
Investment ideas: two alternatives to bank deposits. Where to invest money

Bank deposits are the most popular methods for investing capital. The main reason for such popularity is to highly reliable bank deposits.

Despite all the advantages of this method of investing capital, there are currently alternatives that deserve the close attention of potential investors.

As a real alternative to bank deposits, you can consider only those methods of investment of capital, which allow to obtain higher income, but at the same time they have a comparable level of reliability.

Currently, the presence of a contribution in a credit institution can boast most of the inhabitants developed states. Bank deposits are the most common method of passive investment. Among the advantages of such an investment should be noted high reliability, stable, though not high, the level of income, as well as the lack of the need to understand the features of the financial market.

Despite the huge number of advantages of bank deposits, they possess a number of risks:

  1. Inflation. If a high level of inflation is observed in the country, then bank deposit It can not be considered as a method for producing income, but as a way to preserve existing capital.
  2. Bankruptcy credit organization. In the case of bankruptcy of the Bank, depositors can count on compensation only by the amount guaranteed. Over the past few years, the Central Bank deprived the license a large number of domestic banks. For this reason, the risk of bankruptcy of the chosen credit organization is quite high.
  3. Risk of fraud. In the domestic market there are many unclean on hand financial institutionswho deceive their customers with hidden payments, etc.

The only method to minimize the risks described above is the choice of reliable financial organizationwhich has a good reputation. At the same time, it should be remembered that rates on deposits in the most reliable credit institutions are relatively low. For this reason, you will not be able to avoid the risk of inflation.

Analyzing everything above, it becomes an obvious need to alternative to bank deposits.

Real estate investment as an alternative to bank deposits

Currently, it is exactly the best alternative to bank deposits. If you decide to abandon bank deposits and decided to invest in real estate, you can use the following methods:

  1. Buying finished real estate for subsequent sale or lease.
  2. The investment of existing capital in housing during the construction phase.
  3. Capital investing B. share building various properties.

According to the existing statistics, despite the temporary fluctuations in the cost of real estate, it becomes more expensive. Thus, real estate investments are practically not inferior in terms of reliability. bank depositsAnd in terms of potential profitability significantly exceed them.

Most of the investors choose investment in real estate as an alternative to bank deposits due to the fact that this method is not affected by negative factors, such as:

  • Hyperinflation.
  • Reducing cost over time.

If you decide to invest your capital in real estate, then you should remember that this investment method is subject to the following economic risks:

  1. Reduced purchasing power residents of our country.
  2. Reducing business activity.
  3. Increase the level of competition in the real estate market.
  4. Rising exploitation.

These factors follow in obligatory Take into account when choosing real estate for capital investment.

As mentioned above, real estate investment is an excellent alternative to bank deposits. Among the advantages of the investment of the existing capital in real estate should be noted:

  1. Revenues from real estate objects are significantly better protected from inflation.
  2. The property of real estate will belong to the depositor until its sale. At the same time, the client may partially lose in the bankruptcy of the credit institution.
  3. Profitability of investments in real estate in the long term is significantly higher than that of bank deposits.
  4. The acquired real estate objects are not lost in price over time, and real value The bank deposit may decrease due to inflation.

To apply investments in real estate as an alternative to deposits, only if you have the necessary knowledge to select a suitable object.

The rare bank on the Russian market, especially from the top 10 list for the largest amounts of deposits of the population, is ready to offer a depositor of a bet above 8% per annum. There are no reason to wait for the growth of bets on deposits in rubles or foreign currency. Rather, their further gradual decline will occur.

The reason for this is not only that the key rate of the Central Bank decreased in December 2017 to 7.75%. Banking sector saturated: the development of the credit sector lags behind the growth of the liabilities portfolio. Therefore, banks, not particularly needing to increase liquidity, inhibit the increment of their deposit portfolios.

Many are still kept savings in banks, as they are accustomed to this uncomplicated financial instrument and trust state system Insurance deposits. But more and more becomes those who are looking for an alternative to deposits. Consider some of these alternatives and designate their features.

Structural products: more careful with the choice

Investment companies love to compare structural products with bank deposits. The conclusions of such comparisons, of course, always turn out to be in favor of the first. Among the advantages of structural products are usually called the following:

  • higher interest rates;
  • convenience in terms of timing and receiving interest;
  • the investment on the principle "invested and forgotten."

But it is worthwhile to ask the investor in detail and possible shortcomings, the picture becomes less iris. Unlike deposits, structural products are not subject to state insurance, contain risks and suggest mandatory payment NDFL from interest income.

If you have never inserted anything, except deposits, but seriously considering the opportunity to issue structural product, for your own calm, choose at first the one that provides 100% capital protection and has a short validity period - until six months. Typically, interest rates on such products are 4-6% higher than in deposits, but for many it is already much more attractive.

Structural products are arranged in such a way that the Investor's profit brings not the investment company itself, but the basic assets - those issuers (or market assets like oil, gold), on which the product works. Investment company Performs the role of the seller of obligations and puts the conditions under which the investor will receive one or another level of income. So, choosing a structural product, solve the issue of trust in the basic asset first.

Bonds and bond effects: Good time for investment

We are talking about bonds of a federal loan and about corporate bonds. The first less profitable: 7-8.5% per annum, but more reliable. The second can bring up to 13-14% per annum, but the risk of default on the most profitable charges makes you think.

During periods of reducing deposit rates, the cost of bonds increases. Therefore, in Russia at the moment, bond holders have additional income - the increase in the value of their valuable papers. This period is non-remanaten, and sooner or later he will be replaced by the next one, in which the cost of bonds will begin to fall.

In general, the bonds have always been a good alternative to bank deposits. You can in line in different ways:

  • to form a portfolio by contacting the broker;
  • purchase pairs of bond effects.

The first option is cheaper, but it should be borne in mind that in the calculations there will still be a bank commission or broker for the purchase and sale of bonds.

Additional advantage of bonds - benefits on pay Ndfl. The income received from corporate bonds of Russian issuers is fully exempted from the tax if the papers were released after 01.01.2017 and have no higher yield than the key rate of the Central Bank + 5%.

Shares with high dividends: add to the portfolio

Against the background of decaying deposit rates in 2017, many Russian corporations raised dividends on their shares. Holders of these papers such as MGTS, Rosseti, Tatneft, Mostotrest, Severstal and others received yield on dividends from 13 to 16.5%. Expected dividend yields for 2018 on shares of many domestic companies also constitute double digits. Among the analysts promising in dividends are called LUKOIL shares, MTS, Norilsk, Mechel, Bashneft. For the latest yield and is expected in a wide range from 12 to 25%.

But the tempting numbers should not force yesterday's investor to lose their head and immediately abandon ruble deposits, buying on all free money stock companies, even if it is "blue chips". Shares are a risky business, and stocks in the Russian market - also unpredictable. If you are looking for a worthy alternative to the deployment in the bank and at the same time decided to become a shareholder, make a portfolio from different assets. This may be a set of "shares + bonds + pairs", or "shares + protective structural product." Diversification did not harm any other private investor, and many, on the contrary, saved from large financial losses.

The strategy is designed for investors -News. Alternative to bank deposit. It is perfectly suitable for the owners of Jes.
The main assets on the strategy are highly reliable bonds of the federal loan and ETF. The portfolio is revised once every two months to acquire more profitable papers. Transactions on shares are made extremely rarely and their volume is insignificant.

Alternative to bank deposit - This is a strategy for automatically copying transactions on the COMON service. The point is to repetition operations that make the management strategy, on the client's account, which is connected to it.

How is the alternative to the banking contribution different from the bank deposit?

Bank contribution is the amount moneytransmitted by an individual to the bank in order to extract profits that arises from financial operations With this amount. Simply put a man gives his money to the bank, and he in turn will invest in business projects and securities. The client receives a fixed yield that is very different from real income in the direction of lowering.

The strategy of the alternative to the banking contribution is also the same, but the client receives a non-fixed percentage, but the entire profitability for the disadvantage of the broker's commission. With considering tax deduction From the state that all our customers receive, yield can be 18% per annum and higher.

How to connect to an alternative strategy by bank deposit?

The success of bank deposits is that people seem to open its opening as simple as possible. He came to the bank, went to the manager, gave his passport, after 20 minutes the deposit was opened. It's even easier to do it through personal Area or application. Simple and not very profitable.

Here, first, you must open a brokerage account. By reference, information about what it is, there is a link directly to the opening. After opening, you need to replenish the account, return to this page and click Connect. Not many more difficult, but the yield is higher.

Alternative to the banking contribution is it reliable?

Another advantage of the deposit in the opinion of people is reliability. Bank is still. Other suggestions seem suspicious, because these are dubious sites, it is not clear to whom registered investment funds, deposits, look at the pyramid.
In our case, the account opens in an investment bank with a license of the Central Bank of Russia. The number of clients who received access to the stock market through the Finam bank exceeded 203,000 people.

What is the alternative to the banking contribution management strategy?

Absolutely all investments occur within the framework of stock markets, that is, securities are bought. It can be shares of companies or federal loan bonds. As the strategy is conservative and her the main goal is to preserve money and increase them to the percentage above the bank deposit, all assets are selected taking into account their liquidity and reliability.

Emitter of Russian OFZ - Ministry of Finance Russian Federation. We believe that such an investment is guaranteed to bring us a profit and it will be higher than interest on deposits.

For investment in stock large companies We use ETF. This method allows to make a profit from 50-60 companies with modest investments. And the reinvestment of dividends inside ETF allows us to not pay the commission from these transactions.
Each month the manager revises the portfolio and can make adjustments or react to a change in the situation.

What is required from the subscriber to the strategy of an alternative to the banking contribution?

After opening a brokerage account, its replenishment and subscription to the strategy, nothing is required of you. The essence of the sales countdown and lies in trust management and delivering a client from the need to independently perform any operations.

For a stable increase in capital, a regular account should be regularly replenished as soon as such an opportunity appears. Investing and reinvestment We will take on yourself.

Attention! Any investment of funds (bank deposit and alternative to the banking contribution including) in itself risks. Even storing money under the pillow leads to their depreciation by inflation. Therefore, do not try to ask for a 100% guarantee of your enrichment from anyone. Such warranties can only give fraudsters.

If you are new, we recommend you to read the private investor blog, where simple language Teams are told financial literacy and the features of the stock market, such as the difference from Forex, investment funds and other speculative projects with increased risk.

Low deposit rates forced citizens to look for alternative options for attaching their low risk savings. What options can be found on stock market?

Traditionally, bank deposit is the most reliable type of savings. Hardly overtaking inflation, it is at least able to preserve the purchasing power of savings, and the risk of reviewing the license from the bank is leveled by the presence of an insurance system in the face of the DR.

However, in the conditions of the trend to reduce the key rate to keep money for let and actually risk, but still low percentage It is becoming less profitable. It is not surprising that the Central Bank and Prof. last years Stable growth in the interest of the population to the bond market - both state (various types of OFS) and corporate papers.

For deposit deposits, you need a simple and reliable financial instrument, on the role of which are suitable that offer the largest domestic banks (Sberbank, VTB24 and others) as well as bonds of a federal loan located on the stock exchange.

« Many yesterday investors make a choice in favor of OFZbecause it is a clear tool looking to this moment Attractive contributions and yields and risks. Miserer probability of the issuer's default and the ability to calculate financial results Up to repayment makes the OFZ among the most attractive tools in the securities market for private investors, "explains the investment strategist" BCS Prime Minister "Alexander Bakhtin.

For example, on the bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the OFZ PD [with constant coupon income - Ed.] With a repayment period in 2021, it is now possible to count on the yield to repay at the level of 7.9-8.1%. "Long bonds in current conditions have a high risk, since there is a possibility of introducing sanctions on new issues of the public debt in November. If there is no exacerbation of sanctions, the OFZ-PD with a repayment period in 2021 can bring about 12-15% already on the horizon of the year, "Valery Bezuglov is sure that the analyst of IR Freeda Finance is confident.

Bakhtin offers to maximize the yield of investments by purchasing the OFZ that, subject to uncomplicated conditions, it will increase the income from governmentobligations every year to receive up to 52 thousand rubles in the form of a tax deduction (IIS of the first type).

"You can buy bonds of the largest issuers whose reliability is not in doubt - it is difficult to imagine that the state will allow financial inconsistency, for example, Gazprom, Rosneft or Sberbank. And in general, if you trust, say, Sberbank or Gazprombank, is it not more logical to buy their bonds instead of a deposit and earn a couple of percentage points of additional profitability? If you urgently needed funds, bonds can be sold at any time, "Aleksey Kovalev writes an analyst of the FINAM GC.

The expert warns that if you needed funds from a classic deposit (for where possible partial removal, and interest rates below), it will have to close, losing almost all accumulated interest income. In the case of bonds, you can sell only part of the portfolio and maintain the accumulated coupon income.

Currency deposits VS Eurobond

If you look for currency yield, then according to foreign exchange deposits you can count on the rate in the area 2.5-3% for dollars, and 1-2% by EuroHowever, in view of the announcement of new anti-Russian sanctions, the risk of forced conversion of currency deposits into ruble has been growing. This topic was repeatedly raised in the media with the head of VTB Andrei Kostin. And although Chairman of the Central Bank of Elvira Nabiullina has a similar idea, not worth discling out the development of events.

Are there an alternative to foreign currency deposits, but in the stock market? "With currency tools, the situation is approximately the same - the yield of bonds is about two percentage points above the return on deposits. Let's say, in August, Russian government bonds denied in dollars were traded with a yield to maturity above 4%, the profitability of the highesting domestic banking Eurobonds were in the range of 5-6% per annum. And this is despite the fact that rates on dollar deposits in russian banks There were 2% per annum, "says Kovalev.

"Among currency tools should pay attention to corporate issuers with a maximum credit rating that corresponds to sovereign (BBB-). These include the Eurobonds of Gazprom with repayment in 2022 and return to repayment at 5%, Gazpromneft with repayment in 2022 and redeeming to pay off 5.1%, as well as short Russian Railways bonds with repayment in 2020 offering yield to repayment at 4%. Buying these issues is advisable when you are ready to sit until repayment. Moreover, with the normalization of external conditions, it is also worth calculating on the growth of the body, which will increase the yield of investments, "it advises Bezuglov.

Bank deposit is the safest way to save savings. But the most accommodating: interest on deposits rarely overlap inflation.

What investment tools, except deposits, are available to Russians, as far as they are beneficial and risky? Together with financial experts, AIF.RU.


The most affordable alternative to the bank deposit - purchase foreign currency.

The main advantage of investment in the currency is that they allow you to protect savings from the depreciation of the ruble.

"The benefits of such a decision may be that if you are going to go to rest abroad, where there is an opportunity to pay for these types of currencies, then you will not have to buy it at the last moment on the price incomprehensible today.

Moreover, cash currency It is absolutely available today, there is no excitement, and the new rules of purchase and sales did not affect the demand, nor on the proposal, "says Professor of the Department of Tax and financial law Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Ivan Solovyov.

However, it is worth it in mind that if the main income and spending in rubles, transfer all accumulations into dollars or the euro is not worth it. Otherwise, subject to the urgent need for rubles there is a risk of losing some of the funds on the difference in courses and the commission.

Like anyone financial asset, the currency has risks of unfavorable course changes, so to make money on fluctuations currency rate, you need to easily understand the economy and monetary policy conducted central banks, experts warn. Also, the price changes are influenced by oil prices, so it is best to just keep their assets partly in rubles, partly in currencies, and then you definitely do not lose your accumulations.

"According to the available analytical information, savings in cash and euros in February brought losses to their owners at 2-2.5 percent, so that the only risk of such an investment is to further strengthen the ruble exchange rate," adds Solovyov.

In addition to buying dollars and euros in banks or exchange points, Currency can be purchased using brokerage companies: they provide physical lick Access to currency marketresulting in currency operations In stock exchange rate without leaving home. The Commission of the broker and the exchange will be less than those "wind" exchangers.

"It is important to remember that when opening a currency account, it is necessary to choose the tariff" for currency conversion "to significantly reduce brokerage Commission. The score opens one, as it is universal for all three currencies (ruble, dollar and euro). Next, the bank is opened, better affiliated with a brokerage company, this will reduce the time and commission when translating. The score must be calculated in dollars, euros and rubles. Register debit card, Connect Internet banking and transfer the details of your account to the brokerage company. Now that everything is ready for currency conversion, you can translate money from your account to your currency account brokerage companyBy applying for currency conversion. It is worth knowing that the minimum amount for conversion is 1000 y. e. And there should always be a multiple 1000 y. e., That is, change 1120 y. e. It will not work, "says Lecturer of the Financial University Ilya Buturlin.

The property

Another available way Invest savings - buying real estate. True, for the embodiment of this solution to life, a solid amount will be required.

Currently, the housing market is in stagnation: the proposal prevails over demand, because of which prices for apartments asked noticeably. Is it worth investing in meters now?

Real estate investments are good when the economy is on the rise, considers analyst GK Finam Bogdan Zvarich. According to him, the price of apartments can continue to demonstrate a confident negative dynamics in the crisis. Moreover, the investor may not be buyers to sell the apartment purchased earlier.

"The main disadvantages of this type of investment are the low liquidity of the asset - if desired, to sell purchased real estate quickly, it may have to sell an apartment with a discount to market prices, and a high input threshold - you can not buy an apartment, having 100,000 rubles on your hands. Wherein this amount Calmly and without problems can be invested in stock or currency, "Zvarich argues.

Ivan Solovyov agrees with him. "In the near future we consider real estate objects as an investment, and even more so long-term investment, I would not. In addition, it is necessary to take into account new order Taxation of housing when selling. From January 1, 2016, the principles of the NDFL calculation have changed when selling real estate: a period of ownership of property, not taxable, increased from three to five years. Also there is a gradual transition to the payment of property tax on the basis of cadastral value Object, "the expert emphasizes.

However, if the purchase of real estate is not investment, that is, the apartment or house is bought for themselves, now it's time for this solution - prices at the bottom, and sellers are ready for discounts.


If with the purchase of real estate and dollars everything is more or less clear, then the stock market is usually for an ordinary person - a dark forest. This market is highly risks, especially for those who are not familiar with his rules and features. But its capabilities are proportional to risks.

Shares are one of the most popular tools in investors around the world. Shares placed on the stock exchange passed the listing procedure (admission to trade on the stock exchange due to compliance with the requirements for reporting, shareholders, etc.).

The main advantage of investment in the action is their growth and that profits that the investor can potentially receive. "For example, in 2015, the ruble yield of dollar deposits amounted to about 38%. At the same time, Akron and Mechel shares showed an increase of more than 100%. Even the liquid shares of Sberbank last year increased by 74%, which is very higher than the profitability of the transfer of rubles in the currency and the opening monetary deposits"The examples of Bogdan Zvarich leads.

The main complexity of investing in the action is the choice of a specific issuer, adds an expert. "Yes, you can get a very good yield, sometimes multiple times exceeding the deposit or growth of foreign currency. But for this you need to choose the specific company correctly. To do this, you need to constantly monitor the market and have a certain experience of investing, which will allow you to select "the right" shares and make money on them, "he says.

To buy stocks, it is now enough to open a score in the brokerage company once, after which the transactions are performed in a special terminal, and the input and output of funds are carried out by submitting instructions via the Internet.

According to Buturlin, considering the specifics russian market Shares, it is important to take into account the following factors affecting the yield:

  • leads are owned by the executives and members of the Company's Board of Directors (as a rule, managers who speak the shares of their own company are interested in paying dividends);
  • the effect of the exchange rate on an increase in income, during the devaluation of the currency of the share of exporters, is growing;
  • real assets on the balance sheet of the company and the Company's social responsibility (companies in real estate, unique technologies, other valuable property are usually more attractive to investors, and companies with large social deductions Rightly pay high dividends).

Metal assets

In periods of instability on financial markets Investing interest in precious metals is growing. Their cost has not changed enough, which led to some cooling of investors' interest. However, with the advent of the prospect of some reduction of the dollar, investors rush their eyes towards gold and silver. For example, in February of this year, investments in gold brought almost 8% profit.

"Investments in gold in natural form, whether investment coins, ingots or jewelry, because of significant concomitant costs, cannot compete with stock operations on futures and options for precious metals. Nevertheless, short-term operations with this tool look very attractive. Gold for the second month in a row became the most profitable investment. If in January the income of the investor in this precious metallion in rubles amounted to 7.2%, then in February - already 7.7%. In dollars, the price of gold has grown even more: by 9.3%, to $ 1220 per ounce, "says Zvarich.

In the near future, volatility in world markets will be maintained, which means that interest in gold will continue as the main protective asset, experts are convinced. However, there is a risk that in the event of an increase in the Fed rate, gold can be cheaper again, so gold should be investing on a long term - from two years - and most likely, in order to protect savings from inflation, Buturlin notes.

Invest in precious metals can be in different ways:

  • open an impersonal metallic account (OMS),
  • purchase physically metal (coins or ingots),
  • buy paper specialized Funds (ETF) (such funds are traded on the Western sites, their price depends on the cost precious metaland they are indefinite)
  • investment through derivatives (futures, options).

"In the latter case, investments will be limited to a contract for a derivative financial instrument. As with others financial instrumentsIt is necessary to know that there is a risk of falling prices for metals, it means that an investor, investing in metals, must determine the size of the risk in advance, which it is ready to carry with an unfavorable price change, "concubines Bugorlin.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state