
History in banknotes. How money is protected from counterfeiting. Counterfeit protection Let's take a closer look at money counterfeit protection

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Purpose: To learn how to determine the authenticity of banknotes of the Bank of Russia. Security features: 1 Hidden iridescent stripes 2 Micro perforations 3 Metallic plunging thread 4 Color shifting ink 5 Security fibers 6 Embossed image 7 Latent image 8 Watermark 9 Micro text Microtext 4 9 6 2 3 5 7 8 1 Banknotes of the Bank of Russia 500 rub. 4 1.Hidden iridescent stripes2.Microperforation3.Dropping metallic thread4.Security fibers5.Relief image6.Latent image7.Watermark8.Microtext 5 8 7 6 1 2 3 Banknotes of the Bank of Russia100 rubles Hidden iridescent stripes Microperforation Hidden image Watermark Microtext This is a new sign of the authenticity of banknotes, located on all denominations (10,50,100,500,1000 rubles). When considering banknotes at an acute angle, multi-color (rainbow) stripes appear on the field. A new sign of the authenticity of banknotes, located on banknotes of 100,500,1000 rubles. When viewed against a light source, it shows the digital designation of the face value, formed by micro-holes. The paper at the location of the micro-holes should not be rough to the touch. This is a new sign of the authenticity of banknotes, located on all denominations. A metallized security thread is embedded in the paper of banknotes, which is visible on the reverse side of banknotes in the form of shiny rectangles. Color-shifting ink changes color as the banknote's tilt changes. Banknotes with a face value of 500 rubles bear the emblem of the Bank of Russia in color-shifting ink. Colored security fibers are randomly arranged in banknote paper. This is a pre-existing sign of the authenticity of banknotes. If the bill is viewed under a magnifying glass, then the impression is that you see pieces of thin short threads. The text "Bank of Russia Ticket" in the upper right part of the front side of the banknotes and the label for visually impaired people in the lower part of the coupon field pattern have a relief perceived by touch. On the ornamental ribbon of banknotes, when they are horizontally located at eye level, at an acute angle of the incident light, the letters "PP" are visible. When examining the banknote through the light, numerous watermarks are visible. On the narrow coupon field there is a digital designation of the face value, on the wide field - a fragment of the plot of the front or back side. The microtext consists of the letters "TsBR" and the digital designation of the denomination. Banknotes of the Bank of Russia are difficult to fake, but easy to verify. Citizens of Russia need to know and be able to determine the authenticity of banknotes of the Bank of Russia. To reliably determine the authenticity of banknotes, it is necessary to check at least 3 security features.

Municipal state institution "Department of Education"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum "Erudite"


Director of MBOU "Lyceum "Erudite"

N.T. Ivanova

Order No. 210 dated August 30, 2017

Working programm

for extracurricular activities

Cup " financial literacy» for 3 "B" class

primary general education according to EMC "School of Russia"

for 2017-2018 academic year

Tashkinova Elena Anatolyevna,

teachers of the first qualification category


at a meeting of the MO of primary school teachers

Protocol No. 4

head of the MO ____________V. F. Ubogova


at a meeting of the Methodological Council

Protocol No. 4

Chairman of the MS ______ T.V. Denisenko

Rubtsovsk, 2017

1. Explanatory note

The work program on financial literacy for grades 2 and 3 is based on the author's program: Yulia Korlyugova. financial literacy. Curriculum.2-4 classes. Moscow, Vita, 2015.

The study of the course "Financial Literacy" in elementary school is aimed at achieving the followinggoals :

Development of an economic way of thinking;

Education of responsibility and moral behavior in the field of economic relations in the family;

Formation of experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve elementary issues in the field of family economics.

The main content lines of the course :

Money, their history, types, functions;

Family budget.

Mastering the content is based on interdisciplinary connections with the courses of mathematics, literature and the world around. Educational materials and tasks are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of children and include tasks, practical tasks, games, mini-studies and projects. In the process of studying the course, the skills and abilities of students working with texts, tables, diagrams, as well as searching, analyzing and presenting information and public speaking are formed.

2. The place of the course in the curriculum.

To study the course "Financial Literacy" in grades 2.3, elementary school is given 1 hour per week. The program is designed for 16 hours (16 study weeks)

3. Planned results.

Personal results:

* awareness of oneself as a member of the family, society and state;

* mastering the initial skills of adaptation in the world of financial relations;

* development of independence and awareness of personal responsibility for one's actions;

* development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different gaming and real economic situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations, including when completing educational projects and in other types of extracurricular activities.

metasubject results.


The student will learn:

* understand the goals of their actions;

* make simple plans with the help of a teacher

* show cognitive and creative initiative;

* evaluate the correctness of the actions;

* adequately perceive the proposals of comrades, teachers, parents.


The student will learn:

* mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

* use various methods of searching, collecting, processing, analyzing and presenting information;

* mastering the logical actions of comparison, generalization, classification, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

* mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts.


The student will learn:

* compose a text in oral and written forms;

* listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

*recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

* express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events

* agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.


The student will learn:

*understand and correctly use economic terms;

* have an idea about the role of money in the family and society;

* be able to characterize the types and functions of money;

* know the sources of income and directions of family expenses;

* be able to calculate income and expenses and draw up a simple family budget4

Identify elementary problems in the field of family finances and ways to solve them4

* Carry out elementary financial calculations.

4. The content of the subject.

2.3 classes.

The course opens withWhat is money and where did it come from in the study of which, for the first time, children are offered information about the appearance of the exchange of goods, about the problems of commodity exchange, about the appearance of the first money - goods with high liquidity. At the same time, children in general terms trace that the properties of precious metals (value, strength, divisibility) make them convenient commodity money. Children will learn about the appearance of the first coins and about the coins of different countries.

The study of the course continues in the topic“Let's take a closer look at the money. Counterfeit protection, which introduces children to the design of coins, the invention of paper money, and ways to protect against counterfeiting paper money.

Next topicPrograms“What kind of money was there before in Russia” forms in students an idea of ​​​​old Russian commodity money, the origin of the words "money", "ruble", "penny", about the first Russian coins. The topic is further explored"Modern money of Russia and other countries", in which children get acquainted with the modern money of Russia, the modern money of the world, the emergence of non-cash money, non-cash money as information on bank accounts, non-cash payments, and the functions of ATMs.

Next topic"Where does the money come from in the family?" It discusses the following concepts: money can be inherited, win the lottery or find a treasure, the main source of income for a modern person is wages, the amount of wages depends on the profession. Children receive elementary information that the owner can receive rent and interest, the state helps the elderly, the disabled, students, families with children and the unemployed. Children also get acquainted with the fact that if there is a shortage of money, they can be borrowed, there are scammers who defraud people of money.

Continues to study the course topic"What is the money spent on" People are constantly spending money on goods and services. Expenses are both mandatory and optional. To buy furniture, household appliances, a car, you most often have to make savings. If there is not enough savings or unexpected expenses appear, money can be borrowed. Many people spend money on hobbies and sometimes on bad habits.

Next Topic to ExploreHow to manage your money smartly Concepts are given here: the budget - the plan of incomes and expenses. People keep records of income and expenses to avoid financial problems.

Topic"How to save" Students will learn that when income exceeds expenses, savings are generated. Savings invested in the bank or securities can bring income.

5. Calendar - thematic planning grade 2.3


date of



Subject, quantity








and installations



Forms of training


carried out in the classroom.

Exchange and money (8 hours)


What is money and where did it come from

2 hours

Product. Money. Types of money. Liquidity Buy. Coins. Paper money.

Types of money: cash, non-cash.

Distinguish between types of money

Explain the benefits of sharing. Distinguish between types of money.

General discussion.

Game activity.


Let's take a closer look at money. Counterfeit protection.

2 hours

Coins. Gurt. Obverse. Reverse. Denomination Banknote. Bill.

Banknote. Bill. Counterfeit money.

Understanding how to distinguish money from counterfeit money.

Distinguish money from counterfeit money.

Compare metal and paper money. Explain why making counterfeit money is a crime.

General discussion, game activity, practical work.


What kind of money was before in Russia.

2 hours

"Fur money". Old money. Kunas. Denga. Kopek. Hryvnia. Grosh. Altyn. Ruble. Dime. Half a ruble.

"Fur money". Kunas. The first Russian coins. Banknote.

Understanding the origin of money.

Name old money.

Name and describe old money.

General discussion, group work, game activity.


Modern money of Russia and other countries.

2 hours

Banks. Money. Types of money.

Dollars. Euro.

Types of money: cash, non-cash, electronic. Plastic cards.

Understanding that money is a medium of exchange, not a blessing.

Use plastic cards. Make cashless payments.

Know modern Russian money. Explain what a plastic card and cashless payment are.

General discussion, practical work, creative work, research.

Family budget (8 hours)


Where does the money come from in the family?

2 hours

Income. Wage. Pension.

Family income: salary, pension, allowances, stipend

Understanding what family income depends on.

Consider the sources of income and explain what influences the amount of income.

Distinguish between types of family income.

General discussion, creative working, mini-study.


What money is spent on.

2 hours

Expenses. Saving. Debts.

Expenses. Unexpected expenses.

Understanding the origin of expenses.

Distinguish between planned and unforeseen expenses.

General discussion, testing, creative work, mini - research.


How to manage your money smartly.

2 hours

Expenses and income. Family budget.

Budget: income and expenses.

Understanding that the family budget is planned in advance, but there are unforeseen expenses.

Ability to prepare a family budget.

Draw up a family budget on conditional examples.

General discussion, Creative work.


How to make savings.

2 hours

Bank deposit. Piggy bank. Real estate.

Types of savings.

Understanding what savings is made up of.

Compare different types of savings.

Distinguish between types of savings.

General discussion, creative work, game activity.

6. Description of educational - methodological support of the educational process.

Book production.

Sergei Fedin. financial literacy. Materials for students, grades 2-3. At 2 h. Part 1 - Moscow VITA, 2015

Sergei Fedin. financial literacy. Materials for students, grades 2-3. At 2 h. Part 2 - Moscow VITA, 2015

Yulia Korlyugova. financial literacy. Guidelines for teachers.- Moscow VITA, 2015

Technical training aids

Classroom board with a set of fixtures for attaching tables

exposure screen

Personal Computer

Multimedia projector

Class equipment

Double student tables with a set of chairs

Teacher's table with pedestal

Cabinets for storing textbooks, didactic materials, manuals, etc.

FX Review

If today it is mainly numismatist collectors who are concerned, then the counterfeiting of paper banknotes is not an idle question at all and may well affect everyone. Modern Russian money has many degrees of protection against counterfeiting, in accordance with the achievements of technological progress - these are watermarks and holograms, micro-holes and embossed surfaces, special security fibers, microprinting and color-changing paint.

Currently, in Russia, banknotes are made from extra strong paper with the addition of cotton fibers - it is due to them that a characteristic crunch appears when bent. Banknote paper is not tinted or bleached, so it does not glow in ultraviolet light, unlike regular paper. Even at the production stage, red, gray and green fibers are added to the paper pulp, randomly located over the entire surface of the banknote, as well as special security fibers that glow in UV radiation in different colors.

Protective fibers

At the same time, a metallized plastic diving strip is introduced, forming a dotted line on the reverse side of the bill, as well as watermarks visible when the bill is viewed through the light, with the image of the denomination of the bill and some symbolic place or figure for Russia.

For example, a 100-ruble banknote depicts the building of the Bolshoi Theater, a 500-ruble banknote depicts a portrait of Peter I, and a 1,000-ruble banknote depicts Yaroslav the Wise.

Thanks to the unique printing equipment used for the manufacture of banknotes, images can be applied to them in several ways. For example, Oryol printing allows you to apply a pattern of different colors with sharp borders, but without a visible difference in colors, and the so-called kipp effect - to make a latent image visible only at a certain angle.

Also, the achievements of the modern printing industry make it possible to make different parts of a banknote react differently to a magnetic field, be visible in a polarizing filter or show a luminescent effect in ultraviolet. At the same time, the security elements of the banknote are arranged in relation to each other in a strict order, and some of them, such as microtext or micropattern, can only be seen at high magnification.

After the bill is printed, moiré stripes are applied to it, changing their color depending on the angle of view. At the same stage, a laser microperforation is applied to the banknote, repeating its denomination and noticeable only in bright light. Then relief surfaces are indicated, easily distinguishable by touch - the text “ticket of the Bank of Russia”, as well as stripes and dots in the lower left corner of the bill. They are designed not only to protect the bill from counterfeiting, but also serve as a guide for visually impaired people.

And, finally, with a special paint, each banknote has its own individual number, while one of the digits of this number is endowed with diamagnetic properties.

In conclusion, we add that the equipment on which modern banknotes are made is kept in the strictest secrecy, and the prevalence of consumables (paints, fibers, etc.) is strictly limited.

Journal FX Review

About the new 100-dollar bill, which received additional protection against counterfeiting. Today we will consider in more detail and in detail what types of protection of paper banknotes from counterfeiting exist in the world.

Recall that the main security element will appear on the updated American banknote - a blue 3D security stripe. It will not only make it easy to distinguish new banknotes from old ones visually, but will also significantly complicate the life of counterfeiters. And yet they do not sleep.

Counterfeiters, according to history, appeared simultaneously with the emergence of money, not only paper, but also metal.

The issue of the first paper money, for example, in the Russian Empire in 1769, immediately opened up a lot of people's "talents". The reason at first was given by the government itself. Not having sufficient experience, Russian bankers introduced banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 75 and 25 rubles into the series. What the government did not immediately foresee was quickly noticed by the attackers. After all, if in the number "25" you skillfully remake a deuce into a seven, then the face value of the sign will immediately increase three times. "Specialists" were quickly found who did not put off the matter indefinitely and simply began to redraw twenty-five-ruble notes into seventy-five rubles. This phenomenon has left an imprint to this day, because so far neither we nor our neighbors have a banknote that would contain the number "75".

In France, for example, during the reign of Napoleon, there were counterfeiters who were in the service of the emperor and counterfeited the money of Russia and England on an industrial scale: firstly, to pay for food and services to the local population, and secondly, to undermine the economy the country with which the war was going on. Such money was made in a special printing house, on special paper, and they were “aged” there. For example, Monsieur Lal, one of the professional counterfeiters, came up with such a method. In a special pantry, on a thick layer of street dust, which had previously been swept away and brought there, new banknotes were thrown, and then they were driven from corner to corner with a special leather broom. After such processing, Lal wrote, the banknotes looked as if they had already passed through many hands.

Having moved the "great army" to Russia, Napoleon took the printing press with him. Now no one "aged" fakes, there was simply no time for this. They were printed, packed in bales and carried with special guards. Thus, Emperor Napoleon covered a certain part of the cost of maintaining the army at the expense of the sleight of hand of the people of the special branch of his secret government.

The Russian government did not immediately assess the scale of the damage, since these forgeries were very skillfully executed at that time. It was possible to distinguish them only by grammatical errors, since the French did not speak Russian perfectly (for example, like Chinese goods on our market about ten years ago, when there were many errors in the description, there were no “correct” letters).

During the Great Patriotic War, the German government also massively counterfeited the money of the USSR and put them into circulation. Until now, as they suggest, equipment on which fake data was printed is flooded at the bottom of the lake in Austria.

Currently, there are a lot of counterfeit banknotes in the world. For example, the Interpol collection contains 30 thousand samples of various kinds of fakes from all continents, two thirds of which are US dollars, and with a face value of "100".

By the way, the same Interpol publishes a special bulletin "Fakes and forgeries", which describes the most noticeable differences between fakes and originals. Moreover, descriptions are not included here of cheap artisanal fakes, but only industrial ones, made at the highest technical level.

All this forces the governments that issue paper money to go to their defense. Everyone knows about watermarks and security stripes, since these types of protection are also present on banknotes of our country, but there are a number of ways to protect banknotes from counterfeiting. Let's take a closer look at how you can protect a bill.

"Increasing" serial number. Security method when each successive digit of the serial number of the banknote becomes higher or thicker, or both higher and thicker. There are options for both horizontal and vertical increase in serial number digits. This method, in particular, is used on banknotes of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Scotland and other countries. This method is also practiced in Zambia.

colored fibres. A method of security in which colored silk or synthetic fibers, usually red, green or blue, are added to the banknote, which are clearly visible if you look closely at the banknote. This method is quite old. So, on paper, which was used for the production of signs in denominations of two chervonets of the USSR of the sample of 1928, microscopic red streaks are clearly visible - this indicates that the banknote is genuine. This method was also used in Cambodia, Tajikistan.

Double sided optical design or superimposed image. A special technique for applying an image, when one half of it is applied on one side of the bill, and the second on the other. When the banknote is viewed against the light, the uncolored element of the front side is filled with the color of the reverse side fragments, forming a complete single pattern. This method is used to protect banknotes of our country, Canada, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Congo and many other countries.

Security thread. This type of protection is now used on almost all modern banknotes in the world, including Belarus. At the first stage, when viewed through the light, they looked like black lines. Now the ribbons have become more complicated, they have become “diving”, there are several types, for example, a thread that can only be seen through the light. There is a metallized thread with a kinetic effect, that is, at different angles it changes its property or color. For example, on 10 Egyptian pounds, two threads are used at once, one of them is visible through the light, the second - with a kinetic effect: on the one hand, it looks like a broken strip, when viewed through the light, the strip becomes inseparable.

There are also two threads on the bill of Madagascar, one is visible through the light, the second appears when you look at the bill at a certain angle.

On the banknote of Iran, when viewed through the light, a black thread appears, and when viewed in UV radiation, this thread becomes multi-colored.

Hologram. An image in the form of a picture or a sticker that changes its property (usually color) when viewing a bill from different angles. An example is the anniversary banknote of 20,000 rubles, about which earlier.

Watermark. invisible seal. A method of protection when text or an image is applied to a banknote, which become visible only in the light. Currently, images and portraits of rulers, animals, plants, national symbols, numbers, denominations and much more are used as watermarks in the world.

Metallographic printing. A security method that uses a special printing method that makes the image appear more raised and can be felt. US banknotes are a good example. I think many of the generation of the eighties themselves more than once rubbed the jackets of American presidents with their fingers.

Microtext. Made in very small letters, the inscriptions to the naked eye seem to be simple design lines. As a rule, microtext, which forms a complex pattern, simply does not reproduce when copied using technology, and the place where it is located becomes very blurry, which immediately betrays a fake. Microtext can be seen only if you look very carefully or through a magnifying glass. It can also be in the form of a so-called anti-copy grid, when patterns, geometric shapes that cannot be reproduced by copying equipment, are formed using very thin lines instead of text.

Luminescence in UV rays. A method of printing when text, an image or numbers are applied to a banknote, which become visible if the banknote is “enlightened” in UV radiation.

Counterfeit protection. These plates are printed on special machines, each side is printed separately. The ink from the grooves engraved on the plate transfers to the paper under very high pressure, forming an embossed (palpable to the touch) pattern or text. Serial numbers are also printed using letterpress printing on a special device in which ink is applied to convex tall letters and numbers. The number of each banknote, as a rule, consists of a group of letters and a group of numbers. In this case, each of the banknotes of this sheet has a different letter part and a constant digital part. With each subsequent sheet, the digital part of the number increases by one. After all sheets with all possible numbers are printed, the board is replaced with the next one with a new range and letter group. The sheets are then cut into individual banknotes, which are stacked in containers in alphabetical order of the letter portions of their serial numbers and fed into computer-connected controllers for final inspection, removal of defective banknotes, counting and packaging into bundles. From there - to the warehouse, from the warehouse - to banks and wallets. Modern banknotes have a whole range of different security features that make it difficult to counterfeit them. With each new issue of money, this set is increasing in all countries, while using the latest achievements of science and technology.

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