
Where the highest rates on deposits in banks. In which banks are the highest deposits on deposits the largest percentage of deposits

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In the financial market, a large number of proposals allowing to make a contribution, but not all tariff plans are equally beneficial. We analyzed the conditions of deposits of the largest financial organizations of the Russian Federation and made a list of the most profitable tariff plans to earn money with the minimum risk of cash loss.

Bank deposit - funds made by a physical or legal entity in a bank for storing and making a profit.

Financial organizations motivate customers to open deposit accounts

Statistics of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation shows that methods work: for March 2019, in bank deposits of individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation - more than 40 million rubles. The best percentages are offered for urgent deposits, not involving partial removal. Banks are unprofitable if the client takes the money ahead of time. As a result, the company will be forced to return the amount planned to send to other purposes.

Opening favorable deposits, the client gets the opportunity to save the amount and increase it. The method is recommended to use if there are free money that a citizen does not know how to dispose of them.

The most profitable deposits in rubles

Wanting to discover a contribution, citizens first of all pay attention to the interest rate. Leading banks of the Russian Federation propose a relatively low yield. According to the organization of the Republic of Armenia "Expert", the average in different banks varies from 3.2 to 7.15% per annum. However, you can find suggestions to make a profit with a big percentage, even above 10%.

According to most financial consultants, it is undesirable to use such tariff plans: they are mainly associated with a risk for the client. A high percentage testifies to an attempt by financial organization by any power to attract funds, which indicates the crisis situation in the company. Accordingly, high risk of bankruptcy and subsequent capital loss. If the amount is not insured, the client can lose money.

Do you have a current contribution?


The Invest YouTube Channel Speaker tells about the most profitable deposits, as well as how to choose the most suitable for yourself:

There are other factors affecting the choice of deposit product:

  1. Deposit term. Depending on the cash deployment period, the interest rate may vary.
  2. Capitalization. The service involves the possibility of adding the income to the body of the contribution. As a result, with a constant interest rate, it is possible to get a big profit.
  3. Minimum contribution to open the contribution. The figure below, the greater the number of individuals can take advantage of the offer.
  4. Replenishment and removal. Pre-predict the emergence of the need for money for a long period of time is difficult. Therefore, the possibility of partially obtaining the amount and adding additional payments will be a plus.
  5. Insurance. The service protects the client from the loss of funds, which indicates the reliability of the contribution.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance of Individuals in Banks of the Russian Federation", in the event of a bankruptcy of the financial organization, the client will be able to get 100% of the amount, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles. If several deposits are open at once in one financial organization, reimbursement is provided for each contribution, but the maximum amount remains the same.

Money Motion Scheme on Deposits

Smartwill (Tinkoff)

You can open remotely. For customers, the Financial Organization carries out a free release of Tinkoff Black cards, which interest interests are accrued. Cooperation with the company is possible on the following conditions:

  • the interest rate comes to 6.5%;
  • the score can be opened in rubles, dollars or euros;
  • the amount begins from 50,000 rubles or 1,000 dollars or euros;
  • revenue is paid monthly;
  • the possibility of capitalization, replenishment and partial removal.

A convenient calculator on the official website of Tinkoff Bank allows you to quickly calculate the approximate future income from the deposit

The Tinkoff Bank can raise a bet by 1% for ruble deposits, if a person chooses the conditions that attach additional funds to the account within 30 days from the date of opening of the contribution.

Growing percentage (Ubrir)

A proposal from PJSC KB "Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development" can be used remotely: the opening of the contribution is carried out through the official website of the company. For the client release free VISA card for accrued interest. The income depends on the period on which the cash is placed, as well as from connecting the service package "All under control".

The interest rate begins from 6.25%. The maximum percentage is 9%. Cooperation is carried out under the following conditions:

  • deposit can be opened only in rubles;
  • percentages are accrued every 30 days;
  • the deposit period is 210 days, and the minimum amount is 10,000 rubles;
  • replenishment without restrictions;
  • permissible partial removal without restrictions within accrued interest;
  • if the contract is terminated until its expiration, there is a recalculation at the request "to demand".

According to Alexei Merzlyakova, Marketing Director Ubrir, the proposal is popular with customers. The launch of the tariff plan occurred in September 2018. After 1.5 months, the total amount of transmitted funds was about 2 billion rubles. As a result, the financial institution was able to raise the interest rate.

First-class (Unicredit Bank)

Taking advantage of the tariff plan, a person will be able to open a profitable contribution to rubles (up to 6.81%) and US dollars (2.03%). Preferential conditions for early termination are provided. If the funds were in the account half of the term, the payment of interest occurs at the rate indicated in the contract.

Conditions for the contribution of "First-class" from UniCredit

Additional terms of cooperation:

  • revenue is paid for the current account or bank card;
  • partial removal is unacceptable;
  • capitalization can be carried out by customer selection;
  • permissible replenishment at least 3,000 rubles. or 100 dollars, not less than 15 days before the expiration of the deposit;
  • autoprolonation is not performed;
  • allowed the opening of the deposit online.

According to Forbes, UniCredit Bank at the end of 2018 entered the top 5 organizations on reliability indicators.

Victory + (Alpha Bank)

The interest rate on deposits in the Alpha Bank directly depends on the service package, the selected line of cards and the category of tariff plan. The higher the level of service, the higher the interest rate. Depending on the tariff plan, which chose the client, it will be:

  • outside service packages: from 5.5 to 6.8% (without capitalization), from 5.53 to 7.52% (with capitalization);
  • package "Economy": from 5.6 to 6.9% (without capitalization), from 5.63 to 7.64% (with capitalization);
  • package "Optimum": with capitalization from 5.83 to 7.89%, without capitalization from 5.8 to 7.01%;
  • comfort package: with capitalization from 5.93 to 7.01%, no capitalization from 5.9 to 7.2%;
  • packages "Maximum Plus" and "Premium": with capitalization of 6.03-8.13%, without capitalization from 6 to 7.3%;
  • package "Alpha Privat": with a capitalization of 6.13-8.26%, without capitalization from 6.1 to 7.4%.

A convenient table is posted on the Alpha Bank website, which allows you to familiarize yourself with the interest rates depending on the selected tariff package, the deposit amount, and currency

  • you can open the contribution for a period of 92 days;
  • amount - from 10 000 rubles;
  • capitalization is possible;
  • you can open the score in rubles, dollars or euros.

According to the RA Agency "Expert", Alfa-Bank entered the ranking of the 50 best banks on deposits and accounts for individuals.

My income (Promsvyazbank)

Interest rates on the proposal depend on the status of the client, the period on which funds are transmitted, as well as currencies. For ruble tariff plans, the following profitability is installed:

  • 122 days - 6.5%;
  • 181 day - 7%;
  • 397 days - 7.65%;
  • 547 days - 7.8%;
  • 731 day - 7.5%.

Cooperation is carried out under the following conditions:

  • interest is paid at the end of the contract;
  • the minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles;
  • there is a possibility of preferential termination;
  • permissible to make additional funds to the account.

If the contribution opens the pensioner, it is provided with a surcharge of 0.1%. Similar benefits are available to persons who have been published online, through a mobile bank or an ATM financial organization.

Catch benefits (Sberbank)

The contribution can be discovered for a period of 5 to 18 months. The interest rate directly depends on it and amounts to:

  • 5 months - 7.1%;
  • 1 year - 7.5%;
  • 1 year 6 months - 7.65%.

The bank encourages the opening of the deposit through Sberbank-Online

Cooperation occurs on the following conditions:

  • the minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles;
  • permissible discovery only in rubles;
  • early termination is performed at a request to demand;
  • permissible autoprolonation;
  • the opening of the contribution is possible through an ATM, Internet Bank or mobile service;
  • percentages are paid at the end of the term;
  • capitalization, ability to replenish and partial removal.

According to the Expert Agency, Sberbank ranks first in the ranking of 50 best banks on deposits and accounts for individuals.

Reliable (opening)

The service allows you to place a deposit in rubles. Interest rates depend on the amount and term of the deposit. Profitability will be:

  • 50,000-250000 rubles - 6.2-7.05% or 6.17-6.67% without it;
  • 250000-750000 - 6.5-7.35% with capitalization or 6.47-6.88% without it;
  • 750000-1250000 - 6.7-7.55% with capitalization or 6.66-7.50% without it
  • over 1250000 rubles - 6.8-7.65% with capitalization and 6.76-7.14% without it.

The contribution conditions are as follows:

  • percentages are paid monthly;
  • the possibility of replenishment or partial removal is absent;
  • contribution will be able to open via the Internet or mobile bank;
  • in case of early termination, income is recalculated at the request.

More accurate terms of the client voiced at the stage of concluding a contract with the Bank.

Comparison of Conditions

When choosing the appropriate option of the tariff plan, it is necessary to carefully analyze the terms of the transaction and compare the contributions. The benefits of the proposal depends on this. Comparison of deposits is presented in the table.

Contribution Minimum amount, rubles Rate,% Capitalization Partial removal
Smartvklad. 50 000 6,5-7,5 To choose from: get accrued interest on the map or add them to the body of the contribution Yes, with restrictions
Growing percentage 10 000 6,25-9 To choose from Yes, with restrictions
3 000 up to 9. To choose from Unacceptable
Victory +. 10 000 5,5-7,89 To choose from Unacceptable
My income 10 000 up to 7.8. Not Not
Catch benefits 50 000 up to 7.65 Not Not
Reliable 50 000 up to 7.63. To choose from Not

Before concluding a contract with a financial institution, it is necessary to carefully read the document. The bank employee does not always voicate the conditions completely in words, and awareness of all the nuances of cooperation will protect the client from unpleasant surprises.

The profitability of the interest contribution depends not only on the interest rate. It is necessary to take a validity of the contract, the possibility of prolongation, partial removal and capitalization. If the yield is overestimated, it can talk about the distinguished financial position of the bank, so interaction with such an institution is associated with risk.

Write in the comments how profitable interest in Russian banks is.

Deposits in Moscow at high interest in 2018: Compare the rates and conditions of the most profitable bank deposits today for individuals, including pensioners.

Deposits under the high percentage in Moscow banks - 2018

Deposits of individuals today are the most popular and in demand in the way of investing money. Giving your savings to banks, we hope not only to preserve, but also increase their funds. And therefore, we try to choose such deposits, where interest rates are the highest and conditions most convenient.

Today, Moscow banks offer a large number of different types of deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several large groups:

Urgent deposits for the maximum percentage. Opening such a deposit, you give money money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and at this time you can't pick up money without losing accrued interest, or replenish the account. As a rule, such contributions have the highest rates.

Replenished deposits. Opening such a deposit, the depositor can save money, RESETS, and at the same time interest and interest grow. However, it is impossible to remove any a few funds from the account and not to lose income.

Expendable deposits with partial removal of funds without percent loss. Such deposits have the lowest interest rates. But it is possible to take part of the funds to a pre-negative abnormal balance, which will be accrued in this case interest.

The most profitable deposits in Moscow in rubles in 2018

In this comparative table, we collected ruble deposits of individuals with the maximum interest, which today offer banks of Moscow.

Bank International Financial Club Contribution "Confident Choice"

Nazinvestprombank Contribution "Choice of Success"

  • See which interest rates on deposits offers today

Bank Zenit contribution "Dessert (online)"

Cranberry Bank Contribution "My Profitable"

Bank Standard-Credit Contribution "Urgent-Lux"

Accountal Contribution "Time of Discovery"

  • See, under what conditions today can be discovered in the bank

ZiRAAT Bank Moscow Contribution "Urgent"

Bank new century Contribution "VIP replenish"

Accountal Contribution "High Percentage"

Deposits in Moscow for maximum interest in dollars

In this comparative table, we collected dollar deposits of individuals with maximum interest, which today offer banks of Moscow.

Bank "St. Petersburg" Contribution "Strategist Online"

SMP Bank Contribution "Strategy"

Binbank "Contribution to the Future (Cumulative Insurance)"

Alpha Bank Contribution "Victory + (maximum + bag)"

Inbank Contribution "Maximum"

Bank Tauride contribution "Tauride maximum (online)"

Eastern Express Bank Contribution "East (Tariff Zone 1)"

Promtransbank Contribution "Urgent in Currency"

Mosoblbank Contribution "Personal"

In which bank of Moscow is better to discover the contribution

Choosing a bank in Moscow for registration of the deposit, today should first assess the interest rate and quality of customer service. If earlier experts recommended to choose the largest banks as the most reliable, then today's situation in the financial sector shows that almost no one is insured against fall. Of course, in addition to systemic and significant banks that the Central Bank most likely will save in any case.

Fortunately, in Russia, the Deposit Insurance Agency has long been working (QU), so it is possible to return my money even if the bank is burst.

How to open a bank deposit

In pursuit of a big percentage, now you can secure savings, choosing even the most reliable bank for the contribution. Today it is more important to correctly distribute savings so that the total amount of deposits of individuals in one bank does not exceed the magnitude that the QA will return to you in the event of a license revocation. A large amount is better to split into parts and decompose in several banks of Moscow for the most profitable interest.

It should not be opened in one bank large contributions for yourself and on close relatives. In the event of an insured event, you can blame for the fact that you, allegedly, wanted to thus fool the ASV.

It is also important to trace your contribution to be really open and account for bank accounting, and not for the balance sheet (such cases have already been), otherwise it will be difficult to prove the presence of a deposit.

The best interest on deposits in Moscow

Choosing deposits in Moscow banks with the highest percentages, we immediately comply with the replenished deposits and those that suggest partial removal of money. It stops at the deposits of individuals posted for a certain period: month, three months, six months, year, etc. If it seems to you that the maximum percentage of the deposit in rubles can be obtained if you make a deposit for a long time, for example, 3 years or even 5 years old, then you are mistaken. Today, urgent bank deposits for half a year or year are most profitable. You can make a deposit for this period to get the highest rate, and then remove money and put them again, perhaps already in another bank of Moscow, which at that time will offer a more profitable percentage.

Investment deposits in Moscow with maximum interest

Fighting for the money of customers, banks recently are increasingly offering the so-called investment deposits. In terms of their conditions, the client simultaneously with the design of a bank deposit acquires, for example, securities or translates a certain amount into a mutual investment fund. The interest rate on such deposits is usually higher than others. But before to escape to big income, check if you will be returned to the money invested in the face or securities if the bank loses the license. And then think if you are ready to risk your savings or it is better to choose a less profitable way of investing money, but more reliable.

Favorable deposits in Moscow banks with elevated interest

Selecting the most favorable deposit, check the ability to open the deposit online. Often when opening over the Internet, the bank charges the allowance to the interest rate.

In addition, an increased interest has deposits in Moscow banks for premium customers. Registration of packages of services with privileges can be beneficial for you. At the same time, in order to become a premium client of the bank, it is not necessary to have millions on account, sometimes it is enough to purchase a platinum card that may be really convenient for you.

In short, if you want to invest a large amount, then compare what will be more profitable for you: several contributions in not very stable banks under a high percentage or a premium deposit amount from 1.5 million rubles in a reliable bank with state participation.

Read more Conditions and interest rates of the best in today's deposits of individuals in Moscow recognize on official websites or in the branches of banks. Information is not a public offer.

To ensure that own savings are reliable protection from both attackers and inflation, many citizens use the most simple investment instrument today - the contribution. The main requirement that future depositors prevent the selected bank is a significant profitability. What banks offer the highest rates on deposits and under what conditions do they agree to keep money? We will conduct a small investigation.


The urgent contribution is an investment tool that implies the bank transfer to the bank of its own savings on the conditions agreed by the Banking Deposit Treaty. The document indicates the initial amount of savings, conditions and timing of their storage.

As a rule, in financial institutions such a tool is represented by a wide range. The highest deposit rates suggest minimal control functions. Under this concept applied to the savings of the deposit, the possibility of replenishment, partial or full review of funds is understood.

Most financial institutions offer to keep savings both in rubles and in foreign currency. As a rule, deposits in rubles offer a greater profitability. The smallest interest rate in comparison with other currencies is established on deposits decorated in euros.

Where are the highest deposit rates?

Choosing a bank that will be responsible for the safety of your money, specialists advise on the leaders of the national banking industry. This implies smaller risks of savings loss and the possibility of access to the deposit in any region, if necessary.

What deposits today offer the largest banks of Russia:

Name of the bank rate the minimum amount for the opening of the contribution, rubles time capabilities
Sberbank 6,4% 1000 3 years capitalization Choice, Autoprolon
Gazprombank 10% 25000 100-200 days income by deposit Client receives at the end of the term
Rosselkhozbank 10,4% 3000 1460 days capitalization opportunity, autoprolon
VTB 24 9% 30000 18 months the possibility of capitalization, autoprolonhibition, replenishment
Bank of Moscow 7,87% 1000 366-547 days the possibility of early statement on preferential terms, autoprolonation, bonus surcharge to interest rate
Binbank 12% 50000 181 day Payment of interest in the depositor only at the end of the term
AK Bars 10,5% 30000 186 days Payments monthly to the account "to demand"

We draw the attention of potential depositors, as well as other interested parties: These characteristics of deposits operate in the head units of the above organizations. The conditions on which banks offer interest deposits may differ somewhat in specific regions and offices. To clarify the current conditions is necessary in the nearest division of the financial institution.

How to discover the contribution?

In order to make an investment in a bank, it is not necessary to personally come to the department. Financial institutions follow the development of technologies, and almost every one of them can offer a customer to issue a service using a mobile phone or laptop. To do this, there are means of remote banking services:

  • Mobile client-bank. This is a special application that is installed on a mobile phone. Financial institutions offer only official applications that are equipped with security services and guarantee strict privacy of personal information. Applications work both on the Android platform and on iOS.
  • Internet bank. This client is available on the Internet, access is carried out more often from the official website of the bank. You can get to your personal account of the Internet Bank from a stationary computer or laptop. Security service typically provides a program with all sorts of protective means and codes so that no one else, except the investor, cannot use the services of his personal account.

The highest rates on bank deposits offer exactly those who opened a deposit account with the help of DBA funds. Therefore, it is useful to familiarize yourself with these new-fashioned technologies and actively use them every day.

Unfortunately, those who have never had a client of the chosen bank or did not make a DBA service, after all, you will have to visit the office. But this is not a problem - the one who has come to make the investment will receive not only the highest rates on deposits, but also service is out of turn.

Documents for registration

To arrange an investment service, the future customer of the bank must have the following documents with him:

  • Personality document. For citizens of the Russian Federation is a passport. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to loans, when making a deposit, an employee can do with any other identity document - a passport, a certificate of a soldier or officer, a sailor passport, a military ticket and so on.
  • Comprehensive banking service. This document is drawn up in place at the first time. Maintenance may include opening a debit account, card issuance, connections of DBB services and other services.

Also investment services Financial institutions of the Russian Federation are ready to provide foreign citizens. For this, a citizen of foreign origin will need his passport with a translation into Russian, a migration card and a visa.

When issuing a deposit, the Customer is transferred to the bank deposit agreement. It contains all the conditions on which the investor transmits its savings to the financial institution. It is not worth overlooking the contract and save your own time - it is better to read every item carefully. An employee will definitely answer questions regarding the procedure for accrualing interest, the availability of capitalization, the conditions for the claimation of the contribution.

Terms of banks

By issuing a banking service agreement and transferring money to a financial institution, the depositor loses the right to dispose of savings on its discretion. Such is the issue price - high interest rates on deposits imply the absence of management.

In most cases, the client will not be able to replenish the contribution, to withdraw the entire amount or part of the funds without losing interest. Also, some financial organizations offer the client the maximum profitability in exchange for issuing insurance contracts or the purchase of feces in the investment fund (Gazprombank). It should be carefully familiar with the conditions that provide the contribution of the highest percentage in the bank.


The depositor does not need to worry about the safety of its savings, if, when issuing a contribution contract, he saw the Logo of the DC. Deposit Insurance Agency guarantees insurance of any deposit or account in the bank in the amount of up to 1,400 thousand rubles.

Insurance applies to deposits in rubles and in foreign currency. When the insured event occurs, the ASV returns not only the initial amount of savings, but also accumulated interest. Under the insurance case is understood as the Loss by the Bank of License for Banking or Bankruptcy.

Pros and cons of urgent contributions with maximum yield

The undoubted advantages of making funds to contribute to the maximum return can be attributed:

  • Means are in preservation, not protected from inflation and from unforeseen circumstances.
  • Savings bring some income.

  • High interest rates on deposits indicate the minimum control and disposal capabilities.
  • If circumstances force the depositor to withdraw the entire amount or part of the contribution, it will lose the accrued interest.


The highest deposit rates suggest certain inconvenience, but guarantee maximum efficiency. In addition, issued its savings into a deposit, the bank's client may be calm for the safety of its savings.

Why today benefits are deposits with monthly removal of interest

Many today are talking about the need to create the so-called "passive income." Deposits with a monthly interest accrual is one of the forms of obtaining such income.

They are also called "rental", because according to their principle, the action is similar to receiving profit from renting an apartment.

To make a decent income every month, a large amount must be invest. Therefore, when choosing a bank for such a deposit, it is important to consider not only the percentage, but also the reliability of investment.

What deposits with a monthly payment of interest today are the most profitable

In this review, the site collected the most profitable deposits with a monthly interest paid, which offer the most reliable banks of Russia. The rating involved deposits of 1 million rubles and a period of 1 year.

Deposits with monthly percent removal in banks from the top 10

The contribution "just and profitable"

Replenishment / without partial removal / without capitalization /% monthly

Contribution "Permanent Income"

Contribution "Profitable"

Without replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization /% monthly

Contribution " Save»

Without replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization /% monthly

Contribution "For Life"


Contribution "Profitable"

Replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization /% monthly

Deposit Calculator

Who benefits deposits with monthly percentage

The more deposit period, there will be more difference in profitability on deposits with capitalization and interest payments. The proposals of banks with interest paid to another account, that is, without capitalization, are interesting for those who want to use the income on the deposit to finance their current expenses, explains the operating office of the Absolut-Bank in Ufa Anastasia Gilev.

Are deposits with monthly percent removal?

Yes. Insurance is subject to cash of individuals who are in the bank in deposits and in accounts, in the currency. The maximum amount of compensation on deposits today is 1,400,000 rubles.

If the contribution is posted in US dollars or the euro, the amount of compensation is calculated and paid to the CPS in rubles at the rate established by the Bank of Russia on the day of the insured event.

Check whether the institution enters the deposit insurance system on the banks of the Bank of Russia (www.cbr.ru) and the QU (www.asv.org.ru), as well as on the free hotline of the ASV 8-800-200-08-05 .

Conclusion: deposits with monthly interest or capitalization?

Deposits with a monthly interest accrual may be two types: with capitalization or income paid to a separate account.

✓ Deposits with capitalization are beneficial to the fact that the real yield on them above by the continuous increase in the deposit amount due to interest counting.

✓ Monthly payment of interest is necessary for those plans to spend income from the deposit. This is an alternative to obtaining passive income from renting real estate. As a rule, money is listed on a separate account or a card so that they are convenient to shoot, says the expert website for deposit programs Viktor Davidenko.

Note that the above conditions and interest rates of deposits for individuals are not a public offer, and cannot serve as an indication of a certain deposit. This list is not a base for unambiguous conclusions about the reliability and (or) financial stability of these banks. The editorial board does not bear any responsibility for the consequences of any interpretations of this review and decisions taken on it.

The contribution or so-called "deposit" is the cash that the client accommodates in the bank to protect and increase its capital.

The higher interest rate Bank deposit - the greater the potential income. In Moscow, the best interest on ruble and currency deposits is often offered during seasonal sentences or other special shares of banks.

Bank deposits for individuals in Moscow differ in terms of time, currency and rate, there are also additional conditions (the possibility of replenishment, partial removal without percent loss, monthly interest payments on the card and others).

And small, and larger reliable banks in Moscow in 2020 offer several additional opportunities for urgent deposits and deposits with maximum and not high interests for individuals:

  • partial removal and replenishment funds on the deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use money without breaking the contract with the bank;
  • capitalization - This is a monthly interest accrual to the deposit account. That is, future interest are accrued not only on the amount of the initial contribution, but also added percentages;
  • automatic prolongation - Automatic extension of the contract if the contributor does not take into account at the end of the validity period.

To arrange the best contribution in rubles or currency at a bargain in the bank of the city of Moscow, consider these three points.

Depending on the currency used, urgent deposit deposits are divided into ruble, currency (deposits in euros, dollars, British pounds and other currencies), multicurrency (deposit tools are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). In 2020, for individuals, the most profitable interest rate deposits in Moscow banks are offered today in Russian rubles.

Investment in currency - One of the popular techniques for preserving and multiplying your capital in the city of Moscow, even in crisis time. Although rates on currency deposits due to the instability of the course decreased significantly, it is possible to obtain income with the growth of the exchange rate to the ruble. So you can get the best income from the deposit in 2020.

Most banks of Russia offer currency deposits in dollars and euros, deposits in other currencies are rare. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the Currency Courses section. However, proposals of deposits under a good percentage in these currencies are a bit, since the demand for them is low.

What to choose the contribution of a pensioner, a student or a middle-aged person? Choosing a proposal with a better bet and conditions will help you with the form "Choice of the Deposit". With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the best suggestions.

In 2020, today among deposits in Moscow banks, the most profitable high percentage in rubles at the deposit is a contribution to the top (with NIC) Gazprombank in Gazprombank Bank (AO) - 8.10% per annum. The minimum deposit amount of 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit period. According to our data, this is the best bank deposit of Moscow with a maximum rate in rubles.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state