
What is the type of account. Deposit or current account: differences, conditions and assignment of accounts. What is the difference between the deposit and current score

At the legislative level, eight types of accounts are enshrined in Russia, each of which provides the client's own spectrum of functions. At the same time, the current, calculated and deposit account is most often confused, because These are the most popular banking products. In fact, to distinguish one type of product from another is absolutely difficult if you know what their main differences are.

The function of a bank debit as such is to organize financial activities, better monitoring the movements of funds. But this concerns the functionality of accounts as a tool, each debit type has its own options and tasks. Therefore, it is so important to find differences, for example, the current account from deposit or calculated from the current. From this directly depends on the expediency of using one type or another debit.

According to the instructions of the Bank of Russia from 30.05.2014 N 153-and, in total in the banking sector for opening 8 different types of accounts are available:

  1. The calculated is the most popular type of debits, affordable and physical, and legal entities (those of which are engaged in commerce, and are obliged to arrange it in accordance with the Federal Law "On Entrepreneurial Activities");
  2. Loan - need people or organizations with large debts. Especially open for this debit allows you to track the regularity of payments, debt balance, etc.;
  3. Monetary - subspecies of other types of debits. The peculiarity is that it opens in any one specific foreign currency;
  4. Current - usually used to obtain subsidies, grants, wages, material assistance, etc.;
  5. Deposit - money on it is used to invest in various assets. At the expense of this, interest interests are paid in deployment;
  6. Facial - to track cash invested in the company;
  7. Card - debit type discovering when receiving a debit card;
  8. Special - opens to accumulate funds of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation, so it is not possible to open this debit.

Of the foregoing, it is already possible to find out, for example, what is a deposit and current account, as well as what is the difference between each other. Please note that in Sberbank, VTB and other large banks are available the largest "assortments" of these banking products, and vice versa - the smaller the bank, as a rule, is given a smaller choice.

Deposit and current account - What is the difference?

In independence from the bank, where the types of debits open, they will differ from each other.

The name "Current", this type of debit took it because its main goal is the instant provision of the client access to money. Basically, the current account opens for regular payroll, alimony, rent and the like.

The Bank does not take money for the instantaneous amount of money, but does not charge interest - even if the bank decided to attract new customers to "interest per balance on the current account", the annual rate in this case is usually very small.

The deposit account is designed as it is clear from the name, to open the deposit - the temporary contribution used by the bank to invest in assets. Accordingly, the main function of the deposit debit is primarily an investment. Often users of bank deposits are not allowed to shoot, even partially, money from deposit until the end of the contract. For this bank pays the client interest.

The following is obtained: the difference between the current and deposit account is that the first is intended for regular use of money, and the second to invest.

How to find out what is your account before you?

Deposit, savings and current accounts have a number of simple differences, thanks to which it is not difficult to distinguish one of the other:

  • Duration of the contract. The current debt is always drawn up by a permanent agreement, a deposit - an urgent contract, that is, a limited period of action. The reason is that for the management of money, invested clients to deposits, you need to know exactly the duration of their investment. Therefore, even deposit agreements with automatic extension, and they have no more than seven years without updating;
  • The amount of remuneration and the cost of annual services. When opening the current debit, the user at best does not receive remuneration, at worst - should pay the bank annually for the use of the service. When using the deposit, the situation is completely changed, and now the bank pays the client for the opportunities provided;
  • The degree of freedom of the bank. So, within the framework of an open current debit, the Bank can only serve the receipt or transfer of funds. As part of the open contribution, the Bank is endowed with a more complete list of powers, up to the money management unilaterally (if this does not violate the conditions of the signed deposit agreement).

Debit, salary card and savings account is deposit or current accounts?

The debit card itself is only a convenient tool attached to a specific client account. Thus, the main thing in the bundle "Map - Account" is precisely the account, not a card, since plastic is tied to it. Therefore, the cards can be reissued, therefore the card number each time after the reissue changes.

The main goal of the debit card is the rapid access to moneyTherefore, debit cards are almost always tied to the current account, and not deposit. As of 2019, deposit cards on the banking services market are extremely weak.

Salary card It is a logical continuation of the debit: it provides the same in quality, but more advanced functionality. It regularly receives money from the employer in accordance with the signed Treaty. Next, the banking client must be able to cash out or spend this money as soon as possible. In accordance with this, the salary cards are always attached to the current, and not a deposit debit.

savings account - This is a place where money is stored for a long time: in most cases it is about years and even decades. Complete early removal of funds, and sometimes partial early removal is prohibited under the contract. The user for such long-term storage is accrued interest. Of course, the savings contribution is binding precisely to the deposit account.

In addition, we have already mentioned a card account available for opening in many banks. Legally, this is a separate look, in fact - the current account with the ability to get a map for performing operations on it at any time of the day. Just the functionality of the current debit is so wide as cards, and salary, and currency accounts often actually protrude as its subspecies.

Therefore, if you opened a debit card, know - in fact it is tied to a card, and not the current debit, but considering that the "card" only subspecies "current" is quite acceptable not to take this aspect seriously.

Checking account.An account, an open legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, to make calculations in non-cash on transactions carried out, preserving money and holding payments to order the account holder or the chief accountant of the organization or other types of banking operations, at the request of the Client. In accordance with the Federal Law on Entrepreneurial activity, such an account must be opened from each organization or an individual entrepreneur engaged in commercial activities.

Loan account.An account designed to perform operations on repayment of credit debt. An extract from such an account reflects the size of an outstanding credit debt, taking into account interest, the amount of the principal debt, the amount of commissions, fines and accounting of already completed payments.

Foreign currency account.An account designed to perform operations in foreign currency can be opened by a private person or organization. Within one currency account, operations can be carried out only in one specified currency. It can be used as a calculated, loan, current and other types of accounts.

Current account.Type of bank account, to obtain state or charitable financing and the next target use of funds with non-profit or government organizations. In one banking structure, the organization may have one type of account or the current or calculated one. For individuals, this is a bank account open by the owner under personal needs that do not affect entrepreneurial activities.

Deposit account.It is intended for the temporary storage of the Customer's money capital under the Treaty on the opening of a bank deposit (Deposit Treaty). Upon expiration of the contract, funds must be returned to the Client in full with interest due to the Bank's approved by the Tariffs. Deposit account can be opened both physical and legal entities.

Special account.Designed to accumulate copies of citizens. Given the possible risks, the organization or an individual entrepreneur may be opened after the provision of information from the tax inspection and other budget funds on the absence of debt over the past six months. Such an account for special needs is opened only in that bank, where the organization or individual entrepreneur has a valid bill.

16. The modern forms of the organization of non-cash settlements.

In accordance with the current legislation, in modern conditions, the use of the following forms of non-cash settlements is allowed:money orders; payment requirements for instructions; Checks; letters of credit; bill.

Payment order It is a written order of the account of the Bank's account on the transfer of a certain monetary amount of his account (settlement, current, budgetary, loan) to another recipient enterprise in the same or other one-country or non-resident of the Bank's institution. The possibilities of application in the calculations of payment orders are diverse. With their help, settlements are carried out in the economy both by commodity and by non-universal operations. At the same time, all non-universal payments are made exclusively by payment orders. The payment order is discharged by the payer on the form of an established form containing all the necessary details to make payment and submit to the bank, as a rule, in 4 copies.

Payment request - Power supply is the requirement of the supplier to the buyer to pay on the basis of the shipment and commodity documents attached to it, the costs delivered under the contract, performed by the work rendered. The payable requirement is discharged by the supplier on the basis of the actual shipment of products or the provision of services on a standardized form in three copies And along with the shipping documents is sent to the buyer's bank for payment. Recommended claims and commissioning requirements (in the supplier bank).

Collection - This is a banking operation, through which the bank on behalf of its client receives funds due to it from other organizations and enterprises based on commodity, settlement and monetary documents. Under the collection service, the supplier's bank himself forwards payment requirements-instructions to the payer's bank through special service bodies. With mutual agreement between the supplier and the buyer and their banks, in order to accelerate the calculations, the postal shipment of documents from the bank of the supplier to the payer's bank is replaced by the transmission of their teletep or telexcase. Incassive services of the provider are provided to the Client for the Commission Remuneration.

Receipt - Written payment of the payer to its bank to pay from his account to the check holder a certain amount of money. Cash checks and settlement checks are distinguished. Cash checks are applied to pay cash to the bank in a bank (for example, for wages, economic needs, travel expenses, procurement of agricultural products, etc. Settlement checks are checks used for non-cash payments. Calculated The check is a document of the established form containing the unconditional written order of the checkbook to its bank on the transfer of a certain amount of money from his account to the recipient's recipient (check holder).

Accreditative - This is the order of the buyer's bank by the Bank of the Supplier's payment to the Supplier of goods and services on the conditions provided for in the credit statement of the Buyer against the relevant documents submitted by the provider. Letter of credit can be intended for calculations with only one supplier. The expiration date of the letter of credit by banking rules is not regulated, but is established in the contract between the supplier and the buyer. With this form of calculations, the payment is made at the location of the supplier. Unlike other forms of non-cash settlements, the accreditation form guarantees the payment to the Supplier or at the expense of its own funds of the buyer, or at the expense of its bank.

Bill - This is an unconditional written debt obligation to be strictly established by the law, giving it to the owner (to the bill) of the undisputed right of the time limit to demand the payment of the money marketer marked in the bank. The law distinguishes two main types of bills: simple and translation.

In the modern world it is almost impossible to do without a bank account. The banks in banks lists the salary, various payments. From your account you can pay for various services, purchases. Available money can be highlighted by putting them under a certain percentage, and about 50% of residents of cities with a population of more than 500,000 people use plastic cards.

So what happens types of bank accounts? In all banks, accounts are divided into three main types:

  • - current account;
  • - Card account;
  • - Deposit account.

Current accountIn most cases, it serves for some working goals. For example: salary accrual, transaction, billing. That is why, this account is also called "workers". Such an account is not used to save their means and receive income, that is, percent. The main purpose of the current account is to obtain reliable and quick access to your funds at any time. Interest on remnants of funds are usually not credited, or are charged in minimal. That is why, in this account, they keep money that is needed for fast and permanent calculations.

Card account Designed for banking operations, which are somehow related to plastic and credit cards. When opening a card account, you must definitely clarify several significant moments. Namely: the cost of the content of such an account, the commission for removing cash at the box office or ATMs, the ability to use such an account abroad, and also need to know about all the additional services that will be provided when opening this account. Directly the cards themselves are divided into two types: debit and credit. With the help of a debit card, the client can remove money in an ATM or pay for purchases, while not exceeding the amount in his account. Credit cards, in turn, allow to exceed the amount, however, within a clearly limited loan amount, which is negotiated when receiving a card and depends on your solvency.

Deposit account It is suitable for customers who care about their money, their savings and increase. In each bank, the type of deposit account is different, but all the same rules are identical. This account opens in order to invest in which interest will be accrued. The percent level depends on the duration of the term - the more period, the higher the deposit percentage. However, it should be noted that the period for which you have invested your funds has not expired, you will not be able to make a penny from the account, and you will not be able to produce any calculated operation. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere and everything is not so strictly as it seems. You can, if necessary, take off your money from the deposit account, but at the same time you will have to pay a fine, which is different in every bank. The amount of such a fine is necessarily indicated in the Treaty that you conclude with the Bank when opening an account.

See also:

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  • Forward\u003e

Customer Service Manager in State. structure. I often come across problems arising in the public sector and the field of social security of the population. Pensioners are a special caste of the population, they need a special approach and it seems to me that I manage to find it.

In the modern banking system, there are many types of accounts - understandable and incomprehensible to the ordinary client of a financial organization. The most widespread of them is deposit, current, salary, deposit account. Let's figure it out that there is that; How and for what is used.

Types of accounts: What is the difference between the deposit from the current?

Deposit or current account
The domestic banking system consists of credit institutions that have received a license to work from the regulator. Each bank has its own customers. For customers, special accounts are created, where they place and remove their cash. Bank accounts are divided into types. How to find out, deposit or current account is open in a financial and credit organization, consider in the article.

Types of accounts

Accounts can be divided by three types:

- current;
- card;
- Deposit.

Current account is ...

The current account is used most often for target accrual and payments. It is not used to save savings and for investment purposes. The main task of the current account aimed at servicing a certain bank's customers is an instant receipt of access of each of them to its money.

Interest on the balance of funds are not accrued, and if the bank offers this service, then interest will be small. The account can be opened in rubles, as well as in foreign currency. With it, you can make receiving and sending translations, cashing of finance, their transfer.

Checking account

A variation of the current, comes the current account. It opens with organizations or enterprises that are not credit institutions, as well as by the IP and other individuals involved in the legislative practice of private practice for the implementation of settlement operations related to business (instructions from the Bank of Russia under the number 28-C).

Card account

Card account is used to conduct monetary operations using bank plastic cards. If the bank offers this product, the client needs to clarify certain nuances:

How much does it cost to contain this account;
availability of a commission for removing cash in ATMs or at the checkout;
Ability to use a card abroad;
Availability of additional services.

Plastic cards are separated into two types: debit and credit.

The debit card is the savings of customers in the form of wages, as well as other income. The card is used to pay for purchases on non-cash payment and for online shopping, mobile payments, housing and communal services, etc. The amount in the account cannot be exceeded.

Credit cards, being a form of consumer lending, allow you to exceed the limit of money on the account. If the borrower makes payments for the loan in a timely manner, the credit limit can be increased, but after a while.

Credit cards are distributed among Russians. They use it conveniently, and for this comfort, the borrower is paid by increased interest rates, if you compare this loan with cash with the issuance of cash as a loan.

Some banks attach a card account to the current. This allows it to apply on operations with cards, both credit and debit.

Thanks to the card account, money can be used at any convenient period of time. The advantage of cards is that when carrying out a payment nature, you do not need to visit the bank, spend time in line: through an ATM it is possible to carry out all the necessary operations. But it is better to use the current account for receiving or sending funds.


The deposit account opens in order to increase savings. They accrue interest by bank. This is one of the types of passive income or investment with a small probability of risk and, therefore, low income. Nevertheless, deposits are widespread in Russia. Banks offer different conditions on deposits and deposits. Basically, bank customers do not have access to their deposits (during the term of the Treaty of the Treaty), and it is accrued for it. They can be capitalized, shoot every month, quarter, get as an advance, etc.
Deposit account and current account: What is the difference?

Deposit account is a bank account with the amount of funds, which is posted for a certain period of time at interest under the contract. The owner of the account does not have instant access to the accommodated amount.

How to find out: Deposit or current account? The current account, in contrast to the deposit, implies instant customer access to money, the services of various types are paid to this account, as well as shopping in the store. Interest on the balance account is not accrued or they are, but in a meager size. Thus, the differences between deposit and current accounts from each other is as follows:

- account mode;
- The cost of account operations.

The deposit account is not used to transfer funds, making payments, purchases, etc. This restriction on the possibility of consuming the deposit is due to the credit institution to quietly managed to him with money in a certain agreement time.

Often, in the classic forms of the deposit, the client has no right to make money made in the bank earlier than the period, which is agreed in the Agreement with the Bank. It is for such inconvenience that the account owner receives an increased percentage.

Deposit components:

-% rate - For finding money on a deposit, a percentage is charged, which is above what is used in demand accounts;
- the term - by its expiration, the deposit is closed;
- insurance - the money on the deposit is insured, the depository in the event of termination of the Bank's work is returned to the amount of 1.4 million rubles according to innovations (previously up to 700 thousand rubles);
- Replenishment - a deposit can be replenished in some cases, and you can not remove money during the contract.

A deposit is closed by writing 2 statements. One statement is aimed at closing the account, and the second contribution. After closing, the funds are transferred to the current account or are issued by cash to the account holder.

Deposit account and current account in Sberbank for individuals

Sberbank has been working for many years. With this circumstance, the population is associated with reliability. In this credit institution, most citizens bring money that is placed on the deposit. Among the proposals from the leading bank of the country associated with the placement of money on the deposit, you can allocate:

- "Keep": replenishment - no, removal - no, closing ahead of schedule - possibly. Rate - 9% (rubles), 2.22% (dollars), 1.7% (euro).
- "Keep online", "Keep pension". Online opens only through Sberbank online, and the second type of deposit is offered only to persons on pensions.
- "Replenish": replenishment - yes, removal - no, closing ahead of schedule - possibly. Rate - 8% (rubles), 2.00% (dollars), 1.01% (euro).

The remaining deposits from Sberbank are designed to partially remove funds. These include deposits:

- "Manage";
- "Multicurrency";
- "International", etc.

Separately, Sberbank offers deposits for pensioners.

New bill

The arrival and consumption of funds on deposits is usually reflected in the savings bank of Sberbank. Recently, their issuance has declined sharply, Sberbank maestro will be offered instead. I walked hard rumors that savings books will be canceled. And these rumors in February 2016 received a real basis. The Russian government contributed a bill to the lower chamber of parliament, which cancels the savings certificate for the bearer and the savings book.

The authors of the project are implemented by the authors of the project, according to them, in the framework of improving Russian laws in the field of non-cash payments and carrying out measures to counter the legalization of profits, which is illegally obtained. And also within countering the financing of terrorism.

The Ministry of Finance believes that these measures will be implemented only when savings certificates and books on the bearer are excluded from the appeal. What will happen to registered savings books, it remains unclear.

Meanwhile, many consumers of banking services imposed by constantly plastic cards, prefer savings books with a deposit account. Most of these citizens are people of retirement age, which are difficult to deal with the plastic card and the mechanism of removing money from it. For them, the savings book has become a symbol of their revenues that are in the bank.

At the same time, the other category of the population, young people, prefer plastic cards. They are universally implemented by everything, without exception to banks, offering credit products or registration of the card as debit. And here there are subtleties, but they refer to the topic of credit products from banks.

Source: http://mirfinin.ru.

I have a deposit or current account, how to find out

We are confronted every day with banks - we walk to receive or send money, open accounts and cards and essentially our whole life would be a little not clear without banks and their functions that they are doing now in our society. Sometimes the banking terminology is so hard perceived by us that we have to look for a value of this or that banking term.

We sometimes come to the editors of this nature - "I have a deposit or current account, how to find out?", "Deposit account and current account What's the difference?" Or "What does the deposit or current account mean?" ... As it turned out so simple terms for our citizens become a barrier in their financial relations with banks. Most likely this is the problem of the banks themselves, that they pay little attention to their customers, do not teach them and speak with customers only on a specific issue.

In this material I want to answer your questions and still more details about the current and deposit account, their difference and what does it mean?

Current account…

The current account in the bank is an invoice that is open to the Bank's customer name, which allows the client to freely use the funds that they themselves put on it. With the help of the current account in the bank, you can put money on it and carry out operations of any format, of course in the passes of the residue on it. As a rule, the current account sends money to other accounts or receive translations from other accounts, not necessarily open in one bank. The bank for the fact that you use the current account may charge a commission and also charge you interest on the balance of money at the current account, as a rule, on current accounts in the Bank, the percentage is not big that you will not say about the deposit account ...

Deposit account ...

Deposit account is an invoice that the Bank opens the client to place the client's temporarily free cash on it. The opening of the deposit account by the Bank is the mutual consent of the bank and the client to place money on it for a certain period - 1,2,3,6,9,12 ... months. The money of the client lie on the deposit account of a certain period, and for the fact that the client does not take them away the bank pays the client a remuneration in the form of interest. As a rule, at the end of the term of deposit account, the Client takes his money along with interest or places money on the deposit account for another period.

What is the difference between the deposit and current account?

By definition of the deposit and current account that were described above, the overall difference between them is already clear, but I still describe you the main points that distinguish the current account from the deposit account:

- From the current account, money can be used at any time, and from a deposit account only at the end of the contract.
- Current account, the Bank does not charge the percentage, or charges a small percentage, and the deposit account necessarily charges a large percentage.
- As a rule, this pair is combined when the bank's client places money on a deposit, while the money is credited to the client's deposit account, and interest for the use of the deposit is credited to the current account.
- Also, the deposit and current account differs among themselves by numbers of account numbers that the bank specifically numbers for each client. In Ukrainian banks, you can distinguish these accounts in the first 4 digits - the current account begins at 2620, and the deposit account begins at 2630 or 2635. You can see these figures in the contract that the bank gave you when the account is opening.
- It happens that the current accounts can tie a payment card so that the client can use money from the current account in an ATM or store, but on the deposit account, the card is not provided, because you gave the bank for a period.

Source: https://personalbanker.com.ua/

Account Name - Deposit or Current: Differences, Features

For investments in the bank there are many options. What is the name of the account name - deposit or current? What is their difference? How to find out which is used or need to open?

general information

the name of the account is a deposit or textbook account called a certain sector of the accounting system, where all the movements of funds and the transaction are recorded, which relate to a certain physical or legal entity. In fact, this is a tool that allows you to record all changes. According to the current legislation, customers have the right to open the desired number of accounts in the unlimited number of financial and credit institutions in the event that the latter agree with this. For their classification, four main features use:

- Used to account for money.
- opens and lead in credit and financial organizations.
- Used to display the obligations of banks to their customers.
- It is an integral part of the subject of the account of the account.

In the modern world, it is quite difficult to do without this tool. But how can I find out - a deposit or current account open or will only be decorated?

About types of accounts

what does it mean to the name of the account deposit or leignly in many ways the activities of credit and financial organizations are governed by legislation. At the same time, the following groups are distinguished:

- Universal / special.
- depending on the currency.
- by intended purpose.
- without / with the ability (partial) removal.
- depending on the owner.

Focusing on appointment Allocate: deposit, current, transit, stock, check, private, fiduciary, loan, consolidated, savings, calculated, general, on-up, accumulative, dismanded metal, correspondent, contient, card, insured, frozen, currency, budgetary and Confidential management accounts. Of all this list, only two of them are of interest. So, what is the current bank account differs from the deposit?

First answer

Current bank accounts open organizations that do not possess the status of legal entities. These are branches, offices, branches, institutions and others. They are used for such purposes:

- Work with wage.
- Expenditures and payments, which are related to the implementation of executive functions for foreign insurance.
- The content of the management unit.

The current account is an extremely useful financial instrument, because it allows its owner:

Direct the necessary amounts to third parties to pay for services or goods.
To shift the obligation to fulfill regular payments on bank employees.
Convert funds without cashing.
Use plastic cards to get paper money.

If desired, they can even open an individual if he needs to make calculated operations.

Second answer

how to find out the deposit or current account (also known as the contribution) account is used to store free (temporarily) cash. It can be opened both individuals and legal entities in financial and credit institutions. During the conclusion of the contract in the bank, the money amount is made, which is obliged to be returned with interest payments on conditions and in accordance with the procedure, which is provided for by the signed document. But to provide such a service as the opening of a deposit account can exclusively those bank institutions that have a relevant license that allows you to attract money in rubles or other currency. This is done to reduce the number of cases of fraud and loss of funds. This is what the current account is different from the deposit in general terms.

Conclusion of the Treaty

what is the difference between the current account from the deposit item to imagine a company that does not have its own score. Refusal to the potential client can only in cases provided for by law, or if it is not possible to serve a physical or legal person. The basis for opening and subsequent account is the concluding contract. According to him, the Bank undertakes to accept and enroll all the money entering into account, fulfill the order of the Client about their transfer and issue relevant amounts from accounts and conduct other operations. For individuals, getting access to this tool is an order easier than for organizations.

Also, the latter are required to report them to the discovery in the tax inspectorate at their own place of registration. After the contract is signed, the account owner can conduct any operations provided for by the concluded document and legislation. If a specific indication, which opens, was not voiced, then you can go on another way. Here is the name of the account deposit or the current - how to find out, having only his number? This can be quite simple. Each room consists of five parts. The first is formed out of five characters, which indicate what kind of items include an account.

It is for it that it is worth navigating, determining what was open. And if we have already touched the topic of the number, then let's look at it completely. The next three numbers indicate the currency in which the account was opened. The third part contains only one character, which is called the key. It is calculated using a special algorithm that takes into account all other numbers of numbers. Then four numbers followed, where the banking unit is indicated, where the account was opened. And last seven digits are directly the number itself, which is guided to search for the personal sector in accounting.
A little about differences

the current bank account differs from the depository how to find out, the deposit or current account is open, as well as many other information. But that's not all. Let's look at what the account name is deposit or current, on the administrative level. In the first case, the owner expects to get a certain benefit. And he cannot count on instant access to the entire amount. Whereas using the current account you can get your money instantly if you want to pay for a product or service. Also do not have to count on a certain percentage, although they can be. But all accruals go in a meager size. If you summarize, these nuances should be noted:

- account mode.
- The cost of operations.
- Percent size.

Deposit accounts are not used to transfer money, payments, payments for purchases and other similar moments to provide the opportunity to a financial and credit institution to quietly dispose of the funds entrepresented by him for the agreed contract. And precisely for this inconvenience, banks pay fairly high interest.

On the included components

how can I find out the deposit or current account means the name of the account (deposit or current) we have already figured out. Now let's see what they consist of. In the case of the current score, everything is more easily - there is a certain amount of money and the conditions for its use. With deposits, not so easy. They included a certain interest rate, period, capabilities and conditions of replenishment and insurance. Let's look at some components in more detail. The term is the period for which the owner of funds conveys them to the use of a financial and credit institution. The interest rate is%, which is charged by the bank for using drawn money. Insurance is money, which is made on a deposit, in the event of a bankruptcy of the financial and credit institution, returns to the Depository Fund for the Guarantee Fund in the amount of not more than 1.4 million rubles.


Many modern aspects of the work of financial institutions are governed by the State Duma and the individual executive authorities of the documents. Among the latter, the central bank of the Russian Federation is played among the greatest role, which determines the features of all commercial structures. By establishing the size of the financing rate, and accepting a number of other solutions, they influence interest on which funds are involved, as well as the intensity of lending. Consider a small example. If in our situation to lower the refinancing rate, then the credit sector and the activity of current accounts come to life. If you raise it, then more people will perceive deposits as an attractive tool for preserving funds and will take advantage of their services.


what is the current bank account differs from the depository, this does not end. You can talk a lot more and specifically about these accounts, and about others that are available and allowed according to the law. But for the correct operating of the concepts and the extraction of the benefits of them all the information described here is quite enough. A more detailed study of this topic is of interest except for people that plan to master a certain financial specialty.

Source: https://businessman.ru/

What is the contribution from the percent capital

The capitalization of interest is a banking tool that provides for a special chart of interest accrual for a deposit contribution. The calculation of interest is made as follows: interest on the contribution during a certain period is charged not only on the body of the deposit, but also for previously accrued interest.
Also, this method of calculating interest rate is called complex percentages.

An example of capitalization interest

The client opened a deposit account per 100,000 rubles at 12% per annum with a monthly interest accrual.
After a month, its contribution will increase by 1% - 1/12 interest rate will be accrued. Total, + 1000 rubles \u003d 101 000 rub.
The next month, 1% will be charged no longer on the initial 100 thousand rubles, and on the existing amount of 101 thousand rubles. Consequently, in the second month, the client will earn more than in the first, and on the third month - more than in the second. Each month the amount of interest increases, although the basic interest rate (12% per annum) remains the same.

The amount of complex interest may also accrue once a quarter or once half a year, or once a year, but the more often the capitalization time, the more profitable deposit conditions. Therefore, accrual once a month is the most optimal frequency. More frequent periodicity (weekly or daily) banks are not practicing.
Therefore, the deposit with the capitalization of interest is the most profitable method of multiplying money in bank deposits.

Capitalization conditions percent

The main difference between deposits with capitalization is the payment of interest along with the contribution only at the end of the term. So that this banking operation brings the deposit to the maximum income, the deposit should be placed for a period of at least a year. This means that for a long period, money is not available for the disposal.
Standard deposit products provide regular payments for accrued interest for the period of the deposit agreement. Contributions with capitalization are not designed for such conditions. The client will receive the entire amount of complex interest only at the end of the period along with the principal deposit amount.
However, complex interest is accrued on other conditions: on deposits for a period of several months, and with the possibility of partial removal. But in this case, the accumulation of capital will be insignificant, since:

1) For short-term deposits, the interest rate is always lower than for long contributions. Exception: a large amount for accommodation that will bring significant income on any conditions.
2) For demand deposits, the interest rate is also lower. In addition, if the client removes a part of the money from the account during the action of the deposit agreement, the capitalization is numbering the balance on the account, and these are lower amounts.

Percent capitalization rates

For deposits with capitalization of interest, the following interest rates should be distinguished:

1) The standard contribution rate is a fixed percentage (excluding capitalization), which bank is charged to the contribution. Usually it is this bid is prescribed in the contract.
2) Effective contribution rate is the final yield on fact, taking into account all capitalization cycles.

Source: https://www.e-xecutive.ru/

What kind of percent capitalization (complex percentage)?

The capitalization of interest is the method of calculating interest on the contribution, in which the deposit amount first increases the accrued interest, and then from the amount received is considered a percentage for the next period. In the people, this is called "interest per interest", in finance - "complex interest".

Often, bank deposits do not suggest the capitalization of interest. In this case, the percentage accrual is as follows. For example, you put 100,000 rubles to the bank. Under 12% per annum and get percentage every month. In the case of a simple percentage it will be 1000 rubles. (100 000 x 0.12 / 12 months) for the 1st month, 1000 rubles. For the 2nd month and so on. Those. Every month for 1000 rubles. Usually, by the conditions of the deposit, this amount is credited to you on the current account or plastic card, and you can spend it immediately.

If the deposit conditions provide for capitalization of interest, the accrual is as follows:

1st month: 100000 x 0.12 / 12 \u003d 1000 rubles.
2nd month: (100000 + 1000) x 0.12 / 12 \u003d 1010 rub.
3rd month: (100,000 + 1000 + 1010) x 0.12 / 12 \u003d 1020.1 rubles.
4th month: (100,000 + 1000 + 1010 + 1020,1) x 0.12 / 12 \u003d 1030.3 rubles.

The example shows the monthly capitalization of interest, but it is capitalization once a quarter or once a year (depends on the conditions of a particular deposit agreement).

Formula of capitalization of interest (complex percentage)

Your contribution at the end of the term \u003d (1 + n / 100) n, where
P - percentage charged for the period for which capitalization (month, quarter, year) is produced.
N - the number of such periods in the total deposit period.

Please note that the banks are received to indicate an annual percentage (regardless of the deposit period). For example, if you chose a contribution under 12% per annum with a quarterly capitalization of percent for a period of 6 months, then in the specified formula n \u003d 0.03% (12% / 4 months / 100), and n \u003d 2.

As we see, when capitalization, accrued interest is added to the amount of the contribution and the next percentage is calculated from the new amount. In this case, of course, the contribution will bring more than with a simple interest accrual, without capitalization. The minus is that it is impossible to remove interest monthly in this case.

What contribution to choose, with the capitalization of percent or without

Often banks one by the same contribution indicate two interest accrual options: without capitalization and with capitalization. At the same time, the amount of interest banks always indicate for the year and it can be seen that the annual percentage of capitalization is obtained higher than without capitalization. Accordingly, the contributor decides whether he needs to take interest every month or let them bring additional income by joining the amount of the contribution. The solution depends solely on your financial circumstances.

Source: https://www.sberometer.ru/

What do you need a savings

A new generation - what is happening there - often perceives savings books as atavism, the relic of Soviet times.

The time of electronics seemed to reject the remnants of paper workflow, and now not everything, how to say - the minority of banks offers its depositors to get savings books.

In the number of those dinosaurs, which preserve the tradition of issuing savings, includes Gazprombank and Sberbank, which give the savings book always, with any deposit design. So, we analyze the situation in terms of the law.

According to Article 843 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of the Bank's contract with a citizen and making money is accompanied by the issuance of a savings record - if another is not specified by the Agreement of the Parties. This means that if the bank does not give a depositor to the savings record, it must be indicated in the deposit agreement.

In this case, the Bank should give the Depositor to the Certificate or another document certifying its contribution. In addition, it is necessary to determine how the residue is confirmed after each operation on the deposit or removal of money.

Nevertheless, the staff of several well-known banks (VTB 24, MDM-Bank, Investsberbank and Alfa-Bank) tell about their work about the same things.

So, on the question of a discharger discharge, everyone answered that the Customer's savings record was not discharged, since the Bank works under an agreement with the Depositor. That is, confirmation of your contract with the bank and making money at the expense does not receive.

At the same time, the lack of a savings book in the contract is not negotiated separately. Moreover, in the typical agreement of these banks, no mechanisms for the certificate of cash coming to the account or fixation of the balance account after surgery are not provided.

There is reason to believe that the rate of a savings book or other way of controlling the score is not stipulated by banks not just for forgetfulness: just so profitable to banks.

Here is the conditional situation: the client opens an urgent contribution to the bank, negotiating the initial contribution in the text of the contract. Subsequently, the client takes some more contributions, increasing the amount of his contribution.

In the absence of a savings record, this is confirmed only by the arrival order, the text of this case is not made in the text of the initial agreement. Suddenly, the client discovers that the amount on the contribution is less than it should be after all additional contributions.

But alas - in the absence of a savings book, he has nothing to confirm that he made some amounts except those indicated in the contract. There is no document that is confirmed by the re-replenishment of the score.

So, returning money taken from the account without your knowledge will be very difficult - from the point of view of the contract between the bank and the client, they do not exist at all.

In the presence of a savings book, in which every removal of money should be prescribed and completed, such misunderstandings are impossible.

The savings book should contain the name and address of the bank, as well as the coordinates of the branch where the contribution was made, the number of the account, the type of deposit, as well as all the money, accrued or written off on this contribution, including the capitalization of interest, and the balance of funds at the time of presentation Savings book, which should be updated and entered into a book after each operation on entering or the output of funds.

It is thanks to this norm of the Civil Code at the depositor, there is an opportunity to control and documented the movement of funds on its account.

This is especially true for accounts that are often replenished - pension and salary accounts, accounts for receiving remittances, as well as accounts where interest is accrued.

Source: http://dengiziz.ru/

How to check the savings record in the bank "Sberbank of Russia"?

The bulk of modern banks practices the storage of cash of its customers on debit plastic cards. Such a bank card allows you to manage funds within the available balance stored on a deposit account. However, Sberbank of Russia does not refuse to work with a classic system of savings books.

The savings book (savings record) is a security paper that confirms the conclusion of a bank deposit agreement with the client and making money to the account on the contribution.

In the savings book, the name and location of the Bank's separation is indicated, in which the account is open, the account number of the deposit, type of deposit and FIO of the depositor. The savingsbook also printed all amounts of money enrolled / written off from the account. In the last line, the printer "breaks" the balance of available funds on the score at the time of charges of the bank.

The data on the banking contribution specified in the savingsbook is the basis for calculations on the contribution between the depositor and the bank (if the other state of the contribution is not proven). Upon presentation of the Sberbank, the deposit is issued, the payment of interest on it and the transfer of money from the account to other persons at the depositor application.

Checking the status of the account for a savings book in the department

Check the savings record, that is, the balance of available funds, you can, visiting Sberbank. For this you need:

- come to the department "Sberbank", in which a bank account is opened, with a passport and directly with the savings recorder;
- take the electronic queue trip through the terminal;
- waiting for invitations, go to the desired window and, presenting the operator to the savings book and passport, ask to check the status of the account;
- Bank employee will check the coincidence of all data and details, after which the balance of your account will call you.

department of Sberbank

At wishes, you can immediately make money, replenish your account or leave it unchanged. As we have already told above, all operations that are manufactured with your account will be fixed (printed on the printer) in the savings record.

How to check the savings book online?

There is also a faster and more advanced way of tracking the status of a savings account account that does not require regular visits to the Sberbank office - you can check the savingsbook via the Internet. To obtain such a possibility, you must go to the bank once once to connect the Sberbank online service. This service will allow you at any convenient time to authorize in the system and receive up-to-date information about your account.
To use Sberbank online service you need:

- Cancer;
- passport;
- Any mobile device with internet access.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

- attend the department "Sberbank of Russia", where the account is opened;
- We write an application for connecting the Sberbank online service;
- We receive detailed instructions for authorization and use of the system from the consultant;
- We go to the network and pass authorization in the system.

Connect the Sberbank online service, both when opening the account and any other time convenient for you.

Often there is a situation when the most different banking users ask themselves the question than the current account is different from the deposit. The emergence of the need for a clear answer may be associated with an unclear for the trigger of the contract for the provision of services. Sometimes the question is asked from the desire to understand the possibilities of their own manipulation of cash.

Often, when the concepts "settlement", "card", "urgent" and "demand" are found in the texts of the contract or information materials, the person is confused. The concept of a savings book as a secular paper on the bearer is generally not available to understanding many. Enlighten the organization of the Bank's work in the context of the user's capabilities, that is, the owner of the money.

Accessories with operational access

The current account opens for direct operating money and is used for:

  • settlements when paying for services, buying goods;
  • crediting wages and other funds of funds;
  • accounting for income from other individuals and from settlement accounts of enterprises.

The main feature of the current account is direct access to money. The concept of the current account flashed in the above. In fact, it does not have a special difference in the mechanics of work. It is roughly speaking, the company's money repository, a legal entity.

The current account is beneficial to use for settlements when it comes to significant amounts of funds. At the same time, replenishment is possible only through parish orders and bank cash register. Similarly, you can remove a large amount. With the help of online banking means, depending on the terms of the service contract, you can also carry out operations with current tools, for example, to send money to the payment of services. The subscription fee for servicing the current account by the Bank is not charged.


The deposit account provides for the placement of funds for a certain period with blocking access to them from the owner. The funds are available at the disposal of the credit institution (in the case under consideration - the bank), and for the use of user finances, it is charged interest on the deposit amount. So the standard deposit scheme works.

Deposits of this kinda allow to invest in the interest rate, and the amount of interest rate smoothes the effect of the inflation constantly present in the financial environment.

However, today banks expand the opportunity to use the deposit, because of what the user is erased by the difference of perception. For instance:

  • the deposit "to demand" may imply a low interest rate accrual and give the opportunity to use money;
  • the card can be tied to the deposit, and the fund owner will be able to operate by means of accrued interest;
  • banks have deposit offers that allow partial removal of funds;
  • deposits may provide replenishment, including automatic, - these capabilities are the expansion of mechanics and can be offered by the bank within certain packages of services.

In fact, the biggest confusion arises due to the superstructure - cards that erase the difference between the current and depository of funds.

How plastic cards work

The card (deposit or credit) is attached to his own account. If the payment facility was issued for manipulating means on the current account, the bank independently carries out processing. The card user does not have the concept of those wiring that takes place in the bank at the moment when he shoots money in an ATM or pays for services.

Because of this, it becomes clear why banks take money for servicing cards. The amount of payment depends on the capabilities that the client is provided. It can be:

  • overdraft on debit card;
  • the ability to use borrowed means with a credit card;
  • the term of interest-free repayment of debt.

The amount of monthly payment for the service of a card account attached to the current depends on the type of card, which, in turn, declares the limits on the movement of funds. This can be like a restriction on the cashing of money in an ATM and total monthly traffic formable by purchases and payment services.

The difference between the card and current accounts is visible to the naked eye. Operations with current are produced without restrictions, however, using special tools or in the bank branch. A card superstructure simplifies the actions with money, provides a set of extended capabilities, however, for the service will have to pay.

Maps and deposits

There is a ligament of cards and deposits. This can be done both for the purpose of operating accrued interest on the contribution and the possibility of partially removing the body of the contribution. The bank gives only debit cards, and the funds are calculated depending on the conditions of a particular deposit. For example:

  • if the map is tied to the urgent class deposit (such as deposits open to the deadline), it can operate with accrued interest;
  • the owner is available only the amount of calculated funds, but not the body of the deposit;
  • after the expiration of the term deposit, the deposit body is listed on the card.

In the case of deposits with partial removal of funds, there are limited access to the body of the deposit. The amount that can be operated is described in the Agreement with the Bank. Conventional conditions sound like this: you can remove a certain amount of money until the so-called minimum balance is reached. This amount is also calculated according to the terms of the contract for maintenance of the urgent (deposit deposit).

What is the difference between current and deposit accounts

The above-described work of maps and accounts allows you to separate operations with accounts and clearly answer the question of what the difference between the deposit and current accounts. The key difference consists in access to means.

In fact, the current and deposit account in the bank is a kind of user repositories, only:

  • the current account provides direct operational access to the means, and the deposit limits their movement for a clear period or offers special conditions for use;
  • the current account has no validity period, and the standard deposit mechanic implies the final storage time;
  • the current account does not accrue interest, the deposit always implies the accumulation of funds that the bank charges in the form of interest.

Everything else is interest, which are allegedly accrued to the balance of the usual account. Access to the part of the deposit body, the use of accrued money is all the work of the card account, which is a flexible and user-friendly superstructure.

Asking how to find out the deposit or current account, it is worth understanding that such data can definitely identify only the bank. Normitative identification is usually different. Current accounts begin with one group of numbers, deposit - another. The easiest way to get an accurate answer is to call the Bank's support service with which the service agreement has been concluded.


The savings record was relatively recently very popular. We can say that she was at all. But today its use is coming to no. Users of banking services, asking the question of whether the Cancer is the current account or deposit, simply do not understand the type of this document.

If you respond essentially, the savings book is tied to a specific current account. Wherein this is a non-intersonic money access tool. It works as a valuable paper or bill bill. If the savings book is lost, anyone can find it and get access to finance, cash out available funds, close the score or make other dangerous to the owner of the action.

Proof of the belonging to a specific person falls under the jurisdiction of procedural legislation. The owner will need to present receipt bank checks, other documents identifying operations on a specific account. Cancer can be presented, transferred, money with it can be used by anyone. Therefore, almost all banks have at the moment refused to use this securities in order to increase the level of protection of saving their customers.

In addition to these difficulties, the owner of the savings book has a smaller level of opportunity. For example, its means, access to which is possible with the help of the "For Bearer", do not fall under the actions of the Deposit Insurance Act. Additionally, all the movements of money must be declared, indicated sources of receipt according to the law on countering money laundering. In a word, the savings record has ceased to be an important document and is able to even bring a whole memory of the problems to its owner.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state