
Graph of population change in the Crimea. Summary of the lesson on Crimean studies on the topic "Population of Crimea: population dynamics, demographic indicators. Natural and mechanical movement.". Population of Russia with the Crimean Federal District

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TECHNOLOGICAL CARD OF THE LESSONCrimean studies Grade 6 Lesson No. 14

Theme: "I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!". The population of Crimea, its district, settlement.

Planned results: personal: to form interest in the subject and the need for new knowledge; contribute to the expansion of horizons about the "small" Motherland-Crimea;

metasubject: to form the ability to analyze and compare information;

subject: to organize work with students on the assimilation of knowledge about the dynamics of the population of Crimea, to form the concepts of "regional identity", "Crimeans", knowledge of the national structure of the population,

Lesson type : learning new material

Equipment: map of the population of Crimea; a notebook with a printed base edited by A.V. Suprychev, textbook "Crimea studies", a multimedia complex with direct Internet access, an atlas of Crimea

During the classes

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation of educational activity

From 14 to 25 October 2014, the first population census was conducted in Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. I think that it is interesting for every person to know: how many people live today in our “Crimean house”, in our “Crimean family”, especially since no one has dealt with this issue since 2001!

Analyze. They draw conclusions.

Participate in setting the objectives of the lesson.

2.Updating basic knowledge

What is called population?

What people do you know living in the Crimea?

Oral conversation.

3.Organization of cognitive activity

In the entire history of mankind, 80 billion people were born on Earth. Every second, 3 children are born on Earth, but what is happening in Crimea?

The population of Crimea. As of January 1, 2015, the permanently resident population was2284.8 thousand person, of them 83% live in the Republic of Crimea, but 17% - in the federal city of Sevastopol. Compared with the previous census of 2001, the population of the Crimean peninsula decreased by 116 thousand people (approximately the population of the city of Evpatoria is 106 thousand).

Features of the modern national composition of the Crimea. - 175 nations and nationalities. - numerous ethnic groups: Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars - small peoples; - ancient peoples: Karaites and Krymchaks.

State languages.

Regional identity is the feeling by people of different ethnic groups of their direct involvement in everything that happens in the region, which they consider to be their small homeland.

Motto " Prosperity in Unity"

Students are offered a slide from Wikipedia"Population of subjects of the Russian Federation" , where the Republic of Crimea is on the 27th line, and the city of Sevastopol is on the 77th line.

Republic of Crimea - 1.895915 people . Sevastopol-398 973 people (the largest city in terms of population in the Crimea). Determined by the text of the textbook p.81.

The official languages ​​are called:Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar.

Write the definition in a notebook.

They come to the conclusion that this concept unites all the peoples of Crimea.

4. Summing up


Questions and tasks on page 82 of the textbook.

Reflection. Share your impressions of the lesson:

Today I found out...

I realized that...

Lesson taught me for life...

I was surprised...

I wanted…

Homework: §19, to prepare messages, presentations about the peoples of Crimea.

Oral conversation on the material covered.

Share your impressions of the lesson.

Since March 21, 2014, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol have been part of the Russian Federation as the Crimean Federal District. In this regard, it was decided to conduct a population census in order to clarify the socio-demographic changes that have occurred since the last census.

Population census-2014 in Crimea: results

In October 2014, a population census was held in Crimea, connected with its annexation to Russia. Preliminary results became known at the end of 2014, in the month of December. Official data should be made public before May 1, 2015. How many people live in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol? According to the census, 2,284,400 people live in Crimea, of which the population of Sevastopol is 395,000 people. Interestingly, 7.8% more women live on the peninsula than the representatives of the stronger sex. The largest city in terms of population in the Republic of Crimea is Simferopol. The number of people living in it was 350,600 people. The second city in terms of population is Kerch. It is home to 147,000 people. Next comes Yalta with a population of 133,600.

The national composition of the Crimean population, as well as answers to other census questions, will be known only by May after automatic processing of the data received.

Population of Crimea: dynamics

To get acquainted with the dynamics of the population of the Crimean Federal District, you should familiarize yourself with the data collected in the table. The last census was conducted in Crimea in 2001, when the peninsula was part of Ukraine.

Crimea: urban population

As in previous years, the city of Sevastopol turned out to be the most numerous in the Crimean Federal District. Its population, according to preliminary census data, was 395,000. In the Republic of Crimea, the largest population lives in Simferopol (350,600 people).

Population of Crimea

According to preliminary estimates, the population of urban residents is 58%. The number of residents living in rural areas is 42%.

Population of Russia with the Crimean Federal District

The territory of Russia, the largest state in the world in terms of area, is 17,125,407 km2. After the referendum in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the population of Russia amounted to 146,267,288 people. This data is as of January 1, 2015. For the second year in the Russian Federation, a positive natural increase has been observed, i.e. the birth rate of the population exceeds the death rate. The entry of Crimea into Russia, as well as an increase in the population due to immigrants, significantly influenced the increase in Russians.

Crimean Federal District: nationalities

Crimea is a peninsula with a rich history that has survived many wars, invasions and conquests. This was one of the reasons for the settlement of the territory of Crimea by peoples of various nationalities. In total, according to preliminary estimates, more than 125 peoples and nationalities live on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. According to preliminary data from the 2014 census, 67.9% of residents of Russian nationality are registered in the Crimean Federal District, 15.7% are Ukrainians, 10.6% are Crimean Tatars, and 5.8% are other nationalities.

Other nationalities include the following peoples:

  • Belarusians make up 1% of the Crimean population. According to historical data, their mass settlement was recorded in the 20s of the 19th century.
  • Armenians in the territory of Crimea live in an amount of 0.48% of the total population of the peninsula, which is part of the Russian Federation. The Armenians settled in the Crimea in the 13th century.
  • Azerbaijanis in the territory of the Crimean Federal District 0.19%.
  • Greeks make up 0.13% of all residents of the Crimean Federal District. The history of the appearance of the Greeks on the territory of the Crimean peninsula begins in the 4th century AD.
  • 0.04% of Jews live in Crimea. The history of the settlement of the inhabitants of this nationality in the Crimean territory began in the 1st century AD. The Second World War played a major role in reducing the number of Jews in Crimea. It was at that time that the number of Crimean Jews decreased by 5 times.
  • Crimean Germans make up 0.08% of the peninsula's population. The Germans first appeared in Crimea at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • The Karaites, one of the small ethnic groups of the Crimea, make up 0.02% of all the inhabitants of the peninsula. The first representatives of this nationality appeared in the Crimea in the Middle Ages. In those distant times, they inhabited mainly Feodosia and Evpatoria.

Despite various historical cataclysms, people of different nationalities have been coexisting peacefully in one territory called Crimea for several millennia.

/ Main page / Results / Main results of the census / Ethnic composition of the population / Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Number and composition of the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
according to the results of the All-Ukrainian population census of 2001

feature national composition population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is its multinationality. According to the data of the All-Ukrainian population census, representatives of over 125 nationalities and nationalities lived on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Error 404

Data on the most numerous nationalities living in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are given below *):

(thousand people)
IN % to the end year 2001
in % by 1989
year 2001 1989
Russians 1180,4 58,5 65,6 88,4
Ukrainians 492,2 24,4 26,7 90,5
Crimean Tatars 243,4 12,1 1,9 at 6.4 r.b.
Belarusians 29,2 1,5 2,1 68,9
Tatars 11,0 0,5 0,5 116,2
Armenians 8,7 0,4 0,1 at 3.7 r.b.
Jews 4,5 0,2 0,7 30,2
Poles 3,8 0,2 0,3 70,9
Moldovans 3,7 0,2 0,3 68,8
Azerbaijanis 3,7 0,2 0,1 at 1.7 r.b.
Uzbeks 2,9 0,1 0,0 at 4.6 r.b.
Koreans 2,9 0,1 0,1 122,6
Greeks 2,8 0,1 0,1 112,0
Germans 2,5 0,1 0,1 116,3
Mordovians 2,2 0,1 0,2 55,2
Chuvash 2,1 0,1 0,2 57,1
gypsies 1,9 0,1 0,1 113,1
Bulgarians 1,9 0,1 0,1 103,7
Georgians 1,8 0,1 0,1 121,9
Mari 1,1 0,1 0,1 62,2
Total 2024,0 100,0 100,0 99,4

*) the table includes data on nationalities whose share in the total population of the ARC is at least 0.1%

In the national composition of the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the overwhelming majority are Russians, numbering 1180.4 thousand people, or 58.5% of the total population. In the years that have passed since the 1989 census, the number of Russians has decreased by 11.6%, and their share in the number of residents of the ARC who indicated their nationality has decreased by 7.1 percentage points.

The second place in terms of numbers is occupied by Ukrainians. Their number, compared with the 1989 population census, decreased by 9.6% and totaled 492.2 thousand people as of the date of the census. The share of Ukrainians in the total population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, who indicated their nationality, decreased by 2.3 percentage points and amounted to 24.2%, according to the 2001 census.

The third place in terms of numbers is occupied by the Crimean Tatars. Their number, compared with the 1989 population census, increased 6.4 times and totaled 243.4 thousand people as of the date of the 2001 census. The share of Crimean Tatars in the total population of the ARC, who indicated their nationality, increased by 10.2 percentage points and amounted to 12.1% according to the 2001 census.

The lands of the modern Crimean peninsula were actually annexed to the Russian Empire according to the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty in 1774 (officially, Crimea was recognized as an independent state headed by the Crimean Khan).

However, after 9 years, Empress Catherine 2 signs a manifesto on the official annexation of the territory of the Crimean and Taman Peninsula to Russia.

It was from those very times that Crimea became part of the Russian Empire with a population of 20 thousand people, it is noteworthy that most of the inhabitants settled in the coastal regions of the peninsula exactly where they could get their own food, in the form of fish and other seafood, as well as where trade. The steppes were deserted, with the exception of small settlements of up to 10-15 people, in the form of postal stations in the direction of the capital.

Dynamics of population growth

The main data on the increase in population on the peninsula began to be taken into account during the Soviet era, when the Autonomous Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic was created on the peninsula as part of the RSFSR.

According to initial data, the population was a little more than 700 thousand inhabitants.

However, every year the dynamics of growth increased, primarily due to the resettlement of mostly people with the Christian faith.

And by 1939 there were already more than 1 million people.
By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were about 2.5 million inhabitants of Crimea.

On the video - statistics of the population in 2015:

Fresh Data

In 2014, a population census was conducted throughout the peninsula, which took place from October to December 2014.

And according to data as of January 1, 2015, the population of Crimea in 2015 is
2 million 294 thousand 888 people, thus the peninsula took 27th place in terms of the number of citizens (according to the government of the Russian Federation), immediately behind the Primorsky Territory and the Omsk Region, but ahead of the Leningrad Region (excluding St. Petersburg). The information is taken from open sources of the Russian government.

Territory overpopulation

However, official data only speaks about the numbers officially and permanently residing in Crimea.

But there are other figures that speak of completely different statistics. Namely, the total figure can reach up to 2 million 700 thousand people, which is 400 thousand more.

To a greater extent, these are migrants and refugees from the territory of Ukraine, namely the territory of the Anti-Terrorist Operation, the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

Negative moment of overpopulation

The most important negative fact is the lack of jobs for everyone. On the territory of the peninsula, there are practically no operating plants, factories or combines, which could provide work for the entire able-bodied population.

All this gives rise to unhealthy labor competition. People are ready to work literally for a penny.

Naturally, many people have a question whether there is a job in the Crimea, for which it can now be clearly noted that there is not.

Maybe over time, something will change, but so far the situation is unambiguous.

In order to make it clear, the whole situation can be indicated in comparative figures.

Crimea has a territory of 26,081 thousand square kilometers. At the same time, 72.7 people live per 1 square kilometer.

The Krasnodar Territory has the same population. With indicators of 72.2 people per square kilometer, but the size of the Territory is 3 times larger than the Republic.

Which region of Russia can not be taken as a model, everywhere the population is many times less, or the same amount, but with much larger sizes.

One of the largest settlements

  • The population of the largest cities exceeds 800 thousand and they are:
    This is, of course, the capital of the Republic - Simferopol with indicators of 350 thousand
  • Sevastopol with a figure of 390 thousand people (however, although the territorial city of Sevastopol is located on the territory, according to the official data of the government of the Russian Federation it is a city of Federal significance with its own personal border. The sights of Sevastopol, a photo with a description can be viewed here
  • Kerch, Yalta, Feodosiya and Yevpatoriya have more than 100 thousand permanent residents.

Historically, a complex ethnic structure of the population has developed in Crimea. The Ukrainian regional community of Crimea is the smallest in Ukraine. The largest share of the population of Crimea is represented by Russians (in total, they accounted for more than 2/3 of the total population), while Ukrainians made up just over a quarter of its inhabitants. During the 1990s, there were some changes in the ethnic structure of the Crimean population. They are associated, firstly, with the migration influx of Crimean Tatars and the outflow of representatives of other ethnic groups (primarily Russians) outside the republic. The largest number of Crimean Tatars was recorded in the central and western regions of the republic, in some of them the share of Crimean Tatars is more than 25%. A feature of the Crimea is also the extreme diversity of the national composition of the population. Representatives of many nationalities meet here: Russians, Tatars, Germans, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Jews, Karaites, Krymchaks, Poles, Czechs, Moldavians, etc. The last of the nomadic peoples were the Tatars, who became a settled population in the Crimea. During the years of Turkish rule, Crimea was rather densely populated, even the steppe Crimea was completely covered with Tatar settlements. The mass of old abandoned Tatar villages and cemeteries testifies to this. The surviving information indicates that the population was at least 140,000 people. The population was engaged in agriculture, gardening, cattle breeding, salt mining, trade, crafts.

Tatars. Modern Crimean Tatars are divided into steppe, mountain and coastal. The former retained their Mongolian type in their essential differences; the mountain ones are of a mixed type, and the purely Mongolian appearance is lost; the blood of the Mongol was mixed with the blood of the Greeks, Goths, Genoese, etc. The South Coast Tatars represent a special type, characteristic exclusively of the South Coast. Their growth is above average. Tatars live simply, but cleanly. Tatar houses (sakli), facing south for the most part, are made of stone (or of unbaked brick - kalyba), have a flat roof, and are very low. Tatars profess Islam (Sunnis), which was adopted by the Khan of the Golden Horde, Berke; Religiously, the Tatars are tolerant.

Greeks. The modern Greek population of Crimea came from the merger of the most ancient Greek settlers with the Balaklava - Archipelago Greeks and the later Anatolians. In most cases, the Greeks are short, with a swarthy face, black curly hair and a hooked nose; occasionally come across among them and blondes with blue eyes. They profess the Orthodox religion, speak modern Greek, in most cases they also know the Tatar language, in the cities they speak Russian. Culturally, the Greeks are incomparably superior to the Tatars.

Gypsies. The gypsies belong to a tribe that formerly lived in Hindustan, where they constituted a pariah class. After the invasion of Tamerlane, the Gypsies (Tishigans) moved to Africa.

Some of them subsequently passed through the Archipelago and Asia Minor to Europe. Gypsies came to Crimea from Bessarabia. From mixing with the Tatars, the type of gypsies also changed somewhat, but laziness and complete carelessness remained their characteristic features. Gypsies trade in horses, worn clothes, are engaged in blacksmithing, carting, small crafts, musicians come across among them.

The ethnonym "TATARS" has historically been attached to the Turkic-speaking population of the Ural-Volga historical and ethnographic region, Crimea, Western Siberia and to the Turkic in origin, but who lost their native language, the Tatar population of Lithuania. In the past, the Tatars also had other local ethnonyms - Moselman, Kazanly, Bolgars, Misher, Tipter, Kereshen, Nagaibek, Kechim, etc.

For the first time, the ethnonym "Tatars" appeared among the Mongol and Turkic tribes in the 6th - 9th centuries; in the second half of the 19th century, it was fixed as a common ethnonym of the Tatars. In the 13th century, the Mongols who created the Golden Horde included the tribes they conquered, including the Turkic ones, called "Tatars". In the 13th - 14th centuries. as a result of the complex ethnic processes that took place in the Golden Horde, the Kipchaks, numerically predominant in this state, assimilated all the other Turkic-Mongolian tribes, but adopted the ethnonym Tatars. European peoples, Russians and some large Asian peoples called the population of the Golden Horde "Tatars". In the Tatar khanates that formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, noble layers, military service groups and the bureaucratic class, which consisted mainly of the Golden Horde Tatars of Kypchak-Nogai origin, called themselves Tatars. It was they who played a significant role in the spread of the ethnonym Tatars. After the fall of the khanates, the term was also transferred to the common people. This was facilitated by the representations of the Russians, who called all the inhabitants of the khanates "Tatars".

Tatars are one of the largest Turkic-speaking ethnic groups. The total number of 6.648.7 thousand people. (1989). Tatars are the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan (1.765.4 thousand people), 1.120.7 thousand people live in Bashkortostan, 110.5 thousand people live in Udmurtia, 47.3 thousand people live in Mordovia, 47.3 thousand people live in the Republic Mari El - 43.8 thousand, Chuvashia - 35.7 thousand people. In general, the main part of the Tatar population - more than 4/5 - lives in the Russian Federation (5.522 thousand people), ranking second in terms of numbers. In addition, a significant number of Tatars live in the CIS countries. : in Kazakhstan - 300.9 thousand people, Uzbekistan - 367.8 thousand people, Tajikistan - 30.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan - 70.5 thousand people, Turkmenistan - 39.2 thousand people. Azerbaijan - 28 thousand people, in Ukraine - about 250 thousand people, in the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) about 14 thousand people. There is also a significant diaspora throughout the rest of the world (Finland, Turkey, USA, China, Germany, Australia, etc.). In view of the fact that there has never been a separate account of the number of Tatars in other countries, it is difficult to determine the total number of the Tatar population abroad (according to various estimates, from 100 to 200 thousand people).

There is no doubt that Volga-Ural And Crimean Tatars are independent ethnic groups. Ethnonym "Crimean Tatars" applied and is applied to an ethnically heterogeneous layer. Crimean Tatars, self-name - "kyrym Tatarlar" or "kyrymly" ("Crimeans"). This is a people that was formed on the Crimean peninsula. They are Sunni Muslims by religion.

The Turkic and non-Turkic peoples played their role in the formation of this ethnic group. Of the Turkic, these are the Turko-Bulgars, Khazars, Oguzes, Pechenegs, Kipchaks and Turks; from the non-Turkic - the descendants of the Tauro-Scythians, Greeks, Alans, Goths, partly Genoese.

According to the dialect differences of the language, features of the anthropological type, material and spiritual culture of the Crimean Tatars can be divided into three recognized groups :

1. Crimean Tatars of the southern coast of Crimea <ялы бойло>. Their language belongs to the Oghuz-Seljuk group (Yalta, Sudak, Balaklava). Anthropological type Caucasoid, no signs of Mongoloidity.

2. Crimean Tatar population between the First and Second Ridges of the Crimean Mountains , middle band<орта елах>(Bakhchisaray, Karasubazar), the so-called<таты>. The language belongs to the Kypchak-Polovtsian group, strongly oguzed. In 1928, this language was adopted as a common Crimean Tatar (literary) one. Anthropological type - Caucasoid, Mongoloid is absent.

3. Steppe Crimean Tatars — <ногаи>(self-name<мангыт>).

The language of the Kypchak group. Signs of Mongoloidity 10% (according to N.V. Terebinskaya - Shenger). They were engaged in animal husbandry, viticulture, winemaking, horticulture, horticulture, cultivation of melons, sericulture, tobacco growing, sea fishing, horse breeding, and camel breeding.

Until now, there are significant everyday, cultural, linguistic and even anthropological differences between different groups of Crimean Tatars.

This largely explains the contradictory conclusions of scientists who have studied various aspects of the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars. On the one hand, undertaken in the 20-30s. attempts to identify a specific medieval Crimean Tatar culture in the course of archaeological research did not give positive results. On the other hand, the desire to substantiate the thesis of the autochthonous nature of the Crimean Tatars at all costs forces some authors to assert their direct origin from the most ancient inhabitants of the peninsula - the Taurians. Obviously, these issues require serious consideration, free from political conjuncture. At the same time, there is no doubt that the Crimean Tatars consider themselves a single ethnic group and their self-consciousness is based on the feeling of this unity.

In the Golden Horde period (the first half of the 13th - the first half of the 15th century), three main political formations coexisted on the peninsula.

The largest of them was the Crimean ulus of the Golden Horde, which occupied the entire steppe part of the peninsula, the foothills and Southwestern Taurica. In the steppes and foothills, the bulk of the population was made up of the Turkic ancestors of the Crimean Tatars - the western and eastern Kipchaks and other Turkic tribes, who all called themselves "Kipchaks". The inhabitants of the mountain-forest part of the ulus, who adopted the common name "Gotalans" and became the non-Turkic ancestors of the Crimean Tatars, were called "tats" by the steppe inhabitants of the ulus. Outside the peninsula, both the Kipchaks of the steppe territory of the ulus and the "Tats" of its mountainous forest part called themselves the same - "kyrymly" ("Crimean").

Another major fief on the peninsula was the Principality of Theodoro. It was inhabited by the descendants of the Alans, Goths and Turko-Bulgars of the pre-Khazar and Khazar times, the Byzantines.

The third significant political formation on the territory of the Crimea was the Genoese colony, which occupied mainly the southern coast. The main population here also consisted of the descendants of the Alans and Goths, as well as the Byzantines.

A significant part of the population of the last two political structures, in the process of trade and economic relations with the inhabitants of the steppes and foothills, is gradually being Muslimized and included in the formation of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group.

Lesson No. Crimean Studies Grade 9A


Target: to continue the formation of knowledge about the population of Crimea.



    To acquaint with the peculiarities of the national and confessional (religious) composition of the Crimean population.


    Develop the ability to generalize and systematize knowledge.

    Develop skills in working with the text of the textbook.


    To educate citizenship and patriotism, respect for the culture and history of their country and the peoples inhabiting it.

Equipment: map of Crimea, atlases, notebooks on a printed basis (author A.V. Suprychev)

Lesson type: learning new material.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

II . Updating of basic knowledge

Expand the concept of "nationality", "ethnos" (Nationality - in modern Russian, a term denoting a person's belonging to a certain ethnic community. E tonos ( - ) - established stable , united by common or , in which different directions ( ) include origin, , , , , , , and other.

III . Motivation for cognitive activity

The peculiarity of the Crimea is its multinationality. For more than one century, and maybe even a millennium, people of various nationalities have peacefully coexisted and still coexist on an area of ​​​​27 thousand km².

The history of Crimea tells about a whole chain of dramatic events: invasions, seizures, wars.

The most ancient population of the Crimean peninsula werebrands .  Subsequently, even before our era, immigrants from the Mediterranean invaded here and founded coloniesGreeks and Romans .

In the II-IV century AD, Crimea was ruled byGoths and Huns . All this time, the Roman Empire tried to restore its possessions and it succeeded.

Over time, in the Crimea appearArmenians, which mainly inhabited Kafa (Feodosia) and the old Crimea.

In the 13th century, Crimea was capturedTatar-Mongols .

Proclaimed independent in the 15th centuryCrimean Khanate.

In 1783, Catherine II signed the Manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire.

The Crimean peninsula survived several more wars: Crimean, Civil, Great Patriotic. It was occupied by Germany and Romania.

In 1954, Crimea became an oblast of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 2014 he returned to Russia again.

IV . Learning new material

By the end of the twentieth century. in the Crimea, a complex conglomeration of peoples and nationalities was formed.

The 2014 population census recorded representatives of 175 nationalities and nationalities living in Crimea.

Task 1. Describe the current ethnic composition of the Crimean population. Select the largest ethnic groups(page 37).

Writing in a notebook (p. 30) - task number 1.

    Russians - 68%

    Ukrainians - 15.7%

    Crimean Tatars - 10.6%

    Tatars - 2%

    Belarusians - 1%

    Armenians - 0.2%

Among other peoples stand out:

    numbering from 1 to 5 thousand people - Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Moldovans, Jews, Koreans, Greeks, Poles, Gypsies, Chuvashs, Bulgarians, Germans, Mordovians, Georgians, Turks;

    less than 1000 people - Tajiks, Maris, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Ossetians, Kazakhs, Arabs

    Karaites - 535 people

    Krymchaks - 228 people

Task 2. Analyze the table of the dynamics of the ethnic composition of the population of Crimea, determine the reasons for the change in the number of peoples over the given period


1989 (%)

2001 (%)

2014 (%)









Crimean Tatars























Students' messages about the peoples of Crimea - "Oral Journal".

Russians they began to settle in Crimea after the annexation of Crimea to Russia in the 18th century. Mass migrations were observed at the end of the 19th century. They mainly settled on the southern coast of Crimea.

Ukrainians appeared in Crimea back in the period of the Crimean Khanate, when they were taken prisoner during raids. After the transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainians were sent to the north of Crimea for land development.

Population fromCrimean Tatars formed in the 15th century and lived in the Crimea until the middle of the 20th century. Then they were evicted to Central Asia and accused of collaborating with Germany. They began to return to Crimea in 1989.

Armenians in Crimeaappeared in the thirteenth century. Now there are about 8,000 Armenians living in Crimea.

Karaites in Crimeaappeared in the late Middle Ages, lived mainly in Evpatoria, Feodosia and not far from Bakhchisarai. Today there are less than a thousand of them.

Task 3. How are the concepts of “regional identity”, “Crimeans” and the motto of Crimea “Prosperity in unity” related to each other?"? (page 37).

Regional identity - this is the feeling by all people of different ethnic groups of their direct involvement in everything that happens in the region, which they consider their small homeland.

For the peoples of Crimearegional identity defined by the concept"Crimeans" which unitesvarious peoples of Crimea, regardless of language and religion.

Task 4. Reveal the features of the confessional composition of the population of Crimea (p. 30).

In modernconfessional (religious) structure Crimea is represented by many religions. This is due to the complex history of the settlement of the peninsula. As of January 1, 2014, 1,409 religious communities were registered in Crimea.

Communities of two world religions

Christianity (69%) Islam (29%)

Christianity in Crimea has an ancient history. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first to preach here.

Directions of Christianity:




ancient eastern Armenian apostolic church.

Spreadingorthodoxy begins with the advent of the Greeks in the 1st century AD. e. In the 15th century, persecution of the Orthodox began in the Crimea, when the Turks invaded the peninsula. It was forbidden to speak Greek, so services were conducted only in temples. At the end of the 18th century, Crimea passed into the hands of the Russians.

Ancient and medieval churches and monasteries have been preserved in Crimea:Shuldan, Eski-Kermen, Mangup-Kale, Inkermansky and Uspensky .

Orthodoxy has the communities of the Moscow and Kiev Patriarchates.

According to legend, it was in the Crimea around 97 AD. Saint Clement was martyred, Pope. From the beginning of the 4th century, Constantine the Great gave Christianity the status of the state religion of the Roman Empire. During this period, Rome owned the former Greek settlements of the Bosporan kingdom and Chersonesus.

After the end of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, as in the whole country,catholic the church in the Crimea was subjected to severe persecution. In the 1920s and 1930s, services in all Catholic churches of the peninsula ceased, the priests were repressed.

The restoration of the normal functioning of the Catholic Church on the peninsula began in 1991. There are 13 parishes in Crimea.

Lutheranism (Protestantism)

The German Evangelical Lutheran Church traces its history back to the Lutheran home communities of German settlers in the mid-18th century.. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Lutheran faith flourished in Crimea - 168 evangelical communities, 20,913 believers. In 1937, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Already in 1930, the first forced evictions of independent German peasants from the Crimea began. At the end of the war, the last Germans were expelled from the Crimea. With the expulsion of all Germans, church work fell into complete decline.

There are currently seven registered communities in Crimea belonging to the German Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Armenian Christianity appeared in the XI century after the invasion of the Seljuk Turks into Armenia, when Armenians emigrated to the Crimea for permanent residence. They mainly settle in the mountainous southeastern Crimea. At the beginning of the 15th century, Armenians began building temples in the Crimea.

In 1778 the Crimean Armenians were deported. With the entry of Crimea into Russia, many Armenians return there. In 1944, the deportation of Armenians from the Crimea was carried out. They only returned there in the 1960s.

The most famous Armenian monastery isSurb-Khach (Holy Cross) - founded in XIV in. in the vicinity of Stary Krym. Armenian churches operate in Yevpatoriya, Kerch, Simferopol, Feodosiya, Yalta, Kirov region.

SpreadingIslam (translated from Arabic - submissive) in Crimea begins in the 7th century under the influence of Khorezm and Volga Bulgaria. ancientmosques of Sultan Baybars was built in 1262 inSolkhate (Old Crimea). In the XIII century, under the influence of Genghis Khan, the active spread of religion begins.

Since 1475, the peninsula begins to spreadSunni Islam, associated with the arrival of the Turks. Since the mid-20s of the 20th century, Islamic literature began to be removed from libraries in Crimea. After the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, mosques and Muslim communities ceased to operate on the peninsula. With their return back in the 80s, the revival of Islam begins.

Nowadaysoldest active in Crimea and Eastern Europe isKhan Uzbek mosque in the city of Stary Krym.

History of the CrimeanJews originates from the moment the first Jewish settlers appeared on the territory of Taurida in ancient times.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, in 1783, a new era begins in Crimean Judea, associated with the mass resettlement of Yiddish-speaking Jews to the peninsula.

During the German occupation, almost all Jews living here were killed. Nevertheless, the life of the Crimean Jews revived after the end of the war, but again began to decline after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the departure of a significant part of the Crimean Jews to Israel after 1991.

Karaimism Karaite Judaism . The Karaites consider the cave city of Chufut-Kale near Bakhchisarai to be their "family nest". It was from there that the Karaite families began to settle throughout the Russian Empire. Now there are 8 Karaite communities. The center of the spiritual and cultural life of the Karaites arekenasses (prayer house) in Evpatoria, which were restored in 2000.

V . Fixing:

- Name the branches of Christianity.

How are the concepts of “regional identity”, “Crimeans” related?

VI . Outcome.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Giving marks for class work.

VII . Homework: § 11, RT p. 31 No. 3 in writing; No. 2 (p. 41 in the textbook) optional.

Historically, a complex ethnic structure of the population has developed in Crimea. The Ukrainian regional community of Crimea is the smallest in Ukraine. The largest share of the population of Crimea is represented by Russians (in total, they accounted for more than 2/3 of the total population), while Ukrainians made up just over a quarter of its inhabitants. During the 1990s, there were some changes in the ethnic structure of the Crimean population. They are associated, firstly, with the migration influx of Crimean Tatars and the outflow of representatives of other ethnic groups (primarily Russians) outside the republic. The largest number of Crimean Tatars was recorded in the central and western regions of the republic, in some of them the share of Crimean Tatars is more than 25%. A feature of the Crimea is also the extreme diversity of the national composition of the population. Representatives of many nationalities meet here: Russians, Tatars, Germans, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Jews, Karaites, Krymchaks, Poles, Czechs, Moldavians, etc. The last of the nomadic peoples were the Tatars, who became a settled population in the Crimea. During the years of Turkish rule, Crimea was rather densely populated, even the steppe Crimea was completely covered with Tatar settlements. The mass of old abandoned Tatar villages and cemeteries testifies to this. The surviving information indicates that the population was at least 140,000 people. The population was engaged in agriculture, gardening, cattle breeding, salt mining, trade, crafts.

Tatars. Modern Crimean Tatars are divided into steppe, mountain and coastal. The former retained their Mongolian type in their essential differences; the mountain ones are of a mixed type, and the purely Mongolian appearance is lost; the blood of the Mongol was mixed with the blood of the Greeks, Goths, Genoese, etc. The South Coast Tatars represent a special type, characteristic exclusively of the South Coast. Their growth is above average. Tatars live simply, but cleanly. Tatar houses (sakli), facing south for the most part, are made of stone (or of unbaked brick - kalyba), have a flat roof, and are very low. Tatars profess Islam (Sunnis), which was adopted by the Khan of the Golden Horde, Berke; Religiously, the Tatars are tolerant.

Greeks. The modern Greek population of Crimea came from the merger of the most ancient Greek settlers with the Balaklava - Archipelago Greeks and the later Anatolians. In most cases, the Greeks are short, with a swarthy face, black curly hair and a hooked nose; occasionally come across among them and blondes with blue eyes. They profess the Orthodox religion, speak modern Greek, in most cases they also know the Tatar language, in the cities they speak Russian. Culturally, the Greeks are incomparably superior to the Tatars.

Gypsies. The gypsies belong to a tribe that formerly lived in Hindustan, where they constituted a pariah class. After the invasion of Tamerlane, the Gypsies (Tishigans) moved to Africa. Some of them subsequently passed through the Archipelago and Asia Minor to Europe. Gypsies came to Crimea from Bessarabia. From mixing with the Tatars, the type of gypsies also changed somewhat, but laziness and complete carelessness remained their characteristic features. Gypsies trade in horses, worn clothes, are engaged in blacksmithing, carting, small crafts, musicians come across among them.

The ethnonym "TATARS" has historically been attached to the Turkic-speaking population of the Ural-Volga historical and ethnographic region, Crimea, Western Siberia and to the Turkic in origin, but who lost their native language, the Tatar population of Lithuania. In the past, the Tatars also had other local ethnonyms - Moselman, Kazanly, Bolgars, Misher, Tipter, Kereshen, Nagaibek, Kechim, etc.

For the first time, the ethnonym "Tatars" appeared among the Mongol and Turkic tribes in the 6th - 9th centuries; in the second half of the 19th century, it was fixed as a common ethnonym of the Tatars. In the 13th century, the Mongols who created the Golden Horde included the tribes they conquered, including the Turkic ones, called "Tatars". In the 13th - 14th centuries. as a result of the complex ethnic processes that took place in the Golden Horde, the Kipchaks, numerically predominant in this state, assimilated all the other Turkic-Mongolian tribes, but adopted the ethnonym Tatars. European peoples, Russians and some large Asian peoples called the population of the Golden Horde "Tatars". In the Tatar khanates that formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, noble layers, military service groups and the bureaucratic class, which consisted mainly of the Golden Horde Tatars of Kypchak-Nogai origin, called themselves Tatars. It was they who played a significant role in the spread of the ethnonym Tatars. After the fall of the khanates, the term was also transferred to the common people. This was facilitated by the representations of the Russians, who called all the inhabitants of the khanates "Tatars".

Tatars are one of the largest Turkic-speaking ethnic groups. The total number of 6.648.7 thousand people. (1989). Tatars are the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan (1.765.4 thousand people), 1.120.7 thousand people live in Bashkortostan, 110.5 thousand people live in Udmurtia, 47.3 thousand people live in Mordovia, in the Republic Mari El - 43.8 thousand, Chuvashia - 35.7 thousand people. In general, the main part of the Tatar population - more than 4/5 lives in the Russian Federation (5.522 thousand people), occupying the second place in terms of numbers. In addition, a significant number of Tatars live in the CIS countries. : in Kazakhstan - 300.9 thousand people, Uzbekistan - 367.8 thousand people, Tajikistan - 30.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan - 70.5 thousand people, Turkmenistan - 39.2 thousand people. Azerbaijan - 28 thousand people, in Ukraine - about 250 thousand people, in the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) about 14 thousand people. There is also a significant diaspora throughout the rest of the world (Finland, Turkey, USA, China, Germany, Australia, etc.). In view of the fact that there has never been a separate account of the number of Tatars in other countries, it is difficult to determine the total number of the Tatar population abroad (according to various estimates, from 100 to 200 thousand people).

There is no doubt that Volga-Ural And Crimean Tatars are independent ethnic groups. Ethnonym "Crimean Tatars" applied and is applied to an ethnically heterogeneous layer. Crimean Tatars, self-name - "kyrym Tatarlar" or "kyrymly" ("Crimeans"). This is a people that was formed on the Crimean peninsula. They are Sunni Muslims by religion.

The Turkic and non-Turkic peoples played their role in the formation of this ethnic group. Of the Turkic - these are the Turkic-Bulgars, Khazars, Oguzes, Pechenegs, Kypchaks and Turks; from the non-Turkic - the descendants of the Tauro-Scythians, Greeks, Alans, Goths, partly Genoese.

According to the dialect differences of the language, features of the anthropological type, material and spiritual culture of the Crimean Tatars can be divided into three recognized groups :

1. Crimean Tatars of the southern coast of Crimea <ялы бойло>. Their language belongs to the Oghuz-Seljuk group (Yalta, Sudak, Balaklava). Anthropological type Caucasoid, no signs of Mongoloidity.

2. Crimean Tatar population between the First and Second Ridges of the Crimean Mountains , middle band<орта елах>(Bakhchisaray, Karasubazar), the so-called<таты>. The language belongs to the Kypchak-Polovtsian group, strongly oguzed. In 1928, this language was adopted as a common Crimean Tatar (literary) one. Anthropological type - Caucasoid, Mongoloid is absent.

3. Steppe Crimean Tatars - <ногаи>(self-name<мангыт>). The language of the Kypchak group. Signs of Mongoloidity 10% (according to N.V. Terebinskaya - Shenger). They were engaged in animal husbandry, viticulture, winemaking, horticulture, gardening, growing gourds, sericulture, tobacco growing, sea fishing, horse breeding, willow breeding people.

Until now, there are significant everyday, cultural, linguistic and even anthropological differences between different groups of Crimean Tatars.

This largely explains the contradictory conclusions of scientists who have studied various aspects of the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars. On the one hand, undertaken in the 20-30s. attempts to identify a specific medieval Crimean Tatar culture in the course of archaeological research did not give positive results. On the other hand, the desire to substantiate the thesis of the autochthonous nature of the Crimean Tatars at all costs forces some authors to assert their direct origin from the most ancient inhabitants of the peninsula - the Taurians. Obviously, these issues require serious consideration, free from political conjuncture. At the same time, there is no doubt that the Crimean Tatars consider themselves a single ethnic group and their self-consciousness is based on the feeling of this unity.

In the Golden Horde period (the first half of the 13th century - the first half of the 15th century), three main political formations coexisted on the peninsula.

The largest of them was the Crimean ulus of the Golden Horde, which occupied the entire steppe part of the peninsula, the foothills and Southwestern Taurica. In the steppes and foothills, the bulk of the population was made up of the Turkic ancestors of the Crimean Tatars - the western and eastern Kipchaks and other Turkic tribes, who all called themselves "Kipchaks". The inhabitants of the mountain-forest part of the ulus, who adopted the common name "Gotalans" and became the non-Turkic ancestors of the Crimean Tatars, were called "tats" by the steppe inhabitants of the ulus. Outside the peninsula, both the Kypchaks of the steppe territory of the ulus, and the "Tats" of its mountain-forest part called themselves the same - "kyrymly" ("Crimean").

Another major fief on the peninsula was the Principality of Theodoro. It was inhabited by the descendants of the Alans, Goths and Turko-Bulgars of the pre-Khazar and Khazar times, the Byzantines.

The third significant political formation on the territory of the Crimea was the Genoese colony, which occupied mainly the southern coast. The main population here also consisted of the descendants of the Alans and Goths, as well as the Byzantines.

A significant part of the population of the last two political structures, in the process of trade and economic relations with the inhabitants of the steppes and foothills, is gradually being Muslimized and included in the formation of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group.

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