladimirovich
Brednev Vasily Mikhailovich
Mikhailov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Krivoshein Alexander Viktorovich
Zhigalo Vladimir Leonidovich
18th of Febuary - Yafarova Rimma Rustyamovna
Kholin Vladimir Ivanovich
Samoilov Boris Semyonovich
Tetelbaum Valery Iosifovich
February 19 - Arbuzin Oleg Vladimirovich
Malinovsky Sergey Vasilievich
Muravyov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Zaretsky Valentin Anatolievich
February 20th - Fedoseev Dmitry Borisovich
Burykin Alexey Dmitrievich - 60 years old
February 21 - Nesterov Yury Leonidovich
February 22 - Matveev Andrey Anatolievich
Dmitriev Sergey Borisovich
Menkin Andrey Arkadievich
Viktorov Vladimir Ivanovich
Mishchenko Anatoly Denisovich
Doloshkan Georgy Nikolaevich
24 February - Karabut Evgeniy Viktorovich
25 February - Ilyichev Igor Ilyich
Kuchmasov Alexey Vasilievich
Naumov Oleg Viktorovich
February 26 - Drabatulin Evgeny Alexandrovich
Smirnov Alexander Vladimirovich
Vinogradov Yury Borisovich
February 27 - Chursin Ivan Ivanovich
Gorshenina Natalya Petrovna
28th of February - Razdobudko Ruslan Vasilyevich - 75 years old
Bagun Viktor Mikhailovich
Kovalchuk Alexander Ivanovich - 60 years old
Bogomolov Alexey Sergeevich

The Board of the Council of Veterans warmly congratulates colleagues on this personal holiday, wishes good health, well-being and good luck in all matters for the benefit of our Fatherland.


Chairman of the VFES Council of Veterans

retired Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of Lieutenant Colonel S.V. Pyatnitsky

Today, January 25, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet, lieutenant colonel of the reserve S.V. Pyatnitsky celebrates his fifty-fifth birthday.

Sergey Vladimirovich in 1981 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1985 he was sent to the Odessa Military District as the head of the financial service of a motorized rifle regiment.

Subsequently, in the Black Sea Fleet, until he was transferred to the reserve in 2013, he served as senior inspector-auditor of the financial department of the Sevastopol garrison, head of the cash settlement department and head of the department of labor and wages of civilian personnel of the Financial and Economic Department of the Fleet

General experience S.V. Pyatnitsky in the Armed Forces is more than 32 years old.

In all positions held by S.V. Pyatnitsky conscientiously performed his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, honesty and professionalism. Currently, he actively participates in the work of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans.

I order:

1. For a quality and conscientious decision official duties and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, award Lieutenant Colonel S.V. Pyatnitsky with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating you on your birthday, I wish you, Sergey Vladimirovich, good health and well-being, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On awarding retired lieutenant colonel G.P. Kryukov

Today, January 25, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired lieutenant colonel G.P. Kryukov celebrates his anniversary. He turns 75 years old.

Gennady Petrovich, after graduating from the Kalinin Suvorov Military School in 1962, entered, and in 1965 graduated from the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev and was sent to the Far Eastern Military District, where he served as head of the financial allowance of the aviation technical base, a separate regiment and inspector-auditor of the financial service of the Long-Range Aviation Corps.

In 1970-1974, in the financial service of the Long-Range Aviation Corps in the Trans-Baikal Military District, he held the positions of inspector-auditor and head of the service. In 1973 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Military Finance Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute.

Since 1974 G.P. Kryukov was a military specialist in the Bulgarian People's Army of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, and since 1977 he served as a teacher of the disciplines "Computers" and "Analysis economic activity Industrial Enterprises" at the Department of Accounting and Automation at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 1989, he worked for 11 years at OAO SOEES in Yaroslavsky dispatch control power system of the Yaroslavl region as the chief of staff of civil defense, engineer, chief specialist and head of a special department.

General military and work experience G.P. Kryukov is over 48 years old, including 27 years in the Armed Forces.

In all positions, Gennady Petrovich showed examples of diligence and honesty, devotion to the chosen cause and official duty. Having served at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School for more than twelve years, he put a lot of work into the training and education of military financiers.

I order:

1. For high performance in official and labor activities, selfless work in solving the problems of staffing the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces and in connection with the 75th birthday, award retired Lieutenant Colonel G.P. Kryukov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Gennady Petrovich, good health and prosperity for many years, good spirits and good luck.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, January 23, 2019, is the birthday of the Deputy Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in Primorsky Krai Batsalev Vladimir Alexandrovich.



About rewarding the colonel of the reserve P.V. Serebryakova

Today, January 19, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet, Colonel P.V. Serebryakov celebrates his fiftieth birthday.

Pavel Vasilievich in 1986 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1990 he was sent to the Northern Fleet, where for 9 years he served as the head of the financial service of a separate marine engineering battalion of coastal troops, senior inspector-auditor of the financial department of the North Sea garrison and head of the settlement and cash department of the financial and economic department of the fleet .

In 1999 he entered the Military Financial and Economic University of the Ministry of Defense and upon completion of his studies in 2001 was again sent to the Northern Fleet as the head of the financial service of the flotilla.

Since 2006, in the Black Sea Fleet, he served as head of the organizational and planning department - deputy head of the financial and economic department of the fleet.

After his dismissal in 2012 from the Armed Forces to the reserve, he still continues his labor activity as the head of the financial and economic service of the Feodosia garrison.

General military and work experience P.V. Serebryakov has been in the Armed Forces for more than 32 years.

In all positions held by P.V. Serebryakov conscientiously performed his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, honesty and professionalism.

I order:

1. For the qualitative solution of official and labor tasks and in connection with the 50th anniversary of his birth, award Colonel P.V. Serebryakov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. Congratulating you on your birthday, Pavel Vasilievich, I wish you good health, prosperity, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, January 15, 2019, is the birthday of the Deputy Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Trans-Baikal Territory Zherebtsov Boris Viktorovich.


Today, January 13, 2019, is the birthday of the Chairman of the Siberian Regional Branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service Limaev Yury Ivanovich.



About rewarding retired colonel M.I. Bobkova

Today, January 12, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Sverdlovsk Region, a worker of the home front of the Great Patriotic War, a veteran of the Armed Forces M.I. Bobkov is celebrating his 90th birthday.

Mikhail Ivanovich began his career as a 13-year-old teenager during the Great Patriotic War on the Rodina collective farm in the Kurgan Region, and after graduating from the Shadrinsk Financial College in 1947, he worked as an accountant on the Istra collective farm.

In 1950 M.I. Bobkov was called up for active military service as a rifleman of a training battalion in the Ural Military District, from where he entered the Kaliningrad Military Quartermaster School in 1951, after which he was sent back to the Ural Military District in 1953, where he served as the head of the administrative and economic unit - the head of the financial body of the Irbitsky District Military Commissariat, clerk-treasurer of the administrative and economic department of the regional Sverdlovsk military commissariat, officer and assistant head of the Ordzhonikidzevsky district military commissariat of Sverdlovsk, senior assistant of the financial and pension department for financing and assistant head of the pension group of the financial and pension department of the Sverdlovsk regional military commissariat.

Since 1970 he has been an inspector-auditor of the fourth department of the financial department of the Ural Military District, and since 1973 he has been a senior auditor-inspector of the Military Communications Service of this district.

In 1980-1982, M.I. Bobkov was an assistant to the military commissar for financial and pension provision, head of the financial and pension department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Military Commissariat.

After his dismissal in 1982 for a well-deserved rest, M.I. Bobkov continued his career as an accountant in the organizational and mobilization department of the Volga-Ural Military District, which he performed for 21 years, and his total military and labor experience in the Armed Forces is more than 53 years.

In all positions, Mikhail Ivanovich showed examples of honest service to the Motherland, diligence, devotion to the chosen cause, and over the years of service he invested a lot of work in the pension and social security of military personnel, military pensioners and their families, for which he was repeatedly encouraged by the command and awarded many departmental medals.

I order:

1. For long-term military service, labor activity and in connection with the anniversary - the 90th anniversary of his birth, award M.I. Bobkov with a medal of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "For Honest Service" and a set of miniature photographs "Marshals of the Great Patriotic War".

2. I wish you, Mikhail Ivanovich, good health for many years, good spirits and prosperity.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, January 11, 2019, is the birthday of the chairman of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the city of Nizhny Novgorod Fedorov Vladimir Alexandrovich.


Today, January 9, 2019, is the birthday of the chairman of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Northern Fleet Danilov Yury Valerievich.



On the awarding of retired colonel A.V. Lesika

Today, January 8, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service for the Black Sea Fleet A.V. Lesik is celebrating his 80th birthday.

Anatoly Vasilyevich went through an eventful military service and labor path from a sailor to a colonel, head of the financial service of the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1958, he was called up for active military service as a sailor in the Black Sea Fleet and after its completion he was enrolled in extra-long service, which he held on ships in various positions, including a senior financial battalion.

During this period, he took part in long-distance sea voyages and military service in the World Ocean, and in 1962 - in the actions of the Navy during the Caribbean crisis.

In 1968, he graduated from the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev with the assignment of the military rank of "lieutenant" and was appointed head of the financial service of the naval crew of the Black Sea Fleet.

After graduating in 1975 from the correspondence department of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute, he was directly involved in the creation of the financial service of the Crimean naval base, where he became a senior inspector-auditor and senior assistant to the head of the financial department of this base.

In 1980 A.V. Lesik participated in the large-scale reorganization of the naval aviation of the fleet into the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet and in 1985 headed the financial service of these forces.

After his dismissal in 1992, A.V. Lesik continued his career as the chief accountant of the food service of the Black Sea Fleet, which he performed for 20 years, and his total military and labor experience in the Armed Forces is more than 56 years.

In all positions, Anatoly Vasilievich showed examples of honest service to the Motherland, diligence, devotion to the chosen cause. Over the years of service, he has invested a lot of work in the training and education of military financiers.

I order:

1. For long-term military service, labor activity and in connection with the anniversary - the 80th anniversary of his birth - to award A.V. Lesik with the Order of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service "For personal contribution to the improvement and development of the financial service."

2. I wish you, Anatoly Vasilyevich, good health for many years, good spirits and prosperity.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of retired colonel V.D. Perevalova

Today, January 6, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Yaroslavl Region, retired colonel V.D. Perevalov celebrates its anniversary. He turns 60 years old.

In 1976, Viktor Dmitrievich entered the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, after which in 1980 he was sent to the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany as deputy company commander for political affairs.

Since 1985, he served in the Urals Military District as a deputy commander of a training company for political affairs.

In 1988-1990 V.D. Perevalov participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, first as the secretary of the party organization of the battalion, and then as the deputy commander of the battalion for political affairs.

In 1990 he entered the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin and after completing his studies in 1993 he was sent to the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva, where he served as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Political Science, later - military and humanities.

After his dismissal in 2009, he continued his career at the same department as a teacher, and is currently a teacher at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense.

General military and work experience V.D. Perevalov is over 42 years old.

In all positions, Viktor Dmitrievich conscientiously fulfilled his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, diligence and professionalism. After serving at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev for more than 17 years, he put a lot of work into the training and education of military financiers.

I order:

1. For impeccable military service, results achieved in official activities, distinctions in the performance of labor duties and in connection with the 60th birthday, award retired colonel V.D. Perevalov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the VFES "For contribution to the training and education of personnel."

2. Congratulating you on your anniversary, I wish you, Viktor Dmitrievich, good health for many years, good spirits, well-being and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



About rewarding retired colonel V.V. Shvalova

Today, January 5, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Trans-Baikal Territory, retired colonel V.V. Shvalov celebrates his anniversary. He turns 70 years old.

Vladimir Vissarionovich in 1968 was called up for active military service in the Siberian Military District as a rifleman of a motorized rifle battalion.

Since 1969, he served in the Far Eastern Military District as a senior clerk of the division. At the end of military service in 1970, he was enrolled in extra-long service and became the head of financial allowance - the head of office work of the medical and sanitary battalion.

After graduating in 1972 as an external student of the Yaroslavl Military School named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva was sent to the Northern Group of Forces as the head of the battalion's financial allowance.

Since 1977, he served in the Moscow Military District as the head of the financial allowance of the department, assistant to the head of the financial service - inspector-auditor and head of the financial service of the division.

In 1982-1991 V.V. Shvalov served as head of the financial department - chief accountant of the political department of the Trans-Baikal Military District and the Central Group of Forces.

Since 1992, for 14 years he was the head of the financial department and the department of the headquarters of the Trans-Baikal and Siberian military districts.

After his dismissal in 2006, he continued his career and is currently the leading economist of the department for settlements with personnel of the Federal State Institution "Department of Financial Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the Trans-Baikal Territory".

General military and work experience in the Armed Forces V.V. Shvalova is 51 years old.

In all positions, Vladimir Vissarionovich showed examples of hard work and honesty, devotion to duty, for which he was awarded the Order of Honor, the medal "For Military Merit" and many others.

I order:

1. For long-term service, conscientious performance of official duties and in connection with the anniversary - the 70th anniversary of his birth, award retired colonel V.V. Shvalov with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum "100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces."

2. I wish you, Vladimir Vissarionovich, good health and well-being for many years, good spirits, and good luck in all your endeavors.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov



On the awarding of reserve colonel A.V. Kovalenko

Today, January 3, 2019, a member of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Rostov Region, Colonel of the Reserve A.V. Kovalenko celebrates his fifty-fifth birthday.

Anatoly Viktorovich in 1982 entered the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, after which in 1986 he was sent to the Trans-Baikal Military District, where for 12 years he served as the head of the financial service of a separate battalion, training regiment and head of the financial group - chief accountant of the educational work of the district.

Since 1998, in the North Caucasus Military District, he served as assistant commander of an artillery brigade for financial and economic work, head of the accounting and analytical department - chief accountant of the financial and economic department and head of the financial department - chief accountant of the district headquarters. A.V. Kovalenko in the period from 1999 to 2001 was directly involved in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region, providing allowance formed battalions of the Chechen Republic.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces in 2009, he continued his career as the chief specialist of the security department of Rostovenergo, and from 2014 to the present he has been the Deputy General Director of PATRIOT-Service JSC.

General military and work experience A.V. Kovalenko is 36 years old, including more than 27 years in the Armed Forces.

In all positions, Anatoly Viktorovich conscientiously performed his official duties, showed integrity and perseverance, honesty and professional skills, for which he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree with swords and many departmental medals. He takes an active part in the work of the veterans' organization.

I order:

1. For the qualitative solution of official and labor tasks and in connection with the 55th anniversary of his birth, award Colonel of the Reserve A.V. Kovalenko with the medal of the Council of Veterans of the All-Russian Economic Forum “100 years of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces”.

2. Happy birthday, I wish you, Anatoly Viktorovich, good health, prosperity, success and good luck in all your affairs.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service
retired colonel general V.V. Vorobyov


Today, January 1, 2019, is the birthday of the chairman of the regional branch of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service in the Samara Region Levkovitsky Nikolai Ivanovich.

In January, members of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service celebrate their birthday:

1st of January - Panfilova Elena Gennadievna
Grigoriev Vladimir Leonidovich
Gladyshev Nikolai Alexandrovich
Orlov Oleg Viktorovich
Podrezov Vladimir Ivanovich
Bavolsky Anatoly Mikhailovich
Gritsai Alexander Ivanovich
Levkovitsky Nikolai Ivanovich - 70 years old
Stepanov Valery Pavlovich
January 2 - Golovetsky Nikolay Yakovlevich
Oleinik Pavel Grigorievich
Gomzin Yury Vyacheslavovich - 55 years old
Rodionov Alexander Pavlovich
Garachkun Evgeny Antonovich
Popov Yury Arkadievich
Larin Andrey Anatolievich
Mazyarkina Ludmila Ivanovna
January 3 - Pantyushev Valery Egorovich
Serebryakov Alexander Ivanovich
Dominov Azat Mansurovich
Kovalenko Anatoly Viktorovich - 55 years old
Sagdeev Ravil Ravilevich
Korkhov Dmitry Nikolaevich
Venediktov Andrey Albertovich
4 January - Chebnev Alexander Valentinovich
Pustobaev Sergey Yurievich
5 January - Ovechko Oleg Alexandrovich
Shvalov Vladimir Vissarionovich - 70 years old
6th January - Perevalov Viktor Dmitrievich - 60 years old
Chapkin Vyacheslav Anatolievich
Jan. 7 - Music Alexander Ivanovich
Koptyaev Vasily Petrovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Morgachev Nikolay Ivanovich
January 8 - Korotaeva Nadezhda Ivanovna
Lesik Anatoly Vasilyevich - 80 years old
Chernykh Sergey Leonidovich
Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich
Ovchinnikova Irina Ivanovna
Vidler Anatoly Alexandrovich
Fomin Yuri Alexandrovich
January 9 - Zadolinny Evgeny Bogdanovich
Danilov Yury Valerievich
Soroka Oleg Vitalievich
January 10 - Sviridchenko Yury Alexandrovich
January 11 - Fedorov Vladimir Alexandrovich
Morev Dmitry Vladimirovich
January 12 - Bobkov Mikhail Ivanovich - 90 years old
Kozlov Roman Nikolaevich
Romanov Artem Evgenievich
Aristov Dmitry Vasilievich
13th of January - Lunev Vladimir Vasilievich
Brusentsev Viktor Viktorovich
Kharlashkin Valery Viktorovich
Limaev Yury Ivanovich
Bloshenko Victor Anatolievich
Zubarev Alexander Alekseevich
Biryukov Igor Anatolievich
Koval Anatoly Vasilievich
January 14 - Mramornova Olga Viktorovna
January 15 - Tovpik Dmitry Nikolaevich
Topchiy Alexander Ivanovich
Dyumin Anatoly Konstantinovich
Zherebtsov Boris Victorovich
January 16 - Polyukhovich Anatoly Ivanovich
Rakov Nikolai Alexandrovich
Kosarev Alexander Veniaminovich
Razdoburdina Lyubov Vyacheslavovna
January 17 - Tolpekin Andrey Viktorovich
Razumeiko Alexander Vladimirovich
Tolpekin Andrey Viktorovich
Batishchev Andrey Vyacheslavovich
January 18 - Peshanitsky Vladimir Efimovich
Kramerov Sergey Danilovich - 60 years old
Fritzler Viktor Alexandrovich
Khristolyubov Mikhail Alexandrovich
January 19 - Palevich Vladimir Stepanovich
Stepchenkov Anton Yurievich
Tsygankov Oleg Valerievich
Serebryakov Pavel Vasilyevich - 50 years old
January 20th - Zhukova Tatyana Vladimirovna
January 21 - Beketov Denis Yurievich (from OsipovaS)
Ryabkov Andrey Alekseevich
Lukin Oleg Vasilievich
Romanov Mikhail Gennadievich
January 23 - Batsalev Vladimir Alexandrovich
Smolyar Ilya Lvovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War
Gorodovoy Sergey Alexandrovich
January 24 - Moreev Igor Yurievich - 55 years old
Khilko Andrey Grigorievich - 55 years old
The 25th of January - Mychko Dmitry Sergeevich
Kryukov Gennady Petrovich - 75 years old
Gazaryan Alexander Samvelovich
Kornyukhin Alexander Vladimirovich
Bovtach Olga Borisovna
Ibragimova Svetlana Vasilievna
January 26 - Pyatnitsky Sergey Vladimirovich - 55 years old
Efremov Sergey Alexandrovich
Kandyba Andrey Alexandrovich
January 27 - Kursov Valery Nikolaevich
28 January - Rumyantsev Vasily Nikolaevich
Novik Dmitry Anatolievich
January 29 - Poleshchuk Nadezhda Fedorovna
Mikhailov Dmitry Borisovich
Kiselev Alexander Alexandrovich
Berezovskaya Ludmila Vladimirovna
Count Elena Ivanovna
January 30 - Lyashenko Galina Alekseevna
Glukhova-Boyarshinova Larisa Vladimirovna
Stepanov Yury Sergeevich
January 31 - Manchukkhaev Pavel Alekseevich - 55 years old
Lozhnikova Elena Nikolaevna

The Board of the Council of Veterans warmly congratulates colleagues on this personal holiday, wishes good health, well-being and good luck in all matters for the benefit of our Fatherland.


Chairman of the VFES Council of Veterans

retired Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov

  • Graduate of military training courses at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1970)

    1973-1975 - military service on conscription

    Junior lieutenant engineer since 1971

    Colonel since 1991

    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor


    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"


    Badge of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

    • "Civil protection. For success"

  • Graduate of the Kharkov Higher Command and Engineering School of the Missile Forces. Marshal Krylov (1989)

    Lieutenant since 1989

    Colonel since 2008

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


    • Veteran of military service

    Insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

      "Chief Marshal of Artillery Nedelin"

      "For service in the Strategic Missile Forces"

  • He graduated from the Voroshilovgrad Higher Military Aviation School for Navigators named after V.I. Proletariat of Donbass (1985)

    Air Force Academy. Yu.A. Gagarina (1997)

    Lieutenant since 1985

    Lieutenant Colonel since 1998

    Candidate of sociological sciences.


    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • Veteran of military service

  • Graduated from the Sverdlovsk SVU (1977)

    Leningrad Higher Combined Arms School. Kirov (1981)

    Military Academy of Armored Forces. Marshal Malinovsky (1993)

    Adjuncture of the military academy of the armored forces (1996)

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor

    Lieutenant since 1981

    Colonel (early) since 1999


    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

  • Graduated from the Military Institute of Physical Culture (1995)

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Lieutenant since 1995

    Lieutenant Colonel since 2005


    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • Veteran of military service

  • Graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Engineering Construction School. Komarovsky (1982)

    Lieutenant Engineer 1982

    Lieutenant Colonel since 1994


    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

  • Graduated from the Moscow Military Music School of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1976)

    Military interpreter training courses (1978)

    Military Institute (1984)

    Candidate of Philology

    Doctor of Philology

    Junior lieutenant since 1978

    Colonel since 1998


    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • For military prowess 2nd degree

    • "200 years of the Ministry of Defense"

  • Graduated from the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics. Popova (1973)

    Naval Orders of Lenin and Ushakov Academy (1985)

    Lieutenant since 1973

    Captain 1st rank since 1991

  • Graduated from the Leningrad Suvorov Military School in 1976.

    Leningrad Higher All-Arms Command School. Kirov 1980 (with honors)

    Command Faculty of the Military Academy. Frunze

    Adjuncture of the military academy. Frunze

    Candidate of Historical Sciences

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    Orders: Order of Honor

  • Graduated from the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms School named after Lenin (1973)

    Lieutenant since 1973

    Colonel since 1993


    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

  • Graduated from the Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School (1989)

    Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 2001

    Lieutenant since 1989

    Colonel since 2005


    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • For distinction in military service 3rd class

    • 200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    • Veteran of military service

  • Graduated from the Penza Higher Artillery Engineering School. Voronova (1989)

    Military Financial and Economic University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (2004)

    Lieutenant since 1989

    Colonel since 2006


    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • For distinction in military service 2nd class

    • For distinction in military service 3rd class

    • Medal of the Order "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st class

  • Graduated from the Kharkov Higher Command Engineering School (1971)

    Command Faculty of the Military Academy. Dzerzhinsky (1982)

    Adjuncture at the Military Academy. Dzerzhinsky (1990)

    Lieutenant since 1971 (lieutenant colonel ahead of schedule 1982)

    Colonel since 1987

    Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor


    • 50 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • 200 years of the Ministry of Defense

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • Insignia "For combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces"

    • For impeccable service 3rd class


    • Order of the Red Star

  • Graduated from the Kamyshin Military Construction and Technical School (1966)

    Military-political orders of Lenin and the October Revolution Red Banner Academy. Lenin (1975)

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor

    Lieutenant since 1966

    Colonel since 1986


    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • 50 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces


    • For service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces 3rd class

  • Graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School (1972)

    Military-Political Academy. Lenin (1985)

    Adjuncture at the Military Academy of Chemical Defense (1991)

    Lieutenant since 1972

    Colonel since 1991


    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

  • Graduated from the Kostroma Higher Military Chemical Command School (1976)

    Liquidator 1980

    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

    Lieutenant since 1976

    Colonel since 1999


    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • 200 years of the Ministry of Defense

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

  • Graduated from Kazan SVU (1965)

    Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(1971)

    Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor

    Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor



    • 50 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For military prowess in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin

    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For military merit

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • 30th Anniversary of the Republic of Cuba

    • For impeccable service 3rd class


    • For service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces 3rd class

  • Graduated from the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School of Engineering and Signal Corps (1976)

    Military-Political Academy. Lenin (1985)

    PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

    Lieutenant since 1976

    Colonel since 1992


    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • For distinction in military service 1st degree

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

  • Graduated from the naval training course at the Leningrad Mechanical Institute (1973)

    External secondary military-political school (1980)

    Military-Political Academy. Lenin (1989)

    Associate Professor, Professor

    Lieutenant since 1973

    Colonel since 1993


    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • For the construction of BAM

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class

    • Veteran of military service

    • For impeccable service 1st class


    • For impeccable service 1st class


    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • Veteran of the railway troops

  • Graduated from the Yaroslavl Military Technical School of the Air Defense Forces of the country (1965) with honors

    Military-Political Academy. Lenin (1971)

    Lieutenant since 1965

    Colonel of Justice since 1985

    PhD in Law, Associate Professor


    • XX years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    • For impeccable service 1st class

    • Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces

    • 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 2nd class

    • For the strengthening of military commonwealth

    • 70 years of the USSR Armed Forces

    • For impeccable service 3rd class
  • To the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev

    Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

    Officer positions have been completely reduced, officers, on whose training huge state funds have been spent and who could serve the Fatherland for many years to come. armed forces, fired. In violation of the fundamental principle of building the Armed Forces - the principle of unity of command, as a rule, on the old regulatory framework financial bodies have been created on the basis of the territorial principle and, the experience of which has shown their inability to solve the problems of financial support at least at the minimum decent level.

    Untimely provision of military personnel with other due payments, numerous failures in payments for services provided to military units, theft, abuse of in cash And material values- these are just some of the facts that have become constant companions of modern army reality, which are impossible to put up with in the conditions when the Government of the Russian Federation allocates huge financial resources to the Armed Forces.

    The Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, which unites representatives of the financial specialty of different generations, asks to consider and take into account the following proposals in further transformations in the Armed Forces:

    1. Restore within the Central Office of the Ministry of Defense a single financial and economic structure subordinate to the Minister of Defense. The far-fetched departments that appeared during the reforms: financial planning, financial support, prices - should be abolished. The most important positions in a single structure should be staffed with experienced servicemen who are currently at the disposal and reserve.

    2. Create in strategic commands (districts) financial and economic departments subordinate to the respective commanders, with the functions of managers being vested in them budget funds. To the specified structures to subordinate territorial financial bodies (TFO). At the military level (in the districts and the TFO), up to 20% of the posts should be staffed with officers - graduates of the Military University of the Moscow Region, as well as those called up from the reserve and at their disposal.

    3. Due to the current inability to perform its functions qualitatively, remove up to 75% of tasks from this structure, transferring their solution to the TFO. Instruct the unified settlement center to work out on a small scale all the issues of ensuring settlements with the personnel of the Armed Forces.

    As it is ready for the qualitative performance of functions, expand the range of activities of this structure.

    4. In remote from the main bases military units, as well as in areas Far North and areas equated to them to create independent financial and economic bodies, with their subordination to military districts. The positions of the heads of these structures shall be staffed with officers.

    5. Optimize the system of orders and payments for the supply of weapons and military equipment under the state defense order. At the same time, the coordinating function for ordered weapons and equipment for all law enforcement agencies should be entrusted to the General Staff of the Armed Forces. In the structure of the head of armaments of the Ministry of Defense, there should be a financial department, which will be entrusted with the tasks of analyzing concluded contracts and ensuring settlements for them through a single settlement account of the Ministry of Defense. Transfer part of the payments for material resources to the military districts.

    6. Currently, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense has potential reserve for recovery(336 cadets). It is necessary, starting from 2013, to resume the enrollment of applicants at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense in the financial and economic specialty.

    It is also important to restore at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense the system of additional education on the problems of the economy of the Armed Forces, pricing for military products and financial support of the state defense order. Prior to the disbandment, these tasks were successfully solved, with benefit for the cause, who, among other specialists in the financial and economic profile, trained military representatives at industrial enterprises with an economic bias.

    7. Restore the system of departmental financial control in the Ministry of Defense, which in previous years was one of the best among federal executive bodies. Now controlling financial structures reduced to "pocket", unable to solve problems state level. The most responsible positions both in the center and in the localities are to be staffed with officers.

    Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, presenting these proposals, we are pursuing the only goal - to help improve the state of affairs in the economic and financial activities of the Armed Forces, to assist decision-makers to prevent new mistakes in carrying out further transformations in the Armed Forces.

    Our long-term experience clearly shows that without a reliable and high-quality financial and economic system for providing the army and navy, all reforms carried out in the Armed Forces will be doomed to failure.

    Please consider.

    Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service, retired Colonel-General V. Vorobyov

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