
Bridge on Sakhalin: Russia needs a new way out to the ocean. Soon we will start building a new bridge, now already on Sakhalin. History of the issue The shortest distance to Sakhalin

Which occurred on the eve of the solemn participation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the head of state declared the Russians that new megaprojects and meganers are waiting for them in front of them.

However, first of all, Putin's "coming friends" will be able to succeed in this - people who have become billionaires on the largest state contracts.

"Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rotenberg, built the Crimean Bridge, can become a contractor construction and bridge on Sakhalin, who, unlike the day before the most expensive bridge of Russia will be the most expensive bridge. New project by general costs It is estimated in the amount of more than 700 billion rubles (the bridge itself is from 300 to 400 billion, which is significantly larger than the official value of the Crimean bridge in 228 billion rubles).

The idea of \u200b\u200braising the railroad transition from the mainland to Sakhalin Island is not just actively discussed - already defined the most.

May 14 in Moscow discussed the "strategy for the development of the RF Transport System", deciding to make amendments related to the construction project of this transport transition, reports Interfax . "Construction of a bridge for Sakhalin in any case is reflected in the documents strategic planning, in the development strategy of the transport system of the Russian Federation and approved by the government, "the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov reminded. According to him," taking into account the construction of approaches - and this is a total of more than 580 km - the project cost as a whole will be several hundred billion rubles. ".

And Vice-President of Russian Railways Vyacheslav Pavlovsky called the TASS a more or less accurate figure, appreciating the cost of the constant transition from the mainland to Sakhalin about 400 billion rubles.

On renovation of Sakhalin compound plans with a continental part of the country during the annual straight line In June 2017, Vladimir Putin reported Russian President. Then he was asked a question if "Bridge on Sakhalin Island ever built?" To which the president replied: "Yes, such ideas were already long ago: back in the 30s and 50s ... and even built appropriate plans, but these plans were never implemented. Now we are renovated by these plans and think Above this problem. Of course, it would be very useful for restoring the territorial integrity of the country, at the expense of Sakhalin, including ... "

Putin then called figures at the cost of only the bridge, excluding the construction of approaches and modernization of railway paths: "In general, the cost, by preliminary estimatesIt should be even lower than the Crimean Bridge, it is about 286 billion. "True, he stressed that" these are preliminary calculations, this money is not enough, because one bridge transition is not enough. There we also need access paths, you need an interchange of the entire road complex. "

As a result, as writes "Kommersant" , The new mega-magallization of the Sakhalin bridge in terms of a kilometer will cost 3.5 times more expensive than the open Crimean. Today, taking into account the railway approaches of Russian Railways, the project is assessed at 540.3 billion rubles. Plus more than 90 billion rubles for the modernization of paths on Sakhalin. However, the bridge is discussed in conjunction with the project of a deep-sea coal terminal in Ilinsky, which is still 100 billion rubles. In this way, total amount The cost of Russians will be more than 700 billion rubles.

IN state strategy The development of the transport system of Russia includes a project for the construction of a transition in two versions - a bridge or tunnel. Currently, a priority is the project of the railway bridge through the Nevelsky Strait, however, the projects of a tunnel or dam are considered. Total length of railway communications should be about 580 km.

According to Kommersant, the route from the Selikhin station on the Komsomolsk-on-Amur station is optimal, the route of Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Vanino to the most narrow place of the Tatar Strait (Neviewski Strait) and then Nysh in Sakhalin station. Total length, including a 6-kilometer bridge, - 585 km. Cost without VAT - 540.3 billion rubles, of which the bridge - 252.8 billion rubles. In addition, Russian Railways should be investing $ 92.1 billion in Sakhalin Railways. Design work Take three years (2018-2020), construction - five years (2019-2023). However, all these numbers are preliminary, since the project "is under study".

Part of these spending - state-owned: 100 billion rubles from federal budget, 90 billion rubles from the Far East Development Foundation (FRS), 60 billion rubles from the Development Corporation Sakhalin region.

In October 2017, the Agency has written that the construction of a Sakhalin bridge can receive the Stroygazmontazh, owned by Arkady Rothenberg. Sources of agency close to "Russian Railways", which will oversee the entire megaproekt, confirmed that this company will be engaged in the construction of the bridge to Sakhalin.

Recall, "Stroygazmontazh" and other companies in Arkady Rotenberg are under the sanctions entered by Western countries after the accession of the Crimea to Russia in 2014 and in connection with the events in Ukraine. The successes of Arkady Rotenberg, the "king of state promenes" according to the characteristics of the Russian publication of Forbes magazine, usually explain to his "biographical relationship" with Vladimir Putin. An influence in the 1990s, businessmen under Putin marginalized, and their place was taken by a new caste of oligarchs, many of whom are close to Putin. Although international sanctions found the life of the rich and influential approximate Putin, the leadership of the country decided to completely compensate for the "impoverished" oligarchs of their losses.

New Mega-Way of Russia - Sakhalin Bridge Project

The project for the construction of the transition from the mainland to Sakhalin Island provides for the laying of the highway from the Selikhin station on the Baikal Amur highway to the island station of Nysh (585 km) with the bridge through the Nevelsky Strait (9 km, taking into account approaches).

Plans for its implementation in such configuration are spelled out in the development strategy of railway transport until 2030 and social strategy economic Development Far East and the Baikal Region until 2025. "(In September 2017), Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the importance of building a railway station to Sakhalin in the context of a serious modernization of the transport infrastructure of the Far East," was reminded of Russian Railways.

In autumn B. explanatory note The project of the company's investment program on the nearest three-year period of Russian Railways was noted that in 2018-2020, they plan to use 7 billion rubles to the construction of a railway line with a transition to Sakhalin (in 2018 - 1 billion, in 2019 - 2.5 billion , in 2020 - 3.5 billion). At the same time, however, in Russian Railways, they clarified that investment volumes can be clarified after the preparation of a feasibility study.

At the same time, in January of this year, the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov said that Russian Railways will be difficult to implement a project without state support.

The construction of the line would allow the "sustainable transport accessibility of Sakhalin", to develop rail communication on the island, as well as port capacities.

Whether Russia needs another "building of the century" that they will carry the Sakhalin Sakhalin Island on the bridge - discussions around the country announced by the highest leadership of the country's new mega-project is still not heard. Although the problem of the project with almost a century-old history was not only in the money. And here in the courtyard February 2018, and the WHO and now there is no real project, the sources of funding are not voiced. All the same - whether the authorities are going to build a bridge and who needs it in self-needed - the site correspondent of this site has tried to answer these questions.

From Stalin to Putin

For the first time about the transport corridor, Sakhalin was spoken at the end of the XIX century - however, due to economic inappropriateness, they refused the idea. Returned to her already soviet power. In 1950, the intention was reanimated by Joseph Stalin - among several options, a railway underwater tunnel with a length of 327 kilometers was chosen. The construction began with a shock pace, however, together with the death of the leader, the project was closed despite the significant amount of work done.

Officially, the island on the water was connected to the "Big Earth" only 1973 - this year the sea rail ferry ferry "Vanino - Holmsk" solemnly opened. With the commissioning of this transport artery, a qualitatively new stage was marked in the development of the entire Far Eastern region. It is not surprising that the organization of the ferry crossing has paid off enough quickly - in just five years. And this, provided that it came out on the project capacity only by the end of 1976.

To date, only three dilated ferries work on the line

There was time, and with him the transport requests of the island region grew. In 1992, the chief of Sakhalin said about problems in all railway Vasilyev - in his opinion, the issue of building a highway between the island and the mainland had to raise again. In 1999, the need for the development of the project said Minister of Communication of Nikolai Aksenko. The initiative was supported in the island region, but the head Khabarovsk Region Victor Izhaev took it cold - and he is known as a strong state officer and simply would not be "pouring" a promising direction.

The situation was written in the newspaper "Khabarovsk Express" - She commented in an interview with the governor of the Sakhalin region Igor Fakhutdinov at that time. According to the official, his colleague from the neighboring region was embarrassed by the cost of the project, voiced Aksenko - as the governor said, twice. He also noted that Ishaev is not the only skeptic, many of the heads of the regions. According to Farhutadinov, during the construction of the bridge, the tariffs of the Russian Federation will inevitably increase, and this is not enough.

This way should go Nova railway branch

It would seem that the beginning of the work on the project is about to begin, but this did not happen. All limited exploration work On the estimated place of the transition, which were held in 2000. As a result, the Minister Nikolai Aksenko resigned, the governor of Farhutdinov died in a plane crash in 2003, and the idea was postponed in a long box. In the past five years it was necessary to the authorities to return to the consideration of the burning issue.

Hope appeared in February 2008, after the meeting, which was held in the administration of the Sakhalin region. Then it was decided to actualize the transport transition project with study possible options implementation. 14 project organizations joined the case. Even the estimated cost of construction was announced - the amount came out impressive, about 300-330 billion rubles. However, everything put a visit to the Far East of the Railway President Vladimir Yakunin at the Far East.

This project, of course, wears state Character. It is important from the point of view of the country's transport unity, and in terms of improving the working conditions of Sakhalin. I am sure that this project should have the right to life. But now the authorities decided to attribute the implementation of this project for 2011-2013. Previously, hardly something can be solved, - then I broadcast the words of Yakunin The "East Russia" portal.

As of April 2013, the railway transition project was held by the Stage of Coordination. It should be noted that the contractors then considered three options - a tunnel under the strait of Nevelsky (the length of 12.4 kilometers), a bulk dam with a shipping channel (length of 16 kilometers) and a bridge transition (6.6 kilometers). As a result, they stopped at the latter - they decided to build a bidirectional railway bridge with a downtown double. In many ways, this option was due to lower cost than two previous ones. Only here is not enough - no one said about the deadlines! Again got an empty trio?

Finish straight?

The problem of transportation between Sakhalin and the mainland again marked himself in the summer of 2015. The attention of all regional and federal media then attracted a situation with a cluster in the port of the city of Vanino more than a thousand passengers, which due to problems with ferry crossing for a long time could not go to the island. To resolve the situation, the authorities even had to ask for help from the military - desperate people to the point of destination delivered a large landing ship of the Pacific "Admiral Nevelskoye". At the same time, at the level of the country, it became known that such congestion in the port are not uncommon.

Queues to get on the ferry to Sakhalin, every summer

But the problems with passenger traffic on Sakhalin were only the vertex of iceberg. The issue with ferry crossing is very acute - sea cargo ships seriously dreamed, their number for last years reduced to three. And all this with a general increase in the volume of transportation, which by 2015 reached one million tons of cargo per year, which is practically maximum. In addition to the voiced factors, it is impossible not to take into account the weathering of the weather, from which the functioning of the ferry crossing is directly dependent on, which means the supply of the island region.

About the need to do something with the current situation then stated the plenipotentiary representative of the president Russian Federation Yuri Trutnev. True as a solution he focused on modernization sea Path. And it actually moved - on the Amur Shipbuilding Plant laid two new vessels with an unlimited volume of navigation. Does this mean that a cross was put on the project for Sakhalin? Not at all - it became known about this in 2017. President Vladimir Putin said about intentions to all.

On the way to the country of the Rising Sun

For the first time on "resuscitation" of the project, the head of state said during the June "Direct Line" in 2017 - responding to one of the issues of residents of the country. At the same time, the president voiced and the estimated cost of "building a century" - about 286 billion rubles. However, as it turned out later, this money will only cost the railway transition itself from the mainland to the island. Complete value Project, including the construction of infrastructure and the new railway, voiced later Vice-President of Russian Railways Alexander Misharin - about 400 billion rubles.

About the fact that the crossing to be, Vladimir Putin recalled on the Eastern Economic Forum. In November 2017, it became known about the far-reaching plans of the Russian government - on the eve of the APEC forum on the official website of the Kremlin, the material appeared in which the words of the President about the bridge between the Sakhalin and the Japanese island of Hokkaido. It should be noted that the negotiations between countries on this issue previously mentioned the Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. True, no specific developments in this issue are not represented so far - many skeptics consider such a megaproekt "utopian". However, hope for him russian government Looks considerable.

Modern realities

At what stage, the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe connection of the mainland and Sakhalin, a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Industry and Transport of the Khabarovsk Territory, said Vladimir Antonovich Nerdivnaya. According to a specialist who served for a long time by the post of chief engineer of the Russian Federation, today a technical task has been prepared for design and survey work. investment project "Construction of the railway line" Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Selikhino - Nysh ". Selikhino, in this context, the adjoining station, from which they will travel to the station Nysh on Sakhalin Island.

Vladimir Merchant

There are no specifics yet. Until now, the options for both the tunnel and the bridge transition are still considered. Both are calculated in value terms. These options have already considered on the expert council of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, they found an understanding, - Vladimir Mispical shared.

In addition, as expert also noted, three versions of the transport links from Central Europe and Russia to Japan were worked out. Thus, the export option provides more than 25 million tons per year, transit inside the country and imports - 4.7 million tons, as well as transportation of domestic cargoes in the country in a report between the mainland and Sakhalin along the new railway line Selichino through the Nevsky Strait - 9 million tons .

It is easy to plan the draft line with Komsomolsk-on-Amur to the Nysh station, make the necessary adjustments of the main decisions and special technical conditions, there is money. Financing for two coming years for these needs is provided for in the plans of the company "Russian Railways", the truth about the volume of funds, Vladimir Necpiving did not mention. The speaker emphasized that these spending are necessary, since without actualization of legal and financial and economic fundamentals to provide a ready-made document into bodies government controlled It is impossible.

In this situation, it is necessary to form a working group from among specialists, scientists and managers of involved ministries and departments of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory to work out the original data for design and detailed layouts, as well as the territories of the territory on those objects that are already indicated in the technical task. These are objects of civil and social destination, - expressed his proprietary proposal.

Vladimir Antonovich separately focused on another one, no less important than the construction of a new railway line and transition through the sheds of Nevelsky, the problem. And it is connected directly with freight traffic. We are talking about the need to adjust the second stage of the reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur highway. After all, the load on it will certainly increase. The scale can be attached now, even taking into account their overestimation.

In general, it is an interesting situation - Vladimir Nerpivnaya also told about it. Today, the prospects for the development of the Vaninsky-Sovgavan transport hub provide for construction through residents of powerful marine terminals for the processing of bulk goods. Thus, according to the application of companies that are ready to erect them, there are volumes that exceed 100 million tons per year. In the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory declare 108 million tons. At the same time, according to the applications of cargo owners, no more than 44.6 million tons - the discrepancy of more than twice. As the nettle said, with this imbalance it is necessary to deal with the federal level.

These figures find their confirmation in the reconstruction program and the modernization of the Bam and Transsib. But it's not that. If there will be a stream with a new railway line to Sakhalin, and it will go to the BAM, and it will go - and it is up to 30 pairs of trains per day, plus 50 pairs of the compositions per day from the Vannic transport hub, then the disappointing conclusion suggests. Single direction from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to the border of the Ministry of Commerce will not cope, - expert shared.

It is clear that it is necessary to engage in the construction of the second path, but this is not all. The declared volumes on the diesel rod to transport almost unbearable. Accordingly, it is necessary to solve the issue with the electrification of the entire Baikal amur stroke. Now there is an offer to electrify a separate section of Volcology-2 - Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Vanino, but according to a specialist, it will not give any effect.

It will not be possible to optimize the locomotive park and significant reduction in operating costs. The effect will occur only after the entire BAM is electrified. Today it is a matter of not only railway workers, but also a federal network company. It makes sense only the polygon coating of the entire path from Khabarovsk to Krasnoyarsk, - summed up the nettle.

So it turns out that only the construction of the railway track on Sakhalin and back, and the development of the Vaninsky-Sovgavan transport hub, which can be combined into a common complex, opens a bunch of other problems - their solution is worth a significant money. It turns out that in order to most effectively use the opening opportunities and increase the freight traffic, it will have to spend even more money.

About money

As of the second quarter of 2017, the cost of building a railway bridge and all the necessary infrastructure, including access roads, estimated in an amount from 500 to 615 billion rubles. At least, the authorities are still trying to support the project, but nothing is heard about financing. On the wave of "Silence regime", as a thunder among the clear sky, the sensational news from the Bloomberg agency was performed in November last year - the publication reported signing a contract for the construction of a Sakhalin bridge.

According to insider information, the contract was concluded with the company "Stroygazmontazh", owned by the billionaire Arkady Rothenberg. Especially known Russian businessman has become due to another bridge - Crimean. Russian officials of the truth of this news denied, as well as the press service of the StroygazMontage - because no one has declared any competition, and no one provided for money on such a large project in the Russian budget. However, the agency sources insist that the whole truth should be known already in 2018.

According to many experts, the railway transition does not make sense without communication Sakhalin with Hokkaido - it just does not pay off in reasonable deadlines. But it turns out a strange story. When the head of state and responsible officials declare that the bridge project will be built, while the Japanese side only considers the possibility of connecting its island with Russian.

While we have not seen a specific project, so you need to consider economic profitability. But if the project is good, and if it is beneficial to both peoples, then we will optimally consider the question - passed the words of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Japanese Corporation Mitsui & Co., Ltd Masami Izizimi, the Russian edition of Izvestia in September 2017.

So it turns out that the issue with the construction of a new branch and the bridge through the strait of Nevelsky is rather not an economic, but political. This indirectly confirms the words of Vladimir Krapivnaya about the consideration of several options transport scheme - One of which provides for extremely domestic freight turnover. IN this case It is possible that part of the costs for the implementation of a large-scale project will be transferred to the business.

If the third version of the transportation of goods in the domestic report - mainland Sakhalin (9 million tons per year) is approved, then there will be very complex financing accordingly. It is not necessary to count on the fact that the state will allocate money for the project in full. We clearly and clearly understand that to finance some of the objects of the stations of the adjoining and the development of railway infrastructure on Sakhalin will have "Russian Railways", and everything else will be assessed from the position state expertise, "said Vladimir Nerpivnoye.

But what is waiting for ordinary residents of the Far Eastern region, if the bridge still build? On the one hand, the railway transition is very convenient. Thanks to the implementation of the project, people will have an alternative to an inadequately expensive aviation report, because now the fly to Sakhalin is sometimes hardly cheaper than to Moscow. But if you look at the other hand, the construction of a new bridge may not be incredible to hit the already weak state budget. Not just so at one time criticized the project Governor of Ishaev and the heads of other Far Eastern regions.

If part of the costs lie on LLC "Russian Railways", it will inevitably affect the increase in tariffs for the carriage of goods, which are not the lowest now. What can it lead to? - For example, to the next increase in prices for some categories of public demand products. Are you ready to go to such sacrifices?

After the impressive Crimean bridge, erected in record time and has become a real "construction of the century", the construction of transport arteries throughout Russia did not stop. The next grand project is to carry out a pavement or tunnel road to Sakhalin. The need for it is caused, above all, too large costs of cargo delivery across the ocean, due to which life on the island is much more expensive than in the mainland.

In case of adoption by the Government of a positive decision, the start of work is scheduled for 2021 ",

The justification of these spending causes doubts from experts. Some believe that the bridge is desirable only if it is subsequently continued to Japanese Hokkaido. Thus, Japan will receive a straight land access to European countries through the Trans-Siberian Highway, which will be beneficial for Japanese, and for russian economy. This opinion was expressed by the head of the company "Infoline-analyst" Mikhail Burmistrov.

On the other hand, as noted in an interview with Tsargrad Associate Professor of the Department "Bridges, Tunnels and building construction"Madi Alexey Ageev," There is no unnecessary bridges. " Despite the fact that the construction of the Sakhalin bridge will be somewhat more expensive than in the Crimea.

Here are completely different conditions, dimensions, distances - everything else, a much larger scale. And in terms of construction, everything is much more complicated and longer. Minimum, 10 years will build this bridge. But this is a normal practice, "

He considers an expert.

As an example of Ageev, the Japanese Akasi-Kaico bridge between the Islands Honsu and Sikoku was brought. Its length is only 4 km, and the length of the central span is 1990 meters. However, only the design of the bridge occupied 15 years, and the construction is 12 more. The cost of the project was 500 billion yen, that is, more than 280 billion rubles. And this is excluding inflation - the Japanese bridge was built in the late 1990s.

In world practice, there are other examples of the construction of such bridges. So, you can recall the Danish Bridge Large Learn a length of almost 7 km and the cost of more than 21 billion Danish krons (207 billion rubles).

Thus, the cost of construction of the Sakhalin bridge and the deadlines for the implementation of the project are indicated by Russian Railways specialists, it is quite consistent with world counterparts (reminding, 252.8 billion rubles is required to build the bridge itself).

In addition, at the beginning of such construction, there is a prospect of continuing him towards Japan, which, according to experts, will give a tangible positive economical effect. And of course, the land road to Sakhalin will reduce the cost of delivering all sorts of goods, as well as strengthen the geopolitical links of the island with continental Russia.

The project of an absolutely planetary scale - so described the construction of a bridge from the mainland on Sakhalin, and from Sakhalin to Hokkaido President Vladimir Putin. The decision to build a bridge on Sakhalin was practically accepted, he declared his pollipration in DFO Yuri Trutnev. It is planned to bring the railway to the Pacific coast and to build the transition to Sakhalin, quotes Interfax of the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. The second part - the bridge from the southern part of Sakhalin to Hokkaido - Russia offers Japan to build together, he continues, it is about the "mixed road-rail transition".

Even after the Crimean project, the bridge on Sakhalin surprises: it will be built in the middle of "nothing," says the federal official. In addition to the transition in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nevelsky Strait, the length of which is only 7 km (the narrowest strokes in the Tatar Strait), it is necessary to build access roads to Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the station Nysh on Sakhalin, explained TASS Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov: only 500 km of railway .

Sokolov estimated the construction of a bridge with access roads in 500 billion rubles. In prices 2013 this is approximately 615 billion rubles. In prices II quarter of 2017, PwC partner Dmitry Kovalev counted. Initially, the amount was lower: in June, Putin appreciated the construction cost "lower than the Kerch bridge, it is about 286 billion, which replant that estimates are preliminary and do not include access roads. The cost of the Kerch bridge - 223 billion, but with expenses for safety, redemption of the Earth and the entrance to the bridge - over 300 billion.

The representative of Rosavtodor is categorical: Putin earlier (to get a comment of his press secretary yesterday could not) meant the railway bridge, and not a car. "We will adjust the TEO (feasibility study), it is ready," the first vice president of Russian Railways told TASS, Alexander Misharin. The adjustment will end in December, says a man close to Russian Railways. Representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Railways from additional comments refused.

The cost of construction of the bridge and 500 km of the two-chaole railway is up to 500 billion rubles, the director of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy HSE Mikhail Blinkin is evaluated. Given the difficult conditions - a complex climate, high seismic activity, weak infrastructure development or its absence - the amount is quite adequate, says the leading expert of the Criminal Code "Finam Management" Dmitry Barana may need to create a consortium.

The Kerch Bridge with which Putin compared the bridge to Sakhalin is structured as a state order, the only artist is "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rothenberg. For the bridge on Sakhalin, "Stroygazmontazh" could take both the "Stroygazmontazh" - he will need to take the power, which will be released upon completion of the Kerch bridge, argued in June a consultant of infrastructure projects. To talk about the participation of the StroygazMontage in the construction of a Sakhalin bridge before the project appeared prematurely, his representative approves, in addition, the company is concentrated on the construction of the Kerch bridge, this is a priority project.

The railway will pay off only under the condition of a comprehensive project to Hokkaido, Blinkin notes. The corridor will have a special meaning only if the transition to Hokkaido will be built, recognizes the falcons, it will be the construction of the next decade.

2.5 million people live in Crimea, and on Sakhalin - 500,000, and there is no such need for mobility of people and cargo - he is an expensive, meaningless, in a small-populated region, says the general director of Infranews Alexey Bezborodov, can be combined with each other, bypassing Moscow, many regional centers, improving the economic interaction of the regions. The amount of 500 billion rubles. Essentially more than many federal budget costs in 2017, including health care, comparable to education expenses. Economic meaning in the construction of the bridge is not, the Director of the Regional Program of the Independent Institute social Policy Natalia Zubarevich. Japanese business traditionally uses tanker transport, it turns out, the more not needed the bridge just on Sakhalin, where it is more useful to develop a ferry message with an island and the road in the north of Sakhalin. This is primarily a political project - to tie Sakhalin with the mainland, it concludes.

In the Khabarovsk Territory on the plots by which the railway will be held, through the bridge binding the mainland with the island of Sakhalin. The start of construction of the bridge is scheduled for 2021.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, specialists of the Far Eastern Design and Reserve Institute of Transport Construction (JSC "Dalgiprotrans") began to study the design solutions of the new railway, which in the future will contact the mainland with the Sakhalin Island.

- Now our specialists in place work out the main design solutions. They define how the track will go through which settlementswhere and what will be the connectors. Our task as surveyors - to determine the best position of this railway to make its construction optimal, as many excavation works as possible, as much as possible heights, said Dmitry Srimukov, head of the engineering research service JSC Dalgiprotrans, noting that the completion of these works scheduled for the summer of 2019.

According to him, the work began after receiving a technical task, signed by the first deputy head of Russian Railways Anatoly Krasnascular in April 2018.

A Russian Railways representative informed RBC that the preliminary feasibility assessment of the construction of a bridge transition is currently being held. The construction cost will be calculated on the basis of analog facilities and design results.

This document provides for the beginning of the construction of the railway branch to the future transition to Sakhalin from 2021. According to Simula, another organization is engaged in design surveys for the construction of the bridge.

- For work on the design of the track on Sakhalin, we used the help of "Mosgiprotrans", he added.

The fact that Russia is subject to the possibility of building a railway bridge to Sakhalin, President Vladimir Putin said in September 2017, speaking during a plenary session on the Eastern Economic Forum. He noted that this project, as well as the development of the Northern Sea Route, the modernization of the Bam and the Trans-Siberian Highway "will turn out to turn the Russian Far East into one of the most important logistics nodes of the world."

In May 2018, Putin, who participated, told RBC that he had "different thoughts" a bridge project on Sakhalin. According to the president, he is familiar with the point of view, according to which the construction of the bridge will not pay off, as there is no necessary flow of goods in this direction.

"But there is another side of the medal, which is that they are still difficult to count, until this bridge either tunnel," the president said, noting that this project "has a geopolitical component."

According to preliminary estimates that Kommersant wrote with reference to Russian Railways documents, the construction of a bridge connecting Sakhalin with the mainland can cost 540 billion rubles. The bridge itself can be built for 252 billion rubles, and the rest of the money will go to the construction of the branch from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Cape Lazarev (nearest to the island of the point on the mainland).

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