
How to attract an investor to the project. How to find an investor? Practical advice to attract investment in their business. Project cost: all his time

Last updated: & NBSP 22.02.2020

Reading time: 12 min. | Views: 14639.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine "Site"! In continuation of the topic of investment, consider the search questions for business investments, namely where and how to find an investor to open a business from scratch that to make it agreed to finance a business project and so on.

In this article we will tell:

  • For which investors are needed and how to attract them to open a business;
  • What steps should be taken to find an investor from scratch;
  • What rules should be followed in the investor search process;
  • To whom you can seek help in finding investors.

At the end of the publication, you will also find answers to frequently asked questions.

The article will be useful to all: as novice businessmenand those who already have some experience in developing your own business. The article will also like to taste those who are interested in the theory of finance and investment.

To find useful information On attracting investors, read our article to the end.

Where and how to find an investor to open a business, to pay attention to when searching for investors for small businesses from scratch - about all this and not only you will learn later in the article

Regardless of the type of business, the business needs moneyoh. If you do not attract capital, Even very best project develop will not be . It threatens the fact that the business will die at the planning stage.

It should be understood that for the successful development of entrepreneurship, it is important not to miss the moment. Therefore, businessmen usually do not have to save funds. The risk is the risk that while it is possible to collect the necessary amount, the moment will be missed, and the estimated market attack faster and enterprising competitors.

At the same time, novice businessmen should not be shying that their capital is insufficient. Even successful large companies, when only began their activities, used borrowed funds.

Young companies having prospects for successful development most often feel the lack of money. At the same time, they have a huge number of ideas that require implementation " here and now Β».

To date investor search has become much easier: for this purpose it is created huge number of funds and companieswho agree to transfer their cash to novice businessmen.

But it should be understoodThat far from everyone can get funds in the funds. First of all, the businessman will need to convince investors to invest in his project. This will require not only a business plan, but also to prove that a specific business project is more interesting than competitors, and also has better prospects.

Most professional investors have tremendous investment experience. Therefore, they easily determine those projects in which it is best to invest in order to obtain maximum profits.

Businessmen must remember that as funds, so I. private investors Do not give money for charity purposes. They are expected from the projects invested maximum and speedy return.

Thus, any sources of investment funds, whether it banks, fundsor other companies Do not give out funds without the necessary confirmation. You can, of course, try to get a grant. However, the companies that are issued them are suitable for the choice of applicants even more rigidly.

What to pay attention to when attracting investors

2. How to attract investors - the necessary conditions πŸ“‹

The purpose of any investor is to increase funds available. Most of them know that income by bank deposits barely covers the inflation rate. Therefore, such attachments investors perfect do not suit .

Investors are striving for this level of income that will not only block the rise in prices, but also provide a peaceful life.

All this explains why those who have significant amounts of funds are looking for such companies in order to invest in them, which will be able to provide it sufficient.

Novice businessmen, starting the search for a potential investor, should perceive it not creditor, but as a partner. It turns out that the businessman puts the idea into the project, and the investor has its own money. Therefore, this case should be beneficial for both sides.

Most professionals converge in the opinion that search for investors - The task is not so complicated. Here is the main thing competent present your idea. It will also be necessary to convince the cash holder in the fact that the project investment will be quite promising, will bring substantial income.

Talking the investor about the project, the following topics should be fully highlighted:

  • the uniqueness and demand of the product / offered service planned to be manufactured;
  • the size of the required investments;
  • in what time frames are planned to mapping invested funds;
  • estimated level of profit;
  • what is the guarantee of return investment.

If a businessman competently characterizes each of the indicated issues, the chances of convincing the investor that the project can really bring good profits, significantly increase. As a result, the investor will decide on the allocation of money on it.

3. How to find an investor from scratch - a step-by-step investor search guide for business πŸ“

In search of an investor, it is important to act consistently in accordance with the recommendations developed by professionals. In this way it will be possible to succeed faster in finding investors.

In the process of finding sources of investment, it is important to take into account the interests of the cash holder. It is important to understand that investors in the implementation of investments are guided by their own commercial interests.

Potential investors not interested How innovative will be activities, and will also bring profit to the business owner. They are concerned by multiplication, as well as the preservation of the capital belonging to them.

Some investors not important Business ideas, as they are looking for passive income, tired of active business development. They have already managed to earn initial Capital, working in the sweat of the face. Now the only desire of such investors is that the existing funds bring profits, and at the same time it would not be necessary to do anything.

At the same time, they are looking for such embedding options that will bring larger incomethan traditional investments - Pyp and similar financial instruments.

Step-by-step instructions, where and how to look for an investor to open a business

Therefore, in finding an investor, it is important to convince him that they will be able to get this income. The observance of the step-by-step instruction, which we describe next. This will help increase the chances of quick and high-quality search for the necessary money.

Step number 1. Drawing up a business plan

First of all, when choosing an object for investing attachment, investors pay attention to the business plan. It must be competently designed, otherwise the probability of obtaining funds can go on no.

IN obligatory A properly compiled business plan should contain the following information:

  • project description;
  • the calculation of the required monetary amount;
  • analysis of the commercial benefit that an investor will receive;
  • the payback period of the project, that is, after which period of time the first income will be obtained;
  • what are the prospects for the further development of the organization.

Trust should cause everything - From the quality of paper on which the document is printed, and the folders in which it is invested, prior to the use of professional graphic editors when designing the necessary schemes.

More detailed, we wrote in a separate publication.

Step number 2. Choosing a suitable form of cooperation

Cooperation between business owner and an investor can be held in various forms. It is important to analyze in advance which one may be the most effective for a company that is looking for funds.

Investors agree to provide funds by receiving income in the following ways:

  1. in the form of percent of the embedded amount;
  2. as a percentage of profit during the entire project;
  3. as a share in business.

The owner of the business, determined with what option for him more acceptable, must necessarily indicate it in a business plan. Nevertheless, often a novice businessman is not easy to find the necessary funds.

Therefore, if a potential investor categorically agrees with the selected model, wanting to use another option of cooperation, it should be evaluated. Often better agree to the conditions of the investorthan to stay without cash.

Step number 3. Resort to the help of experienced businessmen

Beginners entrepreneurs can be sure: No one will understand them better than experienced businessmen who have been successfully operating in the same sphere. Many of them willingly advise novice, as they continue to act. This is especially true of those cases when in the future there is mutually beneficial cooperation between them.

Often experienced businessmen take newcomers under their care: They can invest money in their ideas or recommend a project for investing other investors. Even if this does not happen, it is quite possible professionals will give such advice and recommendations that will help in the future.

Step number 4. Conversation

Often a positive decision of investors to invest in the project determined by competent negotiations . Even those who easily find a language with people should be carefully prepared for the meeting.

It will take not only to convince the potential investor in the project's prospects, but also to answer all the questions that have come. Therefore, it is advisable to think about it in advance what businessman can ask and prepare reasonable answers.

From the first meeting, investors usually expect a competent presentation of the project, as well as a business plan.

We can not be invited to negotiate a specialist who participated in the design of the project. It is possible that he will explain all the nuances of the project much more competent, and will also answer the questions that have arisen.

Step number 5. Conclusion of the Treaty

The final stage of negotiations in the event of an agreement becomes signing Cooperation Agreement or Investment. It is important to carefully examine absolutely all the conditions of the compiled treaty, it will be worthwhile to attract a professional lawyer to this process.

It is important to pay attention to the agreement to be prescribed:

  • term of cooperation;
  • amount of investments;
  • rights, as well as duties that are assigned to the parties.

In accordance with the Concluding Agreement, funds are transferred to a businessman under some conditions. Their essence is that cash must be invested in the project implementation .

Investor It is important that the signed agreement will exclude an opportunity outside target use funds, even part of nested money should not Go to needs not related to project implementation.

Conclusion investment Treaty - Sample

An example of an investment contract can be downloaded by reference below:

(example, sample)

Thus, in attracting cash funds, it is important to comply with a certain sequence. A businessman must focus on the step-by-step instructions described above. Then the attraction of funds will be as efficient as possible.

Main ways How and where you can find investors

4. Where to find an investor - 6 options for attracting investment πŸ”ŽπŸ’Έ

About how important at the first stage of the investor searching is a competent business plan, we have already written. However, not all businessmen know where to further look for the one who agrees to provide cash to implement their project.

Nevertheless, there are several options, and each of them deserves close attention from the businessman.

Option 1. Close people

Investors search for business financing - the task is not from the lungs. Therefore, in this process, it is desirable to involve the maximum relatives and friends. This option is ideal for those who are just starting their own business and has no experience or popularity. Moreover, loans from relatives and acquaintances are less risky.

If the project does not require large initial investments, it can be sufficient to finance to close people for a small percentage, which will be paid when it becomes profitable.

Option 2. Businessmen

In all cities (especially large enough) there are a large number of businessmen who have already earned capital. Now they wish to receive passive income by putting money in some profitable business.

It is for such businessmen that makes sense to apply for funds to develop your own business.

Most often, merchants give money on one of 2 (two) schemes:

  • in the form of a loan with payment of interest;
  • as a share in a new business project.

It should be understood that the second way leads to a significant limitation of freedom of decision-making novice businessman. Therefore, it is worth thinking several times before choosing this option.

Option 3. Funds

Another way to find investors for business are special funds - investment and assistance to small businesses. However, to get funds in such companies is not easy.

Have to prove that new businessThe project is sufficiently viable. It should also be borne in mind that the newcomer in the field of entrepreneurship must have its own funds, which he wants to invest in the project along with the attracted. Therefore, the funds are more suitable for those who already have a valid business.

To make a decision on investing funds positive It will be necessary to analyze the current activities of the company, as well as form a plan for its further development.

Those who are looking for an investor should also be studied state Funds. They often give funds the most promising business projects, organizing contests for this purpose.

Option 4. Venture Investment

This option is quite widespread in some developed countries. If you wish to attract money to business with venture investment, it should be borne in mind that such funds invest only in risky projects with large prospects.

At the same time, business projects are most often funded. innovative sphere , science , as well as IT technologies .

Less likely, but still venture funds are invested in trade, as well as the scope of services.

In detail about venture capital investments, in particular, which exist and what they do, we wrote in a separate material.

Investing funds in business, venture funds want to receive regular income. To this end, they draw on a business share. At the same time, they are the owners of a part of the company for only a few years, after which they implement it to third parties.

Option 5. Business Incubators

The business incubator is a special platform created in order to implement various business projects. To obtain investment funds Through the incubator, it is important to compile a competent business plan.

In addition, it will be necessary to win the competition or successfully pass a special interview.

Option 6. Banks

If the investor does not work, you can try to place banking. However, get enough great amount Often it is not easy. Therefore, this method of finding an investor is suitable then when you need a small amount of investments.

Credit organizations are presented to potential borrowers high requirements. To obtain money, it may be necessary to provide property as deposit, guarantors, collect a large list of various documents.

If a loan applicant cannot fulfill at least one requirement of a credit organization, the loan will not succeed.

In this way, investor Search for Business - The matter is not easy and quite long. Therefore, a businessman needs a lot of patience. It is important to evaluate all possible options, analyze arising risks. Then you can be sure that the search will be crowned with success.

On our site there is an article in which we told about where you can and how to make a debt receipt and how to make a debt receipt - we recommend it to reading.

Basic rules for finding investors and their investments

5. 5 important rules for finding investors πŸ“Œ

A lot of diverse business projects that require cash investments appear daily. Not always at the owner of the idea there is a necessary capital. At the same time most ideas require fast start and development. In this regard, a huge the number of businessmen is in the search status of the investor to implement the project.

Often this process is delayed, and often at all failure ends. To increase the chances of success, it is important to comply with 5 (five) basic rules. They allow businessmen to be more confident in the search for an investor, as well as competently approach the selection process.

Rule number 1. Searches should start as early as possible

Every businessman should understand that investor search - long process. Since their starts, a lot of time has passed before receiving funds.

That is why you begin find an investor should be as early as possible. Ideally, it should be done already when future activities are planned, and it also became clear how it is better to prevent the profitability of the project to potential investors.

It is important to understand that the risk of an investor is higher than the project owner. It is one who invests in business money risks its capital, time loss and reputation.

Therefore, he has the right to suspend the investment of cash or even negotiation, if he decides that risk level for him too high.

Moreover, investors usually carefully study the company in which the money is planned. They analyze the history of the company, its successes and failures, prospects for further development. All this leads to the fact that it is better to start looking for an investor in the early stages.

Own funds invested in business usually end very quickly. As a result, a sharp rise at the beginning of the project can be changed by a drop before the start of investment revenues, and such a situation can push the majority of investors.

Rule number 2. It is important to collect maximum information about the potential investor

In search of an investor not the best decision Collaborate with the first who will offer their capital. It is necessary to collect maximum information about the intended investor.

At the same time, you should learn:

  • what areas it usually invests;
  • possible volumes of investments;
  • investor preferences regarding the method and principles of cooperation.

All collected data should be compared with the desires of the businessman himself. It follows to cooperate with the best investor. It is due to the most optimal, not large and popular.

It is important to understandthat any interaction with the investor should pass in the form of mutually beneficial cooperation.

At the same time, both a businessman and the investor himself must represent at what stage of interaction they are, and also what will happen next.

A good investor, if anything will know what will provide significant assistance in the development of the project. Bad - spoil even a magnificent idea.

Assessing the amount of investment, it is worth understandingWhat if necessary in 50-100 thousand dollars It makes no sense to contact the one who traditionally invest millions. The same can be said in the opposite case: no sense for big investments to go to the one who is simply not.

A large number of information collected can ease the businessman participation in the negotiation process with the investor. You can pre-think about the approximate plan of negotiations, as well as decide which questions you can ask an investor.

In addition, with sufficient information you can predictwhat questions the owner of the funds will ask a businessman and decideHow to answer them. Information on previous investment investment may be very useful in the course of negotiation.

Even before meeting with the investor, the businessman must decide how he will behave in the negotiation process. The investor must believeThat the merchant is needed not just money, but mutually beneficial cooperation.

If high-quality contact will be installed between the parties, it is confident that the interaction will be beneficial for both sides.

In history there are many examples of the fact that with good relationships between businessman and investor Even with the manifestation of errors and small failures, they were still provided. Ultimately, success was achieved in activities.

Rule number 3. The volume of investments should be carefully planned

The businessman must remember that the amount of investment must be specified. specifically in numbers, not a range. Investor will almost certainly refuse to invest in the investment if he is asked the amount from 100 to 200 thousand dollars.

In this case, the cash holder may have a huge number of issues that almost certainly leads negotiations in a dead end.

Businessman should call an investor a specific amount which should be reasonable. The amount of investment should take into account all possible development options, due to which the range could occur.

Rule number 4. Concentration for purposes

When developing the company's development goals for which funds need to be attracted, they should not be too much globalize.

Too large-scale ideas, as well as the desire to cover a large number of questions, usually cause investors in doubt that it is possible to implement them successfully.

Therefore, the goals that the businessman puts must be maximally specific . They must be limited by the possibilities, as well as needs. Goals businessman should specify even before he finds the investor.

Even in cases where in the future it is planned to develop a project to global sizes, it is not necessary to immediately globally describe this idea. Such interpretations usually repel investors.

Those who have investment experience, as well as the development of business projects, agrees that, under globalization, forces and funds are dispersed, but no effective effectiveness is achieved.

Therefore, the investor should be sought under solving specific tasks and business issues.

Rule number 5. Should be as honest and open

In the process of negotiating, and subsequently, in the preparation of reports, a businessman should not to lie and keep back.

In the process of conducting activities, it is quite normal to deviate from the initial plan, but such facts can not hide from the investor . He has the right to be aware of the current situation.

At the same time, it is important to explain to the investor for what reasons there was a deviation from the plan, which could lead to, and how it is planned to act further.

Compliance with all the above rules increases the chances of what a good investor will be found. Namely, this is the key to a successful start of any activity.

6. Providing professional assistance in finding investors πŸ“Ž

Those who do not work independently find an investor for his business can be referred to professional assistants.

On the Internet there are special platforms that help not only those who want to invest, but also those who are looking for capital for the development of activities.

The most famous Russian-language are 2 (two) sites:

1) EastWestGroup

Resource specialization is search for investments for investments both in the valid and in the canned business. To use the services, it is enough to register, after which contact those who provide funds. The resource saves not only time, but also energy.

Company specialists conduct business analysis, after which it is determined by its strong qualities. It is done absolutely free And helps to attract investors. Resource has been investing for more than ten years.

By registering on the site, the businessman comes to contact immediately with several dozen investors. This greatly increases the chances of receiving funds. The cost of the investor search service is calculated individually for each user. At the same time, it is not required to pay anything to pay anything.

Use the services of the site is very simple. Enough to go a few steps:

  • submit your application;
  • receive free consultation Company employee;
  • sign an agreement on the provision of intermediary services with the company;
  • the resource itself is negotiating with the investor;
  • a businessman concludes a mutually beneficial transaction with an investor.

2) start2up.

This resource is a kind of announcement board on which they are placed. investor offers, entrepreneurs, start-uplooking for business partners.

Thanks to those who have funds, can find where to invest. At the same time, novice merchants have the opportunity to conclude an agreement with investors who are ready to support their project.

All announcements posted on the site are divided into groups depending on the region, as well as the field of activity.

The most popular areas of business here are:

  • the Internet;
  • IT technology;
  • education;
  • art, as well as culture;
  • the science;
  • the property.

There are also other promising activities.

Users of the site are hundreds of businessmen, as well as investors. These are faces not only from Russia, but also from Belarus, as well as a number of European countries. Therefore, the chances of registered on the site, find the investor significantly increase.

There are several hundred proposals on the site. redeem startup, invest in different business areas, as well as improve existing production.

In addition, with the help of the project, you can purchase or implement the property of ready-made companies. Tighten the portal news with the group in Facebook.

Thus, those who find it difficult to find an investor for their project, you can seek help with popular Internet resources.

You should not also forget about the site crowdfunding. Thanks to the type of crowdfunding), you can also attract the capital of interested participants in the stake in the startup.

7. Answers to frequently asked questions πŸ“‘

The topics of finding investors is quite complex. Therefore, businessmen in connection with this there are a huge number of questions. The publication would not be complete if we were not answered the most frequently arising from them.

Question 1. Where can I get money for your business?

The search for money for business development may pose any novice entrepreneur. In particular, this applies to the formation and further development of startups. Develop any business project without drawing money practically impossible . About what stages it should go through how to attract money, etc., we wrote in a separate article.

Each novice entrepreneur is looking for its investor search options. Therefore, it is so important to consider the ways to search for cash again.

Method 1. Accumulate

This option is the easiest. Having accumulated money, the entrepreneur will not fall into a financial dependence on other people, he will be able to conduct a business completely independently, in front of whom without reporting and not giving out parts of profits to anyone.

At the same time to accumulate money, you only need huge desireas well as financial self-discipline. It is enough to optimize your own expenses to start accumulating money. With due diligence already for 6 -12 months You can collect a significant amount of money.

This option is suitable for those who can save. If you manage to postpone on a large purchase or vacation, this method of searching for funds will probably suit you. Moreover, this option helps to learn best attitude towards money, which is necessarily useful in the future when implementing a business project.

Method 2. Take a loan

Those businessmen who are well represented by the rules for maintaining financial discipline, may well take bank loan For the development of activities.

The danger of such a way is that at the very beginning of the activities, there are almost always a company on the verge of a loss. Therefore, the likelihood that paying loans will simply have nothing to pay.

This method is only suitable for those who are confident that business will become profitable before paying loan. It is worth understanding that credit organizations rarely invest startups. Much more often they give loans to develop an existing business. However, the solution is always accepted individually.

Businessman should be borne in mind that interest in most cases make up at least 15%. In addition, it is important to contact banks with a good reputation.

To simplify the task, businessmen are given in the table. best banks For small and medium enterprises.

Method 3. State subsidies

The state is trying actively maintain a small business. Any novice entrepreneur can participate in competitions for subsidies.

If desired, you can contact the employment center to obtain a grant for self-employment. The amount on this program differ in the regions, but on average it is 90-100 thousand rubles.

In addition, the country has created so-called incubators (most often on the basis of the largest higher educational institutionsteaching the item "economy").

Such a structure is funded from the budget. The purpose of such organizations is to create favorable conditions for business development.

Method 4. Close people

This option can be considered an extreme case, as it is very difficult to conduct business with relatives and friends. No one loves just to give up her money, so even close people should be interested. You can offer them a share in business.

There are advantages of such a method of attracting funds. First, with close people it is easier to agree on the terms of refund. Secondly, the receipt of funds occurs much faster, as it will not be necessary to collect a large number of documents, as well as to wait for the decision of third parties.

Method 5. Private Investors

In some cases, other options, except to take money from private investors, is simply not. Get funds from private investors can be pretty quickly and without unnecessary problems.

In most major cities there are Internet sites on which the appropriate ads are posted. At the same time, the loan is enough confirm your identity and write a receipt. Some private investors require mandatory notarization of this document.

Question 2. How to start a search for an investor for small business?

You can select several basic steps to help the novice investor to navigate the investor's search procedure.

Step 1. Drawing up a plan

A businessman must develop a high-quality business plan that it will use as a presentation to persons who invest in business. It is the plan to help convince the investor that the draft businessman is able to bring substantial profits.

Important So that the business plan is not only a description of the company itself, but also studying the position in the market, as well as further development prospects.

Step 2. Choose an investment scheme

There are several possible options Attracting funds. Investors can buy new equipment by providing loan Under certain interest. Other investing funds demanding instead share in the company .

In any case, the businessman should decide in advance which of the schemes is most suitable for him. It will not be specified about this in the business plan.

Step 3. Help professionals

Experienced businessmen can give valuable advice both to attract funds and on business.

Step 4. Search for Internet resources for investment

The Internet has sites that allow you to present projects to business angels. After placing information on such resources about themselves, businessmen often note the increase in the number of proposals from investors.

Question 3. I am looking for an investor to open a business from scratch / in the current business. What portals / sites and forums should I look for?

Popular Internet Resources (Sites, Forums, Portals) Investor Search

The development of Internet technologies made it possible to significantly simplify the procedure for finding investors. There is a sufficiently large number of Internet resources that help in this difficult lesson.

Here are the most popular of them:

  1. StartTrack.ru. - Popular investor search portal. It is possible to place information about your business project. If it goes approval, the chances of attracting investors will increase significantly.
  2. Ventureclub.ru. - Resource that allows you to find enough large investors.
  3. Napartner.ru. - represents a regular bulletin board on which investors are placed information about themselves.
  4. Mypio.ru. - Here you can accommodate information about your business project. Announcements on this portal every day looks at a large number of investors.
  5. Startuppoint.ru. - Project with a huge number of proposals from investors. If today there is no appropriate option here, you can easily place information about the project to view it with potential investors.

Question 4. Where to look for an investor for a startup or how to find an investor to implement the idea?

A businessman must remember that the most suitable place to search for an investor where they are going to maximum amount. It can be various exhibitions, as well as presentation promotions. As part of such events, round tables of cash holders are usually organized where you can get acquainted with the future investor. This option is quite simple, however the effectiveness of him is very doubtful. These events are held extremely rare, to get acquainted with the right person here also happens not so easy.

Another simple version - Investing a new business project by raising money from the old, already developed. Naturally, this method is unacceptable for novice entrepreneurs.

On various Internet resources you can find private investors. In the network you can find a large number Business Investing Proposals. But do not forget that the areas of the large accumulation of funds are sicked with a huge number of fraudsters. Often, businessmen are offered to start investing under various pretexts to make a certain amount of money.

A good way to attract investment is considered help investment brokers. For small commission businessman shifts concerns about finding an investor on other people's shoulders. At the same time, it will be necessary to pay solely on the fact of issuing funds.

Often effective is the help of business angels.. However, today they are too little for a large number of applicants. In addition, often they require a substantial share in the business being created.

Incubators The purpose of investing projects is not intended. They are created to provide business optimal conditions for development.

Question 5. How to search for foreign investors? Where to find foreign investors who will give money?

On the this moment Find a foreign investor who will be interested in your business in several ways:

  1. Using intermediary services of public or private commercial structures in finding investment offers;
  2. Posting information about the project (startup, ideas) on specialized sites (databases of investment projects);
  3. By participating in various specialized exhibitions and fairs.

In the investment market, many different agencies are successfully operating, which provide professional services to find foreign investors. Potential foreign investors It is important to see the promise of your business project.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic πŸŽ₯

If you read the publication to the end, rest assured that they have received enough information to attract the investor. It is important to remember that the process of this is not easy and requires quality preparation.

A businessman must remember that even if he finds enough funds, there is no guarantee that the project will be successful.

Investor search is only the initial stage, a small part of a long and difficult path.

After seeing money, the businessman should make a maximum effort to achieve the desired return.

In conclusion, we suggest watch a video about collective investments (crowdfunding) - what it is and how it works:

As well as an interesting webinar "How to attract investments in business" from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

The team of the magazine "Site" wishes good luck and success to attract a good investor and, of course, success in the future business development. If you have left comments or questions about the topic, then ask them in the comments below.

We have already considered questions regarding the search for an investor. Today, we continue the logical row, and pay attention to the issue of conquering investors' attention. Many people think that finding a "business angel" is a guarantee of success, 90% of the distance traveled. I want to immediately arrange all the points on "and", and make clarity in this situation. If you have found a person who is ready to listen to you, ready to consider the option of investing money into your project is good, but the most difficult happens later. You need to interest him, make it just a chic presentation, submit your project in all angles, literally fall in love with an investor in your startup for some 10 minutes. In one of its past articles, we have already told about, and many novice businessmen were very useful to read it.

Today, we will talk about how to attract the investor what to talk to the presentation, how to approach the plan, what moments it is necessary to take into account, but what at the first meeting it is better not to remember. This article is step-by-step instruction, Successful execution of which will increase your chances of receiving long-term investment.

How to attract an investor: Base the real business for a long time

The Council seems obvious - real business and for a long time. Who does it do wrong? And it turns out that a lot of young starters expect to quickly make a profit, jump to heaven, but at the same time they do not see their company through 3-5, or even 7 years. One simple question is: "What will be your company in 10 years?", It is capable of bringing 99% of novice businessmen to a stupor. What are there 10 years if there are no plans for more than 1 year.

Remember that investors will invest their money only in long-term perspectives, in projects that hopped a dozen ten years will work stably, with the prospect of development and conquest of new markets.

How to attract an investor: a good team

To attract an investor, you must have an excellent, high-class team. Do not hide your partners, open all the trumps, show how good you are, with what you worked with what success each of you has achieved. Be sure to explain why this person is entrusted with a certain function than it is better than others.

In general, imagine that you are on the market and sell yourself, while not easy sell, and try to get the most out of the benefit. The investor must understand in whose hands will be his money from whom the company's development will depend on and future profit.
If there is a link that you want to strengthen, you know a person able to do this, but it works in another company, then tell the investor about it, hint that additional funds will need, but this person is able to speed up the company's exit new level.

How to attract an investor: a good presentation

Presentation is something that must be when meeting with an investor. Big projector, thoughtful slides, maximum information, mining text. At the beginning of the article, we have already noted that previously considered the secrets of the presentations from Apple. Running information from this article. Believe me that it is just invaluable, and if you can take advantage of Apple's presentations technique at least 10%, then success is guaranteed in 99 cases out of 100.

The purpose of the presentation is to give an understanding to the investor with what he deals. Maximum 10 minutes of performances, learn how to concentrate the attention of a person on the things you need, minimum of terminology and difficult to understand words. What does an investor want to see? Figures, project prospects, and who he will work with. Give it to him.
Another important advice is not accustomed. Care, work out each presentation detail, every movement and word. You must be confident, feel as if everything turned out. Easy, not forced, with a sense of future success.

How to attract an investor: positive dynamics

Before presentations, ask yourself a question: "And why do you want to invest in us?"And then you will find the most important answer - profits. Investor little interests, in most cases he wants to make a profit, wants to be confident that his investments will pay off and will bring stable, good income. If you already have a working project, you are looking for financial incentives to enter new markets, or increase sales, then everything you need to do is to show a positive profit growth dynamics over the past year.
Perhaps the investor has doubts, as soon as he sees that the project is successful, that he only lacks a small investment in order to make a huge step forward, believe me, all doubts will be destroyed. Guarantee payback and profits are the basis of investment.

How to attract an investor: business purity

AND the student must be sure that his investment is safe that nothing happens to business. There are no trials, frauds, violations of laws, registrations on passing persons, etc. Business should be the most clean, without one flaw. Only in this case you can apply for the investment. Believe that your project will be tested with a dozen times from all sides, along and across. Investors communicate with each other, and if you once try to deceive someone, do not wait for loyalty from others. With a big probability, they will already know about the risks of working with you and your company.

How to attract an investor: truthful information

Do not hide anything from the investor. Even if you understand that this information may affect the investment perspective, it is still to say as it is. It is worse to hide any risks, and then upset the investor with bad news. Know, you are not playing a computer game where you can preserve and start again. Everything is serious here, there is the right to make a mistake, but only if the possibility of such an error was calculated in advance.

How to attract an investor: Mark a competitor

It seems to many that if there is no competition, then it is good, you need to talk about it. On the one hand, yes, the lack of competition makes it easier for you, but the question arises, and why not? Perhaps the chosen niche is not interested in anyone, maybe it is unreliable or there are many risks? If I have such questions, then in investors they will be 100%. You must identify a competitor, because the struggle stimulates development, develops the spirit of rivalry, makes fight and every day be better, one step ahead of the opponent.

How to attract an investor: do not lie in numbers

Very often, young businessmen try to overstate the numbers on profits, or underestimate potential costs. Understand that building business attitudes on lies is utopia. Sooner or later, but most likely early, everything will fall out. Expenses, as well as income, will be visible in the reports, do not hide them. Therefore, once again, review your numbers, think good enough. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and your campaign.

How to attract an investor: Be prepared for cunning questions

No presentation will be held without question from the investor. They will be different, from easy about your company, team, prospects, to the tricks, on which there is only one correct answer, or rather such that the investor wants to hear. Of course, not to write all questions, it will not be prepared. The main thing to understand that you should not be lost. Confidently feel yourself, know what you are saying, calm, measuringly, smoothly and clearly explain your position.

For example, it is often like to ask questions specifically about your role in the company: "Do you see yourself in the post of head of the company for a long time?" Or questions about the prospects of the project: "What is the liquidity of your startup?"
Options can be different, but best to answer the first question: "My goal is to build and develop a company in the long run. If in the interests of the company there will be my care from the head of the head, then I will do it without any problems. "
On the second question, it is also possible to give a very correct answer: "To be honest, we think little about liquidity. The purpose of the team is the construction of a powerful leader, which will qualitatively allocate among competitors. I am sure that then there will be liquidity. "

How to attract an investor: overfulfill the promised

I have already spoken that you should not overestimate the numbers and expectations. It is better to even immediately undress them, and then it's nice to surprise the fact that a certain stage was completed faster. Previously, they reached a new level, earlier captured the funny areas, before they began to fully recoup the costs. The only thing that should not be done before is to spend all the money invested in you.

To open your own business, it is almost impossible to get a loan in the bank, and if there is a chance, its cost is quite high for a novice entrepreneur. But this is not a reason to give up a business project, because everyone has a real opportunity to attract investment in business. Many businessmen have no sufficient amount to implement their business plan, and it is for them that they are the main question of how to attract investors.

Who is an investor

Before you start finding who will invest in business, you need to clearly understand who is such an investor and under what conditions will be mutually beneficial cooperation. So the investor is physical or entityFinancing a business project, which in the future will increase its investment. Thus, the investor either becomes the shareholder of the enterprise, or receives a profit from it until his capital returns to him with interest.

But you need to take into account that attracting investments in a private business is not as simple as it seems, because it will be necessary to finally convince the investor in the fact that the project is really profitable. In a word, the purpose of the investor is to increase his capital.

Why he need it

Today, few people who want to invest their investments in a new business, so at the initial stage, to attract a third partner to its project is quite difficult. For an entrepreneur, this is a big responsibility, it is more expedient to start a new business, counting exclusively on your capabilities, including material. Although it is possible to start activities with the help of investors, but it is very difficult to do, the more newcomer.

IN ready projectwhich works and makes a profit, you can attract an investor to develop an enterprise and increase profits. But it is very important here to prove that this cooperation is primarily not profitable for the Entrepreneur itself, and to the one who should invest their money into the growth and development of the company.

If the question stilles how to attract investing in business at the initial stage, then you should look for them among private investors. These are everywhere called "business angels", they are not as demanding and are ready to consider promising business plans and, accordingly, invest their money in them.

So, you can conclude from here that the search for an investor is a fairly serious and responsible step. It is necessary to clearly understand with whom and under what conditions it is profitable to cooperate to cooperate. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to carefully examine the requirements of investors and, of course, to calculate their own capabilities.

What is he - the perfect investor

Here, of course, it is impossible to accurately answer this question, but you can assume how a person should look like, ready to invest in a private business. Below are some criteria:

  • The investor must be primarily an experienced businessman who has already achieved success and is ready to invest his money into other projects.
  • Ready to cooperate with a newcomer and participate in the project implementation from the very beginning.
  • It is capable of allocating real money and for a long time, because any business brings profit from the first days of its existence.
  • Claims no more than 40% from profit monthly.

Another important moment - Where to look for it. First you need to visit specialized events, meetings and conferences. You can search the investor through organizations and companies that cooperate with him and received start-up capital from it to the organization of the enterprise.

How to attract the attention of the investor

It is very important not only to find the ideal investor's ideal on all criteria, which will invest in business, but also conquer his attention and trust so that he has an interest in investing his money into a new or already existing project.

So, a few tips for the entrepreneur:

  • First of all, the entrepreneur himself must be confident in the success of his company and only then convince someone else in this.
  • The second task is to designate the target audience, that is, those who will be calculated by the product or service.
  • To identify several channels for the sale of products, and, in addition to the main options, alternative must be present. This will give additional guarantees and minimizes the risks.
  • To calculate who will bring the company the main profit, what will be the profit from the company's work, for how long it will pay off and what prospects are waiting for it in the future.
  • Evaluate competitiveness, that is, find out the weak and strengths Similar companies and how the new organization will be able to surpass competitors.
  • Draw up financial plan, competently distribute the budget of the enterprise.
  • Discussion in advance with the investor the conditions of cooperation.

Even if required small investment In a small business, you still need to make a lot of effort, and the action plan remains the same. But it is worth thinking if the cost of the project is not calculated by millions, whether someone is worth attracting, it may be better to do on their own.

Beneficial to investment industry today

Those who will invest in business are primarily interested in the industry, as far as it is in demand and promising. Favorable can be considered two types of enterprises, the first are those that pay off in a short time, the second - long time will bring high and stable income. And the best project is one that combines both options.

According to psychologists, people are divided into two types: an employee, whose recognition to execute the instructions of employers, and an entrepreneur who can organize his own business. But far from all enterprising people have a sufficient amount of funds needed to start their business. Therefore, it is often a question: how to find an investor for business, and experts and experience of businessmen will help to answer him who managed to find capital to start or develop an already operating enterprise.

The purpose of attracting investments

The best option to promote your own business is to attract our own savings, interest-free loan from relatives or good acquaintances. But often we are talking about serious influxulations, therefore, the question arises where to find an investor. Investing is financial investmentsaimed at implementing business projects involving a deferment of profit.

Most often, the financiers plan to obtain material remuneration, or part of a promising case, although even free sponsoring occurs. Recipients are needed for the following purposes:

  • implementation of a promising business idea (startup);
  • development and increasing assets of the working enterprise;
  • introduction of innovative technologies;
  • mastering new business horizons.

Modern business involves not a rapid profit, but is designed to perspect. Therefore, you have to talk about serious planning a few years ahead. In most people, capital holders are not engaged in charity, and they give money to get their part of profits as much as possible.

Investors of projects in Russia are most of the real professionals who understand modern business processes, so recipients must convince them in the profitability of the offer and show advantages over competitors.

Investing at different stages of implementation

There are portfolio proposals when capital is invested simultaneously in several business projects, and real intended to implement a specific idea. Depositors are private and public, involved, including owners foreign capitalBut the idea proposed for consideration should be wealthy. Not necessarily, so that the company will already give profit, although the source of investment depends on the development stage. Consider the main stages of a business project requiring financial injections.

At the planning stage

Special difficulties arise from novice businessmen offering startup at the planning stage. This means that there is still nothing but the idea itself, so the question where to find an investor for business from scratch is especially acute. If we are talking about a completely new product or a risky event, you can take advantage of venture investment offers, help relatives and private sponsors. Sometimes government programs come to help maintain interesting innovative products.

The project began work

For the idea that has already started working, the team is formed, but the first profit has not yet been received, venture capital funds engaged in promoting risky projects and dubious startups can give money to promotion. Foreign sponsors and private owners will also help.

The subject received the first profit

If the business project has already given certain results in the form of stable profits, investment components can be connected to the process. Will not refuse to invest venture funds, consider the issue of participation in promoting a working enterprise and banks.

Business is debugged and gives good profits.

Banking institutions, IF and VF will be financed with the pleasure of business projects that have already shown themselves as promising. They will not refuse to assist and foreign sponsors, since the risks in this case are minimized.

Investments are needed for the development of the work project

If the question concerns the established case demonstrating excellent results, find the investor is simply free enough. Moreover, financiers will fight for the right to invest in an already working enterprise. Entrepreneurs themselves can already declare the sale of shares. Take part in investment can, except for private owners, state-owned companies and organizations, including PF RF.

Where to look for money for startups

You can search for a sponsor at any stage of development if the progressive idea has prospects. Each financier, investing money in a new case, risks, so it must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe prospects and alleged profit. There are several options for finding investors for business.

Business incubator

Young entrepreneurs often enjoy the services of business incubators. These are organizations specializing in the "promotion" of novice businessmen who do not have means for the implementation of the startup. Beginner businessmen can count on paid office, postal and secretarial services, consulting services of specialists and assistance in attracting investments. Depositors will also offer advertising support, assistance in conducting contests and tenders. In Russia, several such institutions work, but the best can be considered:

  • business Incubator of St. Petersburg University of ISSMO, sponsoring beginners IT projects;
  • a business incubator created at the Russian Academy of National Economy, which financed over 100 startups;
  • business Incubator at the National University "Higher School of Economics" in Moscow, distinguished by a large number of programs and simultaneous promotion of a large number of business projects.

An organization of a business incubator can do any businessman or a secured person who has free capital to promote novice entrepreneurs.

There are three options for organizing a business incubator:

  • attraction of own savings,
  • participation in state programmas
  • help combined tools of several institutions.

Crowdfunding platforms

It is very popular among beginner entrepreneurs, which is a collective sponsoring of the recipient by a group of donors. Finance is directed as humanitarian aid or support to volunteer organizations.

The collective participation of investors in the project is also intended to obtain profits. On crowdfunding platforms find sources of financing political parties and public organizations requiring financial injections.

Venture funds

The text mentioned participation in the projects of investing venture funds. "Venture" translated from English means "risky enterprise". This means that VF is financing risky business projects, and large chances have innovative technologies and manufacturers of goods that have no analogs on the market. In the case of promotion, depositors get a good benefit. On the territory of the Russian Federation, several WF works consistently, but you can single out the three most stable:

  • Foundation for pre-sowing investment, created to support business entities. Engaged mainly by financing innovators, whose activities are aimed at developing science and modern technologies.
  • idealmachine - 1st Startup-Accelerator of the Russian Federation, supporting mainly startups. Investments occur in Internet projects and e-commerce.
  • Internet initiative development fund created to promote online startups and working entities.

VF is classified by the source of capital (private, state, private-state, corporate and foreign), in the direction of investments, the size of the portfolio, sectoral orientation and geographical coverage. In Russia, 30% of venture capital funds have government funds, and about 90% of them is in the central part of the country.

Investment funds

Investment funds are often used to attract investors in the project. This is another type of collective financing, when capital is formed at the expense of participants. IF receive a fee for the service provided, all of its participants also receive their part of the profits. During the work, the cost of assets is raised and increasing profits. In the TOP-3 Russian IF, created to invest promising business projects, includes:

  • FINAM offering additionally broker services and capital management.
  • A teleterade specializing in investing in Forex.
  • BCS Broker, which has novice entrepreneurs assistance in managing financial flows and offering personal advisor services.

Attachments in IF are popular today, but when it is selected, it is impossible to be mistaken. First of all, you need to know how much time the company works, what discounts and benefits offer shareholders. It is worth analyzing the level of profitability and mining funding funds, it is also necessary to ask for the conditions for the exchange and implementation of the share.

Private investors

Private depositors risk their own means, therefore claims part of the profits. Private traders come to the rescue if the idea is at the initial stage, and to receive state and bank financing is problematic. Unlike financial institutions, private financiers are not regulated, and interest on the loan is large, and not rarely capital is issued secured by immovable and movable property.

Find a conscientious person who is ready to lend money, complex and requires a competent approach. In this case, the risk of becoming a victim of "black investors", offering to become a member of one of the numerous deception schemes. You can protect yourself, attracting special sites.

The most popular of them in Russia are considered to be around, Zaymigo, Fingooroo, Kredbery and others. Their organizers are responsible for checking capital holders and take an active part in the design of contracts, reducing the risks of borrowers.

Public events

Search for a sponsor for your own business can also be involved in public events. Professional financiers are constantly visiting thematic forums, exhibitions, seminars, trainings and conferences, where useful dating are tied. There is a chance and to visitors of specialized forums presented in the Sails in a large variety.

How to make an investment offer

The key to the search for an investor for the startup is a proposed investment proposal. This is a document that allows us to estimate the prospects, and it is compiled on the basis of a detailed business plan, which is a detailed description and methods of implementation. When making a proposal:

  • describe in detail the essence of the startup;
  • make an estimate value;
  • indicate the market share and current revenue;
  • make a proposal about the share of the depositor.

Investholder will be interested in detail the factors described, allowing to achieve the goals. To obtain money, it is also necessary to consider and convey to it ways to implement the goods / services, data of companies and entrepreneurs who are planned to be attracted as intermediaries. The financier should also know about the estimated costs of organizing an advertising campaign and the results of a study of the demand for a promotable product.

What moments should consider when searching for a source of financing

Deciding with the playground for investment, and the possibilities for this are more than it seems, it is necessary to choose the properly to choose a capital savingiver. To get the missing amount, you need to go through several stages:

  • prepare a presentation for the investor;
  • make the right choice of the depositor, in the reliability of which you do not have to doubt;
  • to form and convey the proposal proposal in which profitability should be justified and advantages are allocated to competitors;
  • in case of interest, it is necessary to carefully prepare for a personal meeting, and you need to be prepared for the fact that during negotiations the recipient will be given a lot of leading issues, which will have to answer confidently.

The agreed agreements must be recorded in the form of a letter of obligations that the future cooperation agreement lands. Count on material support, the borrower can only after the conclusion of such a contract.


Thus, it is important for finding a source of financing to take into account the stage of business functioning, the presence of own savings and the missing amount. To speed up the search process, it is also necessary to find additional factors capable of improving investment attractiveness.

According to the results of the analysis of the situation, the site is selected, which is preceded by the preparation of a business plan and investment proposal. Relatives, private sponsors, venture and investment funds, crowdfunding platforms and business incubators become sources of business financing. Secure oral agreements with capital markets needed, concluding a contract.

Startap-Barometer 2018, conducted by a venture capital investor Alexei Solovyov, together with Fryraia and EY, the main problem of all Russian startups is a lack of money.

When literally all startups in the US innovative hubs attract venture capital and angelic investment, in Russia this market simply no, the authors of the study are noted.

Capital attraction is one of the most difficult tasks that gets up before the entrepreneur at the creation or expansion of the business. Most files are in complete ignorance as to how to look for investments: to whom to treat and how to present themselves.

Newbies often feed illusions about the uniqueness of their idea and believe that under its implementation you can get funds on the very first day of dating with a potential investor. But almost all attempts to attract funding in the early stages due to the fact that most startups are not yet prepared for third-party investment.

Are you ready to attract investment?

Before contacting the financial support of the investor, soberly appreciate your strength and answer the following questions.

  • Do you have a strong and experienced team?
  • Does your startup have a prototype or a working product?
  • Have you rated the level of demand for your product and market potential?
  • Did you calculate the business model and exit plans?
  • Do you already have customers?

If the answer to most questions is "no", then you are not yet ready to involve serious funds. Smart investors have long been money at the idea stage, when everything you can show is a presentation in PowerPoint.

Minimum set to attract the first investment

  • Presentation with the following slides: problem, solution, market size, product, trekshn, team, competitors, financial indicators, capital attracting and its use;
  • product prototype;
  • desirable yet waiting list From customers who are willing to purchase your product.

The best way to attract investments is to achieve results with its own.

In the early stages of development, it makes sense to conduct business with minimal costs and without attracting large investments. If you are unable to move from a dead point without third-party investments, then you are not ready for their involvement.

Investors are investing in strong entrepreneurs and teams. Business - American slides, in which they will be like victories and failures.

If you are able to overcome difficulties, tolerate defeats and crises and every time you take a job with new forces, then in the eyes of the investor you are much more attractive than a person with a good idea, but without a "combat" experience. Prove that you are worth something as an entrepreneur and can move without third-party help.

You cannot competently dispose of other people's money, without having real experience behind your back. And even if you are told in business trainings, which first of all you need to attract investments - do not listen! Otherwise, then you will suffer from what you lose money, and they will have to return them with interest.

Startup interferes beyond the lack of money, and your business experience.

The first sources of financing are friends and acquaintances

Attracting the first investment in the close circle of people - the method is not unique, but well-working. So you can attract your first three to five million rubles. Do not try to find one person who can close the whole amount. It is much easier to attract small means from several acquaintances.

Do not forget that getting loans from friends can lead to undesirable conflicts in the future. Therefore, be sure to register all the conditions "on the shore":

  • what will receive an investor if the project is successful;
  • what percentage you have to the investor, if it is a loan;
  • the investor risks if the startup does not succeed and you lose money.

Active social Promotion

At the beginning of 2019, the volume of cash savings of the population of the Russian Federation is almost 34 trillion rubles, of which six are cash stored literally "under the mattress".

This number does not include deposits and cash in foreign currency, as well as deposits in foreign banks. Thus, in the hands of private non-professional investors, there are no less money than business angels and venture funds.

High social activity can become a key driver's growth driver, and random dating - fateful.

Promotion on the Internet

Maintaining a blog on social networks on the startup creation process

This will help to find useful contacts and gather around the project of people interested in its development. You will also receive feedback and you can directly recognize the opinion of customers about your product.

Fedor Ovchinnikov, founder of Dodo Pizza, with the help of this method, attracted 80 million rubles to the development of pizzeria.

Creating a thematic blog correlacing with the topic of your startup

At the end of 2017, we created the partners with the Telegram channel "10 dollars of Buffetta" and began to assemble the community of people interested in the topic of investments around them. Soon we became one of the largest channels in this subject (\u003e 160 thousand people). We are read by people from different cities and countries, owners of investment funds, entrepreneurs.

One of the readers was a major investor whose capital, according to Bloomberg, is more than $ 200 million. For a long time he watched us and enjoyed our primary product. Soon we met, talked and told detail about our plans.

He studied everything in detail and decided to invest four and a half million dollars in the project. Thanks to the channel, we continue to get acquainted with a huge amount. interesting people, companies and foundations, partnership with which accelerates the development of our startup.

Communication directly with entrepreneurs in social networks

We live at a time when you write an entrepreneur or an investor in social networks It is not difficult. The minimum that you should have a good profile with an adequate description and photography.

To increase the number of touchs with people who could invest in you, hide two helpers on the remote. So you will not spend your time for primary communication.

Each of the helpers will communicate with potential investors in different social networks (for example, Facebook and LinkedIn). Make a script for communication to the moment they send a presentation about your project. If he interests someone, connect to communication you personally.

It is important to remember that you have only one message to interest a person.

It must be capacious and concrete. Write immediately that you have for the project, what a team, at what stage of development you are and what you need. Tell us about your potential and what kind of capitalization you will really be able to achieve.

Remember that almost any investor is looking for a startup that could increase its investment several times, and even better - to become a unicorn.

Buying advertising in entrepreneurs

In order to expand the funnel from potential investors, you can refer to advertising from entrepreneurs active in social networks. Advertising can also be asked to the Telegram and WhatsApp chat rooms that unite real entrepreneurs.

If you have a really cool product or startup, you may agree to advertise on the barter (your product as payment for advertising).

Publications in the media

The mention of your project in the media will serve as social proof for both investors and your customers. Look for the opportunity to publish. People trust large publishing houses, and if you say about your startup, you become more reliably in the eyes of potential investors.

After an interview with me was published in American Forbes, we received new bids from potential investors. In large Russian media there is a practice when the entrepreneur becomes the author of expert columns on various business themes.

Offline Net Maging

You are inside a start-up party to personally intersect with potential investors: attend meetings and sectoral events, find the opportunity to get into training centers and business communities. Often at such events I myself will acquire useful dating.

Each time, meeting new people, ask the contacts of their acquaintances, whom your startup could be interested.

Agree with people engaged in attracting investment

There are many entrepreneurs who earn that they help to find investment per percentage of the amount of attraction. You can find them on social networks.

Many of these people take fixes + percentage of attraction. In this case, be sure to check them: recognize who they have already worked with, ask feedback. There are a lot of "pseudo-consalters" on the market, which are beautifully spoken, but few can.

Making sure the competences of the found person, be sure to conclude a treaty with him. I register, for which he will receive Fix, what tasks will perform what kind of KPI will be.


In addition to the methods described above, there are many other ways to attract investment: seeding, accelerators, venture funds. The main thing is not to spray!

If you are alone, find a person in the team that will be engaged in attracting investment. So you can pay more time to create and develop the product.

You must clearly define:

  • what amount do you want to attract
  • what share to give
  • what is your grandilage.

For example, you can spend all your time for communicating with Russian venture funds, but in my experience, at the start it is not the best way.

  • They want a big share and give small sums At the sowing stages in Russia.
  • They will be tormented for a very long time and spend due Diligence. (You will have to invest a decent amount of money by developing a business plan, a financial model, market research). If you are just starting, then, most likely, you do not have such money.
  • They do not want to enter the first.

All this can delay for half a year. And it's not a fact that you will get the right amount by giving the desired share.

Be prepared to receive failures and treat it adequately. If you have a cool product and a strong team, then receiving investment is the question of time and the number of attempts.

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