
How to distribute the family budget. How to properly distribute the family budget for a month so that everything is enough

How to plan correctly family budget? How to start planning your family budget? There are many questions regarding family budget planning. This is not a difficult science, this can and should be learned.

Let's look at a simple example, you need to build an enterprise: Which enterprise? Of what? Where to build? How? What funds? How many employees should be employed for construction? This is a small part of the questions you can imagine how difficult it is to plan the construction of a huge enterprise or plant.

A family is a small business, in order to correctly plan a family budget, you need to correctly approach each figure of income and expenses.

How to plan your family budget

Think back to the expenses of the previous two or three months and plan your family budget by analyzing them.

Remember and plan expenses for birthdays in the family, birthdays of relatives, do not forget about the main holidays: “ New Year"," Twenty-third of February "," Eighth of March ".

Prices begin to rise in the summer months utilities and gasoline.

In order not to forget all this, you can draw a small plate for yourself from January to December and indicate the main events and dates there.

When you plan your budget for the new month, look at this table and make changes.

Family budget components

There are six components of happiness, if one component stops working, happiness in the family disappears.

What is included in these six components: income, expenses (which does not exceed income), own housing, savings or reserves, contributions, joint values ​​of the husband and wife.

How to manage a family budget

The family budget consists of income and expenses. Income includes: cash income, income in kind and benefits.

Income table

Example of income for a family of four

Income table

This family is home to four family members, father, mother and two children. The family's income is the father's salary of 35,000 rubles and the mother's salary of 15,000 rubles, one child goes to kindergarten, the second child goes to school. The total family income is 50,000 rubles. This family has no additional sources of income.

The income is spent on essential goods and services for the whole family. After receiving the money, income turns into expenses.

Expenses include all expenses spent on a family for a certain period of time, for example, a month.

How to distribute your family budget

It is very important to distribute the family budget for a month, so that it is enough for all expenses, and so that it does not exceed income.

There are two types of expenses: compulsory and optional.

Cost table

Consider the expenses of a family of four

Cost table

This family is home to four family members, father, mother and two children. Family expenses are included in the table.

Put your income and expenses on the scale

Example one:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 50,000 rubles

Your family's budget, your balanced income is equal to your expense.

Example two:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 60,000 rubles

You have a budget deficit in your family, you do not have enough money, you need to revise the items of expenses of the family budget.

Example three:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 40,000 rubles

Your incomes exceed expenses, you get an excess Money or savings for future expenses.

The main point of drawing up a family budget is to learn how to make a balance between incoming income and outgoing expenses. We need to learn how to draw up a family budget so that expenses are always less than income.

Family budget for the month

An example of a budget for an average family with two children

Let's analyze the table of the family budget for an average family consisting of four people, two of them are children, we see that the family income is 50,000 rubles. The family has no additional sources of income.

The amount of the expense corresponds to the amount of income and is equal to 50,000 rubles. The costs include all the necessary cost items:



  • payment for kindergarten;

    clothes, shoes;

    child's education;


Pay attention to the most important article, it is called cumulative.

In every family, when planning a family budget, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that expenses are less than income, and include an item in expenses and plan money there, this item is called accumulative.

This item of expenditure should be in percentage from wages 20%, if you can't postpone 20% the first time, start with 10% and review your expenses again.

It is very good if you have more than 20% deposited in a savings point, it can be 30%, 40% and even 50%.

The funded part can be saved up and spent on vacations, on large household appliances, on winter and autumn clothes, and so on.

The rest of the expenses may vary in amount, some item or item of expenses may be more than presented in the table, some may be less.

Savings from managing the family budget

Considering the presented family budget for a month, for a family of four we received an income of 50,000 rubles and an expense of 40,000 rubles, from which we get a saving of 10,000 rubles per month. You can spend this savings on buying a large household appliances, winter clothes and shoes, for vacation with the whole family.

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It is very important that the family's income is always more than the expense, learn to plan correctly, reconsider the family budget, do not waste money, because they just exist, create monthly funded part and you will never need money. We wish you the best of luck.

It is often possible to find families wondering what their money is being spent on. After the salary is transferred, they can lose more than half of their income in a week, and then borrow money from friends or, even worse, take countless bank loans... In addition, the lack of money often becomes the cause of domestic quarrels and divorces in families. So what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing it?

Be sure to read my review on the topic and how I came to this only at the age of 37, exactly 1.5 years ago.

Family budget - the balance of family income and expenses for a specified period of time.

Benefits of maintaining a family budget:

  • The general picture of family income for the period is the main and additional earnings. This is the base from which it is worth starting in its capabilities for the planned costs.
  • Full control of family expenses. To avoid disputes, the cost picture will always show who spent the money and on what. In the future, the dynamics of costs for each item will make it possible to adjust them depending on preferences and informed choice.
  • Accumulation of funds and minimization of debts.
  • major purchases and travel. Dynamics of the main cost items allows you to plan large events in a certain period at the expense of previously accumulated funds.
  • Discipline. increases discipline in the life of every person.

Disadvantages of maintaining a family budget:

  • Full transparency of income and expenses of all family members, which may not be to everyone's liking.
  • The ability to get hung up on the idea of ​​saving, cross borders and infringe on yourself and other family members for any needs.

Family budgeting principles:

Income and expenses must be divided into items. Their number can be any at the discretion and convenience of everyone. For example, at first expense items may be more detailed: food, household goods, payments for an apartment, payments for a telephone, other payments for children's sections and school lunches, etc. Later, it is more expedient to combine part of the costs. For example, all mandatory monthly payments are in one article.

For the first two months, it is enough to simply record your income and expenses by item. In the future, the budget must be planned for the future, at least for one period in advance.

It is more convenient to record costs every day, to reconcile cash balances (cash, bank cards, accounts, electronic money etc.).

With proper distribution, the family's expenditure budget should not exceed the income budget. In this way, a reserve part will be formed, which can be accumulated or spent on the necessary needs. It is recommended that the monthly reserve be at least 10% of income.

It is advisable to divide the reserve part into at least two components - the acquisition of useful purchases and the emergency stock. The latter is necessary as a "spare pillow" in the event of a sudden loss of permanent earnings (dismissal, reduction), a deep financial crisis, unforeseen circumstances.

Family budgeting methods:

  • "The old fashioned way" - a thick notebook with manual notes and calculating on a calculator: a time consuming and inconvenient option in terms of analysis and dynamics;
  • maintaining a convenient spreadsheet in Microsoft Office Excel on any computer, using an individual approach;
  • services for budgeting (online sites and mobile applications) with the ability to choose the most convenient and suitable one.
  • Perhaps duplication, for example, maintaining an express budget in mobile application for quick fixing of costs and a more detailed budget with analysis and dynamics in Microsoft Excel.

An example of managing a family budget in Excel in our family.

how to make a family budget

In addition to maintaining a spreadsheet in Excel, I recommend daily accounting of expenses and income in special applications for keeping a family budget, for example, Home Accounting, which, among other things, can be installed as an individual or family application, i.e. for 2 devices on Android, Windows or iOS.

I can recommend the free AbilityCash program, which I use myself, you can download it here

Home bookkeeping allows you to quickly understand where the money is going and where there are reserves for savings.

Explore different programs and choose the one that is convenient for you. It is important that the program has the ability to divide expenses into different items, get statistics on spending for each item, and use various data filters.

Many families do not take into account the nuances of the correctness of the family budget, therefore, many financial questions arise in the family.

To avoid this, it is worth learning the three main accounting rules.

# 1. Determine the exact total amount of income for the month. We'll have to take all the income for the month and, by adding, find out the total total.

No. 2. Calculate all monthly expenses and bill payments required. In other words, figure out the inevitable waste of the amount of money for the month.

No. 3. Subtract the amount of unavoidable waste from the principal of the income. And only the remaining amount to distribute to the rest of the incidental waste.

So, there is a certain sum of money... How can you competently dispose of it further? Family is a big responsibility and everyone has their own personal needs. In order to satisfy the major needs of each family member, for example, the purchase of seasonal outerwear or shoes, from each monthly income about 10% of the proceeds should be set aside. When the time comes to buy an important new thing for one of the family members, or suddenly an unforeseen expenditure situation occurs, the family will already be ready for this. The accumulated amount will be able to cover such costs.

Did you know, how to properly distribute money so that they are enough not only for survival - for satisfying natural needs? In this article, you will learn how to do this: so that your finances are enough for your goals and dreams.

Why distribute

Imagine that in order for you to be well fed and dressed, you need 50 thousand rubles a month. Chances are, you are earning this amount. And it is very difficult for many to break through this bar. How to raise the level of your earnings, and at the same time improve the quality of your own life?

The answer is very simple: you need to learn how to properly distribute the money earned!

The meaning of this is as follows: there are 4 main cash flows (baskets), each of which has its own purpose. If we begin to spend money for some purposes intended for others, then this violates the laws of monetary energy (flow, movement).

How to dispense

What are these 4 such streams, on which the level of our life depends?

  1. Basic expenses. This is the money that you are now spending on yourself. This is 30% of your expenses - food, utilities, any other necessary to maintain comfortable life spending.
  2. Realization of goals. The second cash flow allows you to use another 30% of the money to achieve goals that you cannot achieve in a moment. For example, something that cannot be bought for one salary and one has to save up to acquire this goal.
  3. Your savings. This is the most important basket! It is this basket that is the measurement of a person's wealth. It is not enough to earn a lot and spend everything - it is important to have reserves, capital, assets, savings. This is your "safety cushion" during the tough days.
  4. Charity. This basket is aimed at showing that we are not selfish and live not only for ourselves, but also make the world a better place.

You can distribute money according to cash flows as follows: 30-30-30-10%. But this is not a critical distribution. You can have either a monthly plan or an annual plan. In one period they put their income in one basket, in another - in the next.

The desired income that you want to receive should be in accordance with these 4 baskets

And when you start placing money in these four baskets regularly, I assure you, money will always be, you will see opportunities to increase your income.

The budget of any family depends on proper planning. Today there are many temptations that beckon us to spend a certain amount. If you succumb to momentary weakness, then there is a possibility that you will have to borrow or take out a loan somewhere before the paycheck.

Most often, the problems of lack of funds are faced by young families who have little experience in housekeeping and solving everyday problems. Therefore, you have to learn through your own trial and error. As a rule, everything ends in quarrels. How to avoid debt and be able to save money? In this article, we will tell you all about the family budget.

The family budget is the sum of the funds of both spouses, which are combined into one whole. It is the joint type of budget that is the most widespread throughout the world.

Family budget components

The family budget consists of income. They can be as follows:

  • wage;
  • social benefit;
  • dividends;
  • pension;
  • help from relatives, etc.

The main items of expenditure are:

  • food;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • taxes;
  • payment for kindergarten;
  • transportation costs;
  • loan payments;
  • payment for communication and the Internet;
  • rest;
  • buying clothes, shoes.

Here is a rough list of the monthly expenses that almost every household incurs.

The benefits of planning a family budget:

  • increases the financial discipline of each family member;
  • leads to more efficient use of funds;
  • prevents disagreements in the family due to lack of finance;
  • helps to quickly cope with the obligations assumed (loans, debts, payments, etc.);
  • contributes to the achievement of goals and desires.

Family budget planning is the process of optimizing the redistribution of income into expenditure, with the help of which the budget (liability) of money and other family assets is accumulated.

Mistakes in the distribution of family finances

If you do not have enough money all the time, it means that the wrong way of distributing funds was initially chosen or this concept was simply ignored. The most important thing in planning is to consider the balance of expense and income. Try not to spend most of your paycheck on the first day. For some reason, many of us perceive paycheck as a small holiday, on which you can afford to buy many different delicious products. Having done this, you should immediately understand that at the end of the month you will have a shortage of funds.

  • mistake number 1. Never spend most of the salary in the first days after receiving it;
  • mistake number 2. Late repayment of loans, utility bills and other obligations. If you spent most of your salary on the first day, then, of course, you will not have enough funds to fulfill your obligations;
  • mistake number 3. Lack of reserves. Most often, the lack of savings leads to the formation of debt, because when we run out of money, we borrow it;
  • mistake number 4. Irresponsible distribution of funds. Always plan everything, no need to waste money and spend it "left and right":
  • mistake number 5. Overestimating your own financial capacity... Always calculate your " financial strength», This will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations in the future;
  • mistake number 6. Lack of responsibility for spending. Since the budget must be adopted by the whole family, accordingly, and the expenses must correspond to it, and if during the month one of the members has unforeseen expenses, then you need to be responsible for this;
  • mistake number 7. "Rigid framework". Do not limit yourself, planning does not mean denying yourself everything. If you want to go to a cafe with your loved one, go. Better often and little by little than to break once. Constant restrictions will lead to a breakdown, and you yourself will not notice how you will instantly part with all the money;
  • mistake number 8. Lack of agreement between the spouses. Do not hide from each other your made or future purchases, expenses, otherwise it can lead to "stash" of one of the spouses.

By avoiding such mistakes in your family, you will definitely only increase your financial capital.

Tidying up our cash flows

If you do not make the above mistakes, you can avoid debt and financial ruin. We will analyze in detail how to distribute and organize the estimate.

Making a list of priority expenses. In this item, we include only the most important (food, medicine, clothing, shoes, etc.).

We pay off our obligations. If you have debts, loans, other obligations, we advise you to close this issue first.

We create a family reserve capital. This is an important part of any budget. Allocate no more than 10-15% of funds from total amount... You yourself will not have time to notice how quickly the amount will increase, and most importantly, you will feel comfortable and confident!

Don't ignore standing payments. Pay utility bills, communications, Internet, etc. in a timely manner.

We leave a small part of the funds for personal expenses. Each family member should have their own pocket money. It could be small amount, but it is necessary, so you will feel confident in any unforeseen situation.

What you need for high-quality financial planning

In order to always know how much money was spent and on what, we advise the following: try to use a regular notebook, let's simply call it “Home Bookkeeping”. One of my acquaintances, an accountant, has been using such a book for many years, and writes down all expenses in it in full. For example, she clearly displays every trip to the market or to the supermarket in this notebook. The amazing thing is that with her help she really saves a lot. She spends all the saved funds exclusively on vacation with her family.

Planning for future expenses. Today there are a lot of programs that will help you manage your money. In this list, enter all your future expenses, vacations, trips to friends, relatives, various holidays, payment of taxes, etc. That is, taking into account these data, you can easily calculate your finances.

Force Majeure. This should be understood as “holiday time and seasonality”. As usual, food prices in supermarkets go up a bit before the holidays. In the summer, for example, the price of gasoline rises, and closer to autumn it is necessary to collect children for school, so when planning during such periods, try to lay a little more funds for expenses.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in mastering this "science". The main thing is desire, time and self-discipline. Remember: without planning, all the money earned will go away very quickly, all problems will appear, and you will only get negative from this.

Believe me, the sooner you accustom yourself to lead total budget, the faster you become financially disciplined. Every day you will follow clear rules and expense items, so you simply won't be able to buy something extra. Your capital will grow, and over time you will have the opportunity to fulfill your dream!

We wish you good planning and big savings!

Earn more money- this is cool. Making a lot more money is even better. It's great to develop your professional skills, it is interesting to develop your business, climb the career ladder, etc.

However, in this article, I would like to talk about those problems and there are extremely serious problems that come with money, downturns in income, etc. For a couple of decades that I had the opportunity to observe myself, other people, the development of other people's businesses and their owners, I have only now begun to master simple and seemingly obvious rules for handling money.

It is no less important to correctly distribute the family budget than the methods of increasing income.

A decline in income destroys personality, destroys families, often leads to "wars" in one form or another, up to almost real massacres, betrayals, hostile lies, etc.

If you are very young, then most likely this article will not help you. You have too little experience and too much optimism. (Which is ok)

However, I am not addressing such youths and young girls. If you have lived at least a little, then perhaps you understand how badly major life failures affect the human psyche and his relations with other people.

I include a significant drop in income among such failures in life. By it, we mean a decrease in income by at least 20% or more.

Here are some examples.

Example 1.

A man is fired from his job for various reasons. Sometimes it's just an abbreviation. Sometimes a man thinks that he is so irreplaceable and does not want to “cave in” to the demands of clients or managers, and he is fired. IN this moment I'm not even talking about drunkenness, not going to work, etc. rough things.

After a decrease in income, the climate in the family deteriorates significantly, and the family often falls apart. The woman leaves and that's it. Not even necessarily to another.

I have already seen dozens of such examples. And it's stupid to blame a woman here. The human psyche, and especially the female psyche, requires stability. The man could not provide this stability and must reap the benefits. In addition, after a drop in income, he himself often behaves inappropriately, that is, he sits on the couch, instead of accepting the new reality and starting to act. At least start learning how to properly distribute the family budget that remains.

Even if the family does not break up, then it is going through an extremely difficult and difficult time. After all, you often have to ask others for help. (And this is extremely unpleasant) Sometimes you have to sell some things that you are used to. (For example, a car)

Often you have to give up the usual services, for example, paid medicine, and stand in line at the clinic.

And if a drop in income within 20% can even unite the family, then a more serious drop in income (or other major setbacks) often destroys the family.

And not only the family, but also the psyche of the man himself. First of all, his self-confidence, and after him the desire to move something. And when that goes away, so does the increase in income in the long run. In order to prevent this from happening, I recommend studying the course "How to earn 3 times more than now."

So, a large decrease in income ALWAYS leads to big problems in the family, and often to a life-long decrease in a man's confidence in his abilities.

Example 2.

Two friends founded a company that sells something there, which in our example is not so important. And what is interesting, they began to complement each other well in their work and began to earn very good money.

At some point, the firm's income, due to the too risky expansion policy, seriously decreased. It was necessary to cut more than half of the employees, it took a move to a much more modest premises, it took some time to "fight off" creditors and employees who justly demand their money.

This led to constant disputes between friends, conflicts, finding out who is to blame and what to do, and soon the company fell apart. Each of the friends founded their own company. However, to reach the previous level of income, despite the fact that external circumstances, affecting the decline in income, ended, neither one nor the other succeeded. This is understandable. Two complementary people were gone and confidence decreased. The childhood friendship also ended, although they greet each other when they meet and even ask: "How are you?"

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that even at the peak of the decline in income, they were still higher than when these two friends worked for hire. That is, the main thing is not so much in income as in its decline..

In this example, it still ended up relatively well. It often happens that a company goes bankrupt (and, accordingly, one of the founders does not get anything), clients are taken away, litigated for years, etc.

Example 3.

Male entrepreneur who builds industrial building... In principle, a man earns well. However, the problem is that the main money comes to him after the completion of the construction of the building, and this, taking into account the specifics of his work, about once a year or a little more often. The rest of the time money comes in, but very little.

With a relatively high income, he himself and especially his family are constantly living in tension. The fact is that a man has taught his family to have a relatively high income, when the main money comes and the family is "chic". However, there are always periods of six months when there is no money for the most necessary things. That is, there is nothing to buy new clothes to replace the torn ones, there is nothing to repair the car, to buy a new cell phone to replace the broken one, etc. It is especially important here to learn how to properly distribute the family budget!

So, we see that a significant decrease in income (and other major setbacks) lead to the destruction of the human psyche, the destruction of families, the destruction of long-term friendship and cooperation.

For a person, the health of his psyche, his family, happiness, his friends and acquaintances, etc., it is much better, albeit a little smaller, but stable income than spikes to millions in revenue, dropping to almost zero. In addition, it is extremely important to avoid a significant and prolonged drop in income.... And it is important to learn how to correctly distribute the budget that is.

Now I'm not even sure that the main thing is to increase income. Perhaps maintaining the stability of income is no less important task than increasing it..

Do not misunderstand me. I am not in favor of maintaining a stable income of $ 100-300 per month. Of course, with such an income, you need to put all your efforts into increasing it.

How to achieve greater income stability?

The first, easiest to understand and hardest to implement, is simply to reduce your running costs.

I think that there is nothing particularly incomprehensible here. If, for example, the family's income is 100 thousand rubles / month, and they live on 70 thousand rubles / month, then the income will decrease to 70 thousand rubles. per month the family will hardly feel it. Of course, with a decrease in income, there will be no money that was previously deposited in real estate, stocks or something else useful. However, the most important thing for the well-being of a person and a family is that current expenses will not change, or if they change, then only slightly.

This method is applicable to both an individual, a family and a business. After all, in business it happens that money is just a rod. This, however, is far from being a reason to waste it. After all, for example, if you pay your employees a lot, and during a decrease in income, you pay 2 times less, they will blow your company to pieces, even if the lower salary is higher than the market one. (They will stop working, they will steal openly, they will almost openly drain clients, go to other employers, even if for more low salary, will complain to the labor inspectorate, etc.)

However, if you can reduce them during your windfall profits (or firms), then by doing so you may save yourself from so much hassle that you cannot even imagine.

The second way is to create reserves.

Reserves allow you to relatively painlessly survive a short-term decline in income, which are the most frequent.

The wisdom of a person and the correct distribution of the family budget consists not only and sometimes not so much in predicting when there will be a sharp decrease in income or unexpected large expenses (a car broke down, you need to move, a jacket is torn, medicine, etc.), but understanding that sooner or later some of these events will surely happen.

Let me remind you that the higher the income, the more uneven it is and the more important it is to comply with these rules. It is relatively easy to borrow the equivalent of $ 100-200 from colleagues or relatives. It is much more difficult if your income is high. Try to intercept a similar amount from relatives or friends, for example, $ 5,000. Even if someone wants to lend it to you, then not many already have it.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to create minimal reserves - and create them not only in money, but in things.

Of course, in theory, it is best for the reserve to be in the money. In practice, money is always needed somewhere and it is much more difficult to keep it in your hands. I suggest that you create a reserve in things, which is much easier. What exactly can be reserved in things? Depending on your income and lifestyle, these can be different things. Here are some examples.

- You can develop the habit of not using up gas in your car to zero, but refueling in advance. It is clear that if there are small interruptions in income, then you will not need to spend money on gas when there is no money. I will not comment further.

- You can pay utility bills in advance for several months in advance,

- You can buy food and household goods at home with a small supply. (It is understood that the products are subject to the expiration date.)

- You can buy the necessary medicines with a small supply and not allow them to run out completely.

- You can make it so that on cellular, internet, etc. payments have always been money.

- You can accustom yourself not to zero bank cards to zero when you withdraw cash, but to leave at least a few thousand rubles on them. (Many now have 2-3 cards, and this is already a decent amount)

- Clothes can be repaired in advance.

I think that the principle is clear from these examples. The examples are focused on average level income. It is clear that they need to be adjusted to a smaller or larger side, depending on the lifestyle.

Reservation in things is a powerful technology that allows you to move from theory to action..

The theory, I hope, is clear to you. In short, we assume that sooner or later some unpredictable loss of income or unpredictable expenses will occur in your life. What kind of event it will be, we do not know, but it will certainly happen sooner or later. These situations themselves can be extremely destructive to life, relationships, business, right up to collapse.

A reasonable way out of this situation would be the accumulation of some money, so that if something happens, they could be used.

However, in the transition from theory to action, it turns out that saving money is an extremely difficult task for 80-90% of the population. Reserves are formed and immediately spent on something unrelated to reserves.

It is much easier to make reserves in things. Things are anything that is not as liquid as money. If, for example, you bought gasoline when there is still 30 percent in the tank, then even if you wanted to go to a bar and have a beer, you won’t get the gasoline back from the tank and you won’t sell it.

If you have a reserve of money that is in your wallet, then you can easily buy beer, justifying it with something, no matter what.

Of course, reservation in things also requires a certain discipline and is not available to everyone. However, if 10 percent of the population has the ability not to spend all the money, then it is much easier to master the reservation in things. It is available to about 30% of the population.

I repeat that reservations in things can be tailored to suit any lifestyle and income.

This can be for high income:

- early redemption of an apartment on a mortgage, purchase of other liquid real estate in which you do not live, purchase of an office for business, etc.,

purchase of shares,

- buying currency (especially rare), gold.

Now I'm not talking about the benefits of these purchases, but about the fact that these goods are not as liquid as money and it is much easier not to spend them on something, but to keep them in the form of a reserve.

Accordingly, in a crisis (not in general, of course, but your personal, God forbid), you can sell real estate, stocks or gold.

For relatively low income it could be:

- food stocks like cereals, canned food,

- stocks of cigarettes,

- stocks of household supplies and some kind of clothing,

- payment of apartment rent, loans, utilities, etc.

The principle is relatively universal.

I will repeat myself. Learning to reserve in things is several times easier than in money.

I give you the technology, that is, the method of practical implementation of an extremely useful theory. I didn’t come up with it, of course, but that doesn’t stop it being less valuable.

So, let's summarize how to properly and wisely distribute your family budget.

- The higher the income, the less stable it is by definition and, accordingly, special measures need to be taken in order to avoid its sharp fall, even a short-term one.

Do not think that you are made differently. And even so, there are people close to you, for whom stability is extremely important.

- Income stabilization is a solvable task (up to certain limits, of course). We examined two tricks of the reserve and cost reduction in this article. We will consider the following techniques in the next article.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

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