
All about remittances. Unistream Money Transfers (Unistream) UNISTRIM

Russian system UNISTRIM money transfers were established in 2001 as part of UNIASTRUM Bank, and in 2006 he was allocated in a separate business. To do this, the same bank has been created, which is the operator of the system. For its 15-year history, Unistream has become a recognizable brand in both Russia and abroad. Here are just some facts about Unistream remittance system, which allow you to better understand its specifics in the payment services market:

  • UNISTRIM has its own network of departments consisting of more than 270 CASS in different regions of Russia. This system is strongly highlighted among other players using a major service provisioning scheme;
  • 22 Junistrian cash registers in Moscow and 1 in the Moscow region have round-the-clock operation;
  • The international agency network of the system consists of more than 280,000 service points located in 117 countries of the world, and the total number of international partners exceeds 400;
  • Unistream offices are open in the UK, Greece and Cyprus;
  • According to the results of 2015, the turnover of the system amounted to 219 billion rubles;
  • For 9 months of 2016, the income of the system from transfers money without opening bank account amounted to 1.7 billion rubles;
  • In 2015, the UNRTRIM system was sent for $ 1.8 billion. - from Russia and $ 483 million to Russia;
  • For a long time, UNISTRIM developed an electronic wallet - Unistream-money. However, from August 1, 2016, this service was closed.

How to send Unistream translation

Unistream offers different deposition methods Cash and non-cash remittances:

  • in the cash desks of Bank Unistream and in the departments of partner banks (Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank, Asia-Pacific Bank, Binbank, Uniastrum Bank, Avangard, Uralsib, Fora-Bank, Bank "North Sea Path", Moscow Credit bank, Bank "Yugra", AK BARS Bank, KB "East", Moscow Industrial Bank, Akb "Union", SDM-Bank, Vyatka-Bank, Genbank and others);
  • through self-service terminals (QIWI, ComePay, Telepay, Moscow Credit Bank, Uniastrum Bank, Unistream Bank);
  • in the communication salons "MegaFon";
  • online transfers from a bank card;
  • translation from account mobile phone.

Unistream money transfers are two types: addressible and besadrescent. With the address translation, the sender must choose not only the country and the city of receiving the translation, but also a specific transaction receipt point. In case of nonsense, it can be obtained at any system service point in the selected city.

Limits To send remittances depend on the selected method. For residents of the Russian Federation, a legislative restriction has been established: you can translate abroad with no more than $ 5,000 per day. In the box office of Unistream and in the departments of partner banks, the maximum amount of one monetary translation is:

  • 900 000 rub.,
  • $ 10,000,
  • 15 000 Euro

The maximum amount of money transfer through the self-service terminal using the client map is 100,000 rubles. For this method, additional limits are installed on the number of translations - no more than 5/10/20 operations per day / week / month, respectively.

In accordance with the rules for the implementation of remittances by UNRRIM, the partners of the system have the right to establish their restrictions on sending transfers. In the communication salons MegaFon the maximum transfer amount is 200,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of online translation from the card is 100,000 rubles, from the phone - 15,000 rubles.

Tariffs UNISTRIM money transfers vary and depend on the selected method of translation, amounts, destination countries and other parameters. During the shares on attracting clients, the Commission decreases. However, promotional tariffs are valid either in strictly defined service points and / or for a certain time. In case the transfer is transboundary and is associated with currency exchange, it should be taken into account exchange ratewhich will be exchanged. The exchange rate of the currency system UNISTRIM is published on the official website daily.

Sending translations is carried out only on the basis of presentation documentcertifying the identity. For the Russian citizens of the Russian Federation, it is a passport, a passport, a sailor passport, a military ID, a certificate of the military personality, a temporary identity card for form 2P. For foreign citizens - This is a passport or other document. For stateless persons, this is a residence permit, temporary residence permit, etc. For refugees - a refugee certificate, a certificate of consideration of the petition for recognizing as a refugee.

In case the transfer amount exceeds 75,000 rubles, or its equivalent in foreign currency, non-resident should additionally provide a document confirming the right of staying in the territory of the Russian Federation (migration card, residence permit, permission for temporary stay, visa, etc.).

In accordance with the rules of the system, the procedure for sending the translation of UNISTRIM in service points consists of the following steps:

  • the operator fills the application for translation from the words of the client;
  • the client verifies the correctness of the specified data and signs a translation application;
  • a document certifying the identity of the sender is checked, as well as other documents if necessary;
  • the required amount is added to the cashier;
  • transfer is assigned a control number of translation. The sender must independently inform the KNP to the recipient.

When sending translation through the self-service terminal, the sender independently fills the application to electronic form On the terminal screen.

How to get a translation unistream

Unistream remittance system is a functional and convenient service. In order for the transformation process to be the most simple as possible, you should familiarize yourself with the Rules for receipt:

  • the deadline for issuing a translation is from 10 minutes from the date of departure. However, longer delivery times can be installed for individual destinations. The sender of the translation must independently clarify the delivery time before shipping;
  • translation status can be checked on the official website of the system online at the control number or in the call center;
  • translation is available for receiving for 6 months. From the date of dispatch. By the expiration of this period, only the sender for 3 years can receive a non-refined translation.;
  • upon receipt of the translation, the amount of which exceeds 100,000 rubles., $ 1,000 and 500 euros, in UNistream clauses, it is necessary to make a preliminary order of cash.

Procedure obtaining a translation of UNISTRIM as follows:

  • the recipient reports an employee of the service point of the control number, the amount and currency of the translation, as well as the FIO of the sender;
  • based on the information provided, the employee checks the receipt of translation;
  • further, the employee checks the recipient's identity card and constitutes a transfer application;
  • The recipient must sign a statement, after which receive translation.

On the territory of Russia, Western Union today has a couple-triple of solid competitors. The latter belongs to the Unistream payment system (UNISTREAM). "Unistream", unlike Western Union, was developed near Russian financial companies. And compared with his 12 Unistream, the Baby is simply "Baby", since the company, the same name and payment system based on it in 2001. "UNISTRIM" in 15 years of its functioning from a small financial exchanger has become a mega-network, which has both representative offices in a series of partner banks and its own branched structure. UNISTRIM only in Russia has 185 thousand money transfer points. In the CIS countries there are up to 15 thousand such items.

And in the countries of the near and far abroad, the services of this payment system are available in 111 thousand items. With this financial transfer system, money can be sent and received in Russia, and in the CIS, and far abroad. Only 117 countries of the world enter the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthis system, and their own offices (i.e. not in partner banks, but unistream offices) are not only in Russia, but also in Greece, Great Britain and in Cyprus. It all started with the fact that already at the turn of the 90s and 00s in Russia there was a fairly high demand for remittances. Especially on the relatively small sumswhich were listed by individuals, for example, in material assistance relatives.

But "Western Union" Most individuals Then there was never on the pocket. Sberbank was just starting his activities in this area. About other banks, such as Binbank, VTB, and no speech. Here is the demand and gave rise to a proposal in the form of the Unistream payment system, which at first had a fixed commission of 1%, which was suitable for most customers. Already by 2005, the revolving annual capital of the project was calculated by many millions of dollars. IN last years Unistream does not just actively cooperate with Russian and foreign banks, but also promotes financial market Package of proposals that concern not only money transfers. These are branded bank cards that have a number of bonuses within the payment system. And undertaking obligations to other financial organizations for charging commissions when the clientele enjoys their services. And corporate banking services. And issuing loans. And much more.

Moreover, in 2015, Unistream launched inside his system the ability to make a transfer of money online. Cash can now be transferred without leaving the house. Soon a number of partner banks also connected this Unistream service on their sites. Translations can be carried out from bank cards, and not only Unistream cards, but also from "plastic" of many other banks. If only the card was in visa system or MasterCard, which can be said about 90% of all banking cards of the civilized world.

Rating "Unistream" and the types of representative offices of this system

A year ago, the Russian analytical firm "Expert RA" gave the payment system the highest rating A +, meaning the highest degree of creditworthiness and long-term stable financial and economic growth. A little lower, but also highly appreciated "Unistream" at the international level, assigning the "BBB" rating, i.e., "moderately high potential in long-term creditworthiness." By 2016, Unistream in Russia and the world supports cooperation with four hundred financial organizations. Only in one capital, 49 banks cooperate with Unistream. In general, all the current items of this system can be divided into 4 types:

1. Representation and accreditation in the bank when the banking institution deals with the translations of "Unistream". You can find out if it is possible to transfer a transfer in such a bank, even without consulting an employee. The central entrance to the bank is hanging various certificates, licenses, awards. There are also markers of payment systems. If there is an icon with an inscription Unistream ("Unistream"), it means that you can send money here using the selected company. There must be an appropriate note on the bank's website. Many banks of Russia today cooperate with this payment system: Binbank, Sberbank, Uralsib, KapitalBank, Promsvyazbank, Master Bank, Sberbank, Sberbank, and so on. Binbank and Sberbank generally included "UNISTRIM" among their regular partners. Sberbank and especially Binbank are active mediators of this remittance system. A complete list of organizations included in the payment system network can be found on UNISTREAM.RU. In which bank to spend your payment - the personal case of each client.

2. Own offices "Unistream", network cash desks and specialized banks. Such offices in Russia are approximately 260. In addition, there is also "Uniastrum (UNISTRIM) Bank", from which, in fact, everything began in 2001. In 2006, he was reorganized at JSC KB "Unistream", having received a license for extending banking activities in future.

3. Self-service items and terminals. For example, through QIWI Terminals (Kiwi) it is easy to send money to you.

4. Registration of remittances on the Internet and through cellular communication. The latter is possible if the Mobi.Money service is connected to the mobile device. And transfers are valid through mobile communications only in Russia.

Why did the "Unistream" managed to create a competition even "Western Union"? Probably, it is necessary to start with the transfer of advantages and the advantages of this payment system:

  • almost all translations (excluding far abroad), the Commission is 1.2%, which is a bit in comparison with the same "Western Union";
  • commissions for transfers are far abroad, depending on the amount transferred, but the percentage here is still somewhat lower than that of the main competitor;
  • mobility and speed - the ability to transfer money even online, and the waiting time of the translation does not exceed 15 minutes;
  • the recipient does not pay any commissions at all;
  • money can be obtained in any form: Naly, on bank card or account, on a wallet of any electronic service ("WebMoney", Yandex.Money, Kiwi);
  • "Unistream" works with three major currency for Russia - rubles, dollars and euros;
  • as such limits of the translation at the very plated system, there is no. The general limit for the entire structure "UNISTRIM" is valid only about bank cards, which cannot be translated more than 100 thousand rubles at a time. Another thing is that some banks introduce their additional restrictions: So, Binbank limited the maximum amount of one-time translation into 900 thousand rubles, and Sberbank - 500 thousand rubles. Another Binbank set the condition that only one translation can be held on a day (in each bank it is necessary to clarify the additional conditions of this organization);
  • as for the minimum amount, there are no restrictions here. You can translate at least 100 rubles. True, when sending to other countries, there is little meaning in such a payment;
  • highly important momentgiving the described payment system some advantage is to take the opportunity to pick up the recipient's money to a third party if this person has a power of attorney on his hands;
  • and finally, Unistream guarantees reliability, not less than that of Western Union. When using the described payment system, the client's money does not threatens the disappearance or "freezing" halfway to the addressee.

How to receive money sent through Unistream

Despite the abundance of ways to transfer money, so far the most common option is to visit the partner of UNistream. The Internet, of course, has a lot of indisputable benefits, but so far not all banks have online translation services. Yes, and by itself, she is still "raw", because it was launched by the company just a year ago. What banks most often receive requests for money transfer with "Unistream"? Of course, Sberbank is in constant popularity. Although Binbank and Promsvyazbank will soon catch up in the number of translations. In general, the scheme of action here is similar to the one in all such payment systems:

  1. On the website of the partner or "Unistream" the payment status is displayed in real time. Sometimes with a delay of a few minutes. It depends on what bank the translation was issued.
  2. As soon as the status is "Ready" ("Payment Completed", "Translation Completed", etc.), you can immediately go to the nearest suitable bank. On the UNISTREAM.RU website, the online card mode will show where the nearest bank maintains this payment System. You can make an email alert service. By the way, in Binbank regular customers "Unistream" get it automatically. And in Sberbank, it is always strongly recommended for 30-50 rubles a month to connect the service of universal SMS warning.
  3. For Russian citizens, only a passport will be needed from the documents (without a document certifying the identity, the issuance of money is impossible). Non-citizens during translations up to 5 thousand dollars / euro will have to show only a migration visa (or a working / student visa if a person came to Russia with these goals). During translations more than 5 thousand y. e. Non-citizens will also need a document on a residence permit. If there is no such, then this is a limiter - 5 thousand dollars / euro.
  4. The sender must inform the recipient, informing his F. I. O., the exact amount, currency and, most importantly, control, secret codewithout which it is impossible to get money.
  5. After presenting a passport, the receiving fills the form in shape and signs in receipt of receipt.
  6. The amount of the exempted amount is desirable to check again. Any inconsistencies are best voice immediately in place, upon receipt.

Further development prospects

This is a general algorithm of actions, regardless of which bank it is carried out. No additional requirements and interest for receiving no bank to impose rights to impose rights. It is important to note that the options for sending money are more than options for obtaining them. Sending is possible through the bank, and through the Cassum system, and online, and even by phone. But to receive money, with the exception of individual cases, you can and need to be independently in the bank. For reliability. Now, however, the service is gaining momentum on the automatic translation of money on wallets of Internet services (the same "WebMoney"). Today the company is not going to stop there. For example, in 2016, more than 20 new products were introduced. Among which, for example, payment of loans and utilities.

Sberbank and Binbank first introduced these innovations. In Sberbank in 2016 it became possible to extinguish loans through Unistream. And the loan can be taken as in Sberbank itself, so in a third-party organization. Binbank offers its customers the issuance of loans from "Unistream", as well as payment of municipal fatty through it. Binbank specialists argue that it will be much more reliable and easier for customers themselves. In any case, the percentage of users of the described service for making money transfers is growing. It can be safely argued that next year the number of clientele (episodic and constant) will increase again. Therefore, the article dedicated to the analysis of the main points of operation of the Unistream system is superfluous.



In departure points

From a bank card

In Terminals

From a mobile phone account

Replenishing maps

Transfers in sending remittances to Unistream

You can send remittance In his own cash desks, UNISTRIM, in the departments of partner banks or in the points of payment agents Unistream (communication salons, etc.).

  1. Find the nearest item on our site
  2. Having come to the service item, inform the operationalist, where and who you want to send money, name the transfer amount. For your convenience, use Unistream Customer Card.
  3. Present an identity card (passport or other document). If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then when sending the amount over 75,000 rubles. Through the Bank of the Bank, Unistream, you will also also make a migration card and registration document.
  4. Get your copy of the "application for transfer without opening an account" from the bank employee with the translation control code. Notify the recipient of the Control Code and the FIO of the Sender. If the translation is not nonsense, also report in which paragraph it can be obtained.
  5. Also on your mobile phone number, which is listed in the translation statement, will come an SMS message with the translation code. The second message will come to you as soon as the recipient is paid.

Among the banking services that allow the population to instantly send payments to the world, Unistream is one of the most popular. This publication will help learn useful information About the work of the system and the rules of use by it.

Features of the Money Transfer System Unistream

By preferring the service from the Bank by Unistream "Money Transfers", customers choose not only convenience and low tariffs for the use of the service. Other indisputable advantages are promoted by the growth of the popularity of the service:

  • money delivery speed: regardless of the country's distance money will be available within 15-20 minutes;
  • developed network of own cash desks and affiliate service points, including terminals;
  • "International Service" of the Service: In 100 countries of the world, UNISTRIM Money transfers are available, the departments addresses will be easily on the site;
  • free SMS information provided by the recipient (about the fact that he sent money) and the sender (when the payment is made);
  • the possibility for both sides of the process to learn about the status of payment by introducing the surname of the one who sent it and the number (the main page of the site, the tab "Translation status");
  • the availability of transfers of a beased type, when the beneficiary has the ability to come for money to any destination country that works with Unistream;
  • the ability to send money transfers to Unistream from the mobile;
  • availability of services for people who do not have bank accounts;
  • converting translation and its payment abroad in another currency (at the request of the sender);
  • accurate preliminary calculation of the Commission using an online calculator that takes into account the tariffs of the country and the banking department participating in the process of sending / receiving UNISTRIM remittances. Moscow, for example, has many partner offices and, having calculations on the items of several banks, you can choose the lowest rate.

Requirements and restrictions put forward by the operator

In the desire to become the most useful and attractive to customers, the service has no right to move away from the legislation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, there are a framework, within which Unistream works. For example, restrictions on permissible legislation referred to the amounts and their number:

  • When making money through the territory of the Russian Federation, a one-time payment from the CASS "UNISTRIM" cannot exceed 900 thousand rubles. Restrictions on foreign partner banks need to be recognized in their paragraphs.
  • Transfers abroad for Russians are limited to the amount of 5 thousand US dollars, and for non-residents of the Russian Federation, restrictions are not established.

In addition, the UNISTREAM system introduces the following translation requirements:

  • Discardial transfer is carried out only in national currencyInternational - in foreign (US dollars, euros).
  • The registration of the service does not allow the use of copies of the identity of documents (even certified notarized).
  • Not citizens of the Russian Federation, the amount of more than 75 thousand rubles cannot obtain without providing a migration card and registration papers.
  • In the far abroad it is possible to send only the address translation.

How to send Unistream money transfers

Taking care of the convenience of customers, the service provided several ways to send money. The client can be:

1. Contact "Unistream" or in partner branches. The algorithm of the procedure is simple:

  • show the operational passport;
  • then inform where to send funds (city, if necessary - the country and service item), the name of the beneficiary translated by the amount;
  • get a receipt with the transfer number, inform the necessary data on the translation (number, amount, point of receipt) to the beneficiary.

2. Take advantage of paymentterminals.

Unistream has its own self-service payment devices installed in the bank departments. In the capital there are a number of offices, where money transfers can perform 24-hour Unistream money transfers, their addresses are posted on the main resource page.

With Unistream, payments such as QIWI, Elenet, Compay, Delta Kay, Pinpay, Telepay are also working with UNISTREAM. The algorithm for money transfer through the terminals is about the same for all devices:

  • You need to select the tabs "Banking Services" / "Money Transfers" / "Unistream".
  • Sequentially fill out all the properties offered by the device: FULL NAME and Mobile numbers - their own recipients, the city of receipt, the number of the translated amount.
  • Make money in the reception window.
  • Get a check with a transfer number to be reported to the recipient.

3. Transfer money from the phone account (mobile) to one of the items serving Unistream.

This service provides operators such as MTS, Rostelecom-Ural, MegaFon, Beeline. UNISTRIM money transfers are also possible through the sites of the partners of the Mobi.Money system, " Payment world Ruru "through web forms on their sites. To transfer funds from the mobile, you must make the following actions:

  1. Send SMS to number 3116 or 7878 if the payment is issued in dollars. The SMS indicates alternately such data:
  • service identifier - Unit;
  • put a space;
  • the amount of translation (min - 100, max - 15000) in rubles;
  • put a space;
  • three-letter country code (for example, Ukraine - UKR);
  • put a space;
  • surname (space), name (space), patronymic (space) of the recipient;
  • surname (space), name (space), patronymic (space) of the sender.

2. From the mobile account, the specified amount plus the Commission. Then the SMS will come with a control number and a conversion country. This data must be transferred to the recipient.

A more vividly given procedure is presented on this page.

4. Wrouders of bank cards MasterCard, Maestro issued russian bankscan send money from these cards on the online way, through the serviceMasterCard Mobile.

Previously, you need to register. Subsequently, you can go under your username and password. Section by sending money has a simple interface. In special columns, you will need to specify:

  • the country where funds will be obtained;
  • FIO of the recipient and the sender;
  • amount, currency of write-off (limit - 15 thousand rubles);
  • the card number with which the money is written off.

5. Use the electronic resource to Unistream money.

This service works on the principle of the electronic wallet. The money available in the wallet can be spent on various payments, including mechanical transfers to Unistream. Where to get a translation, the addressee decides itself. The sending side indicates only the country of receipt. The wallet is replenished:

  • Cash in departments of all services serving UNISTREAM.
  • Translation of funds from a bank account.
  • Through the salons "Svyaznoy".
  • Via MasterCard card.

How to get a translation unistream

Translated funds come to the CASS KB "UNISTRIM" or in the branches cooperating with him. With the address type of translation, the beneficiary must know a specific receipt point, amount, currency, translation number, sender name. You can only receive money by informing the operational all this data and showing the passport. Find a convenient to visit the department is easy according to the search engine on the main website of Unistream.

  1. The magnitude of the Translation Commission depends on the sender's tariff policy. By calculating the online calculator of several departure options, you can select an item with an optimal commission.
  2. Getting a big amount (100 thousand rubles or 1 thousand dollars) It is better to prevent a call to the department to make sure its availability. An order for money is carried out through a page-form.
  3. Some branches belonging to Unistream Bank, remittances in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) and Moscow are carried out around the clock. Addresses of these items are posted on the official website of UNISTREAM.
  4. Sending money through a network of its own transfer points is charged by the service at the lowest rates.

Money transfers "Unistream" became one of the most popular in Russia, not by chance. "It is convenient to send and easily get," for representatives of the bank, this is not just words, and the present manual for action.

Sending money is carried out by 6 in various ways, and you can get them in more than 185,000 points in Russia, in 15,000 items of the CIS countries and 110,000 offices of credit and financial institutions located abroad!

UNISTREAM system created by the Russian financial OrganizationIt offers the most profitable and convenient conditions for sending money for each client. You can send money in foreign currency, and in Russian rubles. And the maximum amount is practically not limited, and only when sending funds using a bank card, it cannot exceed 100,000 rubles.

The main reasons to send a money transfer on the system "Unistream":

  • the minimum commission is only 1.2% of the transfer amount;
  • the efficiency of sending - funds are available for receipt after 10 - 15 minutes;
  • the complete absence of commissions and expenses upon receipt of money;
  • the possibility of sending and issuing money in cash;
  • currency conversion at the time of direct shipment at the advantageous course.

The translation is possible subject to the presentation of a passport, and if the sender is not a resident of Russia and wants to send a sum of 5,000 euros abroad or, it will also need to submit documents confirming the legality of staying on the territory of the country (working visa, residence permit, etc. ).

Which bank can you give unistrem?

You can only get money in cash in financial institutions. At the same time, not every bank can give you them. Determine where you can contact, and where to look should not be, it will help a special icon (system symbol), which is usually located at the entrance to the partner banks. Also familiarize yourself with the detailed list of issuing points on the official website of the system.

Among the official participants of the system of rapidly sending money "UNISTRIM" such financial institutions are launched:

  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Capital Bank;
  • Express-Volga Bank;
  • SKB-Bank;
  • Southern Russian Bank;
  • OTD Bank;
  • SDM-Bank and many others.

This list can be continued infinitely, because only in Moscow there are more than 1350 points and banking offices, where fast translations are possible on this system. If you are still difficult with the choice and do not know where to contact, there is a simple solution - contact the Unistream department!

The cash desks of this banking network are distributed throughout Russia. In any large city or the regional center can be found at least 15 - 20 branches, where you from early morning and until late in the evening you can freely receive money sent to you close and relatives. Some items in Moscow and St. Petersburg work around the clock for the convenience of system clients!

Also for sure to issue finance sent to you will be able to employees of any branch "Uniastrum Bank". After all, this is this credit and financial institution in 2001 decided to establish an additional department for the implementation of rapid and inexpensive money transfers!

How to receive the money?

If you transferred money with the help of "Unistream", you will be able to give them an employee of one of the tens of thousands of items. Contact one of the previously indicated banks - and money in your hands. But in order for you not to be issued, it is necessary to commit a number mandatory action:

  • personally visit the cashier of the bank issuing translations;
  • inform the cashier-operational secret code (translation number), an accurate amount, translation currency, as well as the name and surname of the sender;
  • present a passport or other document certifying your personality;
  • fill out an application for issuing funds and sign it;
  • get a receipt for issuing funds, sign it and get your money.

Five simple steps will allow you at any convenient time by contacting the partner bank branch, get or send funds to anywhere not only in Russia, but also in the world. Thus, in Ukraine, UNISTREAM system cooperates with Oschadbank, in Belarus - with Tekhnobank, Moscow-Minsk, BNB Bank, and in exotic resort countries, such as the UAE and India, with financial group Muthoot.

Pay attention to what to receive funds, being a non-resident of Russia, is impossible without presenting additional documents. You will need to have documents confirming your registration, and a migration card. At the same time, banks can issue "Unistream" transfers not to recipients, but to their trusted persons. If you are in this quality, do not forget to capture your passport and notarized power of attorney!

Additional terms of banks

Some partner banks dictate a number of their own conditions when issuing funds in the system described. So, many of them impose restrictions on the maximum transfers amounts. For example, in Binbank, it will not be possible to get or send more than 900,000 rubles. And in a number of banks it is impossible to obtain more than 1 translation within a day.

But, despite the restrictions that can be dictated by the domestic policy of banks, none of them can charge the additional commission for servicing customers, as well as to impose additional servicesnot related to the direct receipt of rapid money transfers.

If you are strongly recommended to open an account or issue a bank card, know that this is a violation of paragraph 2, Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. After all, the sending of funds can be forbidden, and their extradition does not require the opening of special accounts. Features of issuing translations in a particular bank is better to clarify in advance, reading the rules on the site or finding out them with a financial institution consultant!

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