
Former military economist creates $1.5 billion airline

By decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S. G. Gorshkov, in 1976 in learning programs students of the command and engineering faculties included a new academic discipline - the basics of the military economy and the development of the Navy's weapons. The development of this course and teaching were entrusted to the Department of Operational Art of the Navy. Since there were no specialists in this field at the academy, a candidate of technical sciences, a senior researcher, Captain 2nd Rank B.V. Shimansky, who had 10 years of experience and headed complex economic research in the Navy, was invited from the First Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense .

In the 1976/77 academic year, lectures on military economics were delivered at all faculties and at the Navy Leadership Courses. Initially, 20 hours of classroom lessons were allotted for the new discipline. But, given the importance of the new direction, on February 28, 1977, the Minister of Defense signed an order "On the further improvement of the economic training of cadets and students of higher military educational institutions in the Ministry of Defense." The order ordered to increase the volume of studied economic and military economic sciences up to 100 hours. The staff of the Department of Combat Operation of Ships (headed by Rear Admiral Yu. V. Zaderman) was instructed to develop curricula for the training of military economists. Thus, the engineering and economic specialty of the Navy appeared at the academy, and on September 1, 1977, 7 students began to study it.

The staff of the department of military economics: G. V. Konyaeva, V. A. Gusev, T. B. Kostkina B. V. Shimansky, R. N. Sharova (first row, from left to right); M. P. Tikhonov, A. I. Golosov, N. V. Butorin, A. V. Zinchenko, V. E. Albertovich (second row, from left to right); N. S. Rebchenko, A. E. Zakhlamin, N. V. Stepanchuk, V. G. Shvetsov, A. A. Lipin (third row, from left to right). 1994

The first teachers of military economics, in addition to B. V. Shimansky, were captains of the 2nd rank A. I. Golosov, Yu. A. Zolotov, P. A. Smagin and candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher T. B. Kostkin. In the future, Doctor of Naval Sciences, Professor, Rear Admiral S.K. Svirin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Captain 1st Rank M.M. Chetvertakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor L.B. Breslav and others. In 1982, Captain 1st Rank B.V. Shimansky was transferred to the department of combat operation of ships. At the department of military economics, a subject-methodical commission was created consisting of A. I. Golosov, Yu. A. Zolotov, B. V. Shimansky, P. A. Smagin, T. B. Kostkina. Captain 3rd rank A.A. Lipin, who graduated from the academy in the military-economic specialty with a gold medal, was first admitted to postgraduate studies in this specialty. In 1982, on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense, the engineering and economic specialty was renamed into economics and organization of production and repair of ships, weapons and equipment of the Navy, in 1985 - into economics and organization of shipbuilding, production and repair of ships, weapons and equipment.

In 1988, a full-time department of military economics was created at the academy, the head of which was appointed Captain 1st Rank B. V. Shimansky. The following year, a graduate of the academy, captain 1st rank M.P. Tikhonov, became a teacher of the department, and lieutenant colonel V.E. Albertovich and captain 2nd rank I.K. Ambarov became adjuncts. In 1990, the position of senior lecturer was taken by candidate of naval sciences, senior researcher V. A. Gusev. During the reform of the Department of Social Sciences in 1992, Candidates of Economic Sciences, Captains of the 1st rank N. S. Rebchenko, I. A. Blagikh and N. V. Stepanchuk were transferred to the Department of Military Economics. The scientists of the department formulated the main scientific directions - military economics, the theory of the development of the Navy's weapons and general economic theory. Since 1994, the department was headed by Rear Admiral N. V. Butorin, former deputy commander of the nuclear submarine flotilla for electromechanical service. Unfortunately, in July 1998 Butorin tragically died.

The department was headed by Captain 1st Rank A. A. Salman, who previously served in the technical support bodies of the Baltic Fleet.

For a relatively short period of existence of the department, the faculty has developed lectures, published a textbook and several teaching aids, and also developed all the necessary educational and methodological materials, and most importantly, during this period, about 200 graduates became military economists of the highest qualification and were sent for further service in the military command and control bodies of the Navy.

Military economist, teacher, doctor of technical sciences (1993), professor (1995), captain 1st rank. In 1960 he graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering School, and in 1974 - with a gold medal from the Naval Academy. In 1974-1976. - Associate Professor, since 1976 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, since 1993 - Associate Professor, and since 1994 - Professor of the Department of Military Economics of the Naval Academy. Author of 72 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks and 6 manuals. He was awarded the Order of Courage and many medals.

SHIMANSKY Boris Vladimirovich (Born in 1939)

Military economist, teacher, candidate of technical sciences (1975), professor, captain of the 1st rank. In the Navy since 1957. Leading specialist of the academy in the field of military economics and the theory of the development of weapons and military equipment of the Navy. In 1962 he graduated from the shipbuilding faculty of the Higher Naval Engineering School named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. From 1962 to 1966, after completing courses on nuclear power plants for submarines, he served on a nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet in the positions of the KGDU, the commander of a traffic division. From 1966 to 1976, he served at the First Central Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense as a junior, senior researcher, deputy head of the tactical justification and military-economic research department. In 1976, he was awarded the academic title of senior researcher and at the same time was sent to teach at the Naval Academy as a senior lecturer to set up a new academic discipline at the academy, "Fundamentals of the military economy and the development of weapons and military equipment of the Navy." Simultaneously with the creation of this discipline, in 1977 he entered, and in 1980 graduated from the correspondence department of the command faculty of the academy. Over the years of teaching, he has become one of the most experienced teachers. Independently developed 4 military-economic disciplines. He took part in the development of the system of economic training for students of the academy of all specialties, in the creation of the department of military economics, the first head of which he became in 1988. The author of 60 scientific papers, prepared 4 candidates of science. Developed and published 12 textbooks and the first textbook on military economics in the Navy. Contributed huge contribution in the development of guidelines for the Navy. He was repeatedly declared the best teacher of the academy. As the head of the department, he was engaged in the improvement of educational, research and methodological work. In June 1994 he was transferred to the reserve; continues to work as a professor at the Department of Military Economics. He is a member of the Expert Council under the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. He was awarded the orders of "Courage", "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree and many medals.

The giant liner, roaring its engines, breaks away from the strip of a military base near the Dutch town of Eindhoven. In the belly of the air truck are three Apache attack helicopters. Eight hours later, the landing gear of the aircraft will touch the concrete of the airfield in Kabul. But the pilots communicate in Russian, and there is a Russian tricolor on the tail of the aircraft: the aircraft of the Volga-Dnepr airline, headquartered in Ulyanovsk, is transporting equipment to the NATO Afghan contingent.

The owner of the company is Russian entrepreneur Alexei Isaikin. The flight to Kabul cost the customer at least $200,000. A Boeing 747 cargo flight for the same distance would have brought half the income. The fact is that Isaikin's airlines fly the An-124 Ruslan, the largest cargo aircraft ever mass-produced. In total, Isaikin has ten of them. They form the backbone of the Volga-Dnepr fleet, Russia's third-largest airline in terms of revenue. Its turnover in 2008 exceeded $1.4 billion, despite the crisis in the Russian aviation industry. What's the secret?

*Looking at the huge white An-124 taking off from the ground, it is hard to believe that work on this machine began more than half a century ago. The Soviet military needed a military transport aircraft capable of lifting into the air any of the models of ground military equipment in service with the Soviet army. After 15 years, the An-124 Ruslan colossus rolled out for the first time from the gates of the Kiev Aviation Plant OKB OKB Antonov.

The plane was assembled in Kyiv and at the aircraft factory in Ulyanovsk - four or five pieces a year. The liner set several world records: in terms of carrying capacity, height and range of cargo transportation. But for the decrepit economy of the USSR, the price of 70 million rubles per aircraft (the Tu-154 cost 4.5 million rubles) was unbearable. Already in 1989, it was decided to stop the production of Ruslans. In the armies of the heirs of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine, there were neither tasks nor money for the air giants to maintain airworthiness. If anyone was worried about the disappearance of demand for the aircraft, then the leaders of the Ulyanovsk aircraft plant, which was left without orders in the most hungry time of the 1990s. The curtailment of production of the An-124 is “an example of a campaign approach to conversion,” thundered the deputy head of the military acceptance of the plant, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Isaikin, at factory party meetings.

* Isaikin came to Ulyanovsk in 1984 as a young specialist. His duties at the plant included control of pricing in the production of An-124. “Everything that was measured in money went through me,” he recalls. Party meetings by party meetings, and in 1990, he, like other plant managers, perfectly understood that there were no buyers for the aircraft on the domestic market, even more so on the external one. The idea was born to create a buyer of these military vehicles - a civil airline for the transport of heavy loads. “The understanding came that the aircraft, created, according to legend, for the transportation of national economic goods to the regions Far North, really can work according to this legend, ”recalls Isaikin, sitting in the back seat of his Mercedes S-class, which is taking him to the company’s Moscow office from a meeting with the head of the international transport association IATA.

* In 1991, the Prime Minister of the USSR Nikolai Ryzhkov put a visa on the resolution on the creation of the Volga-Dnepr airline, Alexei Isaikin was appointed chairman of the board. Why exactly him? “I think it was like in a cooperative - everyone was doing everything,” says Sergey Nedoroslev, head of the Kaskol group of companies, who for a long time owned a large stake in Volga-Dnepr. - And, as in every cooperative, soon there was a person who was able to administer. Isaikin gradually took over the leadership.” Isaikin himself claims that he made it to the top because he was able to decide to leave a stable job, while others did not. The working group for the creation of the airline included, for example, the head of Isaikin, Nikolai Kachalov, head of the military acceptance of the plant. However, for a long time he did not dare to take off his shoulder straps, and when he resigned, Isaikin was already at the head of the company. I did not dare to leave the "main" place of work and another "founding father" of Volga-Dnepr - Chief Engineer plant Valery Savotchenko.

The founders of the airline were the Ulyanovsk Aircraft Plant, the Kiev Design Bureau named after. O. K. Antonova (in the name of the company its Ulyanovsk-Kiev origin is played up), the Ministry of Defense, Aeroflot and Avtovazbank. The Ministry of Defense leased several An-12 turboprop trucks with crews so that Volga-Dnepr could immediately start flying. And in June 1991, the first Ruslan from among the factory cars entered the airline's fleet.

However, a suitable aircraft is far from a guarantee of success. Meanwhile, already in 1991, Volga-Dnepr transported, for example, the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from Chatereau (France) to Dubai (UAE). How did the newly created company from the provincial Ulyanovsk was allowed to transport American military equipment?

In 1985, the An-124 was presented to the general public at the Le Bourget air show. "Quality work," "an exceptionally simple aircraft," wrote Flight International, the world's number one aviation magazine, after the premiere. For the British cargo airline Heavy Lift, the appearance of the Russian giant was unpleasant surprise. So far, the carcass of the Belfast, a four-engine British transport ship with a giant H on the keel, has guaranteed her everyone's attention. Now Michael Hazel and Graham Pierce, managing Heavy Lift, could only, clicking their tongues, inspect the Soviet giant. Belfast could transport 40 tons of cargo at a time, An-124 - all 120 tons. The British could only dream of such a machine as the An-124.

Not surprisingly, shortly after the fall of the Iron Curtain, in the fall of 1990, Hazel and Pierce stepped off the plane in distant Ulyanovsk. They were met by a delegation headed by the first secretary of the city committee. The British spent several days at the plant, talking with Kachalov, Isaikin and other organizers of Volga-Dnepr. The negotiations ended with the creation of the Heavy Lift - Volga Dnepr joint venture.

The parties have made authorized capital JV for £1. HeavyLift received a fixed commission from each flight, Volga-Dnepr received compensation for the provided aircraft. In the city of Stansted, near London, a traffic control center and a sales service were organized. If according to the results of 1992, the first year of the full-fledged functioning of Volga-Dnepr, the company's revenue amounted to $31 million, by 1999 it reached $102 million. However, the partners broke up the following year.

Isaikin needed money all the time: military by origin, the An-124 required constant investment in adapting to civilian requirements. The flight resource, one of the key operational characteristics of the aircraft, was laid down during its creation in the amount of 2000 hours. In commercial rather than military operation, the An-124 uses this resource in two years. Each permission to extend the resource from the developer, Kiev Design Bureau. Antonov, cost several million dollars. Large funds were spent on increasing the fleet, which by 2000 had grown to eight Ruslans. average price the latest cars, according to Forbes, was about $15 million.

It was a pity for Isaikin to pay $5-6 million in commissions per year to Heavy Lift. He wanted partners not only to receive money, but also to invest in business development. The British were not opposed, but demanded a share not in the joint venture, but in the airline itself. As a result, Isaikin decided to break up.

He took a serious risk. Graham Pierce was personally acquainted with the heads of Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and other corporations that gave orders for the transportation of goods. “They will have problems. Our name means a lot to the military and other large corporations.", - Pierce prophesied after the news of the closure of the joint venture with Volga-Dnepr.

But Isaikin also had trump cards. By the end of the 1990s, the mission control center in Stansted was staffed by Russian dispatchers and sales managers, and the latter had already managed to get used to the market and establish relationships with customers. Back in the mid-1990s, the company hired an Englishman with experience in Flight International as a press secretary. “It was a serious step that allowed the company to immediately increase its presence in industry and specialized media,” says one of the former top managers of Volga-Dnepr. The following elegant scheme was developed. The crews were given cameras and ordered to film loading and unloading. Leading aviation publications were happy to publish photos of the loading of oversized cargo by a giant Russian aircraft. Most of them were carried out through the front hatch, and then the inscription Volga-Dnepr was visible on the photo, displayed on the lower part of the nose cone of all the company's aircraft.

The first months of "autonomous navigation" were nevertheless disastrous, sales more than halved. But then things took off. First of all, the market situation has changed. The US and its allies have launched military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Heavy cargo aircraft were in short supply. “British and American C-17s (the closest Western analogue of the An-124, but with a lower carrying capacity. - Forbes) are operated at record voltage, the US Air Force command constantly complains about the lack of military transport aircraft,” says Mikhail Barabanov, editor of the Moscow Defense publication brief.

Isaikin took full advantage of the opportunities that opened up. Volga-Dnepr became the first private company, which began flights to Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001. It also managed to retain civilian customers, with whom Volga-Dnepr began working through Heavy Lift. In 2008, charter cargo transportation brought Volga-Dnepr about $ 1 billion. Heavy Lift went through bankruptcy, a change of ownership, and then, together with its fleet of several decrepit cargo aircraft, moved to Australia altogether.

*Now Volga-Dnepr has more than 2,500 employees, offices in dozens of cities around the world. Last year, the company transported more than 250,000 tons of cargo and completed about 10,000 flights. The niche of the An-124 in the world market is the transportation of everything that simply does not fit into smaller aircraft. Examples? 125-ton chemical reactor. A Coca-Cola bottling line weighing 81 tons. A model of a spaceship for filming the Star Wars movie with a total weight of 100 tons. Each such transportation is a complex technical operation and requires scrupulous calculations. “It's like carrying an iron in paper,” Isaikin describes the transportation of goods on the An-124. Often there is simply no alternative to heavenly heavy trucks. British Petroleum has started oil production in the mountainous region of Colombia, 500 km from the nearest seaport? Volga-Dnepr is ready to transfer the necessary equipment through the local airport. Under this contract, Isaikin performed 128 flights and transported more than 10,000 tons of equipment. An-124 formed a new segment of the aviation market, Isaikin likes to repeat.

The company receives about 90% of its income from serving foreign clients. Two-thirds of shipments order state organizations primarily the military. The rest is cargo for aircraft-building and oil-producing corporations, industrial equipment.

One of the main sources of contracts is tenders for air transportation conducted by the UN and military departments. various countries. Isaikin's company also has several of its own sales centers - in England, the USA, China and Russia. In addition, Volga-Dnepr has entered into general agency agreements with several companies that sell An-124 flight watches in various regions of the world and for clients from various industries. Finally, Volga-Dnepr's sales department is in constant contact with cargo brokers around the world, who, knowing the capabilities of the An-124, submit requests for cargo transportation to the company.

But here's what is curious: if the Volga-Dnepr An-124 fleet grew from 2000 to 2010 by only two units, up to ten units, then the revenue they bring to the company is more than seven times. How did this become possible?

Of course, in the past decade, the freight market has been warmed up by the operations of the US and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan. An-124 began to fly much more. The rapid rise in fuel prices also played a role. But there is another explanation: the monopolization of the market. Now 46 Ruslans are in operation all over the world, 22 of them are with the Russian Air Force. Two planes are owned by Libya, one by the government of the United United Arab Emirates. The "merchants" have 21 cars. Of these, 10 aircraft belong to Volga-Dnepr and 7 to Antonov Airlines, a structural subdivision of the Kiev Design Bureau. Antonova. Until recently, the people of Kiev were Isaikin's competitors. However, five years ago Antonovites and Volga-Dnepr created two joint ventures. One for the sale of An-124 cargo transportation services under military contracts, the other for civil ones. And now a significant part of sales of transportation by air supertrucks is carried out from the “one window” (out of $1.4 billion in revenue of Volga-Dnepr in 2008, $180 million came from the “Ukrainian” An-124s).

Result? Ten years ago, an An-124 flight hour cost the customer an average of $14,000, and in 2008 it was already $24,000–44,000. Air cargo freight rates in the world have increased by only 30% during this time.

*Volga-Dnepr's business is based on the operation of an aircraft with unique characteristics, which allowed it to practically monopolize the air transportation market for large cargoes. But the quiet life of this airline is not measured out so much. The maximum possible life of the aircraft is 40 years, it will be impossible to extend the resource further. But it is worth talking about the fact that Volga-Dnepr is a “company of one aircraft”, Isaikin sharply protests.

For the past few years, while retaining his position as president of Volga-Dnepr, he leads and directly manages its subsidiary, Air Bridge Cargo (ABC). ABC owns eight cargo Boeing 747s - these are aircraft with a characteristic "humped" profile, converted from passenger liners. Their carrying capacity is more than 100 tons, but unlike the An-124, cargo can be loaded into Boeing only through the side hatch. Typically, such aircraft are used on regular flights and cargo is carried in standard containers. The creation of ABC and the purchase of Boeing is an attempt by Alexei Isaikin to give Volga-Dnepr the features of a classic cargo airline. Did she succeed?

It turned out to be much more difficult to make money on Boeing than on Ruslans, Isaikin admits. If Volga-Dnepr has practically no competitors in the An-124 transportation market, dozens of airlines carry out regular flights on Boeing 747. The recipe for success here is to find the optimal ratio between the price of transportation, the route and the type of aircraft in operation and wedge into one of the powerful cargo flows, for example, between China and Europe. An-124 Volga-Dnepr fly on average about 1,000 hours a year, and Boeing only makes a profit if it spends 5,000 or more hours a year in the air, that is, the planes must constantly “hang” in the air. In 2008, ABC generated $450 million in revenue.

“This is a business with very low margins and very high turnover. And it's dangerous. Turnovers can fall, for example, due to a crisis, and you have very high fixed costs. We [with Isaikin] had big discussions on this issue,” says Sergei Nedoroslev. So far, however, Isaikin manages to cope. In the crisis year of 2009, ABC opened several flights from China to Europe. Isaikin cut staff and reduced the number of services provided to clients. As a result, it was possible to reduce prices and dramatically increase traffic volumes - by 20% in 2009. Isaikin even leased another Boeing in November. And since the summer of last year, says Isaikin, ABC began to work with a profit.

Nevertheless, the owner of Volga-Dnepr spends a lot of time lobbying for the resumption of production of the An-124. Last November, Dmitry Medvedev, at a meeting in Ulyanovsk, announced that such a decision had been made. In December 2009, the president instructed the government to ensure the deployment of the production of an upgraded version of the An-124 in Ulyanovsk and the purchase of 20 vehicles for the Russian army. Along with the military, vehicles for the Volga-Dnepr will also be built. If the price, says Isaikin, is $150-160 million, then at the current cost of the charter and a service life of 40 years, the purchase of such an aircraft will pay off. However, there is another way of looking at the situation.

“The capabilities of this aircraft are redundant for domestic military transportation, and Russia does not conduct large-scale military operations on the other side of the world and, apparently, will not conduct them,” says military expert Mikhail Barabanov. From his point of view, the decision to produce the An-124 for the Air Force is “purely political” and was taken only to create grounds for state subsidies for the production of the An-124 in the interests of commercial carriers, that is, Volga-Dnepr. This decision will be valid only until Isaikin's lobbying potential runs out.

What will happen if the construction of the An-124 never starts? “Our expertise is known all over the world. We know how to make money with trucks. If there is no An-124, then we will attract something else. Airships will appear - we will fly them, ”says the owner of the Volga-Dnepr. He has plenty of time: built in last years The USSR An-124 is capable of flying for another 15–20 years. And it is unlikely that during this time someone will encroach on his monopoly.

War economy- industry economic activity state, associated with the production and distribution of military equipment, the training of military personnel and officers, building up the country's defense capability. The state takes part in the war economy at any stage of its development, private individuals can also take part in one or another business cycle, the Government or the Ministry of Defense can act as a customer when performing a certain type of work.

The military economy, like the economy of any other type, combines several parties that ensure its successful functioning, pursues certain goals that are associated with increasing the defense capability or welfare of the state. Depending on the above theses, the military economy can be classified in various ways.

The goals of the war economy.

It should not be assumed that the purpose of the war economy of a state is solely to strengthen state borders, improve the ability to protect state sovereignty. No, the economics of military activity can also be a state asset, a source from which the state will receive. Consequently, the goals of the war economy are different and many-sided. Let's consider the most basic ones.

1. Protection of the state from external and internal aggressors involves ensuring the stability of state borders, as well as the stability of the situation within the state. This goal is broken down into several smaller goals:

1) Improving the technological side of the defense process allows you to get better military equipment, devices with a wide range of capabilities. Active introduction of new developments in military production allows you to bring it to the potential new level development. This goal impossible to implement without scientific developments, therefore, the improvement of the scientific sphere of production of military equipment is also a key goal of the military industry state economy. Of course, in order to improve science, the state attracts scientists to this activity, or purchases new equipment from other countries, a vivid example: an attempt Russian Federation to buy Mistrals from the French Government, which ended in failure due to the latest political events in the Russian Federation related to the Ukrainian crisis.

2) Training of highly qualified personnel, both among civilian personnel and among those liable for military service of various categories. To train qualified specialists, it is necessary to resort to the services of the teaching staff, as well as to ensure the improvement of educational programs. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is steadily investing in improving all areas of training for people employed in the military industry. In addition, part of the funds is directed to attract persons to activities in the military sphere (payment of scholarships, bonuses, awards for military achievements, and so on). These activities ultimately ensure the flow of military sphere a large number of personnel, makes it possible for the Government of the Russian Federation to weed out the worst and keep the best (not only the level of physical fitness of persons is taken into account, but also many other important criteria).

3) Education of the population and its preparation for self-defense(civil defense) in the event of hostilities in the country or the introduction of martial law. The group of costs of the military economy also includes the education of the population, the preparation of the non-military, civilian population for the correct, adequate response in the event of war. On the this moment For example, military training sessions are held in schools, military training subjects have been introduced in many educational institutions. Meetings with speeches by military personnel, parades and rallies are also held. The task of the Government in financing such enterprises is to ensure the confidence of the people in the possibility of protecting external and internal state sovereignty, the formation of the correct system of values ​​for young people and the creation of an adequate basis for reaction in case of war.

2. Getting income. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the war economy allows not only to ensure the defense capability of the state, it is also a source of income for the state. You can earn income from the war economy in the following key ways:

1) Sale of created technologies abroad without the production of goods of a particular type. Suppose scientists have created a certain type of military technology and implemented it in their state. If this invention cannot be used to oppose the producing state, scientists have the right to sell the technology abroad. You should not think that because of this, the defense capability of foreign states will become better and more perfect than the defense capability of the producing state. This aspect concerns mostly the means of preserving peace.

2) Sale of military equipment foreign states. In the situation under consideration, we are no longer talking about simple technologies, but about goods that were made with the help of these technologies. Suppose a country has produced new aircraft with improved flight performance. To earn money, the state can sell aircraft to other states and earn money from it.
In order for the state to be able to receive income from developing technologies, it is necessary to constantly improve in production and attract innovations, therefore the government pays highly for the work of scientists who develop military technologies.

Investing in the military economy

At the moment, most of the investments in the military economy are made only by the Government of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Defense. Despite this, individuals can also make some investments in the production process, especially when paying for the activities of scientists who lead the development. In case of success of the invested enterprise, receives payments from the Government.

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It is impossible to directly judge the economic activity of the Russian Ministry of Defense. There is such a thing as a "closed part of the budget." Data on this article are not disclosed, as they constitute a state secret. We only know her total amount. It exceeds 3 trillion rubles, and we do not know how much of these expenses the military department is claiming. Tem more interesting opinion chief military economist.

Conclusions based on the open part of military spending can and should be drawn. The economic situation in the country is not easy. We know that federal budget provides for a gradual reduction public spending on defense. If in 2017 the Armed Forces received 868 billion rubles, then in 2018 a sequestration of up to 771 billion rubles is envisaged.

This, it should be noted, is a colossal difference, and it presents a serious challenge for Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense for Economics. The economist gave an interview to Krasnaya Zvezda, and the story of this woman in the rank of a real state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class, which corresponds to an army general, about the main directions economic strategy The Ministry of Defense is great. We cannot double-check the words of the Deputy Minister with numbers in our hands, but her approach is a balm for the soul. Civilian officials should line up for retraining according to "military" methods. This is not irony, we will back up our statement with facts:

  • The Ministry of Defense has the ability to manage 10% of government spending at its discretion and direct them to solve operational problems. This is recorded in tax code RF. The Ministry of Defense has obtained such an opportunity from the Government. This is a powerful lever in the hands of such a competent economist as Shevtsova. It allows, even within the framework of the sequestration, to be development-oriented,
  • In 2016, the cost savings due to the reduction of labor intensity and energy intensity of processes in the aircraft amounted to at least 36.7 billion rubles. According to Tatyana Viktorovna, direct savings amounted to 14.2 billion rubles, and the indirect effect was at least 22.5 billion. This is a statement about regular work to analyze and improve business processes. How does this differ from the results of the work of the Ministry of Energy, which has been improving the country's energy efficiency since at least 2009.

We can’t resist and quote Shevtsova’s statement about what helps to maintain the country’s defense capability as part of a reduction in government spending:

  • “At the same time, the need to synchronize the activities of the SAP ( state program rearmament) with measures for logistics, combat training, recruitment and training of personnel and construction of infrastructure has become the main principle for the formation of basic, (i.e.) natural indicators. Such as the number of pieces of equipment, the number of personnel, the volume of resources consumed, the area of ​​​​objects, and the like.

At the same time, Shevtsova herself admits that she spied the decision from the State Planning Committee of the USSR. Finally, a bright head appeared who understood that in the national economic history there are many things worth borrowing. This planning is especially relevant for modern development information technologies. We have often come across statements by modern analysts that only cost indicators matter. It seems to teach market economy. This is not how market economics teaches, it teaches them stupidity based on reading one or two entry-level textbooks where physical indicators were not met.

Last quote:

  • “For example, in 2016 it was possible to increase the average size allowance military personnel up to 63.6 thousand rubles. Additionally, I want to note that the implementation of the mentioned program has an obvious external effect in relation to the Russian Ministry of Defense, since a significant number of enterprises and organizations in various regions of the country are involved in its implementation.

Most likely, the majority will pay attention to the average size of the "salary" of the military. It is significantly higher average salary in the country in the amount of 37 thousand rubles, although it still does not reach 70+ thousand rubles in the oil industry. Landmark for oil industry when determining the level of salaries of the military, it is in the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation.

We wanted to note the mention of an external effect. The state defense order is not only government spending, it is a tool for the development of individual regions in which workers receive wages thanks to the Ministry of Defense. This starts consumer demand, and the economic activity of the territories begins. And Shevtsova also takes this into account, which is excellent.

On September 20, the Military Financial and Economic University would have turned 70 years old. Unfortunately, it no longer exists. He fell under the ruthless reforms that covered the Armed Forces in the 2000s. But the experience of training military financiers has been accumulated unique. It has not lost its significance in our days, as, however, it is relevant and full of bright pages of the birth and life of this educational institution.

After the Great Patriotic War, the task of training financial and economic personnel for the Armed Forces, especially the leadership, became acute. At the suggestion of the head of the Financial Department of the military department, General Yakov Khotenko, with the support of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, on September 20, 1947, Deputy Minister of the USSR Armed Forces Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky and Minister of Higher Education Sergei Kaftanov signed a joint order on the organization of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute.


In July 1948, an experienced financier, Major General Sergei Spiridonov, was appointed head of the faculty. A participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, he became the first of a galaxy of front-line leaders who invested military experience in organizing the educational process.

The staff of the faculty included management, four courses of students, three departments and service units. In 1949, advanced training courses for officers were added, and in 1950, a special department for the training of military personnel of foreign armies and postgraduate courses. By 1960, a coherent system of training military financiers had developed.

In the period from 1955 to 1963, the scientists of the departments published a number of monographs, published six collections of scientific notes. These works reflected the issues of theory and practice of finance of the USSR Armed Forces, financial security troops. B. Rivkin, N. Verba, B. Kin, N. Gritsynin, I. Lakhmetkin, V. Podyryaka, B. Savchenko, V. Shcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Tivanov, G. Korolev and others.

In January 1963, two research laboratories were formed at the Department of Finance of the Armed Forces - "Automation" and "Problems financial service". Their activities contributed to strengthening the regime of savings in the use of public funds in the army and navy, improving the quality of financial control, combating losses material assets and cash.

A characteristic feature of the development of the faculty in 1963-1972 was the increase in the level of military-economic training of students. New disciplines have been introduced, courses have been developed for studying economics, organizing and planning industrial production and capital construction in the USSR Ministry of Defense, and analyzing the economic activity of enterprises and construction organizations.

In 1967, the faculty began training senior officers in the system field agencies State Bank of the USSR to provide funding for new types of the Armed Forces, primarily the Strategic Missile Forces.

The teaching staff took an active part in preparing for the introduction of the annual financial planning system into the troops from January 1, 1970, as well as the use of impersonal funding, which allowed commanders to send cash to address priority issues. This step, supported by the Ministry of Finance, was revolutionary for that time. It is noteworthy that in public sector countries switched to such financing only in the 21st century.

The logical conclusion of the ongoing restructuring of the educational process with a focus on the economy was the creation in 1971 of an independent department of military-economic disciplines, the first head of which was Colonel A. Grishin.

The confrontation and rivalry between the NATO bloc and the Warsaw Pact was accompanied by the development, production and adoption of ever more complex complexes and systems. This led to increased ties between the Armed Forces economy and the military-industrial complex and increased military spending. To optimize them, it was decided to improve the skills of the leadership of military missions (VP): a department of economics and organization of production of defense industries was created, colonel-engineer V. Zhikharev was appointed head. The leading experts in the country, scientists, practical engineers, financiers-economists were selected for the first team. Since October 1974, the department began training officers of the VP, and later ordering departments, research and development organizations, industrial enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1976, the faculty already trained specialists with higher military education. Graduates have the opportunity to study economic analysis theaters of military operations, the choice of rational options for meeting the needs of the troops. The main efforts were directed to the practical side of education and the achievement of a logical connection between the educational processes of the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General A.V. Khrulev and the military faculty, the creation of a coherent system for training financial service specialists with higher military education.

Military special training began to be provided by two groups of disciplines: financial and economic, the number of which increased significantly. In 1979, the first graduation of officers with a higher military education took place, who were almost completely sent to central authorities Sun. And since 1981, graduates of the correspondence department began to receive higher military education.
The arrival of such specialists in the troops was accompanied by the expansion of the rights of managers of loans of all degrees in the use budget funds. In the army and navy, expenditure standards began to be introduced, the rest was allowed to be used next year. This led to significant savings in the budget of the Ministry of Defense.

financial guard

When creating the Armed Forces new Russia and reducing their numbers, there were proposals to train military financiers in civilian universities, although such attempts were rejected by life itself back in the 20s of the last century. They came, as a rule, from some reformers who, apparently, did not understand that the Armed Forces are a specific state body designed to ensure the security of the country. And the Military Faculty has always trained personnel to organize the financial support of the troops and forces of the fleet, not only in the conditions of their actual deployment, but also their employment, and, if necessary, personal participation in hostilities, where the use of civilian specialists is virtually impossible.

In the era of "privatization", or simply - the taking away of state, including army property, the Military Finance and Economics Department turned out to be a tasty morsel for some representatives of the new Russian elite, who were alien to the issues of training specialists of this profile, they were interested in personal selfish goals. From attempts to seize property under the guise of various far-fetched reorganizations, employees of the Military Faculty fought back more than once.

When reforming the system of military education in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1998, the Military Financial and Economic University was established as part of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty and the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School as a branch. This decision was intended to create a multi-level educational and scientific complex, to form a single systems approach to the training of financial and economic service personnel. This association marked the beginning of one of the most productive periods of activity. In a short period there have been major changes in the educational process. Introduced new technologies, improved quality scientific works, the qualifications and potential of the teaching staff have grown, which has had a positive impact on the professional level of graduates.

One of the main ones was the Department of Finance and Management banking in the sun. Its representatives were attracted to conduct classes even in other universities. Lectures on the problems of the defense budget were given annually at the Academy of the General Staff. Textbooks and monographs, dozens of manuals were prepared here, more than 70 dissertations were defended, various research and operational tasks were carried out.

Back in 1977, the department of financial and economic activity management and control (organization of the financial service and control) stood out from the Department of Finance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to strengthen the practical orientation of training students, the first head of which was Colonel Yu. Chernov. It taught disciplines of an applied nature - they prepared students for work as heads of the financial service of connections and structural divisions district and army level. Under the guidance of the Financial Inspectorate of the Central Federal University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the first textbook on financial control was prepared here.

The Department of Management of Economics and Accounting and Analytical Activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Economics of the Armed Forces) was also unique in its kind, which, being relatively young, under the leadership of the first head of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G. Zhukov, clearly declared itself. The country's first textbook on military-economic analysis was published here, which immediately began to be in high demand both in universities and in research institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Disciplines appeared for the first time: military-economic analysis, military-financial informatics. Since 2000, by decision of the Minister of Defense, EP engineers-economists with higher military education have been trained here. Its 2002-2006 graduates had a significant impact on the development of industry and the current state of the state defense order management system. Until now, the textbook "Prices and Pricing", published by the department in 1985, is the only one in the country.

The university scientists R. Farmazyan, A. Pozharov, N. Abrosimov, S. Ermakov, V. Zhikharev, G. Zhukov, S. Vikulov and others invested a lot of work in the development of the scientific foundations of the military economy.

During these years, the University has become an intellectual center of key competencies in planning and financing the state defense order, R&D economics, pricing management for defense products, cost accounting and analysis, and intellectual property management. All these important areas were studied at the department.

Today, the problems accumulated over the past ten years in the above areas of activity can pose a very serious threat to the implementation of the 2017-2019 state defense order. But there is no one and nowhere to train specialized specialists.

An instructive example: to strengthen research in the field of economics and finance of the Armed Forces, a research center for military-economic justifications worked at the university under the leadership of Colonel A. Batkovsky. It has completed about 50 research papers, more than 170 operational tasks, prepared eight monographs and manuals on a wide range of financial and economic problems. We began to regularly publish the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Military Financial and Economic University", which published articles on the most topical issues of economics and finance.

In 2002, a museum was built, equipped with advanced technologies for storing and demonstrating historical information and archival materials. Scheduled classes were held here with students, excursions for families of military personnel, students of civilian universities and schoolchildren, significant dates and the Days of Russia's military glory were celebrated. The museum and the work "Military Financial and Economic Service of Russia" were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov.

The staff of the Military Finance and Economics Faculty has always kept pace with the times. He performed the tasks of the financial service based on the geopolitical situation, prepared and educated officers devoted to the interests of the cause. Over the years of work for the Ministry of Defense, internal troops, the Federal Border Service, and other law enforcement agencies, about 7,500 military specialists have graduated, more than 10,000 officers have undergone retraining and advanced training.

An objective assessment of the work was its accreditation. According to the results of an external examination conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2005, the Military Financial and Economic University was among the top 10 percent of Russian universities (including civilian ones) in all key indicators. Graduates successfully completed the tasks of financial support for the Soviet troops temporarily deployed in Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, and other regions. Many took part in military operations and peacekeeping operations in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia, Transnistria. Often, while serving in hot spots, they had to engage in armed clashes, protecting finances and other valuables from being seized by militants. Perform, along with professional duties, the tasks of escorting and protecting military columns, taking along with other military personnel personal involvement in combat, showing courage and heroism. Lieutenant General V. Zastavnyuk, Colonels E. Polunichev and Y. Efimov were awarded the Order of Military Merit for managing the financial support of military operations in Dagestan and Chechnya. Colonel Efimov, in addition, was awarded the Order of Courage. Participants in the hostilities were awarded for military work: A. Ulyanchuk, I. Semenikhin, V. Kirillov, B. Belotserkovsky, O. Belenko, A. Borisov and many others.

Often performing tasks in hot spots, graduates had to organize social Security civilian population, to participate in the stabilization of the financial and economic system of the regions. A vivid example: in 2014, after the coup d'état in Ukraine, the economic terror organized in Crimea, the blockade of the banking and treasury systems, deprivation of the population's livelihood, the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet was able to quickly and combatively carry out, without exaggeration to say, a rescue financial and economic operation. As a result, more than two billion rubles were saved for the fleet and the state, which were on the accounts of the Bank of Ukraine, hundreds of millions of hryvnias were secretly collected from the garrisons and converted into rubles. Together with the officers of the field branches of the bank, a huge amount of cash was brought from the mainland for pension fund, "Post of Russia", credit and financial and other organizations of the Crimea. If it is not possible to pay compensation and wages in a cashless manner plastic cards with a significant increase in the size of the fleet, they were promptly issued in cash. Thanks primarily to the officers of the financial service, it was possible to bring to a working state in as soon as possible salary project through a new servicing banking institution. All this greatly contributed to the economic stabilization of the Crimea and the social protection of its population.

There is someone to be proud of

Among our graduates are 124 generals, 27 doctors of sciences and professors, three honored workers of science of the Russian Federation, seven laureates of the State Prize. Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov, 59 Honored Economists of the Russian Federation, 13 officers awarded the badge "For excellent success in work in the field of higher education of the USSR", three honorary workers of higher vocational education country.

Life has shown that university graduates are in great demand even after being fired from military service. They have held and continue to hold worthy positions in the Presidential Administration and Control Department, the governments of Russia and Moscow, the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and other authorities. University graduate of 2005, gold medalist Colonel of the Reserve D. Aristov today as director Federal Service bailiffs. A graduate of 2002, Colonel of the Reserve S. Yemelyanov, Director of the Aviation Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The position of the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Finance, head of the city treasury is occupied by reserve colonel E. Menshov. The financial and economic bodies of the Departments of Health and Education in Moscow are headed by reserve colonels V. Pavlov and O. Yakovlev. Previously held in the Presidential Control Department public service officers S. Averichev and Yu. Fedorov. Military financiers A. Matyunin, A. Skobelev, I. Oshchipkov and P. Romashkan are successfully working here today. In the Defense Expenditure Control Department of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, which was headed by the auditor A. Piskunov, more than 85 percent of the inspectors were university graduates. Many have become major leaders in banking system states. So, the head of the Far Eastern Main Department of the Bank of Russia is S. Belov, the first deputy head of the Main Department of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District is V. Knysh. The Field Institutions Department of the Bank of Russia is headed by O. Belenko. A. Belenko, Head of the Belgorod branch of the Main Branch of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District. Our graduates manage almost all financial bodies of the Armed Forces of the states of the post-Soviet space. Many remain true to their chosen path, continuing to work in the defense structures of the state, the defense industry, heading research institutes, factories, financial departments, and pricing departments.

With great respect and pride, today we remember the heads of the Military Faculty - participants in the Great Patriotic War, Generals N. Naydenov, V. Krishkevich, I. Ryzhkov, V. Selikh, V. Burs, V. Semenikov, M. Polishchuk, who made a significant contribution in the development and improvement of the activities of the educational institution, the training of worthy personnel for the financial service.

The authority of the Military University and the military school is evidenced by visits by the President of the country, twice by the Prime Ministers of Russia and the Minister of Defense. Even more elite educational institutions were not awarded such attention and honor.

Unfortunately, in 2009 and 2010, the Military Financial and Economic Academy in Yaroslavl and the Military Financial and Economic Institute, we repeat, were disbanded. This step is regarded by many army and navy veterans, especially university graduates, as anti-state, aimed at undermining the economy and combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the country's defense capability. It seems that the current leadership of the two Ministries - Defense and Finance will come to the conclusion that without such a unique educational institution it is impossible to effectively resolve the issues of using budgetary funds for the country's defense.

I congratulate everyone who cares about the Military Finance and Economics University (Military Finance and Economics Faculty at the MFI) on the holiday, I wish you health, well-being and success in life. I am convinced that we have the right to be proud of the work done for the benefit of the Armed Forces.

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