
Advertising booklets Repair of apartments. Selling leaflet (flyer) of a construction company: ruthless analysis. Department of household appliances repair company

  • Definition of Cent
  • Set up advertising
  • Get target subscribers
  • Get applications

The company "Honest Repair" is engaged in full and partial decoration of apartments in St. Petersburg. Also help with free accepting apartments in new buildings. Prior to that, advertising campaigns were already held in Vkontakte, but did not bring results and decided to contact me to attract customers to repair apartments from this social network.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the boarding page (in this case Group) for traffic. First of all, I asked the Customer to change the cover and fill the group with a unique content. Began to use posts with colorful photos, polls and picked up Hestegi.

Funnel Sales is an analytics tool that allows you to understand how your potential customer comes to a solution to buying your product or service.

When working on this project, I decided to use 3 sales funnels:

After talking with the customer, the following audience segments in Mindmap were allocated to me:

Collect the database by:

  • Competitors
  • Residential complexes
  • Friends of employees of competitors
  • Categories of interest


  • I analyze the popular posts in the subject to understand what pictures in advertising are greatest likely to go.
  • Collect the kernel to better understand the target audience: demographic data, in which groups. Most often, the repair is interested in girls from 20 to 45 years. Also they consist of 2-3 groups about the interior design and beautiful finishes.

To test the ads use pictures from the Internet, or the photos that the customer itself provides. Also test appeals to action. For example: "Go and enter / go and fill / join and get a discount." As a result, it turns out posts 20-30 with various pictures and calls. Test bases choose hot, collected by competitors and Residential complexesI unscrew and look, in which posts the highest CTR, the conversion in the subscription and the ratio of the positive to the negative.

Sample advertising for repair of apartments VKontakte

During the work, I was pleased to be "unsuitable" for advertising ads:

Unsuccessful promo

1. Audiences that have shown well in this niche: LCD and competitors.

They consistently bring applications for 100-300 rubles, that me and my customer greatly pleases.

2. It is necessary to work in the content of the group.

At the beginning of the work, a subscription to the group (on a hot audience) accounted for 50 rubles! This is a lot, isn't it? Therefore, it was decided to completely change the content plan in the group and as a result, the price fell to 20 rubles per subscriber.

3. Design.

The design should cause trust and look decent among competitors who have a terrible design.

4. Repair in a few months.

This niche is not the fastest in receipt of profit, but this is its plus. Constantly heated subscribers with the help of content - we show them your professionalism and what we can entrust repair in your apartment. And if on an ongoing basis, bring the application to the customer for 100 - 300 rubles (and even less), it will be considered a great basis for long-term cooperation.

Now you know where to take customers to repair apartments and how to write an ad to find a lot of customers. You can once again see the text of the ads in samples from my case and based on it to make your selling text for advertising apartment repairs. If something is incomprehensible, be sure to write in the comments.

If you decide to repair other people's apartments, then this one will be useful. I will tell you how to repair apartments, what difficulties will arise what you need to know and be able to. In this business I am more than 13 years old. I tried to split the article into several sections to try to touch on all aspects of the organization of the business repair of the apartments. Several articles written for your future customers are combined on this page.

And so, you decided to do business on the repair of apartments. The desire is huge, and there is no experience - bad. If you have done repairs in your apartment, then this is not an experience, more precisely, almost no experience. Do for yourself and for other people's people - two big differences. My advice: Work a couple of years in firms that are engaged in the repair of apartments. As they say "Hand", acquire valuable experience, and also get acquainted with the specialists who use you, because To do the apartment repair is hard and long, for a long time repair, customers rarely agree.

If you do not want to work yourself, but you want to fulfill the role of an intermediary between the customer and the contractor (looking for a job and workers), I can disappoint you. This way of earning is effective if you have a permanent major customer (chain stores, etc.) which will provide you with orders. Otherwise, you will search for a long time for repair, and then workers.

As I said earlier, you need experience in the repair of apartments, at least know how, what and what is done, for what time frame. It is necessary to have 20-40 thousand rubles, to buy a professional tool. For the repair of apartments you need a professional tool, domestic long does not last. To save money, it is better to buy that tool that is necessary to fulfill specific types of work for which you can get money.

Start always hard. Do not think that you will have many clients and there will be no pen. We'll have to spend money on advertising. You can open the site on the Internet and order contextual advertising on Yandex or Google. There are still effective ads in newspapers and on TV. The benefit from the opening of leaflets is only if you stuck them in a new courthouse. At the stops and other places of leaflets about the repair of the apartment are not effective. SAMI good publicity - "Sarafanny Radio" (when former customers with good reviews are told about you). The main thing is to remember, it is hard to earn a good reputation and keep and keep, but the bad easily and for a long time.

At first, you can do the repair of apartments not officially, in the future it is better to register as IP or LLC. There is almost no difference between them, except that large customers love to work with LLC than IP, construction licenses And the tolerances of SRO do not need. People love official contractors and guarantees on the quality of work.

And so they called you and you came to watch the object. I do not advise you to overestimate prices, but also do not work for a symbolic fee. You have no reputation, you have to convince the customer in your professionalism. Speak briefly, clearly and clear. You have to convince the customer that you are a professional.
Spoke all types of work, what materials will be used. Dates for the repair of the apartment put more than 10% of the number of days for which you expect to do. Be sure to complain payment methods. The most optimal (I like it) take it weekly for the types of work. Small amounts of money are easier to be given by the customer.

All subtleties and moments in the repair of apartments are not possible. If you have done this business, I will soon understand that there are no "lungs and fast money". And so success in this hard work.

What is the difference between cosmetic repairs from the capital? Many customers are confused overhaul With cosmetic, probably due to the fact that prices for cosmetic repairs are much lower in capital. However, the designation of types of repairs is invented not in vain and I will tell you what they differ.

It often happens so, I call for the phone:
- Hello, do you repair apartments?
- Yes.
- How much do you have square meter, Floor Square, Cosmetic Apartment Repair?
- Such is the price.
- When you can see.
As a result, coming to the apartment, you see that the customer does not need a cosmetic repair, but overhaul. When the customer learns the approximate price of apartment repair - refuses, because did not count on such spending.
As a result, spent, empty, my time and time of the customer and all because the customer believed that he had light and cheap types of work, i.e. redecorating.

Types of repair of apartments were invented, whatever was easier to navigate to customers and builders about what repair is speech, i.e. The complexity of the work. It's like buying meat in the store, until you know the price for 1 kg., I will not understand - how much is the piece you like.

Square floor square meter - approximate currency unit Measurements. Few people will work on the basis of the cost of the square meter of the floor area. After all, in this square meter, you can order many types of work. It's how to buy a sausage, poor quality - stands cheap, high quality - expensive.

Now about the types of repair of apartments:
Redecorating - When a woman wants to make a face more attractive, she uses cosmetics, for this she does not need to go to a plastic surgeon. And she can, every day, change your style. Cosmetic repair is very similar to female cosmetics, i.e. The apartment changes wallpaper, linoleum, repainted pipes or walls. All types of work that change appearance Apartments only in color scheme. This repair is also called Economy class, budget option.
Overhaul - It's when walls are aligned in the apartment, new design elements are added, redeveloped. All that will change the appearance of the apartment not only in the color scheme.

Since the overhaul - the concept of tensile, i.e. You can make a simple, high-quality, repair, and in the style of ancient Greece, then it is divided into classes, depending on the complexity of the work.
ERRORORMONT. - Such a concept was popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Because Undergraded the use of Euro-materials. Now materials, Euro-standards, in Russia are produced everywhere and used in any form of repair. The very concept as a renovation - has long been outdated and does not carry the semantic load on the difficulties of work.
Standard repair - This repair includes work on high-quality alignment of floors, walls, ceilings. It does not include complex works such as multi-level plasterboard ceilings and other complex elements.
VIP, Suite, Premium - Such types of repairs are required to embody any ideas of the customer, if it is technically possible. The most expensive type of repair of apartments, because Highly qualified specialists are involved in it.

What is urgent repair of apartments when and why is it needed?
Causes of urgent repairs of the apartment can be different.
You can't free the accommodation, I don't want to rent an apartment or a hotel for repair, not a desire to wait a few months until the apartment will be repaired, etc.

You must be prepared for the fact that the urgent repairs of the apartment costs more than normal repairs, usually marks 30% and I will explain why.

Usually, building brigades and firms have a fixed staff of workers. There are usually not many such workers. This is due to the fact that for 2-3 workers it is easier to find a job than for 4-5, because the builders do not always come across volumes of work, where 5 workers can be involved. If the repair of your apartment is 5 workers can be made in 1.5 months (for example), then 3 workers will do 2-2.5 months.

So why urgent repair of the apartment is more expensive than usual?
Everything is very simple. Workers will have to work longer on working days, as well as on weekends. It affects their fatigue, you will have to pay extra for the processing of working time. To increase the speed of repairing your apartment, builders can attract other brigades that will jointly perform types of work, depending on the type of apartment repair, with the main builders. And this entails an extra time in search and contracts with such subcontractors.

It should be borne in mind that the urgent repair of the apartment does not undergraduate that it will be done in a week (figurative). You can only reduce the repair time within reasonable limits.
For example, an apartment will do not for 2 months, and for a month, just some will make the room, the other kitchen, the third - San.Uzla, etc.
The screed must dry before it can be laid the floor covering, and it dries 1 cm. Layers - week, 2 cm. Layers 2 weeks, etc. After the shta wall, it should also dry, before glue the wallpaper, if the wallpaper blew not allowing to dry the putty, then over time it may appear on the wallpaper of the fungus.
There are many such moments in the repair of the apartment, this is necessary to take seriously to the deadlines of the urgent repairs of the apartment.

What is included in the concept as finishing and repair of turnkey apartments? It means complex work (as they say from A to Z). You will be given the key and you can live in your apartment. It doesn't matter what kind of repair you need, work "turnkey" provides that there will be no additional work requiring any specialists. Only one person (contractor) is responsible for all works, with whom you will solve all types of work required for the repair of your apartment, to produce financial calculations, demand quality, etc.

Article from site site

Of course, this contractor will not be able to finish or repair the turnkey apartment. Usually, the contractor has subcontractors, which he can hire from the side, or he can have its own workers. In any case, for all the work performed on your apartment (quality, deadlines) corresponds to the contractor and he decides who and what will do in your apartment. It is very convenient when one person is responsible for all types of repairs and you do not need to look for specialists for different species works, until the end of the apartment repair. This is the pleasant advantage of finishing or repairing a turnkey apartment.

There are situations where the conflict arises between the customer and the performer (builders) on the quality of the fulfilled construction work. When the customer thinks that the builders did not work well, and the builders believe that the customer is too picky. This dispute helps to resolve SNiP.

SNIP - this is Construction norms and rules. His task to clarify the allowable deviations when repairing and finishing apartments, offices and country houses. Here are the permissible deviations in the case of the production of repair and finishing works on SNiP 3.04.01-87 .

p. 3.67
The distance between the walls of the wallpaper should not exceed 0.5 mm.
The presence of air bubbles, stains, passes, stains and detachalies, as well as core wallpapers, switches and sockets are not allowed.
Provide accurate fit pattern.
Painting surfaces
p. 3.67
The stained surfaces must be monophonic and homogeneous, without spots, splashes, inclination. Also no transmission of previous paint layers is not allowed.
Facing ceramic tiles
p. 3.62.
Deviation of the seam width from the project provided by the project - (+/-) 0.5 mm.
Deviation of seams from vertical and horizontal by 1 m length - 1.5 mm.
Overnight plane tile on 2 m - 2 mm.
Deviations from vertical on 1 m of length - 1.5 mm.
Clause 3.12.
The deviation from the horizontal is 1 m no more than - 2 mm.
The deviation from the vertical is 1 m of length - 2 mm.
The unevenness of a smooth outline by 4 m with a depth of up to 3 mm no more than 2.
p. 4.24.
Screed under parquet, laminate, linoleum: clearance when checking a 2-meter rail - 2 mm.
Screed under other surfaces: clearance when checking the 2-meter rail - 6 mm.

To begin to determine what is SRO Who needs it, i.e. Do you need to admission to you?
So. SRO decipher as self-regulatory organizationsHe came to the replacement of construction licenses that have ceased to be powerful in 2010.
The admission of SRO is needed in the construction or design of buildings of various purposes.

Nowadays, many places where you can get tolerance in SRO, there is such a "pleasure" everywhere in different ways, but not cheap.
Usually to get admission to SRO you must be registered as entity (LLC, JSC, etc.).
You must have a minimum statutory capitalAll this can be found on sites that are engaged in the admission of SRO.

SRO is 3 species: for builders, designers and surveyors. The very essence of the SRO is that having tolerance you can produce serious construction and installation work. SRO controls and improves the quality of work. In it, there is a clear mechanism for damages and damage to third parties from the participants of the SRO, as well as the financial costs (limits of the compensation fund) arising from the cause of harm to third parties.
In other words, other participants will be treated for you, that you will work properly and quality.

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