
What is a loan and debit a simple language. All are familiar with the concept of credit. But what is a loan, and how did this concept originate? What is the loan of its types

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Lending is a phenomenon that has been firmly included in almost every modern person.

If we left those who have never taken a loan in life, then they probably listened to the TV on the TV, from the media and by phone when they persistently in SMS and calls were offered to take advantage of the advantageous offer.

Today we will consider a little more detailed lending algorithm, types of loans, as well as the pros and cons of credit relations with the bank.

Definition - what is a loan

Translated from the Latin "Credit" (Creditum) denotes " loan" This word reflects the essence of the lending process. One side (lender) provides the other party (borrower) monetary loan For a certain period of time. The borrower undertakes to pay the lender to the amount and the agreed Commission (interest) on the period established by the lender.

Credit relations originated long before the money appeared, during the time of natural exchange. A simple example: one hunter mined 10 hares. The other did not get anything, so I asked the first to give him 2 pieces.

He agrees on the condition that a few days later the hunter will return 3 hares to him today. On the face simple scheme lending, i.e. Economic relations based on payability and trust.

Credit is Economic relations related to the transfer by one side of another of any material values \u200b\u200b(money, goods) when performing the following conditions: repayment of borrowed funds in set time for a fee.

Currently, under lending, it is most often implied by relations related to the issuance of a loan in cash (cash or non-cash). And it is logical, because the money is the cost equivalent of goods and services.

IMPORTANT: Do not confused the concept of "loan" and "Credit". Only legal entities can be engaged in lending, and the loans are eligible both organizations and.

Credit is the provision of cash, and the loan implies both money and property objects. The loan is paid by regular contributions during a certain period, and the loan with accrued interest is quenched at a time.

Basic lending concepts

To navigate the world of loans, you need to know what some banking terms mean:

Forms of lending

Lending is one of the most important tools of the economy of any country of the world. Credits can be several forms, consider them further.

  1. Bank loan - the object of lending is the cash, and creditors - banks;
  2. Commercial credit - this is the provision by one legal entity to other things (trade loan);
  3. State Credit - These are credit relations in which the state is one party (as a lender or borrower), and the other is legal or individuals.

A visual example when the state (?) Acts as a borrower: to cover the budget deficit. In this scheme, the state is a borrower, and lenders are individuals or legal entities that have acquired bonds.

The essence of this scheme is such: the state produces to the market valuable papers Bonds for a certain amount, they are buying individuals and legal entities.

Bonds have a specific nominal value and an established interest rate. After a certain time (approved when issuing bonds), the state pays the owner of the bonds previously received from him plus interest.

Bank loan

Let us analyze the lending mechanism individual in a bank organization:

  1. A citizen who needs money for any goals is drawn to the appropriate application and the package of documents to the bank (about documents tell in the article later).
  2. The bank takes an application and finds out credit Potential client, analyzes its risks.
  3. Bank takes out decisionIt can be both positive and negative.
  4. With a positive decision, the Bank raises the client and concludes a loan agreement with him. This document is fundamental in lending. It is prescribed all terms of granting credit:
    1. loan amount;
    2. loan terms;
    3. interest that the borrower should pay;
    4. repayment schedule of loan and interest.
  5. The bank issues a borrower cash.
  6. The client pays the amount of debt with accrued interest on the Bank's approved schedule.
  7. The client gives a loan, the bank issues a certificate of the absence of debt (on demand).

Types of bank loans

Every year more and more new banking products appear on the credit market. This increases the influx of new customers and, therefore, increases bank revenues. Consider the most popular in our country bank credit products.

Consumer credit

Consumer - This is a cash loan for individuals for the purchase of items (services) for personal use.

Credit cards

* When clicking on the picture it will open in full size in a new window

The Bank approves the client's application, concludes a contract for lending under a smaller percentage, pays the customer's debt to the bank where the loan was originally taken. Everyone is happy: the client pays less, the old bank received his money, new Bank I received another borrower.

Pros and Cons Lending for Individuals

Advantages of bank loans It is difficult to overestimate:

  1. no longer need to save money for a large purchase (including real estate), for treatment, education, travel;
  2. no need to take a loan from familiar, relatives, unauthorized persons;
  3. it is possible to cope with the smallest loss of the temporary difficulty of the material plan;
  4. some types of bank loans can be issued and obtained through the Internet online.

Free cheese does not happen, so you need to pay a report and about the presence of minuses Bank lending:

  1. high interest accrued on credit sums;
  2. possible additional spending on the Commission and different kinds insurance;
  3. the imposition of imported real estate, if the loan is taken on the guarantee (mortgage);
  4. loss of real estate (with mortgage lending), if not fulfilled debt obligations.

And yet decide eternal questions: "To be or not to be", " Take or not take", Each person has to independently. To do this, it is necessary to objectively assess your strength and carefully weighed all the pros and cons of credit.

How to get a bank loan

Consider a brief algorithm for obtaining a loan:

Brief summary

Credit is banking Productintended for individuals and legal entities.

It is indispensable for business development, treatment, education and major shopping. Making a decision on lending should be weighted and deliberate. Before contacting the bank, it is necessary to objectively analyze its capabilities in terms of repayment of future debt obligations.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Material from the site

Definition of concept

Reminder of payment

The next day after the expiration of the payment period, you need to make a reminder. Standard letter, printed by a cheap printer on bad paper and addressed simply to the accounting department, probably not a summon. Most likely, it will be taken over the postal waste paper and immediately recover in the garbage basket.
When taking the order, find out the name, position and address of the person responsible for payment. If this international companyYou may need to send accounts to a regional or headquarters located in another country. Reminder of payment should be addressed to the appropriate person. It should be in case of the presence of any reason for non-payment and ask to immediately report it. It is better to take advantage of not an international airmail, but fax.

  • Subsequent phone calls

If the payment did not receive at 7 days after the reminder of the payment, the person responsible for payments should be called. When unsatisfactory response, you need to call the manager who made the order and ask for payment without further delays. If any excuses appear, causes or excuses, you need to understand immediately. Sometimes it takes two or three weeks to dispel any doubt that it is equivalent to the extension of the loan to the buyer simply due to the incompetence of the manager.

  • Next steps

If the payment does not come, you need to make further actions for several days. Delay, or rather, postponed, most likely will significantly reduce the chances of receiving any payment at all. Depending on the amount and the country, you should apply either to the agency for debt collection, or to a lawyer.

Bank loan

Loans in a banking institution are one of the common types of lending, which is characterized by four components: a monetary form, urgency, payability, purpose.
1) Banking institutions provide loans exclusively in monetary form - national or foreign currency.
2) The obligations under the loan agreement have a predetermined period throughout which the client is obliged to repay the entire amount of debt along with interest. Otherwise, the borrower goes into the status of the debtor. Also, the principle of urgency suggests that funds are issued for temporary use, and not in property.
3) The money that the client will return the bank at the end of the credit period will increase by the amount in the form of a certain percentage of the loan value. This is the fee of the bank for using its assets.
4) the loan amount depends on the purposes that the client cannot achieve due to its own financial means. In the bank take measures to ensure that borrowed money is used strictly for their intended purpose, if this is not a consumer loan.

The loan can be issued to the state, the municipal body, a commercial enterprise or an individual, provided that the interests of the lender and the borrower coincide. The prerequisite is the provision of guarantees of the return of borrowed funds upon the expiration of credit period.


Lending is a system of relationship between the parties, it implies the provision by one party (lender) another (borrower) of a certain amount of funds to be returned during the agreed period. Banks, microfinance organizations, pawnshops, individuals can be as lenders. As borrowers - state bodies, Individuals and legal entities. During the design of some transactions, guarantors or coaches may be additionally involved, which are subsisched by subsidiary and solidarity responsibility on debt repayment.

Credit Credit:


  • agricultural;
  • consumer;
  • industrial;
  • trade;
  • investment;
  • mortgage.


  • unsecured;
  • with the provision.

Type of repayment

  • redeemed by one payment;
  • redempted in installments.

Pose of interest rate

  • floating rate;
  • with a fixed rate.

Each program has its own characteristics, accompanied by varying degrees of risks, so the credit conditions differ not only, depending on the lender, but also the type of loan.

Popular loans

The credit market is formed on the basis of the needs of borrowers. Today you can select several lending options that are most often used borrowers.

MFO microloans

Microfinance institutions provide fast and convenient loans. main reason Their popularity is accessibility. Money can be obtained by simplified scheme without certificate of income, pledge and guarantors. Many MFIs offer online service lending to the card, which allows you to apply and get money without leaving home. Such loans have significant disadvantages - a high interest rate that reaches 1-2% per day and a short lending period, which rarely exceeds 30 days.

Bank loans

Banks offer a wide choice credit programsWhat allows you to get the right amount for any purpose. Terms of providing loans Some of the most profitable. The interest rate ranges within 11-23% per annum, depending on the selected program.

In addition to traditional loans, banks issue credit cards. Her holder can use it at its discretion (shopping, to take money in cash, keep own funds). Until credit limit Not used, the borrower does not appear obligations, which allows you to use a credit card as a reserve.

To buy an apartment, cars, land plot Special programs apply. The interest rate on them below is 3-5% than that consumer credits, And credit period can reach 30 years (for mortgages).

The disadvantages of bank loans include a complex procedure for design and high demands on the borrower, which often becomes the cause of refusal.

Lombard lending

Lombards are credited solely on the security of liquid property. It can be household, computer equipment, antiques, jewels, and even vehicles. Credit history, the income of the borrower does not affect the decision on the issuance of a loan. The estimate of the subject of pledge is carried out by Lombard employees, after which the maximum amount available for extradition (40-70% of the estimated value) is voiced. The design procedure takes from 15 minutes to 3-4 hours. The lack of such lending is a high interest rate (4-7% per month), and the period is usually not more than a month. It should be noted a high risk of loss protection property In case of violation of obligations by the borrower.

Lending is one of the factors determining the development of the economy. It is a source of investment for enterprises and stimulates production by the growth of the purchasing power of the population. The state acts as a regulator, implementing monetary policyaimed at increasing the availability of lending and reduce its cost.

Today, everyone is familiar with the word "loan", but no one thinks about his initial meaning. Although, if you ask people that it means, many nominate their understanding of this word. For very many people, the word "loan" wears a brightly negative color and is associated exclusively with the bondage, with a duty, trapped, a pit, a swamp or something else so bad that you must certainly go around the party. Whereas for a huge number of people, the loan is often the only way to not just solve the urgent problems, but to start actually, to buy a car or housing, improve the life situation. And, perhaps, no one will argue that credit needs to be taken with the mind, carefully studying all his parties to be truly satisfied.

How did the concept of "loan"

So what is a loan, how did this concept appear in life and became familiar to everyone? The Word Word itself took the beginning of the Latin plaque "Kreditum": which means "debt" or "loan". Another meaning of this word translated from Latin is "faith" or "trust." Therefore, in use, the word entered under the association of these two meanings and took the following interpretation in jurisprudence and economics: a loan is an agreement concluded by the mutual consent of the persons on the provision of a loan under certain conditions. According to such a contract, one of the partners acts as a lender, providing an indicated amount of cash or other material property to another partner (borrower) with a preliminary agreement on a loan refund. The borrower returns the property in the manner prescribed by the Treaty. The Agreement provides for the term to which the loan must be paid in full, or certain dates, which is paid to the onset of a certain amount of the loan for a long time, until a complete payment of lessed funds. According to the contract, as a rule, the landlord provides material values In exchange for money or other equivalent of issued funds, plus certain interest as a fee for postponement.

What are the principles of lending today

If anyone has no secret left, what is a loan, then general principles, in which, in modern times, lending is carried out, they are understandable to most people. Today allocated and are common to most of the following lending principles:

  • Urgency. Necessarily denotes the term of loan;
  • Unconditional and complete return. At the specified period, the designated amount of the loan must be paid completely;
  • Service fee. For the fact that the borrower is granted the right to use a loan today, with a delayed return, a fee is assigned;
  • Compliance with formalities according to the rules and laws. The loan is necessarily provided solely on the basis of a written agreement, which fully complies with the standards of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and does not contradict Russian legislation in any form;
  • The invariance of the conditions on which a loan is provided. The conditions on which are concluded credit Agreement (Treaty) may vary only in accordance with the onset of the circumstances provided for by the Agreement, and exclusively in the manner prescribed by the Treaty;
  • The contract bears mutual benefit for both parties. According to this item, the terms of the contract must bear commercial benefits (profit) for the lender (bank), but to take into account the real possibilities of the borrower (that is, the overpayment should not be fabulous);
  • Target lending. As a rule, a loan is taken by a borrower for certain purposes for which it is used;
  • Secured and unsecured lending.

The crome there are intrabank credit principles extending to the Bank's employees.

Based on the principle of loan urgency, any loan allotted by the Bank must be completely returned on a predetermined contract. I.e, mandatory condition The repayment of the loan is the deadline, before the expiration of which it must be paid in full.

In lending legal organizations It is important for such a thing as turnover credit fundsWhat is the security of loans and their differentiation are inextricably linked. Differentiation suggests that various clients can be offered different conditions lending. The potential borrower should be solvent to ensure the principles of repayment and urgency of the loan. For lending to organizations, careful analysis of the balance of the enterprise for liquidity is made, the profitability of the business is estimated at the current and prospects for the future. Accordingly, if the indicators characterize the organization as a reliable, revenue, potentially developing, it provides a loan.

Under the security of loans implies the presence of property property that can act as a collateral for a guarantee of financial obligations.

The payability of loans is implemented by appointing interest rates for the use of the loan. Thanks to the implementation of this principle, both parties receive the benefit from the transaction that they need. The company has the necessary finances for development today, the bank receives money back and means to ensure other needs, including its own development.

Credit - type of transaction, which is between the borrower and one of the credit institutions (a bank or non-bank credit institution). As a result of the commission of such a transaction, the lender under certain conditions provides a borrower of a loan, between them is a contract in which the term, the size of the loan and remuneration for its use (interest) is negotiated.

In various credit institutions there are various credit schemes: The loan can be issued on the security of property (with the provision) or without any, under the guarantee of third parties or under condition mandatory insurance. In any case, it depends on the most credit organizationand from the type of loan provided. The recipient (borrower) can act as physical and legal entities (Credit for business), usually loans are provided, for example, to buy a car, real estate (mortgage), large household appliances or for arbitrary needs. The amount of remuneration (interest rate) is significantly different depending on the goals of lending.

Conditions for the emergence of credit relations

  1. Credit - always borrowing someone's property. Therefore, the credit transaction occurs material liability Its participants on those commitments that are governed by the Treaty.
  2. Conclusion loan agreement it becomes possible As a result of the coincidence of the economic interests of the lender and the borrower. Of course, this situation arises only when the lender has available free cashwhich he can " lend", and at the borrower the need arises In such means, in this case, the amount of, term, loan and the amount of payment for the use of cash resources benefits is played for the consension of the parties to the conclusion of the transaction.

Types of credits

Taking into account the fact that even in one credit institution there may be many credit options and several varieties of credit programs for each of them, consider with you only the main types of loans that banks provide:

  1. Consumer credit only provided individuals. The objects of lending to this species are the goods or services that will be acquired by an individual, in other words - for consumer purposes. For example, such goods and services can be: appliances for home, furniture, etc. This species Credit is relatively high interest rates, as well as not very big monetary sums Speaking as a loan.
  2. - this type of loan can also be granted both physical and legal entitiesAs it is clear from the very name, the purpose of crediting in this case can only be the purchase of a car with the help of borrowed funds. Interest rates are already significantly lower than with consumer lending, and the amounts that appear in the transaction are significantly higher (comparable to the car's cost). In addition, there are special state programsthat is that the car loan will be partially repaired The state is in the event that the purchased car - domestic production.
  3. Educational credit Granted exclusively to receive a borrower of education. Lending object, obviously here is the payment for learning in any educational institution (except the budget basis). This type of loan is also distinguished by low interest rates, as well as preferential terms of repayment and postponement of payments For several years. Part of the debt, as in the case of on domestic cars, can cover the state.
  4. - Given individuals For the purchase of own housing. It is one of the varieties of mortgage lending. The lending object in this case may be exclusively purchased real estate, are the lowest among all types of loans, the loan amounts are the largest (commensurate costs of housing), and the period of lending on average is 10-20 years. Acquired real estate remains pledge at the bank, It is this type of lending is considered the most reliable, but the quantity is a serious list. Everything can occupy from 2 to 6 months (depends on the set of factors).

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state