
How is a loan issued? What do you need to get a cash loan? Categories of cash loans

An online application is a convenient sales channel for financial products. It is used by all major banks and regional market representatives. The effectiveness of remote treatment is high and has advantages for both the lender and the client. The first ones reduce financial costs and the load on their offices, the second ones save time on visiting branches.

Banks themselves are interested in protecting the client. Therefore, they use the encryption of transmitted information using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. This prevents data interception and controls secure communication with the bank's server. At the time of online application, the browser must have a secure connection icon.

It looks like this: https://www.sberbank.ru, exactly https.

The applicant himself must also be careful:

  • secure your Internet access;
  • do not transfer your data to third parties;
  • make sure that the questionnaire is filled out on the official website of the bank, and not on a fraudulent clone.

Interest rates on loans have recently increased by about 2-3%, this is due to the expectation by banks of the second wave of the crisis.

But, nevertheless, banks are in a rather tough competition, they are interested in attracting more customers. This is reflected in the variety of loan programs offered, among which you can choose the most suitable one.

However, banks, widely advertising their services, often mention low interest rates and favorable conditions without overpayment. It is not always worth believing such advertising, but it is better to make sure that the offer is profitable by studying in detail the conditions of the proposed loan. This article will provide various tips that will help you make your choice, understand some of the tricks and "pitfalls" of lending.

It is worth remembering that interest on a loan and interest on a deposit should not be considered as equivalent amounts, since they are calculated according to a different principle. Interest on a loan is usually higher, but they are charged on the balance of the debt, which gradually becomes less. Therefore, by taking a loan of 100 thousand rubles at 23% per annum, you will overpay about 12.5 thousand rubles per year, and by making a deposit at 12.5% ​​per annum (some banks offer such conditions), you will receive the same amount as arrived.

Almost any bank can offer several lending programs. They can be roughly divided into two groups:

  • loans to those who need to receive funds in the shortest possible time, while there is no way to prove their financial income;
  • loans for those who have some time and the ability to collect the necessary documents.

Express loan is the fastest way to get money, but the percentage here is, of course, very high. In this case, if the bank does not have time to check the reliability of the borrower, all risks are included in the high rate. Ordinary loans, when the bank checks the documents provided by the client and makes a decision within a few days, are more profitable in terms of overpayment.

Since the choice of offered lending programs is very wide, it is worth choosing for yourself several suitable ones in different banks, and applying for a loan in each, and then finally choosing the most profitable option. You can use the Internet by visiting the websites of banks. Often on such sites you can calculate upcoming payments using special loan calculators.

  • www.banki.ru
  • www.credcalc.ru
  • www.sravni.ru

When choosing, consider the following points:

  1. First of all, pay attention to your payroll bank. Banks offer additional benefits if the client receives wages on the card of this bank. If the conditions do not suit you, then consider the offers of large banks. It is better if it is a state or foreign bank, the rates of such banks are lower due to lower risks.
  2. Be sure to ask what will be the effective rate, or the total cost of the loan. For you, this is the most important indicator by which you can compare the offers of different banks. The effective rate will include the nominal rate and various commissions charged by the bank when processing and servicing the loan. It is worth noting here that for advertising purposes, banks often offer interest-free loans, but they compensate for the lack of interest with various commission payments. As a result, it turns out that an interest-free loan is not the most profitable.
  3. For most borrowers, it is easier to navigate the various offers by comparing the amount of the overpayment. This indicator is even more visual than interest rates and will let you know if you are choosing an expensive or cheap loan.
  4. Amount, term and currency of the deposit. The amount should be the one that you really need, it is better to choose the shortest term, but so that the monthly payments are about 20-30% of your income - experts consider these conditions the most comfortable. It is better to take a loan in rubles, so as not to depend on changes in the exchange rate.
  5. If possible, you should always take insurance, especially if the loan is a large amount. An insurance policy, at a low cost, will reduce your risks.
  6. Carefully study the terms of the contract, especially the clauses marked with an "*" and having explanations in the form of a footnote in small print. Sometimes you can find rather veiled transcripts and explanations in these footnotes, in some “magical” way turning 0% per annum into 15%, or masking large one-time commissions, but they always need to be reduced to three important indicators: effective annual rate, one-time commission, monthly commission.

The conditions for early repayment of the loan are very important, as this allows you to reduce the final costs. Banks are required by law to allow early repayment, but since they don't want to lose their interest income, they apply various penalties.

For example, there are moratoriums on early repayment of a loan for a certain period from the moment the loan is issued. This is introduced so that the bank can receive a certain guaranteed benefit from lending. For consumer and auto loans, this period can be equal to 3 months, for mortgages - from six months.

In case of early repayment of a loan, the bank may provide for various commissions, but since 2011 they have been considered illegal, and you have every right to file a lawsuit. If the loan is a small amount, then the commission will also be small, but in the case of a mortgage, the amount will be significant.

Find out the size and procedure for making the minimum amount of early repayment of the loan. If additional free funds appear, you will be able to reduce the debt base on the loan, and, thereby, reduce the percentage of overpayment on it. But there is a certain peculiarity here: banks, as a rule, set a lower limit on the amount of early payment.

Please note that the bank first deducts the amount from your account, and then compares the balance of funds with the size of the minimum early repayment amount. If you applied for early repayment, and the amount of the account balance exceeds the required minimum amount, then early repayment will take place. If the account balance is less than the indicated amount, then it will simply lie on your account until the next payment.

There are two loan payment schemes. The annuity scheme involves the payment of equal amounts over the entire repayment period of the loan. First, interest payments prevail, then the principal amount is paid. This scheme is convenient in that the funds are deposited fairly evenly.

With a differentiated payment scheme, the initial amounts repay the principal debt, their size is large enough, which is far from acceptable for everyone. Such a scheme is more beneficial for those who would like to. It will reduce the amount of payments by reducing the principal amount of the debt, in accordance with which interest is charged. Naturally, the smaller the balance of the debt, the smaller the amount of interest on it. As a result, the amount of interest for differentiated payments is less than for annuity payments.

You can significantly reduce the interest rate on a loan (sometimes up to 10%) by submitting documents confirming your income to the bank (certificate 2-NDFL). Also of some importance is a positive credit history, work in the last place for at least a year, the presence of guarantors, as well as whether you were previously a client of this bank.

For large amounts of debt, such as mortgages, it may be wise to seek the advice of a specialist broker. In this case, the payment for his services may be much less than the amount of savings, both time and money.

At first glance, obtaining a consumer loan is a simple and uncomplicated matter. You just need to provide a passport and a small package of documents to the bank, wait a few days - and a loan in your pocket. But is it worth the haste when it comes to finances? It is better to understand in detail all the nuances of obtaining a consumer loan.

Weighted decision

The very first and most important step should be a balanced decision on obtaining a loan. Before going to the bank, it is worth soberly assessing all the pros and cons of borrowing money from the bank. A loan is a paid banking service, and if there is no firm confidence in the ability to fulfill the borrower's obligations in a timely manner and in full, then it is not worth applying for a loan. If there is no alternative to a loan, but you really need funds, it is better to spend some time choosing the best loan with favorable conditions (for example, using a loan calculator).

Request for a loan

To apply for a consumer loan, you need to submit an application to the bank. Today, an application for a loan can be left not only at a bank branch, but also on its official website, as well as over the phone or at a point of sale (when buying a product on credit). The application must contain the personal data of the borrower, the desired amount of credit funds, data on the place of work, phone number, e-mail address, and other items are possible.

Package of documents

The composition of the package of documents required for obtaining a consumer loan usually depends on the type of loan. It is mandatory to present the original passport, from which a copy will be made. In addition, one more identity card may be required - a driver's license, a passport or an insurance policy, a certificate of income of the 2-NDFL form, as well as a copy of the work book.

Review of documents

After submitting the documents, it will take some time for them to be considered by the bank. The decision to issue a loan can be made almost immediately, or within a few days - depending on the amount and type of loan, as well as the terms of the loan. The bank may refuse a loan without giving reasons, but the borrower has the right to write a second application.

Getting a loan

Upon receipt of a consumer targeted loan, the goods or services are paid for by bank transfer, that is, the money is transferred to the seller's account. In the case of a cash loan, the borrower can withdraw money from the loan account (at an ATM or at the cash desk).

Important: do not forget about the mandatory loan payments that must be made on time, in accordance with the loan agreement - any delay is fraught with penalties. With the possibility of early repayment of the loan, such a step would be reasonable and help to avoid unnecessary overpayments. After the final repayment of the debt, it is recommended to obtain an appropriate document from the bank.

All residents of our country know that a financial institution called Sberbank is the most reliable and popular in Russia. The total amount of his assets exceeds 22.6 trillion rubles. Many people trust him with their money. But the most popular service in our time is the issuance of loans. Therefore, many citizens are most interested in the question: how to get a loan at Sberbank? This is what is worth talking about.


This is the first thing you need to pay attention to. Before applying for a loan at Sberbank, you need to carefully read all the conditions. So, the loan is issued for the purpose of personal consumption in rubles. The minimum amount is 300,000, the maximum is one and a half million. Term - from 3 months to 5 years. But there is one caveat. If a person with temporary registration applies to the bank, then he will be given a loan for such an amount of time that will not exceed its validity period. There is no commission for providing the service. And no collateral is required - that's also important to keep in mind.

Under surety

Now you can talk in more detail about specific cases of issuing a loan. And it’s worth starting with loans issued with a guarantee of individuals. Judging by the reviews, it is easiest for people who are bank customers. That is, those who have a registered deposit or salary card there. To get a loan, they only need to bring their passport. In addition, they can get a lower rate. So, is it profitable to draw up in this If judged objectively, then not very much. Looking at the example, you can understand why.

Let's say a man who receives a salary of 40,000 rubles a month on a Sberbank card wants to get a loan for a year. He has a wife with an income of 30,000 rubles/m, which is also taken into account. With such indicators, he can be given a loan amounting to only 172,000 rubles. At a rate of 13.9% per annum. The monthly payment will be 15,435 rubles. And the amount of the final overpayment is 13,223 rubles. All this can be calculated and double-checked using a loan calculator.

And if you need a million for 2 years? Experts say that an application for such an amount will be approved if each spouse has a monthly income of 100,000 rubles. Then the payment will be 47,965 rubles, and the total overpayment will be 151,175.

Requirements for clients

Talking about how to get a loan at Sberbank, one cannot help but note this topic. Judging by the reviews, standard requirements are imposed on potential borrowers. They are rigid only in relation to the income of clients. Since it is important for employees of a financial institution to know that the consumer is solvent and able to pay his debt. The minimum age is 18 years old. Maximum - 75 (at the time of return). Work experience must be at least 6 months at the last place of employment. And the total is a year.

Reviews indicate that from the documents you will need an application form, a civil passport with registration (temporary is allowed), as well as papers confirming the client’s employment and financial condition. The same set must be assembled by the co-borrower. After submitting the documents, you should wait 2 days. After this period, the bank will notify the person of its decision.

Military loan

How to get a loan at Sberbank in this case is also worth noting. This financial institution has developed a special program for military personnel participating in the accumulative housing mortgage system (NIS). A loan of this type is issued for any purpose. In their reviews, customers claim: they take it to make an additional payment for the purchased housing. And, by the way, it is possible to increase the loan amount if you attract a guarantor. Without it, the maximum you can get is 500,000 rubles. But if an individual is involved in the guarantee, then the amount will increase to 1,000,000. And the rate will also be more profitable - 16.5% and 15.5% per annum, respectively.

Non-purpose loan secured by real estate

What can be accepted as collateral for a loan? There are several options. You can lay a dwelling (house, apartment, townhouse), land, garage. All this is accepted by Sberbank. An application for a cash loan, which can be issued even at any branch of the organization, is considered from 2 to 8 days. You also need to know that this type of loan is not available to people who are individual entrepreneurs, owners of a small business, shareholders, employees in any management position, and even members of a farm.


Today it is a very popular financial product. Naturally, Sberbank also offers it. You can apply for a cash loan for refinancing by contacting any branch. But first, let's talk about the benefits. A person who decides to refinance is given the opportunity to reduce the monthly payment on existing loans. He can also pay off 5 loans at once. Moreover, those that were received by him in other banks. There is also the possibility of removing the encumbrance from the car bought on credit.

Judging by the reviews, Sberbank offers a simple scheme by which each person can understand their benefits. Suppose, in the first bank, his monthly payment is 6,450 rubles. In the second - 11,457 rubles. In total, this is 17,907 rubles. If he issues, then his payments will decrease to 16,830 per month. This is taking into account the repayable debt and payment for receiving funds for personal purposes in the amount of 135,000 rubles, which are also included in the refinancing service.

About the design

In the case of refinancing, there are some nuances that need to be taken into account. The first is documents. Their package is more voluminous than in the case of a conventional loan. In addition to the previously listed securities, you will need a certificate from the banks in which the person took loans. It must have the seal of the enterprise and the personal signature of the representative of the financial institution. As well as information about the loan - the date of conclusion of the agreement and its number, the day of expiration, the total amount of the loan and its currency, limit, interest rate, the amount of the monthly payment and how much more the person has to pay.

How can I get a loan at Sberbank for refinancing? You need to collect a package of the above documents, and then come to the branch at the place of registration. A loan for refinancing can be issued only in the city in which the person is registered.

Loan to householders

Sberbank has a special loan program created for people who own their own subsidiary plots. And part of the interest rate for them is subsidized by the state from budgetary funds. Many are interested in: is it possible to get a loan at Sberbank without certificates? Of course not, such a serious financial organization does not give money just like that.

In the case of this loan, in addition to the above documents, you will also need to provide an extract from the household book, which will confirm that the person keeps records of the subsidiary farm. It can be obtained from the administration of your locality. There is one more nuance. Often, this type of loan is applied for by men who are citizens of Ukraine, but who, together with their wife, run a household in Russia. They can also get a loan, but only if their spouse has a Russian passport.

What else is worth knowing?

What information should be taken into account if you want to get a loan at Sberbank? The application (reviews confirm this fact) must be made at the place of residence. According to clients of a financial institution, in this case, the chance of getting approval is higher. If there are “financial sins” behind the soul of the consumer, it is better to correct them. It's about bad credit. Sberbank is the largest financial institution in the country. And, judging by the reviews, they trust their money only to people with good solvency.

How to proceed in order to get a loan at Sberbank? There are tips. True, they may seem strange. And the bottom line is this - you need to issue several short-term loans or credits, and then pay them off without delaying payments. Many in this way make themselves a positive credit history, which Sberbank employees always turn to without fail. But the most important thing is to carefully read the offered rates and conditions, so as not to regret your choice later.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state