
Topics of design work on the economy. Research work on economics "live on credit or within your means". §3 Price policy

Examples of economic projects

Here are possible topics for research papers and projects in economics that can be used in teaching economics.

Topics of research papers and projects in economics:

my family budget

Is it profitable to keep a cow?

· Is it profitable to live in debt?

Is it profitable to live on credit?

Favorable deposits for the population and some bank loans

· Profitable way planting potatoes

Money loves an account, or Elements of financial mathematics (interest, loans, deposits)

· Children's bank card-- this is cool!

Portfolio optimization tasks valuable papers

Gold in the economic life of a person

"Gold rush" as a factor in the development of the economies of countries

Integration of the world economy

Study of electricity consumption depending on the time of year

· How to buy on credit and save?

Loans and interest in life modern man

Simple and compound interest, or How to invest money profitably?

Interest and credit

Calculation of funds for the repair and equipment of a modern office of the economy

· Discounts. To whom are they beneficial?

· Financial pyramids

Price, Quantity, Cost

Frequency in statistics and economic problem solving

Saving fresh water

· Energy-saving technologies and their use at school.

Projects such as “My family’s budget”, “Is it profitable to keep a cow?”, “Is it profitable to live on credit?”, “Is it profitable to live on credit?”, “Deposits and some bank loans that are beneficial for the population”, “A profitable way to Planting Potatoes" can be included in the economics program in grades 5-6, as the topics correspond to the level of students' preparation.

In grades 7-8, it is advisable to take topics: “Money loves an account, or Elements of financial mathematics (interest, loans, deposits)”, “Children's bank card is great!”, “Problems of optimizing a portfolio of securities”, “Gold in economic life person”, “Gold rush as a factor in the development of the economies of countries”, “Integration of the world economy”, “Study of electricity consumption depending on the time of year”, “How to buy on credit and save money?”.

“How to save money during a crisis?”, “Loans and interest in the life of a modern person”, “Simple and compound interest, or How to invest money profitably?”, “Interest and credit”, “Calculation of funds for repairs and equipment of a modern economy office ”, “Discounts. Who benefits from them?”, “Financial pyramids”, “Price, quantity, cost”, “Frequency in statistics and solving economic problems”, “Saving fresh water reserves”, “Energy-saving technologies and their use in school” - these topics by level preparation of students can be included in the economics program for grades 9-11.

Development of a research group mono-mini project

Project topic: Is there a relationship between salary and loans among the population?

1. Methodological passport of the project

Table 1

Section name


Is there a relationship between wages and loans among the population?

The salaries of the population, bank loans, family budget

Project type

Research, group, mini-project, in-class

Project Goals

Find out if there is a pattern between wages and loans

Project objectives

1. Conduct a survey among a group of people about their average earnings;

2. Analyze the received survey data;

3. Investigate the relationship (if any) between a person's wages and his propensity to borrow;

4. Identify common reasons that push a person to live in debt

Age of students

5 - 6 grades


2 to 6 hours

Working mode

Lesson form of classes

Parents, students, teacher

Report and computer presentation

2. Annotation to the project

This project is aimed at developing the thinking of students, at increasing their cognitive interest. The content of the project corresponds to the knowledge of grades 5-6 and provides them with the opportunity to work both independently and in groups at the level of increased requirements, developing their learning motivation.

The project activity and other technologies used in the course work system are aimed at ensuring that the student gets a wide practice of working with the economic algorithm.

3. Tasks for the project

1. Develop a questionnaire with which it will be possible to trace the relationship between the wages of the population and their loans;

2. Conduct a survey with a group of people using questionnaires;

3. Analyze the received survey data;

4. Present the received data in the form of a presentation.

Methodological passport of the research project “Lending in the R.P. Orda»

table 2

Section name


R.p. lending Horde

Information content of the project

Lending, types of loans, bank interest

Project type

Research, individual, medium-term, intra-school

Project Goals

Choose the best option for consumer lending among r.p. Horde

Project objectives

1. Explore theoretical aspects lending;

2. Analyze information about consumer lending options;

3. Compile a comparative table of the cost of credit in different banks r.p. Horde

4. Conduct a survey among parents of high school students about the market credit services r.p. Horde

5. Analyze the data obtained from the table, questionnaires and choose the best option for consumer lending among R.P. banks. Horde

Age of students

10 - 11 grades


Working mode

Extracurricular activities

Attracted participants (specialists)

Parents, supervisor, bank employees

Results presentation form

The content of the project corresponds to the knowledge of grades 10-11. The project aims to study the topic "Lending" in the course of economics in high school. The concepts of "Credit", "Interest", as well as the types of loans are considered. Within the framework of this project, both theoretical aspects of lending and the tasks of practical lending are presented. After conducting a survey among parents of high school students, the main directions of lending were clarified individuals, the banks with which borrowers prefer to work are determined (Appendix).

project economics school salary

1. "My family's budget: budget structure, income, expenses, dynamics"

2. "Calculation of the consumer basket of the family and its comparison with the minimum consumer basket"

3. Opportunity Cost: Comparing Savings and Buying on Credit

4. "Optional cost: solving the problem of replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps within the school"

5. “Opportunity cost: use bank deposits and risk"

6. "Optional value: stocks, bank deposits, bonds"

7. Financial Math: Loan

8. Financial Math: savings deposits

9. Financial Math: Percentage

10. Financial Math: Discounts

11. Financial Math: Bonds

12. Financial Math: Stocks

13. The use of the derivative in economics: the study of demand functions

14. Using the derivative in economics: economics of the firm

15. Application of functions in economics: supply and demand models

16. Application of functions in economics: price elasticity of demand

17. Application of functions in economics: economics of the firm

18. Application of functions in the economy: budget line (line of budget constraints)

19. Application of graphs in economics: firm costs, revenue and profit

20. The use of graphs in the economy: the structure and dynamics of the budget of the Russian Federation

21. Assessment of the profitability of purchasing goods on credit

22. Structure and dynamics of Russia's GDP


1. "My family's budget: budget structure, income, expenses, dynamics"(describe the family budget, draw up a table, calculate the budget structure and build charts, plot the dynamics of income and expenses)

2. "Calculation of the consumer basket of the family and its comparison with the minimum consumer basket"(describe the consumer basket, draw up a table of the consumer basket on the example of a family, compare logically and graphically the basket of a particular family with the minimum consumer basket)

3. "Opportunity Cost: A Comparison of Savings and Buying on Credit"

4. "Optional cost: solving the problem of replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps within a school"(calculate and justify the profitability or unprofitability of replacing incandescent lamps in the premises of a school (enterprise, institution) with energy-saving ones)

5. "Opportunity cost: use of bank deposits and risk"(describe and justify possible options saving and accumulating money and their opportunity cost; answer the question of whether it is profitable to keep money in the bank)

6. "Optional value: stocks, bank deposits, bonds"(describe and justify the opportunity cost of using different financial instruments)

7. Financial Math: Loan(application of mathematical calculations in credit relations, compound and simple interest, profitable loan)

8. Financial mathematics: savings deposits(application of mathematical calculations when using bank deposits, term deposit, deposit with the possibility of replenishment)

9. Financial Math: Percentage(application of calculations with interest, Bank loan, inflation and real income, risk)

10. Financial mathematics: discounts(application of mathematical calculations when developing a system of discounts)

11. Financial Math: Bonds(application of mathematical calculations when calculating the yield of a bond)

12. Financial Math: Stocks(application of mathematical calculations when carrying out transactions with shares, determining the profitability of a share)

13. Using the Derivative in Economics: Exploring the Demand Function(consider the functions of demand, describe the use of the derivative function in solving problems of supply and demand, the inflection point of the demand function)

14. Using the Derivative in Economics: Economics of the Firm(using the derivative in the calculation of the firm's economy, costs, revenue, marginal cost, optimal output)

15. Applying Functions to Economics: Supply and Demand Models

16. Application of functions in economics: price elasticity of demand

17. Applying Functions to Economics: Economics of the Firm(Cost functions, revenues and profits)

18. Application of functions in economics: budget line (budget constraint line)

19. Application of graphs in economics: firm costs, revenue and profit

20. Structure and dynamics of the budget of the Russian Federation

21. Assessment of the profitability of purchasing goods on credit

22. Structure and dynamics of Russia's GDP

Organization of production for the cultivation of marsh cranberries in the Onega region

Made by a student of 11 "b" class

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4 in Onega"

Alexandrova Anastasia Pavlovna

scientific adviser- teacher

municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4 in Onega"

Nekrasova Svetlana Maryanovna

Table of contents

1. Introduction (statement of the research problem). Page 3

2. The main part. Page 3-11

2.1 Analysis of studies conducted on this issue. Page 3-4

2.2 Technology of growing cranberries. Page 4-5

2.3 Characteristics of materials and equipment

for growing cranberries. Page 5

2.4 Business plan of the project. Pages 5-6

2. 5 Calculations for the project. Pages 7-11

2.5.1. Calculations for organizing a business for growing cranberries

varieties "Stevens" at 10 m2 . Pages 7-9

2.5.2. Motion Money for 2-7 years project implementation. Pages 9-11

3. Conclusion. Page 12

3.1 Conclusions on the project. Page 12

3.2 Prospects of the project. Page 12

4. Bibliographic list. Page 13

5. Applications. Page 14

5.1 Photo of Stevens cranberry. Page 14

5.2 Photo land plot. Page 14

Today, cranberries are popular with many people. Its popularity can be explained by several factors. Firstly, cranberries are a very tasty berry that is used for cosmetic purposes, for example, it can be used to whiten freckles, remove age spots, and remove sunburn. Secondly, it is useful, since it contains a large amount of vitamins (group B is mainly represented); there are potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, copper and other elements, it removes heavy metals from the human body. Thirdly, they use its bactericidal, antipyretic and thirst-quenching capabilities for medicinal purposes.

In ancient timescranberries have been used as a remedy for the prevention of many diseases.In the 17th century, merchants charged American sailors up to $50 for a barrel of cranberries ($750 today).

Cranberries can be considered an international berry, but in the 17-18 centuries it was considered a native Russian berry, since only Russian merchants brought it to European countries. It is the versatility of the use of cranberries that explains the relevance of its cultivation at home.

Purpose of the study: Cultivation of "Stevens" cranberries for mechanized harvesting in the Onega region.

Work tasks:

.land plot quality analysis;

.development of a business plan for the project;

.determination of an experimental land plot for the implementation of the project;

.selection of cranberry seedlings of Russian varieties;

.project calculations;

.project implementation

Object of study: cranberry "stevens"

Subject of study: planting cranberries "stevens" in the experimental plot

Research hypothesis: growing stevens cranberries is profitable.

2. The main part.

2.1 Analysis of studies conducted on this issue.

In the US and Europe, there are already entire plantations of industrial cultivation of this berry. The American people have been growing cranberries in their garden for 200 years. Americans have bred about 200 varieties of cranberries, the berries reach the size of cherries.The yield of such varieties of large-fruited cranberries is approximately 11 tons per hectare.

In the United States, about 11,000 hectares of plantation area are allocated to cranberries. The Americans managed to develop a mechanized technology for growing cranberries. In Russia, the first plantations appeared in Kostroma and Karelia, there is no such information on the intermediate results of the project implementation.

On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region (for 2014) there is no enterprise engaged in the cultivation of cranberries. The main reason is the lack of an investor (an expensive project), as well as the unwillingness of businessmen to work with “seasonal products”. In the future, it is planned to implement a project to create a cranberry enterprise (Kholmogorsky district), but at present there is no detailed information on the status of the project.

2.2 Technology of growing cranberries.

1. Growing Stevens cranberries will require a well-lit plot of land.Cranberries are planted in spring in late April - early May, and in autumn - in October.

2. First, a trench is dug 30 cm deep, 1 m wide, its walls are reinforced with slate or boards.

3. Cranberry is a moisture-loving berry, but high humidity negatively affects its development and growth. It is recommended to plant cranberries in those areas of the soil where the level ground water located at a height of 30-35 cm. With a lower placement of groundwater, additional watering will be required to obtain a full-fledged cranberry crop.

4. Previously, the soil area where the cranberries are planned to be planted is freed from weeds, loosened, moistened, a small amount of river sand is added to the soil.The site should be sunny, trees and shrubs can grow along the edges to protect the plantation from the wind.

5. Cranberry shoots are kept in wet sphagnum moss or water for 10-15 days before planting. Cut them on the day of planting or the day before.Before planting cranberries, double superphosphate is added to the soil (at the rate of 14 g per 1 square meter).

6. After that, seedlings of Stevens cranberries are planted. Planted with a pointed peg to such a depth that the seedlings protrude above the surface no more than 2-3 cm.

7. Cranberry seedlings are placed on the bed according to the scheme of 25 x 25 cm or less often, the shoots are straightened along the plot (too long sprinkled with earth in 1-2 places), and then watered.

8. It is necessary to moisten the soil daily after planting for 1 week.For the winter in the first year of planting, the plantation must be covered with spruce branches or mulched with sand; fruiting cranberries do not need to be covered.

2.3 Characteristics of materials and equipment required for growing cranberries.

In order to facilitate physical effort, as well as save time when harvesting cranberries, you can use a berry harvester. With the expansion of production, it is possible to purchase specialized agricultural machinery.

2.4 Business plan of work.

Description of the market.

On the domestic market RF (NWFD) there are almost no analogues of this project, so the competition will be minimal.

To start production, expensive equipment is not required, there is no need to hire workers, which minimizes the cost of the project.

Demand for cranberries is consistently high, it is purchased in large quantities by food industry enterprises for the manufacture of ice cream, yogurt, in confectionery shops for baking pastries and cakes. In addition, the sale of cranberries can be organized through retail outlets in the markets of the region.

The main obstacles (restraining factors for the development of production and features in the implementation of the project).

The main obstacle of our project is the lack of investments, the need for a one-time investment of funds, the duration of the project. The risk of the project lies in the deterioration of weather conditions (the project assumes the receipt of seasonal profits), as well as in the instability of the economy.

In addition, you need to take into account the fact that the project will not pay off immediately, so many entrepreneurs do not consider it as a source of profitable investment Money.

Analysis of the cost range of berries of the "Stevens" cranberry variety in the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

Name of the region of the Russian Federation

Price for 1 kg, rub.

Price for 1 ton, rub.

Tyumen region, Russia



Republic of Komi, Russia



Arkhangelsk region, Russia



Vologda region, Russia



average cost



Schedule for the cultivation of Stevens cranberries in the Onega region. 2015













Pre-project preparation


Order of seedlings

2016 -2020











Land preparation, planting seedlings, harvesting

2. 5 Calculations for the project.

2.5.1. Calculations for organizing a business for growing cranberries per 10 m 2

For the implementation of the project, we chose Stevens cranberries. It is frost-resistant, suitable for severe climatic conditions our region, ripens in September. Cranberries of the Stevens variety are characterized by large berries, the weight of which reaches 3 grams. Yield based on1m2 is - 1.5 kg.Cranberries begin to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting.Care of seedlings consists in weeding, fertilizing, additional mulching with sand, watering.

In the first three years, when there is an intensive increase in the vegetative mass of plants, they are used in more nitrogen fertilizers. At the next stage (after 3-4 years), when the plant begins to fully bear fruit, the amount of nitrogen is reduced and phosphorus and potash fertilizers are used to a greater extent. Cranberries are a long-lived plant. With proper agricultural technology, it can bear fruit for more than 50 years.

Table 1. The cost of a sapling of cranberry varieties "Stevens"

Cranberry variety

Supplier company name

The cost of 1 seedling, rub.


"Let's Plant a Garden"




"Garden of Dreams (no prepayment)"


"Garden of Dreams (prepaid)"




average price, rub.


The experimental section is 10 m2 .

Table 2. The cost of seedlings for planting on the experimental plot of 1 m2.

Number of seedlings, pieces

Total cost, rub.



Table 3. Cost of seedlings for planting in experimental plot 10 m 2 .

Number of seedlings, pieces

The average cost of 1 seedling, rub.

Total cost, rub.




Calculation of the cost of fertilizers required for growing Stevens cranberries.

To increase the yield, it is necessary to apply fertilizers to the soil: superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate at the rate of 1:2:1 (approximately 5-6 g per 1 m2 ).

Table 4. Fertilizer cost per plot size 1 m 2 .

Fertilizer name

Quantity, kg

Price, kg

Cost, rub.

Ammonium sulfate( (NH4 ) 2 SO4 )



Superphosphate ( Ca(H2 PO4 ) 2 *H2 O)



Potassium sulfate (K2 SO4 )



total cost


Table 5. Fertilizer cost per plot size 10 m 2 .

Fertilizer name

Quantity, kg

Price, kg

Cost, rub.

Ammonium sulfate( (NH4 ) 2 SO4 )



Superphosphate( Ca(H2 PO4 ) 2 *H2 O)



Potassium sulfate (K2 SO4 )



total cost


Calculation of the cost of renting a land plot in the Onega region.

Land lease (Amosovskaya, Onega district) - 10 m2 (calculated for 1 month): 0.02 rub. for 1 m2 . The calculation of the rent is based on the base rates for rent adopted by the District Assembly of Deputies, and the specific coefficients approved by the Government of the region.

The total cost of rent will be 2.40 rubles per year (0.20 rubles per month), but it is worth noting that the rent will increase annually due to the increase in the size of the land.

Income from growing cranberries on the experimental plot (for 1 season).

Productivity, kg

Cost of 1 kg, rub.

Plot area, m2

Proceeds, rub.

202, 50

3037, 50

    Cash flow for 1 year.
Net profit for 1 year, rub. Costs for 1 year, rub.
Rent + cost of seedlings + cost of fertilizers 2,40+40000+9= 40011,40

Losses:40011,40 rubles

Given the propagation of cranberries, in the second year you can get income from the sale of seedlings.

Number of seedlings grown, pieces

The average cost of 1 seedling, rub.

Total cost, rub.




In addition to selling, you can expand production by planting an additional 10m2 new cranberry seedlings (grown on the site).

2.5.2. Cash flow for 2-7 years project implementation.

1 case. (Sale of seedlings)

2nd year of project implementation-10m 2

Net profit for the 2nd year, rub. Costs for 2 years, rub.

Losses from year 1 + rent + fertilizer cost

40011,40 +2,40+9,00= 40022,8

Losses:22.80 rubles

3 year project implementation-10m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling seedlings and berries)

Costs for 3 years, rub.

Losses from year 2 + rent + fertilizer cost

22,80+2,40+9,00= 11747

Profit:39965.8 rubles

4 year project implementation-10m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 4 years, rub.

Rent + fertilizer

2,40+9,00= 11,40

Profit:3026.1 rubles

5th year of project implementation-20 m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 5 years, rub.

Rent + fertilizer

4,80+18,00= 22,80

Profit:3014.70 rubles

6 year project implementation-40m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 6 years, rub.

Rent + fertilizer

9,60+36,00= 45,60

Profit:2991.9 rubles

7 year project implementation-80m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 7 years, rub.

Rent + fertilizer

19,20+72,00= 91,20

Profit:5983.8 rubles

Case 2 (selling cranberries)

An annual increase in the number of cranberry seedlings and a site by 2 times compared to the beginning of the project.

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 3 years, rub. 0

Losses from 2nd year + rent + fertilizer

40034,20+9,60+36,00= 40079,80

Losses: 40079,80 rubles

4 year project implementation-80m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 4 years, rub.

Losses from year 3 + rent + fertilizer

40079,80+19,20+72,00= 40171,00

Losses:37133.50 rubles

5th year of project implementation-160m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 5 years, rub.

Losses from year 4 + rent + fertilizer

37133,50 +38,40 +144,00= 37315,9

Losses:31240.90 rubles

6 year project implementation-320m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 6 years, rub.

Losses from year 5 + rent + fertilizer

31240,9 +76,8+288,00= 31605,90

Losses:19455.70 rubles

7th year of project implementation-640m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 7 years, rub.

Losses from year 6 + rent + fertilizer


Profit:4114.70 rubles

8 year project implementation-1280m 2

Net profit, rub.

(when selling berries)

Costs for 8 years, rub.

Rent + fertilizer

307,20+1152,00= 1459,20

Profit:47140.80 rubles

1 case.

Payback of the project: 3 years (subject to the sale of seedlings and berries).

2nd case.

Payback of the project: 7 years (subject to the sale of berries).

3. Conclusion.

3.1 Conclusions on the project.

1. The average payback of the project will significantly reduce financial risks(reducing the cost of production or reducing demand).

2. The commissioning of this project will become a source of replenishment of the local and federal budgets.

3.2 Prospects of the project.

1. Due to the lack of competition, there should be no problems with the sale of products, therefore, in addition to the sale of cranberries and seedlings on the domestic market, it is possible to consider the issue of entering the international market for the enterprise.

2. Establishing the production of cranberries in sugar in individual packages with advertising information (at the request of the customer).

3. When entering the industrial scale - the creation of jobs. For 1 hectare of a cranberry plantation, 140 thousand cuttings will be required, the yield will be more than 10 tons. Approximately 1.8 million rubles will be required for tillage, design, planting material, payment for workers, equipment. When selling berries at a minimum price of 40 rubles per 1 kg, the income will be (in 3-4 years) more than 350 thousand rubles.

4. Bibliographic list.

1. I. E. Akopov. The most important medicinal plants: Tashkent, 1997. - 203 p.

2. N.I. Alekseychik, V.A. Sanko. Nature is a generous gift. - Minsk, 1992. - 189 p.

3. E.L. IsaevaCranberries and blueberries. Bacteria-killing berries. - Ripol Classic, 2010 . - 68s.

4. D.P. Zuev Gifts of the Russian forest. - Timber industry, 1974.-174p.

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10 -11 cells

(the topics are approximate and can be specified at the request of the students).

Polyakova O.B., teacher of economics - head of research

    Actual problems of personal financial security.

Consider one or more aspects: the financial literacy of the depositor, the borrower (pay attention to the lack of a law on bankruptcy of individuals in the Russian Federation, compare with foreign experience), financial literacy of the insured investor, personal financial strategy.

    Actual problems of consumer protection.

Develop a model for comparative analysis of the quality of any services (for example, foreign language courses) or goods.

Or: to study the legislation on consumer protection and the practice of its application in the Russian Federation and abroad.

    Family budget and economic problems of rational use of resources.

Consider the problem of energy saving for the consumer (for example, the use of energy-saving lamps in everyday life, alternative energy sources for a country house, water meters, etc.) - make calculations and draw a conclusion.

    Personal financial strategy: economic and psychological aspects of its development.

Consider and formulate the necessary financial instruments (deposits, loans, investments) and personality traits for the formation and implementation of a personal financial strategy aimed at achieving financial well-being.

    Actual problems of foreign economic relations between Russia and any country or group of countries.

    Environmental issues as a basis for adoption economic decisions at the regional level and on a global scale. (consider the greenhouse effect, nuclear waste disposal, ozone depletion, etc. and their economic content at the level of UN decision-making, and Russia's participation in international


Pay attention to the participation of the Russian Federation in the signing of the Kyoto Protocol or the disposal of nuclear waste, the disposal of chemical and medical waste.

    Actual problems economic security RF

Consider one: environmental, informational, food, financial, protectionism, etc.

    Legal support of charitable activities in the Russian Federation

Consider any aspect, for example, the law on endowment funds, etc.

    Environmental legislation as a factor in increasing competitiveness and expanding positions in the world commodity markets

Compare the use of ecolog. legislation for these purposes of other countries (Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, etc.). and Russia.

    Role of the organization government controlled in the successful socio-economic development of society.

Compare the structure of state. management of industrialized countries and Russia: number of ministries and departments, their functions, number of state corporations, their independence in decision-making, efficiency, level of bureaucratization, corruption, etc.

    The share of small business in Russia's GDP and the creation of conditions for growth.

    Problems of formation of the domestic insurance market.

Eg.compare the development of industries: honey. fear, car insurance, fear. property, etc. or compare one industry in Russia and abroad.

    Growth of investment in Agriculture is one of the main conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

The role of the priority national project "development of the agro-industrial complex". To pay attention to the share of environmentally friendly food and feed, to the problems of competition in the food market, which will become aggravated with Russia's accession to the WTO.

    Analysis of the world practice of forming a surplus budget, creating and using a stabilization fund.

Analyze three approaches to budgeting and study the practice of creating and using a stabilization fund in different countries.

    Problems, development prospects and competitiveness of any sector of the Russian economy.

Eg. basic - energy, industry, agriculture, scientific and technical potential.

    State policy of Russia in the field of international trade in relation to the countries of the former USSR and other countries.

comparative analysis of tariff and non-tariff restrictions, protectionism, conclusions.

    Business project of a small enterprise.

    Credit policy of Russian commercial banks in modern conditions.

analyze the markets consumer loans, mortgage, educational or lending to small and medium-sized businesses, identify criteria for comparison, formulate recommendations for choosing a bank according to these criteria.

    Competitiveness of Russia in the world market. Can Russia become a brand?

Consider the factors of competitiveness of a product or company, industry, country.

    Successful entrepreneur: who is he?

analyze the biographies of successful entrepreneurs in Russia and foreign countries, identify personality traits, conduct research among their classmates, make a forecast.

    Regional marketing.

Develop a marketing program for any region in order to accelerate the economy. development, attraction of investments.

    Free enterprise zones and their importance for overcoming the backlog of regions.

On the example of several free economic zones in Russia and other countries.

    Economic problems of my city and ways to solve them.

for Moscow, the most pressing problems are: the capacity of the main transport routes of the city, garbage disposal, ecology, reduction of green spaces, migration, etc.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state