
Banking products. Sberbank banking products for individuals and legal entities: overview, features and services. VTB loans to individuals - interest rates

The activities of banks are diverse and multifaceted, they cooperate with individuals, entrepreneurs, and large corporations - the volume of sectors of directions depends on how much big bank and what reputation he has "earned" in the financial market. However, almost all credit and financial structures work with individuals, and for many of them this activity is the main one. At the same time, the range of services provided is more than wide.


Familiar to many are one of the main ways for banks to raise funds, while depositors use this financial instrument in order to save and - preferably - increase their free funds. Free - because almost all deposit agreements imply the impossibility of withdrawing these funds before such an agreement expires. Deposit accounts differ in purpose (juicy, on demand, etc.), in terms of investment, if possible, prolongation, etc.


If a limited number of Russians have free funds today, then almost all of our fellow citizens have used this or that type of lending. At the same time, banks are constantly expanding and improving the lending sector, making loans more affordable, their registration is easier, and their client base is larger. However, it is worth making a reservation that despite all the innovations, the most "cheapest" are classic credit products - those that are issued for a long time (depending on the type of loan from a week to two months) and with a full package of documents (at least a passport and an official certificate on income).

Plastic cards

One of the most widespread banking products is plastic cards - savings and credit cards, salary and student cards, pension and debit cards, which serve as the main source of new customers for banks today. The main purpose of most of these cards is cashless payments, although some of their types, on the contrary, allow you to cash out funds from the cardholder's account at any time. Depending on the type of cards, the bank "binds" commissions and tariffs for their use, however, for example, the costs of salary cards fall entirely on the company, which concludes an agreement with the bank.

Payments and transfers

Another income of the bank is the commission for making a variety of payments and bank transfers... If previously the majority remittances took place through post offices, today this operation can be carried out at any bank - of course, for an appropriate fee, the amount of which is determined by the financial institution itself. At the same time, individual payments can be made without any commissions for the client at all - for example, payment for utilities... Some banks have gone further and, for convenience, offer the opportunity to pay for utility bills (or make some other payments) without leaving home online. True, only a few have decided to take advantage of this innovation.

And so on, and so on ...

It is worth noting that the above-described operations and services are not limited to the work of banks with individuals. This also includes the opening of accounts (and their further maintenance), settlement and cash services, the issuance of traveller's checks and rent bank cells(safes). Truth, last service only large banks provide. The goods in the banking market are banking products and services provided by the bank to customers or other banks.
Banking products. like the products of any enterprise, they are the result of activities credit institution and are offered as a product in various segments of the banking market. A distinctive feature of banking products is their intangible, monetary nature. The types of banking products correspond to certain areas of the credit institution's activities - traditional, complementary and non-traditional. Functional divisions of the bank are responsible for certain types of products. Banking products are associated with specific money market instruments.
Traditional products include credit, deposit (opening and maintaining accounts), settlement, investment, issue and service plastic cards... Additional products accompany the traditional ones - cash collection, transportation of documents and valuables, currency conversion, calculation and risk management, risk hedging. Non-traditional products include the execution of fiduciary operations, factoring forfeiting and leasing products, consulting and information products, issuance of guarantees, depository products, storage of client's valuables, etc.
Banking services are a type of specific intangible banking product and are expressed in the actions of the bank aimed at meeting the specific needs of the client of a monetary nature.
The classification of services within a given product may be based on the nature of the service determined by the money market instrument, customer or currency characteristics, the form of the price of the service, etc. Table 5.3 shows a model of the relationship between the products and services of a bank using the example of five types of banking products. Table 5.3
Banking products and services Banking products Banking services 1. Loan products 1.J Lending legal entities on the basis of opening a credit line
Overdraft lending to legal entities
Lending to legal limes on a current account
One-time targeted lending to legal entities
Project lending
Lending on a syndicated basis
Mortgage credit lending
1 8. Lending individuals on housing construction 1.9. Consumer lending to individuals! goals etc. 2. Deposit products (opening and maintaining accounts) 1.3. Opening and maintaining accounts for legal lean: demand accounts
time deposits
Opening and maintaining accounts for individuals: demand accounts
time deposits savings deposits
Opening and maintaining correspondent accounts (LORO accounts)
Opening and maintaining term deposits of other banks, etc. 3. Settlement Products 3.19. 3.1 Settlements by payment orders
Clearing settlements
Payments by checks
Making payments Documentary letters of credit
Acceptance and transfer to accounts of legal entities of payments of individuals
Acceptance of funds from authorized persons to transit accounts and transfer them to accounts of legal entities
Transfers 3 11. Transfer of individual deposits
3 12. Payment of check
3.13. Acceptance and transfer of tax payments
3 14 Acceptance of utility bills
Pay foreign currency translated for grashpsh
Sale of traveller's checks 3 17. Payment of traveller's checks
3 18. Acceptance of payment documents in foreign currency for collection
Bank transfers by phone
Crediting of cash deposits to an individual's account 3.21 Withdrawing cash from an account, etc. 4. Issuance and servicing of bank cards 4 1 Legal lines: Visa Business;
Eurocard / Master Card Business; Visa Classic"Salary"; "Salary *; Electron "Salary", etc. 4.2. Individuals:
Visa Classic;
Eli rocard / M aster Card Mass; Visa Gold;
Ending Punk Banking services Eurocard Master Card Gold products; Visa Gold "Privileged"; Visa Gold "Preferential"; Visa Gold "Representative
5. Investment products
5.1 Issuance and payment of savings certificates
Sale and payment of bonds of the state internal winning loan
Implementation and payment of coupons on bonds of the government savings loan
Issuance and payment of promissory notes
Issuance and payment of deposit certificates and certificates
Equivalent exchange of bills of exchange
Purchase and sale at the expense and on behalf of the client of securities traded in:
b and more on the m market w ebnrzhe pomry n KB Banking operations - technical, accounting, financial and other methods and methods of operation of the bank, the totality and a certain combination of which is expressed in the technology of creating a banking service. Models banking operations are given in table. 5.4.
Banking products specified in banking services are goods that are sold at a certain price.

More on the topic Banking products (services) offered on the market .:

  1. 2.1. Methodology for determining the bank's restructuring needs
  2. 2.2 Classification of commercial bank services for the formation of portfolios

The banking services market is considered as a set of relations arising between existing banks and their clients regarding the creation and implementation of an appropriate set of banking services in a certain territory.

Stand out characteristics the banking services market. These include: lack of new sources of attracting long-term deposits; significant proportion of banks with small size authorized capital; small concentration of banking assets in basic industries economics; high proportion of loans provided to trade and others commercial structures; high weighted average interest rates on loans and low rates on deposits; a high share of debt on the amounts previously provided to economic entities of loans.

Therefore, it is necessary to look for such directions to improve the procedures for opening and maintaining bank accounts of clients, expanding investment services, which will accelerate the pace of promotion of banking services and services in the field of integrated banking. settlement and cash services clients.

New banking products - a financially formalized part of a banking service (card, savings book, traveller's check, e-wallet, etc.). A banking product has a tangible form intended for sale in the financial market.

There are two types of new banking product:

Limited - a product, the volume or quantity of production of which is strictly quoted. Limited banking products include stocks, bonds, credit agreements etc. This product is manufactured for a specific customer;

Unlimited - a product, the volume (quantity) of which is not limited by any quotas. This product is produced with the expectation of a potential potential buyer, so the volume of its release is not limited by any norms, except for the factor of consumer demand.

In the region of presence, in order to expand the range of offered banking services, one can consider:

1) Express lending service. This banking product provides significant time savings: it can be issued in 1 working day without collateral with a minimum package of documents. The system "Express-lending" allows you to organize the provision of credit at points of sale of goods and services (car dealerships, shopping malls, shops household appliances and cellular communication, travel agency and many others). At such remote points of lending, any person, using the help of a loan manager, can fill out an application for a loan and immediately receive the product or service he needs on credit. At the same time, the initial verification processes are automated. loan application, transferring it to the bank, the client receiving a decision on the issuance of a loan, as well as printing out all required documents... When the bank uses automatic or semi-automatic scoring, it is possible to reduce the time required to complete this procedure to several minutes.

"Express lending" is implemented according to the principles of a "thin client", therefore, does not require the installation of special software at the point of sale. This means that it is possible to organize a whole network of lending points in a short period of time, which will undoubtedly increase the demand for the bank's loan products.

This requires a technical solution that will contribute to a significant increase in the efficiency of consideration of an application and obtaining a loan at a remote lending point. It should cover the entire technological chain - from receiving a loan application from a client to receiving a response from the bank and forming required package documents for granting a loan. It is necessary to integrate the Express-lending system with any lending automation tools installed in the bank.

"Express lending" is a system that has proven itself in practice, which provides an opportunity for banks in a closed territorial entity not only to increase the volume of lending to the population, but also to provide more expensive loans, which increases the bank's profit by increasing the interest rate.

It should be noted that competing banks in the city have been providing customers with this type of service for a long time, but real interest rates on this kind lending is overstated, for example, Home Credit and Finance Bank, the second largest player in the consumer lending market in Russia, offers this type of consumer loans in the communication shops of the city at 36.6% per annum.

Otkritie OJSC has a huge client base, its own base credit histories, a system of fiduciary loans, therefore it can organize an effective and quick check of the client's solvency and set competitive interest rates for this type of lending with the maximum benefit for the bank and the minimum risk of non-payment.

2) New opportunities in the sector mortgage lending... Here, not only the banks that offer the most best rates with the lowest payment costs, and those that captivate with the "originality" of the service. Among the original offers can be called when it is possible to exchange apartments (sell the old one and buy a new one) with minimal risks. Of course, a big disadvantage will be the simultaneous execution of two loans (which increases costs), but the benefits are obvious. Not so long ago, banks appeared programs with the ability to interrupt payments (for six months, for a year, etc. - the so-called credit holidays). The program is very interesting, especially for young families who are planning to have a child in the future or who are afraid about their ability to pay. The rates are higher than the standard ones, but a significant advantage of this program is the reduction of the risk of non-payment of the loan. There is a possibility of granting loans on a deferred basis, when for the first year or two only interest is paid on the loan and only later the loan is paid in full. This is especially beneficial for people who want to repay the entire loan amount in 2-3 years. In addition, the organization of revolving and non-revolving credit lines, youth loans, deposit loans can attract additional clients and increase the efficiency of activities.

There are several categories of banking innovations, among them:

Control cash and the use of new information technologies;

Financial intermediation aimed at reducing operating costs and efficient management of assets and liabilities;

The emergence of new products in traditional segments of the loan capital market ("floating" interest rate; deep discount bonds; money market instruments with characteristics of both capital and borrowed money);

Innovation in new areas stock market(futures and options, commercial securities).

Domestic experience in the development of banking innovations is based on the current legislative and regulatory framework, which greatly complicates the rapid introduction of new banking services with the rapid development of the banking system.

Thus, we can conclude that with the active development of the banking services market, there are no ideal concepts for offering services and attracting customers. Each has its own weak points, but this is not a reason to consider them bad. The question is to what extent the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In the context of intense banking competition, the use of new tools and techniques in general has a positive effect on the balanced pricing policy in the banking services market; the emergence of innovations and the development of additional services, quality improvement banking services, including the growth of professionalism and qualification of bank personnel, which ultimately affects the reputation and image of the bank.

Consider a project to introduce a new loan product for Otkritie OJSC - express lending for the purchase of goods in city shops to achieve a higher share of the regional consumer lending market.

The bank is recommended to introduce a new loan product. This requires large shopping centers cities and regions to place workplace credit inspector of the bank in the amount of 8 places in 1 year (according to the banks of partners of retail chains, this type of lending on average brings in an annual income of 250 thousand rubles in one store or shopping center).

Expected result: an increase in the bank's income by 12%, profit by 18% and the market share of consumer goods lending. Analytical data are presented in the table.

Table 17 - The number of service consumers can be determined by

indicators of already operating points of express - lending of other banks

Based on the data in the table, it can be assumed that the allocated loan funds will amount to 20,000 thousand. rub. per year, interest rate 25% per annum and calculate the bank's profit indicators (Table).

For calculations, we will take a pessimistic version of the volume of loans issued, in the amount of 20,000 thousand rubles. for a year with an interest rate of 25% (the usual rate for the type of loan - express loan: 25-30%). This amount of lending can be provided in stores where the sales volume per day is more than 1,000 thousand rubles, because in the Russian Federation there are this moment every fifth purchase is issued on credit, therefore, credit points should be placed only in large stores of the city and region.

It is planned to issue 80,000 thousand rubles, within a year from 8 points of express - lending interest rate 25% per annum, income per year 20,000 thousand rubles. by years - 5,000 thousand rubles each.

Table 18 - Planned indicators of the bank's profit from the placement of points

express lending in shops of the region

It is planned to increase in 2015: the number of credit points for issuing express loans for the purchase of goods by 8 places in the cities of the region.

To assess the effectiveness, we will calculate the payback period as payback period = cost / profit.

The project costs are 1 million rubles. including servers, computers - 8 units, printers - 8 units, rent of places in shopping centers, organizational expenses, software, hiring and training of personnel, etc.

The cost of servicing express lending outlets will amount to 35,000 rubles. per month, including wages, technical support, rent.

Total costs will be:

Lump sum 1 million rubles.

Monthly 35000 * 12 months * 8 = 3360 thousand rubles. year

Total 1000 thousand rubles + 3360 thousand rubles = 4360 thousand rubles. in year.

Planned income 16,000 thousand rubles. in year.

Thus, economic efficiency recommendations will amount to 11,640 thousand rubles. in year.

The similarity between a banking product and a banking service is that they are designed to meet the needs of the client and contribute to making a profit. So, bank interest on deposits is a banking product, and its standing order is banking services. In either case, it serves to meet the needs of the client and generate income. Opening bank account is a product, and account service is a service, but both the product and the service involve earning income in the form of commissions. At the same time, it should be emphasized that in most cases the banking product is of a primary nature, and banking service- secondary.

Trust or fiduciary operations are carried out by the bank on behalf and at the expense of the party (principal), on a reimbursable basis, if this is provided for by the current legislation or established in the order agreement by agreement of the parties. Their essence lies in the transfer of their property by clients to banks for subsequent investment of these funds on behalf of their owners and on their behalf on various financial markets in order to generate profit for customers, from which banks charge a certain fee in the form bank commission... Trust operations visually reflect the essence banking in general - its passive-active nature, which consists in attracting funds and their subsequent placement in order to make a profit.

Banking products for legal entities

Almost everyone, from students to retirees, has a credit card. Using the card, you can pay in shops, supermarkets, purchase tickets, services. In addition, using a bank card, you get discounts in stores and bonuses for using a banking product. It is convenient to use a credit card so as not to carry it with you large sums cash. The card limit is set by the bank depending on your salary and credit history.

Sberbank banking products for individuals and legal entities: overview, features and services

Plastic cards are reliably entrenched in the life of almost every citizen of Russia. With the help of such a tool, many keep their savings, receive wages... What other interesting things can a consultant on banking products of Sberbank offer? Does the reviews show that credit cards are hugely popular? Such a tool allows you to purchase any goods without an additional visit to a financial institution. A credit card allows you to reach your paycheck.

Banking products for legal entities

There are several types of bank guarantees - payment, contractual, tender, customs. For example, a payment guarantee is a bank's obligation to cash payment upon submission by the beneficiary of a request for payment and other documents stipulated by the terms of the guarantee (unpaid invoice, claim, judgment etc). In turn, the tender guarantee or guarantee for participation in the tender is intended to prevent the case when the tenderer, having won the tender, refuses to sign the contract. In particular, without bank guarantee the company will probably not be allowed to participate in international trading.

Fresh offers and services of banks for legal entities

Another bank, the priority of which is servicing legal entities, Rosselkhozbank, has updated the rates on loans for seasonal work. The rates were updated in favor of the bank's clients and the decrease was about 3.6% for peasant (farmer) households and about 1.5% for other clients. As a result minimum rate for loans for seasonal work starts at 15.21%. In addition, in 2019, the RSHB optimized the issuance of such loans, reducing the maximum period for considering an application from the moment of submitting a full package of documents to 5 days.

Bank loan products for legal entities

There are two types of credit lines. 1. Revolving (with a debt limit), many confuse it with overdraft. The line allows the borrowing organization to receive several tranches (or one tranche) within the credit line limit, then as each of them is repaid ( full repayment or partial) it becomes possible to constantly take / extinguish cash during the entire term of the contract. Current debt cannot exceed the debt limit specified in the agreement.

Business and banking products

The entrepreneur chooses the optimal set of products and services for himself. In our case, the client gets the opportunity to open a current account, access to work with an account on the Internet, as well as preferential conditions for other bank products. For example, if you want to open a corporate card, an entrepreneur who has an account with the RSHB collects an abbreviated package of documents.

What is a banking product

It is noteworthy that the banking product did not have a clear definition for a very long time. But through long debates on this topic and analysis of the features of work financial institutions nevertheless, it turned out to identify those elements that are its components. For example, the basic element is a technology that determines the type of a product. These include customer savings and checking accounts, deposits and loans. It is believed that in the near future the collateral will lose its position somewhat in terms of significance. The lender will be more interested in financial condition borrower. The decrease in attention to material support will become the reason for the activation of entrepreneurs who want to do their own business, bankers say.

Credit product classification

  • Loan for the purchase of an apartment.
  • Loan for the purchase of a private house. Here a prerequisite is the liquidity of the home for the entire duration of the loan repayment.
  • Loan for the purchase of a room. This type of lending is practiced when buying housing in a hostel or communal apartment... At the same time, the bank needs to provide statements from neighbors that they do not claim this living space.
  • Loan to buy out a share in real estate(often used in the hereditary division of real estate).

Banking products for legal entities

A special place among credit documents belongs to a loan agreement that regulates the entire range of relationships between the bank and the client. How legal document a loan agreement must meet very stringent requirements for design, structure, clarity of wording. An important condition loan agreement is the term condition. The loan agreement is concluded for a certain period, the starting point of which should be considered the moment of the agreement conclusion (unless otherwise specified in the agreement itself). By the end of the term of the loan agreement in accordance with Part 2, Clause 3, Art. 425 Civil Code is the moment the parties fulfill their obligations under the contract.

Main types of banking products and services

Cash flow management services consist in the fact that the bank takes over the collection of payments and makes payments on the operations of the firm, and also invests excess cash in short-term securities and loans until the client needs these funds.

Top 10 banks for LLCs in 2019

  • Cost per month: 990 rubles
  • Opening cost: free
  • Payment order cost: 25 rubles
  • Internet banking: yes, free
  • SMS-informing: 190 rubles
  • Service and release corporate card: up to 390 rubles
  • Cash withdrawal: from 0.4 to 10%
  • Issuance of certificates: for the first - 200 rubles, subsequent - 50 rubles
  • IOS app: yes

Curriculum of the course "Banking products and services"

settlement and cash services (operations with cash proceeds, settlements, including international, collection, etc.), conversion operations, documentary operations, loans and lines of credit, including overdraft lending, leasing, factoring, deposits, bank cards, salary projects, merchant acquiring, internet acquiring, transactions with securities... Investment and consulting services.

Terms of lending to legal entities in Sberbank

The largest bank in our country provides a wide range of services not only for individuals, but also for entrepreneurs. After all, most of the enterprises in different periods their development need to attract investment, and here without credit funds getting around is pretty difficult. Today there are several lending programs for legal entities and small businesses with and without collateral, as well as with a surety. What loans Sberbank to legal entities are available at the moment, this will be discussed further.

Sberbank is one of the largest financial institutions in Russia. It provides services to both individuals and legal entities. Sberbank's banking products delight with their diversity. Everyone can borrow money or keep their savings in a deposit account. Reliability and favorable conditions attract clients from all over the country.

Loans for any purpose

If we look at the banking products and services of Sberbank, we can see that unsecured loans remain the most demanded. Any adult citizen of the Russian Federation can conclude an agreement with a financial institution. The maximum loan amount cannot exceed 3 million rubles. The contract can be concluded for 5 years. The rate is 14.9% per annum. The faster the client repays the debt to the bank, the less the overpayment will be. The main condition for issuing a loan is official employment.

The client can get more favorable lending conditions if real estate is registered for him, which he can offer as collateral. The maximum amount under the agreement is 10 million rubles, and the rate is 12% per annum. The loan term is also increasing. A client can borrow money for 20 years. Such a banking product of Sberbank of Russia can be an excellent alternative to a mortgage.

Home loan

Not every family can afford to buy an apartment or a house today. The profitable banking products of Sberbank can come to the rescue. Mortgages are a great way out for young people who are planning their future. It is most advantageous to draw up a contract for the purchase of real estate in a new building. The initial payment under the contract may not exceed 10%. The maximum loan term is 30 years. The amount of the contract is negotiated individually in each specific case. Rate - from 10% per annum.

As down payment for real estate a young family can use maternal capital... In this case, the rate under the agreement will be 9.5%. On such conditions, you can buy real estate both in a new building and on the secondary market.

Sberbank also provides loans for the individual construction of a residential building. However, in this case, the conditions will be less favorable. The rate under the agreement is 12% per annum.

Credit cards

Plastic cards are reliably entrenched in the life of almost every citizen of Russia. With the help of such a tool, many people keep their savings and receive wages. What other interesting things can a consultant on banking products of Sberbank offer? Does the reviews show that credit cards are hugely popular? Such a tool allows you to purchase any goods without an additional visit to a financial institution. A credit card allows you to reach your paycheck.

Sberbank offers to issue a card related to the international payment system... This means that the client will be able to manage money anywhere. the globe... Depending on the client's income, credit limit can be up to 600 thousand rubles. The rate under the agreement varies from 23.5 to 27.5% per annum. To receive the card, the client must prove their official income.

For loyal customers who have been served in the bank for a long time, economists offer to issue a premium credit card... The rate on it may not exceed 21.9% per annum, and the credit limit will be up to 3 million rubles. The plus is that when paying with a card, a client can return up to 10% of the cost of purchases when servicing in partner stores of Sberbank.

Refinancing loans

With coming economic crisis problems in the financial sphere appeared even among those citizens who stood firm on their feet. Many have lost their jobs and regular income. Most families face problems with paying off their debts to the bank. Considering Sberbank's banking products for individuals, one cannot but recall refinancing. The financial institution meets clients halfway and offers to renew the contract for those borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation.

What is needed to refinance debt? It is worth contacting the nearest branch of the bank with an identification code and a passport, write a corresponding statement. Sberbank offers to combine up to 5 loans in 1. In this case, the payment will have to be made once a month. The amount of the contract can be up to 3 million rubles, the rate is 13.9% per annum. The maximum contract term is 5 years.

Earnings with Sberbank

How can you protect your savings from inflation and also earn money? It is worth paying attention to deposit programs from the country's leading financial institutions. While promoting banking products, Sberbank does not forget about deposits for individuals on favorable terms... The most popular is the "Save" program, which allows you to receive up to 6% per annum in rubles. The contract can be drawn up for a period from 1 month to 3 years. At the same time, the client cannot partially withdraw money or replenish the account. The minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles, the maximum is not limited.

Those who want to freely withdraw money from the account and replenish the deposit should pay attention to deposit program"Refill". The term of the deposit can be from 3 months to 3 years. The client can conclude an agreement in rubles, dollars or euros. The minimum deposit or replenishment amount is 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros.

Pension programs

How to ensure yourself a comfortable old age? It is also worth paying attention to the banking products of Sberbank. Transfer of the funded part labor pension to the accounts of a financial institution - the possibility of earning additional income in old age. Every citizen has the opportunity to provide an additional non-state pension at the expense of his own savings. How to do it? It is necessary to contact the nearest branch of Sberbank and fill out the corresponding application. Pension payments in old age will depend on the amount of contributions. The minimum initial payment at the conclusion of the transaction will be 1,500 rubles. Subsequently, the client will have to pay at least 500 rubles every month.

The client can control the size and frequency of contributions independently. Moreover, everyone has the right to terminate the agreement with the bank and return all their savings at any time.

Insurance from Sberbank

Sberbank banking products are not limited to financial instruments... The company also offers interesting insurance programs. Everyone can take care of the life and health of their loved ones, the safety of property. Insurance programs closely related to lending. For those who want to borrow money, the bank immediately offers to take out insurance. If an unforeseen situation happens to the borrower, financial institution writes off the debt. However, you have to pay extra for such a service.

The Travel Insurance policy is also popular. You can conclude an agreement at any branch of Sberbank or in real time. One policy provides for the maximum number of risks. At the same time, the amount of payments ranges from 50 to 200 thousand euros.

Sberbank also offers many other insurance programs to create a financial cushion for clients who find themselves in a non-standard situation.

Business with Sberbank

Banking products for legal entities are also offered by a financial institution. First of all, everyone has the opportunity to open a current account with Sberbank on favorable terms. Free accounting assistance is offered for those new to the business. Large legal organizations can conclude an agreement for registration salary cards employees of the company. In this case, the payment of wages to employees will be carried out within a few hours. Weekends and holidays will not be an exception. Sberbank's support service works around the clock.

Acquiring - new service, which is popular among legal entities engaged in trade. In this direction, Sberbank also proposes to conclude an agreement on favorable terms. You can connect trading equipment absolutely free of charge. All that the head of the company needs to do is to come to the bank office once to conclude an agreement. All other actions will be carried out in real time. Crediting amounts passing through trading terminal, will be executed within 24 hours.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state