
What is the ecology of housing. Eco-friendly house: comfortable life in harmony with nature. What is an environmentally friendly home

On the quality of the medium in the dwelling affect: outer air; incomplete gas combustion products; substances arising in the cooking process; substances allocated to furniture, books, clothing, etc.; Tobacco products; Household chemicals and hygiene products; houseplants; sanitary standards of residence (number of people and pets); Electromagnetic pollution. Therefore, the study of the state of the human dwelling from an environmental point of view, the solution to the problem of creating a healthy habitat for a person is currently very relevant.



Development of lesson on the topic:

"Housing content technologies.

Interaction with housing and communal services.

Storage of food I.

non-food products. "

The purpose of the lesson: Consider a residential apartment, as an unlocked ecosystem and propose measures to create an environmentally friendly habitat.


Learning: 1 Consider the influence of dust on human health, 2 Determine the sources of electromagnetic radiation in the apartment, study the characteristics of household appliances, determine the measures of protection against electromagnetic radiation, 3 to study the degree of noise pollution, its influence on the health of apartment inhabitants, to determine the measures to combat it.

Development: 1 Teach to nominate your assumptions, draw conclusions, analyze, 2 to continue the formation of intellectual potential, 3 to develop communicative abilities, expand the horizons of students.

Education: 1 instilling careful attitude to your health, 2 raise the senses of personal hygiene students.

Type of lesson: Formation of knowledge, skills and skills.

Forms of study: Lecture, conversation, educational and practical classes.

Training method: Veluminously - illustrative, problematic.

Lesson equipment: Visual material (presentation)

1. Org moment.

2. Studying a new material.

Teacher's introductory word.

It often seems to us that environmental pollution cuts us only on the street, and therefore we pay little attention to the ecology of our apartments. But the apartment is not only a shelter from the unfavorable conditions of the surrounding world, but also a powerful factor that affects a person and largely determining his health. On the quality of the medium in the dwelling affect: outer air; incomplete gas combustion products; substances arising in the cooking process; substances allocated to furniture, books, clothing, etc.; Tobacco products; Household chemicals and hygiene products; houseplants; sanitary standards of residence (number of people and pets); Electromagnetic pollution. Therefore, the study of the state of the human dwelling from an environmental point of view, the solution to the problem of creating a healthy habitat for a person is currently very relevant.

Therefore, today in the lesson we will look at the influence of various environmental factors on the state of our house ecosystem. We also get acquainted to how to interact with utilities services, with the right storage of food and non-food products.

Ecology housing

Ecology of housing is the creation and maintenance of the optimal residential environment. To do this, the climate and landscape of the site, the orientation and placement of the house, the materials of the walls and overlaps, the air conditioning and ventilation system, sound and light comfort are taken into account. The apartment is an ecosystem resembling a city in miniature. Like the city, it exists at the expense of energy and resources, and its main inhabitants are people and animals. But the apartment is not only a shelter from the unfavorable conditions of the surrounding world, but also a powerful factor, which is largely determining the state of human health. The theory of three shells of man will understand the biological role of housing. The first shell is skin, the second shell is clothing, the third is the walls and the roof of the house, the floor and overlap. All shells are exposed to the environment.

According to the World Health Organization, the ordinary citizen conducts at least 80% of life indoors.

Special organizations are engaged in measuring the ecology of apartments. Specialists take air samples, investigate the electromagnetic situation, measure the general radiation background, put "diagnosis" and write down "core" for the apartment. When all procedures are completed, an environmental certificate is issued. Thus, from what in the apartment wait for a trick, you can learn in advance. And abide by environmental hygiene. On the quality of the medium in the dwelling affect: outer air; incomplete gas combustion products; substances arising in the cooking process; substances allocated to furniture, books, clothing, etc.; Tobacco products; Household chemicals and hygiene products; houseplants; compliance with sanitary standards of residence (number of people and pets); Electromagnetic pollution.

Human dwelling is exposed to the environment. ambient temperatures; relative humidity of air; warm or cold radiation of surfaces; air movement; Electromagnetic radiation and radiation. From an ecological point of view there are several types of pollution: chemical, biological, physical. According to some specialists, there are apartments where the concentration of pollutants is 100 times higher than on the street.

Chemical pollution. This type includes harmful substances that are distinguished from materials or from the street: phenol, formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons, mercaptanes, sulfur compounds, with time caused diseases of the respiratory and nervous system, the defeat of the heart and blood vessels, allergic reactions. Poisoning with phenol and formaldehyde occurs when inhalation of their vapors and when sucking through the skin. The main source of phenol in the room is a stroke and finishing materials, furniture from chipboard (wood-chip), laminate. In mounted ceilings, asbestos may be contained. Inhalation of asbestos dust can lead to severe lungs and even to cancer. When buying it is necessary to make sure the protective layers on the materials used so that Naked chipboard does not look out for anywhere. If furniture from chipboard has shut down in a warehouse for half a year, there is nothing terrible. If you use asbestos-containing materials, then they need to be isolate.

Biological pollution. This type includes: mold mushrooms, various bacteria, viruses. Mold mushrooms are the most common cause of allergies, in high concentrations they suppress the immune system. Mold mushrooms love dampness, their favorite habitats are apartments on the first and last floors. The place where the mold appeared is to be processed either by any chlorine-containing or special antifungal agent. The mushrooms will be very happy in the pile of carpet, so it must be regularly brushing in dry cleaning. By the way, there in the same place (and in bedding, on bookshelves, in old soft toys and among the yellowed pages of magazines and other places where "dust lives) dust dust mites are inhabited by allergy pathogens. Method of struggle - regular wet cleaning.

Physical pollution:heat (excess heating), light (excessive lighting), radioactive.

In cities, a large problem has recently been an increased electromagnetic field of industrial frequencies (50 Hz). This field is created by electrocables, transformer substations, various industrial equipment, computers and office equipment, household appliances. Electromagnetic field -promorter of all diseases. It interacts with the electromagnetic field of the person and partially suppresses it. Of course, the body adapts, but only to a certain extent. Electromagnetic radiation leads to problems with heart, oncological diseases, loosening the nervous system and even mental disorders. But most often the electromagnetic could simply weaken the organism, reduces immunity, and the person exacerbates all chronic diseases.

Look at the wires from the electrical appliances. How are they lying? An erratic ball, who did not unwalled since the time of the World Flood? Yes, right under the bed? And you are surprised, why you wake up with the same heavy head in the morning, with which evening lay down! Wires lying randomly or rolled up, create a large electromagnetic field. As a preventive measure, it is better to turn off all electrical appliances from the sockets located next to the sleeping place, even the night light on the bedside table, and in no case charge the mobile phone head of the head. In addition, do not include too many techniques at the same time, if you do not need everything immediately. Do not fix the wires around the perimeter of the room, and especially behind the bed or sofa, where you spend a lot of time. Internet and phone cables - exception. These are very low-power cables, and they should not be afraid.

Microclimate. The microclimate is made up of several parameters: humidity, temperature and air movement. If used only synthetic materials, Fresh air does not penetrate the room and the humidity increases, and if some material (for example, plasterboard) absorbs moisture, the air, on the contrary, becomes too dry. Plants - our home environmental agents: They restore a comfortable microclimate and fight all pests at once. The air conditioners, ionizers, ozonizers are heated air, improve the microclimate indoors. The best way - Water-based cleaners.

At-risk groups . For children and pregnant women, the environmental safety of housing is of paramount importance. The course of pregnancy and the immune system of the future mother are largely dependent on the home microclimate. Older people are also fairly sensitive to ecology, but the environmental factor simply aggravates the existing diseases. Any harmful selection either allergenic themselves, or exacerbate the existing allergies. Therefore, for allergies to take care of the ecology of your own apartment - the task number one.

What to do?

It is necessary to speed the apartment more often, "vacuuming" carpets and palaces, make wet cleaning.

It is necessary to acquire furniture, household items and repair materials, taking into account their environmental qualities.

Comply with the rules of operation of gas and furnace heating devices.

The time of use of such devices, like hair dryers, electric shavers, microwaves, electric irons, must be reduced to a minimum.

Do not sit close to the TV screen or personal computer.

Remove the electrical adherence and telephone from the head of the bed.

Write room flowers.

All devices include only in grounded outlets.

By purchasing another household appliance, remember that the smaller its power, the lower the level of its field, that is, harm.

Place the technique at a distance of at least one and a half meters from the place where you are constantly: sleep, relax or work.

If possible, acquire equipment with automatic control and do not include all the technique in the outlet at the same time.

How to reduce negative impact Electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone?

Restrict ourselves to the necessary calls and reduce call time.

Children to enjoy using the phone only in emergency cases. Use wireless headphones (Bluetooth).

Do not put the phone in your pocket or hang on the belt in the on state.

When using a mobile phone without headphones, wait for the connection, and then bring the phone to the ear.

Do not use the phone in closed metal rooms (elevator). Do not make calls at a low level of communication in one division.

Buy cell phones Low absorption coefficient.

Housing content technology

The phrase "housing content" for most citizens is a rather blurred definition, nevertheless rendered to a separate lines of payment receipt. This payment is regular and fixed. In Russia, mandatory payments or contributions, as they are also called, go to pay for the costs of maintenance and repair of common property. The amount of payment is established at the general meeting or management authorities heading the housing cooperative. The solution is usually accepted by a majority and fixed in the Charter.

Board structure for residential premises and utilities

1. Fee for residential premises and utilities for the employer of the residential premises held under a social hiring agreement or a contract of hiring a residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock includes:

1) fee for using residential premises (fee for hiring);

2) fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes a fee for services and work on the management of an apartment building, maintenance and the current repair of common property in an apartment building. The overhaul of the common property in an apartment building is held at the expense of the owner of the Housing Fund;

3) fee for utilities.

2. Fee for residential premises and utilities for the owner of the premises in an apartment building includes:

1) fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes a fee for services and work on the management of an apartment building, content, current and overhaul of common property in an apartment building;

2) fee for utilities.

3. The owners of residential buildings carry the costs of their maintenance and repair, and also pay utility services in accordance with agreements concluded with persons carrying out the relevant activities.

4. Payment for utilities includes a fee for cold and hot water supply, water disposal, power supply, gas supply (including the supply of household gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including the supply of solid fuel in the presence of furnace heating).

List of works on the maintenance of residential buildings

A. Works performed when conducting technical inspections and parts of individual elements and premises of residential buildings

B. Works performed in the preparation of residential buildings to operate in the spring-summer period

V. Works performed in the preparation of residential buildings to operate in the autumn-winter period

G. Works performed when conducting partial inspections

D. Other works

Housing and utilities

Municipal services are services that enter the house and create favorable living conditions: water supply, sewage, heating, gas and power supply.

Housing services - these are works on the maintenance and repair of residential premises: management of an apartment building, maintenance and repair of the house, cleaning the entrances, collecting and exporting household waste, cleaning and landscaping of the local area, cleaning in the yards, etc.

General needs are lighting and heating of entrances, providing the elevator, antenna amplifiers, intercoms and other equipment, which is individually for each house.

Interaction with housing and communal services

At all times, as today, housing was required, the supply of cities and fuel cities, cleaning and lighting streets, the organization of transport, domestic, communal, ritual and other types of service.

Urban economy, or urban structure, as the sphere of special activities throughout the history of Russia, was named in different ways: "rallying", "welfare", "landscaping", "urban business", "communal services", "utilities", urban planning and "housing and communal services". These are different names of the same activity, but in different historical conditions defined by the dominant form of ownership.

The mechanism of managing housing and utilities of the country has constantly changing, swinging as a pendulum between rigidly centralized and decentralized.

Municipal economy - a collection of enterprises, services and households in the maintenance of cities, settlements
and villages; The cities are part of the urban economy.

Housing and communal services (housing and communal services) in a decisive degree forms a human habitat. In modern cities, the state of the housing and communal services determines the level of civilized life. On what conditions we live, our depends interior, Availability of a minimum communal services - There is a guarantee of success in production, science, study, this is the guarantee of our health and well-being.

It so happened that housing and communal services are considered as a narrowly specialized sphere, where the relationship of service organizations and owners is facing the corner apartment houses. Some - get and pay housing services, others - they are provided. This is, by itself, the main rod, on which any field of services is worth. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account important features: an apartment building is not only a complex technical structure, but also a developed social system in which each owner is a participant in the decision-making of the vital activity of the whole house. And the successful reform of the sector of speech and cannot be as long as we see the lack of mutual understanding and even mutual respect between the participants in the housing and communal services.
This is expressed in the fact that we still cannot get rid of the "conflict" model of relationships. Often, within the house, citizens quarrel about noise, floodings, parking lots, pets, etc. Claims to the servicing organization are expressed by the head by the head of "increased colors", and instead they receive "rudeness" of Jeck employees. Such a model must be radically changed on a model of a constructive dialogue based on the moral and moral principles of housing culture.
Housing culture can be considered in a narrow, domestic understanding, as, for example, good-neighborly relations between residents, culture of the behavior of employees of the housing (organization of labor, behavior). It is possible in a broad sense, as an integral part of the modernization of the industry, in which the rate is done on the owners who are working out in legal issues that feel responsible for the fate of their homes and able to make appropriate decisions.
Unfortunately, not all. There was a case when in the renovated entrance of an apartment building, the fire broke out by the fault of one of the tenants. The negligent owner left the construction trash on the landing, and the other, smoking, forgot to put out a cigarette. In a short time, all the results of the repair performed were destroyed. Residents came to the management company with the requirement to restore the entrance again. After receiving the answer that the company is not a "bottomless barrel", and that all work is carried out at the expense of the owners of the house, were incredibly surprised.
3 years in Russia is implemented by the program of capital repairs, and only now, people begin to understand what it is, the meetings and other documents are carrying. The awareness of the fact that capital work on the house is carried out only after deciding at the general meeting of owners, and not "claims" to the handset, it is difficult. Careful, respectful attitude towards his house today especially relevant also because this program within Federal Law №185-FZ is not infinite. Since 2012, all expenses for the maintenance of the house, residents will have to carry themselves. And here the decisive role will play such factors as a conscious attitude towards their home as to property, as well as a constructive dialogue between owners, with authorities and managers.
Unfortunately, the level of housing culture is not yet quite high. For examples, it is not necessary to go far: it is also packages with garbage, old window frames on the staircase, cars parked on lawns and playgrounds, soiled entrances and scorched buttons of elevators, etc. Between the inhabitants there is no contact. People do not conduct joint events, the yard holidays, as they do, for example, in Germany and other countries, and the neighbors do not even greet each other.
Housing culture involves an equal fulfillment of mutual obligations, the ability to hear and respect each other. Per last years The reforms appear positive trends, so we already go to the mass manifestation of housing culture.
Housing culture should be formed by a complex of measures of state and municipal authorities, organizations and the public. Since the coming year has declared the year of the teacher, it is important that it affects, including the housing and utilities spheres. Citizens must learn from being the exemplary and effective owners of their homes.
With knowledgeable people it is easier to find allies and partners. The more competent and responsible housing owners, the higher the level of housing culture - the more rapidly the branch of housing and communal services will develop and more order will be in the house, city and country.

Storage of food products

Food products are presented with products in natural and ready (recycled) form, which can be used by a person in food.

To preserve the quality of food products, the correct organization of their storage and transportation is of great importance. Food products in storage time can be divided into long-term storage products and perishable. The first group includes goods containing a small amount of water (grain, flour, cereals, crackers, pasta, sugar, vegetable oil, tobacco products, etc.), as well as products having preservative substances, such as alcohol, Sugar, (vodka products, jam, etc.) perishable goods (meat, fish, milk, eggs, strawberries, apricots, etc.) is characterized by a high content of water, the presence in their composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts. They actively proceed biochemical and chemical processes, they represent a favorable environment for the life of microorganisms. To preserve these products, it is necessary to use canning (cooling, freezing, drying, etc.) ...

The processes occurring in food products during storage, in its nature, the changes occurring during the storage of products can be chemical, physical and biochemical.

Chemical processes Speed \u200b\u200bin food products without the participation of enzymes (bombing of fats, canned bombing, discoloration of alcoholic beverages). Canned chemical bombing occurs when the metal interacts with the acid of the product; Hydrogen, which stands out, at the same time sweeps the covers of cans. The speed of chemical processes is slowed down by a decrease in temperature, the use of packaging, which protects the product from the action of light and oxygen air.

Physical processes Change the condition and properties of products affect the activity of biochemical and chemical processes. The main physical changes (moisturizing and drying) lead to changes in the mass of the product. In terms of loading and unloading work and transportation, mechanical impacts (scrap of pasta, eggs, bruises, bruises, damage to fruits, vegetables, deformation bakery products), which worsen the quality of products. To prevent mechanical impacts, careful handling of the goods during unloading and transportation is necessary.

Biochemical processes Products are caused by the vital activity of microorganisms.

The development of microorganisms in the products causes fermentation, mold, rotting.

Fermentation. In the process of storage in products under the influence of enzymes allocated by microorganisms, carbohydrate decomposition occurs. The following types of fermentation are most often arising: alcohol, lactic acid, oily acid, acetic acid, etc.

Alcohol fermentation can cause damage to vegetable and fruit juices, jumped and other products containing sugars less than 65%.

Acetic acid fermentation is caused by acetic acid bacteria, which convert alcohol into acetic acid. Such fermentation occurs in a table wine, beer; Products have the smell and taste of acetic acid, burning taste and sickness in the throat.

Mold. On the food products during storage, the development of mold fungi.

The enzymes of mold mushrooms are capable of splitting carbohydrates, fats, proteins. On the surface of the products (bread, meat, fish, fruits, etc.), a fluffy plaque of white, green, gray color is formed, poisonous substances accumulate, an unpleasant mold and shaft smell appears. Molds are subject to products (combustion) when storing them with relative humidity of more than 75%.

Rotation is the reproduction of proteins under the action of grinding microorganisms.

As a result of rotary damage, substances for the human body are formed, products acquire an unpleasant smell. Returns are more often exposed to products rich in squirrels and water (meat, eggs, fish).

The damage of food products can cause beetles, flies, mites, rodents (rats, mice).

These pests contaminate their products with their discharge, transfer pathogens of infectious diseases, cause great damage to the goods during storage.

Food products have a different shelf life, which can be measured by hours, months and years. The storage mode of food products depends on their composition and properties.

The main factors that affect the change in the quality of food products:

Air temperature;


Air and ventilation composition;


Trade neighborhood;

Order of laying goods;

Packaging and packaging.

Air temperature. Most food products are stored for reduced temperatures. Biochemical and chemical processes slow down with a decrease in temperature, microorganisms and pests are not developed, also drying products and their mass decrease.

The optimal temperature for products of various nature is not the same. So for cheese from 0 to 8 ° C, for potatoes from 2.5 to 4 ° C.

The storage temperature should be constant without sudden drops, in which moisture condensation can occur on products and, as a result, their mold.

Air humidity has a great influence on the humidity of the product during storage.

At high humidity, biochemical and chemical processes are accelerated, microorganisms develop. Air humidity is expressed by absolute and relative humidity.

Absolute humidity is the number of grams of water vapor contained in 1 m3 air.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the amount that is necessary for its saturation at a given temperature.

To preserve such hygroscopic products like sugar, flour, confectionery needs to maintain optimal relative humidity at 60-75%.

With relative humidity of 85-95%, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, cheeses can well stored.

The composition of the air affects the safety of the products. Carbon dioxide is destructive effect on microorganisms, does not support oxidation processes, oxygen is a strong oxidizing agent. By changing the composition of the air, it is possible to extend the timing of storage of individual products. The quality of goods is influenced by the air purity, the content of foreign smells.

Air ventilation is necessary to remove unnecessary water vapor and gases.

Lighting in premises where products are stored, it does not have any way to affect their quality. Products such as meat, milk, vegetables, wines are better stored in the dark, as many vitamins are destroyed, fasteners are faster.

In some cases, the light plays a positive role, the sanitary condition of the premises is better ensured, the development of microorganisms is slowed down.

Commodity neighborhood. When storing products, their individual features should be taken into account: hygroscopicity, susceptibility of foreign odors. Products with a strong smell can not be stored with products perceive smell. You can not store dry products with products containing a lot of moisture, since the first will be moisturized and molded, and the second is to dry over.

In refrigeration chambers, it is necessary to store together products that require the same temperature regime and relative humidity.

The order of styling goods may be different, it depends on the state of the goods. Improper styling can lead to deformation, impaired air circulation, to the peeling and coming of bulk goods.

Tara and packaging protect the goods from damage, damage, weight loss, protect against increased or reduced temperature, from light, humidity, foreign odors, etc.

Storage of non-food products

Non-food goods - not intended for eating and non-eating for cookingproduct implemented to meet the diverse consumer demand, for example: clothing, shoes, furniture, cars, building materials, household appliances, etc. In other words, this is a product that is not suitable for food or man or animals.

Non-food products are an extensive set of commodity groups, which are combined on various features: for the intended, satisfied with the needs, on the community of materials or on the functions performed.

There are several different classifications of non-food products. In particular, the classification by sectors of the national economy divides the goods into two groups: goods light industry (fabrics, knitwear, shoes, leather and leatherette products, fur products, etc.) and goods of cultural and economic purposes (furniture, tools, electrical goods, dishes, cars, motorcycles, toys, sports equipment, etc.). These goods are produced by almost all industries, except easy. The classification of goods by the industry principle is stored in the construction of Russian classifiers. Classifiers are official documents.

Non-food products satisfy a wide variety of needs - from using personal hygiene items to a complex household appliances, car, etc.

The range of non-food products is so wide that it is not possible to give a brief description of all assortment groups, as part of this educational and methodological manual, consider only a few groups of goods briefly or more

Storage conditions for most non-food products The same type - humidity in the range of 65-70%, temperature from +5 to + 25 ° C (average 10-18 ° C). The placement of non-food products should be no closer than 0.5-1 m from heating devices when combining scattered sunlight and artificial lighting (most of the goods require protection against direct sunlight). When laying goods, it is necessary to maintain their shape. Common Neighborhood Rules should be followed (not to store products that can lead to mutual damage).

For fur products Recommended storage temperature from - 4 ° C to + 5 ° C. For cosmetics, perfumery, water-emulsion paints and varnishes, on the contrary, protection against freezing is required. Metal equipment to maintain cooling to low temperatures, like heating without loss of quality. Flammable, combustible or toxic (poisonous) products (including aerosol packaging) require special storage conditions in individual rooms.

Gigroscopic products (fabrics, leather, shoes, furniture) should be stored in dry rooms, where air exchange and protection against microbiological damage (mushrooms, mold, etc.) are provided.

The house is the place of comfort and calm, in which we spend more than 60 percent of their time. After a long trip, we always strive to get home - to the corner where you can hide from the city bustle. Since ancient times, people gave their own dwellings. In the Holy Scripture, the word "house" is one of the most common. Righteous Alexy Mechov said: "Every house has a home church in honor of those saints whose names are worn in it."

A special atmosphere and home comfort create things and interior items, which we choose for your home together with loved ones, bring from various trips or get as a gift.

"Very important for our salvation is how our house looks like, the room where we are holding the main time of your life. Because all the surrounding items must configure us on a kind, saving, divine and not to put in temptations so that it does not ruin us spiritually. So Saint Nikon says: "Emission all that seduces you in your cell." (Archpriest Valentin Mordasov)

In modern conditions, the house often becomes both the place of work. There are people whose professions are associated with remote activities - thus we can say that they spend most of the time in the house and feel safe in it.

Going out, we often pay attention to the environmental conditions around us - exhaust gases, the level of air pollution in the city or purity of local reservoirs. At the same time, we forget that the climate of our house is often environmentally unsafe. Moreover, we consciously bring in our home sources of pollution, or create them in the process of vital activity.

Recent air studies in the cities showed that the air is more often polluted in the apartment than outside outside the window, so doctors they advise to ventilate residential premises at least two times a day to reduce the concentration of harmful substances.

In this article we will analyze what are the sources of hazardous substances in apartments and houses.

As a rule, entering new housing, the first, with which the tenants are facing is a repair. And at this stage it is most important to put a goal - "create" a safe house, make it an environmentally friendly microclimate. To do this, it is necessary to choose safe finishing materials so that their evaporations do not lead to the occurrence of allergies and other chronic diseases.

What you need to know when choosing environmentally friendly finishing materials?

When buying any building material for interior decoration, make a rule check its hygienic certificate. In any major store, at the first requirement, you must give it.

Remember that any hygienic certificate has a validity period to which you also need to pay attention.


  • purchase materials only in large manufacturers;
  • carefully read the composition of the material, the most dangerous components are PVC, phenol, solvents, phenol formaldehyde resin, lead, toluene, formaldehyde, chlorine-containing components, acetone;
  • observe the technology of material application and dried time;
  • remember that entering the renovated apartment is better than a month after the repair, so the most dangerous substances will have time to neutralize and destroy.

How to safely arrange the walls?

Conventional paper wallpaper or phliseline are considered the most safe for walls. In the production of flieselin, a paper mass is used, which is repeatedly reproducing. Fliselin is biologically inert and even used in medicine as a bi-soluble inert dressing material.

If you decide to paint the walls, then in this case you need to be more vigilant. Paints may contain potentially hazardous substances, such as volatile solvents or lead-based pigments.
Solvents used in the production of paints are very volatile compounds, while inhalation, harmful effects per person. Such unsafe paints, for example, are alkyd. Their distinctive feature of a sharp chemical smell.

How to determine whether paint is safe for health?

Safe are water-soluble paints. The most common of them are imported production and costly. Is it worth saving on your health, everyone decides himself.
Modern water-soluble paints practically do not contain volatile organic substances, resistant, durable and environmentally friendly.
In Russia, the content of solvents in paints is not regulated. However, before paint falls on stores, it must pass sanitaryepidemiological study, that can reveal her allergizing act.

This information manufacturer indicates a label that must also contain:
- the name of the paint;
- appointment and method of application (not all paint can be used for internal works);
- rules and conditions of safe storage;
- precautions when working;
- shelf life, party number, release date, mass;
- contact details of the manufacturer;

- structure;

- The larger in the composition of natural components (vegetable oils, resins, mineral pigments) and less organic solvents, the safer product.

In accordance with new European standards, internal work paints are considered safe, if a content light Treasure components not exceed 30 grammov on the liter;

What documents on the paint can be required in the store?

There are three documents that obligatory Must be stored with sellers.

1. Certificate of state registration of Rospotrebnadzor
2. Declarations of conformity in the GOST system - are issued only on enamels, anticorrosive primers and oils
3. Voluntary certificate of compliance with the requirements of 123-FZ "On Fire Safety Requirements".

For modern paints, paint safety criterion can be quality certificates ISO 9001.and/ or ISO 14001.which manufacturer indicates a label. This is a kind of paint quality guarant. Almost all imported paints are present on all imported colors.

What is safe to cover the floor when repairing?

Floor coatings often distinguishes toxic substances or contains allergens. There are environmental requirements for such coatings. According to the latest data, the most secure human health are the following materials:

  • natural tree
  • cork floor
  • laminate Class E1
  • natural linoleum
  • parquet

At the same time, parquet and natural wood are often covered with varnish to give a beautiful external view and strength. When buying a varnish, give preference to expensive and well-known brands.

Choose high-quality linoleum

If you have chosen on a relatively inexpensive linoleum for flooring, then you should remember the need to require a hygienic certificate on it.

Certificate compliance

When considering the environmental certificate, pay attention to the marking of the material, namely the emission class.
Emission classes determine the degree of formaldehyde allocation in finishing materials. There are classes E1, E2 and E3, where E1 is the smallest level of formaldehyde emission. The safest is class E1. Linoleum class E2 and E3 can only be used in non-residential premises. When choosing a linoleum, it is also worth paying attention to its smell. Safe linoleum practically does not smell.

In general, linoleum is currently considered non-ecological material. Initially, the linoleum was patented on the basis of natural vegetable oils. However, their high costs led to a change in production technology. The basis for it is currently unsafe polyvinyl chloride, which highlights phenol and formaldehyde. Such substances are very harmful to health, can cause allergies and infertility.

Fortunately, many manufacturers return to the origins of the production of linoleum based on natural components for a safe home. Such a linoleum does not distinguish dangerous substances in the air, but it is more expensive.

Choose high-quality laminate

Laminate by 80 percent consists of wood chips and paper, and 20 from synthetic resins, and, we can say that it is almost safe to health. However, its surface is covered with resins, in which hazardous formaldehyde is used. Therefore, when choosing high-quality laminate, it is also necessary to watch his emission class in a hygienic certificate.


1. Laminate related to the E1 safety class can be used in residential premises. Classes E2 and E3 only in non-residential premises.
2. When choosing a laminate, it is necessary to check the conclusion of the SanEpidadzor, so that the formaldehyde level does not exceed 0.12 mg per cubic meter.
3. The laminate is safer, in the manufacture of which acrylic resins were used.

At first glance, everything described seems quite difficult to memorize, however, it is worth remembering that we are not so often confronted with repair, and check, for example, a hygiene certificate in the store is a minute case, but we neglect this, worsening the ecology of the house.

Clean the air in the apartment

Improve ecology in the house and clean the air can be using. Of course, dangerous formaldehyde and other chemically substances they will not eliminate. However, absorbing carbon dioxide, environmental plants synthesize oxygen. Such plants, for example, relates chlorophyteum, which cleans air more efficiently than technical air purifiers.

Biologists found out that the chlorophytum per day is able to completely clean the air of an experimental chamber from all harmful impurities .

Chlorophytum is very quickly multiplied and the processes appear on its stems, it is possible that this fact is responsible for cleaning the air.

Another such plant is a water hyacinth. Studying water in rivers where this plant grows, it showed the surprisingly low content of harmful substances in water. Water hyacinth can be grown on panstonesCleaning the surrounding air.

Additional use of filters placed in the soil efficiently eliminates harmful impurities in the air. So, for example, in a pot of earth, you can put activated carbon, which Enhances the cleansing properties of the plant as a whole.

Electrical Appliances - Dangerous Sources of Pollution

One of the sources of pollution in the house also electrical appliances radiating electromagnetic waves are also.

Act electrical appliances on the organism man

Electromagnetic waves are a flow of charged particles that affect the cells of our body. Under the electromagnetic field of phospholipids of cell membranes and proteins with their charge, begin to make fluctuations, it causes the destruction of cellular structures.

Russian scientists have established that the embryos are most simplified. It turned out that the electromagnetic fields also affect the nervous and muscle tissues, they can provoke neurological disorders and insomnia, as well as failed in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The largest number of electrical appliances is in the kitchen. In a residential building, the most powerful radiation is registered with microwave ovens, refrigerators with the system "without ENEY", electric stoves and mobile phones.

How to protect yourself from the effect of electromagnetic radiation?

"In residential premises, there are enough household appliances: in their field there should not be a bed and sofas, a dining table, that is, those places where we spend a lot of time," explains the expert by an independent company on Ecostandard Environmental Expertise Dmitry Davydov.

If you cannot abandon the technique, then try not to include all the devices immediately and lower the time staying near the included devices to a minimum.

In the children's room you need to practically abandon the use of electrical appliances, since the growing children's body is most exposed to a dangerous field.

When the outlets are arranged, it is worth paying attention to the fact that they are as close as possible to the floor. Electric warm floors are a very strong emitter of electromagnetic energy, so they are better not to be placed under the bed or in the nursery.

When you do not use electrical appliances, do not be lazy to turn them off from the outlet, because even in standby mode, they are a source of powerful radiation.

As for microwave ovens, it is very easy to check the quality of the tightness of such a furnace. If you carry the leaf of aluminum foil in front of the door of the working microwave oven, the absence of a cod and spark will confirm that everything is in order.

Recycling garbage

One of the collaborations of good ecology in the house is the proper disposal of garbage. The famous saying "Thoughts is globally, act locally" - how it is impossible to be better suited in this case. Think, do you ever hand over the utilization batteries? We all throw them out into the overall garbage. Statistics show that every year 15 million batteries are in the dumps of Moscow.

The use and improper disposal of the batteries created many environmental problems due to soil contamination and toxic metals. Such includes lead, mercury, cadmium.

Than dANGER metals for man?

  • Lead accumulates in the kidneys and can cause brain disease.
  • Cadmium accumulates in the thyroid gland and can cause cancer.
  • Mercury is one of the dangerous poisons of the 1st hazard class, and causes diseases of the respiratory system.

Batteries are fatal when swallowing. For example, in the children's body they can burn the fabric of the esophagus due to alkali leakage from the battery. Therefore, it is recommended to prevent children with devices containing batteries, and spent batteries and batteries to recycle and recycling. Looking on a finger battery, you will see a distinctive sign.

It means that the battery can not be thrown into the overall garbage. You can pass the spent battery in absolutely free of charge in large electronics stores or special disposal companies. Such reception points are in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Tula, Chelyabinsk.

The topic of separate garbage is especially relevant now all over the world. In Russia, there are still few containers with separate garbage collection. By the way, we all throw out garbage and do not think about it, but what happens to him in the future.

Dusting dumps flooded all suburban areas of large cities. For example, in the Moscow region 59 garbage sites and only two of them correspond to environmental standards. Moscow and large cities are now standing on the verge of a garbage crisis. Separate garbage collection allows you to highlight from it recycled recycling. Such are plastic, glass, paper, aluminum.

From secondary raw materials produce products useful in everyday life. But the world, as they say, not without good and not indifferent to this problem. And today companies-collectors appeared, volunteer organizations for organizing the collection of people who want to throw out the garbage separately. More information is on the Internet. The map of reception points is now available. frommovement "Separate Collection". For example, Russian Railways from 2014 joined this movement and at all the countries of the country introduced a separate garbage collection. In this problem, the main thing is to start, and you can do it from the small one. For example, if possible, do not buy a drink in a plastic bottle. If you already bought, then do not throw it away immediately, but for something to adjust. If you decide to throw out a plastic bottle into a shared garbage, then it is necessary to minimize it, releasing the air. Thus, they will take less places in the garbage trucks, and it will be able to transport more garbage at once, it consumes less than gasoline and allocate less exhaust gases into the air.

Very often we buy things in bright packaging. You can continue to use it for children's crafts if it is cardboard or paper. Or wrap a children's gift to it, as children really like a bright festive packaging. Packages from shops are very convenient to adapt the secondary garbage collection.

Household chemistry - a sourcebad ecology in house

The company engaged in social polls conducted a study on the issue of household chemicals safely. Two thirds of the surveyed Russians aged 20 to 65 years old answered that they had never thought about it. Household chemicals include washing powders, dishes and plumbing products, various polyroli. Russian scientists found out that only in the brain "settles" 1.9% of the total number of skin during the washing of dishes, in the liver - 0.6%. The surfactant has chemical affinity with certain components of human cell membranes and accumulate on them, covering membranes with a thin layer. Reaching a certain concentration, surfactant cause violations of biochemical processes and the most integrity of the cell.

Recall that sAME dangerous are ionogenic pav (cationic, and anionic). They are used as an active component of detergent and cosmetics.

Choose, if possible, detergents containing non-ionic surfactants. If a in composition contains cationic or anionic Peav., that content them not must be more 5 percent. For washing dishes It is worth preferring tools based on natural components, such as straw and bran, often they have an ecological mark on the packaging. If such means of the road for you, you can wash the dishes with natural soap, soda with citric acid. The detergent for the dishes can not be used, if you type in the sink of water and just crowd the plates, then they will sufficiently solve or wipe the sponge with the household soap.


Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon the use of household chemicals, because they came up with her to facilitate life. Recently, a movie "Habitat has been released. Household chemicals". The authors of the film put a simple experiment. They tried to wash the T-shirt with natural funds. In this case, 1 kg of lemons and a half hours of severe physical effort were used.

To health issues, of course, it is necessary to approach seriously, however, in the modern world it is very difficult to abandon all the benefits of civilization. There is an exit. You just need to learn how to read labels on detergents. For example, when choosing a washing powder, it is worth preferring to informable means. Phosphates are very dangerous to human health, as well as pollute the wastewater. Rostost advises to choose powders containing zeolites - they replaced phosphates and are safe for health and the environment. For better elimination of spots in modern environmentally friendly powders, enzymes and polymers are added.

Choose washing powder for childish lane

Children's powder should not contain enzymes, phosphates and zeolites, bleach.

By the way, all children's washing powders sold in large stores contain dangerous phosphates, and their content is more than 5 percent. Japanese and Korean informable children's washing powders have now become available.

  • High-quality children's powder is perfect and quickly dissolved in water, it does not form lumps, does not leave tracks on clothes, it is practically not foaming.
  • Be sure to check the packaging integrity and shelf life.
  • Applying airborne conditioners for newborns is prohibited.
  • If the powder is imported, the packaging should be the instruction and composition on russian language, and Also all the data on the manufacturer.


Creating a safe home is a contribution to the health of the whole family. Using the Tips described in this article, you can help our home to become environmentally friendly. This means that each of us will make a step not only to the purity of our own housing, but also to the improvement of the ecology of our planet as a whole.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

Environmentally friendly accommodation, what is it wooden hut or equipped with the latest technology, modern apartment? It is worth thinking about where we live and how much the most important human value is health in safety. Most of the time we spend in our favorite house, but, nevertheless, none of us, for sure, does not suspect how dangerous it can be. The outbreak of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases associated with the respiratory system, makes us unwittingly think about their health and the health of the future generation. Probably not in vain today many people prefer to move to country houses From natural wood, refuse the TV, get rid of floor coatings, expensive wallpapers and masses of other supermodes. New, dynamians are not familiar to us terms - sick buildings syndrome, housing ecology, safe house, etc. Indeed, today we all need to look around around ourselves and, make sure our house is our fortress!

Hypothesis: If you refuse at least part of the advantages of civilization, then we will be able to preserve their health and reduce the risk of developing fatal diseases.

Purpose: make an environmental passport of your housing

Tasks: 1. Get acquainted with the types of eco-blocks of residential premises

2. Remove sources of potential health hazard in the house where I live

3. Explore the conditions of its housing

4. Develop a technique of Eco examination of residential premises

5. Develop a memo on a safe stay in the residential premises "Attack of the Chemical War"

Object of study: The house I live in

Thing: Factors determining the degree of comfort and danger to life.

Research methods: Observation, measurement, induction, analysis.

Stages of work: 1-theoretical (work with information: selection, analysis)

2- practical (housing research on human health hazards)

3 - Final (creation of a research product - Eco passports of their home)

Relevance: Strict statistics of the dynamics of mortality in Russia in the last 10-15 years involuntarily brings to the question "Why?". What is not so now compared to previous years? It is clear that there is a whole group of factors affecting the mortality rate. These include harmful habits, industrial and road accidents, natural cataclysms. It is necessary to accept the fact that the person himself is the cause of these troubles. So he becomes a manager of his life. But the fate of the fate does not come to the Ball, it is surrounded by other people who want to live, be healthy and spiritually rich. A person needs to think about what he eats, what clothes we carry, what breathes, from which the accommodation is built. You think what is the connection between all this and our health? Yes, the most straight! In order for it to be obvious, conduct a study of its housing and define its degree of danger to our health.

Practical value: research materials can be a kind of algorithm for environmental impact assessment of residential premises.

2. Main part

2.1. From wooden huts to a modern apartment.

From the point of view of ideals of ecology, in modern houses It is impossible to live. Wooden hood has always been considered a symbol of environmental comfort and a healthy mind. From which housing in Russia was built, the younger generation today can only learn from ancient films or grandparents. The dwellings were warm, bright, environmentally friendly. But as modern studies show, it is not quite so. Unfortunately, a negative aspect of the use of furnace heating remains almost unknown in Russia. It is proved that one furnace, which is heated with coal or firewood, distinguishes as many harmful substances as five old diesel engines simultaneously. Substances allocated when burning solid organic fuels provoke serious diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory tract and, according to the World Health Organization, are made to the Top 10 risks for human health. The usual household soot seem to be completely harmless, according to the international agency, the study of cancer is attributed to carcinogenic substances. 1 and carbon monoxide gas extracted when burning solid fuel? It is dangerous not only for the atmosphere, but also for our health with you. Therefore, that is environmentally friendly, old houses with furnace heating or modern apartments, the question is very controversial. Today warmly in homes we try to save using plastic windows, doors, oil radiators. Light use artificial. For masonry of walls, ceilings and floors, we use materials harmful to the body, and create comfort, a gorgeous house by all the utensils, from which sometimes begins to hurt a head, a suffocation and drowsiness appears. All in modern apartmentStarting from walls and ceilings, ending with a garbage chute, it allocates fatal substances for our organism. For example, asbesto-cement pipes and panels in the system of supply ventilation and garbage supplies increase the risk of lung cancer and in the West have long been prohibited. Not to mention the fact that garbageings are a powerful source of pathogenic microorganisms. Where to live and what to breathe? It is difficult for a person today to refuse to what we are so quickly accustomed to. We are not ready to dress in bearish skins and go to live in the cave. And our own apartments, at home, no clearer of the tanned streets. Consider the main types of pollution of residential premises.

2.2. Where did the nastyness in our house? Types of housing pollution.

1. Chemical. The source of such pollution is usually becoming furniture from chipboard assembly panels and construction and finishing materials that are isolated phenol, formaldehyde and radon, as well as styrene and heavy metal aerosols, causing irritation of mucous membranes, aggravation of asthma, violations in the work of the liver and kidneys. We ourselves turn the house into the gas chamber. The vinyl wallpaper was pasted, the villagelylinoleum, varnish covered parquet, stretched the ceilings. Handsomely! And odors, what! Yes, there are still unproduced natural ventilation. The first time after buying furniture the smell may be present, but after three months it should not be!

2. Microbiological. Our apartments are polluted by dust, which accumulates upholstered furniture, carpets and home textiles. Dust - native house for dozens of living beings, from ticks to bacteria. Another common attack is mold and fungus. All this is not only spoils the interior, but also threatens health, causing asthma, al lumber and weakening immunity.

3. Radiationation. Radiation is deadly - it causes oncological diseases. Sources of radiation can be the most unexpected items: TV, cell phone, computer, clay and crystal dishes. Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation ... Crystal - a ringing transparent material is in itself a risk of radiation due to the presence of lead in it. Crystal dishes does not highlight Radon, so the saxponat is not harmful, but the food products are not desirable in it! Increased radiation background often inherent in stone and clay products. Bathrooms and bathrooms "Foundets" lined with ceramic tiles walls and gender. Glowing in the dark items (children's and christmas toys, dials) are also dangerous to health.

4. Electromagnetic. Are they suffering from headaches, insomnia, irritability and constant feeling of fatigue? Perhaps the reason in an increased electromagnetic background. Sources of electromagnetic radiation are in each house - these are mobile and stationary phones, TVs , microwaves,wiring.

5. Noise. The effect of noise level is difficult to overestimate. Over time, we stop perceiving the noise, but our body reacts to it by the disorders of the nervous system and coordinate movements, deterioration of hearing and increased fatigue. In the house to the sources of noise, you can attribute loud music, a roar of a child, a peak of animals, working loud household appliances that cause vibration.

2.3. My home is my castle?

Unwittingly remember the old saying: "My house is my fortress." Indeed, the house to some extent performs a protective function for a person. Just the house you feel confident, you are calm and comfortable. But does LIATO refers to the environmental component of our homes? Find out during the study. To assess the environmental hazard of residential premises, we with the head of the developmental method of compiling an environmental passport of the apartment, at home (Attachment 1), relying on which I conducted a study of my house.

1. The house is located in the southeastern part of the workers' village near the iron-throat and complex of multi-karts. Also in the proximity there are private houses and church. From the main entrance to the village house is 2.5 km away. The domain and has an extensive part of which shrubs grow: honeysuckle, raspberry, currant, apple tree, sea buckthorn. From the forest house deleted. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the house there are electric poles and communication lines. Any businesses located near the house are absent.

2. Date of construction - 2006. Two-storey house, area - 112 sq.m. (Appendix 2). 4 people live in the house. Construction and finishing materials, from which house built - Bar, Concrete, Metal: plastic structures, lumber, plasterboard, paint, vinyl wallpaper. Gas gas heat supply. Lighting in the house in the daytime day - natural. Two windows overlook the north, four windows - east and three windows - south. Dark - Doming Lamps are used. Radiation background measured with a dosimeter installed in an application on a smartphone (Appendix 3). The results of measurements at a rate of 15-20 μR / h are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Radiation background of residential premises, (MK / R / h)

The main source of noise is the railway. In the daytime cars. The loadability of the one-sided road is shown in Table 2. The flow of cars is not large, on weekends and night time there is a sharp decline. The street, on which I live, is central: travel to schools, kindergartens, stadium, park.

Table 2. Motor load, (pieces / day)

The noise level was measured using Spernd Apps Schoomer in the Nashmartphone (Appendix 4).During the daytime, the noise level is 445-80 dB., At night - 40-45 dB., What is a completely safe man of a person, but a noise background during the daytime with a long exposure to reflect on our state of health. (Appendix 5).

Room temperature in the room in the heated season + 23 ° C, in the summer + 18-20 ° C. Relative humidity in the cold season - 55%, which is corresponding. In the summer it is much higher, the house is damp. Sources of dust: laminate, leather inserts on upholstered furniture and beds, electrical appliances, curtains, books. In the houses of houseplants - the main source of aesthetics and oxygen. Flowers are located on window sills in bedrooms and outdoor large plants in the living room. In summer, natural ventilation is used, in winter - air ionizers. RoomsProducts once a day for 10-15 minutes, kitchen - during the day it is ventilated 2-3 times to 30 minutes. The kitchen is equipped with an extract. Electric stove, Ecologically cleaner than gas stoves, as as a result of the use of gas stoves, a combustion product is distinguished - formaldehyde, the concentration of which in the apartments exceeds the content of the same substance on the street.

The house has electrical appliances such as: computer, two TVs, music center, refrigerator, electric stove, dishwasher and washing machine, kettle, microwave. About computer: The main harmful component of the computer is the monitor, I have a liquid crystal, creates an electromagnetic field, but not so strong and harmful, like the electron-beam monitors. Complies with the TSO standard - 99. Such monitors have built-in protection against electromagnetic emissions, and therefore are almost safe.
One TV is located two meters from the sofa in the living room, which does not harm eyesight, the other - in my bedroom on the same size from the bed.

From pets in the house there is a cat, which is also a source of noise, but more of the object of a good mood, it has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state.
So, summarize. After examining the sources of contamination of residential premises, the regulatory indicators of the main characteristics (noise level, radiation, relative humidity, temperature regime), it can be concluded about the presence of either the absence of an environmental hazard for residents of our house. I believe that the existent atmosphere in the house is satisfactory. The main danger is a presentation of pollution during the daytime (proximity of the railway, vehicles), an increased radiation background in the kitchen (a large cluster of the electrical appliances, the prepision of crystal and ceramics) and high relative humidity in the warm season. For decisions of this problem, we have developed several practical Soviets:

1. Replace double-glazed windows on new with high sound insulation properties.

2. The bedrooms hang dense curtains that can reduce the level of streets.

3. Use creative ways of insulation, such as decoration walls.

4. Abandon the kitchen from a number of electrical appliances, replace their use on natural ways to prepare and warming up food.

5. Replace the dishes of stranger and ceramics are more environmentally friendly.

6. Green plants in the summer can be laid out the street in avoiding the relative humidity of the air.

7. You can lower the relative humidity in the house by placing Salika gel in the house.

8. Enlarge the frequency of air ventilation per day.

9. Avoid drying linen in the house.

10. Minimize dust accumulation can be replaced in some roommate curtains to rolled. They collect dust less and easier in care.

11. Bookshelves replace, placing books and magazines in closed cabinets.

12. Get rid of carpet coverings, make a wet cleaning daily.

13. In bedrooms and living rooms you can put plants with a sedative effect - this is a coffee tree, rosemary, lavender, ficuses. But it must be remembered that plants with a large sheet plate (ficus) increase the humidity of the indoor air humidity.

Make everything to live in the house safely, today, of course, it will not work. So we are accustomed to the charms of civilization, which is not easy to abandon the harmful items in the house, but it is possible to reduce the risk of diseases from our "refuge"!


During the practical stage of research on the basis of the analysis of information sources on the topic, observations and measuring research, I am an ecological passport of my house, which allowed us to objectively assess the degree of environmental danger for its inhabitants(Attached 6).It turned out to be minimal. Today, as we never understand that our health depends not only on what we wear, eat, drink, but where we live. The need for comfortable accommodation is the natural need of a person. The main thing is that it is safe. By the inner medium, positive factor It is also what we live in the countryside, where there are no industrial enterprises, not such a gas zagaznosta as in the city, which is very important for health! In order not to launch a deadly "cocktail" into our clean Wednesday and breathe with plenty of air, we developed a memo "Attack of Chemical War" (Appendix 7).Toxins affect the human body imperceptibly, gradually, and as a result of such a constant influence, the organism is poisoning. That is why air purification in the apartment is vital and necessary.


1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzteva N.V., Muravyev A.G., Ghushina E.V. Ecology workshop. Tutorial. Ed. S.V. Alexseeva. M.: JSC MDS, 1996;

2. Oakov DP . Ecology of housing and human health. Ufa: Word, 1995;

3. Intensity resources:https://www.kp.ru/guide/iekologija-doma.html


Attachment 1.

Plan for the compilation of the environmental passport of residential premises

1. General information about residential room (In which part of the village there is a house or apartment, the nearest environment: houses, enterprises, sites, parks, railways, highway)

- Characteristics of green plantings

- convenience of the transport network

2. Housing Technical Data

- Date of construction at home, square

- Floors, number of tenants

- Types of building materials used in construction

- Heat supply (gas, electric)

- Illumination Characteristics (Natural, Artificial Light)

- Radiation background in different parts of the building

- Sources of noise

- roadmaking by road

- temperature and humidity indoor air

- Dust sources

- Characteristics of furniture (Description of the material from which furniture is made

- the presence of indoor plants

- Characteristics of electrical appliances

- availability of domestic animals

Appendix 2.

The house I live in!

Appendix 3.

Measuring radiation with a dosimeterAtom Simle

Appendix 4.

Measuring noise level in a residential room with a noiseomerSplend. Apps.

Appendix 5.

Table of noise intensity and its effect on human health

Appendix 6.

Ecological passport at home

1. Floor plan structure (Total area - 112 sq.m.)


1st floor

2. Entourage : Dirt road - 8 meters from home

enterprises are missing; w / road - 500 meters; Church, residential buildings - within walking distance; Electric poles and communication lines - 2-3 meters.

3. Specifications :

- Construction and finishing materials - sleepers, concrete, slate, metal: plastic structures, lumber, plasterboard, paint, vinyl wallpaper.

- Heat supply - a gas boiler

- Lighting - In the daytime day - natural (most of the windows comes to the south), in the dark - daylight lamps

- radiation background - 10-30 μR / h. at a rate of 15-20 μR / h

- noise background . Sources Noise - Railway, Cars. The noise level is 45-80 dB., At night - 40-45 dB. (Norm - up to 80dB.)

- Temperature and humidity. In the heated season + 23 ° C, in summer + 18-20 ° C. Relative humidity in the cold season - 55%, which corresponds to the norm. Summer - up to 80%

- Furniture characteristics : Cabinet furniture made of chipboard and natural wood, upholstered furniture - insertion from leatherette, fabric, chipboard.

- the presence of green plantings - There are indoor plants.

- availability of domestic animals - Cat

- Electrical appliances: Electric stove, two TVs, computer, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, dishwasher Washing machines, music. Centre.

Appendix 7.

Memo "Attack of Chemical War"

♦ Provide circulation in the apartment, opening the window is not quite the right decision. From the street we launch not completely clean air into the house. Using the useful air purification device brizerit will help to solve the problem, but nevertheless, ventilating 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes is necessary.

♦ Do not smoke! The smoke contains deadly substances: hydrogen cyanide, methane, acetone, benzene and other toxic, mutagenic compounds.

♦. Buy only high-quality furniture, remember that another highlights hazardous substance - formaldehyde

♦ Do not allow an increased level of humidity in the house. This contributes to the appearance of dust mites, mold, which distinguishes toxic substances. Need a good ventilation system, daily cleaning and of course, get rid of any non-needed trash in the house.

♦ DANGER Wool Pets! Therefore, we recommend washing your hands after contact with them, periodically combed them.

♦ Flowers for cleaning are natural air cleaners who kill harmful microbes. Fitoncides, which distinguish indoor plants, have an antibacterial effect, increase humidity, cope with toxic substances, which produces household chemicals. Recommended plants - Ficus, Chinese rose, violet, cyclamen, myrth, fern, diffenbahia.

♦ If the air in the house is dry, the air humidifier must be used. It will also perform the preventive function of colds.

For climate recovery in the room you can use essential oils

1 http://dom.dacha-dom.ru/vred-pechnogo-otoplenia.html

Thinking about the deteriorating environmental situation, a person tries to attach all the strength and opportunities to create a favorable habitat. Most of its time each of us spends in apartments, so ecology apartments Must become a paramount question when organizing an environmentally friendly dwelling.

Chemical, biological, physical, microclimatic - these are the types of pollution that are inherent in all, without exception, apartments; Whether it is a new living space or secondary real estate. Stories about environmentally friendly apartments are not the fiction of scientists, but a cruel reality that does not like the best way to health people.

Consider contaminants that violate ecology apartment, in details.

Chemical pollution - As a rule, under chemical pollution of the apartment, it is customary to understand the pollution of the air of the room.

The main sources are building and finishing materials, furniture, as well as pollution, falling into the apartment from the street.

(Characterized for residential buildings in close proximity to motor vehicles and industrial zones).

Speaking of construction and finishing materials it is impossible not to note that the detachable plates on synthetic resins and artificial coatings are very dangerous for health, and are one of the main intruders. ecology apartments.

Thus, formaldehyde, recognized as a dangerous substance, is contained in the resin, which is used in the manufacture of chipboard (chipboard), wood-fibrous plates (Fiberboard), plywood (FRP), mastic, plasticizers, putty and lubricants for steel forms.

Phenol, which has no less harmful effects and contained in varnish, paints, linoleum and other materials, is capable of exceeding maximum valid norms.

Radon, the source of which are concrete and crushed stone; Styrene released from thermal insulation materials and facing plastic; heavy metal aerosols entering air from wallpaper and carpeting, as well as many other pollutants are far from positively affecting ecology apartments.

We are widely used by these materials (polymeric materials) during repair and construction, without suspecting that it is they who cause irritation of mucous membranes, damage to the kidneys and liver, asthma, oncological diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Ultimately ecology of the apartment Depends on the quality of building and finishing materials. Buying and other plates, you should pay attention to the presence of protective layers, instead of linoleum use laminate or parquet, and, in general, give preference to natural construction and finishing materials, although they are somewhat more expensive.

Biological pollution -thalnation of air mass of placing spores of mold fungi, various bacteria, viruses, and finally dust.

Mold mushrooms grow in places with high humidity. As a rule, there are apartments over basement, places in apartments with visible leaks, as well as the places of repeated bays (in this case, to talk about her neighbors on top).

Being the main reason for the occurrence of allergies, mold mushrooms on this harmful effect on the human body do not stop; In excessive concentration, mold mushrooms break ecology apartment And they can cause suppressing the immune system.

Towing this aspect of the environmental safety of the dwelling, do not forget the apartment dust.

Dust, which is in all upholstered furniture, carpets and mattresses, today's scientists are considered very dangerous, because, falling into a dyed room, a person begins to contact her. The result of such interaction is Czech.

Apartment dust is a set of allergens, the main of which is a microscopic tick referring to saprophytes (organisms living at the expense of other organisms) and capable

allergies, accompanied by edema of the throat and respiratory disease.

Ecology apartment it is possible to normalize. In the fight against mold fungi, antifungal agents must be applied to the growth and development of microflora; As for dust, regular wet cleaning and timely use of the vacuum cleaner will help in the fight and with this polluter.

Physical pollution - Pollution under which the impact on the human body of electromagnetic waves, radiation background, noise level and vibration.

In cities, the problem of increasing the level of electromagnetic radiation, recently, has acquired particular relevance.

Equipping its apartment by all new products of scientific and technological progress (computers, office equipment and various household appliances) We influence ecology apartment, and, therefore, on themselves.

Affecting a person for some time, electromagnetic radiation is capable

cause the damage to the heart, nervous system and cause serious diseases.

Protect yourself and improve ecology apartment It is possible not including all devices simultaneously into the network; Turning off the devices, located in the proximity of the bedroom and without having a charging mobile phone from the headboard.

Ecology of the apartment may be violated and due to objects purchased as souvenirs or gifts, and brought from other countries. They can be sources of radiation.

Noise and vibration levels that have an important meaning when evaluating ecology apartments, it is also necessary to devote sufficient attention. The exceeding parameter data values \u200b\u200bcan have an effect on hearing and nervous system, raise fatigue and contribute to the coordination disorder.

In such cases ecology of the apartment It can be improved by organizing noise and vibration insulation, the use of special screens that prevent the penetration of sound waves.

Microclimatic pollution .

The main parameters that define the closed room microclimate, and, consequently, ecology apartmentThere are temperature, humidity and speed of air.

Thus, the widely used plastic windows impede naturally sharing, as a result of which humidity increases, it decreases.

It is believed that air conditioners are designed to improve the microclimate in the room. But with this you can argue. The air conditioner violates the natural ionization of the room, since, passing through it, the air loses its physical properties; This contributes to the weakening of immunity and, as a result, the emergence of various diseases.

The use of wooden windows providing normal ventilation and air conditioning instead of applying air conditioners only contribute to improving ecology apartments.

Taking into account all the above, you can make only one conclusion:

"He began to interest the issue of ecology, check ecology apartment, because the ecology of the living space determines the state of our health, and therefore our longevity. "

"Where do I live, what am I breathing?

From wooden hut to modern apartment "

Maou "Golyshmanovskaya Sosh №1", grade 11

Leader: Gurova Larisa Borisovna, Geography Teacher

tyumen, 2018

"Where I live than I breathe. From wooden hut to modern apartment "

Usoltseva Daria Evgenievna,

Russia, Tyumen region, R.P. Golyshmanovo.

Maou "Golyshmanovskaya School №1", 11 "b" class

Research Article


1. Introduction .............................................................................. p. 3.

2. Main part

2.1. From wooden huts to a modern apartment ......................... four

2.2. Where did the nastyness in our house? Types of housing pollution ...... p. five

2.3. My home is my castle?............................................ ....................... p. 6.

3. Conclusion .......................................................................... 10

4. The list of literature ............................................................................. eleven

5. Appendix ........................................................................................ p. 12

1. Introduction.

Environmentally friendly accommodation, what is it wooden hut or equipped with the latest technology, modern apartment? It is worth thinking about where we live and how much the most important human value is health in safety. Most of the time we spend in our favorite house, but, nevertheless, none of us, for sure, does not suspect how dangerous it can be. The outbreak of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases associated with the respiratory system, makes us unwittingly think about their health and the health of the future generation. Probably, no wonder today many people prefer to move to country houses from a natural tree, refuse the TV, get rid of floor coatings, expensive wallpapers and mass of other supermodic pants. New, dynamians are not familiar to us terms - sick buildings syndrome, housing ecology, safe house, etc. Indeed, today we all need to look around around ourselves and, make sure our house is our fortress!

Hypothesis: If you refuse at least part of the advantages of civilization, then we will be able to preserve their health and reduce the risk of developing fatal diseases.

Purpose: make an environmental passport of your housing

Tasks: 1. Get acquainted with the types of eco-blocks of residential premises

2. Remove sources of potential health hazard in the house where I live

3. Explore the conditions of its housing

4. Develop a methodology for ecoexpertization of residential premises

5. Develop a memo on a safe stay in the residential premises "Attack of the Chemical War"

Object of study : The house I live in

Thing: Factors determining the degree of comfort and danger to life.

Research methods : Observation, measurement, induction, analysis.

Stages of work: 1-theoretical (work with information: selection, analysis)

2- practical (housing research on human health hazards)

3 - Final (creation of a research product - Eco passports of their home)

Relevance: Strict statistics of the dynamics of mortality in Russia in the last 10-15 years involuntarily brings to the question "Why?". What is not so now compared to previous years? It is clear that there is a whole group of factors affecting the mortality rate. These include harmful habits, industrial and road accidents, natural cataclysms. It is necessary to accept the fact that the person himself is the cause of these troubles. So he becomes a manager of his life. But the fate of the fate does not come to the Ball, it is surrounded by other people who want to live, be healthy and spiritually rich. A person needs to think about what he eats, what clothes we carry, what breathes, from which the accommodation is built. You think what is the connection between all this and our health? Yes, the most straight! In order for it to be obvious, conduct a study of its housing and define its degree of danger to our health.

Practical value : research materials can be a kind of algorithm for environmental impact assessment of residential premises.

2. Main part

2.1. From wooden huts to a modern apartment.

From the point of view of the ideals of ecology, it is impossible to live in modern homes. Wooden hood has always been considered a symbol of environmental comfort and a healthy mind. From which housing in Russia was built, the younger generation today can only learn from ancient films or grandparents. The dwellings were warm, bright, environmentally friendly. But as modern studies show, it is not quite so. Unfortunately, a negative aspect of the use of furnace heating remains almost unknown in Russia. It is proved that one furnace, which is heated with coal or firewood, distinguishes as many harmful substances as five old diesel engines simultaneously. Substances allocated when burning solid organic fuels provoke serious diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory tract and, according to the World Health Organization, are made to the Top 10 risks for human health. The usual household soot seem to be completely harmless, according to the international agency, the study of cancer is attributed to carcinogenic substances. And the carbon monoxide, allocated when burning solid fuel? It is dangerous not only for the atmosphere, but also for our health with you. Therefore, that is environmentally friendly, old houses with furnace heating or modern apartments, the question is very controversial. Today, warm in houses, we try to keep using plastic windows, doors, oil radiators. Light use artificial. For masonry of walls, ceilings and floors, we use materials harmful to the body, and create comfort, a gorgeous house by all the utensils, from which sometimes begins to hurt a head, a suffocation and drowsiness appears. All in a modern apartment, ranging from walls and ceilings, ending with a garbage chute, highlights a fatal substance for our organism. For example, asbesto-cement pipes and panels in the system of supply ventilation and garbage supplies increase the risk of lung cancer and in the West have long been prohibited. Not to mention the fact that garbageings are a powerful source of pathogenic microorganisms. Where to live and what to breathe? It is difficult for a person today to refuse to what we are so quickly accustomed to. We are not ready to dress in bearish skins and go to live in the cave. And our own apartments, at home, no clearer of the tanned streets. Consider the main types of pollution of residential premises.

2.2. Where did the nastyness in our house? Types of housing pollution.

1. Chemical . The source of such pollution usually becomes furniture of assembly panels of chipboard and construction and finishing materials that highlight phenol, formaldehyde and radon, as well as styrene and heavy metal aerosols, causing irritation of mucous membranes, aggravation of asthma, violations in the work of the liver and kidneys. We ourselves turn the house into the gas chamber. Vinyl wallpapers were pasted, linoleum stuck, lacquered parquet, stretched the ceilings. Handsomely! And odors, what! Yes, we still do not produce natural ventilation. The first time after buying furniture the smell may be present, but after three months it should not be!

2. Microbiological . Our apartments are polluted by dust, which accumulates upholstered furniture, carpets and home textiles. Dust - native house for dozens of living beings, from ticks to bacteria. Another common attack is mold and fungus. All this is not only spoils the interior, but also threatens health, causing asthma, allergic and weakening immunity.

3. Radiationation . Radiation is deadly - it causes oncological diseases. Sources of radiation can be the most unexpected items: TV, cell phone, computer, clay and crystal dishes. Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation ... Crystal - the ringing transparent material is in itself a risk of radiation due to the presence of lead in it. Crystal dishes does not highlight radon, so as an exhibit is not harmful, but food products are not desirable in it! Increased radiation background often inherent in stone and clay products. Bathrooms and bathrooms "Foundets" lined with ceramic tiles walls and gender. Glowing in the dark items (children's and christmas toys, dials) are also dangerous to health.

4. Electromagnetic . Are they suffering from headaches, insomnia, irritability and constant feeling of fatigue? Perhaps the reason in an increased electromagnetic background. Sources of electromagnetic radiation are in every home - these are mobile and stationary phones, televisions, microwave ovens, wiring.

5. Noise. The effect of noise level is difficult to overestimate. Over time, we cease to perceive the noise, but our body responds to it disorders of the nervous system and coordination of movements, worsening hearing and increased fatigue. In the house to the sources of noise, you can attribute loud music, a roar of a child, a peak of animals, working loud household appliances that cause vibration.

2.3. My home is my castle?

Unwittingly remember the old saying: "My house is my fortress." Indeed, the house to some extent performs a protective function for a person. In your house you feel confident, you are calm and comfortable. But does this apply to the environmental component of our homes? Find out during the study. To assess the environmental hazard of residential premises, we and I developed a methodology for the preparation of an environmental passport of an apartment, at home(Attachment 1 ), relying on which I conducted a study of my house.

1. The house is located in the southeastern part of the workers' village near the railway and complex of multi-karts. Also nearby are private houses and church. From the main entrance to the village house is 2.5 km away. The house is private and has an extensive area on which shrubs grow: honeysuckle, raspberry, currant, apple tree, sea buckthorn. From the forest house deleted. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the house there are electric poles and communication lines. Any businesses located near the house are absent.

2. Date of construction - 2006. Two-storey house, area - 112 sq.m.(Appendix 2). 4 people live in the house. Construction and finishing materials, from which house built - Bar, Concrete, Metal: plastic structures, lumber, plasterboard, paint, vinyl wallpaper. Gas gas heat supply. Lighting in the house in the daytime day - natural. Two windows overlook the north, four windows - east and three windows - south. In the dark - daylight lamps are used. Radiation background measured with a dosimeter installed in an application on a smartphone(Appendix 3). The results of measurements at a rate of 15-20 μR / h are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Residential radiation background, (MK / P / H)

The main source of noise is the railway. In the daytime cars. The loadability of the one-sided road is shown in Table 2. The flow of cars is not large, on weekends and night time there is a sharp decline. The street, on which I live, is central: travel to schools, kindergartens, stadium, park.

Table 2. Motor load, (pieces / day)

Noise level measured with a noiseomerSplend.Apps. in the app on smartphone(Appendix 4). During the daytime, the noise level is 45-80 dB., At night, 40-45 dB, which is completely safe for human health, but the noise background during the daytime during prolonged exposure can affect our well-being(Appendix 5).

Room temperature in the room in the heated season + 23 ° C, in the summer + 18-20 ° C. Relative humidity in the cold season - 55%, which corresponds to the norm. In the summer it is much higher, the house is damp. Sources of dust: laminate, leather inserts on upholstered furniture and beds, electrical appliances, curtains, books. The house has indoor plants - the main source of aesthetics and oxygen. Flowers are located on window sills in bedrooms and outdoor large plants in the living room. In summer, natural ventilation is used, in winter - air ionizers. Rooms are ventilated once a day for 10-15 minutes, the kitchen is ventilated during the day 2-3 times to 30 minutes. The kitchen is equipped with an extract.Electric stove, environmentally cleaner than gas stoves, as as a result of the use of gas stoves, a combustion product is distinguished - formaldehyde, the concentration of which in apartments exceeds the content of the same substance on the street.

The house has electrical appliances such as: computer, two TVs, music center, refrigerator, electric stove, dishwasher and washing machine, kettle, microwave. About computer: The main harmful component of the computer is the monitor, I have a liquid crystal, creates an electromagnetic field, but not so strong and harmful, like the electron-beam monitors. Complies with the TSO standard - 99. Such monitors have built-in protection against electromagnetic emissions, and therefore are almost safe.
One TV is located two meters from the sofa in the living room, which does not harm eyesight, the other - in my bedroom on the same size from the bed.

From pets in the house there is a cat, which is also a source of noise, but more of the object of a good mood, it has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state.So, summarize. After examining the sources of contamination of residential premises, the regulatory indicators of the main characteristics (noise level, radiation, relative humidity, temperature regime), it can be concluded about the presence of either the absence of an environmental hazard for residents of our house. I believe that the ecological atmosphere in the house is satisfactory. The main danger is noise pollution during the daytime (proximity of the railway, vehicles), an increased radiation background in the kitchen (a large cluster of electrical appliances, the presence of crystal and ceramics, and high relative humidity in the warm season. To solve this problem, we have developed several practical advice:

1. Replace glass windows on new with high sound insulation properties.

2. In the bedrooms hang dense curtains that can reduce the level of street noise.

3. Use creative isolation methods, such as decoration walls.

4. Abandon the kitchen from a number of electrical appliances, replace their use on natural ways to prepare and warming up food.

5. Replace the dishes from the crystal and ceramics to the more environmentally friendly.

6. Green plants in summer can be taken out to the street to avoid increasing relative humidity.

7. You can lower the relative humidity in the house by placing Salika gel in the house.

8. Enlarge the frequency of air ventilation per day.

9. Avoid drying linen in the house.

10. Minimize dust accumulation can be replaced by regular curtains in some rooms. They collect dust less and easier in care.

11. Bookshelves replace, placing books and magazines in closed cabinets.

12. Get rid of carpet coverings, make a wet cleaning daily.

13. In bedrooms and living rooms you can put plants with a sedative effect - this is a coffee tree, rosemary, lavender, ficuses. But it must be remembered that plants with a large sheet plate (ficus) increase the humidity of the indoor air humidity.

Make everything to live in the house safely, today, of course, it will not work. So we are accustomed to the charms of civilization, which is not easy to abandon the harmful items in the house, but it is possible to reduce the risk of diseases from our "refuge"!


During the practical stage of research on the basis of the analysis of information sources on the topic, observations and measuring research, I am an ecological passport of my house, which allowed us to objectively assess the degree of environmental danger for its inhabitants(Attached 6). It turned out to be minimal. Today, as we never understand that our health depends not only on what we wear, eat, drink, but where we live. The need for comfortable accommodation is the natural need of a person. The main thing is that it is safe. According to the inner medium, a positive factor is even what we live in rural areas where there are no industrial enterprises, not such a gas tangent as in the city, which is very important for health! In order not to launch a deadly "cocktail" into our clean Wednesday and breathe with plenty of air, we developed a memo "Attack of Chemical War" (Appendix 7). Toxins affect the human body imperceptibly, gradually, and as a result of such a constant influence, the organism is poisoning. That is why air purification in the apartment is vital and necessary.


1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzteva N.V., Muravyev A.G., Ghushina E.V. Ecology workshop. Tutorial. Ed. S.V. Alexseeva. M.: JSC MDS, 1996;

2. Dubov DP. Ecology of housing and human health. Ufa: Word, 1995;

3. Intensity resources:


Attachment 1.

Plan for the compilation of the environmental passport of residential premises

1. General information about the dwelling (in which part of the village there is a house or apartment, the nearest environment: houses, enterprises, sites, parks, railways, highway)

- Characteristics of green plantings

- convenience of the transport network

2. Housing Technical Data

- Date of construction at home, square

- Floors, number of tenants

- Types of building materials used in construction

- Heat supply (gas, electric)

- Illumination Characteristics (Natural, Artificial Light)

- Radiation background in different parts of the building

- Sources of noise

- roadmaking by road

- temperature and humidity indoor air

- Dust sources

- Characteristics of furniture (Description of the material from which furniture is made

- the presence of indoor plants

- Characteristics of electrical appliances

- availability of domestic animals

Appendix 2.

The house I live in!

Appendix 3.

Measuring radiation with a dosimeter Atom Simle

Appendix 4.

Measuring noise level in a residential room with a noiseomer Splend. Apps.

Appendix 5.

Table of noise intensity and its effect on human health

Appendix 6.

Ecological passport at home

1. Floor plan structure (Total area - 112 sq.m.)

2. Entourage : Dirt road - 8 meters from home

enterprises are missing; w / road - 500 meters; Church, residential buildings - within walking distance; Electric poles and communication lines - 2-3 meters.

3. Specifications :

- Construction and finishing materials - sleepers, concrete, slate, metal: plastic structures, lumber, plasterboard, paint, vinyl wallpaper.

- Heat supply - a gas boiler

- Lighting - In the daytime day - natural (most of the windows comes to the south), in the dark - daylight lamps

- radiation background - 10-30 μR / h. at a rate of 15-20 μR / h

- noise background . Sources Noise - Railway, Cars. The noise level is 45-80 dB., At night - 40-45 dB. (Norm - up to 80dB.)

- Temperature and humidity. In the heated season + 23 ° C, in summer + 18-20 ° C. Relative humidity in the cold season - 55%, which corresponds to the norm. Summer - up to 80%

- Furniture characteristics : Cabinet furniture made of chipboard and natural wood, upholstered furniture - insertion from leatherette, fabric, chipboard.

- the presence of green plantings - There are indoor plants.

- availability of domestic animals - Cat

- Electrical appliances: Electric stove, two TVs, computer, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, dishwasher Washing machines, music. Centre.

Appendix 7.

Memo "Attack of Chemical War"

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