
Where it is profitable to invest money - ideas for the right investment. Where to invest small money

It's nice to make a profit from the money that was earned earlier. To make money work, knowledge and understanding of the situation are required. There are methods of investment for newcomers and financial pros - we offer an overview of the most popular options.

The question is old as the world. Ideally arranged in my life a person feels only when removing decent amounts from a bank card, without doing anything for this. Receive profits from what earned earlier, and thus ensure the present and future - a sign of a person with a good head.

No need to consider the conclusions made in the article as a guide to the action - what turned out to be revenge for the author may not approach you. Choose the methods of earnings yourself, then the laurels, and the spikes with full right can only be considered yours. However, it will be useful first to come on how to earn today on earned yesterday.

Let's see what ways to receive income from the nested money exist, and let's try to determine the most profitable one.

Bank deposits

There is nothing easier. You pass your money to the bank and get a certain percentage of the deposit amount. Bank earns using your money.

A simple example. You put on a deposit a certain amount under 10% per annum. A year later, you get your money and 10% from above (which can be obtained by parts monthly). Credit rate in this bank is 20%. Thus, the person who will be passed on your loan to pay the bank for them 20% of the loan amount, and the Bank will earn 10% on mediation.

The scheme is simple, understandable, projected and most reliable. Other financial instruments cannot boast such predictability. Moreover, deposits over 700 thousand rubles are insured by the state and are guaranteed to return to the depositor, regardless of financial state bank. The amount of over 700 thousand can be divided into several deposits, confuse itself from the loss of money in the event of a bank bankruptcy.

Calculate income is easy to credit calculator Banking page on the Internet. With high reliability of the bank deposit, it does not allow it to consider low yield. The method is good for initial accumulation with the subsequent investment in more income areas, as well as a monetary "airbag".


Thus, the trader risks together with investors. Profits and losses are automatically distributed at the end of the trading period between the PAMM-account manager and investors in accordance with the Offer - a public contract, which sets out the conditions. The participation of the investor is thus limited to the choice of the manager and the investment in his PAMM account (see "").

The convenience of PAMM accounts is that the investment does not need to have special knowledge and the minimum initial threshold of investments. Disadvantages - a complete assistance of your own money to a third-party person and the inability to influence the result.


A slightly less popular way of investing capital. Pynes are a kind of financial battery where minor depositors are going (shareholders) and are used by managers for various kinds of investments in order to profit. These funds can be invested in stocks, bonds, precious metals, currency, etc.

Means do not just invest - they manage. Assets are bought, for example, at the time of the minimum price with informed confidence in the fact that the growth of their value is obligatory. To determine such a probability, use technical and fundamental analysis.

The economic situation in the world, the region, the news is the economic and political and the mass of other components, complex for the man in the world, is analyzed. The task of blows is to save a person from all these difficulties, to get their money and earn themselves on them and the inhabitant, which, earning in this way, is not necessary to be distracted from its main activity.

Perhaps the investor in the FIF will seek the case in some time and will begin to invest independently, but it will be another story. For successful investments, the "correct" effect should be selected. Recommendations for the choice are abounding on the Internet, and particularly interested in the training "Successful Investor" can be recommended, where you can learn the alphabet of profitable investment.

The benefits of the FIF can be attributed to a low investment threshold, a rigid state control of activities, professional management And the lack of taxation for the investor.

The disadvantages of the FIF are higher risk in comparison with fixed return tools, the costs of designing and storing certificates, payments for the management company, regardless of profitability and some others.


The action is a valuable paper that testifies to the share of the owner in the company's capital and the right to its owner on the part of the company's profits. What are the stocks and what their differences are written a lot. In comparison with other methods of investment, investing capital in shares in the long run most profitably, but also most risky. Investing in the purchase of shares makes constantly track the situation on the market, not allowing capital losses due to lowering the cost of shares in crisis times.


Bonds - debt papers that guarantee their owner receiving a certain amount of money from the issuer. Designed for those who do not like to risk. Large yield on bonds is impossible - usually it is comparable to the profitability of deposits.

As a profitable such tool cannot be considered, but as a way of diversifying investments is quite suitable. The term diversification means the distribution of investment capital between risky and reliable tools. Reliable (such as gold, deposits, bonds) with minimal yields allow you to maintain equity investing in them regardless of the market situation.


Forex (Foreign Exchange) is a market of interbank currency exchange at free prices. In fact, it is a speculation of various currencies. For example, by purchasing 100 euros for $ 130, after a while you sell them for 160 dollars, earning about it $ 30.

Trade on Forex currency pairs, as given in the example. The cost of currencies depends on many factors and is constantly changing. For example, the financial instability of individual states of the Eurozone (Greece, Spain, Portugal) leads to the fact that investors, fearing the decline in the euro course (this currency is needed to support financial Systems These countries), get rid of it. The volume on the Forex stock market is growing, the cost in relation to other currencies falls. On such fluctuations in courses and earn a forex.

You can, after studying, trading on Forex yourself, but you can trust your money to professional traders. The method of investment, despite the wide advertising, dubious. If you trade yourself, you have experience, knowledge, strategy, will - this is your method. But the statistics of an inefficient: states on Forex made units, and burned optimists - millions. So, to solve you.

Cumulative life insurance

Or insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances. From ordinary insurance differs from the fact that he combines health and life insurance with accumulation, preservation and increasing capital. Ordinary insurance implies the payment of a certain amount upon an occurrence insurance case, and when accumulative insuranceIf this case did not come in the course of the contract, it is possible to obtain the entire accumulated amount or monthly certain payments to the end of life. Naturally, such a method of investing means cannot be considered highly equal.

General Banking Management Funds (Offhouses)

The Offhouse is very similar to intrinsicities, but have wider investment functions. On the one hand, it expands the possibility of increasing yield, on the other - increases risks. There are cases of profitability of investments in the Offhouse up to 600% per annum.

A negative factor can be considered that, in contrast to the mutages, the Offhouse is much less controlled by the state. Sometimes the Offca finish with full collapse due to non-professionalism of the managers. On the Internet there are enough information about the work of the Offhouse. Recommendations for investing in the office are very restrained. It is recommended to invest the amount with which it is not very difficult to part. I think comments are superfluous.

Hedge funds

In Russia, a new and non-prolonged type of investment. At the present stage, this tool is available to a small group of wealthy investors. In the Western market, hedge funds are popular extremely popular. The minimum investment entrance is from a few hundred and up to a million dollars.

The absence of intelligible regulatory regulation allows you to freely choose the investment game strategies and use the widest investment toolkit. As a result, it is possible to be with super-profits, and suffer huge losses. A bright example of the hedge fund can serve as the famous QUANTUM Foundation, the brainchild of the genius of a financial game, managed once a day to get fantastic profit in a billion dollars.

Structural (structured) products

Represent a set of financial instruments proposed by investment and commercial banks for some categories customers. The structural products have been particularly popular during the crisis when the market situation required the search for reliable investment methods that could give revenues large than bank deposits.

The principle of structural product is simple: approximately 80-90% of investment capital is posted in bank deposits, and the remaining 10-20% are invested in futures and options. With the unfavorable development of events, the investor remains "with its", without losing anything, and with a successful investment, it receives a profit of 20-30%. Not a lot, but above the return on deposits.

By the way, a small, but stable yield is a sign of high professional professionalism. The genius investment Warren Buffett earns with its customers 24% per annum many years. The figure only at first glance is not impressive - only buffett can provide such a permanent yield.

Gold and other precious metals

For most wealth has a golden glitter. how favorable attachment Gold means can hardly be considered, even though the price for it has recently jumped significantly. During periods of crisis, gold helps to save savings. Investors are exempt at such times from shares, bonds and other products and acquire gold. When the crisis lets the economy, and there are profitable investment methods, the demand for securities is growing. That is why gold prices are growing in crisis periods, and then most often fall.

The property

Real estate is always beneficial for investment. By itself, it is constantly growing in price and, moreover, it allows to receive income from renting it. But the trouble is that the property is very expensive and can be considered as a way of investment only by very wealthy people. If you have a big capital, then investment in real estate can be considered as an option.

You can do with smaller money, if you invest in real estate at the construction stage. In this case, certain parts periodically have to make the cost of housing. It is necessary to calculate a specific option, if there is a possibility of payments and this will not affect the level of your life, then you can invest in the construction stage when the cost of the square meter is much lower than the built housing.


So, the main options for financial instruments are revised. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The principle is obvious: the more reliable the investments, the less their yield and vice versa.

The last option that is not yet described is your own business. What does the profitability of its own business depend on? Only from its owner. No one establishes rules and conditions: fantasy, performance, ingenuity is the key to the success of a businessman. Of course there are different external circumstancesaffecting business, but they are not critical and everything is in the hands of the owner.

Often, the correctly chosen business brings at least 100% per annum. In addition, you become a creator and a participant in an exciting process, in which almost everything depends on you. Together with his work, the person changes: you become stronger, more confident in yourself, in general, we grow as a person.

In addition, you have the possibilities of investment earned in various tools for additional income. In life, it is never possible to count on someone in the main way. You can only become the owner of your life yourself, no one. I did my choice: best attachment - own business. Join and wish you good luck!

Every advanced person thinks about what is better to invest money.

Demand generates a proposal and today the investor offers dozens of places where it is profitable to invest money may be a profitable idea. Let's conduct an overview of the most accessible and interesting options where money can be investing in 2019, compare their pros and cons, conditions and benefits!

Where to invest money - startups

Attachments in stock

Pretty longtime and classic way. You can invest in stock different ways Depending on the company. The average profitability of stocks fluctuates from 10 to 20% annual.

But there are exceptions, for example, NVIDIA shares in 2017 added 200%.

For those who have consisted on average, growth can be 5% per year. For example, Google, it has already been a huge business, imagine what he needs to do to increase the cost of 100% for half a year? It is almost impossible. But a small pizzeria is enough to open a couple of new restaurants and conclude profitable contracts in order to add 500% in a couple of months.

You can in practice to see how stocks on stock exchanges are purchased and sold. NASDAQ., Xetra, and others at the broker (minimum deposit for opening an account $ 500). There you can, Microsoft and more than 1000 companies from around the world.

In addition to those who have already consisted of billionth companies, new, the shares of which are quite cheap, but their potential as the price may increase thousand times. For example, the same Applewhen it was a small startup.

If you do not want to risk big money, but I want to make money on the promotions, the ideal option will be CFD contracts - this is trade in price difference.

It must be said that among the assets on the broker not only the shares, but also all currency pairs, indices and commodities, energy and others. Minimum deposit $ 200, and minimum transactions from 10-20 dollars.


Shares are able to bring good profits, leyings and are long-term investments.


The minimum stake can cost no small money, and the shares of unknown companies are quite risky.

Investing in metals

Buy physical gold The future is one of the long tradition of saving money. And nowadays, gold bars have in free sale in almost all banks of many countries, including in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Gold ingot may have a different weight, it varies from 1 gram to 1 kilogram. Each bank exposes its price to it.

Note that: Over the past 15 years, gold experienced a price boom, but since 2012, inexorably loses in price. To date, the future of gold, and investing in gold can only be long-term.

This precious metal will not lose its basic value, but not even a big drop in price can bring losses to the investor, because not only capital is lost, but also time.

A few years ago, Warren Buffett sold all his "golden" assets and did not lose. I think that in 2018 it is not worth a hurry with investment in gold, at least worth waiting until stability in the oil sector is established. If you look at the rating of the FIF (about this below), then you can see that for the years 2017, the bumps engaged in gold have already suffered losses.


Metals have a certain physical reserve, so no longer need to expect strong drops. Metals belong to long-term and reliable investments. Investments in metals are available almost to everyone who has an account in the bank.


The price of metals strongly depends on different economies. It is not worth counting on the big percentage of profits. When selling gold in the bank, it is necessary to pay a tax of 13%, this is the percentage that can be achieved over several years of investment.

Compared with bank deposits investment B. stock market They are considered significantly more profitable. Although no one guarantees real profit. It all depends on the status of the stock market at the moment. A foreign market for money and types of companies is an overseas market, where even children know about the promotions. Basically and are based on promotions. But in order to be successfully investing in stock, it is not enough to have money for the contribution, you need to understand well and be able to predict. For those who do not feel confidence in these skills - the best choice will be trust management.

Where to securely invest money - bank deposits

At present, the most popular way to preserve money from Russians is considered to contribute to a bank deposit. It causes more confidence in citizens than investment in investment funds. Perhaps this is due to the inertia of thinking, because during the time of the USSR, it was possible to invest personal funds only in Sberbank.

I would say that people do not invest money in banks, but simply go to storage . An exception can only be very large amounts.

Interest earnings by banking rates A small, on average 7-9% per annum, and the state insures up to 1,400,000 rubles every contribution from unforeseen circumstances.

Among the most reliable banks:

  • Sberbank (SBRF.RU)
  • Vneshtorgbank (VTB) St. Petersburg (VTB.RU)
  • Gazprombank (Gazprombank.ru)
  • Rosselkhozbank (RSHB.RU)

They offer not the largest, but stable and reliable annual interest: 7.25%, 7.4%, 7.4%, 8%. And yet, banks are such a place where everyone can invest money, but an investment is difficult to call. Only bankers can earn in the bank, and the depositor only to save its funds.


Pluses are that banks are relatively reliable, and you will accurately save your funds.


7-10% of yield do not justify itself, as the inflation rate is just at this level. It is difficult to call it an investment.

Where to invest money - FIF

The mutual investment funds are also one of the types of capital investment where it is profitable to invest money on the bank. FIves are created to attract investments with the purpose of trading for commodity and stock exchanges, as well as real estate operations. FIF for a long time was the most popular places where every person from the street could invest.

FIP there are several types

  • Open type effect - Here you can freely buy or sell Pai.
  • Interval type effect - Pai sell only after the expiration of a certain time.
  • Closed type effect - Do not accept deposits from private investors. Usually profits are paid at the end of the year.

PIF can be viewed as trust management - you buy pairs, and your money is managed by the company, as a result of which prices are growing. But as I said, in 2018 the risks are high. If you decide to invest in some kind of face, it should be investing not entire capital, but only some part. Pyp profitability ratings can be viewed on the pages:

  • http://pif.investfunds.ru/ratings/
  • http://www.nlu.ru/pif-doxod-renking.htm.

If you decide to invest money in the FIF, I advise you to carefully examine not only the company itself, but also the prospect of the market, as well as ask for plans, ask a question regarding the future of the governing market and make sure that they are confident in their actions and know how to act in different situations.

Manage the face of professionals, but the fall in prices cannot even stop them. In this case, you should not hurry to sell pairs. You need to wait until they rise again in price. In any case, to stay in the profit, the fund needs to invest in a long term in several years.

In order to earn and have the ability to make, you need to have a solid capital.

In most of the investment in successful blows begin from half a million rubles.

It should be understood that to invest safer simultaneously into several different bumps. Also, for a successful investment, you need to understand and understand the stock market, shares and the current state of the market, and other economic factors.


A good effect has high reliability, as regulated by the state. In successful years, profits can be up to 80% per annum. Limited risks depending on the specific conditions of each FIF.


Long transmission and receipt process. If you live in the city where there is a PIF, then investments will be extremely uncomfortable (signatures, documents, translations). In good face, there can be high minimal thresholds for investment.

Where to invest money - art

One hundred percent return is not such a big rarity on this free market. But to feel that it is who can have the greatest investment potential, only intelligent investors can only have a good taste.

250,000% per annum

The most reliable investments are investments in the famous artists of the last century. For example, the picture of Andy Warhol "Lemon Marilyn" was acquired in 1962 for 250 dollars. After 45 years she was sold for $ 28 million. 250,000% per annum.

Among modern artists, you should choose the most active, which are regularly exhibited in galleries and are advertised in every way. Pictures of such artists can be expected at 100-300% per year, despite the fact that the paintings of famous modern artists can be bought from 10-20 thousand dollars. It is worth saying that the main buyers of art are not lovers and collectors, but players of the financial market.

Some still do not know where it is profitable to invest money And how to make a profit from investments!

What you need to know about investments?

Where best to invest money?

What should be aware of where it is profitable to invest?

Investing money is always a risk.

Even the most reliable banks can go bankrupt, and get their tools back may be difficult.

It is not possible to avoid this 100%, but you can choose the most reliable place and make sure that even in the case of the collapse of the organization, you will get back what was invested.

What you need to consider a person, the first time inserting money:

    Do not invest all savings in one place.

    The investment must be in obligatory Documented.

    This is a mandatory measure that will allow you to get your money back in unforeseen circumstances.

    Pay attention to the deadlines.

    If you wish to get your funds earlier than the deadline specified in the Treaty, you can lose the accumulated percentage.

    Consult with friends and relatives, find out where it is profitable to invest money.

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10 ideas, where better to invest money

By investing money, you should consider several options and choose the best, suitable for you.

The best ideas where you can invest money:

    Suitable as an additional way to preserve and increase funds.

    Few know what mutual investment funds is and fear to invest their funds in them, but in vain.

    Income from mutual effects is medium, but stable.

    During the year - two can be obtained about 40% of the original amount.

    The property.

    Implementation in real estate is the best option.

    The price of real estate can grow and fall, but they always rise in the end, and the sale of an apartment at such a moment brings big profit.

    You can also leave an office.

    Own business - great methods Invest, save and multiply money.

    In order not to lose funds, you need to make a clear, the most detailed plan, weigh all the pros and cons choose the case that you have to do.

    Shares and securities.

    For a long period of time - about 5 years, invested money grows many times, but in order not to lose funds, it is necessary to have some experience in trade in securities, and have at least minimal financial knowledge.

    In order not to turn around, you should choose a manager who will do everything you need.

    Metals: gold, silver.

    To purchase ingots and coins, you need to contact the Sberbank of Russia.

    You can also purchase securities provided by gold, visiting stock exchanges.

    Attachments are highly efficient, however, it should be borne in mind that when selling gold ingots subsequently, it will have to pay a tax of 13%.

    Own site.

    Attachments in the creation of the site are not too high and justify themselves entirely.

    One, well-promoted site can bring up to 40,000 rubles each month, depending on the number of advertising placed.

    Venture fund.

    Venture funds today are considered a worthy alternative to other financial instruments.

    Attachments justify themselves, but it is necessary to wait for several years.

    Own development.

    A person who wants to increase his capital and earn big money, should never forget about its own development.

    Investments in this case are carried out in education, appearance, knowledge of the world - travel, seminars and trainings.

    A multilateral educated person will always find its place in the world.


    By purchasing and selling art objects: paintings, the first publications of books, antiques, you can make a lot of money.

    But for this you need to understand the values \u200b\u200bof things, be able to separate the grains from the whores, or resort to the services of a specialist.

Deciding whether much better invest money, It is necessary to calculate all the options for the possible development of events.

In order not to lose all your investments at once, in the event of a negative development of events, it is recommended to invest in several different directions.

The question of where to invest more profitable money is bothering, as a rule, those who are not familiar, or a badly familiar with the principles of increasing profits and methods of investment of funds.

Tips wishing to invest their money:

  1. It is necessary to think about the preservation and increase in funds necessary in those periods when everything is in order with finances, and the payment of a large debt is not hanging on the nose. Sometimes makes it makes incorrect actions.
  2. For six months, the amount should be accumulated, which will be postponed to the bank under interest. Why more sumThe more ultimately you can take off the bill.
  3. Always strive for financial freedom. Do not reassure yourself that today everything is fine, and nothing else is needed.
  4. If you have children, think about their future right now. On the name of the child, you can open a cumulative account, and put money before the onset of the age of majority.
  5. Once in three or four months, create a new source of additional income.
  6. Self effective methods Attachments remain the same from year to year. This property, investments in precious metals, and stock markets.
  7. Gold is most extremely in the ingots than in the form of numbers on the brokerage account. It is all possible to invest in gold indices in stock markets.
  8. Use the stock market as a means of investing and multiplying capital follows only if you are confident in your financial knowledge and abilities.
  9. It is best to think about ensuring your future aged 20-30 years. However, due to inexperience, it should be resorted to the help of specialists in order not to lose investments.

Investments without loss: Where to invest money?

Observing the basic rules compiled by investment specialists, a multiple increase in capital and reducing risk can be achieved.

The main rules of investment:


    Obtained by attachment cash Do not immediately spend.

    They need to invest in other projects, leaving for the necessary spending some percentage of profits.

    Do not invest the latter.

    If you put everything in the wallet, you can stay at all without livelihood.

    The main rule of successful investment is to act with the mind, and the investment of all recent means is a crazy deed.

    Care at the conclusion of transactions.

    Read all documents, demand the compilation of the contract and consult with experts.

    Investing money "in different baskets".

    One project will bring money earlier, another much later.

    To always make a profit, you need to calculate the means, and distribute them to different baskets - deep and lower.

Much the best to invest small sums money during the crisis

you will learn from the video:

Where it is profitable to invest money - features of investment in real estate

Real estate operations are most popular to date, rather than investment in mutual funds and funds.

Many acquire housing even at the stage of its development at the lowest price, and subsequently resell, getting a good percentage.

However, in this case there are several pitfalls and the risk to run into the unfair developer.

To get a maximum benefit from investments in real estate, one- and two-room apartmentsBut not three-room, because they are worse bought.

You need to buy apartments in small but developing cities.

Moscow and St. Petersburg better leave for local residents.

Sell \u200b\u200ban apartment in the capital will be very difficult.

To quickly find the buyer, you should make cosmetic repairs in the new building.

There are many answers to the question, where to invest more profitable moneyBut the correct answer everyone chooses for itself, in accordance with the possibilities.

One of the priorities of an independent person is to receive income expressed in the monetary equivalent. Such income (if from it, other taxes and expenses) can be active or passive. In the first case, in order to get your money, the employee performs certain actions in accordance with the requirements of the direct leader. The second option implies that income is the result of properly made investments (investments) into any project or business.

Investing funds in Russia is invariably connected with risk: the likelihood of losing them is great if not because of the actions of individual scams, then as a result of the next "surprise" from the state. Therefore, a citizen, reflecting where to invest money, should be especially carefully choosing sources of income. The safest and promising of them will be listed below.

The most profitable investment of money today

First of all, the future investor needs to decide which object of investment of funds from the most interesting to date today. It makes no sense to invest in the project, even the most fashionable and having an impeccable reputation, if it is incomprehensible or unpleasant: the only result of such an experiment will be an obsessive desire to "repel" their investments and get out of the game.

Council: Do not immediately get involved in exotic ideas. For example, a person, only a novice career of the investor, is unlikely to invest all accumulations in: such a business is not only risky (animals can get sick and die one-time and die), but also requires the arrangement of a separate room, which is associated with increasing costs. To make money on the project, undoubtedly, it is possible, but only having a "airbag" or other projects that allow in the case of a disaster to remain afloat.

So, by defining the goal and abandoning non-constructive ideas, a novice investor must decide where to invest money; It is best to choose any option from the next list.


Traditional bank deposit - if not the most profitable, then the most secure investment. Funds made by citizen on their own account are necessarily insuredAnd therefore, even with the collapse of the bank, the depositor will receive compensation, albeit not in full. The truth is not excluded, when the only means to restore justice will be of the statement to court, and how much time will take transitions from instance to instance, it is impossible to predict; But the chances of a favorable outcome are invariably high.

So, to make money on the deposit, you need to find a bank offering deposits on the following conditions:

  • high accrued percentage;
  • security Guarantee Deposit;
  • the opportunity to remove money at any time.

Important: You should draw special attention On the last item. If the bank offers an attractive interest rate, but at the same time prohibits the client to use the funds placed before the expiration of a certain period, this contribution is not suitable for obtaining a monthly passive income, although it can serve as a long-term investment object.

The most attractive for investors, according to the experts drawn up by the rating, are the following banking organizations.

№1 - " Tinkoff Bank» . Its main advantage - remoteness: Container maintenance is made only by phone or by the global network. Exception - Delivery plastic cardsrequiring personal contact of the courier and the recipient.

Terms of deposit in Tinkoff:

  • interest rate - up to 7% per year;
  • the minimum embedding size is 50,000 rubles;
  • percentages are transferred to the emitted plastic card;
  • the depositor can replenish the score or partially take money from it.

№2 - "Sovcombank". Functions since 1990 and is included in the top 20 of the country's largest banks.

Deposit Terms in Sovcombank:

  • interest rate - up to 7.6% per year;
  • period of accrual - once in the calendar month;
  • the minimum embedding size is 30000 rubles;
  • interest is paid at the end of the deposit period, but partially persist when early termination contracts;
  • the contribution can be replenished, but you can not remove money from it.

№3 - "UniCredit Bank". The European organization presented in Russia has been in 25 years. The largest bank remaining banks with foreign capital.

Conditions of the deposit in UniCredit Bank:

  • a ruble interest rate - up to 8.35% per year;
  • dollar - up to 3.23% per year;
  • in euros - up to 0.20% per year;
  • period of accrual - once in the calendar month;
  • the minimum amount of investments is 50,000 rubles.

Important: The current legislation does not prohibit a citizen to have deposits at once in several banks. The main thing is the availability of starting agents and legally impeccable design of the contract.


The essence of the shared investment fund, or the FIF, is a joint management of investments that make up each participant of the Foundation, which decided to invest in one or more projects. Accordingly, all the property of the PIFE consists of proportional parts - paws.

Advantages of investing in FIF:

  • registration in accordance with the current legislation;
  • legal security of each of the parties;
  • high liquidity due to the constant presence of assets in the market.


  • lack of guaranteed profits, and sometimes unprofitability of the Fund;
  • the possibility of fraudulent actions by the managing means.

Despite the high liquidity and potential profit to 50% per year, participation in The pee is difficult to call a beneficial investor to the novice investor: Depending on the terms of the contract, it can get the right to sell his Pai at any time (open fund), at certain periods (interval) or at the end established period (closed). The first option is less common and is usually associated with the greatest risks; A citizen thinking where to invest money to make a profit in the short term should pay attention to others - more "fast" projects.


Principle of Forex Market (Foreign Exchange, Exchange foreign currency) It is very simple: the depositor (merchant, player) makes money, guessing the fluctuations in courses in the currency pair chosen by him (for example, the dollar / euro): buying $ 1,500 for 1,200 euros, it may later sell them for 1300 euros The income of 100 euros is about 7,000 rubles today. In addition to currency pairs, a person seeking an object of profitable investment of funds can guess fluctuations in courses of various shares or valuable metals.

Important: To profit on Forex, you need to conclude an urgent (for 10 minutes, three hours, day or week) a deal for a fall or a rise in the course of the pair. The transaction can be imprisoned as the entire volume of funds available (extremely not recommended) and any specific amount. After the specified term, the investor who has made a faithful bet, receives his gain and the percentage bonus from the broker.

And the advantage and disadvantage of investment in trade in forex is unpredictability: Even the most experienced investors cannot argue with complete confidence that the course will go up or down. Depending on the crossing of a plurality of random factors, including changes in external and internal politics, the player may receive or a huge profit for one transaction, or remain not only without money, but also with finally spoiled nerves.

Council: Do not immediately invest significant funds in forex trail. To evaluate the possibilities of the market, it is enough to invest minimum of money; Then, with a satisfactory result, the amount can be gradually increased.


PAMM-account (Percent Allocation Management Module, the percentage distribution module) do not differ much from mutual: the manager (manager) offers people who think to attach money to become co-investors of the project; In case of good luck, each of them can receive income, proportional to the share in total capital. The difference is exactly in the control method: pAMM account activity on all over its existence controls one personreceiving for its efforts up to 50% of the revenue profits depending on the total volume of investment and terms of the contract.

It is difficult to say how profitable to invest in the PAMM accounts; The amount of income (both the total and each of the project participants) depends on the talents and the conscientiousness of the manager, as well as from the set of random factors.

Council: As in other cases, the potential investor is not recommended to invest all money in the PAMM account: even with a favorable coincidence, the profit will be relatively small - less than in more risky enterprises. It is better to divide free funds into several parts: for short-term, long-term, more and less reliable projects.


Investing in precious metals (gold, platinum, silver) is one of the most popular ways of obtaining passive income in Russia. A citizen thinking where to invest money can how to buy bars (keep them, of course, better in bank cells), so acquire futures or become the owner of an impersonal metallic score. In part, the acquisition of jewelry and jewelery includes this option.

The main advantage of money investment in precious metals is a steadily high price for them: If necessary, an investor can simply realize his property, receiving a little less or more than paid.

Stability - at the same time and the main disadvantage of investment: Metal courses fluctuate so insignificantly that the player's big momentary income will simply be able to get a big momentary income.

Council: Do not neglect the opportunity to invest money in precious metals. In the long term, this is at least creating a "airbag" for an investor, and with serious changes in the market, the probability of which is always different from zero, will become an important source of income.

The property

As in the case of precious metals, investment in real estate Called to ensure the income to the income rather in the long run. Although fluctuations in the real estate market are usually significant, it is unlikely to expect sharp drops or surgery. For a person who is thinking where to invest money, and having a suitable amount (housing, as is known, it is worthwhile), investing in real estate - the way to earn not only on the next sale of the facility, but also for renting it. According to experts, on average passive income The landlord is 10-15% per year. Thus, the payback period constantly located in the operation of the facility is 6-8 years.

Council: One of the most simple ways to make money on real estate - purchase housing certificate In the house under construction. When the object is ready for delivery, the investor can sell it at a higher price or use the document in kind - for example, passing new apartment For rent.


Investing money in cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Lighthouse, Etherumer and others - the range today is just huge) - quite risky, but also perspective way. In essence, this is the same speculation on the stock exchange: the goal of the buyer of any currency is to purchase it cheaper and then waiting for growth, sell more expensive; The difference in purchases and sales and will be income.

The advantages of investing in cryptocurrency:

  1. Significant course fluctuations, giving depositor the opportunity to sell or acquire the necessary amount on as favorable conditions as possible.
  2. CryptoDengi can be obtained and without making purchase and sale transactions - by mining (using computer computing power).
  3. "Transparency" of transactions and translations of certain types of currency (in particular, bitcoine), which protects each of the parties to the transaction from the unfair action of the counterparty.


  1. The complexity of entry. The price of the most famous cryptocurrency, bitcoine, in seven years has grown from a few cents to several thousand dollars. It goes without saying that a new investor looking for where to invest money is now much more difficult to become the owner at least one bitcoine than in 2011-2012.
  2. Unpredictability. Cryptovalum courses are not regulated by anyone: they are possible both sharp jumps and unexpected decals, capable of exhausting the nerves no worse than the game on Forex. A man, yesterday I bought the cryptophone for 11 thousand dollars, it would be extremely difficult to accept the idea that today it is already 8 thousand, and tomorrow, for all forecasts, its course will fall on a thousand-friend. But it will become even sadder when, after a hurried sale at a reduced price, the currency will again begin to actively grow, reaching a record 12 thousand dollars per unit. The ability to experience such failures is the main condition for a long and fruitful presence in the cryptocurrency market.
  3. Horificatory mining. If a person, reflecting, where to invest money, decided not to buy cryptocurrency, and get it independently, he will have to spend money on the mining equipment; In addition, no cheap cooling plants will be required. We should not forget about electricity accounts - the main and only moving force of the process. Of course, theoretically you can use your own personal computer, but its computing power will not allow to get substantial profits.

Council: Investing in new cryptocurrencies can be a more profitable option. While the course is weakened, there is a chance to acquire a conditional unit at the minimum price; Then, depending on the circumstances, the currency may grow, and then the buyer will be in winnings, or stall - in this case, it is not necessary to especially regret the minimum investments.

Opening of business

Another option, at least in the early stages, not promising passive income, or otherwise join the world of business. At the same time, it is not necessary to become the owner of the whole matter: you can cooperate with familiar or friends or buy a share in the already functioning project. It all depends on the imagination and ambitions of the novice investor, as well as the presence of the required amount.

It is quite logical that the main danger of opening its own enterprise is the likelihood of rapid collapse for a number of reasons:

  • a young business could not withstand competition;
  • investor made rude financial error Or went to the offense and as a result, remained without funds or lost freedom;
  • it turned out to be a lot of tax burden.

Based on these considerations, a person who does not cease to think where to invest money, better at least at the beginning of the way, combine forces with like-minded people or find an experienced consultantwhich will help solve the problem of problem arising during the design, registration and functioning of the project.

However, there is not everything smoothly: both companions, and consultants may be unreliable, incompetent people, and even conventional fraudsters who are gathering to assign money invested in the project. In such a situation, talk about favorable investments Do not have: after finding a deception, all the forces of the unlucky entrepreneur will be aimed at eliminating financial problems or wanted by the facial money.

Council: Do not trust the cases to unfamiliar people, no matter how tempting their suggestions. It is better to use the services of qualified, respected specialists, even if the profit promised by them is an order of magnitude less: an investor can at least be sure that his money will not dissolve without a trace, but will work, bringing although not too big, but stable income.

Investing in yourself

You can go and other way, putting money not in business, precious metals or forex, and in self-development. In fact, a person who does not have due competence, even in the presence of a good starting amount, will not be able to achieve impressive results, and, most likely, sooner or later spends accumulation, making one or several rapid acts. To avoid misunderstandings and mistakes, you need, not relying time and money, get the necessary knowledge and skills: to pass training courses, independently explore the topic, acquire special programs and equipment.

Of course, at first glance, this may not seem reasonable attachment, but a person who owns useful informationMost likely, it will cope with an unexpected problem or chronic difficulties (for example, the peculiarities of domestic taxation).

Council: In addition to obtaining new knowledge, a novice entrepreneur would not bad in their own appearance. The money spent will pay off the opportunity to successfully communicate with people, which means it is to conclude contracts more favorable and legal point of view, in parallel to finding permanent business partners.

Art objects

It is difficult to say how strongly and under what conditions will the cost of art items acquired by the investor, be it antiques or masterpieces of young authors. And if in the first case the investor can at least count on what the money will be returned by selling a picture or a statue at par, then the most likely outcome of the second is the obscurity of the Creator and the loss of the buyer.

A citizen who decisive where to invest money it will be useful to remember the legal risks of the acquisition of art objects: They may be calm, having another legitimate owner or at all are fake.

Council: In order not to be in an unpleasant situation, the investor is recommended to use the services of experts specializing in the right industry of art history. This will allow not only to identify the fake, but also not to make nonsense when buying a work of a beginner author.

What should not invest your money?

Theoretically bring profits can any case, the organizers of which do not directly notify potential investors about their criminal intentions. The question is in the luck of the depositor, the legality of the actions of both parties and the future perspective.Someone managed to get income on financial pyramidsoh; For someone, it can turn into collapse and attachment in quite legal mutual mutual mutual piths.

Still risk, especially for the entire amount available at the disposal, is not worth it. A person who is just beginning to invest money is urged to spend funds for participation in various pyramids built on the involvement of new investors.

You can distinguish knowingly unreliable projects according to the following signs:

  1. Depositor promise too profitable terms. Profit 60% per year or the opportunity to get a couple of millions per bet is certainly attractive, but little realistic. It is impossible to completely reject the likelihood of unexpectedly obtaining a large amount of money (what then to do with lotteries?), But also to trust overly tempting proposals that have no basis for them, should not.
  2. Obsessive, very aggressive advertising. A bright example is countless online casinos: even people who are completely not fond of gambling are familiar with the work of their marketers. To a lesser extent, this applies to financial pyramids: their solidity advertising is often not inferior to the proposals of the most respected banks.
  3. Placement of assets in the offshore. Also not one hundred percent indicator, but the desire to minimize the tax burden is not a sign of the desire to deceive depositors.

Council: Instead of ignoring offers at first glance, dubious companies, the potential investor is better to make efforts and understand the scheme of their work. It may turn out that in fact everything is much easier and more transparent, and make a profit from participating in the project quite real.

What amount can you start investing?

Immediately answer the question is impossible. It all depends on the selected contributor of the business of the business, its prudence and elementary luck.

The amount for which most of the modern experts advises is advised - 100 thousand rubles. It is quite enough for investments in art, precious metals or cryptocurrency. Accuming more, you can try your strength in real estate operations or open your own business.

A smaller amount is also not a problem: its owner may well open a bank deposit, hold a couple of transactions on Forex, invest money in gaining knowledge or improving your own appearance.

Each investor (as a beginner and quite a long time engaged in investments) must be kept somewhat simple tips in the head:

  1. It is important to take care of the "safety pillow" - Money that can be used with the loss of invested funds. The recommended amount amount is equal to the average expenses of the depositor for six months. For example, if a month, a person spends 50 thousand rubles, the "airbag" should not be less than 300 thousand. Where to take the necessary money, the investor must think: it is unlikely to help, but to postpone the definite amount from each wages quite real.

Council: "Airbag" can not just keep at home, but to place on the long-term deposit, preferably - with the ability to remove funds as needed.

  1. No need to invest all the money in one thing. Obviously, with the collapse of the business, a failed investor will remain or completely without funds, or with minimal compensation on hand. It is better to divide the sum of three to four parts, at least one of which should be invested in a long-term project. The rest can be disposed of at their discretion, not forgetting, of course, about caution.
  2. It is necessary to assess the risks in advance. No one wants to think about the unpleasant, but it is better to be ready for a difficult situation (and keep a "airbag" with you) than to be supplied before the accomplished fact. A competent investor planning a profitable investment must be concentrated on the negative side of the case: otherwise, everything can end not only by ruin, but also attempts to get out of the debt pits, or even a real prison term.

Council: Do not neglect consultations of specialists. For the investor, it will be much more painless to spend a certain amount and further imagine all the possible minuses and advantages of the enterprise than trying to understand everything yourself, losing precious time - and therefore money.

Video - Where to invest money without risk?

Let's sum up

The investment in order to obtain passive income is always associated with the risk of losing the money invested, but at the same time it is able to bring a person a stable profit, the size of which depends on the efforts of the investor chosen by the scope of activity and the coincidence.

The main thing is not to forget about the rules of financial security and in advance to evaluate the prospects, including legal, each transaction committed: so the investor will be able to avoid disappointments and stay in a plus, multiple gaining its accumulations.

    • Rules of experienced investors
    • Option number 1. Bank deposit
    • Option 2. Investing in the stock market. PIFES.
    • Option number 3. Investing in the foreign exchange market
    • Option number 4. Investing in real estate
    • Option number 5. Investing in an apartment rental house
    • Option number 6. Investing in a business project
  • 5. Conclusion

You decided to earn a fortune, but do not know where to invest money so that they work and probably brought income? Are you tormented by doubts, overcomes indecision? Believe it is normal. Each millionaire passed through it.

Perhaps this article will help you find the point of the support and become a new life path. The experience of many rich people who achieved success thanks to bold and wise investment solutions is accumulated here. You will learn about the time proven ways of favorable investment and will be able to "try" these ways to ourselves, learning to other people's examples, errors and achievements. We will analyze in detail in the article where to invest money so that they brought high percent yield.

Rules and ways where you can invest money so that they work

1. Investing cash in order to profit - rules and recommendations of investors

Going into this navigation, you need to choose a loyal course, so as not to jump on the reefs and melels, the newcomer is also necessary at the very beginning of its path to determine the direction that will provide him with maximum return and minimum risks.

At the same time, we should not forget the capital truth: who does not risk, there is no chance to earn. And another gold depositor rule: large risks are proportional to great profits.

However, that the risks are justified, the first investments must be investing not in the bank, not in stock, not in precious metals, and ... in yourself . This means that the novice capitalist needs to master the necessary knowledge of money and tools to work with them. Only armed with theory, you can prevent many risks in the practice of investment.

Rules of experienced investors

Rule 1. Creating a financial pillow - an indisputable investment condition

One of the Taba of an experienced investor is to influence without having a reliable financial base. In this case, it is not about bank deposits that are not profitable, but rather a savings tool.

Such financial "rear" is created by monthly postponation of money or selling expensive property.

Let's say if you are used to living in the amount 100 thousand rubles per month, before starting investing you must have a minimum 600 thousand rubles. Without a financial pillow, only the one who has a passive income has.

- Financial flows that do not require daily efforts (profit from business, leasing real estate, dividends on shares).

Rule 2. Diversification

So that cash investments work efficiently, distribute them on various investment instruments and preferably at different sectors of the economy.

Recall the housing example with a basket of eggs. If it is a leaf, then all eggs will break. Therefore, dividing your money and putting them into different-replicate spheres (companies), you will not stay on the beans, if one of these areas (companies) becomes unprofitable. The rest of your investments are "elongated" your funds, not allowing "go to the bottom of the" whole capital.

Invest, let's say 30 % funds to the bank, 30 % in the oil and gas sector, 3 0 % in the production sphere, and 10 % - in food. In this case, all tools of your investment portfolio - promotions, renting real estate, profitable business, bank deposit - Will be resistant to market metamorphoses.

Keep in mind that you can buy real estate and thanks to maternal capital - all about maternal capital 2016-2017 .

Rule 3. Keep all possible risks under control

Without losing, we will not earn - with this condition you have to put up to all investors. But at the same time, experienced financiers try to dispose of it with their own means to lose as little as possible, and earn as much as possible.

The beginners are peculiar to overestimate their strength and smoke hot. They want a lightning blitzkrig - and often turn out to be overboard. Money does not like hurry and aggression.

Art of investments - It is primarily thoughtful, suspension and gradual - Step by Step - Promotion.

It is necessary to act according to the principle: from simple - to a complex, from conservative - to the avant-garde. Start, say, with thousands of dollars and put it in that sphere in which you are well understanding (we recommend reading -). Celebrate from the adventure with busy at the percentage money, putting them in one actively advertised, but rather foggy "Delz".

All this can end full financial fiasco, burdened by a low loan burden.

Recommended! Do not hurry: Ostap Bender is not a gift resembled his impatient partner that "Soon only cats are called." Remember how carefully the great combinator itself is carefully your strategy to achieve a cherished goal.

Rule 4. Look for Sinvestors: It will multiply your capabilities.

Combining your efforts with other investors and creating a "common boiler", in the language of financiers called "Pill" - you will achieve the maximum return on investments.

Suppose you turned up a promising project or an attractive investment tool. And you have free money this moment Not enough. The most reasonable thing in this case is to attract those to this case to those investment idea Also will have to do, and together with them to invest in the parity principle. (We recommend reading --)

Today, the popular topic for investors has become pAMM-account. We are talking about the transfer of its assets in trust management professional manager (trader)which is successful financial operations Gets a percentage as a remuneration. In case the trader management turns out to be ineffective, work with it is terminated.

If such a PAMM account creates several investors in a fold and give their pum into trust management, risks on losses are distributed on all - proportional to the invested amounts.

The following investment scheme, investors, sacrificing a minor percentage of their funds (usually - 10-20 % ), significantly multiplied their income and reduce the risks.

Rule 5 Creating passive income is no less important than the multiplication of assets

According to the famous American entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki, passive income is the key condition of financial freedom. According to him, assets are not only income generators (rent, investments, business), but also its absorbers (houses, cars, obligations).

Therefore, to get rich, it is necessary not only to enjoy assets, but also master the lever, allowing you to get these assets again and again. This feature performs passive income.

Consider this rule on a visual example. Suppose you have invested 50 thousand rubles and a year later received 75 thousand rubles. Thus, your money produced 30% of profits. But you have no guarantee that another time you earn the same. After all, this "Navar" significantly exceeds banking, and therefore risks in such a way of earnings are much higher. In the case of force majeure, you threaten the loss of most of your capital or even the loss of the entire invested amount.

Now imagine that you have created your passive income for the same 50 thousand rubles. It brings you a stable 1.5 thousand rubles per month, or 18 thousand rubles a year. You can now make a loan of 50 thousand rubles to use it as an investment. In this case, your passive income will be a reliable guarantee Return loan.

2. What amount can you start investing

If you want to start investment activities From a bank deposit or purchase of shares, it is suitable any amount. You can start at least hundreds of dollars.

If you have not yet acquired the starting capital, start postponement monthly 10-15 % from their income. This is a simple way to create a financial reserve that will increase as your income grows. So you will develop a very useful habit - to control your expenses without increasing them as money accumulates.

A bright example of finance handling can be Mark Zuckerberg. This millionaire is distinguished by the Spartan lifestyle. Sleeps the rich on the mattress, unfolded on the floor. From the furniture, only the table and chair purchased. Founder Facebook, Zuckerberg does not have access to the Internet.

And this is not a single case of tough economy in the medium of people more than prosperous. In a secular chronicle, there are enough jokes about the "greedy" millionaires walking in torn socks that save the used tea bags and a carrots that are satisfied for breakfast.

However, the fact that in the language of the ordinary is called "greed" millionaires and billionaires call "competent savings". The most successful of them is better than anyone learned the science to live by means.

Strive to achieve a balance between your income and expenses - and you can become one of them.

3. Where to invest money so that they work: 5 options for profitable investment

Today, novice investors have a mass of temptations. The Internet is shot with paid special courses, which are wonderful transformation in a millionaire for a couple of days, just follow their recommendations where to invest money and when to wait for profits.

However, often similar "plague" recipes - nothing but a veiled scam, designed for people of naive and dads on a slight profit.

You should get acquainted with the classical investment methods. They will allow you to invest your savings into understandable tools, which will lead you to predicted income and save from excessive risks.

Option number 1. Bank deposit

This method is the most popular, but its income is minimal. But he saves money from and inflation, especially if it comes to small deposits. Usually in banks, the deposit conditions differ significantly. In this case, each finching provides customers with several types of deposits.

Optimal is the interest rate on the deposit, the size of which is not lower than the refinancing rate. In this case, the deposctor's money threaten nothing. Today in Russia there are many banks whose interest rate reaches 10-12 % . Sberbank is traditionally considered the most reliable finachery, although it does not have a high percentage of deposits

Many banks provide customers with the opportunity to open contributions in any currency: ruble, euro or dollars . In some, it is even possible to open metal deposits ( silver, Platinum, Gold). Such an account owner has income when raising prices for precious metals. True, it is not guaranteed, since prices for precious metals can and decline.

For reliability it is recommended to discover the contribution not in one, but immediately in several solid banks. Unfortunately, no finicing is insured against bankruptcy. But banks are not at the same time. The weakest link in banking system are small banks.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if the Bank loses a license, insurance payment The contribution is equal to a million rubles, i.e. Amount B. 1 000 000 rubles You will definitely get from the state. This guarantees customers of a ruined bank compensation for their funds if the deposit amount did not exceed the insurance.

Advantages and disadvantages of investment in a bank deposit

The advantages of the bank deposit (+):

  • availability and simplicity;
  • low risks;
  • high liquidity (there is always the opportunity to pick up money);
  • the threshold for investment is minimal (sufficient amount per thousand rubles).

Disadvantages (- ):

  • low profits;
  • loss of income in case of early removal of funds.

Option number 2. Investing in the stock market. PIFES.

Stock market - This is the place of sale valuable papers: shares, futures, bonds, etc.

This is an extensive field of activity for those who have free assets and is counting on large income, while taking into account multiple risks that melt in stock market operations.

In the duration of money investment in securities, investors are divided into long-term, medium and short-term (speculators).

The first type (long-term) includes investors who make purchases for several years based on the long-term perspective. The cohort of these depositors includes the most successful investor in the world Warren Buffett.

Medium-term acquires securities for several months or weeks, and short-term kept purchases from a few weeks to a couple of minutes.

You can independently manage your investments, but you can contact a reliable brokerage company or entrust the deeds to the trader. In addition, there are mutual investment funds (mutual mutual), where money is investing.

Let us dwell on the new form of collective investment for Russians.

FIF. - These are funds of several investors who combined their securities into one investment portfolio and transferred them to the confidential office of the manager.

Pypnes are open, closed and interval.

With the open fund Investor (depositor) can sell or buy your Pai on any day at interval - only within a certain time (several times a year), and with closed - exclusively at the completion of the project.

As investment tools in the PiF can act: cash, bonds, shares, real estate. The most popular funds of mixed investment.

The incomes of shareholders are determined by the increase in the cost of their shares, which can both grow, and decrease depending on the oscillations of the market value of securities. Therefore, shareholders carry the risk of losses, because the profitability of the foundation is not provided by its management company or the state.

Each FIFA depositor receives income exclusively when reverse the implementation of its shares. If growing market value Shares or bonds located in the Fund are growing and the cost of shares. At the same time, the activity of the management company is controlled by the FCCB, so that shareholders cannot "dissolve in the fog." In the event of a bankruptcy of the management company, the PAUTION Fund does not "evaporate", but is transferred to another company.

To compensate for spending related to the issuance and repayment of shares, usually entered supplement to the cost of shares when issuing them and discounts upon their repayment. The allowance for the acquisition of shares practically reduces the number of feces recorded in the shareholder registry. And the discount cuts monetary sumissued to him in the event of a repayment of feces. This is the direct share of the shareholder. Maximum value of the surcharge not exceed aet 1,5 % from calculationetc. Maximum discount no higher 3 % From the estimated value of the share.

Due to the property of the Passion Fund paid cash rewards management company, depository, registrar, appraiser and auditor. The amount of them is no more 10% from the annual cost of the assets of the FIF. In addition, investors pay taxes from their income obtained in the Fund. Residents of the Russian Federation pay tax at a rate of 13%, non-residents - 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of investment in mutual effects and stock market

Advantages (+):

  • a small size of the starting investment (from thousands of rubles);
  • a wide range of investment instruments;
  • a rather high percentage for each reporting period;
  • obtaining dividends;
  • independent compilation of an investment portfolio that allows you to relate risks with projected yield;
  • information openness: management Company Regularly publishes full reports on its activities.

Disadvantages of investment in the stock market and mutual effects (-):

  • the complexity of the investment procedure;
  • large risks (no 100% yield guarantee);
  • the need to acquire special knowledge in case you have to manage the investment portfolio on your own

Option 3. Investment in the foreign exchange market

The English word "FX-Market", or "Forex" (in Russian Forex), is called the global currency exchange market. It converts all types of currencies. This is a real klondike for speculators traders committing most trade operations In continuation of the day. This allows some of them several times to multiply their capital literally in a few weeks. We recommend reading what kind of forex is and how it works in. From the article, you will learn whether it is possible to earn and do it really do without investments.

However, on Forex you can make it quickly and many, so overnight, everything is lost. Huge risks always accompany here a crazy luck. Sphere currency deposits Fortical exclusively to professionals with deep knowledge of finance. If you want to learn more, how to trade on forex market, then read.

Smiling fortune on Forex also emotionally sustainable personalities. Therefore, the first to lose their money here newbies. They, as a rule, quickly flirt and rarely return after the first serious failure. Only those who believe in good luck are distinguished by zeal, iron discipline and vigilance.

We advise! It is necessary to extremely carefully treat numerous forex brokers proposals. Among these companies there are many people who conclude a contract with you are not going to withdraw on real market Your trading deals. As a result, all your money smoothly flows to their accounts, and you will stay in fools.

So that this does not happen, before accepting the responsible investment solution, well "Conduct the Soil": do the monitoring of customer reviews, visit the office brokerage company, get acquainted with the leadership - Word, make sure the assistant you have chosen really tastened.

Advantages and disadvantages of investment in forex

Advantages of money investment in Forex (+):

  • a small amount for the entrance (from hundreds of dollars);
  • the ability to earn a lot and quickly;
  • wide selection of foreign exchange pairs for trade transactions.

Disadvantages (- ):

  • need for special knowledge and technical skills;
  • extremely large risks

Option number 4. Investing in real estate

As an investment instrument, both commercial and residential real estate can act as a commercial water object, ship, land plot, aircraft and even spacecraft (in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It is clear that the more expensive real estate, the bigger profit it will give, but at the same time will require an investor and greater literacy.

Advantages and disadvantages of investment in real estate

Advantages (+):

  • the ability to have passive income due to the delivery of real estate for rent;
  • the ability to make well for real estate;
  • the right way to maintain cash during inflation;
  • opportunity target use Material assets (real estate - are square kilometers on which you can place your own business or use them for living).

Disadvantages of investment in real estate (-):

  • a fairly high level of entry (from hundreds of thousands and more);
  • low liquidity level (difficult to quickly implement without a tangible value loss);
  • exposure to injuries and even loss (natural disasters, accident, damage for unscrupulous tenants), which requires the allocation of additional funds for the insurance of material assets.

Option number 5. Investing in an apartment rental house

In general, this is a type of investment in real estate, but it is worth it separately because of the many features of such an investment scheme. Unlike the usual investment in housing, which later you can resell, attachment to an apartment rental house allows you to start making a profit after 2-3 months and reach cash flow in the amount of 100-300 thousand rubles per month.

The meaning of such an investment scheme is that you acquire or rent a big house, divide it to apartments and start to rent all the housing for rent separately. The scheme brings much more profit than the delivery of the whole home of one family. Of course, such a way of investing requires preparation and careful planning. We advise you to use our free business plan on how to create apartment house And start making money on it.

But you and only you will define directions cash streamsWhat will ensure the maximum return on them. No wonder, many financiers believe that investing in their own business - the main condition for its rapid lifting and heyday.

Attachment to your business - profitable and proper investment

Advantages and disadvantages of investment in their business

Advantages (+):

  • the ability to effectively build business processes and their regulation due to cash lever;
  • the ability to easily and quickly find the co-investors and thus attract solid capital into business;
  • advantages in obtaining a loan compared to other investment.

Disadvantages of investment in their business (-):

  • large risks in conditions market competitionrequiring business insurance;
  • low liquidity: Many assets, such as equipment, are difficult to implement without significant loss of time and money;
  • the possibility of losing the share in business when co-investors in it are involved.

4. Where should not invest money

We should not experience fate, trusting its savings to the authors of dubious projects (casino, slot machines, all kinds of pyramids) and other adventurers "with a large road". To communicate with them - I don't care what to rob yourself.

Special caution should be taken to businessmen in conflict with the Criminal Code: drug dealers, weapons and other smuggling implementers, organizers of brothels, owners of passing firms.

It is also better not to have anything in common with the machinators that manage the real estate. Otherwise, you will be involved in their corruption schemes either become accomplisers of such morally unacceptable acts, like, for example, evicting single older people.

It is unlikely that a normal person needs money like this price. Moreover, there are many other honest, socially acceptable, non-contrary to human morality - ways to earn. Do them, you will not only acquire financial well-being and independence, but also a reputation as a decent person.

5. Conclusion

The expression "Movement is life" is not only suitable for living organism, but also money. If they do not move, do not work - they weaken, minor and disappear. Losing its activity, they become dead capital, victims of inflation.

In this review, we told about the main and popular ways to invest our money, and also reviewed the rules and recommendations of successful investors who have gained financial independence.

In this article, you learned about the most popular methods of investing free money, allowing to increase their capital; considered the basic principles of capital investments; I got acquainted with examples from the life of the most successful millionaires of the planet.

Now that you have become financially competent person, and not such a difficult thing. It is necessary to follow the basic rules and recommendations of successful people who have achieved high results in the financial sector.

The rest is for you - you wish you successful investments!

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